#Retard Magazine
fuckmyassstinks · 2 months
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str4wbaeby · 21 days
Obliviously homophobic gay best friends with nsfw? Yandere male best friend x male reader with both of them acting extremely gay to one another(teasing, perverted jokes, cuddling, cute nicknames but as a joke, watching porn together, masturbating together to said porn) but still having the AUDACITY to say they're straight and still act homophobic about the LGBTQ after all of that. (And yes, it is just Internalized homophobia but mostly on the Yandere's part since he might have a tiny whiny yandere crush on Y/N but would never EVER admit it.)
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𝓷𝓸𝓫𝓸𝓭𝔂 𝓯𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾
ᵒᵇˢᵉˢˢᵉᵈ ᵐᵃˡᵉ ᵇᵉˢᵗ ᶠʳⁱᵉⁿᵈ ˣ ᵐᵃˡᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
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Kallias Belmont was the true embodiment of beauty, in your eyes. tall and lean, with a natural grace to his movements, he possessed a rugged charm that drew eyes wherever he went. his dark hair, perpetually tousled in a way that seemed effortlessly cool, framed a face that could have easily graced magazine covers.
"hey there, handsome", his deep voice rumbled as it broke you out of your trance. lost in your thoughts about the said man, you didn't even notice when he approached you slowly, now leaning casually against the row of lockers as his eyes pierced into yours.
"h-hey, man! didn't notice you there", you stummered, cheeks softly heating up as a soft flush spread across your face from a slight embarrassment and possibly at the unexpected petname.
Kallias softly chuckled at your antics. "I could see that, darling. too handsome for you to keep your eyes off of me ?"
"n-no, it's nothing like that! you're not that handsome. plus, what's with the petnames, today? why are you acting so gay?", you jokingly asked, hitting him lightly in the chest.
"me? and gay? huh, you wish!", Kallias rolled his eyes as he laughed condescendingly. "I'd rather kill myself than be one of those fags. they're nothing but a bunch of retarded freaks.", he sneered, face scrunching up into an expression of disgust but it changed almost immediately when he looked at you awkwardly standing there, "but honestly though, you should have seen your face. you looked pretty adorable", he said, playfully pinching your cheeks while shooting you a wink
you just chuckled in response, ignoring the latter part of the comment. "you're such a tease, man! what's gotten into you, anyway? class is gonna start in 5, let's go"
Kallias just hummed, wrapping an arm around your broad shoulders as the two of you made your way down the busy corridor.
thankful that class hasn't started yet, you quickly took a seat with Kallias occupying the one next to yours, arms now wrapped around your torso as he nudged his face into your nape, inhaling your scent. can you really blame him though? you smelled so sweet, how could he resist you?
the intimate gesture would've apperead to be romantic to any bystander but for you two? it was totally normal. you two weren't doing something gay . . . you were just best friends who loved each other a little too much.
after all, you never seemed to mind when his broad hands caressed the small of your back, occasionally tugging on your soft curls, just to feel you
or when his hands would effortlessly find their way between your thighs, softly rubbing circles on the delicate skin of your inner thighs soothingly
or when he'd gently cup your face, forcing you to look deep into his warm hazel eyes whenever you seemed to be swayed by endless cycle of meaningless thoughts . . . he should be the only one on your mind
or when he'd come crying to you after every breakup, trying to find solace within your arms as you cuddled him in your warm embrace, sweet words consoling his broken heart
or when he punched someone in the face just because they looked at you in a way, that only he was allowed to look in
you didn't waver away from his touch when he offered to teach you how to pleasure yourself properly. he still remembers that night, memories filling up his empty senses like it was just yesterday.
sprawled between his thighs, laid your limp body; tired after multiple orgasms were ripped out mercilessly from your body . . . how long has it been? 4 hours? 5 even? you didn't care when you felt this good. loud moans and whimpers filled the room as Kallias worked his fingers into your sopping wet hole, thick fingers stretching you open while his other hand skillfully worked on your throbbing shaft, swiftly alternating between the tip and balls. he knew you were close, body spasming from the intense pleasure as your back arched while he repeatedly hit your prostate. "shhh... it's okay, baby... you're doing so well", he cooed, watching you shoot out ropes of thick cum onto his newly changed bedsheet as he held you in his arms, soft lips kissing your forehead. face flushed from the sweaty session, you looked upto him with half lidded eyes, only to have your lips met with his. the kiss was hungry, his tongue prying open your bottom lip in a desperate attempt to taste you
he needed to have you, to taste you, to feel you. he needed you. you were his pretty boy, his best friend, his everything. he couldn't afford to share you with someone else, let alone have someone else touch you like this . . . let someone else even see you like this. this was only reserved for him. he'll never have anyone else have you. you belonged to him
Kallias blushed as the memories started to flood in. shaking his head to clear 'em off, he looked over at you. you were now looking at the blackboard, intently copying down what your teacher seemed to scribble on, but he could care less about anyone else when you were what his thoughts consisted of. smiling, he swept away a stray strand of hair from your forehead, his hands subconsciously coming down to caress your cheek.
he sometimes wondered if all he had you for were just platonic feelings . . . he could never even imagine himself being with a man but then why did the idea of being with you never felt disgustingly suffocating? maybe, he did love you more than he should have . . . maybe that's why he never really cared when he blurred the lines between friends and lovers . . . maybe he really was just a coward, too scared to face the reality . . . too scared to lose you . . . too scared to be perceived as anything other than "normal"
but if he ever allowed himself to be honest, will you laugh at him? will you hate him more than he hated himself?
among a bunch of "what ifs", the only thing he knew was that you were his, whether you liked it or not
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Purely by chance found myself reading the "45 Current Communist Goals" list that was read out in the U.S. House of Representatives and into the Congressional Record by Democrat representative A. S. Herlong on January 10th, 1963.
Some of the stated goals are not so pressing since the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Soviet Union, but the following ones seem far more pertinent today, 61 years on.
I'd be tempted to dismiss the list as simply "Red-Scare"-era hysteria, were it not for the fact they've all, fairly undeniably, come true: --------------------------------
Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
Gain control of all student newspapers.
Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy.”
Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."
Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old- fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture."
Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems.
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lounesdarbois · 3 months
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Hebdo Marianne sorti aujourd'hui. Intox mon c* ou plutôt ma b*, n'est-ce pas, mister John-Michael? Merci pour la double page de pub gratuite!
Quelles que soient les conclusions de cette histoire les faits sont, comme le magazine du même nom, têtus. La seule raison du retard des conclusions est le ressentiment nourri par les trouillards envers "legztraimdrouâte" qu'ils croient voir en Soral et Xavier. Mais les faits sont là. Chirurgie. Perruque. Silhouette. Les documents sont là. Passés tronqués. Photos qui ne concordent pas. Mar-a-Lago. Et mille faisceaux d'indices graves et concordants comme dit un enquêteur lorsque les faits s'accumulent.
Il était fatal que la république soit un jour incarnée par les "membres d'un couple" comme celui-là. Et demain...
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sofya-fanfics · 6 months
Noël ensemble
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Fandom : Fairy Tail
Relationship : Gray x Juvia
Voici ma participation pour le Year of the OTP 2023 pour le prompt : passer les fêtes ensemble.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Gray regarda à nouveau vers la vitre. Les nuages étaient blancs, la neige allait bientôt tomber. Il espérait que cela n’allait pas retarder leur retour à Magnolia. Il ne le dirait à personne, mais il était impatient de rentrer, en particulier pour retrouver Juvia. Les vacances de Noël approchaient et Gray voulait les passer avec elle.
Disclaimer : Fairy Tail appartient à Hiro Mashima.
Le train roulait à pleine vitesse. Gray regardait le paysage défiler. Il restait encore une heure avant d’arriver à Magnolia. L’équipe Natsu revenait d’une mission qui avait duré plusieurs jours. Il regarda vers ses compagnons. Erza dormait à côté de lui. Wendy, qui était assise en face de lui, tenait sa tête entre ses mains, essayant d’ignorer son mal des transports. Carla avait sa patte posé sur son bras, tentant de lui apporter un peu de réconfort. La pauvre Wendy, pensa Gray. Si seulement il connaissait un moyen de l’aider à se sentir mieux. Par contre, il ne ressentait aucune empathie pour Natsu qui gémissait sur la banquette à côté de la sienne. Plus le train avançait et plus il était malade. Sa tête était posée sur les genoux de Lucy, qui lui caressait les cheveux. Happy lui faisait de l’air avec un magazine que la constellationniste avait acheté à la gare.
Gray regarda à nouveau vers la vitre. Les nuages étaient blancs, la neige allait bientôt tomber. Il espérait que cela n’allait pas retarder leur retour à Magnolia. Il ne le dirait à personne, mais il était impatient de rentrer, en particulier pour retrouver Juvia. Ces derniers temps, il pensait souvent à elle. Il avait l’impression qu’elle était constamment dans sa tête et dans son cœur. Ses sentiments ne faisaient que s’accentuer depuis les six mois qu’ils avaient passé ensemble avant qu’il n’infiltre Avatar. Les vacances de Noël approchaient et Gray voulait les passer avec Juvia.
Le train arriva en gare et lorsqu’il s’arrêta, Natsu sortit en courant. Gray se leva de la banquette et sortit sur le quai. Ils étaient enfin rentrés. Il sourit et se dit qu’il était temps pour lui de retrouver Juvia.
Après avoir fait leur rapport à Makarof, l’équipe Natsu était enfin libre de fêter Noël. La guilde avait été décorée pour l’occasion. Il y avait des guirlandes, des lumières, des figurines de rennes, de Père Noël et de bonhommes de neige. Un grand sapin était installé au centre de la salle. Une atmosphère joyeuse et festive régnait dans la guilde. Gray était assis à une table avec Erza. Il n’avait toujours pas touché à la chope que Mirajane lui avait servi. Il était occupé à regarder les personnes qui entraient dans la guilde.
« Elle ne va pas tarder à arriver, dit Erza. »
Gray sursauta. Il était tellement concentré sur la porte de la guilde, qu’il avait oublié qu’Erza était avec lui. Mais il ne lui avouerait jamais. Il avait bien trop peur qu’elle se vexe.
« De qui tu parles ? Demanda-t-il en feignant l’ignorance.
-De Juvia. C’est elle que tu attends. »
Gray rougit. Il ne pouvait pas la contre-dire. Erza ne put s’empêcher de rire légèrement.
« C’était évident, dit-elle en buvant une gorgé. »
Gray écarquilla les yeux. Est-ce qu’il était si transparent ? Il sentit soudain quelqu’un s’approcher de lui et des bras l’enlacer par derrière. Un parfum qu’il ne connaissait que trop bien l’enivra.
« Gray-sama ! Juvia est tellement heureuse de vous voir. Vous lui avez tellement manqué. »
Gray sourit. Il posa sa main sur la sienne et la serra.
« Tu m’as manqué aussi. »
Il n’aurait jamais cru que Juvia lui aurait manqué à ce point. Alors qu’elle avait ses bras autour de lui, il avait l’impression d’avoir trouvé sa place, que c’était le seul endroit où il se sentait bien. Erza s’en alla discrètement pour leur laisser plus d’intimité. Juvia s’assit à côté de Gray et un immense sourire illumina son visage lorsqu’elle se rendit compte que le mage de glace ne lui avait pas lâché la main. Elle lui posa des question sur sa mission et Gray lui répondit.
Une musique de Noël se fit entendre. D’habitude, Gray se moquait de Noël. Pour lui, ce n’était qu’une journée comme les autres. Mais pour la première fois de sa vie, il avait envi de le fêter.
« Est-ce que tu as prévu quelque chose pour Noël ? Demanda-t-il. »
Juvia secoua négativement la tête.
« D’habitude, Juvia le fête avec Gajeel. Mais cette année, il a prévu de le fêter avec Levy.
-Alors… Est-ce que ça te dirait qu’on passe les fêtes ensemble ? »
Il rougit et détourna le regard, gêné. Il n’avait pas l’habitude de faire ce genre de demande. Il jeta un coup d’œil vers Juvia. Elle avait ses mains devant sa bouche et était émue.
« Juvia en serait très heureuse. »
Elle se jeta dans ses bras. Gray réussit à se rattraper pour ne pas tomber de sa chaise et il passa ses bras autour de sa taille. Cette année, pour lui Noël sera spécial grâce à Juvia.
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a-queer-seminarian · 11 months
An excerpt from Eli Clare (1999) exploring the language used against and used by disabled & queer folk. TW for the r word.
"Handicapped, disabled, cripple, gimp, retard, differently abled. I understand my relationship to each of these words.
I scoff at handicapped, a word I grew up believing my parents had invented specifically to describe me, my parents who were deeply ashamed of my cerebral palsy and desperately wanted to find a cure.
I use the word disabled as an adjective to name what this ableist world does to us crips and gimps.
Cripple makes me flinch; it too often accompanied the sticks and stones on my grade school playground, but I love crip humor, the audacity of turning cripple into a word of pride.
Gimp sings a friendly song, full of irony and understanding. Retard on the other hand draws blood every time, a sharp, sharp knife.
In the world as it should be, maybe disabled people would be differently abled: a world where Braille and audio-recorded editions of books and magazines were a matter of course, and hearing people signed ASL; a world where schools were fully integrated, health care, free and unrationed; a world where universal access meant exactly that; a world where disabled people were not locked up at home or in nursing homes, relegated to sheltered employment and paid sweatshop wages. But, in the world as it is, differently abled, physically challenged tell a wishful lie.
Queer, like cripple, is an ironic and serious word I use to de- scribe myself and others in my communities. Queer speaks volumes about who I am, my life as a dyke, my relationship to the dominant culture. Because of when I came out-more than a decade after the Stonewall Rebellion-and where-into a highly politicized urban dyke community-queer has always been easy for me. I adore its defiant external edge, its comfortable internal truth. Queer belongs to me. So does cripple for many of the same reasons.
Queer and cripple are cousins: words to shock, words to infuse with pride and self-love, words to resist internalized hatred, words to help forge a politics. They have been gladly chosen — queer by many gay, lesbian, bi, and trans peoples, cripple, or crip, by many disabled people. ..."
- Eli Clare in Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation (1999)
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gsirvitor · 1 year
“Again, not disinformation.”
“It's actually very reputable outside of your political aisle.”
“Pick one.”
“Holy fuck, you fell for the AntiFa conspiracy that was spread to discredit him while he was busy unmasking AntiFa terrorists? Talk about bring ideologically captured.”
Ignoring the first bit because I want to show everyone you're just reacting without actually looking anything up.
"Justin Trudeau is not making kids go to any drag queen camp."
That is the statement I wish to focus on.
Justin Trudeau's government is funding a "drag queen summer camp" for children as young as 7 years old.
Do you enjoy expressing yourself through clothing, makeup and performance? Do you have an alter ego that is just waiting to hit the stage? Our new two week senior Drag Camp might be just your cup of tea, honey!
You can't get much more un-subtle than that. The event organizers claim that drag "is for everyone," and that participants will be "provided with a Drag Makeup Starter Kit!"
This is for 7 year olds...
Government grant records show that the Canadian government has heavily bankrolled the theater that's sponsoring the child centric drag camp. Taxpayers are funding this. Taxpayer dollars are going toward the indoctrination of young children in Vancouver.
And make no mistake, they are very much looking to indoctrinate.
Nothing I have said, or provided is misinformation/disinformation, I am not a liar just because you dislike your side being exposed.
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In this post I decided to pay attention to the album Pretty on the Inside. This idea came to me when I saw this bright pink record. I want to tell you a little bit about the beginning of the band as well as the album itself. I want to point out that this is all in a shortened version but I’m not going to omit some interesting facts.
Hole formed in 1989 in California with the help of Courtney Love and Eric Erlandson, with the backing of Kim Gordon (bassist and singer of the band Sonic Youth).
The first line-up also included Lisa Robert, Caroline Rue and Michael Harnett. Michael and Lisa were later replaced by Jill Emery. With them The band’s first singles, Retard Girl, Dicknail and Teenage Whore, was released .
After that, Hole began to be called one of the most promising bands in 1991. After confession, Courtney wrote to Gordon asking to become a permanent producer of project. In the envelope she placed a hairpin Hello Kitty(She may have brought it from Japan, where she had briefly lived before.)
The band's first album "Pretty on the Inside" was released in 1991. There were two producers involved in the recording and promotion, the aforementioned Kim Gordon and also Don Fleming.
The album reached number 59 on the list of the national hit parade in England. Tracks from it stayed in the charts for about a year.
This success was followed by the joint European tour Hole and MUDHONEY (American grunge band). It was at these Concerts that Courtney Love became known as the first female woman-performer to smash a guitar on stage.
After all that, Pretty on the Inside was named album of the year by "The Village Voice" magazine .
Well, I’ve been working on this for over an hour, so I hope you were interested in reading this❤️.
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clhook · 1 year
Hier j'ai passé une matinée nulle à coup de ratage de train parce qu'il était annoncé avec 5 min de retard mais il est parti à l'heure, dispute avec mon keum attente de 1h à la caisse du magasin de bricolage parce que le mec devant ne comprenait rien, je suis arrivée au travail j'ai dit à mes collègues "s'il arrive un souci cet aprèm je tue quelqu'un" 2 minutes après mon collègue va ranger un magazine je l'entends qui dit "euh... Claire viens voir" je vais voir les casiers de magazines s'étaient EFFONDRÉS en arrachant la moitié du meuble bah génial super incroyable
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moki-dokie · 2 months
I was obsessed with this song when it came out - in 2003. little did i realize how much worse it would get. i don't think i even had the ability as a freshly minted teenager to fathom a future worse than all of this. i don't think most of us did tbh. after all, we were promised the best and brightest and most fulfilling future of any generation. we lucky millennials. and yet 20 years later, here we are. living every dystopian nightmare we never thought possible as kids. in 20 years a song depicting what seemed like the worst outcome i could think of is now normal. idk maybe we should have seen all the blaring warning signs but for fucks sake most of them were buried in comedy, irony, sarcasm, fiction, or music that was mostly underground. no wonder we didn't think to take it seriously. anyway. have a listen. (and do keep in mind the language of the time) lyrics under the cut
Your cellphone, your wallet, your time, your ideas. No bar-code, no party, no ID, no beers. Your bankcard, your license, your thoughts, your fears. No SIM card, no disco, no photo, not here. Your blood, your sweat, your passions, your regrets. Your profits, your time off, your fashions, your sex. Your pills, your grass, your tits, your ass. Your laughs, your balls, we want it all (we want your soul).
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul).
Tell us your habits, your fads, your fears. Give us your address, your shoe size, your years. Your digits, your plans, your number, your eyes. Your schedule, your desktop, your details, your life. Show us your children, your photos, your home. Here, take credit, take insurance, take a loan. Get a job, get a pension, get a haircut, get a suit. Play the lottery, play football, play the field, snort some toot.
We'll show you shrinks, we'll show you spooks, we'll buy you drinks, throw away your books. We'll sell you crap, we'll charge you tax, we're out buying big guns and you'll front the cash (we want your soul).
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul).
Your thoughts, your emotions, your love, your dreams. Your checkbook, your essence, your sweat, your screams. Your security, your sobriety, your innocence, your society. Your self, your place, your distance, your space.
[Bill Hicks] Go back to bed America, your government is in control again. Here. Watch this. Shut up. You are free to do as we tell you. You are free to do as we tell you.
Here's boy bands, here's Mackers, here's Britney, here's cola. Here's pizza, here's TV, here's some rock and some roller. Watch commercials, more commercials, watch Jerry, not Oprah. Buy a better life from the comfort of your sofa. Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshakes, here's blue jeans. Here's padded bras, here's armpit wax, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps. Here's live talk-shows, here's video games, here's cola-lite, here's ten more lanes. Here's filter-tips, here's collagen lips, here's all-night malls, here's plastic hips (we want your soul).
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul). [Bill Hicks] Go back to bed America, your government is in control again. Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this. Shut up. Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators. Here's 56 channels of it. Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together, and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go America. You are free to do as we tell you. You are free to do as we tell you.
No hippies, no strays, no drop-outs, no gays. No lefties, no loonies, no opinions, no way. No thinkers, no teachers, no facts, no freaks. No skaters, no tweakers, no truth, no sleep.
Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshakes, here's blue jeans. Here's padded bras, here's armpit wax, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps. Here's very very very very very very very very very very very very long infomercials.
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justadumbasskid · 2 months
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A 'Zzzt' event blew up my fucking magazine. This is why I always put my flammable shit in flame-retardant storage. Anyways I had to re-craft all this fucking ammo back.
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x-heesy · 11 months
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Phuck You very very much 🖕🏽
Your cellphone, your wallet, your time, your ideas
No bar-code, no party, no ID, no beers
Your bankcard, your license, your thoughts, your fears
No SIM card, no disco, no photo, not here
Your blood, your sweat, your passions, your regrets
Your profits, your time off, your fashions, your sex
Your pills, your grass, your tits, your ass
Your laughs, your balls, we want it all (we want your soul)
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul)
Tell us your habits, your fads, your fears
Give us your address, your shoe size, your years
Your digits, your plans, your number, your eyes
Your schedule, your desktop, your details, your life
Show us your children, your photos, your home
Here, take credit, take insurance, take a loan
Get a job, get a pension, get a haircut, get a suit
Play the lottery, play football, play the field, snort some toot
We'll show you shrinks, we'll show you spooks, we'll buy you drinks, throw away your books
We'll sell you crap, we'll charge you tax, we're out buying big guns and you'll front the cash (we want your soul)
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul)
Your thoughts, your emotions, your love, your dreams
Your checkbook, your essence, your sweat, your screams
Your security, your sobriety, your innocence, your society
Your self, your place, your distance, your space
Go back to bed America, your government is in control again.
Here. Watch this. Shut up.
You are free to do as we tell you.
You are free to do as we tell you.
(We want your soul)
Here's boy bands, here's Mackers, here's Britney, here's cola
Here's pizza, here's TV, here's some rock and some roller
Watch commercials, more commercials, watch Jerry, not Oprah
Buy a better life from the comfort of your sofa
Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshakes, here's blue jeans
Here's padded bras, here's armpit wax, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps
Here's live talk-shows, here's video games, here's cola-lite, here's ten more lanes
Here's filter-tips, here's collagen lips, here's all-night malls, here's plastic hips (we want your soul)
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul)
Go back to bed America, your government is in control again.
Here. Here's American Gladiators. Watch this. Shut up.
Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators.
Here's 56 channels of it.
Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together,
And congratulate you on living in the land of freedom.
Here you go America.
You are free to do as we tell you.
You are free to do as we tell you.
(We want your soul)
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life (we want your soul)
No hippies, no strays, no drop-outs, no gays
No lefties, no loonies, no opinions, no way
No thinkers, no teachers, no facts, no freaks
No skaters, no tweekers, no truth, no sleep
Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshakes, here's blue jeans
Here's padded bras, here's armpit wax, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps
Here's very very very very very very very very very very very very long infomercials
@frenchpsychiatrymuderedmycnut #vetomfz 👉🏾🖕🏽👈🏽
We Want Your Soul by Adam Freeland ☠️
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thewilddoghaunts · 5 months
Your cellphone, your wallet, your time, your ideas
No bar-code, no party, no ID, no beers
Your bankcard, your license, your thoughts, your fears
No SIM card, no disco, no photo, not here
Your blood, your sweat, your passions, your regrets
Your profits, your time off, your fashions, your sex
Your pills, your grass, your tits, your ass
Your laughs, your balls, we want it all
We want your soul
Tell us your habits, your fads, your fears
Give us your address, your shoe size, your years
Your digits, your plans, your number, your eyes
Your schedule, your desktop, your details, your life
Show us your children, your photos, your home
Here, take credit, take insurance, take a loan
Get a job, get a pension, get a haircut, get a suit
Play the lottery, play football, play the field, score some toot
We'll show you shrinks, we'll show you spooks, we'll buy you drinks, throw away your books
We'll sell you crap, we'll charge you tax, we're out buying big guns and you'll front the cash
We want your soul
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life
We want your soul
Your thoughts, your emotions, your love, your dreams
Your checkbook, your essence, your sweat, your screams
Your security, your sobriety, your innocence, your society
Your self, your place, your distance, your space
Go back to bed America, your government is in control again!
Here, watch this! Shut up!
You are free to do as we tell you!
You are free to do as we tell you!
We want your soul
Here's boy bands, here's Mackers, here's Britney, here's cola
Here's pizza, here's TV, here's some rock and some roller
Watch commercials, more commercials, watch Jerry, not Oprah
Buy a better life from the comfort of your sofa
Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshakes, here's blue jeans
Here's padded bras, here's armpit wax, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps
Here's live talk-shows, here's video games, here's cola-lite, here's ten more lanes
Here's filter-tips, here's collagen lips, here's all-night malls, here's plastic hips
We want your soul
Go back to bed America, your government is in control again!
Here, here's American Gladiators! Watch this! Shut up!
Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators!
Here's 56 channels of it!
Watch these pituitary retards bang their fucking skulls together
And congratulate you on living in the land of freedom!
Here you go America!:
You are free to do as we tell you!
You are free to do as we tell you!
We want your soul
Your cash, your house, your phone, your life
We want your soul
No hippies, no strays, no drop-outs, no gays
No lefties, no loonies, no opinions, no way
No thinkers, no teachers, no facts, no freaks
No skaters, no tweekers, no truth, no sleep
Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshakes, here's blue jeans
Here's padded bras, here's armpit wax, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps
Here's very very very very very very very very very very very very long infomercials
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sofya-fanfics · 8 months
Le cerisier en fleur
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Fandom : Fairy Tail
Relationship : Natsu x Lucy
Voici ma participation pour le Fictober 2023 pour le prompt : « Il n’est pas trop tard, allons-y. »
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Lucy regarda l’heure. Plus que cinq minutes avant que le train n’arrive à la gare. Elle savait qu’elle allait arriver en retard. C’était inévitable. Aujourd’hui un cerisier se mettait en fleur. Ce n’était pas n’importe quel cerisier. Il ne fleurissait qu’une fois par an pendant une heure.
Disclaimer : Fairy Tail appartient à Hiro Mashima.
Lucy regarda l’heure. Plus que cinq minutes avant que le train n’arrive à la gare. Elle savait qu’elle allait arriver en retard. C’était inévitable. À la fin de leur mission, Natsu, Happy et Lucy avaient loupé leur train et devaient attendre le suivant. C’est trop tard, pensa-t-elle. Même s’ils arrivaient dans cinq minutes, elle n’aurait jamais le temps d’aller jusqu’au parc.
Aujourd’hui un cerisier se mettait en fleur. Ce n’était pas n’importe quel cerisier. Il ne fleurissait qu’une fois par an pendant une heure. La couleur des pétales était si vive que seul un arbre magique était capable d’une telle prouesse. C’était un évènement exceptionnel où tous les habitants de Magnolia se réunissaient au parc pour fêter cette journée.
Lucy l’avait déjà loupé l’an passé et elle était persuadée de la louper encore cette année. Elle soupira, déçue. Elle tourna le regard vers Natsu quand elle l’entendit gémir. Il était allongé sur le ventre sur la banquette en face d’elle. Il était au plus mal et plus le train avançait, plus il était malade. Happy était à côté de lui et essayait de lui faire de l’air avec un magazine que Lucy avait acheté avant qu’ils ne montent dans le train. Pauvre Natsu, pensa-t-elle. Elle se pencha vers lui et lui caressa les cheveux.
« Ça va aller Natsu, on est bientôt arrivé. »
Pour toutes réponses, elle n’eut qu’un gémissement du chasseur de dragon. Elle regarda par la fenêtre et vit que le train entrait en gare. Dès qu’il s’arrêta, Natsu fut le premier passager à sortir. Lucy l’entendit crier : « Enfin arrivé ! » et ne put s’empêcher de rire légèrement. Au moins, il n’était plus malade. Lucy et Happy le rejoignirent sur le quai. Natsu avait retrouvé toute sa vitalité. Lucy regarda à nouveau l’heure. C’était trop tard.
« Tout va bien Lucy ? Demanda Happy. Toi aussi tu étais malade dans le train ? »
Natsu lui lança un regard inquiet. Elle secoua négativement la tête et sourit pour les rassurer. Après tout, ce n’était pas si grave que ça.
« Ce n’est rien. C’est juste que l’on va louper la fleuraison du cerisier.
-C’est vrai que tu l’as déjà loupé l’année dernière, dit Natsu.
-Ce n’est pas grave. Je la verrai l’année prochaine. »
Le regard de Natsu s’illumina comme s’il venait d’avoir une idée.
« Il n’est pas trop tard, allons-y.
-Ce n’est pas possible, dit Lucy. On est trop loin du parc. »
Mais Natsu ne l’écoutait plus et expliqua son plan à Happy.
« Si tu emmène Lucy en volant, vous y serez beaucoup plus vite.
-Et toi Natsu ?
-Je connais un raccourci. Je dois aller chercher quelque chose. Je vous rejoindrai. »
Happy acquiesça. Il déploya ses ailes et sans plus attendre, il attrapa Lucy par sa chemise. Tous deux s’envolèrent. Lucy avait l’impression que jamais Happy n’avait volé aussi vite et qu’il faisait tout pour arriver à temps pour la fleuraison. Au bout d’un moment, elle finit par apercevoir le parc.
« On est arrivé ! S'exclama joyeusement Happy. »
Tous deux sourirent. Une fois arrivés au parc, Happy posa doucement Lucy au sol. Elle regarda autour d'elle. Elle avait l'impression que toute la ville s'était réunie pour la fleuraison. Elle pouvait voir également des membres de la guilde. Une atmosphère festive et chaleureuse régnait. Une pointe d'impatience était également palpable. Le cerisier allait fleurir d'un moment à l'autre.
« Lucy ! Happy ! »
Lucy vit Natsu arriver en courant et remarqua qu'il tenait quelque chose dans les bras. Il s'arrêta devant eux et déplia la couverture qu’il tenait avant de la poser par terre. Il s'assit dessus, imité par Happy, et tendit la main vers Lucy.
« J'ai pensé que se serait plus confortable comme ça.
-Tu as eu une bonne idée. »
Elle accepta la main de Natsu et elle s'assit à côté de lui.
« Regardez ! S'exclama Happy en montrant le cerisier. Ça commence ! »
Lucy regarda l'arbre avec émerveillement. Le vert des feuilles était vif et les pétales roses s'ouvraient doucement. Elle avait l'impression qu'ils scintillaient à la lumière tels des petits diamants. Elle pouvait ressentir la magie qui émanait de l'arbre. Elle n'avait jamais rien vu de tel.
« C'est magnifique, dit-elle.
-Oui. »
Elle sentit Natsu passer son bras autour de ses épaules. Elle ne put s'empêcher de rougir. Son cœur s'accéléra, mais elle ressentait une agréable sensation. Elle posa sa tête sur les épaules du chasseur de dragons, qui la serra un peu plus contre lui. Elle se blottit dans ses bras, profitant du spectacle du cerisier et de l'agréable chaleur que Natsu lui procurait.
Elle espérait pouvoir passer les prochaines fleuraisons aussi heureuse dans les bras de Natsu.
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leafonsidewalk · 1 year
Mushrooms Help Clean up Toxic Waste
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Through a process called mycoremediation, mushrooms can be used to remove chemicals from the soil and heavy metals from water through their mycelium (one of nature’s most resilient living organisms, fire-resistant, water-retardant, vegetative part of a fungus). Research suggests that mushrooms can convert pesticides and herbicides to less harmful compounds, remove heavy metals from brownfield sites (land that was once used for industry and now lies useless), and break down plastic. The main idea of mycoremediation is to use a fungi’s natural decomposition abilities to restore and regenerate land. With fire return intervals becoming increasingly shorter and fire severity growing more intense, ecologists have started to use mushrooms to repair severely scorched soil. 
Most of the breakdown of toxins/waste takes place before the fruiting body is formed.
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The waste is typically fully absorbed by the fungus within a few weeks. The enzymes produced by a mushroom are able to break down a lot of different pollutants and the mycelia (mycelium plural) ‘digest’ the surface they grow on and convert it into nutrients and possibly edible mushrooms. Some species of fungi are being “trained” in labs to digest things like polypropylene face masks and plastic gloves. 
Mushrooms have been used to clean up oil spills in the Amazon, boat fuel pollution in Denmark, contaminated soil in New Zealand, and PCBs in the Spokane River. Mycoremediation is a natural, more gentle, and possibly cheaper alternative to the traditional “scrape and burn” approach towards environmental cleanup (where the contaminated soil is dug up and incinerated). The traditional method can remove potentially fertile soil but mycoremediation can help clean up the toxic soil while also improving soil fertility. 
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Now the big question: if mycoremediation is so great, why don’t we see more of it on a larger scale?
Federal regulations require a 100% removal of the targeted contaminants within a short period of time, but we currently don’t know how effective the breakdown is when using fungi, and the speed of it. Also, each biohazard site may require a customized treatment; how a mushroom reacts to the site depends on the species, the contaminants present, and the local growing conditions. There’s also not much investment and funding in this area of science and biology, causing many scientists to seek other areas of work. 
Sources: Mushrooms Clean Up Our Toxic Messes - resilience, Mushrooms Clean Up Toxic Mess, Including Plastic. So Why Aren’t They Used More? - YES! Magazine (yesmagazine.org), Mycoremediation: How Fungi Can Repair Our Land | Office of Sustainability - Student Blog (usfca.edu)
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cyarskj1899 · 1 year
Home > News > Jesse James
Sandra Bullock's Ex-Husband Jesse James Denies Cheating On Pregnant Wife, But Admits To Texting Ex 
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By:Connor Surmonte
Dec. 4 2022, Published 3:55 p.m. ET
Jesse James recently responded to his pregnant wife’s allegations the motorcyclist enthusiast cheated on her during a “blowout fight” between the pair, RadarOnline.comhas learned.
James’ wife, former adult film star Bonnie Rotten, accused the vehicle mechanic-turned-TV star of cheating on her with “other women” on Thursday in a post published to Instagram.
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“Jesse is busy trying to f–k other women while I’m pregnant,” wrote Rotten, who married James in June.
“I’m so hurt by everything he has done to me,” she wrote in a second post. “He didn’t give a f--- about anyone but himself he’s truly a disgusting human being.”
But James ultimately responded to his pregnant wife’s allegations on Friday with a social media post of his own. 
Although the 53-year-old denied being unfaithful to Rotten, he did admit to texting one of his ex-girlfriends while he and his wife were engaged in a lovers’ blowout quarrel.
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“Baby I didn’t cheat on you I swear!!” he wrote on Instagram on Friday. “I’m sorry we got into a fight. I’m sorry I called you a ‘retard’ when we were fighting.”
“I know that just made you more mad, and didn’t do anything to make the situation better. It was out of line and childish and immature. I’m sorry I did that,” James continued alongside a series of photos of the couple together.
“Please know. I’ve never thought about cheating on you. I’ve never tried to cheat on you. I’ve never had the urge to cheat on you. You are the only one I want, forever,” he wrote further. “Every chick that was hanging around back then got told I was in love with you and I couldn’t see them anymore. This was me making efforts to secure your trust and do things the right way. (What a ‘Man’ does).”
“I really thought we were done, and I was so mad and acted out of anger and spite,” the eponymous Jesse James: Outlaw Garage host concluded his post. “I know this hurt you and I’m sorry. I unfollowed her and won’t contact again.”
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As RadarOnline.com previously reported, James’ plea to his pregnant wife came just before the TV host’s $250 million 2010 divorce details with actress Sandra Bullock were exposed by this outlet.
Bullock’s fortune was estimated at around $125 million when the former couple split in 2010, while James’ fortune was estimated to also be around $125 million as a result of his custom motorcycle empire, magazine, restaurant and production company.
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Jesse James has been cancelled to me and the rest of the world since he cheated on Sandra bullock and was exposed as an antisemite. Him being exposed as a disgusting cheater again is not shocking
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