#Rick and Jerry are best friends in my head why can't they be best friends
scoliosisgoblin · 10 months
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have some doodles I forgot to post ages ago
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muziki-hyena · 1 year
"Birdperson unexpectedly flirting with Rick." Idea by @joycew-blog
Inspired by season 1 episode 11. I'm a bit rusty with writing fanfiction but I hope you enjoy :)
Fluff and angst :)
Rick saw Tammy flirting with Birdperson. His heart broke. He was hoping to get closer to BP during this party knowing that he just got out of his soul bond. But after seeing that he had to drown himself in alcohol and space drugs. The rest of the party was a blur and before he knew it the party had died down and everyone was leaving to go party on at Squanchy's place.
Summer said something to Rick and he just mumbled in response, not hearing whatever she said. Morty was picking up trash. "May I assist you with that?", Birdperson asked Morty. "Uh, sure, yeah thanks.", Morty replied, a little confused about why Birdperson stayed after the party. "Morty, do you know what 'wubba lubba dub dub' means?" "That's just Rick's stupid nonsense catchphrase." Birdperson then explained what it meant. He knew Rick had chosen this catchphrase so that only Birdperson could understand him. He wanted his best friend to know that he was in pain.
It had gotten dark and after Rick paused time so that Beth and Jerry wouldn't find out about the party, Morty and Summer went to bed. They decided that they would clean first thing the next morning or whenever they woke up. It would still be dark since time was frozen. Birdperson stayed awake, taking care of a drunk Rick. Rick grumbled and finally woke up a little. He squinted his eyes in the dark. "Birdperson? Why- why are you still here?" "To take care of you, Rick. You're a mess." Rick glared at him. "No I mean why didn't you leave with that other girl? It looked like you two were having a great time." "It didn't work out between us." "Yeah right-" Rick glared at him.
Birdperson stayed quiet for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. "Rick are you jealous?" "No.", Rick replied bluntly. "Then what's wrong?", Birdperson asked, genuinely worried about Rick. "Fine, I am jealous... You know how- you know- what happened at Blood Ridge-" ,Rick stumbled over his words. "Rick, that was years ago. I made a mistake. I'm sorry." "Doesn't matter. You can't change how you replied to my confession."
Birdperson stayed quiet for a bit and then said, "Your hair is nice." "Huh?" ,Rick was utterly confused. Why would BP say that now? "I am trying to flirt. To make you feel better." Rick laughed so hard that he almost fell off the sofa. "That was flirting?" "I tried my best." "Well, try again." Birdperson was happy that he made Rick laugh. "Uh, your eyes are pretty?" Rick couldn't stop himself from giggling. He knew Birdperson wasn't the best with words. "How about just a hug, Pers?" "I can do that." Birdperson moved over to Rick and wrapped his arms around him. Rick sighed and rested his head on BP's shoulder.
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cloudydreams21 · 2 years
No Turning Back|Part 2Chapter 2
Something Expectedly Unexpected
Check out my Archive of Our Own and Wattpad under the same username cloudydreams21 ☁️
V. Light smut in this chapter
Chapter Songs: Dark Red- Steve Lacy and Same Room-JP Same
Goddamn, the universe had a sense of humour.
Rick stared at her blankly for a second, barely being able to work through the swarm of thoughts and questions congesting his brain. His inner monologue was giving him whiplash. He was kicking himself for not taking the time to learn more about this dimension before settling himself in.
How does Beth even know her? Why is she here? Oh fuck, did she know the previous Rick who lived here- the Rick I replaced, the Rick I killed? Wow, she really is beautiful. Crap, what the fuck am I even meant to say right now? Right, fuck this, I’m not doing this, I’m not having this shit in my life. I’m not one of those Ricks who-. But fuck me, those Citadel Ricks were right; she is a knockout. Why did I have to choose one of these dimensions. Okay, act natural, she doesn’t need to know you’re a fucking idiot Rick.
Rick couldn’t help but find something special about this version of her-my version? No, not my version, Jesus Rick you just met the girl. How is it that she seemed to radiate warmth and comfort even in the few seconds he had been in her presence. He took as many moments as he could to take her in without coming across like a tongue-tied fool. She wore a long skirt which rested just below her knees, and a simple black top cropping at her ribs. She wore golden jewellery on her fingers and long layered necklaces. She was truly a ray of sunshine. Shit, she was goddamn angelic.
Beth managed to break into his thoughts, clearly not noting the absurd battle raging just inside his head.
“Daaaad, this is my best friend, she lives over the road but we met in College.” She cheerily gestured to her friend before frowning at Rick’s blank expression. “Oh yeah! Right, of course you wouldn’t know.” She feigned lightheartedness but he registered the frustration behind her cheery tone. “Dad, after I had Morty... Jerry was a stay-at-home dad for a while. I went to the local College to become a Veterinary Surgeon. You know my job, horsesurgeon…” She explained, becoming increasingly bad at hiding her frustration with her dad’s blank stare. “Well, anyway, we met in the library-” Beth gave her a meaningful smile and her friend let out a soft chuckle, “-and we just hit it off! I hadn’t even known her grandma lived on this street, just over the road! She moved in to her house a few years ago when she left it to her and she's been a big part of this family ever since! Well, she is family.” She finished giving her friend the brightest of smiles.
She got up from the sofa now, pulling down the skirt as it hitched up on her thighs before extending a hand towards Rick offering him her name. “Beth gave me call a couple of months ago to let me know you had moved in! Sorry I hadn’t been able to introduce myself sooner, I was away for work…but you’ll probably be seeing a lot of me now that I’m back. I can't wait to get to know Beth's dad. Hope that’s not a problem!” She finished with a soft laugh that tickled all of Rick’s senses.
He observed her face and noticed her septum and nose piercings... Holy shit, seriously. It was like she was trying to be as attractive as possible. Rick snapped out of his reverie again and finally managed to unfreeze himself putting on his usual disinterested face. He reached into his lab-coat for his flask, looked at her extended hand once pointedly, before ignoring it and taking a sip. He finally steeled himself, preparing to talk and keep his voice level although his senses were extremely heightened to the point where he felt jittery.
“R-right…” he spoke, forcing impatience to paint his tone as he maintained boorish eye contact with her.
She dropped her hand back down and Rick noted some confusion, and perhaps even some disappointment in her eyes. He felt like an asshole and began regretting his crassness. But this sense of vulnerability he was feeling was not something he was comfortable with, he wasn't sure how best to proceed.
She sat back down, took a deep breath, and rubbed her hands up and down her thighs briefly to sooth herself. Rick’s gaze dropped to her thighs as she soothed herself and back up slightly to rest on her chest as she leant over to reach for a cup of tea sat on the coffee table. He managed to shift his gaze to her face before she noticed. She smiled awkwardly at Rick again, before glancing at Beth.
He looked away quickly and snapped his eyes to Beth. “S-sweetie, I-I gotta go the garage, I l-l-left an alien egg in the incubator and it could hatch a-any minute.” He turned away before she could respond and made his way back to the garage.
“O-okay, Dad! Are you gonna be around later? I’ll be cooking dinner for us all!” Beth called out as he walked away.
He just managed to get out a brief “Mmmhmm.” Before sealing himself in the garage and leaning against the door. Fuck.
Before Rick knew it, he was on his knees fumbling through box after box until his fingers finally wrapped around them. He pulled the goggles out and began frantically turning the dial to the Rick from Earth Dimension B-814, the Rick whose life he had before. He had finally clicked that the first Rick he had observed and the random girl sitting with his family wasn't a random dismissible person at all, but rather one of the few versions of her. After all this time avoiding snooping into his alternate lives, it was clearly time to get some answers, to see if she was somehow significant in some way and if he could figure a way to avoid it. Avoid her.
I can do anything. I'm fucking Rick Sanchez, smartest man in the universe. I choose my own life, I'm fucking god.
But why did she have to be so captivating. In the few short moments he had interacted with her, she made him want to know her. He wrote it off as just sexual attraction and nothing more. Of course I’m attracted to her, I’m a human male, I have eyes and a brain. She's attractive, sure. She’s smiley and approachable too, the total opposite of me. Of course that peaked my attraction to her. Nothing special, nothing important. Not significant.
He told himself B-814 probably never even pursued anything with her, she was just there all those years ago because of Beth.
Once he put the goggles on, he saw the one thing he hoped he wouldn’t.
B-814 was lying in bed on his side, with his arm draped over a woman lying with her back to him. Rick leant forward and kissed a spot behind her ear. His effect was immediate, she giggled and rolled over to look into his eyes, smiling softly.
“I still can’t believe you actually moved in-”. She shifted forward to kiss him, and she placed her hand on his face. She gently pushed his hair out of his eyes as she continued. “After all the obstacles and reservations. All these years…”. She looked into his eyes with such adoration.
B-814 broke into a teasing smile, “Baby girl…y-you don’t need to remind me how old I am. All these years… I don’t know why you even feel this way f-for an old ass man. Shit, d-do you even know how old I am? Babe-i have to tell you something. I’m not the smartest man in the universe, I-I’m the oldest.” She laughed hard at his teasing and shoved him playfully. “Okay, o-okay, I’ll stop.” He urged as he frantically pulled her back into bed because she was rolling her eyes and getting up. He settled his hand on her waist pulling her in and continued in a more serious tone. “L-look, I- I-I know I’ve been stubborn, I just never thought in a million years that Beth would end up being so excepting of us! I know I had some shit to figure out in my own head too. Y-you know I don’t, or didn’t, really resign to relationship stuff or love. I mean love is just familiarity over time, or at least I thought it was. Ugh, shit, I’m so fucking lucky to have such-such incredible women in my life.” He shifted the hand on his waist to grasp her hip. She had a playful look in her eyes as her cheeks flushed slightly pink. She then opened her mouth to begin another round of teasing, but Rick swiftly cut her off her incoming remark with a kiss. She hummed happily into his mouth as he shifted his on top of her, his hands caressing every inch of her.
Rick C-149 was stunned. What were the chances he came across that interaction? This couldn’t be a common outcome. He was even talking about love? Living with each other. Rick had maybe expected a small fling but nothing that, deep.
He began adapting the goggles. He had to get into these Rick’s heads, he needed to know what they were really thinking. After some rushed tinkering, he managed to make the goggles fully immersive. He would now experience the alternate Rick’s emotions and sensations. He would be able to be in their minds as if it was his own.
He swiftly used one of his now shaking hands to move the dial to another dimension, twisting and twisting until he saw her again. This time he landed on Earth Dimension S-223.
Rick was back in his garage in the midst of an argument.
“We should have never rekindled whatever the fuck this is.” she spat. “We should’ve never pursued this all those years ago, I mean, I’m your daughter’s best friend! Why do you keep constantly leaving and coming back again? Every time you do you reopen these old wounds. It’s been years of this on and off bullshit Rick. I’m dating Sam now. I’m settled, I’m happy.” She glowered into S-223’s eyes, waiting for a response.
Rick said nothing, somehow lost for words. He turned his back to her and started to fiddle with some metal scrap on his workbench, trying to appear busy. She sighed heavily and Rick sensed her moving toward him. She rested her hand on his lower back, and his whole body tensed.
“Rick…I was taken with you from the moment we met. Remember? You crashed into Gran’s house with that stupid spaceship of yours. God I remember Beth running across the road, a thousand apologies flying out of her mouth-" She paused to laugh at the fond memory. "-That was the first time Beth and I met too and we grew close quickly.” She sighed again, a sad nostalgia lingering in the air. “Rick, I think I always felt something for you. I mean- I was always making up some kind of excuse to come round, even when I hadn’t made plans with Beth. I’d linger in the same room as you, and visit Gran more and more often to do gardening in her front yard when your garage door was open. I remember even offering to help with your experiments.” Even with everything that had passed between them both, she still blushed at her confession. “Then once Grandma passed and I moved into her place...I think things…shifted. I mean fuck. Your presence in any room made my head spin. It still does.”
Rick B-814 was fighting hard not to react as she pulled his heart strings, warmth spreading across his chest. He remembered her enthusiasm to help out, her slightly too long glances at him. Her hours in her Grans front garden, planting flowers, weeding and trimming the hedges. She had this uncanny knack of knowing when he would be home, conveniently planning her visits to her Grandmother accordingly. She thought she was subtle, but he picked up on it easily. How could anything she did be subtle when he noticed her every little thing. He couldn’t help but spend more time in the house when she was over, or opening the garage when he saw her car pull up to her Grandma’s house. He had been just as taken with her the moment he dropped out of his ship onto that front yard. The memory of it gave him a mix of shame and but deep fondness for her. He felt so wrong feeling that way, it was wrong lusting after her, especially when she had become so close to his daughter.
C-149 felt floored being pulled into B-814’s memories, experiencing the surges of fondness and doubt and nostalgia.
“We risked your relationship with Beth the moment we kissed.” she sighed.
Guilt began to flood his brain at the mention of Beth. He turned around slowly and held her hands, not daring to look into her eyes.
She squeezed his hands, her voice suddenly filled with urgency. “She doesn’t even know about us! Whenever you leave for a year or two at a time and come back, she always thinks it's something she’s done! Because she's not good enough for you, not because you can't handle being around me. Our-whatever this is. This back and forth is getting too exhausting. Why can't you just stay here this time, for real? If-if we can’t be together then, fine. But I know these feelings can eventually pass, I know we will get used to being around each other but not touching, eventually we won’t even want each other anymore. We just need to give it time, a true chance to settle.”
Rick began shaking his head knowing his feelings would never fade but knowing he could never be with her; he couldn’t let himself admit to wanting all of her. She didn't deserve to be mixed up in his life more than she was already. A true relationship with him would ruin her more than he already had. She deserved a true partnership, a joyful life. The chance to make her own home, her own family. He could never be enough for her and settling down would never be enough for him.
She watched his head shake and grew in frustration. “Or-or just leave then and this time stay gone! Don’t come waltzing back in a year’s time to start the same infuriating cycle. This limbo you’ve thrown us in is poisoning everything. Sam he- Sam is a good guy, I want him to move in, I-I want to - I need to start my own life with him. But every time you come back, I lose myself in you again.” She let out a rattling breath, trying, but failing to fight tears back.
“Baby…d-don’t talk like that.” He reached a hand up and brushed her tears away which had finally broken free. “I didn’t-we can’t- I-I can’t help feeling w-what - wanting you, I-I just can’t-I can’t be- we can’t be -us.” He struggled to explain himself and instead pulled her into a tight hug as she sobbed into his chest.
She pulled away to look into his eyes, “What, what even is this? How do you even feel Rick, do you want me, want us or do you just like possessing me? My body? I mean is this all some twisted game for you? If it is really just about us screwing, I don’t get why you feel the need to leave. I mean surely you can get over yourself and stay? But if you want us, like truly want us, then tell me and we will figure it out. We can tell Beth. I'll break up with Sam because it is not fair on him, I can’t do this to him any longer.”
He looked away again becoming agitated at her new line of questioning. “I-I don’t know? W-why would you e-even ask that?” He asked incredulously. “I-I just like being around you, I - we make - I make you - I like touching you. You feel r-right. D-don’t try and make it something-something-It’s not-or maybe it is? Christ-it's not that I don’t feel- don’t feel-”. Rick reluctantly looked into her eyes again, they could’ve burnt a hole right through him.
He could see her mind whirring as she tried to figure out what was going on behind his eyes. She usually saw right through him, and this time was no different. Fed up she started pulling away, but he held her tighter. “You-you can’t even admit it to yourself! You can’t even say it-”. A torrent of accusations began to flow, but he cut it off, pulling her into a desperate kiss. After a moment of resistance, she returned it with the same frantic energy. They clung to each other like they were each other’s life raft, the other one’s kiss lifesaving sustenance.
“I can’t...”, she gasped between kisses. “Sam he-”. Rick kissed along her jawline, hands digging into her waist and travelling lower. “He doesn’t deserve this-”.
She jerked her head back and grabbed Rick's face so he would look into her eyes.“Rick. You're destroying me.”
His eyes filled with hesitation but before he could second guess himself, she pulled him in for another urgent kiss.
They gave into their need melting into each other’s arms. She wrenched off his lab-coat, as he lifted her onto his workbench. The pair almost fit together like two parts of a whole.
Filled with desperation and yearning he pushed into her again and again until she came apart in his arms.
I got some inspo from Bridgeton Season 2 for one of the lines in S-223’s section. It hurt 🫥
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deadsaigon · 5 years
Kindred spirits || Carl Grimes
Summary: In a parallel universe where Carl is still alive, he experiences the events during the 9x15.
Warnings: Death, and yeah, a lot of cuteness and sadness. All at the same time.
Note: The flashbacks are in italics. Gif is not mine.
A/n: I've been working on this for a while, I hope you like it. Honoring my baby Carl, he deserved to live longer in the series. Requests are open. Sorry if it's too long, but I think is worthy to read. Hope you like it.
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"I stand before you today at the start of a new tomorrow. A tomorrow made possible by the sacrifice of many over the years. Among them a man whose mission was to build community and strengthen the bonds between us. A man who had to destroy the very thing that connected us in order to save us. It took us far too long to fulfill the promise of what Rick Grimes and his son Carl, who is here with us, envisioned" King Ezekiel stoped his speech, due to the ovation that the people started when they heard the name of 'Carl', Carl was a living legend. He and Amunet were between the crowd. One of his arms was around her waist and her head was over his shoulder. When the people around them began to applaud him, Carl blushed a little and he thanked them with his hand. "The same promise, Paul Rovia, better known the most as Jesus believed in when he brought us all together those many years ago. We've always been bound to each other. We always will be. We fought our way back to each other. We've grown. The crossing over the river may be gone, but we rebuilt a bridge nonetheless. Today is the proof that we can unite, not against a common enemy but for the common good. So eat, drink, trade and be merry, cause we got a lot of lost time to make up for" Ezekiel ended his speech.
Jerry stood in front of all the people. "That the first Annual Inter-community Reunification Fair begins" He said.
"Jerry, we changed that" Ezekiel told him with a little smile. All the people laughed. "Carl, could you make me the honor to say some words and inaugurate this?" The King asked him. "Amunet, you can pass, too". Carl blushed again, but Amunet encouraged him. They hold hands and passed to the front.
"Mmm, hello" He said, he was so nervous but Amunet pressed harder his hand, trying to calm him down. "I would like to thank you all, for not abandoning my dad's dream, the dream he worked so hard for so many years, the dream he gave his life for: the dream of being a big and unite family." Carl reached the cage of the white doves. "That the Fair or the New Beginning begins" He finished by setting free the doves. The people started to applaud again, and yeah, Carl blushed, once more.
Once the people got disperse, Carl and Amunet started walking around the Fair. "You're so cute when you blush" Amunet said.
"Stop it" He answered.
"It's the true, you are adorable" She laughed. Carl take her from her waist, pulled her close to him and kissed her.
"I love you, Amunet"
"I love you too, Carl" Amunet and Carl met each other since the beginning of the chaos. They were friends in the Atlanta camp, in the Hershel's farm, in the prison, and they started dating when they arrived to Alexandria. They had been a couple for 8 years approximately. They had always support each other.
"Alexandria is granted to give asylum to Lydia" Carl spoke. The leaders of each community, Tara for The Hilltop, Carol and Ezekiel for The Kingdom, Rachel for OceanSide, and Carl and Michonne for Alexandria, were discussing about the fact of Lydia forming part of the communities now. Henry, Lydia, Judith and Amunet were also there.
"If her mother retaliates it's gonna be against Hilltop, not Alexandria" Tara said, she didn't seem to be happy with Lydia being around.
"Tara, remember when you stood in the prison with the Governor? You were our enemy. But Glenn saved you, and brought you with him. At the start, people didn't trust you, obviously, but we gave you the doubt benefit, and look how it come, now, you become part of the family" Carl told her and Tara seemed to understand what he was trying to say. "That's why we propose a mutual protection pact. If her mother wants to attack Hilltop, it won't be easy, cause she is going to have to fight the four communities. They mess with one, they mess with us all" Carl continued talking. Everyone in the place agreed.
"How do we seal it? A blood pact? Do we cross the pinkies?" Tara said making everyone laugh.
"I just got an idea" King Ezekiel said and searched for something. Finally, he found the agreement that Rick had made so many years ago.
"How do you have it?" Michonne asked.
"Maybe I took some things when I left Alexandria" Tara answered.
The first who signed it were King Ezekiel and Queen Carol, then Tara, it continued Rachel, and then, it was the turn of Alexandria. Michonne took the pen in her hand, but extended it to Carl. "It should be the Rick Grimes son" She said. Carl took the pen and signed the paper with 'Carl Grimes'. It was it, the mutual protection pact was signed.
Amunet and Judith stood next to Carl. "Carl you did it amazing!" The little girl said and give him a hug.
"Thank you Judith" Carl took the body of his little sister in his arms and carried her.
"Thank you, Carl. Thank you so much" Lydia said.
"It's okay Lydia, I couldn't let you alone. You are one of us now. Also, Henry needs you" Lydia and Henry laughed. When Henry went for Lydia, after Alpha took her from The Hilltop, Carl, Daryl and Connie searched for him. Daryl and Connie didn't understand Henry, but Carl did.
"So, that's how you make CPR to a person" Enid finished her explication. "Who wants to pass and do it with the doll?" Judith raised her hand. "Okay, Judith, let's see how you do it" The doctor said her. Judith stood near to the doll, and started to do the steps that Enid had explained before. "You did it very well, congratulations! Take a lollipop. That's all, thank you"
The people dispersed, and Carl walked to Enid. "Hey, my favourite cowboy is here" They hugged each other. "How are you doing? Did Amunet came?"
"Cool, I'm pretty cool. Yeah, Amunet is here too. How are you Enid? Or I should say 'doctor Enid'?"
"I always call you 'cowboy', you have the right to call me 'doctor'" Both laughed.
"I'm happy to see you, Enid"
"I'm happy too, Carl. It's been a long since the last time we see each other"
"But we saw us in The Hilltop, when Rosita and Eugene got in trouble"
"I know, but I refer, to see each other like this, like family, not like two strangers. I'm sorry for never had get back to Alexandria, but Maggie needed me here"
"And I'm sorry for never have go to Hilltop to visit you, but you know what happened with Michonne, I needed to stay in Alexandria taking care of Judith and Rick Jr."
"Maybe we can be the same best friends that we were"
"I'd love that"
"It's gonna be a little different, I'm not the same depressive Enid that used to hate everything and used to sneak out the walls"
"That Enid was pretty cool, tho"
"It was cool for the emo Carl you were in that time. The antique Enid doesn't fit with the famous leader Carl you are now. But the doctor Enid, she fits perfect"
"I'm not famous" "Of course you are. You know that the adults tell about 'the Grimes' to their children?"
"I've heard about that, but I didn't think it was true"
"It's true, Carl, everybody knows your story, and I'm so proud of you"
"Heeeeyyyy, you're talking without me? I feel betrayed" Amunet got into the conversation.
"We were about to look for you" Carl said.
"I'm gonna pretend that I believe you. Enid! I've missed you so much" Both women hugged each other.
"I've missed you too. What have you being doing in Alexandria?"
"I'm in charge of the hydraulic system that provides water to the community. Also, I'm in charge of the maintenance of the solar panels, and the power generators. If they don't work, I fix them" Amunet said proudly.
"Woah, did Eugene teach you that?" "Who more could it be? The dude is a freaking genie. I'm glad to say that Siddiq did a good job training you, doctor"
"Can you believe it? Six year ago we were only teenagers trying to survive in the end of the world, and now, look at us" Enid said.
"This shit is crazy"
"Language, Carl!"
"Judith, what are you doing here?"
"I want a caramel apple, can we get one?"
"Okay, come on. Ladies, I'll see you later" Carl kissed Amunet before going with his sister.
"You don't have to go. They can patrol the surroundings by themselves" Amunet said to Carl.
"It's okay. I'm gonna be fine. Daryl is going too"
"Yeah girl, I'll take care of him, even if he doesn't need it anymore" Daryl said.
"You should reconsider it" Michonne said.
"Mom, you are worrying to much"
"Mom is right, Carl, it's too dangerous. What if something bad happens to you?" Judith said sadly.
Carl kneeled to be at the same height that his sister and put his hands in her cheeks. "Judy, do you trust me?" The girl nodded. "I'm going out there because I want to help. I can't stay here pretending that everything is fine with those crazy people with skin masks around. I want to guarantee the safety of you three" He said to Amunet, Michonne and Judith. "I have to do it"
Judith jumped into Carl's arms. "Just be careful Carl, please" The girl said.
"Be prudent. And do what Daryl says, Okay?" Michonne told.
"The last time I listen to Daryl I was fifteen, but sure, I will" Michonne, Carl and Judith involved themselves into a warm hugged.
Amunet was the only left to say goodbye. "Promise me you'll get back"
"I do. I always get back to you"
"I can't loose you, don't make me get through that"
"You are not going to loose me. I'll be back" The couple shared a kiss full of love and hope.
"I love you so much" Amunet said.
"I love you more. I'll see you later. Don't forget that you have my heart and that you are the fucking love of my life"
"Carl! Language"
"Sorry, Judith"
"It's time to go" Daryl said.
"Daryl, please, protect him"
"I will. But you have to understand that he's not a kid anymore Michonne" The man said before the group conformed by Magna, Yumiko, Carol, Kal, Marco, Dianne, he and Carl left.
"What the hell is that?" Carl asked.
The group had meet with DJ, Alek and Ozzy. They had found a destroyed carriage and dead horses. "We don't know. The bodies that were in here are missing. They must had been going to the Fair" DJ said.
"Do you think they were them?" Carl asked again, making reference to the people with masks.
"I'd like to say no, but you are not dumb"
"We should separate. Daryl, Carol, Yumiko and I will follow the rast of the bodies, and try to find them. Magna, Dianne, Marco and Kal, get to The Hilltop, and make sure everything is okay. DJ, Ozzy, Alek, keep patrolling around here. Let's go" Carl ordered.
When Carl's group moved, Carol and Daryl kept watching at Carl. "What's wrong guys?" He asked them.
"You did it pretty well in there. Being a leader is your thing, kid" Carol said with a little smile.
"Your dad would be so proud" Daryl told.
"Please, stop. People have been saying stuff like that all day"
"You shouldn't be ashamed of that, Carl" Yumiko said.
"Can we just keep going?" Carl ended the conversation.
The day turned into night. Carl's group was still searching for the bodies of the people from the carriage. Suddenly, some walkers appeared in their way. "Take care, watch their hands, they could have knives" Carl said.
Walkers grew in number, and then, a body of 2 meters of height appeared in front of them. Carl, Yumiko, Carol and Dary prepared their weapons. "Drop them. I won't ask twice" Beta ordered. The four obeyed him, and the tall guy directed his voice at Carl. "You just had to give me the girl. Now that deal is over. You are coming with us"
Beta took them to the Whisperer camp, and tied them to a tree. Then, Alpha appeared. "You, one-eyed, come" She said and unleashed Carl. Ponting at him with a gun, she took him to a pit, where a big horde of walkers was in. "I hope I'm wrong saying that you can't take care of my daughter" Alpha said.
"You are. We will be the family that Lydia never had. She is better with us" Carl answered her.
"You and your people are alive because I let you live. But I'm done with you all. If you cross into my land, once more, I'll guide the horde to the communities. I've mark the border to the North, you see it as you leave. Now, reunite with the rest of your group and get away from my sight".
After Alpha let go Carl, Daryl, Carol and Yumiko, they found Siddiq roofed to a tree, he had some injuries and the eyes bended.
"Siddiq! What are you doing here?" Carl asked him.
Siddiq wasn't able to answer him, so Carl helped him to get up and to keep walking.
During the way back home, they saw it, they saw the final warning that Alpha was talking about: some heads in pikes, marking the border of the Whisperers' lands.
Ten heads. Ten reanimated heads. Ten reanimated heads of people they loved and cared about. Ten people that were gone. Ten people that had died in a horrible way.
Once Yumiko, Daryl, Carol, Siddiq and Carl were close enough to the heads, they could finally saw who they were. And that only disturbed them more.
First head.
Ozzy was the leader of the Highway men. He was working with his men to get to chance to watch a movie, and he didn't was capable to do that.
Ozzy was working only a few hours, and now, his head was the first of ten.
Second head.
Alek was the right hand of Ozzy, and a member of the Highway men.
He was working with Ozzy for a benefit for him and their people only a few hours ago, and now, his head was the second of ten.
Third head.
DJ was a reformed Savior that rebuilt his life six years ago when he redeemed himself and took the invitation of living in Alexandria. Since then, he had shown his effort by making sure that the surroundings of the community were safe. And Carl appreciated that.
Carl felt sorry seeing his head, cause he had live and worked with him for a long time. DJ was the proof that a person can actually change for good.
DJ was talking with Carl about his concern about the possibility of the Whisperers were killing people only a few hours ago, and now, his head was the third of ten.
Fourth head.
"Hey, Nabila, have you seen Frankie?" Eugene asked to the woman. He and Frankie's daughter were looking for her, there had been a long time since the last time they had saw her.
But Nabila hadn't seen her, cause Frankie wasn't in the fair anymore.
Frankie used to be one of Negan's wives. After the Saviors' defeat, she was accepted in Alexandria, where she adopted a girl and became in a great mom.
Carl felt sorry too. Judith sometimes used to play with Frankie's daughter and some others kids, and Frankie had always watch them. Frankie had take care of Judith on several occasions and he was thankful for that.
She was hugging her daughter and enjoying the fair only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the fourth of ten.
Fifth head.
Tammy Rose.
"Have you seen Tammy?" Earl asked Connie and Kelly, with his son in his arms.
Kelly repeated the question with sign language, so Connie could understand.
The answer was no. The sisters hadn't seen her, Tammy wasn't near.
Tammy was an old lady that lived in Hilltop with his husband Earl. They had lost his son Ken six years ago. But life had give them happiness again with the arrived of a baby that Connie had rescue from The Whisperers.
Tammy was talking with Earl about how they should name their son only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the fifth of ten.
Sixth head.
Rodney was a teenager that lived in Hilltop. He was trying to have a normal teenager life.
He was hanging around with his friends only a few hours ago, and now, his head was the sixth of ten.
Seventh head.
Addy was other teenager from Hilltop. She had worries about the walkers, but also, she had some teenager worries, like, trying to make the guy you like to like you.
She was talking with Henry only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the seventh of ten.
Eighth head.
"It feels so sweet" Alden and Luke were singing on the stage. They had a large audience, but still, Alden noticed that someone was missing. Someone special. Had she forgotten? of course not. she was eager to see her boyfriend sing and be able to make fun of it. If Enid wasn't there, it was because she wasn't in this world either.
Enid was a resident of Alexandria when Carl met her. She was mysterious and mature, things that made Carl to got interested in her, an also, to liked her. Both had a realistic perspective of the world, and they became best friends cause of that.
Now, Enid was a doctor. She had something worth to work for. She was an important member of her community. She was living the happy life that she always had deserved.
When Carl saw her, something cracked inside of him, his heart for sure. He couldn't deal with the fact of seeing his best friend's head on a pike. So, a tear fell down his cheek.
"No" He mumbled. "Not you".
Carl was being Siddiq's support, but at that moment, the roles got changed. Carl's legs shaked like he was about to fall. " It's okay, Carl, it's okay. Stay with me, please" Siddiq said.
"Hey, my favourite cowboy is here"
"I always call you 'cowboy', you have the right to call me 'doctor'"
"I know, but I refer, to see each other like this, like family, not like two strangers. I'm sorry for never had get back to Alexandria, but Maggie needed me here"
"Maybe we can be the same best friends that we were"
"It's true, Carl, everybody knows your story, and I'm so proud of you"
Memories of her didn't leave his mind. Memories of Enid being happy. Memories of his best friend for all life.
He remembered the first time she saw her, on that abandoned house at the entrance of Alexandria. He remembered the times that he followed in the woods and lost her from his sight. He remembered when they used to sneak out the walls and go into the woods to read comics. He remembered all the times that she gave him advices about his relationship. He remembered when they skated in their way to Hilltop. He remembered a lot of things that they could never do again.
He had lost his best friend and he couldn't get her back.
Enid was teaching people how to do CPR only a few hours ago. Enid was eating caramel apples with his boyfriend only a few hours ago. Enid was getting back the lost time with her best friend only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the eighth of ten.
Ninth head.
"If you happen to see her, could you tell her I need to speak with her?" Gabriel asked Eugene.
"I haven't seen her in a while, but she must be around" Eugene said. Sadly, he was wrong. Tara wasn't around, not anymore.
When the prison got under attack, Tara was in the Governor's army, she was with the guy who killed Hershel, she was the enemy. But things changed. Glenn needed her help, and, Tara needed to help Glenn, she needed to help him so the guilt she was feeling could disappear. It was when she was ready to die in that tunnel full of walkers, so Glenn could live and continue searching for his wife, that Tara stop being the enemy, and became family.
She was Hilltop's leader since Jesus' death, she was capable to lead, and she was ready to. She was supposed to be a great leader.
Carol, Daryl and Carl looked at her head with melancholy. They had survived with her during a lot time, and now, that girl with an incredible sense of humor that used to brigthen their days didn't exist anymore. She had been reduced to a sad walker.
"If her mother retaliates it's gonna be against Hilltop, not Alexandria"
That thought arrived at Carl's mind. Tara was protecting her people, but she must have protected herself.
Tara was thinking about what was the the best for her people only a few hours ago. Tara was signing the mutual protection pact only a few hours ago. Tara was being the leader that the Hilltop needed only a few hours ago, and now, her head was the ninth of ten.
Tenth head.
"Where could she be? She's not the kind of people that disappear without telling someone where she is going" Rosita told to Eugene.
"Maybe she wanted to be alone. She wasn't happy about Carl going out there. Maybe she wanted to distract herself"
"Eugene, she wouldn't do that. If she didn't tell anyone what she was going to do, it's because she is going out there and look for him. She care so much about him"
"In that case, I hope she is still in here. She can get hurt if she goes alone"
"Come on, we need to find her. Carl is going to kill us if something happens to her" Rosita commanded.
Even though Rosita and Eugene went to look for her as soon as they realized that she was missing, someone else had already found her.
And then, Carl saw the last pike. With his eye wide open, he unconsciously left Siddiq alone. He dropped the Colt Phyton that he had in his hand. He couldn't take his sight apart from the head. He approached to the pike a little more, he was wishing that his sight was playing tricks on him, because in case it wasn't, and the head was of the person he was thinking it was, he couldn't stand that.
He was about to get close enough when Daryl got between his sight and the pike. "No! No!" Daryl shouted, while he was holding Carl of his shoulders. "Don't look at it. Don't look"
Carl's legs shaked again, but this time, he fell on his knees. Daryl got on his knees too, to comfort him. "Kid, please, don't look at her, don't do that".
Carl's cry was making him look so vulnerable and so broken that even Yumiko felt the need of hug him. But nobody dare to do it, except of Daryl, who was already with him.
Daryl was speaking to him, but he wasn't listening. His heart was so broken and he was so submerge on his memories that everything around him didn't seem to be important.
Inside of Carl, it was like his mind wanted to live again all the moments that he had shared with her, like he needed to remember everything he had done with Amunet.
Cause, yeah, the head that was on that pike was hers.
"Hi, my name is Carl, what's yours?"
"I'm Amunet" The little girl answered. They were in the outsides of Atlanta, in a camp.
"Do you wanna play with me and Sophia? She wants to meet you"
"I would like to"
"Great! Follow me" Carl took her hand and guided her to where the other girl was. They played all morning and all afternoon, that when the sun hid, the three kids could barely stay awake.
The memorie of the first time they talked arrived. Carl felt like he was just being stabbed in the heart, so he let out a heartbreaking scream, toring apart his lungs.
"Carl! You woke up" Amunet had been waiting to him to wake up since Hershel operated him. She was happy that his friend was okay.
"Hello, Amunet. How's Sophia?"
"We hadn't find her" She said, sadly. But at least you are okay, I've missed you"
"We'll find her. I promise. I've missed you too. My dad gave my his hat, cool, no?"
"Yeah, now you are a cowboy"
"You can try it on, it must look great on you" Carl put the hat on Amunet's head. Both kids were laughing, but Carl started to cough.
"Carl, are you okay?" The girl asked worried.
"Yes, I shouldn't laugh too much, it hurts"
"You should get some sleep. Hershel said you're still weak"
"Could you stay here? I don't like to be alone"
The boy made a space in the bed, so Amunet could lay on it. "Sweet dreams, Amunet"
"Sweet dreams, Carl"
The sound of Carl's sobs were mixing with the sound of the moans that Amunet's head was doing. It was a brutal and depressive mix.
When a walker Sophia appeared out of the barn, Carl and Amunet started crying. They hugged each other and stayed like that for a while. After Rick put her down, and the adults began to move the bodies, they were the only ones that were near the barn.
"I thought we would find her" Carl said.
"I did it too. I'm gonna miss her" Amunet started to cry again.
"Hey, don't worry, we are you and me now, okay? You and me, together"
Carl scratched the dirt under his hands, like the only way he had to express his anger. He could felt the Daryl's arms around him, but he didn't feel comforted.
"My mom's dead, Amunet. I killed her"
"You did what you needed to do. You couldn't just leave her, you know what would've happen"
"I'm a killer. The last moments I had with her I acted like an idiot"
"You were a great son, your mom loved you. And you are going to be a great big brother. Big brother Carl, remember that?"
"Can you give me a hug?"
"You don't have to ask for one"
"We should put them down" Daryl said, and his arms left Carl's body.
"Left Enid and Amunet, please, I'll do it" Carl said, standing up. Daryl moved his head in approval.
Carl got in the wagon that Garet told him. It was dark, but he could see that there were more people in there. A familiar silhouette appeared.
"Carl?" A voice that he knew perfectly asked.
"Amunet!" He said with joy. Both kids got together in a lovely hug, with tears in their cheeks.
"I thought you were dead" Amunet said crying. "When we were running out of the prison and you covered me from the walkers cause I didn't have ammo, I lost you, I looked for you but you weren't there"
"I had to get away from other way. Sorry"
"Don't you ever left me like that again"
"I won't"
Carl finally stood up, with his hands still shaking, he took the knife that Amunet had got for him in one of the running supplies that she did in Alexandria.
Carl opened his eye for the first time since he had get shot by Ron. The first thing he saw after had defeat the death again was Amunet, who was sat next to him. Amunet was submerged in her mind, she didn't notice that he was awake.
"Hi" He said.
Amunet made eye contact with him, and she smiled. She was showing him that beautiful smile and seeing him with those precious grey eyes that had him hypnotized.
She didn't said anything. She just stood up, got near to Carl and kissed him on his lips. "Thanks for wake up. I was losing my mind"
"I just lost mine with that kiss" He joked.
"I should've done that a long time ago"
Carl reached Enid's head.
"Why did you come to get me to The Hilltop?" Enid asked.
"I was worried about you. You didn't take any knife with you"
"I can take care of myself"
"I know, but..."
"But what?"
"You are my best friend. I needed to know you were going to be fine"
Enid hugged Carl and talked to his ear. "And you are my best friend, too. Thank you for made me company"
He raised the knife and buried it in the skull.
"I'm so sorry, Enid. Go to rest, it's time"
The head stopped moaning and Carl felt a little relieved. His best friend was resting now, in a place without suffer, that was what she deserved.
What Carl did next wasn't easy. He was in front of Amunet's head. It was the only left to put down. Everyone was waiting for Cark to do it.
Carl raised his hand, but this was shaking a lot that he dropped the knife.
"Carl, I could do it" Daryl said.
"I have to do this, please" Carl took again the knife. He looked at the walker's eyes. They were grey, but not the beautiful grey that Amunet's eyes used to be. And that was because that walker wasn't Amunet anymore, Amunet wasn't a sad head, Amunet was a shimmering start that guided Carl's life during so many years, and that wasn't going to change. A last memory appeared before Carl had put down the walker.
Amunet and Carl hugged after Carl almost got killed by Lucille. "I love you, Carl, I love you so much"
"I love you too, Amunet. I love you too" That was the first time they said 'I love you' to each other.
"I will always love you, Amunet" Carl said before he buried the knife, making the moans stopped. Amunet was now a free soul. Amunet loved Carl until the ended of her life. Amunet died thinking about Carl. And Amunet would always be with Carl.
Amunet and Carl were kindred spirits.
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