shootingstarsue · 8 months
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goryhorroor · 2 months
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horror sub-genres: found footage
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montereybayaquarium · 3 months
Feeling salty? 🌊🦐
Let your worries bubble away with 12 hours of home-grown Artemia brine shrimp swimming to a bubbling soundscape behind the scenes of the Monterey Bay Aquarium:
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snackugaki · 1 year
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... i mean, it’s usually Raph. but sometimes not.
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muckumsing-art · 1 year
THERE WE HAVE IT! Micheal Bay turtles first encounter with Rise!Leo!!!! 3 encounters down 1 to go, which is 2003 and Rise Donnie which I'm really excited for!
As always feel free to leave input and ask questions, I love talking and sharing about this AU ❤️
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Sorry for how long this one took! I REALLY struggled drawing Bay!Mikey and you also probably noticed I avoided drawing the other Bay turtles in my preference for silhouettes. They have so many details and I had to reduce them all in order the maximize my speed in drawing (which was already atrocious for this comic) but those details kinda make them who they are visually so I'm just hoping that I atleast got the message across so people can atleast identify Mikey.
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seaghosst · 22 days
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misc tmnt things i don’t like enough to make a post abt/didn’t finish, some of this is kinda old
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megumi-sensei · 11 months
TMNT Rant Ahead: You've been warned.
I am officially going to rant for a moment. Why is it okay for girls to swoon over toxic stalker vampires, overly possessive werewolves, demons who demand their souls, angsty emo fallen angels, and a host of unhealthy nonhuman lovers, and yet I'M somehow creepy and weird for liking Ninja Turtles?
The original TMNT comics were gritty, dark, and absolutely not for children. The first movies had cursing and violence. The 2013 series had incredibly heavy themes. The Rise of the TMNT movie had actual body horror, some cursing, and I'd feel incredibly uncomfortable letting a young kid watch it.
Don't even get me started on the Michael Bay movies. We don't talk about those. Not for kids.
The argument I get is "it's creepy that you like characters from a kid's show." Bro, did you watch only the goofy 1984 show? Or have you taken literally any time to read the comics or watch any of the deeper stuff?
You may judge me for wanting Donatello to carry me away to the lair for snuggles, but is it really any unhealthier than wanting a vampire to assault you?
I've said my piece. Unfollow or block me if you wish.
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Rise turtles in Bay style
Screenshot below
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mermmarie · 2 months
Randomly thinking about how Bay!Donnie would destroy Rise!Donnie on the court and it makes me giggle.
Like... Bay!Donnie just seems like the all out nerd with his taped together glasses and suspenders. But if I had to put money on who could make a three-pointer I'd have to give it to the geek with a IPAD strapped to his bicep.
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silversunskyless · 9 months
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Finished inking this bad boy. I may have gone a little ham on the details. I wanted to really push myself and think I have done that. Gift for @tmnt-tychou for her wonderful fic When Leo Met Mona. If you haven’t read it please give it a look, its amazing.
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shootingstarsue · 9 months
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theanonymousninja247 · 2 months
Just Imagine
Wanted to try something a little different today, a pick your own vibe kind of adventure if you will.
Before reading, please pick one of these song to set the mood of your choosing Rise Raph ❤️🧸:
Bayverse Raph ❣️💪🏼:
“Give me a few days of peace in your arms-I need it terribly. I'm ragged, worn, exhausted. After that I can face the world. “ ~Henry Miller
Just imagine It had been a long day. A long week even, and Raph was was feeling drained.
He glanced at the city that never slept below him as he lurked in the protective shadows from his position on the roof. The pulsing city lights and the intense scents of food vendors, car exhaust and just that oh so “homey” NYC street stench wafted around him like a pungent punch to his senses. Usually he loved sitting up here and watching the hustle bustle of just a normal crazy NYC night, but for whatever reason, it all just seemed like too much today. Everything seemed too much of late.
He let out a heavy sigh, his shoulders dropping with the action, and ran a weary hand down his face.
Raph was tired. Tired of holding it in, holding it back and just tired holding it together when once again the overwhelming feeling of everything felt like it was falling apart. All he wanted was just a little peace and quiet, a warm place to safely break down. Somewhere he could rest before having to pick up all the pieces, face this cold heavy world and do it all over again. Unbidden, your face came to mind as it often did when he was left alone with his musings. Your soft smile, the one that caused that little twinkle and the wrinkles at the corner of your eyes, beckoned to him.
And all at once Raph was hit with a moment of clarity. He didn’t have to hold it all together.
What Raph needed right now was to hold you.
Just imagine His heart thumping at a thundering pace, each beat echoing with your name as Raph raced along the rooftops at a dizzying speed. Raph jumping from building to building, ninja skills fueled by the heady thought of having you in his arms again. Just imagine
Raph finally making it to your building and climbing through his signature window without even a second thought. By muscle memory alone, Raph traced his path through the apartment towards you, not even needing to think. This was home, you were his home.
And he’d always find a way back to you.
Raph finding you in the kitchen and without hesitation, stepping up behind you. Gently sliding his arms around your waist, and pulling you back flush up against the rough keratin of his plastron.
Silencing your squeak of surprise by pressing his beak to the nape of your neck underneath your hair where your scent was the most potent. Relishing in said scent, and felt it work it’s magic as his pounding heart rate began to slow.  Tightening his arms around you in a protective embrace. Whether for your security or for his, he didn’t know. What he did know was that he needed you in his arms, right now.
Needing the peace and warm that he could only associate with you when you were close to him like this. Just needing you. Just imagine
Raph slow dancing with you in the lowlight of the kitchen.
Raph turning you to face him, wanting, no needing to see that smile that had been haunting his thoughts that night. A slow almost hesitant finger coming up to stroke the curve of your beginning to pink cheek. An almost relieved sigh when you leaned into his touch with curious eyes. A tenderly aware hand sliding from your waist to the small of your back and pulling you further into his embrace to rest against his chest. Gently rubbing said hand in a slow rhythm up and down the notches of your spine and shoulders as the other hand gently wrapped around yours. Holding it in a soft fist close to his heart as he began to dance with you in his arms.
Well, it wouldn’t be much of a dance per se; your kitchen really wasn’t equipped to hold the giant turtle. So it was more of a small shuffle as Raph gently led you around the perimeter in small circles as he swayed back and forth with you held snug in his arms. There was no snarky trash talk, or signature playful joshing around. Just Raph resting his cheek against the top of your head, his slow breaths puffing against your hair. The sensation would tickle a little bit and make you shiver slightly. The movement would cause Raph to peak down at you with a fond smile quirking the corner of his lips. Prompting him to instinctively pull you closer, making sure to nestle your head under his chin so you could rest over his beating heart. Raph using the beat of said heart to set the rhythm of his sways as he whispers these lyrics in your ear
Rise Raph ❤️🧸:
“When I think of you sometime And I wanna spend some time with you
Just the two of us We can make it if we try Just the two of us”
Bayverse Raph ❣️💪🏼:
“I take your hand, hold it closer to mine Thought love was dead, but now you're changing my mind
My heart's a stereo It beats for you, so listen close”
Raph wanting nothing more in this moment than to be soft with you. Going against his baser instincts and just wanting you close. He just likes these small moments where he can let down his guard and drop all the weight of the world and just be soft.
Being soft and gentle because he knows that it makes you feel safe with him.
Churring softly with the feeling of you being close to him because that means he finally feels safe with himself.
Just…Just imagine.
Thanks for the proofread @doreen090 💜
Dedicated to @anobodyinabog and @lotus-sunn
Thinking about y’all lovelies 🧡🫰🏼
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montereybayaquarium · 2 years
We’re grateful we get to sea this view with all of you! 💙
Start your morning off swell with an hour of relaxing, ambient ocean sounds paired with the gentle sunrise over Monterey Bay, as seen from the back deck of the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
Keep an eye out for seabirds flying overhead and otters wrapped up in kelp—and be shore to wave hello to the sun as it peeks up over the mountains starting at 43:05 🌅 👀 👋
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snackugaki · 1 year
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... i see the vision now
se nd  h elp
repeating from the tags ‘cuz you give people their flowers when you can so check out their work.
people responsible for my new rise!future leo brain rot:
and what I’ve seen referred to as the Peepaw Multiverse 
Odd Man Out by the @threestripeslider​
We’ll Meet Again, Soon @chiangyorange 
Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by @mutantninjamidlifecrisis 
Trial and Error by @apatheticrobots 
EDIT: i forgot to draw his dumb little nipple dents oops
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humanoidhistory · 9 months
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Transamerica Pyramid, San Francisco, 1972. Photo by Werner Catrina. (ETH Library)
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luckycharms1701 · 7 months
so mikey's the type to fall fast and hard and then blaze out just as fast
wakes up, falls in love, goes to bed, falls out of love
but then he meets you
and when he goes to bed he dreams of you
and he's not the same when he wakes up
so he flirts and yearns and yearns and flirts
sometimes he hates that you take it as a joke so much that he wants to cry
but he will wait for you. he just has to keep believing
and then he's rewarded when you finally come to him
and the sun is in his smile, melting all the tears he'll never have to shed now that you're here, finally on the same page
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