#Freelancer Yumi
konoa-t · 6 months
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rapeculturerealities · 2 months
‘I was unashamed’: Yumi Ishikawa on fighting sexism in Japan
It was meant to be just one of her regular, mundane musings about life as a woman in Japan. But Yumi Ishikawa’s life changed with a tweet she posted on January 24 this year: “Someday I want to get rid of the practice of women having to wear heels and pumps at work.”
The 32-year-old actor was working as an usher in a funeral parlour at the time, a job that involved eight-hour shifts in heels measuring 5cm-7cm. Her comment went viral; it has been retweeted 29,000 times, helping her become the face of the #KuToo movement — a play on the Japanese words for shoes (kutsu), pain (kutsuu) and #MeToo.
Encouraged by the response, Ishikawa, who is also a freelance writer, launched a petition for a ban on high-heel stipulations by employers in Japan. When she submitted her petition to the health ministry in June, it had been signed by nearly 19,000 people and has now collected more than 31,500 signatures.
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vioyume · 11 months
Some Cartoons that you can Watch on YouTube
Many of which are shows from the 90's, 2000s and early 2010's. Was this mostly done out of nostalgia? Yeah, but it's nice to have something to watch casually when you're not witch hunting on pirated websites or don't want to go to them.
I try to have playlists of fully uploaded series or have the majority of the episodes since I feel like it wouldn't be as satisfactory to have only one episode of a series.
The majority of the shows here are from my own childhood but it's a mixture of shows for children to adult audiences. Though I did not add every single preschool cartoon from my memory.
Don't feel like watching cartoons? Old TV Time has many infomercials, PSAs and mini documentaries from the 1900s!
The Moomins 90's Show
Sam and Max Freelance Police
Sonic X
Popee the Performer (CW: Disturbing/Graphic Imagery and Crude Humor)
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 1
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 2
My Little Pony Gen 3 + 3.5
Hi HI Puffy Ami Yumi
Sagwa the Chinese Siamese Cat (Most Episodes)
All of The Backyardigans
All of Milly & Molly
House of Mouse (Most Episodes, but I'm surprised that it's not on Disney Plus)
A Playlist of Pokemon Episodes/Shorts that are Available from the Official Account
Ruby Gloom
The Super Mario Bros Super Show
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic Underground
2003 Strawberry Shortcake
Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse
Many of the Older Barbie Movies
Cat Soup (It's a Surreal film)
Pucca Season 1
Clone High (It's an Adult show, so expect what you're going to see from one)
Domo Shorts
Ninjago: Wu's Teas Shorts
Growing up Creepie
101 Dalmations 90's Show
Quack Pack
Insanely Twisted Shadow Puppets (CW: Disturbing and creepy[?] Imagery and Loud Noises, they're just shorts I really like.)
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putschki1969 · 11 days
【Lyric Video】 Koganeiro no Yakusoku 【short ver.】
Last night, Hikaru's 9th digital single titled "黄金色の約束" was released. She first performed the song at the Mugi no Autumn Music Festival on May 12th. Lyrics: Hikaru; Composition/Arrangement: hoto-D Some thoughts: I ldon't mind it. I ike the calm vibe and the build-up to the chorus with the "chiisana" section but the chorus itself is only meh. It has a promising start but then it doesn't really do enough for me to hold my attention. Also wish she wouldn't have gone so high on some of those parts, not the most flattering I'm afraid and I don't think it fits the overall atmosphere of the song. Her prior releases as freelance solo artist include Survivor, Escape, Flow, Awe, Treasure, Remain, Embrace, Kiseki
LIKE her videos/SUBSCRIBE to her channel! Buy/Stream: https://linkco.re/52fa8pCU?lang=en
Also check out Hikaru's last two videos on her channel! Haven't gotten around to posting them yet.
【Qoo10】Skin care => Make-up
Sharing Everyone's Heartwarming Moments
This one was quite fun. Hikaru had asked people in her Instagram story to submit moments that had made their hearts skip a beat (in a romantic or platonic manner). You can tell that Hikaru really relates to the stories that involve children.
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『Hikaru B-day LIVE 2024』 Keiko Appearance Secured
The past few weeks have been dedicated to Hikaru's latest challenge on Music Champ wherein people need to buy items and send them during the live stream in order to build up to a certain power level. The goal of this time's challenge was to secure Keiko as a special guest for Hikaru’s birthday live in July. Although Hikaru had technically already announced/confirmed her as a guest but they always have to come up with some sort of contrived reason to justify the existence of these ridiculous challenges (can you tell that I'm still not a fan of the app?) On May 22 (Wednesday), she did a collab live stream with her fellow Ambient Border cast members Yuki Sasaki and Yumi Agawa. On June 2 (Sunday) she did a special live broadcast at the Music Champ studio. It was a bit longer than her Wednesday streams and at the end she performed Kiseki. Unfortunately, both lives were blocked for screen recording. I thought we'd left that behind us but most of her recent stuff has been blocked again T_T
Title: 『Hikaru B-day LIVE 2024 -love Begets love-』 Date: July 2, 2024 Venue: duo MUSIC EXCHANGE Time: open 18:00 / start 19:00 🔥Band Members: Key. TACOS NAOMI @TACOS_NAOMI Gt. HaKA @onimaru_otokage Mp. hoto-D @hoto_D 🔥Guest: KEIKO @KeikoStaff 💝
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Hikaru and atsuko (from angela)
Hikaru got together with atsuko (one half of the duo "angela" who regularly performed alongside Kalafina at various anime events). Atsuko was also seen attending the latest Yuki Kajiura tour performance and was featured in Keiko's Instagram post. Tweet by Hikaru | Instagram post by atsuko
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michidrawsathing · 1 month
✨Welcome to my Blog ✨
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Hi, everyone~ My name is Michi Yumi!
I'm a freelance illustrator and run an Etsy shop by the name of Lovechu Creations! My blog on Tumblr is mainly going to be an ask blog for Hetalia but I wanted to make an intro post to add some more information about me!
Additional Fandoms I'm In:
🌸 Hoyoverse Games (H:SR and GI) 🌸 Vocaloid (not PJSK aka Project Sekai) 🌸 Black Butler 🌸 League of Legends (including Arcane) 🌸 Stardew Valley
Master Posts:
OC Ask Master Post and OC Master List
Hetalia Ships
Read more for additional info :3
✨Michi's Commissions :3 ✨
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Message me on here if you want a commission from me :3 Much appreciated ya'll~ Have a good day!
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kookablarn · 10 months
The Luna-Sullivan Family
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Eleanor Sullivan had just begun dating Ignacio Robles before his death. While she’s in mourning, she’s also unimpressed by Jay and Bernice’s indecisiveness and has become bitter towards them both, thinking they don’t honor their father’s legacy. Meanwhile, Xochitl is ready to start dating again and Karmine wants to start a family.
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Name: Xochitl Luna Age: Adult Career: Athletic (Professional Athlete Branch) - All-Star (8) Aspiration: Love (Soulmate) Traits: Active, Loyal, Outgoing, Good Manners⭐, Frugal⭐ Family: Karmine Luna (Daughter) Friends: Bernice Robles (Friend). Christopher Michaelson (Good Friend), Leighton Sekemoto (Friend) Lifestyles: Coffee Fanatic Likes: Romance, Latin Pop, Guitar, Fitness, Wellness, Red Dislikes: Cooking Sexuality: Men (Romantic/Sexual), Not Exploring
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Name: Karmine Luna Age: Young Adult Career: Freelance Artist - Electrified Arts (1) Aspiration: Family (Big Happy Family) Traits: Creative, Good, Family-Oriented, Compassionate⭐, Responsible⭐, Good Manners⭐, Uncontrolled Emotions⭐, Great Kisser⭐ Family: Eleanor Sullivan (Grandmother), Xochitl Luna (Mother) Friends: Atlas Michaelson (Good Friend), Sam Sekemoto (Good Friend) Lifestyles: Health Food Nut Likes: Pop, S-Pop, Painting, Wellness, Pink, Blue Dislikes: Romance, Handiness, Mischief, Fitness Sexuality: Men/Women (Romantic/Sexual), Not Exploring
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Name: Eleanor Sullivan Age: Elder Career: Babysitter - Daycare Admin (3) Aspiration: Deviance (Chief of Mischief) Traits: Childish, Neat, Cheerful, Shameless⭐ Family: Karmine Luna (Granddaughter) Friends: Xochitl Luna (Friend), Yumi Sekemoto (Friend), Doli Ruano (Friend) Sentiments: Bernice Robles (Festering Grudge), Jay Robles (Festering Grudge) Clubs: The Gang Likes: Comedy, Mischief, Soul Music, Pink, Purple, Red Dislikes: Alternative Music Sexuality: Men (Romantic/Sexual), Exploring
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kaymacsimmer · 4 months
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~Not so Berry update~
Not only has Jett lost his other mother Yumi (sadly passed away from old age) Less than 24 hours later, Oreo went over the rainbow bridge!
Sapphire has since enrolled on a Fine Art degree with an ambition of becoming a freelance photographer!
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merrock · 2 years
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Merrock would like to welcome NISSIM KLEIN! Nissim (he/him, cis man) was born on December 16, 1986 in Chicago, Illinois and has been in town for fifteen years. Currently, he lives in the rural countryside and is working as a freelance writer. They look a little bit like Oliver Jackson-Cohen, no? – written by: Yumi, she/they, GMT+9, 25.
Welcome to Merrock, Yumi! We’re so excited to see Nissim here in town. Have a look at our welcome page, and be sure to send in your account within 48 hours, and your bio form as soon as possible. Thank you! xx
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
For the ask game: Matsuo👻
[ask meme]
oh yeah, it's Matchan time ! love this greasy man ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ 
Headcanon A:  realistic
he's a trans dude. Matsuo does as Matsuo wants, and what he wants is to be a guy who wears nail polish and speaks femininely. anyone who disagrees used to get fed to his precious spirits, but nowadays he's trying the more diplomatic approach known as "scaring them to death"
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
he actually meets Pudding-chan, i mean Mogami again after tragically losing him. they stare at each other from across the street. Matsuo takes a step forward, opens his mouth to say something, anything, anything to maybe get his sweet Pudding-chan back, not even as a pet necessarily. he liked being in the presence of such a strong evil spirit, liked having him by his side. loved it. would do anything to feel like this again
he takes another step
Mogami, meanwhile, thinks back to the stickers and the ridiculous nicknames and the way Matsuo rubbed his cheek on the spirit jars sometimes
he vanishes as Matsuo takes his third step, refusing to engage with the horrors of this world for the first time in his unlife
a single, solitary tear slides down Matsuo's face
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
he was kicked out of his house as a teenager and spent most of his life between that and Claw on the streets, barely surviving on whatever food he could find, and not even able to rely on solidarity from other homeless people because of his whole evil spirits deal
winters were especially harsh, and to this day he feels a sort of hollow pain inside his bones when it snows. his tolerance for people drops to Mogami levels on those days
and like, Matsuo has never been particularly pleasant to be around, but his teenage years definitely didn’t help him build a healthy outlook on the world
on the other hand, he really wasn’t worried about surviving after the whole 7th Division debacle, since he’d already been on his own for a good while before, so uh. silver linings ?
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own
ooh, this one is hard.... what even counts as unrealistic in this universe ?? i guess it would be very funny if he just. held a grudge against Dimple. like, kill-on-sight level grudge
he ruined Matsuo’s ultimate pet !! just by being put in the jar !! some things can just never be forgiven
Dimple will probably never know how lucky he was that Matsuo was busy with capturing Mogami back at the Asagiri mansion
(somehow, the only thing he and Mogami could ever agree on was their disdain for that one “booger-like” spirit. not that Mogami actually listened to anything else Matsuo blabbered about. being called Pudding-chan constantly was waaay enough for him, thank you very much)
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minhoinator · 3 years
Since there are a lot more new fans since DCM/Atlantis era, I thought I might compile a list of the links and names of Minho's dramas and films he's been in! I'll put it all under the cut and I'll try to keep it update since he seems intent on being booked and busy lol
The Pianist (2010) [youtube] - "Oh Je Ro is a musical genius who had always dream of learning the piano, but had to work in a piano factory as tuner instead of going to school in order to support his sick father. He had despaired of ever being given a chance to learn and thought the name his father gave him sounded like "Oh, Zero", signifying his lack of hope in the future. This changes when he meets an elementary school teacher, Yoon In Sa, and begins a delicate love story with her." (personal note: While you can tell it's his first time acting outside of SHINee's mvs, he's still super cute (granted, I'm very biased, so that anything I say with a grain of salt lol)
Salamander Guru and the Gang (2012) [dramacool] - "A pair of common thieves and a young computer hacker run a fortunetelling scam, while helping people with their personal problems in their spare time." (note: Kibum and Taemin do cameo in this, as well)
To The Beautiful You (2012) [viki] [dramacool] - "A high school girl who's inspired by a gold-medal High Jumper devises a scheme to motivate him by attending his school."
Medical Top Team (2013) [viki] [dramacool] [Minho-only cut] - "A team of elite doctors treats patients while dealing with power struggles within the hospital."
Because It's the First Time (2015) [dramacool] - "A group of young people gather on a rooftop and tell their stories." (note: Taeoh's friends absolutely did not deserve him 😤)
Canola (2016) [dramacool] - "Twelve years after having lost her grand daughter at a market, grand mother and grand daughter become reunited. But things are not as good and perfect as they were twelve years earlier. (note: his first movie! 🥺)
Drinking Solo (2016) [dramacool] - "The story depicts people drinking alcohol alone for different reasons and the romance between Jin Jeong Seok and Park Ha Na. They both work at a private institute for people preparing for their civil service examinations in Noryangjin, Seoul. He is an arrogant, but popular instructor and she is a rookie instructor who struggles to survive in the private institute world." (note: full disclosure, I could not stand the main leads, but I was watching this for Kibum anyways, and he was phenomenal lol Minho just has a cameo appearance in this, and that's episode 5, I believe)
Derailed (2016) [dramacool] - "Four runaways trying to survive and make ends meet struggle day by day. Enter Ma Dong-Seok. He tried to help but they took advantage of the wrong guy. So it's the classic mistake of wrong guy at the wrong time." (note: one of my favorite roles he's done. he didn't have to go as hard as he did but he did and i'm grateful)
Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth (2016-2017) [viki] [dramacool] - "Revolves around an elite group of male warrior youth called Hwarang who grow through passion and love in Seorabeol, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Silla." (note: i have watched this....many times. I love it unapologetically. Kim Sooho has done nothing wrong ever in his life)
Somehow 18 (2017) [dramacool] - "A handsome orthopedic surgeon loses his first love who committed suicide when he was in his high school days. To save her he gets the chance to go back in time."
The Most Beautiful Goodbye in the World (2017) [dramacool] - "The story revolves around a family with their highs and lows when their beloved mother only has one month left to live." (note: I bought this one on dvd so i could watch it when I'm ready but it sounds so sad 🥺 i have to psych myself up for it)
The Princess and the Matchmaker (2018) [dramacool] - "Princess Songhwa refuses her fate of marrying someone who matches her marital harmony. There are four men on her future husband list with different fate signs. Refusing her fate, she decides to leave the palace and find her husband by herself. Seo Do Yoon is a person who interprets marital harmony signs. He is very skilled at his craft and, consequently, selected as the one to read the marital harmony signs between Princess Songhwa and the four men on her husband list."
Illang: The Wolf Brigade (2018) [dramacool] - "Set in the distant future where both North and South Koreas agree to establish a joint government, which has been in preparation for a duration of seven years, the plot focuses on political uprisings on opposing sides which grow fierce when a special police unit is formed to stop the chaos." (note: 🥺😭)
The Battle of Jangsari (2019) [viki] [dramacool] - "A unit of student soldiers on a diversionary mission for the Battle of Incheon during the Korean War in 1950." (note: yeah so i was a complete mess for like the last twenty minutes so just prepare yourself (it's well worth it, though, he was absolutely amazing in this))
Lovestruck in the City (2020-2021) [dramacool] - "Park Chae Won, an honest and overly passionate architect who loves the city streets. After a woman that he calls the “camera thief” steals his heart one summer night and then disappears, he is unable to get over her. Lee Eun Oh, a freelance marketer who spontaneously decides to adopt a false identity in an unfamiliar place. She accidentally ends up falling in love with Park Chae Won while posing as the free-spirited Yoon Sun Ah."
Yumi's Cells (2021) [viki] [dramacool] - "The story of an ordinary office worker named Yumi-from the point of view of the many brain cells in her head controlling her every thought, feeling, and action." (note: just, so adorable so far. Minho plays a side character who shows up occasionally (heavily in the first two episodes), but the story is based off of a web comic that I read when I found out he got cast as Wook and honestly it's worth the watch even if he wasn't in it)
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puttingherinhistory · 3 years
"A group of Japanese women have submitted a petition to the government to protest against what they say is a de facto requirement for female staff to wear high heels at work.
The KuToo campaign – a play on words from the Japanese kutsu, meaning shoes, and kutsuu, meaning pain – was launched by the actor and freelance writer Yumi Ishikawa and quickly won support online.
Campaigners said wearing high heels was considered to be near-obligatory when job hunting or working at many Japanese companies."
More women everywhere around the world should protest companies that make heels mandatory for women while allowing men who work in their company to wear flat shoes. A lot of restaurants and airlines in North America and Europe make heels mandatory for female flight attendants and waitresses while letting male flight attendants and waiters wear flat comfortable shoes. This is a health and safety hazard for jobs like this that are long hours constantly on your feet. Especially with working as a flight attendant it's a huge safety hazard in case of turbulence or an emergency evacuation.
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konoa-t · 6 months
(˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶) ( 。 •̀ ㅿ •́ 。 )
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cyb-by-lang · 4 years
... what would, purely hypothetical, a CYB-Temeraire-crossover look like?
Long post incoming.
Well, the first thing to figure out is if the situation involves a straight up crossover--one group of characters visiting another setting--or a full fusion AU where the characters are depicted as always being part of the same world.
A straight crossover would probably be the fault of someone on the Naruto side of things, because space-time ninjutsu is a thing and also a very easy excuse, given that the Temeraire universe doesn’t have magic. Despite the dragons.
I’d personally prefer to shunt Tailed Beasts like Isobu out of their seals, because a world with indigenous megafauna is as much a playground to them as the seas of One Piece. It also effectively gives Kei a ship, which during the era of the books helps a lot for transportation problems. Steam ships are still a couple decades from full development. The Temeraire series takes place before the widespread development of rifled firearms, but basically every military in the world uses some kind of long gun as their mainstay. Cavalry is still effective, except in direct combat with dragons.
Most of the weird life-forms are dragon-adjacent, such as the sea serpents and the tunneler/deinonychus/Onix creatures colloquially known as “bunyips,” which are extremely effective at eating people. And creating Sarlacc pits.
And since Kei is Japanese--by ludicrous technicality if nothing else--that raises some interesting questions during this point in history. During the Tokugawa shogunate/Bakufu, the country was closed. The only foreigners permitted anywhere in-country were the Dutch (which is incidentally where everyone got their guns for the Warring States period), and no Japanese nationals were allowed to leave the country either. When Laurence ends up in Japan due to classic protagonist weirdness, he spends a lot of time running away from the locals or in disguise, even with the help of Lady Kiyomizu (who is a massive dragon) and her various subordinates. Japan is also aligned against China (which is allied with Britain for most of the book timeline), which is basically the world’s main superpower during the series, which makes Laurence’s post-book-two rank as a Chinese prince a bit...awkward.
What the hell is that sentence.
All of this to say that Kei might like interacting with Temeraire and his fellow dragons, but hate working around the social restrictions of the human cultures at the time. The era is not great for women, commoners, or foreigners in any given country. Since basically all the dragon-adjacent beings can talk, this doesn’t cut down her socializing opportunities as much as you’d think. She’d probably find their math aptitude a little off-putting. The dragons of England would probably just be happy to see a non-aviator human who doesn’t run away from them while screaming.
Isobu would probably likewise get along great with the dragons, but hate the humans a whole lot. Leaving aside the likelihood he gets mistaken for like, the mythical Leviathan, the sailors that he’s most likely to encounter are the most superstitious part of the population. They do not like things that turn ships into scrap heaps by sneezing.
And even if Isobu liked seeing them spooked, he doesn’t like humans who mistreat Kei. He also wouldn’t be able to help as much with aerial battles, what with being ground-bound and more specifically stuck in the ocean. He might end up taking that out on a convenient navy, unless “rolling over everything like a murderous cart wheel“ is the tactic of the day. He’d be such a nightmare to the locals, not least because he out-masses damn near everything in the setting.
That’s before you get to the water control, illusions, and mouth lasers.
So, at this point we take a left turn to deal with the idea of a Kei born into the world of Temeraire, dragons and all. Full fusion AU!
Kei’d be born some twenty-six years before Laurence and his coterie land anywhere interesting, because it gives her time to establish herself. She’d be born to the daughter of a disgraced samurai family, likely struck down by the shogun’s order, and a commoner man whose primary income was firework-making.
She’d probably actually be named Keiko. Astonishing.
During this period, katana were restricted solely to the true samurai class, Kei probably wouldn’t get to be a swordswoman this time. Her mother’s primary weapons would instead be the yumi (bow), the naginata, and the tanto.
There’s also a very strict social hierarchy, since this is still a feudal society. The only way out is through breaking a ton of rules. Like joining an organization such as the Oniwabanshu or the yakuza. As a result, Kei probably would have the more thorough girls’ education that she mostly missed in CYB.
Kei’s parents probably survive her childhood and adolescence, if only because their livelihoods are not as dangerous and there’s not currently a war on.
In Japan.
For now.
Kei’s brother Hayate would be trained more in their dad’s livelihood, and grow up to be a merchant instead of a shinobi.
During her teens, Kei makes friends with a feral Japanese Sui-Ryu dragon, whose true name was Isobu. Because of the breed’s importance to Japanese society in the Temeraire universe, being the chosen companion of a giant monster that doesn’t care about human rules is a massive boon to Kei. And Isobu gets a companion with thumbs.
Isobu doesn’t like people much here, either, but is willing to let Kei follow along as he patrols the area around Japan’s western seas as long as she entertains him.
Basically, Kei becomes a very weird freelancer, mostly due to her boon companion’s eccentricities rather than her own. And if Lord Isobu says “jump,” everyone else had better already be three feet in the air.
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putschki1969 · 5 months
【Lyric Video】Embrace【short ver.】
Following her first six releases as freelancer (Survivor, Escape, Flow, Awe, Treasure, Remain), Hikaru is now releasing her 7th digital single titled “Embrace”. A short lyric video was uploaded to her official YouTube channel so be sure to check it out!
At midnight of January 21, the digital track will be available on different online platforms! Link: https://linkco.re/DZhSax4g Lyrics Hikaru Composition HaKA Arrangement hoto-D
Thoughts: Ohhhhhh. I like this one a lot (at least what we get to hear from it for now). I am a bit sad though that there doesn't seem to be any substantial difference between the verse and the chorus (which is something I usually want in my music, give me a strong build-up dammit XD). The verse is beautiful and it actually sounds like it is building up to something bigger but then nothing really happens T_T Still, the first verse and chorus as a whole feel very impactful to me. I think it's the somber atmosphere and Hikaru's emotional singing. Okay, I have now listened to the whole thing and I still like it very much. I REALLY love the bridge with the "Ai yueni..." lines. I also appreciate that the song has a bit more oomph in the second half. Hikaru providing some harmony for herself helps add a lot of dimension I think.
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Hikaru LIVE TOUR 2024 -FEATURES-」 Fukuoka
Here’s a picture of today’s Fukuoka performance at LIVE HOUSE OP’s. This is the second concert of her solo tour. Tweet by Hikaru | Tweet by Yumi Agawa | Instagram post by Hikaru
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lily12123 · 3 years
The Code Lyoko Warriors as adults
Odd Della Robbia: Eventually comes out as a raging bisexual disaster, grows up to be an indie film director of mostly horror and science fiction. somehow ends up as the tallest in the group by the end of high school
Aelita Schaeffer: Finds the perfect blend of her love of tech and creativity through being a techno DJ. Has a lucrative career opening for bigger names and travels all over the world. Frequently collabs with Odd on his films and has a tendency to go off on international adventures with Odd and Yumi, much to her husband Jeremie’s chagrin.
Jeremie Belpois: Gets in to a classified government weapons program around college but starts to go a little Victor Frankenstein, prompting a group intervention. He eventually decides to leave weapons behind and focus all his energy on a tech company focused on world peace, with Aelita being his moral compass.
Yumi Ishiyama: Works for Jeremie traveling to different countries to asses their cultural needs and sometimes acting as muscle against more hostile entities. Loves traveling with Odd and Aelita in her spare time, especially to visit her little brother back in France.
Ulrich Stern: Grows up to dabble in competitive martial arts but for the most part is a stay at home dad for his and Yumi’s daughter. He has gone to therapy and worked hard on his jealousy issues, but still gets a little overprotective when it comes to Yumi. Has a tendency to show up in whatever country she’s in at just the right moment.
William Dunbar: Never quite gets over Yumi or gets in to the inner circle of the group, but is on much friendlier terms with everyone. Sometimes does freelance security for Jeremie and Yumi.
and for fun...
Sissy Delmas: Mellows out in high school after a short-lived emo phase. Ends up really good friends with the group as an adult. Gets a nursing degree but often has small roles in Odd’s films garnering her a cult following.
Jim Morales: After shutting down X.A.N.A (and realizing they have no plan for Aelita’s future) they tell Jim everything, including showing him the factory and lyoko logbook. He officially adopts Aelita soon after. He retires from teaching in his mid forties and lives off partly his pension and partly from the sales of his memoirs
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cryingcow · 4 years
Sera, Jingu, & Kazama - The Tojo Clan Secret [RGGO] - Ch. 6-7
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
I got swamped with schoolwork, but I promise to finish the rest of this this weekend!
Previously: Sera shows off the fact that he doesn’t have to do his own laundry anymore by going to a forest in a white kimono. Together, he and Yumi demonstrate that they both have the same shit taste in men. (Real talk, if you’re going to devote yourself to a politician who won’t hesitate to throw you under a bus, at least have the self-respect to choose someone who’s actually hot).
Btw, Jingu keeps using 同志 to refer to Sera, which according to Google Translate means “comrade/kindred soul”. And honestly it’s just fucking sad that Sera keeps falling for it. Someone give this man other friends please :/
Warnings: Major Yakuza Kiwami/1 spoilers
|In 1996, Yumi Sawamura gave birth to her daughter Haruka. Destiny is gradually set in motion . . .|
|A few years after Yumi gave birth to Haruka . . .|
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[Tea Room]
Sera: “What? Are you in a relationship with the Prime Minister’s daughter?”
Jingu: “Oh, it was like dew drops on a clear sky. It’s not official yet.”
Sera: “Hey, what are you going to do with Yumi and your daughter?”
Jingu: “So I’m in trouble. Fortunately, we haven’t registered our marriage yet . . . “
Sera: “’Fortunately’ . . . ?!”
Jingu: “Sera. Like I said before, engagement is a strategy for politicians. We cannot afford to miss this great opportunity. Of course, I’ll discuss it with Yumi. I’ll get her to back out.”
Sera: “. . . you think you’ll convince her?”
Jingu: “. . . Yumi will understand. Sera, we have dreams. They’re still the same even today. I would sacrifice anything for that to happen, even the woman I love and my child.”
Sera: “. . . Jingu . . .”
Jingu: “That’s enough on that. So my next job . . . I want you to threaten someone. Apparently, there is another candidate for the Prime Minister’s daughter’s hand in marriage. He’s a politician like me, but he comes from a long line of politicians.”
Sera: “Jingu, do you even know what you are trying to do? Is this man a promising politician that has a shot at being Prime Minister in the future? Is this to kick off your ambitions?”
Jingu: “I know. It’s dirty. But it has to be done. As long as I have this marriage, it’s like a ticket straight to being Prime Minister myself. This is the final step in reaching our dreams! Sera, did you forget your promise to me?! Are you backing out now?!”
Sera: “. . . and you’re sure this is the last?”
Jingu: “Thank you. I knew you would understand . . . comrade.”
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[Politician Tomino’s Office]
Sera: “If I may disturb you.”
Tomino: “What is it?”
Sera: “The marriage with the Prime Minister’s daughter. You need to back out.”
Tomino: “What . . . ?”
Sera: “If you won’t listen, I’ll have to take rough measures.”
Tomino’s bodyguard: “Get out. This isn’t a place for people like you to just waltz in.”
Sera: “I should have known it wouldn’t be easy. I guess it can’t be helped.”
{Sera and his men defeat the politician’s bodyguards.}
Sera: “Forget about the marriage.”
Tomino: “What does that mean?! What does it have anything to do with you?!”
Sera’s subordinate: “Don’t pry!”
Tomino: “Guh . . . ! Okay, just please don’t hit me . . .”
Sera: “It doesn’t matter. But I’ll be watching you. If you talk, I’ll end your life. Understood?!”
Tomino: “Yes!”
Sera: (. . . fuck.)
|After a few weeks.|
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[Tojo HQ - Waiting Room]
{Jingu gives Sera a call.}
Jingu’s voice: “Sera, lend me a hand. Something bad happened.”
Sera: “What is it?”
Jingu’s voice: “Just come, okay!”
Sera: “Alright, I’ll bring my men. Where?”
Jingu’s voice: “No . . . I want you to come alone.”
Sera: “What, why?”
Jingu’s voice: “The corpse . . . I want you to clean up a corpse.”
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[Parking Lot]
Sera: “Jingu . . . “
Jingu: “. . . Sera. The corpse is in the trunk.”
Sera: “Jingu, what is the meaning of this? Who is the corpse?”
Jingu: “. . . it was an accident . . .”
Sera: “Accident?”
Jingu: “This is a freelance reporter. He found out about the situation with Yumi and Haruka. He thought he could blackmail money out of me, with my marriage to the Prime Minister’s daughter. So . . . I pushed him . . . he hit his head . . . and now he’s dead. And it’s not just the corpse. I need you to go to his house and destroy all his memos and photos. I implore you, Sera! You’re the only one I can count on for this!”
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[Murder Forest]
Sera: “Unless a landslide occurs, no one will ever unearth the corpse. Is this enough?”
Jingu: “No. There are other things we need to take care of.”
Sera: “What . . . ?”
Jingu: “To make sure this never happens again, I need you to get rid of 2 more people.”
Sera: “You . . . no way . . .”
Jingu: “Sera . . . this is for our dreams.”
Sera: “. . . Kazama-san’s daughter and grandchild. Killing my benefactor’s family . . . I can’t do that.”
Jingu: “Sera. Do you think you can back out now?”
Sera: “What?”
Jingu: “You’ve dirtied your hands for me. You, the Third Chairman of the Tojo Clan. If you forsake me now, I’ll leak everything you’ve done! Including the laundering of the police’s 10 billion. If they find out, you’ll be punished and killed. And that’s not all. The crime of money laundering is heavy . . . the whole Tojo Clan will be punished . . . !”
“You and me have a shared destiny. We rise with each other and we fall with each other. We’re stuck together until the end . . .!”
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[Yumi’s Room]
Sera’s subordinate: “. . . are you sure about this?”
Sera: “Yes. Please do not let both mother and daughter suffer.”
Sera’s subordinate: “. . . understood.”
Sera: (It can’t be helped. This is . . .my promise to Jingu. It’s for our dreams.)
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Yumi: “Who?!”
Sera: “Fuck. How did you notice . . .”
Yumi: “No!”
{A shot rings out. Sera’s subordinate collapses.}
Sera’s subordinate: “Guwah!”
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Kazama: “. . .“
Sera: “!”
Kazama: “Do you know what you’re doing? . . . Third Chairman!”
Sera: “Kazama-san, this is my promise . . .to Jingu.”
Kazama: “Sacrificing women and children . . . is that the kind of promise we should keep?”
Sera: “. . .”
Kazama: “I won’t let you do such a thing!”
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Yumi: “. . . hand . . .gun?”
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Yumi: “Iyaaaaaaaa?!”
Kazama: “Yumi, Yumi?! What happened? You . . . saw the handgun . . .”
Sera: “. . . Kazama-san. Please step out of the way.”
Kazama: “If you can’t understand, then I’ll have to make you understand.”
Sera: “!”
Kazama: “I don’t need to hold back. I’m going to kill you!!”
{Boss fight with Kazama. Technically I won, but because of plot, Sera loses.}
Kazama: “Sera. My arms aren’t weakening.”
Sera: (. . . kuu. So strong . . . even with that leg . . .what is this ability? As expected from a man who sounded like a great hitman . . .)
{Kazama lowers his gun.}
Kazama: “I can’t forgive you if I go any further than this.”
Sera: “Kazama-san, I can’t give up here . . .”
Kazama: “. . . I see . . . I understand.”
{A thud is heard as Kazama whacks Sera on the head.}
Sera: “. . . hn?! . . .Guh . . .a . . .”
Kazama: “You want to die? . . . cool your head.”
|Next morning . . .|
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[Another Room]
Sera: “. . .”
Kazama: “. . .”
Sera: “Kazama-san. I was wondering . . .”
Kazama: “Hm?”
Sera: “What is Yumi’s state?”
Kazama: “Calm, now. She’s sleeping. Fortunately or unfortunately, she seems to have regained her memories. Probably from seeing the handgun.”
Sera: “! . . . is that so . . .”
Kazama: “Sera . . . why are you doing this?”
Sera: “I received a request . . . from Jingu.”
Kazama: “Jingu?”
Sera: “There’s talk of him marrying the Prime Minister’s daughter.”
Kazama: “What . . . ? I hadn’t heard. But Yumi and Haruka are the guy’s . . .”
Sera: “Yeah. That’s why he’s afraid of the scandal and wants Yumi and Haruka dead. I hope freelance journalists will be shaken up by what happened and it won’t happen again in the future . . .”
Kazama: “! . . .”
Sera: “Kazama-san. I think Jingu has gone crazy. He’s not the same guy I once knew. . . . if he finds out that Yumi and Haruka survived, he’ll take other measures. He will try to erase her.”
Kazama: “. . . Sera. Report to Jingu that you have killed Yumi and Haruka. I’ll hide them away somewhere.”
Sera: “. . . understood.”
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Sera: “Jingu. It’s over. Everything . . .”
Jingu: “Did you kill her?”
Sera: “The corpse was thrown over a cliff. Even if it was found, it will be treated as an accident. It is more likely that the body won’t be found because of the waves.”
Jingu: “That’s a good decision. If they were found dead, suspicious eyes would turn to me. You did a good job as expected. I will continue to make requests of you. You are the best partner.”
Sera: “Jingu . . . is this the last for your job?”
Jingu: “What do you mean?”
Sera: “I’ll never touch a woman or child ever again. I . . . I want to clean my hands of this.”
Jingu: “Isn’t it, Sera?”
Sera: “!”
Jingu: “I’m not at the top of the country yet. In addition, how much help did I lend you to get the chairman’s seat?”
Sera: “That is . . .”
Jingu: “Don’t worry. This is the last kill. I won’t make you do it again. So Sera . . . will you continue to cooperate in the future?”
Sera: (If I decline, I’ll be threatened with the 10 billion yen laundering. . . . Jingu. How did we . . . end up like this. Where did we go wrong . . .?)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
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