#Roberto de costa
minniethemoocherda · 3 months
Just A Friend To You
A/N: Thank you so much to @pkmndaisuki for agreeing to be my beta reader for this fic! I never would have spotted any of my spelling mistakes otherwise lol! Please go check out their amazing X-men art! I hope you guys enjoy the fic! I know I don't post that frequently but I am trying my best to help keep this ship afloat! Xxxxxx
From across the diner, Morph watched as Jubilee and Roberto inched ever closer to one another, neither of them quite yet taking to leap to touch.
Ah, the perils of young love, Morph thought. Although it wasn't as if the perils of love stopped once you became an adult. Something that they knew all too well as they turned their attention to the man sitting opposite them.
When Logan had learnt that the two teens were going on a date, he had demanded that he chaperone them. After many protests, Jubilee had agreed, on the condition that Morph also came along to make sure Logan didn't stab anyone, namely Roberto.
Which was how Morph came to find themselves that Saturday afternoon, watching a date, whilst on a not-date with the man they were in love with.
Most times when they and Logan were hanging out they would be roughhousing, or watching TV, or playing basketball. But here there was nothing to do but just enjoy each other's company. It was nice.
Morph wore their usual human form but with dark jeans and a pink crop top that they may or may not have borrowed from Gambit's wardrobe.
Wolverine was reluctantly wearing a buttoned shirt, because Jubilee had demanded that if he insisted on stalking them then he should at least look presentable. Morph was pretty sure that Logan had stolen his shirt too, probably from Scott, especially given that it was at least three sizes too small for him. He'd had to roll up the sleeves to hide how short they were and left the two buttons undone as it wasn't wide enough to fit across the expanse of his chest. Not that Morph was complaining about the view.
Nor were they complaining about the sweet potato fries that came with their burger.
"You should try one of these," Morph told him as they dipped one of those said sweet potato fries in ketchup.
The next second, Logan leant over the table and bit the one that Morph had been holding between their fingers. Which under different circumstances could have been romantic, but instead reminded Morph of when their old family dog would steal scraps of food from the table.
"I didn't mean that one you animal!" Morph cried, throwing a fry at his face.
But Logan bit that one too, catching it in his mouth, which then spread into a wide grin. With the ketchup dripping from his teeth onto his white shirt, he really did look like an animal.
In retaliation, Morph stole one of his onion rings which Logan protested with a "Hey!" But didn't otherwise complain.
Of course, that was when Roberto finally got the courage to make a move and draped his arm over Jubilee's shoulder.
Morph heard the familiar snikt of Logan drawing his claws from under the table.
"Calm down Wolvie." Morph said, reaching under the table to wrap their hand around his wrist. "I doubt he's gonna try to jump her in the middle of a diner. And even if he did, Jubilee can handle herself."
"She sure can." Logan said, his snarl turning into a proud smirk as he put his claws away.
Now, Logan might say that he didn't like kids, but Morph had seen how he interacted with them.
He always gave into Jubilee's demands to go shopping, or play video games with her, no matter how much he said he wouldn't. And when the teenager needed a non-judgmental shoulder to cry on, he was always there.
Morph knew Logan didn't want kids of his own, and in their line of work they couldn't really blame him. But still, they couldn't help but think it was a shame. He really would make a good father.
It was just one of the many reasons why they loved him.
Suddenly the waitress appeared next to their table and Morph realised that they were still holding Logan's wrist. They quickly retreated it back.
Thankfully, the waitress appeared not to notice, too busy trying to balance an overstuffed bowl of ice cream, sauce and sprinkles in her hand that she placed on their table.
"We didn't order that, lady," Logan told her.
"I know. The girl over there did," the waitress replied, pointing over to Jubilee where a similar looking desert was placed upon her table. When Jubilee caught them looking her way, she waved a cheeky grin and Robert just looked confused.
By the time Morph looked back, the waitress was gone and Logan was digging a scoop out of the ice cream.
"What?" Logan shrugged, shoving the spoonful into his mouth. "I ain't gonna waste free food."
Melted ice cream dripped down Wolverine's chin adding to the collection of stains on that poor shirt, and Morph took a scoop themselves to try to distract themselves from that train of thought.
They had to admit that the dessert was pretty good, not too creamy yet not too solid with a perfect balance of ice cream and toppings.
Logan must have thought so too because as he licked his spoon he let out a low rumbling moan. Morph knew that in this form, they had to have been blushing at pink as their t-shirt. Not even Logan dipping one of the left over fries in to it could lessen their blush, so they did their best to hide it by ducking behind the large bowl as they ate the remainder of the monster of a dessert.
But try as they might, Morph couldn't distract themselves from the thoughts in their head. Logan had to know how this looked right? The pair of them, sharing a dessert. Morph swore they had already seen some of the other diner patrons giving them funny looks. Maybe Logan didn't care? Or maybe he wasn't as hyper-aware about appearances as Morph was?
At least their internal breakdown didn't last for too long, thanks to Logan's never ending appetite.
Morph glanced over at Jubilee's table to see that they had finished too.
Now all that was left was to pay the bill.
"I'll get it." Logan said, grabbing some bills from his trouser pockets. "I'm the one who dragged you into comin' with me."
"Wow, a burger, some frees and a free dessert. You really know how to treat a girl." Morph teased, as if the idea of Logan ever treating them to a real date would be a complete joke.
"Fine." Logan snorted, handing the money over to the waitress. "Next time I'll persuade that Roberto kid to take Jubilee some place fancier."
Next time? Morph felt their stomach somersault.
"Well, if you insist on taking me somewhere fancier then we will have to get you a new shirt," they said, pointing to where a third button had now snapped free. They tried to hide the fact that they felt left like they were about to puke up their own gloop.
"Why? You not likin' the view?" Logan said through a smug smirk.
"I like not getting kicked of restaurants more."
"So you do like it," Logan stated, that smirk turning predatory.
Wait, was Logan actually flirting with them? No, of course not. That could not be happening. This was just their usual banter. Right? Morph must have gotten so caught up in how the pair looked that their brain must have tricked itself into believing that Logan was flirting with them. Yes, that's what must have happened.
Of course that was when Jubilee decided to interrupt.
"I thought I told you to wear something decent!" She cried, grabbing Logan's leather jacket from where it was draped over the back of his chair and throwing it over the exposed expanse of his chest.
"I wore a shirt didn't I?" Logan protested, shrugging the jacket on properly. "Besides, Morph said they liked it."
Jubilee turned her accusatory glare towards them.
"Okay first of all, I never said that. Also I was the one who told Logan that shredding his only shirt wouldn't get him out if wearing one in the future so this-" Morph waved their hands in Logan's general direction. "Is not my fault."
Jubilee stared up at the ceiling but she was unable to stay annoyed for too long as Roberto placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and when her gaze once again found his and a smile once again graced her face.
"Whatever. Me and Roberto were going to go to arcade if you two insist on stalking us."
Morph glanced towards Logan and was surprised too see him shaking his head.
"Nah, you kids go ahead. We got our own plans."
Jubilee looked between them, a suspicious smile on her face that had Morph's stomach churning. But for once she chose to keep her mouth shut simply waving them both goodbye.
"You kids have fun!" Morph called after them.
"But not too much fun." Logan grinned making Roberto's brown skin pale as the teens headed for the door.
Despite their teasing, Morph truly was happy for Jubilee. Robert was a good kid. They were good for each other. Roberto helped to keep her grounded whilst she showed him the light around them.
Morph watched as Roberto reached out his hand and Jubilee didn't hesitate to take it in her own. Morph knew that it wasn't easy for the pair of them easier. As an Afro-Brazilian and Asian-American couple, they too drew their own fair share of less than happy looks. But the two teens ignored the stares, only having eyes for each other.
"Not that I'm complaining about getting out of babysitting duty," Morph said getting up from the table. "But I wasn't aware that we had any plans."
"We're going bowlin'." Logan stated, getting up himself, when he suddenly refused to meet their eyes. "If you want. 'Cus we still haven't been since- I mean we ain't been in a while."
Morph chose to believe that Logan's uncharacteristic fluster was because he had reminded them of how they still hadn't gotten the chance to go bowling together since they'd been freed of Sinister's control, and not the fact that he'd accidently made it sound like he was asking them out on a date.
"I'd love too." Morph quickly covered up the sincerity with a joke. "As long as you promise not to act all stabby when I beat you."
Logan snorted.
"As long as you promise not to act all bratty when I win."
"No promises."
As the two of them left, Morph couldn't help but glance down at Logan's hand as it swayed between them. They hoped that one day, they would have the courage to take his hand too.
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a-roguish-gambit · 2 months
Turn of the century au thoughts: mail call
It's occurred to me that after mutants are outed to the world via a newsreel of the whole sentinel fight, and eventually the X-Men's name is cleared via a combo of teddy Roosevelt and a secondary News Reel of them fighting and taking down juggernaut, the X-Men are probably going to get a lot of mail from random places in the country and maybe even all over the world. There's definitely a lot of hate mail because people are awful and Logan, Jean, and the professor are having to make sure nothing dangerous in any of the packages or mail letters there being sent, and ororo is specifically filtering Evan's mail cause she is gonna protect her nephew from any and all assholes personally and track down anyone who sends him so much as a threat. Still it gets absolutely bonkers because at the time people still did do shitposting and trolling they just did it via the mail system. Not only were chain letters a thing but putting your mailing list out for any reason, and there were a lot of reasons to have a public mailing list, was a gamble because you could have random people sending you extremely random letters. People would send randos their stream of consciousness thoughts or pretend to be someone they aren't via mail. The owner of Sears and robucks would frequently get letters from people asking for advice about who they should marry and stuff like that for example.
The institutes address is probably out there for business reasons, and even if it's not totally public it's only a matter of time before people find it or figure it out because the institute is a public address, so yeah there would be lots of very random mail being sent to the X-Men kids malicious or otherwise.
I can see the international kids getting sent letters from people they do not know claiming to be family members trying to make some money off these kids because they assume that because these kids have fame they also have some kind of wealth which is not true at all a lot of them don't and are there because Xavier himself is wealthy and is willing to spend a lot of money on kids who aren't even his, and to them it's very very obvious and they make fun of it all the time.
Roberto got a letter in Spanish and he's laughing at it with Sam and Amara who read it out to him, where the person is claiming to be his long lost uncle from brazil and it's so obvious this person knows nothing about anything, because his whole family speaks Portuguese not Spanish, because, ya know, they are actually from Brazil. Amara notes that the Spanish is incredibly bad as well, so it was probably some random non latin American who wrote this.
Scott keeps getting letters from people telling him he's wasting his talent and what he should actually use his lazer eyes for x thing like they know how his powers work, or telling him how to fix his eyes, one guy is claiming he can cure Scott by waving magnets over his body. Jean is doubled over laughing when Scott reads that one to her. He's just like "if all it took were magnets to fix me I think all the fights with magneto would have done something by now..."
Jean keeps getting preachers telling her she needs to "renounce her satanic ways and turn to God for power," because apparently these people think her psychic abilities are devil magic. She ignores them but Scott keeps writing angry letters back to these people telling them to leave his girl alone.
Kitty keeps getting letters telling her it's improper to phase through walls, and that a young lady like her should be in an etiquette school not a school teaching her to phase through walls. she is absolutely baffled by this. The girls just come to the conclusion that "people will police women on literally anything". She gets a few offers from suffragette groups though too asking for her help, same with jean.
Ororo has been heavily filtering Evan's mail making sure he doesn't end up reading anything from a weirdo or a racist, but he has gotten interesting mail none the less. He got requests for interviews by several black publications for the perspective on being a mutant of African American descent, which has been fun. Some of the other kids are jealous, as he got a letter from W. E. B. Du Bois at one point, and Booker T Washington's widow and Lady principal of the Tuskegee institute, Margaret Washington, sent one about him potentially visiting the campus some time. But those kids are also getting good mail they are just also seeing some of the ridiculous stuff too.
Rogue seems to get two kinds of mail, one is people calling her a witch, and the other is marriage requests of all things. A lot of them claiming they can "fix her" (ew). A lot of men saw the news reels and apparently had gambit's same thought process about her dark looks. Remy is none too happy about these men, but rogue assures him she hasn't the slightest care for any of these men. They munch on the chocolates and other goodies they send her as rogue writes letters back simply saying "1. I have a lover. 2. My touch kills men. Leave me alone."
Kurt gets some of the wildest stuff: People trying to mail him exorcisms, people accusing him of turning their daughters into Satan worshippers because the girls want to meet him, letters from said daughters wanting to run away with him, people thinking he's the anti christ, with some demanding he leave the country and some asking for his orders to command them against the establishment, actual demon worshipers asking for his hand in marriage, A letter from Aleister Crowley himself, people asking if this is the true form of Germans, people asking him to curse their enemies, kids sending him letters telling him to make sure the krampus does not bother anyone this year, and so on and so on and so on. Poor boy is overwhelmed.
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thingsasbarcodes · 4 months
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X-Men '97 1x01 - To Me, My X-Men
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mikejbecker · 2 years
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Is A.I.M. associated with any Marvel character in particular or are they just... there for a convenient source of... whatever it is they do, I have gotten the impression they're usually villainous.
Oh, I love A.I.M, those wacky beekeepers.
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Advanced Ideas Mechanics (A.I.M) were introduced as Nick Fury villains, but they remind me a lot of Doctor Doom, in that they work pretty much anywhere in the Marvel Universe. They started out as Nick Fury villains, but they work as Captain America villains, they work as Iron Man villains, they work as Black Panther villains, Hulk villains, X-Men villains (sort of), you name it.
The reason why A.I.M are so flexible is that their whole schtick is that they are mad scientists who just want to do wildly unethical super-science experiments, sell high-tech weaponry to terrorists (among other criminal money-making schemes), and TAKE OVER THE WORLD! They're pretty generic - apart from the iconic beekeeper helmets and their creation of Cosmic Cubes and MODOK - and most importantly, non-ideological. This sets them apart from HYDRA, about whom Stan and Jack and their early successors were very clear were straight-up Nazis.
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This leads to perhaps my favorite thing about A.I.M: because they only care about super-science and money, at one point Roberto DaCosta (aka Sunspot of New Mutants and X-Force and U.S Avengers fame, currently stting in the Seat of Nobody of the Night Seats of the Great Ring of Arrako) used his super-powers of being a billionaire and just bought them outright. All of the sudden A.I.M goes from being super-villains to being super-heroes, because these beekeeper nerds don't give a shit which side they're on as long as they get to do super-science and their paychecks clear.
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cloakndagger2 · 1 year
America Chavez getting stripped of her nuyorican heritage, getting deaged, and becoming not the first
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Not even the second
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But the third Afro-Latine Marvel character to get lightwashed is my Roman Empire and my villain origin story
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www-tomemyx-men · 7 months
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bertoyana · 6 months
roberto da costa is never beating the terrible adaptation allegations. three times in a row, too. FREE HIM. marvel get away from him you never deserved him!!!
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evilhorse · 2 years
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New Mutants #30
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omduart-thewriter · 1 year
El tercer Reigh
Reseña de la novela El tercer Reigh, de Roberto Bolaño. En Alemania, Udo Berger es el campeón de juegos de guerra. En la costa brava, en Blanes, es un turista alemán más, juzgado con cierto recelo por la herida jamás cerrada del nazismo. El Tercer Reigh es un juego de guerra al estilo risk pero más grande y complejo. También fue el tercer imperio alemán (qué bueno que tampoco duró tanto).Como…
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florencarnada · 1 year
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20 gravações raras de Gal, todas fora das plataformas digitais, foram compiladas em uma playlist da Rádio Batuta.
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elcorreografico · 2 years
Encuentro de Agroturismo Sustentable con pequeños y medianos productores de Berisso
#Comercio #Turismo #Agroindustria | Encuentro de #AgroturismoSustentable con pequeños y medianos #productores de #Berisso
Se realizó el “Primer Encuentro de Agroturismo Sustentable”, que tuvo por destinatarios a pequeños y medianos productores locales de Berisso. Organizado po la Secretaría de Producción de la Municipalidad de Berisso en conjunto con la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Nación y la facción kichnerista del Movimiento Productivo Agroalimentario (MPA). El encuentro se desarrolló en el…
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a-roguish-gambit · 22 days
How do the minis eventually win Scott over?
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Its gonna take a while. They are going to need to earn his trust and they don’t seem very interested in earning his trust. They seem more interested in disrespecting him and sneaking candy.
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latinotiktok · 2 years
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Bienvenidos a un torneo mal hecho, poco serio, casi inentendible que incluye: una enorme cantidad de personajes de procedencia dudosa, muchisimas encuestas y una final que va a incluir 3 personajes porque SOY TAN MALO EN MATEMÁTICAS QUE NO CALCULE NADA
AH Y SORPRESA! Metí algunos personajes más creyendo que resolvería el error matemático (no lo hizo)
anyways comenzamos con la primera ronda: Iré colocando acá bajo los links de las encuestas (si me acuerdo JAJSJSJS)
EDIT: Gustavo Fring reemplaza a Namor
Yaolt es reemplazado por Aldeberan de Caballeros del Zodiaco
Primera Ronda
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Coco
Lucas Amato vs El Profesor Jirafales
Dr Flug vs El Mandalorian
Carlos vs Panchito Pistoles
Tulio Triviño vs El Chapulín Colorado
El canario de la película de Rio (2011) vs Rodolfo Rivera
Goku vs El condorito
Lobo/La muerte vs Joaquín
José Carioca vs Isidoro Cañones
Lúcio vs Bruno
Carlitox vs Juandisimo
Lalo vs Compayito
Julio vs Kronk
El papa de Mafalda vs Ravenna
Adrián Seidelman vs Colgate 360
Roberto da Costa vs Don Ramón
Don Armando vs Pacha
Homero/Gomez Addams vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Mr Trance
Black Hat vs Gabriel Reyes
Locutor/The Host vs Manolo
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Coco
Lucas Amato vs El Profesor Jirafales
Carlos vs Panchito Pistoles
Tulio Triviño vs El Chapulín Colorado
El canario de la película de Rio (2011) vs Rodolfo Rivera
Goku vs El condorito
Lobo/La muerte vs Joaquín
José Carioca vs Isidoro Cañones
Lúcio vs Bruno
Carlitox vs Juandisimo
Lalo vs Compayito
Julio vs Kronk
El papa de Mafalda vs Ravenna
Adrián Seidelman vs Colgate 360
Roberto da Costa vs Don Ramón
Don Armando vs Pacha
Homero/Gomez Addams vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Mr Trance
Black Hat vs Gabriel Reyes
Locutor/The Host vs Manolo
Gus vs Adelbarán
Doctor Simi vs Santos
Yasutora Sado/Chad vs Albertano
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tecontos · 7 months
Minha viagem a trabalho com Ménage no final da noite (Fev-2024)
By; Val
Oi me chamo Val, tenho 36 anos, sou separada, e hoje aproveitando bem mais a vida e as oportunidades.
Trabalho no ministério da saúde, e nesse mês de Fevereiro eu fui a São Paulo fazer uma palestra para secretários de saúde dos estados.
Por acaso no jantar do hotel onde estava vi uma colega antiga, medica, casada com um dos secretários. Sentamos juntos e ficamos conversando. Quando era solteira minha amiga deu umas indiretas para transarmos, mas naquela época desconversei e afastamos por necessidade do trabalho. Agora já casada, não aconteceria de novo, pensei. Eu estava sozinha e tenho minhas fantasias. Tive muitas decepções com homens e também com meu marido. Quase sempre não me satisfaz.
Acabamos de jantar, ficamos conversando nós três. Notei que Fátima conversava olhando nos meus olhos e colocava as mãos em mim. Era uma apresentação única, no outro dia pela manhã voltaria para Brasília.
Aquele clima foi me liberando e notei que seu marido é também liberal. Fátima depois de contar toda sua história com Roberto, me perguntou se eu não toparia realizar uma velha fantasia sua. Perguntei já sabendo a resposta;
- qual é esta fantasia, amiga?
- Dormir conosco na mesma cama.
Fiquei vermelha diante de Roberto, mas apenas dei um sorriso. Já era tarde resolvi subir para meu apartamento. Eles me acompanharam. Apertaram o nº 5 e eu o 8º andar. Quando o elevador parou ela pegou na minha mão, olhou nos meus olhos quase implorando, e falou:
- vamos, estou louca para te lamber.
Roberto falou; - vamos Val.
Falei que iria no meu ap escovar os dentes e depois voltaria para o seu. O incrível é que fiquei toda molhada de vontade, sentir a língua de uma mulher.
Escovei os dentes, desci, quando toquei a campainha, Fátima logo abriu e já estava só de calcinha. Fechou a porta e pegou minhas mãos, falou:
- você não se arrependerá.
Fica a vontade, falou ela. Olhei para Roberto estava encostado na cama vendo um canal na TV. Vestido apenas de cueca. Fátima aproximou de mim e soltou as alças do meu vestido e me deixando só de calcinha. Meus peitos de fora.
Falou: - Você esta muito bonita. Um tesão.
Colocou meu vestido no cabide e voltou. Me abraçou, me lascou um beijo na boca.
Falei: - nossa amiga, não estou acostumada.
Roberto olhava, enquanto ela mamava meus peitos e passou a mão na minha buceta. Me levou para a cama e pediu que deitasse de costas. Abriu minhas pernas e ajoelhou entre elas. Com sua língua quente e suave, ora me lambia ora chupava meu clitóris que estava alto. Eu fechei os olhos para sentir sua boca. Sentia seus toques de língua e dava pequenos gemidos. Me derreti toda na língua de minha amiga. Senti as mãos de Roberto tocar meus peitos. Continuei com os olhos fechados para aproveitar o máximo aqueles toques. Senti seus lábios nos meus seios.
Quando Fátima sentiu que eu estava quase no orgasmo total, saiu de entre minha pernas e deu a volta para junto do meu rosto. Abriu suas pernas e colocou sua buceta na altura do meu rosto. Queria que eu a chupasse. Enquanto isso senti o pau de Roberto massagear meu clitóris e penetrar lentamente minha buceta. Adorei. Estou acostumada com um cacete duro. Mas naquele momento eu estava ansiosa para que ele me penetrasse no fundo de minha buceta.
Para retribuir o carinho de Fátima em mim, eu peguei nas suas coxas e penetrei minha língua na sua buceta, molhada e cheirosa. Minha amiga gemia e me chamava de gostosa.
Concentrei nas estocadas de Roberto e tive o melhor orgasmo de minha vida. Ele ainda continuou no entra e sai com seu pau ainda duro até gozar dentro de mim.
Roberto saiu e deitou ao meu lado exausto. Fátima aproveitou e caiu entre minhas pernas para me chupar novamente, deixando sua xana na altura de meu rosto. Um 69. Lambeu todo molhado em que eu estava. Pressionava a vagina na minha boca até ter seu clímax.
Minha amiga, deitou ao nosso lado exausta de cansada. Me deu um beijo demorado na boca e me agradeceu pela bela transa.
Eles queriam que eu dormisse com eles. Mas achei melhor ir para meu quarto. Trocamos números de telefones para um novo encontro, com mais tempo.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Val
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lachaance · 2 months
Sueños | Enzo Vogrincic x reader !smut
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✮ ─ Enzo Vogrincic × leitora.
✮ ─ número de palavras: 1.576
✮ ─ avisos!! : sexo; sexo desprotegido; oral ; ciúmes; se pegar cm o prof; meu deus mt difícil fazer esses avisos
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- Meu deus, Enzo!- gemi alto.
Seu membro entrou em minha intimidade com força. Meus dedos foram até suas costas, arranhando mais conforme sentia meu interior ser preenchido por seu pênis. Era tão grande que me deixava sem fôlego para raciocinar.
- T/n!
- Enzo...- suspirei, mordendo seu ombro, babando um pouco.
- T/n, acorda!
Abri meus olhos e resmunguei desapontada. As costas da minha mão estavam cobertas de baba, minhas pernas estavam encharcadas e o cara com quem eu tive um dos sonhos eróticos mais explícito de toda minha vida estava parado na minha frente com sua camisa social branca e aqueles olhos...ah, eu me perdia naqueles olhos!
- T/n, você estava novamente dormindo na minha aula. É uma boa aluna, não é justo com você mesma fazer isso.- Ele disse, cruzando os braços.
Encarei-o por alguns segundos e me questionei por que tal interesse repentino. A maioria dos professores não se importavam nem se você cometesse crimes durante suas aulas (a maior prova era o professor de educação financeira, ele nem olhava para Matias Recalt, meu colega, e o grande cigarro de maconha que ele insistia em fumar durante as aulas). Arregalei os olhos quando lembrei que o professor Vogrincic ainda me encarava, esperando uma resposta plausível. Umideci os lábios e olhei no fundo de seus lindos olhos.
- Professor, eu tenho tido... dificuldades.- Ele me olhou confuso.- Quem sabe o senhor não poderia me ajudar com isso?
Ele riu, uma risada cínica. Ele entendeu minha proposta. Seus lábios se abriram, pensando no que responder, mas, apenas um suspiro saiu. Ele se abaixou, ficando na minha altura, seus braços expostos pelas mangas arregaçadas da camisa social estavam em minha frente.
- Eu tenho um horário livre às 17:30, se quiser a ajuda que posso proporcionar-lhe...- Ele sussurrou, deixando um beijo em minha bochecha.
Sorri com tal proposta e murmurei um "me espere" como resposta. Ele balançou a cabeça e saiu da sala com seus pertences. Encarei o chão, tentando entender o que iria acontecer. Peguei o celular e digitei para minha melhor amiga tudo que tinha acontecido. Olhei o horário, eram 15:47. Eu tinha duas horas para ficar impecável.
Caminhei até o banheiro, retoquei minha maquiagem, passei um perfume que estava perdido na bolsa, analisei meus ângulos e limpei minha intimidade com lenço umedecido (tudo para que essa transa fosse a melhor desde que entrei na faculdade). Uma ideia passou pela minha cabeça repentinamente e resolvi pela primeira vez na vida confiar em meus instintos. Retirei a calcinha vermelha com estampa de coração e guardei-a na bolsa. Eu usava um saiote grande o suficiente para não realmente tocar em nenhum assento, era bastante confortável. O tempo parecia não passar, na aula das 16:50, eu levantei e saí da sala impaciente. A ansiedade estava me consumindo por dentro. Sentei-me num banco próximo da sala do Sr. Vogrincic e puxei um livro da bolsa: Hilda Furacão de Roberto Drummond. Eu amava a minissérie e não pude deixar de me interessar pelo livro. Abri as páginas, entrando na história de Hilda e Mathus e me perdi nos parágrafos, até notar uma movimentação ao meu lado. Levantei a cabeça e me deparei com Juani Caruso sorrindo para mim.
- Oi T/n, bom dia.- Ele sorriu.
Juan e eu tivemos poucas interações e eu sinceramente não me sentia muito confortável em sua presença. Se pudesse escolher entre passar o dia ao lado de Matias Recalt e seu cigarrinho fedido ou uma interação com Caruso, eu com certeza ficaria fedendo a maconha por uma semana.
- Olá, Juan.- Sorri falso e voltei meus olhos ao livro.
- Hilda né...legal.- Ele chegou mais perto de mim.- Eu tava pensando se você não gostaria de ir comigo na cafeteria que tem aqui perto tomar um...
- Infelizmente, Sr. Caruso, a senhorita T/n tem um trabalho extra para mim agora.- Uma voz grossa surgiu detrás do banco.
Arregalei os olhos e fechei as pernas, sentindo minha intimidade ficar molhada com seu jeito autoritário. Juani murmurou algo e saiu andando. "Vamos..." Enzo sussurrou. Guardei o livro na bolsa e ajeitei o cabelo ansiosamente, seguindo-o até sua sala.
A sala estava escura, nós atravessamos as dezenas de carteiras sem trocar uma palavra. Ele me conduziu até uma pequena sala, cheia de livros, globos, materiais de aula clássicos. Abriu a porta para mim e fez uma reverência, como um verdadeiro cavalheiro. Sorri para ele e entrei, olhando para os lados. Fiquei tão focada em analisar os pertences presentes na salinha que me assustei quando Enzo agarrou minha cintura, colando nossos corpos. Ele estreitou os olhos e se aproximou seu rosto do meu. O beijo era necessitado, a lascívia estava presente e se estivéssemos em público, aquilo seria atentado ao pudor. Com um solavanco, ele me colocou sentada em um gaveteiro, descendo seus beijos para meu pescoço. Senti beijos de borboleta sendo depositados, seguidos de chupões que com certeza se tornariam hematomas mais tarde. Seus dedos ágeis começaram a vasculhar meu corpo, até chegar em meus seios. Sua mão amassou meu seio por cima da blusa e gemi com a sensação. Ele desceu as mangas da blusa e abaixou a gola até que meu sutiã ficasse à vista, ele desceu seus beijos para meu busto e passou a língua por meus mamilos, ainda por cima do tecido. Gemi alto com a sensação repentina de estímulo em meu botão e agarrei seus cabelos negros como a noite. Necessitada de seu toque, tirei meu sutiã rapidamente e o senti salivar com tal visão. Ele colocou dois dedos na boca, umidificando com sua saliva e levou-os até um dos mamilos, o outro foi tomado por sua boca. Ele lambia e chupava com experiência. Eu transei algumas vezes, com caras da minha idade, menos experientes e menos habilidosos que esse deus grego que está se deleitando em meus seios agora. Perdida nas sensações que ele me causava, apertei seus cabelos mais forte, fazendo-o morder meu peito. Dei um pulinho surpreso, mas, gostei da dor que aquilo causou. Ele sorriu e desceu sua mão até minhas coxas, adentrando próximo de minha intimidade já encharcada. Ele riu baixinho ao descobrir que eu estava sem calcinha.
- Você é uma putinha mesmo, não é nena?- Ele levantou a saia, deixando-me exposta.- Desfilando sem calcinha pela universidade como se ninguém fosse notar...
Ele abaixou sua cabeça, dando beijos quentes no interior de minhas coxas. Mordi os lábios e empurrei sua cabeça para o meio de minhas pernas, onde eu precisava dele. Sua língua traçou círculos, intercalando entre chupar e lamber de um jeito que eu nunca tinha experimentado. Eu já estava sensível, sentindo meu orgasmo se aproximando quando senti seu dedo longo entrando em buceta, aquele foi meu limite. Gemi alto, agarrando suas madeixas como rédeas, mostrando a ele como me tratar durante minha onda de prazer. Ele se levantou, sorrindo com a boca e o queixo encharcado de meus líquidos.
Olhando no fundo de meus olhos, ele desabotoou sua camiseta, expondo seu abdômen magro. Eu já tinha me imaginado naquela posição tantas vezes que parecia um sonho distante. Quando me dei conta, sua calça já estava no chão e ele usava apenas uma boxer vermelha. Lambi os lábios e me ajoelhei em sua frente. Levei minhas mãos até seu membro já duro e comecei a masturba-lo por cima do tecido.
- Não me tortura assim, nena...
Sorri para ele, retirando seu pênis da restrição e fazendo movimentos de vai-e-vêm algumas vezes. Suas mãos foram para meus cabelos, afundando seu pau em minha boca. Engasguei um pouco com o tamanho, mas, tentei chupa-lo da melhor forma que conseguia. O amargo do gozo se espalhando com a sensação quente e macia de seu pênis me excitou, desci meus dedos até minha intimidade e comecei a fazer círculos em meu clitóris inchado. Ele riu ao ver meu desespero e forçou-me a olhar para cima.
- Você é tão bonita assim...- seu quadril começou a investir de forma violenta, fazendo com que lágrimas brotassem de meus olhos e escorressem pelo meu rosto que já estava sujo de porra.- Queria que Juan visse como eu te faço chorar no meu pau, para que nunca mais se aproximasse de você.
Gemi com o comentário. Enzo me levantou e agarrou minhas coxas, entrando em minha buceta já lubrificada com meus líquidos. Gritei, arranhando as costas do Sr. Vogrincic e prendendo-o com minhas pernas o mais forte que eu conseguia. Senti seus lábios pararem em meu pescoço, mordendo e beijando. Seus quadris continuavam investindo contra mim violentamente rápido. O nó característico de orgasmo voltou à meu ventre, indicando que eu estava próxima de gozar.
- Enzo, eu estou quase...
- Eu também, nena...eu também!- Ele gemeu, próximo de meu ouvido.
Senti seus dedos descendo até meu clitóris, estimulando-o rapidamente, me fazendo ver estrelas enquanto meu orgasmo me atingia como um caminhão. Senti seus líquidos serem despejados dentro de mim e uma nova sensação tomou conta de meu corpo, um prazer que eu nunca tinha sentido. Meus olhos estavam fechados, aproveitando o orgasmo arrebatador que tive. Abri os olhos, vendo que Enzo me encarava com os olhos focados em mim.
- Nena, você esguichou no meu pau...- Ele sussurrou, fazendo carinho na minha bochecha.- Isso foi lindo.
Sorri e o puxei para outro beijo. As vezes, os sonhos se tornam realidade.
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ficou mt brega?? quero sinceridade hein
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