#Rhian parenting
harmonyverendez · 10 months
Rafal vs Rhian ( Parenting / Parents Debate )
Rafal would be the time to be alarmed if his children cough. I feel like he would be the type to always monitor and make sure his children are okay, he would always be up to date with his children. Like Rafal children would love him so much, that they'll come to him for anything.
Rhian on the other hand, I feel like he just doesn't want any kids. Like he'll be the type to leave his children in the house for days and come back and realize that his kids are there. He'll be neglectful and just... Forget.
Now his children would be close to Rafal's children if they had them together, they would have a bunch of sleepless and fun holidays together.
I also feel like Rhian would be the type of parent to teach them to be bad, like do evil things and such.
Rafal would be the type to read his children bedtime stories and kiss their forheads goodnight.
While Rhian would be the type to scream at them to go to sleep or some evil shit like that.
I also feel like there would be a difference in how their children would come out.
Rafal children would be spoiled, but they would know the difference between good and evil.
They would be obedient and never talk back, only one time did that happen.
Rhian children would be entitled and feel like everything belongs to them, they would immediately belong to Evil and this time without hesitation and they would not bat an eye at that.
Rhian and Rafal children would get along up until the point where they go to sge school and things would change.
They would go their separate ways.
Which would cause problems between Rhian and his brother Rafal.
They would not understand what the issue would be... Until everything is in the open.
Now I feel like Rafal would name his children after God's and Goddess.
That's just my opinion.
And Rhian?.
Just random ass old boring ancient names he found from Google or some shit.
But everyone can have their own opinion, I'm just stating mine.
What do everyone else think?.
Everyone/anyone can comment their own opinion ------->
@thescarlettshrimpernel @liketwoswansinbalance @abeehiltz1159
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bellatrixnightshade · 9 months
The twins' parents
I was VERY disappointed about not hearing of the twins' origin story.
I do suspect magic of some form was involved with the twins.
Also, they could have been abandoned or have just one parent, based on their behavior?
I don't think they were poor, though. Unless Rhian is just a hypocrite at looking down at poor communities.
I doubt it. From what I saw of them, they seemed very "upper class" or at least from a wealthy family if not nobility.
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liketwoswansinbalance · 3 months
What if a hot pirate-looking guy were to flirt with/ask out one of the brothers in front of the other? (Could be either one)
[I took a while to answer this one, so if you're still around, Anon, please let me know if you wanted a less evasive response. Given that it's Rafal though, I personally figured evasive would fit his character in this situation.]
Rafal: I've seen men attempt to muster up the courage to approach Rhian and flirt. None of them ever succeed though, when I'm around. [lightly] They double back from whence they came when I glance their way...
Now, don't repeat what I'm about to say to a soul or you'll regret speaking to me at all, but—Rhian is actually one of the most sought-after bachelors in the Woods. I suspect it’s partly his looks and partly his position of power that entices potential lovers. Not that he knows. I intercept all love letters and fan mail before he ever sets his eyes on them. They usually arrive before he’s awake. He gets marriage proposals from complete strangers every week and it's infuriating. Thus, I send hexes back in reply to the return addresses.
[With disgust] The unfortunate side effect of my censorship is that Rhian's self-esteem suffers, but it’s better than the... alternative. And it's better than our getting swindled. That said, most pirates or others we don’t tend to see in person at all because they know I'll be there. So I tend to be a deterrent far more repelling than the hexes alone ever could be. [Rafal looks absurdly proud of himself.]
Indeed, we don’t see any suitors but the most intrepid and stupid—Rhian's "type," alas... Like the vulture who swooped in during my leave of absence and took my place. If it weren’t for me, this School would probably be overrun with men and women alike seeking Rhian out, the pests. Fortunately, we don't go on excursions off School grounds. Ever.
Rhian: [shrugs] I’ve certainly seen people, and amongst them, pirates, stare at my brother, but no one’s ever said anything to him directly. I have a feeling I know why though... and I think Rafal's been keeping something from me, now that I think about it. Our wastepaper basket is always full of shredded envelopes with their addresses blotted out in ink. But all Rafal said when I asked about the envelopes was that parents were complaining about the School's mortality rates, like they always have, no matter what reforms I initiate.
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wisteriaum · 4 months
i had this thought like a couple months ago
so i was like "how is it possible for two evil people to have a good child??" (referencing evelyn sader and "rafal" having rhian II) and then i realized that being good or evil is probably in a persons DNA which means its possible to be evil and have a recessive good gene, considering how both evelyn sader and "rafal" both have a good brother. that would mean that if two people that both have a recessive good gene but a dominant evil gene have a child together then the child could inherit the recessive good gene from both of the parents and be good.
but idk how that would work for dot because she's kinda like half and half so she could also have a heterozygous genotype when it comes to being good or evil but the dominant gene would still overpower the recessive gene
idk if this is me being a nerd or if this is me figuring something out or if everyone already knows this but i seriously needed to get this off my chest
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my-blind-album · 1 year
Leonora Lesso x Fem!Reader - My Redhead
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16 years ago
"And that's the story about how Rafal supposedly died and then Rhian had no choice but to run both schools," "Whoa!" "Mhm," she tugged a strand of hair behind Y/n ear as he tucked her daughter into bed. "Mom?" "Hm?" "Is the school for good and evil real?" "I don't know Mon Chérie, it might be," she leaves a peck on Y/n's head. "Goodnight," she makes her way to the door but Y/n stops her in her tracks. "Ma mere?" "Oui?" "If the school for good and evil was every real and I got accepted where do you think I'd be?" she laughs her daughters question. "It's not my question to answer, Mon Chérie" "Then whose is it?" Y/n asks "Nobody's" she laughs out and Y/n gives her mother a confused look. "It all depends on what you do and who you are in heart, which do you think you're in?" her mother shoots back the question. "I don't know I'm not a goody princess but I'm not an evil person" "Then you'll find out when you finally know who you are," with that Y/n's mother leaves the room and Y/n is left in her thoughts, 'Am i good or am i evil?'
She was left in her thoughts till she looked outside the window staring out at the moon. Her second favourite thing in world, after her mother of course. She was about to fall into deep sleep till the sky turned into a blood red colour and Y/n started to rub her eyes thinking she was dreaming but it was still red and then she noticed a pair of red eyes surrounded by black smoke look at her through her window. She grabbed a shoe of hers from the floor and slowly moved towards the red eyes. She was about to reach the window till the eyes turned a different direction and quickly left. 'How odd' she thought. Moving close to the window to try and spot the red eyes from before till someone jumped up from hiding standing in front of the window and Y/n flinched and screamed before dropping her shoe on the ground. 
The person who seemed rather short knocked on the window and Y/n went to the window to try and get a closer look of the person's face while being cautious of her actions. The closer she got the more clearer the person seemed and Y/n noticed it was her redheaded best friend. "Leonora?" Y/n asks "Hey, Y/n could you open the window please?" without hesitation she opened the window and let her best friend enter the room. "What are you doing here?" "Mom and Dad were fighting and I decided to run away then I was walking in the streets and noticed the sky went red and a black shadow thing with red eyes saw in front of your window and I tried shooing it away but it came to me and knocked me on the ground and now I have these scares on me," 
Before Y/n could answer her mother burst through the door and looked at her daughter and was surprised to see the redhead here. "Leonora, what are doing here?" "Her Mom and Dad were fighting again and she ran away, can she please stay here?" Y/n's mother looked at the both of them with their pleading eyes on their faces. She gives into them and agrees. "Alright but only for the week, okay?" "Yes, Auntie!" "Yes, Ma Mere!" "I'll tell your parents you're here, Leo," "Thank you Auntie!" she nods and is about to leave till Y/n calls for her. "Ma Mere, we saw the sky turn red!" "Oui Auntie! and then the was a black shadow with red eyes in front of Y/n's window," "Then Leo shooed it away" "Oh! Mon Dieu, Leonora you have bruises on you" "The red eyed creature pushed her to the ground," "Oh- okay let me get the first aid kit, alright?" Y/n's mother left looking for the first aid kit. 
A Few Hours Later
"Y/n did you hear the story of the school for good and evil?" Leonora asked "Yes, my mom told it to me, today" Y/n replied to her half asleep. "Do you think it's real?" "I hope so, I wanna go there" "Me too! Which school do you think you'll go to?" "I'm not sure, you?" "I want to be in the school for evil and be a powerful villain like Maleficent or The Evil Queen" "If you ever become evil I'll be your assistant" "Really?" "Yes, you're my best friend and I love you no matter what"  "I love you too, Y/n" 
Narrator; 16 years have passed and now little miss Y/n is not so little anymore. She's now 24 and works as an assistant in her mother's library. Years have passed ever since her mother last told her the story for good and evil and she never got to be accepted or knew whether or not the school was real or not but then 8 years ago when Y/n was only 16 years old her best friend Leonora went missing and rumours had it that she disappeared when the sky was blood red and taken away by a black shadow with red eyes that being the one you once saw as a little kid and since then Y/n had made it her mission to search for her best friend. 
Present Time
"Freaks!" "Losers!" I watched as the carriage with the a bunch of the village kids move away calling me and 2 other girls names and just roll my eyes as I continue walking around with my cat. Lunar. "Y/n?" I froze hearing someone calling my name, I turned around and spotted the girls who were also called names and I recognised them to be Sophie and Agatha as they were my mother's favourite costumers. "Sop, Aggie how are girls both doing?" "Good," Sophie responds and Agatha looks at me confused. "What are you doing in this part of the forest, I'm not used to seeing you here," I was fighting on whether or not I should mention about my search for my long-lost best friend who was supposedly kidnapped by a red eyed creature and never to be seen again. "Walking," "Walking? Really?" Sophie nudged her friend in the stomach "Ouch!" she yelped. "Forget about her, we were actually on our way to the village to gather some books from Mrs Deauville's bookshop wanna come?" "Well might as well head home since Lunar seems a bit tired," "How long have you been walking in the forest?" Sophie asks "Since 6am, why?" "Y/n it's literally 3pm," Agatha says receiving another punch from Sophie as she nervously laughs. "Shall we go?" Agatha and I share a look before leaving. 
At Mrs Deauville's Bookshop 
"Ah! My favourite readers," "Afternoon Mrs Deauville," Sophie greets cheerily "Afternoon," Agatha greets plainly but with a small smile on her face. "Afternoon Ma Mere," I say placing a kiss on my mother's cheek and place Lunar onto the counter and she meows at my mother. "Hello Mon Chérie," she says to me and pats Lunar on the head as she purrs softly. "Its a good thing you stopped by, girls, we had a big delivery yesterday," my mother says to Sophie and Agatha placing a crater loaded with books. "Any ghost stories?" Agatha asks "Yes, a few interesting-looking ones," "Any new fairy-tales?" Sophie asks hopeful "Not anything you haven't already read, fillette," my mother responds. "Whose SGE?" Agatha asks looking at a symbol inside a book. "It's not a who it's a what" "Alright what is SGE?" "It's the school for Good And Evil," "What happens there?" "Well um" my mother looks up at me as if asking for permission to discuss the topic and I nod my head taking Lunar in my arms before exiting the library and running back to the forest while ignoring the weird glances I receiving from people. 
At The Forest
I was sitting at a tree with Lunar in my arms fast asleep but I still continued to pat her head. 'What am I supposed to do Leonora?' I thought to myself looking at the clear sky. 'I've tried searching but I can't find you'  I was about to leave till I heard some noises coming from the bushes. I froze in place as the bush kept on shaking and Lunar had already woken up from her nap due to the sound of the bushes disrupting her sleep. The noise of whatever was in the bushes kept getting louder supposedly meaning that the ting was getting closer. Holding Lunar tightly in arms as she dug her nails into my clothing. "Argh!" the creature in the bushes made a human sound which seemed recognisable. "Why are forests filled with so many bushes?!" the thing complained.
 I say as Sophie comes out of the bushes with a basket on her wrist. "Ah-um, Y/n what are you doing here?" "Thinking, you? and where's Agatha?" she rushes towards me covering my mouth with her hand. "Please don't tell her that I'm here, please?" I sigh "Alright but what are you doing here?" she sighs before inhaling deeply "I'm leaving" "What? as in out of Gavaldon?" "Yes?" she flinches at me waiting for my reaction "I'm going with," "What?" "I'm going with," "Why?" she said relaxing that I didn't shout at her decision to leave. "I need to look for someone I lost years ago," "Leonora?" my eyes widen in shock and she raised her hands defensively "Your mother told me and Agatha while you went," I relax a bit "And also you not gonna be able to survive without me, lets admit it," I place my hands on my hip and she just rolls her eyes in agreement. "True," I nod and we walk towards the exit from Gavaldon. "Won't your mother be worried?" "No, she knows that one day I was gonna leave Gavaldon for good and she always encouraged me to do so," Sophie hums "What about your family?" "Well I couldn't care less for my step-mother and my annoying little brothers," she says coldly clearly those people stroked a nerve in her veins cause I've never seen this side of her before. "What about your dad?" she then stops in her tracks before shaking her head and gaining back consciousness "I don't know," I just take her answer not wanting to pressure her. 
We already made it to the exit and it was already night. I picked Lunar of the ground so I don't lose her. "Well we're off then," I say. "Okay," 
"Shit," "What?" I ask. 
"It's Agatha," 
A breathless Agatha comes in front of Sophie gripping onto her arms tightly. "What are you doing?" "Nothing, I was with-" Agatha looks behind her and sees the sign saying 'Leaving Gavaldan' and her eyes widen as she clicks the pieces together. "You were gonna leave Gavaldon?" "Agatha, please listen to me-" "You were gonna leave me?" Her voice breaks a little cause of her watery eyes. "I can't settle for an ordinary life, Aggie," "So what you're just gonna leave me here? I thought we were best friends?" "We are it's just that-" "No! we aren't! cause best friend stick together!" 
The sky was turning red and it was getting really dark, too dark to even see anything at all. This was it, this was the same red sky that appeared when Leonora was taken. "I'm coming for you Leo," Y/n whispered to herself.
 "So just come with me so we can live this rotten town!" "I can't my mom needs me! And so does your family!" "I can't go back to that family!" "They love you Sop," "No they don't," "I love you," Sophie keeps her head down. "So please don't leave,"
The wind was starting to get really strong. 
"Um girls-" 
"Sop, please just think about this again," 
"Aggie I-," 
Before Sophie could finish her sentence, a large bird swooped down and grabbed onto Y/n and started to drag her away.
Sophie was about to respond till she heard a scream, of a familiar voice and lifted her head up to be mortified by the sight she was seeing. "Y/N!" she chased after her and once Agatha turned around she saw Y/n been dragged by a huge bird. "Oh my god!" she ran after her. Sophie caught up to the bird and gripped on it's legs and Agatha did the same on the other but it was useless cause the bird was trillion times they're size and they were being dragged as well. "What are we gonna do?!" Sophie screamed out. "There's an edge!!" Agatha cried out seeing that there was a cliff at the end. "Let go!" "We can't do that Aggie!" "Girls don't let go at all costs!" Y/n cried out. "But there's a cliff," "Just hold on tight," Before Agatha could argue back the bird and taken off and now they were in the air and sooner a random portal opened up and the bird flow through it and now they were in another place. 
"What the-" Agatha said was cut off by Sophie screaming cheerfully "It's real?!" 
"What?" Agatha asked.
 "The School For Good and Evil," Y/n softly said as a small smile appeared on her lips. 
'I've made it Leo'
The bird was coming closer to the schools and Y/n, Sophie & Agatha could properly see the schools clearly now. 
"Look that must be the school for good!" Sophie said looking at the golden palace. The place it's self seemed like a setting fit for royalty with it's beautiful and large flower garden, the shining sun showing off the gold around the castle. 'I can't believe that this was actually real'. "And that must be for the evil," Agatha said lowly. I turned my head to the other school and this was one was simply the opposite of the school for good. It was dark and gloomy, it looked like a prison cell more than an actual school. 'Where could you be Leo?' 
The bird was leaning over to the school for good. "Sophie we have to go back!" "What?!" "I said we have to go bac-" Agatha was dropped into the school of good and Sophie started screaming no. The bird was now leaning over to the school for evil and this was when Sophie lost it. "No! You don't understand, I'm not supposed to be here my friend is supposed to be here! I should be in the school for go-" The bird dropped Sophie in the school for evil and moved away.
 "Wait where am I going?"
The bird squawked. "Your going to the headmaster's tower" 
"You can talk?!" 
"No- wait you can understand me?" 
"Yeah! What the hell is going on!" 
"Well that's new, guess the headmaster will sort you out," 
"Wait! How can I understand what you're saying-" 
The bird dropped Y/n onto the middle of the two schools, she expected to hit the brick bridge and shut her eyes bracing herself for impact. After a while of screaming her lungs of Y/n felt like she wasn't moving and opening her eyes softly to see that she landed on the bridge on her two feet.  
"What the actual f-" 
"Welcome Miss Y/n Deauville, to the School For Good and Evil," A voice spoke out and I turned my head to see a man in a rather aesthetic robe with round glasses, a bald head, a beard and a smile on his face. This totally doesn't remind me of a certain wizard. 
"I'm Headmaster Rhian but you can call me Headmaster," 
"Oh okay," 
I know this is rather odd for an introduction so why don't you enter my office and I'll explain everything to you there. He walks away to the middle of the bridge and I follow behind him and he gets on the bridge and steps his foot out, I shut my eyes. I just arrived and already there's a suicide attempt? I just wanna find my Leo for god's sakes. 
"Come one, time doesn't stop for no one,"  the headmaster speaks out and I open my eyes in shock, he's walking on the air? "Don't worry, they are stairs they're just invisible to the human eye," I follow behind him carefully placing my foot onto the first steps and continuing on. Eventually we made it up to his office and wow, it's huge. "Now we can discuss everything, like I said I am the Headmaster of both this schools and you my dear are a very lucky person," "In what sense?" I ask. "You've been chosen by the Storian," "Whose that?" The headmaster tilts his head to the side a bit signalling for me to look to the left and I turn my head confused but my eyes land on a glowing book that has a feather pen writing on it. "Wait so the Storians a book and pen?" The headmaster nods his head. "Yes, the Storian is the one in charge of writing everyone's fairy-tale story and it has begun to write yours," "Mine? why me? I'm not magical," "Are you sure about that? If I remember correctly you managed to talk to one of those birds," "That was magic?" "Indeed," "Thought I was smoking crack," I whispered to myself but heard the Headmaster laugh. "Oh sorry," "It's fine but I must say that you seemed to be quite the early bird," "What do you mean?" "No one usually comes to this place already unlocking they're magical abilities," "So I'm one of those rare people?" "More like you are those rare people, you're the first to have that happen to themselves," "Oh," "But no need to worry it's nothing to be worried of,"
 "Okay, wait what about Sophie and Agatha?" "Oh those two, well you see they're Readers, they people whoonly get to read about the amazing adventures that originate here," "Wait so you're telling me that Tiana, Mulan and Merida all like schooled in these same places?" "Mhm, and so did they're villains," "That's amazing wait so was the Mad Hatter in the school for good or evil?" "We consider him to be good," "And what about Goldilocks?" "Good," "Peter Pan?" "Good," "Wow," "So Agatha and Sophie have they're own fairy-tale being written?" "Indeed," "So what am I? Since I technically landed on the bridge rather than either of the schools?" "You'll be my co-partner in running the schools and once I retire you'll be the new Headmaster," "No way, that's amazing, I'd love that," "That's good to hear but I must warn you the work load is quite hefty," "I can manage, I'm very organized," "Well then I'm you feel that way, before I forget we should head to the assembly so that you'll be able to meet the deans of the schools including the professors," "Okay," 
A gust of blue dust surrounds me and later disappears and I look down to see myself wearing a new outfit from before. "Thought you might want to get into the fairy-tale look," "Thank you," "It is my pleasure,"
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[imagine it in a darker colour of grey/black/white]
"And I won't be able to make it so you would have to address yourself in front of the students, professors and deans, are you alright with that?" "Yes, a little stage fright couldn't hurt anybody," I laugh nervously before stopped. "Right?" "You'll be excellent," "Alright and a little birdy told me this but if you wondering where Leonora is, I can assure you that she's here and she missed you too," A smile lights up on my face. "Thank you Headmaster," He nods his head. Another gust of blue surrounds both me and before I knew it, I ended up in the hall room, receiving glances and stares from everyone.
'Fuck my life' 
"Um, Good Afternoon, Students, Professors and Deans," the room was still silent and Y/n swallowed down her nervousness, she took a deep breath before straightening her posture and looking up at everyone with a beaming smile. "My name is Y/n Deauville, and I am the Headmaster new and first, partner which means I will also be your Headmaster but only for the school for evil," 
Y/n's POV
A student from the school of good raises her hand. "Yes?" "Why aren't you the Headmaster for the school of good?" "Because of some personal reasons," Another student from the school of evil raises his hand. "Yes?" "Are you part of any fairy tale?" "Uh- no I'm not from the fairy-tale world, I actually come from a normal non-magic town called Gavaldon," The students begin to break into whispers and I can hear a few rather harsh...comments about me. A loud bang echoes through the room and my attention turns towards the source which is form a lady in a black suit and she had red curly hair and in one of her hands she had a cane. "Silence everyone, that's not how we treat our Headmasters or else doom room," she speaks up hushing the students. Our eyes finally lock even from afar I could recognise those eyes from anywhere. 
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iamverynormalaboutsge · 4 months
Are we just not going to talk about HOW exactly Aric got kicked out of the Arbed house? As far as I am concerned in that school they had boys who were evil to the rotten core and abandoned there by their parents in the hope the school reforms them, reshapes them, loves them into form, and some old ladies that were as equally as bad, acting like fairy Godmothers because in truth they knew how bad those kids actually were. So you will tell me that Kei, Rhian and the other boys and or old women kicked Aric out and Japeth had to just watch?
I mean that's my take on it because broski survived the woods long enough to be found and then kill a dog and attempt to kill the daughter of the family that saved him. And then we all know what he did when he ended up in the School for Good and Evil (Boys and Girls and then New Evil and Old Evil). I mean...? He is pretty wild, sure he has no magic(I mean he does but not to the extend of mastering it. He DID get a hole into Lady Lesso's shield with his finger glow that he either had unlocked as a kid or more likely Lady Lesso is a sorceress and her genes passed down to Aric), and sure he is pretty feral and brutal, primal if you may. But it messes me up how they somehow managed to take him out of the Arbed house if Aric cared for Japeth even in the slightest to then send him letters while he was at the school asking him to come back. Maybe he felt the need for an equal just how Tedros found an equal in Rhian instead of Chaddick? I mean I know they are cannon but I think of them and go 'toxic yaoi'. Also I can't help it but think that Aric is actually bi because come on. Come on he flirted with Sophie and Hester.
Excuse me but he just flirted with Hester right after he stabbed her just a few weeks/months ago (in the said moment when he did flirt with her to when the trial by tales happened). I don't know what his thinking process is to seduction but there certainly is a reason that Rafal(actually Rhian) looked at Aric and went 'this is my favourite subordinate now'.
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When I was being crushed by a crowd of sweaty singing drunks under the Slane stage in 1987 to a soundtrack of David Bowie’s Absolute Beginners, I hadn’t a notion I’d be back one day shepherding three daughters as they went wild for a musical chameleon of their own.
But that’s as it was 37 years later and I found myself draped in the ultimate sign of the times - a moulting feather boa - with 80,000 people around me dancing all night to the best songs ever.
The crowd gathered for Harry’s house party could scarcely have been more different to the one that had stormed the castle last time Lord Henry Mountcharles threw open his gates in 2019 to let tens of thousands of Metallica fans in to bang their heads and pump their fists to raging metal.
This time it was more fluorescent and female and family-friendly.
As the day started, parents hoisted children onto shoulders ahead of the long march from the wildly expensive car parks to the castle gate, following a rainbow trail of boa feathers.
There were stewards offering wrist bands to minors “and to the adults who might get lost at the bar”, the woman policing the table said as she scribbled my name and number on a band for my smallest child.
The road led past blocks of portable toilets where enterprising children sold rolls of toilet paper to anxious looking customers.
When asked about prices a child said they were “only €2″.
For the packet?
“No, per roll.”
They cost the kids 20 cent. The future of the rip-off Republic is in safe hands.
Once inside, the challenge was to find a space to sit for the hours before Harry. Tens of thousands of people were ahead in the race for that space so we struggled to find a patch of grass even three quarters of the way back from the front.
We ended up beside a super-organised group of families who had spread a network of picnic blankets across a small area having arrived at midday, a full two hours before the gates opened.
Dave Ellis from Carlow was the sole man in the group. He’d been sitting for more than two hours by the time we interrupted him. “I don’t think I’ll be able to get up,” he said. “I’ve lost the feeling in my legs and I don’t think they work any more.”
He laughed when asked if he was a big Harry Styles fan. “I was kind of roped into coming.”
Roped or not, he’d embraced the Styles spirit with zeal. “I spent last night putting hairspray on the boas to hold them together,” he said. “That is what we were told to do.”
“It didn’t work.”
Beside him was Serena Carney. “We’ve been sitting here for hours and we are not moving,” she said with the firmness of an Irish mammy.
The last time she was here was for Guns and Roses in 1992. “It was a bit a different, I suppose. The atmosphere was different for sure.”
She certainly didn’t have a picnic including feta cheese sprinkled with crumbled bacon at that gig.
We didn’t even have feta in Ireland back then.
Annie Mac took to the stage to play some tunes and if Slane had a roof she’d have lifted it off when she played a snippet of Abba’s Gimme Gimme Gimme (a man after midnight) and started a wild singalong.
Jenny Murphy from Limerick was another concertgoer in the parent trap. “I’m here with my daughters,” she said. “I’m not a big fan. The last time I was here was in 1995 for REM.”
How did then compare with now? “There is a lot more pink today and the crowd is so different. We took the bus up and there were three people over 25 on it. Me, my friend and the bus driver. But it’s great and there is such a happy vibe and people are so stylish.”
She did have one gripe though. “The prices! They’re mad. The t-shirts are 40 quid and the hoodies are 80. And I am just after buying a scoop of ice cream for a fiver.”
As the support act Wet Leg embarked on a scream therapy session which lead singer Rhian Teasdale promised would make everyone feel better, a man stumbled past carrying two hard-won crepes from one of the food stalls where insanely long queues formed for most of the day.
When asked if he was okay, he sighed heavily and said “I just f**king want to go home.”
Only four hours to go, I thought, but said nothing.
Not everyone wanted to go home. In fact virtually no-one else did. Grainne Gleeson from Downpatrick and Caoimhe Daly from Warrenpoint didn’t care about prices or queues or feta and were all about Harry.
“She’s his number one fan,” Gleeson said gesturing to her friend. “She’s seen him twice already on this tour and this is her third time. And she’s going to London to see him.”
Daly nodded enthusiastically. When asked why she’d want to see anyone play four times in a matter of weeks, she said that while “it might be the same songs every night it is a different vibe. And I had to come to Slane because it is such an iconic venue.”
Aoife Sheehan from Limerick said she wasn’t such a die-hard fan and was here because she got a ticket for her birthday. “I was a big One Direction fan but forgot about him until I heard his last album and was blown away by it. And look around you, isn’t the atmosphere just brilliant?
She wasn’t wrong.
Then Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody blared out of the speakers, a sign that Styles was ready for us. After that it was all screams and shrieks and singalongs and as I marvelled at the energy and the enthusiasm of the crowd it dawned on me that REM, Oasis, the Rolling Stones or even Bowie who I’d seen play this field had not come close to matching the joy, excitement and showmanship Harry Styles brought to Slane.
Hats off to him.
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abeehiltz1159 · 11 months
What is wrong with the Mistral family-- first off, two sets of twins fight and kill one of them. Then these "sisters" I'm not sure are even telling the truth suddenly appear. Then Sophie dates the father, and kisses father and both sons. Yeah, Sophie would have been those sons' stepmother at one point. Oh, and the son who thinks "Rafal" is his father is wrong-- Rafal was actually dead centuries ago! Rafal is his uncle! And Sophie thought she was marrying Rafal one day? Nope, Rafal’s would actually have been her brother in law! It's crazy. That family is crazy.
finishing Fall completely changes how you see the rest of the series!!! This family is insane!!!! I think one of the greatest mysteries is their parents. Like, who are they? Are they Good or Evil or a mix of both?? Sophie was so so so involved in this family’s chaos and she didn’t even realize it until book 5/6 when they find out “Rafal” (Rhian) was Rhian #2 and Japeth’s dad. I doubt even Evelyn knew that Rhian was her kids’ father. And what about Agatha? She would have been an aunt if Rafal (Rhian #1) and Sophie had married. Tedros would have been an uncle … or maybe not, since if it got that far Agatha and Tedros would have been dead :/
Side note: I personally think that Rhian wouldn’t actually like kids that much, but Rafal would be the kid of uncle to sneak his nephews treats under the table at dinner. Rhian was an absent father — partly bc of Evelyn — but part of me thinks Rafal wouldn’t be. Most of his motivation to do basically everything in the prequels was his love for his brother. Why shouldn’t he love his nephews too? I wish we’d gotten to see interactions between Uncle Rafal and Rhian #2 and Japeth. But, alas, we did not.
this family is definitely a huge mess
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lachimolala22019 · 2 years
AMETHYST Chapter 2
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In a world when you turn 16 you get a mark that matches your soulmate or soulmates.
It was the case for Yn too when she turned 16, she got seven marks that will connect her to her soulmates but.....
Pairing: BTS X Reader, BTS X BTS
Warning: I don't think there are any.
It has been 8 years since I got my soul marks, these years had been really hard for me. But my parents never left my side they helped me a lot if not for them, I wouldn't know what I would have done.
I was now working as a manager in a bank. There was not a day when I didn't think of my soulmates. I often wondered what if they were here with me, how would they be, if they would love me the way I love them. I know I haven't met them I will never be able to, but I know the love I hold for my seven mates will never disappear.
When ever I looked at the gray butterflies at my hand I couldn't help but feel sad. It felt like the gray color was mocking reminding me of what I could never have.
I couldn't help but feel envious of the people around me who were happy with their soulmate. They looked so comfortable and safe with each other had a special connection in between them. I couldn't help but long for that connection.
A strong cold breeze broke my train of thoughts. I looked up to see children playing in the park and noticed a little girl sitting on a bench.
There was a sad pout on her face her little hand was holding two dandelions. She suddenly looked toward the dandelion and bring one of them near her mouth.
I was looking at her curiously. She closes her eyes and blows the seed if the dandelion in one blow. She opens her eyes and look toward her left where an ice cream truck was standing. Some children were standing with their parents to buy an ice-cream.
Just by seeing her face I know she probably wished for an ice-cream. I smile a little after seeing this and got up from where I was sitting on the bench and went toward her.
I stood in front of her making her look toward me with curiosity. I bent a little and asked "Why are you sad little girl, what happened?"
She pouted again and pointed toward a small pond in the lake, "I had some money for the ice cream, but it accidentally fell in the water I couldn't get it back."
"Aww that is really sad ", "How about I buy you an ice-cream." I say to the girl. Her eyes lit up for a moment but soon became sad.
"What happened" I say looking at her trying to figure out what happened to her. "Nothing, It is just that I don't have anything to give you in exchange and I can't take something for free it will make me feel sad."
"Who said you don't have anything to give me."
"What do I have?" she said tilting her head to the side in confusion.
"You can give me company for some time I was feeling a little lonely. How about that"
"Really, That is a good idea unnie. Thank you so much" she says with an excited tone and a huge smile on her face.
I extended my hand in her direction for her to hold. She slips her little hand into my hands and jumped down from the bench from excitement.
"What ice-cream do you want." "Can I please have strawberry ice-cream with rainbow sprinkles on top." she says politely. "Of course whatever you want".
We reached the ice- cream truck and were welcomed by the man. "What can I get for you miss?" He say giving us a small smile. "Can I get a strawberry ice-cream with sprinkles on top and a chocolate ice-cream with marshmallows on top."
"Sure that will be 15." I reach toward my purse and take out the money and hand it to him. "Please wait a minute I will be back with you ice-cream."
After a while the man come back with our ice cream I take it from him and bow a little he bows back. We go back to the bench and I hand the girl her ice-cream. She looked at the sweet treat with big eyes and began to eat it. "Thank you so much unnie." "You're welcome, can you tell me your name." I say realizing that I forgot to ask her name.
"My name is Rhian, what is your name unnie." "My name is Y/N, but what are you doing here alone Rhian." "I came to my mother's shop with her, but got bored, so she told me to go buy myself some ice-cream her shop is close by the park."
I gave a nod to her, I finished eating my ice-cream and looked at Rhian's hand she was still holding the dandelion in her palm but didn't say anything to her.
She soon finished her ice-cream, but there was some cream on the end of her mouth I took my purse and take out some wipes from it, I extended the wipe toward her"Here wipe your hand and mouth or your clothes will get dirty."
She takes the wipe from my hand and clean the ice-cream on her hands and mouth, once she was done she gets up and goes toward a trash can to throw the used wipe. Furthermore, she returns to the bench and sit again.
"Thank you for the ice-cream unnie but what did you come to the park for?"
" I just had some things in my mind and wanted to clear my mind."
"Oh, what things unnie?"
"Nothing just grown up things."
She nods her head and look toward the roses' that were planted in front of us. All of them were gorgeous there were few butterflies flying above them. They reminded me of my soul mark, my hand instinctive went toward my other arms and I gently rubbed my hand on my marks that were covered by my sleeves.
I felt my mood suddenly drop the thought of my soulmate starts flooding my mind Once again.
To be continued...
@emu007 @singukieee @fluffy-canada-pancakes @their-bibliophile @guinhosletters @juju-227592 @im-gay-no-matter-who-i-date
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harmonyverendez · 11 months
Rafal vs Rhian parenting coming soon ~ sneak Peek
Rafal would be the time to be alarmed if his children cough. I feel like he would be the type to always monitor and make sure his children are okay, he would always be up to date with his children. Like Rafal children would love him so much, that they'll come to him for anything.
Rhian on the other hand, I feel like he just doesn't want any kids. Like he'll be the type to leave his children in the house for days and come back and realize that his kids are there. He'll be neglectful and just... Forget.
Now his children would be close to Rafal's children if they had them together, they would have a bunch of sleepless and fun holidays together.
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cilant-lis · 2 months
rhian's time in dao pt.2
i can't stop myself from imagining just how gorgeous denerim would look if origins ever got remastered....
wahoo, romance with leli unlocked! i love her so much. kissing her in camp, kissing her in denerim, kissing her on a random battlefield, kissing her in front of the corpse of brother genitivi's assistant
perfect timing for the ghoul tamlen encounter :') on the way to the temple of sacred ashes and right after locking in leliana's romance, just as rhian got a tiny sliver of happiness, wham, gutpunch! (oh how i wish there was more companion reactivity, maybe even a cutscene of tamlen's funeral? i have to do everything myself smh)
respeccing rhian as dex dual wielding warrior because of story reasons (definitely not because i hate playing warriors)
i forgot how creepyy haven is. and how the inquisition decided to settle on top of the said freaky place.
more delicious angst for rhian with the guardian's test, but also some closure at last with the spirit-tamlen somewhat alleviating their survivor's guilt
at the urn of sacred ashes: leliana having a deep religious experience while morrigan, zevran and rhian are like 'wow, a vase....'
ugh eamon. hate that guy
off we go to orzammar and deep roads! first time going there with rhian. they're going to hate all the politics stuff sooo much
choosing the 'give me my troops' option every single conversation. i think rhian would support bhelen not because they care about his politics, but because they found bhelen less annoying than harrowmont
i think the most world-changing decision in the entire game is giving leliana a nug. in this essay i will-
bless the faster moving speed mod, breezed through the deep roads while still getting the lovely, creeping dread atmosphere <3
speaking of creepy, somehow i remember the boobmother broodmother fight being much harder. it took less than five minutes now, even though i'm playing on hard. honestly the stupid road to the anvil of the void took more time
cairdin :( i regret not bringing shale to the quest i gotta look up its dialogue during the quest
wahoo, congrats on the coronation bhelen. NOW GIVE ME MY TROOPS
back to denerim we go, and wouldn't you know it, another crash...
two elves and a mage walk into arl of denerim's estate, somehow no one bats an eye, until the arl is killed and all his prisoners are freed (except for vaughan, rest in piss)
captured! my favourite quest! this time i had rhian break out on their own and it was sooo funny. didn't expect being able to seduce the guard with my 'male' warden, but we honestly the unnamed guard is a bicon
doing the alienage quest and i'm wondering, how long ago did the riots take place? and was it during this uprising that the orphanage was wiped out? idk if i'm conflating the two but it really doesn't add up? the corpses are all bones inside, and the beggar outside of the orphanage is an adult? i guess i need to replay the tabris origin for a refresher
love how blase eamon is about what happened in the alienage. shame we can't kill the guy
i'm a queen anora truther, and nothing will ever change that. i'm tempted to play a cousland just so i can marry her <3
landsmeet cutscene is so great for screenshots, i can't concentrate on what is actually being said lmao. i briefly thought of conscripting loghain, but taking roleplaying into account, i don't think rhian would forgive him for what he did in the alienage. (and by now they no longer see being a warden as a punishment)
rhian entering their absent parent era... such an icon (WHY can't we discuss this with our love interest??? blease let me tell leliana and alistair at least) and in the wonderful version of dragon age that exists in my head, morrigan and rhian perform a blood magic ritual instead of boning
the final goodbyes with the companions ;_;
gods, i hate the final battle drag. just teleport me to the archdemon
rhian is my special little guy and they got the final blow animation on the archdemon AND the cutscene (even though in my worldstate they're not even the one to kill it but oh well)
wish the boon the warden chooses had some sort of an impact in the later games... the dalish getting a chunk of land in ferelden is kind of significant, isn't it
after the game, rhian visits their clan (the half of it which remained in ferelden) with leliana, and finally has a brief moment of respite, even if it's only a week. after that, they travel to weisshaupt to get officially recognised as the warden-commander (and in my canon worldstate report on alvea's 'death') and eventually return to ferelden
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bellatrixnightshade · 6 months
How do you think Rhian and Rafal's childhood went? Do you think Rhian or Rafal went through more trauma? Do you think Rhian went through trauma? Do you think something in his past made him the way he is/was? And why do you think Rhian depends on Rafal so much?.
Do you think the Twins past shape them they were they are in Rise / Fall SGE?
I already got my headcanons/theories I want to hear yours.
oh, well, I have some ideas?
Alright, so I think they either were orphans/had no parents and raised themselves mostly, with the exception of a few adults in their lives OR they had neglectful parents. Either one of them or both of them.
I'm saying this based on some observations I noticed. It appears as if Rafal was the one taking care of Rhian. Even when they were children who could barely speak, Rhian was extremely clingy to Rafal. It could easily be the fact that they are twins, and well, were with each other since the very beginning of their existences but also, where are the parents?
No parent is mentioned and Rafal lowkey takes up that role for Rhian.
I have some headcanons, that maybe, they lived in the forest for a long time before becoming School Masters. Perhaps they had like, one or two adult figures who taught them magic, letters, mathematics, and so forth. It could be why Rafal is connected with the stymphs as well. Maybe they even lived close to the Stymph Forest!
Thank you for asking! If you have any other questions, feel free to hit my ask box again or put it in the comments!
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liketwoswansinbalance · 5 months
Childhood Headcanons
These particular, sort of apocryphal headcanons (depends on who believes what after all) provide further context for the brothers' childhood under the constraints of my canon-divergent fic, "When Lightning Falls," that was proved wrong by canon after the release of Fall.
There's also an accompanying Creation Theory I made up, to provide context for the fic, which becomes especially relevant here.
And, if anyone's wondering, this post has been around for far too long—I just never posted it some while after the fic itself was done. I have a lot of stuff on backlog anyway, and figured I may as well edit and post this.
Most of these thoughts focus on Rafal, and there is a slightly dark undercurrent that runs throughout this post.
First, the brothers were originally foundlings, like in the fairy tales of yore.
Fittingly, they have been the youngest and the oldest beings ever to live at the School, at different points in time.
At first, they led a deathly existence, an insecure, unstable one, with potential death at every turn.
Rafal became used to death threats, and being called "demon spawn." He hardened in response. Ever townspeople tried to ward him off, but their feeble sigils did no good, did no true harm against him and his latent sorcery, even whilst he was still learning magic.
They were found, possibly, doddering around in the Woods, on the outskirts of the School, at somewhere from three to five years old? So, they conveniently have little to no memory of their existence beforehand, as vagrants, outcasts, rejects, waifs, who knows—they were alone in the world.
The twins crashed through the brambles, clothes torn, faces scratched, scrapes on their limbs, drenched by the rain, just... waiting to be taken in like strays, as if they simply... appeared.
Rhian trailed after Rafal who forged a path ahead, until they emerged in the light of a clearing, as if guided by the hand of fate, to the School for Good and Evil.
Shortly after their discovery, they became the youngest students to ever attend the school.
Of course, taking them in was the Good thing to do, but perhaps, if we let conspiracy run rampant, the Storian had a hand in the proceedings.
Oddly enough, the Pen just might have brainwashed all the faculty to come to the unanimous agreement of raising the brothers as their own, among the lot of them. How odd that they agreed for once, the one time in decades that Good and Evil have agreed on any matter.
It was probably done for the greater fate of the Woods, the way they were all swayed by the Storian, nearly unconsciously.
And so, they came to terms with the new status quo because there seemed to be something behind this decision of the Pen's, that was greater than they could ever know, or so they believed.
They accepted it. They didn't question it because it was so obviously the Storian's doing. Controlling their minds that had already been made for them. No chance to decide for themselves.
But, they let the Storian handle it, handed over all control to the Storian. Because, no one, not even the highest ranking sorcerer or fairy godmother of either School, or lord or lady could have taken issue with what the Storian did. No one went against it. No one could. Contradicting it would have been a death wish just waiting to happen.
And they all knew that. They knew that very well, considering the nature of the tales they taught.
Eventually, they came to the common conclusion that these children must have been their future School Masters.
Thus, they took the Storian's apparent decision to heart because it wasn't their place to step in.
No one could overrule the Pen, so they lived with it, and continued to train the mysterious, foundling brothers—while they worried for their lives and all that was to come.
That particular set of faculty became a little like the brothers' parents, until they died off, one by one, each from old age or the occupational hazards of working at such a School.
Their professional lives were demanding and they didn't pay as much attention to the brothers as they should have.
All they could do was follow through and hope the Pen had charted the right course, that it chose well in the end.
Even if they would never live to see the future, they were aware they had played a monumental role in securing safety and balance for the Woods, by acting as these children's first, human influences.
"When Lightning Falls" takes place around three years after the brothers' arrival, when they're about seven, so they've had time to have grown used to the schools.
Everything has become a bit mundane to them. There's nothing new because it's all they've ever known and grown up with, unlike the incoming students' experience of the manor every four years.
So, they've never been around peers their own age, which led to Rhian feeling special and becoming fragile with no challengers and to Rafal gaining a massive superiority complex.
During those years is when Rafal starts on his skepticism, early in life.
Rafal starts to question the Pen, and ask why of everything and everyone that can possibly answer him, or that would answer him if he persisted and probed enough, and didn't relent. And he threatens his way to the answers, to get his way, to figure out what makes everything in this world of theirs tick.
It's the only way he knows, to bribe or exchange, even unethically, or to beat and to hassle information out of others, to trap them in their own bedchambers or offices and not release them until they answered him or fulfilled his demands.
He learned the word "leverage" early on, and the Evil faculty thought he was a prodigy.
He doesn't know any other way because the Never faculty took him in first, claimed him as one of their own. They took a liking to him and his silence, over his crybaby brother.
Predictably, the Never faculty were rough around the edges and they never showed displays of pleading and begging, so Rafal never did that, even as a child.
He never learned the art of apologizing either. Everyone was remiss to let that pass by... but it was too late.
He refused to resort to such means as begging, to lower himself in that way, like Rhian would, even at such a young age, because he wasn't taught mercy. He was told kindness was a weakness and that justice was right. And so, even as a young child, he maintained an adult-like level of dignity in how he conducted himself, always.
Meanwhile, he'd look on at his brother, and wonder: why is he acting so childishly? Having Evil imposed on him forced Rafal to grow up sooner, before his time.
Evil taught him never to whine and whinge, to never cry to get his way. He could already get his way, by other, more sinister means. Cleverer, more artful, more guileful means besides, and in doing so, he could still feel superior, boosting his ego, inflating it and inflating it as a result.
So, that was what he'd grown up around. It was the natural way of things, to him.
At least, this is how children ought to be treated in his eyes, simple as that. And he turned out fine, didn't he? Of course he did. No question about it. He's him, and he's great. The best. Superior to all others, everyone else in his school.
He probably considered himself the smartest little boy alive, not necessarily the most knowledgeable, but the most clever or capable of outwitting others, of negotiating deals, and plotting schemes and doing other, crooked deeds. He thought himself smart in that artful sense, skilled to the point that he could outfox adults over twice his age, outdoing the teenage students in everything he did.
Oh, and if certain knowledge were established as forbidden? Rafal would still try all the more diligently to go after it. That's how he contended with all things.
And what of Rhian? To Rafal, Rhian was naive. Secretly, Rafal never considered Rhian his match. No way, no how. That brother of his couldn't tell Good from Evil in the simplest of challenges.
The Evil faculty were decently well-meaning, thinking Rafal would be good villain material, but again, they weren't exactly attentive or warm or caring like Good's faculty was in "parenting" Rhian.
They weren't neglectful either, but still, Rafal was left to his own devices outside of lessons, and he grew accustomed to being alone when Rhian wasn't around to play with him. Not that he really played that frequently.
Thus, time passed, and the staff believed the twins to be foundlings. That they were adopted, taken in under their wings. Children of the School.
In reality, the twins were children of the Storian.
Everyone knowingly buys into the lie because they didn't want to think beyond the present. They wanted to believe the brothers were of woman-born, abandoned, and insignificant. But, the truth could only be delayed, not buried.
The brothers are foundlings, they all said, persistently. That's what most of the faculty believed, and that's what the brothers were led to think.
Yet, a select few knew their actual purpose of existence: the brothers were not being trained up to follow the Rules of fairy tales themselves—they were being trained up to rule. (Or rather, "rule" as figureheads for the greater Pen.)
They were bound to the School grounds, and only a few people, none in living memory, knew they belonged to the Storian...
Any thoughts anyone?
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Found footage
MD-264N masterlist
@febuwhump alt 8: found footage
Taglist: @wolfeyedwitch @den-of-evil
Blue reluctantly shows Morgan footage of themself from the hacked Ministry hard drive.
CWs: minor whump, parental death, kidnapping, grief, mentioned ableism, mentioned abuse
"Thanks for this," mutters Rhian. Blue shrugs uncomfortably.
"I promised I'd try. And it is their past, after all. If they want to see it then I guess it can't hurt. I'll call you if we need anything."
Rhian looks reluctant to leave but does so after a reassuring smile at Morgan, shutting the door to the workroom quietly behind her. Blue turns to Morgan, who's standing behind one of the computer chairs, hands behind their back.
"Sit down. Are you sure you want to watch this?"
"Yes, sir."
"Okay. There's information documented in writing too, if you want to read it later, but for now we'll stick with this video. It's the first of the lot, taken from security footage from a house in Bangor. If it gets too much, press the space-bar here, or tell me. Are you ready to start?" Morgan looks terrified, but nods determinedly. Blue sits down beside them and pulls the mouse towards him, watching them warily out of the corner of his eye. "Okay. Here we go."
The video's in grainy black and white, showing a hallway of a modest house similar to the rebels' own. Shoes and toys are scattered around, and there's a few colouring books and some scattered pencils with large grips on a shelf. This is clearly a family home.
A child giggles in the background, and a woman responds in what Blue thinks is Welsh. Someone's added English subtitles to the security footage, and he follows along.
"Ah, come on, put that down, little one. No, hey– hey!" A young child comes charging into view, tackled by a laughing young woman, who grabs the notebook out of their hands.
Beside Blue, Morgan reaches out towards the screen before dropping their hand and whispering brokenly, "Mam."
The little child on-screen is very likely Morgan, then, especially given that this recording is in their file. According to the documentation they're eight, but they look younger.
"Lovely drawings, baby, but did you have to colour in the letters as well? What's my professor going to say?"
"He'll say that it's so colourful he just has to give you extra marks!"
"Well, it is very nice and colourful. Maybe we can put it on the wall after my professor's had a look."
Morgan beams.
There's a jangle of keys and both look up as a man booms, "I'm home!"
"Tad!" yells Morgan, running off-screen (next to Blue, present Morgan mouths the word along with their younger counterpart). The man lets out an "oof".
"Hey there little monster. How was your day?"
"I did all my exercises. And mam says we can put my colouring on the wall!"
The two of them have walked into the camera frame now, the young, bearded man's arm around Morgan. He kisses Morgan's mum quickly.
"How was work?" Morgan's mum asks. Their dad makes a face.
"Boring. Packing parcels never gets interesting. You two seem to have had a better day."
"Lili forgot to tell you her biggest achievement today." Their mum hands her notebook to their dad, who takes it with his free hand and examines it.
"You been colouring in your mam's coursework again?" Morgan nods. "Little monster. I– wait. That's your handwriting. You wrote your name?"
"Yep!" replies Morgan proudly, and their dad beams, ruffling their hair.
"Well done! This calls for celebratory pancakes. You want to go and choose the mould? I need to talk to your mam."
Morgan nods and runs off, and Blue can hear clattering, presumably from the kitchen. Morgan's dad's smile falls slightly.
"What's wrong? Did you speak to your colleague?"
He runs a hand through his hair. "Yeah. I didn't say it was because of Lili, obviously, but I asked what I could about hiding her powers and keeping her out of the government's hands. His advice was to homeschool for as long as possible and speak to a rebel-aligned specialist about controlling her powers. Which we're already doing."
Morgan's mum sighs. "Great. I don't want to go into hiding but if it's the only way to keep Lili safe…"
Their dad places his hands on her shoulders. "Hey. We've got time until the standardised exams. She doesn't need to go near any officials for a few years yet. Also, I got the radio parts."
"Let's see what mould Lili's chosen. 50p says it's the owl one."
"Only 50p?"
"Well, we do have a new Sword in the Stone one."
Blue almost doesn't want to watch any more. Tears are streaming down Morgan's cheeks already, and Blue can guess what comes later in the video. Morgan's parents were worried about the government taking them away for special education, similar to what he had, and that did happen, he supposes.
He doesn't want to watch this happen. The kidnapping. The electric shocks. He's had enough of his own, he doesn't want to see it happen to another child who's not a so-called 'normal' person who the government will leave to live their life. With Morgan's disability and powers, and their parents' resistance, it's no wonder that the government wanted them out of society.
That doesn't mean that Blue wants to watch.
But… he needs to. The rebels need any information they can glean from Morgan's records, and that includes these videos. Also, Morgan's watching, and he made a promise. He steels himself and turns his attention back to the screen.
"True." They start walking off-screen. "Hey, little one, what did you choose? Ah, I owe your tad 50p."
Just then, there's a series of heavy raps on the door.
"Ministry of Defence! Open up!"
"Lili, you need to run, just like we practiced."
"But I don't want to leave you!"
"You have to, baby. We'll come for you, I promise. I love you so, so much." There's a sound Blue recognises from his early childhood as a sloppy wet kiss on a forehead. "Now go!"
"They didn't– come," whispers Morgan, hunching into themself, as the younger version of themself dashes across the screen, pancake mould in hand. "They didn't, I– it–" They cut themself off with a sob.
Blue reaches across and pauses the video. "You don't have to watch this. I can stop it if you like?" Morgan shakes their head. "Okay."
Morgan's parents enter the hallway, and their mum unlocks a safe behind a children's painting. She tosses a gun and ammunition to their dad, loading another for herself and clicking off the safety.
"If we don't get out of this…"
"We will," he interrupts. "We have to. For Lili."
"Still. I love you."
The door bursts open and Morgan's parents start firing at the agents in the doorway. A couple of agents fall, there's a burst of gunfire, and then–
"Mam!" screams present-day Morgan, rocking back in their seat, hands flying up to cover their mouth. Blue rests a hand on their shoulder to hopefully ground them and they grab it, squeezing tight. The grip turns into a vice when their dad crumples to the ground too, their voice by this point barely a pained whisper, tears streaming down their cheeks, pooling on their lap.
Despite the pain, Blue doesn't try to get Morgan to let go as they continue to watch. It's more of a frightened kid than a dangerous weapon next to him now, and he can't bring himself to force them into the position of having no comfort whatsoever.
Several agents dressed in full combat gear enter the hallway, fanning out and disappearing in various directions at their leader's orders. There's no subtitles for them – they're all speaking English.
The hallway empties except for the leader, who rifles through the pockets of Morgan's parents, pulling out electronic parts from their dad's. The floor and walls are spattered with blood, and there's probably more bodies out of shot.
Suddenly, the sharp, terrified scream of a child rings out, and a few seconds later an agent comes into view carrying a squirming Morgan in their arms.
They fall still and silent and their eyes widen at the bodies and the blood. "Mam? Tad? Let me go, let me go, mam, mam, tad!"
The agent cuffs Morgan around the head and they fall limp, dazed. "Your parents are dead. Shut the fuck up or I'll give you something worth screaming about."
The agents leave the house and there's a few seconds of a silent, bloody hallway before the video ends.
Blue looks down at Morgan, unsure what to say. They're curled up, sobs racking their body, eyes screwed shut, hands clamped over their ears, still clutching him tightly with one of them, and he has no idea what to do.
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julemmaes · 2 years
Jamie, part one
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A/N: for those who've been following me since 2020 and who read my tsc fics, this won't be new. It's literally a story I'd written for a ship in the last hours series that I have literally zero interest in right now, and I just wanted to revive it somehow, so what better way to do that than turning it into a Nessian pregnancy fic?
tw: angst related to birth
Word count: 4.100
“Oh, shit,” exclaimed Cassian grabbing the cup before it could fall and shatter on the floor. The milk was everywhere and the cereals, with all the dye they contained, had created a green-red blot on the white drawers.
He heard someone huffing loudly in the living room.
“Language!" Feyre screamed, entering the kitchen with only a heel on her feet while she put on an earring. “Poam, Cass. Poam,” she chided with a deep frown on her face. Presence of a minor. Cassian clenched his jaw.
They had adapted that term a few years earlier, when Leon, Mor’s and Emerie’s son, had said a bad word on a class trip. A bad word the two moms hadn’t even wanted to repeat at first, given how actually vulgar it was. Cassian had had to threaten Mor, saying to her that if she didn’t tell him, he would ask their son directly. A threat to which Emerie had responded with a very hard punch on the man’s shoulder. Still today he didn’t know what his nephew had dared to pronounce.
Because of that episode, the young mothers hadn’t been the only ones to get a share of crap from all the school parents, but also Feyre and Rhysand, who were always seen with them. And the following year it had been Gwyn’s and Azriel’s turn, when they had brought their girls, Catrin and Rhian, to the same school.
Nyx, who was now smiling with a shit-eating grin on his face, nodded. “Yes, uncle. No bad words.”
It was impressive how much he looked like Rhysand sometimes. Not so much in the appearance, but in his behavior. The black hair was so dark that it often looked like a single compact block of curls, and the enormous eyes, like those of a fawn, were of an even darker shade of blue. Darker than his mother’s, for sure.
Cassian was about to reply to him, ready not to consider the poam rule again, but Feyre, who passed by behind her son, cast him a deathly glare before he could open his mouth. “You, instead, stop throwing cereal on the floor. I’ve already told you a hundred times that if you don’t like something you put it aside or give it to someone else.”
Rhys made his elegant entrance wearing a black suit and Cassian couldn’t help but shake his head, shocked by all that unnecessary beauty so early in the morning.
“Take a cloth and clean it up, please.”
The little boy’s black head snapped to the figure of his father, who, settling the cufflinks, raised his eyebrows high, making him understand that he was not joking. Cassian, who was still bent in the puddle of milk, struggled to hold back a laugh and both parents gave him a cautionary look.
Nyx threw his head back, complaining, “but I can’t.”
“Don’t you always say that you are a big boy? And that you can do it all by yourself?" Feyre asked him, putting on her other shoe and hopping around. Rhys went up to her and gave her a smile as he grabbed her elbow to keep her stable. Nyx had a lovely pout on his face.
“I’m not big, I’m only five years old,” he crossed his little arms to the chest.
Cassian snorted, “Easy, like that."
Nyx turned to him, frowning at him.
Rhys reserved him the same expression not even a second later, “Drop it.”
“God, sometimes I feel like I have three children instead of two,” sighed Feyre.
Rhys' face lit up. "Today is a good day," he approached the sink taking a cloth and wetting it, starting to clean up the mess, "if you don’t include me in the group of children.”
A desperate cry erupted in the hallway and Rhys was about to stand up, alarmed, but Feyre waved at him and walked to their daughter’s room.
Cassian looked at his friend as she hurried on her heels to reach the bedroom and wondered how it was possible to have such small children and still have that impeccable appearance. He had to admit it, it was pretty impressive.
“Would you finish cleaning it up, Nyx, please?”
“I don’t know how to do that,” the child’s lower lip began trembling and Cassian knew that he would soon burst into tears, too.
Rhys smiled kindly and extended him a hand, helping him get off the chair. A tear fell on Nyx’s cheek and Cassian felt his heart clench.
“I can teach you," said his dad, although he had already explained it many times. Another tear. “Baby, why are you crying?" Rhys asked, kneeling so that they both were at the same height.
Nyx put a dirty hand on his eyes, and somehow got chocolate on his nose. Cassian turned to the table, confused. There was nothing that contained cocoa on there. Where the hell does he keep the snacks? He asked himself, promising to ask his nephew how he could hide them from his parents.
“Cause mom’s angry,” Nyx sniffed.
Rhys chuckled, “No, buddy, she’s just very stressed out because of her job.” He moved a rebellious curl off his child’s forehead. “But you have to stop throwing food on the floor, because that stresses her out even more, okay?” Nyx nodded, closing his little hand over Rhys’s.
“Here me out, what if tonight when I pick you up from uncles Cass’ e Nesta’s place, we stop at the super market and take mom’s favorite thing?” He whispered to the child, who immediately began to nod excitedly. “Speaking of Nesta," he said then, talking to him. “How is she doing?”
Cassian ran a hand through his hair, snorting dramatically. “She’s not great.”
“Did something happen?" Rhys asked concerned, picking up Nyx to wash his hands in the sink. “I thought she was bedridden.”
“And she is." Cass reassured him. She’d been in bed for the last three weeks following a little accident that scared the hell out of them all. “But the deadline for the book is close and, so close to the end of her pregnancy as well, this thing is making her more nervous than she should be.”
Feyre, who had come back and was holding her daughter, Vega? on her hip, frowned. “I told her to relax and to call the publisher.” She huffed. The little girl had red and swollen eyes from crying, but she was sucking the pacifier and holding her hand tightly around her mother’s necklace and seemed calm.
“Uncle, is JJ okay?" Asked Nyx with little voice.
Cassian looked at him smiling, “Of course buddy, soon we’ll get her out of aunt Nes’ belly and we’ll finally get to know her.”
“I want to be the first to see her," he mumbled. “When Catrin and Rhian arrived, Leon was the first to see them and it isn’t fair.” The adults all laughed and Cassian assured him that he would see her before anyone else, even before his parents.
“Alright, alright,” announced Feyre. “Now we really have to go, so you take Vega-” she passed the little girl to Cassian, who placed her on his chest, and the big Archeron-blue eyes stared at him like he was a lone boob and she was starving. “Don’t forget their bag when you leave.”
“Are you sure they won’t bother Nesta?" Feyre asked from the door of the apartment.
Cassian looked at Nyx, shaking his head, whispering to him so that only he could hear him. “As soon as we get home I’ll let you eat the M&M’s cookies I made yesterday.” He winked at the child.
“Cassian?” Rhys was finishing cleaning up.
“Yeah, I’m sure. She won’t even notice they’re there. She’s so into the book that I have to force her to eat, it’s unbelievable.”
“Tonight I’ll call her." Feyre said, worried, "I don’t like it when deadlines approach.”
“Tell me about it.” Cassian murmured, sniffing the child’s head in his arms sneakily. God, he couldn’t wait to hold his daughter.
“I really don’t understand how she can stop tending to herself in this way-”
Rhys interrupted what would surely have been a monologue, “Darling, we really have to go,” he bent down to give a kiss on the forehead of his children.
“Yeah, I’m sorry," she said her goodbyes to the kids and Cassian and then they all went out, taking separate ways in the street.
Vega was cooing with delight when he placed her in the car seat next to her brother and started singing—always given that the strange sounds she made could be called words—along with Nyx when Cassian started the music.
"Did you put the seatbelts on?" He asked, checking from the mirror if Nyx had done so. An amused scream echoed in his ears when Dance Monkey started and he burst out laughing, turning up the volume. That song was like a glass of pure adrenaline for their children.
It was a particularly mild day in Velaris and he would have taken them to the park for a bit, with the hope of not disturbing Nesta while the last editing was taken care of.
It was always like that, he thought as he waited for the light to turn green. Every time the deadlines approached, his wife stopped thinking. Only her characters and her words existed. Unfinished or unnecessary scenes and chapters. The mental breakdowns of the last minute when she started saying meaningless things, like ‘this book has to be burned, I can't publish this’.
And Cassian had always been there.
Even before they became a couple, he had been a constant presence during those last crazy days. He brought her food every day, even when they were not living together, after a bad episode in which she had had to be brought to the hospital because she hadn't grabbed even a small piece of bread in three days. Feyre had gone to visit her and when Nesta had opened the door she had been so dizzy that she had fallen on her sister.
He turned left thanks to mere muscle memory, looking back on that day. She had scared everyone to death.
"Uuncle," he heard Nyx chime, took a quick look at the rear seats, and found Vega staring at him while holding the pacifier in her hand. "Can you give us the phone?"
"No, Nyxie Pixie, we’re here. Look." He pointed at one of the houses just a few meters from them. The boy started to jump on the seat, clapping his little hands.
He parked in front of his house and before taking his nephews he opened the front door, so he wouldn't have to put anything on the ground. He was about to turn when he felt a grunt of pain coming from the upper floor.
His heart stopped beating in his chest.
He glanced back at Nyx, who was playing with Vega, and ran up the stairs while all the worst scenarios imaginable were forming in his head. He climbed the last few steps, tripping on the carpet, and strode towards their room. His already panting breath stuck in his throat.
What if she had fallen while he wasn't there? What if she had had other complications? What if-
"Where are you, Nes?"
Another groan of pain and his stomach fell to his feet, "I’m in the bathroom."
Now that he heard her so close, so distressed, he could see things more clearly.
He opened the door of the small bathroom wide and saw her sitting on the edge of the tub with her legs wide open, while with one hand she clutched the edge of the sink and the other was on her bulging belly. At her feet a pool of water, tinted with red. Cassian’s eyes snapped to her face and saw that she was crying.
He hurried over to her and put a hand on her cheek, "What happened? Are you okay?"
Nesta squeezed her hand harder, closing her eyes, "I think the baby is coming."
Cassian’s eyes widened, the feeling of panic only increasing.
"You have to take me to the hospital, Cass, my waters just broke." Nesta was pleading him.
He immediately went full father mode. He ran a hand over her forehead, moving her hair out of her eyes.
"Look at me, Nes."
She did as she was told.
"Downstairs, in the car, are Vega and Nyx." A sound of despair escaped her lips as her eyes filled with tears. Cassian’s words stuck in his throat.
"Call my sisters, please," she begged, while a sob twisted her sweaty face, "I want my sisters."
"I will call them when we’re at the hospital, now c’mon,” he put his arm around her hips and with slow movements, that still made her wail in pain, he managed to put her on her feet. "I'll take you to the car and then I'll come get the bag, okay?" Nesta nodded between deep breaths. Cassian nodded with her, starting to breathe with her. "Can you make it downstairs?"
Nesta looked at him and gave him a tired smile, "I kinda have to, don't I?"
Cassian felt bad for her, but still managed to return the smile, "I guess so."
He held out his other hand to keep her standing, placing it under her arm.
They reached the stairs and he positioned himself behind Nesta, while she leaned completely against his chest.
"Cass?" She almost whispered.
Cassian let go of a breath through his nostrils, forcing himself and holding her up the bottom steps,
"You almost made it."
Nesta shook her head, "No, it's not that-" she was interrupted by what Cassian imagined to be a particularly strong contraction, because she squeezed his hand so tight that it could have blocked his circulation, and a thought crossed his mind like a train that derails.
"God, Nes. Why didn't you call me as soon as the contractions started?" He said in her ear, while with his arm he tried not to push on her belly.
"Because-" Nesta cursed under her breath, "because you took my phone this morning. And they weren't this strong when you left, I thought I could wait for you to come back, but then my waters broke and-" she trailed off, rotating her shoulders.
"Yeah, oh," she chuckled, despite the situation. "You could have chosen any other day, you know, to play thief with me." She heaved a sigh of relief when they arrived on the ground floor and leaning against the wall to walk, she dragged herself out of the house. Nyx, who saw her come out, pushed himself against the car window, getting into his sister's high chair. He began to pound his hands on the glass while smiling, Vega was whining behind him.
Nesta turned to Cassian, making him take a step back, but he was immediately at her side half a second later. "I don't think I can hold back," she said worriedly as wrinkles formed on her forehead.
Cassian put a hand on her back and she closed her eyes as if she hadn't waited for anything else, "Don't worry, Vega will never remember today and I promised Nyx that he’ll be the first to see Jamie, so he won't think about anything else," he smiled hopefully and she nodded.
As soon as they opened the car door, Nyx was already shrieking with joy to his aunt. Cassian circled the car, opening the side of his nephew, drawing his attention by bending over.
Nyx looked at him with wide, excited eyes. “Where are we going?”
"Well, buddy, aunt Nesta is going to have JJ, okay?" The dark head snapped towards his aunt, who was currently focusing on her breathing. "She's very afraid and I have to go up and get the other things, could you hold her hand while I'm gone?" He asked, eyeing his wife, who now had a tight grip on the door handle with clenched teeth. "Also remind her to take slow, deep breaths, maybe." Nyx nodded in confusion, but was immediately between the two front seats, with his little hand stretched out towards Nesta, who held back a sob as she squeezed it.
Cassian ran up the stairs as fast as he could and then into their bedroom, taking everything he had prepared a few weeks earlier.
He got into the car and, after checking that everyone had their seatbelts on, pressed on the accelerator. A hand went to Nesta’s leg, "Are you okay?"
"I'm going to have to push a person out of my little butterfly," she hissed through gritted teeth, trying not to be heard by Nyx, "how can you even think I’m okay?"
Cassian nodded, tight-lipped, "You're right, sorry."
Nesta said nothing until three minutes later, when they entered the hospital’s street, and a desperate scream, which had managed to escape the woman's control, made its way into the small cockpit of the car. She began shaking her head frantically, while hugging her baby bump with her hands.
Cassian halted in front of the emergency entrance and turned his head to his wife. He unbuckled her belt and in the meantime looked at the children who were with them. Nyx had his hands over his ears and had neared Vega’s high chair, which was looking around even more confused.
"Cassian," Nesta breathed. "Cass, something is wrong." Her words broke and Cassian nearly started crying with her.
He couldn't show how scared he was. He had to try and be strong for her.
"We are at the hospital, whatever is wrong, they will help you and I will be there with you. Alright?" He tried not to freak out and got out of the car. He opened Nyx’s door, letting him out and reaching into the car, he freed Vega’s small body, taking her in his arms.
Nesta had managed to open the door alone, but was still sitting.
Two nurses were quickly approaching with a wheelchair and Cassian thanked the gods when they helped her out of the car and sat her down, starting to ask her questions, evaluating everything.
"Cassian!" Nesta called him, turning her head back. He only had time to take the bag, put it on his shoulder, take Nyx by the hand and start running towards the entrance.
He joined her shortly after, and her hand tightened around his arm.
"What's wrong with auntie?" Nyx asked with tears in his eyes as he squeezed his sweaty hand.
Cassian was panicking.
Vega burst into tears when one of the nurses yelled to call the obstetrics and gynecology wards and he couldn't hold back any longer as a single tear ran down his cheek. He rapidly swept it away, hoping the kids around him hadn’t noticed.
He looked at Nesta, trying to keep up with the nurses and doctors and when they reached a room that had equipment and a bed, someone put a hand on his chest, blocking him. Nesta’s hand slipped from his arm.
"Excuse me, sir, you can't stay here and you have to take the children away," he looked down at the sympathetic gaze of one of the nurses. He shook his head in confusion.
"No, I can't leave her alone," he couldn’t understand. How could they think about asking him to leave when Nesta was shouting his name, asking him to stay beside her? It was true, Nyx and Vega were crying, as shocked as he was by Nesta’s screams of pain, but he couldn't leave.
“I'm sorry, but you can't stay here. My colleague will accompany you to the waiting room. As soon as we know something I will come and tell you, okay?" Retried the nurse.
No, it was not okay. Nesta was pleading him from inside the room to join her. Face red and cheeks strained with tears. Someone told him to step away and then shoved him aside. A woman in a pink cap looked at him sternly and screamed at the nurses to escort him out.
When he turned to Nesta, however, he smiled at her reassuredly.
The door closed in front of him and Cassian was pushed away from the room. He still could hear everything. Every doctor who moved in that room to help his daughter get here.
His daughter.
He was about to become a father.
He needed Rhysand. Azriel.
He started to pant and could not get enough air in. He left Nyx’s hand, who sobbed, and brought it to his throat. Where were his brothers?
"Sir?" The same nurse approached him with a folder in her hand. "Are you feeling well?"
Cassian looked at her and his vision blurred, he could barely say no, shaking his head.
"Your wife is in the hands of the best doctors in Velaris, don't worry." She said gently, "Come on, give me the baby." Vega’s weight was lifted from his arms and the bag fell to the ground. He was already breathing more easily, but the panic had not eased yet.
"She is one of the nannies in the nursery and will stay with them in the waiting room until you have calmed down, okay?"
He nodded again as he was looking at the woman, but he couldn't see her. He could not think clearly.
Nesta was about to give birth.
Where's Rhysand?
"I have to call someone," he whispered.
The nurse nodded, "I really meant it, don't worry, we are used to having women rushing in on the verge of giving birth every day. They're all fine and safe at the end of the day," she put a hand on his arm. "You already have two beautiful children, I'm sure the third one will be just as beautiful and healthy."
"They-" he cleared his throat. “They are my nephews. I don’t have children." Not yet, he thought.
"Uh, sorry," the nurse's cheeks turned red. "Congratulations, then."
He nodded. It seemed to be the only thing he could do without bursting into tears.
He was about to ask where the children had been brought, so he could calm them down—god, he had left them with a stranger while they were both crying desperately—when the door to his right swung open and all the staff came out, dragging the bed out, with a crying Nesta laying on it.
“Alert surgery that we are coming. The baby is breech," said the woman with the pink cap.
Cassian took a step towards, noticing just then that Nesta was wearing an oxygen mask and appeared as pale as ever.
"Nesta!" He called out. Her head snapped to the side, looking for him. Cassian reached her in a few steps, still leaving room for the doctors around the bed and took her hand while running along with them.
“Dads can't enter the room, I’m sorry. You’ll have to wait outside," the doctor said. Cassian didn’t even consider her and tried not to trip over the wheels of the bed as he bent over Nesta and pushed his forehead against hers.
"I'm scared," she squeezed his hand tighter. Cassian’s stomach twisted a little more. "Please come with me. I'm scared," she sobbed into the mask.
He closed his eyes shaking his head, "I can't, Nes."
"Please," she cried.
Cassian looked up at the doctors, but the woman who seemed to be in charge shook her head with her lips reduced to a thin line. They had entered the elevator and he hadn't even noticed.
“I'll wait out here, okay? I'll wait with everyone else. I’ll call your sisters, as soon as you enter the room, so when you get out they will all be here." A sob rose in his throat, but he managed to keep it down.
Nesta was shaking, but she nodded, “I also want Gwyn. And Emerie. I want my friends. "
"Of course." Cassian reassured her. Nesta raised a hand and moved the mask, raising her head. He lowered himself even further, meeting her lips halfway.
Emotions threatened to overwhelm him, but he managed not to burst into tears while the doctors ordered him one last time to let her go, or they might encounter security problems. He broke away from the bed and then Nesta was going through another corridor alone, terrified to her bones.
When he would see her again, they would be mum and dad.
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boonesfarmsangria · 4 months
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(Credits: Far Out / Kate Friend)
Orlando Weeks – ‘Loja’ album review: an artist stepping into the sunshine
THE SKINNY: For me, and likely many others my age, it’s very difficult not to see a bracket after reading Orlando Weeks‘ name that says “former Maccabees singer”. Weeks’ work with the indie darlings is impossibly connected to his life. Since then he has offered a string of superb, variated solo albums. However, with Loja, the songwriter must surely be seen most clearly in his own right.
During my teens, I had the pleasure of following The Maccabees for tens of gigs during their earliest moments. Trying to find the location of the venue that ended up looking like a disused school gym, travelling up and down motorways to see them support The Futureheads and travelling to the arse-end of middle England to scoot between their sets and that of Hot Club De Paris (ask your parents). However, even I can now happily attest that Orlando Weeks is far more than just the singer of that important band.
Loja is the sum of Weeks’ long and winding road. It captures not only the brilliance of The Gritterman, A Quickening and Hop Up, which each took massive strides forward for him as an artist, but also the journey Weeks has experienced as a man. No longer the shiny-faced young adult with a collar so tightened to the top one feared his head might pop off, Weeks is now creating records that act as maps to the landscape of his adult life.
Effortlessly blending electronic modernism with the rich organic crema that one can only find in the cafes of Lisbon, Weeks is clearly evolving beyond anything his audience may have imagined. There’s a dexterity to Loja that hasn’t been seen before, as he not only provides a sense of welcoming warmth but doesn’t ignore the chill of the shadows it can cast.
Similarly, it’s difficult not to see Loja – an ode to the new artist studio he resides in – as Week’s striding out of the shadow of his former work and enveloping himself in the blissful sunshine of a new chapter. It is a record that feels liberated enough to do what it pleases.
For fans of: The Maccabees, still, probably.
A concluding comment from my wife: “Why do you look so proud?”
Orlando Weeks – Loja track by track
‘Longing’: Opening with his enigmatic vocal is a smart way for Orlando Weeks to confirm his evolution away from “former Maccabees singer” into his own artistic presence. the fact that ‘Longing’ continues to sonically raise the listener’s spirit is a happy coincidence. [3.5/5]
‘Best Night’: There are two paths for an album to take. They can either undulate between genre and rhythm, delivering something that never stays still, or they can flow from river to sea with a simple grace. Weeks has brought out the latter, and ‘Best Night’ sees us floating down toward the ocean. [4/5]
‘Wake Up’: Weeks’ captivating lyrics and always cherishable vocals continue to provide solace in an otherwise lonesome soundscape on ‘Wake Up’. Ethereal as the morning dew dripping off a strange window before kicking into a chainsaw riff that provides a welcome dose of grit. [4/5]
‘Dig’: While the record is certainly blessed with a light touch and Weeks’ noted artistry, there is also a pulsing rhythm to the LP that many will overlook. ‘Dig’, complimented by Wet Leg’s Rhian Teasdale, is one of the album’s best visions of this, built out of the breathy tension of the two singers biting at one another. [4.5/5]
‘You & The Packhorse Blues’: It may feel easy to pick out this track as one of the lighter moments of the LP, but there’s a certain venom to the song that belies this idea. But the flow continues to take us through a new dusty landscape and towards the sea. [4/5]
‘Good To See You’: This is the first time Weeks moves away from the more organic sound that permeates the record and welcomes the electro wobble that has filtered into most of his post-Maccabees work. However, this time, it feels more easily placed than ever. A sense of warmth and welcoming overcomes the potentially cold introduction to produce smiles and swaying hips. [4.5/5]
‘My Love Is (Daylight Saving)’: Meanwhile, as electronic glitches become more prominent, balanced with a crunchy guitar, Weeks produces a slow-build beauty that has all the chops to completely captivate you. [4/5]
‘Please Hold’: As the river flows, there is always the chance of the odd rock and rapid capsizing you. ‘Please Hold’ is certainly the most heartbreaking track on the LP, as Weeks pleads to hold on: “It’s winter now, but the spring is coming,” he belts with a purpose. [4.5/5]
‘Sorry’: Weeks’ ability to blend electronic and organic sounds together has been a mainstay of his previous work, and ‘Sorry’ is so effortless it’s difficult to call the drum machine he uses anything other than an extension of his creativity. The duality allows every song to be both rich in pathos and gilded with a sense of hope. [4.5/5]
‘Tomorrow’: Almost home. The speed increases, and Weeks’ delivery takes heed, pushing the tempo and allowing the almost-choral breaks to be punctuated with a sense of purpose. It’s hard not to feel enlivened by such a moving track, add headphones to that concoction and you have something potentially life-changing. [5/5]
‘Beautiful Place’: The sweet embrace of the ocean. At the end of the 11-track journey, Weeks sees us out with something unstoppably tender and enveloping, pushing his prominent vocal to the fore and concluding a record worthy of his heavenly tone. [4/5]
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