#Retail Packaging Boxes
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allcustomboxesco · 1 year
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viveprinting · 2 years
Best custom and kraft boxes in Canada and UK.
We pride ourselves on providing the packaging solutions that all businesses need. We understand that as a business, not only do you want to give the best possible service to your customers. Therefore, You also wish for top-of-the-line boxes #Mailer boxes #corrugated mailer boxes wholesale #kraft boxes #autolock boxes # mailer boxes Canada #Mailer boxes australia for delivery to get your products safely and securely from your office or warehouse to your doorstep with Mailer Boxes. Having the right packaging to get your cargo from A to B has never been more important. With high-quality packaging, you can assure your customers that their product arrives safely and without damage. The right choice of packaging can also boost your business image and look professional in the eyes of your customers. Our Airshock range is cushion protection for transporting more fragile items such as electronics and ceramics. The foam-lined shipping cases from VivePrinting also provide a high-security level and can be customizable to your requirements. Cardboard branded mailer boxes packaging boxes for books and photo frames can be used to ship specific items and are available in various sizes to buy the best package for the books and photo frames you are shipping. Cardboard boxes are also quick and easy to assemble, making them ideal for sending gifts, books, games, etc. These are all the benefits and features of mailer boxes that you should know before placing an order. Viveprinting has a solution for all of your packaging needs. Whatever you are thinking, we can make it a reality.
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corrugated-case · 2 years
Ready for retail & raring to go, we develop impactful packaging that communicate your brand & capture the attention of your target consumers. Get in touch with us today!
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allcustomboxesuk · 2 years
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n7punk · 9 months
Okayyyyyyyy now the informational version of the doll post is up, I get be all silly casual editorial over here :3c I was gonna do it as a reblog but honestly the doll post is already so stupidly long, I'm just gonna do it separately and I'll link it in the replies on the main post, but this post is Not gonna make sense unless you read that first lol
a) I dont think the bodies coming from two different lines is super obvious, but once you know it, things click. Bow's arms are weirdly narrow for his size compared to the girls’ proportions, for instance, and though he is the tallest in the show, he's especially tall in this line. You can even see it down to their underwear. Often dolls have a few molded lines on their body to represent underwear and give the illusion of "decency" when undressed. The girls have a single thin waistband line, She-ra has none (she needed not to if her Battle of Bright Moon doll was going to work), and Bow has a much thicker waistband with further details like seams and a fly (for some reason, but Bow now wears tighty whities I guess).
b) I know the bodies “came of DC Super Hero Girls” but I really wish I had more details than just that quick comment. That makes it seem like Adora, Glimmer, and Catra all came from the same line. I know Adora and Shadow Weaver are using the same body, and I’m pretty sure Catra is too because I found photos of Adora undressed on ebay and she had a weird circle outline on her back like there was an optional hole that was filled in, but like, why did that line even have a model with a tail hole? We know Glimmer is a “curvier sculpt,” so did that line already have some body diversity or did she come from another unnamed line? I don’t know, and I don’t have the dolls to compare. I'm just assuming it's a different body type from the same line since that’s all that was said (listen, I need to be told things very directly and clearly or I feel like I might be getting them wrong. Remember when I didn’t think I was autistic? Wild).
c) She-ra's accessories (well, her gauntlets and boots) are a little big for her and there's gaping. You can see it a bit even in the promotional pictures and it’s not surprising given the budget on these dolls. It probably gets worse with heat, though, so shipping might exacerbate the issue. Maybe the best time to move these dolls is winter LOL
d) She-ra's peplums are attached to her clothes and not her plastic emblem, which I think you can guess, but putting it out there in case. It's still confusing to me why her peplums are sparkly (and transparent for the core design). It's the one big "miss" in the designs from the show (well, Catra's outfit is also weirdly mesh up top and the color is off).
dd) Honestly all of She-ra's skirts are fucked, but everything about her Battle Armor doll is weird. I did a whole other post about how weirdly budget Battle Armor She-ra was compared to the other dolls despite being twice the cost. I mean I know Swift Wind is in that set so two models raises the price, but he seems pretty budget too, so like… what the hell Mattel.
ddd) Oh yeah, the tulle of the regular skirt is actually shockingly high quality. Like tulle is a Bad Texture for me (go back to the autism bulletpoint) and I don’t mind this. I mean I’m not gonna seek it out, but it doesn’t make me recoil and it’s soft enough to not cause me issues. I can say that about very few tulles.
e) I don’t know if this is a difference between digital model and final production or if SDCC She-ra got a slightly different accessory cast then the regular one, but if you look at the 3D model for She-ra’s chest emblem, it shows one thick bracing bar up her spine. In the final doll, it’s two bars, thinner and a bit further apart, that basically frame her spine, with one bar attached to each half of the emblem. And of course, it hooks together with pegs. Those aren’t shown on the model either and that's why I’m inclined to say that is just an earlier model of it. No stock photos of SDCC She-ra show her back under the cape, though, and checking it would necessitate removing her from the packaging, which I’ve never seen anyone do.
ee) Also, I didn’t know how to describe it well so I just didn’t put it in the post, but her regular cape isn’t straight across in the back. Rather, it has a v cut and “straps” that are sewn to each shoulder, so the top set of pegs and the crossbar for the emblem actually show through, but her hair covers it anyway. Once again, IDK about the SDCC one because I've never seen the back of her.
f) Shadow Weaver’s stand is hot garbage. It’s just a stick between her legs with tiny curves to (supposedly) cup each leg that she’s supposed to essentially balance on. Traaaaaaash. They're assuming no one will take her out of the packaging, ig.
ff) Okay also, Shadow Weaver's top isn't exactly a monastic scapular, but idk how else to describe it. Usually those drape over the shoulders and then are tied around the waist, while hers actually has a sleeve and is sewed together on one side, but then it has the long extension from a scapular, so I'm just going to use that to describe it since it's a fantasy bullshit amalgamation.
g) I know it seems like I have a Monster High bias (and I do) because I mention it multiple times, but since the guys leading the SDCC exclusives were two big minds behind it, it seemed like a valid comparison to draw. I researched what else the other team members did, but when I only turned up 3 out 4 of the modelers (Arpine, Kittaya, & Sean) working on Barbie and I couldn't say "all of them" anymore, I stopped looking since it really wasn't relevant. Monster High ended up being a good touchpoint due to being made by the same team/company, one of the dolls having its body come from that line, and it being the only other doll line I know literally anything about. Since Monster High (G3, anyway) costs nearly twice as much as these dolls (15$ vs 25$), they also felt relevant when it came to things like painted hair. Annalise specifically hyped up the dolls all having real hair? So I'm just kind of guessing that's something that isn't a given on dolls at this budget (and probably, unfortunately, especially so for textured hair). Again, pretty much everything I've learned about dolls has specifically been because of this line lol. I like looking at the new Monster Highs but I really don't know shit.
h) Also, I don't know how doll hair length is measured so I just went with 6 inches in the post, but regular She-ra has 5-7 inches of hair, depending on if you're supposed start at the base of the head or top of the head. Also I was using a ruler so. Not the most accurate.
i) I got kind of ambiguous answers on what counts as an articulation point, but at the end of the day the She-ra dolls have less than Monster High (I can say this definitively) and Monster High is listed as 12 on Dollect while She-ra in incorrectly listed as 13. There are 11 separate joints, with some also including a hinge so you can properly pose them, but I can't give you a list of what joints bend multiple ways or if any are ball joints (IDK how to identify one, I think I’ve made it obvious I'm out of my depth here). The joints are really stiff in my experience but they would probably loosen up if you worked them more, I’m just not going to take that risk.
j) Actually this should be up with the She-ra info so it's out of order but I'm not positive Battle Armor She-ra has the same hair as regular? In listings it looks shorter but it's hard to tell because it could just look different from being played with and when she's in box you can't tell since it's behind her. It seems really weird to me that every She-ra is so similar and so different at the same time so I really don't know. They might even be made out of different kinds of fibers. Like for the SDCC exclusive I'm pretty sure they prioritized looks so the hair might be made out of "worse" material as a result if it displays well (I mean, I know there's reflective strands in it, and those usually feel Bad). There's a lot of upgrades and really cool packaging for only an added 5$ for each doll so cutting some corners on those might make sense. These dolls are made on a relatively tight budget at the end of the day.
I wish I could get hands on with all these dolls because I think I could make the post way better then, and if I ever do manage to learn new info I’ll update the post, but I've done my best lol. Hopefully this post answers any questions people might or might not have about the dolls since they're kind of Difficult to actually get and check out yourself
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pio-packaging · 8 months
Retail Food Packaging Boxes By Pio Packaging.
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With the booming of ‘Take-Away’ and ‘Delivery’ of food products and freshly cooked food being the norm of the day, It is imperative for those in the retail food or restaurant sector to reposition their packaging concepts so that they can create a brand identity for their organization. Pio Packaging has Retail Food Packaging Boxes. A unit of Pio Printers based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, A one-stop shop for all Printing & Packaging needs. For more information visit the website: www.piopackaging.com/retail-food-packaging
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kappaboxes · 11 months
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Carry bags: Stylish, eco-friendly essentials for convenient transportation and a sustainable lifestyle. Say goodbye to single-use plastic with reusable totes that make a positive impact.
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packaginghub · 2 years
From Packaging Hub get your desired custom packaging boxes and customized boxes with a team of top packaging industry experts.
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packagingxcom · 2 years
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virtualmerchandise · 15 hours
Arka Business Solutions Custom Retail Packaging
Coupon Code: GETFIFTEEN15OFF Minimum purchase of $300 For new customers only One use per customer
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custompackagingboxes · 21 hours
Tips to Get Success with Cartridge Packaging
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Many smokers switch their smoking habits from cigarettes to Vaping and they prefer to get this product in outstanding packaging. It wouldn’t wrong to say that Cart is the most consumed Vaping product that exists in the competitive market. The Vape Cartridge is serving the Vape industry for many purposes. That’s why it is vital to use Cartridge Packaging for boosting brand sales and enhance the value of the product in the competitive market. The smartly manufactured and styled packaging is the best way to stand out every counter from your competitors. For this reason, we are providing many styles, shapes, and sizes of these boxes that are the key to achieve success in the vape industry. So we can say, the packaging for your items will always a primary need to boost sales and attract customers towards the items.
Add Attraction and Protection Elements in Packaging
Everyone knows that products are fragile and brittle items that need special care while packaging, storage, and shipment. A special custom cartridge packaging box is required to prevent the items from leakage and damage. Even we can say that these boxes are meant to provide extra protection to the packed products. Further, these boxes keep the products safe and secure from any damaging factor. The cardboard and Kraft are the two basic materials that crafted a sturdy and safe packaging for ensuring the protection element to packaged Vape items. Thus, we choose the manufacturing materials carefully that may keep the items safe from external shocks.
Familiarize the Vape Collections with Eco-Friendly Packaging
It doesn’t matter how much interesting your cartridge products, not even a single consumer will look at the product if its packaging old-fashioned. Thus, you need to go with the latest trends in packaging that is called green & eco-friendly packaging. Yes, nowadays the green packaging is most preferred and admired trend among the youngsters that dramatically urge them to purchase your products. We know that cardboard and Kraft are the ecological materials that bring a bunch of advantages for the consumers or retailers. In this way, the brands can confidently launch different Cartridge flavors in eco-friendly packaging and make a strong grip on the current market.
Discover Unique Color Combinations in Packaging for the Ultimate Recognition
Are you going to launch a new cartridge in the market? And desires to make your fans to become brand followers? Then, never forget to add a distinguished element in the packaging of your items. In this fashion and trends era, the product packaging is the first thing that ultimately speaks for your brand recognition in the market. Even not only the useful cartridge is beneficial, but the colors in packaging play a huge role convince customers to buy your products over the competitors. The latest and error-free CMYK, PMS printing technologies will add an impressionable touch into these boxes. That’s why Custom Packaging Pro is offering attractive and defect-free packaging to fascinate onlookers at the very first sight.
Paint a Strong Brand Image in Customers Mind
Once you have customized the packaging design & colors, your next step should be to paint or craft the brand marketing in the customers’ minds. In this way, customers can easily remember your brand for a long time. What's more, better than left a memorable first impression of the brand upon the mind of the customers that could be a turning point for your Vape industry. The brand logo is the first and foremost marketing content that plays a major part in making your customers aware of the brand. Plus, logo-embossed packaging allows the customers to find your products from the retail shop easily. Thus, the logo and supporting graphics are unique characteristics of the brand-oriented packaging boost the visual image of the brand and allow to do more on the sales pitch.
Enhance the Products Visibility through Packaging Customization
From the past few years, the demand and trends of retail box have increased and many brands in the market bring the same kind of Boxes. Therefore, the brands are looking for ways to get unique and impressive kind of packaging that differentiate their brand from other competitors. But it was never an easy task to get these faultlessly Custom Packaging box before that’s making the product stand out from the competitors. When the products jostle for retail shelf space at the tobacco shops, the customized boxes help the brands to gain public attention and keep their focus on the brand. Therefore, from start to end, we work together with our clients and give them a proper and unique customization solution for the product boxes that suit their needs perfectly.
Get Unique Shape and Style Possibilities in Custom Packaging
Do you want to explore the new world of style, sizes, and shapes in Custom Packaging? Then you can choose from our library of custom style packaging that will serve your brand or products in many ways. First of all, you need to pick the unique and impressive styles in these boxes that going to imprint a unique identity of your brand upon smokers’ minds. We can say the distinctly crafted packaging is serving the brands creatively and give a better way to fight in the tough competitive scenario. It is a fact that the distinct and discrete style & shapes of the tailored tempt every onlooker to check the product instantly.
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viveprinting · 2 years
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corrugated-case · 2 years
The importance of smart packaging solutions has grown by leaps and bounds with the huge growth of the e-commerce sector. Thus, the collaboration of technology in packaging solutions is important to enhance the brand image and ensure that customers are happy when they see the goods at the door. Read the article to know more.
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violottie · 2 months
Boycott Israeli Dates this Ramadan, from Call 2 Action Now, 28/Feb/2024: (caption under images)
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This Ramadan, don’t break your fast with an Israeli date. Stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people.
Israel’s genocidal assault on Palestinians in the Gaza Strip has now killed tens of thousands. Palestinians, facing down Israel’s catastrophic violence, call on us to boycott Israeli products in solidarity with their struggle for freedom.
Follow this quick guide to boycotting Israeli dates:
• Always check the label when buying dates. Don’t buy dates that are produced or packaged in Israel or its West Bank settlements. If no country of origin can be found on the box, check the retailer’s website.
• One of Israel’s largest exporters is called Hadiklaim. It sells dates in supermarkets under these names: King Solomon, Jordan River and Jordan River Bio-Top, as well as under the labels of supermarket chains. Check the box carefully, if the dates were “exported by Hadiklaim” – don’t buy them.
• Avoid these companies: Mehadrin, MTex, Edom, Carmel Agrexco, and Arava
#checkthelabel is not enough. Israel has been caught labelling their dates as ‘produce of Palestine’. Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, M&S, Morrison, Aldi, Lidl and Asda package Israeli dates under their own labels!
Buy dates from Zaytoun, Alard, Yaffa, and Holy Land Date all support Palestinian Farmers. If you cannot get hold of these brands then buy dates from Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, UAE and Algeria.
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custompackaging32 · 5 months
Retail Boxes provide evidence of the effectiveness of packaging in creating a lasting impression in the contemporary marketplace as companies fight for consumer’s attention.
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