#Reuben is being cute as always
konoa-t · 1 year
A couple drawings I did of ‘em
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of-many-aus · 1 year
Why Jake calls you ‘Angel’
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Summary: there’s always an origin story to a nickname, this one is yours
Warnings: none
A/N: let me know what you think of this series so far :)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game Masterlist
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
This was stupid. You had no idea why you had even let Natasha talk you into this, she knew this wasn’t your thing.
The noise was deafening with everyone screaming at the top of their lungs. Cheers and boos for this team or that.
Bodies rammed into one another as they jumped up and down, supporting their respective teams that were made up of either a sky blue, or a crimson red.
“You have to get to know him,” Nat chatted your ear off above all the yells, keeping your arms linked tightly as you wove back and forth in the crowd, “He’s your roommate, and you hardly know a thing about him.”
“Yeah,” You snapped back, shooting her a small glare, “Maybe he’s a serial killer. How does that feel, Nat? You could very well be the person who pressured me into accepting a living situation with a murderer.”
She rolled her eyes, long since used to your dramatic antics, “A cute murderer.” Your best friend flashed you a grin.
You rolled your eyes sarcastically, “Well, what he lacks in personality, I suppose he makes up for in looks.”
“Exactly!” She cheered, finally pushing through a clearing and towards seemingly the only two empty seats in the whole stadium, not giving you the chance to open your mouth and snap back about being sarcastic. She knew very well that you were.
It had been about two weeks since you and the star of your college's baseball team, Jake Seresin, had made a temporary arrangement of moving into an apartment together. And the two of you had been walking on eggshells around each other, which Natasha Trace never failed to throw in your face.
Honestly, you were more than fine keeping it that way. The less you were forced to talk to the cocky, ego driven athlete, the better.
Your best friend, on the other hand, seemed to think that it was fate that the two of you were thrown into the same living establishment. And apparently, it was an opportunity not to be passed up. Now, you had been dragged to his team's second game of the season. Evidently, missing his first one was some sort of crime in Natasha’s eyes and you now had to make up for it.
What did it matter anyway? He didn’t even know that you were here, and honestly, you hoped that it stayed that way. You didn’t need him thinking something other than the simple fact that you were dragged here, fighting tooth and nail to get away. But it was useless, Nat was impossible to stop when she put her mind to something.
Of course, the only seats available had to be in the very front row, just to the right of home plate.
The game had already started by the time you two sat down, and Jake's team was getting absolutely demolished.
No wonder all the other spectators were getting rowdy so quickly. Your school was trying to urge the team into coming back, and the other school was trying to keep their team up. The score was 1-6 and it was only the second inning.
Jakes team was up at bat, more specifically, a man you recognized to be Reuben Fitch, who was in your science class, at the plate, bat up and at the ready. According to the scoreboard, there was already one out, two pitches thrown, and nobody on the bases.
The pitcher from the other team glared against the sun as he wound his arm back, ready to release the ball. And when he so, it hooked in such a way that poor Reuben didn’t stand a chance of hitting it.
You felt a pang of pity in your heart for him, he had always been friendly to you, and watching his lips move in the shape of a curse and shaking his head in disappointment at himself made you sad to see. He made his way back to the dug out with a head hung low, not even reacting when Pete Mitchell, the coach, clapped him on the back in reassurance when he shuffled past him.
A frown pulled at your lips, “This is just sad,” You commented, “You picked the absolute worst day to force me to come and see a game.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, opening her mouth to rebuttal, only to snap it shut when her eyes locked onto something behind you. A smirk slowly made its way onto her face, “Or maybe not.”
With furrowed eyebrows, you turned in your seat to see what she was looking at, only to lock eyes on a jersey you had grown accustomed to seeing thrown lazily around your apartment- along with other pieces of gear he never bothered to pick up- making it’s way towards you.
Jake was up at bat.
There was a determined aura about him, you could tell from the way his eyes stayed trained on the pitchers mound and from the way his jaw was set and shoulders were in a ridged square.
High pitched squeals erupted from behind you in a way that made you cringe at the sudden noise.
“It’s Jake!”
“He looks so hot.”
“He was totally checking me out earlier.”
You rolled your eyes at the group of girls behind you, babbling like a bunch of teenagers at the mall, and crossed your arms over your chest.
Natasha was looking over at you with a smirk that had morphed into a knowing one.
“What?” You snapped.
Her grin only widened, “Nothing, nothing.” She murmured, turning her attention back to the game.
After allowing your eyes to linger suspiciously on her for another moment, you tore them away from her and too looked to where Jake was now winding up to bat.
The pitcher threw the next one faster than he had moments ago, and it headed straight for the blond man.
Your heart jumped to your throat and your arms unconsciously loosened, falling to your sides as you leaned forward.
Jake jumped backwards out of the way just in time, the ball narrowly missing his stomach in the process.
Shouts of protest came from all over the stadium, cursing out the pitcher for trying to take out the star player.
A breath slipped through your lips and you felt the muscles in your shoulders loosen. Why they were even tense in the first place, you didn’t know.
Seresin let out a huff, taking a step back from the plate to give himself a moment to collect himself, and his gaze unconsciously swept over the crowd.
Bright green eyes locked onto yours before you could even think about looking away and trying to hide yourself.
Jake stilled.
All of the sounds seemed to drown out around you. Neither of you let up your stares, no matter how much as you knew you should.
Then, the corner of his lips quirked up the tiniest bit, and he threw a wink in your direction before turning back to the plate and stepping up once more.
One of the girls squealed from behind you, “Did you see that? Did you? Did you? He winked at me!”
You barely even heard her, eyes still yet to leave Jakes tall form.
“What was that all about?” You could hear the grin in her voice as Natasha whispered to you.
Not an answer came out of you though. You were too transfixed in the game.
When the ball came at him again, he was ready, and he hit it out of the park. Literally.
Again, it seemed like almost every person in the stadium began screaming at the top of their lungs. Whether it was from anger or pure joy at the home run the man had just hit.
Somehow, you had joined in with them, clapping as loudly as you could and cheering.
Jake threw one glance to you over his shoulder before taking a jog around the bases, a grin of victory playing on his lips.
It only went uphill from there.
Somehow, when put in the outfield, every single ball went Jake's way, and he caught each and every one of them. Then each time he came up to bat, he would get at least one other person home.
There was a reason he was the star player.
By the end, the score was 12-6, and your throat was raw from all the screaming you had done, as well as most likely every other person in the audience.
“Well?” You finally tore your eyes away from the field at your best friend's voice, “Worth coming?”
You hid a grin and tried to shrug nonchalantly, “I suppose.”
She laughed loudly, linking your arms together and beginning to lead you into the slowly dispersing crowd.
The two of you chatted all the way back to the row of cars, when a voice calling out your name made you both stop and turn.
Jake jogged after the two of you, baseball gear bag slung over one shoulder.
The group of girls that had been obnoxious behind you for the entire game now stood a few yards away with dropped jaws that soon turned into sneers.
Your roommate paid them no mind though, as he came to a stop in front of you, slightly breathless as if he had run all the way from the dugout to catch up with you.
“Hi,” You breathed out in surprise, eyebrows raised.
He grinned that blinding, award winning smile of his, “You came to my game.”
“Oh yeah,” Natasha piped up, nodding excitedly from beside you, “She practically dragged me here.”
Your head snapped into her direction and your eyes widened for a brief second before you began glaring daggers at her, “I did not-“
“I’m glad you came.”
The gentleness of his tone made your mouth snap shut and your attention turn to him once more.
“We were losing, bad, but then you showed up, and we suddenly won again.” He was yet to drop his grin.
You shook your head, “That wasn’t me-“
“Sure it was,” He laughed lightly, “You’re like my own guardian angel.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t call me that.”
If it was even possible, his grin seemed to widen, “Why not? I think it’s fitting.”
A scoff left your lips, and whatever weird haze you had been in during the game finally shook off, “Don’t you dare.” You warned.
“Hangman!” Bradley Bradshaw called from a couple paces away, waving the man down, “Come on! The boys are going out to celebrate!”
“Be right there!” The blond called back before winking at you once more, “See you at home, Angel.”
With that, he jogged off, leaving you in a speechless state that was so unlike you.
Nat moved to stand in front of you, wiggling her eyebrows.
You hesitated before softly shoving her, “Shut up.” You mumbled, turning to make your way to the car.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
mei!! congrats on 20k!! 'i just don't want anyone to know i've fallen for you.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :) bradley bradshaw being so starstruck of his newborn caroline :)) him always staring at the baby being all :]] and every time she cries he stops whatever he drops and stops whatever he's doing immediately and be all D: and him being such a good house husband taking care of his wife after giving birth
join my 20K celebration!
'i just don't want anyone to know i've fallen for you.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
Bradley isn't easily broken away from Guys' Night. This week it's online, over headsets while he stations himself in front of the television with a controller in his hand. He's not the biggest fan of video games, but Hangman's challenged him, so he has to be the best.
You're happy to let him have time to himself, because it isn't easy to get that with a newborn baby. Bradley's gone above and beyond what you'd ever expected of him, volunteering for every feeding and scooping little Caroline up each time she cries. He'll always hand her over to you if you ask, but he's stuck to her like a magnet, so you're happy that he's getting a break to do something a little more fun than washing dirty onesies.
You're putting her in a fresh one now, the soiled one in the laundry pile. She doesn't like that she's not being coddled, already spoiled by her dad's insistence on holding her, and she starts to fuss while you're picking out her new outfit.
"Honey, it's okay," You croon, your wrist bent at an awkward angle as you rifle through a drawer of her onesies. You're looking for a specific print, but if she doesn't calm, you might have to go with the first one you can grab.
"It's alright," You promise her, watching her little face screw up, "No, honey, no tears, c'mon. You're okay, Mommy's here, you're-"
"Honey?" Bradley makes a rather unexpected appearance, headset still over his ears and mic angled downwards as he surveys the situation. Apparently he's heard her cries, and come running like a puppy on a leash.
"She's okay, Brad." You promise, finally finding the soft texture of the onesie you're searching for and dragging it out of the drawer, "Just fussy. You can go back to your game, sorry she scared you."
"S'okay," He shakes his head, taking the headset off and discarding it haphazardly on the dresser as he crosses the room to pick her up, "Daddy missed you, y'know? Holding a video game controller is so much worse than holding a baby. 'Specially when she's so cute," He gushes, leaning down to rub his nose to hers, which soothes her cries in an instant, "Huh, angel? Cutest baby in the world."
"That makes sense, though," Bradley hums, cradling her to his chest and angling his body towards you so that she looks the same way, "'Cause your mama's so beautiful, doesn't surprise me you are, too. Yeah," He sends you a dopey grin, turning back to Caroline to kiss her forehead, unphased as she drags a fistful of his shirt into her mouth. You hear a faint slew of sounds coming from Bradley's headset, and you reach for it, tentatively holding one of the pads to your ear. You're worried about what you might hear, considering all you've heard about video game talk among men, but all that greets you is whiny grown men.
"-fair! Rooster just gets to dip whenever he's dying, and go hold a baby?"
"I'd ditch this round, too, if I were him," Hangman drawls, "He knew he couldn't catch up with me."
"I dunno, Hangman. I'd rather go see my gorgeous wife and kid than beat your score," Payback quips, and you let out a fond chuckle for the man.
"Thanks, Reuben," You hum into the mic, and Bradley shares an amused grin with you over their antics.
"Hey, there she is! How's the baby?" Fanboy pipes up, and you wish you could show him her sleepy little face as she curls into Bradley's embrace.
"She's good! She's tired," You laugh, "Bradley might be occupied for a little while longer."
"All good," Javy promises, and you can hear the adoring grin in his voice, "And how's the mama?"
"I'm tired, too," You laugh, "Maybe I'll leave Caroline with Bradley and go take a nap myself."
"Go ahead, baby," Bradley nods, speaking at a low enough level that it doesn't bother Caroline where she's beginning to doze off on his chest, "I'll put the port-a-crib in the living room, 'n watch over her while I play. I'm sure she'll nap for a bit, she's probably tired since she missed her 10 o'clock nap."
"You sure?" You raise a concerned brow, "I was just teasing, Brad, I can take her."
"I'm sure," He waves off your worry, "Go nap, honey, you deserve it. I can handle her, I promise."
"I know you can," You smile at his insistence, "I just don't want to mess up Guys' Night."
"No, she could never mess it up," Bradley kisses Caroline's smooth forehead, "She'll just make it better, baby. I'll teach her to play."
"She'll eat your controller," You giggle, passing Bradley's headset back over to him and kissing your sleepy baby's chubby cheek, "Be good for Dada, okay? And go easy on Hangman, jellybean, I don't think he can handle being beaten by a baby."
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masterbuilderintern · 3 months
Would you be able to share your Axel headcanons? 👀👀👀👀 I am intrigued.
Congrats you just opened my insanity box.
-Axel shows a lot of symptoms of neglect through hating his own emotions or just a simple scene of him being afraid to outright ask for something from Jesse. Almost all of the scenes I'm thinking of are meant to be jokes but they aren't really funny to me. I take this game WAY too seriously, it's a little embarrassing LMAO.
He's also not nearly as aggressive as he initially seems? Like in his interactions with Lukas, he obviously hated that guy at first but he never physically hurt him. A lot of bark, but only bites if you make him.
A lot of talk just to say he totally had an okay parental figure in his life (personally think he was raised by a single mother) only to lose them very early on and absolutely nobody helped him after the fact. He idolized the griefer attitude, a life where you do whatever you want whenever, where you make your own rules. A very "hurt people hurt people" kind of life and he's not even realizing the issue.
For all members of the treehouse gang, I like to think they ended up together through their shared experience of being constantly let down by a world that should've been there for people like them. Whether it was a specific tragedy or just being a little "different" from other people, it caused them to isolate at some point in their lives.
-Axel has a quiet interest in brewing. Over time he became less embarrassed about it, especially with Ivor around to teach him better. In my perfect world where Axel and Olivia came along for the portal arc, Axel actually supplied the potions Lukas needed to recover from the Sky City incident.
Sure Ivor could've done it, but "It's good practice." Or that's the excuse Axel gave.
-He's also very good at sewing. Specifically, because he made that creeper mask and Enderdragon costume for Reuben. I just think it's cute. I need to do a sketch page of it but I like to think Axel has a mask collection he made himself.
Axel comes off as a tank main that subclasses as a healer to me.
-Petra is the coolest person ever to him. Even after he gets to know her. He had this unrealistic idea of her for a while but after getting to know her found out they share a lot in a much deeper way than just "the fighters." It changed how he saw her but for the better.
It's almost like when you have an older sister you idolize and when you grow up you still look up to her but you're also aware that she's just a person.
-He's always bickering with Olivia, like all the time. But if anything happened to her he'd become a serial killer real fast.
-Axel took brewing more seriously after the F-Bomb incident. He never wants to be in a situation where he doesn't know what to do when someone is hurt ever again.
-Also, Axel has definitely been desensitized to death, he was way too normal about people killing themselves in Boom Town. My man has been THROUGH IT. Well, desensitized to STRANGERS dying, anyway.
-Jesse went with Olivia to Redstonia and Axel went to Boom Town alone. This symbolizes two things. One: It's a really big moment where he admits he's grown to trust Lukas a lot more to keep an eye out for survivors and fortify HQ by himself. Two: Boom Town made Axel realize how flippant he's been with his own safety, and how much he needs to start caring more because he has people in his life now that he doesn't want to lose.
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callsigndragon · 1 year
Everyone's favorite Fanboy | M.F.G
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Pairing: Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
Request: “My teammates gets annoyed because I talk about you 24/7”. Tell me this doesn't scream Fanboy...cause that's his literally his callsign 🤣
A/N: It took me FOREVER to write this, I'm still working on the requests and I'll post them aLL I SWEAR
Warnings: all the fluuuuuuuuuuuffs
If you want to be added to my forever TGM tag list, let me know.
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Mickey is a fan of many things. Hence, his call sign. He's a fan of Star Trek, Marvel, video games, and more. He's proud of being a Fanboy. But the thing he's more fan of? His girlfriend. 
He talks about her all the time. How many books she can read. The little things she writes. How she tries to cook his favorite dishes, and even though they don't end up exactly like the original, he's content with the fact that you took time to learn the recipe and tried to cook it yourself. Just because you wanted to give him a surprise. 
Mickey says he's a fan.
The squad calls him a simp. 
At this point, Mickey’s fellow aviators know you better than yourself. The thing is that they haven't seen you yet. 
Mickey just doesn't shut up about you. 
Today, Mickey and the rest of the Daggers are coming back from a mission, and he has invited you to the Hard Deck to finally meet his friends. He's excited about it, almost bouncing up and down in the chair while waiting for you to walk through the door. 
"Mickey, you look like a puppy waiting for his owner," Payback jokes, patting Mickey’s back. 
"I'm not a puppy?"
"You're a golden retriever, Mickey." Bob adds while getting more peanuts. 
"Does your girl know that you behave like that?" Hangman asks, sitting down with a new round of beers. 
"Oh yeah, she knows. That's why she loves me. Because, dude, she could be dating whoever she wants. Have I ever told you that this rich guy was–"
"Yeah, you told us." The rest of the Dagger respond in unison, remembering the story they have been told, at least three times. 
"Did I? I don't remember, though." Mickey frowns, taking a sip from his drink, and almost chokes when he sees your figure walking through the door. "There she is!" 
You smile when you see him, waving cutely in his direction. Hangman’s head moves from you to Mickey, and he is starting to understand why he is always talking about you. 
Mickey gets up, offers you his seat, and places his hands on your shoulders when you sit down. “Guys, this is y/n. Y/n, these are Jake, Nat, Bob, Reuben, Bradley, and Javy.”
You greet everyone, excited to finally meet all of them. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet Mickey’s second family.” 
“I’d say it’s a pleasure to finally meet you too, but we know everything about you already.” Nat jokes, offering you the beer that Hangman had brought for her a minute ago.  
You frown, looking at their faces. You lean in Mickey’s direction, whispering in his ear. “Why is everyone looking at me like that?” 
Mickey sighs, kissing your shoulder while whispering back. “My teammates get annoyed because I talk about you 24/7”
You laugh out loud, looking at them. “You don’t know he talks about you all the time?” 
Jake places his arms on the table, pointing at you. “Speak, child.”
“Okay so, Mickey loves you all so much… He won’t shut up about Phoenix and Bob being the best team out there? He keeps talking about Phoenix being a badass and Bob probably being the best WSO.” You tell them, making Bob look at Mickey while rolling his eyes. 
“You’re better than me, Garcia. Shut up.” 
“Javy,” you continue, wanting to let the rest of the team know how important they are to Mickey. “You are literally his role model? He says that you are such a good friend, and it doesn’t matter how many times you have to try something, you keep going until you get it done.” 
Javy musses Mickey’s hair, which is a few inches longer than he normally wears it. “I learned from the best, Mickey.” 
“Jake, Bradley… I can’t even put into words how proud he is of working with people like you. He knows that you, Jake, are probably the best pilot of this generation, and he’s honored to work with you. And Bradley, you have been through so much and still have energy to put on a smile and face the world. You’re incredible.” 
Jake and Bradley, men of few words, just raise their beers in Mickey’s direction and nod. There’s no need for them to say anything. 
You finally turn to Reuben, sitting next to you, and place a hand on his arm. “You’re his big brother; I don’t have to tell you that. He is so proud of everything you have achieved, and how I wish you could have heard him talk when you guys were chosen to fly the uranium mission.”
Reuben smirks, shaking his head, and lets out a loud laugh. “So you’re just everyone’s Fanboy, huh?” 
Mickey, whose ears are more red than Rooster’s helmet, hides his face behind your back, making you giggle. 
“It’s the first time I have seen this man getting all shy.” Jake comments, unlocking his phone to take a picture. 
“Now I want to know what things he told you about me.” You request, and everyone bombards you with information the next second. 
He tells them everything. About your new hobbies, your past ones, how good you’re at your job even if sometimes you hate it, how much he loves you, how much he wants to move in with you, but it’s difficult with your jobs being so incompatible… 
“Oh, and we know about the rich guy.” Rooster says, snapping his fingers as if he just remembered that tiny detail. 
“You told them that too?” You say, honestly surprised that he keeps talking about that. 
“Of course? You literally picked me over a guy that has millions of dollars?” He says, moving his hand up and down to signal his whole body, signaling how all that isn’t worth millions of  dollars and, nonetheless, you picked him. 
You place your hands on his face, peck his lips, and lock eyes with him. “Mickey, I don’t want a million dollars. I want the guy who can make me laugh a million times, the guy who’s always ready to compliment me and make me feel better about my insecurities. I don’t want money; I want love. And I won the lottery with you, love.”
Mickey kisses you softly, holding himself back from all the things that he wants to say. Some of them aren’t appropriate to say in public. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too, my fanboy.” You mumble, kissing his nose, and turn your body toward the table again, watching the aviators with dreamy expressions and soft smiles. 
“Okay, you are allowed to fanboy about her as much as you want,” Jake says, raising his beer. “Cheers for the cute couple!”
“And cheers for the best fanboy!” You add, making all of them chuckle while toasting. Mickey couldn’t be more proud of his family, even if he tried. 
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edensbuttercups · 2 years
Dagger Squad headcanons
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Merry Merry Christmas to everyone! I hope it's a good one, filled with love and happiness, in whatever form that might be ♡
Some Christmas headcanons since it's Christmas!
(I'll get into proper writing again soon, ended up taking a little break because of how busy the last days before Christmas have been, but there's some fics in the works ♡)
Bob’s favorite Christmas activity is decorating the house, especially the Christmas tree. He buys at least one special bauble each year, that being the first gift being opened once the tree has been set up, the new ornament finding a spot on it. He’s also a big lover of Christmas cards, taking his time to write one to everyone he cares about, drawing them when he has the time, and buying thoughtful ones when he doesn’t, but he's always super thoughtful and loving, and he knows how to show it, especially when it comes to writing cards to you. 
Mickey is a big lover of baking Christmas cookies, always going all out and making at least three different types, taking the time to decorate them, something he's become very good at. He's messy and he'll definitely flick some flour your way, but he tidies up quickly and gets more energy when he hears you laugh. His takes a lot of pride in his cookies, his specialties being a little snowman, cute little nose and scarf piped on, and Santa, having mastered different expressions for him, from the cheerful one, to the winking one, to the sleepy one, and each cookie tasting just as good as they look.
Jake won’t admit this easily, but there’s nothing that feels more like Christmas to him than watching a cheesy Hallmark Christmas movie, a tradition that he accidentally started with his mother one year, ending up on the couch next to her and wiping a tear away at the cheesiest happy ending known to man, eventually sneaking by her side each year when she’d pick a new one to watch, a tradition he carries on with you, pulling you down to cuddle while you watch the two characters fall in love. 
Bradley is big on lazy mornings and lazy nights. He enjoys the time off, being able to lounge in bed by your side in the morning, having a christmassy breakfast and watching as the presents slowly start piling under the tree, sneaking them there in the night when you're not looking and pretending he knows nothing about it when you ask. Santa, he'll justify with a shrug. And lazy nights in front of the tv, watching a Christmas movie? His heaven.
Javy loves wrapping gifts. He’s mastered the skill, being able to wrap anything and everything, and he finds incredible joy in it. He’s also very very good at choosing gifts, always remembering something mentioned in passing or simply knowing what to get. Hand in hand with his gift-wrapping love, he enjoys finding the perfect wrapping paper for everyone, slowly collecting a variety of different designs to wrap his gifts with, the special one he chose for you having candy canes forming a heart.  
Reuben's Christmas doesn’t feel complete without some singing, his favourite Christmas songs blasting around the house throughout the month, taking you in his arms each time you pass him by and swinging you back and forth as he sings, dancing with you for a moment before he has to let you go, smiling as he places a kiss to your cheek, winking at you as you make sure everything is ready for the Christmas dinner.
Natasha doesn't always find herself in the Christmas spirit immediately, but once she does, she goes all out. She finds little ways to make each day feel a little more like Christmas, first decorating the place, then playing Christmas music, watching Christmas films and counting down the days. She loves ending the day with a hot chocolate, pouring two mugs and handing one to you, sitting side by side on the couch, her legs resting on your lap as you sip on your drinks, chatting about what you're most looking forward to.
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darchildre · 6 months
A Costume Piece, part 1
In which Raffles and Bunny plan to steal some purple diamonds and Bunny learns more about the art and craft of burglary.
Thing 1:
...never had I seen him so excited before. Had he been following Rosenthall's example? [ie, drinking] His coming to my rooms at midnight, merely to tell me about his dinner, was in itself enough to excuse a suspicion which was certainly at variance with my knowledge of A. J. Raffles.
Bunny. My sweet boy. There are two possibilities for why Raffles is in your rooms at midnight, both of them are criminal, and only one of them can E W Hornung write about explicitly.
(I should cut Bunny some slack here - this is only his second entry into crime qua burglary, after all.)
And Raffles leaned towards me with a sly, slow smile that made the hidden meaning of his visit only too plain to me at last.
Okay, no, I can see why Bunny is confused. He hasn't yet realized that stealing jewelry from people is one of Raffles' biggest kinks.
Thing 2: Bunny wrote an article about the jewel robbery that he himself helped commit, oh my god, amazing. I missed that detail on my last read through and now all I want is an au where Bunny becomes an established crime reporter, like Peter Parker taking pictures of Spider-man.
Thing 3:
"My dear fellow, I would rob St. Paul's Cathedral if I could, but I could no more scoop a till when the shopwalker wasn't looking than I could bag the apples out of an old woman's basket. Even that little business last month was a sordid affair, but it was necessary, and I think its strategy redeemed it to some extent. Now there's some credit, and more sport, in going where they boast they're on their guard against you. The Bank of England, for example, is the ideal crib; but that would need half a dozen of us with years to give to the job; and meanwhile Reuben Rosenthall is high enough game for you and me. We know he's armed. We know how Billy Purvis can fight.It'll be no soft thing, I grant you. But what of that, my good Bunny—what of that? A man's reach must exceed his grasp, dear boy, or what the dickens is a heaven for?" "I would rather we didn't exceed ours just yet," I answered laughing, for his spirit was irresistible, and the plan was growing upon me, despite my qualms.
A) This whole speech and the bit before it where Raffles talks about himself as an artist is adorable and I love it and I love him so much. He's so excited and so clearly deliberately being charming and showing off to appeal to Bunny and it's so cute.
B) And it works - Bunny also clearly thinks he is adorable and and charming and ridiculous. It's sad that he loses his enthusiasm as soon as Raffles leaves - Bunny would be having a lot more fun all 'round if he didn't think so much.
Thing 4:
With all his charming frankness, there was in Raffles a vein of capricious reserve which was perceptible enough to be very irritating. He had the instinctive secretiveness of the inveterate criminal.
This is going to be Bunny's chief complaint about Raffles for the rest of time. There are lots of potential reasons for it: Bunny is right and Raffles doesn't trust him fully (likely); Raffles is a control freak who needs to be in charge of all the details of their crimes (yuuup); Raffles likes impressing and surprising Bunny more than basically anything else in the world (absolute truth); etc. In the specific case wherein Raffles doesn't tell Bunny the details of how he disposed of the results of their first robbery, I wonder if there's a desire to keep Bunny away from the grubbier aspects of what they're doing, like fencing things and interacting with other criminals, so as not to scare him off (or make Raffles seem grubby through the interaction). Bunny's only along for the "fun" parts of the robbery - this may also be part of not wanting him to be part of casing Rosenthall's house, which is probably mostly quite boring. (But also the control freak thing.)
Of course, this always backfires, because Bunny doesn't know the reasons why he shouldn't involve himself. Oh my god, just have an actual conversation!
Thing 5: Disguises! Oh how I love the goofy disguises! I especially love the little detail of Raffles "he who would only smoke one brand of cigarette!" switching tobaccos for verisimilitude.
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chaotic sub squad phoenix bob fanboy and payback. halo later on.
this is the group that first learns abt bob's hidden bitch personality, his inner fat old grumpy cat energy. its the first one to suffer nat, drunk of her ass, try to carwheel in high wheels and surprisingly not fail.
bob n nat are trying to get mickey n reuben together the whole time. also mickey is always flirting with bob but bob playfully only compliments reuben. its chaos.
bob is normally the only sober one, and always warns them when he gets to be drunk with them. he ends up being the sleepiest drunk ever. he will fall asleep on the floor. theyre dragging him everywhere.
mickey n bob are like puppy and cat but if both were equally capable of destruction and crimes. mickey got bob into kpop and now carpool is just them both screaming the lyrics. nat joins in and screams gibberish while reuben is busting some moves.
halo brings the secret quiet weapon energy, cuz she is a mystery and also very cryptid, but kind and cute, so its fine. the boys r trying to get the girls together. bob feels like a fourth wheel most days
mickey n bob both bond a lot over being trans men. yes, they have kissed. they have yet to fuck. bob is playing hard to get since he finds it hilarious. mickey is whiny abt it. reuben is not as jealous as he thought he'd be
reuben n bob r the only ones that know nicki minaj's raps by heart. yes, reuben fills in with the n-words. carpool is very good in this squad
most pics they take on their nights out become memes and are used n abused by the rest of the daggers squad. reuben keeps sending them all to the groupchat whilst still drunk
nat is absolute shit at making drinks. that wont stop her tho. bob n mickey wish she would (theyre too curious to not try them and finish them, even if theyre more akin to poison than alcohol)
i love them all so much, can u tell??
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a not-so-brief, utterly useless guide to the muses on this blog:
UPDATED VERSION ( 08/10/23 )
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AGNES DRACHINA REUBEN. first born daughter of the royal house of drachium. powerful sorceress who made a name for herself during the dragon campaign. a mischevious young woman with a penchant for drinking and getting into trouble.
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BABYDOLL. institutionalized against her will. sweet girl but will not hesitate to end you if you're a creep. sincerely wishes to empower the other women around her. slowly losing herself to fantasy in order to escape from her unpleasant reality.
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CARRIE WHITE. patron saint of the bullied. powerful telekinetic with religious trauma. generally a sweet kid, if not extremely shy and socially awkward. she honestly just needs a hug and a cheese sandwich.
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CATIANA FREESPARK. swashbuckler rogue turned storm cleric. she's confused about how that happened too. died fairly recently, but she got better. will steal your shit. highkey feels like the divorce baby between procan and umberlee. 
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CHROME DOKURO. a powerful illusionist currently in the employ of the vongola mafia family. occasionally shares her body with the criminal mukuro rokudo. learning to stand on her own two feet. a bit of a strange girl, but sweet and undyingly loyal.
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FREYA. the once queen of asgard and leader of the valkyries. reclaimed her warrior spirit and found her wings. seeking to reunite and repair the realms following ragnarök. not a woman to scorn, or she will burn you to the ground and salt the earth behind her.
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KAGAMI TSURUGI. a recent transplant to paris from japan. loves fencing and being right. she can be a bit cold upon first meeting but she's actually just very bad at making friends. if you take the time to get to know her, she is fiercely loyal and dedicated and will fight for you.
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LIAN NICHANG. the white haired demoness. lives alone on a mountain. really only comes down to get rid of people who are harassing the village at the base of the mountain that leaves her the fuck alone. master swordsman. not actually a witch or a demon, no matter what people call her. 
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LUNA. magical moon cat. has a crescent moon bald spot on her forehead. trying to keep the protectors of the universe on track but they're just teenage girls so it goes about as well as you would expect. really tired of being the voice of reason but this is what she signed up for. 
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LUNASOL GALANODEL. honestly, the worst. burned down her abusive childhood home with her twin brother. basically sold her soul to the queen of air and darkness. pretends to be sweet but she is cruel and cold. typical elvish attitude toward other races, too. really, really likes flowers.
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MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG. my god she is doing her best. normal girl turned superhero turned guardian of magical artifacts. just needs one day of peace ffs. currently going through a crisis due to teenage romance and also ptsd. always smells like fresh baked bread which is a plus. 
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MAXIMILIAN CALYPSE. a small, stuttering lady of noble birth. married off to keep her father from having to go to war against dragons. considers herself to be useless and has a good deal of anxiety, but is generally one of the sweetest nobles you will ever have the pleasure of meeting. currently learning to use healing magic.
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MIYU. vampire who tried to run from her destiny and made it worse. has to hunt down god-demons called shinma that she accidentally let escape. literally cannot die until she finishes her job, and she would very much like it to be over now. usually accompanied by her mask wearing servant, larva. she's cute and cruel in equal parts.
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NATHALIE SANCOEUR. for fuck's sake she needs a vacation. and a raise. personal assistant to a supervillain. seriously questioning that relationship at this point. literally dying. trying to beat the current record holder for most akumatizations. she's pretty and could kick my ass. 
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PERSEPHONE. our lady of the underground. literal goddess. known for bringing springtime and overseeing torture in the deepest depths of tartarus. the mom friend, she probably already loves you. does not put up with her husband’s bullshit. really loves her weird dog.
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PIKE TRICKFOOT. gnome cleric of the everlight. she may be a holy woman but she has the spirit of a barbarian. will definitely try to drink you under the table. overestimates her own strength, but loves to surprise others when they doubt her. precious angel baby.
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REINA "GLITCH" CROWNE. student at a prestigious art school with a focus on fashion design. acts like she's tough and untouchable, but she's actually just soft and trying to figure out who she is. loves meshing traditional fashion with digital media. known to the other students as "glitch" due to her first year freeze up.
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RIZA HAWKEYE. military sharpshooter and right-hand-woman of the guy who wants to take over the military. likes like two people and her dog. usually smells like gun oil but it's not unpleasant. has no sense of self-preservation and will definitely die for the people she cares about. does not get paid enough. 
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ROGUE. the poster child for "look don't touch." mutant and working on the proud part. literally too powerful for her own good. comes with the added bonus of her cajun husband who makes things explode by touching them. the og power couple. 
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RYOKO HAKUBI. half alien, half goddess, all trouble. a literal science experiment. crash landed on earth 700-or-so years ago after a space battle with the guy she tried to steal a tree from. recently resurrected and free from the mind control that made her destroy 28 planets. she's doing her best okay? 
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RYUKO MATOI. teenage girl who wants to fight. has a magical schoolgirl uniform powered by her blood. wields a giant scissor. could kick your ass, could kick my ass, could kick her own ass. secretly a softie. 
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SADAKO YAMAMURA. a very, very angry ghost with the telepathic ability to project her thoughts onto physical media. the switch to the digital era has not slowed down her curse whatsoever but she misses VHS tapes. very wet. is honestly just a scared young woman who doesn't understand why bad things happened to her. will fucking kill you if given the chance. 
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SIF. the unwaveringly loyal wife of thor, mother to magni, móði, and thrúd. trying desperately to hold what remains of her family together. can come across as somewhat cold. while not a warrior by any means, she will do anything to protect her children.
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TABITHA DELAINE. monster hunter and general know-it-all. was part of a cult at one point but she doesn't want to talk about it. lowkey a witch but tries to use her magic sparingly. the biggest lesbian you will ever meet, next to her girlfriend van. lives in van's van. 
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TIKKI. kwami of the miraculous of creation. has existed for as long as the universe has. sincerely loves humans and how wonderful they can be. helps to turn her current owner into the superhero known as ladybug.
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VEX'AHLIA. ranger and rogue. sneaky and shooty. just trying not to die again, thank you very much. once stabbed a tree because it made moves on her. the champion of a god. will probably call you darling and wink at you. also, she has a bear named trinket and a husband with too many names for me to bother listing here.
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survey--s · 1 year
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1. What time did you wake up this morning? What was the first thing you thought about? 6.50am - I checked the time, went for a wee and then went back to sleep.
2. Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up this morning? No.
3. When was the last time you had to get a new phone? What happened to your old phone? About two years ago - my old phone was just dying really. The battery was awful and whenever I used the camera it crashed or froze or turned itself off.
4. Can you name 5 people that you used to be close to, but aren’t anymore? Explain why. I'm not going to go into details but let's go with Linnet, Sophie, Katie, Jane and Mandy.
5. Do you know anyone who seems very unreliable when it comes to texting, and never texts back? Yeah, a few people but unless it's really important I'm not really that bothered about texting.
6. Have you ever fallen asleep in the middle of texting someone? Not actually in the middle of writing a text, but while waiting for someone to text back, yeah.
7. What sort of day have you had so far? What plans do you have for this evening? It's been perfectly fine - I haven't really done much though. I eventually got up at 8am, let the dog out, fed the cats, sorted the housework, had a shower, went to feed Charley (a cat I'm caring for over the road), had breakfast and since then I've just been messing about online and watching TV. The dog eventually wanted his breakfast at 10.4am and then Mike took him for a walk. I have no plans for the rest of the day as the weather is awful lol.
8. Do you have a bag of some kind, that you use daily, to carry your belongings? What does it look like? I wear a black cross body bag for work but normally I just use my pockets as it's easier.
9. Are you wearing any perfume/cologne? Just a coconut scented body spray.
10. Do you have any personalised jewellery, or colour changing mood jewellery? No.
11. What was the last cosmetic product that you bought? Vanilla body spray.
12. What was the last thing you wore, that belonged to someone else? I can't remember, I tend to do that more in winter when I borrow Mike's hoodies.
13. Do you talk to your close friends about personal things, like sex and periods? No, just because I don't really feel the need to talk to anyone about those things.
14. Imagine for a second, that you’ve married the person you currently love/like. Replace your own surname with their surname, and say it to yourself, in your head. Does that sound good to you? We're already married and share the same surname.
15. What was the last compliment you gave to someone of the opposite sex? I don't remember.
16. Who was the last person to send you a message containing an attachment? What was the attachment? Uhh, Suzanne. It was just a photo of Charlie being cute on his holidays haha.
17. Have you ever upset the person you love/like? Sure, that's what happens when you're married lol. I don't believe anyone in a long-term relationship never upsets their partner.
18. Do you know where your parents are at this moment? I assume my mum is at home as she just posted some baking on Facebook. My dad is probably out for a run as he always is in the mornings.
19. Have you ever kissed a picture of someone? Yeah.
20. When was the last time you had a conversation with a stranger? What did you talk about? Yesterday - about the puppy I was walking. I took Reuben out for the first time and he got a LOT of attention haha. He's super cute and really obedient for his age.
21. Have you ever kissed someone whose name started with ’M’? What colour were that person’s eyes? Yeah, my husband lol. He has pale blue eyes. I also had another ex called Michael too and he also had blue eyes.
22. What colour is your underwear? Where did you buy it? Black, and I think it was from M&S.
23. What’s your natural hair colour? Do you like it? Dark brown and I like it a lot more than I did when I was younger. I always wanted to be blonde growing up.
24. When was the last time you uploaded a selfie? I uploaded a photo of me with Simba about a month ago.
25. Have you ever been told that you were good in bed? Yes.
26. Have you ever felt as though you wanted to spend the rest of your life with someone? Sure.
27. Do you know anyone with the last name “Williams”? I actually don't think I do.
28. Do you have chocolate in your house atm? What kind is it? Yeah - Wispa bars, some dark chocolate truffles and some caramel dairy milk I think - plus some chocolate biscuits.
29. If you have pets, do you talk to them? Of course, all the time. They're probably sick of me hahah.
30. Finally, where did you find this survey? On someone else's Tumblr archives.
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ghostontheshoregone · 2 years
October 22, 2022. 10:43 PM.
A lot has changed, blog. A lot. I moved out. I got married. I have a dog! And we might be moving from our current area to a different area later on. I love my wife, and while things aren’t perfect, I will always love her. 
Right now, I’m going through a reset, and am currently in the midst of quitting sugar... and porn. I don’t like talking about it, but I’m doing okay right now. I’m on the longest streak in a while. On the food thing, I’m about four days in, doing my best to resist temptation.
I have a bunch of electronics that I enjoy using. Bought a Win 2. Liked it, but it didn’t do what I wanted it to, so I sold it. Bought a Win Max, loved having it again... but it’s not working. I’m hoping to return it, that was a huge blow to my mood. 
Right now, old sad Manny has come out to play. I think I’m emotionally vulnerable; I have my frustrations. It will be okay. I know it will be. I had a lapse of lust towards Kayla. I really liked her. But alas, it was never meant to be.
I had a friend, Mai. A long time ago. Around Emma time, 2014. I’m going to write down what I remember, because I had forgotten about it and it’s important to me.
I was dating Emma at the time but we were keeping it a secret. I want to say it was August, maybe September or October. Things were okay. They were not as bad as they were going to be; but things were getting worse. I did everything I could to hold on; I should not have. I have a few regrets in my life. One is Tiffany. That one has kind of subsided. The other one, is Mai. Must stress; am emotionally vulnerable, and this is about reflection. This is just between me and this blog that hopefully not many people know about. 
So, I remember Mai beginning to work at Hastings, not exactly sure when. I think she was single at the time. We became fast friends, talked on Facebook, Tumblr, the whole bit. We just hit it off, and I knew I did. She was older than me, and I was very young; I was intimidated by her life experience. So we would talk and I knew she liked me and I knew I liked her, but I had to try and balance that with my relationship with Emma. But I think what we had was special, and I knew that at the time. Nothing ever happened, of course. I’m me, and I am loyal to the very end. I have questions after the fact, but if I had done things differently I would have different questions.
I think a part of me thought that she was perfect for me; we clicked, she liked video games, the whole nine yards. I remember certain exchanges that we had. The main one that I always think about was us just texting (me being deep in the relationship with Emma) and we were talking and eventually the exchange ended with her asking me “How are you still single?” And I could only sit there, amazed that lonely Reuben, never terribly popular or anything, had a girlfriend, and the one time I did someone else became interested in me.  There was one day that I had off and Emma was working. I’m pretty sure I told her I was going to hang out with Mai. Behind the scenes, as Mai and I’s friendship grew, Emma would hear about it a lot at work and it made her jealous, and I think it made our relationship worse. I don’t remember what happened that day that Mai and I hung out, but I remember her driving me around a bunch and we went to a lot of places. I want to say Mai was dating... Allison? And I think they had broken up. So I was helping her through it. Eventually, we go to the Wax Lake. I think she had been there before, of course. I remembers she parked, opened up the back of her hatchback and we just sat. I think she was pouring her heart out to me, and I remember putting my arm around her back and thinking that I wanted to kiss her; but I didn’t. I never did anything to hurt Emma. 
And the horrible part of me wishes I did. Not to hurt Emma, but because I know what I know now, that Emma and I were not meant to be. And I just found, on another one of my Tumblr pages, that she sent me a message that said “ I like that you're cute I like that you're loyal I like that you're funny I like that you're meaningful I like that you see the world beautifully I like that you're my friend I like that you listen well I like that you like me” and it hurts me, it hurts me because as much as I love my wife (and I love that I’ve ended up with her)... The past version of me that is inside of me wishes that he had broken his loyalty for her. I don’t want her now, please, if anyone reads this and reports this to someone else, I don’t want her now. I’m happy, I really am; and I know she’s happy. This isn’t an intent on cheating on my wife or anything. I don’t think we would have ended up working out. She ended up moving back to H, I think. I always regret how I left her. This was a while after Emma and I stopped dating and all that. She was leaving, and it was the ONE damn time I had a bunch of friends at the cafe part of work. I always wanted to be friends with those guys (circumstances just never lined up right) and she basically ended up saying that she was leaving and I was sad that she was going. She left, and I stayed in the  cafe, and I never saw her again. 
This is how I know I’ve changed as a person, and yet, I am still him. He is still in me. I would probably replicate the same mistakes. But knowing what I know now; I would have done everything differently. Maybe I go out with Tiffany. Maybe instead, I kiss Mai, and see where that goes; I break my rules, and maybe become something I’m not. And maybe that version of me pines for the past I have now, where I was with Emma and then I go through a bunch of shit. But I am more mature now. I’ve always been behind in my mental development.  But that was never more apparent than it has been now, as I reflect on that part of my past.
This all started when she liked our wedding week picture. I messaged her, because I remember how sad and terrible I was back then, and I am always seeking to show how I’ve changed. We talked for a bit, and when she said that she had thought about me a lot throughout the years, it brought back some of those old feelings I had. She also said I was the “damn the best guy I ever knew. I just remember hanging out and just being so happy you were in my life.” It brought up those old feelings because I knew there was at least one time she wanted me; She was ready to love me; And I would have loved her, certainly. But I don’t think I was ready for that. I was too immature. And that’s okay. Financially, emotionally, I was not ready. So here we are.
This is a eulogy of that time, of opportunities lost. Of lost possibilities. I mourn it. But the way I work through these things, to be really nerdy, is like Astro City #1/2. I’m Michael Tenicek. And writing this, explaining my thoughts aloud so that  I can reflect on it later is my Hanged Man. I don’t regret what I am now. I would never do that. But I regret myself, in 2014. Not taking those different decisions. If I could have Multiverse TV and see what would have happened, I would be happy.
In saying all of this, I have to say how much I love my wife. I am zen with her; I don’t feel that manic desire of losing control of myself when I’m with her. I’m at peace. And I love that I am in peace when I’m with her. She is everything I’m not; good with tools and stuff like that. Before her, I had just this manic lack of self control; which is why it hurt so much when my prior exes broke up with me. 
While I did end up forgetting, it ended up coming back, and with this, I go to my sleep, where I will not forget, but I will keep my understanding and slowly put this away as I work through the rest of my radiation from that time. I really am better than what I was and I’m looking forward to fixing some of my mistakes and then doing better. 
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crazyk-imagine · 2 years
The Good, The Bad, and The Working on It
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Pairing: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Mom!Reader
Characters: (Stepdad) Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Mom!Reader, Edwin and Maryanne (the kiddos), Penny Benjamin, Amelia Benjamin, Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Robert "Bob" Floyd, Reuben "Payback" Fitch, Mickey "Fanboy" Garcia, Javy "Coyote" Machado, Billy "Fritz" Avalone, Callie "Halo" Bassett, Neil "Omaha" Vikander, Bringham "Harvard" Lennox, Logan "Yale" Lee, Marty and Cody (the other bartenders)
Warnings: Fluff, minor angst, not enough communication (always communicate with your partner), minor cursing (very brief), drama, nicknames (gorgeous, darlin’, etc.), Fanboy is the man when it comes to photography, Bob is the best guy for the job of being a DJ,  Javy "Coyote" Machado is a good friend, Jake being a softie, Penny acts as a protective mother figure over reader, Bradley judges our favorite cocky pilot, everyone teases Jake, Cute quick Penny and Pete moment.
Word Count: 11,575
A/N: This can easily become a series, still thinking about it though (even though I have notes and drafts all revolving around this imagine and I made a header for it not even 10 min ago)
Answers to TGTBATWOI
Three and a half years ago…
After the father of your kids decided that he had enough of being tied down and left with little to no goodbye, it was safe to say you didn’t think or care about dating after that shitty experience. 
So, you can fully admit (as well as Jake and his pilot buddies) that it was no surprise when you met said pilot at the Hard Deck. 
You work there a little more than part time, being a bartender there is your “out of the house” job (as you like to say) and you do a type of telemarketing at home when the company you’ve been emailing with asks you too. 
Luckily it doesn’t happen all the time but sometimes it can be pretty inconvenient on days when your babies have a part in a play and they’re the lead star or when they have their first soccer game (it was a bit of a hassle to accomplish but you did it). 
And then again, it was no surprise when Jake was a jackass when you two first met. 
You (and anyone else, yes, including Bradley and Pete) can admit that it was nice when he actually started to act like a human being with emotions and not some douche with a huge ego. 
Today however, will be the test to see how everything will be if you and Jake decide to take your relationship (or pining) a step further… even though he hasn’t officially asked you out.
“Are you sure you can’t watch them for another three-ish hours?” You ask your babysitter and get a lame excuse saying she can’t because she has to study when she actually has plans to go out with her friends and her boyfriend (the kids told you yesterday about all this). 
You sigh, hanging up your phone before shoving it into your pocket. You rest your hands on the edge of the bar top, closing your eyes with your head down to the floor. 
“You, okay?” Penny asks. 
You quickly straighten your posture, “yep, all good.” 
“Your babysitter cancel on you?” 
You avert your gaze, “maybe.” 
“You get off early tonight, why not bring them here? Pete and the others will be here. They could go swimming.” 
“I don’t have any of their swim things and no sunscreen. Plus, I need them to focus on their homework right now. I don’t want to have another meeting with their teachers over something as minor as homework.” 
She nods, “alright. We can have them sit over at one of the tables until the lunch rush shows. And, before you say anything, breath. We’ll be fine. I’ve got Marty and Cody coming in for their shifts in an hour which will give you more than enough time to go pick them up and come back here… even though we won’t need you.” 
“I’m gonna ignore that last part because we both know it’s not true. Thank you.” 
You check the clock on the wall, “crap. I gotta go. I’ll be back soon.”
“Looks like your girlfriends not here,” Javy comments. 
“She’s not- shut up, man.” Jake shoves his buddy away from him as he enters the bar, immediately aiming for the center station. He can’t take these conversations seriously without a drink. 
“Where’s the only sensible woman Bagman hasn’t managed to sink his claws into?” Natasha asks, standing behind him. 
“He’s in one of his moods,” Javy says before leaning down to “whisper”, “she’s not here. Her car wasn’t in the parking lot.” 
“Guess she came to her senses,” she pats him on the shoulder. 
Logan, Billy, and Callie wave her over, pointing to the pool table. 
She walks away from the two, wanting to place some bets (knowing she’ll make a quick buck or two). 
“She’s gonna be here soon, you know. Don’t pout, man.” Javy pats Jake’s shoulder, not wanting to have to console the dude for something so minor but willing to do so anyway. 
“Would you stop saying that? I don’t care, alright?” 
His friend makes an attempt to respond but doesn’t because he starts coughing, choking on his saliva. 
“You good?” 
His buddy shakes his head, covering his mouth with a clenched fist, using his free hand to point over at you. 
The blonde turns, his eyes widen ever so slightly. “She has kids?” He mutters to himself, wondering who else may have known and if this is why you continue to turn him down. 
He thinks back to the times when he’s asked you out and if you wear a wedding ring or have mentioned having a boyfriend, but the answer is no.
“Alright, today we can focus on your homework a little more because Pen has a couple extra hands. We ready?” 
“Do we have to?” Edwin, Ed (or Eddie) asks with a whining tone. 
“Don’t give me that pouty lip, Mister. If we can get this done before we go home, I know for a fact you would feel better.” 
“What if I don’t want to feel better?” 
“You should.” 
You turn to your daughter, Maryanne, who’s older by three years looks back down at her own work. “Thank you, sweetheart, but I don’t need you to chime in with your insightful thoughts.” 
“But he needs to focus. He’s already gotten a warning from his teacher.” 
“He’s what?” You turn to look at your son, “Edwin, is this true?” 
He looks down, not saying anything. 
“Why did you get a warning?” 
“She wouldn’t let me ask my friend for help.” 
“Were you talking to your friend during class time when you know you’re not supposed to?” 
He purses his lips, “that’s ervelant.” 
“Irrelevant, sweetheart. How long ago did you get your warning?” 
“He got it on his first day and we’re on our third day of school now.” 
You turn to your daughter, “do you know if it was a verbal warning or is there something I need to sign?” 
She shakes your head, “the first one. It’s okay though. His teacher tells me what I need to tell you when I’m waiting for him in his class after school.” 
Your son is upset that you two are talking about and “acting” like he’s not even there. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here!” 
“Eddie, I need you to calm down-” 
You open your mouth to say his name again when he hops off the chair and runs off. Your eyes widen. “Sweetheart, you’re coming with me. Hold my hand.” 
“Mom,” she groans. 
“There is a small crowd already. I will not lose both of my children in it.” 
She lets out a dramatic, long sigh, “fine.” 
You grab her hand, “thank you.”
Javy opens the bathroom door, stopping when something bounces off his legs. He freezes when he sees a little boy sitting on his butt, looking up at him, ready to cry. “Oh no.” 
“Hey, what’re you doing? Get out of the doorway, man,” Jake says. 
“There’s a tearful kid in the way.” 
“What?” He looks over his buddy’s shoulder to find Edwin sitting there with a wobbly lip. 
“What do I do?” 
“Pick the kid- move out of my way.” Jake scoffs, “Coyote.” The blond bends down, holding his hand out for the little boy to take. 
Edwin hesitantly reaches up for the man’s hand. 
Jake helps him off the ground, giving him a gentle smile. “Atta boy, you’re looking better already. Is your mom or dad here?” 
He nods. 
“You want to point me in their direction-”
“Eddie! Edw-” Maryanne stops you, pointing to Jake. 
You rush over to the two, kneeling beside Jake. “Edwin, I’ve told you too many times, not to run off like that.” 
He sniffs, nodding his head. 
You sigh, wiping his cheeks before turning to find- “Jake.” 
“My favorite,” he glances between the two, “b-a-r-t-e-n-d-e-r.” 
“I can spell,” Maryanne says with slight attitude. 
“Sorry mama.” 
“These two are yours?” 
“I’m really sorry,” Javy starts to apologize. “I didn’t see him and then he-” 
You smile, “Javy, it’s okay. I know you didn’t do anything on purpose. He just got upset and ran off.” 
“I’m still really sorry.” 
“We accept your apology.” You stand up, “why don’t you two go join the rest of your crew. We’ve got some work to do.” 
Your daughter pouts, leaning against you. 
He stands up. “You go,” Jake whispers to Javy. 
“Just go.” 
“Alright, alright.”
“So, what kind of homework do we have to do?” 
You shake your head, holding both of your kids’ hands, “no, Jake. You go join your friends. You don’t want to stay and help out with homework, that’s not what you came here to do.” 
“I came here to talk to some people, and I’d certainly enjoy talking to you three.” 
You scoff through your nose, shaking your head to hide the fact that your cheeks are on fire. 
“Let me carry little man and don’t tell me I don’t need to. I want to, gorgeous.” He lifts Edwin into his arms, holding the boy against his hip. 
Maryanne starts walking ahead, pulling you with her. 
You all settle into your seats, Jake across from you with the kids on each side of you. 
“I finished my writing assignment before we went looking for Ed.” 
You give her a small smile, “that’s good, what else do you have to do?” 
She pouts, “math.” 
You nod, “okay.” 
“I can help,” Jake offers. 
“You can?” You ask. 
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that attitude and say yes.” 
“Since when were you a math whiz?” 
“Since I actually put in the effort to pass.” 
“That’s always nice to hear...” You smirk, resting your head on your palm, “were you being threatened with detention?” 
“No car?” 
“I bet it would have been hilarious to see teen, skinny armed, pasty Jake riding his bike through the neighborhood.” 
“Oh, yeah. So, funny.” He turns to Maryanne, glancing down at her work, “you need help with math?” 
“Yeah… can you help me?” 
“Sure, I can. What are we doing today?”
“Is he actually being nice to kids?” Bradley mutters. 
“He’s obviously doing it to impress her,” Reuben adds. 
“I don’t think so. He’s actually good with kids. You should see him with his nieces and nephews,” says Javy. 
“There’s more of him? There are little bagman’s running around out in the world?” Natasha asks, catching the last little bit of the conversation. 
Javy dry laughs, “ha ha. Yeah, kind of. He just doesn’t want you all to see him as a softie.” 
“I feel like I’m watching a rom com,” Mickey says. 
“But it’s actually decent and well worth watching,” adds Bob. 
“How long have you been there?” Reuben asks. 
“A few minutes. I’m waiting on my soda.” 
“Anyone want to play pool?” Javy asks. 
“Or darts? Maybe next to them?” Natasha offers. 
Javy smirks, “let’s go.” He wraps his arm around her shoulders, pulling her with him. 
Mickey and Bob trail behind them, shaking their heads, not liking what the two may be planning. 
Reuben runs over to the bar to grab their drinks.
“And how are we today?” Javy asks, wrapping his arm around is buddy’s shoulders. He turns to Edwin, “sorry about running into you little dude.” 
“It’s okay and we’re good. Jake’s helping Maryanne with her math,” you tell him. 
“You’ve got the best guy to help her.” 
“How come we never met your mini me’s?” Mickey asks, pulling Javy away so he and Natasha can start their game of darts. 
“My babysitter canceled.” 
“That sucks. Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
“She’s in high school, has a boyfriend. Need I say more.” 
“Ah,” he nods, “got it. Well, if you ever need a babysitter, I’d happily offer my services.” 
“Well, aren’t you sweet.” 
Jake furrows his brows; he knows the kid isn’t hitting on you, but he can’t help but feel a little jealous very jealous. “Alright, that’s enough. Your partner in crime is calling you over to play darts.” 
Mickey snickers as he walks away. 
“You good, Seresin?” You ask with a raised brow. 
“Always,” he smirks before helping Maryanne with her homework. 
You smile, letting yourself daydream about a future with him and how nice it would be to be able to share a life with him, having family outings, potentially expanding your family, and growing old together… You shake your head, ridding your mind of these thoughts. You don’t want to get your hopes up (anymore, then you already have). 
He glances over at you and smiles. 
You fight the urge to smile for a second before you give up and give in, smiling with just as much, if not a skosh more happiness. 
After about an hour or so, Maryanne was able to successfully finish her homework. 
“You know if she gets a good grade on her homework, I’m gonna ask you to help her again. I can barely help her when she asks me. If it was me, I would have still been on problem two.” 
Jake chuckles, “I’d be happy to help her out as long as I get to take you out.” 
A nervous chuckle escapes you, “you mean like a- like a date?” 
“If you wouldn’t be opposed to it.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek, “I’ll see if I can find the time.” 
He shakes his head. 
You check your phone, seeing that it’s dinner time and you’ve been off your shift since- wow three hours ago. “Looks like it’s time to go home. I’ve still got to make dinner and figure out when I need to go grocery shopping. Do I need gas?” You push your chair in, helping the kids get ready. 
Jake getting out of his seat makes you realize you, kind of, forgot about him for a second. “Oh, sorry, I got too into my head.” 
“It’s alright, my sister is the same way.” 
“Oh, how is everyone? I’ve been meaning to ask but every time I want to someone else needs a drink.” 
“It’s okay. Maybe on our date we can talk more about things you’ve been wanting to ask me and… I can do the same.” 
He nods, giving you a genuine smile, enjoying how he gets to see you all excited and jittery (and hopefully because of him, in a good way, of course), “yeah.” 
“Can we go now?” Edwin asks, rubbing his eyes. 
“Come on, let’s go.” 
“I’ll walk you all out.” 
“I’ll call you.” 
“You don’t have my number,” you point out. 
“Did you forget, I’m good with numbers.” 
You’re not impressed right now. “Just give me your phone.” 
“So bossy,” he teases, pulling his phone out of his pocket. 
“You love it, don’t lie.” 
“Maybe I do but, I think that’s more of a later date thing.” 
You return his phone back to him, “you think we’ll be going on more than one date?” 
He nods. “I know we will.”
You shake your head, “goodnight, Jake.” 
He leans in, giving you time to push him away; you don’t. He pecks your cheek. 
You close your eyes, inhaling his cologne (something else you’ve grown to like about him). 
He pulls back, opening the car door for you. 
You shake your head, remembering what you have to do. 
“Text me when you get home,” he says, leaning against the car and door. 
“Only if you do them same.” 
“’Course I will. Goodnight, gorgeous.” 
“Night, Jake.”  
After that night, he officially asked you out for a proper date and the two of you hit it off. 
He didn’t take you to a fancy restaurant (since he asked the others and Penny for a few different ideas on where you’d like to go). Jake did NOT want to screw up (what felt like) his one chance to take you out. 
The two of you found yourselves in his truck, laying in the back watching the stars, talking about whatever came to mind while you ate fast food. 
“This has to be the best date I’ve been on in- well, ever honestly,” you admit, staring up at the night sky. 
He turns his head, studying your side profile, “really?” 
“Without a shadow of a doubt.” 
He gulps, unsure if he should ask this now or ever. “I know this is too soon to ask and I might be overstepping some boundaries but, what happened with Maryanne and Edwin’s dad? Is he going to come back into their lives at any point in the future?” 
You scoff, leaning up to rest on your elbow with your head angled down towards him. “I can assure you that he will never come back into their lives until they turn eighteen then they can make the decision, but I will take the role of a bad guy if it means I keep that asshole away from them and out of their lives.” 
You sigh, resting on your back once more, “he decided that when Edwin was three months old, and Maryanne was close two and a half that he wasn’t cut out for the life of being a dad or being tied down, so he left, and I haven’t looked back since. He hasn’t called or texted since then so why should I go looking for him. He made his choice.” 
“And you made yours.” 
“What’s that?” 
Jake shuffles closer to you, cupping your cheek with his thumb brushing across your cheekbone every so often as he stares into your eyes. “You are raising two amazing kids all by yourself and you look damn good doing it.” 
You let out a quiet playful laugh. 
“I’m not gonna lie, a part of me wishes that they were mine.” 
“Yeah? What about the other part of you?” 
“Which one? I’ve got two more.” 
You raise your hand, placing it against the base of his neck, brushing your thumb back and forth against the edge of his hair, “what’s the second part of you say?” 
“How much I want to ask you to marry me even though it might be too soon.” 
“And the other?” 
“If it’d be stupid of me to ask if you’d be my gorgeous girl and let me in, help you raise those two troublemakers.” 
You sink your teeth into your bottom lip, preventing yourself from getting too emotional. “Seems to me like you just want to get in my house to see my bedroom.” 
“That would certainly be a plus, wouldn’t it?” 
“For you maybe.” 
“Damn straight.” He leans down, whispering in your ear, “I’d get to see what you wear underneath your pretty little clothes without asking you to strip for me.” 
You scoff, slapping your hands against his chest. 
He chuckles, pulling back to see you relaxed and happy, something he doesn’t think he’s ever seen before. “There’s another part of me that wants to do something.” 
“Like what?” 
“Kiss you.” 
You don’t realize it until a second later, but your lips tugged upwards, and you know you’re smiling. “Do it,” you whisper. 
He hums, blinking owlishly at you clearly coming out of his thoughts. 
You lean up and lightly brush your lips against his before pulling back. You switch from staring one eye to the next, waiting to see panic or disgust, only to find the stars twinkling in his eyes. “Kiss me.” 
“Are you sure? Because I don’t think I’ll be able to stop once I start.” 
You both lean into one another sharing a passionate first kiss (with many more to come).
Two years later...
“Do you think she’s gonna say yes?” asks Jake, to his friend who has a bored look on his face. 
“I hope so. I’m tired of hearing you complain and whine about “if she says no” and how you’ll “die” with whatever answer she does give you,” Javy slaps his hands on the blond man’s shoulders, “shut up. She’s gonna say yes.” 
Jake says nothing as he purses his lips, “I hear you but what if-” 
“Shut up,” Javy hands him a handful of darts, “and play. Have a drink, just do something- anything to calm your nerves… please. And you hear that? I’m asking you nicely.” 
He stares at Javy with a deadpan expression. “I’m talking to you in confidence. You’re supposed to boost me up and help me feel better.” 
“I am.” 
“You’re not being honest with me,” Jake complains. 
“I am.” He sees the look his fellow pilot is giving him out of the corner of his eye while he throws the dart at the dartboard, it lands, and he turns around. “Look, you’re an asshole-” 
“Thank you, keep telling me things I need to hear,” the blond says with sass. 
“But you’re an asshole in love and you’re,” Javy pokes his chest, “just too scared to admit it.” 
“Yeah,” he nods, until he repeats what his friend said in his head and glares at Javy. “I hate you sometimes,” he throws a dart at the dart board, it lands way off base from the center. 
“Yeah, yeah.” 
Bob walks over to the two, glancing over Jake with a concerned expression. “Is he okay?” 
“Him? Oh, yeah. He’s fine.” 
“He’s nervous she’s gonna say no, huh?” 
Jake spins around, using a dart to point at Bob. “No, I’m not.” 
Javy leans closer to the WSO, “he’s in the denial stage.” 
“I can see that.” 
“You two are messing up my concentration. Go gossip about me somewhere else.” 
“You know,” Javy pats his shoulder, “it’s okay to be scared.” 
“I’m not scared,” he denies. 
“Lying is only gonna make this worse.” 
“Can it, Baby on Board.” 
Bob raises his hands, staring at the ground with a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. 
“Your girl’s here,” Billy says, handing Javy a drink and Bob his beer nuts. 
Jake spins around just as the dart hits the center of the dart board. A boyish grin tugs at the corner of his mouth, “yes, she is.” He hands Bob the third dart, “have fun boys. Oh, and use protection, especially you,” he points to the WSO before talking off. 
“Ignore him. He’s in love, you know, it makes people do and say crazy things,” Javy assures Bob.
“Hey, gorgeous,” he greets you, placing a hand on your lower back. 
“Hey.” You turn around, leaning into him. You see the guys standing there, watching the two of you. “Are we gonna go say hi?” 
He shakes his head, “nope. Come on.” He leads you towards the walls, wanting to get away from the crowd, not lose you in it. 
“Where are we going?” 
“I want to go outside and see how much more beautiful you can look tonight.” 
You scoff, smacking his shoulder, “you can be such an adorable suck up.” 
“Only for you,” he pecks your lips, “did it work?” 
You roll your eyes, “shut up.” You grab his hand, pulling him along behind you. You happily wave over at the three, who return “cool” waves, except for Bob (he always waves back with just as much enthusiasm as you do to him). 
Jake shoves you out the door, letting it slam shut behind him. 
He pulls you back, spinning you around once, and wraps his arms around your waist. “Hi.” 
You can’t resist his charm and smile back at him, “hi.” 
“Let’s walk along the beach, yeah?” 
You nod, “if that’s what you want to do.” 
“Come on,” he tucks you into his side and starts walking. 
You begin to wonder what he has planned. Jake usually doesn’t like to walk along the beach at night (he can’t see your gorgeous face as he likes to say whenever you ask… which is always). 
You turn to look at him, he’s nervous but you can’t tell why. You know there’s nothing important coming up such as birthdays, holidays, or anniversaries. The kids haven’t been giving him too much of a hard time (it’s a tough process but they do seem to act like they like him when he comes over or when you all go out). 
You’re left even more confused than when you first exited the bar. 
He stops, staring out into the ocean. 
You watch him, curious as to what’s floating around in his head, “are you okay?” 
He turns his head looking at you, wondering how he got so lucky to have meet you and hoping you’ll say yes because he wants the married life with you and to be another parent figure that Maryanne and Edwin can look up too. He knows he wants to live out the rest of his life with you and the kids. Jake gulps, “you should ring me?” 
You jerk your head back, blinking owlishly at him, “what?” 
“We should rings.” He closes his eyes with a clenched jaw, shaking his head. 
You tilt your head, “are you feeling okay?” You place your hand on the back of his forehead. 
He nods, reaching into his pocket, pulling the box out of his pocket, practically shoving it in his face. 
You grab his wrist pulling it down, out of your face and look down, realizing what he’s planning to do. “Jake?” 
“I don’t know how to say it.” 
“What- uh- what do you want to do?” 
“I think it’s pretty obvious what I want to do.” 
“Okay, smart ass. Get down on one knee and ask me.” 
“That’s the thing. I can’t figure out how to ask you.” He bends down on one knee, “I’ve got too much running through my head. and I don’t know what to say. Then before I know words just start spewing out of my mouth.” 
You take a deep breath, placing your hands on his shoulders, “what’s the first thing that pops into your head when you think about wanting to marry me?” 
“I don’t want to marry you. I am gonna marry you. So,” he reaches for your left hand, placing a gentle kiss on top, “you can’t get rid of me easily.” 
An emotional chuckle escapes you, “what a sap you are.” 
“The first thing that pops into my head when I think about us being married is how there isn’t going to much of a difference because we’re already a family. But there is one thing I do know and that’s wanting to grow old with you. You know, I want us to be the older fun couple who still act like they did their first year of dating and I want to listen to your old lady problems.” 
You smack his shoulder. 
He chuckles, “while you listen to my old man issues.” 
“Something tells me there’s gonna be a lot.” 
“Let me finish then we can add the commentary later… I also want to be able to help with the kids more.” 
“You already do so much.” 
“I know but, I think it’s best if we don’t have a lunch issue 2.0.” 
You nod, wiping your cheeks, “that’s very true. You almost got kicked out. They called me to make sure you were who you said you were.” 
“I told them not to.” 
“Oh, yeah because that always goes well when a strange man they hadn’t actually seen before says “don’t call their mom”. Really, Jake? I mean honestly.”
“Ask her already!” Javy, Bob, Natasha, Bradley, Pete, and Penny shout. 
You two turn to see some of the gang standing there, waiting for Jake to pop the question. 
“If you don’t do it tonight, you’re doing all my paperwork,” Pete shouts. 
“I already do.” 
“Yeah, well… then you’ll have more.” 
“Can you guys turn towards me a little?” Mickey asks, holding up his phone. “You’re gonna regret it, if you don’t.” 
You two do as he asked. 
“Perfect, thank you! And… propose.” 
“What are we in a movie or something? Geez,” you roll your eyes. 
“I’m gonna ask you now.” 
“Okay, shutting up now.” 
“Will you marry me?” 
“Can I think about it?” 
“What?” He asks with his eyes nearly popping out of his head. 
“I’m joking, you idiot. Of course, I will!” You throw your arms around his neck causing the two of you to fall back. 
The two of you start laughing. 
You push yourself off him, opting to lay on your side. 
“Oh shit.” 
“Where’s the ring?” 
“Right here,” answers Bradley, holding the ring box up for him. 
“Give it to me.” 
“Give it to me, chicken.” 
“See that, that right there is exactly why I won’t.” 
“I swear to-” 
“Shut up,” Natasha snatches the box from him and hands it to Jake. “Don’t be an idiot.” 
“I wasn’t,” Bradley pouts. 
“Sure, you weren’t.” 
Jake lifts your hand up and slides the ring on, kissing your knuckles. 
You give him an excited smile, wondering how you got so lucky and he’s doing the same. 
Your scooped up before you know it, squealing until you find yourself taller than everyone else. “Guys,” you giggle, “put me down.” 
“Nope,” a certain mustached man responds. 
“Nat? Help?” 
“Mickey’s getting a good shot of you up there,” she says, looking over said pilot’s shoulder.  
“We can do a better photoshoot tomorrow. Put me down.” 
“Can I have my fiancée back?” 
“After the old timer,” Penny pats Pete’s shoulder, “buys a round for everybody.” 
You all holler, shouting excitedly. 
“Not the whole bar, right?” Pete asks his girl. 
She smirks, “no, only a lucky few. I promise… as long as your phone doesn’t wind up on the bar top.” 
“You’re a cruel, cruel woman.” 
“I’ve gotta be stern when running a bar.” 
“I was hoping that wouldn’t apply to me.”  
“Alright, one round on the old man then we’re outta here,” Jake announces. 
Numerous “aw’s” and “boo’s” come his way. 
“We gotta go home and get the kids ready for school.” 
“Who knew Bagman could be such a softie?” Natasha adds. 
“You couldn’t have done this on a Saturday?” 
“Shut up, chicken.” 
“I’m just saying, you should have planned better.” 
“And we’re out of here.” 
You let out a soft chuckle, squeezing his hand as you two exit the bar. “Jake, I wanted to say by to everyone.” 
“I did too, but they pissed me off.” 
“You’re such an old man.” 
He lightly pushes you against the car door, “hey, I’m your old man, gorgeous.” 
You smirk, “that makes me your old lady?” 
“Or if you prefer, my gorgeous.” He kisses your cheek. 
“That’s a bit of an open ending, don’t you think?” 
“No because you can add anything you want to it.” 
“You’re such a sappy suck up,” you tell him before reaching up to peck his cheek. 
“Only for you.”
“I don’t know how they’re gonna react.” You glance over at the front door of your shared home. 
"We don’t have to get married right away.” 
You look over at him, “Jake…” 
“No,” he shakes his head. “It’s not just because of Maryanne and Edwin, alright. I want us to take our time and plan it. Invite the people we actually want to be there because I can tell you no one from my family would actually come. I mean, my sister might but… I want to make this a special day for us.” 
“I don’t want to argue about this, even though all I have to say is that I know whenever or wherever we have this wedding it will be special.” 
“Now who’s a sappy suck up,” he reaches over the middle console to cup your cheek. 
“What are we gonna do if the kids don’t accept this?” 
“We’ll figure it out. We always do.” 
“I don’t want you to be the one who’s hurt.” 
He shakes his head, “I won’t be. If I can be a part of their life in any other way, I’ll do it. And I get their hesitancy towards me. I do.” 
“I know you do and that’s so, so nice of you but you don’t deserve to be treated like this.” He rests his forehead against yours, “like I told you, I would do anything to be in their lives.” He pecks the corner of your mouth, “and yours.” 
Jake pulls back, staring into your eyes. His thumb brushes back and forth against your cheekbone. “Let’s go inside, yeah?” He knows he can only distract you from your worries for so long. 
You nod, not wanting to worry about this anymore. “Okay.” 
A month and a half ago…
The credits play across the screen. The sound is off because he muted the TV, wanting to talk to you. 
"It happened again," Jake sighs. 
You quietly groan to yourself, rubbing your face with both hands before slapping your thighs. You scoot yourself into an upright position, legs still resting in his lap, "I'm sorry, honey. I can talk to them again or-" 
"No, it's okay. I- uh-” He gulps, “I was thinking maybe I should go stay somewhere else for a few days." 
You shake your head, "no. No, absolutely not." 
He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes. "Our kids don’t care about me." 
You scoff through your nose, "they do. How could you ever think otherwise?" Your chest puffs out with every breath you take, your vision blurs as tears pool in your water line. 
He cups your cheeks, "they're not going to warm up to me because they think I'm trying to replace their deadbeat dumbass of a father, or they think I’m gonna be exactly like him and leave. They’re not ready to trust me." 
"They know you’re not trying to replace him," you weakly argue. 
"You could be right, but they won't listen to you because you’re mom." 
You sniff, "please, don’t leave." 
"I'm doing this to save yours and the kids relationship." 
"You staying here and being a part of the kids’ lives hasn't changed that." 
"But it will." 
This is it. It feels like it’s the end of your relationship, but you know it’s not. You refuse to believe that you two won’t find your way back to one another and have a better improved relationship with yourself and the kids. His bag falls to the ground. 
You take a step forward and rest your head on his shoulder, silently crying into his shirt, bunching it in your clenched fists, "Jake…" 
He shushes you, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you closer. His hand finds its way up to its rightful resting place, cupping your cheek, "hey, look at me. Look at me please.” 
You lift your head up, with wet cheeks. 
His thumb sweeps across your cheek, wiping away your tears, “you know I love you, right?" 
You don’t think you’ve ever heard him sound so emotional (except for when he told you about his past and his family, the day he asked to marry you, when he repeated what you said about moving in, and the first time he said I love you). "Course I do.” You lean in closer, whispering, “I love you so much." 
It feels like you’re sharing a secret (which you are about Jake’s departure… from the kids for the time being). 
"I'll text you when I make it to my place." 
You nod, "okay." 
Jake leans down, kissing you, reminding you of how much he loves you. He takes a step back, one hand on your back as he leans over to grab his bag. 
You two stare at one another with tears in your eyes (yes, even Jake’s on the verge of crying- or maybe he already is but your own tear-filled eyes blur your vision, preventing you from seeing so). 
His hand slides off your back after he opens the door. He steps outside, feeling like a stranger on the porch of his own home. Jake tries to walk away before things could get even more depressing. 
You reach out, hand squeezing his bicep, silently pleading for him to stay. “Be careful?” 
The corner of his lips tug upward into a farewell cocky smirk, “always am, gorgeous. Always am.” 
You watch as he gets in his car and wave him off (breaking your hearts into a million pieces). 
Jake disappears from you view and you stand there for a few seconds, unwilling to move because if you do, you’ll be home alone… you’ll be alone. 
You close the door, resting your forehead on the wooden frame. Your shoulders shake as you struggle to keep your cries quiet. You raise your hand, covering your mouth; whimpers escape you before you can even try and stop them. 
As much as you don’t want to, you make your way to your bedroom. You swear you hear your heart break when you walk in. It doesn’t look like much has changed but you know if you open your dresser drawers and check the closet, his clothes won’t be there. You won’t be able to admire his uniform or shake your head at the way he organizes his sock and underwear drawer. 
You try to not to think about the little things you’ll miss while taking of your shoes. You lay down on your side, bending your legs, curling into yourself. 
After about an hour of laying down, you text Penny. 
Hey Pen Sent Read 1:58pm 
Are you alright? You only say my name when something’s happened Sent Read 2:00pm 
All good here. Can you pick up Maryanne and Edwin? Sent Read 2:00pm 
You got it. Sent Read 2:01pm 
PickaPenny typing… 
“What are you doing here?” 
Jake turns around, his shoulders sag, “needed a drink.” 
“Why am I getting a text from your fiancé about picking up the kids?” asks Penny. 
He gulps, “I- uh- I’m gonna be out of the house for a while.” 
“Oh, I didn’t hear you were deployed.” 
“I’m not.” 
The bar owner looks back at him after giving another customer her drink. “What did you do?” 
“I didn’t do anything.” 
“Did you break it off with her?” 
“No, God no. Penny I-” 
“You what?” 
“I’m doing this to save the family relationship.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“The kids don’t like me.” 
“I don’t think that’s true.” 
“They don’t listen to a thing I say and when I pick them up from school, they don’t talk to me.” 
“Have you tried talking to them?” 
“Of course, I have.” 
“No, no. Not ask them questions, talk to them about the whole situation?” 
“I’ve tried but they won’t put in the effort to listen. And, yeah, I know they’re kids and that’s how they are, but I want them to know that I’m not trying to replace their bio dad and I want them to stop thinking I’ll leave ‘em just like he did. I just- I can’t get through to them. And I’m not going to be the reason they hate their mom for marrying someone they don’t like. I grew up that way. My mom married someone we weren’t all huge fans of, and he didn’t care. He never tried to talk to us, not even after mom died.” 
He takes out his wallet, setting a few bills down. “Don’t tell her you saw me.” 
“Fine,” she sighs. “Can you at least tell me where you’re staying?” 
“I’ll be crashing on Coyote’s couch for a few days.” 
“And then?” He shrugs, “see you around Penny.”  
You open your eyes, glancing over your shoulder to see Penny standing there, and jolt. “Jeez!” 
“Sorry, hon. I tried to be gentle, but you wouldn’t budge.” 
You push yourself up, “sorry. I take it since you’re here, you picked the kids up?” 
“No, I left them to run the bar.” 
“You’ve been hanging out with Pete for too long. His- whatever is rubbing off on you.” 
She scoffs, “oh, please. If anything, it’s me making him less of an old man.” She sits down beside your legs, rubbing your knee in a comforting manner. “I saw him earlier.” 
You don’t say anything, your eyes shift downwards. 
“He looked really upset.” 
“Did he?” 
“He already misses you and the kids.” 
“Don’t give me that fake “I don’t care attitude”. I know you’re upset he’s gone but it’s not like you won’t see him. He just doesn’t want to come between you, Maryanne, or Edwin but he still cares about all of you and wants to help out.” 
You wrap your arms around your abdomen, “I know that.” 
“Why can’t you two talk it out?” 
“I’ve tried to have us talk but no one wants to listen.” 
“Okay, okay. Breathe.” 
“I am but- it’s all gotten so complicated.”
Penny leaves before dinner time. 
You finish preparing their plates, setting them on the dining table. “You two start eating, I’ve got to make sure my makeshift office space is ready after dinner.” 
“Where’s Jake? We always have dinner together,” says Edwin. 
You freeze, handing the two their utensils. “Oh- um- he’s got- he got caught up with work and won’t be here for a little while.” 
“Is he gonna be, okay?” Maryanne asks. 
You slowly stand up, giving them a sad smile, “yeah, yeah, he is.” You exit the kitchen. 
“Is mama not gonna eat with us since Jake’s gone?” Edwin asks his sister. 
“I don’t know, Eddie. I don’t like this.” 
“After dinner we can watch a movie. Maybe mama won’t be so busy.” 
He nods, “okay.” 
“Go pick a movie.” Maryanne pushes her brother towards the living room and realizes what she said. “No Ice Age!” 
“Ice Age is a good movie!” 
A knock on your door gets you moving faster, you pat your face dry, hoping the bloodshot look will go away soon. “Come in, Maryanne.” 
“How did you know it was me?” 
“You and your brother have very different knocks.” 
“Obviously if you can tell who’s who when we knock. Do you want- were you crying?” 
“No, what makes you say that?” 
“Your eyes are puffy. Is it because of Jake? Did he make you cry?” 
You chuckle, “no, sweetheart.” 
“Well, then where is he?” 
“I told you; he has a few work things he needs to do.”
“If he’s leaving like dad just tell me, I can handle it.” 
You swoop her into a hug after seeing the way her bottom lip quivers. You take a step back, sitting on the edge of your bed. “No, no, no. He’s not leaving. He’s just- he doesn’t want to- he says he wants us to have a better relationship with one another.” 
“We already do.” 
“You think so?” 
She nods. 
You sweep the hair covering her eyes out of her way, “what do you think of him?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Do you like him?” 
“I… yeah.” 
“Do you not like, Jake?” 
“He’s nice and tries...” 
“Can I ask you why you two are hesitant on letting him into our life?” 
She doesn’t say anything. 
“Do you think he’s gonna be like your dad?” 
“I don’t want him to leave,” says Edwin from your bedroom door. 
You open your other arm, giving him room to squeeze in. “Did you like him?” 
“We both do.” 
“I’m tired of you not telling mama what you mean. We both like him.” 
“You do?” 
He nods, “uh-huh. But we don’t want him to be like dad.” 
“Oh, he wouldn’t-” 
“Where is he now?” 
“...He’s giving us space because he thinks you don’t like him.” 
“We do!” He bounces around, “we do! Call him. Make him come home.” 
“We can’t make him come home, if he doesn’t want to,” Maryanne points out. “Can we call him tomorrow?” 
“We’ll see.” 
“Can we watch Ice Age now?” You chuckle, “I’m not leaving you alone with Jake again. He’s corrupted your movie likes and dislikes.” 
The kids run out of your room. 
You change into something a little comfier before exiting the room. 
Maybe there is light at the end of this tunnel. 
Edwin was the first to fall asleep, you went out next, leaving your little girl to be the sole survivor. 
She grabs her phone off the side table, going to her camera app. She angles herself closer and takes a selfie with the three of you. 
*image* Miss you Sent Read 8:39pm. 
Jake puts his shirt on, checking his phone before winding down for bed. His heart starts to race a little when he sees it’s from his little girl. He opens the message and his heart melts. 
Miss you too, darlin Sent Read 8:41pm. 
Shouldn’t you be asleep? Sent Read 8:42pm. 
Eddie put Ice Age on Sent Read 8:42pm. 
 Not a good excuse. Go to bed Sent Read 8:43pm. 
LittleDarlin typing… Can you come home? Deleted 
Night Jake Sent Read 8:45pm. 
Night darlin Sent Read 8:45pm. 
Before Jake turns his phone off and puts it on the charger, he sets the photo as his lockscreen. 
Three days later…
A knock on the front door alerts you. 
You’re confused until you realize it’s a school day and pop out of bed, running out of your room. You check their rooms, finding neither of them there. “Not in the living room or kitchen,” you gasp. “The kitchen.” 
You run in, seeing your kids putting their dishes in the sink. “Was no one going to wake me up?” 
“You know Jake takes us to school,” Maryanne argues. 
“He does but with everything that’s going on, I didn’t know what we were gonna do.” 
“I’m still on school duty.” 
You scream, jumping just about ten feet in the air. You bring your hand up, placing it on your chest, “don’t. Do. That.” 
“I have to get your heart pumping somehow,” he answers you with that damn cocky smirk you’ve grown to love. 
“Yeah, and I can send you to work with a foot up your a-s-s.” 
“We can spell,” your daughters chimes in. 
“Pretend you can’t.” 
“Come on, d- Jake. Let’s go before we’re late.” 
The two try to walk past you, until you clear your throat. 
“Hug your mother, kids,” he says, standing beside you. 
Edwin rolls his eyes and sighs in a joking way before launching himself into your arms. 
Maryanne walks over to give you a quick hug before dragging her brother outside behind her. 
Jake hesitates to place his hand on your lower back. 
You turn, almost automatically curling into him. “Hey there, sailor.” 
“Still not a sailor but, hello to you too, gorgeous.” 
“Can we talk later?” 
“Is it a good talk or a bad talk?” 
“Depends, are you gonna listen to me or not?” 
“When don’t I listen to you?” 
You arch your brow. 
“Fine, I’ll listen.” He walks to the door when you remember something. 
“Oh, wait! Edwin has early day today.” 
“What time?” 
“Like Thursday.” 
He quietly groans to himself, “I won’t be able to pick him up.” 
“It’s okay. I planned on picking him up anyway. I just wanted you to know so you’re not sitting and waiting at the school for too long.” 
“Are you always this thoughtful?” 
There it is again. You give him a sarcastic smile, “are you always a pain in my ass?” 
“I’d like to think otherwise.” 
“In other words, yes.” 
“If that’s what you want to call me then fine.” 
A car honk alerts the two of you. 
“I gotta go. I’ll see you later, yeah?” 
“You can count on it. Bye, Jake.” You lean up and peck him on the lips. You aim to head back into the kitchen when you’re pulled back. 
He cups your cheek, pulling you closer, “is this, okay?” 
“I’d say it’s more than okay.” 
The corner of his mouth tugs upwards, “knew you could never resist me.” 
“Shut up and kiss me.” 
“Yes ma’am.” His other hand wraps around your waist, bringing you closer to him. 
You place your hands on his arms, one hand slides along his shoulders, stopping at the base of his neck. You scratch the back of his neck near the edge of his hairline. 
He slightly shivers pulling back; he pecks your pink, wet, and swollen lips. “I gotta go drop them off,” his voice comes out hoarse and quiet. 
You nod, “mmhmm.” 
“You can kiss later! We’ve gotta go or we’ll be late!” 
You cover your mouth, hiding your laughter. “You heard the girl.” 
“Hey, I didn’t start this whole thing.” 
“Neither did I.” 
“Let’s call it a truce and you go take the kids to school.” 
“I’ll see you later.” 
“Bye, hon.” 
“Bye, gorgeous.” 
You and Edwin do his homework before you put on a movie (yes, Ice Age) for him. You turn your head to see the mess in the backyard. 
You sigh, getting up off the couch to clean it up. You were doing good, making a lot of progress until you didn’t. 
You fall, landing on your shoulder. You know you’re screwed, the pain radiating in your arm is too much, but you can’t freak out because your baby boy will freak out which won’t solve anything. 
You push yourself off the ground (with great difficulty) and enter the house. 
“Eds,” you whisper, sitting beside him with your arm close to you. 
“Yeah?” he asks, slightly distracted by the movie. 
“Can you call Aunt Penny for me and hold the phone to my ear?” 
“I fell.” 
“Are you okay?!” 
You shush him, “breathe, sweetheart. Breathe.” 
“Where’s your phone? Where’s your phone?” 
“Look at the table beside you.” 
“Okay, Penny… Penny… Aunt Penny? Mom wants to talk to you.” He holds the phone against your ear. 
“Pen? Hey… can you come over and drive me to the emergency room? I fell and broke something.”  
Jake rushes into the emergency center, frantically searching for you with Maryanne holding his left hand. He stops when he sees Penny waving, letting him know where you and Edwin are. 
He rushes over to the two of you while the poor little girl is being yanked over to your bed. He makes sure Maryanne can hold your hand and get close to you before he sets his hand on top of your head. “Are you okay?” 
“I will be if I can get out of here.” 
He checks over you, stopping when he sees your arm resting across your stomach, “what happened?” 
“I was in the backyard cleaning up-” 
“I told you I would do it.” 
“Yeah, and that was before you…” you trail off unsure of how to say it without making it sound mean, ‘before you left,’ yeah, not the nicest thing to say ever. 
“You could have called me. No, you should have called me.” 
You open your mouth to respond when Penny moves the kids away from the bed, having them sit in the seats (she grabbed earlier) giving you two more room to talk. 
He reaches down for your hand without looking, letting you squeeze his hand, knowing you aren’t taking any of the morphine or other pain medication (because you don’t like how you feel afterwards). He leans down, letting you turn your head into his chest, “why didn’t you call me?” 
“I didn’t know.” 
“Didn’t know what?” 
You look up at him through your wet lashes, blinking repeatedly so you can see him. “I didn’t know how we were. After this morning-” 
“Hey, hey.” He brushes the few loose strands that cover your face back, “we are never gonna change.” He pecks your forehead before turning around. 
He takes a step closer to Penny, whispering, “can you take them somewhere else? Ice cream? Hospital cafeteria? Wherever. I don’t want them to see their mom in anymore pain. I know, Eddie is gonna have a hard time when we get home but I’m not letting them see any more of this.” He pulls out his wallet. 
She places her hands on his stopping him, “you don’t need to do that. I’ve got it besides I’ve been wanting to show them a few shells I found the other day.” 
He lets out a breath of relief, “thank you.” 
“You can thank me by taking care of your wife.” She turns around, facing the two. “Come on, kids. We’re gonna go back to Aunt Penny’s place and look at the few seashells I found, and we can prank Pete. How’s that sound?” 
“We don’t want to leave our mom, Aunt Penny,” Maryanne whispers to the older woman. 
“I know but Jake thinks it would be smart if you two aren’t stuck in the emergency center for hours.” 
The young girl glances over at the two of you, watching how Jake is consoling you and trying to distract you from the pain. She looks back at Penny and nods, “okay. Can we text Jake and ask him when we can go home?” 
“Of course, we can,” she holds her hands out for the two to hold. 
Maryanne looks back to see nothing but love between the two of you. Maybe she was wrong, maybe Jake won’t be like her dad. 
He came just seconds after Penny called him and made sure that both of them could see and touch you. 
She feels bad for how she’s been treating him and knows what she needs to do.
“You should have called me,” he whispers into your hair. 
“I wanted to.” 
“Why didn’t you? You know I would have been there in a second. Well, maybe not a second but,” he smirks but you can see the worry on his face. 
You scoff, rolling your eyes, “don’t make me hit you.” 
He hums, “it seems to me like you can’t.” 
“I can do other things.” 
“Oh, yeah. Like what?” 
“Well, if I tell you then it won’t be a surprise.” 
He sticks his bottom lip out, “come on, you know you want to tell me.” 
“No, I really don’t.”
Jake hasn’t removed his arm from around your waist since you were released (after texting Penny). 
“You can let go now.” 
“I gotta make sure my girl is taken care of.” 
“You are by making sure I can get to my car.” 
“That was never the plan because that’s a, dangerous and b, penny took your car remember. Seems like you’re stuck with me, gorgeous.” 
“Jake,” you start, ready to complain. 
“No, no. Don’t give me that attitude. I’m making sure you get home back to the kids safely. End of story.” 
You say nothing as he opens the door for you, letting you take your time getting the car. 
Once your seated, he helps you with your seatbelt before running to the back, grabbing a pillow to place under your arm (that’s in a secure sling) but that doesn’t stop him. 
The drive back to the house was quiet, at least, between the two of you, there was music softly playing filling some of the silence.
He jogs around to the other side of car, opening the door. He reaches in to unbuckle the seatbelt. 
You scoot to the edge of the seat, swinging your legs out of the car. Jake holds his hand out for you to take. You slap your hand on his, “I’m gonna need a little help getting out. Take the pillow, first.” 
He carefully removes the pillow, tossing it to the driver’s seat. He lets you push yourself out before he wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. 
You take a deep breath, staring at his collarbone (since your eye level with it), your eyes slowly trail up his neck, past his jawline and cheekbone. 
It feels like you’ve lost your breath as you stare into his eyes, reminding you of when you two first started dating. 
He moves your hand onto his shoulder before sliding his other arm to your waist, pulling you closer to hug you. He rests his head on your shoulder before tucking his head into the crook of your neck. 
You slide your hand across his shoulder, stopping at his neck, brushing your thumb vertically against the base of his hair, feeling the top of his spinal cord. 
The two of you wet the others shoulder with your salty, relief ridden tears. 
He pulls back, staring at you without wiping his cheeks. 
You reach up and wipe away his tears. 
He does the same for you. “Let’s get you inside, yeah?” He removes one arm to close the car door, locking it right after. 
He unlocks the front door, gently shoving you inside, following after you. 
You let out a quiet breath of relief, you were scared he was going to leave after hugging you. 
The kids run out of the living room, stopping in front of you. 
You bend down, letting them hug your good side with Jake telling them to be careful and not tug your neck. 
Maryanne steps away from you, telling Jake to bend down. She wraps her arms around his neck, giving him a hug. 
Edwin does the same. 
You wipe your cheeks, not wanting to cry even though this is what you’ve been waiting for.
Three months later...
Maryanne stands in front of you, “mama?” 
“Yeah, baby?” You turn to look at her, seeing how she looks down at the ground. You furrow your brows, “what’s wrong? Are you feeling, okay?” You place the back of your hand on her forehead. She pulls your hand away from her forehead and shakes her head. “Did you break something?” 
“No... I want to do something for Jake.” 
You nod, smiling (happy to know no one’s hurt or sick). “Okay, like what?” 
“I- we want to do something for him for… Father’s Day.” 
The smile slowly falls from your face, “oh,” you gulp. “Did you two have something in mind? And know that just because we’re getting married doesn’t mean that you have to do anything. I know we’ve had a hard time adjusting with one another,” you move the few strands of hair that fell off her face. “He would be happy with anything whether we do something or not.” 
She pouts, “I know but we want him to know that we like him and- and that we want him to be our dad.” 
“And how do you plan on doing that?” 
“Can he adopt us?” 
You lift your hand up, covering your mouth, shocked at her surprising request. 
You shake your head, blinking your eyes rapidly to prevent the tears from falling. You wrap your arms around her shoulders pulling her in for a tight hug. “Oh, my sweet girl.” You detach yourself from her, holding her by her shoulders, “that is more than okay, sweetheart. And you’re sure this is something you and Edwin want?” 
She nods as a smile tugs at the corners of her lips. 
“We should start now if we want it ready by then huh?”
The wedding was a small one with only Jake’s fellow pilots, WSO’s, and other navy members invited. You both invited his sister, but she was pregnant with baby number four and was unable to fly over.
She was kind enough to call and say that she and her husband would drive over, but it’d take too long for them to arrive. You assured her that it was okay, and she would be missed (you were so close to getting to hear embarrassing stories about pre-pilot Jake).
You didn’t let Jake see you before the wedding (much to his displeasure).
You walk down the aisle with Penny and Amelia walking you down the aisle. When you asked the girls, it easily became one of the most emotional moments when it came to planning the wedding, but you have no regrets (even if the few photos of you three walking down the aisle were of the Benjamin girls crying the entire time).
It was something else when you two were married by Pete.
And, of course, Maryanne was the most adorable flower girl ever making sure used all the petals in her basket and Edwin was a handsome ring bearer.
Thank God you didn’t assign anyone with this task because when Mickey and Logan were asking you a while ago, they showed you the website where you could rent a bear. Of course, this was a joke… you hoped anyway but they did redeem themselves by helping out with all the guy’s suits (after giving them the “mom” look).
Almost everyone- that’s a lie, everyone was crying, no matter how hard you tried not to, you did.
The water works got worse when Jake gave his vows. The man may be cocky as hell, but the man knows when to put his heart and soul into something.
Jake could barely keep his hands to himself when Pete said, “you may now kiss the bride.”
“More like devour the bride,” Bradley mutters. Jake pulls back, needing air, knowing you need the same.
“Can it chicken, you’re just jealous.”
The mustache man scoffs, prepared to say something else when Javy pulls him off to the side, handing him a drink. “To the happy couple!”
Javy and Bradley are the first to raise a glass. “To the happy couple!”
“To my stunning and gorgeous wife,” he whispers in your ear.
“And to my charmingly cocky husband.”
“I see how it is. I compliment you and you insult me.”
“It’s all part of my charm.”
“You weren’t this mean when we first started going out.”
“I didn’t want to show you my dark side.”
“Sure, you didn’t.”
“Okay, enough you two,” Penny takes your drinks from you two, “it’s time for the first dance.”
You let out a dramatic sigh, “if we must.”
“Prepare to have your heels knocked off your feet.”
You place your hand on his shoulder, “play on the usual phrase, I see you’ve been studying with Edwin.”
He smirks, “’course I have. I wanted to impress you.”
“Oh,” you chuckle, “impress me? I see.”
“No more talking, more dancing.”
The song ends and you feel light tugging and look down to find your babies standing there.
“Looks like it’s time for family’s first dance,” DJ Bob announces, adding airhorns.
“I’m never letting baby on board DJ for us again.”
“Oh, c’mon, he’s doing good. Leave him be,” you tell your husband.
“This is a special request coming from the shortest guy here this evening and no, I’m not talking about Fanboy.”
Reuben, Natasha, and Billy cover their mouths to prevent them from spitting out their drinks.
Pete, Penny, Amelia, and Callie shake their heads.
Logan and Bradley shake their heads.
Javy and Bringham hold Mickey back from going after a power-hungry DJ Bob and Neil grabs the camera before the photographer of the evening, can drop it.
An Ice Age remix comes through the speakers and you three look down at Edwin, who innocently shrugs, “what?”
You and Jake glance back at one another and shake your heads, dancing until your feet begin to hurt.
Javy and Bob help back the car with wedding presents while Jake puts the kids in the back, letting them get comfortable and fall asleep.
“Thank you, boys.” 
Javy gives you a rare, sweet smile, “anything for the newly Mrs. Seresin.”
Your lips quickly tug into an upward smile, “I haven’t heard that yet.”
“It feel weird?” “You know what? It doesn’t.”
“What doesn’t?” The man of the hour asks.
“And… we’re done. You two ready to go?” Bob interrupts.
“We are. Are one of you driving the car back to our place?”
“No, we’re gonna leave it here for the racoons to rip open and bring to you later tomorrow.”
“Just because you’re Jake’s friend, doesn’t mean that I won’t hesitate to kick your ass, Machado.”
Your husband wraps an arm around your waist pulling you back, “okay and that’s enough excitement for one day.”
“We’ll see you two there.”
Bob waves to you with his usual, adorable smile dancing across his lips.
You wave back before Jake holds you against the passenger door. “How do you feel?”
“Like I’m walking on air, husband of mine.”
“Glad to know I’m not the only one. Let’s go home.”  
The day after the wedding…
You and Jake sit beside one another on the couch, looking through your wedding album, taking a break from opening presets.
“Aw,” you point to the photo Maryanne sent him a while ago. “When did we take this?”
“Our little darlin’ sent me this when we were- uh-” Jake scratches the back of his head, “away from each other.”
“Oh… why didn’t you ever show me this? Send it to me.”
“Can I never have a cute family photo for myself?”
You sigh, “I suppose you can.”
He shakes his head, “don’t you be trying to guilt trip me now, gorgeous.”
“Me? Guilt trip you, never.” You flip to another page, “wow!”
“Guess the kid is as good with a camera on the ground like he is in the air.”
“Yeah, I’ll say. We are so using him for the kid’s birthdays.”
You can feel the vibrations of him chuckling behind you.
“Guess that means we save a few bucks.”
“Don’t tell me now that we’re married, you’re going cheap on me.”
He scoffs, “never… I just didn’t expect Fanboy to be so good.”
“Wow, no wonder he was hesitant to ask me.” You shake your head, setting the album on the table and see the last gift on the table is the big one. “This one is from the kids, but we have to wait until they wake up.”
“What?” Jake whines.
“Please,” you plead.
“Fine, fine. Stop giving me those “sex” eyes.”
You scoff, “I am not giving you “sex” eyes. If anyone is giving those eyes, it’s you.”
“I know, it sucks when your words come back to bite you in the ass, right?”
“I know something else that can bite you in the ass.”
“God! We just got married and it’s like you’ve become ten times hornier within twenty-four hours.”
“You just have that effect on me, gorgeous.”
“Did he open it yet?” Maryanne asks, scaring the shit out of you two.
You and Jake scream, the latter lets out an oof. “What happened? Are you okay?”
He shakes his head, holding his stomach, “no.”
You cringe, realizing what you did. “Oh, honey. I’m sorry, are you okay?”
“My poor, beautiful abs.”
You scoff, smacking his arm, “you’re fine.” You turn to look at the kids, “and no he did not. I wanted you two to be here with us.”
They run over to the couch, sitting on each side of him.
You grab the rectangular, thin box, handing it to him.
“You not gonna help me with this one?”
You shake your head, trying to hide your smile, “no, this one’s all you, honey.”
He narrows his eyes at you before looking back at the gift, ripping the gift open. He tosses the box to the side, holding a large manilla envelope. He stares at it with furrowed brows, “what-”
“Just open it,” you tell him.
He carefully opens it, pulling out the document. He starts to read it, “what-” his voice cracks. Jake scoots forward, setting everything on the coffee table so he can cover his eyes.
“Aw, honey,” you start.
The kids stare at you with wide eyes, unsure if this is a good reaction or not. They scoot off the couch, standing in front of him, wrapping their arms around his shoulders.
He returns the gesture. “I know we had a hard time gettin to know each other in the beginning,” he lifts his head, staring back and forth between the two, “but did you two really have to make a grown man cry?”
“We made you cry?” Your daughter asks.
“You should have been worried if I didn’t cry.”
“Fair point.”
You rub the back of his shoulder.
He looks back at you, “how long have you known about this?”
“Too long. I’m just happy your late/ early Father’s Day gift finally made its way to you."
“This is a- okay, new rule, give the old man a little warning so I have time to prepare myself.”
“Nah,” you shake your head, “this is better. We get the raw emotions.”
“Shut up,” he shoves your thigh.
You smile, leaning back against the couch.
“Let’s a movie… not Ice Age,” he pulls Edwin closer, “whispering”, “we’ll watch it when the girls aren’t here.”
The young boy nods, giggling, “okay.”
Maryanne settles in on your side with Jake on your left, an arm wrapped around your shoulders and Edwin on his left.
“Oh, wait. We need popcorn,” says your daughter.
“Let’s go.” Edwin pulls her into the kitchen, preparing the movie snacks.
He pulls you closer. 
“I told you they like you.”
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds, “okay, maybe you were right.”
“I was so right, darlin.”
“Look at you trying to copy my accent.”
“Honey, I pull that accent off better than you.”
“Oh, is that how we’re playing it?”
“You bet.”
“How about we cut this competition short?”
“Oh, yeah. How’s that-”
He cups your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss.
“We’re done- ew!”
You can’t help but smile as you two part from one another.
“Alright, kids. Settle in,” he tells them.
They return to their previous seats.
You rest your head against his shoulder.
This is exactly how you pictured it, the family life with Jake.  
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Taglist: @abaker74​ @ebonyhogan24 @shanimallina87 @starkleila​ @kurtkunkle17
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shaunlovesyou · 2 years
Flirting ~ Reuben ‘Payback’ Fitch
Reuban Fitch x Reader
Summary; Mickey’s friend is kinda cute.
Word Count; 0.9k
Warnings; None
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Your heels make a soft clicking noise as you walk into the dimly lit bar right beside the coast. A sign displaying the words Hard Deck hangs above the doorway. Anyone that could see you right now would describe you as lost, and they’d be completely correct. It isn’t your clothes that would make people assume so, you’re dressed similarly to the other women filling the bar, a black dress that’s not too formal and not too informal and a nice pair of shoes, it’s the very confused look on your face that would make people stop to help you as your eyes scan across the room rapidly, searching for someone.
“Y/N!” you hear as you’re engulfed in a hug.
“Mickey!” you laugh joyously, recognising the voice behind the arms wrapped around you.
You have known Mickey Garcia nearly your entire life, your parents became friends when yous were so young you couldn’t even talk and you’ve been inseparable ever since. Growing up with Mickey by your side seemed to make everything much easier, hes always been like your brother, protecting you when you didn’t quite need it and always being suspicious of any date you’ve been on.
“I’ve missed you!” you both exclaim at the same time. As you laugh you notice a figure behind Mickey. Hes tall and has dark skin, you can see his defined muscles through his aviation uniform.
“Are you going to introduce me to your friend Garcia?” you question playfully.
“Oh, yes,” Mickey starts, composing himself, as if he felt slightly embarrassed that his acquaintance had witnessed the display of affection. “this is Payback, I’m his WSO.”
“Reuben Fitch.” Payback confirms, his hand reaching out to yours.
“Quite formal.” you joke while shaking his hand.
“Maybe it was an excuse to hold your hand.” he states, a coy smile present on his handsome face and his large hand still holding yours.
“Ew. Gross man.” Mickey grimaces, standing in between the two of you as an attempt to break your hand holding. “Shes like my sister, don’t you dare try anything.”
“Intimidating.” you roll your eyes and pat Mickey on the shoulder. “I’m getting a drink.”
“I’ll be by the pool table.” he informs you. “And he’ll be too.” he adds, grabbing Reuben’s shoulder and directing him towards the back of the bar. 
As they both walk off Reuben turns around and blows you a kiss, you reach your hand up quickly and grab at the air, bringing your closed fist back to your chest with a big smile on your face. You turn your back to head to the bar and hear Mickey scolding Reuben, obviously he had seen your interaction.
When you make it to the bar a dark blonde haired man isn’t far and takes notice of you. His aviators slide down as he inspects you further. Just as you’re about to pay for your drink a hand appears from behind you with a pristine 10 dollar bill in its palm.
“I’m paying.” he states to the bartender. 
You don’t stop him after all it’s a free drink and he is kinda cute.
“So do I get the name of the handsome stranger that paid for my drink?” you ask, looking up to meet his gaze.
“Lt. Jake Seresin.” he announces with authority and importance in  his voice, you can tell hes cocky already.
“Ooh navy, what’s it like out at sea?” you question, playing dumb to see if you can get even more drinks out of the poor man in front of you.
“I’m a naval aviator, so I’m up in the sky most of the time.” he replies, you know exactly what do say to keep him going.
“Wow,” you feign wonder. “that must me so scary, I could never imagine doing something so dangerous!” Lie. All of Mickey’s stories have almost desensitised you completely from flying.
“Well, it’s hard work but it has to be done.” he brags, his chest puffed out.
 Maybe you were boosting his already big ego a bit too much. Before he can say anymore hes interrupted.
“Hangman.” you hear Reuben say from behind you, confusion evident in his voice.
“Payback.” he returns. “What do you need, you’re distracting me from the gorgeous woman in front of me.”
“I didn’t know your standards were that low.” Reuben directs his comment at you, putting an emphasis on ‘that’.
“You know each other?” Hangman questions, his head darting back and forth between the two of you.
“Barely.” you reply, staring into Reuben’s eyes. “I must get going, thanks for the drink!” you let out while dragging Reuben’s arm towards the pool table.
“I could’ve gotten at least two more drinks out of him.” you whine into Reuben’s ear, having to get close so he can hear you over the loud chatter all around yous.
“Not from Hangman, trust me.” he responds, his face so close to yours you can smell his minty breath. “Besides, I am also able to buy drinks.”
You hum in content. “He wasn’t my type anyway.”
“And what exactly is your type?”
“You.” you whisper, your lips ghosting over his before you pull back abruptly, walking towards Mickey while letting out a laugh, leaving Reuben in a euphoric, wanting state of mind.
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blackacre13 · 3 years
I just remembered there was supposed to be a scene of Debbie with Linus. In the movies he was all trying to shine over the rest so I can see him being dumb enough to try to date Debbie without knowing she's already with Lou. Not even Danny knows so he sees it as cute until both Lou and Debbie get frustrated and they reveal they are a couple, Lou scaring Linus too. Would you take this idea as a prompt, please?
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“Your secret admirer is back, Deb,” Danny chuckled, nodding towards Linus.
Debbie rolled her eyes, shoving Danny slightly more than playfully.
“Leave it alone, Danny,” Reuben sighed. “He already has his head in the clouds. Don’t want to encourage him to have his head up someone’s skirt.”
Debbie shot him a look.
“You’re gorgeous, Deborah,” he promised. “We just don’t want Linus distracted. He’s got a bright future ahead of him if he can cut the bullshit and concentrate.”
“I think it’s cute,” Rusty smirked.
“Of course you do,” the brunette sighed, rolling her eyes.
“Hey, Debbie,” Linus smiled, waving at her awkwardly. “Could I ask you a question?”
The guys started to whistle and holler until Debbie yelled at them to knock it off.
“Give them some space, guys,” Danny yelled, ushering them into the other room and closing the door after tossing them both a wink.
“What do you want, Linus?” Debbie sighed, examining her nails. “I really need to prep for tonight.”
“Yeah,” he nodded straightening his jacket. “Of course. God, I can’t imagine the pressure. I mean I always want to do good for Danny but to be his sister—“
“Linus,” Debbie sighed, pinching her nose. “What did you want?”
He started to play with the hem of his jacket nervously. “I was actually wondering if you might want to—“
“Oh,” the brunette chuckled, looking down awkwardly. “Linus, listen—“
“Look, Debbie,” he smiled. “I know I’m young. And I’m no Rusty or anything, but—I think—I think we could be good together.”
“You don’t want to be with me, Linus. Trust me.”
“You don’t give yourself enough credit, Deb.”
“Don’t call me Deb,” the brunette sighed. “Thank you for the offer Linus, but I’m involved with someone.”
“You’re dating someone?” Danny asked, coming back into the room.
“You’re listening to us,” Debbie huffed, smacking Danny. “Come on. At least give the kid some privacy while he asks me out.”
There was silence between the trio.
“God, you encouraged him to go for it, didn’t you?” Debbie sighed, shaking her head. “Danny there’s a reason I keep saying no to him.”
“Deb, come on. The kid is great!”
“Could we stop calling me kid, please?” Linus groaned. “I’ve successfully completed like two whole heists with you, Danny. I’ve proved myself.”
“You two should deal with your whatever this bullshit is,” Debbie sighed. “I have a job to prepare for if you don’t mind.”
“Deb, who’s the guy?” Danny called after her, but she was closing the door to the room already hastily pulling out her phone to dial the number she knew by heart, her brain throbbing and heart pulsing.
“Meet me at the Venetian,” Debbie pleaded. “I can’t put up with this bullshit anymore.”
Debbie was pacing in front of the roaring fountains when Lou found her minutes later, boots clicking against the pavement as she moved closer to her partner, immediately grabbing her to hold her tight, bringing her head close to Debbie’s.
“You okay?” The blonde breathed, brushing back a strand of Debbie’s hair.
“Yeah,” Debbie nodded, sucking back tears that threatened to fall.
“Is it the job?”
“No, nothing like that,” Debbie frowned. “But I need a clear head if I’m going to do the job tonight and right now that’s not happening.”
“Danny pushing Linus on you again?” Lou sighed, sitting down on the bench, pulling Debbie closer to her.
“Bingo,” Debbie whispered, laying her head on Lou’s shoulder. “I think we have to tell him.”
“Linus?” Lou asked softly.
“Danny,” Debbie sighed. “You already know how much I don’t like hiding you from him.”
“I mean you’re not exactly hiding me,” the Australian chuckled. “But it is a big part of yourself you need to share, when you’re ready of course. But I do think Danny will be great about it. He just wants you happy.”
“I’m more than happy with you, baby,” Debbie whispered, playing with Lou’s hand.
“I love you,” Lou smiled. “So damn much, Debs. But it’s up to you. You tell Danny, but only if you’re ready. And I’ll wring Linus’ next. There’s the plan.”
“No wringing necks,” Debbie warned, but she was laughing.
“Just a warning punch?” Lou asked, making puppy dog eyes.
“Maybe,” Debbie smirked, tugging at Lou’s hand. “Come on, let’s do it now.”
The two headed back over to the other hotel, Debbie knocking on the door to a surprised Rusty.
“Lou?” He asked, clapping her into a hug. “You running a job down here too?”
“Something like that,” Lou smirked, pinching Debbie’s ass. The only role she was playing currently was that of faithful girlfriend, staying at a nearby hotel waiting for Debbie to be able to sneak away so they could have time away with each other while Debbie was working before they headed back to the city together to take on one of Debbie’s jobs she had lined up for them both. Debbie was only here as a favor to Danny.
“Where’s Danny?” Debbie sighed, looking around. “We need to talk to him.”
“Look, Lou’s good. But there’s no room for—“ Rusty explained until Debbie stopped him with her hand over his lips.
“Go eat something, Rust. We’ll be in here. Just bring me Danny and Linus.”
Rusty rolled his eyes, but headed to go find the other guys, ushering them into the room and grabbing a sandwich from a tray, but stayed in the room with them, inserting himself in their business, per usual.
“Debbie, what’s the deal?” Danny sighed. “Are you walking? Oh—hey Lou.”
“I’m not walking,” the brunette sighed in return. “I’m putting an end to this annoying game of matchmaker so I can do a good job for you tonight.”
“What are you talking about?” Danny frowned, looking between them.
“Look, Deb, if you don’t want to date me—“
“Stop calling me Deb, you don’t know me,” Debbie gritted.
“Watch it, kid,” Lou hissed.
Danny looked back at Lou at this. And then Debbie. And then Lou.
“Lou, why are you in Vegas?” Danny asked, eyeing the two women suspiciously.
The blonde cleared her throat, looking at Debbie for an answer she was comfortable with.
“Danny, you wanted to know who the guy was,” Debbie shrugged. “It’s Lou.”
“What guy?” Danny asked, confused.
“The guy she’s dating,” Linus whispered.
“Lou’s a dude?” Rusty laughed.
“I don’t know which one of you is the dumbest,” Lou sighed, clicking her heel against the floor.
“I’m gay, you morons,” Debbie yelled. “Lou and I are dating. She’s my partner, yeah, but she’s also my girlfriend.”
“Oh,” Linus mumbled.
“Ohhhh,” Rusty laughed, grinning and clapping his hands. “Nice catch, Deb. Lou’s a looker.”
Both women glared at him, but Lou flushed slightly pink.
“I didn’t plan to come out of the closet this weekend, but you have got to stop encouraging poor Linus to go after me, Danny,” Debbie sighed.
“I mean why the hell didn’t you just say you were dating Lou?” Danny asked. “I mean we figured you two were fucking but we didn’t know you were dating.”
“You figured we were what?” Debbie hissed.
Linus started howling along with Rusty.
“I will cut your dick clean off,” Lou growled at Linus, causing him to shut up quickly, his face completely startled and pale.
“Any other questions?” Debbie sighed. “I’d really like to go spend time with my girlfriend before I have to go to work this evening.”
“You mean fuck,” Rusty muttered.
“Jealous?” Lou smirked, cuffing her sleeves, her muscles rippling.
“Lou, I’m very happy for you both,” Danny sighed. “But if you hurt Debbie, I will put you in the fucking ground, Miller.”
“Funny,” Lou grinned. “I was just about to give you the same speech for tonight.”
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steamberrystudio · 3 years
How would the GS boys react if the MC was always very sleepy or was regularly found napping somewhere? (:
Ari - Would constantly be covering MC with things. LoL
Caissa - It depends where he found them sleeping. He might have them relocated or have it be a standing order with their body guard to relocate them to a safer place if they fell asleep somewhere weird.
Caleb - He'd probably develop a habit of teasing them by waking them up in horrible ways. (IE dripping water down the back of their neck and things) but SOMETIMES he'd probably just sit next to them and keep watch or something. Like a nice man.
Jack - he does this too so he'd just join them.
Lance - Like Ari, he'd get in the habit of covering them with things. He might worry they weren't getting enough sleep.
Magnus - Would either join them or like...draw on their face or something. He's a brat.
Quill - Would cover them up and ignore them otherwise. LoL
Reuben - Would find it endearing and perpetually be covering them with his jacket.
Yuu - Would definitely assume there was a medical reason and either search for the cause or else encourage better sleep hygiene. I don't think he'd just ignore it. He has a tendency to nap in weird places but it's very much due to being on call all the time. I doubt he'd let it slide as "cute" behaviour. He'd want to fix it.
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catohphm · 3 years
Harry Potter Hogwarts Legacy Appreciation Week - Day 5: The Gals
Good morning! I bring you now the fifth post for @endlessly-cursed’s HPHL Appreciation Week! Today is all about the wonderful ladies who deserve the same amount recognition as any wonderful OC, no questions asked! I’ll use today as an opportunity to recognize some amazing gals that I haven’t yet featured in a previous post. There are so many of them that I cannot possibly list every one so I’ll feature a small handful of ladies who come to mind first. Enjoy!
Primrose Gray - @endlessly-cursed
She is first up because Danny has a new established friendship with her that I am so excited about! Prim is such a sweet and kind Ravenclaw soul who shares a belief in found family with him. She’s quite the hugger too and is very grateful for the siblings she makes from friends. I get only good vibes from dear Prim! Even though the friendship Danny has with her is pretty new, it is like as if they’ve been knowing each other for a long time. I love her!
Leila Hellebore - @whatwouldvalerydo
A really interesting Slytherin lass she can seem like a complex, conflicted individual at first glance. Leila has demon heritage but her soul and heart is as warm as any decent human being. The beginnings of her friendship with Danny were pretty akward but they bonded over their introverted-ness and genuine desires to help people and protect those they care about. I and Danny are also so proud of Leila being able to find love in the form of Reuben Willows @that-scouse-wizard!l
Liore Harewood - @cursebreakerfarrier
She’s quite a unique gal - she gives Chiara Lobasca vibes with her white hair but the truth is she got that from her Veela heritage. However like wolf girl Liore is pretty shy and introverted but I only can imagine her inside as such a dear and wonderful friend that no one else is quite like! Learning to get over the stigma of her features and appreciating them is a remarkable milestone for Liore to achieve. Danny helped her gain confidence and feel better about herself. He’s empathetic like that. While he may look like a “normal” kid the physical scars of his rough childhood are always there and he sometimes has anxieties about that. The lesson that he and Liore both come to understand is that the inside beauty is what matters first and one should be accepting and proud of their own body - not let the negative opinions of others change that. I love Liore’s personality and her journey of self-acceptance and becoming more confident!
Gwen Archeon - @thatravenpuffwitch
Ever since I saw my moot Erin’s beautiful sketch of Gwen I thought of her as someone who gives softie vibes. Another amazing quidditch mate of Danny, she is so adorable, cute and very smart! She grows up to become an astronomy professor later in life. One of her other amazing talents is calligraphy and its so cool that she practices the art with the name of her friends and family. I think this is a very beautiful headcanon that shows Gwen is always thinking about those she knows and cares about them very much. 
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