#Robert J. Sawyer
quotefeeling · 8 months
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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thoughtkick · 3 months
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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perfectfeelings · 8 months
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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quotemadness · 2 years
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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perfeqt · 4 months
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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thepersonalwords · 11 months
“Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.” - Robert J. Sawyer
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thehopefulquotes · 2 years
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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lovepollution · 11 months
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Luke Kirby behind-the-scenes of the recording of 'The Downloaded' [x]
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surqrised · 2 years
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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jwslw · 1 year
More Space Dinosaurs
Sapient descendants of the Tyrannosaur family.  Quintaglio civilization can be divided into two eras, Pre Space flight and Post Space flight. Quintaglio are carnivores.  
Quintaglios were created by Canadian Author Robert J Sawyer, for the short story”Uphill Climb” and the “Quintaglio Ascension Trilogy”
Quintaglio are territorial creatures, partly because of the harsh conditions of their homeworld, and partly as a result of societal pressure.  Post Space flight Quintaglio are much less territorial than there Pre Space flight counterparts but, the instincts are still there.    
Physical Description
Quintaglios resemble semi-erect theropod dinosaurs with long arms ending in five fingered hands and retractable claws.   Males possess a dewlap around the throat that can be inflated for mating and territorial displays, both genders have a salt-secreting gland inside their mouth with a barely visible hole in their muzzle.  The majority of Quintaglios are left-hand dominate.  Quintaglios have thick hides, but, through millennia of evolution have lost most of their scales.  Quintaglios are green with most having some type of contrasting yellow or brown pattern, the skin of extremely old Quintaglio will often wholly or partially turn jet black.   A typical Quintaglio's muzzle will turn bright blue when they lie, a minority of the species possess a mutation that prevents this, they are treated as demonic beings called Aug-Ta-Rot (lit. Those who can lie in the light of day).
Quintaglio are a long lived species with a maximum lifespan of around two hundred years by human reckoning.  Quintaglios continue to grow through out their lives with most adults standing between 2 and 2.5 meters (6.5-8.1ft) tall.  A female Quintaglio will become fertile once every 15-20thousand days, and, upon successfully mating they will lay a clutch of 8 eggs.  Some females release pheromones signaling their readiness to breed constantly even when they are not. These females typically become huntresses, a position of high honor in Quintaglio society.
The Quintaglio can regrow lost limbs, generally they can not regrow lost or damaged organs, but, in rare cases some Quintaglio have regrown lost eyes.
Most Quintaglio do not wear clothing just items like tool belts, decorative sashes or jewelry, members of the priestly cast wear full robes in various colors however.  
History and Technology
For most of their history, the Quintaglio lived a semi-nomadic existence, even into the final years of the Pre Spaceflight era.  The end of the Pre Space flight era was marked with several major inventions and discoveries including the existence of another sapient species, and the extraterrestrial origin of life on their world.
Despite the seeming limits of a semi-nomadic life style and suffering from the “Dagamant” (possibly Battle Fury), the Quintaglio were able to advance quite far, possessing a level of technology roughly equivalent to the Renaissance era of earth by the end of the Pre Space flight era, and subsequently reverse engineering the alien technologies discovered during that time in a matter of years.
While they possess many advanced tools, strong cultural taboos largely prevent Quintaglios from employing ranged weapons when hunting or fighting.
Near the end of the Pre Space flight era, The Quintaglio were ruled by a heriditary monarchy, this is still, in the Post Space flight era, the monarchy is still believed to exists but, many colonies are completely independent.
During the Pre-Space Flight era, Quintaglios did not mate for life and hatchlings were largely raised communally.   This began to change during the waining years of the Pre-Space Flight era.
The Quintaglio place a high value on an individual's ability to hunt, with completing their first hunt and earning a “hunting tatoo” being considered an important step to adulthood.
For most of their history, the Quintaglio did not have contact with other sapient species, and due to the “Dagamant”, first contact with “the Others” (a related species and the only other sapient species on there homeworld) nearly ended in a genocidal war.  In the Post Space flight era, “Dagamant” is no longer an issue, and colony ships full of the Quintaglio and “the Others” can be found plying the stars seeking both new worlds to settle and other descendants of earth creatures.
While Dagamant has been largely eradicated in the Post Space Flight era, the uncanny valley effect of encountering sapient creatures that look to “saurian” can still make Quintaglios deeply defensive or uncomfortable.
Quintaglios raise and keep lizards in a similar manner to how humans raise dogs and cats.
During the Pre Space flight era, the Quintaglio and their cousins the Others, lived on a moon orbiting the Gas Giant “Galatjaroob” (lit, the Face of God), with the Quintaglio controlling the moon's single continent (simply called “Land” by the Quintaglio) while the Other lived on the moon's sole large archipelago located in the southern hemisphere.  The moon also had polar ice caps.
The Quintaglio divided Land into eight provinces running from west to east; Jam'Toolar, Fra'Toolar, Arj'Toolar, Chu'Toolar, Mar'Toolar, Edz'Toolar, Kev'Toolar and Capital.
Its naturally decaying orbit destroyed the Quintagilo's moon “shortly” after the dawn of the Post Space flight era, though, as foreknowledge of the event is what spurred the birth of space flight the Quintaglios and the Others were able to completely evacuate before that happened.
Galatjaroob takes 16000 days (roughly 44 Earth years) to orbit its parent star.  because of this, the Quintaglio have four main large scale time measurements, Day (roughly the same length as a day on earth), the Deca Day (10 days, the Quintaglio equivalent of a week), the Kilo Day (1000days/10 Deca Days, the loose equivalent of an Earth month) and the Year.
Many dinosaur species of dinosaur were found of Galatjaroob, a list of the most common ones are found here
Armourback (Ankylosaurs)
Blackdeath (Tyrannosaurus rex) named for their thick black hides, an unarmed Quintaglio can not defeat them.
Fish Lizard (Ichthyosaurs)
Hornface (Ceratopsians): Can be found both living wild and domesticated as beasts of burden, three species were known to still exist by the end of the Pre-Space Flight era; "Triple Hornface" (Triceratops), "Spikefrills" (Styracosaurus) and "Boss-Nosed Hornface" (Pachyrhinosaurus)
Kal-Ta-Goot/Water Serpent (Plesiosaurs) possibly only the name of a single plot relevant plesiosaur
Runningbeast (Ornithomimids) Said to be the fastest creatures on land, domesticated and used as mounts by the Quintaglios.  
Shovelmouth (Hadrosaurs) One of the Quintaglios' primary food sources, one spieces unique to Land was described as having a three pointed crest, orange skin with blue stripes, and was supposed to be the tastiest of all Shovelmouths.  
Terrorclaw (Dromaeosaurs),
Wingfinger (Pterosaurs) have evolved into a number of new forms, including flightless variants like the penguin-esque Divers and the arm walking Stilts.
For most of their history, the Quintaglio believed in a supreme Goddess (simply called God in the Sacred Scrolls), who was said to have lain the “Eight Eggs of Creation” and created the Quintaglio by biting off her arms, first the left to create her daughters “The Five Original Hunters” then the right to create her sons “The First mates”.  When the first Quintaglio began breeding God became concerned that her grand children or their descendants would over populate Land and tasked her daughter Mekt with going to each nest and consuming seven of the eight hatchlings contained within.  In the process she became the first Halpataar (lit Blood Priest). Feeling it was inappropriate for the ones that lay the eggs to also cull them, Mekt would only teach the Halpataar rites to male priests. The practice would continue through almost the entirety of the Pre-Space Flight era with few modifications, first changing from the consumption of seven hatchlings per nest to the consumption of eggs, and then to the destruction of the Halpataar order when its connection to the Dagamant phenomenon was completely understood.  The nest of key religious or political figures within Quintaglio society would generally be spared these cullings.
The oldest form of this religion also included the veneration of “The Five Original Hunters” the daughters of God created from the fingers.  One such sect called the Lubalites, believed in a prophecy uttered by the Original Hunter Lubal in her dying moments of a great male hunter called the one who would emerge to save the Quintaglio in their darkest hour.
During the last two centuries (Quintaglio years), the scholar Larsk would discover the only point on the Quintaglio moon where Galatjaroob was visible in the sky.  Believing, or at least claiming to believe, he had discovered the face of God, Larsk would found a new singular royal family and a new religious sect that would become the dominate religious group for the next 150 Quintaglio years.  
In the last years of the Pre-Space Flight era, Astrologer and skilled hunter Sal-Afsan (lit Meaty Thigh bone), would inadvertently ignite the long simmering conflict between the Larskan sect and the now underground Lubalite sect, with his discovery of the true nature of Galajaroob and the eminent doom of their home moon, with the aid of a Far-Seer (telescope) invented by his future mate and future leader of “Project of Great Escape”, Wab-Novato.  To this day Afsan and Novato are regarded as the most important figures in Quintaglio history.
The Quintaglio have their own written and spoken language, most Post Space Flight era Quintaglios also know the language of The Other.
Example Male names
Tak Saleed
Det Yenalb
Example Female names
Species Traits
Ability Modifiers: Str+10, Dex-2, Con+8, Cha-4.  
Monstrous Humanoid (Ex): Quintaglio have all the traits common to Monstrous humanoids, Quintaglio have the reptilian sub-type.
Natural Armor: The thick hide of a Quintaglio grants them a +5 natural armor bonus to defense
Size: Large, Quintaglio suffer a -1 size penalty to Defense and Attack rolls, a +4 Grapple bonus and a -4 size penalty.  A Quintaglio has a space of 10ft x 10ft and a reach of 10ft.
Keen Senses (Ex): Quintaglio have Low-light vision and Scent as described in the d20 Modern RPG
Natural Attacks (Ex): Quintaglio possess two sets of retractable claws and strong jaws, as a Full Attack action, a Quintaglio may perform 2 claws attacks (1d6 plus Str modifier) and a secondary bite attack (1d8 plus ½ str modifier)
Base Land Speed: 40ft.
Bonus Feats:  Quintaglios receive Multi-Attack and Alertness as bonus feats
Skills: Quintaglio receive a +4 species bonus to climb checks.  Due to their snouts, Quintaglio suffer a -6 circumstance penalty to Bluff checks
Dagamant (Ex)*: When another Quintaglio or other Humanoid or Monstrous humanoid with the reptilian subtype comes within 10ft of you without first asking permission, make a Will save (DC 10+ the triggering creatures Charisma Modifier, +1 for every Quintaglio or reptilian Humanoid/Monstrous humanoid within 50ft) or fly into a blind rage attacking everything around them.  Being within 60ft of a Quintaglio that has entered Dagamant will also trigger a Will Save (Same formula) to avoid entering it yourself.  While in Dagamant, a Quintaglio receives a +4 Circumstance bonus to Strength and Constition granting 2 additional temporary Hit Points per Hit Die, but suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to Defense and Reflex saves. Temporary HP is depleted before regular HP and fades away when Dagamant ends.  A Quintaglio will remain in Dagamant for a number of rounds equal to its base Constitution modifier, or until the triggering creature is slain.
Starting Language: All Quintaglio begin play with the Read/write and Speak Language (Quintaglio) skills
Level Adjustment: +5.
Progress Level: Baseline Human +/-2 depending on time frame
*When creating a Post Space Flight Quintaglio roll d100, on a roll of 01-97, they do not suffer from Dagamant
A powerful, quadrupedal, theropod that stalks the creatures of land and can kill nearly anything it encounters.
Species Traits  
Animal Type (Ex): A Fangjaw have all traits common to animals.
Keen Senses (Ex): Fangjaws have Scent and Low-light vision as described in the d20 Modern RPG
Bonus Feats: Fangjaws receive Multi-Attack and Track as a bonus feats
Skills: Fangjaws receive +4 Species bonus to survival checks when tracking by scent, a Fangjaw receives a +8 species bonus to hide checks when in thick undergrowth or long grass.
Pounce (Ex): Once per encounter, a Fangjaw may perform a Full Attack action after performing a Full Move action.
Trip (Ex): A Fangjaw that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the Fangjaw.
Fangjaw CR6. Huge Animal HD: 6d8+36. HP63. Mas23. Init:+2. Spd 50ft. Defense:17, Touch10, FF15(-2sz,+2dex, +7Nat). Bab+4. Grapl+20. Atk:+10melee(bite 2d6+8). Full Atk:+10melee(2 claws 2d4+8) and +8melee (Bite 2d6+4). FS:15ftx15ft. R:10ft. SQ: Animal traits, Keen Senses, Pounce, Trip. AL: None. Sv Frt+5, Ref+5, Wil+3. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str27, Dex15, Con23, Int2, Wis12, Cha6.
Skills: Hide-3 (+5 in long grass), Listen+6, Move Silently+4, Spot+4, Survival+1 (+5 when tracking by scent)
Feats: Multi-Attack, Track
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Huge)
Pteradon, Diver
A species of flightless, aquatic pterosaur, adapted to arctic conditions
Species Traits  
Animal traits (Ex): A Diver has all traits common to animals.
Keen Senses (Ex): Divers have Low-light vision and Scent as described in the d20 Modern RPG.
Bonus Feats: Divers receive Weapon Finesse (Bite), and Alertness as bonus feats
Skills: A Diver can swim without making checks and if forced to make a swim check by outside forces, it receives a +8 species bonus to the roll.
Hold Breath (Ex): A Diver can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to its Constitution score
Pteradon, Diver CR1. Medium Animal HD:2d8-2. HP7. Mas8. Init:+4. Spd 20ft, Swim 40ft.  Defense:, Touch, FF(+4dex,+2Nat). Bab+1. Grapl+0. Atk/Full Atk:+5melee(bite 1d6-1). FS:5ftx5ft. R:5ft. SQ: Animal traits, Keen Senses, Hold Breath. AL: None. Sv Frt+2, Ref+7, Wil+1. AP: N/A. Rep+0.Str8, Dex18, Con8, Int2, Wis12, Cha5.
Skills: Listen+5, Move Silently+8, Spot+8, Swim+7*
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Finesse (bite)
Advancement: 3HD (Medium), 4-8HD (Large), 9-14HD (Huge)
*Automatically passes normal swim checks
Pteradon, Stilts
A species of flightless pterosaur, its wings now serve as legs.
Species Traits
Animal Traits (Ex): A Stilt has all traits common to animals..
Keen Senses (Ex): Stilts have Low-light vision and Scent as described in the d20 Modern RPG.
Bonus Feats: Stilts receive Alertness and Stealthy as bonus Feats
Pteradon, Stilts CR2. Large Animal HD:4d8.HP18. Mas10. Init:+. Spd 30ft. Defense:14, Touch12, FF11(-1Sz, +3dex,+2Nat). Bab+2. Grapl+7. Atk:+2melee(bite 1d8+1). Full Atk:+2melee(bite 1d8+1) and -3melee (2 claws 1d4+1). FS:10ftx10ft. R:5ft. SQ: Animal traits, Keen Senses. AL: None. Sv Frt+,Ref+,Wil+. AP: N/A. Rep+0. Str12, Dex16,Con10, Int2, Wis12, Cha5.
Skills: Hide+1, Listen+5, Move Silently+10, Spot+8.
Feats: Alertness, Stealthy
Advancement:5-8HD (Large), 9-14HD (Huge)
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The Pandora’s Box Society, headquartered in Spokane, Washington, today called for a worldwide moratorium on soulwave research. “Once again,” said spokesperson Leona Wright, “science is rushing madly into areas best approached cautiously, if at all.”
The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer
a Pandora's Box Society sounds perfect, how come we still don't have one
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thoughtkick · 2 years
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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perfectfeelings · 7 months
Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.
Robert J. Sawyer
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scififr · 5 months
The downloaded, par Robert J. Sawyer (Shadowpaw Press, mai 2024)
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Une équipe d’astronautes fait le voyage de cinq cents ans vers Proxima du Centaure mais pour eux le temps subjectif est seulement de sept ans, passés à vivre comme ils veulent dans les entrailles d’un « quantum computer ». Lorsqu’ils reviennent à leur état naturel, cinq cents ans se sont effectivement passés mais ils n’ont jamais quitté la Terre et cette dernière est dévastée et apparemment totalement dépeuplée…
L’auteur reprend, volontairement ou non, le principe de l’interview des multiples protagonistes génialement utilisé par John Scalzi dans « Unlocked : an oral history of Haden’s Syndrome ». Cette méthode s'avère brillante pendant la première moitié de ce court roman, mais moins intéressante pour sa fin.
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authorappearances · 7 months
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Robert J. Sawyer in FlashForward
Robert J. Sawyer’s 1999 novel FlashForward was adapted into the TV series of the same name which aired between September 2009 and May 2010. In the pilot episode Sawyer cameos as ‘Man on Cell Phone’ at the hospital.
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