bts-fic-rec-blog · 6 years
A Fortress of Cloth (ao3)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8488366
Author: Rivertoforever
Pairing: Jungkook/everyone
Characters: Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jungkook,
Status: Complete
Word Count: 4734
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Additional tags: Fluff, Hybrid AU, Cuddling
Summary:  Jungkook's preferred sleeping place is a nest of clothing.
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pudgecuddles · 4 years
Fic Recs!
Sorry this took a while to compile, but here you go, just in time for your birthday @chocochub!
I went ahead and tried to describe any triggers or reasons for the rating (sex vs. violence). I’m sorry if I missed anything that makes you uncomfy that‘s the last thing I want!
Also I got really sleepy around the time I was formatting this so sorry if there’s any errors with links, grammar, or trigger warnings. I’ve tried to be as thorough as I can, but many of these I’ve finished over a year ago and can’t recall every theme or possibly upsetting event :(
Red Sky in Morning by GinForInk
Rating: E for Sex, Violence and Loss of Limb
Relationships: TaeJoon, YoonKook
Themes: Pirate AU, Curse AU, Adventure, Supernatural, Mystery, Horror
Summary: Captain Namjoon's cursed crew searches the Caribbean for a ship that can save them, and Namjoon's own men have more magic than they let on.
My notes: Even though there’s sex, it’s less smut and more romantic/stress relief than purposefully pornographic. Very heavy on Supernatural and Adventure. Characters are written very well! Definitely a favorite of mine.
Hijacker’s Island by Gobi17
Rating: T for semi-graphic violence and attempted sexual assault from a villain.
Relationships: None
Themes: Hijack Gone Wrong, Plane Crash, Island Survival, Befriending the Baddies, Psychological Thriller, Mystery, Action
Summary: Jungkook's flight home ends in disaster as a group of hijackers take over the plane, and events quickly spiral out of control.
My Notes: I really loved this one. It was an interactive story where the audience was able to choose what choices Jungkook (the main character) would make. His survival depended on the answers, and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. There is a lot of platonic character bonding, so no sex, however there is a bad guy that fixates on Kookie that later attempts to sexually assault him. If this is triggering to you please do not read.
Butterfingers by jincherie
Rating: G
Relationships: RM/Reader
Themes: Co-workers, Teachers, Hybrids, Penguin-Hybrid Joon, Heavy Fluff, Penguin Courting uwu
Summary: He had you at the very first pebble he gave you.
My notes: Extremely cute. I’m not usually on for Reader fics as they’re usually rife with unneeded smut and OOC-ness, but I love Namjoon being an awkward, unusual Hybrid and I LOVE cute, animalistic behavior.
Do Not Meddle In The Affairs Of Dragons, For You Are Crunchy And Taste Good With Ketchup by Runchrandom
Rating: T
Relationships: OT7, but Namjoon-centric
Themes: Supernatural, Humor, Crack treated seriously, part of a series, Dragon-Joon
Summary: In which Namjoon is a man who doesn't know what he wants, then accidentally figures it out while turning into a very large lizard.
My notes: Part of a very cute and funny series of Supernatural boyband BTS, navigating their inherent differences and similarities. Also lots of protective Dragon Namjoon taking good care of his Treasures UwU
you have 1 new message by bazooka
Rating: T
Relationship: NamJin (my OTP)
Themes: Humor, Text Fic, Imbedded Pictures, Suspense/Mystery
r u n c h r a n d a.
this is going to sound like the weirdest shit
okay look i used ur selcas to catfish and this older dude is gonna buy me stuff but i have to send him a selca with a peace sign
~ * ~ pingkeu jin ~ * ~
hahahahahahaha wtf
My notes: As someone who steers clear of text fics, this one I actually loved! Very funny and clever, the developing relationship between NamJin is hilarious. It also turns into a mystery/thriller???
(You can only read it if you have an Ao3 account as it’s locked to users only)
Vending Machines and Bad Ideas by smiles
Rating: G
Themes: Blind Dates, Meet Cute, Humor, Rom-Com
Relationships: 2Seok
Summary: Hoseok needed to focus, regroup. He needed to evaluate the situation, weigh his options, and find a solution. He needed to work through this like the capable adult he was. He needed to get his hand out of this stupid vending machine.
My notes: 2Seok is a guilty pleasure of mine lol. This was cute, funny and sweet.
Human by SunShineSwag
Rating: E for Graphic Violence, Many Murders, Sex, Mentions of Past Abuse and Temporary Character Death
Themes: Serial Killer/Dexter AU, Suspense/Mystery, Romance, Crime, Fluff, Hobi Teaches Yoongi How To Emotion™
Relationships: SOPE, NamJin, side VMinKook
Summary: During the day, Yoongi works for the police as a forensic expert.
But when night falls, he becomes a nightmare.
A serial killer.
My notes: Just finished this one and wow I’m so in love! It seems really intimidating from the tags and summary, but I swear it is also super ooey gooey soft and mushy. There is lots of angst, suspense and hurt/comfort, but with a very happy ending! I actually avoided this fic for a few months cause I didn’t think I was in the right headspace for something super dark, but it was actually quite fluffy.
Jungkook’s House for the Wayward Werewolf by Rivertoforever
Rating: T for Non-Sexual Intimacy
Themes: Supernatural, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, slight Dom/sub dynamics, Werewolfs, Very Non-Traditional ABO, Asexual/Poly Relationship, Roomate AUish
Relationships: OT7 but very Jungkook-centric
Summary: Being the only human in a household of werewolves can lead to strange experiences, mixed signals, weird behaviour and a lap full of fur.
My notes: This is one of my favorite stories of all time! It’s unfortunately unfinished and has been for a while, so if you’re not a fan of WIPs this won’t be for you :( Otherwise, I reread it all the time! I remember loving the relationship and dynamic between the characters and how they were all very respectful of JK not wanting to be physical with them. A year later I discover I’m Ace! Haha! I consider this fic one of the many things that pushed me in the right direction. It’s very cute, fluffy and soft!
[And uh... I considered putting this on the list before but thought it was a little too heavy on sex/smut so I took it off, but I’ll leave it here for you to decide. I think that the smut scenes in this fic aren’t necessarily there for “smexy cock fun times” and are more outright statements on gender equality, sociology, informed consent and healthy relationships. Hence why I’ve left it in!]
Mentoring on Marsa by FlyYouFools1
Rating: E for Sex, Firm Dub-Con, Discussion of Non-Con, Violence, Unhealthy Relationships
Themes: ABO, Technically Aliens?, Societal Differences, Culture Shock, Kind of Sugar Baby AU, Viva La Omegan Revolution, Teaching Alphas to Not Be Dicks™, One Big Fat Metaphor for Real Life Gender Discrimination and Systematic Abuse
Relationships: VMinKook, YoonJinNamSeok
Summary: Jungkook comes to the planet Marsa after being promised a full scholarship to Marsa National University. When the scholarship falls through, his academic advisor gives him the number for a mentoring service for newly stranded omegas on Marsa. With rent due, no way home, and no success in finding a job, Jungkook calls the number. The organization sends him Min Yoongi, a fellow omega who's been living on Marsa for 8 years. Yoongi teaches him how to survive. Jungkook's first attempt at survival is alpha couple Jimin and Taehyung.
My notes: This is the really long part one that just finished. It’s 50 chapters of emotional healing, statements on consent, character growth and sneaky omegas. I’m a huge fan of non-traditional ABO fics, and I love when sex is treated not as a “just cause I can”, but as an actual example of gender politics and relationship growth. If anyone is aspec, this might not be the story for you! But if you can mentally push past the idea of sex, I assure you it’s not “porn for the sake of porn”.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Ok so, I was reading and super enjoying your hunger!verse Tsuna thingy and I was forced afterword to go seek out more arcobaleno fic (FORCED. Pshhh). Annnnyway I did and now I'm desperately curious if we'll be seeing more of it? Maybe the first time Fon sees Tsuna eat? Will we ever find out how hard Lal Mirch smacks the Sawada Idiot? Where is Skull in all this? So curious! Anyway! Love your fic! Even when you're dragging me kicking and screaming into new fandoms:D
I’m not getting any Skull-writing-motivation atm, and Iemitsu is always a headache to write, even when he’s getting rightfully smacked. So I’ll just do a very short blurb of Fon&Tsuna interactions.
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @wolfsrainrules @franticchanges @tremendouslyminiaturequeen @nesomoxian @snowspine @helix-security @ciesste @skyrel @ebilangel @redshino @fabulous-as-fcuk @anaissesteighart @raz-ia @13oddballbooks​ @scribesynnox @alyss-spazz-penedo @shwamu @haikyuumon @rivertoforever @satanic-yogurt @darkened-flame 
The first time Fon witnesses it, he’s torn between a morbid sort of fascination and a revolted sense of trepidation.
“You don’t have to be here,” Tsuna tells him, not for the first time, as Viper goes to check them in and Reborn leaves to make sure there’s no one with so much as an unpaid parking ticket to their name within five miles of the hotel they’ll be staying in.
It still surprises Fon, a little, even after two months in their company, which is actually one month more than they’ve ever willingly spent with each other. But even back before they realized the kind of woman Luce really was, not even Reborn was as protective of her as he is of Tsuna. Or maybe it’s just a different kind of protective. Where there was always a respectful distance between themselves and Luce, no matter how kindly she treated them, there’s none of that between Reborn - and Viper - and Tsuna.
That’s not to say they don’t respect him of course– in a rare moment of quiet honesty when Tsuna had fallen ill - again - with a mild fever, Viper had confessed to Fon that their new Sky was a kind of strong that still utterly baffled them as much as it was worthy of their admiration as well. And Reborn hadn’t slept a wink until Tsuna got better.
But Tsuna lets them close in a way Luce never could’ve, guards their health and wellbeing in a way Luce never had, and in return, it’s easy to see how Reborn and Viper consider him beloved and friend and Sky and boss, in exactly that order too.
Devotion. That was what they lacked when it came to Luce. That was what Luce could never quite earn from them, even before they learned the terrible truth, even from Reborn. She had gathered them and charmed them and earned their trust, but she had never been able to inspire the steadfast instinctual dedication that both Reborn and Viper show Tsuna these days, so in tune with the boy that even the way they move somehow seems in tune with each other, like… well, exactly like elements woven in with their sky.
And maybe that’s why Fon assures, also not for the first time, “I understand, Tsunayoshi-kun, but so long as you do not object, I would like to stay.”
He’s self-aware enough to know where this is going, that it’s only a matter of time for him too– one of these days, he’ll have enough courage to offer his own Flames as well, it’s on the tip of his tongue already, and even the echo of remembered agony and instinctual fear isn’t going to stop him.
And considering it’s only been a little over two months since he first met Tsunayoshi, well, even Luce hadn’t tamed them all as quickly.
(Fon worries about that sometimes. It’s not natural, is it? To care about someone so fiercely, so fast. But it actually helps that Tsunayoshi’s fought him just about every step of the way; he’s a Sky who so obviously cares, and so even if it makes Fon a little uneasy, he’s also equally determined to return that care. He can’t be a Storm to a Sky - doesn’t deserve to be a Storm to a Sky, especially this Sky - if the bond between them doesn’t go both ways.)
It’s… not as terrible as Fon thought it would be, once they’re shut away in the top-floor suite and Tsuna’s lips are dyed with yellow and indigo. He looks healthier in this moment than Fon has ever seen him, cheeks less hollow, bones less brittle, skin flushed with a healthier colour. Fon pays close attention to the entire process despite some part of him screaming at him to back out of the room, and so he also notices the way neither Reborn nor Viper show any signs of hesitation or pain when they draw out their own Flames and feed them to Tsuna.
“You should eat a bit more,” Viper huffs, shoving more indigo fire at their Sky when he tries to protest. “If you insist on going days without a proper meal, at least eat your fill when we do this.”
Reborn just stares Tsuna down until the boy sighs and accepts more of the handfuls of Flames the hitman is holding out.
Later, when it’s Fon’s turn to walk Tsuna to school (they’ve worked out a schedule, just to give each of them a bit of time alone with their Sky, although it took almost two months before Reborn and Viper - with Tsuna insisting - grudgingly agreed to add Fon to the rotation), he remarks, “It does not seem to hurt them, or otherwise affect them negatively.”
Tsuna doesn’t bother playing dumb. Everything about him droops for a moment instead. “…Maybe not. I mean it definitely did at first, and I don’t know if it’s just because they’ve gotten used to it, they said it wasn’t that and I don’t think they were lying to make me feel better but…”
He shakes his head and glances away, and for a moment, it doesn’t seem like he’ll continue his train of thought. But Fon waits patiently and is rewarded a few minutes later by a near-inaudible, “I just don’t like it. They’re literally sustaining me with their souls. And all I do is… take that from them. But what do I give them?”
Ah. So that’s the crux of the problem.
Well, Fon supposes it’s not so much of a surprise, for this boy. It’s a good thing then, that Fon knows the answer already.
“You give them a home,” He says, steadily, honestly, and something in his chest floods with a warmth that tethers him to the Sky beside him. Judging by the way Tsuna’s eyes widen and his hand jumps to his chest, Fon’s not the only one who can feel the creation of their bond.
“You give us a home,” He continues. “A place to belong, something to hold us together when we would otherwise be adrift in the world. Perhaps that does not sound especially important to you, but for us who have lived for decades with no one to care about and no one who might care about us, a Sky like you is… everything.”
Tsuna does not reply for a long moment. They’re entering through the school gates when he finally speaks again, and even then, it’s a succinct answer, less question and more dawning realization. “You guys were alone. And lonely.”
Fon smiles wryly and thinks of how even with every alarm bell ringing in his head, he still hopped on the first flight to Japan after hearing about a Sky who might actually be a proper Sky. Thinks too of how Reborn approached first even though he’d arguably been burned worst, and Viper who had long decided that trust was for fools and yet had still so desperately wanted someone to be worthy of their trust.
“We were,” Fon admits in a way he knows Reborn and Viper - even to Tsuna - would be hard-pressed to do. “And sometimes, being alone is the worst thing anyone can experience.”
Tsuna nods a little as he changes his shoes. “Yeah. Yeah it is.”
After that, Tsuna is still firm about only eating their Flames once every few days, but he eases up on the protests, and when Fon offers his own Flames up the next time, Tsuna grimaces but also nods slowly without arguing. Reborn and Viper both give Fon suspicious side-eyes but since this works in their favour too, neither of them bring it up.
On his part, Fon feels the same instinctual fear swell up inside him, but he looks at Tsuna, his Sky, and his resolve is infinitely stronger. The core of his Storm Flames flare bright and fierce, and when Fon gathers a piece of it and breaks it off from the rest, there is only a brief spark of pain, like a hard pinch, and then he’s breathing easy again, and his hands burn with the wild pulse of his life-fire.
When Tsuna accepts it with reverent hands, and the red twines with Reborn’s yellow and Viper’s indigo as their Sky eats, something in Fon sits back, satisfied, and the newly forged Guardian bond inside him strengthens.
The very next morning, Fon wakes to a crash and Reborn very uncharacteristically shouting, “What the fuck-”
Fon’s barging into Tsuna’s room with a Viper who hasn’t even remembered to grab their cloak on his heels before it actually registers, and even then, it’s only because - for the first time since he was still a student at his first master’s dojo - he literally trips over his own feet.
He sits up and stares. Viper’s deathly silent behind him, and even Reborn’s fallen quiet from where he’s half-leaning against the nightstand. His hammock is ripped down the middle and hangs limply from the ceiling. Tsuna stares at all three of them from his bed, wide-eyed and stunned.
Fon looks at Reborn, whose ass is on the floor but whose head levels with the bedside table. He twists to look at Viper, who’s forgotten to float and is standing and... now seems to be about Tsuna’s height.
And then he looks down at himself, at hands that are no longer the tiny ones of his toddler self, at longer limbs that feel clumsily awkward and a heavier body that takes up more space than he’s used to. He’s nowhere near the size of his adult self, but he’s definitely now almost three times the size he was when he went to bed last night.
Reborn had the right of it.
What the fuck.
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houseforarmys · 4 years
Here it is the fic rec of today!💜 We've been thinking of giving the fic rec a break after this week is over, since many of you have been telling us that you have most of the works we recommens bookmarked or saved for later, would you want that?💜 Let us know, please!💜
Savior by taetastic
SHIP: taekook
WORDS: 3,059 words | 1/1 chapters
GENRE: fluff and humor | T
WARNINGS: no warnings
Taehyung kinda sorta almost falls in a manhole because he's a distracted stressed out mess.
the kids are right by lessisabore
SHIP: taegi
WORDS: 12,817 words | 1/1 chapters
GENRE: fluff and humor, light angst | T
WARNINGS: no warnings
“I know how this works, hypothermia can set in in a matter of minutes, we can’t just sit still, that’s how you die,” Taehyung rambles, tugging his jacket tighter around himself.
“Taehyung, we’re sitting in the sun, it’s like 50 degrees today, we’re not going to get hypothermia.”
aka taehyung and yoongi get stuck on a ski lift together. twice.
Stars and lightening (hold me tightly) by pennstift
SHIP: yoonmin (+vhope, namjin)
WORDS: 89,791 words | 20/20 chapters
GENRE: slow burn, heavy angst | M
WARNINGS: no warnings
Jimin doesn't sleep enough and cares too much about what people think about him.
Yoongi is troubled and doesn't know how to vent his problems without causing harm to people around him or himself.
They meet in detention.
Birds of a Feather Flock Together by Rivertoforever
SHIP: junghopegi
WORDS: 3,817 words | 1/1 chapters
GENRE: fluff, eventual smut | M
WARNINGS: no warnings
Yoongi as a cat-hybrid is going to be possessive. It's how cats are. Though as of now he is torn between marking his owner to warn the new cat away and helping it get Jungkook's affection. Eh, he can do both.
Until my last breath by sovlmataes
SHIP: vmin (+yoonkook)
WORDS: 78,225 words | 15/15 chapters
GENRE: heavy angst, smut, fluff | M
WARNINGS: graphic descriptions of violence
"I see colors everytime you speak"- Jimin said in a small murmur, as he hid his face in the curvature of Taehyung's neck - "The most beautiful colors I've ever seen" - he continued, not wanting to look Taehyung in the eyes. His small, delicate hands traveled along his back, carefully feeling the warm mesh that covered his skin.
"and when you touch me ... when you touch me, I hear the most beautiful melodies." Jimin brushed his nose into Taehyung's warm skin, causing a heavy shiver to run through his body.
"And what do those melodies sound like?"
 "It sounds... it sounds like peace"
(Or Jimin finds himself in a situation he has never expected to be in, with the last person he would ever want to).
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namkookficrecs · 5 years
Clandestine deeds
Title: Clandestine deeds
Author: Rivertoforever
Rating: Mature
Tags: demon jk, gang au, fluff, slow burn, roommates, smut, top nj, bottom jk, gnc jk (gender non-conforming), angst
Side ship: minor jihopeseok/2seok/jihope
Status: Completed; 1/1 chapters (20,519 words)
Namjoon had expected so mething very different.
Namjoon and his demon, the story that took a random turn from what it was supposed to be.
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yuletideyoujin · 7 years
I fucking come on Tumblr and your Thomas post is the first thing I see I'm. Why do you do this
OKAY TO BE FAIR......... it’s not the worst thing I’ve done on here
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piinkhair-blog · 7 years
I'd send you fic recs since I read too much but I don't really know what you like so if you could tell me that I'll give you some. Well if you still want them.
angst is my #1 love, closely followed by anything having to do with supernatural things (vampires, ghosts, witches, etc). fluff is cute but it has to have Meaning and Sustenance in there yknow??? or else i get bored lmao
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jibootae-beach · 7 years
Jikook Fic Recs: Bottom Kook
I’m a sucker for bottom Jungkook, as evident by this blog, I’ve been slowly cultivating these, and will add more as I find them! (Updates at the top of each category). | More
Who Knew that We Were Fools by Masquerada Jungkook endangers his life to pretend that he isn't an omega. His life calls bullshit, and only Jimin can fix it.
Perfect Bunny by KookieChim Jungkook goes into heat. Jimin doesn't know what to do, until he does.
Fxxk It (Fxxk Me) by Chimchimery Most people couldn’t believe that Park Jimin wasn’t an Omega, and Jungkook couldn’t help but agree sometimes, just because of how beautiful and sweet and non-Alpha he seemed. But when his mate went into rut, Jungkook saw the raw and pure Alpha in his sweet little Jimin show through. “A-ah, oh fu-fuck Jimin…” Jungkook groaned out, gripping the silken sheets underneath him with enough force to tear them in half, body bent over the bed as he shook. (switch)
Mine by KookieChim Jungkook is Jimin's, and Jimin will make sure he knows that in public and in private.
Imperfectly Perfect by whenIseeUsmile Jungkook just moved to Seoul and comes to a new school. He's quite naive and believes that there is good in everyone. He loves photography and always carries his camera with him. He thought his life wasn't going to change much, even though he had moved to Seoul. However, that changed, when he took a picture of a certain orange-haired boy with the brightest eye-smile he had ever seen.
You're My Genie, Lamborghini (You're My Teeny Weeny Meenie) by mindheist You know those people who say technology is driving people apart? Yeah, fuck them.
100% by naxariis jungkook's one man mission to get jimin to finally top him
dirty laundry by wordcouture "his dirty laundry isn't something i can keep clean"
sweet like honey by graesun we've been making shades of purple out of red and blue
look here (because soon you'll want me) by graesun Jungkook knows it’s a bad idea the second Jimin drags him into a closet.
Love Is A Sickness (Can I Get A Witness?) by HDShadowCat Jimin wants to drown himself in Jeongguk, he just doesn't know that Jeongguk wants the same thing.
eyes on the prize (you) by meatykook Jimin's eyes scan the crowd, not really searching for anything in particular but at the same time, hoping to catch a glimpse of him amidst the mass of people. or Jimin really loves winning games, especially because he gets to fuck Jungkook after.
Unwrap Me, Enjoy Me by Rivertoforever Jungkook always did look so adorable after getting fucked.
Flare by dipshitae Jimin is Jungkook's vaccine.
SWITCH: (because sometimes we can’t have everything we want)
Switch It by ashina this is a series where jungkook and jimin are fucking. how original.
Catharsis by usaginoona A collection of jikook smut drabbles, under or around a thousand words!
Kids From Yesterday by Charmander Behind the scars, faded tattoos, heavy eyeliner, and dyed hair, Jungkook and Jimin are little more than gentle lovers surviving in a rugged world.
Got Everyone Watching Us (Model AU) Series by usaginoona (An ultimate fic for me, you don’t know how much I love it).
Atlas by robberjack As the captain of Prince Jungkook's royal guard, Jimin has quite a few responsibilities. When Jungkook needs to let off steam, Jimin is there. When enemy nations plot murder and mutiny, Jimin is there. When Jungkook falls in love with the captain of his guard... yeah, Jimin is there for that too.
I Spy by Bangitybangtan Jimin was one of the best with a gun, a knife or his very own fists. Jimin doesn't know jackshit about computers.
JONGKEYLOVER12 AO3 FICS: (because this hon feeds all of us bottom kookie fans that i need to dedicate some space for this queen. i just included my faves definatley check out the others ones as well)
You're The Best by JongKeyLover12 Jungkook is on a lame date with a guy who tries to drug him. Jimin is the hot bartender who saves his ass and then fucks it.
I Love You (But Not Really) by JongKeyLover12 To prove his friends he's over his ex, Jungkook kisses a random guy and tells them he has a new boyfriend named Jimin. Things get a little more complicated (and steamy) than he had expected
Sin by JongKeyLover12 Jungkook wants to be completely dominated and Jimin gives him exactly what he wants, maybe even more. top jimin and bottom kook, dom/sub, bdsm, humiliation kink, light crossdressing(?), sort of a short scene involving urine (because I love the idea of Jungkook pissing himself okay fight me)
My Once In A Lifetime by JongKeyLover12 Jungkook swears he hates alphas. Except, maybe, this one guy called Park Jimin.
Mighty Good Alpha by JongKeyLover12 Omega Jungkook goes through his heat a bit earlier than expected. Without any pills to help him, he asks his very hot alpha neighbor, Jimin, to buy him what he needs at the pharmacy since he can't walk properly himself. Somehow the treatment for Jungkook's burning body isn't the pills but Jimin's dick.
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bts-fic-collection · 6 years
Hi do you happen to have any minjoonkook recs? They are rare and I need plEASE :)
They are pretty rare, and it may well be that you’ve already read these, but here are a few anyway :) 
oh baby (what’re you doing to me?) by sirradel
protege by linzeigh
Rating: M
Status: Incomplete
Word count: 156,711
Summary: Jeon Jungkook, 20. Fresh-faced and eager Muscle. Strengths: ambition, determination, intellect, physical strength. Weaknesses: temper, temper.
Kim Namjoon, 25. Organized crime boss, club owner, and all-around good guy. Strengths: logic, compassion, business savvy, loyalty. Weaknesses: depressive with a bleeding heart.
Park Jimin, 23. Dancer, prostitute, right-hand man. Strengths: cunning, intuition, fearlessness, confidence. Weaknesses: Kim Namjoon, Jeon Jungkook.
This Hallowed Place (You) by Rivertoforever
Rating: M
Status: Complete
Word count: 1,548
Summary: Ritual season. The time Namjoon and Jimin truly are the weakest for their boyfriend
yellow red by baekhyun
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word count: 7,716
Summary: "I'm— I mean, honestly—" Jungkook stutters choppily, “I’m your biggest fan. Oh, god.”
Namjoon blinks. Did he just hear that correctly?
“My… biggest fan.” Namjoon echoes, baffled.
The blush is back on Jungkook’s cheeks. He scratches at his neck. Jimin looks murderous.
Our cute little calf by LadyPrussia
Rating: E
Status: Complete
Word count: 3,478
Summary: With both his boyfriends presenting as apex Predator’s the last thing Namjoon expect is to present as a fucking cow.
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sugakookiefics · 6 years
Hiii can you recommend some fluffy boyfriends sugakookie fics? like, really fluffy (preferably with cuddling) (sorry for the generic ask oops)
here is the fluff tag
Play It Again by holyseokjinnie
Training, a Latte, and All is Right by Rivertoforever
A Thousand Kisses by SatanIncarnate
If it’s Okay by sugakookiesncream (a/n: has a bit of angst but it’s totally worth it)
take my hand now by astraljimin
in my world, only you and i exist by gaybabyjoonie
enjoy, my loves, xoxo
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bts-fic-rec-blog · 6 years
You Look Comfy, May I Sit? (ao3)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8003050  
Author: Rivertoforever
Pairing: Jungkook/Everyone
Characters: Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jungkook,
Status: Complete
Word Count: 2864
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: No Warnings Added
Additional tags: hand holding, Fluff, College AU
Summary:  If there is a well known habit that Jungkook has, it would be how he never fails to sit on someones lap.
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ao3feed-namkook · 6 years
Needle & Thread
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ktk75P
by Rivertoforever
Namjoon really thought he was going to get lucky, but are you ever really lucky when you have a brat for a boyfriend?
Words: 1587, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Witch boy Kook
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM
Additional Tags: witch jungkook, to celebrate that glorious almost pink hair, mothman Joon, Alternate Universe - Witchcraft, Sewing, Alternate Universe - Magic, Soft Boys, Fluff, Teasing, jungkook in lace, Kim Namjoon | RM Is Whipped, Work, Kissing, Body Worship, No Smut, Soft Jeon Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook Is a Brat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2Ktk75P
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kookmint · 7 years
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Hey everyone, Immy here back with another follow forever! I recently hit a milestone of 30k+ followers and I’m truly in shock because I never thought this blog would grow this much. I’m still so happy with all the incredible people I’ve met on here and I’m happy to enjoy BTS with you all. It’s been a pleasure creating content for this fandom and I hope to continue making everyone laugh and smile with it! Thank you so much to all that follow me ♡ Now lets get to this follow forever!
I’d also like to give a huge thank you to @comeherejimin for making my beautiful banner! (She’s wonderful and makes amazing gfx!!)
Below are all of the wonderful and amazing people I follow. Thank you for making my dash beautiful! 💕 
bold: mutuals (I apologize if I’ve missed any. If I did, just shoot me a message!)
♡: Hey we’ve been friends for a rather long time and I love your wack ass. So look under the cut for a message~
@acciosugas / @aletheia-l / @apgujeon ♡ / @ask-bts-stuff / @ask-chimchim / @astro-child / @bang-tan  / @bangtanroyalty / @bangtoori ♡ / @bbrooking87 / @beui / @bottomkook / @bts420 / @busa-n / @butaer / @bwichim / @bwinkook / @bwipsul / @bwiseoks / @bwisou / @bwiyomi
@chimcheroo / @chimdeer / @classyrobotss / @comeherejimin / @confidenceatitsfinest / @cowjimin / @cutiepiebts / @cypherkookie / @cypherslut / @daegucrew / @dearmyjimin / @dyegu / @gottalove95z / @gukks / @hobeui / @hobies ♡ / @hobiga / @honeymygs / @hoseokb / @itsjhope / @iwaslookingforhope
@jaayhope / @jcnghope / @jengkook / @jeonbase / @jeonheart / @jeoniful / @jeonify / @jeovkks / @jiguk / @jihope / @jijkooks / @jikookiejar / @jimin-bean / @jiminiemini / @jiminparks / @jiminrolls ♡ / @jimins-laughs / @jiminslattae / @jiminz / @jimiyoong / @jinmini / @jitamin / @jiyoongis / @jjilljj / @jjks / @jminies ♡ / @joeguk / @joonjuly / @junghope ♡ / @jungkookpd / @junqkookied / @jwimins
@keksimuru / @kimdaily / @kimseoksjin ♡ / @kkyutae / @kookiebuff / @kookmiin / @kookmin / @krushed / @ksjknj / @ktaebwi / @kthspjm / @lordparkjimin / @lost-stxrs / @lovelyjoons / @mewchim / @minsjoon / @minyoongis / @mitsucchi / @myloveseokjin / @namseok / @nochuie / @nochuism / @noxiim / @osyub / @parkejimins / @parkjmzl / @peachesjoon / @pingkeujin / @pinkbtsme / @pjmksj / @pjmsx / @polkari-seuta / @puzzlepeace
@rapdaegu / @rapmini / @rappertae ♡ / @refrainbow / @rhianmin / @rivertoforever / @samwol / @seulin / @shealezz / @smilejikook / @softminmin / @sugaa ♡ / @suntaes / @sweaterpawsjimin / @taeguk / @tanktoptiger / @vhope ♡ / @whyparkjimin / @wreckitrapmon / @yccnseok / @yoongiyi / @yourpinkpill
♡ Hey y’all. So I decided to just write one collective message for you all since I could write an entire novel about each of you. I just want to express how incredibly grateful I am to have you guys as my friends. We always talk all the time about how lonely Tumblr would be without any friends. So it’s true, I wouldn’t be here without you. And without this blog, Tumblr, BTS, or networks, I probably would have never met any of you. And that’s a little scary to think about because you guys have literally become some of my best friends. It’s crazy but I feel like I’m most honest with you all, you probably know most of all of my life because I feel that comfortable with you. You guys influence me in positive ways with our diversity and I learn so much just by talking with you every day. I love how we can enjoy each other’s presence and literally be on a Skype call for nearly 24 hours (-___- LMAO). Even though we sometimes roast one another, It’s usually out of love. We wack, but we wack together. Even if you may not have known it, you’ve always been there for me in some of my darkest times by keeping me company and making me smile when everything else seems to be crumbling down. So thank you. Thank you for being my best friends, my sisters, my family. Just thank you. I really do hope I can meet all of you in person one day. One down, nine to go!
In the words of Vmin:
Let’s keep going for a long time~♡
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namkookficrec · 4 years
clandestine deeds
by rivertoforever  (20k, complete, 1/1, M)
tags: graphic depictions of violence // fantasy au // gang world au // demons au // fluff // violence // gender non comforing jungkook // dorks // eventual relationships // panicked gay namjoon // magic // namjoon is whipped // namjoon is a sweetheart // rich namjoon // slow-ish burn // slow build // grinding // frottage // developing relationships // quick relationship // cuddling // jungkook is a brat // roommates // blood drinking // bottom jungkook // top namjoon // minor 2seok // very light dick stepping // light masochism // mention of drugs // thigh riding // angst 
Namjoon had expected something very different.
Or: Namjoon and his demon, the story that took a random turn from what it was supposed to be.
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inbtswethrrust · 7 years
It's namkook week!!! Do you have any fluffy hybrid fics? Doesn't matter if it's namjoon or jungkook that's the hybrid. Thank you and !!!!! Namkook!!!!!!
i dont have a lot :((( but yes!!!!! namkook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of My Gem, Of My Treasure by Rivertoforever [T, 1.4k]
Carrot Thief | 당근 도둑 by bloodkink [G, 1.9k]
thats it :(
- N
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piinkhair-blog · 7 years
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ahhh okay so!! this is my first ever follow forever (on this blog) AND a celebration for this blog finally turning 1 year old!! all i gotta say is holy wow that it’s already been one year since i got into kpop, because it definitely doesn’t feel like it’s been a whole year since then (also lol i thought the 1d fandom was a wild ride). so anyways!! onto the follow forever, the reason i gathered yall here!! (bolded = my ride or dies)  (also sorry if i forgot anyone here/forgot to bold someone!!)
[ # - d ] @01saturn ♡ @02yuna​ ♡ @05taurus​ ♡ @06pray ♡ @1hoseokie ♡ @1popsicle​ ♡ @1sistar​ ♡ @17dad​  ♡  @4kyla  ♡  @4odd ♡ @8ultaoreune  ♡  @95s​  ♡  @adventurecallingemotions  ♡  @agoth  ♡  @agustdior  ♡  @aynos​ ♡  @babymp4​  ♡  @baepsrae​ ♡  @bibwi ♡ @bishesgonnahate​  ♡ @bi-yoongi​ ♡  @br1ankang ♡ @bratsclub​  ♡ @celestialhansol  ♡ @chahunsbf ♡ @chestnutheadkyungsoo ♡ @chicagoboijohnny  ♡ @chococofactory ♡ @choiseungcheolsbf  ♡  @christmasgaytaekwoon​  ♡  @cosymin  ♡ @crescentjin  ♡ @cypher127​  ♡ @dnamv  ♡ @doesbtsisgay​  ♡
[ e - h ] @exothewar​  ♡ @fapmonster ♡ @floraljeonghan​  ♡ @flowerchildchim​ ♡ @flufftae​  ♡ @fuckyourxenophobia​  ♡ @gaydino​  ♡ @gay-jk​ ♡ @gaygirlsofficial​ ♡ @gayvernon​ ♡ @gaysta-x​ ♡ @gayyoungjae​ ♡ @gominboda-go​   ♡ @hanbit​ ♡ @handsomejin​ ♡ @hobisol​ ♡ @hobismixedgf​ ♡ @hobixtape​ ♡ @honeystan ♡ @hvvngseob ♡ @hwitaek​ ♡ @hxitape​ ♡ @hye-limes ♡ @hyyh-pt2​  ♡
[ i - l ] @ilovpcy ♡ @ilyluna   ♡ @ilysmjooheon​ ♡ @imhoseoktrash  ♡ @jaehyunscult  ♡ @jaemmin  ♡ @jarpark  ♡ @je0n  ♡ @jeonsmochi  ♡ @jewishtransboy​  ♡ @jhoe​ ♡ @jhopesmexicanhoe ♡ @jinderela  ♡ @jjkboo  ♡ @jjkmiamor​  ♡ @jkslesbian​ ♡ @jolnnny  ♡ @jongdaemorning​  ♡ @jonghyunbase​  ♡ @kgayspop​  ♡ @kittyminhyuk​  ♡ @lesbangtan ♡ @lovhobe​  ♡ @lovjeon​  ♡ @lunahobi​  ♡
[ m - r ] @mangonrice​  ♡ @mangotrees​​ ♡  @mibora  ♡ @micdropsus ♡ @minghowls  ♡ @minhyuuk  ♡ @minyoongee ♡ @my-king-junmyeon​  ♡ @mylifeiskpoptrash​ ♡  @nabongie ♡ @neibulae​  ♡ @nottodaytae​  ♡ @oppas-bubbletea​  ♡ @pizzahoshi  ♡ @rapgodyeri  ♡ @redvelvetdeservesbetter  ♡ @rivertoforever  ♡
[ s - y ] @san-deul-set ♡ @seulgays ♡ @shinwonkoh ♡ @shownusbabygirl​  ♡ @shyseungkwan​ ♡ @softmoni​ ♡ @soloseok​  ♡ @sooyoungsgirl​  ♡ @strawberryboo  ♡ @suadami  ♡ @sugasfatgf  ♡ @sungjongbf  ♡ @sunkissedjkook ♡ @sunshinehobs​  ♡ @taedellos  ♡ @taegay ♡ @taessgucci  ♡ @the-hope-in-my-galaxy ♡ @the-third-guy-from-the-right ♡ @thevelvetstan ♡ @ti-aa  ♡ @trahcee​  ♡ @uberbabetae​  ♡ @war-of-hormoan​  ♡ @werewolvesau​  ♡ @w-nn-r​  ♡ @winemomseokjin​  ♡ @witchboywonho​ ♡ @woopyu  ♡ @xiyeoniesgf  ♡ @yattamae ♡ @yeolie  ♡ @yoongislesbians​  ♡ @youcallmeher​  ♡ @youngkmp3​ ♡ @youngprincejin ♡ @yuletideyoujin​  ♡
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