#Ritemaster Iachesis
themildlyanxiousmage · 7 months
Vampires that look young do not count. Neither does Teldryn. Or Mannimarco.
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mannimarcoiscool · 1 year
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Omg!!!psijic inspire by mage guild!
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sheirukitriesfandom · 2 years
TES GILF Poll Round 1
We've had Sexymen, we may be getting sexywomen soon, so how about crowning the Elder Scrolls' No. 1 GILF?
Many thanks to @elavoria for providing me with a large variety of Morrowind and Oblivion elderly to choose from. All characters are chosen at their oldest age.
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cyphynte · 1 year
ESO: Summerset Spoilers please god idk how else to make this work so I don’t ruin your day
I just need you all to see the abomination I made like a year or two ago. I feel terrible and yet this was the peak of my humor. I am so sorry.
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nientedenada · 1 year
One of my favourite things in all of TES is Mannimarco's terrible, terrible poetry. As laid out in the ESO book, it's hard to see all the amazing rhymes. So let me present to you with the lines divided and the rhymes bolded. You will notice that he starts with no rhymes at all, switches rhyme schemes, pays no attention to meter and believes that "necrotic" is a noun.
Worm Saga by Mannimarco
Mage from infancy, blood-selected for magicka,  descended from isles of Artaeum forever!  Destined was I from long before birth to exceed all mortals. Altmer? Nay, Aldmer: scion of et'Ada by direct descent,  summoned to Ceporah, and there was I sent:  to Iachesis, to tutor, to test and ferment. No magicka handler Iachesis Ritemaster,  sage of the Elder Way, gentle spellcaster!  To warp not the wind, unlike guild of the latter day, courting disaster. Necromancy, death art, chose me stern and fast.  To change not the present, but call up the past,  obverse of Elder Way, forbidden without cause,  deep-delved in death's way, against Gray Cloak laws. Ill-timed then arrived one, Trechtus by name:  ambitious, obstreperous, blind and deaf to shame,  talented, reckless, thought himself my equal,  his arrogance and envy determined our sequel. Magic he practiced: open, raw power,  flouted the Elder Way, endangered the tower,  then with lowborn cunning cast me as the villain,  engineered exile, made me Tamrielan. All undervalued my will and resolution,  my knowledge formidable, my wit and acumen.  Thus found I new allies to study the death-rites,  the sacrifice rituals, the summons of ghost-wights. Robed all in black goes the Order of Black Worm,  bringing wisdom to seekers who see beyond death-term,  but Trechtus-now-Vanus pursues us to continent,  to persecute worm-wrights his evil intent. Come, all necrotics, defend practice and life,  against Mages who wield magicka like a knife,  heedless of heresy and ignorant of Elder Way,  hating necromancy yet heralding doomsday. Child of Nirn ponder, which would you choose:  tyranny of mages, restricting spell use,  or necromancy, communion with thy dead,  ancestors returned, generations reunited?
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ancano · 2 years
ESO Sexyman Round 1 Final Results!
Well round one has come to a close! Under the cut is our results and I'll have the next round posted at some point today (as I have to get ready for work soon akfodkwj)
Rigurt the Brash / Revus Demnevanni
Elam Drals / Raynor Vanos
Sai Sahan / Rada Al-Saran
Razum-dar / Abnur Tharn
Xukas / Verandis Ravenwatch
High King Emeric / Fennorian
Leythen / Jakarn
Divayth Fyr / Za'ji
Canon Llevule / Sir Cadwell
Hircine / Kaalgrontiid
Mannimarco / Ritemaster Iachesis
Vivec / Tythis Andromo
Sotha Sil / Arkasis the Mad Alchemist
Bastian Hallix / Nahfahlaar
Darien Gautier / Valkyn Skoria
Neramo / Vanus Galerion
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honored-worm-king · 2 years
Greetings, Worm King! I hope you’re having a nice evening. I assume, from your recent posts that your relationship with Vanus has changed..quite a bit? It seems that you are no longer enemies, of course . Please forgive my curiosity…but If you don't mind a personal question, how is your relationship with the Great Mage now? Are you guys getting through your problems, have you managed to forgive each other? Has it become something... more?
And greetings to you, wherever you may be.
I do not begrudge your curiosity. I have not exactly been secretive in my writings here, after all. I only request that what is divulged here remain between friends, as it were. It simply would not do to have any prying authorities searching for my location — or my associates.
Allow me, then, to explain. Vanus and I have indeed undergone quite the recent changes in our relationship. More precisely, that we have one now. We have agreed to put aside our past differences and attempt to rebuild our previous friendship, and then some. We are no longer enemies, but partners. In order for us to even attempt this, I was required to come to terms with some aspects and facts about myself that I had been keeping buried for quite some time.
To greatly simply a complex emotional reckoning, some few years ago, I was presented with a crisis. I was… quite shocked, to not only be informed that our shared mentor, the late Ritemaster Iachesis, had passed, but to learn that no one had told me so for several years, because they assumed that I would not care. I reflected deeply upon what brought me so far from the person I once was, and why I truly pursued necromancy so intently. I decided that the pursuit of personal power to the destruction of all else was no longer worth it. I abandoned my previous life, and began to live in quiet seclusion, as something of a “recovery” period.
In the meantime, Vanus and I… reconnected. I apologized for the wrong I had done him, knowing that I could not change it, but vowing to attempt to be better going forward. I was unambiguously thrilled to have him accept those terms.
I still have many faults. I am selfish, vain, temperamental, and can still be quite ruthless, though now more often in words than actions. I am still the mer who once claimed himself to be the King of Worms, god in the making. But that is no longer entirely me. I am still growing, even after some six centuries of life. Such is life’s nature; change, and adaptation.
For now, I am simply pleased to go through that process with someone dear to me at my side.
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skymagpieart · 2 years
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Long awaited art for my friend @hightomtitty of my literal Psijic dads, Rivenar and Ritemaster Iachesis, being my dads, in love. Thank you for being patient and I love them... 💙
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spirittamerz · 3 years
Artaeum and the Ceporah Tower
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The Isle of Artaeum is the third largest island in the Summerset archipelago.
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Recently, one of my guilds had a Daedric War arc themed costume contest. So of course I had to dress up my main like one of my most beloved ESO characters :)
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As someone with an anxiety problem, I have a very hard time speaking to my teachers or mentors directly. How did you manage to finally break out of the timid, anxious mindset? It's hard for me to not go under anon with you via this blog without getting too shy, as is, Guildmaster.
Hello again, my friend! It is good to hear from you! Given this information, I find myself quite proud to know that you have overcome such obstacles in order to speak with me. I hope to hear from you again in the future!
My own personal drivers were slightly mixed, I’m afraid. I was a very anxious boy near from birth, and the constant fear of being discovered with ‘contraband’ on the estate of Lord Gyrnasse did not help with these tendencies. By the time I reached the Isle of Artaeum, I spoke very rarely, and often feared doing so, especially with those who I knew only briefly. This caused my early studies to be... difficult, to say the least, though not for lack of understanding of the subject matter. It was my dearest mentor, Ritemaster Iachesis, that aided me, coaxed me out of the shell I had created to protect myself. He was always very patient with me, and I will forever be grateful to him for that.
However, he was not the only driving force behind my changes. In fact, my anxities and nervousness lasted me most of my time on the Isle, though they lessened the longer I resided there. As I mentioned before, the causes were mixed. This was because I not only had the Ritemaster aiding me, but my peer, Mannimarco, chastising and ridiculing me throughout the duration of my stay. He often went out of his way to cause me turmoil, mostly of the mental or emotional variety, as it was a rather easy feat back then. It taught me to grow harder, a little more jaded, which, added to my mentor’s coaxing, aided in making me more confident in myself. I learned that if I did not begin hardening myself, his remarks would continue to wound me. And thus, I adapted.
It was not, however, until I left Artaeum that I truly learned to step into my own. I learned quite quickly that if one did not give off an air of confidence and knowledge, they would not be given the time of day in the rather cut-throat Summerset society. This was the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, that forced me into a new way of thinking, of carrying myself. If I wished to make a change, I could not shy away from rejection, ridicule, or challenges that may stand in my way, no matter how frightening these may seem.
If I may be allowed a moment of vulnerability, I shall share with you a secret. Despite how it may seem, after so many centuries of building a rather confident and outspoken personality for myself, I am still a rather anxious Mer. I still feel nervous before I must make a speech, or negotiate on behalf of my Guild. I still find myself fidgeting now and then, or pacing the floor in times of great stress. Despite this, I have managed to create something I am quite proud of, something that I can say has made a positive change for mages throughout Tamriel.
My point is, my friend, that though you may struggle, these traits do not define you. There is strength inside all of us, just as there is magic. You simply must find it. And I am certain that you will, with time.
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nightingaletrash · 4 years
I wrote a thing for Na-No Swap AU :D namely its a rewrite of the confrontation in Evergloam in the quest, Lost in Translation. Also Veya as an apprentice Eye of the Queen because My City Now.
The steps seemed to go on forever at first, forever curling around the unending mountainside as crows peered at them from their perches with glowing violet eyes. Unlike the creatures from the Clockwork City, however, not a single one of them spoke. They remained silent, observing the party as they pressed on along the unending path, trying their best not to trip in the dark.
At the head of the group, Maggie and Darien walked side by side, weapons drawn and ready for danger, but never straying far from one another. Behind them were the Psijics, Valsirenn and Iachesis, the latter’s limp seemingly worsening with every step he took. Val had his arm slung over her shoulder so that she bore most of his weight.
Watching their backs was Niraen and Veya, both living up to the name of their organisation as their eyes flitted from the mages in front of them, to the slope off the side of the path, and to the sky overhead where small black shapes - presumably more crows - were circling overhead. Veya had both axes out and at the ready, but Niraen didn’t seem to feel the need to draw her greatsword. Yet.
And then, finally, at the rear of the group was Venaya, who purposefully trailed a little further behind from the others. She held her staff tightly in her hands, but her eyes remained fixed on a single point. The mountain summit. The place where they would find the Heart of Transparent Law. Soon they would arrive, and they would discover the Heart’s hiding place… Venaya couldn’t help but be gripped with apprehension. Nothing about this could possibly be straight forward. Nothing ever was. And she highly doubted that Nocturnal or Iachesis would have left the crystal lying out in the open.
After what felt like many hours - and it may have been, as time in Oblivion was very strange - they finally reached the summit. Great stone pillars flanked the entrance to the plateau, and at its centre was a shrine depicting a woman glad in a black robe, with long flowing curls, and black birds perches on her wrists.
A shrine to Nocturnal. Venaya had doubts that this was the absolute heart of the Evergloam, but even now she could feel the power residing in this place. Not quite a beating heart, but like an artery - the magicka in the air was dense and rippling with energy, and while there was no sign of the Heart itself, Venaya could feel something. An undercurrent of sorts that didn’t quite flow with the rest of the power here.
The Heart… It had to be.
“This is the place,” Darien announced, glancing around. “So where is it?”
“I doubt Nocturnal would have left it out in the open for us to just pick up,” Veya said dryly. “We should take up positions, just in case.”
“Hey Niraen, can you tell your apprentice to stop telling me how to do my job?”
“Not my apprentice. And she’s right. We need to be ready,” Niraen agreed.
Darien might have been wearing a helmet, but Venaya recognised that slump of his shoulders. She’d seen it a few times in Coldharbour when he got chided by his friends from the Covenant and Mages Guild for his recklessness and glib tongue. Niraen just rolled her eyes and smiled wryly at Veya, who seemed quite pleased to have had her side taken.
As expected, Maggie remained close to Darien, her eyes narrowed as she glanced around the plateau. Niraen and Veya took up their own positions, while Venaya remained near the entrance at the back of the group. Iachesis took a moment to gather himself before he drew himself upright, stepping away from Valsirenn.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” she asked worriedly.
Iachesis gave her an exhausted smile, and maybe it was just Venaya, but it almost looked like the journey had aged him significantly somehow. He certainly looked weaker than he had when they’d first arrived. Like he was less… vibrant, almost.
“I’ll be fine, Val. Soon the Heart of Transparent Law will be in our hands,” he said reassuringly.
She didn’t seem completely reassured, but she stepped back, her staff at the ready.
With his hands free and his strength seemingly returned for the moment, he began to weave his spell, with ribbons of blue and gold weaving between his fingers and spots of light wrapping around his hands. And then, just as he was about to speak the words, slivers of dark violet appeared and began to weave themselves into his spell.
“Gah Noro berrin, vo rah Larow e javeel!”
Venaya felt it first. Like the shadows had come to life around them and had pressed in with intense interest, like someone was watching through them, as Iachesis’ chest began to glow bright red.
“Iachesis!” Valsirenn cried. “Your chest!”
Iachesis doubled over, a hand clutched over his heart - or perhaps the Heart - sweat beading his brow from the effort of the spell.
"Of course…” he panted as the revelation dawned upon him. “I put the Heart inside myself. It was the perfect hiding place!"
“My, my… What do we have here?”
A chilling voice swept over the plateau, smooth and velvety, and that subtle note of anticipation… As if she hadn’t been expecting them to arrive at all.
The shadows began to sliver from the nooks and crannies of the ruins, depleting them as they surged together at the foot of the shrine and coalesced into a figure. At first a mere outline, but then the shadows became robes draped over a dark skinned woman with Redguard features and thick, coiled black hair. Crows fluttered down from the trees, preening at her bare feet as she observed the group, and as she raised her arms, two of them perched on her wrists.
“It’s been a number of years since you last set foot in my realm, Iachesis. Or perhaps its been minutes?” Nocturnal did not care to hide the smugness in her smile. “One tends to lose track.”
Iachesis grimaced as his chest almost seemed to lurch and throb as the red light emanating from it intensified, and he clutched his hands over his heart. Venaya’s grip on her staff tightened, and the others raised their weapons at all.
“I did what I had to…” he spluttered. “I hid the Heart… from everyone. Including you.”
“And who says that I want it?” Nocturnal laughed. “Perhaps I simply enjoy watching you squirm, Iachesis. You always did have to have all the pieces. You hated not seeing the full picture. How fortunate that K’tora simplified matters for you.”
Iachesis’ scowl darkened with hatred at the mention of the Sea Sload, but it was Valsirenn’s hand on his shoulder that kept him from lashing out at the Prince of Darkness. She was still smiling, still smug, still so self-assured in whatever victory it was that she hoped to achieve. As if any of them could ever really understand what it was she truly wanted.
“Why…? You… aren’t with the Triad,” he pushed on, trying to straighten up even as his chest lurched horribly again. 
It was like the Heart was trying to force its way out of him, Venaya realised. The thought was too gruesome to think about, yet it was hard to look away.
“The Triad? What do I care for their squabbles?” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. The crow perched there didn’t flinch or flutter away, just clutched her wrist. “I just need to deliver what they so desperately crave, and then I’ll have what I want.
“And that means I’ll be taking that Heart from you now.”
“You’ll… have to… kill me.”
Nocturnal’s smug grin turned cruel and callous as she snapped her fingers. Iachesis shrieked as his chest was torn open and the large red crystal emerged from within. The Heart of Transparent Law. It rose upwards into the air and gently floated to Nocturnal, who held out her hands as if to greet it.
The crows on her wrists fluttered down to join the rest of their murder at her feet as the Heart came to rest in her hands, and Iachesis crumpled to the ground. Dead.
Valsirenn screamed, as did Veya, and the two rushed over to the fallen Ritemaster while Niraen, Maggie and Darien, turned their weapons to Nocturnal. While they didn’t cry out or curse, Venaya knew their rage had been provoked. They were just disciplined enough not to lash out and get themselves killed.
“The Heart… Hm. It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Nocturnal mused, though she dared to look bored as she turned the crystal over in her hands. “How very droll. However, there is one final thing I require from you mortals. Ideally before my clients arrive.”
She looked at Venaya and their eyes met. Nocturnal gave the tiniest jerk of her head, and Venaya gripped her staff tightly even as her stomach churned. The others had been prepared to be attacked… but they hadn’t expected it to come from one of their own.
Venaya seemed to teleport across the space, dissipating from her spot near the ruin entrance and reappearing behind Darien in a haze of shadows. She struck him on the back of the head with her staff, hard, and as he fell forwards, she reached around to his front and plucked the Dawnbreaker from his grasp. Then she turned on the ball of her foot and moved away, facing her friends even as the remorse already began to claw at her throat. 
They were stunned, apparently caught completely off-guard as Nocturnal’s grin widened.
“Well done, my Champion,” she cooed. “Bring me the sword.”
Venaya swallowed hard, trying not to look at the disbelief in her friends’ eyes as she flitted away into shadow, disappearing from where she had stood and reappearing at her mistress’ feet. The murder of crows dispersed, cawing loudly as Nocturnal’s Champion knelt before the Empress of Murk, offering up the glittering golden sword of Meridia.
“My sword! I just fixed that!” Darien exclaimed from below.
“Don’t take it so personally, Knight of Meridia,” Nocturnal said mockingly, her lips curved into a cutting smile as she took the Dawnbreaker in her hand. She admired the blade briefly. “It’s just business. And my Champion performed her duties to the letter.”
Venaya didn’t look at her friends, if she was even allowed to call them that. She rose to her feet, and her mistress clasped a hand on her shoulder. The Heart and the Dawnbreaker hovered in the air above the plateau, high out of reach and caged in shadow. 
And once again, the air shifted. 
“Ah, my clients have arrived. No doubt to collect their dues.”
And sure enough, one by one, the Triad manifested. 
Clavicus Vile appeared in a puff of red smoke, with his curving horns resembling that of an oryx. Mephala unfurled from the ground with spider legs jutting out of her back almost like a halo, while her dress seemed to be formed from thick webs. And then there was Namira, dark and shadowy with her flesh appearing to be in varying stages of rot and decay. 
While an arachnophobe would call Mephala the most frightening of the three, Venaya found Namira the most disturbing. It didn’t help that the Lady of Decay recognised her, grinning spitefully with narrowed eyes.
She clearly remembered Xal Ithix well and had not quite forgiven her yet.
“Ah Nocturnal. So nice to see someone uphold their end of the bargain,” Mephala purred, though it was impossible to see the disdain in her eyes when they flashed over her compatriots.
“Indeed. The Heart, and the Sword. As promised,” Vile agreed. His eyes then fell on the others. “And maybe even a little revenge on the meddling mortal fleas? Nocturnal, you spoil us.”
“So long as my Champion is not the subject of your vengeance, I don’t really care what you do with the rest,” she sniffed dismissively. “But have a care not to make a mess of my realm. You are guests, but that will not protect you should you choose to take advantage of my… hospitality.”
“Of course…” Namira hissed. “We wouldn’t dream of defiling your precious Evergloam, Nocturnal. We’ll be taking the Heart and Sword now-”
She lifted a hand, but then so did Vile and Mephala.
“I think you’ll find that I have it well in hand, Namira,” Vile grunted as his bright red magic seized the cage containing the Heart and Sword.
“No. I have it,” Mephala hissed, her dark red slivering around the bars of the cage, trying to tug it back in her direction. “Neither of you can be trusted.”
Namira laughed, a high, hollow shrieking noise as a swampy green magic groped at the cage, threatening to swallow it.
“Trusted?! When has trust ever entered the equation, Prince of Secret Murder? I wouldn’t trust you not to pour salt on a slug, much less trust you not to keep the Heart for yourself!”
Venaya watched in terror as the three Princes began to bicker and fight amongst themselves, but then Nocturnal squeezed her shoulder.
“We’ll let our guests see themselves out, for the time being,” she said. “Come, Champion.”
Venaya looked from her mistress and back to her friends who were raising their weapons. Portals had opened below and daedra began to emerge - spiders, hoarvers, skafin, and dremora - and Iachesis was still lifeless on the ground with a gaping hole torn in his chest.
They would never forgive her for this…
“Come, Champion,” Nocturnal repeated.
Swallowing down her tears and the lump in her throat, Venaya acquiesced and allowed herself to be whisked away to safety.
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mannimarcoiscool · 11 months
You sound like the Ritemaster 👎
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sheirukitriesfandom · 3 years
Thinking back to the Summerset questline. God, I miss Ritemaster Iachesis 😭
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the-tharns-speak · 4 years
Have you seen what’s happening over on the Altmer’s blogs?
The last I have seen was Guildmaster Galerion being strongly upset about him receiving the belated news of Ritemaster Iachesis’ death, and Mannimarco uncharacteristically offering some words of comfort to him. Then I was slightly too preoccupied with my breakfast and with the asks that have piled in my askbox since the yesterday evening. I take it that this situation hasn’t changed over than hour and half.
I can offer condolences to the Archmagister, in case he has any use for them.
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vanus · 5 years
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Some iachesis art based off of that one vid of dr phil reading thirst tweets and being confused.
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