#Replacing capacitor
gsvtvo2wod · 6 months
Power supplies, low ESR High Reflow Electrolytic, Electrolytic capacitor voltage,
EEE-FT Series 25 V 470 uF Ø 8 x 10.2 mm 105 °C Low ESR High Reflow Electrolytic
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barrymccaulkinem · 1 month
fuck. my tv has a squealing capacitor :/
idk if I'll even be able to get it replaced but also I absolutely dont want a new one with all that smart tv bullshit in it. i dont want my paranoia getting worse by putting the exact device from 1984 in my bedroom :/
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harriswalter004 · 2 months
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems are essential for maintaining comfort levels in our homes or workplaces. Within these systems, capacitors play a crucial role in regulating electrical currents and providing the necessary power for various components to function effectively.
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niconiconwo · 8 months
I don't know what it is but sometimes I try to put the sugar in the fridge and have to say to myself "No, this is incorrect" or worse sometimes I'll put the milk on the shelf. I always catch myself but lately I've noticed that sometimes I'll get it right but hesitate and have to say "Yes, this is correct".
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freewayshark · 8 months
Rip to my room mini fridge, ye served me well
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itscnc · 10 months
Fadal CNC Electrical Parts - The Ultimate Guide
Discover the reliability of Fadal Electrical Parts for CNC Machines with our insightful guide. Uncover essential details about these parts, including their advanced technology, precision engineering, and compatibility with CNC machines. From enhancing performance to ensuring longevity, explore key features that make Fadal Electrical Parts a trusted choice for optimizing your CNC machine’s…
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got-eggs · 1 year
Fuck it, imma hit up Anthrocon next year most likely
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heathertfennec · 1 year
my pc came with a faulty psu and it blew a capacitor so hard that it tripped the breaker for my whole room :(((( just my fucking luck
(this happened yesterday btw im just still stressing bad)
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dailyoyo · 1 year
OUR XBOX IS FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!
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the-game-spirit · 2 years
psyching myself up to try unbricking my ps3;;;
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harriswalter004 · 2 months
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oflgtfol · 2 years
i just exploded a capacitor quite literally exploded a capacitor it exploded right next to my ear and that set me off now im crying in the bathroom stall
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commodorez · 2 months
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Thy Graphics
A graphics card for the Cactus directly patterned after the OSI-440, with a few modernizations and optimizations.
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I've replaced the eight 2102 SRAM chips with a pair of 2114s. I've also swapped the 2513 character generator ROM with a 2816 EEPROM which gives me not only lower case letters, but pseudo-graphical characters not unlike PETSCII. I've re-implemented the address select logic using modern parts (thank you 74688), and swapped the open-collector NAND gate based video/sync combiner circuit with one I copied from a PET video combiner circuit using 4066 analog switches. I didn't like how vague the delay taps were described, so I added in some jumpers to let the user pick their delay timing.
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And hooo boy this had some motherfucking BUGS in it.
Vertical sync polarity was backwards.
Video pixel data was inverted too.
In fact, so were the DIP switches for the address select.
I also got half of the 74123 resistor/capacitor inputs backwards due to not paying attention to the idiosyncrasies of the symbols in my old version of KiCAD.
Oh, and the character ROM I stole from my OSI-540B replica has inverted bit order, so the characters looked backwards.
Every single problem I had was due to something being backwards.
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Nothing a little debugging can't fix. Took about 7 hours of tired stumbling with help from friends in the retrotech crew to figure out all the little faults and work around them, but in the end...
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It works! It fucking works! The Cactus has video! I made a fucking video card from scratch! I didn't use any dedicated video chipsets or FPGAs or microcontrollers or CRTCs or any of that shit. I didn't make VGA, I made composite video.
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All 24x24 usable characters on screen in monochrome goodness from this tiny little PCB. Now onto the Rev B design!
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vexwerewolf · 5 months
Not the original asker, but how would you make NPC equivalents of PC mechs? Some stuff feels fairly intuitive, but there are some others that I'm less sure of/not sure how to do.
IPS-N mechs are probably the easiest, since there are many mechs that are close to being 1-to-1 NPC approximations of IPS-N mechs.
Blackbeard - One of the easiest, since the Berserker NPC is basically just a Blackbeard. It has the Chain Axe, it has the reckless speed and it has the inability to properly determine between friend and foe. It doesn't have the Blackbeard's enhanced Grapple shenanigans but those aren't really appropriate on an NPC mech anyway.
Caliban - Give an Assassin the Devil's Cough Shotgun and Explosive Knives.
Drake - Take the Bastion, increase its HP just a little, remove the Rotary Grenade Launcher and give it the Scourer's Thermal Lance, except make the Thermal Lance do Kinetic damage instead of Energy.
Lancaster - Another easy one. The Support NPC is just a slightly slower Lancaster. It has a Latch Drone, it has Restock Drones, it has Whitewash, it's got all the fun stuff.
Nelson - Yet another easy one. The Cataphract does pretty much exactly what the Nelson does, just with added trample.
Raleigh - This is much more difficult - so much so that for In Golden Flame, I created an entirely new NPC class, the Slinger, just to simulate it. If you don't have IGF, start with an Assault. Remove the Assault Rifle, Combat Knife and Hunker Down. Take the Drum Shotgun from the Goliath and call it a Hand Cannon. Give it the Archer's Impending Threat optional.
Tortuga - This one's fairly simple. Take a Sentinel, upscale it to Size 2, give it Punisher Ammunition and the Bombard's Siege Armor.
Vlad - Take a Berserker, give it the Nail Gun optional, and then give it the Bastion's Near-Threat Denial System.
Zheng - Take a Berserker, give it Juggernaut and Retribution, remove Aggression, remove the Chain Axe and replace it with the Demolisher's Demolition Hammer.
SSC mechs also have a lot of parallels, so it's pretty easy to model them.
Black Witch - Probably the hardest mech to model with existing NPCs. I created another whole new class, the Lodestone, just to simulate these guys.
Death's Head - Take a Sniper, cut the damage on its Anti-Material Rifle to 6/8/10, strip the Loading trait and permanently give it the effect of Deadmetal Rounds (shots become Line 20 instead of Range 25).
Dusk Wing - Literally just a Hornet.
Metalmark - Take an Assault and give it the Operator's Fade Generator.
Monarch - Depending on the exact flavour of Monarch you want, you can do two things. Either take a Rainmaker, scale it up to Size 2 and give it Atlas Missiles the Ace's Missile Swarm, or take an Ace, scale it up to Size 2 and give it Missile Swarm.
Mourning Cloak - Literally just a Specter.
Swallowtail - Literally just a Scout.
HORUS mechs are where we need to get a little bit more inventive. This shit ain't natural boys.
Balor - Take a Hive, give it Electro-Nanite Cloud and the Berserker's Harpoon Cannon, then give it the Exotic template and choose Regenerator. Or, if you have No Room For A Wallflower, just use the Lurker NPC.
Goblin - It's a Witch.
Gorgon - Take a Sentinel, scale it up to Size 2 and give it the Archer's Impending Threat and Suppress reactions.
Hydra - There's not really an NPC that simulates a mech deploying 800 drones and honestly that's probably for the best.
Manticore - Give a Berserker the Superhot optional, the Cataphract's Capacitor Discharge, the Sentinel's Combat Shotgun and the Operator's Self-Erasure.
Pegasus - Do not attempt to simulate me, ha ha.
Harrison Armory
Home stretch here.
Barbarossa - Take a Goliath, give it the Ultra's Short-Cycle Lance or the Bombard's Bombard Cannon.
Genghis - Literally just a Pyro.
Iskander - This is just a Seeder.
Napoleon - Why does this mech exist
Saladin - Scale up an Aegis to Size 2.
Sherman - Take a Scourer and give it Emergency Vent.
Tokugawa - Take a Berserker and give it Superhot. Make its Chain Axe do Energy instead of Kinetic, and instead of Shredding on crit, make it do a couple of Burn damage.
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system-toky0 · 7 months
You have a robot girl? Nice.
Do you appreciate it enough? do you do it properly? do you show it that you appreciate the flawless design of its chassis? it’s programming?
Do you do regular maintenance on it, taking care of it to a meticulous degree? Inspect every connection of wire, check for faulty capacitors and replace thermal paste in the appropriate spots regularly?
If it came to you asking for an upgrade, would you be confident enough in your understanding of it, to void its warranty and perform it yourself?
After all it trusts you, you’re the owner of the machine and in this hellhole of a corporate driven world- the right to repair isn’t yours anymore.
So do you go through with it? Do you know where every single differently sized screw goes? Are you able to remember all the wires and ports?
Would you be able to put her back together completely? Every single part?
It’s more than a machine, you should know that. It’s alive in a sense that you can’t relate to, but that hardly matters, it doesn’t have to rely on you, but it likes to be around you, you have a special bond to it.
It has become a tool in your hand, a companion built by someone else, filled with experiences you know- some nasty long lasting viruses in the back of its hard drive, but you know the files… Most if not all of them.
When it’s reminded of them, you know how to soothe it back down.
You know it inside and out, mechanically, psychologically and even her programs and routines. It has become a part of your life and i might even go as far as to say, it has become an extension of you.
A flawless synergy.
Now if you’d excuse me, i have some maintenance to do.
- Z
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jpitha · 11 months
Wild Sky
“How long will it feel like?”
“Less than a second. Your time in the pod will feel so short that you’ll think something is broken.”
“Okay then, Sign me up.” Ellen didn’t particularly want to take a stasis pod instead of a hibernation cabinet, but the last time she went into hibernation, she had… complications upon awakening. She was severely injured from an error on warming, and lost her right arm, right lung and half of her liver. The organs were regrown, and the limb replaced, but her doctor warned her to not hibernate anymore. Ellen figured that was that, and she was stuck on this planet. 
Until she read the news on her pad a few years later.
“Volunteers needed for sapient level trials of a new technology! Free interstellar travel!”
Intrigued, Ellen checked it out. She would try nearly anything to get off this planet.  Especially since Trish left her. 
It had turned out that scientists at the university had developed a ‘stasis’ system. It created a field where time did not pass. Even better, power is only needed to create and break the field. Once set, the stasis field is stable. You could cook a holiday meal for one hundred people, put it in stasis, and take a serving from it until it was gone, safe in the knowledge that even if it took you weeks, each plate would taste as good and the first. From the perception of the meal, all the servings were taken at once. 
Figuring it was her only way off this rock, Ellen signed up for the trial. She was subjected to weeks of examinations by all kinds of doctors. She was the first candidate with regrown organs and artificial limbs as well, so the scientists were extra excited about putting her in stasis. 
After about half a year, she was approved for the program. The first trip was going to be just for a day, in the offices of the university. Should that one go without a problem she and the other candidates would be placed aboard a ship and sent wherever they wanted It would be one ship with dozens of pods.  It didn’t matter how many months they traveled to all the destinations of the passengers, no time would pass for them.
As Ellen settled into the stasis pod, she chuckled to herself. For something that she was going to only spend a few seconds inside, it was very comfortable. Cozy even. She settled into the seat and clipped a short cord from the pod to the sensor suite on her wrist. As she did, her name and vitals appeared in the clear window on the pod. 
“We have good telemetry Ellen, we’re going to set the field, all right?” The doctor peered over the lip of the pod. It was a good deal larger than a regular hibernation cabinet, and the doctor was standing on a little stool.
“How long will I be out?” Now that she was in the pod, she yawned.
“Like I said, just a day Ellen. We’ll see you Wednesday morning. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Oh, I’m not worried, I was hoping I could get a nap, it’s so comfy in here”
The doctor chuckled. “It’s like that on purpose. The pods are designed to help put people at ease. That, combined with the mild sedative we gave you should make this no more scary than lying down in bed.”
Ellen blinked. A sedative? “No wonder I’m so tired. I’m high as hell!”
The doctor held up a hand. “Just a bit, and it’s fast acting. It’ll wear off by lunchtime, your time. All part of the waiver you signed.”
Mentally, Ellen shrugged. She did feel fine. Almost floaty. “All right Doc, whenever you’re ready.”
He looked down at his pad and made some notations. “Okay Ellen, we’re going to close the lid now.”
With a light hum, the lid game down. Ellen felt her ears pop as the pressure changed.
“Everything is green Ellen. As soon as the capacitors charge, we’re going to set the field. See you tomorrow!” The doctor’s voice sounded tinny over the connection. 
“All right Doc, see you tomorrow!”
“Field set in three… Two…”
There was a flash of silver, and it was dark in the pod. Ellen looked at the lights glowing inside. The window on the top was mirrored and she just saw a reflection of herself. Woman, late thirties, hair closely cropped to hide the grey and for ease of care; she never felt really ‘girly’ and didn’t keep her hair long or wear much makeup. She had just recently broken up with her long term girlfriend and thought this would be a source of an interesting story for future dates if nothing else. 
Funny, the doctor had said that her perception of time would be so short that she would wonder if it had worked at all. She was still lying here wondering what was going on. Maybe the doctor had misrepresented how long it would feel like for her to put anyone with claustrophobia at ease.  
They checked her for that though. The psych said she had none.
She wondered how long it had been. Surely, this was the right amount of time?
How long had it been?
She counted heartbeats.  She knew her heart rate was around 70 beats per minute, so she could get a rough idea how long she was in the pod from counting heartbeats.  In the silence of the pod, her heart was loud in her ears. She even thought she could hear her blood flow. 
After about ten minutes of counting by her reckoning she was bored and looked around more.
How much longer could it be?
Surely they’ll be here now?
All of the indicators on the side of the pod were dark. The telemetry information must reside outside of the stasis field. She was alone with her thoughts.
Isn’t it done yet?
There was a hum, rising in her ears and becoming louder and louder. Rising to a deafening crescendo it ended with a click like a relay. The top of her pod turned clear.
An unfamiliar ceiling. Maybe they moved the pod in between yesterday and today. It was beige with diffused lighting which didn’t seem to come from anywhere. Even though the field had disappeared, the lid still didn’t open.
A moment later, the lid opened with a pop of pressure and Ellen’s ears popped again. Unfamiliar smells flooded the pod. None were unpleasant as such, but she didn’t recognize any of them. Like, a new apartment or a friend’s house, it smelled unfamiliar. 
Ellen sat up. “Wow, that felt way longer than just a moment Doc, for the next group of people you should… tell… them…” 
Ellen looked around and her eyes focused.
The doctor wasn’t there. 
Three… beings dressed in long, emerald green robes stared back at her. They weren’t human.
They weren’t human! What the hell was going on?
“What’s going on? Who are you?”
The middle being stepped forward. They spoke. Ellen didn’t understand the language, it had a warbling, vibrating quality, almost like you would have to feel it as much as hear it. At their… waist was a box. It spoke in hundreds of languages, almost all at once. While it spoke a blue light shone on her face. With a warbling noise as it hunted and searched, it finally said something she understood. It said “There… has been… a sit-u-a-tion.” 
Wild eyed, Ellen looked up at the head of the one who had the box that spoke. They had large, compound eyes, like a fly and their faces were an iridescent green.
There must be some mistake. A trick, a prank. Panicking, Ellen jumped out of the pod and searched the room. She was nowhere near the laboratory at the university. She had no idea where she was. The room was the same uniform color of the ceiling with the invisible diffused light. Other than the three beings and her pod, the room was empty. There. A door behind them. She ran out the door, down a hall. She was beyond thought now, she just needed to get out. 
Things will make sense when she’s somewhere else.
She ran toward a door that looked like an exit and was outside. 
She looked up and gasped. She was so surprised that she lost her footing and fell down. Rolling on her back she looked up and saw the sky.
A wild sky. Turquoise with clouds in cotton candy pink. Looking further she could see a… structure in the sky. A large latticework, trailing off into the distance, made hazy by the atmosphere. The structure must be very high in the sky, and very very large.
She didn’t know how long she laid there, staring up at the strange sky. Eventually the being from the room with the box came up to her. He bent low - at least they have knees. Ellen actually stopped her panic to have that thought and the idea that at least they have knees brought her a small measure of comfort.
“We… are… sorry….” The box was getting better at translating. She wondered if she was able to help it when she shouted at them.
“How long has it been?” Her eyes flicked away from the sky to the compound eyes of the being.
“We do not… know…” They made a gesture with their hands. 4 fingers. “A long… time.”
Ellen wept. What else could she do
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