#Renay Records
odk-2 · 2 years
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Matt Lucas - I'm Movin' On (1963) Hank Snow from: "I'm Movin' On" / "My Heavenly Angel"
R&B | Blue-Eyed Soul | Soul Hank Snow Cover
JukeHostUK (left click = play) (320kbps)
Recorded: @ The Sonic Sound Studios in Memphis, Tennessee USA during 1962
in February, 1963 Renay Records (US)
in March, 1963 Smash Records (US)
in 1963 Philips Records (International)
♫♫♫ ♫♫♫ ♫♫♫
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Original Hank Snow Version: Hank Snow and His Rainbow Ranch Boys - I'm Moving On (1950) Tumblr (left click = play) (VBR)
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Rolling Stones Version: The Rolling Stones - I'm Moving On (Live) (1965): Tumblr (left click = play) (320kbps)
♫♫♫ ♫♫♫ ♫♫♫
Matt Lucas - Wikipedia Drummer | Singer | Songwriter | Rockabilly Hall of Fame Member | Juvenile Delinquent
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emblemxeno · 11 months
Definitive “Feelings On 3H” Post
So I’m making one big post on my feelings on major things worth discussing about 3H and how I feel about it. Don’t feel obligated to really interact with this one much, it’s mostly just for my sake, as something I can just link to and say “go to section X about how I feel about Y”.
The reason behind this is I just don’t really want to actively engage in 3H discourse anymore. I feel as if I’m a broken record at this point. If I have new things to say about it somehow, I’ll say it, but for the most part, I’ll refer people to this if they wanna know how I feel about general 3H talk. 
Story Section 1- General narrative feelings on each route.
Azure Moon is, in my opinion, the most solidly constructed route in terms of writing, character development, and storytelling. It knows what it wants to accomplish and, aside from a few gripes, I will always applaud it for that. Verdant Wind and Silver Snow meanwhile, aren’t bad and I certainly didn’t have a terrible time playing through them. However, the unique story bits in each route don’t justify the gameplay experience you have to work through in order to get to them. Still, the big reveals in each route were nice to hear for the first time, and specifically for VW I enjoy Claude very much. Crimson Flower I don’t enjoy that much at all. Its story is what I can only describe as a static, eye-roll inducing victory march, which makes up for its lack of length with its seemingly intentional negative character development; everyone is ignorant, an asshole, or sad as fuck aside from the CF exlcusive cast. I would give the route props had the game bothered to stand in its foundation rather than flounder and make numerous attempts to depict every perspective as absolutely equally valid and righteous. 
Story Section 2- In trying to appeal to every perspective, the game lacks focus, foundation, and respect for itself.
It should be expected that a game with multiple routes tackle different specific subjects. However, in Fire Emblem, there always, always manages to be a unifying theme or foundational story philosophy-an Aesopian type moral if you will-no matter the route. Alm and Celica learn that their one individual philosophies can’t exist on their own, and that leadership requires strength and compassion of equal measure. Eirika and Ephraim learn that personal wishes must take a backseat for the good of Renais and Magvel as a whole, as their routes in FE8 use their own weaknesses to develop them as leaders and royalty. Corrin’s one constant in the Fates games is that conflict is inherently meaningless and does nothing but perpetuate a brutal cycle of hatred, vengeance, and violence. 
Even in games like FE7 and FE10, where the technical ‘route splits’ are more unconventional, there’s still unifying themes that manage to wrap back around at the end (7′s ‘single-minded pursuit of justice and strength/power to protect can actively hurt you and those around you, especially if you are ignorant to the pain others are going through’ and 10′s ‘people have as much capacity to be good as they have to be evil, they will hurt each other due to petty misunderstandings and bigoted views, however, they are worthy of living as they are because of the ability to grow, change, and aspire to something better’).
3H, to put it simply, does not have any grand unifying theme unique to itself. The closest examples I can think of is ‘It’s worth it to reach out to those around you to share your pain so you don’t become engulfed in it’ and ‘no matter what side you fight for, war makes everyday life a living hell for everyone’.
But to me, both of those things are just... basic truths and story elements present in every dialogue heavy FE game. War has been showcased as being terrible since FE1, where characters were held hostage, threatened to fight for a cause they didn’t believe in, innocent villages were destroyed, there was a literal child slave market, etc. And sharing your pain with those close to you in order to bear life’s challenges has been a constant trope with many FE characters, story significant or otherwise, since at least FE6 with Guninivere (probably earlier if I’m missing something from FE4 or 5). The only difference is that 3H has a fun little song to go with it.
That leaves the specific themes of each route and perspective, but because each leading character is so different from the other, and the writers didn’t want to overtly favor one over the rest, every dialogue regarding these things feels compromised; half baked, or lacking a point. 
‘Crests are symbolic of a harmful power structure but also are a symbol of justice used to ward away threats but also are a tool used to gain social and political capital in order to change the world but also are an ancient power obtained through destruction that must be used with wisdom.’ Four different perspectives from four different routes that the game attempts to depict in a balance in almost every single dialogue regarding them. And this same process is applicable to the game’s attempts at discussing race/ethnicity, xenophobia, classism, religious views, mental health, etc. There always has to be two, three, four, or five sides to every story in 3H, and that results in an exhuasting and stretched thin narrative that, in its attempts to appeal to everyone, ends up lacking substance in every point it tries to make.
Now, that itself would make for a fascinating and meta theme for the game to uphold, where ‘attempts at trying to balance and accept every perspective leads to an ineffective world that desperately needs unwavering, unconditional, and compassionate leadership’ but 1) that would require the game to play up the need for ‘seeing every side’ as something to be deconstructed, and the game doesn’t do that, it’s played painfully straight, and 2) when it’s one major power (Edelgard) vs. three major powers (Dimitri, Claude, and Rhea), the attempt at balance fails no matter what you do. This lack of focus reads to me that there was lack of respect for the game’s story itself.
Story Section 3- “It insists upon itself, Lois.”
Every time I think about the finer details of story bits in 3H I don’t care for, my brain always comes back to that Family Guy scene where Peter talks about not caring for The Godfather and saying that it’s because the movie insists upon itself. Now, that was done for comedy, but for 3H I must say that it’s a perfect sentence to use. 3H insists upon itself. This is in spite of the fact that there’s no one unifying point that it’s trying to convey to the player, beyond what any other FE games was able to do. So to make up for that, each small instance reads like the game beating the player over the head with whatever minute moral or lesson it’s trying to convey.
Crests are bad? Roll out the Edelgard, Sylvain, or Lysithea dialogue saying so. Church is sus? Get Edelgard or occasionally Claude. Nobles are pretentious? Get the sad NPCs or the few actual commoner characters to imply it. War is bad and cruel? Fire the next “Sad Dorothea” dialogue at the player’s face. Interactions feel artificial, ostentatious even. Part of that is because there’s no other way to get these points across due to Byleth being a silent avatar, the other part though? Feels as if the writers were overtly proud of themselves. “Wow, the war means Bernadetta leaves her room more often, isn’t that a sign that it really changes people?” Yeah, no shit. 
Perhaps the most egregious example is the endless instances of the game pushing the idea that there’s “no good side” in war or that “war is a battle of ideals and no one is fully correct” or other moments that want the player to know how deep and Morally Gray the narrative is. It’s cheap and inauthentic, especially when you have a faction like the Slithers. You can’t prop up Gray Morality and have an inarguably evil underground terrorist group. 
To be crude, this game explains things to you like you’re five despite being rated T for teens in a series catered mostly to young adults. I get the point you’re trying to make, you did it poorly, now stop repeating yourself, your final grade is a D+.
Story Section 4- 3H likes spectacle over substance.
3H revels in being showy over being constructive. There’s great moments, but there’s not a great plot. 
For example, Byleth has many flashy moments that show how awesome they are! They’re connected to a goddess, they can wind back time, they have a super cool historical sword, they’re a top tier mercenary, they’re a great teacher, they’re next in line for Archbishop or the throne for all of Fodlan, their Crest is the game’s version of the Fire Emblem!
Cool! What’s the significance behind all these choices in the writing room? Seemingly next to nothing other than it sounded cool. That’s how it feels anyway.
The SotC doesn’t do anything in the story beyond be Sothis’ bones, likewise the Crest of Flames is nothing other than symbolic since it lacks gameplay or story significance beyond “main characters have it”, Divine Pulse has weak narrative justification for what should be a simple gameplay exclusive rewind, the goddess in question is an underutilized character who checks out before part 1 ends, there’s no gameplay basis showcasing that they’re any better at fighting than their students, and every high level position Byleth is granted makes no sense for them to have given what little established character we get.
That’s 3H in a nutshell. Crests don’t matter other than to be a story device. Being noble or commoner doesn’t matter. The hidden technology doesn’t matter. Abyss is a joke. And on and on and on. 3H profits off of being enticing and cool looking for the sake of it, without actually utilizing or explaining any of this flashy stuff that matters for a video game medium. It makes for underwhelming gameplay and artificial characters. Example, for as much as I love Yuri, take a few minutes to read his backstory; it’s batshit and nigh unbelievable. And it’s indicative of the fact that 3H cares more about including things that sound cool than it does about making sense of anything. We see the impact, but never any material significance, which is the opposite of what you want in a detail oriented narrative like this.
Story Section 5- 3H has very gross tropes.
During 3H’s first year of being out, I desperately wanted to stay true to a view that “hey now, just because it’s depicted like this, doesn’t mean we should blast it, it’s just a video game” but, y’know. I grew up. And part of growing up is recognizing the nuanced parts of these kinds of things. 
I won’t accuse the writers of being actively ignorant or bigoted, cuz I don’t know anything about them. But fuck. Fuck, does this game read worse and worse over the years in terms of how utterly terribly it handles sensitive issues.
Multiple brown characters treated like trash by the white/pale majority, with countries said brown characters hail from described as savage and animalistic. Rampant misogynistic tropes, most notably selling women off to be married. Strange, and incessant sympathy for the character starting a war that upends the lives of common people, said character also allowing human experimentation to occur. The offensive and archaic handling of mental illnesses, specifically anxiety disorders, personality disorders, and PTSD in certain instances (IMO only Dimitri and Marianne are done with any sort of grace). And that’s just the explicit stuff! Just the other day I was talking about how there’s incredibly disturbing anti-Semitic undertones regarding the Empire (confirmed to be based on Germany btw) and the Nabateans, something that’s, at times, uncritically repeated by people in this game’s community. This game is mired in terrible allegories and metaphors, which make me cringe the more I think about the real world implications that these lines of thought can have on people in volatile corners of the Internet.
And the kicker is that the writers are so committed to making these things relate to Crests or nobility, as if either of those things are strictly the reason why oppression or discrimination occurs.
The game employs drastic harmful stereotypes, and undercuts all of them by foisting its half-baked unique gameplay/lore toy onto the conversations. It fumbles the ball and didn’t even clean up the mess well.
I have a tier list of how much I enjoy the characters right here. 
Long story short, when the characters are good, they’re good. Like, holy fuck, love them. But when they’re bad? Throw them away. Can’t stand them. And sometimes characters fall in the middle where I see the good but they’re at times written in ways that piss me off.
Worldbuilding/Setting - More is not always better
First off, when you make a character tell the player “Go read in the library for lore”, you’ve lost me. There’s nothing fun and interesting in 3H as a game for you to read in the library.
Fire Emblem’s gameplay cycle doesn’t mesh too well with the typical JRPG standard of storytelling, so the common solutions to building the world and crafting the stories was 1) make as much use as possible of cutscenes, art/cgs, and narrations to communicate the important details before and after battles and/or 2) make an intuitive inclusion to ‘break the pace’ between maps, such as a home base, in order to supplement what’s already present. Alongside this, support conversations were an ingenious tool to develop the characters and the world at the same time, as your varied and quirky cast can help you infer what their place of origin is like. Plus, the game actively rewards the player for seeking this auxiliary information out, granting extra stat bonuses when you purposefully put characters next to each other.
3H, on paper, understands this well. However, the game has too many minute details for a typical FE game structure to handle. The devs themselves even said the game became a “living creature on its own” and claimed no one on the team knows everything about 3H’s story or world. Ignoring how that’s a serious flaw for a video game narrative, what this ultimately means is that since cutscnes and a standard base can’t cut it, we need more and more and more. Libraries, side quests, tea time, ally notes, gifts, NPCs that exposit at you, etc. The DLC even added another damn library for you to sift through, as if the first one wasn’t a pain already.
And though these little flavor texts, landmarks, and set pieces are fun to read about... that’s it. The game hardly uses any of it. It’s flavor without substance, once again. It’s why half the fucking fandom is confused every other day when you bring up these tertiary details as evidence to prove a point, since the active story is too busy trying to weave the other 600 plot threads together to use any of it. That means, for all of this supposed great details regarding each nation and the important territories, we hardly see a damn thing that’s actually different. More is not always better, and in this case, it’s actively worse for both the game experience and the community experience. Not a good look for a game that the devs explicitly wanted people to talk to each other about.
As a fan of FE ever since 2013, who has gone back to play several of the games to see how they tick, 3H’s methods of describing its setting are just so antithetical to what makes the series enjoyable, and for so little reward. It sounds hypocritical given that I love Fates and Engage, but those games actively set up their glorified bases to be as unintrusive as you want them to be. 3H, however, has its gameplay built around a boring and unintuitive cycle.
Gameplay- Fire Emblem but half the time you’re not playing Fire Emblem
Gameplay Section 1-Monastery
The monastery is the most debated gameplay aspect of 3H, and IMO, for good reason.
It sucks.
Worldbuilding wise, while it makes sense that an important location is the hub for the game, that doesn’t account for how dull it is. 12 months and 4 seasons pass and does the place ever look different? No. A shame, since an improved aesthetic would drastically help ignoring the fact that the place is a bitch to traverse. For as fast as Byleth can run, they can’t outspeed the load times. Quick travel only makes the issue more apparent, as well. From door to door, and from week to week, you’ll endure more load times in one in-game month than an entire playthrough of a GBA FE game.
The other aspects of the monastery gameplay, such as teaching, activities, professor level, and motivation, while freshly fun in a first playthrough, become a repetitive slog in subsequent playthroughs. Giving gifts and lost items, eating meals, planting the right things for the garden, optimizing support point gains, using the sauna, taking care of the statues, etc. This cycle is not something I enjoy in an FE game, and unlike Fates or Engage, I can’t actively ignore it without huge penalty. 
You can skip right to each main mission, but you’d be giving yourself a huge handicap by doing so; not actively teaching students at max motivation in order to maximize skill point gain is a huge detriment in the long term. It means longer wait for better weapons, longer wait for better spells, longer wait for class change, and longer wait for better skills and battalions. Now on Normal you can get away with this, not as much on Hard, and sure the fuck not on Maddening. To me, it feels like sloppy balancing on top of an already exhausting and dull game cycle. Why let the player skip months if you didn’t bother to carefully balance the game so that the players who do skip months could have even a small chance to clear the game? Honestly, it just feels as if they thought “people might find it annoying so let’s just tack on a skip feature”, and that’s disappointing and lazy.
Overall, I hope nothing similar to the monastery’s implementation is included in any future Fire Emblem game. It’s too antithetical to FE’s main gameplay structure, IMO.
Gameplay Section 2-Battles
To be honest, Fire Emblem has never been the pinnacle of balanced gameplay, and frankly I don’t want it to be. It’s a single player game with fun anime sword guys, magic powers, and dragons. So long as it’s not dreadfully easy or overly complicated, I have no qualms about certain classes or characters being better or worse than others.
3H though is a mess. A fun mess, but still a mess. Movement decrease to foot units means you want a mount cuz the game’s maps are big, and the speed penalty for cav classes means you want a wyvern or a pegasus. Physical units do just that (or maybe War Master for Quick Riposte), you get your dancer, have a Stride unit, have your Magic units and warpers where you need them, and congrats! You solved the 3H meta. 
Half-joking, honestly. The game is extremely easy to break, the hardest part is getting to that point (after all, slugging through the monastery is a bigger test of your patience than anything else). Maddening mode, of course, you have be extra careful in the beginning (cuz they probably didn’t play test it cough cough) and utilize your combat arts and gambits effectively, and being extremely conscious of positioning. But, much like Awakening before it, 3H is very easy to snowball. Especially on NG+. That doesn’t mean it’s not fun, but it can get mindless. I don’t personally play that way, but even still, tools such as weapons mostly not being class restricted, Crests, combat arts, gambits, and accessories make the game incredibly simple. It’s a breeze, and only gets harder when certain things are stripped away from you or your debilitated somehow. Again, it’s still fun, because FE is always fun, but challenging? No. Not in a way that I find meaningful, anyway.
The maps themselves? Meh. They look pretty! Lots of small missable details that you wouldn’t see if not for the zoomed in view, that was a neat feature. Not at all useable for actually playing the game, of course, but fun to mess with and to sight see. It does make me resentful, cuz again, we could’ve potentially seen lots of rich, detailed, and varied locations bustling with townsfolk and entering villages to really feel each location. But alas, this is as good as we get.
Anyway, the maps are...fine-ish? Part 1′s maps are seared into my brain, for better and for worse (mostly worse) cuz you have to play them at least 3 different times for all the routes. Prologue through Chapter 5 are either boring, terrible, or both. Chapter 6 is the first map on my most recent playthrough that I say I had fun with in Part 1, then it continues for 7 and 8, then nosedives for 9 and 10, before picking back up for 11 and 12. In short, more than half the story maps for part 1 I find are either unexceptional or plain bad.
Now Part 2? Hunting By Daybreak is atrocious, Garreg Mach defense is pretty fun, Ailell is boring as fuck, Myrddin Bridge and Deirdru are good, Gronder Part 2 ebbs and flows between being awesome and awful, Merceus, Enbarr, and Fhirdiad are okay but tend to drag, Tailtean is alright, Shambhala is hot garbage, CF endgame is pretty fun, AM endgame is okay, VW endgame is awesome, Snow endgame is terrible. I think all routes’ part 2 is better than part 1, but not by much.
All of Cindered Shadows is peak, every map was good IMO.
Paralogue maps I have no opinions on, they are recycled maps with nothing meaningfully interesting about them that I remember aside from Dedue’s, Ashe’s, and Petra’s. 
In short, the battle maps in 3H are okay for FE standards. It’s just pretty fucking insane how many times they get reused, so I got tired of them very quickly.
Last but not least, just a shoutout to a very unpleasant community experience. Though it might be the best selling FE game as of now, it comes with the price of having some incredibly disrespectful, vicious, and ignorant fans.
Never have I been witness to or been the target of as much harassment on the internet as I have with certain 3H fans. Entire discord servers made to make fun of groups of people with differing opinions, taking over old blog domains to mock people, deliberately seeking out people who want nothing to do with you just so you can defend your favs, etc. And that’s just on this site! There’s editing wars on TV tropes and the wikis, mods on various sites having to do deleting sprees of 3H discourse, artists being harassed on Twitter, and in general just... inserting yourselves into places and spaces where you were not invited nor encouraged to comment. Some of these people lack basic human deceny, respect, and boundaries, and it’s not cool.
Part of the reason why I’m breaking away from 3H now is because this behavior is something I got wrapped up in too, and I’m deeply ashamed of it. It’s toxic, and not at all something I want associated with one of my favorite video game series anymore. I got real life things to worry about and other games to play.
Anyway, that’s pretty much it. All of my general thoughts on 3H, localized on one post. Sayonara, Fodlan Discourse, you won’t be missed. 🤗
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renaisguy · 4 months
Dear Vanessa,
Hey, this is Forde of Renais. I hope my brother found a way to get this letter to you. A lot’s happened recently and I started thinking “hey, I could write to her too!” I’m currently at the officer’s academy in Fodlan, yes that’s the same place Innes is (maybe you should visit eh?), and I’m having a great time.
It’s a shame we drifted apart-
In case you were wondering, I haven’t fallen asleep on a battlefield once since I last saw you! You must be proud I’m sure. I’ve been picking up magic, healing mostly. You said you were always interested right? Well I thought I had no affinity for it until a year ago, you should definitely give it another shot. 
I’ve continued painting, I’ve actually retired from the Renais military now to pursue that. It’s a shame I can’t send them in the mail. 
I hope you’re doing well, and I hope Titania’s doing well. Feel no pressure to respond, but I’d love to hear from you.
I’m touched! Extract from letter 9 months ago: “Are you so lazy that you can’t write one letter in 3 months?” Extract from letter 8 months ago: “If you are alive, reply posthaste.” Extract from letter 6 months ago: “Please say you’re alive.” You’ve gone soft. 
I am alive, and I haven’t just been ignoring your letters for the record. I was sent on a mission I volunteered for a dangerous mission, and ended up stuck somewhere where captured and we only escaped this very week. I was one of the lucky ones
I hope my letter finds you well. Seriously. Franz told me how you’ve been acting- I’m sorry that I made you worry- I wouldn’t die and leave you alone.
I missed you too. 
Reply whenever you feel like it. God knows I’ve kept you waiting.
Dear Franz, 
Sorry I haven’t been replying to your letters, I hope you haven’t been too worried. Even though it’s been so long, you never lost hope that I’d be here. I was in tears reading everything- Long story short, the mission lasted a lot longer than I was expecting. But it’s fine, I think. I’m safe now, I think. 
We found ourselves in a village, and we lived with them. I made a lot of friends, one of them was a plant! I went fishing a lot, though it never tasted as good as your fish does. Sir Sigurd was there, I hope you remember him from my previous letter. Mark and Lianna were the other two I got pretty close too. Lovely girls. There was Aphaea, I don’t know where she is now, but she told some great stories! There was Chiron-
5 children died. Minos and Arke succumbed to a flood, before I got to know them. At times I began to forget they’d even existed. Nephele and Brizo were siblings, their mother Euphorie took her own life after they perished. Chiron went fishing with us, just a week before he died. He had such a lovely smile on his face when he caught that fish, and then he was gone
Arke had a mother too, she was distraught when-
Bronte and Eurus also succumbed to the flood.
There were others that died, but they were brought back to life. It’s horrible, but I can’t stop thinking the children should have been revived instead. That is, if they ever existed-
It didn’t feel like a year. I’ve lost a year of my life and I think I just slept through it. Even for me that’s-
It felt like a dream-
I don't understand what happened to us, and I'm terrified-
I haven’t been able to sleep as much, I keep worrying I’ll wake up and I’ll be back there
Dear Franz, 
Sorry I haven’t been replying to your letters, I hope you haven’t been too worried. Long story short, the mission lasted a lot longer than I was expecting. But it’s fine, I’m safe now.
How are you? Did you ask that girl out yet? Hope I haven’t missed too much this year. I’m gonna stay at the academy a while longer, but I might try to visit sometime. Send everyone my love, give Kyle a hug from me. (Or if that’s too informal give him a handshake instead)
Love, the best brother in the world (Forde)
Ps. Do you remember Vanessa? The girl I met during the war? If you figure out where she lives, could you give her her letter?
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beantothemax · 2 months
First day of school was fine. Surgically extracted the angst from this fic cause I am NOT writing that!!!!!
Most of Lyn's little makeshift army had returned home. They were always happy to fight tyranny, but now with Lundgren gone, they had little reason to stay. As Lyn said farewell to her friends, she kept wondering about one of them.
They weren't quite friends, Erk was very distant, but she still cared about them.
"Where are you going now?" she asked.
"Visiting my sister. I just got a letter from some asshole who says he's her boyfriend, apparently she's gotten herself sick," Erk rolled her eyes.
Lyn stared at them for several long moments before exclaiming, "YOU HAVE A SISTER!?"
"Parents, too. I'm a biological creature, of course I have family," Erk replied.
Lyn followed Erk and asked at least a million questions as they packed but she was greatly disappointed by the short, unenthusiastic answers.
"I should be off," Erk finally said.
"At least let me escort you to the harbor!" Lyn insisted.
Erk wanted to decline, they truly wanted to make the journey alone but sighed and said yes, in fear that a potential employer may dislike them when they returned.
Big mistake though. Just before Erk could board the ship to Magvel, Lyn insisted on giving her a great hug.
"And take this Sacaean candy! If your sister is sick, this will help her recover," Lyn smiled.
"I'll be sure to give it to her," Erk mumbled.
She boarded the ship and reluctantly waved goodbye to Lyn.
Next stop: Renais castle.
- - -
Artur knew nothing of spider bites and wrote what Lute told him to.
"It's life threatening, I may die," she had said with an unchanging tone and expression, "If I kick the bucket, record all my symptoms and their progression- well, it won't matter if you do because I won't be able to continue my research."
"Lute! Don't say such things, I'll do everything I can to help you," Artur insisted with tears in his eyes, but she dozed off once more.
She had been asleep for just shy of two days, occasionally waking up, but for no longer than some minutes at time. It allowed her to drink, eat, take medicine, and say sarcastic, insensitive things to her friends who worried for her, but little else.
After some days with very little progress, an extraordinarily loud banging on the door awoke her.
"Leave me alone!" she hissed, retreating under the covers.
Artur rose and opened the door, seeing only a young mage who was quite a bit shorter than him.
"Could you please quiet down?" he requested.
"Are you Artur?" they asked plainly.
"Umm... Yes?"
"Step aside," she opened the door wider and walked in.
Artur quickly closed the door behind her so that no light would come in, before returning his attention to the mage.
"Excuse me, you can't be here," he said.
"You wrote me a letter."
They pulled the envelope from their pocket and handed it to Artur before shaking Lute awake. He read the first line and finally realized this was the Erk that Lute had mentioned. She never said how short or inconsiderate they were.
"Stop being lazy, you'll be fine, you big baby," Erk muttered.
"Erk!?" Lute yelled.
She sat up suddenly and hugged them tight. Truly, she looked like death. Her skin was pale and grey, eyes hardly open with exhaustion.
She hated being sincere, hated telling people she loved them and especially hated doing it in front of other people, but Lute was the exception. Her dear big sister had been the only one to advocate for her when she said she wanted to study abroad and she had always been there when there was a problem.
When their parents didn't understand Erk's new identity, neither did Lute, but she tried her best for her beloved sibling.
"Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, I had to help overthrow a false marquess. Also, I brought some Lycian medicine, an Etrurian spell book and some Sacaean candy," Erk muttered.
"You leave Magvel once and come back spoiling me," Lute chuckled but the strain made her cough.
Erk let go of her and placed her back on the bed. They looked through every inch of their bag, placing all the medicine on the night stand. While they searched for cough drops, Artur sat silently in the corner. He didn't wish to intrude upon this reunion as Lute said she hadn't seen her darling little sibling in ages.
"You overthrew a marquess?" Lute asked in her weak, hoarse voice.
"Kind of. A man tried to kill his brother, the actual marquess and his estranged granddaughter to take the position for himself," Erk muttered.
"I bet you showed 'em who's boss."
"I did."
They found the cough medicine and poured a spoon of it, holding it to Lute's lips, "This tastes really bad," they warned.
Lute grimaced the moment it touched her lips, but she drank it all.
"My little sibling is all grown up," she smiled.
"Not according to lord Pent, he says I'm hardly qualified to be a mage," Erk snickered.
They laughed and caught up in a fashion Artur couldn't quite understand. They seemed to mock each other, calling each other horrible names but laughing through it all. Erk was in the middle of a story about an obnoxious pink haired girl when Lute yawned one last time before nodding off.
"We should let her rest," Erk said.
Artur followed close behind when she left.
"Are you two upset with each other?" he asked.
"No, why do you think that?"
"You kept insulting each other."
"...Have you no siblings?"
"That explains it," Erk smiled.
They talked little while Artur showed them to a guest room. She lay down her bags before he hesitantly asked, "Do you think she'll be okay? With the spider bite, I mean."
"She'll be up and walking again in a day or two, those things are rarely fatal. She's just being dramatic," Erk said.
"She usually downplays her injuries though..." Artur thought, "Do you think it's because she wanted to see you?"
"She said it's been almost three years since you were last home, maybe she saw a chance to see you again and took it."
She thought of the possibility and shrugged, "Maybe."
No one in the family had ever been big on showing affection, but she supposed so much time apart could change that.
"I might stay a while, my teacher was going to give me a break anyway and I'm curious about this 'war of stones' that took place in my absence."
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oh erk you are most definitely a creature.
lute going ‘hey if I die write down how I die’ and IMMEDIATLY conking out as artur is just
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is fantastic. ten outta ten
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crabknee · 2 months
Hey look at this
Most of Lyn's little makeshift army had returned home. They were always happy to fight tyranny, but now with Lundgren gone, they had little reason to stay. As Lyn said farewell to her friends, she kept wondering about one of them.
They weren't quite friends, Erk was very distant, but she still cared about them.
"Where are you going now?" she asked.
"Visiting my sister. I just got a letter from some asshole who says he's her boyfriend, apparently she's gotten herself sick," Erk rolled her eyes.
Lyn stared at them for several long moments before exclaiming, "YOU HAVE A SISTER!?"
"Parents, too. I'm a biological creature, of course I have family," Erk replied.
Lyn followed Erk and asked at least a million questions as they packed but she was greatly disappointed by the short, unenthusiastic answers.
"I should be off," Erk finally said.
"At least let me escort you to the harbor!" Lyn insisted.
Erk wanted to decline, they truly wanted to make the journey alone but sighed and said yes, in fear that a potential employer may dislike them when they returned.
Big mistake though. Just before Erk could board the ship to Magvel, Lyn insisted on giving her a great hug.
"And take this Sacaean candy! If your sister is sick, this will help her recover," Lyn smiled.
"I'll be sure to give it to her," Erk mumbled.
She boarded the ship and reluctantly waved goodbye to Lyn.
Next stop: Renais castle.
- - -
Artur knew nothing of spider bites and wrote what Lute told him to.
"It's life threatening, I may die," she had said with an unchanging tone and expression, "If I kick the bucket, record all my symptoms and their progression- well, it won't matter if you do because I won't be able to continue my research."
"Lute! Don't say such things, I'll do everything I can to help you," Artur insisted with tears in his eyes, but she dozed off once more.
She had been asleep for just shy of two days, occasionally waking up, but for no longer than some minutes at time. It allowed her to drink, eat, take medicine, and say sarcastic, insensitive things to her friends who worried for her, but little else.
After some days with very little progress, an extraordinarily loud banging on the door awoke her.
"Leave me alone!" she hissed, retreating under the covers.
Artur rose and opened the door, seeing only a young mage who was quite a bit shorter than him.
"Could you please quiet down?" he requested.
"Are you Artur?" they asked plainly.
"Umm... Yes?"
"Step aside," she opened the door wider and walked in.
Artur quickly closed the door behind her so that no light would come in, before returning his attention to the mage.
"Excuse me, you can't be here," he said.
"You wrote me a letter."
They pulled the envelope from their pocket and handed it to Artur before shaking Lute awake. He read the first line and finally realized this was the Erk that Lute had mentioned. She never said how short or inconsiderate they were.
"Stop being lazy, you'll be fine, you big baby," Erk muttered.
"Erk!?" Lute yelled.
She sat up suddenly and hugged them tight. Truly, she looked like death. Her skin was pale and grey, eyes hardly open with exhaustion.
She hated being sincere, hated telling people she loved them and especially hated doing it in front of other people, but Lute was the exception. Her dear big sister had been the only one to advocate for her when she said she wanted to study abroad and she had always been there when there was a problem.
When their parents didn't understand Erk's new identity, neither did Lute, but she tried her best for her beloved sibling.
"Sorry I couldn't be here sooner, I had to help overthrow a false marquess. Also, I brought some Lycian medicine, an Etrurian spell book and some Sacaean candy," Erk muttered.
"You leave Magvel once and come back spoiling me," Lute chuckled but the strain made her cough.
Erk let go of her and placed her back on the bed. They looked through every inch of their bag, placing all the medicine on the night stand. While they searched for cough drops, Artur sat silently in the corner. He didn't wish to intrude upon this reunion as Lute said she hadn't seen her darling little sibling in ages.
"You overthrew a marquess?" Lute asked in her weak, hoarse voice.
"Kind of. A man tried to kill his brother, the actual marquess and his estranged granddaughter to take the position for himself," Erk muttered.
"I bet you showed 'em who's boss."
"I did."
They found the cough medicine and poured a spoon of it, holding it to Lute's lips, "This tastes really bad," they warned.
Lute grimaced the moment it touched her lips, but she drank it all.
"My little sibling is all grown up," she smiled.
"Not according to lord Pent, he says I'm hardly qualified to be a mage," Erk snickered.
They laughed and caught up in a fashion Artur couldn't quite understand. They seemed to mock each other, calling each other horrible names but laughing through it all. Erk was in the middle of a story about an obnoxious pink haired girl when Lute yawned one last time before nodding off.
"We should let her rest," Erk said.
Artur followed close behind when she left.
"Are you two upset with each other?" he asked.
"No, why do you think that?"
"You kept insulting each other."
"...Have you no siblings?"
"That explains it," Erk smiled.
They talked little while Artur showed them to a guest room. She lay down her bags before he hesitantly asked, "Do you think she'll be okay? With the spider bite, I mean."
"She'll be up and walking again in a day or two, those things are rarely fatal. She's just being dramatic," Erk said.
"She usually downplays her injuries though..." Artur thought, "Do you think it's because she wanted to see you?"
"She said it's been almost three years since you were last home, maybe she saw a chance to see you again and took it."
She thought of the possibility and shrugged, "Maybe."
No one in the family had ever been big on showing affection, but she supposed so much time apart could change that.
"I might stay a while, my teacher was going to give me a break anyway and I'm curious about this 'war of stones' that took place in my absence."
Omg the sisters everrrrrrrrr
My only qualms with this is that pent would not fucking say that, otherwise this is a VERY good fic
@beantothemax you need to see this as well
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thislovintime · 2 years
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Peter Tork backstage (with author Ellen Mandell) and onstage at CBGB in New York City on July 31, 1977. Photos 1-3 by Renay Morris; photo 4 and 5 possibly by Meri Browning; photo 6 by Meri Browning, via an old eBay listing.
“In the dressing room before the show [Lester Bangs] asked him why he wanted to play there, and he said, ‘Because I like the atmosphere. The other guys like being up onstage with a full-scale show, and I played one country ‘n’ western set with them, but I like being right down face to face with my audience. It’s like, their jokes are pre-scripted, and I’d rather have my own sense of humor for the between-song patter. This is pretty much a one-show for me; I was booked in here by a journalist friend of mine who’s helping me do a book on the Monkees trip, and after it’s over I’m gonna go back to California and teaching. I couldn’t do this, on the West Coast; CBGB’s is psychedelic.’” - Village Voice, August 8, 1977
“Would Tork, armed only with an acoustic guitar, a piano, and his sharply honed sense of humor, be able to handle those heartless worshippers of blood and gore rock and searing metal demonry? ‘It’ll be okay,’ he said bravely, pointing at his tight, studded T-shirt. ‘If things get tough I’ll give the punks exactly what they want. I’ll threaten to pull these rhinestones out of my chest, one by agonizing one!’ But there proved to be no need for Tork to be anything other than his hokey, folkie (albeit somewhat decadently folkie) self. Booked for a Sunday night, ordinarily CGBG’s lowest night of the week, he packed the place with a strange assortment comprised of cocky regulars, curious record company VIP’s, writers and radio people who’d passed up a concurrent Bad Company party uptown, and giggling fifteen-year-old cuties who’d sneaked in with phony IDs lifted from older sisters’ wallets. The Tork who stepped onstage sported a bristly beard but otherwise still looked strongly like the younger man we remember from our TV screens in days ten years past.”  - Ellen Mandell, Circus, October 13, 1977
Audio of Peter's live appearance, via YouTube.
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ahjdaily · 11 months
Interview: Albert Hammond Jr (Broken Record with Rick Rubin, Malcolm Gladwell, Bruce Headlam and Justin Richmond)
Albert Hammond Jr. first rose to prominence as the lead guitarist of The Strokes—a band at the forefront of New York City’s indie rock renaissance in the early aughts. In 2007 Albert Hammond Jr. launched his solo career, putting his songwriting and abilities as a frontman to the test. He’s now released five albums, including, Melodies On Hiatus, which came out just a couple months ago. It’s a double album that he co-wrote with Canadian singer Simon Wilcox, and features collaborations with GoldLink and Matt Helders from the Arctic Monkeys.
On today’s episode, Albert Hammond Jr. and Justin Richmond talk about how he was dramatically impacted by his parents’ recent divorce, despite the fact that he’s in his early 40’s. Albert also reminisces about his past life as a champion roller skater who was once scouted by Kristi Yamaguchi’s Olympic ice skating coach. And he explains why he’d never been a fan of Radiohead or Led Zeppelin.
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hotarutranslations · 10 months
24 Hour Television!
24 Hour Television 46, "Lets Connect For Tomorrow"
We got to perform, around noon🏅
Songs with Natsu-sensei's choreography
LOVE Machine The☆Peace! Renai Revolution 21 Dekkai Uchuu ni Ai ga Aru
A medley of these 4 songs😌🩷
Looking at the VTR, Looking at the faces of our seniors, Also immediately after, we performed so, it was really emotional
Keeping various thoughts in mind, It was a time where the seniors could look over us while performing,
it was a something very happy☺️🍀
With the last song, "Dekkai Uchuu ni Ai ga Aru", Yasuda Kei-san, Yaguchi Mari-san, Nozomi Tsuji-san, Konno Asami-san, Naniwa Otoko-san, and together with Matsuoka Mayu-san!
we danced🪩✨️
Everyone was wonderful!!!
With Kokugikan, Everyone who watched the 24 Hour Television, Waving penlights, making it exciting during the medley, I was also energized❤️‍🔥
Also everyone who watched over us during the show~~~
Did you enjoy it! It was hard to deliver but it was fun!
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About Morning Musume, about expressing things, Also about Natsu-sensei, I've had a lot of opportunities to think about them
I, the other day, Had an interview
Changing the History of Idol Groups, Natsu Mayumi's "Scolding" --- Why She is Called the "Foster Parent" of Morning Musume.
(After the recording if KinSuma, I went as-is so my hair is as it was…🙄 fufu)
Finally, since I've gained strength in thinking about what I'll say, really, I wanted more time to speak with Natsu-sensei
Its like I'm always saying that, although that is Morning Musume who has been loved by Natsu-sensei and by lots of people for 25 years, I'll use it with care!
See you tomorrow, I hope you have a wonderful day!
24 Hour Television, thank you for the show🌏❤️‍🔥
see you ayumin <3
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infosmusume · 11 months
Morning Musume'23 has announced the release of their new album, "Morning Musume. Best Selection ~The 25th Anniversary~
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Morning Musume'23 has announced the release of their new best album set to be released on August 30th.
This album, dedicated to celebrating the group's 25th anniversary, will feature 14 selected popular songs from Morning Musume's past, as chosen by Tsunku♂, along with one song each from the affiliated units Tanpopo and Petitmoni. The current members (excluding new members) will re-record these tracks.
In addition to three new songs, "HEAVY GATE," "Nanzansho Sozansho," and "Kanashiku Naru You na Rainy day," the album will include a total of 26 songs, covering singles from 70th to 72nd, spread across two CDs. Notably, "Nanzansho Sozansho" marks the first participation for the two new members who joined as part of the 17th generation (Inoue Haruka and Yumigeta Ako) in May.
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"Morning Musume. Best Selection ~The 25th Anniversary ~" [First Press Limited Edition] 2CD + Blu-ray
(Deluxe LP-sized double jacket, LP-sized fold-out poster included, 16-page photo booklet, 12-page lyric booklet included.)
02. Nanzansho Sozansho
03. Swing Swing Paradise
04. Happy birthday to Me!
05. Chu Chu Chu Bokura no Mirai
06. Dai・Jinsei Never Been Better!
07. Teenage Solution
08. Yoshi Yoshi Shite Hoshii no
09. Beat no Wakusei
10. One・Two・Three (23 Ver.)
11. Kanashiku Naru You na Rainy day / Ikuta, Ishida, Oda, Nonaka, Haga
12. Wagamama Ki no mama Ai no Joke (23 Ver.)
13. What is Love? (23 Ver.)
01. LOVE Machine (updated 23 Ver.)
02. Renai Revolution 21 (updated 23 Ver.)
03. Souda! We're ALIVE (updated 23 Ver.)
04. Happy Summer Wedding (23 Ver.)
05. The Peace! (23 Ver.)
06. Last Kiss (23 Ver.) / Makino, Yokoyama, Kitagawa
07. Chokotto LOVE (23 Ver.) / Okamura, Yamazaki, Sakurai
08. Seishun Night (23 Ver.)
09. Jealousy Jealousy (23 Ver.)
10. Kimagure Princess (23 Ver.)
11. Mikan (23 Ver.)
12. Roman ~MY DEAR BOY~ (23 Ver.)
13. Koko ni Iru zee! (23 Ver.)
[Blu-ray Contents]
<rockin'on presents. COUNTDOWN JAPAN 22/23 2022.12.29 at EARTH STAGE>
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"Morning Musume. Best Selection ~The 25th Anniversary ~" [Regular Edition]
(Double-sided paper jacket, 32-page booklet included.)
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
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Gekkan Shounen SIRIUS[月刊少年シリウス]
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isekai de saikyo mao no kodomo-tachi 10nin no MAMA ni natchaimashita[異世界で最強魔王の子供達10人のママになっちゃいました。] I Have Become MaMa to 10 Children of Another World's Strongest Demon Lord
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi[かくりよの宿飯 ]: Kakuriyo's Hotel Meal
Mahoutsukai Reimeiki[魔法使い黎明期] The Dawn of the Witch
Mugou no SCHNELL GEAR[無号のシュネルギア]: Mugou's SCHNELL GEAR
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Akuma Koujo[悪魔公女] THE DEVIL PRINCESS
Kyuuyaku Marchen[旧約Marchen]: 7th Story Marchen
Shoukoku no ALTAIR[将国のアルタイル]: Altair: A Record of Battles
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Meikyuu Dousenan Uchihito[ 迷宮道先案内人]: DUNGEON SHERPA[ダンジョン・シェルパ]
HYPNOSIS MIC -Division Rap Battle- side B.B & M.T.C+[ヒプノシスマイク -Division Rap Battle- side B.B & M.T.C+]
Yokazura Quartet[夜桜四重奏]
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Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken[転生したらスライムだった件] That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime (and its various spinoffs)
転生したらスライムだった件 異聞 ~魔国暮らしのトリニティ~
転生したらスライムだった件 クレイマンREVENGE
転スラ日記 転生したらスライムだった件
転ちゅら! 転生したらスライムだった件
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PONKOTSU Fuukiin to SKIRT take ga Futekisetsu na JK no Hanashi [ポンコツ風紀委員とスカート丈が不適切なJKの話]: The Story of A Useless Public Morals Committee Member and A High School Girl with an Inappropriate Skirt Length
Youkai APART no Yuuga na Nichijou[妖怪アパートの幽雅な日常]: Youkai Apartment's Everyday Refinement
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RIDE ON KING[ライドンキング]
Reiketsu Ryuuou Heika no "Unmei no Tsugai" rashii Desu ga, Koukyuu ni Hikikomorou to Omoimasu[冷血竜皇陛下の「運命の番」らしいですが、後宮に引きこもろうと思います ]: Coldblooded Dragon Empress's "Turn of Fate" appears to be, I think I'll be a harem chamber shut-in
Ooyukiumi no KAINA[大雪海のカイナ]: Kaina of the Great Snow Sea
KYUKI NO ADABANA[窮鬼の仇花]: Evil Flower of The God of Poverty
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Koutou no HUNTER MARUYA[紅灯のハンタマルヤ] Once Upon a time in Nagasaki
Shini Modori no Kouusureijou[死に戻りの幸薄令嬢]: Unfortunate Young Lady of Return to Death
NOISY ROOMMATE[ノイジールームメイト]
Kawashima Yoshiko wa Otoko ni naritai[川島芳子は男になりたい]: Kawashima Yoshiko Wants to Become a Man
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Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir[ミラキュラス レディバグ&シャノワール]
A.I.C.O. Incarnation
ODIN SPHERE[オーディンスフィア]
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Hataraku Saibou[はたらく細胞] Cells at Work! (and its various spinoffs)
Hataraku Saibou WHITE[はたらく細胞WHITE]
Hataraku Kesshouban-chan[はたらく血小板ちゃん]
Hatarakanai Saibou[はたらかない細胞]
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Uchi no Danna ga Ama-chan de[うちの旦那が甘ちゃんで]: My Husband is a pushover
Ooedo Youkai Kawara-ban[大江戸妖怪かわら版]: Oedo Youkai RoofTile Edition
OMOTENASHI-san wa motenashitai[オモテナシさんはもてなしたい] OMOTENASHI-san wants to Entertain You
Kaibutsu Oujo NIGHTMARE[怪物王女ナイトメア]: Monster Princess NIGHTMARE
Shougakusei ga MAMA demo Ii desu ka?[小学生がママでもいいですか?] Elementary School Student is MAMA but is that Okay?
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Shoukoku no ALTAIR[将国のアルタイル嵬伝 嶌国のスバル] Altair: A Record of Battles Sidestory: SUBARU of the Island Country
Attack on Titan Before the fall[進撃の巨人Beforethefall]
Ningyou no Kuni[人形の国]: Kingdom of Dolls(APOSIMZ)
Majimoji Rurumo Houkago no Mahou Chuugakusei[まじもじるるも 放課後の魔法中学生] Majimoji Rurumo Afterschool Magic Junior High Student
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Raising Hell[レイジング・ヘル]
Renai HAREM GAME Shuuryou no Oshirase ga kuru Koro ni [恋愛ハーレムゲーム終了のお知らせがくる頃に]: When the Time for the Notification of the End of the Fall-In-Love HAREM GAME comesWILD WIGHT WEST[ワイルドワイトウエスト]
Jikan Teishi Yuusha[時間停止勇者]: Time Stop Hero
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footsiepop · 2 years
pleeeeease recommend your fave yuri/yaoi manga i’m looking for new stuff to read
Okay so to start for print stuff, if you haven't read it, I super recommend Murcielago! It's about a serial killer lesbian who is given the opportunity to commute her death sentence by working with the government to catch... unique cases. The character designs are excellent, they all stand out from each other and they're all hot! Hyperviolence, lots of explicit sex, and hot girls. Everything important in a yuri.
Another yuri I have been enjoying is a weekly twitter comic (translations usually come about a day after, so comic is on Sunday and translation comes Monday) known as The Guy She Was Interested In Wasn't A Guy At All about a girl who works at her uncle's record shop and the popular girl from her class who's super into rock music and falls in love with her androgynous worksona. The pacing is really good, and done in a way that's very aware of how it's a 4-page weekly comic, so while it's always like "omg I want more NAO" it never feels like it's moving too fast or too slow.
The creators of Love Stage also do yuri and they did one I really enjoyed called Renai Idenshi XX/Love DNA XX about a post-apocalyptic Class S world where there are no men. Women are divided into Adams and Eves and love between two Adams or two Eves is forbidden. So of course our protag is an Adam who falls for another Adam. It's very indulgent with its tomboy hotgirl leanings which is very up my alley.
BL wise, one of the ones I'm currently keeping up with is Mitsuya Sensei no Keikakuteki na Edzuke. There's no license yet that I'm aware of. It's about a magazine editor in his late 20s who's suddenly assigned to pick up manuscripts from one of their writers who's an older gay man, and a skilled chef. Our editor falls for him pretty quickly, and deals with the emotional turmoil of being in love with one of the magazine's writers, and a much older man. Also they're both HOT!!!!! they're super hot!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, Omega to Akuma no Sefure Jijou. This one's an omegaverse (this seems really popular with fujin lately :0) about an omega working at a host club and concealing his secondary gender, and an incubus he summons to try and grant him more success at his job. However, said incubus wants him to bear his child, and our omega doesn't want pregnancy to interfere with his job. But it turns out that getting cummed in by an incubus is doing great things to his looks, thus making his work as a host go better, and they come to a sort of agreement where the incubus watches how far our omega can go using the power of incubus cum. The romance here is actually really sweet, and the author draws super hot faces.
His Favorite/Aitsu no Daihonme is about a super sadist who's madly in love with a super average guy. I don't have a lot exciting to say about the plot here so please look at our cute protag (said average guy. the super sadist is a bishie which is nice and all but imo he doesn't stand out as much)
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(Also honorary mention for Yarichin Bitch Club and Dick Fight Island, but I don't think these need so much introduction XD)
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jubileebloom · 1 year
I just wrote my own English version of renai circulation in like, an hour and a half
wondering if I should try to record myself singing it
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raitrolling · 2 years
NPC Masterpost
a brief rundown of all the npcs relevant to either my own trolls or the locations they inhabit. all toyhou.se profiles will be linked if available, but some profiles are either hidden because they’re a work in progress, or the characters are so minor i don’t think they’ll need one
will be updated as i make profiles or add new characters to fill various roles
NPCs Directly Related To Trolls
Maagni Halvor - Red-Orange cuspblood. Professional wrestler for the Lowblood Fighting League, and Katrin’s ex-kismesis
SERAPH DOTEXE - “Yellowblood”. An AI chatbot made by Ananta which has gained sentience
Astera Ringoh - Greenblood. Assistant Records Manager for Gaia’s Investigations department, and Glasya’s subordinate
Perria Vanche - Blueblood. Owner of the Pettakere Gallery, Renais’ matesprit and Rosato’s murderer
Merich Emiran - Blueblood. Fleet supervisor for Block 136′s Legislacerators Office; the boss of Dismas, Aislin, Davitt, and Daimon
Marise Sirsei - Indigoblood. Former circus performer, currently works as Belamy’s maid
Leutia Izotze - Purpleblood. Sigrun’s significant other and the local menace of the Arctic North
Loreli Varuna - Purpleblood. Professional Flarper, and Somerl’s ex-matesprit / ex-moirail
Arenai Karasu - Purpleblood. Former leader of OVERSEER, and Shirei’s first love
Veruco Miopah - Tyrianblood. Heiress of a tea company, caused a scandal that almost destroyed Velour’s reputation
Residents of Block 136
Tuulik Werdon - Oliveblood. Cybernetic engineer / specialist, owner of Desert Cockatoo Cybernetics (Formerly Zeylos Cybernetics), Chryso’s moirail
Fisher Cavius - Jadeblood. Celebrity stylist and owner of Cavius Hair and Beauty, Lernie’s matesprit
Lanthi Berrit - Indigoblood. Member of the Subjuggulator Cult, operates as a mutant hunter and ‘oddity killer’ in Block 136
OVERSEER Gang (Shirei’s gang)
Yashie Taebun - Pale redblood. Medic, Kuchea’s matesprit
Kuchea Dentat - Yellowblood. Second-in-command, Yashie’s matesprit
Ossori Faolad - Jadeblood. Former member of the gang in one of it’s earlier incarnations (prior to Arenai becoming leader), currently serves as a guard for the Brooding Caverns
Ardlet Faolad - Jadeblood. Troublemaker, Ossori’s descendant
Red Scarves Gang (Gang Mikiel was formerly a part of, and Soroll is still indebted to)
??? - ???blood. Leader of the gang, identity unknown to all but their closest subordinates
[Various unnamed subordinates - Fighting ring operators, Casino operators, Weapons and Fleet technology dealers, Specialised squadrons, General lackeys, etc.]
Residents of Vernrot Harbour
Phionn Baliso - Greenblood. Chryso’s assistant nurse
Chryso Haanda - Tealblood. Vernrot Harbour’s doctor, Tuulik’s moirail
Lernae “Lernie” Laguno - Blueblood. Tailor and owner of Lernaean Designs, Fisher’s matesprit
[Unnamed owner of the arts and crafts store that Lusien frequently shops at and uses their kiln]
[Unnamed owner of the library, Celise’s boss]
Aeon Racing F1 Team
Ropikk Alaysi - Jadeblood. Sharle’s PR / social media manager and personal trainer, occasionally takes up assistant roles as well
Tiraol “Tira” Rikelo - Tealblood. Number 2 driver for the team, and Sharle’s racing partner
Liburr Konnen - Blueblood. Veteran driver who was Sharle’s former teammate, retired 3 sweeps ago and left the sport entirely
Brabha Forgel - Indigoblood. No. 1 mechanic in charge of Sharle’s car, and a rotating member of the team’s pit crew
Prozit & Negion Lenuve - Indigobloods. Almost-Identical twins and the engineers for Sharle and Tira respectively
Zraike Farina - Purpleblood. Reserve driver for the team, currently racing in F2
Mansel Lonoma - Tyrianblood. Aeon Racing’s team principal, initially started off racing ~40 sweeps ago but retired to pursue a coaching role
[Various unnamed staff - Tira’s personal trainer, other mechanics and pit crew]
Torada Gerrat - Oliveblood. Co-Leader of the Tiger Shark gang and Daimon’s best friend. Killed in a raid by the Red Scarves
Ephrey Prelat - Seafoam Jadeblood. Infamous mage most known for creating a series of cursed books after his apprentice/partner Fleure died. Long-dead
Renais Sulawe - Jade-Teal cuspblood. Former owner of the Pettakere Gallery and Perria’s matesprit. Accidentally killed by Callan
Kybern Zeylos- Blueblood. Cybernetic engineer / specialist, and Katrin’s ex-stalker. Killed by Suhari
Aysnir Obskur - Indigoblood. Celise’s former boss; director, producer, and owner of Obskur Productions. Killed by Celise
Abioye Kersey - Purpleblood. Disgraced seadweller and Eichio’s previous boss. Murdered by Viltau
Nemone Moryan - Purpleblood. Historian and magical artefact dealer, and Linnae’s caretaker. Assassinated along with all of his servants
[Various unnamed servants who worked for Nemone]
Sobeit Quirem - Tyrianblood. Co-Leader of the Tiger Shark gang and Daimon’s best friend. Killed in a raid by the Red Scarves
Miscellaneous Unnamed NPCs
Ashell’s murderer - highblood? One of Ashell’s classmates from when he was studying medicine
Glasya’s other staff (deceased) - The two other Assistant Records Managers who were killed when [REDACTED] destroyed the original Gaia building
Radio BRNR members - Rebel radio station which Raesul is a part of, all members work at the Dragon’s Den Card and Hobby Shop which serves as a front for their operations
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sacred-stanning · 14 days
Credits and Battle Record
I won't post them all since I'm taking cruddy pictures on my phone, and I'm sure better quality versions of these are out there online already, but I just wanted to highlight the really nice still shots that show up as the credits roll.
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Here's another one.
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Finally, there is this scene, from the first time Lyon met the twins.
"Yes, I suppose I am the crown prince of Grado."
"You two were Prince Ephraim and Princess Eirika from Renai, right?"
"I've always wanted friends my own age..."
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Sorry, I got something in my eye...
Playing through this game again, I was reminded of how sad Lyon's story really is. He is definitely one of the more interesting antagonists in Fire Emblem. There have been other Fire Emblem games with tragic antagonists, but I think his story is done particularly well.
After the above scene, the "Turns per map" thing rolls by.
I'm pretty sure chapter 16 is one where I hit end turn over and over to build supports. Lol at that 59 turns
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So yeah, pretty slow. But I was clearing out every enemy on every map for the most part, so that's what happens when you do that!
Next time: Ending cards!
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conexaorevista · 29 days
O narrador esportivo Silvio Luiz, de 89 anos, morreu nesta quinta-feira,16, em São Paulo. A informação foi confirmada pelo Hospital Oswaldo Cruz, onde ele estava internado desde o dia 8 de maio. Silvio teve um AVC durante a transmissão do jogo entre Palmeiras e Santos, pela final do Campeonato Paulista, em abril. Segundo o hospital, o narrador faleceu às 9h40, em decorrência de falência de múltiplos órgãos. Criador de bordões como “olho no lance”, “vai balançar o capim no fundo do gol” e outros, Silvio deixa esposa e três filhos. Silvio Luiz, era contratado da TV Record, e liderava a equipe de transmissões das plataformas digitais da emissora desde 2022. Ele estava em coma induzido, intubado e impossibilitado de fazer hemodiálise devido à fragilidade decorrente da idade e enfrentava problemas renais. Nascido em 14 de julho de 1934, Silvio iniciou sua carreira em 1952, fazendo participações em radionovelas. Como locutor, começou na Rádio Record, passou pela Rádio Bandeirantes e na extinta TV Paulista, foi o primeiro repórter de campo da imprensa esportiva brasileira. Além de narrador, ele também foi árbitro de futebol e ator, participando de novelas na TV Record. Passou por diversas emissoras de rádio e televisão, incluindo Rede TV, Bandsports e SBT, onde narrou a Copa do Mundo de 1994. Ícone da narração esportiva, Silvio Luiz se destacou pelo jeito irreverente, irônico e descontraído nas locuções de futebol, e foi premiado várias vezes como melhor narrador esportivo do Brasil, sendo conhecido por várias gerações de fãs e torcedores. Fique por dentro das notícias que são destaques em Corbélia e região. Clique Aqui e siga nosso Canal no Whatsapp.
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favourite anime and anime characters part 3
Paradox Live
Parasyte-Satomi Murano
Peacemaker Kurogane-Saya
Peach Boy Riverside-Sally/Saltherine Aldarake
Peeping Life TV
Penguin Musume- Sakura “Penguin” Nankyoku
Persona 4 The Animation- Yu Narukami
Persona 5 The Animation-Futaba Sakura 
Persona:Trinity Soul-Kanaru Morimoto
Pet Girl Of Sakurasou- Mashiro Shiina 
Peter Grill and The Philosopher’s Time 
Phantasy Star Online 2 -Rina Izumi[PSO2 TA], Melrandia[PSO2 EO]
Phantom: Requiem For The Phantom- Zwei/ Reiji Azuma, Ein/Eren
Phantom of the Idol-Asahi Mogami 
Phantom of Twilight- Baileu Ton
Phantom Thief Jeanne-Maron Kusakabe
Phi Brain
Photo Kano-Rina Yunoki 
Piano no Mori 
Pilot's Love Song-Claire Cruz/Nina Viento 
Ping Pong Club
Planet With- Ginko Kuroi
Plastic Memories-Isla
Platinum End-Nasse
Play It Cool Guys
Please Teacher/Twins-Mizuho Kazami, Miina Miyafuji[Twins]
Please Tell Me Galko-chan 
Pokemon-Koharu(Pokemon Journeys), Liko(Pokemon Horizons) 
Police in a Pod-Mai Kawai 
Pon no Michi-Pai Kawahigishi 
Pop Team Epic
Popotan- Ai
Potemayo-Mikan Natsu
Power of Hope
Powerpuff Girls Z-Momoko Akatsutsumi 
Precure- Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword(Doki Doki Precure), Ageha Hijiri/Cure Butterfly(Soaring Sky Precure)
Pretty Boy Detetive Club-Mayumi Dojima 
Price of Smiles- Yuuki Soleil 
Prima Doll-Karasuba
Prince Of Stride-Nana Sakurai
Princess Connect-Kokoro Natsume/Kokkoro 
Princess Jellyfish- Tsukimi Kurashita 
Princess Lover-Charlotte Hazelrink
Princess Nine-Ryo Hayakawa 
Princess Princess 
Princess Principal- Ange
Princess Resurrection-Reiri Kamura
Princess Tutu-Ahiru
PriPara-Sophie Hojo. Rinka Aoba(Kiratto Pri Chan)
Prism Ark- Bridget
Prison School-Chiyo Kurihara
Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?- Black Rabbit
Project Scard-Azusa Yuki
Protocol: Rain-Yuu Saegusa
Psychic Detective Yakumo-Haruka Ozawa
Psycho Pass- Akane Tsunemori, Shinya Kogami 
Puella Magi Madoka Magic
Pumpkin Scissors- Alive L. Malvin 
Punch Line- Mikatan Narugino 
PuraOre-Yuu Kiyose
Puzzle and Dragons X- Garnet 
Qualidea Code-Canaria Utara
Quaser Of Stigmata-Tomo Yamanobe 
Queen's Blade-Tomoe
R-15-Fukune Narukara 
Rage Of The Bahamut-Amira, Nina Drango
Ragna Crimson-Leonica
Ragnarok the Animation-Yuufa
Rail Wars-Haruka Koumi
Raimuiro Senkitan-Momen Sanada, Kasuri Hattori[Raimuiro Ryuukitan X]
Rainy Cocoa
Ranking of Kings 
Ranma ½ -Ranma Saotome(female)
Ranpo Kitan
Rave Master- Elie 
Raven of the Inner Palace-Liu Shouxue
Rascal Does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Re:Creators:Meteora Osterreich
Reign of the Seven Spellblades-Nanao Hibiya
Re-Kan-Hibiki Amami
Re:Stage-Mizuha Ichikishima 
Read or Die
Real Girl- Sumie Ayado 
Reborn as a Vending Machine,I Now Wander the Dungeon-Lammis
Reborn to Master the Blade-Inglis “Chris” Eucus 
Records of Grancest War-Siluca Meletes
Record of Lodoss War
Record of Ragnarök-Goll  
Recorder And Ransell 
Recovery of an MMO Junkie-Lily
Recently My Sister Is Unusual-Mitsuki Kanzaki
Red Data Girls-Izumiko Suzuhara
Red Garden 
Redo of Healer-Setsuna 
Regalia-Yuinshiel Asteria 
Reincarnated as a Sword-Fran 
Release The Spyce
ReLife-Chizuru Hishiro
Remi,Nobody’s Girl
Renai Boukun- Akane Hiyama
Rent A Girlfriend-Ruka Sarashina 
Rental Magica-Honami Takase Ambler 
Requiem of the Rose King  
Restaurant To Another World-Aletta
Revolutionary Girl Utena 
Remake Our Life-Aki Shino
Riddle Story Of Devil-Haru Ichinose 
Rifle is Beautiful- Hikari Kokura 
Rio-Rio Rollins Tachibana
Rising of a Shield Hero-Raphtalia 
Rizelmine-Rizel Iwaki 
Robotic:Notes-Akiho Senomiya
Rokka-Flamie Speeddraw 
Rokudou’s Bad Girls-Ranna Himawari 
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori 
Rolling Girls-Nozomi Moritomo 
Romeo X Juliet 
Romantic Killer-Anzu Hoshino
Ron Kamonohashi’s Forbidden Deductions 
Rosario + Vampire- Moka Akashiya, 
RPG Real Estate-Kotone Kazairo 
Rozen Maiden- Shinku
Rumble Garandoll-Rin Akagi 
Run For Money 
Run with the Wind- Hanako Katsuta 
Rurouni Kenshin-Kenshin Himura
Rusted Amor 
RWBY Ice Queendom-Ruby Rose
Sabagebu-Urara Kasugano 
Saber Marionette 
Sabukui Bisco- Pawoo Nekoyanagi 
Sacred Blacksmith- Cecily Cambell
Sacred Seven-Ruri Aiba
Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts- Sariphi 
Saekano- Megumi Kato
Saga of Tanya The Evil-Viktoriya Ivanovna Serebryakov 
Sailor Moon 
Saint Cecillia and Pastor Lawrence-Cecillia 
Saint October 
Saint Seiya
Saint Tail-Meimi Haneoka/Saint Tail 
Saki-Nodoka Haramura
Sakura Diaries- Urara Kasuga
Sakura Quest-Ririko Oribe
Sakura Trick-Haruka Takayama
Sakura Wars- Sakura Shinguji
Sakurada Reset-Misora Haruki 
Salaryman’s Club 
Samurai 7-Kirara Mikumari
Samurai Champloo- Jin, Mugen, Fuu
Samurai Deeper Kyo-Yuya Shiina
Samurai Flamenco-Mari Maya
Samurai Girl-Ryoko Mitsurugi
Samurai Gun
Samurai Harem-Ibuki Ikaruga 
Samurai Warriors 
Sand Land
Sanrio Boys
Sankarea-Rea Sanka
Sansha Sanyou-Youko Nishikawa 
Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement-Mitsuha Yamano 
Sasaki and Peeps 
Sasami-san@Ganbaranai-Sasami Tsukuyomi 
Say I Love You-Mei Tachibana 
Sayonara Zetsubo Sensei
Scared Rider Zeches-Akira Asagi 
Scarlet Nexus-Kasane Randall 
Science Fell in Love So I Tried to Prove It-Ena Ibarada
School Babysitters-Maria Inomata
School Days- Kotonoha Katsura
School Live-Yuuri Wakasa
School Rumble- Tenma Tsukamoto
Schoolgirl Strikers-Yuumi Sajima
Scorching Ping Pong Girls-Koyori Tsumujikaze
Scrapped Princess 
Scum’s Wish-Hanabi Yasuraoka 
Seirei Gensouki-Latifa
Seiren-Hikari Tsuneki 
Seitokai Yakuindomo- Aria Shichijo
Seiyuu's Life-Futaba Ichinose
Sekirei- Musubi 
Sekkou Boys
Selection Project-Suzune Miyama
Sengoku Basara Samurai Kings- Masamune Date,Yukimura Sanada
Sengoku Collection-Ieyasu Tokugawa
Sengoku Choujuu Giga 
Sengoku Night Blood- Yuzuki
Sengoku Youko 
Senran Kagura-Asuka 
Sensual Phrase 
Senryuu Girl -Nanako Yukishiro 
Seraph Of The End-Shinoa Hiiragi
Seraphim Call  
Serial Experiment Lain  
Servant x Service- Lucy Yamagami 
Seton Academy- Ranka Ookami 
Seven Deadly Sins-Elizabeth Lyonesse 
Seven Knights-Ellen
Seven of Seven-Nana Suzuki
Seven Senses of The Re’Union-Asahi Kuga 
Sgt. Frog- Angol Mois,
Shadows House: Emilico
Shadowverse-Mimori Amamiya,Ren Kazamatsuri(Shadowverse Flame)
Shakugan no Shana- Shana 
Shaman King-Anna Kyoyama
Shangri-la- Kuniko Hojo
Shangei-la Frontier 
She Professed Herself Pupil of the Wise Man-Mira
Shenmue The Animation-Joy
Shiki- Natuno Yuki, Sunako Kirashiki
Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie-Shikimori
Shikizakura-Haruko Yamada
Shimoneta-Anna Nishikinomiya 
Shine Post-Rio Seibu
Shining Hearts-Neris
Shining Tears X Wind 
Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion
Shinkyoku Soukai Poluphonica 
Shinobi no Ittoki-Kirei Kisegawa 
Shinya Tensai Bakabon 
Shion no Ou 
Shirobako-Aoi Miyamori
Shirokuma Café
Shironeko Project-Iris
Shrine of the Morning Mist-Yuzu Hieda 
Shokugeki No Soma-Megumi Tadokoro
Shomin Sample-Aika Tenkuubashi
Shounen Hollywood 
Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight 
Shounen Maid-Miyako Otori 
Shounen Onmyouji- Fujiwara no Akiko
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 
Shouwa Monogatari 
Show By Rock- Cyan Hijirikawa, Himeko Mashima[SBRM]
Shuffle!-Kaede Fuyou
Shugo Chara-Amu Hinamori 
Shukufuku No Campanella-Carina Verritti 
Shy-Teru Momijiyama/Shy 
Silent Mobius 
Sin-Maria Totsuka
Sing Yesturday For Me-Shinako Morinome
Sirius The Jaeger
Sisters of Welber 
Silver Guardian 
Silver Spoon-Aki Mikage 
SK8 the Infinity 
Skate Leading Stars 
Skelleton Knight in Another World-Chiyome
Sketchbook-Sora Kajiwara 
Sket Dance- Hime "Himeko" Onizuka 
Skip Beat-Kyoko Mogami
Skip and Loafer-Mitsumi Iwakura
Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Sky Girls-Otoha Sakurano
Sky Wizards Academy- Lecty Eisenach
Slam Dunk
Slayers-Lina Inverse, Zelgadis Greywords
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Catle- Princess Syalis 
Slow Loop-Koharu Minagi 
Slow Start-Kamuri Sengoku
Smile Down the Runway-Chiyuki Fujito
Smile if the Arsnotoria-Arsnotoria 
Snack Basue-Akemi
Snow White With The Red Hair-Shirayuki
So I Can't Play H-Mina Okura
So I’m a Spider, So What- Filmos Harifenas/Kanami Okazaki
Softenni-Chitose Akiyama 
Sola-Matsuri Shihou
Solo Leveling 
SoltyRei-Solty Revant
Somali and the Forest Spirit 
Sonic X -Shadow,Espio,Knuckles 
Sonny Boy-Mizuho
Sono Toki Kanojo wa
Sora No Manimani-Mihoshi Akeno 
Sorcerer Hunters- Tira Misu 
Sorcerous Stabber Orphen-Claiomh Everlasting 
Soul Buster 
Soul Eater-Death The Kid, Tsubaki,Meme Tatane[Soul Eater Not]
Soul Link-Karen Tachibana
Sound Euphonium-Kumiko Oumae 
Sound of the Sky-Kanata Sorami 
Souten Kouro
Space Battleship Tiramitsu
Space Brothers-Serika Itou 
Space Dandy 
Space  Patrol Luluco 
Special 7- Bellemer “Ninja” Cinq 
Special A
Speed Grapher-Kagura Tennouzu 
Spice and Wolf- Holo
Spy Classroom-Lily 
Spy x Family-Yor Forger 
Squid Girl - Squid Girl/Ika Musume
SSSS.Grindman/Dynazenon- Akane Shinjo,Mujina(SSSSDynazenon)
Stand My Heroes-Rei Izumi 
Stars Align-Kanako Mitsue  
Star Driver-Wako Agemaki 
Stardust Telepath- Umika Konohoshi
Starry Sky
Starship Operators 
Starship Girl Yamamoto Yohko
Steel Angel Kurumi-Kurumi
Steins;Gate- Kurisu Makise
Stella Women's Academy , High School Division Class C3
Strain- Lottie Gelh 
Strange Dawn 
Strawberry 100%- Aya Toujou
Strawberry Eggs- Fuko Kuzuha
Strawberry Marshmallow-Nobue Itou
Strawberry Panic-Nagisa Aoi 
Strike The Blood- Yukina Himeragi 
Strike Witches-Yoshika Miyafuji, Hikari Karibuchi(Brave Witches), Inori Shibuya(Luminous Witches) 
Student Council's Discretion. Mafuya Shiina 
Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included-Towa 
Subete Ga F Ni Naru-Moe Nishinosono 
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale-Ann Halford 
Summer Time Render-Ushio Kofune  
Summoned to Another World…. Again?-Yuuhi Hanabashira 
Sumomomo Momomo-Sanae Nakajima
Sunday Without God 
Super Crooks 
Super Cub- Koguma, Shii Eniwa 
Super Doll Licca-chan
Super HxEros-Kirara Hoshino 
Super Robot Wars Original Generation 
Super Sonico The Animation- Super Sonico 
Supernatural the Animation 
Suppose a Kid from the Last Dungeon Boonies Moved to a Starter Town-Alka 
Sweetness and Lightning-Kotori Iida 
Sweets Reincarnation-Licorice Mill Hubarek 
Sword Art Online-Asuna Yuki,LLENN/Karen Kohiruimaki 
Sword Gai
Symphogear-Hibiki Tachibana
Taboo Tattoo-Touko Ichinose 
Tada Never Falls In Love-Teresa Wagner
Taishou Baseball Girls 
Taishou Otome Fairy Tale-Yuzuki Tachibana
Takt Op-Cosette Schneider 
Takunomi-Makoto Kiriyama
Tales of the Abyss-Anise Tatlin 
Tales of Eternia 
Tales of Wedding Rings
Tales of Zestria The X-Edna
Talentless Nana- Nana Hiiragi 
Tamako Market-Tamako Kitashirakawa
Tamayura-Maon Sakurada
Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless-Miyano 
Tantei Opera Milky Holmes- Sherlock Shellingford 
Tantei Team KZ Jiken Note
Tatami Galaxy 
Tawawa on Mondays
Tayutama-Mashiro Mito 
Tearmoon Empire-Mia Luna Tearmoon 
Tears To Tiara-Riannon
Tegami Bachi- Niche   
Tenchi Muyou-Sasami Masaki Jurai
Tenjou Tenge
Tenka Hyakken 
TenPuru-Yuzuki Aoba 
Teppen-Kana Kiyotsuru 
Terra Formars-Hong
Terror In Resonance-Lisa Mishima 
Tesla Note-Botan Negoro
Testament Of The Sister New Devil-Mio Naruse 
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime-Shuna
The 8th Son? Are You Kidding Me?-Louise Yorande Aorelia Oufelbelk
The 100 Girlfriends-Shizuka Yoshimoto
The Helpful  Fox Senko-san- Senko
The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten-Mahiru Shiina 
The Ancient Magus’ Bride – Chise Hatori 
The Apothecary Diaries-Maomao
The Aquatope on White Sand- Kukuru Misakino 
The Banished Former Hero Lives as He Pleases 
The Big O
The Brave Express Might Gaine 
The Café Terrace and Its Goddesses-Shiragiku Ona
The Candidate for Goddess
The Case Files of Jewler Richard-Shouko Tanimoto
The Case Study of Vanitas-Jeanne
The Comic Artist And Assistants- Rina Fuwa
The Dangers in My Heart-Anna Yamada
The Dawn of Witch-Loux Krystas 
The Day I Became God- Hina Sato
The Demon Girl Next Door- Yuko Yoshida
The Demon Prince of Momochi House 
The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy-Riseria Ray Crystaria
The Detective is Already Dead-Siesta 
The Devil Is A Part Timer- Chiho Sakaki
The Dreaming Boy is a Realist-Aika Natsukawa 
The Duke of Death and His Maid-Alice Lendrott
The Dungeon of Black Company-Rimu 
The Eccentric Family-Kaisei Ebisugawa
The Eminence in Shadow-Alexia Midgar 
The Fable
The Family Circumstances of the Irregular Witch-Alissa
The Executioner and Her Way of Life-Akari Tokito 
The Fire Hunter-Touko 
The Faraway Paladin-Robina Goodfellow/Bee 
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil-Lily Amane 
The Fruit of Evolution-Saria 
The Future Diary- Yuno Gasai
The Galaxy Railways 
The Gene of AI-Risa Higuchi 
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses-Ai Mie
The Great Jahy Willl Not Be Defeated-Jahy 
The Heike Story 
The Human Crazy University-Chie Negishi 
The Idaten Deities Know Only Peace-Paula
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague-Fuyutsuki-san
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World-Amelia Rose 
The Irresponsible Captain Tylor-Emi Hanner,Yumi Hanner 
The King of Braves GaoGaiGar 
The Kingdoms of Ruin-Doroka
The Little Lies We All Tell-Chiyo
The Legendary Hero is Dead-Anri Haysworth 
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady-Anisphia Wynn Palettia
The Magnificent Kotobuki-Kylie 
The Maid I Hired Recently is Mysterious-Lilith 
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato[DoNY]
The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen-Pride Royal Ivy 
The Genius Prince’s Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt-Ninym Ralei
The Girl in Twilight- Akane Tsuchimiya 
The Girl Who Leapt Through Space-Akiha Shishidou
The Greatest Demon Lord Is Reborn as a Typical Nobody-Ireena Litz de Olhyde 
The Great Cleric 
The Great Passage –Kaguya Hayashi 
The God of High School- Yoo Mira
The Good Witch of the West 
The Gymastics Samurai-Rei Aragaki 
The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter-Emma Brightness 
The Law of Ueki-Ai Mori  
The Many Sides of Voice Actor Radio 
The Marginal Service-Lyra Candeyheart
The Master of Ragnarok & Blesser of Einherjar-Linnea
The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today-Saku Fukuzawa
The Misfit of Demon King Academy-Misha Necron 
The New Gate
The Ones Within- Himiko Inaba 
The Prince of Tennis 
The Promised Neverland 
The Quintessential Quintuplets- Ichika Nakano 
The Reflection 
The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World-Yifa
The Royal Tutor 
The Ryuuou’s Work Is Never Done-Ai Hinatsuru
The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent-Sei Takanashi
The Severing Crime Edge 
The Story of Saiunkoku 
The Strongest Sage with the Weakest Crest-Lurie Abendroth
The Strongest Tank’s Labyrinth Raids-Luna
The Tale of the Outcast-Wisteria Langley 
The Third-Honoka
The Thousand Musketeers 
The Unwanted Undead Adventurer 
The Vexations of a Shut In Vampire Princess-Terakomari Gandesblood
The Vampire Dies in No Time-Hinaichi  
The Vision of Escaflowne 
The Wallflower 
The Weakest Tamer Began a Journey to Pick Up Trash 
The Witch and the Beast
The World God Only Knows- Elsie 
The World’s Greatest Assassin Gets Reincarnated In Another World as an Aristocrat-Tarte
The World Ends with You  
The World is Still Beautiful-Nike Lemercier 
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic 
The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting-Yaeka Sakuragi
The Yuzuki Family Four Sons-Uta Kirishima
Thermae Romae 
Those Snow White Notes-Shuri Maeda, Sakura Yamano 
This Art Club Has A Problem-Mizuki Usami
Those Who Hunt Elfs- Ritsuko Inoue
Tiger and Bunny- Kotetsu Kuburagi/Wild Tiger, Barnaby Brooks Jr
Tiger Mask W-Haruna Takaoka
Time Bokan 24-Calen 
Time Travel Girl-Mari Hayase 
Tis Time for “Torture”, Princess-Princess
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun-Nene Yashiro
Tomo-chan Is a Girl-Tomo Aizawa
Tonagura-Kazuki Arisaka
To Be Hero 
Too Cute Crisis-Garmie Lou 
Toji no Miko- Kanami Etou
Tokimeki Memorial Only Love-Tsukasa Kasuga
Tokko- Saya Shindo
Tokyo 24th Wad 
Tokyo ESP-Rinka Urushiba 
Tokyo Ghoul-Hinami Fueguchi
Tokyo Majin-Aoi Misato 
Tokyo Mew Mew-Ichigo Momomiya
Tokyo Ravens-Kyouko Kurahashi 
Tokyo Revengers-Hinata Tachibana
Tomica Kizuna Gattai 
Tomodachi Game-Yutori Kokorogi
Tonari no Youkai-san 
Tonikaku Kawaii- Tsukasa Yuzaki 
To the Abandoned Sacred Beats- Nancy Schaal Bancroft 
To Heart-Multi, Konomi Suzuhara[TH2]
To-Love-Ru- Lala Satalin Deviluke
To Your Eternity-Rean 
Toradora- Taiga Aisaka 
Toriko- Toriko,Rin
Toshokan Sensou
Touka Gettan-Momoka Kawakabe
Touken Ranbu
Toward the Terra 
Tower of Druaga-Coopa
Tower of God- Endorsi Jahad
TP Bon 
Train to the End of the World-Akira Shinonome
Trails of Cold Steal Northern War-Altina Orion 
Trapped in a Dating Sim-Olivia
Triage X- Mikoto Kiba 
Tribe Nine-Saori Arisugawa 
Trickster-Makoto Noro
Trinity Blood -Able Nightroad, Esther Blanchette
Trinity Seven- Lilith Asami 
Trigun- Vash The Stampede. Milly Thompson, Meryl Stryf
Trouble Chocolate-Hinano
True Tears-Noe Isurugi
Try Knights 
Tsubasa:Mokona Modoki[white], Sakura
Tsuki Ga Kirei-Akane Mizuno
Tsuki wa Higashi ni Hi wa Nishi ni
Tsukipro The Animation 
Tsukumogami Kashimasu-Okou 
Tsurezure Children-Yuki Minagawa
Tsuyokiss-Sunao Konoe
Twin Star Exorcist-Mayura Otomi 
Two Car 
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru
UchiTama-Momo Hanasaki 
Udon No Kuni No Kin-iro Kemari 
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie-Sanada
Ueno-san wa Bukiyou-Ueno
Ulysses- Jeanne D’Arc 
Umi Monogatari-Kanon Miyamori 
Umisho-Amuro Ninagawa 
Uma Musume Pretty Derby-Special Week, Rice Shower 
Unbreakable Machine-Doll-Yaya
Uncle from Another World-Sumika Fujimiya 
Undead Girl Murder Farce-Aya Rindo
Undead Unluck-Fuuko Izumo 
Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles-Philuffy Aingram 
Under Ninja 
Unlimited Fafnir-Iris Freyja
Ultimate Girls
Ultimate Otaku Teacher-Sachiko Tanaka/Kisaki Tenjouin 
Ultra Maniac-Ayu Tateishi, Nina Sakura
Ultraviolet Code 044
Unnamed Memory-Tinasha
Urara Meirochou-Chiya
Urahara-Rito Sudo
Urawa No Usagi-chan 
Urusei Yatsura-Lum 
Usagi Drop
Ushio And Tora-Asako Nakamura
Uta No Prince-Sama-Haruka Nanami 
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out-Hana Uzaki
Val x Love- Mutsumi Saotome
Valkyria Chronicles-Alicia Melchiott
Valkyrie Drive-Mamori Tokonome 
Valvrave The Liberator-Shoko Sashinami 
Vampire Dormitory
Vampire Knight-Yuki Cross/Kuran
Vampire Princess Miyu 
Vandread-Dita Liebely 
Vatican Miracle Examiner 
Vazzrock The Animation 
Venus Versus Virus-Sumire Takahana
Vermeil in Gold-Vermeil 
Vinland Saga 
Vilainess Level 99-Yumiella Dolkness 
Violet Evergarden
Viral Hit
Virtual-san Looking
Visual Prison  
Vividred Operation-Himawari Shinomiya 
Vlad Love-Mai Vlad Transylvania 
Voice of Fox  
Wagamama High Spec
Waka Okami wa Shougakusei-Oriko”Okko” Seki
Wakaba Girl
Wake Up Girls 
Walkure Romanze-Mio Kisaki
Wandering Son
Wandering Witch-Fran
Wangan Midnight 
Wanna Be The The Strongest In The World-Sakura Hagiwara 
Waiting In The Summer-Ichika Takatsuki 
Warlords of Sigrdrifa- Miyako Muguruma
Wasteful Days of High School Girls- Saku “Loli” Momoi 
WataMote-Yuu Naruse 
Wataten- Miyako Hoshino 
Wave Listen to Me-Minare Koda
We Never Learn-Fumino Furuhashi
We Were There- Nanami “Nana” Takahashi
We Without Wings-Hiyoko Tamaizumi
Wedding Peach 
Weiss Krauz
Weiss Survive 
Welcome to the Ballroom-Mako Akagi
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun-Clara Valac
Welcome to The N.H.K-Misaki Nakahara 
When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace-Hatoko Kushikawa
When Will Ayumu Make His Move-Urushi Yaotome
Whisper Me a Love Song-Himari Kino 
Whispered Words-Sumika Murasame 
White Album-Yuki Morikawa, Kazusa Touma[WH2] 
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion- Raeliana McMillan 
Why The Hell Are You Here Teacher-Mayu Matsukaze  
Wise Man’s Grandchild- Sizilien “Sicily “ con Claude 
Wind Breaker
Witchblade- Masane Amaha
Witch Craft Works- Ayaka Kagari
Witch Hunter Robin
WIXOSS-Ruuko Kominato, Suzuko Homura[LIW], Akino Onko[WIXOSS Diva(A)Live]
Wizard Barristers-Cecil Sudo
Wolf Girl And Black Prince-Erika Shinohara
Wolf's Rain- Tsume, Kiba
Wonder Egg Priority- Ai Ohta 
Woodpecker Detective’s Office 
Wooser's Hand To Mouth Life
Working!!-Popura Taneshima, Hana Miyakoshi[WWW.Working]
World Break-Shizuno Urushibara
World Conquest Zvezda Plot-Kate Hoshimiya/Lady Venera 
World DaI Star-Yae Niizuma 
World’s End Harem 
World of Narue-Narue Nanase 
World Trigger-Chika Amatori,Yuichi Jin
Wotakoi- Narumi Momose 
Xam'd: Lost Memories 
Xenosaga The Animation-Shion Uzuki 
xxxHoLic-Zashiki Warashi, Yuko Ichihara
Ya Boy Kongming-Eiko Tsukimi 
Yaiba-Sayaka Mine
Yakitate Japan-Tsukino Azusagawa 
Yamada-kun And The Seven Witches-Urara Shiraishi 
Yamada's First Time: B Gata H Kei-Yamada
Yami To Boushi To Hon No Tabihito-Hazuki Azuma 
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki
Yatterman Night-Alouette 
Yoake Mae yori Ruriiro na-Mia Clementis 
Your Lie In April-Kaori Miyazono 
You’re Under Arrest-Yoriko Nikaidou
Yondemasuyo Azazel-san-Rinko Sakuma
Yosuga No Sora-Nao Yorihime
Youkai Gakuen Y-Fubuki Himekawa
Young Black Jack
Yowamushi Pedal-Miki Kanzaki 
Yozakura Quartet- Hime Yarizakura
Yu-Gi-Oh-Black Magician Girl, Asuka Tenjoin(YGOGX), Aki Izayoi(YGO5Ds), Kotori Mizuki(YGOZEXAL),Yuzu Hiiragi(YGOARCV),Aoi Zaizen(YGOVRAINS),Romin Kirishima(YGOSEVENS),Yuamu Ohdo(YGOGORUSH)
Yumeiro Patissiere
Yume no Crayon Oukoku 
Yume Tsukai
Yumeria-Mizuki Agatsume
Yurei Deco 
Yuri is My Job-Hime Shiraki/Hime Shirasagi
Yurikuma Arashi-Kureha Tsubaki 
Yuru Yuri- Chitose Ikeda 
Yuuki Yuuna Is A Hero-Mimori Tougou/Sumi Washio
Yuuna and Haunted Hot Springs- Yuuna Yunohara
YuYu Hakusho-Koto
Yuyushiki-Yukari Hinata
Zatch Bell-Megumi Oumi 
Zegapain-Ryouko Kaminagi 
Zetman- Jin Kanzaki
Zettai Bouei Leviatan-Leviatan
Zettai Karen Children-Kyousuke Hyoubu 
Zoids- Rei-Mii(ZG)
Zom 100-Shizuka Mikazuki 
Zombie Land Saga- Sakura Minamoto
Zombie Loan-Michiru Kita
Zone of Enders 
Z/X-Ena Soranokawa(Z/X Code Reunion).Ayase Kamiyugi(Z/X Ignition)
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