#Renew MML
newts-frogs-toads · 10 months
No, you’re NOT a real cartoon fan. I’m so sick of all these people who think they're cartoon fans. No, you’re not. Most of you are not even close to being cartoon fans. I see these people saying “I rewatched this cartoon over 100 times, it’s great!” that’s nothing, most of us can easily watch all our cartoons 300+ times. I see people only know "The Simpsons" and claim to be cartoon fans. Come talk to me when you‘ve watched a single episode of Sonic X and we can be friends. Also DEAR ALL TUMBLR USERS: My adventures with superman is not a real cartoon. Owl house is not a real cartoon. Wander over yonder is not a real cartoon. Amphibia is not a real cartoon. Gravity falls is not a real cartoon. Milo murphy's law is NOT.A.REAL.CARTOON. put down the baby shows and watch something that requires challenge and thought for once. Sincerely, all of the ACTUAL cartoon fans.
Inspo: https://www.tumblr.com/mezzorizahawkeye/724915985989156864/no-youre-not-a-real-theatre-kid-im-so-sick-of?source=share
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sofiaherzu-1 · 5 months
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5 years ago, Milo Murphy’s Law Season 2 premiered as a crossover with Phineas & Ferb.
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redsdwampystuff · 2 years
Am I the only P&F fan who doesn’t want more P&F content?
The show ran for a long time. If it hadn’t been cancelled, I don’t think it would’ve been too much longer until it overstayed its welcome. Plus we got an incredibly satisfying finale (... that for some reason was followed by one more episode and a movie).
Maybe one more movie or a couple more specials would be fine, but it seems to me like Disney wants to treat P&F the way Nickelodeon treats SpongeBob, which I really don’t want.
And then there’s the fact that Disney is giving MML the exact opposite form of mistreatment, which I will never not be mad about.
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danvillecheese · 1 year
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how it feels when ur favourite childhood show gets renewed almost ten years after it finished
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devilants · 1 month
Wait, if pnf can get renewed for a new season. Does that give us hope for mml as well?
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okay okay since pnf is getting renewed and I've finally calmed down a bit here's my list of demands as compensation for no mml season 3 things I'd love to see in the next two seasons
!!!!!!bujeet!!!!!!!! more!!!!!!!
i will forever be screeching to see buford accidentally blush for like 0.5 seconds at baljeet before being all "sHuT uP nErD" in this essay i will-
more vanessa pls pls pls
more montnessa too (and please kill off the ferbnessa 😭 ferb having a one-sided puppy dog crush on her is cute it's fine but other than that move far far away from ferbnessa)
and just more stacy in general. more stacy man she's the best
a few more of the mainly fireside girls episodes because oml those are gems
lots and lots and lots more neurodivergent shenanigans. LIKE LOOOOTS MORE
someone has two dads!!! or two moms!!! or two nb/gq/gnc parents!!!! or a single parent!!!! I AM BEGGING U PLEASE-
mml cameos. I do not make the rules.
mml references sprinkled in here and there
hng references!!!
ofc phinabella
more love händel more love händel more love händel more love händel-
(very very very long shot but perhaps a redo of aya or at least a little time skip forward for one episode?)
i just think doofenshmirtz should create a tapshoeinator
candace and vanessa taking tap dancing (@caitlinsnow-yayyy if ykyk)
more ducky momo 😭😭
okay but most of all if after this I actually don't get any mml content or queer content at all like zero like none like zilch I will screech. it will become not my 'hot motivated chaotic' villain origin story but instead my 'sobbing in a corner with my honorary peter the panda plushie' villain origin story
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Cav and Dakota sweep 🥳🥳🥳🥳 this is compensation for mml not getting renewed
Congrats on these two winning!
Also sorry for letting your Childhood Nostalgia and Gay Yuri fight against each other, truly a tough battle.
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I wonder what perry and Doof are going to be like in the Phineas and Ferb renewal since (according to Milo Murphys law):
1. Doof has sworn off evil and is turning to the good side
2. I have no idea what their relationship status is as of the end of mml S2. Since the show got cancelled, I don't think we ever saw their plot line get resolved fully. It's assumed they are on good terms but honestly who knows
This is assuming that the episode "The Phineas and Ferb Effect"/MML S2 takes place BEFORE the renewal, which does make sense given that S2 of MML canonically takes place during the winter months (the whole "Yeah he gets abducted once a season" jokes in the last episodes). So I'm assuming that this show takes place in the summer AFTER MML, which makes me hopeful to see the MML characters reappear. Not necessarily for a whole crossover episode (which might be nice to tie up that crossover joke Milo made in The Phineas and Ferb Effect episode ), but at least see the characters have some small reappearance or role to show to the audience that hey! They made it all back from space okay!
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katarvitz · 1 year
Battletech: Exodus-class Frigate
Production Information
Manufacturer: Corona Orbital Drive Yards
Production Year: 3149
Use: WarShip
Type: Frigate
Tech Base: Mixed-Tech WarShip
Technical Specifications
Mass: 580,000
Length: 615 Metres
Safe Thrust: 3g
Max Thrust: 4.5g
Sail Diameter: 1200 metres
Sail Integrity: 4
Burn Rate: 39.52
Fuel: 5,000 tons
KF Drive Integrity: 16
LF Battery: Yes
Dropship Capacity: 4
Crew: 250
Grav Decks: 2, 115, and 125 metre diameters
Escape Pods/Life Boats: 100/150
Heat Sinks: 486 (972)
Structural Integrity: 60
3 x Medium NPPCs
4 x Heavy NPPCs
6x AR-10s
24 x Gauss rifles
15 x LRM-20s with Artemis IV FCS
12 x NL45s
24 x ER Large Lasers
18x MML 9 w/Artemis IV FCS
50x AMS
Shortly after its establishment, the precarious location of the Maclnir Commonwealth meant its leaders sought ever better defences. Even as the Nilgaard Feifdom’s territories were fortified and saw huge urban renewal programs, the Commonwealth’s leaders sought a means to defend its small fleet of JumpShips after attaining a heavily damaged YardShip for its use. Hoping to repeat the Taurian Concordat’s famous Concordat-class Heavy Frigate design, the Exodus was constructed to be fast, hard hitting, and allow for the rapid deployment of DropShips onto enemy targets.
Initially utilising the Suffren as a guideline, the result was a semi-effective Frankenstein design that nevertheless met their intended goals. Fast, durable, and capable of engaging targets at vast ranges, the Exodus was nevertheless a costly investment even for a Warship. Difficulties in combining tech of various origins meant that the ship’s internal systems were often temperamental, and the design still struggled to keep pace with ship development of larger powers.
The ship is still in use now, with the first in service while a second is close to completing construction. However, efforts to refine the design means that it will likely soon fall by the wayside in favour of either designs emulated from other powers or upgraded builds.
The Exodus was intended to arrive in warzones and actively engage targets while supporting orbital assaults. To this end, much of the ship’s arsenal has been built with extreme range engagements in mind. A mix of prow-mounded naval PPCs and AR-10s allows the ship to offer heavy far reaching bombardments, while both its armour plating and considerable array of AMS systems deal with returning fire. Even so, the mix of medium-range weapons such as Gauss Rifles further bolsters its firepower against targets that close the distance. Steady point defence efforts from missile launchers further deters aerospace attacks, with many of these situated about the spinal DropShip launch areas.
Three aft-mounted launch bays are situated toward the back of the vessel, situated away from the primary engagement angles of the Exodus, and allowing for the rapid launch of its additional support craft.
The Exodus has three primary cargo bays, utilised to hold thirty small craft along with a full marine battalion.
The ship is typically accompanied by a combination of Stingray aerospace fighters, Hrothgar-class DropShips (the blueprints of which were attained thanks to a munitions and information trade with unknown parties), and Duat-class DropShips recovered from the Inner Sphere.
This is the third sort-of Battletech related piece I've churned out, and the first on a ship. While I didn't plan upon going down the Special Snowflake route with the Maclnir Commonwealth, after the deeply flawed but semi-effective design of the Siege Perilous, I felt that the leaders would push to make WarShips ASAP. So, as a result, here's something they'd likely churn out given their technological edge and industrial base. A frigate built with the intent of hitting hard, taking hits in return, and outrunning anything of a similar tonnage that it can't outfight. Along with adapting existing designs and any tech I could justify them having, I tried to set it up as something that would be highly effective on paper, but would have a few severe design flaws that might force it to be retired after a time.
After all, just because they've got an edge in terms of knowledge and resources most in the Deep Periphery currently lack, it doesn't meant they'll get things right the first time.
I imagine after this they'd probably end up looking into Pocket WarShips to help bulk out their early fleet, like the Word of Blake's Interdictors, in another ironic twist given their origins opposing that group. Still, that will have to be done at a time I can focus upon setting out and adding another chapter into their story.
Also, as a final note, the Hrothgar-class Dropship's stats were dreamed up by SlingBlade87, so please check it out on his account.
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justzawe · 2 years
The backlash happened in 2019 and MML didn’t film until March 2021. - I took it to mean that she had to drop out because her series was renewed and she’d have to film the series when MML was going to film. But you are right. The timing seems totally off, especially if she dropped out only two weeks prior. Maybe she dropped out because she realized she still wasn’t in a healthy mental state? We may never know. But I wish her the best. No one should have to go through that yet we see it day in and day out. Never learning the lessons. Always finding another woman to bring down.
Orrrr she wanted to be in The Terminal List instead, which started filming March 9, 2021.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Theo James really got the last laugh huh. Mr. Malcolm's List was an excellent movie, season 2 of The White Lotus was a big hit and now he's starring in the new Guy Ritchie Netflix show. He even survived The Time Traveler's Wife flopping unscaved.
Honestly, I think the real winner is Leo Suter because he’s gone off to be a hot himbo lead on a Netflix show that was renewed through season 3 before season 1 even premiered, lol. He was allll over Twitter when season 2 premiered. I don’t think anyone knew he had that kind of juice beforehand. It’s a total image transformation for him.
I’m not a big fan as a fan of most of Theo’s projects since Sanditon, aside from MML. Guy Ritchie’s last project was one of the worst things I’ve seen in my life and so was the time travel show… but hey, White Lotus did very well and the reality is that he’s gainfully employed in fairly high profile projects. He made the right move, and I hope that eventually he’s in something I actually want to waaaatch.
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newts-frogs-toads · 5 months
I need help I cant stop thinking about dakavendish They take up my every waking thought and also my sleeping thoughts Every day when I do homework or something I think of them Every time I like a new ship I think thats cute What if it was dakavendish I've read every fic about them on Ao3 and watched every video about them on yt On tiktok my fyp is mostly them and I cant stop it because every time I stay to watch the videos /hj
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freddiemark · 1 year
Top 3 Profitable Unlisted Shares & Pre IPO To Buy in 2023
Best opportunity to invest in top 3 profitable Unlisted Shares & Pre IPO. Investing in these shares is a good option for the most people who really want to make more and more money from their investments. There can we be various methods of doing this and if you will pick the right company, it could gives you Execellent Returns on your investments. But many people don't know the process of finding profitable companies that can gives us best return on inventsments. This makes it diffcult for them to invest in shares without wasting too much time on ressearch. For getting amazing returns you have to know about the right company. Here, I will sugeest you to take consultation form Planify. Planify Team at Share Investor has put together an informative article today will help you to understand how to choose an Unlisted Shares that is going to give you Best return in 2023.
Here are Top 3 Profitable Unlisted Shares & Pre IPO : 1. Mohan Meakin Mohan Meakin Upcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO) : The 163-year-old corporation is considering re-listing its equity shares on the Delhi and Calcutta stock exchanges, some 16 years after they were de-listed. They have filed documents to re-list on the exchanges with the Metropolitan Stock Exchange (MSE). The company has not filed any DRHP for the IPO as of now.
Mohan Meakin Share Price : Currently the Mohan Meakin Share Price is ₹1,470.00/Share. Mohan Meakin Limited (MML) is a large conglomerate that began with Asia's first brewery, manufacturing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages is the company's main business. The company’s alcoholic products include whiskies, beers, brandies, gins, rums, and vodka. Its non-alcoholic products comprise apple juices, brewed and non-fruit vinegars, and mineral water; and breakfast foods, such as corn flakes, wheat porridge, wheat flakes, and wheat dalia, as well as malt extracts.
2. NCL Buildtek NCL Buildtek Upcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO) : The plans of the company for IPO has been kept on hold for the time being. In view of the sub-optimal performance due to covid, the company feels it is not the correct time to approach the market with a share issue.
NCL Builtek Share Price : Currenlty the NCL Buildtek Share Price is ₹209.00/Share. NCL Buildtek Ltd. ("NCL Buildtek"), formerly known as NCL Alltek & Seccolor Ltd. is a part of the NCL Group. The company is primarily involved in manufacturing and selling spray plasters, paints, skim coat, steel profiles, doors, windows (steel, ABS & uPVC) and fly ash bricks.
3. NCL Holdings NCL Holdings Upcoming Initial Public Offering (IPO) : The company is not planning IPO so far. Its main revenue comes from their subsidiaries companies.Company's objective are to make and hold investment in corporate and non-corporate entities engaged in manufacturing, trading or provision of services, either as pure investment with right to participate in management of such facilities. It's main products are Hydro Power, Real estate & Construction, Seeds, and Chemicals. NCL Holdings is a Telangana based company. NCL holdings formed on 05th Jan. 2018.
NCL Holdings Share Price : Currently the NCL Holdings Share Price is ₹66.00/Shares. NCL Holdings is a investment holding company having three subsidiaries i.e. NCL Green Habitats Pvt. Ltd and Eastern Ghat Renewable Energy Limited and Suncrop Science. The company operates an investment company to make the investment in majorly, building materials, construction, agro, chemicals and renewable power projects(majorly hydro). Moreover, company was incorporated too acquire non-building materials asset held by NCL Buildtek Limited along with equivalent reserves vide NCLT Demerger order dated 24th January 2019.
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lukas-dreemurr37 · 3 years
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✨ do it for him ✨
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danvillecheese · 1 year
as tragic as mml never getting renewed is you kinda have to appreciate the irony of a show called ‘milo murphy’s law’ getting cancelled and left on a cliffhanger
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lovelywayniac · 3 years
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A poster project for Digital Art 2. (Yes, these are bootleg versions of Milo Murphy’s Law characters.)
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