#Riku x Vanitas
luxmoogle · 10 months
I love love LOOOVE your Vanitas! Please, the streets needs more Vanitas content from you!!
Can I interest you in some Vaniku?
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superdorkcat · 2 years
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When it comes to thinking about the future of KH, few things give me more joy than imagining Sora making it back home with all of his cool new unreality friends in tow and all of the other Guardians just having to deal with it.
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goddessofroyalty · 6 months
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I finally did it - I created the catalogue of (most of) the possible Sefikura children combinations that I have played around with in the past.
It's under the cut (and I'm sure I missed some but guess I can always just keep adding to the slide deck)
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ok4ru · 10 months
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This is Vanpliku to me
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strayheartless · 5 months
The thing about Vanipliku is, I don't hate it. I just don't ship it in the same way I ship Soriku.
The difference (for me) between the two is that while Soriku may not always do the healthy thing when it comes to eachother, They always have the others best interests at heart and its obvious that they are willing to work at a healthy relationship.
Vanipliku by comparison are like Anti-Soriku. not in the sense that they are evil Sora and Riku, but in the sense that they do not have the same intentions towards eachother as the hero's of light have. Repliku, to a certain extent is Riku at his most vulnrable and manipulated, but also at his most angry. He is Riku at his most likely to lash out at Sora. Even if he is no longer the same as Riku, he is still a snapshot in time of an angry child who (if we follow Sorkiu Fanon rather than Canon) is still upset that he is pining over his best friend.
Vanitas isn't Sora, hes not even Ventus. He looks like Sora, he almost sounds like Sora, but he's not Sora. There is no part of him that thinks or acts of cares like Sora does. He was the "piece of Ventus that was taken away" while Sora was the "piece ventus needed to be whole" but they are different pieces of a bigger whole. Vanitas is negativity, he has been manipulated and abused his entire exsistance and if you read the Kingdom hearts character files you find out his exsistance is just pain and bitterness. he is literally the antithisis of light. Does this make his inherently evil? no, but it does make him more prone to self distructive behaviour.
I will be the first to say Vanitas' Villan credentials are of the same ilk as someone like Sephiroths, but like Sephiroth he is a product of what other people make him. He is obsessive and cruel, he loves the same way he hurts and that doesn't breed healthy relationships.
To me Vanipliku is one of those relationships like SephGen or Sephikura or AkuSai. it has great potential to be a toxic yet completely codependent relationship. the kind of relationship that you know you shouldn't be in because its doing you damage but you won't leave because who else loves you in that way that makes you feel powerful, makes your skin crawl with need?
So with that in mind I often read Vanipliku like this:
Repliku is with Vanitas because its the closest thing he can get to Sora. Van looks like Sora, he sounds like Sora, but Van is fucked up enough to go along with the darkest of Repliku's idea's. If Repliku asked, Vanitas would grab his hand and let himself be pulled into the darkness. But Repliku doesn't neccesserally love Vanitas' darkness.
Vanitas wants to be loved. He doesn't care how, and he doesn't care why, he just wants to feel as if he is. He doesn't know what love feels like, so When Repliku is willing to kiss him, willing to hang off of him and be possessive of him, Vanitas accepts that, revels in it even.
The fact that what they are doing is not love its obsession, its toxic codependency, doesn't even register. They both feed of of each others darkness.
Niether of them want to be alone and regardless of the fact that Repliku makes Vanitas feel rage like nothing else when he compares him to the hero of light, or barates him for his own personality, doesn't matter. The fact that Vanitas will torture and emotionally humiliate Repliku in return doesn't matter. because in the end what they have isn't love, but it sure feels like it to them.
The posessivness spills out into letting the other be touched by others. Repliku is extremely jelous and will hurt people and Vantias if he percieves even the slightest chance of betrayal.
Vanitas craves the pain, and the feeling of being owned and wanted. He's less jelous of insignificant others, but he would truely love to torture Sora until Repliku sees how weak the boy is. Until he realises Vanitas is the better option.
I dunno man, if you see them as loving and healthy, I'm not about to say you are wrong. You ship what you ship and I think thats great. this is just how I have always interpreted this paticualr ship!
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forgotten-lumis · 7 months
Way to Dawn and X-blade Particle effects comparison
I don’t know if anyone’s mentioned this yet, but I was recently watching a BBS play through when I noticed- Hey. The particle effects for the X-blade looked REALLY similar to Riku’s Way to Dawn. Like. Pretty much EXACTLY THE SAME, besides the color as they are fading.
I’ll post some images here for comparison
X-Blade effects, Vanitas fight BBS:
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(Sorry for the awful image quality lmao)
Riku’s Way to Dawn, Kh2:
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I can’t be the only one who finds that really really weird, no?
The end part of the animations does have some differences, but really only in color. Even the shape they form as they fade away is exact.
X-blade, Vanitas:
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(Sorry Ven- it’s for science-)
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These ones are an orange/yellowish color
Then for Riku’s Way to Dawn:
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His start out a bit yellow at the center then fade to blue
They are also like this in Kh 3D
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Some bonus images:
Vanitas Fight, BBS:
This is how I originally noticed the effects, because I got a good look at them down on the attack command panel in the corner.
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And here’s Xehanort’s in kh3, when he has the X-blade:
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I feel like his are a bit more red?
Anyways, yeah. That’s that. It’s pretty odd in my opinion. I also don’t think any other keyblades share these effects, either, but if anyone else finds anything then please post it lol
I had originally posted this in a discord server I’m in, and a few of the people there (including myself) theorized that it could be related to how the X-blade isn’t truly the final form of it’s“X-blade series”. That it’s like the “Way to Dawn” of its respective line, not having arrived at its final evolution yet, still on the path to get there. That’s just one interpretation, but I do quite like it.
What do you guys think?
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allykakamatsu · 10 months
Behold, the sliding scale of the people Scara’s potential love interests in this AU
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wolfaartmation · 6 months
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Here's the profile picture (+ background bc I'm so proud of it) and the banner for my @warriors-hearts blog ! I'm really proud of theses! :D
It took me so long 😩😩 Especially the pfp bc I didnt know how to render shorthair fur.
The quote from the banner is actually from Watership Down! :D
"All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed."
Felt like it would be very fitting to Sora.
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cozfics · 1 year
New blog
Howdy hey! I opened a new blog to write x reader requests or crossover requests. I’ll probably keep those in separate tags. 
Now to go over just some basic overviews
I write for:
Kingdom Hearts
Linked Universe
Owl house
Monster Hunter Stories(1 and 2)
Percy Jackson
Maybe Voltron(all versions)
My Hero Academia
+Anima(My comfort manga here)
Maximum Ride
Wings of Fire
Kid Icarus
That’s all I can think of at the moment, but I know there’s more
I also might link my Toyhouse and offer ocs to write x readers for but IDK.
Requests are closed means requests are closed
I will either write child characters platonic or aged up But no nsfw with them!
NSFW will be posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays if I have any.
I will write yandere
I do write for aus
I do allow platonic scenario’s
Reader will be gender neutral.
If you request nsfw please specify reader gender?
That’s all for now
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calicofox13 · 2 years
Novus Luna
Canon: Kingdom Hearts Rating: G Genre: Gen, AU - Modern Setting, AU - Werewolves Pairing(s): Vanitas/Ventus, Riku & Ventus & Vanitas (friendship) Summary: At a sanctuary meant to help werewolves integrate into human society, Riku helps look after his appointed charges. Mostly silly self-indulgent worldbuilding with a dash of cuddles
Link to fic here
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khpolyamships · 3 months
Fic Rec Friday
Defenestrate Your Shit Vibes by eskandarrohani
Sora/Riku/Vanitas modern AU. I don't know how to describe it better than the title already does.
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gulava · 5 months
Kairi is Xehanort's 14th Darkness
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Now before I go into this, I must deeply express I will not put up with any Kairi negativity in the tags. This is not meant to demonize her or put anyone else on a pedestal in her place. Literally everyone in this series has been manipulated by Xehanort to some extent and Kairi is not exempt from that. We need to get past all these preconceived notions of who Kairi is supposed to be and see her for the complex character that she truly is. And this is a part of that.
Now let's get started.
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Xehanort's intentions from day one were to reenact the Keyblade War. In Dark Road, it's revealed that he's interested in the Darkness that survived by disguising itself as an ally of light. It's possible that he thinks Vanitas is this since he hid himself inside of Ventus but that's all...in the eyes of the beholder. It could be anyone. But Xehanort would take this information either way and use it in his reenactment.
But you may ask: Why would he have a fourteenth? Didn't he intend to use thirteen? That was very clear throughout the series. Well, you'll need to watch Dark Road if you still think this. He left out a little something in the other games when describing his plan.
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He wanted ANOTHER vessel to experience the world afterwards. Yes, he's incredibly extra as always. We are used to this by now, I hope..
But why is that vessel Kairi?
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(dude's literally telling her what role she's to play even if it probably wouldn't make any sense to someone her age lmao)
As far back as the first game, something never truly added up. Kairi isn't given the role to hold back the darkness with the other princesses. She's paralleled to Wendy who is very explicitly stated to NOT be one of the princesses. Her "power" is never utilized a single time after KH1 either...nor is it brought up until briefly in KH3.
And you know...remember that little thing about how the X tells Xehanort where you are at all times? X marks the spot, they say!
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And Xehanort REALLY loved making the X wearers into his vessels, didn't he? Kairi had been wearing it as early as BBS.
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Kairi was the one who finished this drawing.
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Red flags...red flags, everywhere!
By the way, wasn't Kairi's meeting with Aqua a little...TOO perfect?
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Why...it's almost like...it was staged!
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Kairi already had the flowers she supposedly picked for her. But why would Xehanort want Kairi to meet Aqua and have her be fond of Kairi?
Two reasons as far as I can see.
1.) Aqua is well attuned to the fine art of spells.
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Sound familiar?
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2.) Receiving a Keyblade
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When Kairi runs to Aqua, she touches her Keyblade. This has been compared to the passing of power like Terra with Riku. Personally, I have no idea if it's as simple as this without the whole ceremony but I don't think this would be shown without reason.
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And with this, her role truly started. Kairi was to become the new darkness disguised as a guardian of light. She would befriend and become close with a Keyblade wielder and they would strive to keep her safe so she would survive for the world after.
But *record scratch* how is she a darkness already by the time of BBS and how is she able to hide? Before that, let's discuss the princess she took the place of in KH1. You know, the elephant in the room.
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Part Two
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mythicalartistx · 10 months
I'm so normal about the new KH3 manga panels
First we got Ven vs Vanitas
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Ven looks so cute and I can't wait for the keyblade graveyard of the Vanitas fight
Then we have ZEMYX
Zexion and DEMYX
I love this scene so much and I think I like it better
From the panels I seen so far it seems Demyx arrives and Zexion is surprised but nervous because he's with the organization still so Zexion goes and calls security on his bf
He seems nervous and looks for something and then he presses and button
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Then the other two Xaldin and Lexaeus come in and tries to take him out. He seems to be in the organization so they want to apprehend him.
While this is happening Demyx is like No it's not like that. And they tell him to be quiet.
I also used a Google scan but those aren't always 100% accurate but it seems like that happened.
That's all I've seen from that scene and honestly I like it way better. I like how they come in because of Demyx instead of wondering what's the commotion and it's Ansem the Wise. Though both of their voice actors (JPN) both recently died so they made them silent in the games out of respect and that could have contributed to it.
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Here's some of the translation scans.
Then there is AkuSai ice cream date
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The scene is seemingly the same, they have this serious tension going on. They discussed what happened and Lea is like I'll bring Roxas, and X, and then I'll take you back too.
Also it seems that Lea got a winner stick and he looks so cute— everyone looks so cute in the manga I can't 😭
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Then there is the famous papou scene that everyone likes to misinterpret but I'm bias as well.
Frankly I don't care about the scene as in I have no issue like it's fine. I think it's nice that they're doing a reference to the first game but what I don't like is when people remove the good luck charm aspect out of it. Because that's what it is and why he accepted it. Sora looked way too awkward in the game. Right before the scene he's worried about Riku. But that's my take.
Anyways in the manga Riku is just watching them But that's all I found on the scene
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Riku, even Sora and Kairi all look so cute
That's basically all I have found so far but I hope there is more that I haven't seen.
Like if there was the Repliku and Riku talk in this one, I don't know. But I hope since that scene happens right around the papou scene.
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complete-idiot-inc · 12 days
Well out of sheer boredom from work I created an actual kingdom hearts au
I’m only going to tell you about it via the au’s Real Organization XII, you all have to decipher how it’s different. The only hint is that it’s a “what would happen if Y happened instead of Z?”
Xehanort (I)
Ansem SoD (II)
Xemnas (III)
Terranort (IV)
Vanitas (V)
Sora (VI)
Riku (VII)
Xaldin (VIII)
Lexaeus (IX)
Zexion (X)
Saïx (XI)
Axel (XII)
Aqua (XIII)
(Will be revised soon)
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monst · 3 months
Da rules
Well here's some new rules and a reintroduction: 
     I go by Monst and I guess I’m writing again: I do read faster than I write so enjoy all the reblogs lol
I like the color orange it's not relevant, just thought I'd put it out there
Uh the bnha master list is definitely not up to date and needs a revamp (I will probably get to that eventually, someday...soon...) Speaking of it Here's the DC one and Here's the BHNA one.
Anyways if you're interested below is basically the what's what. Stick around if you want.
 Okay cool!
       I’m a new person! (Not really still v much unhinged) But we do have some new rules so let’s get to it: 
All characters for nsfw stuff are aged up 18+ (If you’re one of those (Can't separate reality from fiction/fantasy) then the unfollow/block buttons haven’t moved from their location and you are free to use them at your discretion )  
     I’m cool with: 
Requests- Hcs, Scenarios, thirst posts, Ya sending ideas, thirst, recommendations, ask for advice or info dump (Might not get to all of them, and might not do some I’m not feeling) I write for F. Reader, GN. reader and M. Reader. Genre: all of them tbh
Ships! Character x character is cool - Block #Ship🤌 if it's not for you
Random shit- You telling me about your day, thoughts, opinions on whatever ig. I love to chat. 
I’m okay with dark content (Dubcon, noncon, yandere, somno, etc.) and everything should be tagged appropriately. You can always ask that I tag something if it is missing. 
Sfw- Fluff, angst basically anything that tickles my fancy. Most of my longer stuff is going to be sfw going forwards and while probably be on Ao3
Music! Tell me what your listening too! (Yes I'm one of those 'I listen to everything' I need new stuff to listen to)
Also! I miss the whole deviant art/Quizzilla shit so I might do a whole seven minutes in heaven thing lmao (This doesn’t belong here but scream at me about it cause I need it to happen for nostalgia’s sake) 
    I’m not cool with: 
Incest (This one's a toss up, it honestly depends cause I've written for it both step & blood related)
Use your discernment ig
Also, I'm kinda using this space as a kinda fun mostly horny diary lmao so it's just mostly gonna be vibes
So here’s the fandoms&Characters if you wanna request: 
Shocker, but I do have some old asks that are too good to just let’em go ya know?  
Shinsou (I started this blog cause of him so.. yeah) 
Villain/Yandere Deku sorry
Please, please, please send me shit about Tim Drake. (Need him biblically) Literally hopped back on for him. 
Jason Todd
Dick Grayson
Bruce Wayne
Selina Kyle 
Poison Ivy 
Joker (Nothing good is coming out of anyone requesting this I just know it) 
Diana (Wonder woman my beloved) 
Amanda Waller 
Slade Wilson… 
Mark Grayson 
Kakashi ‘blow my back out’ Hatake
Shisui (My love)
Tobirama’s messy ass
Ask for more but these are my faves 
D- gray man-
Yuu Kanda!
Tyki Mikk
Kingdom Hearts-
Most of the organization tbh
All of them. 
But especially Sephiroth 
Any type of monster lmao 
Kenji Sato lmao
You can ask for others not listed in different fandoms I just think this has gotten a bit too long  
And Yeah, Let’s have fun! ^^
New Tags: 
         This bitch is yapping - Any asks answered or just general shit
         Thirsty bitch juice - Small scenarios, thirst,
         Pretty things- Art 
         Oh la la that’s some good shit right there- Fic recs & reblogs
         On my monster fucking bs - Monster fucking lol 
         Lock that shit up in the basement pls- cursed asks and stuff 
Uh random bullshit go! - My newer writing
And if you made it this far down here's a cookie 🍪
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Please keep in mind I don't know most of the ships/couples in the preliminary round. If you think something doesn't belong in this poll, vote that couple/ship out & please be civil!
For Sora and Riku:
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For Achilles and Patroclus:
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For Crick Wellsley and Temenos:
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For ART and Murderbot:
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