#Rex: *unholy screeching*
clonememesfrikyeah · 2 years
Rex dragging an IV cart while he speed-limps down the hall: “AAAAAAHHHHH!”
Coric *pointing because he caught him escaping*: “Why are you running?!”
Kix *right behind them with a full syringe of sleepy juice and a couple of ratchet straps*: “WHY ARE YOU RUNNING?!?!”
Rex as Kix launches himself at him, taking him out at the legs: “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH”
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just-some-trans-nobody · 10 months
December Christmas Monster stories
December 5.) Crazy Mothman
Warnings: creepy behavior such as watching reader sleep, stealing, nonsexual touching
Minors Don't interact!
You were doing some late night Christmas shopping when you saw him for the first time. He was holding arm fulls of Christmas lights trying to fly away with them as he let out unholy screeches. He was perfect, you only wished you could see him again. 
The next day your neighbor's Christmas lights were stolen and you just knew it was him. Putting up your own up that day you waited for him to show. It was only a few minutes past when he finally showed his fuzzy face trying to grab at all the lights. Holding a flashlight you shown it on him , gaining his attention. In a blur of black fuzz he was in front of you trying to grab the flash light from you while screeching “MINE!” over and over again. “Calm down! Calm down I’ll give it to you just come inside and chill out!” Your words caused him to freeze in his tracks. He had never been invited inside a home before. Holding his many hands on his chest in a t-rex pose he strolled inside. Curiosity taking over him as he looked around cooing softly. “So many lights.” he whispered, looking at your tree. With impossibly quiet footsteps he approached the bright tree reaching his hands out to touch the sparkling lights. “You can stay a little longer and watch them.” You offered him.
A little longer turned to a few hours, a few hours turned into all night, all night turned to the next day, next day turned to a few days, few days turned to weeks. He never left and you didn’t mind one bit. He was so so darn cute the way he walked around on thin tip toes and looked at everything with intense interest. Over time the two of you grew closer to the point he started sleeping in your bed with you. You didn’t know that the night you woke up randomly to see him hovering above you wasn’t because he couldn’t sleep and wanted to lay in bed with you like you had first thought. No no he was watching you, he had been doing this sense the first time he spent the night at your house and had kept doing it each night you slept. He was curious, you looked so peaceful sleeping. Being in bed with you was very fun to him. You didn’t get much sleep that night as he was touching absolutely everything in your bed or in reach from where he was laying, you included. He does that every so often, he just likes to touch. 
Daily life can be a bit of a struggle, he sleeps during the day so you tried to do things quietly. If you were too loud and woke him he would be by your side immediately wanting to see what you're doing. No matter how little sleep he got he was never grumpy when woken, he was too curious to be grumpy. 
You weren’t sure what exactly your relationship was with him but it was pure perfection whatever it was, you wouldn’t change a thing. Except maybe the fact you keep finding him in your closet eating your clothes. That has to stop.
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abbinurmel · 1 year
GUYS GUYS GUYS, you guys, who wants to share and discuss old obscure kids cartoon shows with me, huh huh huh??
While this was just another obvious Rugrats/Muppet Babies rip-off, for what it's worth, this show was HUGE to me and my baby sister. We played pretend more so as these guys than their better well known far more original predecessors yet even other kids during the 90s didn't much care about this show. It's too bad they lacked merch at least in the US cos if they had any I would have bought it all. I dunno why this mediocre cartoon was so big a deal but I guess we can chalk it up to us simply being into all things dinosaur across the board.
Overall the writing was neither amazing nor terrible, just average for a wholesome kids show, but the entire thing's appeal hinged around one tiny aspect:
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This guy! ...LOOK at this guy! Such a cute lil bastard! He's PRECIOUS! ❤️He's gonna go cruelly concuss some little children with coconuts just for fun from high above, FOR NO REASON, yes he is, YETH HE IIIZ! 😘
This red eyed fiend was called Dak, who was the only antagonist ever on the show, and basically a male Angelica; constantly teasing and pulling tricks purely to get food he could already more easily reach and hoard, or just giggle over suffering. He played things like witches and vampires/ other villains in any retelling of fairy tales and I found him so cool cos pterosaurs were almost always among my favorite dinos, but they didn't quite as often show up. 99% of the time, at least in media up til this point, any evil/mischievous dino, even ones that were not feral just 'playground bullies' or 'rude neighbor' sort of guys, the species chosen for such was always a velociraptor or T-rex, usually portrayed as big, slovenly dumb and older brash teenagers or stupid adult stereotypes.
Sometimes you'd get fictional non-descript looking Bowsers or kaijus. Pterosaurs and pterodactyls meanwhile always got the shaft. You had that one segment of Fantasia, and Don Bluth's Petri, and that was it. Subconsciously even to this day it seems we still have relegated nearly ALL flying dinos to only cowardly sidekicks or filler roles, if not simply outright mindless mounts or 'birds' or five second 'sentient Flintstone-tool' gags. Which is crazy, because if we read up on them, these beasts were literal some of the top apex predators, *nightmare dragons* with private plane wingspan at their mightiest worst, the nastiest and shittiest of cassowary or Canada geese at the lowest end. Which is quite possibly lots worse for us humans to deal with if you dwell on it. Have you ever fucked around with angry swan or Canadian goose? Do NOT TRY.
Dak meanwhile, was not only a pterosaur, he wasn't even any bigger or older than the other babies on the show. He was cunning, mean and extremely agile and literally had the exact same personality and voice of a tamed Zorak from "Space Ghost Coast2Coast"...which is hilarious because nobody else in the show sounds like that. Can you imagine having a friend group like this, I mean in actual real life?...Everyone else has your typical 90's child voice, or at least voices attempting at sounding *kinda* like a child, and everyone else has fairly normal human names like Franklin and Marshall. ...All except this one weird guy who is only called DAK and is clearly AN ADULT and screeching like he was the unholy spawn between Mrs. Bighead and one of the Dark Crystal's Skeksis. You got for no reason this one crackhead or irl Invader Zim character hanging around and constantly harassing you and you can't make him go away so you begrudgingly accept him as your friend AND HE CAN FLY.
...Maybe it's just me? There's just something really kinda funny about having a bunch of normal kids standing around, and then there is THAT guy; the one guy who for no reason hangs out just to be a pest and has fucking bloodshot red eyes, and speaks like Gollum except he eats cigarette butts from the trash cans every day. I can't explain, I just... love it.
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fallen--leafs · 2 years
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Day 4
Duncan has chosen violence and now he has picked his first victim. He chases Henry through the forest as the sun properly rises, and he’s surprisingly good at it. Henry spent the night partially getting chased away by Nero, rested too briefly, and now he’s being chased again—He’s not careful enough. In turning around (perhaps weighing his chances against Duncan and a hatchet), he trips, falls, and takes a good long tumble down the hillside. Duncan watches this happen, contemplates… But decides it is funnier if someone else finishes him. Or maybe the environment gets him. Who knows. He huffs, and moves on.
The other hunter has used his morning well. He too has chosen violence, but with the same enthusiasm you might clock into work in the morning: Not really enthusiastic, but aware He Needs To Be Here. And so it is. He bids Harlow farewell, mentally giving her a headstart (and noting which direction she moves in) and picks up the hunt. Tick is his Victim of Choice he decides, if only because he wants to kill Someone and she was Slightly Rude the day before. He returns to the place they had split up, starts tracking her…
It is unceremonious. Cold. Tick actually had a kind of nice night—Alone, sure, but managing to bundle up warm enough, enjoy the fake night sky, look at the stars… Come morning, she had a calm start! Perhaps with some ritual, and gathering resources… I don’t think she even has much time to react before an arrow pierces her skull. Then another. Alessio is unexpectedly deadly for an office worker. The cannon shot rings out as Tick goes down, knocking the second district out of the race completely.
Nero has started the day well enough.. Waking up in the cave, getting sponsored some clean water… But the game masters decide he has spent enough time alone- and worse yet safe. Maybe he can even see the drone as it air-drops three Creatures by the cornucopia. They look like… dinosaurs, at first glance – a t-rex perhaps?? They are fast, easily as tall as him, and making vicious screeching noises. They start sniffing the air. Nero recognises his cue to leave and takes off, grabbing what he can before taking his headstart into the forest.
The creatures strike out, three of them here, and one does indeed beeline for the cave. Nero has made it out in time. The other, however, seems to track a different location. It runs out in the direction of Prince Len, unholy screeching announcing its arrival way before it is seen. Leo has only moments to get out, grabbing rudimentary weapons and food and booking it away from the shack. But the creature didn’t come for him, luckily. It comes in and ravages his shack, until there is only rubble left on the ground… But then it heads off.
The three creatures retreat. No one was there when the hunter shack was destroyed, but it too is gone now. Job well done, the beasts disappear.
Elsewhere in the Arena, Sorcha has packed up from her alcove and is out hunting. She divvied up her sponsored food, and there’s no pressure to hunt yet, but why wait until there is? Best to stay ahead. Finally there’s Harlow. They manage to stay out of trouble, perhaps cautious at the increasing number of cannon shots… Then again, maybe that means the Quota for today has been filled. Either way, they keep off the paths, keep an eye out, and indeed stay alive until dusk.
(At least. That sounded ominous. Until dusk at least.)
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rexcoatlarchive · 4 years
Spoiled Goddess
Rex had found himself in possession of a VERY large amount of money (qp or mana prisms or whatever) and he decided that there was only one thing he could do with it
Quetz: you're going to what?!
Rex: I'm going to spoil the hell out of you mi corazon!
Quetz: seriously? I don't think that's necessary mi amor.
Rex: well that's too bad. It's my money and I get to use it however I want, and I want to spoil the ever living hell out of you!
Quetz: where'd you even get so much?
Rex: lottery
Quetz: we have a lottery?
Rex: it's kinda newish.
Rex: anyway, today's all about you! You'll be more spoiled then even Ishtar is!
Quetz: that's so unnecessary mi amor. Just being with you is enough.
Rex: and I will be with you, while spending all of this on treating you!
Quetz: eeeehhh... fine. I guess that's alright. But you should keep some for yourself too.
Rex: sure, whatever's left I'll keep.
Quetz: so... how exactly are you going to spoil me?
Rex: ask for whatever and it'll be your's!
Quetz: hmmmm, but I don't want anything right now.
Rex: hmmmm... well let's just start with things anyone likes.
Quetz: like what?
Rex: some clothes
The two went over to a special store that Sheba ran, she ran many stores because money, and started looking at all the different clothes Quetz liked.
Quetz: there's so many nice clothes here. I don't think I can choose.
Rex: you don't have to. I can afford to buy all you want.
Quetz: no, that's unnecessary mi amor.
Rex: that's the whole reason we're here mi corazon.
Quetz: hmmm, fiiiine. I guess.
They bought so many clothes. Among them were a nice white sun dress, a cute winter jacket, a new swimsuit, a cute purple dress, a styling leather jacket, a very warm looking turtleneck, a new workout outfit, and some new shoes.
Quetz: it's really nice to have all these new clothes. But what else could you buy?
Rex: hmmmm, isn't there anything else you've had your eyes on?
Quetz: well...
Rex bought a whole ass car. Don't ask where they sell the car or where Quetz would use it, she just has one now.
Quetz: it's so nice mi amor! Are you sure it wasn't too much?
Rex: please! It barely made a dent in the lottery funds.
Quetz: how much did you win?
Rex: I forgot, but I've been keeping track to make sure I don't overspend.
Quetz: this is actually starting to be really fun.
Rex: want anything else?
Quetz: how about... some jewelry?
Rex: sure thing
Rex bought Quetz so much jewelry. Rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, almost all of them had nice green jewels in them. It was Quetz's favorite color and she always looked good with it.
Quetz: oooh! I feel so nice with all this on! I must look amazing!
Rex: you always look amazing!
Quetz, blushing: eeeehhh, you don't have to say that mi amor!
Rex: anything else?
Quetz: goodness, I'm not sure.
Rex: I got an idea
Quetz: a TV?
Rex: yeah, a nice bigass flat-screen TV. To watch whatever we want in the HIGHEST quality.
Quetz: that's really nice.
Rex: but that's not all! I've got more new stuff for the room.
Quetz: like what?
Rex: a nice new bed, a big couch, I've had it expanded, and now you're serpent can stay with us!
Serpent: *unholy screech of the damned*
Quetz: aaawww, thank you! I didn't like having to leave them with the other animals.
Rex: and the temple's been upgraded too!
Quetz: eh!?
In the temple room
Rex: now we have all these golden treasures, a proper altar in the center, and a bigass mural on the wall that depicts our journey together!
Quetz: oh my... it's all so beautiful! I love it!
Quetz hugs Rex in response
Rex: I knew you'd like it.
Rex: but I got 1 more surprise for you.
Quetz: what is it?
Rex: just go sit in the side room and I'll come in when I'm ready
Quetz: eh?
Quetz waited in the side room on their second bed for a while. Finally the door opens and in comes Rex wearing a nice suit, like a butler.
Rex, bowing: hello my dear goddess, how may I be of service?
Quetz was enamored. She actually thought Rex looked real good in suits.
Quetz: I want you in bed with me mi amor
Rex, now flustered: w-w-wait! Don't you want anything else first?
Quetz was sitting at the edge of the bed, now with legs wide open.
Quetz: I want mi esposo to take off that suit and join me in bed.
Rex, even more flustered: of course! Anything for you my beloved!
A/N: got this idea while listening to some music earlier. I really would like to spoil the hell outta Quetz.
Tags that are not gonna work but whatever.
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adhd-clones · 4 years
congrats on 500! for the writing reqs, do you think you can write wolffe & cody bonding? or anything about your ocs (because i love them a lot)? whatever you want is good!
Thank you! :D
I ended up doing both prompts because I had good ideas for them!
Cody gives Wolffe a calculating look from head to toe.
“Something seems different about you,” he muses, “You change your hair?”
“And people wonder why you get along with Kenobi so well,” Wolffe grumbles, “you’re both insufferable.” He shoulder checks Cody before he can avoid it.
They’re both grinning as Cody elbows him back.
“Now we match,” Cody says.
“Naw,” Wolffe scoffs, “my scar makes me look dashing and mysterious. You look like you ran into some unfortunate pipework.”
“No, that’s Rex’s thing,” Cody shoots back, and then they both burst out laughing.
It’s good to see each other again.
The door opens just as someone releases an unholy screech.
Blinking, Stub takes in the scene that he has just walked in on.
There are armor pieces scattered everywhere and paint on the floor, the bunks, and the ceiling. More paint is smeared over his four batchmates than the armor, where it’s supposed to be.
Berry, with teal slashed across his eye like warpaint, is upside down, and sees Stub first.
“Oh kriff, hi, Stub.”
Dev drops him immediately and they scramble to look at their sergeant and eldest batchmate. Even Dusty is liberally paint-smudged.
“I won’t even ask,” sighs Stub.
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thealluringsink · 5 years
you can’t talk to captain rex like that
what if the scene went like 
wrecker: says who?
jesse: woah!
rex: put him down!
crosshair: stay out of it
kix: hey, watch it!
tech: uh, guys, come on
cody: *unholy screeching*
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androgynosaurus · 8 years
How excited are you about SUE being nonbinary, on a scale of 1 to *unholy screeching*?
Considering I was sent/tagged in the exact same article by five separate people yesterday and I shared/reblogged it every single time I think I’m pretty high up the scale
Also this is super awesome on two counts: first, scientists have actually admitted ‘you know what, we don’t actually have enough evidence to make a decisive statement [regarding SUE’s sex] and we’re going to own up to that’ ((sexing dinosaurs is super hard!! basically impossible in a lot of cases but people still like to make weird arbitrary assumptions)) and second, it means I can put a goddamn fucking T-Rex on my pride flag
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