#RoC lore
cryptidclaw · 9 months
What are these donor things? How does it work in your universe?
Donor means that a cat has acted as a sire or carrier for a couple's kits. Just like how with humans, gay couples or couples who cannot have children via normal means can have a sperm donor or a surrogate, Donors in RoC are the equivalent of this!
so for example to mollies can have kits via finding a no strings attached donor to sire the kits, and one can carry the litter. and a male couple could find a trusted cat in the Order to carry a litter for them as well, often times with this scenario though, the surrogate plays a larger role in the kit's life, often being like a aunt or even a third parent to the kits.
It is also not uncommon mollies or anyone who can get pregnant, to find an outsider donor to sire their kits if they don't have a mate. It is a no strings attached situations and helps bring new blood into the Order.
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skythealmighty · 5 months
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soooooo... i made an au. im calling it situationswap. um. here have the ramblings of a madman and feel free to ask me more?
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I gotta ask... The symbol relationship asks... For Whiskers! 🥺
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1. What were their first impressions of one another?
Kisa found Lucille odd at first. Too inquisitive and curious. Too nice, even. He spent a good deal of time waiting to find an ulterior motive. But he did find her gorgeous, so there is that.
2 .What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
A classic man.. Expensive dinner and a nice walk in the Harbour. One of those dates where you don't want to separate at the end because it feels so right and warm.
3. It’s late at night and your characters want food, what do they order/find in the fridge?
DEFINITELY the two am chocolate chip cookies couple!!! tell me I'm wrong?! they are definitely baking and giggling and getting flour all over each other.
4. What’s a typical Sunday like for them?
With the assumption Kisa has no work; Either working on their own projects in comfortable silence, or resident kittyboy knitting while Luci naps on his lap.
5. What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
Kisa's giving are gifts and physical touch, his receiving is quality time and physical touch! I do not recall Lucille's but I think her entire personality is a love language in and of itself, and Kisa agrees with me so. Very compatible indeed.
6. Do they have any pet names/nicknames for eachother?
Kisa is.. a lover of petnames and nicknames.. SO MANY. but uhh; "My petal." "My flower." "Droplet." "Mi vida." "The thread to my needle." he lays 'em on thique.
7. What do they argue about?
They're more talk it out people but I can definitely see them getting into it over Kisa's work. Especially the.. shittier stuff?
8. Who does what chores, and why?
Okay idk about Luci, but I know that Kisa loves laundry and loves cooking. He HATES dishes though.
9. What’s the most difficult thing they’ve been through together?
we don't talk sad scenarios for them very often but honestly, just divulging each other's pasts and lost friends to each other and working through the pain of it together...
10. How do they make up after a fight?
Kisses and snuggles and Kisa WILL cook for her.
11. Who causes the most arguments?
Outsiders. idk how to explain it, again they're more likely to talk things through. But if somebody (like Decord or Galin or Zhongli) accidentally instigates an argument with a comment even unintentionally then well.
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
Kisa is afraid of Lucille's trusting nature. It isn't that its her worst quality, he doesn't think about that. But its the quality of hers that he fears the most.
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
He thinks shes so nurturing and loving. It makes him so happy. She's such a kind soul and he appreciates it so much, he wants to protect her even though he knows Luci doesn't need it.
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
"Lucille? Ah, mi vida.. She's such a kind person, isn't she? (laughs) yes, unique too.. Her laughter is like sunlight and her smile is like the moon reflecting on a beautiful pond. The keeper of my soul that one.. Oh and her hair is simply so soft!"
15. What names are they saved as on each other’s phone?
"Love of my life(pink)"
16. What would they consider quality time?
working on their own projects in the same room in quiet or with minimal talking! Kisa likes to just exist with her.
17. Who decides which movies to watch?
They take turns...
18. How are they like on a road trip together?
I'm 80% sure this happens in canon?? i forgor. anyways kisa mf napping half the time!!! boy!! get up!
19. It’s raining, did either of your OCs bring an umbrella? If so, who, and do they share it?
Kisa did, his tail is a bitch when its wet. And of course he shares!
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
cling machine 5000
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
Depends on the game? Lucille 100% strikes me as NOT a sore loser, but Kisa definitely is sometimes LMAO
22. Do they ever share clothes?
kisa u cannot tailor ur gfs clothes to fit you when you miss her, thats so strange of you. anyways yes they share clothes.
23. Your OCs are on a trip and there’s only one bed! What do they do?
sleep together?? nightly activities even?? SNUGGLE. (we cut to luci cuddling kisa's tail instead of him)
24. What do your characters think about marriage? Are they for or against it?
Kisa deffo never saw himself getting married. NAH NO WAY. but now he's like "okay maybe.. but only to her." like alr. simp.
25. Pick a physical attribute that they love about each other.
HER SMILE!!!!! also her hair. he's j really into fluffing her hair.
26. Do any of them have bad habits that the other can’t stand?
omg kisa is the kind of person who puts his needle in his mouf and j leaves it there and that would annoy ME personally. that's so gross.
27. Who is more down to earth?
28. Are they affectionate in public? Is it too much?
disgusting!!!!! they love each other and everyone knows. it is everyone's problem. (we cut to decord gagging while sandrone smacks him)
29. How are they affectionate in private?
(smirk emote) sooo many kisses... but also kisa will take his arm off around her and idk thats a big sign of trust for him because it makes him insanely more vulnerable. and then he'll j?? cuddle her!!
30. How does your OC react to being broken up with?
"Oh. okay. I understand. I wish you the best, Lucille." (he's going to go cry for DAYS now. even Galin can't cheer him up and they usually never fail)
31. Do they fall in love easily?
32. Your character is in love, do they confess? If not, how long do they wait?
okay deadass pretty sure Kisa waited so much longer than he should have. I don't recall if we ever talked about who confessed first?? but honestly Kisa waits longer than he should cause he's.. afraid! this is new. he's slept with people sure, had dates, toyed around. But real genuine feelings? yikes, bro.
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
Same as before, I am not sure if we discussed this??
34. Who is more stubborn?
Kisa lol..
35. What moment did they realise that they were in love?
Working on something for an upcoming mission and his arm malfunctioning and Lucille picking up the dropped needle without missing a beat in her story and handing it to him with a grin before she continues and Kisa can hear his heart in his ears and he can't help the swish of his tail and his arm is still twitching but gods she's gorgeous and her voice is so soothing and maybe he won't make the deadline if his arm needs to be repaired but it doesn't matter because THIS moment matters.
36. How long have they been friends? Would they consider each other best friends?
I like to think they're fast friends so sure maybe they aren't friends the longest before dating (looks at mors caeli with judgement) but they're good friends!!
37. How did they become friends?
ngl I highkey forgot how they met and we should visit that again!! but I think it was Sulien's fault.
38. Who’s more ticklish?
Kisa is not AT ALL ticklish, so maybe Luci?
39. If your OCs has/had a child, who would be the stricter parent?
Hmm they're both carefree but strict in their own ways, imo? On the surface you'd think Luci is the less strict parent, but with what they've both been through I think they have their own "things", yk?
40. What do they do when they miss one another? Is one more needy than the other/s?
Kisa is a bit of a weirdo and will sleep with something that smells like her. He has them cat senses. He's not a particularly needy person, but this is his first really real long term relationship so.. yk.
41. What green flags do they have for one another?
"She's a walking green flag. Literally. I love her so much."
42. Have they ever been jealous?
oh Kisa is MEGA jealous. he's just really good at hiding it. She's such a charismatic lovable person! hard not to be a little jealous of all the attention she gets.
43. Is one more introverted/extroverted than the other?
They are both extroverted and introverted enough.
44. Who’s the better cook?
gonna claim this spot for Kisa. he and Decord compete for best Razvedka chef.
45. Are they good at comforting one another? Does someone hide their feelings usually?
Kisa is bad at it at first. But once Luci tells him what she needs and how she likes to be comforted, he takes that to heart, and he's really good about being there for her. Kisa hides his feelings at first, but when/if she calls him out on it, it just comes out like a waterfall and he stops hiding them.
46. Would they have been friends with each other in school?
probably not ngl.
47. Who made the first move?
i forgor i have memory loss im SORRY.
48. Do they get on well with each other’s family? Is family important to them?
Luci DOES get on well with the Razvedka team and we know that that's Kisa's family! so yes.
49. Do they tease each other? What about?
BANTER LOVERS... anything and everything, but they both know not to go too far.
50. Is there anything that scares them about their friendship/relationship?
I mean Kisa is mortal.. so..
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wondercircuit · 2 months
lance and the ferrari driver academy: a brief timeline
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this covers lance getting scouted into ferrari, his junior career at prema, and the surrounding connections he's had from his fda days that were pretty notable for his development up to his f1 debut in williams. i wrote this as personal reference for myself at first a while ago while writing something else, thus the added subjective commentary in a few bits, but if anyone is interested and can count some of this as useful information for his ferrari-related lore, then great. feel free to tell me if anything is inaccurate!
2008 - 2009: lance jacob strulovitch started competing in canadian karting was winning canadian national karting championships before this, such as the coupe de montreal and coupe du quebec micro max championship in 2008 and 2009. he placed 6th in a world finals at lonato, italy in the mini roc category and in addition, he was winning championships in florida karting competitions. racing coach and karting champion mike wilson tutored lance and mentioned that lance was born with that “killing instinct, and was surprised at the determination he had as a child to fight the back of a pack," comparing this attitude to a young fernando alonso, (who mike had also mentored (interview source ; you can read a brief version without paywall here).
2010: lance was scouted by ferrari at 11 years old, the youngest person signed to an f1 development programme at the time. luca baldisserri, ferrari’s chief track engineer and former engineer to michael schumacher was running the academy as director. lance was allegedly said to be an experiment for the fda to see if they can mold potential into developing an f1 driver from a young age.
baldisserri said the programme to nurture and shape kids with potential was never originally a part of the culture of ferrari and said it was a shot in the dark, knowing how young lance was. it was mentioned as well that mclaren offered lance a spot for their development programme, but lance chose ferrari's offer:
"Though Lance was eager to accept, his parents were reluctant. He was still a boy, and this was a major commitment. "I wanted Lance to digest it," [Lawrence] Stroll says. "With the time and money Ferrari is spending, you've really got to know you want to do this." But Ferrari wasn't the only one interested. Within days, Ferrari's bitter F1 rival, McLaren, heard what transpired in Florida and lobbed in a competing offer. After mulling his options, Lance chose Ferrari, and a few months later, boarded a plane for his first training session at the academy."
— The grooming of Canada's next Formula One driver, The Globe and Mail, 2011.
lawrence initially thought that the scout's offer for lance to join the fda was fake and a scam: "[Lawrence] Stroll didn't believe it. This man was a con artist, a fraud. He was incensed. "I told him, you're full of [expletive] this isn't true," the father recalls. It took a phone call from Italy later that afternoon to change his mind." the article also goes through the sort of training ferrari started him out with and talks about how luca gave lance the token red racing suit when he joined, but lance preferred to stick to not wearing the color, which i think is interesting:
"With the eyes of the racing world upon him, Lance is now trying to keep a low profile. When Ferrari welcomed Lance to its team, Baldisserri presented him with the rarest of gifts: a bright red Ferrari racing suit, just like the one Villeneuve wore. It is the most famous uniform in racing. But Lance told Ferrari it's probably better if he doesn't wear it. "It's like having a bull's-eye on my back," he explains. "The other kids are going to be saying: 'He's a Ferrari driver – go and get him.' " Baldisserri agreed. Everyone is chasing Lance Stroll. So on race day, the famous red suit stays at home and he zips himself into an anonymous blue-and-white uniform."
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lance wearing the chiesa corse overalls with the tiny ferrari logo
in the same year, lance participated in a 'friendly' staff karting event at montreal where he's karted with fernando and felipe massa.
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(L), lance in 2010 at a staff kart race organised by ferrari in montreal. lance scored p2 in this race behind fernando | (R), fernando and felipe massa who got p3, pictured with lance at the kart race
the ferrari driver academy was very newly established--aside from lance, the programme had checo perez and jules bianchi, who were in sauber and manor, the one other team using ferrari's engine respectively in f1 at the time.
2011 - 2014: lance continued to compete in karting and won the SKUSA supernationals in 2012. throughout this, he continued to train with ferrari. by now the fda had gained a total of 5 members with brandon maisano (who would then go on to be lance's teammate in prema) and rafael marciello added to their roster. jules was the eldest out of the five at 23 years old, while lance had been the youngest at 13.
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(L) lance pictured with a few fellow fda members and ferrari drivers of different categories, including (R) giancarlo fisichella and fernando on ferrari's passion day event (essentially an exclusive event shared with fans at mugello) (2012)
one of the trainers at the fda, andrea ferrari (i'm so serious, his last name is literally ferrari) talked about how the five academy drivers had unique training sessions specific to their ages and classes. he's mentioned how he occasionally gets to work with the "senior" driver team aka fernando and massa and the time he spends with them and fernando's physio helps him construct the training plans: "The opportunities of dealing with Alonso and Massa are occasional but significant, according to his accounts. “When Fernando comes to Maranello he has some training sessions with us. We often go for a bike ride in a group of 5-6 people and, needless to say, Fernando always wants to win”, Andrea states. “In addition, I’ve to say he’s a very sociable person. He creates a very friendly environment when we go out for a dinner or five-a-side matches among Ferrari staff members" — (source) fernando has mentioned training at the strolls' home in mont-tremblant, canada after the 2014 canadian grand prix — (source). in the same year, prema released a fun short little interview of lance in f4 where he mentions that his favorite driver is fernando. (even aston martin's team principal mike krack has acknowledged that their meeting in ferrari and the strolls maintaining that connection with fernando since then was an important catalyst to their present time at aston.)
lance debuted in single-seater racing in that year's florida winter series, which was not a championship series, but was organised by the fda. max and nicholas latifi also participated in this series (here is a comprehensive post on lance in the 2014 florida winter series that @lil-shiro kindly put together). lance competed in the italian f4 championship and took 13 podium finishes with prema racing, thus winning the champion title that year.
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lance at the podium in 2014, adria, italian f4
2015: lance competes and wins in the 2015 toyota racing series in new zealand in the winter, which consisted of 5 rounds. he competes in f3 europe and ended 5th in the standings for his first f3 season. it was around this year where there were rumours of the fda discontinuing; for context of the situation, luca baldisserri was stepping down from his director's role at the academy, checo left when he signed on to mclaren in 2013. lance also left the fda to sign on to the williams driver development programme in november that year with the aim of getting to work closer with an f1 team. lance described ferrari's training programme to be 'basic' and he was looking for more intensive sim work and actual testing for f1 cars, which the williams' junior programme offered.
on the topic of who else was leaving ferrari, felipe massa was in williams by 2014, and fernando in mclaren in 2015. the strolls still continued to visit fernando in f1 races here and there to show their support:
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(L) lance and fernando at the monaco gp, 2015, and lawrence with fernando at the canadian gp, 2015
2016: by now, it was known that luca moved on to race-engineering for lance and working with him directly throughout his f3 euro season that year. luca also had a hand in prema racing's dominance for the respective gp2 and f3 euro categories where he acted as a consultant for the prema junior development team and helped manage structures there, which looked to be a testament of how effective luca was in nurturing and managing young talent, despite having left the fda which he himself had allegedly 'masterminded'. luca was also overseeing mick schumacher's development. there wasn't other known reasons as to why luca stepped down from the fda other than the sources i found implying that the decision was supposedly, or at least partly influenced, by lance choosing to leave ferrari. luca then continued to help oversee lance's development himself even when he signed on to williams junior programme. lance talked about luca a bit here in an autosport article:
"It's extremely important to have him with us and it's great that he will continue working with us. "He's been with me since a very young age, when he chose me to come on the Ferrari programme. "He's very good at watching what's going on between the team and the driver - he's quiet when he has to be, but when it's time to speak up he says some very good things."
— source, Autosport, 2015
it makes sense to want to fully continue seeing through a young kid's development to successfully graduate them into f1 despite it being with a different team. the fda was a new programme, and in comparison to other teams' driver academies eg. williams, mclaren's, red bull junior's programme etc, ferrari doesn't promote rookies directly to their f1 seat, assigning them instead to sauber or haas first before offering opportunities. lance also mentions how he knew it was pretty unlikely that ferrari would let a driver with less experience into the team. i think this says things about ferrari's culture, at least in comparison to the other teams that are more willing to put rookies in their seat (this is constantly debated by fans and pundits across the sport to be extremely pressurizing for young talent but i do feel that you have to also question the alternative that seems to be ferrari's methods. again, all this is highly dependent on other factors as well involving a single driver's experiences and their individual junior trajectory so ultimately, the debate to whether or not a young driver is 'ready' for f1 before they're even actually there is personally moot to me. but alas, i do find it vaguely interesting......)
i'm only focusing on lance's development here so i can't say much on the fda now except for an added anecdote that charles leclerc is currently the only graduate so far to be promoted to the ferrari seat after the obligatory sauber stint for his rookie year. again, solely speaking from a point of comparison to other driver programme's success rates on getting their talent into their f1 team, it makes the fda's effectiveness look a little bit questionable.
anyway, here's more of what lance said on his switch to williams:
“I feel like we can be closer right now with Williams, and I’m working with them rather than just being part of a training camp like at Ferrari. For the future, it’s the right move.” And Stroll also feels Ferrari is unlikely to promote a rookie driver into one of its race seats, while Williams has a proven track record with the likes of Valtteri Bottas, Nico Rosberg and Jenson Button. "Williams has a great history of believing in young drivers, they’ve given many rookie drivers a chance in Formula 1. That was important for us, because Ferrari has a different approach; they tend to take more veteran drivers to fight for the championship."
— source, f1i.com (2016)
[Question] Tell me about your role with Williams… [Lance:] "It’s been a great eight months with them. It’s been fantastic. The cooperation with me in F3 is great, they have the right understanding of me focusing 100 percent on F3 and not getting distracted with Formula 1. They just want me to finish the championship, they’re not pressuring me to jump in an F1 car and doing testing and things like that. They want me to focus on one thing at a time, and that’s great."
[Question] If the opportunity to jump into a Formula 1 race seat in 2017 came up, do you feel you’ll be ready? [Lance:] I do… but it’s easy to say it. I haven’t driven an F1 car yet, so I don’t have a complete understanding of what it’s like. Once I have a couple of tests under my belt, a bit more experience, then I’ll have a much better idea of if I’m ready to make that step just yet or not. At the moment I’m blind in terms of F1. I’ve driven F3, I’ve driven a couple of other categories, but I’ve never really sat in an F1 car. So I don’t know how much different it is to what I’m doing now, how much more complicated it is, how much tougher it is. They are all things I’ll figure out along the road. But if… if it is just another step, and if I’m comfortable in the car, then why not? F3 is a very high level, we’ve seen guys like Max – and I don’t want to use him as the example every time because maybe he’s an exception – but even guys like Ocon, Rosenqvist, these are guys that could do it as well."
— source, Motorsport, 2016
the headline for the motorsport excerpt above is extremely misleading but i think the interview shows pretty good insight to lance's attitude towards his own development and how he's got a good head on his shoulders with self-awareness of his own capabilities, despite having had more opportunities and the financial advantage that motorsports typically needs. he also talks about his former prema teammates felix rosenqvist (currently in indycar) and jake dennis (currently competing in formula e) and how instrumental they were to him in learning about his race craft during his first year in f3. here is a clip on lance back in prema talking about his teammates feat. esteban and lance's long-time driver coach nuno pinto.
at the end of his race season, lance won the f3 euro championship in 2016, the first north-american who's won in the category.
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lance celebrating his championship win for f3 euro in 2016.
2017: lance accumulated enough points by then to get a super licence for f1 (which allowed him to skip f2, like max did). this makes lance the second-youngest driver to debut in f1 at 18 years old. while lance isn't tied to ferrari anymore, luca baldisserri continued to be his race engineer for lance at williams to keep seeing through lance's development in his rookie and sophomore years.
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lance with luca on the paddock and garages (2017)
overall, the 2017 williams had a decent car (they were 5th in the wcc that year) and lance managed to score his first points at his home race. he also became the second-youngest to win a podium in f1:
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lance's first podium at baku, 2017.
that's it! the rest is truly history ♡
if you're interested, here is an external post off tumblr that briefly and neatly goes through lance's f1 career including his racing strengths, driving style and teammate relationships up to the present, written by @strulovic and linked with her permission. i'm sharing it here just because i've found it to be personally useful myself as a starting point when i went down the rabbit hole of digging up research of his fda days.
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reignfchainscomics · 1 month
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This is a beginner's guide to the primary race of Reign of Chains - the Elvir Lion!
For longtime readers of Broken Crown, your eyes are not deceiving you - the story is not taking place in the TLK universe! We have left Earth for a new world entirely.
I am posting this prior to the new chapter's public upload in preparation and to answer questions!
Note: If you have a question that doesn't get answered here on dA try posting it on Discord, as notifications for comments get buried very quickly.
Click here for the Discord server!
The species and lore for RoC is created by myself aside from the Kwaro, which are created and controlled by Pyropell.
A doc detailing what the Kwaro are and their culture can be found here!
Info sheets about the other groups will be coming in the future and linked here upon completion.
Reign of Chains Wiki
Reign of Chains Toyhouse (!!Under Construction!!)
My Linktree (Links to my personal accounts as well as RoC profiles)
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penske-slut · 1 year
@sportgonooom asked for more indycar lore so here’s a compilation post with links. y’all please feel free to add things bc I know I’ll forget some lol
annual sleepover at marco’s house feat. TK, hinch, and zach veach
TK, dario, and scott prank sage karam’s car
how to speak english like a southerner feat. simon pagenaud
shirts 4 sage
TK’s impression of helio (audio only, it was from a podcast)
will and helio impersonating each other
2014 indianapolis state fair (josef cramming an entire grilled cheese sandwich in his mouth)
inside indycar with james hinchcliffe
simon & josef autograph battle
drivers of the corn
penske games escape room
behind the scenes (josef: you’ve won 3 indy 500s why are you nervous/helio: i didn’t have to talk for that!!!)
a more boring version of space camp but it involves conor & rossi
helio april fools prank
josef dancing on tables doing karaoke, likely drunk in a seemingly empty restaurant
dario gets pied in the face for his birthday
hinch interviewing jenson button & TK at ROC (jenson not knowing the difference between a canadian and an american)
2016 blooper reel
2012 blooper reel
hinch and robbie having the giggles in a press conference
josef incognito
french revolution at bass pro shop
helio dancing. just because
on a more serious note: mental health awareness discussion feat. charlie kimball, sage karam, dalton kellett, and callum ilott
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shirubie · 1 year
Thunderbirds are Go: Miraculous AU Master Post
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2024-01-02: A little update for the new year! Kayo’s section is now complete, you can find it completely at the bottom. 
I’ve had fun doing research on Alchemy to build up my AU’s lore, since I decided that my Miraculous set would have an origin based on alchemy instead of just using classic elements. I should have a post about my original Bad Guys (a group of Alchemists who want the Miraculous to do the world conquering thing) very soon.
So, I’ve been working on and off on this AU concept for a while, pushed it aside a few times and almost completely abandonned it, but the concept is just so anchored in my brain that I just keep going back to it and working out more and more details and ideas. No fanfics have been produced yet but I’m hoping a story might happen eventually.
I’ll be using this post to organize my ideas. I want to rework the Miraculous magic system a bit and develop the lore more. My Miraculous items have powers based on concepts like in the show, but I’ve also given each an associated natural element, because I’m lazy to come up with superpowers, and because the elements seemed to fit the Tracy brothers well.
I know that the TAG and Miraculous fandoms don’t overlap much, but I would love to hear your opinions on this.
If my ideas inspire you to write your own fic or do some art, you have my full permission to do so. Just don’t forget to send me a link so I can check them out! ^_^
AU Related art:
- Kwamis group - Stormhawk and Black Swan (Scayo) - Miraculous logos - Commander Bug (Scott with Ladybug Miraculous) - Sketch: Green Claw (Virgil with Black Cat Miraculous)
AU Related posts:
- Plot bunny about Brains
After the Zero-X tragedy, Colonel Casey has no choice but to shut down International Rescue for good. She simply cannot risk Jeff Tracy's sons suffering a similar fate as their father.
Five years have now passed and the Tracys have all returned to civilian lives and mundane jobs, moving on and slowly drifting away from each other. But helping people has always been the Tracy brothers' true calling. That’s why each are given by a mysterious Guardian a magical artifact called a Miraculous and told to use them for good.
But evil forces want to find the Miraculous and use them to control the world. To prevent this, the Tracys will have to unite and become the heroes they were always meant to be.
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Civilian name: Scott Tracy Miraculous: Thunderbird Item: necklace Concept: Acceleration Element: Wind Weapon: Grappling Hook Gun
Previous wielders: Windrunner, Captain Thunder Abilities:
- Enhanced physical speed and reflexes - Gliding (wingsuit) - Limited wind manipulation
- Tornado: creates a funnel of wind that can blow away objects or slow down someone's fall. This attack will not work under water or in space, as there is no air to manipulate.
Transformation: "Zapp! Updraft!" / "Zapp, Downdraft."
Stormhawk uses his agility, speed and an occasional boost from his wind control powers to perform incredible acrobatic stunts, swinging or gliding between buildings to reach the danger zone fast and assess the situation.
After a few misunderstandings and frictions with his new teammates, Stormhawk proved himself to be a competent leader, able to strategize and make split second decisions.
Kwami name: Zapp Kwami personality: Zapp is a bossy little drill sergeant who wants to turn Scott into the greatest superhero ever, whether Scott likes it or not. He's impatient and pushy, seemingly more interested in his wielder's superhero exploits than their well-being.
Kwami Favorite Food: Popcorn
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Civilian name: Virgil Tracy Miraculous: Roc Item: Belt buckle Concept: Demolition Element: Earth Weapon: Shield
Previous wielders: Colossus
- Super strength - Vibration detection - Limited earth manipulation
- Tremor: Creates a shockwave that will shatter almost any kind of solid material. Works best against rock like materials like concrete, works the least against wood and other bendable matter. The complete effects of this attack are hard to predict. Transformation: "Bronnz! Move Mountains!"
The Roc Miraculous grants its wielder incredible physical strength and the power to destroy any obstacle in their way, but the gentle Titan would be the last person who would want to use this power. He is fully aware of the damage his Miraculous could cause and only uses his full power as a last resort.
Titan might seem intimidating at first glance, but he’s a down-to-Earth (hehe) guy with a big heart who just wants to help people.
Kwami name: Bronnz Kwami personality: Bronnz is shy and nerdy and fascinated by modern technology. He likes to take things apart to see how they work but is not very good at putting them back together.
Kwami Favorite Food: Brownies
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Civilian name: John Tracy Miraculous: Owl Item: Ring Concept: Perception Element: Night/Darkness Weapon: Telescope
Previous wielders: Ghost Owl
- Night vision & enhanced hearing - Camouflage - Limited shadow manipulation
-Blackout: creates a sphere of total darkness and silence over a limited area, only the Miraculous user will be able to see and hear inside it.
Transformation: " Nyctti, Nightfall!" / "Nyctti, Daybreak."
What the owl Miraculous lacks in offensive capabilities, it makes up in stealth. Over the centuries, it was often used by spies but sometimes fell into the hands of criminals.
Nightwatch rarely engages in rescues, gathering information and guiding his teammates from the sidelines, while also trying to unravel the mystery of who chose them to wield the Miraculous and why.  
Kwami name: Nyctti Kwami personality: Nyctti can be an annoying know-it-all who always thinks she’s the smartest person in the room. Fortunately, John is more than smart enough to keep up with her and earn her respect. Nyctti also has a habit of falling asleep randomly during the day, since owls are nocturnal and all.
Kwami Favorite Food: Sesame Bagel
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Civilian name: Gordon Tracy Miraculous: Penguin Item: Ankle bracelet Concept: Adaptation Element: water/ice Weapon: Harpoon
Previous wielders: Kororā (maori word for the Little penguin)
- Enhanced swimming ability - Resistance to the cold - Limited water manipulation  
- Frostbite: creates ice spikes or similar simple constructs of different sizes according to the user's will.
Transformation: "Tchill, High Tide!" / "Tchill, Low Tide."
It's hard to take a penguin theme superhero seriously but Antarctiking should not be underestimated. His water and ice powers can be the most versatile of the Miraculous, to be used in many offensive and defensive ways.
Laid back and cheerful, AntarctiKing can give the impression that he doesn't take being a superhero seriously, but nothing could be further from the truth. He will not hesitate to push himself to his limits to help someone in need.
Kwami name: Tchill Kwami personality: Tchill is the go-with-the-flow type who never worries about anything. He also hates heat and likes to sleep in the freezer.
Kwami Favorite Food: Anchovies
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Civilian name: Alan Tracy Miraculous: Phoenix Item: ear cuff Concept: Combustion Element: Fire Weapon: Ax
Previous wielders: Fire Angel
- Fire Immunity - Limited fire Manipulation
Note: Like the Ladybug Miraculous can counteract the Butterfly's powers, it is rumored that the Phoenix has a secret ability that can cancel the Owl's powers (Foreshadowing? Me? Of course not ;).
-Blaze: this attack will surround the user's body with fire, turning them into a human torch. The flames can also be manipulated to propel the user in the air and fly for limited distances.
Transformation: "Sparkk! Ignite!" / "Sparkk, Burn Out."
The Miraculous were never supposed to be used by children, but the guardian took the risk of giving one to the youngest Tracy brother. Had Jeff Tracy been still alive, the Miraculous would have gone to him instead.
Fire is the hardest element to control but Fireflash seems to have natural talent with it and an instinctive understanding of the magic of the Miraculous. He forms a deep bond with his Kwami.
Kwami name: Sparkk Kwami personality: Sparkk is a little cinnamon roll, a real concentrated ray of sunshine who’s always there to cheer Alan up when he feels down. His Miraculous has unfortunately been involved in wars in the past and with each new wielder he is afraid of being used to cause harm.
Kwami Favorite Food: Snickerdoodle cookies
Black Swan
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Civilian name: Tanusha “Kayo” Kyrano Miraculous: Black Swan Item: Brooch Concept: Transmutation Element: Prima Materia Weapon: Whip
Previous wielders: Alchimia
- Boosting other Miraculous powers.
-Swan Song: Allows to transmute one element into another.
Transformation: "Oodil, Join the dance!" / “Oodil, Take a bow.”
Info: The Black Swan Miraculous is an anomaly that should not exist. It was the result of an attempt to create the Philosopher’s Stone using the Elemental Miraculous. It has very little power by itself, but combined with the other Miraculous, it can grant almost limitless power to reshape the world.
Kayo was not given the Black Swan by the Guardian (her father Kyrano), but she could not stand by while her brothers were in danger. She took the Miraculous and uses it to help the heroes from the shadows, while trying to find whoever is behind the suspicious events and accidents happening around the city.
Kwami Name: Oodil Kwami personality: Oodil appears to be mute, communicating mostly by body language. She has a calm and childlike personality in general, but will not hesitate to attack if her holder is threatened (careful, she bites). Kayo and her have been friends since Kayo’s childhood, when her father became the Miraculous Guardian.
Kwami Favorite Food: Black Licorice
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renaultmograine · 2 months
Nunca se me va a olvidar que matar a Sylvanas era opcional.
Uno de los eventos más importantes en el Lore es una misión opcional.
Yeah, it seems pretty obvious from a RoC standpoint that Sylvanas wasn't really supposed to be an important character in lore, just got the Windrunner name slapped on so people go :O like Alleria!
I wonder whose choice it was to make it otherwise.
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mwbookwyrm-blog · 9 months
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Since I had a much better response to the Red Roc, I decided some more information was in order. Still using old drawings, as I haven't had time to draw anything new. I want to update the design a bit to match both my own drawing style and the newer catalyst designs (if possible).
The Red Roc was my first serious attempt of designing a battlemech of my own. I chose to start with my favorite weight, 45 tons, and try and build a mech that was useful at any range while being simple and cheap. I have yet to test enough to know if I accomplished my stated objectives, but I think I've at least made a good start.
================Technical Stuff======================
RDR-C Structure: Standard (4.5t) Engine: STD 225 (10t) Gyro: Standard (3t) Cockpit: Standard (3t) Armor: Standard 6t H: 8 // LT: 10-5 RT: 10-5 \\ LA :8 || CT: 12-8 || RA: 8 LL: 10 RL:10 Equipment: Autocannon/5 RT 4s 8t Ammo (AC/5) 20 RT 1s 1t Large Laser LA 2s 5t SRM 4 CT 1s 2t Ammo (SRM) 25 CT 1s 1t Small Laser LT 1s 0.5t Heat Sink H 1s 1t
================Designer's Notes====================
Well, not much to add here. I know that the Red Roc has several short comings. One that I left in for lore/fluff reasons is the CT SRM ammo. It's stuck in there because the designers couldn't figure out a way to have the SRMs loaded from one of the side torsos without having to take away from the Red Roc's waist structure. Prototypes that tried this would eventually overstress the waist and cause it to collapse, causing the 'mech to slump to that side. If the 'mech was in motion at the time of failure, it would sometimes to cause the mech to split in two at the waist. It was determined that keeping the ammo bin in the CT would have to suffice until the waist structure could be reworked.
Even with all this failing, and all the others, I think this mech is a great base for upgrades. I have probably a dozen different ideas, and I wouldn't mind hearing yours as well. Have fun with my design, I'll defiantly be bringing more to the table (as well as updating the Red Roc's art)
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loominggaia · 2 months
How big is shadow like she can fit a whole gazebo on her back
(please forgive my crappy image)
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Shadow is still young and not quite full-grown, but she will grow bigger with time.
Her "gazebo" is actually more of a tent-like structure. One of these days I'm going to edit every instance of "gazebo" in the whole series and change it to "tent" or "yurt", because it seems to cause a lot of confusion. Poor word choice on my part!
Shadow doesn't carry the tent on her back, she actually carries it in her talons like this:
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(However, I have seen art of rocs carrying tents on their backs like the pic below:
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Rocs of Looming Gaia don't generally carry them this way though.)
Shadow has a few different tents which she uses to carry her crew. The largest one is big enough to hold about ten crewmen, including Elska and Javaan (it's a tight squeeze!). The smallest can hold just two human-sized people. The larger tents are more unwieldy and make her fly clumsily.
Some of the tents are made of light canvas and well-ventilated for hot climates, while others are made of heavy pelts and extra insulated for cold climates. In one story, the FGG put skis on a roc tent so they could drag it through the snowy tundra, showing that they're easily customizable.
All the tents are equipped with safety parachutes in case Shadow accidentally drops them (the FGG had to deploy these at least once in the series...). They also float in case they're dropped in water. However, these tents are built to be as lightweight as possible and that means they're not very sturdy. They tend to break apart easily.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Rise of Change lore; Dictionary
list of terms used often in RoC, some are terms from canon others are specific to RoC!
Basic Terms
Order: the name of the groups of cats in our main story; replacing “clan” 
Moon: the Orders’ equivalent of a month
Cycle: the Orders’ equivalent of a year
Title: the RoC term for suffixes. This is a descriptor of a cat’s skills, personality and/or accomplishments which is given once a cat has completed their training. Titles do not extend a cat's name, the name they were given at birth is their name, a title is an honorific used to show respect. 
The Order Code: the code that all cats must follow within the Orders, basically their laws. Its what the Warrior code is called in RoC
Order Roles
Leader: the leader of an Order
Second: the cat one step below the Leader, helps in leadership and is next to be Leader when the current dies or retires. 
Healer: a cat trained in healing and communing with the Stars; this cat has many skills, they heal the Order, care for the Order’s garden, they communicate most with the Stars, and they are the keeper of the Order’s library and texts
Hunt Charge: one of the most experienced and best hunters in the Order; this cat is in charge of leading and putting together hunting patrols. 
Guard Charge: one of the most experienced and best fighters and guards in the Order; this cat is in charge of leading and putting together border patrols; they also help in planning and leading battles. 
Warrior: the main/most common role an Order cat can have, these cats hunt and fight for their Order.
Caretaker: another role within an Order; these cats care for kits, elders, the camp, and the Order at large; they act as “midwives” and kit-sitters, they make sure all buildings are well maintained, the fire is always lit, and that everyone is fed and well cared for. Some prefer to mostly maintain camp, while others prefer to care for kits and elders, others like to do all of the above. 
Queen: a cat expecting or with kits
Apprentice: a young cat (usually between 6-12 moons old) training to become a warrior, healer or caretaker. 
Kit: a kitten, 0-6 moons of age. Cats will no longer be a kit when they are given an apprentice ceremony.
Elder: a cat who has retired from their duties in the Order, (usually 11 cycles or older)
The Afterlife
The Stars: where all cats go when they die, however they can be banished by more powerful residents; the home of almost all of cat’s ancestors, and possibly other creature’s ancestors as well
The Void: where cats banished from The Stars go.
Star Spirit/ a Star: a cat who has passed on and now lives in the Stars
Void Spirit/ a Void: a cat who has passed on and now lives in the Void.
Ghost: a cat who has passed on but continues to reside on earth, most often these cats are tied to the mortal plane by a deep want or mission that they feel they must complete.
Spirit: any cat who has passed on.
Outside the Orders
Outsiders: all cats who live outside the Orders (Loners, Rogues, etc.)
Codeless: A derogatory term used by the Orders for Outsiders. This is meant to say that Outsiders are lawless and unbound to the ways of a proper warrior/Order cat.
Loner: a cat who lives mostly alone, they often have a small territory and only interact occasionally with other cats.
Rogue: a cat who lives with a group of other Outsiders; often known for causing trouble or being violent, stealing prey from territories that are not their own, or even trying to take territory from others.
Kinfolk: a cat or small family group live in a small territory. Their groups are often made up of parents and kits and maybe a few other kin. They are often peaceful, and welcome interactions with others passing by.
Wanderer/ Traveler: a cat who has no territory and instead wanders about from place to place never staying in one spot for long. They often offer their skills, stories and knowledge for shelter from other cats (or even other creatures) they meet on their journeys. These cats may travel in groups or on their own.
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Before you read this next question:
I was informed that it would be a good idea for my questions to be answered with a specific tag so if people wish to block it they could. Please tag your answers to any question I send you with "dmc questions anon" and I think that should work.
If you wish to be taken off the list, ask. If somebody wishes to be placed on the list, ask. If your anon asks are off and you wish to participate, just make a post answering the question you see going around.
Remember you do not have to answer every question, so please don't feel pressured to do so.
Please also remember to take as long as you need! Do not rush yourself, this is supposed to be a fun activity and I don't want anyone to feel stressed out by trying to rush to answer questions.
Now onto the actual question:
How would you rank the 5 games in the Devil May Cry series? (By story)
Separately, if you want, how would you rank extended material? (The DMC1 Novel, The DMC3 Mangas, The Anime, The DMC2 Novel, Deadly Fortune, Before the Nightmare, and Visions of V, all of which can be found (along with other stuff) here: https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html)
If you wish, how would you rank all of it together in one big list?
Okay, I'm gonna do everything together, but i will preface this by saying i have a lot more exposure to some things than others, thus I will have varying degrees of 'much to say'.
I'm definitely biased for this (it's the one that got me into the franchise) but I digress.
I just adore the main cast so much u do not understand. So much hype shit happens with em too, it's great. The characters are simultaneously over the top but also very real? Like Dante is the wacky woo-hoo pizza man but also horribly in control of his emotions and how to express them.
The Vergil reveal was so obvious but I dont care. It's good. The depths given to his character through V and Urizen are VERY good.
And NERO- lord everyone in this family has trauma
Also SDT was introduced in this game I'm sorry but no piece of DMC media will be able to top this because of it.
2. DMC 3
is anyone surprised
I love the bois so much, with their stupid catchphrases and horrible family dynamics. it's so weird looking at them like
I was nighteen once. I wasn't like them but I was nighteen.
Also the THEMES once again center around family, especially with the addition of Lady and Arkum. I also love this cast SO MUCH
except arkum fuck arkum all the homies hate arkum
Literally the only reason this is lower than DMC 5 is because no Nero, Trish or Nico. That's it.
3. Visions of V
i haven't talked about him much but I would also gently hold V (and by extension Vergil)
Really I just love this manga because of how much is shown and revealed through it. Everything is really visceral and hits so hard.
Literally everything in this manga stabs u in the feels especially the final shit GOOD LORD
but it really is tied with #4 because it can't really stand by itself? It needs DMC 5 to be whole, in a way.
4. DMC 4
I really wanted to put this above VoV but my DMC 5 bias shown through in the end IM SORRY
also yeah Sanctus as a villian is dogshit, i agree
and some characters REALLY needed more screen time (see: Credo, Angus, KYRIE) but also this game has the Shakespeare scene so....
also I just love Nero and his teen angst can u blame me
But GOD did Kyrie need more screentime
5. Before the Nightmare
Wow the DMC 5 bias strikes again, huh.
IDK man I just love the prequel shit. Like, Nico and Nero meeting is so fucking funny
Also Lucia makes an appearance for the first time since DMC 2 so thats cool
It also expanded the lore on how devil arms work through Balrog which I am SO thankful for.
Also Roc Goldstein exists now and everyone should know about one of the ONLY GOOD DADS in DMC history
Really the only other one I give my full respect to is Sparda, and he died when his kids were like, six. (Dante and Vergil r getting there tho, give em time.)
6. The Anime
Look Patty is the only reason this is so high I love her and if u look at my previous posts u can tell I love her and Dante's father daughter relationship u can pry it out of my cold dead hands
Also the lore with Sparda's apprentices, demon smoners being a thing, and the introduction to Morrison is very nice.
But also Lady was WAY off the mark almost the entire time, and the plot with Patty only really took center stage towards the end so :(
capcom if u put Patty in more shit I will forgive you (maybe)
7. DMC 1 novel
This novel is weird because it was written before almost all of the other shit so Canon often either ignored it or bent over backwards to avoid it until the DMC 5 era
But I like it. All of the new characters r very good and I love them all.
Grues death STILL hits me in the feels so hard.
Dante has lost so many parental figures ya'll
One of the only reasons it's so low is because of Gilver, the fuck
He made NO fucking sense for the longest time until the timeline rewrite and the retcon that he's a Vergil clone.
That fits his character so much more bur looking at him as Vergil makes no fucking sense. Everything about his character contradicts what we know about Vergil, even back with only DMC 3 as a reference.
Despite those issues, i am very happy we are seeing some rep for this book in the games and other media. U do not understand the screech I let out when Grue's daughters were shown years later.
8. DMC 1
is this sacrilegious?
Yeah the gameplay is good and it was a hallmark of its time but also Dante is as stale as cardboard here I'm sorry
Like his plot is the most uniform and overdone revenge plot I have ever seen and his relationship with Trish....
it's funky in this game, let me tell u. Thank whatever higher power exists that they leaned more towards siblings in later installments because I would be pulling my hair out otherwise.
But the quips r also really good and all of the Nelo Angelo stuff is my favorite part of the plot, so I guess that evens out?
This game was a very good launching point for the rest of the series except u know what
Also fuck mundus all the homies hate mundus he sucks
9. Deadly Fortune
Uhhh yeah it's just.... DMC 4 again with some things changed?
Honestly the reason this is so low is because of my preferred way of absorbing story is through video games than manga.
It's okay. Not trash or anything. It's just alright
10. DMC 3 Mangas
They're ... fine? I guess.
Like the first meeting between the twins in YEARS is very good, but also the manga is unfinished and all...
So I'll just leave it at that.
11. DMC 2 Novel
Gonna be honest I've never read this one.
So I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt
12. DMC 2
Yeah remember when I said Dante was cardboard in DMC 1? Yeah now he's silent, emotionless cardboard.
the villian is bad, the location is okay i guess, really the only saving grace for this games story is the concepts it introduces
Demon civil wars? Artificial demons created by people? Those are cool concepts! So cool that one was reused in a much better game, but I digress.
Honestly the story is probably one of the least sacrilege parts of DMC 2, and it still isn't the worst piece of DMC media based on story. That goes to our surprise contender....
13. DMC: Devil May Cry
DMC questions anon did NOT ask for this, but I'm putting it here so that everyone understands that this games story and characters are SO BAD that I'm putting UNDERNEATH DMC 2
But what can I say that hasn't been already stated?
Vergil is so far out of character he's basically an OC and his turn around at the end makes no fucking sense
Donte is an asshole who has functionally abandoned what made Dante likeable in ANY GAME
The plot itself is the most rehashed 'the government is evil and we must resist it' plot EVER
Even the new shit they added for this game doesn't even fucking work well.
Having demons that look like angels be the antagonists is much more interesting that just having angels and having them do NOTHING
Kat is literally the only thing that I don't have a super negative opinion on because she was NEW and I hadn't watched them fuck up a character I love. They just made a mediocre one at best
Needless to say, I utterly despise the plot of this game with my entire being.
Thank you for the question, DMC Questions Anon! I'm sorry I went a bit off script, but I hope it was at least entertaining.
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bogbiter · 11 months
League Concept: Bazelgeuse
Finally my own content hooorah!
So, for those who haven't caught on, I love creature/character design, I love Destiny, I love Monster Hunter, and I love League of Legend's world building. This culminated in one of my projects of fan champions inspired by monster hunter and destiny.
Before Bel’veth was even launched, I had grown uninterested in new champs because well riot was going through its shirtless hunk era and the sparkly faced whatever the fuck Lilia is era. And though I like Sett and I can appreciate Yone, they ultimately served the "Sex Sells" argument of champ design. All of this later culminated in the Ruined King event, which just... sucked. Viego was the biggest offender of that, and characters like Gwen really felt like cop-outs. I was excited for a living doll, and we got well...
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Anyways alot of complaining I openly was unhappy with the newest designs and among mutuals at the time the main thing brought up is "monsters don't sell", people want to look at something pretty not something unfuckable. I found this concept absurd because I could list many times fiction depicting monsters in a non-scantily clad light took off. And so I created this mini project, inspired by the monster hunter caste.
The idea was to make monstrous champions, from lore to kit to aesthetic, interesting to the player, and engaging enough to revisit. And monster hunter to me, had honed that down. It's a game about hunting creatures that can take up to 40 minutes of just chipping away at fantastical megafauna, taking the kill, reveling in it!-
Than repeating because you need more parts but a good monster! Makes the returning fight still engaging. And one monster I especially loved was Bazelgeuse. A strong bombastic and cinematic theme, a massive hitbox. Literal explosions pouring out of it from bomb like scales... and that reverberating trilling roar was just... mwa! And as a fan of playing as the meaty bastards in top lane Like Volibear, Cho'Gath, Malphite, and Sion, I thought that for a tankier crowd-controlling bruiser we deserve the same spectacle up there!
And so here was my attempt: Kyridon, The Custodian of The Sands.
Not all who seek adventure are running from something. Not all who are sent for battle do so for a noble purpose or greater plan. No, some just wish to have their fun. Ever since time memorial, the Rocs were ancient wardens of the skies over Shurima and Targon, their presence usually inciting reverence and awe at their body crushing might. Even more terrifying was their power over flame, and when combined with their explosive dust that showered upon their foes from their feathers, oftentimes turned the earth below into a warzone no man is able to take head on. After the Rune Wars, their numbers waned, and they became a more elusive sight as the centuries carried on. They now patrolled the land as ever searching scavengers, often coming in to feast on the sun-bleached meals of travelers and beast below, occasionally hunting the weakened caravanners or outcast of Targon. Yet occasionally, a Roc might bring home trinkets they exchanged with the wiser nomads of the lands they patrolled, or Guardians who offered them some blessings for their travels. Kyridon, the chick of an eccentric literary collector, would wander to his mother's horde and read up on the epics of the races below. These tales, which told of the Ancient Ascended Rulers of Shurima or the Divine Aspects that protected Targon. His little mind was filled with dreams of great power. He wished to be revered for his might. Or, more simply put: "Look cool beating the shit out of someone."
As Kyridon grew, his form was something else to behold, far longer and more wyverian in design than the massive raptorial visage of his kin. The first sparking of a Roc is usually quite uneventful, as they shed their feathers, they slowly begin to shed the explosive scales their kin are known for, and frequently if was accidentally ignited by the emerging Flame sac the Roc possessed, it is usually but a surprising pop that is far more bark than bite. Kyridon, of course, was not so harmless. His ventral feathers on his neck and tail appeared to be braided, ending in feathered clumps that looked like a rosebud. He wasn't producing the explosive scales the rest of his clutch did, so his father, a venerated warrior, took it upon himself to try and teach his chick how to use their explosive arts. Shaking his body, the larger Roc jumped back, and letting out a blast of fire from his maw, ignited the ember- like cloud lingering on the ground, creating a fantastical explosion. Kyridon looked bewildered, and not wanting to disappoint did the same, but instead, the rose buds bloomed with a fiery glow and fell to the earth like a gourd. As he jumped back, he blew just a small flame onto them, and the explosion it produced threw him back and staggered his father. As the sand and smoke cleared, the crater left was far larger than what was typical of a Roc his age. His son was gifted, incredibly so. Along with his musculature, there was no doubt his son was meant to fight.
For the four years Kyridon lived under his parent's roost, every day, he was taken to train and hunt with his father and the others of his colony. He was their Desert Rose, a poster child for their little enclave where the mountains touched the desolate sands. Their praise, however, diluted his vision, and for all his stoicism, he had grown rebellious as well. With so much power, he wished to claim himself as The Roaming Tyrant of these lands. The Custodian of the Waste!"
It wasn't a gradual takeover either, Kyridon had all the subtlety of a firework's display. At first, he set his eyes to the raiders of the sands, those who followed the "Butcher of the Sands." In his mind, he believed himself to be starting an epic, starting with what he assumed to be the "Bad Guy." And at first, the little almost chortle like squawks he made before he did every attack was confusing, bewildering. Before the Rose Feathers began to pelt the earth, detonating on impact with the sands, throwing man, mount, and ground around. Then, the cries for war became more clear as he descended down to attack his foe- no... his prey.
He'd drop his explosive covering onto the earth, as if outlining a runway... Then he'd release an earth shattering bellow, before the beast crashed into the earth, setting his own explosive feathers off as he dragged himself across the ground. His foes were engulfed in flame, the sands polished into smooth glass. Standing up from the carnage he'd patrol around for survivors, eating whoever wasn't entirely scattered across the wastes, then take off once more.
Soon, his roar, his silhouette, his behavior spread across the land. Tales of the strange roc that dropped bombs upon his targets inspired fear upon those who had to trek the open, as they knew well how standing their ground made it easy for him to dive upon his victims. Yet if they were to run, they heard he would still pursue them, until they broke into cover, in which case they'd hear a cry of pure rage as the explosives would descend onto their shelter, as he flew off to find a better fight. And while at first Kyridon attacked those he knew to be the raiders on the outskirts of his colony's territories... he hungered for another chapter to his story.
He soared over the dunes, immediately working upon asserting himself as the apex of the land. He'd steal kills from the invasive void beast or the crocodilians and jackals of the dunes. His own explosives made for a great way to assert himself in any situation, as most would cower at the carnage raining down from above and the vibrations quaking the earth around them. For those who were perhaps too foolish, they'd be met with the beast landing before them, bill snapping, as it charged at them, Kyridon throwing his weight around with little finesse, focusing more on his brutish strength than any greater level of strategy. It, however, grew boring, it grew stale, they didn't tell stories of scavengers, they told stories of warriors and kings! So he began to survey the land, looking for a fight. After two days of searching, he found it, a scuffle between some desert trolls and shuriman nomads. But from so high up, it seemed like a battle of raiders against one another. Such barbarism had to be dealt with swiftly, and so Kyridon descended onto the battle, his explosive feathers dropping around them in a run by flight, as he soared over them yet again, casting his shadow over their terrified forms. Naturally, they raised their arms, and Kyridon dived for the kill.
The battle that ensued was violent, as the beast let off his explosions around them to create a ring for the brawl. He threw his weight around, dragging his head across the ground as he crashed into the crowd with the force of a comet. Smash into everyone, crash into everything, the reckless abandon befitting of kamikaze. Fire threw from his maw, as spell and blade pierced his side, the one leading the trolls throwing a javelin into his neck, Kyridon dropping more feathers from his neck and tail reflexively. He roared in the heat of the moment out of raw joy of the carnage he participated in, not knowing this peculiar below would be enough to light the fuse. As he turned his head to face the troll in charge of his own entourage, him and his opponent were enveloped in sand and flame. As the smoke subsided, he charged forward, hoping to meet his opponent, and instead found nothing but remains. He performed his usual, searching for something to scavenge on that was intact.
However, as he approached a wagon, having been tossed away due to the explosion, he heard coughing. He was snapped out of his foraging trance. He approached the wagon, tearing the fabric off, finding a human child, singed and with broken legs, the bone visible. Kyridon felt his heart sink. Why was there a child here... They looked so young, why didn't he smell them... Why did he attack then?! Heroes defended the innocent, stood for what's right, and legends favored the noble. He heard a whimper, not just from the child, but the female troll whose weapon was now lodged on the back of his neck. He looked around. Everything else was just charred, broken. His battle trance wavered, and he felt shame, knowing he had scarred this child and that the woman on the other side of the crater had perhaps lost something dear to her too. He spilt blood, and while he found it quite easy and fun, here it just felt... wrong. He was astronomically stronger than most of his opponents. He knew that. He didn't think for a second. That was his problem.
The damage was already done, but maybe he could bring them somewhere safer. He gently took both troll and child into his bill and took off, searching the lands for a village to properly bring them to. He flew faster than he ever had before, and as the sun faded behind the dunes and the moon took its place, he found a village fortified by intricately carved stone. But no matter how high it stood, he could simply glide over. He landed in the middle of a bustling market, mortifying all present. As they cowered in their structures, the guard rushing to aid them and drive away the Roc, Kyridon gently laid the two towns against a stall, before taking wing and leaving the market, fighting the urge to combat the guard who pelted him with arrow and bolt. As he soared across the desert, searching for a new place to roost, the sight of the broken boy and woman twisted something in his gut, and as he finally roosted atop a peak overlooking the dunes, he found no solace in resting, simply questioning what it was all for. Was he the hero of his story, or just a self-serving beast, diluted by grandeur.
He stalked the dunes silently now, searching for prey he deemed able to put up a fight, creatures that did not immediately fall to his attacks. However, it became a struggle in his turf, and thus, he had to go toward the "Great Sai," where the most dangerous beast of the desert sands lurked. He had been warned of the Great Worms of that land, and the Sand Sharks and Earth Swimmers, that they were not of this world, and that even the smallest fought with the ferocity of a Rok. But that's what Kyridon needed, a proper fight. As he soared over The Great Sai, it wasn't long to spot the tunnels made by his new prey. Dropping some of his heavier feathers onto the ground, he'd see the sand part as figures immediately swam in for the kill. Only to arrive just as the explosion set off, throwing those hidden by the dunes away and onto the surface, and thus attracting more prey. This, this was the fight he wanted, those who did not flee from the explosions! He roared out to the swarm of purple chitin layered beast below them, opening up their inky black maws to roar at him. He crashed into the earth, setting off more explosive feathers around him, as the swarm would pour over his form. He did not rest. He did not halt, he tackled swatches of the beast, setting off more explosions that slayed many but drew in even more. Fire scorched and bubbled the exposed flesh of his enemies, his bill chomping through their shells. As they lunged from below and tried to gut him, he'd lift himself into the air, crashing back down on the advancing tide, their bodies splintered and fractured. He did this many times over, scoring dozens of bodies out of it, like a gluttonous demon he'd feast on their bodies for weeks, before diving into the heart of the tide, wishing to partake in the cathartic slaughter of these beasts.
He eventually grew tired and stalked after the Great Void Worms, stealing their meals at first with a surprise assault from his run by explosive tactics. But soon, the beast learned of his tactics and tried to bring the fight to him. Such exciting concepts invigorated him, and he met their own savagery with his unparalleled eagerness to brawl. These fights were the stuff of legends, and many told of that same Bomber Roc tackling the whale sized beast of the sands, sealing their fate. The cries of his prey lingered on for minutes before falling silent, his own cry of victory ringing out across the Great Sai.
His feast was plentiful, subsidized by the invader beast and their caches, he ruled over the skies like some guardian beast. No longer did he pursue the Caravans and those passing under his guise. He was now the brilliance that ruled the dunes, The Custodian Of The Waste. And thus, it put him at odds with the Queen Beast of the Sands, Rek'Sai. Innumerable were their fights together, as he preyed upon her and her kin, and for years The Subterranean Queen and The Avian Tyrant dueled in the Sais, leaving craters in the earth, and tumbling stone monuments. Many let the beast fight, less they attract either the Warhead's Ire or the Queen's Wrath. Of course, the two were met in a stalemate, beings of raw power colliding for one goal: Domination. However, it was obvious Kyridon was undeniably controlling the numbers of Rek'Sai's kin, and so, drawn to the commotion, came a desert wanderer, violet eyes under indigo cloth standing out amidst the sands.
The Traveler wandered for a few days, walking among the skeletons of wildlife and void creatures alike, many embedded in the sides of deep craters. It didn't take long for the Sand Swimmers to grow interested in him, a few lunging forward in the sand to attack the strange nomad. He was unbothered by them. He knew once they got close enough, they could see what he truly was. But before they could, he felt his body tremble when he heard the roar of the one he came to greet. Diving down upon the Sand Swimmers, Kyridon didn't even bother with explosives, simply smashing into everyone, crashing into everything. The Traveler barely avoided the Roc as it tossed about a sand swimmer caught in its jaws, and to the nomad's surprise, the other sand swimmers abandoned their kin to be devoured on the spot. The Traveler hesitated for a bit before confronting the Roc.
"...Are you the Custodian of the Waste?"
The creature hesitated, stopping its crunching and tearing, looking back at him.
"What of it?"
Luckily for him, the creature was not one to immediately fire upon him, he continued to talk with the beast as it pulled its head back, its bill hook helping free softer flesh from muscle and ligaments. He peered into the being's thoughts, probing its mind with greater finesse.
"So- you used to soar all across Shurima, why did you stop in the Sais?"
"I was looking for fights... Just so happened it was... One Sided."
He was growing bored of the conversation, the Traveler could feel it, plus he was almost done with his meal, it wouldn't be long before he took off. The Traveler prepared for the worst, ready to cast a shield upon himself as he forced out his words.
"The Child and Woman, whose friends and family you butchered-"
And Immediately the beast turned to face him, his feathers rising as he stomped over to face the nomad, a fire brewing in the back of his throat. The Traveler had to continue, less a fight would ensue.
"They reside in a village, the same one you dropped them in, and it is under the protection of Xerath. But another, with an army made of the desert itself, is on the warpath, and the Village will not bow to a new king, and so they will be silenced. I came here, so you may quit the fight with the Voidborn, and bring it to someone who is actually endangering the Innocent."
The Roc stared for a bit, his gaze hard to read. He stomped over and as the mage called upon his shield, it saved him from being directly smashed into the earth by the tyrant's swinging head. Yet as they were thrown back into the Earth, Kyridon spread his wings and began to take to the air, looking down at the mage-
"So, youre saying there is a good war to fight?"
Kyridon traveled from the Sai and flew to the West, as he was carried by the drafts to gain a higher altitude, trying to find the village he left those two behind all those years ago. He spent three days on the wing, scouring the dusty plains for the fight. On the fourth day he saw a village, in the beginning throes of a siege, a man in the distance raising his hand, and the sands themselves formed into a legion of warriors that marched forward towards the village. This was no raiding party, this was a full out battle. He soared in lower, and could see siege equipment being pushed by men with jackal-like heads, and there in the frontlines, trying to push the Sand Soldiers back, was an older female troll, and a man with prosthetic legs. He for some reason felt his mind revert into a battle trace, as he furrowed his brow, gazing at the sand horde below, catching the attention of the sorcerer general, he then let out a warcry that he hadn't bellowed in sometime. The two at the frontlines looked up, their faces paling. They immediately began to tell their men to fall back past the walls, as rosebud-like feathers bloomed in the air as they fell to the floor, the jackal headed men looking confused.
Then the explosions rang off, as Sand Guardian after Sand Guardian returned to dust as their lines were blown apart. As the Jackal Headed men tried to retreat, they found only a searing heat met them from above, and for those who did not succumb to the flame, a crushing weight as Kyridon crashed head first through the earth. With momentum alone, he carved his way through the enemy lines before fixing himself up onto his back legs, roaring into the heavens as he charged forward, any poor soul trampled underfoot. Their searing blades meant nothing, the presence of his blood on the sand motivated him in ways he hadn't felt before. He threw his neck and tail haphazardly, letting them detonate once they made contact with any of the men surrounding him. His flame turned those closest to him into grains of glass, and those not scorched by the flame were charged at, helping detonate any of his explosives that weren't set off. The village looked on at the war-torn earth, and the one man army pushing the enemies' forces back. A spark returned to Kyridon that hadn't been felt in a long while, the spark of war, of might, what all true legends strive for! To be witnessed!
As the man who set upon this small legion to attack the village began to retreat, the Roc felt the need to pursue and grow stronger. He took to the skies, soaring faster than the man could run, as he trailed explosives behind him, making a runway straight for the coward's position. He began to dive again, his wings out as he barreled into the earth, his head raised and his mouth open to roar as he prepared himself to nab the man with his bill alone. As the explosions set off around him, he grew so close, so close to taking a bite out of the coward!- Only for a wall, one of shields and blades stronger than any stone met him head on, as the beast was thrown back, a massive explosion accompanying his collapse as the world began to dim. When he came to, he saw the village garrison looking on at him in fear and wonder. The Roc clamped his bill together, finding nothing. It audibly groaned as it dragged itself out of the crater, scorch marks everywhere. He flexed his wings, finding no permanent injuries on him. And the army he had been assaulting had disappeared without a trace. Yet that wasn't right. There had been flesh and blood he knew it that much. Unless, of course, their mages had helped them retreat. As soon as he realized what happened, he laughed hysterically. The thrill that fight brought him, the adrenaline! He took wing and soared out to find the man who gave him that brawl and finally finish it off. He wasn't done with this man of sand. He was a Roc on a mission: crashing his foe’s party.
Kyridon Kit:
His Passive is similar to Garren's old passive, where you do more damage to people who have a bounty on them, the theme being you're going after the best fights, and his kit is very explosive and offensive
Passive- The Warhead: Kyridon foes more damage to enemies with a bounty, and after takedown, gains a significant movement speed bonus and temporarily decreases ability cooldown.
Q-Fussilade Torp: Kyridon breathes out fire in a straight line in a straight trajectory, doing ap damage upon impact. Can detonate explosives if they make contact. Enemies marked with Q can be dashed into to knock them off the ground.
W- Piledriver: Kyridon charges forward, doing AD damage and pushing people back. Knocks enemies up into the air after being hit by Q, and impact with explosives will cause them to detonate.
E- Gravefall: Kyridon drops a set of interactive explosives in a given area, which, when detonated deal AD damage with AP afterburn. These can be triggered with Q or W.
R- Party Crasher: A chanelling ability, Kyridon flies overhead, dropping explosive feathers as to make a "Runway," which he then then crashes through the entire length of till reaching the end, creating explosions on both sides.
It's pretty obvious even when reading, and especially look at this raggedy ass doodle I did his inspirations
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Visually he takes Inspiration from Bazelgeuse from Monster Hunter and Phoenix from Dota 2. This is done to add weight to his character and to add a feeling of luminous to him, as if he wishes to be the center of attention. And it helps make him stand out. He is heavy bodied with a massive tail, but instead is alit like a fire, with a sharp bill and robust wings that make him feel as though every scene he is in he captures everyone's awe. Or terror.
Also because Phoenix from Dota 2 is a comfort character and I wanted to make Kyridon a bird.
Kyridon might not be subtle, but he speaks like a Herculean hero. He is full of pride but also believes that for his legacy to live on, he must constantly punch above his weight class. He isn't looking to bully people weaker than him. He's looking to provoke someone stronger than him.
He is utterly violent and bombastic, but he uses his aggression to find higher purpose and praise. This is why he finds kinship with the concepts of self-made legends. People who raised above their station. To him, that is like the ideal dream and aspiration to hold to. Unfortunately, his tactics are pretty mid, and his intimidating bulk is what keeps him from being minced meat.
I am redoing the first one because he deserves it, and I have some destiny Inspired champions I can post here if that is anyone's cup o tea.
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autisticempathydaemon · 7 months
Have never done anything like this before but I wanted to participate because why not!
Hope I'm doing this right- this is for the RedactedAudio Match-up :)
1 - Ok so I have 2 song fixations, first one is "Used to the Darkness" by Des Rocs and the other is "Morning Coffee" by Chevy and Nalba
For Used to the Darkness the specific verse is the chorus, it's a bit long for tumblr but I'll give my reasoning. I've always loved this kind of rock because it reminds me of the 90s rebellion kind of era and this verse strikes me as 'society has forced me down by its standards and is leaving me in the dust because I've "made a mistake", but I'm going to fight because my life hasn't started yet and I'm too young to simply give up'. Every time I hear that chorus it gives me a second wind of sorts and reminds me to just keep going, to keep being stubborn and to keep being me unapologetically.
For Morning Coffee there is no specific line because I resonate with the whole song lol. I'm a very big coffee addict, like I need coffee or tea every day to make it feel right. The reason being is that it's a small comfort treat to help me feel better especially when some days just aren't the best and I need a pick me up to feel better, even if it's a little bit. I listen to this every morning on my commute and every afternoon on the way back home, it's such a big comfort song that I keep on repeat.
2 - 6! (subtype sp) 3 - I love a good video essay! My favourite ones are a bit niche but I especially love SovietWomble's essay about "The Forest" because it's a deep dive critique and explanation of what happens when lore is added to a game post-release and why it's so important to develop it as a whole rather than doing it in bits as it can be the difference of an amazing or completely underwhelming experience. As someone who writes for fun and loves to play games soley for the lore sometimes, I found it useful to develop and hone my skills in world-building and making my stories more coherent. Also because he did a face reveal at the end BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT!
4 - Gosh I haven't talked about my imaginary friend in a bit, her face evades me but I remember she would always help me sleep or play with me when no one else did (so everyday basically). She always wore a yellow dress and had her hair up in pigtails. I never gave her a name because she never needed one, I just called her 'friend', I miss her
5 - Put on a redacted audio vid and fall asleep to that lmfao (usually a david vid)
6 - I honestly don't know what I'd change my name to, sometimes I just wish I didn't really have a name because my self identity fluctuates so much
7 - Favourite redacted audio, hm, tbh any of David's audios. I find myself always returning to one of his videos but I think I like his camping one the most, I cry every time but hearing the stories makes my heart so full and like I genuinely want to comfort him.
8 - Huxley maybe? I love his pairing with Damien but I've never really liked or gotten into his story much, might just be a me thing- but hey he's gay so that's fun
9 - RWBY! Specifically volumes 1-3 because they're so iconic, love the entire series though, I quote it a lot to myself.
10 - Guy, he's as much as a dumbass and gremlin as I am and I THRIVE off of the chaotic energy so much. Plus he can make me pizza while we hang out so that's fun!
11 - Memes, I will start quoting memes. Either that or "Which character would win in xyz situation? A or B?" 12 - 7-11 hot chocolate but instead of milk I put a latte in it
13 - Karu's "How To Train Your Dragon" orchestra cover playlist 14 - smutty audios... idk I just find it fun to scour for a good audio on reddit lmfao
15 - I'm very argumentative and will debate anyone on any topic (I've been a debater for years), but I'm also very much a people pleaser because I like to give people gifts and do acts of service. Uh- does a plushie addiction count as something that'll tell you who I am? I like dnd and Critical Role
Thank you!
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Ooh, I love you; you gave me so much information to work with! There were a good amount of possibilities I was working with, but if you’re an argumentative Six, who else can I pair you with but Avior?
You’re both similar in a lot of ways- a love of debate, prone to Acts of Service, Type Sixes who are loyal, thoughtful, and reliable. It’s these similarities but also the differences that make me think you’d be compatible. Avior and his sarcastic, sharp nature would be good at keeping your people-pleasing chaos in check. Your love of storytelling and narratives would be new and so refreshing to him as he’s never put so much thought into fantasy and fiction. He learns to accept your gifts graciously because he wants you to be happy even though he’s not used to it.
Your life together would be so fun; you’d make his life so fun. Avior does not understand your plushie collection, but he tolerates it and comes to terms with their watching eyes every day because he loves you. He also doesn’t understand any of your memes either; he pretends he thinks they’re insipid and pointless, but he actually thinks they and you are cute and silly when you quote them. Also, you’re totally coffee/tea addicts together, and you’ve got the best stocked caffeine cupboards in all of Dahlia.
Just tea for two and two for tea/ Me for you and you for me alone/ Nobody near us/ To see us or hear us/ No friends or relations/ On weekend vacations/ We won't have it known, dear/ That we own a telephone (oh, I hate telephones) (yeah, me too)
I couldn’t help it; you gave me a coffee song, so I had to give you a tea song in return! I also like it for you, because it’s cute, it’s sweet, it’s singable. It’s not just about tea but love and being together, having tea side by side for the rest of your lives. It’s the kind of song you could sing at Avior, and he’d have to try really hard to not be charmed.
If you’re a DnD fan, I’ve got to give you Lasko as a runner-up; my brain would not allow otherwise! The two of you could write together and be so cute. Asher is your other contender because you’re similar in a lot of ways that would be really fun but more in a platonic, best friend way than romantic like Avior.
note: thank you so much for waiting~! I hope you like your match-up!
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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juno-to-the-uno · 8 months
i made anithe roc ....... sillay .... i will reblog this/edit this with lore l8r because im SICK !!!!!!
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tinolqa · 6 months
I feel like my fan website deep lore mostly consists of the Redwall Online Community and ROC Survivor, FF7 Citadel, and much later on the RP community on Cerberus Daily News in ME2-era Mass Effect fandom.
Also Shin Megami Tensei/Persona OC art groups on deviantart circa 2009-2012.
I’ve never met many other people who even remember or had experience with those communities, but they’re out there!
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