#Rengoku-san no please cook them
gamergirl-niffler · 5 months
A Bitter-sweet Birthday || Kyojuro x reader
Happy Birthday to my one and only Flame Hashira - Kyojuro! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
I miss the series, but mostly I miss him. Since it's his birthday, I decided to write something short.
Tags: @doumadono @shonen-brainrot @arthurbristow
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The day was sunny and calm with no clouds in the beautiful blue sky.
You woke up early and immediately started to get ready in the quiet privacy of your own room. The day was very important since it was your beloved's birthday today, and you were beaming with excitement and happiness.
The kimono you decided to wear was simple yet pretty. It was plain white fabric with a fiery pattern at the edges, and with fitting red obi and golden obijime. You looked like the real Rengoku, just without flame-like hair.
You were working on pinning your hair up when your door slid open. 
Senjuro looked inside and smiled, seeing you in front of the little vanity table. "You are up early. I should have expected that you would be excited to celebrate. Do you need help?" He asked with his soft voice.
You nodded your head. "Yes, please. You are much better at this."
Boy laughed and soon joined you, easily pining your hair up in a simple hairstyle that suited the occasion.
"Oh! Can you put it in?” You asked, handing him a gold hairpin.
Senjuro nodded and fulfilled your request. "My brother did his best picking this for you."
"Yes, I know. Best gift ever," you chuckled and looked into the mirror, admiring Senjuro's work. "Thank you so much."
"No problem. Will you help me a little too? I need some help with cooking,” he asked, and you of course nodded before getting up and following him to the kitchen.
There, you pulled your sleeves up and helped him with preparing miso soup with sweet potatoes and some simple sweets. After all it was a day to celebrate, and what celebration would it be without real sweets!
"You think we have everything?” you asked.
Senjuro shook his head. "I couldn't buy the last thing from our list," he said, looking down.
You just gave him a small smile and ruffled his hair. "No need to worry, we can buy it on our way to him.”
"There will be no need for that. Here.” It was no one else but Shinjuro. 
At first his sudden, loud voice made you stiff, but then you realized he was handing you a box with the last thing from the list. Blinking, you looked up at him, not hiding your confusion.
"Just take those to him. I bought them this morning after seeing them on Senjuro's list. I figured out you will need these," man explained.
You smiled widely and bowed. "Thank you so much, Shinjuro-san. We indeed needed those."
"Thank you, father, he will be happy to receive these," Senjuro added with a kind smile.
Shinjuro looked at both of you as if he wanted to add something, but he decided to stay quiet instead. He just turned away and left.
The two of you returned to cooking and chatting, sharing some giggles while doing so.
When the food was ready, Senjuro packed it up, you collected other stuff you planned to take, and you both set off on the road.
It wasn't a long trip but going with a friend was an amazing feeling. 
The closer you got, the more excited you became. You couldn't wait to celebrate Kyojuro's birthday.
The burial ground seemed quiet and calm, as if it was frozen in time together with everyone else, buried deep in its grounds. 
All you could hear were birds singing softly, their songs carried by a quiet whisper of the wind that sneaked around the crowns of trees and soft splash of a river nearby. The sun's gentle warmth enveloped the serene atmosphere, casting a comforting glow on the world.
"Aniki," Senjuro said happily and ran up to one of the graves, setting everything down next to it. 
You quickly followed him and smiled looking at the grave. "Good to see you again, love."
After the quick greeting, you and Senjuro got to work, cleaning the grave. You made sure to visit Kyojuro regularly so there was a small amount of cleaning needed.
In the end, you pulled out the box that Shinjuro gave you and pulled out incense sticks. You lit them up and placed them on the grave.
You and Senjuro clasped your hands together, preparing for the prayer ahead with a sense of unity and reverence.
Senjuro finished first, and started putting down a little blanket. You joined him shortly after, and helped him with setting everything up.
"Aniki. Everything's good at home, father has stopped drinking, and things are much calmer there now. He even accepted Y/N around," Senjuro said, even if his words were greeted by nothing but silence. 
"That's true, but I still try to do my best to stay out of his way. Today he bought us incense sticks for you, love," you smiled softly.
Senjuro nodded and picked up his little bowl of soup. "Happy birthday, aniki. I wish you were still here. I miss having you around.”
You smiled sadly, doing the same as he did. "Happy birthday, my love. I miss you dearly." 
The rest of the celebration went calmly. 
You talked and joked with Kyojuro, telling him everything that happened since the last visit.
If you only knew he was there indeed, sitting next to his own grave, listening to both of you and feeling happy, hoping the warm sun rays would convey how glad he was to celebrate his birthday with his little brother and the love of his life.
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therantfairysblog · 6 days
Happy birthday Iguro san
✍️ notes : it so lateee for his birthday but I'm getting writer's block and I'm not good at writing sweet stuff. Sorryyy iguro san, happy birthday 🎈🎈🥳🎉
Humming, prettily under the tree, she took a look at a little bento box she prepared. Kanroji sit, under the tree, watching a group of children playing around. She chuckled.
She put out a little mirror, checking her hair she put in a bun, her pink kimono that she never wear yet, smiling a little, showing off her reddish lip.
"hmm, hmmm....🎶
Iguro walking carefully among the crowd, to be honest he dislike it. He was never get used of that many people.
Kanroji send her letter to met him today, but she never tell why and she looked excited too.
He arrive at their promised place. Kanroji was there sitting prettily with her new kimono. He stunned. She's always beautiful but that day, she looked like an angel.
"Iguro sann, you come," Kanroji waving her hand. Her smile is so mesmerizing.
"hi Kanroji,....you look fine today"
"hehe thank you. Iguro san too. Come here, i prepared something for you,"
"happy birthday, iguro san. " kanroji put out her bento box, a basket full of sweet and cakes she made herself.
Iguro feels his cheeks reddening. Kanroji prepared a lot and she's absolutely stunning today.
The day was clear with fall wind caressing their face. Iguro watch the love of his life eating with a faint smile behind his mask.
"thank you Kanroji, you prepared a lot," despite his small appetite and his developed hatred towards food, watching kanroji eating, for some reason make him hungry. There's some foreign cooking that he never taste too but rather than afraid of it, he feel curious.
"iguro-san, i made this strawberry cakes by myself. It takes a lot of trial but thanks God, it's come out quite good at last. I hope you like it," Iguro startled when Kanroji hand out a piece of pink strawberry cakes to him, attempting to feed him. He hesitant for a while, it's remind him of his family, suddenly his chest feel heavy, sweating.
"are you okay, iguro san, I'm sorry, are you okay?" Kanroji's voice startled him again.
"yes...yes I'm okay," he slowly open up his bandage, although he still quite afraid of Kanroji's view on his ugliness. As pure as she is, she never complain or questioned his face, which he relief of it but feel sorry for. The cake taste so heavenly as sweet as her. Iguro smiling put her worry away for a bit. He doesn't want Kanroji to feel bad or worry about him.
"iguro san, i wish you happiness, have a long live, i hope we can remain together for a long time," her smile mesmerized him.
'if only, we could meet in difference circumstances, and I'm not an iguro, perhaps'.
"of course, thank you so much Kanroji"
"I don't even remember my birthday, nor today is my exact birthday to be honest," iguro started their talk while walking along the riverside.
"oh...err I'm not stalking you or anything....i wonder iguro san birthday, so i just asking from rengoku san....i mean he told me you live with them for a while....so...hmm, please don't feel weird about me..." kanroji reddening face with her bit panicking gesture chuckled him.
'oh my, Kanroji san please calm down," he laughed.
" it's not that, the way you care about my birthday, is a precious gift alone for me. This day, is just the day kyujuro choose for my birthday, it's the day i was saved. It's not really my birthday,"
There's sadness in his voice. Kanroji stopping her walk, her hand naturally touching his haori.
"Iguro san, the day you born, the day you saved, the day we meet. I wish Iguro san never feel burden, i want iguro san to feel happy every day, today, tomorrow too. At the very least, i wish Iguro san could feel a warm happiness when you with me like this. " her face turned red.
It's not a confession but why his heart beating so hard. Kanroji stood in front of him, with her holding his hand.
"Kanroji san...if you allow it. Can i.."
She just nodding her head. Slowly Iguro pulling her into his arms, hugging her as tightly as he could. Mitsuri hugging him back, tightly.
"I'm so happy, kanroji san. I'm so happy, thank you," he let his tears fall slowly in his cheeks. Kaburamaru moving slowly, as if hugging them both.
That day is perhaps the best day and the happiest day he ever feel in his 21 years of life.
"Happy birthday Iguro san"
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six-eyed-samurai · 5 months
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Sorry this is so trash y'all, I was getting stressed out and had no idea where it was going. If you don't like OC children I suggest you don't read.
“If we ever get reborn, if we're born again as human beings, will you make me your wife?”
*** Some things never changed, no matter the time, distance…number of reincarnations.
The famously red and yellow shock of hair inherited by all the descendants of the Rengoku family, for one. The scarred faces and hot tempers of the Shinazugawas, for another. The whiny cowardice and obsession with girls in the Agatsuma boys.
And the beautiful but tragic love story that was the romance between the former sour Serpent Pillar and sweet Love Pillar.
Sometimes when Mitsuri met up with Shinobu they’d talk about if, hypothetically, one day the Corps were no longer needed and demons no longer existed, what would they like to do?
“I’d really like it if Iguro-san and I got together! He’s so sweet to me, he even gave me these socks! He’s kind of cute too.”
“Would you really like to get married to someone as bitter as him?” Shinobu hid her trademark smile behind her teacup.
“Of course! If - if he’d have me. I’ve always wanted to have a big family with a lot of kids. Three or four? I’m not too sure, but we’d have so much fun together! I’d love to braid my girl’s hair or - ooh, or talk to them about boys, and if I did have any sons I’d love to cook for them! Oooh, do you think we could play sports together? I’m sure I could keep up.”
“...you’d do more than keep up, Mitsuri-chan.”
Parallel in eerily similar ways Obanai too would pour out the same musings to his best friend in the Corps over complaining about Tomioka’s face or simply just training together. The only differences, perhaps, was that Sanemi was getting fed up that Obanai was not making a move and the Serpent Pillar wasn’t so sure he’d make a good father…or that he even wanted children.
“When are you going to stop dreaming and complaining about whatever sunshiney marriage dream you’re having with Kanroji to me and actually tell her? Fxxking coward.” Sanemi deftly swung his sword with a lot more force than necessary, fed up with hearing Obanai make excuse after excuse as to why he hadn’t done anything yet. “Man up, grow some balls and go confess. You both are so obviously lovesick I want to throw up.”
“...soon.” Obanai blocked his hit. “But if you throw up, go do it somewhere else.”
Soon, soon, soon, the both of them repeatedly answered each time. Were they to know their tragic fate, their ‘soon’ never to come? They did plan to confess eventually, some day, one day.
Just never planned on regretting only having to do it while awaiting at death’s door, one to never see his love even in their dying moments, the other unable to hold him and really tell him exactly how much he meant to her - but the universe wasn’t that cruel.
Obanai Iguro, a man renowned for his godly level cooking and sharp tongue capable of rendering even the most rude of customers into tears. Obanai Iguro, a man known to his family as someone who rarely showed affection but could be counted on to always be there for them. Obanai Iguro, a man only known to cry once in his life when his beloved wife gave birth to their first born twin girls and pass out from worry when Mitsuri went into labor early with their happy accident baby Fuyu.
Obanai Iguro, who still wasn’t sure what he had done to earn such an amazing family for he wasn’t the best of saints, but thanked his lucky stars every day to wake up to - 
“DAD! Can we go, please, please, pretty please?” 
“Mama! Mama!”
“Where’s my chocolate bar? Fuyu! Nii-chan!”
-the utter chaos that was their big family of seven on the weekends, the only two days when their famous diner didn’t open.
“WHAT?” Obanai rarely raised his voice - his acidic, disappointed tone was always enough to scold his five children - but for once surprise had taken him by…well, surprise. With a stack of cereal bowls in one hand and their youngest in the other he dashed out faster than a demon of the kitchen and loomed (as well as he could with his lack of height anyway) menacingly at the newcomer standing at the threshold of their cluttered living room. “Baby, you never said you’d be going out today…at least not with this scumbag.”
“Daddy, please, can you not be so weird about it?” Oh, he should’ve known something was up the moment his second oldest and precious princess Junko had come home three days ago giggling like a maniac on her phone. Jeez, why couldn’t she stay a cute little four year old forever? Now all these teenage boys were coming over to taint his golden girl.
Out of the five, Junko was the one that resembled Mitsuri the most, even in looks with her magenta hair that her mother fawned over putting in double pigtail braids and bright green eyes always turned up in half-moons from her smiling. Adorable from the moment she was born. Cheerful no matter what. The most loving and clingy to both her parents. Truly a daddy’s girl; and there was no way Obanai was letting her go off with some ‘just a friend who also happens to be the opposite gender’. 
But it did make a lot of sense guys would chase after her just like they did with Mitsuri…still, what if she got her innocent little heart broken? What if she got dumped halfway? What if that bright sunshine she had eternally been faded after the certain failure this so-called hangout would be?
 He glared daggers irritably at the poor boy in question, and even looking as frazzled as he did from cooking seven breakfasts in a row he managed to make the receiver squirm a little. Okay, a lot. 
But to the boy’s credit he still managed to muster an awkward, shy smile and held out a hand. “Hi, Mr. Iguro! I’m Kaito - if it’s alright with you can Junko come to the park with me? If I’m interrupting your family time I’ll come back another day!” 
Hmph. He seemed nice enough but the bead of sweat dripping down his forehead was obvious to everyone. Clearly not a very brave one. What would he do if they got cornered by those neighborhood bullies the Iguro’s third born was always going head to toe with? Run, probably, no doubt. With spiky, tousled hair and rumpled clothes like that he probably wasn’t too bothered about his appearance. Lack of hygiene: red flag right there, Obanai was sure.
Junko edged closer to her father, playing with the edge of her skirt (oh, so he was why she had been taking so long to dress this morning) nervously. “Daddy, come on, you don’t have to be so threatening. Kaito’s…nice.” 
She colored up pretty fast and Obanai narrowed his eyes. “Absolutely not. You’re not going to go gallivanting the countryside with this…whatever he is.”
Kaito cleared his throat. “I live a few buildings down if that helps?”
Maybe Mitsuri might’ve let Junko go off with a lot of squealing about how cute they were and encouraging this “young love”, but Obanai would rather lose his arms and sight and life then agree to it. “No. Not with a boy, not ever.”
“Dad, come on, please?” 
Oh god, not the puppy eyes. Obanai stared up for a beat wondering what deity had blessed his daughters with such enormous doe eyes he could never say no to and how could he track him down before averting eye contact and muttering “fine”.
“ThankyousomuchIloveyoualotDadthankyousomuch!” Ah well, maybe it couldn’t hurt once in a while to let his little dove leave the nest if he got to see her beam so brightly all the spotlights in the world faded to gray and hug him so tightly.
“Be back by evening or I’ll have his head and put it on a spike outside the restaurant!” He made a “I’m-watching-you-so-you-better-not-do-anything-to-my-baby” gesture at this Kaito when they left. Why did she have to grow up so fast?
“Is he serious?” Obanai heard Kaito asking as they ran off.
“...I mean, he did tie up someone and left them outside for a day because they gave Kyoka a flower on White Day, but don’t worry! Daddy’s really nice!”
“You better not do the same,” Obanai grumbled down at the toddler clinging to him, fast asleep and drooling as he headed back to the kitchen. “You’re going to be the only girl left in this house who hasn’t gone into their teenager phase, Fuyu.”
Fuyu sighed softly and clung on even more, as if she understood what he was saying. Her tiny, puffy pink ponytail tickled his neck, as did the nagging suspicion that today’s adventures and problems hadn’t come to an end yet.
“Dad, can you come up?”
Aaand another problem arose to deal with. Who was he to deny any of Mitsuri’s, his queen, requests, so up he went as fast as he could after dumping the dishes in the sink to be washed another time.
Mitsuri loved her children a lot, and that was obvious to even an outsider. She had never punished them once, always stopped to give them attention individually,  constantly showered them in sugary confections, agreed to even the most ridiculous of games, played good cop every time they got into trouble and never, ever, raised a hand or used her crazily unnatural strength against them.
Until her eldest daughter Kyoka hit her fourteenth birthday apparently - as much as it pained her to do it she was pinning her down to the chair with all her strength to prevent her daughter’s desperate attempts to escape while Torao watched with wide eyes and Kenji excitedly explained the whole thing to Obanai. 
Why oh why couldn’t she be as easy going as her twin Junko or as compliant as Torao or as agreeable as Kenji? Heck, even Fuyu was a little less rebellious than Kyoka when she was in her moods. 
Not that Mitsuri was saying she wanted to change her daughter’s personality, oh no, never. She’d give up all the sakura mochi in the world before that happened. Kyoka was the most responsible girl anyone could ask for and had won so many awards at school the wall was running out of space for framed certificates. But honestly she could be rather…stubborn at times. 
Strangers and customers often commented on the amazing genetic spread between all of her five children, a perfect mix of her and darling Obanai: Kyoka had received her dad’s black hair and blue eyes with her mother’s beauty marks and strength of ten men; her fraternal twin Junko had inherited her pink and green scheme but Obanai’s petite frame; the boys Kenji and Torao had black hair mixed with pink beginnings and fading green ends respectively; Fuyu her mother’s candy floss hair and dad’s captivating golden yellow eyes. Mitsuri delightedly reveled in cutting, combing and styling them ever since they were young…
“Mom, please, for the last time, MY BANGS ARE FINE!”
“Kyoka, they’re too long and it’s slanted, I told you you shouldn’t have cut them yourself -”
“You weren’t free at the time, besides, this is the current trend anyways -”
But how could she have known it was going to be absolute hell now to give Kyoka’s short, unevenly sliced hair a trim?
“I don’t see what’s trendy if it’s getting in your eyes!”
“She’s been rubbing them a lot lately,” Torao piped up, but cringed when Kyoka shot him her signature death stare and hid behind Obanai. 
“Just let me cut them, Kyoka,” Mitsuri repeated, exasperated for the first time in history. Even Fuyu seemed to tense in her sleep. “Why are you being so insistent about having them in your eyes like that?”
“...Ryota said they looked cool.”
Once again the stark contrast between Mitsuri and Obanai’s personalities revealed itself as it did daily when faced with the realization their girls were at that age where boys had a lot of impact in their choices.
At once Mitsuri exploded into sheer joy, glee and anticipation, grabbing her eldest into a crushing hug, crying that her little girl was all grown up and ready to go look for her soulmate; Kyoka awkwardly returned it with a red face. 
Obanai, on the other hand, looked like he was in the middle of a seizure, but that was a story for later. 
“WE SHOULD GO TO SHOPPING TOGETHER, IT’S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE WE BOUGHT YOU NEW DRESSES!” Mitsuri took a deep breath to calm herself, then launched into a barrage of rapid fire interrogation. “Have you made a first move? Is he showing any signs of being interested? What’s he like? Have you both gone on any dates yet?”
“Mom, please, it’s not that big of a deal! He just sits behind me!” Kyoka averted her eyes and shrank further into her untidy fringe. “...I don’t think Dad’s gonna like him much though.”
Mitsuri’s eyes gleamed. Ah, an opportunity for a little mother-daughter bonding time with a lil’ boy talk. Of course she’d wind up telling Obanai one day - she was almost as bad as the Kamado family at lying - but it’d be fun while it lasted. “Don’t worry, it’ll be our secret.” 
Mitsuri had been so enthusiastic about having a backyard when they had bought the house that Obanai had relented from his steadfast argument of not creating a garden even without flowers (bad enough he had to wear a face mask 24/7 to filter pollen) and they had come to the agreement that it would at least have be a mini playground for the kids - a lone, squeaking tire swing, abandoned bikes and littered toys today all ignored in favour of a - 
“Put it back!”
“Come on, I want to show Dad! I won’t hurt it!”
“Ew, don’t hold it to my face! Drop it back in the dirt!”
“Nii-chan, don’t give it to Fuyu! She’ll eat it! NO, DON’T GIVE IT TO ME!”
Kyoka shrieked when Kenji deliberately dangled the worm in front of her, causing her to drop the phone she had been scrolling on with Fuyu on her lap. Torao took the opportunity to run away from his elder brother and hide behind Mitsuri standing at the doorway. Obanai wished he had a camera right then to capture the moment because her cheeks were red and puffed out from a terrible attempt to stop her giggling but unfortunately he was still fuming over losing his daughter to a…ugh, he couldn’t even say it. 
“Eh, Torao?! Don’t you wanna try holding it?! You’re always so freaked out over a little insect!!!”
Kenji had always reminded Mitsuri of someone on the edge of her brain but she couldn’t remember what - or who. As the years went on it began to push deeper and deeper, the way he unnecessarily shouted his words in excitement, his fire-bright personality and how he easily looked out for his younger brother like it was nothing. The feeling was usually accompanied by a wave of sadness (grief?), even more so the day he brought home a friend he introduced as Tojuro, but she couldn’t deny it was such a blessing to have him around. 
“I don’t want to! Just leave it be!”
Torao…on the other hand….where he got his shy, socially anxious genes from Obanai to this day was still wracking his brains over. Of course he was more than happy to indulge in him when he chose to stay home instead of going out to some friend’s party (less chances of getting picked up by some - shudder - girl!) but honestly he was terrified of everything and unbeknownst to him his dad had already plans to braven him up a little which may or may not involve some hostages (god did that Kamado boy irritate him but since he was Torao’s only friend he refrained from making…most of the complaints).
“Neeeeh! Worm!” Fuyu squealed and tried to reach for Kenji, squirming around in Kyoka’s death grip, a feebly cute attempt that had Mitsuri clapping her hands delightedly to catch the worm. Kyoka wrinkled her nose and took another step back. 
“Dad, can you just get Kenji to - OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, DAD, HE’S THROWING THE WORM AT YOU!”
Perhaps he would’ve noticed, picked up the worm and thrown it back into the bushes on a normal day, but he was still staring hard at a blushing Mitsuri and wishing for a camera and half-heartedly reaching for the quivering Torao behind him.
Perhaps on a normal day he would’ve simply just made a sarcastic comment when the worm then landed on the top of his black and white striped shirt and flick it off, but today he was NOT expecting that and proceeded to yelp (the likes of which never have been heard of from OBANAI IGURO) and jump up and shake it off desperately.
“KYAAAAAH!” Mitsuri exploded into laughter, collapsing to her feet while Kyoka and Torao stared in horror. 
That was almost enough for Obanai to forgive Kenji, but not quite.
“Oh you sneaky little snake -” 
None of them knew it but maybe, just maybe, a little bit of their former Pillar selves returned when Obanai tackled Kenji to the ground and in turn Mitsuri had to tackle him off.
Strange. Usually it would be Mitsuri who fell asleep first but judging from her voice she wasn’t the least bit sleepy. Even more strange when Fuyu hadn’t caused any trouble that night; she lay peacefully drooling in between them. 
He blinked the gunk out of his eyes. “Yeah?”
“I’m so happy, you know that? I thought I couldn’t be when we started dating, then I was wrong when we opened the diner together, when we got married - Kyoka, Junko, Kenji, Torao, Fuyu…especially.” Mitsuri rolled over to face him, a sweet smile curving up her emerald eyes. “Thank you so much for all this.”
Obanai, careful not to nudge Fuyu, reached over to take Mitsuri’s hand. “Should be thanking you, stupid. Thanks for…loving me even though I’ve got the personality of  a lemon.”
That got a laugh out of her. “You can be pretty sweet when you want to. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you!”
“Why just stop at this one?” Obanai turned his head slightly, perfectly serious.
“True! It’ll be so amazing! Do you think we met in a past life too, Obanai?”
“Maybe. I don’t really care as long as you’re here right now.” 
“See, you can be sweet when you want to,” Mitsuri giggled softly, squeezing his hand. “Although you were pretty salty with Kaito when he came to drop Junko off. That was so mean, honestly. I hope you aren’t going to do that with Ryota.”
“He had it coming, taking her away like that - hold up, who’s Ryota?”
Mitsuri ultimately failed again at holding her laughter and woke up the whole household falling out of bed. 
“Of course. If you say you're fine with someone like me, then I will definitely make you happy.”
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
Omg.. I just thought of this but could you please do
Ler: Senjuro
Lee: Nezuko
It would be so cute-
Ofc feel free to decline :3
Well, it's cute for me too! A clarification is that in my AU, Rengoku did survive because he had extra help and all this happens before the swordsmith village arc
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Ler: Senjuro Rengoku
Lee: Nezuko Kamado
'Is Tanjiro coming today?'
'Mhm! That's right Senjuro! But do not worry! I bought some food so you don't cook!'
Rengoku ruffled his brother's hair as he looked carefully at the door, waiting for his tsuguko's arrival. 'Is not him?'
'Kamado! My boy!'
'Rengoku - San! Senjuro-Kun! Good morning!', Tanjiro quickened his pace and hugged the 2 brothers. 'Rengoku-San, could I come into your house to leave the box?'
'Don't worry Tanjiro, I'll save it', Senjuro carried the box and took it to his room, listening as his brother and Tanjiro began to practice.
'At least...My brother has a successor...Though...That successor should be me...', Senjuro let out a small squeal as he heard the box open, he knew there was someone inside, but he didn't think The door would not have any lock. 'Oh..Hello...Ne..Nezuko, right?'
'Mhm!', the little demon nodded and came closer, taking Senjuro's hand and placing it on her head. Senjuro smiled and patted the demon's head as she smiled under the bamboo
'You like to have your head patted, huh?'
'Mhm!!', Nezuko then took his hands and placed them on her stomach and smiled at him.
'H-huh? Do you want me to tickle you...?', Nezuko nodded
Senjuro looked at her somewhat confused, but in the end he gently slid his fingers around Nezuko's waist, smiling slightly as the little demon giggled under her bamboo. 'I am doing it right?'
'Mhmhmhmhm! Mhhmhmh!', Nezuko nodded between her muffled giggles.
A few seconds later, Senjuro stopped and was hugged by the young woman who fell asleep on his chest.
Senjuro sighed and placed her on his futon to make her more comfortable
'Thank you Nezuko...', he smiled before leaving the room to continue with his chores.
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demonslayedher · 2 years
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Obligatory recipe preamble: I hate cooking. I'll try it out if it has a Kimetsu no Yaiba theme, though, and for this episode of Kimetsu Kitchen, we're making Rengoku-san's favorite. Not just satsuma-imo (sweet potatoes), but specifically, satsuma-imo miso soup! There's also a couple bonus Mugen Train related recipes (no, we're not preparing a meal of over 200 sleepy passengers).
Let me start by saying I'm not a huge fan of satsuma-imo. Among sweet gourds and potatoes and chestnuts, I find them irritatingly sweet without being a satisfying sweet. I can eat them, but I find their flavor overpoweringly like a waxy feeling all over my mouth. Anything for Rengoku-san, though.
That also meant making miso soup. I have never, ever been good at making miso soup, even the kind that comes in instant packets. I rarely buy miso because I live alone, don't have that many recipes I like using it in, and the packages tend to be huge and last so long that I can never trust the "best consumed by" date because I leave the package open so long before I can get remotely close to finishing it. However, that meant I was able to experiment day after day with failed miso soup recipe before hitting upon a method I felt confident using for this recipe.
What most recipes will tell you is you don't boil miso soup. Sounds fake, but ok. The other thing you see in miso soup commercials is that they put some of the hot dashi broth in a ladle held in the left hand over the pot, and then stir it with chopsticks held in the right hand. I am talented with chopsticks but not a ladle. I failed at this many times. I suppose I shall never be a Japanese bride. Shufu fail. The way I Gaijin Smash my way through miso soup is to put the miso paste in an entirely separate bowl and stir it with two spoons which I can use to spread out the clumps. Which it pulverized to my liking, I pour it back in with the hot/warm dashi and other ingredients and give it a stir.
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For the rest of my meal, I made an Enbashira Haori Salad (with a bed of daikon, and since daikon are huge I later used the rest of it for second attempts at Giyuu & Muichiro's favorite foods), and had shijimi clams with my rice because they are supposed to be good for your liver, so they're the kind of thing Rengoku-san would had encouraged his father to eat. My Rengoku-san cup is filled with water as opposed to liquid fire, though.
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Finally, I had grilled salmon picked up as-is from the grocery store both because I didn't feel like cooking another dish and because this was my dinner the previous night. If you follow Kimetsu Academy, you know. You know.
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As for the results of the satsuma-imo miso soup?
It would be an exaggeration to say that I shouted "UMAI" but I did, totally legit, take one bite and make a big,
sound. I was very surprised just how good it tasted! I think what really did it for me was that instead of being any old miso soup, it had a brightness to it thanks to the satsuma-imo, but the miso was what really served the potato. It brought out the savory undertones I really appreciate in gourds and root vegetables that lean a bit to the sweet side, like the saltiness smoothed that overpoweringly waxy sweetness so I could appreciate the wider flavor profile of the potato. I would love to repeat this success!!
However, it should be noted that because single-sized portions of miso soup can be a pain, I would up eating two portion sizes and it was a very yomoya-yomoyada night. That, and I still had half a sweet potato...
Anyway, I checked back on that Taisho Secret in the first fanbook where we first learn that sweet potatoes make Rengoku-san shout "WASSHOI," and found a few other culinary details.
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"He had a gyunabe bentou (beef hotpot boxed lunch) on the train. His favoite bentou side dish is salted and grilled tai (sea bream), and satsuma-imo gohan for the rice. When he eats satsuma-imo he says wasshoi wasshoi." Although I don't recall what first it was, that means the beef bentou I had at the winter 2021 collaboration with the Kyoto Railway Museum was perhaps one of the more accurate takes on Rengoku-san's bentou out there. While I didn't feel like dealing with fish, like I said, I still had more sweet potato. So I made satuma-imo gohan! Sweet potato in rice! I don't feel like telling you what English-language food bloggers will do better, go follow a recipe like this.
Thinking back to food on the train, maybe Tanjiro didn't wind up eating any bentou apart from what Rengoku-san stuffed down his throat in the opening theme, but there were a lot of mentions of food with the Kamado family.
Like... making senbei out of old rice cakes! But that would require having a way to grill rice cakes, and like, having rice cakes... so I just bought senbei to snack on instead.
Or... making takuan to steal from your brother! I did still have lots of daikon, after all, why not try pickling it like the Kamado family would? Because I've read this can be a stinky practice, that's why. My kitchen has no window, no thank you. I bought takuan for a side dish instead.
Mountain greens? No thank you, I've already suffered through tara-no-me.
If we turn to some other Taisho Secrets, though, there were a few exclusively printed in the booklet handed out at the first showings of Mugen-Ressha in Japan. To borrow from my translation of them which can be found here...
"What was Tanjirou’s mother most skilled at cooking? Tanjirou’s mother was very skilled at cooking, she made a wide variety depending on each season. She also really liked trying out regional recipes that other people shared with her. Her children’s favorites were sanma-no-soba dumplings and tofu baked in miso. (Translation note: Sanma-no-soba dango is a rural dish from the Nagano area, a decent distance northwest from where Tanjirou’s family lived (see my post about canon geography here). It has a piece of mackerel pike wrapped in a dough made of buckwheat flour.)" Let me say that I appreciate Kie, perhaps even project on her a bit, since I have a mole in the same spot and have feelings toward Tanjiro and Nezuko which can be described as "My Son" and "My Daughter." That, and I've been curious about those sanma soba dumplings ever since learning of them through this Taisho Secret.
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...I dislike cooking, so my similarities with Kie end here. However, the photos of the process of making this rural snack in a traditional irori style hearth do strongly tempt me to travel to Nagano just for the sake of finding some Obaasans to teach (as in, do it for me), because wow, that is aesthetic. So that left me to make Tofu Dengaku, that is, baked tofu with a miso glaze. After all, I still had have tons of miso. I don't feel like teaching you how to do it badly, go read a foodie blog. I will say that perhaps unlike the majority of my blog readers, I love tofu. I love eating it (but I don't play cello), and I don't mind cooking with it because even if I get it wrong I still find it palatable. That's good, because there were big mouthfuls of tofu here to go with my satsuma-imo gohan and takuan pickles I picked up from the store. I had bought a nice new jar of turmeric with the intention of attempting takuan, but instead I just stir-fried my mushrooms with it. Mushrooms are totally something Kamado children would eat with their mountain greens, right?
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Both the satsuma-imo gohan and tofu dengaku were supposed to be decorated in sesame seeds, but I did not have any. I had pure black sesame seed spread though! Like the fun of eating charcoal without the silly (and dangerous) food-fadiness of it! This also tends to have a waxy, over-powering flavor which I find often needs some sweetness to bring out its nice flavors (like pairing it with honey on toast), or perhaps the saltiness of the miso to help bring out the other sides of its flavors. So that's what those big black globs are. Learn from my mistake, maybe don't put big globs of this stuff on anything. Oh, and the decorative little yellow spot is mustard. You know. Because fancy.
I've had... better dengaku, we'll put it that way.
And the rice? Well, there was mirin in the recipe, which seemed to make the sweet satsuma-imo even sweeter, which I just didn't enjoy much in a rice dish. No 'wasshoi' or 'umai' outta me on this one, but hey, I tried.
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toxiccluvvv · 2 years
Pairing: All hashira x hashira reader
Content warning: swearing
Word count: 2.5k
Readers gender: Female
Summary: you’ve always looked up to your hashira as a sibling because of everything they do for you.
This was requested by @multifandom-hcs!
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He has always looked out for you
He always makes sure you’re fed.
He gave you a home.
He has risked his life for you many times before.
You were raised by descends of the moon, your parents were high ranked demon slayers who slayed a lot of demons together. Due to them slaying so many demons they’ve always been on the run with you, but they were aware that they could only run so far before it caught up to them. You were soundly sleeping one night when you heard glass shattering, you shot up from your sleep suddenly aware of the danger. You got up quietly and walked out of your room, what you saw horrified you. You saw your mother attacking your father looking like a demon, you let out a scream and ran outside. Though your parents prepared you for their death, they never taught you how to survive through it. You felt a quick gust of wind then silence in your house, you slowly started walking back to your house. When you walked in you saw a tall man with yellow and orange hair standing over your parents, “Sir..” you spoke quietly peaking your head from behind your door. “Hello child! I am the flame hashira Kyojuro Rengoku! Do you know these people?” He asked with a small grin turning to face you, “they are my parents..” you spoke looking down feeling tears run down your cheeks. “Chin up little one, you can come with me!” He spoke with a closed eye smile.
You were 11 when that happened; you are now 16. You’ve been the moon hashira for two years with the help of Kyojuro. He allowed you to stay with him and his brother while he helped you enhance your skills, with the help of letters your parents left behind you were able to learn how to become the moon hashira. “(Y/n)! Senjuro! Dinner is done!” Kyojuro yelled from the kitchen. The two of you raced down the hall to get his food; he was a good cook. Kyojuro stood at the counter with his apron on with a closed eye smile, “Eat up guys!”
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He takes his time to train you
He always feeds you after training.
He gave you your own space at his home.
He gets overprotective.
You are the flame Hashira, you took the position once your brother Kyojuro died to Akaza. You’ve since held a grudge against demons, which is why you took after his spot. Senemi has been a big help on your success, whenever you aren’t with Senjuro, you are with him training or hanging out. He’s aware of your situation and he tries his best to help you. “It’s time to train, are you ready?” Sanemi approaching you, you nodded standing up from the place you were sitting. You were having a rough day today because of your “father” he’s still in his grief.
You were sloppy, and Sanemi didn’t fail to notice it, “you’re sloppy today kid, what’s up?” He asked swinging his sword toward you, you dodged you attack while responding, “it’s nothing.” You spoke trying to focus more. “Do you need to stay with me tonight?” He asked trying to swipe your feet from under you, you jumped up flipping over his body to hit him with the sword, “Yes please.” You spoke backing away from the fight.
Sanemi prepared dinner for the two of you, you enjoyed his cooking quite a bit. “Thank you Sanemi-San!” You spoke happier now with food, “no worries kid, now tell me what had you so sloppy earlier.” He spoke giving you a “stern” look. “It’s just my father, that’s all.” You spoke looking down at your food, “if things ever get too bad you know you can stay with me, right?” He asked patting your head as he put away his plate. “I know, thank you Sanemi-San!” You spoke with a bright smile, greatful for the wind hashira.
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He is serious, but funny.
His wives are sure to send you home with food.
They are sure to make you feel at home.
He gets very serious when it comes to you.
“You have to be more flamboyant!” Tengen spoke as the two of you were training together, he’s your favorite Hashira to hang around with, him and his wives helped make you feel accepted. “I feel like you’re projecting.” You spoke with a laugh striking him with your sword softly. “I feel like you’re about to lose with a boom.” He spoke with a smirk as he threw one of his beads toward you, you were quick to deflect it and use a move of your own. “Moon breathing 6th form: Crescent boom!” You spoke moving at a quick rate to connect your attack, it wasn’t strong enough to hurt anyone, so Tengen was willing to let you try it on him. “It’s getting better kid! 50 more times and you’ll start doing significant damage.” He spoke jokingly already starting to feel the effects of the attack, “Let’s go get some food.” He spoke patting your head.
You sat at a table with Tengen and his wives, “Thank you so much!” You spoke to all of his wives grateful for the food, Tengen knew that you’ve never really had a stable home, your father is always coming and going and your mother is dying of an illness. “Do you want to stay with us tonight dear?” Hinatsuru asked with gentle grin. “I must go take care of my mother, but I appreciate the offer!” You spoke with a smile. “We will send her home with food, don’t worry.” Makio spoke before continuing to eat. Tengen just smiled at the scene, he’s always looked at you as his younger sister, to see you getting along with his wives is a plus. “Well, I should be going now, I don’t want to keep my mom waiting.” You spoke beginning to clean up after yourself, the wives made you several plates while Tengen gave you a bracelet on your way out, “here, that way you always have me even when I’m not there.” He spoke handing you the bracelet with a smile. You felt a tear roll down your face as you accepted the gift, “thank you Tengen-San, truly” you said before throwing yourself in his chest, unable to control your emotions. He was your big brother; he will always be with you.
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She took you in once she lost her sister
She teaches you in grave detail.
She insists on you staying with her
She tries to treat you like an adult.
“Can I have the bandages over there?” Shinobu asked you once she was finished with Zenitsu’s wounds. “Okay!” You spoke with a smile glad to help her. Shinobu has been with you since you joined the demon slayer core, when her sister died she became a completely different person, she saw that I was in danger and she helped me. My father was an abusive drunk who would beat you, your mother was nowhere to be seen, the only thing left of her was a journal she left you on how to use your family’s breathing style. Shinobu helped you go through that book, and helped you learn how to use your breathing to the fullest. You’ve stayed with her since she brought you in, she’s very much like a sister you never had.
“Healing is an art, you just have to perfect it.” Shinobu spoke as she began to teach you how to use medicine, on top of her teaching you your breathing style. “Can we have a break Shinobu-Kan! We’ve been at this for so long, I’m so hungry!” You whined laying your head the table the two of you worked at, “I suppose, go to your room and get cleaned up, then we can eat.” She spoke with a gentle smile standing up.
Once you were done you shared the evening with the girls at the butterfly mansion not wishing to change a thing, these girls were your sisters, you would never trade them for the world.
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She takes you for her favorite dessert religiously
She always has your back with fashion.
She always defends you
She taught you how to achieve you greatest strength.
“Hey! Leave her alone you little shit!” Mitsuri yelled at one of the lower ranked demon slayer bashing you, most think that you killed your parents for their spot, almost everyone resents you. “She’s the one who killed her-“ the kid didnt get to finished before he was grabbed by the shirt and pulled up by Mitsuri, “finish that sentence, I dare you.” At this point the pink haired girl was fuming, she knew what happened to your parents and it was far more sinister than that, one of the upper rank demons came into your house and killed your parents right infront of you. “I’m sorry! Please forgive me!” The boy yelled sobbing in the air. Mitsuri threw the boy on the ground still angry, “come on (y/n), I’ll treat you to some Sakura Mochi!” She spoke with a closed eye smile. You simply nodded walking with the pink haired girl.
“I’m sorry for what that kid said to you, you know it’s not true right?” She spoke trying to reassure you, you could only nod, though you know it’s not your fault it’s not easy dealing with the treatment you receive. “We can get you a new Haori while we are out! Maybe something that fits you more.” She spoke trying to get some conversation out of you, “maybe.” You shrugged, though you appreciated the effort, it was still hard as ever. “You know, you can achieve you greatest strength by thinking about all those who look down on you, you will see how much better it makes you feel.” She spoke genuinely patting your head, “Thank you Mitsuri! I will always think about that in a fight!” You spoke attempting to bring your spirits up.
After the two of you shared some of her favorite dessert the both of you walked around the district trying to find you something cute, you’ve always had a crush on Senjuro and you’ve been thinking about making a move, Mitsuri has been a great help, “look! Do you think he would like that one Suri?” You asked pointing at a beautiful pink Haori. “He’d be dumb not to.” She spoke dragging you in asking for your size; she has always been the big sister you needed in life.
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He actually speaks to you.
You help him realize his worth and vice versa.
He feeds you.
He supports you regardless.
“It’s time to eat kid.” Giyuu spoke walking outside to see you sitting alone, “okay, I’ll be there in a second.” You spoke still not facing him. “Hey, what’s wrong kid.” He spoke sitting down beside you, noticing something was off. You looked at him with tears going down your face, “I’m not worthy of taking my mothers place as moon hashira, I will never amount to who she was.” It has been years since your mothers death, but since she died protecting you, you’ve always taken it hard. “She would be proud of the woman you are, you’ve grown to be such a skilled moon hashira.” He spoke patting your head, “now come on, let’s eat.” He spoke with a smile.
The two of you sat at the table talking about your new crush, Kanao. “What about how the others will feel!” You yelled feeling scared, he simply shook his head. “It shouldn’t matter how others feel, if you feel happy, go for it.” He spoke as he began to clean up his food. “Thank you Giyuu.” You spoke finishing the food he made for the two of you, “you’re welcome kid, you know I’d always support you.”
[this one is a little short, but I felt like it was sweet]
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He tries his best to teach you
He takes you under his wing
He always pats your head to let you know he’s proud of you.
You have always been around the Stone Hashira since you can remember, Gyomei has always been good with kids, and you were always there since your father was the moon hashira. He always trusted Gyomei because he can tell that he’s good with kids, you’ve always helped the man. You describe everything to him, “The sushi we are eating has raw fish: which is kinda pink and slimy, Rice: which is white and small, Avacodo; which is green and smooth, and seaweed; which is a dark green and crunchy.” He smiled picturing what he was eating as he ate it. “We have to go see the master after this, but after that we can go train.” He spoke as he stood up cleaning both of your plates.
“Stay right here, I’ll be out in a moment.” He spoke as he stepped in the masters room. “You’re finally not up the stone hashiras ass, what a surprise!” Some kid yelled at you laughing with his friends, you simply sat there unbothered by the behavior. “Hey! Are you deaf or something?” He asked walking closer to you. “Why would I acknowledge stupidity?” You asked looking at the boy approaching you. He finally stopped in your face, he was beginning to say something when he was interrupted “what is going on here?” Gyomei asked able to sense to hostility coming from the boys. “Nothing lord Gyomei!” They spoke in a hurry before running away, “let’s go kid, we got some training to do.” He spoke patting your head. You didn’t know if, but Gyomei was extremely proud to call you his sister.
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His snake loves you
He teaches you how to blend in.
He takes his bandage off around you.
He likes to help you.
“You just have to be silent when you’re approaching someone, that’s the key.” Obanai was attempting to teach you how he blends in. You were a little distracted petting his snake though, “alright kid, give me my snake while you go get ready for dinner.” He spoke as he took the snake off your shoulders, you have lived with Obanai for a while now, he taught you mostly everything you know other than your family breathing style.
When you came out you saw Obanai eating with his bandage off. “Thank you Obanai!” You gleamed as you sat down beginning to eat. “How is it?” He asked wanting feedback; he gets very conscious of his food, especially when it comes to you. “It’s amazing! Did you do something different?” You asked noticing your sushi had a good kick to it that it never had before. “Yep! I added a little more spice, was it too much?” He asked a little worried he only made it to his standard. “It’s amazing like I said! You should go around without your bandage more often.” You spoke with a small smile hoping that you could change the boys mind on how he feels about himself. “It’s okay, it’s easier this way anyways.” He spoke looking down. “Okay if you say so! Speaking of, how has you and Mitsuri been? Did she like the socks you made her?” The man began blushing as he spilled every detail to you; he was glad he had a younger sister like you, you would always listen to him.
I’m so sorry if this was shitty! I hope you enjoyed!
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monodipita · 3 years
There's a Fire in My Heart (Yandere!Rengoku x Reader)
Hello! I wanted to start this post off by saying that I am aware that shorter reader-inserts often garner more attention, but I don't mind that my longer reader-inserts don't garner as much. I hope you enjoyed this piece as much as I enjoyed writing him! And a shorter version may come out soon.
Word count: 4,010
Everyone knew about Kyojurou Rengoku. He was the kind, sincere, hard working Hashira who worked his way into the hearts of many. He was handsome and elegant despite being so hardy, with the callouses that adorned his hands like a second skin, and the scars that littered his body. He was able to sway the hearts of many, including your own. You'd been a secret admirer for a while now, writing him cute little notes and leaving them at his post every sunrise that always seemed to make the man smile brighter than the charming smile he always held on his lips.
You knew this because you overheard him talking about the notes with his fellow Hashira Mitsuri Kanroji. "I'd love to meet my secret admirer one day." He told her. One day.
He was always busy, so it became hard to capture his attention... or, rather, it was.
It felt like a stroke of luck so strong that you were going to have bad luck for the rest of your life when you twisted your ankle—because Kyojurou wasn’t looking, and you tripped. Purposefully, yes. You immediately regretted it. Your body came clashing to the forest floor, and the wood inside your basket spilled out onto the ground below you. "Ah!" You whined aloud as an instinctive reflex.
"I'm so sorry!" Kyojurou shot to your side. "Here, I'll grab your things, and then I'll take you to the Butterfly Estate. I'm so sorry!"
You were unable to talk because of how dazed you were, from hitting the forest floor, to the fact that he was now so close to you. You stared at him through bleary eyes as he picked up the long logs of wood and put them back into the basket that was once on your back. He slotted his arms into the straps and helped to hoist your body against his, wrapping his right arm around your waist while his left arm held onto your right. "Stay close, okay? Let me know if I'm doing too much for you."
Shinobu revealed the unfortunate news of being bedridden some few hours later.
”Oh... that’s awful,” he put his right hand over his lips and furrowed his thick brows with worry. His fiery golden eyes looked down at you and caused you to look away before your blush became obvious. “I’m so sorry... [Y/N], was it?”
He knew your name...
“I’ll make up for it somehow, I promise.” He told you. “For now, I must go, I have other matters I must attend to. But I will return, every day at the same time, until you’re better. Okay?”
"I took your wood to your home." He started off the conversation now that he was in the room. "You live alone, [Y/N]?" Alone... if that was a way to put it. "Recently, yes," you admitted aloud, "my family moved away after I passed the The Final Selection. They couldn't agree with my decision to become a demon slayer. I miss them." You smiled wistfully as you recalled the day they cast themselves out of their own home.
Though Kyojurou looked saddened by that answer, he didn't comment on it much further. "I brought your breakfast. Kocho-san was too busy to bring it herself." He set the tray down on your lap. You cringed at the hot feeling, visibly enough to draw his attention—but that might've simply been because you yelped short after. You fought the feeling to reach down and grab at your propped up, sprained ankle, as pain ricocheted through your leg.
"Oh!" He quickly lifted up the tray off of your legs. To your surprise, he didn't spill the contents of the food anywhere around you or on the floor. "I'm sorry, was it too hot?" He asked, causing you to look up at his face. He was blushing out of embarrassment! He looked so cute!
His eyes bulged wide with worry, and the same, saddened frown appeared on his face from moments before. "Just a bit... I wasn't expecting it." You chuckled wryly. "Sorry, you can put it back down." You reassured him and gently pat your lap. "No, it's fine, I'll hold it. I don't want to put any unnecessary strain on your ankle." Kyojurou stated. "It'll be fine! I won't leave until I know you've eaten breakfast."
A blush spread across your own features. He was a selfless man and it showed in every action he performed. How could people not fall in love with him? "Oh, okay," your breath was taken away, clearly. He even went through the act of holding the tray out for you so that you could eat your food. You looked down at what you had to eat—miso soup and onigiri. It smelled delicious. "The cooks here are fantastic." Kyojurou remarked. "I'm sure you've had to spend a lot of time in here, haven't you?" You asked him.
"Mm? Oh, yes." Kyojurou nodded his head. "If I don't come back from a mission with some type of injury, then something is wrong." He chuckled.
"How are they?"
"What is it?"
"I'm just asking, how are the missions? I haven't been able to go on one yet," you admitted, "I've been dealing with a lot of training. Ooyakata-sama says that I'm not ready to go out on my own yet."
Kyojurou looked more than surprised by that answer. "When you live out so far on your own?" He furrowed his brows. "Are you at least training yourself when you cannot attend daily training sessions?" You nodded your head. Of course you tried, but sometimes, training could be too far away. You wouldn't tell him that—you feared that he would pull something out of his sleeve and try to— "eat please, [Y/N]."
"S-sorry," you squeaked. You didn't waste any time digging into your meal. First with the onigiri that seemed to fill you up almost immediately upon biting into the second one. "I don't think I can finish these," you looked up at Kyojurou. His eyes were already on you, as if he was watching you eat. You didn't think anything of it. "Would you like one?"
"I shouldn't... but..." he trailed off as he thought about it, before nodding his head. "I'd appreciate it. I haven't ate, so watching you eat has made me hungry."
"Never starve yourself!" You gently scold him. You reached down and took the rice ball into your hand to give to him, smiling gently at him... until your smile dropped when you realized that you couldn't give it to him. "I-I'm so sorry!" You sputtered. "It's fine. Just feed me," he spoke casually, much to your surprise. You swallowed thickly. Your lips parted to say something, anything about what that man just said, but nothing came out. Your hand instinctively drifted toward his lips, while his head met you halfway. The bite into the food made you jump, your eyes wide as if you were a deer in headlights. You tried not to pay too much mind while you fed him, but it would eventually become apparent that you were embarrassed to do something like this for him. He didn't seem to mind one bit... maybe even he was enjoying it? You had to stop this somehow!
"Do you think the soup has cooled off enough by now to set the tray on my lap?" You asked. The onigiri were delicious, and you weren't joking about it possibly taking up all the space in your stomach. But food was food, and you didn't want to get rid of it all.
Kyojurou hummed and pressed the tray onto his lap. He hovered his right hand over it. "It does seem to be that way." There was the slightest hint of undetectable disappointment in his voice. Had you been better at picking up facades, you would've been able to catch up on it. "Here you go, [Y/N]." He sat the tray down in your lap, engulfing it in warmth. He took the rice ball from you and continued to chew on it while you dug into the soup.
The meal was finished, even though you didn't want it to be. It was filled with eerie silence, because you didn't have anything to say, and Kyojurou was... well, eating. "It was a fantastic meal!" Kyojurou beamed, "I'll be sure to thank them on my way out. Now—" he stood straight, “I have to go. It was nice eating with you, [Y/N]—“
The two of you were interrupted by the sound of a shoji opening. You were surprised to see two butterfly attendants making their way into the room with a room service cart. “What is this?” You asked, “I thought Rengoku-san had the breakfast covered for me?”
”I believe there’s been some sort of mixup. We just finished making breakfast ten minutes ago—but this tray does look like ours.” They picked up the tray and observed it. “Maybe we—“
”There’s no need to conduct an investigation.” Kyojurou spoke up. “I lied about the breakfast. To tell you the truth, I am the one who made that breakfast, and I hoped that we could eat it together.” He smiled apologetically and bowed, “I’m sorry for the confusion I’ve caused, but I truly must take my leave. I’ll see you tomorrow, [Y/N].”
H-he wanted to eat with me?!
Your heart couldn’t stop pounding a furious beat against your chest. You just couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth! Eat with you?! You barely knew each other! “Bye,” you weakly called to him while he left the room. If this was going to happen every day? Why, it didn’t feel too bad after the initial impact...
Hours poured into the morning. It felt unusually past the time Kyojurou said he was going to show up... not that you had a way of knowing. Breakfast had already been served, and you were left with the displeasure of eating it on your own, in the silence of your room. You thought you would've been used to the quiet, after all, you lived alone now—but he seemed to dull that pain. Now you missed him.
“[L/N]-san. Are you busy?” Shinobu’s voice was a break in the thick silence, and very much welcomed. The presence of another person was soothing.
You glanced up from your lap and nodded. “Not at all. Please, come in.”
Shinobu slid the shoji shut behind her and stepped over to the bed. She sat down in the bedside chair and elegantly folded her limbs atop one another while she addressed you. There was a warm, inviting smile on her face, much like the one Kyojurou held. “How are you feeling?”
”I’m feeling alright.” You responded. “My foot seems to be doing better than before! I think I’ll be able to get back on my feet by the end of the week.” At least you hoped so. As much as it was nice to be able to have the Flame Hashira see you in personalized visits, you had a life that you needed to live outside of these four walls.
“You’re right about that,” Shinobu started, “but that doesn’t mean I want you to immediately start hopping on your feet and walking around one-legged. In order to make a full recovery, I want you to stay for another two days. Is that fine with you?”
You winced. Two more days of staying in this bed? What if Rengoku-san didn’t show up again? Was it worth it? “That’s fine,” you weakly respond. No it isn’t. But did you have a choice? Not exactly.
”Thank you.” Shinobu stood. “With the more important information out of the way, I’ll allow visitation now—after what happened yesterday involving the mishap with Rengoku-san, I shortened your visitation hours. I didn’t like having to dispose of a good meal just because someone wanted to be friendly.” There was scorn in her voice. You nodded your head slowly in scolded understanding. “I’m sorry about that.”
”You don’t have to apologize,” Shinobu said. She walked over to the shoji. “Please, be well.”
As soon as she left, Kyojurou emerged from the shoji. He looked radiant, as usual, like the sun on a beautiful day with clear skies. His smile acted as the ray of sunshine that would blind your eyes, but at least you welcomed this form of sunshine. A smile bled onto your own lips as he fully made his way into the room and shut the shoji behind him. Alone, the two of you.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.” He let out a sigh while he walked over to the bedside chair. “Kocho-san is strict, but with good intentions.” He said aloud, as if to convince the two of you of that fact. "I know that. I'm still appreciative of what you did for me, even if we might've gotten into trouble."
You reached over and gently grabbed his forearm—noticing that he winced from that feeling. “Oh, did you just come back from a mission?” You asked. There must’ve been a cut under his uniform’s sleeves. Come to think of it, you could see a faint spot of blood where your hand pressed against it. "Does it need to be patched up?" You frowned with worry.
”Oh; no, that’s not it. I happened to get into a bit of an accident earlier this morning while I was cutting wood,” he explained, “I’ve already patched it up. No need to worry—it just hurt a bit, that’s all.” He smiled reassuringly, one that nearly melted you. You smiled back at him just as much. “I see.” You responded, “well, I have exciting news.”
He perked up. “What is it?”
”I’m going to be discharged in two days.” You told him. “You won’t have to worry about me anymore.”
”Two days?” Kyojurou’s face contorted. He looked... worried. He was quick to voice his thoughts about the decision. “Are you sure that’s going to be all you need? I thought sprained ankles needed more time to heal,”
It was so cute. How could he be so worried about someone he had just met? You found yourself giggling at him. “Relax. I feel much better now than how I felt yesterday. If I could, I’d even try getting up and walking around to see how it felt.” Being able to walk around would’ve been a relief. As enjoyable as it sounded before, being bedridden felt much like a nightmare. “I definitely don’t recommend it,” he said, clearly half-joking. “Please take care of yourself. Well—I have to go.” He rushed to get out of his seat. He stood tall, reaching over to gently pat your leg before he half-turned to face the shoji to leave.
”So soon?” You frowned. You were going to be lonely for the rest of the day...
”Visitation hours were cut short; remember, silly?” Kyojurou chuckled. “I’ll try to see you and stay for longer tomorrow.” He stepped out of the room as quickly as he came in, leaving you in the silence.
No sign of Kyojurou—just another quiet day. He said he would come... was there something wrong? You wanted to ask someone so badly, but you didn't even know how to voice it. For now, you would just stay quiet about it. Maybe he had to go on an actual mission. Aww... that would've meant that you couldn't see each other when you were discharged...
Discharge day. You couldn’t wait for this day as much as you dreaded it. It would be fantastic to finally get out of this room, out into the world, where you could go home and be in the comfort of your own bed. You awoke early to catch Shinobu just in time, who stepped into the room with the same, happy go lucky smile on her face. “I know you must be excited about today, [L/N]-san.”
”I am,” you beamed while you began to sit up. You slowly, steadily raised yourself off the bed and met her halfway. The sensation of walking... felt strange, after not doing it for so long. Your legs felt partially asleep, and there was a dull pain in your ankle that was sure to become annoying after a while. “How are you feeling?” She asked. “If I need to change your compression bandages for you, then I can.” She held out the gauze for grabs. ”I’ll be fine. Thank you for your magnificent service, Kocho-san.” You bowed to her and took the gauze out of her hand.
Kyojurou's voice grabbed your attention and made you nearly squeal with excitement. You hurried as best as you could to reach the shoji and thrust it open to eagerly meet the sight of him. He smelled faintly of burning wood... "did you just get done with doing something?" You asked. "Maybe something important?"
"Not important, no," the beaming, fiery-haired man shook his head and continued to smile. "I wanted to walk you home." A walk home? That sounded so sweet of him. "Oh," a blush spread thinly across your cheeks, "that's very nice of you. Thank you, Rengoku-san." The two of you stepped out of the Butterfly Estate. The walk was a quiet one... Kyojurou seemed so fixated on simply walking, and your mind was occupied by the fact that you were even having the chance to walk home with him made it so exciting.
It came into view. It took longer to get there than what you normally remembered it taking, but you shrugged it off, merely thinking of it as nothing more but a slow pace. He was just so considerate, after all.
You stepped in behind him after he opened the shoji for you. Home sweet home... it smelled like it, felt like it. Everything looked unchanged—but there was something off about it all. You could tell. "Wait... this isn't my home," you narrowed your eyes. Bewilderment seeped into your brain while you tried to make sense of it. "Why are all of my clothes and belongings here? Where are we truly at, Rengoku-san?"
Tricked. You were almost tricked, but you recognized your home anywhere you were at. These walls weren't the same. You didn't have an irori...
"I thought long and hard about it, but... I can't keep hiding the truth from you, [Y/N]-san." Kyojurou reached over to grab one of your hands, pulling the limp appendage into his own and giving it a gentle squeeze. What is he talking about? "For some time now, I have admired you. I liked watching you take your daily walks. I liked seeing that you were healthy, I liked seeing you take care of yourself."
"I liked the notes that you left on my engawa—seeing you play dumb as if you weren't the one who put those notes there. The cute little smudge-marks your fingers would make when you were finished with the ink," he gently squeezed your hand.
How did he know?
"When you told me that you lived alone, it only confirmed my suspicions. You don't have anyone else to go to. I would hate such a life for someone who is so deserving of any love that comes their way."
Why was he talking about it?
"I did what I thought was the best thing to do..." he trailed off to take your other hand in his, squeezing both of them as he made his way in front of you. "You don't have to love me, all you have to do is trust me."
"Why?" Your lips were trembling. You felt sick. Yes, everything or what you could see of everything from your home was inside this single room, but it wasn't what mattered. You grew up in that home, and he... and he... "You took everything away from me. Y-you burned my home."
"No... no, don't think about it that way." Kyojurou looked all over your expression for some sign of comfort. His hands dropped yours to cup your cheeks, staring into your own with a worried expression. "That's not how you should think about it, [Y/N]-san. Don't you understand? This will be the opportunity to start your life anew with me."
It was so deranged, so sick. You barely had the physical power to shrug him off, but you managed to pull through. You needed to go back, you needed to see what he did to the only place that reminded you of your family that you had left.
"No... please, [Y/N]-san, you don't want to do this," Kyojurou tried to reason as he trailed behind you, off the engawa and into the barren yard, "you're going to see things that you don't want to see. You don't have to subject yourself to that torture." His hand touched your forearm and gently grasped it. You lashed out at him and ripped your arm out of his grip. "Leave me! Don't you see that you've ruined my life!?"
Kyojurou stood still. "Y-you don't get it," he stammered, "[Y/N]-san, I need you too. You have the energy I want in my life!" He raised his strained voice as he ripped both sleeves of his uniform up on his body to reveal scars. Plenty of them. It was alarming, but in your mind, it couldn't have hurt as much as seeing your childhood home burn down. "You're speaking like a madman," you scolded him. "I don't even know why I'm entertaining someone so delusional."
"...I'll do it."
The blade came as a shock. Your eyes widened, how did he get his hands on one so quickly? You thought you couldn't even see his arms moving... "I deserve it for being a bad significant other, don't I?" He sounded so creepy. His voice sounded off; desperate, but loving. "I've hurt you, so I must hurt myself, right?"
"..." you grimaced. How did you respond to an emotionally taxing situation like this? "You wouldn't...Rengoku-san, I don't even know you!"
"But you do!" He blurted back at you. "I'll do anything for you, [Y/N]. I just ask that you come back! Walk back to me... you don't have to see what happened to your home, you can just be with me," he pleaded.
But you didn't listen. No, you wouldn't. You turned and ran as fast, and as hard as your feet could take you into the forest, into the direction of your home. The scent of something burning helped with your path-finding, but it didn't matter. Your ankle started hurting. Hurting, hurting, and hurting. You'd forgotten that it was even strained until just now, where the pain became so severe that you ended up toppling over your injury.
You fell to the forest floor and squeezed your eyes shut out of pain. "Hoo... oh fuck," you hissed, clenching your teeth and bowing your head. What a painful feeling to come across, it was almost excruciating. But you needed to keep going... he was coming after you. Even if he threatened to do whatever he did back there, the pain of going through it wasn't going to stop him.
"[Y/N]-san... please."
He was already on you... maybe he was even behind you the entire time and you were under the foolish assumption that you'd escaped his line of sight. No, not at all.
"Get-get away from me!" You yelled at him. "Please!"
You stifled a gasp and a sob as his bloodied hands caressed your face. His hands trembled while his thumbs pressed directly into your cheeks while his thumb smeared the blood from his hands onto your poor cheeks. His blood. You knew what he did to himself. "Finally," he whispered, "I've finally caught you...and you can't leave me anymore. Please, [Y/N]-san, for our sake... think of this as our new life together. How I've waited so long for this opportunity, and now that I have it..!"
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rngknsk · 3 years
The Aftermath
Chapter 2: Dinner
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Sanemi Shinazugawa/Reader (F)
Three months have passed since you woke up at the Butterfly Estate beside your good friend Sanemi Shinazugawa. You have healed physically, but not emotionally. You take up an offer to spend some time by yourself at the Shinazugawa residence, hoping to finally find peace with yourself.
Tags/warnings: Shared trauma, angst, survivors guilt, slight tw, comfort, slight fluff, reader is a Hashira
Chapter 1 can be read here.
You can also read Chapter 2 here on Ao3. 
Enjoy! :)
A little over three months had passed since defeating Muzan Kibutsuji and the remaining Upper Moons. Your injuries, along with the others who had survived the fight, were just about fully healed. One week prior to today, the demon slayer corps had been disbanded. Sanemi Shinazugawa, Giyuu Tomioka, and yourself had attended the final meeting called by the late Kagaya Ubuyashiki’s only son and successor, Kiriya Ubuyashiki. The remaining Ubuyashiki children were very grateful to you three. As the only remaining Hashira, they were only able to verbally express their appreciation for your support, to that you three slayers returned as well. If it wasn’t for the Ubuyashiki family, Muzan would have never been defeated in the first place. It was due to their clever organizational skills that any of you were even alive.
Concluding the meeting, Kiriya went on to inform the three of you now-retired Hashira that they had planned for a glorious celebration dedicated to the demon slayers to celebrate humanity’s victory. The celebration would be held at the Ubuyashiki estate since the grounds were substantial enough to hold all sorts of people and activities. Crows were sent to villages and towns across the land to inform of the festival, welcoming those who wished to show their appreciation to the remaining retired demon slayers for risking their lives for such a noble cause, and to pay their respects to those who committed the ultimate sacrifice. Every single village that was visited by a crow had accepted the invitation, many planning to bring dishes, drinks, and desserts of all kinds. Another large town had offered to bring fireworks to light up the skies at dusk.
After you were released from the Butterfly Estate’s infirmary, Sanemi had allowed you to stay at his residence while he remained. You had grown up living at the Rengoku residence after Shinjuro Rengoku saved you after your family perished at the hands of demons. Even after you became a Hashira, you would return to their home after long missions; however, part of you wanted time to yourself after losing so many people in such a short time. You loved Shinjuro and Senjuro Rengoku like family, but a feeling deep down in your heart persuaded you to accept Sanemi’s kind offer. After spending three whole months at the Butterfly Estate, constantly being woken by the voices of others you shared your hospital room with, you thought this would be a perfect opportunity to allow yourself to mourn in a healthy fashion. You spent a week at the Shinazugawa residence, taking time to heal your mental state in solitude. Sanemi Shinazugawa was a very secluded man and claimed he did not need the aid of the Kakushi throughout his time as a Hashira, so his residence remained empty until you arrived. There, you took time strolling through his gardens, tending to his flowers and various plants he owned and raised. You were surprised he didn’t show you his gardens after spending so much time training with him in his courtyard. The idea of Sanemi watering flowers made you laugh to yourself; this tough, vicious man taking the time out of his violent days of slaying demons to water some plants. Through the garden ran a small creek surrounded by neatly placed stones on either side, depositing into a pond with koi fish which seemed to be rather well behaved. At the center of his garden was a great, majestic weeping willow tree. The leaves of the tree draped down magnificently, just several feet from the ground. Most of your week was spent meditating underneath this tree. You felt safe underneath it, almost as if it was protecting you from anything outside of its weeping branches. The faint running water of the stream aided your meditation, allowing yourself to find peace at last. You also made sure to frequently check on his rhinoceros beetle that he kept in a quaint tank. You had seen him once or twice when you had visited Sanemi in the past, the memory of his name resting at the tip of your tongue. Taichi? That sounded right. You had to admit though, he was pretty adorable for a bug, and quiet too. You didn’t exactly know what to feed him, so you tried giving him a mix of greens and fruit you had harvested from the garden outside. He seemed pretty happy with what you gave him because he just about finished whatever you gave him.
It was evening when Sanemi had returned to his home, as promised by the nurses of the Butterfly Estate. In honesty, Sanemi had recovered almost two weeks ago, however the nurses insisted he remain in their care until they knew for sure his injuries wouldn’t reopen. To your surprise, Sanemi didn’t argue like he typically would. Instead, he simply agreed to stay, while on the other hand, you were able to leave just a week later. He had sent his crow the day before, informing you of his anticipated arrival, so that morning you were sure to stop in a town nearby to purchase some ingredients for a hearty meal that you figured you two could share. He wasn’t a picky eater by no means. You picked out many ingredients, green onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, napa cabbage, fresh beef, and wheat flour for the noodles you planned to knead and cook yourself. You also made sure to purchase the ingredients you needed to make his favorite sweet, ohagi. The villagers had recognized you as one of the former Hashira, insisting that you did not need to pay them for your pickings, however you persuaded them to accept your money regardless of your status. It was a strange feeling; you didn’t like being treated as someone of such importance. After all, you weren’t a Hashira anymore since the demons were defeated.
Once you returned back to the Shinazugawa residence, you spent the entirety of the day preparing your dough for the sukiyaki dish that you planned to make and bounced back and forth between making that and the ohagi as well. You imagined how Sanemi would react to making such a large meal, although you were sure he would enjoy it just as much as he enjoyed the meals prepared at the Butterfly Estate. Admittedly, the Kakushi who prepared your meals were very talented with cooking, and you were pleased that they provided such a wide range of dishes during your stay. It was a nice change to be provided with a warm meal that you didn’t have to make yourself. While living with the Rengoku family, you were typically the one to cook the meals during your days off from slayer assignments, and while on the clock, you were the one to provide for yourself. However, out of all the years you knew Sanemi, you never cooked for him before, and that made you anxious. What if he didn’t like your cooking? What if the noodles were too tough, or the vegetables were undercooked? You took a deep inhale in through your nose for a moment, then exhaled through your mouth. There was no time for worrying. If you wanted to make these dishes perfect, then you needed complete concentration.
Just a few hours before the sun set, Sanemi arrived at home. You had finished setting the table, just gathering up the leftover dishes that you used to cook. The door slid open and you jumped at the sound, reflexively whipping your frame around to face where he stood. He no longer was covered in bandages; only extra scars added to the previous ones littered his exposed skin. His face held an expression of disbelief at the sight of the prepared table; he certainly wasn’t expecting a home cooked meal.
“Welcome home, Shinazugawa-san,” you chirped. “I made dinner for us, so I hope you’re hungry.”
“You made all of this?” He questioned, taking a few steps inside before sliding the door close behind him. “I smelled it a mile away, of course I’m hungry. It smells great, L/N-san.”
You let out a quiet sigh of relief. That was a good sign, he thought it smelled good! You removed your apron and neatly folded it, setting it down on the ground beside the table. Sanemi made his way towards the table, kneeling down in front of it before scooting himself forward. You followed, clapping your hands together in thanks.
“Thank you for the meal!” You said, drool practically leaking from the corners of your mouth as you hovered over the hot, steaming bowl of sukiyaki. Sanemi smiled at your gesture, putting his hands together as well.
“Yeah, thanks for the meal,” he agreed. “I really appreciate it.”
You only gawked at the man sitting across from you. Was this really the same guy you’ve spent the last few years training with? He’s always been so brash, even towards you. The Sanemi you know would have scoffed at you without even voicing any thanks and dug right into his meal. You didn’t really know how to feel about his recent alter in personality. To be honest, you started to notice the drastic change as soon as you woke up in the Butterfly Estate just a few months prior to today. Sure, he’s always has his moments when he was tired, or even for an hour or so on a day off that you both shared sparring, but ever since the day you woke up, ever since you saw him cry, he’s been incredibly passive and compliant towards everyone. You told yourself that it was most likely due to the defeat of Kibutsuji and all demons. He didn’t have to hold such an aggressive persona anymore now that humanity’s biggest threat was eliminated. He could let his guard down a bit and try to enjoy the new chance of life that he was given. You couldn’t complain though, as amusing as it was whenever he would yell at you or call you names while you two trained or were assigned on missions together, it was nice to be friends with somebody who treated you as their equal rather than their inferior. Somewhere deep down, you thought, Sanemi never meant the things he said that might have hurt your feelings in the past.
“What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to start eating?” he mumbled through a mouth full of noodles and meat. His pale lavender eyes darted downwards toward the faintly steaming ohagi resting on a dish in the center of the table. “I see you also made ohagi. Hopefully you made it right.”
Your cheeks puffed up in a pout, swiping the chopsticks from beside your sukiyaki dish. “Of course I made it right, red bean, just how you like them!”
“That’s not what I meant,” Sanemi chuckled after he swallowed.
After you both finished your sukiyaki, you sat and chatted for a little bit while munching on your ohagi. He told you about how he was one of the last patients to leave the Butterfly Estate, and how annoying he thought this one Kakushi worker was.
“She would check up on me almost every thirty minutes, always asking if I was hungry or thirsty, or if I was in any pain,” Sanemi groaned, visibly becoming more irritated as he explained. He was certainly picky when it came to people. That certainly did sound annoying, however you knew that the Kakushi girl was most likely only doing her job to make sure Sanemi was as comfortable as possible. “It got to the point where I had to start telling her to screw off, but she never got the hint. It was almost like she kept bothering me on purpose.”
“It seems to me that she was just doing what she was told,” you reasoned as you picked up your tan ceramic mug of warm green tea, taking a sip before continuing. “I’m sure she wasn’t doing it on purpose, she probably had orders to keep an eye on you.”
“Well, I’m sure she didn’t have orders to check in on me that often, nobody else was checked on that much at the Estate, not even you or Giyuu. I bet if I had been more aggressive towards her then maybe she would have left me alone.”
You rolled your eyes at his last comment. That sounded more like the Sanemi you knew, trying to scare people away, especially people who tried to help him. You knew that all too well. He was the same way towards you when you both met for the first time. You became a Hashira after he did, so he initially saw you as his inferior. He tried to intimidate you before every Hashira meeting began, to which you will admit, you did end up becoming nervous around him during those gatherings.
A few years ago, shortly after you were just promoted to a Hashira, you both were assigned on a mission together. It was a several day-long mission, most of it consisting of travel time. He was very hostile towards you in the beginning of your journey, snapping at you over any small question you asked. You had always made the first move to question what he wanted for dinners, but it ended up becoming a chore to agree on meals with him. Whenever you suggested something, he would always shoot down your proposal before eventually insisting on what his tastebuds craved. You imagined that you both could have saved so much time on that mission if he had just answered you appropriately the first time. After several days of sticking together, you could tell he was starting to calm down around you. Sanemi could never be perfectly calm, so when you say he “calmed down,” he was just slightly less hostile towards you whenever you spoke to him. Regardless, you tried your best to stand your ground and remain friendly towards him after contemplating if this was just the way he was always going to be. Sanemi was your partner on this mission after all, so to make sure the mission was completed correctly you figured you’d at least stay on good terms until then.
Following the completion of that mission, Sanemi’s taunting seemed to die down during Hashira meetings, and you found yourself having neutral conversations with him from time to time. It wasn’t until after Kyojuro Rengoku’s untimely death that you found him approaching you outside of Hashira meetings.
You were truly heartbroken over the death of your closest friend, and you took it very hard. Admittedly, you were on the verge of giving up as a Hashira because of it. You stopped showing up to Hashira meetings and received many letters from the other Hashira and even Kagaya Ubuyashiki himself, but you ignored them all. The first person to approach you was Sanemi, who had traveled to the Rengoku residence where you lived. He had come to offer you a meal and some company, which was quite astonishing to you. The last time you had seen him was during Kyojuro’s funeral, but he had not interacted with you at all; none of the Hashira did, except Mitsuri Kanroji for a brief moment of mutual comfort.
Sanemi apologized that he didn’t offer his sympathies earlier. He also informed you that everyone was worried over your lack of participation, to which you scoffed.
“If they’re so worried, then maybe they should check up on me themselves,” you said.
“That’s why I came instead.”
You were taken aback by his quick response. That was the first day that you recalled his change in personality, at least towards you. He was easily able to persuade you to begin attending meetings again, and even went as far as to invite you to train with him at his residence. Slowly, you started to notice yourself becoming more and more comfortable around him, enjoying the time that you spent in his company. There were certainly still times that he insulted you for not being able to knock him down in a spar, but he didn’t come off as purposefully aggressive like he used to. Kagaya Ubuyashiki recognized how well you two regarded each other and sent you on many missions together. You eventually became confused over how you truly felt towards Sanemi.
You never wanted to admit it, but it was certain that you deeply admired your fellow Hashira. In any other case, you would have believed that you were in love with him, but there was no way that you would ever admit to something so ridiculous. Sanemi was the complete opposite of you, so self-assured and violent, he was discourteous to everyone he met, which would frankly only harm your reputation if you were to commit to him. But the biggest reason of all was that you were both demon slayers, Hashira particularly. Neither of you had time to devote to such a thing as a relationship, because any mission you could take on may well possibly be your last. Being a Hashira was a considerable obligation, to which you were entrusted to protecting the lives of those weaker than you.
For the time being, you pushed away your feelings for Sanemi. You figured that he was too focused on his work and didn’t have time for a romantic relationship anyway. That was, until you woke up after defeating the demons.
“L/N-san? What are you looking at? You’ve been staring at my shoulder for a while. Is there a bug or something?” You were pulled out of your reminiscing, focusing on the silver-haired man you were recalling from your memories once again. He dorkily brushed his shoulder with his hand. “Nothing’s there,” he murmured.
“Sorry, Shinazugawa-san, I guess I zoned out for a second there,” you stammered.
He raised a faint eyebrow towards you, almost as if in question. You tapped your fingernails on your cup of tea that was now room temperature before quickly pulling it up to your mouth to chug the rest of the herbal liquid in hopes to break this awkward tension. When you returned the cup to the table in front of you, Sanemi spoke up to change the subject.
“I received a letter from the Ubuyashiki family’s crow yesterday, it was a reminder about the celebration tomorrow night.”
You softly gasped, remembering the same letter you received the previous day as well. You were so focused on seeing Sanemi again today that you totally forgot that tomorrow was the celebration that was dedicated to the former demon slayers.
“Oh, yeah,” you began. “It is tomorrow, isn’t it? How time flies,” you chuckled to hide your uneasiness. It was no matter, Sanemi effortlessly picked up on the way your body tensed up.
“Did you have something in mind that you were going to wear?”
You pondered for a moment, trying to imagine the inside of your closet back at the Rengoku residence. You owned a few pretty kimonos, however you received them as gifts when you were still an early teenager. Now that you were almost a decade older, you had no doubt that they didn’t fit you anymore.
“Well, not exactly,” you started off. “I have some kimonos, but I don’t think they really fit me anymore. After I became a demon slayer, I typically only wore my uniforms while I outgrew the other clothes I had.”
Sanemi hummed at your response. He leaned forward onto the table, propping himself up with a forearm while grinning strangely at you. His gesture sent a chill up your spine, and you noticed your face feeling rather warm. “Huh, is that so? I guess that means that we’ll have to go to town tomorrow to find you something nice to wear. I’m not letting you go to the festival looking like a fool.”
You gaped at him, unable to articulate a response right away. Your heart fluttered at his words, feeling flattered, almost honored, to be his concern. He wanted you to look nice tomorrow is what he was trying to convey. Such a trivial thing to be concerned about, you thought, but he did have a point. You would be meeting many people the least you could do was try to look presentable. After all, this was a celebration in honor of your victory.
“You’ll go with me, Shinazugawa-san?” you questioned with wide eyes, just to be sure you heard him correctly.
“Of course I’m gonna go with you, did you even hear what I just said? You can spend the night here and we can leave at dawn, I have an extra futon you can use. We’ll have a while before the festival starts tomorrow afternoon, so maybe we can stop for lunch when we get there. My treat, since you made such a good dinner tonight,” Sanemi avoided eye contact when he complimented your cooking skills, almost as if he was too shy to actually admit it to your face.
Your face broke out in a wide smile, a wave of encouragement washing over you. He actually liked your cooking! After worrying all day over it, you actually succeeded in making a meal that Sanemi would enjoy! Not one bit of his meal was left you noticed, and he even finished two or three cups of the tea you brewed. That was a huge accomplishment in your book.
“That sounds like a great idea, thank you for coming along with me!” You bowed your head in appreciation. “I suppose it’s smart to have a second opinion on whatever I decide to wear.”
Sanemi scoffed, standing from the table and gathering your empty dishes and cups and walking away with both hands full. “I’m sure you’ll look fine in whatever you put on,” he mumbled as he strode off to the kitchen.
You were left alone at the table, looking down as you twiddled your fingers nervously. It was one thing after another that made your heart rate speed up, it seemed. You didn’t exactly know how to handle this new Sanemi, you figured he wouldn’t care what you intended to wear, or to even go as far to take you out to find a nice outfit. Typically, he would mock anything you wore that wasn’t your corps uniform, so that final compliment was what threw you off the most. You exhaled loudly and clapped your palms against your reddened cheeks, hoping to scare away the tingles that ran throughout your body. The only thing you could focus on right now was figuring out what Sanemi’s intentions were with you. Sure, they were harmless compliments and kind gestures, but it was a whole other level for this man. He didn’t regularly give out compliments. In fact, he didn’t give them out at all. But now…? No, you thought. He’s just your friend, he just has a funny way of showing it. There was no way that he felt anything romantic for you. Even if he did, you would know it by now. Sanemi was a very blunt person, and he was always honest with you… sometimes a little too honest. You bit your nail as scenarios raced through your mind. Being Sanemi’s friend was like being on a rollercoaster, sometimes you didn’t know what to expect. Sometimes it was disappointing, while other times it was a thrill.
Footsteps approached you again, tearing you from your ruminations. “It’s getting pretty late now; we’ve been talking for almost two hours. If we’re gonna be up early then we should at least get some decent sleep.”
Sanemi showed you to his room where he laid an extra futon just a few feet away from his own. You had been using his futon since you arrived at his residence a week ago and made sure to wash it before you first used it and after you last used it. He fluffed his extra futon up, asking you how you preferred to sleep, to which you insisted that you were pleased with any way your futon felt. You were just grateful that he even offered to have you spend another night.
He blew out the candle that sat between your futons that he originally lit to illuminate the room until you were both situated in your mattresses. You turned to your side to face away from his direction, taking a bundle of your heavy blanket into your embrace. You wondered to yourself if you should tell him good night or not. Would that be weird? You always said good night to Kyojuro and Senjuro. After a minute, you took in a deep breath and worked up the courage to speak, but were alas disrupted by a deep snore. Sanemi must be one of those people who fall asleep easily, you thought. It wasn’t very long before you followed, feeling an unfamiliar sense of comfort just before you fell into the unconscious world of sleep.
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17wishbones · 3 years
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Here is the FINAL part (3) of Chapter VII: War’s End! So glad that you made it all to the end. A rather bittersweet sort of sensation but, it was fun writing this to the very end. I so wanted a happy ending, but I still sort of followed Rengoku’s path and cried my eyes out again but it was worth it. Again, this one I know I could write better so I’m going to work on it. Thank you all for reading through this and sticking with me. This was just so fun to do!
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                                      Chapter VII: War’s End
“Everyone ready to go?” Tanjiro asked his ‘lively’ crew.
Zenitsu was sitting with Nezuko who was comfortably set in her box. “Yep, yep! Me and Nezuko-chan are as ready as we’ll ever be.”
“Finally! I can get out and stretch my legs!” Inosuke shouted with glee as he grabbed his two blades.
“Hope you have room for one more.”
“Oh, sure, we do-- _____, is that. . . is that really you?”
“In the flesh.” You stepped through the doorway in just the uniform. Over the weeks, you garnered a leveled bob cut of your locs, an eyepatch over your left eye, and scars littering your arms and around your face. “I’ve missed you all so much.”
“COOOOOOK!!!” Inosuke bum-rushed you into a hug, sniffling loudly beneath his boar’s head. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?”
Zenitsu joined him, well, more like pushed him out of the way as he hugged you next. “____, WE WERE WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU!! WE THOUGHT YOU WERE A GONER!!”
“I’m so sorry for up and leaving just like that. There was a lot to process after the Mugen Train incident, and I didn’t want to muddle your healthy minds with my emotions. I wanted to be mentally strong for you guys.” 
‘Her scent is still sad. Of course, she has a reason to be. She lost Rengoku-san, and has had to cope with that loss on her own. I know how tough that can be, but I have Nezuko with me still. She doesn’t have any kin or home to return to. Demon slaying is all she has. . . and us.’ Tanjiro’s eyes lit up. “That’s right! You have us.”
“Hmm? What was that, Tanjiro?” You asked.
“We’re a family, isn’t that right, _____?”
His words surprised you, and it made your heart jump with joy. You looked at all four of them as a part of your family. There wasn’t anything you wouldn’t do for them. “You’re absolutely right. That’s why I want to come with you. Besides, as a Hashira, it is but my civic duty to protect Kyōjurō’s juniors.” Tears formed in the corner of your eyes as you spoke fondly of him. “He was so ecstatic to have more apprentices under his belt. Therefore, I must follow in his footsteps and watch over you.”
“YEEEESS!! Having Cook with us will make traveling even better.”
Zenitsu frowned at him. ‘As if traveling with you has been anything pleasant.’
“Now, before we go. I want to see Senjuro. Did you relay the message to him already, Tanjiro?”
“Mhm. As soon as we got back, and when I was able to move. Do you want us to come with you? We’re heading through that direction anyway.”
“Perfect! Let’s be off then.”
You all travelled down to the Rengoku Estate, seeing Senjuro sweeping out of his home. He was caught off guard when you embraced him.
For a moment, there was silence as he held you back tightly, his eyes swelling with tears. Seeing him reminded you of all the times you spent together. The three of you were a team when you and Rengoku were training for the Final Selection. Senjuro, sweet and kind, had a quiet fire burning in him. He was going to be something amazing, just like his brother.
“Senjuro, how have you been? Are you alright?” You inspected him from his ember-tipped hair down to his sandals.
“I’m better now, after seeing you. You left in such a hurry, I was worried that you weren’t going to come back.”
“You’re stronger than I, Senjuro, and I wanted to be that for you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, _____. Are you leaving with Tanjiro and the others now?”
“Yes. I want to follow in your brother’s footsteps and protect those that I love and those that can’t protect themselves.” You knelt down, looking into his big, soft eyes. “I really wanted us to be together.” You said this, not knowing when death would knock at your doorstep. “I love you, Senjuro. I know you’ll be a great man in the future.”
“Mmm, I think I will be, too.” He hugged you one more time. “I love you, too, _____!”
You returned the favor before you both let go. You reached for your belt, pulling out a small box of goodies. “For you. Hope you like them. Take care, Senjuro.”
Your days, though filled with amazing memories, came to a close as you fell protecting the children. More than anything, you wanted them to succeed. Sacrificing yourself was the only way to win. It was a swift pain, a slow burn, and then darkness bled into your vision as your soul lifted towards the light and your warm, wavering aura vanished from your body.
You were sorry that you couldn’t stay as you walked halfway across the red bridge, spotting flame-tipped hair just over yonder. He peered over his shoulder, a proud smile spread on his handsome features as he held his hand out to you.
Over the red bridge did you both cross, fading into the distance.                                                          
                                       ( B O N U S - E N D I N G)
Summer had come and college was out! Most couldn’t wait to spend it goofing off on a beach, traveling across the States, or going right back into school a couple weeks later for summer courses. Many people had many things to look forward to, but you? You had woken up at the ass crack of dawn, taking in the morning air as you raced down the steps with your suitcase fully packed.
“Mom! Dad! Come on! We have to get the airport now! I can’t be late.” Your parents were so slow sometimes and that made you anxious. You could leave them here and catch a ride there or make it on your own but they were not having any of that.
“We’re coming, _____, we’re coming!” Your dad said with a mouthful of foaming toothpaste.
“You usually don’t wake up this early with this much energy.” Your mom added. 
“It’s not everyday you get to study abroad in the land of the Rising Sun! I have a day’s worth of traveling to do so I can always sleep later.” Yeah, you didn’t get any kind of sleep last night as you’d be spending most of it in the air.
You hurried them up and sped to the busy airport to meet with the group of classmates you were leaving with. You said your goodbyes to your parents, boarded the plane, and wished for a safe trip. 
As soon as service was offered, you grabbed a couple drinks, ate whatever they served in the trays, and knocked out until landing - save for the few bathroom trips -. 
Your horizon suddenly expanded the moment you walked out of Japan’s airport, looking around you in amazement. You had to keep murmuring to yourself, “Do not weeb out. I repeat, do not weeb out.” You loved anime, you loved Japanese culture, and you loved their idea of cuisine. Japan felt like the place for you.
“Okay everyone, please come together,” spoke your sweet, endearing Japanese princess of a teacher, Mayamoto-sensei. “We’ll be heading two hours out by bus to Kimetsu Daigaku (Kimetsu University). Rest up and be ready for a little surprise set up by a few students who were interested in meeting you guys soon after arrival.”
You internally squealed with glee. You weren’t dressed up for the occasion but who was going to tell you that you couldn’t wear a pair of sweats on the ride there. With your short locs retwisted and your good outfits packed, you were set to go!
So set that you were the first off the bus and getting your things out. “This is going to be a great experience, I know it!” 
“Nn! I agree!” 
“Oh my god!” You jumped, scared by the booming voice beside you. “Oh… oh my god.” You had laid eyes on one of the most unique men you had ever had the pleasure of gazing upon. He was different, what with his flame highlighted tips, dazzling eyes, and charming smile. 
“Yes. . .?” He slowly stood, his eyes never leaving yours once locked. This man, a vocal and expressive man, was left speechless. He ogled you for much longer than he’s ever done, going over your brown skin, your brown eyes, your short locs, everything! He immediately bowed before you, introducing himself. “Konnichiwa! Rengoku Kyōjurō to moushimasu! Yoroshiku onegai-shimasu!” (Formal: (Hello!) I’m called Rengoku Kyōjurō! Nice to meet you!)
Your eyes bugged out of your face. ‘Shit! Wasn’t he speaking English a minute ago? Okay, okay, what did he say?’ You looked back to see your sensei and the students watching the two of you interact. This was not how you kept yourself out of weeb trouble. Hell, you were still trying to figure out what his fine ass said so fast.
“Onamae wa, nan desu ka?” (Polite: What’s your name?)
You sighed, being able to understand that. “Watashi no namae wa… _____ _____ desu. Doozo yoroshiku.” (Casual: My name is _____. Nice to meet you.)
‘_____?’ He eyed you for a second longer before he placed his hands on his hips, smiling wide from ear to ear. “Very good, _____! I’m Rengoku Kyōjurō, and I am with a few classmates to meet you all. Welcome to Kimetsu University!”
“Woooow, his English is so good.” You thought. Aloud.
“Thank you! I have been learning since elementary! Your pronunciation is good, but your flow is slow. However, I am sure you will improve after being here for a month!” 
‘Oh, thanks for putting me out there!’ You smiled nervously. This handsome, wild man was nothing like you had expected. “That’s what I’m hoping for as I’d like to work, live, and travel here in the future.”
“Is that so?” He faced you with his arms crossed over his chest. “Be my student!” Your mouth, along with the others, dropped at his proposal. You looked to your sensei for help, and she encouraged it with an approving nod and smile. “Great, then it’s settled! You’ll be fluent in Japanese in no time!” He looked off to the distance, laughing loud as you smiled in confusion.
(Modern AU Sequel coming SOON!) - - - - - - - - - Chapters: I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII (Part 1) / (Part 2) / (Part 3)
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Together to be
Rengoku Kyojuro x ||Fem|| Kakushi
Part I
Part II
Once I finished my whole training as a Kakushi, I became Doctor and surgeon I got the chance to meet the Master, and heard from him how proud he was of me and grateful to Rengoku’s family. I was as well. And meanwhile you were about to be Hashira, and now you train a girl to be your new Tsuguko, that made me feel a little jealous, so I had to see it with my eye.
I was far too nervous so I wasn’t even sure if you still liked sweet potatoes. Or if she now cooks for you. What am I saying?! All right I was jealous, but it was normal you never had another girl in your life. I bought new clothes, nothing fancy just a simple white/pink Kimono and prepared you and your family a bento with tons of sweet potatoes for you. By the instant I get to entry the town I ran to Rengoku’s residence. I was too excited to see you, to see Senjuro and your father. I froze on the entrance where everything was so quiet. Then a small figure meet me at the door with a big smile. — Kumiko-san? Is that you?!—
—Senjuro, you are so big, my Gods, you look just like Kyojuro.— I reply and couldn’t help but hug him. — I missed you so much.— I was shaking and he could feel it.
— It’s been 4 years since you left, I missed you so, but my father he will be so happy to see you. Please come inside.
Senjuro took my hand and led me to your father’s room. He was in his best self but still a little bit too drunk— Father, someone very special came to visit. Father?— He was lost on his mind, even Senjuro’s voice was a little off.
— Rengoku-san, it’s Kumiko. Is so nice to see you again.— Shinjuro turn his body to face me and fix his clothes and stud up to welcome me in a hug.
Senjuro sigh relieved, he was embarrassed by the whole situation but wasn’t gonna allowed to ruin this emotional reunion.
— Kumiko, I am trilled you are here it’s been years, look at you you look just like your mother. So beautiful.— I couldn’t but hug him back. I was too emotional. Kyojuro mentioned his dad depression was too much too handle but I never thought how bad it was.
— Thank you Rengoku-san, I am happy to see you. I am sorry that took me so long to came with you. I promise for now on It wont take me that long to visit you.—
He smiled so widely made Senjuro smile too.
— Just what my ears wanted to hear, we need extra beauty around, you know some feminine presence. Hey now you are here you should marry Kyojuro and have children.— My soul left my body. I was in shock, did he just gave me his blessing?
— Father, don’t! I am sorry Kumiko. He must be very excited for your visit.— I chuckled at them a little nervous.
— It’s fine Senjuro, and thank you for your blessing Rengoku-san, but I will think about it. Oh, I brought some food to share, is it ok if I prepared a small picnic on the garden, like we used to.—
— Please do! I am gonna buy more alcohol so that we can celebrate your beautiful coming. — Senjuro’s expression went from happy to sadness, it has been rough, but I won’t let him feel that way during my visit.
— Thank you Rengoku-san, Senjuro cam you help me. The sheets are under the bento boxes. Im gonna boil some water to make some tea as well.—
As soon as I entered the house I looked for you Kyojuro. Your magnificent presence wasn’t there anymore and I didn’t want ask immediately for you. I didn’t want to seem desperate.
— Big brother should comeback anytime soon. He said he will be here by noon, it makes me happy to see you two reunited.—
How he knew I was looking for you?
— That’s so sweet of you Senjuro, even though he wasn’t coming I will be just happy to see you.—
We installed a small picnic area around the garden, back in the good old days it used to be two Sakura threes, where we took breaks from training, taking lunch with Senjuro and your father.
We talked for more over than a hour, Senjuro talked about his training and how proud he was that you were about to become a Hashira. Your father get on his best behavior joking around, making Senjuro feel a little less worried, he might seem he doesn’t care about you but everytime Senjuro called your name he smiled.
— And how is to be. Kakushi Kumiko-san?
— Well is not that bad, right now I am the leader of a team. Ad became a doctor.
— Thats amazing, I always knew from my brother that you were an excellent slayer but now a doctor, that’s something I can’t imagine, is so cool.
— Yes Kumiko, you are honoring your father’s legacy.
— Thank you, is what I was prepared for so at least I can be helpful.
We were interrupted by your high and loud laugh. My heart started to beat fast and my hands were shaking so bad that I spill my tea over my lap.
— Thats big brother, he has no idea you were coming right?
I shaked my head while trying to clean my mess.
— He’s gonna faint by see in what such a beautiful woman he let go.—
— Father don’t say those words, I am sorry again, Kumiko-san.
Poor Senjuro was so done by his father’s behavior.
— Dont worry I am excited to see Kyojuro.—
Senjuro got on his feet and went for you.
— I have a surprise for you big brother, please close your eyes.— he garbbed Kyojuro’s hand and lead him through the back of the house
—All right, better be food because I am starving—
“Kyo… you still the same cute boy.”
My mind kep my cautive for a moment, I could help but remember how small we were when we just met.
— It’s much better than that.—
— Oh my, oh my what could beat food little brother?—
I wasn’t sure how to react so I just got up, I fixed my hair and tooka deep breath.
— And there it is, surprise!— Senjuro let Kyojuro’s hand and let you open your eyes to see me.
— Hello, Kyojuro…— the world seemed to stopped.
— Kumiko, hi.— Your smile never changed.
Those were the only words we could say, we ran to hug each other. We don’t know how long was that hug, we didn’t even saw your family leave to let us have our moment.
~Kumiko POV ends.
Author notes: Hi, thank you again for reading. Might be a part III, but what do you think so far? Let me know please.
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wisteriashouse · 4 years
falling (i).
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pairing: rengoku kyoujurou x reader
genre: fluff, dark
warnings: gore, murder
word count: 4212
remarks: i have absolutely no idea what i’ve just done, please tell me if this is considered psychological horror or if it’s just me trying to be edgy and turning out cringey. also please note the warnings above!! if you want fluff, just stop reading at the ‘>>>’  i might delete this in the morning out of embarrassment lmao
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i. for your lies
The tea is piping hot when you run into Rengoku Kyoujurou for the first time.
His frame is broad, an immovable mountain, and it’s no wonder that you were sent stumbling while the man before you seems to have barely taken a step backwards. The force of your collision sends the porcelain teacups hurtling off the tray you’re carrying, scalding water splashing over the delicate skin of your hands with a gasp. Your heart lurches into your chest as you fall, but before you can crash painfully to the ground, a pair of strong arms wrap around your middle, pulling you upright. Instead of the floorboards, your nose collides with a firm chest and immediately a slightly sweet, earthy scent fills your nose.
Behind you, there’s the sound of porcelain shattering, the clatter of your tea tray hitting the ground. You stand there for a moment, stunned, trying to register what has just happened. You didn’t even see him move.
“My apologies!” The man apologises to you immediately, although it was you who crashed into him first. His voice is loud and booming in the corridors of the brothel, and the stark contrast to his unassuming attire takes you by surprise. It’s as though he is attempting his best to stay indistinguishable from the crowd - the colour of his robe is a dull, earthy brown - common attire found on most of the chōnin who frequent the red light district of Yoshiwara. However, it does little to mask the brightness of his hair, his smile, and most importantly, his eyes - they burn like twin suns in the sky, and you find that it is near impossible for you to meet his gaze. “Are you alright?”
You bow low immediately, hiding your face from those piercing eyes. The hairs at the back of your neck prickle. “No, no, it was my fault.” You say. Glancing behind you, you see broken shards of porcelain scattered across the ground, hot tea seeping between the cracks in the floorboards. “I’m so sorry that you had to see such an unpleasant sight. I’ll clean up the mess immediately.”
Turning around, you drop to your knees to pick up the pieces, but before your fingertips can so much as brush one, the man is already kneeling before you, gathering up all the shards into his sleeve with one hand and picking up the fallen tray with the other. “Okyaku-sama, I-”
“It’s no problem! It was my fault, after all.” His insistence makes you hesitate for a beat. Perceptive eyes pick up your uncertainty in an instant and he’s quick to reassure you, flashing you a quick grin. “Besides, you shouldn’t be aggravating your injuries!”
Surprised, you glance down at your hands and see pink splotches forming over your skin. A small wince leaves your mouth, something that doesn’t go unnoticed by the man in front of you. “You should get the scalded area under some running water! It’ll help cool down the burn.”
You swallow, looking over at the broken teacups in his sleeve. “But…” 
“Oi, [name], what’s with the hold up? Why hasn’t the tea arrived yet?” A snappish voice interrupts you and you turn around to see a middle aged woman stomping up to you, arms folded across her chest. You’re about to explain yourself when her eyes narrow at the mess on the floor, her lips twisting in a satisfied sneer. “Well, well, well. Even the owner’s favourite makes mistakes, I see.”
It takes a significant amount of effort to conceal the roll of your eyes.
“Sorry, Masako-san.” You force a polite smile onto your face, inclining your head to the overseer of the brothel. “I’ll get another tea set prepared right away-”
“It was my fault.” 
Surprised, you glance up at the man standing next to you. There’s a polite, apologetic smile on his face as he speaks to Masako. “I am the one to blame here, I bumped into her.” At the sight of him, Masako’s eyes widen - she must have been so fixated on you that she completely missed him - and she hurriedly bows before him. “Okyaku-sama!”
“I’m sorry that I broke such a beautiful piece of art.” He inspects the shards in his sleeve with a cursory glance, brow furrowed. “From the glaze, it must have been a rather expensive set. I’ll pay for it, if need be.”
“There’s no need to. You’re a customer, I’m sure the owner would not hold it against you.” Masako replies breathlessly, shaking her head. You keep your mouth shut. If the man had not taken the blame onto himself instead, you’re sure that she would have insisted you pay every bit of it. “If you would come with me, okyaku-sama, it would be my pleasure to bring you some of the most beautiful girls in the establishment-”
“That’s very kind of you, but I’m not here for such pleasures.” The man cuts her off politely, yet his voice is firm. One of his hands comes to rest on your shoulder. “This lovely lady said she would show me where to dispose of the pieces, so we should get going before I drop any of these and cause an accident.”
Taking his words as a subtle cue, you nod in agreement. “Then, I’ll be leaving first, Masako-san. I’ll bring up a fresh set to the room later.”
Unable to argue with a customer, Masako can only watch as you lead the man down the hallway and around the corner. Once you’re out of her line of sight, you heave a sigh of relief, shaking your head. 
“Thank you for helping me back there.” You murmur softly as he falls into step next to you. “I really appreciate it.”
“It’s only natural to help someone in need!” He smiles, jovial, and you find the sight about as radiant as the sun. “I’m glad that I could be of assistance to you. Besides,” his smile turns a little sheepish, “I was speaking the truth when I said that I was not here for sexual services.” 
“What are you here for, then?” Your question seems to be something he wasn’t expecting, because he raises a brow, lips pursing slightly. You put up your hands immediately at the guarded expression that flashes across his face. “Apologies, I appear to be overstepping my boundaries. You don’t have to answer my question, okyaku-sama. I’m just a servant here, after all.”
The corners of his lips dip into a frown. “Do not speak of yourself that way. You and your work here are valued, I am sure!” The cautiousness of his face seems to have abated slightly, because he ponders your question a little more seriously this time. “Well, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that I am searching for a friend, whom I was supposed to meet here.”
“Friend?” You ask, curious. Your footsteps halt before a sliding door that you make quick work to open, revealing a kitchen behind the screen. “I’m the cook of this establishment, so if you describe them to me briefly, I might be able to tell if I’ve seen them around.”
“Well, his name is Yugou Fukuzashi.” the man begins. He seems oddly nervous now. “He has a pet crow.”
You pause for a moment, musing over the past few days before you let out a little gasp of recognition.
“Oh, yes, I think I’ve seen him before! His crow looked so cute, I couldn’t help but approach him and ask him to let me pet it.” You tell him enthusiastically, watching the way his eyes light up. “He mentioned that he was heading out for a while and wanted me to leave a message for the next person looking for him.”
His back straightens almost imperceptibly, eyes sharpening. If you hadn’t been watching him out of the corner of your eye, you would have completely missed the sudden, subtle shift in his attitude. “Would you care to tell me the message?” 
“Well,” you step into the kitchen, and the man has to duck his head slightly to enter after you. “He said that he was investigating an urgent, new lead about something, and that you should wait here for a few days until he returns, in case he needs your immediate help. That was all.” 
“New lead?” He repeats to himself under his breath, brows furrowed. Stepping over to the sink, you gesture to the trash bin in the corner of the room. “You can dispose of the pieces there. I’m truly sorry for the trouble I’ve caused you, okyaku-sama.”
“It was really of no trouble to me!” You hear the clink of pottery behind you as you hold your hands under tap, cool water streaming over your skin. “And please, don’t call me okyaku-sama. It makes me feel strange, considering that I’m not here for the services on sale!”
You blink over your shoulder. He’s seated himself at the kitchen table, both hands resting lightly on the tabletop, eyes bright as he regards you. That sight is incredibly foreign to you - no one has sat in your kitchen that you remember, with good reason. “Right. What should I call you, then?” 
He beams at you. Sunlight streams in through the open windows, casting shadows over his hands. “You can call me Rengoku! That’s my name, Rengoku Kyoujurou.” You repeat his name slowly, testing it out on your tongue, intonation slightly stilted. “Rengoku-san. That’s a rather dramatic name, don’t you think?”
His name means inferno, purgatory. A divine fire that burns away even the deepest, darkest sins of men, unrelenting in its pursuit for righteousness and justice. Your mouth pulls into a thin line. 
It suits him, you think, with the flame tipped hair and the burning coal of his irises that seem to scorch you bare to the bones with his gaze.
You introduce yourself to him in turn, and he repeats your name back to you with bright enthusiasm. “You have a beautiful name.” He smiles. Although his expression is relaxed, his back is still ramrod straight, one hand constantly hovering at his left hip. You swallow silently, heart racing in your chest. 
“Flatterer.” You reply lightly, turning your eyes away before he can notice your staring. Pulling your hands out from beneath the tap, you hold them up to inspect them - the pink is already beginning to fade, and with a little ointment, they’ll be as good as before in no time at all. “See? They’re perfectly fine.” You show Kyoujurou your hands with a slight smile. “There’s no reason for you to feel bad at all. In fact, I should be thanking you instead.” 
“There’s no need to!” Kyoujurou laughs. The sound is bright and clear and honest, unlike the poisonous titter of the prostitutes you hear so often in the private entertainment rooms, or the delighted chuckles of the conmen and schemers that prowl the streets, looking for a quick coin. “As I said, I only did what anyone else would have done. It is nothing to be thanked for.”
What he says makes you pause in your step, your throat tightening. Does he truly believe that, or is he simply spouting empty words, a hollow vessel echoing the words of others? “You are a very kind man, Rengoku-san.” Is all you end up saying softly instead, and Kyoujurou looks startled at your words for a moment. Before he can find some way to excuse that as well, you continue, lightening the mood with a quick smile. “Besides, you did save me from having to pay for those cups. They’re part of an expensive tea set, and if any of them did break, I’d probably be punished by Masako-san.” You catch Kyoujurou’s lips pulling into a frown at your words and quickly continue. “I’d like to treat you to a meal to repay you! As I mentioned earlier, I’m the cook of this place, so I’m sure I could find some way to satisfy your palate!” 
Kyoujurou stares at you for a moment before he shakes his head. “No, it’s quite alright-”
“This place might be a brothel,” you say, suddenly a little put out at his refusal, crossing your arms over your chest, “but our food is pretty good too, you know.”
“That’s not what I meant!” Kyoujurou hurries to clear up the misunderstanding before you can continue to insist, eyes wide. “Your hands are injured, so you should abstain from using them in the meantime! After they are well, I’d love to try your cooking!”
“Oh.” You pause, suddenly embarrassed. Momentarily flustered, you step over to the cupboards, pulling out a small tray piled high with elaborately made wagashi. “Then, Rengoku-san, in the meantime, please have these instead.”
His eyes widen with almost unbridled excitement as he looks over them, before he turns to you. “You made these yourself?” There’s such honest joy in his voice that you can’t meet his eyes, ducking your head to the side a little awkwardly.
“It’s a hobby of mine.” You say, rubbing the back of your neck. “Please, eat up.” 
Kyoujurou doesn’t need a second invitation, picking one up and admiring the detail on it briefly before putting the sweet into his mouth whole. He chews for a moment, and as much as you try not to, you find yourself watching his face in anticipation. Are they any good? Do they suit his taste?
He swallows and takes a deep breath.
You nearly reel at the volume of his declaration. “Absolutely delicious! Delicious!” He continues to exclaim, reaching out for more, and within minutes the staggering pile of handmade sweets have been completely demolished by a man alone. You watch the scene unfold in shock even as he gathers the crumbs off the tray and pops them into his mouth with a final proclamation of ‘delicious!’, said with great gusto.
You stare for a moment before shaking your head, rendered quite speechless. It’s as if he’s been famished for years. “I assume they tasted good?”
“They tasted fantastic!” Kyoujurou beams at you, one hand reaching up to wipe away the few stray crumbs clinging to the side of his mouth. “You are an amazing cook! I am very lucky to have the privilege of having your food!”
You give him a slight smile as you reach over to pick up the tray. “Well, you’ll have plenty of chances to taste them over the next few days, since you’ll be staying here. I hope that I’ll get to know you better during your time here, Rengoku-san.” Your words are sweet, and so very simple.
He smiles back at you, completely guileless.
“I look forward to getting to know you better too!”
When night falls, the sun extinguished by shadows and darkness prowling the streets, the red light district comes alive, a nocturnal beast raising its slumbering head. Kyoujurou has long retired to bed, citing a need to wake up early the next day, but you wonder if part of his reason for doing so is to avoid the depravity that settles over the floating world of pleasure. Upright, moral and righteous, adhering to a strict code of conduct and self discipline. 
That’s what you’ve picked up about Rengoku Kyoujurou so far in the time you’ve spent together.
A covered tray in your hands, you make your way down the hallway, ascending the stairs to the very highest floor of the building. Here, the walls are lavishly decorated with various signature artworks from famous artists of different eras, glazed vases and pottery, the tatami soft and firm under your feet. It’s almost as if you’ve entered a different world altogether, compared to the lower floors of the brothel, this would be a place almost fit for royalty. 
Almost no one knows of the topmost floor and the secrets it hides. 
Quietly, you knock at the door. Your knuckles whisper a secret pattern into the wood. “It’s me.”
There’s a long pause before you hear a familiar series of clicking and whirring, hundreds of locks being undone from the other side. You wait patiently, and with a final click, the door slides open for you. 
You take a single, deep breath, and step into the lion’s maw.
It’s dark, the only light source the candles scattered about the room, their meagre light throwing eerie shadows at the walls. The interior is even more decorated than the exterior, rich, soft carpet lining every inch of floor, gilded ornaments dotting the space to its owner’s every whim and fancy. Yet, it cannot hide the heavy scent of iron that suffuses the air, thick and poignant.
Carefully, you make your way to the front of the room, where a figure sits cross legged on a raised dais.
Its leering smile sends chills down your spine, but you continue walking towards it with as much calm as you can muster, although every nerve in your body tells you to run in the opposite direction. To your side, a kneeling figure trembles. You don’t spare him a second glance.
You stand before the dais, setting down the covered tray before you. Two simple words leave your lips.
You watch with emotionless eyes as a dark tendril lowers a single squawking shape down to your eye level, the kasugai crow letting out a stream of desperate, high pitched shrieks and caws. That’s the last sound it ever makes, because in the next second the tendril squeezes, and the little bird simply splatters over the ground in a mess of blood and black feathers. The room abruptly falls silent, devoid of the bird’s wails. “That’s far better, I was getting tired of its ceaseless noise. The curses it hurled at me, you wouldn’t have believed how unkind its words were, darling.” You remember how soft its feathers were under your fingertips.
“He’s here.” You say, simply.
The creature before you lets out a low ‘oho?’, and all around you, you hear a unsettling concerto of dry, raspy slithering, as if there are a thousand snakes in this very room with you. You’ve only seen its true form once, and the nightmarish sight still haunts you till this day. “So the little bird was right, after all.”
“You didn’t have to wait till now to kill it.” You answer, impassive. The demon tilts its head as it regards you, one corner of its mouth tilting up in a grin. 
“I had to let it know that it failed its mission at the moment of its death. Just thinking about the agony it felt in its last moments sends shivers down my spine. It’s all about the despair.” It coos, voice dangerously soft with glee. “So, a Pillar has really come to my humble establishment? Have you convinced him to stay for dinner?” 
The tea had been piping hot when you had run into Rengoku Kyoujurou for the first time.
Watching from the upper floors, fingers dancing over the boiling kettle, you had been waiting the entire morning - eyes on the streets, looking out for a man who fit the description of Flame Pillar to approach. It’d been around midday when you had caught sight of him, guided to the front of the establishment, and when he’d tilted his head upwards to take in the building, you had instantly known that the man before you did not belong in this pit of depravity.
It was him.
“I have.” Your words are short and curt. “He’s meeting his friend here. Yugou Fukuzashi.”
“The poor man will be waiting a long time.” With a soft, poisonous chuckle, the demon reaches forward to lift the cover of the tray, and there’s a choked scream of terror behind you at the sight it reveals.
Yugou Fukuzashi’s severed head sits on a platter, neatly slicked chunks of raw, red meat set around it in a perfect circle. You don’t even bat an eyelid, hands clasped behind you as you continue staring at the wall opposite you. “Thigh, chest and shoulder meat. Just like you wanted.”
“You’ve done perfectly, as usual. Lovely, absolutely lovely. You’re an astounding cook, truly.” The shadows against the wall amass and morph into the distorted shape of a hand, reaching down with a pair of chopsticks to dip a slice of meat in soy sauce before lifting it into its mouth. “Slayers always have the best meat. Their well trained bodies are so firm and juicy. I can never resist a beautiful meal.”
The person on the ground next to you scrabbles to his feet, babbling nonsensically at the grotesque sight as he tries to flee on shaky legs. Before he can take so much as a step, there’s a soft, silent breath as the air itself is cleaved in half and the man goes crashing to the ground once again, screaming terribly as blood gushes from the back of his calves. Achilles tendons severed, the man has no way of escaping - well, not that he did, in the first place.
None of them ever have.
“I wonder,” the demon says thoughtfully, over the din of the screaming man, “what the flesh of a Pillar would taste like.” Its eyes come to rest on you, and the hairs at the back of your neck prickle. “What do you think?”
You exhale. “I don’t know.” The screaming jarring your thoughts, and you take a deep breath to regulate your emotions. “But I can bring him to you, if you want.”
It coos. “And that’s why you’re my favourite, darling. So obedient, so willing. It’s no wonder why you’re the only one I’ve kept around for long.” The shadows surge, shifting restlessly before something unnaturally cold touches your cheek, dangerously tender. “That Masako should really learn from you.”
Next to you, the man screams again, trying to crawl away, gasping for air through his tears and the taste of his own blood in his mouth. “No matter. She won’t be around much longer.” You don’t flinch when the demon’s tendrils snake down to play at the delicate skin of your neck, taking steady breaths and counting your heartbeat in your mind. “She’s far too noisy, much like this slab of meat here.”
The shadows wrap around the man’s ankle right before he can make it to the door, hoisting him into the air and he lets out a terrified shriek, thrashing about madly. “If only you hadn’t tried to steal from that previous meal of mine. I hope that gold embroidered coat you’re wearing now is worth the life you’re about to pay for it.” The demon hums lightly, shaking his head. The man sobs and screams, all dignity abandoned, his sounds melding together into a desperate cacophony. “You should have to pay a far greater price, considering that it was your silly mistake that brought the demon slayers knocking on our door. But because I’m merciful, I won’t drag it out for you.”
A seam opens up in the writhing mass of shadows to reveal a maw filled with rows and rows of jagged teeth. The man cries for mercy, pleads with the gods for salvation, before he turns his eyes to you, desperately begging you to save him with the last of his breath. You don’t even spare him a glance when his words are cut off abruptly, the sound of bone crunching and breaking as the demon swallows him whole.
The room falls silent once more.
“And that settles one little problem we have.” The demon says with a satisfied sigh. You don’t move a muscle, hands still clasped behind your back. “If only he were more like you, he wouldn’t have died. The silly man.”
You snatch your air back into your lungs, searching desperately for your voice. “He shouldn’t have stolen that coat.” You breathe out. Your blood seems to have turned to ice in your veins.
“He shouldn’t. If they were all more like you, they wouldn’t have died. He was a selfish, materialistic man.” The demon agrees, its voice a playful hum. A gentle weight rests on top of your head, and suddenly you feel as though you can’t breathe. “I know you’ll never be like that, my darling. You’re my favourite, after all.”
You take that as your permission to leave. “Then, I’ll take my leave first.”
You turn around and walk slowly towards the door, careful to avoid the trail of blood smeared over the carpet. The ominous feeling of death chases at your heels, but you don’t let yourself look over your shoulder as you continue to put one foot in front of the other. When you finally step out into the hallway, you turn back to slide the door shut, and hear the shadows whisper your name.
“Bring me the Pillar’s head, darling.” Even through the gloom, you see its mouth curve into a terrible grin from the dais. “I know you won’t disappoint me.”
You bow your head low.
The door slides shut, the locks and bolts clicking back into place once more. Taking a deep breath to steady your legs, you make your way to the stairs and descend, leaving the locked room behind you like a bad dream pushed to the very recesses of your mind.
Almost no one knows of the topmost floor and the secrets it hides, except for you.
Because you’re the only one who’s walked out of it alive.
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dudeandduchess · 4 years
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Kyōjurō x F!S/O: Levain (Fluff, Modern AU, Slight NSFW Scenario)
Note: I wrote down something self-indulgent from the Coffee Shop AU prompts. 🥰 Hope you like it, bbys. Also, yes, I’m coming out of hiatus since I’m 90% done with the things that I have to do. 🍉🍉🍉
Summary: Kyōjurō attends a baking class that (Y/n) has started at her coffee shop. Despite being so horrible at cooking in general, he still comes to her classes every weekend— all so he could get closer to her.
Warnings: Making Out, Adult Themes, Language
Kyōjurō’s heart was pounding so loud in his ears, as he continued to knead the dough in front of him as suave as possible. It wasn’t that he was trying to attract the eye of all the other females in the class— no, that wasn’t it at all.
He was trying to catch (Y/n)’s eye from where she stood a few ways away from him. He had been for the past few weeks; hell, he’d been at it ever since she’d first opened her coffee shop a year ago.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t even muster up the courage to just ask her out— because, well… because she was (Y/n). She was too pretty, too smart, and too smart, and too kind for him; at least, that’s what Kyōjurō thought of her. She was the epitome of his dream girl that even just being in the same room as her always had him choking up with nerves.
So, when she had told him that she was opening up a couple of baking classes on the weekends, he didn’t even hesitate to grab the opportunity to get closer to her; and maybe even finally strike up a conversation that was more than him laughing too loudly, or her having to be pulled away for business-related things.
What he didn’t expect, however, was how hard baking was going to be— especially for him, whom had no cooking skills whatsoever.
Hell, he had never seen a brownie that looked like coal— not until he had made them last week. It disheartened him a lot, but (Y/n) had been really supportive; and he had even earned a comforting hand on his arm for that blunder.
Not to mention the sweet smile that she had aimed right at him, as well as that soft “It’s okay, Kyōjurō, I can teach you one-on-one next time.”
It was shameful for him to admit it, but his mind had taken a deep dive into the gutter with those words of hers. And he had kept replaying them in his head, over and over, when he was all alone in his room and doing… extra-curricular things.
“Okay, everyone, if you feel like your dough is ready, it’s time to let it rest— before we all portion everything out and then proof it,” (Y/n)’s voice rang out through the quaint side-room where they were at, making all seven of the other women— as well as Kyōjurō— look up at her from their work.
However, the blond was immediately awestruck when his gaze immediately connected with (Y/n)’s; his jaw falling a little slack as he watched her lips quirk up into a warm grin— with her eyes crinkling up at the corners. That alone had his heart racing even faster in his chest, and before he knew it, his fingers had unknowingly buried themselves in his dough ball.
As subtly as possible, the young woman motioned to him gripping his dough so tightly— that the excess bits were oozing from the gaps between his fingers— giggling softly, and making Kyōjurō blush profusely as he let go of it as if it had burned him.
He felt like such a goofball for making such a mistake in front of (Y/n) but, little did he know, that she found it— and him— so cute.
“Damn it,” The young man cursed under his breath, ducking his head all the while— if only to hide the fact that his cheeks were burning so red with a blush.
“Would you like some help with that, Rengoku-san?” Kyōjurō all but jumped ins surprise at the sound of (Y/n)’s voice so close to him. And when he looked up, the fact that she was already standing across from him— granted, at the other end of the table— had his heart leaping into his throat.
Up close, she looked even prettier than ever; never mind the fact that she looked so cute, even with that tiny smudge of flour on her cheek.
Everything in him was yelling at him to reach out and wipe it away— if only to get a feel of that soft-looking skin of hers— but his morals, as well as his nerves, were telling him to keep his hands to himself.
“Yeah…” The blond whispered, a little bit breathless at first, but managed to compose himself after a couple of seconds. “Yes, please. I’m… obviously failing at this.”
His words were offered sheepishly, with an equally sheepish smile that— (Y/n) would never admit aloud— made Kyōjurō so damn kissable. And if it were up to her, she would have already pulled him in for a smooch— or more— weeks ago, if it wasn’t for the fact that she wasn’t sure if he was just embarrassed at his lack of culinary talent, or if he always got flustered around her for different reasons.
She almost wanted to sigh wistfully, on the chance that the man in front of her really was just flustered for reasons that didn’t have anything to do with liking her. But she schooled her features to show a pleasant and innocent smile, as she reached forward and boldly laid her hands on top of Kyōjurō’s.
To say that the blond was startled would have been the understatement of the century.
He felt his entire body come alive beneath her touch; warming up in places that should not have been getting warm in view of so many people, along with his muscles tensing up as he resisted the urge to take his hands back.
Not because he hated her touch; not at all. But more so because her mere touch was driving him wild. Hell, he already couldn’t get the feel of her hands out of his head.
“When you knead, you have to use the heel of your palm,” (Y/n) guided softly, all while gently guiding his hands to follow suit with her verbal instructions. “Personally, I like to rock my hand at the wrist, so that it’s easier.”
With her words, the young woman glided her fingers up to wrap around Kyōjurō’s wrists— deliberately pressing the pads of her digits up against the veins at his pulse point, and gliding them up and down. She watched his face get even redder then, while his lips pursed themselves into a thin line.
He was so flustered that he could barely move.
However, the pair was pushed out of their little bubble when the sound of sheet trays and other pans clattering to the ground cut through the quiet air within the kitchen area.
The annoyance in (Y/n)’s expression was brief, but Kyōjurō had caught it; which had his mind reeling… that maybe— just maybe— some part of (Y/n) liked what had been happening between them then; whatever that had been.
And, the moment that another one of the class-attendees had poked their head back into the prep area, he had never been more irritated at a middle-aged housewife in his entire life. All because the other woman’s presence had (Y/n) letting go of her hold on him, so she could attend to whatever the others had messed up in the main kitchen.
(Y/n) leaned back against her perch on the high chair right by the counter, sighing softly as she set her cup of coffee down next to the phone that had been left behind after her baking class for the day had ended. Her staff had been nice enough to volunteer to wait for its owner— but she had given in to her more selfish desires, all because she knew whom the owner of the phone was.
So, there she was, waiting for Kyōjurō to turn back up to get his phone; sitting in semi-darkness, since she had already turned off a good number of the lights; enough to let everyone know that her shop was closed, but also enough to let Kyōjurō know that there was still someone inside.
With another wistful sigh, the young woman reached her index finger out and tapped on the phone’s screen— biting back a small smile when it lit up to show her the picture of Kyōjurō and his little brother.
Had she not known better, she would have thought that the boy was his son; but she had seen the pair before at her shop, and she had overheard the boy calling Kyōjurō ‘ani-ue’. So, that immediately quelled her thoughts of him being married already.
‘Maybe he’s not coming back tonight,’ The young woman thought to herself, as she picked her cup of coffee back up and took a sip of the contents. And she was about to throw in the towel, right when the quiet chime of the bells at the door rang within the dead silent coffee shop.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” Instantly, (Y/n) perked up at Kyōjurō’s voice— making her get up from her seat and quickly clutch his phone in her right hand.
She then walked out further to meet him halfway, smiling when their eyes met in the dim shop. “I’m taking that you forgot something?”
A blush colored the blond’s cheeks at that, as he bashfully nodded. He didn’t want to admit it, but the reason why he had forgotten his phone was because he had been rushing home— all so he could ask his father how to court a woman. Because he was done admiring (Y/n) from afar.
He wanted to freely touch her; hug her, kiss her, everything. And he couldn’t do that without asking her out on a date first; but, as he was coming to realize, she always reduced him to a flustered mess with just her presence.
Just seeing her closing the distance between them— especially with the overhead lights illuminating her features in such an ethereal way— had his heart practically skipping in his tight chest. It was like he was falling even more head over heels for her; so breathless and lightheaded, as she stood in front of him with that beautiful smile.
Gingerly, (Y/n) reached a hand into her back pocket and pulled the phone out— handing it to him. “What took you so long to come back for it? Class ended hours ago.”
Kyōjurō floundered around for a response, almost grasping at straws, until something in him clicked and he decided to just go with the truth. He had mulled over it long enough, and if she didn’t like him back… then he’d just have to find another coffee shop to frequent.
It wasn’t like he was a huge fan of coffee, anyway. The only reason why he had kept coming back to (Y/n)’s shop was to see her, and to possibly talk to her when she wasn’t busy.
“I was… nervous,” The young man admitted softly, all while lifting a hand up and accepting his phone. His gaze then flickered briefly down to it, before going back to meet (Y/n)’s. “Because I wanted to see you, but I also didn’t want to see you. It’s a mess, I know. But what I’m trying to say is that you make me nervous.”
(Y/n)’s eyebrows furrowed a little at that, but she couldn’t deny the hope that had flared up within her at the tidbit of information. She was extremely curious whether she made him nervous for the romantic things that she wanted.
A thick silence stretched between them then, and Kyōjurō wanted to hit himself for making it awkward between them. Still, he found himself speaking once more.
“Anyway, uh, I don’t know to thank you for keeping phone safe for me. I owe y-”
“A kiss,” (Y/n) blurted out abruptly, cutting him off and making her want to scream for being so forward. It was evident that she had taken him by surprise too, because his eyes had gone wide, and his mouth had gone agape before he managed to close it back up. “A kiss would be good.”
She was just about to salvage her pride and tell him that she had been joking, but the way that Kyōjurō swallowed thickly as he closed the minuscule gap between them said everything that she wanted to know.
Every nerve in her body buzzed with excitement, as she let her eyes flutter closed the moment she felt his breath fanning across her lips. However, there was a moment where she had to wait with baited breath— as the blond’s lips hovered just a few centimeters from her own— while Kyōjurō tried to calm his nerves down.
Everything within him told him to just close the distance between them, so when he finally made his mind up, he captured (Y/n)’s lips with his own and felt his body practically melt into hers.
She pulled away after that first touch of their lips, reaching up to cup his face— with her expression looking a little dazed and flustered. But it didn’t take long at all for her to pull him in for a much deeper kiss; tilting her head and gently nipping at his bottom lip to tease him.
Kyōjurō responded in kind to her actions, letting himself be swept up by her pace; and parting his lips as his eyes fluttered shut. The first touch of her tongue to his had him moaning softly into her mouth; relishing the taste of coffee on her tongue, and the heady warmth of her mouth against his.
All he could do was wrap his arms around her middle and pull her up against his body; a little irate that he hadn’t pocketed his phone at first, but working with his current circumstances.
And before both of them knew it, they had ended up in a position where (Y/n) was sat on one of the tables— with Kyōjurō standing between her legs, and her hands still tenderly cupping his face.
However, the young man pulled away from their lip lock after a while; eyes still closed, and forehead pressed against hers. Then slowly, almost reverently, he began to press numerous butterfly kisses against (Y/n)’s lips— relishing in the feeling of her smiling even wider with every peck she received.
“You’re too good to me, (Y/n),” Kyōjurō admitted softly through more and more kisses, only to finally pull away from her and look right into her eyes. “I’ve always been in love with you.”
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maigo-san · 2 years
The Little Things You Do
Pairing Rengoku Kyoujurou/Kamado Tanjirou
Tag domestic fluff, established relationship
Word Count 1.8k
“These look great, Kyoujurou-san!” Tanjirou’s chirpy voice was a bit muffled as he tiptoed behind Kyoujurou. Kyoujurou chuckled as he continued to stir the vegetables in the pan. The arms around his waist were tight as Tanjirou tried to peer. His back was warm and Tanjirou tipped his weight more as he hummed behind Kyoujurou’s ear. Kyoujurou felt like telling him to stop clinging to him but he had a feeling the auburn-haired man already knew.
“I did say I know the basics,” Kyoujurou simply answered.
Kyoujurou peered at his lover and watched as Tanjirou’s big eyes sparkled. “I know,” he said into the back of Kyoujurou's neck. Kyoujurou discreetly gulped, ignoring his palpitating heart. “I’m just very happy when you offered to cook.”
“I should do it more often,” Kyoujurou closed his eyes, enjoying the sway when Tanjirou tightened his hug.
“No, it’s okay. I love cooking for us,” Tanjirou loosened his grip then, which Kyoujurou immediately missed. But Kyoujurou held himself and inhaled deeply. He turned off the stove and grabbed a plate. “Ah, I should help you. Do you want me to make onigiri? How about an omelet? I think it’ll go well—”
“Tanjirou…” Kyoujurou hardened his jaw, still a bit flustered whenever he called Tanjirou by his first name, “I can make the omelet. Just prepare the table, please,” Tanjirou let go then, and Kyoujurou hurriedly turn. “Oh, and one more thing…” Kyoujurou ignored the eyes peering behind him as he sprinkled chives and sesame seeds on top. “Please tie my hair. It’s getting… hot.”
“Oh…” Kyoujurou waited as Tanjirou froze. Kyoujurou moved to the sink to wash his hands and took out the hair tie he stored in the front pocket of the apron. He glanced and smiled wide to hide his giddiness. Tanjirou’s cheeks were dusted red and his shy smile made Kyoujurou’s heart thump harder. Tanjirou gulped, “Right, haha… should I smell your hair if it smelled like grease and soy sauce…”
“It does?!” Tanjirou only turned red as Kyoujurou took the tip of his hair and sniffed it. It did smell a bit like soy sauce and sesame oil. He glanced at Tanjirou who got even redder as he bunched up Kyoujurou’s hair. “Maybe it does, I was planning to take a shower after we eat.”
“You smelled great,” Kyoujurou widened his grin as he raised a brow and Tanjirou frowned, pointedly focusing his gaze on Kyoujurou’s hair. “I mean—wow... your hair is very thick, Kyoujurou-san…" Tanjirou muttered, changing the subject. "They’re also a bit wavy aren’t they… haha?” The finger that was on his hair now glided down his nape. Kyoujurou could hear Tanjirou gulp but he knew it was a different kind of hunger.
“Aren’t you going to prepare the table, Kamado boy?”
Tanjirou looked up and sighed. Kyoujurou was glad he hadn’t held an egg or he would crush them without a thought. Tanjirou crept closer and his brows dipped as he half-whispered, “you’re beautiful, Kyoujurou-san.”
“You too…” Kyoujurou breathed as he cupped Tanjirou’s cheek. Tanjirou only smiled and leaned into his palm. “It’s been a while since we get a chance to eat lunch at home…”
“Yeah,” Tanjirou closed his eyes, sighing what was left of the fatigue he had, “I missed you too.”
Kyoujurou licked the top of his lip, how tempting, he thought. But he promised to prepare a full lunch. He didn’t want to just heat leftovers or any instant meal they had. “Then I should start making our omelet,” he dropped his hand and patted Tanjirou’s shoulder, urging him to get off.
Tanjirou laughed but walked away, “it’s a bit hot today, isn’t it? I just want to do things as slowly as possible.”
“That won’t do! I’m getting hungrier and hungrier by the second!” Kyoujurou exclaimed excitedly, cracking two eggs and whipping them with vigor. he could hear Tanjirou's sweet laugh chiming behind him.
He went quiet for a while, crouching down in front of the opened fridge. “…me too, but not that kind of hungry,” he said, almost in a mumble. Kyoujurou stopped whipping and couldn’t help but smile wide, lips a bit trembling before he burst out laughing. His laugh echoed throughout the apartment but Tanjirou wasn’t moving, probably beet red by now.
“You’re getting bolder, Tanjirou!”
“I—well… there’s only you here and—ah!” he stuttered and with a swift reflex, he caught the falling can of diet coke. He huffed a nervous laugh and shook his head but Kyoujurou continued to laugh. “I should prepare the rice after this…” Kyoujurou poured the eggs that were now whipped silky smooth with ease.
“Hmm… don’t forget the pickles, considering now I know that you’re getting distracted.”
“I was just saying…” Tanjirou whined and Kyoujurou chuckled. “If I’m bolder than you thought, then you’re such a tease.”
“Of course! I have to charm my kouhai somehow…” Kyoujurou smiled to himself but even he didn’t know where he got this teasing side from. Maybe it was because he was always confident, but he knew he wasn’t one to idle in jokes when he had so many things to do. He knew people who had worked with him thought he was a serious guy. The flashy side that Uzui told him about was just an upfront. Maybe it’s because I’m getting mellow?
Tanjirou walked past him to the end of the counter where he prepared three bowls, two for Kyoujurou and one for him, and gave him a small smile. “You’re already charming, Kyoujurou-san…” Tanjirou stopped scooping the rice for a second, “ah, but I wasn’t teasing, I really mean it…” he murmured.
Then it clicked in Kyoujurou’s mind, why he was easier to joke around now. The same reason why he loved eating lunch at home with Tanjirou, the same reason why he wanted to cook for him, the same reason why he lowered the heat of the stove and walked closer to the shorter man and slung an arm to his shoulder. I got happier.
Tanjirou raised a brow before KYoujurou pecked his lips and nuzzled his nose a bit before letting go. Tanjirou opened his mouth but Kyoujurou went back to his position and cautiously peered under the log of fluffy omelet for any browning because he wanted that perfectly soft omelet, knowing that Tanjirou would praise him just for that little detail.
In the end, Kyoujurou only found Tanjirou smiling shyly before he got out of the kitchen with two bowls of rice and came back for the last bowl and a small plate of pickled radish. It became something Kyoujurou noticed about Tanjirou too. The small details he often praise which later Kyoujurou would infodump to Senjurou if he wanted to. How careful Tanjirou was at handling things, how he tended to not rush unless he was in a pinch, how he smiled so earnestly and praised so easily, how even with the difference in portion he would still give a cut of his omelet to Kyoujurou or how he switched to the last of the diet coke so Kyoujurou would have the cider just because the diet coke was a bit shaken. The brush of a finger as he listened and looked at Kyoujurou with intensity even when Kyoujurou himself often seemed like he didn’t look at him when he talked.
“It’ll rain soon,” Kyoujurou folded his arms as he rested his back.
“It does get a bit humid, it’s usually easier to get my hair off my face,” Tanjirou agreed, pushing his bangs back. Kyoujurou could only stare at the hazy eyes and flexed arm, “The bakery has been pretty slow so maybe you should come by for lunch, Kyoujurou-san.”
“Umu…” Kyoujurou nodded, “the class love it when I came back with bread after lunch, but I’ve been reprimanded for allowing students to eat during class, especially after lunch break.” Tanjirou chuckled at that, “I don’t see why it’s so bad, but I agree that it’s a bit troubling when they get full and sleepy.”
“Ah, then should I just visit your office during lunchtime and with food that isn’t bread?”
Kyoujurou laughed, “No! I’ll bring a bento next time.”
"As long as you eat lunch," Tanjirou turned, brows knitting, “Promise me, please?”
Kyoujurou laughed again, “I have time, I promise, it’s just that midterms are closing and I want my student to enjoy summer break without leaving anything behind.” Kyoujurou took a sip of his cider, “ah… are you going to close the shop this summer?” he wondered if he sounded hopeful. He didn’t necessarily want to hide it, but he didn’t like when Tanjirou looked guilty when he could only get a few days of break. But then again, Kyoujurou hadn’t planned anything for summer. Neither of them had. It was surprising how Kyoujurou found someone that was as laid back as him.
“Hmm… we found part-timers that will work during summer but I haven’t started training them until next Monday. We haven’t talked about what we wanted to do this summer, have we?”
Kyoujurou hummed in agreement.
“At some point, we’ll visit our parents...” Tanjirou leaned his head and smiled. “A visit to Nezuko and Senjurou-kun…”
Kyoujurou sighed. Well, it’s pretty much the same thing, right? But somehow, he didn’t mind, “shall we just stay at home for the rest of summer?”
Tanjirou gnawed his bottom lip, “is it okay? I wish I can take you somewhere nice, Kyoujurou-san…” Kyoujurou smiled, only taking Tanjirou’s extended hand. Ah, one last little thing. Tanjirou would always want to make Kyoujurou happy. Kyoujurou leaned down and pressed his lips to the rough knuckles, feeling the slight twitch and listening to the hitched breath.
“Tanjirou… when I’m with you, anywhere is nice,” Tanjirou stared at him for a while before he laughed.
“Maybe I can get Zenitsu to book a ferry trip to Okinawa? Do you like diving, Kyoujurou-san? I never tried it before but I think we can—” Kyoujurou only smiled and stacked the finished plates and bowls, ignoring him. He stood up, could see the panic on his lover's face from his periphery. “Ah! Kyoujurou-san, let me help. Oh, how about trying out this pop-up café in Shinjuku… Nezuko said the food Is nice… ah, but getting out of Tokyo is the best, isn’t it? Kyoujurou-san??"
Kyoujurou ignored him as he hurriedly fished for his phone. He searched for a quick tutorial on how to properly wash the dishes as Tanjirou followed him to the kitchen,
“Kyoujurou-san do you like art? Well, I guess you do but I think this is a bit different. Contemporary, I think? Ah, I don’t get what people are into these days but I’ve been seeing this art exhibition poster, and…”
Kyoujurou continued to ignore him with an amused smile. He turned on the faucet and put on his latex gloves.
If he keeps talking, I might have to kiss him harder, Kyoujurou thought as he splashed soapy water on his unexpecting lover.
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rengokus-eyeliner · 4 years
Moment’s Silence
Modern AU Rengoku Kyoujurou x F!Reader
It’s Kyoujurou’s birthday!! Since this special date also coincides with another big event this year, I had an idea to merge the two. I hope you enjoy!
2.2k words
Tags: Fluff, domestic life, oral sex, overall Very Tender Sex
"Good work today!" You snatch your handbag, greeting Uzui-san on the way out. Glancing at your wristwatch, you quicken your pace a little.
You have to pick up Rika from daycare, secure a cake and prepare dinner within 2 hours in order for your schedule to work out. If you were lucky, Kyoujurou would be tied up with club activities, giving you an extra 30 minutes…
"Mommy!" You spot the familiar puff of yellow and red making its way to you. Bending over to press a big kiss to her cheek, you haul her into your arms and make a mad dash towards the shopping district.
"Did you prepare what I asked you to?" Rika nods, pointing to her tiny backpack. "Good girl!"
"Mommy, there's a big crowd." She gasps a little, pointing a chubby finger towards the mass of bodies clustered in front of the bakery.
"Tanjiro-kun!" You yell over a couple huddled in front of the bakery's glass display, hoping that he heard you. Within a few seconds, your red-headed student peers out from within the ornate doors and flashes you a smile.
"Sensei! Here's your cake." A neatly wrapped box with a silky red ribbon in a bag is placed into your hands, and he bows. "Thank you very much! Happy m-"
"Thank you, I'll see you in school."
Rika waves to him over your shoulder as you turn on your heel. The sun's setting already, street lights flickering on as you finally make your way back to your apartment.
Heaving a sigh of relief, you jam the elevator button and finally have a moment to take a breath.
"Mommy, I could have walked." Rika frowns, her eyebrows- shaped much like her father's- furrow. You chuckle, nuzzling your daughter's hair.
"It's alright. You're not too heavy, anyway-" Just before the elevator doors can slide close, a hand jams itself into the tiny gap, scaring the life out of you.
"I'm sorry!" To your surprise, Kyoujurou steps in. Your husband stares at you for a few stunned seconds until Rika squirms around with delight.
"Daddy!" You hand her over to Kyoujurou, but not before he's able to lean in for a quick peck on the lips as a greeting.
"Rika! I've missed you~" He blows raspberries into her neck, earning ecstatic giggles that ring through the enclosed space.
"I thought you had club duties?"
"Hm? Oh, I exchanged shifts with Tomioka." He extends an arm to grab the paper bag before halting.
The two of you are holding paper bags, identical paper bags. From the Kamado Family bakery.
"Kyou, did you buy a cake for your own birthday? You should have known I would get one for you!" The lift doors jerk open, and the three of you cross the threshold into your house.
"It's not that, my love…" Kyoujurou murmurs, setting Rika down and ruffling her hair. "Did you forget? It's Mother's Day too."
Oh. Oh. Now that explained the crowd at the bakery today. You sigh, setting down the keys and your handbag.
"Now, I know what you're thinking." Swivelling around, Kyoujurou and Rika are standing side by side with their arms crossed over their chests, mischievous smiles on their faces. As much as the sight sends pangs through your heart, you will not be swayed. "You cannot split one entire cake between two people."
Simultaneously, the both of them groan. You leave them to their machinations to get dinner started.
Cooking in the Rengoku household is a thrill. Over the years, Kyoujurou has managed to participate in the kitchen without causing mass destruction, and sweet little Rika sits on the countertop, cheering the both of you on.
After getting Rika washed up and changed, Kyoujurou peeks over your shoulder while you're peeling the sweet potatoes. Today, you'll be making an indulgent version of Kyou's favourite dish- sweet potato rice.
You allow him to take over chopping them, and you turn your attention to preparing the rest of the ingredients. The two of you work like a well-oiled machine. Once you've sliced the cabbage and scallions, Kyoujurou has the sweet potatoes in the oven. You warm up the leftover white rice from yesterday in the rice cooker, along with the soft-boiled eggs.
"Rika, help me set up the table please?" Kyoujurou handles the plates, and Rika sets the cutlery down. Two blue and red bamboo chopsticks for you and Kyoujurou, with a smaller pair of training chopsticks for herself. 
The soft ping of the oven has you up and scooping the rice into bowls, while Kyou retrieves the ingredients from the counter.
"Can I help?" You hand her the furikake shaker, which she accepts with glee, sprinkling the sesame seeds and seaweed over the rice.
You watch, content, as they wolf down the meal, rice grains sticking to their cheeks. Rika definitely took after her father more.
"You may each have one slice, as a treat." You slide the cake from its white box onto the middle of the table, lighting a candle and placing it amidst the dainty curls of white cream. After singing happy birthday and taking an ample number of pictures, the three of you settle into easy conversation over dessert, until Rika sits up, remembering something.
"Happy birthday, Daddy!" She pulls a card from her bag, sliding it across the table towards Kyoujurou. He's beaming, holding the crayon drawing delicately. You giggle when you spot tears in the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill.
"Thank you, Rika!"
"Wait, Mommy, I have something for you."
A pink carnation, layers of petals made of pink, frilly paper and a stem of wire wrapped in green tape. It's a little rough around the edges, but you can tell it was made with love. God, now you feel like a fool for making fun of Kyoujurou's tears.
"C'mon, my girl. Let's wash up the dishes. You'll be on towel duty!" Rika salutes, and they march off to the kitchen.
You resolve to having to change Rika's clothing again, as her father flicks soap bubbles onto her and she retaliates by using a spoon to divert the water from the faucet onto his shirt. Smart girl.
An hour of cartoons later, Rika is snoozing on Kyou's lap. You stick Kyoujurou's gift to the fridge with magnets, and place your carnation into a small glass bottle on top of your vanity.
"My daughter is the cutest thing in the entire world." Kyoujurou coos, tucking her under plush covers. As quietly as possible, you close the door behind you.
"Let's go take a shower." Kyoujurou whispers, and you arch an eyebrow.
"What if she wakes up?"
"If she's guaranteed to inherit one thing from me, it would be how I sleep like a log." He chuckles. As if to prove his point, you hear cute little snores from her room. "See?"
Hurrying into the bathroom, you feel like a hormonal teenager all over again. When was the last time the two of you had sex? Kyoujurou is by no means neglectful, but working as a teacher is hard. Pent-up stress and tension has built up in your body, and you're aching for a release.
As Kyoujurou strips, you admire his broad back, well-toned with defined muscle, and the shallow divot that runs down to his tailbone. Warmth worms your way into your core, awakening a tingle within you.
He must have felt the weight of your gaze on him, as he turns around and spots you staring. He huffs and grins, the barest hint of a blush blooming on his cheeks.
Your shower is barely large enough to accommodate two, but thankfully, Kyoujurou enjoys the same temperature as you. The hot water beats down on your back, and you can’t help but moan as the heat works its way into your aching muscles.
“Massage my back?” Kyoujurou asks, turning to the showerhead to rinse the soap from his hair. You gladly do so, running your hands up his slippery skin, feeling a shiver roll down his spine. Digging your thumbs into the base of his neck and rubbing circles until you feel the tension dissipate from his shoulders allows you to marvel at his physique. Every shift of his body grants you a ripple of tough muscle to gawk at. After taking your time on his lats, you slide your hands lower. Just the slightest pressure from your fingers makes Kyoujurou arch his back. He hums, turning to capture your lips in a deep kiss.
“Thank you, my love.” His eyes have a hint of hunger in them, and you can feel heat that isn’t from the steam rising in your body. One of his hands comb back the hair from your face, while the other skims down to knead the flesh on your rear. The slightest brush of his body against yours hardens your nipples, and you gasp when he brushes a thumb across one of them.
“Let me return the favour.” Kyoujurou lifts you onto the bathroom counter, the cool marble a deep contrast to your hot skin. Slowly, he kisses the sweet spots he knows so well on your neck, playing with your chest until you begin to heave in anticipation. You feel light-headed, in the consuming embrace of your husband, content to stay that way until the ache in your pussy grows too strong to be left unattended. His wandering hands clutch the soft curves of your hips.
“You’re gorgeous, beautiful, stunning.” He kneels on the floor, lifting your legs over his shoulders and leaving red spots as he sucks and bites down to the growing wetness between them. Two fingers come to coax your slick from between your folds, Kyoujurou admires the glisten of your swollen cunt before he finally flicks his tongue out to toy with your clit. The pleasure halts your breath, and you savour the sensations of his hot breath and tongue, building and building. You can’t help but run a hand through his wet hair, rake your fingers across his scalp which earns you an eager groan. 
Kyou pulls back with a gasp, licking the remainder of your wetness from his lips. He helps you down from the counter and wraps you with a towel, ushering you out of the bathroom and into your bedroom.
“Sit back.” You crawl onto the bed and push him down into the soft pillows. His beautiful cock bobs between his legs, twitching when you lick down his shaft. You spit onto his head, a hand spreading your saliva down until it drips onto his heavy balls. With slow, deliberate strokes, you suck his balls, keening under the low moans and sighs of your lover. Kyoujurou’s hard cock in your gentle grip, the heady scent of his precum… It feels so good to have him all to yourself for once, to have him be pleasured by your touch, straining to hold himself back from thrusting his hips upward. With a hand still on his length, you take the tip of his cock into your mouth, swirling your tongue as you inch your way down his thickness.
“Wait- ah, fuck!” Kyou whines, digging his fingers into your shoulder. “Feels...too good.”
You lean back, a thin string of spit between your lips and his cock beading onto the bedding. Kyoujurou lies on his side behind you, holding your thigh up with one arm and propping himself up with the other. He drags his length between your slippery folds before positioning at your entrance. Easing himself in, you feel him shudder and grunt. Every inch sliding in, warming you up from the inside, filling you. Gentle until he bumps against your cervix, fully sheathed within you.
“Love, you feel so good…”
“Kyou…” You whimper, clenching around the ample size of his meaty cock. “Please?”
Gingerly, he thrusts his hips upwards, at an angle such that his full length rubs against your g-spot, again when he pulls back. You busy yourself with fingering your clit. The pressure builds back up again, growing, growing. Your moans are breathy, mingling with gasps of his name. Kyoujurou licks the shell of your ear, nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. It’s gentle, needy. 
“I’m...gonna…” You stutter, and Kyoujurou goes the slightest bit faster, pressing into you enough to tip you over the edge. He continues through your climax, until you’re left a trembling mess in his arms. With ease, he flips you over onto your back and slides himself in again. He kisses you, tongue and warm breath consuming you entirely, muffling both of your moans of pleasure.
Gradually picking up pace, you encourage him by holding him closer, wrapping your weak legs around his torso. Whispers of your name, so tender from his mouth, spoken like a prayer into your ear. The room’s filled with noise from just the two of you- the rhythmic, wet noise of your sex mixed in with moans and sighs.
“Inside, please.” Kyoujurou’s breath ghosts over your collarbone, the steady pace of his hips meeting yours growing more erratic, desperate. With a stutter of his hips, he finishes, resting against you for a few silent moments like a blanket.
“Thank you, my love.” Kyoujurou spoons you again, stroking the silhouette of your body. “Happy Mother’s Day. Thank you so, so much for granting me this happiness.”
“It’s not Mother’s Day anymore, Kyou. But happy belated birthday, love.” You giggle, planting a tender kiss on his lips. “It’s 12.04am.”
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Hello! This is my first time here, but I've already love with your headcanons about Kyojurou and his OC wife. Thank you for all you've written. If you are not busy, I would like to ask you....Could you write headcanons about Kyojurou and his pregnant wife, please? I wish he could be a father.
Hi, Anon! You're new here? Nice to meet you! Thank you for reading my writings! Yeah, Kyoujurou is my fave too 🌸💮🌺
Rengoku Kyoujurou x Pregnant!Reader
It all started in the morning, when you suddenly felt great and sharp pain pressing your head. The feeling of nausea dominated, and made you jump from your futon, running to the bathroom
Kyoujurou really worried and patiently rubbed your back, while holding towel at the other hand
This is the worst, you thought. What did I eat last night? You laid on your futon again, panting heavily, trying to endure the mixing pain and nausea feeling inside your body.
Kyoujurou sent message thorough his crows to Butterfly Estate. He's back to your room and rubbed eucalyptus oil on your neck, nose and back, helping relieved the pain
"I'm fine, just-"
"You're clearly not. I've called Shinobu."
Shinobu finally arrived and examined your condition
"Rengoku-san, can I talk to you?"
From worried to anxious, he approached Shinobu. "Is she fine? This is the first time I saw her like this."
"No, she's not." Shinobu made serious face. Kyoujurou prepared for the worst. "But morning sickness is a normal symptoms for woman."
"What do you mean?"
"Congratulations!" She patted his shoulder, smiled. "You will become a father."
He stayed still until he finally understand her words, and shouting, "MY WIFE IS PREGNANT?!"
He told everyone about your pregnancy, he couldn't shut up about it for 1 week non stop
"Congratulations, mate!" Tengen slapped Kyoujurou's back. "So, what's the secret? What kind of position did you-"
A quick chop was landed on Tengen's neck. A gift from Himejima
"Namu, I hope your wife will give birth safely."
Kyoujurou's father, that usually stiff and stern, suddenly become touched and told the neighbours about your pregnancy
"I'll become grandad soon!!"
The first trisemester is when the feeling nausea, and fatigue are the most common in your body.
So you took a rest at your home, not really active
The mood swing really dominated yourself. You even don't know why are you acting like this.
"Kyoujurou, where did you go? You didn't come yesterday."
"Mission, with Kanroji." You didn't say anything. "Dear, what's with the long face?"
"Nothing!" You put a pillow above your face. He caressed your half-showed hair.
"How about cuddling after I finished? I will spend more time with you tomorrow, my full-time is yours."
You peaked from the pillow, while puffing your cheek
"Promise?" Oh no, she's cute, Kyojurou held his chest
"I promise." Your face brightened.
He really is pampering you, even before you entering 'cravings' time.
Like, really....
"Dear, what do you want? I heard woman usually wanted something to eat."
"Right now, there isn't-"
"Okay, the sweet food, Mitarashi Dango, that is! I'll buy it right away."
On your second trimester of pregnancy, the unpleasant feeling disappeared. You felt like you have so much energy
You probably went to your dojo, and trained your students like usual, but Kyoujurou prohibited you to fight them, so you just give them ordinary instruction
And the cravings
Kyoujurou always undertakes your cravings for foods and needs
"I want a pigeon."
"Sure dear."
"Can I get a baked snake"
"Right away!"
"A mix between mochi and kare will be good..."
"Kyoujurou, I want ohagi right now."
"Great, I'll go get some from Shinazugawa!"
The risk of being killed by Sanemi wasn't an obstacle for him
He will agree to almost all of your wishes, even the weird one
"Kyoujurou, I don't know why, but I just want to kill demon right now."
So he brings the weakest demon and you slashed it
"Yass, baby!"
"WHAT THE FUCK MATE, I'M NOT YOUR TOY." said that poor demon as he turned into ashes
Even the writer took pity on that demon, you treat them like a thing
Well, he granted you everything, except one.
"That's an exception honey! I felt like you should give birth to the child first!"
You pouted.
You have now reached your final stretch of pregnancy and both of you are very excited for the birth of your baby.
Your stomach become bigger, and it's actually hard to move now
Kyoujurou will patiently massage your leg, hand, and calves.
He always tells you that you're still beautiful no matter how bloated your stomach and how many stretch marks you will have later.
Senjurou took your role, he cleaned house, even cooking for you
"I'm sorry, Senjurou. You did all the chores by yourself now."
"It's okay, Ane-ue. I don't want anything to happen to both of you and the baby. Ani-ue told me to take care of you."
Sometimes you're really anxious about you and the baby.
"Kyoujurou?" Both of you sit on engawa while drinking tea in the evening. He looked at you.
"Do you need anything?"
"No, it's just..." You gave a pause. "Look, listen to me." Your eyes are straight to his. "In case if I could give birth to this baby, but myself can't make it alive, I just want you to know-"
He hugged you with confusing expression.
"Dear, no, don't say that. I trust you. I believe in you, who carry our love."
He caressed your cheek, and kissed your lips gently
"I assure you, you will make it. Trust yourself more."
"Right, I'm sorry."
He likes to look at your belly and talked to the baby, while the baby kicking in, making small wave. His giggle made the baby kicked again
"Again? He really wanted to meet you, haha- Ow..."
"Hey. Calm down, champ. Don't make your mother in pain again. We're waiting for you too."
From all of above, the most thing that really painful to watch is when you actually gave birth
You're lucky. When the water broke and your consciousness started to fading away, Kyoujurou was right beside you and caught you.
Shinobu and her medic team came right away
She usually didn't let any male in labor room, but you and Kyoujurou are exception
You gripped his hand hard while screaming from the top of your lung. He wiped your sweat, whispering sweet things to your ear.
"I know you can do it, dear. You could do it for us."
He about to cry and wish he could replace your pain. Shinobu often reminded him to not pass out.
Everything was like a solid silence for him except a voice of crying baby
"Congratulations, it's a girl!"
Your tired self smiled, received your baby into your embrace
Kyoujurou broke into tears, he kissed you and looked at your baby. He felt relieved, both of you and the baby are safe
"What a beautiful girl, she looks like you." He kissed your forehead. "Good job, thank you for fighting for us."
Kyoujurou now have one more responsibility to make his little family happy
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Your Rengoku fic was soo soooooo good?! I was blushing and smiling so much!! Is it okay to request Sanemi being nervous to ask reader on a date too in modern AU? He asks Kanae for advice and reader misunderstood his intentions and thought she never had a chance with him. He does eventually ask the home economics teacher after some encouragement from Kanae 🤭 cute, slightly angsty miscommunication! Sanemi is too cute hehe. If not I understand, thank you!
I loved your request lmao! I was caught up for a few days wondering what would be the best way to write it. I hope you like it! Tell me if you do, also still tell me if you don’t LOL.
If you like my work, please support me on ko-fi!
This was also posted on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21781480
Not for the first time, you were thankful of how large Himejima was.
He blocked out everything, the light, the doorway, Shinazugawa’s glare…
Peering cautiously past Himejima’s bulk, you met the sharp eyes of the Math teacher. You flickered your gaze back to the table immediately, trying to desperately act as if you never noticed him staring.
In your defence, you never thought he’d get this angry over it. You only ate one of his strawberry daifuku, and that was only because he’d been complaining about having to eat them at all! A generous student’s mother had given him an entire bag full of them; you didn’t think he’d miss one.
Slowly, you lean back in your chair slinking fully into Himejima’s shadow and out of Shinazugawa’s line of sight. You had to stretch out your hands awkwardly to mark papers at this angle, but its worth it to stop feeling that burning glare on your skin.
From over the other side of the room, you could hear Shinazugawa’s chair scrape as he moved, and all of a sudden, you felt that piercing gaze on you again.
Did he re-position himself… Just to glare at you?
You were so fucked.
“You should try a peace offering,” came Tomioka’s mild suggestion. At your silence, he tries again. “It worked for me,” he says, half shrugging.
You remember a specific instance where Tomioka had tried this very method to stop Shinazugawa’s angry tirade during a particularly tense teacher’s meeting (hereby referred to by traumatised witnesses as ‘The Incident’). The two of them had ended up in an all out brawl, the bear shaped cupcake Tomioka had offered ending up half squished under his sneakers, with the other half smeared all over Shinazugawa’s tight tailored trousers.
Probably sensing what you were thinking of, Tomioka opened his mouth again, perhaps to defend his suggestion before he was smoothly cut off by Kanae.
“He’s got a point!” she says, clapping her hands together in excitement. “After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! You should make him something.”
You frown at her.
She goes on, pointedly ignoring your deep frown of disapproval. “How about ohagi? I’m sure you know how to make some, you’re the Home Economics teacher after all.”
You frown even harder. “Kanae-san, he’ll kill me.”
She smiles, and there’s something mysterious that twinkles behind her eyes that scares you. “He won’t if it tastes nice.”
Perhaps for better or worse, you take up their suggestions. You don’t have any better ideas anyway.
You spent a lonely afternoon working on your sweets in the empty Home Economics classroom, crafting your ohagi. You’d never admit it, but you took Kanae’s words seriously. If you were sure of anything, it was your cooking skills. You could’ve been a chef if you weren’t so intent on teaching rowdy children the finer art of home cooked cuisine.
If Shinazugawa didn’t like your ohagi your heart might never survive the insult.
At Kanae’s encouragement the next day, you began your long walk to find Shinazugawa, with all the heavy countenance of a soldier off to war.
You find him brisk walking through the third year’s corridor, probably on his way back to the staff room for lunch. He looked as hard to approach as ever, face set in stony contemplation, arm raised to prop his file up on his shoulder, biceps bulging through his tight shirt.
Hesitantly, you call after him, the nicely wrapped bag of ohagi clutched tightly in your clammy hands. To your surprise, he stops immediately, head swinging to you so fast he might have gotten whiplash.
“What?” he asks, eyes wide and intense, burning right through you. Uncomfortable by the full force of his attention, you felt the heat rise to your cheeks, and you break eye contact. Lowering your gaze, you are instead greeted by a full view of his scarred pectorals, courtesy of the ever open shirt. You raise your gaze back to his face immediately, not wanting to be caught staring.
“Um,” you begin, holding out the packet of food, feeling for all intents and purposes like a blushing schoolgirl talking to her crush. Thank god all of the students had already left for the cafeteria. “This is for you.”
He takes it, eyes widening as he examines the treats through the see-through plastic packaging. He’s unusually quiet. “Sorry for eating your daifuku,"you grind out, and his eyes snap back to you.
His face twists, eyebrow cocked. "You ate my daifuku?” he asks, confusion laced in his voice.
“You didn’t realise?” you ask, incredulous.
Shinazugawa scowls in response. “Why would I care if you ate it? You can have the entire bag if you want.”
“Then, why are you angry with me?" 
At that, Shinazugawa splutters, and you watch as his cheeks tinge with colour.
"I’m not mad at you,” he snaps, eyebrows furrowed angrily at you.
Pursing your lips, you decide to let that one go. Shinazugawa continues to glare at you for a moment longer, before blurting out a harsh “whatever,” and stalking off.
You stand in the empty hallway, dumbfounded. He didn’t even thank you for the food! But then again, he did say he wasn’t angry at you so… You’ll still consider this a win.
Shinazugawa doesn’t speak another word to you for the rest of the day, but the heated glares stop as well so you won’t complain.
The next morning has you breathing easier. No longer did you feel Shinazugawa’s fevered gaze trained on your back. No longer did you risk catching his eye in a crowd, far too intense for a mere glance. No longer did he force himself into the seat in front of you at lunch and glare at you instead of eating his food.
It was actually feeling far too peaceful for you. Like a fire doused with water, the sudden change in Shinazugawa’s attitude left you feeling surprisingly dour.
You barely even see him anymore, a startling change from when he seemed to be everywhere you looked. If you didn’t know better, yo’d think he was avoiding you.
The thought made you a little bit sad.
You didn’t mean to create a rift with him. You just wanted to be friends! Maybe. Even you didn’t know what you wanted. You wanted to get along with your colleague, you wanted it to be more than just long looks from the other side of the room, more than just wordless glares. You wanted to know just what his problem with you was.
The more you thought about it, the angrier you got.
Stupid Shinazugawa, with his stupid hair, and his stupid handsome face, and perfect abs and-
Whatever. It’s not like you cared anyway.
That’s exactly what you tell a very bored Tomioka at lunch that day, as he chews dismally through a mouthful of rice.
“Hm,” is all he says to your ranting, and continues shoveling rice into his face. Rengoku also ignores your griping, likely not even hearing you over his own exclamations of “Delicious!” as he steadily makes his way through his fifth bowl of ramen. You guys were the only ones at the teacher’s table with Uzui holed up in the infirmary nursing burnt fingers from his latest explosion attempt, Himejima spending the lunch hour counseling (reprimanding) some of the problem kids, and the rest scattered somewhere or another.
You wished that Kanae were here to vent to. No sooner did you think that did the lady herself walk into the cafeteria, deep in conversation with a pensive looking Shinazugawa. Walking towards the table, Kanae catches your eye and sends a quick smile your way, never once stopping whatever it was she was telling the Math teacher. You hear Shinazugawa click his tongue in annoyance at her as they drew close. Spotting you and Tomioka, he gives the latter a particularly withering glare, and glances away quickly when you meet his eye. Not breaking stride, he stalks past the teacher’s table, to sit in-between a surprised Genya and an absolutely horror struck Zenitsu.
Inwardly, you offer the boy your condolences.
Kanae gives you a knowing smile as she takes her seat beside you, leisurely unpacking her homemade bento.
“So how did it go?” she asks finally, offering you a piece of her tamagoyaki.
“Terrible,” you reply grumpily, accepting the egg and immediately shoving it in your mouth. “He hates me even more now.”
Kanae hums thoughtfully in reply. “I don’t think he hates you.”
You deadpan her a look. “He hasn’t said a word to me all day. He won’t even look at me.” At that Kanae snickers, trying and failing to hide her smile behind her chopsticks. You raise an eyebrow at her questioningly.
“You seem surprisingly upset at that! After all that you’ve complained about being looked at too much before,” she says in-between bouts of tinkling laughter.
You can’t help the immediate flush at her words. “I wasn’t being looked at! I was being glared at!”
“Uh huh,” she agrees teasingly, pretty pink eyes alight with amusement. Feeling the heat creep up your neck at the implication, you turn away from her with a huff.
Your reaction just served to amuse her more, and she pats your back consolingly. After her laughter dies down, she speaks again, voice gentle. “If you want him to speak to you, why don’t you try talking to him first?”
You fight the childish need to pout. “No way. He can hate me if he wants, I don’t care.”
Behind your back, Kanae and Tomioka share a tired look.
Your dismal mood carried on throughout the day, even inciting the concern of some of your more perceptive students (mainly Tanjiro). You sigh as you set your stack of collected homework on your desk, drained from your own whirlwind of emotions the last few days. You’ll tackle it tomorrow.
You’re so wrapped up in yourself that it takes you a while to notice that you’re the last person left in the staff room. With a single glance to the dark skies outside, you rummage through your bag and desk for your umbrella.
You can’t find it, probably having left it to dry out on your balcony the night before. Silently ruing your own forgetfulness, you resolved to just make a dash for it with your windbreaker as a makeshift cover. Luckily it was late enough that most if not all of the students were already home and wouldn’t bear witness to their teacher fighting the rain.
Pulling open the door, you step out and knock promptly into something hard in the darkened hallway. Before you can draw back with a shriek, the something speaks. “You’re still here?” the voice asks, and you peer through the dim lighting to see Shinazugawa staring down at you.
“Yeah I had some.. Stuff to do,” you mumble, taking a step back from him. “Why are you still here?”
Shinazugawa’s eyes, no less intense than before, searches you for a second before he glances away again. “Its raining. Do you have an umbrella?” he says finally, choosing apparently, to completely gloss over your question.
You shake your head in response, wondering why he was suddenly talking to you. He cocked his head sharply, a universal sign for follow me. Turning, he ambles down the hallway calling out a casual, “you can share mine,” as he goes.
Your pride begged you to protest, but the larger, traitorous part of you willed yourself to go along with it, following him down the dim empty hallways to the school entrance. You say nothing on your way down, the strange awkward tension of the situation settling into your bones and keeping you from looking at him. Ever so often you feel his burning gaze settle on you, but he glances away just as quickly.
As it turns out, Shinazugawa’s umbrella wasn’t that big. It wasn’t tiny, but it certainly wasn’t big enough for the two of you to share without one of you getting wet. The man himself shoots you a pointed look and you take it as a hint not to mention that.
Pressed against his arm, you tried desperately not to think about how your fingertips brushed against his as you two walked, squeezed awkwardly under the umbrella.
The sun would have barely gone down at this time, but it was so dark out it might as well have been night. It was also ridiculously cold out, a fact that you only realised now that you had a warm body tucked against you. As the rain came down heavier, you felt a shiver rack through you, and you involuntarily press yourself into the warmth of Shinazugawa’s arm.
You feel him stiffen, and realising that, you try to move away, getting your shoulder immediately soaked through with rain. Shinazugawa clicks his tongue in annoyance, wrapping his arm around you and drawing you in close. “You’re gonna get wet, idiot,” he muttered, but there was no heat behind his words. Instead, all the world’s heat seemed to be concentrated in his arm, wrapped tightly around you, comfortably warm.
Your face was burning. Utterly gobsmacked by the situation, you couldn’t bring yourself to say a word, hell, you couldn’t even look at him right now. The rain was thankfully loud enough to drown out the beating of your own heart as you two made your way down to the station, half cuddled into his side. You were pretty sure his arm was getting wet from how it was shielding you from the rain, but Shinazugawa didn’t say a word, so you didn’t either.
The station was as busy as ever, filled with bedraggled people running for their trains. Shinazugawa dropped his arm from you the minute you two were under the station’s shelter. Wordlessly, he began folding the umbrella. Somehow you felt that if you spoke now, it would break the strange tension that has followed you two since leaving the school. And for some reason, you didn’t want that to happen. So you stand, watching as he folds his umbrella, slowly, and he stands, feeling your eyes on him, close enough for him to smell the shampoo off your hair.
Shinazugawa breaks the silence first.
“Wanna get something to eat?” he asks, tossing his bag over his shoulder and giving you a great view of his rolling biceps.
“What?” you reply, intelligently.
“Eat. Let’s go eat,” he says, beckoning you to follow him as he makes his way over to one of the small hole in the wall eateries that line the inside of the station. Not wanting to turn down this rare show of friendliness, and even less wanting to part from him, you follow along.
The two of you squeeze into the tiny plastic benches of a damp smelling Mcdonalds. Seated in front of you, the chairs were close enough that your knees bumped against Shinazugawa’s, but that wasn’t what you were focused on. Shinazugawa was smiling.
He looked like he was trying to hide it too, propping his elbow up on the backrest and resting his hand oh so causally against his mouth. You never thought he’d like Mcdonalds this much.
“What do you wanna get?” Shinazugawa asked, “I’m buying.”
“Uhh,” you scan the menu quickly, before telling him your order. You were more than a little flustered with the sudden 180 in your relationship with this man. He went from angry, to ignoring you, to walking with you in the rain, to now treating you to food? He felt like a hurricane and you can’t catch up.
Distantly, you thought about what Kanae said about “talking”.
Shinazugawa sets down the tray of greasy fries and burgers with a clack, startling you out of your reverie. He motions for you to take one, still looking far too pleased about being stuffed into a plastic seat with damp clothes and a tray full of fried food. He’s got a lovely, pleasant smile on, and its a jarring difference from his usual irritable glowers and sinister smirks. It makes him look gentle.
You help yourself to the food, and spurred on by Shinazugawa’s content expression, you decided to bite the bullet. “So, why did you come back to the staff room?”
The effect is instantaneous. Shinazugawa chokes on his burger, nearly upsetting his soda as he tries to wash it down. You stare, unsure weather to laugh or be genuinely concerned. His face is red now, and you’re not sure if its because of the choking, or whatever possibly embarrassing thing he’s about to say.
“I came back because Kochou told me you were probably still around,” he muttered, eyebrows furrowing as if daring you to contest what he says.
Confused, you point at yourself. “Me? Why me?”
“Because you don’t have an umbrella, idiot.”
“How did you know I didn’t have an umbrella?”
“Because it always sticks out at the end of your tiny ass bag, and I didn’t see it there toda-” Shinazugawa cuts himself off, eyes widening in the realisation that he had maybe said too much.  
“Wow, you’re really perceptive Shinazugawa-san,” you say, somewhat awestruck. Shingazugawa flushes an even darker red, the colour of his burning cheeks vibrant against his pale hair. You can’t help but smile at the display. “Thank you,” you say honestly, “you’re a really nice person. I can’t imagine anyone else coming all the way back to the office just to help their colleague.”
Shinazugawa gawks at you, the embarrassment on his face shifting to something nearing incredulity. “You-” he begins, voice halting as if he’s trying to reign in his emotions. “You’re such a fucking idiot.”
You draw back, offended. And just when you thought you guys were finally getting along. “Excuse me?”
“Yeah, you’re an idiot,” Shinazugawa says, his voice growing louder with agitation with every word. “You think I’d go all the way back there for just anybody? You think I’m just trying to be nice?”
You leant back as far as you could in the tiny seat, very confused about Shinazugawa’s mounting anger, and very uncomfortable about the stares the two of you were getting. “Uh… Weren’t you…?”
“No!” he snarls, slapping a hand to his forehead.
“Oh. Uh, then why-”
“I LIKE YOU, YOU IDIOT,” Shinazugawa snaps, slamming his hand down on the table, with a resounding smack.
Ok now, everyone was staring.
Oh my god.
Shinazugawa hides his face in his hand, either from embarrassment, exasperation, or a mixture of both. Hesitantly, you reach towards him to pat his arm for comfort. He grabs your hand, lightning fast, before you could touch him, and the sudden warmth of his touch makes you jump. “You thought I hated you? Why? What the fuck did I do wrong? Kanae was all like ’maybe you’re being too intense’ so I tried to stop looking at you so much, but then you looked sad anyway so fuck Kanae’s advice and-” You reach out and set a hand over his mouth, effectively stopping him to the disappointed murmurs from the gossip hungry Mcdonalds customers, cuing in onto your drama.
In any case, you didn’t think your heart could take any more of these sudden revelations. You were sure your face was just as red as his, or even more so. “I’m sorry,” you whisper, voice wavering. “I totally didn’t realise. Guess I really am an idiot huh?”
Shinazugawa’s eyes widened. Peeling your hand gently away from his mouth, he shook his head ferociously. “No, you’re not. Don’t- You’re not an idiot. You’re just too fucking dense about this kind of stuff.” His grip on your hand tightened to a comforting squeeze. “But I like that about you anyway.”
“Wha- you do?”
“Yeah. I like a lot of things about you.”
“You’re a really fucking good cook too.”
You blush even harder at that, unable to stop the smug smile on your face. You knew no one could resist your ohagi! Shinazugawa gives an endeared, lopsided smile at your expression.
“Make that for me again sometime.”
“Oh, sure!” you say, smiling back at him. To your surprise, he rolls his eyes.
“Don’t make them if you, ya know, don’t wanna or something,” he says softly, and you catch what he means for once.
“Hey! I don’t make ohagi for just anybody you know!”
Shinazugawa continues to hold your hand as the two of you leave the Mcdonalds, and you let him, the two of you blushing and smiling like misbehaving teenagers.
Behind you, someone wolf whistles at the two of you, and someone else cheers, probably having sat through the entire of the two of your very vocal confession scene.
At that Sanemi whips around, teeth bared and ready to fight whichever poor soul it was. Urgently, you tug on his hand, hoping to prevent a McMassacre.  Surprisingly, he allows you to lead him out obediently, but he still keeps turning back to shoot the other customers death glares as he goes.  
You sigh to yourself, unable to stop the amused smile creeping up on your face. Just what did you get yourself into?
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