#Rhian sge
harmonyverendez · 11 months
Rafal vs Rhian parenting coming soon ~ sneak Peek
Rafal would be the time to be alarmed if his children cough. I feel like he would be the type to always monitor and make sure his children are okay, he would always be up to date with his children. Like Rafal children would love him so much, that they'll come to him for anything.
Rhian on the other hand, I feel like he just doesn't want any kids. Like he'll be the type to leave his children in the house for days and come back and realize that his kids are there. He'll be neglectful and just... Forget.
Now his children would be close to Rafal's children if they had them together, they would have a bunch of sleepless and fun holidays together.
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faelinkart · 2 years
SGE villains as the Numberjacks meanies with pretty much no explanation
Sophie = Spooky Spoon (the reason i made this post)
Evelyn Sader= Shape Japer
Rafal = Numbertaker (have you seen him?????)
Rhian = Puzzler
Japeth = Problem Blob
Rhian and Japeth were definitely the puzzler and the problem blob but i wasnt sure which way round. settled on it this way because of how they look
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FALL (no spoilers)
I read fall and I won"t give public spoilers until some time later where many people have already read it, but I am honestly shocked, heartbroken, and if I read it again I will sob.
Some ship I had sank, there was too much death, etc. This was even more intense than TLEA.
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clueless1diot · 2 years
Just two brothers. Best friends. How could anything go wrong? WIP
"Another crush?" Rafal hums into his brother, Rhian’s, ear. Rhian blushes and opens his mouth to object but ends up a stuttering mess. Rafal laughs, a laugh deep and gentle, a laugh one wouldn’t expect an evil school master to have at all. Finally Rhian manages to speak. “I just think he’s cool!” “You think every never staff I pick is as you would say cool.” Rafal says and smiles smugly, like he would when they were still mortal teenagers. Two boys brimming with energy who thought they could conquer the world. They never would have seen what was coming. Sure being a school master was kind of like conquering the world, but being a school master came with responsibilities, rules, and it could be hard at times, but the twins would never change it for the world. After all, lifetimes with your best friend was one not everyone shared. 
“Who knew the Good school master was drawn to evil’s hearts.” “Shut up.” Rhian said and lightly hit his brother’s arm. “You’ve had crushes too dear brother, or have you forgotten Ann and Marcus?” “Bah, that was when I was just a lad and they didn’t even last long, you on the other hand can end up a love sick puppy and stay that way for months or.. years.” “Don’t worry Rafal, I’d never replace you even for the cutest boy in the land.” Rhian said and then wrapped his arm on his brother's shoulders and gave him a small side-hug. “Oh I wasn’t worried, I mean you are the uglier twin after all even if you asked someone he’d turn you right down.” “We have the same face you know.” Rafal rolled his eyes but a smile began to tug on his snow-white face. His brother grabbed his arm and together they headed to the kitchen, laughing and bantering as if they had never aged. “Come on! You’re cooking.” Rhian said, his freckles dancing in the air, as light flitted in. Rafal let out an over exaggerated groan but still he put on an apron and began cooking for his friend, brother, and person most dear to him.
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pinkroses23 · 11 months
While reading the fall of the school for good and evil, I feel bad for how bad Rufius is getting treated.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
If Rhian were a villain as his own character, in character, I feel like he'd be the kind of villain to explain his whole Evil plan, giving it away completely instead of keeping it to himself because he's incapable of keeping it to himself. He would be hyped up with excitement for his vision coming to fruition, and most importantly, he would want to do it for the showmanship as he's theatrical like that. Then again, he may be too smart to reveal it all.
If you recall his thematically-appropriate outfit during the Circus of Talents, he seems to love causing a scene, and while Rafal does share this tendency towards the dramatic, I don't believe it's to the same effect or as extreme as Rhian's.
And this brings me to the point that it's just flat-out unusual for Rhian to wear essentially the same outfit for 200 years.
I mean, that seems unlike him and extreme. For evidence, it's implied by TLEA, by the image of his midnight blue robes hanging on a hook in the tower like a relic at the beginning of the book, that he's worn that selfsame outfit all that time. Sure, he must've not had an occasion to dress up for, but when did that ever stop him? Did imitating Rafal mean he had almost given up on his fashion sense? It's not like anyone had seen him. He didn't have anyone to perform in front of after all. Maybe that's the reason: no one would see him, so it wouldn't matter? He'd probably become depressed, and perhaps, the loneliness drove him insane and away from old behaviors.
Yet, how could Rhian, the man who was a fashion icon in his better days, be reduced to wearing the same midnight blue robes for 200 years, as the first trilogy implies? Even villainous Fall Rhian with his pure spun gold cloak did better than this version of him.
Wearing the same clothes like a uniform is Rafal behavior, and while taking that trait completes his disguise, which I'm sure Rhian had down by SGE's present, if no one had the faintest memory of what the real Rafal was like, what was keeping Rhian from caring about his appearance like he once did? He only seemed to fall back into fashion and indulge in it in order to appeal to Sophie and that's it. Did he never regain the right state of mind for fashion to be of any importance by himself? Did Sophie revive that lost part of him?
In conclusion, that is the most implausible thing about the Fall twist: Rhian's lack of fashion sense. /j
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wheretheoceanglows · 3 months
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Since we were talking about how easily Rafal would burn in the sun, I decided to draw a little scenario where Rhian tries to convince him to step foot into the light, and he gets crisped.
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anobody277642 · 4 months
The reason that Rhian and Rafal are twins is because they both are filled with the same rot. They cant love because of it. It’s why they go hand in hand with one another. There’s no Rhian without Rafal and no Rafal without Rhian. You cannot put anyone else in each one of their places because no one else matches with the other one correctly. They both are puzzle pieces that can only be matched with each other. No matter how hard you try, you cannot match a puzzle piece with one that doesnt fit the other. Thats the lesson Rhian learned with Sophie.
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I want to cry when I think of the old gen in SGE.
You're telling me it's canon that Lady Lesso was Callis' Dean (With Callis being the not-so-ugly uglification teacher).
It's cannon that Lady Lesso absolutely despised Evelyn and Rafal because hello, Evelyn ratted her out and Rafal forced her to make a choice, BUT THEN Evelyn and Rafal's son (Japeth) is obsessed with Lady Lesso's son (Aric).
It's cannon that 2 generations, no, THREE generations of evil were obsessed with Sophie? Rafal(love interest), Rhian(Love interest)/Japeth(Interest) and Evelyn(Interest). Although truth be told Evelyn was probably a bit irritated after she read the Story of Agatha and Sophie and saw Sophie kissing Rafal. Maybe she pushed it to the side with 'Oh it's fine, he's just using her'. Ok Miss Clown and you think he ain't using you? She probably realized he is when he turned her to dust.
Do you guys ever think that Sophie thinks that she practically dated a father and his son(s)? As we know her probably not.
Here's my question, I can't exactly recall if in book 5 when we are shown how Rhian and Japeth's existence came about if Rafal was young and beautiful or not(aka if he was old).
But if he WASN'T old and ugly then what happened in the meantime? How did he turn wrinkled and ugly as hell?
Was he also ugly or not when he tried to propose with Calissa? Cuz I can't remember for the life of me.
Are we also just gonna ignore that Evelyn was practically on the streets and that the Green Knight, the OG Japeth took care of her? Talk about being a deadbeat dad Rafal (cough RHIAN cough).
How does he keep seducing all these women?! I mean with Calissa it was a fail, Sophie was easily manipulated, and hell only knows what Evelyn's thinking process was given how easily she dismissed her each time she tried to be 'useful' to him.
Do you guys think Rafal knew that Japeth liked Aric? And if so is that why he made Aric the Dean of New evil(besides his own...evilness and the fact that he is Lady Lesso's son and inherited her magic).
We don't forget that 'Rafal' literally laughed when he was told he'd have to marry a woman for evil, right? Right? And then he became the Number 1 playboy. But the apple doesn't fall far from the tree because his true name sake(Rhian) took Sophie for the same reason (power) as his father while liking Kei and Japeth, the son that took after him, took Sophie with the intent of reviving Aric.
(I still refuse to believe Japeth was conscious of how Aric would act towards him when he came back. Japeth x Aric feels like it has a weird symmetry to Evelyn x Rafal due to the possible toxicity between the two given Aric was low-key homophobic. Well... More than low-key but that's beside the point)
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secretly-a-catamount · 5 months
Despite Rhian being both Evelyn and Rafal’s favorite, Japeth is actually the one who’s most like them.
He killed his brother and then stole his identity, all to raise his lover from the dead, a lover who never loved him at all.
They loved Rhian because he was what they wanted to be. Good.
They hated Japeth because he was what they were. Evil.
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wisteriaum · 4 months
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small art dump bc i havent posted art in a little while
this is like the 4th time ive posted today LMAO
(picture 1 is inspired by “In Unrecognition of Rhian” by @liketwoswansinbalance !!)
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harmonyverendez · 4 months
Riley Mistral - Younger Brother Of Rhian And Rafal
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Name: Riley Mistral
Age: 300+ ( Physically - 15 )
Height: 5'9
Weight: 185.
Eye color: Green/ Blue
Personality: Stubborn, head in the clouds, not afraid to speak back. Loves to tease others, and has a little bit of anger issues. Etc.
Ever/Never?- Neither, he's grey.
Fingerglow: Green/Blue/Gold/Black
Relatives: Rhian and Rafal Mistral, The Mistral sisters.
[ More information coming soon, this character is still in development. ]
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therealrhian · 13 days
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I think I found my new rendering style and decided to test it by drawing rhian :3
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bellatrixnightshade · 5 months
I'm Tired.
I see how they view you
Always so awed
While I’m pushed to the side
Forget how it’s me always talking
It’s me that always tries 
And I hate that you constantly mock
How I often cry
When I see who you are
And how you act
A part of me dies
What is so hard?
Why are you often sharp?
Can you just stop cutting through me?
Can you just see that I’m a human that makes mistakes?
That maybe, just maybe, i will never be as fucking good as you?
You act like you’re brave and you say that I’m weak
And if not with words it’s by that condescending way you speak
Yet explain why you are the run who runs away?
I want to be perfect
I want to be fucking perfect
Good and kind
I wish I was like you
I wish I didn’t love like you
I wish I had no heart like you
I wish I was cold like you
All I really wanted was your kindness
All I really wanted was one good word
I wanted to be enough
You blame me for seeking more
But why are you never happy with me?
I’m sorry that I got your blood on my hands
Do I even care?
You were happy 
You dared
You were willing to leave me to die
Our relationship is a lie
I want to be perfect
I want to be fucking perfect
Good and kind
I wish I was like you
I wish I didn’t love like you
I wish I had no heart like you
I wish I was cold like you
I guess now that you’re gone all of that is true
To them I am perfect
I am the one
I don’t love you (you didn't love me that much anyway)
I have no heart because you burnt it all up
Now I’m cold like you
I did it. I went in a totally different direction but I did it. I'll come out with an explanation behind the lyrics later.
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discjude · 5 months
otk spoilersish again uh
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(said by Japeth, father in question is Rafal btw) this specific passage devastated japeth enthusiasts AND rafal enjoyers everywhere. "but it wasn't enough for my father, was it? And it wasn't for me" might be like my favourite quote in this chapter and its got a LOT of good ones
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
You're welcome to explain below!
EDIT: The resultant discussions inspired this new post!
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