#Robert Townsend imagine
knowltonsrangers · 11 months
all through the night.
Robert Townsend x reader
in which you find out about Robert spying.
“—y/n, no. I insist, l will be fine,”
“Robert, please—“
“I can help-”
“Leave it be.”
“I said, leave it be, y/n.”
As if his words didn’t contain enough venom, for good measure he sends a look over his shoulder, one that would normally have you shoving him away, yet, it seems the finality of his words was up to interpretation.
“Must you? I am only trying to help.”
Your hands clasp at your front, increasing your speed just a bit to keep pace with his long stride. It takes a moment, yet you join next to him on the sidewalk, arms brushing as he realizes how fast he’s walking. He looks your way, and slows his step.
“For the umpteenth time, y/n—“
Robert takes a sharp intake of air, but quickly deflates.
“It is not up for debate, nor is it about how much you’d like to help. It is in reference to you, and your safety.”
“I never knew you to be a—“
It’s not snarky, the word is at the tip of your tongue,
“Don’t you dare say such a thing in public without being prepared to see me killed.”
Ah. He thinks you were going to call him a spy.
Your initial shock dissipates as you simply shrug your shoulders in defiance.
“Mhm. I was going to say such an worrier, but never mind. Seems your attitude has gotten the best of you.”
Robert falters on the sidewalk as you see your chance, continuing onwards without him with a quicker gait.
“y/n, you know I—“
Once he’s caught up to you, it appears that he hasn’t quite thought of what else he wanted to say. You wait, much to his annoyance, staring straight ahead, yet at least acknowledge his presence.
“y/n, you know how much I…care for you, you must understand how this is out of love, and not because I wish to exclude you from this.”
He sighs, hand finding your arm as he pulls you close to his side, nearly sending you toppling with his unwavering hold.
“I was told by Culper to keep everyone out. Since my Father, I cannot have you messing around with things you shouldn’t.”
That’s right. He’s right. Your eyes fall to the stone, watching the way they mismatch along the old road.
“I am a worrier.”
Robert announces to no one but you.
“And it’s something I’m not going to apologize for. So, this is the end of this conversation, y/n.”
Most of him expects you to fight back, so he can watch that ferocity brim then explode in your eyes, full of anger that he had shut you out once more.
But to his surprise, you relent, holding his arm a bit tighter as you hang your head, bobbing it once before agreeing.
“You’re right. I’m sorry, Robert.”
He hadn’t meant to upset you, but he had to know that his sternness was met with some sort of equal understanding.
“I don’t need an apology,”
His right hand comes to brush a few wisps of your hair back behind your ears.
“I just want you to be safe.”
You mumble, finally looking up into his stare.
“Though you would be the best back up I’ve got,”
Robbie muses, a smile dancing on his lips.
“I’ve got some friends around. Not quite as good as you, but they’ll have to manage.”
He can feel the worry drown from his shoulders, catching the beginning of a smile on your lips.
“Sounds good to me.”
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musicboxmemories · 3 months
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Turn Week 2024 - Day 3 - Imagine an encounter with another time period (the Salem Witch Trials)
Although with Turn, it probably makes more sense to try the group in a different w.ar setting, I thought this could still apply since people were fighting for their lives during the witch trials. In this AU, Ben is a reverend who doesn't agree with the m.urder of innocent people. With the help of his childhood friends, Caleb, Abe, and Anna, they start spying to find out who might be next, and then try to get those men and women to safety before it's too late.
Since it's a little hard to see the images, here's who is in each frame from left to right and top to bottom: Peggy Shippen; Richard Woodhull, Anna Strong, John Graves Simcoe, Robert Townsend; Edmund Hewlett, Selah Strong, Mary Woodhull; Caleb Brewster, Abraham Woodhull, Benjamin Tallmadge; Philomena Cheer, Benjamin Tallmadge
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culpeppercheckers721 · 3 months
Turn Week 2024– Day 4: Set It To Music
Get ready, this is gonna be a really long post methinks!! 🤠 Also I just rewatched the last two episodes of Turn and am still in emotional shambles from that, so please bear with me.
AS SAID: I warn you that this is a very long post with lots of links, and also that this turned out way less hinged than I mean it to jfc (then again being unhinged was my whole goal on here so) 😀
Since I am such a degenerate for setting the things I love to songs, I believe that I shall break this up into odd little sections:
Songs for certain scenes:
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The Night Boat
Though this may not be incredibly specific, every time I hear this song, I can picture so clearly every scene by the dark, blue waters of frog’s cove, and can see Caleb approaching in his literal, well, night boat ;) Also if you know me well enough you may already know I have a weird thing when it comes to Turn & Duran Duran— their music is excellent for creativity for me (and also, as much as I love the original version of Night Boat above all, here I use the Danse Macabre version as it’s simply spookier, and better for this vibe ;))
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Fuel to Fire
Alright, a little bit of canon, and a little bit of AUs all in one. Though there is already a song playing in this overall scene, some individual moments from it, and just Abe & Townsend’s energy around each other this season in general just screams this song to me. If you recall season one of Turn, you may remember a montage of Simcoe terrorizing Setauket in Against Thy Neighbor while a rendition of a song called Katie Cruel played in the background, sung by none other than Agnes Obel, so she already has Turn vibes considering her music has literally been featured in the show! And even if she hadn’t, the lyrics and the energy of this is so unshakable to me, I cannot imagine ever listening to this song and not thinking about Abe & Robert or at least Turn in general, and not to mention, as some of you may be familiar with, a literary masterpiece by a similar title (Like Fuel to the Fire, I beg of you go read it).
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Wake Me Up When September Ends
Ok I know this is even less historic-feeling than the ones included so far, but here me out. I can’t exclude this one because of how much the end of the Nightmare intro, when Abe goes “it’s rainin’” makes me think of this song every time. This scene and this song alike both contain the rain symbolism, they’re both about mourning a father, and ALSO Jamie Bell literally stars in the music video of this song which I find very ironic!! So no, I could not exclude this one. 💕
Songs for specific characters:
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Right Where You Left Me
Annlet shippers, I am not trying to hurt y’all, and I know everyone uses Taylor Swift for everything but uh. As arbitrary as most of these lyrics are, for some reason I can picture either of them just sitting in Rivington’s, frozen and thinking about one another and what they’ve done, to this song. And it is depressing but kind of intriguing. So if I hAVE TO THINK THAT SO DO YOU.
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Touchy Feely Fool
Wow so much Abraham. Call me what you will but the FIRST time I heard this song I thought about Abe. I cannot help it. It’s hard to explain it, but this just. Reminds me of him so much. Especially when you think about his relationship with Richard, juxtaposed with “maybe someday when I’m older, I’ll be better off like you, I’m better off a stick, I’m better off a stone, I’m better off a jerk, I’m better off alone…” etc. I know I am FUCKING INSANE BUT THE ABE ENERGY IS UNSHAKABLE TO ME. HAHSHAHS. Anyways, attached is an extremely shitty old edit I tried to do for him with it, once again feat. copious Townhull vibes. As you can see it did not go well, and many things went wrong, but now’s as good a time as any for me to post it. As another wise Turn fan once put it: I may be fucking crazy, but I am free.
Songs for AU shit:
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More Agnes Obel for you! I know this is really unoriginal, I’ve seen a few people relate this song to Townhull in the past I think, but like. I just love it so much, and I can see the vision lmao.
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Love Like Ghosts
Keeping with the weird-ass ghost motif, we end, for now, with another song that has the right vibes for a Townhull AU of mine, specifically when it comes to the events of Mended, I think; time for some good old Lord Huron. I hesitated to put this on a playlist for them at first because I really wasn’t sure if it actually fit, but for vibes alone, and this particular scene in such a plot… yeah. ;) If nothing else, the “spirits” that follow Abe could be that of his brother’s memory, and plus, the title and chorus— “love is like ghosts”— is simply hauntingly poetic to me ;)
Was really hoping to get this post up before midnight, but alas, here we are. Anyways, happy late 4th of July to all those celebrating, and even if you are not celebrating, I still hope you have a wonderful evening!! ❤️🤍💙
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Turn Week Day 2: Content-Creator Appreciation!!
as a maker and enjoyer of plenty of turn content, i figured it'd be best to celebrate my fellow creators by sharing some posts that other users have made that have literally impacted me psychologically. seriously, this community is the best and the content is always just *chefs kiss*
starting off with the iconic "hey man nice hardwood" post by @calebbrewster bc it is like THE legacy turn post for me and i still think about it almost daily
and if we want to talk about life altering posts, this post by @hewlettscute that was literally HOW I FOUND OUT turn was being taken off of netflix during that whole scandal
and speaking of scandal, i have to include the turn sexyman poll by @viola-ophelia that kicked off one of the most fun moments in my entire turn fandom experience
on the topic of polls, the most competent member of the ring poll by @hmsannlett that had abe at 0% was, in addition to being hilarious, a true moment of fandom unity
and perhaps one of the funniest shitposts i've seen recently is this series of turn imagines by @cabbxges-and-kings with additions from @viola-ophelia that took me on a JOURNEY
and i have to include when @tallmadgeandtea proposed that we send them to a white lotus because i have not been able to stop thinking of that concept since (if anyone wants to write a white lotus au crack fic this is me begging)
and, to conclude, i have to shout out this "little miss" post by @ms-march which nailed me down a little too well for my liking
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koffee-lila-bailey · 1 month
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Pt 2 of my list
Fantasia Barrino
Enchanting 🕊
Ski Bailey
Iman Shumpert
Polo G
King Von 🕊
B Smyth 🕊
Leon Robinson
Vanity 🕊
Jimi Hendrix 🕊
Bob Marley 🕊
Ziggy Marley
Stephen Marley
Omar Epps
Robert Townsend
Ralph Macchio
Booboo Stewart
China Anne McClain
Julio Foolio 🕊
Destanni Henderson
Chris Tucker
Characters I'll write for
Kunta Kinte (Roots)
Rembrandt (The Warriors)
Swan (The Warriors)
Snow (The Warriors)
Rob 🕊 (The Chi)
Unique (Power)
Fontaine (They Cloned Tyrone)
Laura (The Last Dragon)
Leroy Green Jr (The Last Dragon)
Tommy Shepherd (Above The Rim)
JT (The Five Heartbeats)
Duck (The Five Heartbeats)
Micheal (The Lost Boys)
Star (The Lost Boys)
Marko (The Lost Boys)
Dwayne (The Lost Boys)
Paul (The Lost Boys)
Johnny Cade (The Outsiders)
Sodapop Curtis (The Outsiders)
Daniel (The Karate Kid series)
Jacob Black (The Twilight Saga)
Seth Clearwater (The Twilight Saga)
Embry (The Twilight Saga)
Quil (The Twilight Saga)
Jay (Desendants)
Uma (Desendants)
Malik (Higher Learning)
Quincy/Q (Juice)
Raheem (Juice)
Roland Bishop (Juice)
If y'all see some of the same names from before, I'm sorry. I'll only be writing things such as smut and fluff other than headcannons, imagines and preferences
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tallmadgeandtea · 1 year
Turn Week 2023:
Favorite Relationship or Character
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Although I love romance with every fiber of my being, another aspect I love in Turn is the family dynamics shown, especially when it comes to familial love.
As a spy, one of the greatest risks you take on is not only your life, but your family’s. We see this through the risks Abigail takes to keep Cicero looked after when she cannot be there with him, how desperately Abe wants to help the cause while also keeping Thomas and Mary safe, and the relationship between Robert Townsend and his father, Samuel.
Although Abe tries to persuade Robert to join the ring as their “man in New York,” it is Samuel who convinces his son to join. Robert joins after his father is attacked by a group of soldiers at his home in Oyster Bay. No one wants to see a family member in pain, especially when you weren’t able to protect them from it.
But, even though he wanted his son to join the cause, he says this to Abe:
Before you go, ahem, let me ask you a favor. Look after Robert. We both encouraged him to take this plunge, but... he's my only son.
And somewhat selfishly, I suppose,
I can't imagine my life going on without him.
Moments like this show that the Revolution was not only a war on battlefields. It was a war fought by families who, yes, some of them wanted independence from the crown, and yes, some of them wanted to stay with the crown. But most of all, they just wanted to keep each other safe.
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townsenddecades · 13 days
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1318 – Day 4
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The last quarter of the year 1318 is one of many birthdays. Elsie, Amye and Malcolm all turn six years old (hardly a surprise, given that the latter two are twins) and Gregory celebrates his thirteenth birthday. Despite the hardship of the previous few years, they all enter that new stage of their lives in good health.
So much good health, in fact, that the children spent much of their time playing outside in the snow. Winter is bound to soon be at an end, so Benjamin is determined to spend as much of it having fun with his children as he can. Snow may be an encumbrance, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t fun sides to it, too.
Like snow pals, or the spirited snowball fight the twins get into with their cousin. One could assume that Amye and Malcolm would unite forces against Elsie, but instead it seems that the girls have decided to team up against Malcolm!
He, of course, finds that hugely unfair and a betrayal on the part of his sister, but the girls find it very, very funny.
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Gregory still spends much of his time in the abbey and even stays the night there sometimes. On one of these visits, his painting catches the eye of a richly-dressed man, who asks him after his craft.
“You could have a future of a painter, young man”, he says, thoughtfully. “Have you ever thought about an apprenticeship? You’re the right age for it.”
“I don’t know if my family has the money, sir.”
The man – who introduces himself as Theodore Merchant and tells him he owns a trading house in Praaven – nods understandingly at that and walks away, but he looks thoughtful as he does so.
Back home, Benjamin spends a lot of his time doing his small carvings to bring in extra funds, if he can find buyers. The end of the decade is approaching, so the Earl will likely raise the land tax soon. Sharing a half-brother sadly doesn’t make Lord Petersmarch’s steward amenable to forgiving them their dues. It doesn’t leave him much time for indulging in his new hobby of lute-playing, but he still does so, much to the enjoyment of his son.
Benjamin can’t help wondering how Robert is doing now. Over the years, their contact has gotten less and less frequent. It was to be expected, he assumes – his half-brother is firmly entrenched in the Earl’s household now and has spent nearly two-thirds of his life in the castle. By comparison, Benjamin and his family may be free, but are peasants nonetheless.
Still, he likes to imagine that his mother, Watcher guard her soul, would be happy that her child has come so far.
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There has been news regarding Elsie and Wilfred, too. They may have taken them in by leave of the Earl, but it was always bound to be a temporary arrangement. Officially, they are bound to the parcel of land that had been given to Edith and William, and are the Earl’s to decide over.
Spring is coming soon, and William’s brothers, Noah and Alaric, will need someone to help them with their farmwork. So, they have asked for Elsie to move back to Mahlsberg once the snow has thawed, and because Elsie doesn’t want to leave her little brother behind, Wilfred will go with her.
The Townsends can’t fault the Watmores for their wish, although Benjamin and Malika are privately very saddened by the thought of soon having to say goodbye. Since Edith’s passing, they have almost begun to think of their niece and nephew as their own children, especially because Malika still hasn’t conceived another one of her own.
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They like having a full house and are sure that the children will miss each other dreadfully, but at least the adults realize that they can’t help the way things should be. And because Wilfred is meant to take over the farm in Mahlsberg one day, it’s only right that he should grow up there.
Meanwhile, Malika and Benjamin haven’t given up on their wish to have another child of their own, especially with the hope that spring will soon deliver them from their dearth of food – even if it takes a while for them to turn that hope into a reality. That only means that they have more occasion to try.
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The Countess of Petersmarch has been delivered of a healthy baby, much to her and the Earl’s relief. The little girl has been named Lady Maud Dudley.
Lady Maud Dudley (Dudley Household)
Clement Dudley & Katheryn Deane (Earl’s Household)
Prev: 1318, Day 3, Part 2/2 <--> 1319, Day 1, Part 1/2
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viola-ophelia · 2 years
TURN characters as folklore/evermore songs, because why the heck not? (lyric videos linked to each!)
abe woodhull: this is me trying 
look, i love to hate on abe, but i do think there’s some good in all his faults. he’s trying, throughout everything, to come into his own and do something for good, an admirable aim for someone so morally complex. it’s what makes him interesting to watch, and it’s what compels us to reluctantly root for him. 
anna strong: champagne problems   i’m imagining anna as the woman this song is being sung about, rather than the narrator. she’s often someone whose story gets told for her, but she has her own voice too, and she had her reasons for the hearts she broke. 
ben tallmadge: mad woman   i was initially tempted to give this song to anna, but let’s be real: ben is the angry person in the culper ring, not her. he’s constantly trying so hard to prove himself that it’s all too easy to turn that fire inward on himself. 
caleb brewster: long story short  caleb is the person who pretends he’s not living through a war until he can’t pretend anymore. but he’s also the person who picks himself back up after a fall and pushes on, and can laugh about it all in the end. 
mary woodhull: tolerate it  a bit of an obvious one, but still... ouch, i know. mary throws her whole identity into a failing relationship at the beginning, but ends up growing into her own anyway. like the song, she starts out pleading for a lost cause and ends up taking back her pride. 
john graves simcoe: no body, no crime  another obvious one haha. despite the pretty self-explanatory murder-y vibes of the song, i also think there’s a righteousness to simcoe’s character: he really believes he’s doing good, doing what he has to to defend his principles. 
abigail: mirrorball  abigail exists to please others, except she doesn’t have the option to do anything else, and therein lies the bitter unfairness of her situation. her kindness is often an obligation and not a choice, and god, i wish she could have saved some for herself.  
edmund hewlett: coney island  hewlett sustains himself on hope for so long that it’s a miracle he doesn’t snuff out when it comes crashing down. he’s left wondering where he went wrong, forced to find a new place in a world that never seemed built for him.
john andre: my tears ricochet of course the dead guy gets the song about a ghost lol. no, but really: andre is defined more by his memory than by himself, isn’t he? he tried so hard to make something out of himself, and he’s left with this legacy that belongs to the enemy, not to him. he can go anywhere he wants, just not home...  akinbode: cowboy like me  akinbode is always on the move, because he has no place to stay. but he wants more, wants to be at the helm of his own life for once: he named himself, chose his own lover, and has plans for after the war. this song feels like a love confession to abigail and also a goal of self-ownership. 
cicero: seven  we see cicero grow up along with the war, and lose his innocence along the way. he’s a boy still holding onto boyhood at first, and by the end he wants to join the cause he’s only just discovered. 
peggy shippen: illicit affairs  another obvious one, but it fits too well not to do it. peggy is ruined by her affair with andre, not just because she’s stuck in a loveless marriage with someone else, but because she knows now what consequences look like. she lost herself as she lost him, and worst of all, she did it willingly. 
george washington: epiphany  washington gets the 'indescribable horrors of war’ song because he is the war in a way, but there’s a current of hope there too. maybe horrors without hope are too great a burden for one man, or maybe america has never been without either. 
robert townsend: the lakes  the escapist, the denier, the one who never wanted any part in this: that’s robert townsend. he spends more time trying to get away from the war than he does finally accepting that he’s part of something bigger, but that understanding was there all along. otherwise, why fight it as hard as he did?  
richard woodhull: hoax  the magistrate continually defines himself by his disappointment: in his son, in his town, in everything. he makes judging his purpose as well as his profession, becoming so stuck in cynicism he just barely manages reconciliation before dying in the war that was happening all along, whether he liked it or not. 
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shu-of-the-wind · 1 year
stories you have to read to understand my brain:
(this includes both fiction and nonfiction because people need to stop being wimpy about nonfiction tbqh)
i make no promises about the quality of each particular work or whether you will like them personally. some of them i have not reread in years. some of them i reread at least once a year. some of them are for children. some of them are definitely not. google the triggers for each and make your own judgments. this is not in any particular order either.
Sabriel by Garth Nix
The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Malcolm X
In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
Sisters in Hate: American Women on the Front Lines of White Natinoalism by Seyward Darby
The Moorchild by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Graceling by Kristin Cashore
North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell
Adnan's Story: The Search for Truth and Justice After Serial by Rabia Chaudry
Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement by Katheryn Joyce
The Twelve Kingdoms: Sea of Shadow by Ono Fuyumi
Ghost Hunt by Ono Fuyumi
Zan'e, or The Inerasable by Ono Fuyumi
Fullmetal Alchemist by Arakawa Hiromu
The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Umineko no Naku Koro Ni | うみねこのなく頃に by ryukishi07
A Thousand Lives: The Untold Story of Hope, Deception, and Survival at Jonestown by Julia Scheeres
Dopesick: Dealers, Doctors, and the Drug Company that Addicted America by Beth Macy
Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop
My Heart is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones
Ring Shout by P. Djeli Clark
Rogue One by Alexander Freed
I Couldn't Even Imagine That They Would Kill Us: An Oral History of the Attacks Against the Students of Ayotzinapa by John Gibler
Inkheart by Cornelia Funke
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
Being Lolita: A Memoir by Alisson Wood
The Fifth Sun: A New History of the Aztecs by Camilla Townsend
East by Edith Pattou
Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
The Anatomy of Fascism by Robert O. Paxton
On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg
Wildthorn by Jane Eagland
Soul Full of Coal Dust: A Fight for Breath and Justice in Appalachia by Chris Hamby
The Hunger by Alma Katsu
Fire Bringer by David Clement-Davies
Unspeakable Things: Sex, Lies, and Revolution by Laurie Penny
A Wind in the Door by Madeleine L'Engle
My Man, Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse
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unyieldingvalxr · 10 months
Imagine- double agent cheer using manuscripts from plays to send intelligence to people. She Was and She Was NOT interspersed with troop movements and things Andre whispered in bed.
Okay but Robert Townsend getting the intelligence and being like WTH is this garbage (about the play) Pretty sure it was not Quaker approved.
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knowltonsrangers · 7 months
TURN!Robert Townsend x reader
minor angst, in which Robert is wounded and the reader could not find him.
His hand finds yours, calloused palm sliding evenly against your soft skin, and though more of a subconscious tactic, it squeezes yours tightly, as if terrified to see you go. A breathless sigh fumbles from your lips, unsure of what to say, but you know he's staring expectingly down at you, waiting for your lecture or words of discountenance. Yet, you can hardly bring yourself to meet his eyes, let alone dip into a tangent of how much he just scared you.
"I wasn't planning on leaving," A chill runs the length of your spine as you settle next to him on the bed, eyes trained on the floor. "At least not yet."
Startling you slightly, he stands, his own hand tugging free from yours as he crosses the wooden floor to the window. Though candles bathe the room in a soft orange glow, the look on his face remains hidden as he leans against the window pane, arms crossed.
"If you want me to scream and yell at you, I won't," It’s here you begin, and ultimately Robert guffaws, but it has an undertone of desperation and miserableness. "I didn't think you would, just by the look you gave me when you entered," He says.
It's the first sentence he's really spoken, at least since you arrived, words exchanged first by worried once-overs and a gentle hug that he all but enveloped you into.
"I was worried-" Your tongue darts between your teeth, harshly biting down to keep the onslaught of tears at bay. If Robert had noticed your moment to gather yourself, he spoke nothing of it.
"Worried that something had happened when I could not find you, it’s unlike you to not show up for work. Or not be where you’re supposed to.”
You watch his eyebrows raise in the reflection of the window, nonetheless softened by your fretting. “At least, during the daytime,”
"Clearly, I was unqualified to show up in such a state." He uses the arm not holding himself up against the wall to gesture the length of his body. Your gaze bounces around to the many wounds that litter his pale skin, many easier to see now that he has shed his coat and remained in his trousers and white cotton blouse.
"I wouldn't have expected you to go to work like that." Your throat clears. "But I would have expected you to realize I would wonder where you were," You hesitantly shake your head, registering that what you've said was nothing but a mess of words.
However, the brunette turns, clearly piecing together what you mumbled, with ease.
"You're right," Robert muses. "Sorry. Part of me didn't want you to see me like this."
"All beaten to hell and looking like a kicked dog?" You tread dangerous waters, but are delighted to find that satisfied smirk of his brimming on a busted lip.
"Oh, y/n, how you wound me while I am already on the ground," Pushing off the wall, he makes his way back over to his bed, hand now resting on the wooden footboard.
"It's deserved, Robbie. I can say that with upmost confidence.” Sniffling, your palms splay flat against the blanket, leaning most of your weight onto the bed as you tilt back to look up at him.
“And who dressed those wounds?”
“Myself. I haven’t left my room today, in case you haven’t noticed, y/n.” The usual snark slips into his tone, a small bout of agitation in his brow, yet, his eyes remain soft and content.
“May I ask who—“ Any hope at all is instantly ripped from your chest, his reply firm and curt.
“No, you may not.”
You toss your head back and forth twice, mulling over the choice you had. You could either press onwards, or disregard the notion altogether and help him re-bandage his injuries.
“Is it because—“ It’s unable to be helped, so it seems.
“y/n, what did I just say?”
Robert sighs, joining you once more on his bed, one leg tucked beneath him so he faced you.
“It’s just in my nature to worry. I’m worried.”
“There’s nothing to be worried about. I made a mistake, and it won’t happen again.” He argues, right hand coming to the blanket, just shy of yours.
“You said that the last time.”
“That was different.” You blink. “How so?”
“You really are disregarding my wishes to not speak about this,” He stalls, and you relax, shoulders sinking in relief, not realizing how stiff you were.
“I’m not interrogating you about the how, I’m asking how it’s different than all the other times,” Robert shrugs, fingers sliding closer to yours against the blanket.
“It’s different because it was my fault. All the other times it was not.”
There it is. You smile, teeth sinking into your bottom lip to swallow the smirk that fights its way to the surface.
“You are not laughing.” When you don’t reply, turning your head away from him, he suddenly becomes exasperated.
“Are you?” Your own voice betrays you, a slight warble in your words.
“It’s not funny, I don’t understand how it being my fault is so hilarious,” He sounds tired, finally fed up with your nonsense for the evening.
“Because you’re so adamant that the other times it was not possible for it to be your fault. It’s not funny, you’re right. I’m sorry for laughing,”
“I am not saying I am always right,” He insists, fingertips brushing your knuckles.
“But usually, I am.” He adds, and your nose wrinkles, mildly indifferent to his gaze.
“Come here.” Robert slides closer to you, taking your hand in his as he does so, finding the empty spot next to your side easily.
“I’ll re-dress at least this one, I can’t stand the way you’ve done it so haphazardly.” His eyebrow raises.
“You cannot stand it? I’m the one who had to do it one-handed,”
You reach over to his beside table, grabbing the gauze he’d left there. Still at his side, you pull your hand from his hold and begin unwinding the knot he had tied.
“Such a child, stop moping.” He rolls his eyes.
There’s a welcomed silence that enters his room, his eyes trained on your fingers as they expertly peel away the now marred gauze, and wipe away any dirt or dried blood that had gathered there.
“I am sorry.” It comes quietly, nearly a whisper, and you have to move your eyes up to even see that his lips moved.
“I know you are. It’s alright.” You say, carefully wrapping his forearm, then tying the end in a small knot. “You know me, Robbie. I worry, and especially when you are doing things you shouldn’t be.”
“y/n.” You realize that your eyes are still on his arm, and you blink, eyes moving back to his, pulling away gently.
“Yes?” It’s meek, but it’s said.
“Stop worrying. I will always find my way back to you, no matter what.” His words are effortlessly sincere, and you sigh, hand settling in the crook of his uninjured arm.
“I know, I know. Can’t blame me, can you? I’ve been running around all day, looking for you, and you were in the first place I should have checked.”
“Well, that’s on you,” Robert snuffs, to which you gasp. “Rivington said—“
“I don’t care what he said, you should have known the only place I hide is here.” The candles flicker, almost loudly, enough to encourage him to try and get some rest soon.
“When you smile with a busted lip like that—“
“Enough, y/n, seriously. I’ve had it up to here with you.” He gestures above his head, but as irritated as he may sound, he only pulls closer to your side.
“Yeah, like I’ve heard that before.” You pause, before pressing onwards. “Get some rest, Robert. I’ll have to be on my way, so for the sake of my poor heart, please, just sleep.”
He nods twice before squeezing your hand, silently letting you know all was well.
“Come by tomorrow? I’m off of work as well. I’ll return Thursday,” It’s hushed, and there’s a twinkle in his eye.
“Of course. I’ll be over in the morning with something to better treat that arm.” You stand off his bed, feet dragging across the floor as he’s hot on your heels, reaching just past you to open the door.
“Can I at least walk you—“
“No. Thank you, but I’ll be just fine. Rivington will see me out.” You offer one last look before heading out the door, minding the narrow stairs.
Robert sighs, closing the door once you’re out of his sight and moving towards the window, hopeful to at least make sure you make it to the end of the street.
The candles are all extinguished, except for one, the same that sits squarely on his desk as rough hands run along parchment and folded letters.
For what it’s worth, it seems to have been an advantageous endeavor.
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Soo Je Suis back!
This time I would like to talk about Robert Townsend's cousin...James
It was the Spring of 1780, Abraham Woodhull was once again a cry baby and was like "Oh my God G.Wash I am not vibing right now. I am out bye". Obviously he left for a bit before coming back, because he was as I said a cry baby.
Now back to the eventful Spring of 1780, Robert Townsend our dear old Bob had to "explore" and understand how to use a passage through New Jersey. As we all know, Robby dearest was very cautious and decided that "why should I use Washington's contacts when I have my own amazing, very intelligent, teenage cousin James?".
James decided to take the task as courier through the Hudson, which was mostly a Loyalist area. In order not to rise questions he was given a secret identity. James' story was that he was a Tory who had to recruit British soldiers and that was going to meet his family (Tory family obvi), in a mostly Patriot side.
During this mission he went into the house of a nice family, the Dausenberry family, that were BELIEVED to be loyalists.
Being a teenager, James became extremely immersed in his little play and free booze and began to talk trash about the Americans. "O M G damn Rebels. We should really cancel them. They are like ew. And yes I do want a ninth glass of Madeira. For king and country!"
What James didn't know, was that the Dausenberries were secret Patriots and while James was carrying on with his little scene, not only they wished to punch him, but they took him as a prisoner.
The extremely drunk and boastful boi, was promptly taken to the local Patriots headquarters, where he must have been so confused. In his pocket they found a poem written by Culper Jr who wrote with the invisible ink between lines.
Obviously word reached Washington that a British spy called Townsend had been captured. And honestly I imagine Washington just face palming and cursing because who wouldn't?
At the end James was carried back home where he was probably scolded by Robert who was at the same time scolded by Washington.
One might imagine that Robert felt sorry but HAHAH No. Robert, after sending his teenaged and booze starved cousin on a random mission, was offended.
This is the entry that John Dausenberry wrote on his diary on the 23rd of March 1780
[James Townsend came to his house … last evening and appeared to be something in
liquor. The arrival, and appearance of said Townsend gave the family suspicion that he
was an unusual person, and to know the truth the family retired, leaving only the two
young women (daughters of the deponent’s uncle) who undertook to [illegible]
Townsend, pretending they were Friends to Britain &c.… [Deausenberry] heard the
young women examine Townsend, and heard Townsend tell them that he (Townsend)
was within two miles of New York City the day before yesterday, whither he went to
carry a quantity of stockings to his uncle, and brother, that he went down with an
intention to join the [British] army. But his uncle and brother advised him to return
immediately and collect as many others as possible, to go [to] the enemy, when they
came up the river, which they expected would be the latter part of the present week, or
the beginning of next.… That he (Townsend) has persuaded many a good fellow, and
sent them to join the enemy himself, and that he had very frequently in the course of
last summer been backwards and forwards to and from the enemy, had piloted several
companies to [British positions], and that he had carried in, and brought out, many
valuable articles, that he had been taken once by the Damn’d Rebels, and left him
confined and chained down flat upon his back, in the Provost three weeks … and finally
made his escape by breaking out—this and no more the Deponent heard, for his spirits
rose, he flew into the room upon Townsend, and took him prisoner.]
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macaron-n-cheese · 2 years
I recently finished writing an essay about James Rivington in the Culper Ring for the Daughters of The American Revolution essay contest! Hopefully they like my essay! I can post updates on how far it gets in the competition. I won't be publishing it since it is an official national academic contest.
Rivington is SO underrated. TURN may have entirely skipped on the past about him being a spy or his legitimate friendship with Robert Townsend but from what I've read his personality is spot on. He's so silly I love him!
I appreciate it even more that there's evidence of he and Washington having a little secret alliance. I just imagine them talking
Rivington: Haha remember that time I told everyone you died? Washington: *sob* Everyone was mailing me letters for weeks after asking if I was ok!
I wish there was even more evidence on Rivington! All of his publishings are so spread out across tons of libraries and universities that I can't read them!
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OH THE RECENT ASKS HAVE HAD ME ALSO PONDERING SO HERES THIS: (note; not necessarily pussy because some of them are queer guys or straight women)
John Andre- I completely agree, also equally mediocre at best with the gay thing, good hands tho
Ben- messy, but good I feel like he’d be better with guys then girls
Caleb: I’m not a girl but I’d imagine the beard would be uncomfortable
Abe- he’s straight and would not for Mary or Anna, he is useless
Mary- she’s straight and loyal, she and Abe are a dysfunctional relationship, I don’t think she would but I might be bias because I hate Abe that much 😭💀
Simcoe- pretty good I think idk
Anna- good at both, queen of the “and what’s next” while her partner is a mess after lmaoo, better with women
George- would do anything for Martha so prolly
Alexander- obvs good at least for dudes, how else would he pull the whole camp, prolly with women too
Peggy- “I let you do it for me, is that not good enough?” She just wouldn’t, I’m sorry, also I think she’s straight
Robert Townsend and Nathan Hale- both gay, I’m sorry but there will be no pussy for them (good at the other thing tho)
adding the blowjob element is not fair here bestie. i've been through ENOUGH writing out the previous power-rankings (also i am not nearly as qualified to discuss it as i am not in possession of a dick)
i've talked about most of these in some past posts, but lemme touch on the ones i haven't:
i overall agree with your analysis of alexander hamilton. he is a slut, and he definitely had to have something going for him that would keep the ladies flocking to him. he probably had pretty strong head game and was good with the anatomy due to his plethora of experience. however, i do think he 100% always expects more in return from his partners than he is willing to give. he's not eating pussy simply for love of the game
now ik i said anna strong is a pillow princess but like peggy shippen is like THE pillow princess. she is not even pretending to put in any work because she knows she doesn't have to. this is a shame because i love her but it does have to be said
nathan hale gets 10 seconds of screen time in this show but honestly shout out to you for including him anyway. however, because he only gets 10 seconds of screen time im afraid i dont have enough source material to give you any heavy-hitting analysis here
if you wanna see my takes on the others you can find them here and here!!
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audaciiaearchive · 2 years
“i’m not a bit drunk. brandy’s all very well, but i need two bottles to make me drunk.” ( Abe @ Townsend // cabbxges-and-kings )
The Brothers Karamazov || Accepting
"Sounds quite like something a drunk man who is trying to convince someone, or themselves, otherwise. I'm cutting you off."
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He says this as if he has any say to what Abe can drink in his own home, but he still grabs the bottle and gives him a look that says 'try me.' Robert admits that adjusting to life after the war has been...interesting, to say the least. He can do without all the excitement every second of every day, but part of him does miss the thrill, misses being able to do something for the greater good. If he's having some trouble getting used to the quiet again, well, he can imagine and see that Abe is having the same troubles.
Robert lets out a breath, frowning at Abe as he thinks of what to say. Mary and Thomas have long since gone to bed, so it's just them, and he knows he can say whatever is on his mind but Robert has never found it easy to express his concerns outright. He's less of an open book than his father. "...Are you doing alright? You seem...stressed." That's putting it lightly, he thinks, and he clears his throat. "You can be honest, Abraham. Really."
( @cabbxges-and-kings )
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tallmadgeandtea · 2 years
Turn would’ve been so much better if they had Robert and Samuel Townsend talk like Quakers
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