#as well as young Rick and Diane
scoliosisgoblin · 10 months
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have some doodles I forgot to post ages ago
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demonontheroad · 10 months
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Diane C137 in her flesh curtain phase
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tp2-randomness · 1 year
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when you look at someone and everything else disappears
(hey, look, a playlist! :D)
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conanssummerchild · 2 months
some of the most common prickcest fics i feel like are precanon fics of like young rick from when he was still with diane (theres a lot of young ricks, what are we calling him? wife guy?) and he's cheating on her with prime before he even offers him a portal gun, and i believe ive also seen a few people analysing this scenario, like what if rick actually did know prime before that meeting we see in the show, so i want to add to that by saying that what if that actually happened and yknow how rick reveals to beth in bethic twinstinct that he's also been with other versions of himself, what if beth and space beth reminded him of him and prime and how he was cheating on diane and then he lost her forever at the hands of the man he was having an affair with (at his own hands) :3 and also lost his beth
which is why rick said "remember, its not just your ice cream you're forgetting, it's your family's" or smth. because he forgot his familys ice cream too much, and then he lost them (not that im saying he thinks space beth would do that but also, we dont know.)
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space beth and prime are shown as kind of the edgier versions of beth and rick, prime and space beth even have similar sci-fi-ish outfits maroon-ish undershirt, diagonal hanging belt thing, streak in hair, dark leggings/trousers with some kind of leg cuff or something?
ok yeah, thats it really, im only saying this bcs i feel like it could have great angst potential for like rick remembering how he did the same and it went so much worse. maybe even showing another step that pushed him back into his rick prime relapse
(the first being of course solaricks, where he revisits his original dimension, stuck in the day he lost diane and beth, and then comes close to getting prime in that base thing place, then in bethic twinstinct he maybe sees everything i've just said in this post and he feels it pushing him deeper into going back to it, all the bad memories of when he and prime did the same as beth², wanting to avenge diane yk, that stuff, and then in analyse piss we already knew he sympathised with pissmaster because he related to him, he saw himself in him and stuff, well what if that also pushed him into isolation, bcs the worse he felt the more he was willing to destroy himself again, and then ofc in a rick in king morturs mort, when he thinks morty doesnt care abt him its like the final drop that overflows the cup (is that an expression in english? who cares, you get what i mean) like what if its a gradual build up)
anyway this post is getting away from me, but yeah um idk, rick has a lot of trauma is the point. he blames himself for dianes death we already know that but what if in part its bcs he was screwing prime. make that old man suffer :3
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elsenborn · 8 months
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Farley aka FAR aka Family Annihilator Rick
An unusually young Rick with an unusually old Morty…
Lore under the cut!
His origins are unclear. Maybe he somehow knew about the Diane Deletion Event, maybe it was just coincidence.
On Beth’s 10th birthday he snapped. His marriage was crumbling and with the possible looming demise of his wife anyways, FAR decides to take her out himself. He kills Diane as well as Beth, so Beth wouldn’t grow up with the trauma.
FAR disappears, investigators assuming he fled to commit suicide somewhere remote. No trace of him was ever found.
Well he murdered Diane at the exact moment the omega device went off, causing his timeline to break. This has left him essentially ageless and mentally trapped in a similar state he was on that day.
He permanently remains quite young and finds joy in murdering the families of other Ricks. He never got to see his Beth grow up and have children, so he has an obsession with Summers and Morty and murdering them for “completionism”.
He likes to steal Morteys either to lure their Ricks to his location to murder, or just to tramatize while he murders the rest of their families. He always leaves the Ricks for last (if he can) to make them suffer his fate, and he always spares Jerrys. He spares Jerrys because he feels they are too incompetent to do anything about it, and to bear the weight all Ricks feel at the loss of their wives and sometimes children.
He gets sick pleasure murdering these families over and over, and finds how each Rick reacts and fights back to be unique.
The only Morty he has ever spared was Mortimer, who is unusually older than most Mortys. They hang around each other as relative equal and Mortimer attempts to reign Farley in when they are on he Citadel, as well as attempt to curb his murderous frenzies while trying not to get caught in the crosshairs.
Basically, Farley is a twisted fucking cycle path, and Mortimer has a little bit of a Light Yagami complex because he feels if he steers Farley towards evil and dangerous Ricks, it’ll make the Citadel a safer place.
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pyrrhicraven · 2 months
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Morty and Beth both looked a little...Lost? Hell, he was a bit lost too. This Rick was sitting in a home office for starters rather than the garage, not to mention this house was not where theirs was. It was secluded and well for lack of better words rich.
Wearing pretty much what he was wearing but cleaner, and the cherry on top? A young woman with long dark blond hair clinging to him as he typed on a laptop. Face buried on his chest so they couldn't see her, her knees on either side of this Rick, one arm wrapped around his middle the other around his shoulder and a pale dress or nightgown caught around her thighs.
"This is terrible timing you know." Other Rick said and honestly, Rick had eyes in his head of course he could tell that.
"Err." Beth glanced at him and he shrugged, this wasn't part of the plan not that he'd really had one?
"Look whatever you want can it wait? I'm busy." He was blunt to the point but really if he was here then it was more than likely that he had what they were after.
"Uh jeez I mean not really?" Morty said clearly a little distracted by the lady and the other Rick sighed and slammed the computer closed, standing but holding the woman attached to him.
"Give me a fucking second then." They followed him as he moved to the room across the hall. A bedroom done in light creams and evergreens. He set the woman down who immediately buried herself under the comforter. Rick shooed them out and closed the door before leading them downstairs and to the living room.
"Who is she?" Beth asked softly and other Rick sighed, picking his nails. Nervous habit, he'd grown out of that.
"Who are you?" other Rick asked right back. Did he not? Was Beth not here or in his life?
"Beth." Other Rick shivered. "That was my daughter's name...But she died here. Diane left after she. Fuck. Why are you here?" If Beth didn't exist here then neither did Summer and Morty.
"You lost your Beth?" Beth said in a tone that meant she wanted answers.
"Yeah...uh, old house I had a lab in a garage that Beth liked playing in even though both of us told her not to...apparently another version of me planted a bomb to kill me and it." Other Rick placed his knuckles to his mouth eyes unfocused lost in a memory of the death.
"We heard the explosion and found Beth dying. I tried to save her, but it was too late. She died in my arms, Diane couldn't handle it and so she divorced me and I couldn't. I couldn't stay there with that memory." So he'd left the house and got this place?
"So you're not like after revenge or whatever?" Morty asked and other Rick laughed.
"With the way my life ended up so far hell no. If I'd been with Diane or Beth hadn't died I wouldn't have met her." The woman upstairs, what was so special about her? Beth let out a weird laugh and other Rick frowned.
"What the fuck?" Beth said and other Rick put his elbows on his knees.
"I got really fucked up after the death and divorce and man I pissed off a lot of people and some sent assassins. She was one of them, but during our fight, I used the portal gun-shes really good at killing I wasn't sure if I was going to win fucked up like I was at the time." Other Rick laughed, the smile on his face soft. Whimpy.
"She saw it was possible for portal tech and fucking made her own. I didn't even make mine-it was given to me, fucking smartest man in the universe and I used a shortcut. She's been able to keep up with me to the point I don't know if I'd win a fight against her." Probably from both a physical and emotional loss honestly, if they were as close as he suspected they were.
"So she's like your new wife?" Other Rick barked out a laugh, that sounded a little mad.
"Naw, we're more like..." He seemed to think a little too hard for that answer.
"She's not a romantic partner really, mostly because she doesn't float that way. We're like family but not really? I dunno, I try not to give it a name if I can."
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bolly--quinn · 9 months
I wish we knew more about the timeline of Diane. Like, we can assume Beth's Rick left around the time C-137 lost his family but a long time had to have passed before she was erased because I doubt Beth became an orphan at a young age.
I know not all universes exist in the same year so maybe Beth's Diane died from old age before all versions got erased. Or maybe she got erased and Beth just assumed she passed away? I wish we knew more about Beth's relationship with her mom in general.
I 100% agree anon, I’d love to know more about Beth’s childhood so much. I assume Diane is erased around the time Beth gets pregnant and starts her life with Jerry (so like 16/17) and it’s also super interesting that Prime walks out on his family for good around when she’s like Morty’s age (I need to know more about him as a dad as well tbh)
But yeah, Beth’s childhood is definitely the most interesting unexplored detail of the show and Diane is definitely more interesting narratively to me as Beth’s mom opposed to as Rick’s wife
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avaisnerdytoo · 4 months
Read Chapter Titles for Easy navigation:
There is a lot to unpack, I want to cover some character insights, some connections to philosophical concepts I found neat, and some implications I feel the show gives regarding future seasons!
I'll write a lot, so I recommend reading the chapter titles to see if something catches your eye, I understand why you may be less interested in reading a whole thing.
Let's jump in.
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This has the foundations to be one of my favorite episodes they have ever made. It is like a therapy session made an episode.
I feel this single-handedly pays for the lack of Morty we saw in other sections of the season.
I think even with most of it being a simulation, the episode still has a lot to say about other characters too. Even if it was all through Morty.
Nevertheless I won't drop the fact that this is an episode of Morty, where his mind, his feelings, and his unconscious are the narrators, which means that the way it speaks of Rick may not be quite accurate, but I'll get there*
Cause I do think the writers are still consistent with Rick for a good portion*
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Dr. Wong once pointed out that the whole Smith family uses rationality to avoid emotion (a fact I sometimes really identify with btw), and this is best shown here, where the layers of Morty's ability to resist the simulation and to place protective barriers over what he feels, is a lot stronger than we realize.
You coooould argue that's simply the way the hole works, but I personally interpreted it as more...
I think we are being told that Morty has also learned (if not mastered) the ability to build the same protective walls as the rest of the family, however his ability to defeat the simulation is also not to be understated, especially if only like 3 people have survived it in years.
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It is made clear that this representation of their relationship is not to be taken at face value, but I somewhat doubt the writers are interested in truly making Diane a part of the show. I hope I am proven wrong, but if I assume this is one of the very few instances of her we will see, then I am willing to take a leap and assume some of what we saw, could make sense within their relationship.
Diane was shown as fun, decisive, adventurous and challenging, to me, she showed a lot of Summer traits, which fits right in line with Rick's observations of her.
On the opposite end, I do think there is a big layer of Morty's own bias regarding how he'd assume someone capable of keeping up with Rick's style of character should be, and with the rest of the episode in mind, it is of no surprise he followed them across the main montage.
I feel Diane was an enabler to Rick, I doubt young Rick could be described as pathetic though, more like responsible. And Diane would probably be as well, but I do see a scenario where someone that grabs Rick's attention and respect has the resourcefulness of Summer and the courage to jump into action.
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MORTY IS ALONE ALONE, A-FREAKING-LONE + an observation for Evil Morty* Long Chapter*
We know this already of course, Morty is a kid neglected by his parents pretty much, not out of malice but out of immaturity and naivety. The bond between Summer and Morty is good, and has improved, but I do not think there is a world (nor there should be), where Summer should take care of Morty more than how a sister can. (In another dimension bro would be a strong candidate to get Fairly Odd Parents)
This evidently leaves Rick as the only figure in his life with any room to provide protection, love, advice and all the things adults should do.
Which is a very shitty deal... Because Rick is far from equipped at any of these.
His experience, even in the crazy sci-fi multiverse he lives in feels very real, I consider Morty as the most complex character, and he was designed from the start to be the closest thing we -as the audience - can have to a surrogate.
It hurts to see him so adrift, of realizing day by day that there are a lot of challenges he will have to conquer alone, we know he can, but it doesn't mean it is nice to have to do so. (I may be half projecting here though cause I big time identified with him here).
It is clear Morty is really holding back to the scary world out there, he wants Rick to protect him, he wants to be looked after, he wants what we all do, to be loved and heard. Acceptance is necessary for growth, and at this moment, it is clear Morty believes no one will be there for him. (Hopefully that is proven wrong but more of that below).
I think I may now understand what Evil Morty argued when he sympathized with Rick over achieving his goal of ending Rick Prime, and still feeling unsatisfied. (that's a theory*).
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+ the struggles of adapting to a changing family member or friend
+ will it have an impact on the next Season?
Long chapter
Actions speak louder than words, but words matter too, and when those necessary actions come sparingly, expecting anything from the person who's bringing you conflict becomes harder.
That's the best way I can describe how Morty feels about Rick, I'm sure he values that time in Season 2 when Rick sacrificed himself for him, but there are also hundreds of variations of that event where Rick belittled Morty, and that has pretty much been the pattern since then, there are objectively worse things Rick has done than good ones...
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It's unfortunate this is all Morty has, he clearly genuinely loves Rick, but I feel this episode, if followed upon through the Canon is a big eye opening for Morty.
This whole episode was a therapy session, like any process, it has to be explored through analysis, brought to the conscious mind, and peeled slowly across the stages of grief...
Actually, this episode was more like an Ayahuasca Trip, because it surfaced key aspects of Morty's psyche and feelings, but it only did that, unlike therapy which would keep exploring them to find how to coexist/diffuse.
There is soooo much left on the table, and the worst part is that I think this realization is incompatible with who Rick is becoming, which is reallyyyy unfortunate timing.
But completely understandable, and arguably real, on Morty's part, I feel they are being set up to be on distinct emotional paths which WILL require Rick to take more direct action.
If the idea that your closest family member can shatter the illusion of reality by saying that which you want to hear... Fuuuuck
If you ever watched Lucifer (the TV Show) there's a similar moment there that reminds me to this 🤔
not character exploration just a comment on the episode
As a small comment one of my favorite tropes explored in the episode is the whole looped, "Are we out of the hole yet?", because that is the very foundation of the paradox of simulation theory, they technically explored it back in Season one, but the weight of it felt more significant here.
If you're told you live in a simulation, and then given the option to escape, all Matrix style, you don't become Neo, you instead become eternally unaware of when you're in the real world, you aren't shown the truth, it shatters your perceptions completely.
It's not that kind of show of course, but imagine the weight of experiencing, in this case, growing up, going to college, possibly losing a family member (with the worrying lack of Jerry in those scenes), getting a job, forming a life that is ripped away...
I love the running gag at this point of this occurring... The Roy Game, The Vat Of Acid Episode, The Beth and Space Beth Lesbian Simulator (my fav), and now this.
Only this one is given that weight though, even Morty begins to wonder whether he was just outright born there...
I'm sorry I didn't post this when I typed it, I had more ideas and I wanted more photos but I maxed out what I could use and my perfectionism got the better of me.
Hope there is still something here for you all 🥺🥺🥺😖
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newkatzkafe2023 · 11 months
Character List and (Y/N)
Genderbend animated Sitcom wifes x Yandere motherly Seriel killer reader
Name (Y/N) (L/N)
Age 22
Gender: female
(Eye color): (e/c)
(Hair color): (h/c)
your a tall woman with (e/c) eyes and (h/c)You have long hair that usually up in one or two buns and you wear glasses.
Personality: You are an enigma and Mystery. You are a Recluse who runs a bakery called Katz Kafe a kid and animal friendly Cafe in the middle of the Neighborhood. You are a quiet young woman who loves animals and children and because of that you are more of an Observer then a talker But at night, you are a serial killer called hellcat And you target abusive parents who disregard and harm their children So therefore you also take the kids You save to either foster care or a new home while leaving proof and evidence that the parents were not fit to raise their child. When you come out of you she'll your friendly, care, protective, intelligent, and wise and you give fairly good advice. You yourself had some parents who abused you and your siblings and when you were 11 you murdered your parents in cold blood and proceeded to do the same to any parents who do the same to their children.
(Normal) Shy, kind, caring, protective, paranoid, Fierce, motherly, gentle, loving, harmless
(HellCat) sadistic, vindictive, mean Spirited, harsh, realistic, jaded, Short tempered, lethal
weapon use: you have a spiky club you use to kill your victims. You named it Excaliblog😵
Cooking: you are very good at cooking and baking you make free samples for the children and homemade healthy animal treats for their pets.👩‍🍳
Hyper awareness: you can hear things from miles away and pinpoint where it's coming from🫡
Night vision: you trained yourself to see and kill in the dark 😶‍🌫️
Teaching: you are an incredible teacher from Academics to self defense you can teach anybody anything you mainly tutor the children 🤓
Self defense: you are a fighter from professional to street fighter 😷
Super strength: Nobody knows how strong you truly are not even yourself but you could easily lift an school bus😤
Info broker: you know what goes on around the city even though you're not there🧐
Speed: you are very fast you once chase a bus you missed all the way to the next stop😛
Unlimited Stamina: your never Tired period it's never gonna happen 😑
Rage Quit: if someone were to hurt or threatened someone you love or a small child infront of you, you'll fly into a fit of blind pitch black rage that usually leaves blood on you hands ✋️🤬🤯
The genderbends lover Boys/Men
Marge simpson/Mark simpson (the simpsons)
Lois Griffin/ Lewis Griffin( Family Guy)
Francine Smith/ Francis Smith(American dad)
Donna Tubbs/ Donnie tubs (the Cleveland show)
Queen Dagmar /King Denmark(disenchantment)
Jenny hart/ Jake Hart(bless the harts)
Linda Belcher/ Lipten Belcher(Bob's burgers)
Gayle Genarro/ Gabe Genarro (Bob's burgers)
Peggy hill/ Pennsy Hill (king of the hill)
Nancy Gribble/ Nathan Gribble (king of the hill)
Minh Souphanousinphone/Mink Souphanousinphone (king of the hill)
Turanga leela/ Turango Lero(futurama)
Amy wong/ Alvin Wong(futurama)
Labarbara Conrad/ Lawson Conrad(futurama)
Beth Smith/ Ben Smith(Rick and Morty)
Riley Regan/ Ruckus Regan(inside job)
Paige Tillerman/ Pac Tillerman(Central Park)
Abby Hunter/ Albert Hunter(Central Park)
Helen Morgendorffer/ Hal Morgendorffer (Daria)
Honeybee Tobin/Wasp Tobin (the great North)
Sharon Marsh/Seymour Marsh (South park)
Liane Cartman/Lance Cartman (South park)
Carol Mccormick/ Calvin Mccormick(South park)
Sheila Brofloviski/ Sheldon Brofloviski (South park)
Annie Harris/Anthony Harris (Duncanville)
Diane Birch/Danny Birch(big mouth)
Monica Foreman-Greenwald/Marvin Foreman-Greenwald (big mouth)
Shanon Glaser/Shane Glaser (big mouth)
Lana kane/Lenny kane (Archer)
Dr Jill/ Dr Jack (Housebroken)
Your theme songs:
Ok New Character Bio Done!🥳
That's alot of men huh?🤭
Well that's how special you are😏🤤😉
As Usual Leave Comments!!!!!
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blogthebooklover · 6 months
Movie Recs In Honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
I decided to write out a list of movies to watch in honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes coming out very soon. This list will feature movies with apes besides the POTA movies, or movies with weird and bizarre friendships/found families.
The Original Planet of the Apes Franchise (1968-1973, Amazon Prime)
Honestly, I've only watched the 1968 movie a handful of times. I decided to watch all of the original franchise leading up to the release of Kingdom. They're all a lot of fun, with social/political commentaries at the time of each film. If you're a movie collector, or like behind-the-scenes/director's commentaries, I highly recommend buying the Blu Ray compilation pack.
2. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001, Disney+ or Amazon Prime)
I know, hear me out. Yes, it's over-hated, and yes, there was A LOT of potential for this movie. There were definitely too many "cooks in the kitchen" when drafting this movie. Imho, I think it's a guilty pleasure, popcorn movie. If you're a fan of makeup effects, Rick Baker (THE modern makeup effects master) does an absolutely phenomenal job with the designs of the apes in this movie (and check out his Instagram too). I do like the production and the ape costume designs for this film as well.
Tim Roth and Paul Giamatti are such a blast in this movie, too!
And the posters for this movie look so cool.
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3. Planet of the Apes Reboot Trilogy (2011-2017, Amazon Prime)
I think this is what the 2001 movie should have been, and was trying to go for. While the three movies did make their money back at the box office, I have two theories why they almost went under everyone's radar (again, this is my opinion):
A. Because of the mixed reception from the 2001 movie.
B. Because of the abundance of comic book & remake movies coming out during the 2011-2017 years.
I put this trilogy right up with the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. The storytelling is great, the special effects hold up well, and this reboot's version of Caesar has became one of my favorite main characters in modern film.
4. Mighty Joe Young (1998 remake, Disney+)
I don't know why this movie doesn't get talked about that much. Rick Baker, once again, does incredible work on the special effects for Joe. There's also a great musical score by James Horner. And Bill Paxton and Charlize Theron give amazing acting performances. And I think it's actually one of the better remakes that came out from the late 1990s.
In fact, the team that worked on the 1933 King Kong also made the 1949 film. Even Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham) came back for the '49 film. Ray Harryhausen worked under the supervision of Willis O'Brien for the special effects for the original movie. He also has a cameo appearance alongside Terry Moore (Jill Young) in a party scene.
Aaaaand I just found out the writers, Mark Rosenthal and Lawrence Konner, also did an uncredited rewrite for the 2001 POTA movie.
5. Tarzan (1999, Disney+)
Of course, who doesn't love Tarzan??? And Phil Collins's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G soundtrack???!!!
6. King Kong (1933, 2005, Amazon Prime/MAX)
Okay, technically it's a giant monster movie and the OG prior to Godzilla. And it also set the standard of film making overall. However, it is also a bit of a Beauty and the Beast story, hence the lines: "It was Beauty killed the Beast" and the "And the prophet said: And lo, the Beast looked upon the face of Beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day forward, he was as one dead." I also recommend watching the extended cut of the 2005 remake.
7. Lilo & Stitch (2002, Disney+)
Again, who doesn't love Lilo and Stitch???
8. How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (2010-2019, Amazon Prime/Peacock App)
Once again, who doesn’t love HTTYD (and why are they remaking it as a live action movie????)???
9. Gorillas in the Mist (1988, Amazon Prime)
This movie is about Dian Fossey (played by Sigourney Weaver), a primatologist who studied mountain gorillas and she was part of a trio of women who studied great apes; the amazing Jane Goodall and her study of chimpanzees, and Birute Galdikas who studies orangutans. The movie is also based on her book of the same name.
I use past tense for Dian, because she met a tragic and horrific death while she was conducting her research on gorillas. I have in-lined a link to Dian Fossey's Wikipedia article for further reading.
Rick Baker, once again, does some amazing practical creature effects work for the gorillas.
10. George of the Jungle (1997, Disney+)
One of my favorite Brendan Fraser movies, and such a fun, and a bit of a campy movie based on the cartoon series (which is also a spoof of Tarzan). I quote this movie every so often. Unfortunately, Rick Baker did not do the ape designs for this movie. The creature effects this time around was done by none other than the Jim Henson Creature Workshop!
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rick-h-829 · 5 months
Some sketches of young 50-R∆-35 and lore dump
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Sketch on the right is after he fell and knocked himself out during pe lesson, just stupid mistake.
(that lore dump under the cut)
I've been thinking, and decided I'll make ma filthy Rick even more like me
He is more paranoid isolated as a kid, his mind is haunted by his own thoughts that make him feel more and more like a psycho.
That pushes him to study brains and their functions more.
He never met his Diane, tho he got visited by Rick Prime. Somewhere around that time that Rick Prime was killing Diane's. He haven't proposed him the technology of multi-dim travel, Prime was just curious to see how it worked in dimensions where Rick's haven't met Diane's.
After that visit he started his research on dimensional travel on his own.
Then some normal stuff - traveling, collecting information's, getting better technology and running from federation (he didn't join the rebellion, he was just a criminal, but he helped them sometimes so he met Squanchy and BP).
Then the stuff with Unity happened and he became something like hivemind, it helped him with getting more data about the mind.
And while playing with time +/dimensions he got send back in time (mistake of some kind). He was trying to get back and on the way he was stealing, destroying and killing.
While doing so he might have put some innocent Rick's in danger, cuz.. well... they all look kind of identical.
He visited Rick Prime, somewhere on the way to his time and dimension, not really sure why but I would love their interaction so I put it there
I'm sure he got to his own dimension when c-137 reseted the portal travelers, and by that he learned his real dim of origins (his mind somehow eroded any memories of it, not like he needed it anyway).
That's why he tells people he's from 50-R∆-35, he chose it for himself and stuck with it to the point that Rick's know who they're talking with when he introduces himself with that. It gets weird when somebody scan's him.
Well that was lore, now to characteristics, I'm not gonna write that much here
He ain't older than 50 (After that mashup with time travel he didn't realize that he went too far. When he meets with other Rick's he's shocked at first why they all are older, he got why is that but never corrected it).
He's somehow happy with his life, sometimes tho wishes he wasn't born so smart, it is a curse guys.
But most of the time he's just happy with the shit he does, most of the time doesn't mean he's happy all the time, it's sinusoidal.
He has a lot of implants, they're more like reinforced natural tissues and bones, not robotic part's, he doesn't trust electric things, and always checks before getting into portal.
If stuff can be hacked = he's more careful with it.
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rickinboots · 11 months
newest rick and morty ep thoughts
so i really liked this episode! last ep i was pretty meh on it, it might actually be my least favorite season premiere. (I don't think it was bad. just not my cup of tea) but I've always enjoyed the rick and jerry centric episodes and this one was really crazy in a fun way. I was thoroughly entertained throughout the entire ep
still sad we're not getting a lot of morty? idk I've noticed as the show fleshes out its plot and side characters, morty is the one that suffers and gets shunted to the side. which is frustrating because the show is literally called rick AND morty
but anyways. newest ep. really fun imo and really goofy. i've noticed a few people saying they didn't like the cold open because of rick's suicide attempt but it didn't really bother me? bro tried to kill himself in the unity episode and only didn't succeed because he passed out. maybe it was less about being JERRY and more all the anxiety and confusion that comes with jerry's brain that pushed rick over the edge
i also think it was sweet how both rick(?) and jerry(?) were pissed/concerned when they heard morty was kidnapped. like they both thought they were rick and the other was jerry to some degree and they still really cared about morty
also im so happy they added the rake joke at the end. i love it
also also you have no idea how excited I was when they brought up memory rick. and we even got confirmation that rick didn't bring him to life. i guess he's stuck in jerry now though. poor fuck lol
though im curious if memory rick would ever run into memory diane in jerry's mind. we don't have confirmation on how old beth was when diane died but I think it must be somewhere after she had summer. there's never been any implication that beth was an orphan so I doubt diane died when beth was still a child/young teen. so that means jerry probably met diane
this is barely tied to the episode i just think it's fun to speculate
finally, i've noticed they've been adding gene in a lot more! i think they might be utilizing tom kenny's voice acting abilities to fill roilands slot for the background characters. i recognized he voiced one of the officers in the epilogue scene in ep 1 as well. i'm very excited about that because tom kenny is awesome
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happy-mokka · 8 months
Musical Extravaganza
Yesterday me and my cinematic partner in crime took the opportunity to get tickets for a special evening of "Musical Extravaganza" in our small local arthouse movie theater.
They were screening 2 classic "musical-ish" pieces. So for the interested people out there, if you're always keen on watching stuff both for the eyes and ears, I will share my experience under the cut.
Phantom of the Paradise
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USA 1974 Director: Brian de Palma Written by: Brian de Palma Camera: Larry Pizer Music: Paul Williams Cast: William Finley, Paul Williams, Jessica Harper, ...
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐(5 / 5)
What a ride!!!
I, resp. we, absolutely L❤️VED it!!!
When I read "Brian de Palma", I was surprised, since I only know his later work, mostly Thrillers and Gangster movies.
This early work, however, is something...well...completely different, to put it mildly.
It's a wild mix of "Phantom of the Opera" with a liitle bit of "Dorian Gray" towards the end.
Everything in a wild 70s setting with awesome costumes and sets.
The music is brilliant and the whole staging is completely crazy with all actors being comitted to the bit.
I can absolutely recommend this one!!!
Streets of Fire
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USA 1984 Director: Walter Hill Written by: Larry Gross, Walter Hill Camera: Andrew Laszlo Music: Ry Cooder Cast: Michael Paré, Willem Dafoe, Diane Lane, Rick Moranis, Amy Madigan, ...
Rating: ⭐ (1 / 5)
Ok. The euphoria of the first movie quickly subsided the longer the second one lasted, I am afraid.
Walter Hill is in my book known for rather hard actioners in the 80s and 90s and, honestly, besides of some music scenes in this one, it is really more an action movie, than a musical - and not a particularly good one at that.
The acting is really B movie quality. I really like what has become of young Diane Lane over the years, but this was not one of her proudest moments. The did good lip-sync on the singing scenes, but did not actually sing.
Michal Paré. One can clearly see, why he stayed a b-movie actor and never made it to the A list of that era. Apart from his handsome looks he basically switched between two facial expressions: stoic staring and wounded staring. His dialogs sounded like that voice announcing the next stop in trains and busses.
Rick Moranis was ok. Less geeky than usual but not really challenged by the meh script.
The only positive appearance was actually done by Amy Madigan.
She played the chummy ex-army gal with enough ease and made the best of her part.
The music was nothing special and sometimes a too wild mix of genres. Besides the opener, nothing really remained in my memory. Sad, since I normally like Ry Cooder's work. I guess he got better with age.
So, in sum, not really a recommendation. Neither as a musical, nor as an action movie.
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katy-133 · 2 years
Rick Prime Theories: A Masterpost
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A masterlist of theories relating to Rick Prime from Rick and Morty.
I'll update the OP of this masterpost with links to other posts as season 7 approaches. Feel free to add to this.
C-137/Prime as Backstory:
[x]-Rick C-137 and Prime were in a relationship before the events of the story. Rick choosing his family over Prime is what led to Prime killing Rick's family, kickstarting the beginning of the entire show.
-The fake season 3 backstory and season 6's flashback don't line up, revealing which parts of the season 3 backstory were "made up" by Rick to trick the Galactic Federation, and which were real.
-Prime is a time traveller, or lied about being a time traveller to manipulate C-137.
-Prime started a Rick cult that eventually became the Citadel of Ricks.
-Verbal evidence ("They kill your family", "Ricks don't pass on this").
-Parallels between C-137/Prime, C-137/Birdperson, and Beth/Space Beth.
[x]-Additional Birdrick and C-137/Prime parallel.
[x]-How the show handles foreshadowing using a specific pattern of denying and then later confirming continuity, and how this could be foreshadowing a C-137/Prime backstory.
[x]-The series repeatedly uses the "lovers to enemies" trope with Rick, and Rick Prime is yet another example of this.
[x]-Rick Prime had a kid with Diane (leading to our Morty's birth) because of a rebound.
Parallels and Dialogue:
[x]-Parallels between C-127/Prime, C-137/Mr Nimbus, and Crowscare.
-Verbal evidence ("Forgetting the ice cream", "The only person we like", "He's the real deal").
[x]-Verbal evidence ("Well, we'll see how long that lasts").
[x]-Space Beth: "You'd know, old man".
[x]-Call Me By Your Name film parallel.
[x]-Rick cheated on Diane. ("Leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it.")
-Diane and Rick had an unstable relationship, possibly even before Prime entered the picture.
[x]-Diane and Rick had an unhealthy relationship wherein Rick cheated on her, and Diane used kid!Beth as a barrier against him to prevent communication that would have helped stabilise their marriage.
[x]-Young Rick's wedding ring.
Music Theory:
[x]-Prime's leitmotif is a variation of Dies Irae, which historically symbolises death, villainy, judgement, and obsessive love.
-Prime's leitmotif is a darker remix of Rick and Morty's opening theme song.
Prime's Ultimate Plan:
Finding Morty:
[x]-Prime's plan is to find Morty, to hurt C-137 in revenge for rejecting him.
-Prime will kidnap Morty by pretending to be C-137.
-The serum Rick drank in the Unity episode "syncs" the drinker with every dimensional version of themselves.
-Prime will use the serum on Morty to kill every version of him.
-Rick will (try to) use the serum to defeat every version of Prime.
[x]-Colour theory: Pink = time manipulation, while orange = syncing between others. Further evidence that Prime knows how to make the syncing serum from the Unity episode.
[x]-Rick Prime will use the serum to sync up himself with Morty. Rick will need to choose between revenge and family.
[x]-Prime doesn't know Morty is his dimensional grandson.
Keyser Söze Parallel:
[x]-Keyser Söze reference and parallels with Prime.
-Portal 2 reference and Prime's knowledge of popculture.
Prime's Portal Gun:
[x]-C-137 owns Prime's unique-looking portal gun because they knew each other for a while.
[x]-Prime has different portal gun designs between different hologram memories and flashbacks, implying that Prime visited Rick multiple times.
[x]-Rick C-137 was the one who designed the Prototype portal gun, and let Prime borrow it.
Portal Travel:
[x]-Prime lost the ability to portal travel.
[x]-Prime's holster is different between seasons, indicating that he doesn't use it for his portal gun anymore.
[x]-Prime and C-137 had already invented portal travel together. Prime proposed the idea of the Citadel, which C-137 rejected. Rick C-137, while pursing Prime, discovered the concept of Mortys before going to Prime's dimension.
[x]-Prime had opened a rift (similar to Evil Morty) to escape the Central Finite Curve.
The Bomb:
[x], [x]-The bomb that killed Diane and Beth was meant for Rick C-137, not his family.
[x], [x]-The bomb was intended for Prime, not Rick or Rick's family.
-Prime didn't drop the bomb that killed Diane and Beth.
-C-137's revenge quest was due to a critical misunderstanding of who dropped the bomb.
[x]-Unknowingly, C-137 himself caused the bomb to drop and killed his family, due to time travel that will happen in the future.
[x]-Prime doesn't even know who Rick C-137 is.
[x]-Beth and Diane were blown back/forward in time, becoming unreachable to Rick.
[x]-The bomb was meant to only destroy Rick's equipment, and not kill anyone.
Neutrino Bomb:
[x]-Rick tried to destroy the Earth in Prime's dimension in episode 1 out of revenge and Morty disarmed the neutrino bomb when Rick blacked out.
Prime Existing in Multiple Places at Once:
The Multiverse and Clones:
[x]-Prime uses the multiverse outside of the Curve to find other versions of himself.
-Prime uses clones of himself.
-The "clone" in Prime's lair was actually him because we see the escape pod later when Prime meets Jerry.
-Prime lied about the message being pre-recorded, as his eyes follow Rick during the fight scene in his lair.
[x]-The Central Finite Curve is a cage built to keep Prime contained.
[x]-Prime was the very first Rick clone of a memory from C-137, or another Rick who travelled back in time.
Time Crystals and Time Travel:
[x]-Prime uses time crystals (crystallised xanthenite) to manipulate time.
-Prime is associated with the colour pink because xanthenite is pink.
-The Central Finite Curve was built to keep Prime fenced in or out.
[x]-Rick Prime was actually offering Rick time travel, not inter-dimensional travel.
Cross-Temporal Asteroids:
[x]-Prime uses cross-temporal asteroids similar to the Jerryboree to evade people.
[x]-Prime is possibly the Rick responsible for creating the Jerryboree.
Prime's Immortality/Lack of Ageing:
Past Episode Foreshadowing:
[x]-Prime's immortality/healing ability comes from the fate creature from the fortune cookie episode.
-Prime is using the technology from the Whirly Dirly's immortality field.
-Prime figured out how to perfect Operation Phoenix to stay the same age.
[x]-Prime got the fortune cookies because the pink portal that opened in Final DeSmithation was a wormhole that sent the cookies through space and time.
[x]-Prime de-aged from Rick resetting all portal travellers in the Solaricks episode. (NEWEST ADDITION)
Misc Category:
Visual Design:
[x], [x]-Prime's robot designs and lair, and how they show Prime is a version of Rick that hasn't grown up.
[x]-The vision Jerry had while "merging with [Rick's] essence" foreshadowed Prime killing Arc Jerry. The vision's images will continue to foreshadow events that will happen in future seasons.
Pocket Mortys Game:
[x]-Prime can be found in the game Pocket Mortys as a playable character. He is named "Weird Rick."
-He costs the highest amount of coupons to unlock, implying that he is a major series character.
[x]-Prime is the reason why Rick feels that he needs to always be the smartest person in the room.
[x]-Prime values being unique and fears not being the most outstanding Rick in the Universe.
[x], [x]-Rick in season 3 was trying to act like Rick Prime to emotionally numb himself, it didn't work, leading to his character development in seasons 5 and 6.
[x]-Rick Prime's influence is, in part, the reason Morty is "the Mortiest Morty" and why Rick fears Morty becoming more aggressive or overpowering him.
[x]-Rick will need to get over his dislike of time travel to defeat Rick Prime.
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thewalkingdeadband · 2 years
Review for "Family", twd season 11 ep 23, spoilers ahead:
Sooo many things to unpack... Ok, here we go:
Judith intro and in the rest of the episode:
First off all, the music used in this intro is the same as the one used for Rick's last episode when he blew up the bridge ... okay what a way to start 😭
talk abt Lori, unusual, nice. Then about Rick, Michonne, Carl. Nice again. As i said in previous reviews, this screams end of series, but its logical, i guess. Oh, and she probably doesnt know Rick isnt her biological father, i mean he didnt tell her when he was here cauz she was too young and im pretty sure Michonne never said it either ? Correct me if im wrong. Saying this cause some people seemed to think she would mention Shane.
Im also still not convinced Rick isnt the father by the way, the only thing we know is that Rick IS convinced he's not her father, but that could be his insecurities showing up, i mean if i recall well he could totally be, since he had sex with Lori very quickly after reuniting with her, so i dont know, maybe im bad at maths and maybe i missed an interview from someone saying this is canon and true (Kirkman? Anyone?), but i always believed that it was just Rick's belief but not a proof
And that doesnt matter anyway cause he's her father. She said "maybe im a grimes after all" and yes you are baby girl.
She's giving the hat to R.J, and later when Carol says "you and Carl are alike", she answers "he died saving people" and Carol goes "yes he did". These two events foreshadows the end of the episode, where she saves Maggie and gets shot. Also, what a moving call back, Judith saving Maggie who helped Lori giving birth to her.
Ok, before continuing, let me say this: she is NOT dying. She is going to reunite with Rick and Michonne. How, where, in what spin off/show/whatever, we dont know. But it IS happening. I have ZERO doubts. Same for R.J. Now, maybe then Rick dies within 15 mns of said reunion, you never know with TWD, or maybe then she dies (doubt so) but they ARE seing each other again.
Comic ending Spoilers:
Im pretty convinced, now that she gives the hat to Herschel, despite the fact that she was narrating here, that they re going to follow - in a way - the comics and have R.J be the one narrating everything after some time jump, to his children or something like that. Could be wrong.
Back to the show: When Daryl carried her to the clinic helped by Carol and everyone, of fucking course it made me think of the scene of Carl losing his eyes and getting carried by Rick with Michonne and everyone's help to Denise ❤❤💔💔
Then Judith said "daddy", and while some think she was talking to Daryl since she was dizzy and losing conscience (Daryl who did call her and R.J his kids a few episodes earlier...), to me it was obvious she was seeing/hallucinating/thinking abt Rick at this moment. Im not saying Andy is going to appear next week as an hallucination, but it was of course done on purpose. What purpose, we'll see...
But hey, Diane is aliiiive! Where the hell has she been all those episodes? Where the hell is Virgil??
Maggie/Negan: They are setting up the spin off with these lines: "together you and i we get this done" "not a we"...
Negan/Zeke nice talk with Maggie listening hidden is also a way to humanise him in Maggie's eyes in order to tease the spin off. Im not saying they re going to become besties, but they have to tease this so...
Ezekiel: "and yet i smile". His speech was amazing and a also nice call back for exactly why Rick spared Negan: dying would have been too easy. Rick probably didnt expect Negan to do any good though, but to just rot in his cell (the one built by Morgan by the way, just saying😎) but its happening now. So... "everything gets a return", you know (yes, Morgan again).
Back in 8.16 i was not ok with Rick sparing Negan, then in 9A i was kind on team Rick because well we knew he was leaving, we feared he would die, i could not bring myself to stay mad at him, i just wanted Daryl and him to get along again, i was moved by Carol trying to be supportive of both... anyway, digression.
Im still not at ease with the way Negan's been acting until very recently, but since Annie, since the few last episodes, he's definitely earning his redemption.
Bad ass Eugene taking down soldiers, is that his first real human kill by the way? And nice reunion with Max
Mercer a hero taking so many risks and his men too
Yumiko and Magna mini reunion, ok
Carol praising Judith, as in "we could all use her will to think abt the future and not just the present" made me think abt a certain doom: "new mexico still out here" "we got things to do first" AND IT HURTS
I loove that Judith and Carol had these moments since i hated to see that they hadnt seen each other at all for years at the start of 9b. I also loved the unit Carol, Daryl and her formed in this episode. And her mentioning she wishes she had more time with Carl, with all of them. Reminding me of when she said "im starting to forget their voices" to Michonne refering to Carl /Rick in 9b 💔. If u think abt it, she's also one of the oldest characters in the show u know.
Daryl saying "once this is over i'll tell u abt the people who loved you:: YES?? TYREESE? BETH? HERSCHEL? for instance. But we know he's leaving so he wont have time anyway to say anything, unless : time jump, return and spin off set in between, but i doubt it, we ll see.
Could u remind me again why we are supposed to believe Gabe and Rosita have broken up? I mean as per Angela's interview i think, not on screen. Because they obviously still love each other, duh? ?
Tyler: apologizes to Princess, she doesnt have to forgive him she has every right to be cold to him but it was still nice to have Connie, Kelly and Magna being nice and encouraging to him. And of course he died... the scene of Connie trying to reach out for him was touching.
Aaron, Jerry, Lydia:
Lydia so scared to lose Elijah the way she lost Henry...
Jerry going out to find Elijah "see u on the other side" ouuuh this doesnt look good at all and when u think of Queen Nabilla/King Jerry in Kingdom 2.0, it reminds me that once you start having plans in this show, it doesnt look good for you (Abe and Sasha💔...) , and Aaron looked at him like he knew, so im pretty sure he's a goner 💔💔... Also Please if he dies dont have Lydia feel guilty because she panicked and he decided to go look for Elijah...
And oh My God: "you are so loved, Lydia..."😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 she soo needed to hear that, u know?
I love Aaron so much, please dont die, please??
I probably have a thousand more things to say, still, but it's already wayyy too long
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sorrelpaws · 3 years
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universe where diane is the smartest person AGAIN !!! >:3 this time ft. rick
- diane is very confident, sassy, laid back, a lot like c-137 rick but actually emotionally intelligent and competent
- rick is.... rick, except a lot more grandfather-y
- happily married
- pick on each other a lot, squabble but in a very friendly way, support and love each other a lot
- rick works as a teacher, despises the school/education system, wants to better it
- diane used to work for some nasa-esque company, nowadays just works on her silly little machines and goes on her silly little adventures
- the two of them go on adventures as well, like little getaways to different worlds that last a few days / a week at a time. they’ve been doing it since they were young
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