#Robin’s already auntie to his nuggets
stevesaxetogrind · 2 years
One of these days I’ll write the perfect “married for tax benefits & being able to be one another’s medical contact” stobin fic
Lavender marriage stobin hits so good.
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Believe~ 6~ B.H
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Part 5
Summary : After surviving by the Mind Flyer, Billy decides to leave Hawkins. Leave you. Max. He goes back to California, has a new look and a couple years later he's back. He's looking for you, this time he gets a surprise of his life. You're a mother of a little girl, and she calls Eddie Munson daddy.
@sidthedollface2 @tayhar811 @tanyaherondale @flvneurss @stories2504 @arsenicred @strangerthings1983fan @tlclick73
@lilostif16 @blackmagicwoman @iamaslutforcoffee @lynne0nfire
@nevermore66 @hayleybarnesx @misspygmypie @dystopianhellscape @magnificantmermaid
Both Steve and Robin watched with worry in their eyes as you had Lilly in your lap, feeding her little bits of food without a word to anyone for while.
When Steve had found out what Eddie had done, he was livid banning him to even step foot in Family Video or his home otherwise he would get his bat. Robin took notice of the way you walked into the house with Billy trailing behind you with the look on your face that only told her wasn't good. She tried to talk to you but you had shot her a look that told her not right now.
Billy took upon him that the next time he would see Eddie, he'd handle him the way he knew how to handle things. You hadn't bothered to talk to Billy after that night you slept in his arms in his car. He had drove you home watching the way you took Lilly in your arms and hold her.
" Mama's here" you mumble against her forehead as she sat in your lap looking at you with those blue eyes. You didn't know how to feel, you could just picture her with him over and over and over again.
Steve sat besides you in the kitchen with his arms folded on the table as he watched you. He watched as if he was boring a hole in your head. Your eyes locked with his and he felt a shiver go down his spine from the way you were looking at.
He was looking like he wanted to tell you something but you knew from the way he was looking at you. It told you that he was here for you whenever you needed him. Steve has been there for you through it all and most of all he took it upon himself to look after Lilly when you fall apart. He always wanted to have his own six little nuggets but you giving him the time, the chance with Lilly was all he ever wanted.
" 'm fine" you tell Steve, picking up Lilly in your arms and dropping her bowl in the sink as you headed upstairs to get her to change. You were due to go back to work and Steve was more than happy to look after Lilly. Keith had know that Lilly was yours, he saw her with you at Family Video letting you know she was the cutest thing in the world that he has seen.
" Mama's gotta work. Uncle Steve, Auntie Robin will look after you, okay?"
" Otay mama" she nodded her head pursing her lips up wanting a kiss. You leaned down kissing her, " Love you so much sweet girl."
" Wuv you Mama" she says as takes your hand as you two walk downstairs to the living room finding Steve arguing with Robin about something. They stopped noticing you stood there with Lilly holding your finger by your side.
" I gotta work, Lilly is dressed, brushed her teeth and she's already to go. Make sure to take her for a walk or play with her outside for a bit"
" You got it"
" Y/N" Robin calls out to you. Your head snaps over to her waiting for her to say something. But her lips goes in a thin line as she sighs, " Nothing."
Benny was happy that you were back to work. You had taken a couple of days off work due to throwing Lilly her birthday party to the things happening after to having some time to yourself. He understood you were a mother, you needed your time with Lilly and he loved it when Lilly came around.
You were taking orders from the customers when you heard the bell ring near the door. You wished you didn't look up to see who entered, scoffing at the sight of her as she stepped in. Her eyes roamed around until they landed on you and she hesitantly walked up to you.
" Y/N, can we talk?" Chrissy asks as she nervously looks around. You look at Benny seeing he was cooking, " I'm working."
" Please Y/N" she follows you to a table where you placed the food for the customers. You sent them a smile and Chrissy continued to follow you as you walked to another table, " Please." She begged.
You sighed and turned to face her, " Were you that desperate that you needed my boyfriends dick down your throat?" her mouth dropped open, a guilty look passes her face. But you could care less.
" I'm sorry" she mumbles as her eyes become teary. " It just happened"
" It also happened that he was my boyfriend, but enjoy the sloppy seconds Chrissy. He's all yours"
" Y/N, he loves you. He knows he made a mistake" you chuckled.
" Did he really send you down here to talk to me? Are you his lap dog or something?" she frowns.
" You don't have to be so harsh to me" she says.
" No, this is nothing dear Chrissy. You're lucky I don't drag you out of here by your pony tail and show you how I really feel" she gasped, putting as she walks out of the diner. You shook your head walking to the back to lean against the wall and take a deep breathe.
" Don't you look cute, doll" you heard the familiar voice as your head shot up looking to see Billy leaning against his car with his hands in his pockets. Benny was closing up the diner as you were leaving for today. You glance down at your uniform then up at him, " Shut it Hargrove."
He chuckled and rose his hands up.
" What are you doing here?" he waved a bag of Benny's. When did he come in? When he did order? " I got these while you were on break in the back. Benny wasn't too happy to see me."
" Did you wait for me?" He nods shyly. A beet or red flashes his cheeks. His blue eyes are the only thing you can see that are shining. You walk towards him and take the bag from his hands and look inside seeing two burgers. " They are cold" you muttered. Billy chuckles, shrugging.
" It's food. I know you didn't eat all day" You rose your eyebrow in question to how the hell he would know that?
" Steve" his head motions towards the diner " Benny too" you grumbled looking back just in time to see Benny walk out.
" Sorry kid but Mr Blue eyes over there wouldn't stop asking me" you turn to look at Billy who was rubbing the back of his neck, shyly. Since when was Billy like this?
" Good night Benny" he nodded at Billy then look at you, " Good night kid"
You were left with Billy and walked towards the side of your car as you put your purse inside, closing it and taking one burger out.
" Thank you" you mutter handing him the other bag as he took out the other burger leaning against his own car. There was a nice silence between the two of you as you two ate. Billy couldn't keep his eyes off of you though. He wanted to ask how you were holding up but he didn't want to pry.
But he cared too much to just let you be hurt in silence.
" I know you're hurting" he starts. Your eyes snap to his as you swallowed the food in your mouth. " You don't need to suffer in silence, you know?" you tiled your head as you gaze at him. He finished his burger putting the bag into the ball as he stuffs it into his pocket, he will throw it out later.
" He doesn't deserve you" This is the second time Billy has told you this. You leaned up off the car as you took a step towards him looking up at him as he looked down at you. His blue eyes holding a struggle in them as he thinks of what to do. His hand reaches out to your own, fingers brushing over your own. You glance down before looking back up at him knowing what he's doing.
He hold his palm facing up. He is holding his hand out to you and shivers feeling your fingers tracing over his palm. You'd do this every time you used to feel some sort of way. It would bring you comfort. His big hand wraps around your own and brings it up to his lips as he presses a kiss to your finger tips.
" It will be okay... I'm right here..." he whispers as he lets your hand go, it drops to your side but his words is what you find comfort in. Even though he left you, he is trying to make amends, he is trying to be there for you. This is isn't the same Billy that you used to know and it's nice that he wants to be here for you.
The door to the trailer creaked as you walked in being silent as possibly hoping he wouldn't be here. But the door to the bedroom was wide open and he sat against the wall with his eyes closed. As soon as the door cracked opened, his eyes snapped open and they fall on you.
For the fist time in awhile you are seeing him. His mop of curls are a bit longer and it looks like they aren't brushed through as they are messier than usual. He's wearing a Metallica shirt that you wore to bed and he's in black sweats.
You are frozen in your spot with your shoulder tense up as you look elsewhere but him. You take notices the dishes in the sink. You take notice of the counter next to the sink filled with cups. You notice the couch has blankets, your shoes on them and comic book on it. You notice on the table laid his notebook with many drawings on them but you take notice of your name all over it too.
You walk towards Lilly's room to take some toys she wanted as you stuffed them into your pocket not noticing the way Eddie is standing by the door. His brown doe eyes staring at you with sadness.
" Are you ever going to talk to me?" He asks with his hands on either side of the door. Your back is to him as you close your eyes hearing his voice for the first time in awhile.
" I don't know" you answer him, brushing your hair behind your ears as you look around for what you needed in her room.
" Do you still love?" you scoffed as you look at him.
" I was foolish to believe you ever loved me Eddie" you stood up wit the bag in your hands, staring coldly at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat feeling the tears running down his cheeks.
" I do you love you!" you laughed, throwing your head back feeling your own tears. " If you loved me, you wouldn't of treated me the way you treated me when she came along. I guess I wasn't good enough for you.." you felt your salty tears on your lips as you licked your bottom lip.
He shook his head, his shoulder shook as he cried.
" Baby.." he says. Your eyes snap to him, glaring.
" You don't get to call me that anymore" you spatted. You made your way to walk past him but he was blocking the door. " Move, Munson."
" Please.." he begs you. " I love you.."
" Move, Eddie" you tried to push past him once again but he wasn't budging from where he stood. " She didn't mean anything to me. Don't go.." he mumbles through his tears. His shaky hands reach up to touch you but you backed away.
" I can't do this with you, Eddie" he whimpers as he takes a step back. He is leaning against the wall as he sobs. One hand is gripping his hair while the other is balled into a fist by his side.
" Y/N, I love you. Baby.." his words cut deep into you. Those are lies.
" You don't love me Eddie. Go back to Chrissy, I'm sure she's ready to open her legs for you again"
" I don't want her! I never wanted her!"
" Yet you slipped your dick inside of her, you kissed her, you touched her in our bed. Right?" you didn't need to know his answer because you knew you were right.
" I'll come by later to get the rest of my stuff" you shakily say as you hurried out the door to your car. You threw the bag in before you close the door letting your head drop on the wheel as you cried.
You didn't know how to feel anymore with Eddie breaking your heart and with Billy trying to slither his way back into your heart. Billy was your first love and your first everything. You remember when the two of you would walk through the hallways of Hawkins High school with his arm over your shoulder as everyone whispered about you two. Steve was even envious of the attention you were getting.
Billy and Steve both got along for the sake of you as Steve was your best friend. He's been there for you since the beginning. He always told you that dating Billy was a bad idea and then he had held you that night when Billy left you.
No he didn't say I told you so, he simply held you and told you that you were more worth than you thought you were. It all changed when you met Eddie, those brown doe eyes, the dimples, the way he called you sweetheart, the way he was shy around you, the way he looked at you, the way you would simply have him wrapped around your finger and yet here you were, he broke your heart.
You felt alone in your thoughts. You wanted your daughter to have a happy life, you wanted her to be safe and what more than being safe in Steve Harrington's home and in his life.
You would watch the way he would be around her, the way they played together, the way he made her laugh and giggle, the way he would talk to her, the way he would cook he the food she liked, the way he would tell her stories and the way he would let her play with his hair but most of all you loved the way she called him Uncle Steve.
He defiantly was going to be a great father one day.
" Stevie" you called out to him. He turned around from the stove as you called out to him. Lilly was watching cartoons in the living room while Steve was making dinner.
" Y/N" he says your name, with a small smile on his face.
" Can you promise me something?" you asked. Steve turned his full attention towards you as he tilts his head in curiosity.
" Of course" he nods agreeing to whatever it was before hearing about it. Steve was always there for you so whatever his was, he would promise anyways.
" Look after Lilly if I'm not available. Promise me that she will have you always to lean on" Steve had no idea what led this on but he nodded his head.
" Say it, Harrington. I need to hear it"
" I promise Y/N" he nods again. He waited to hear if you were going to say anything else but when you turned your head to look into the living room at your daughter as she happily watched TV, he turned back to the stove. In the back of his mind, he pushed that worry little nudge as he continued to make dinner.
" I need to get something from the trailer" you said getting up from where you were sitting and heading towards your daughter. You lean down to kiss her head.
" Mama loves you"
" Wuv you Mama" Lilly says as she looks up at you with those beautiful eyes. You looked at Steve, giving him a smile as you headed out to the door with your keys in your hands. Steve had watched you go with worry in his eyes but held back what he wanted to say.
You arrived at the trailer not seeing Eddie's van in front of it as you headed inside. You knew what you were looking for you. You knew Lilly would be safe with Steve. You didn't want to feel the way you felt.
The familiar box that holds the strongest doses of what Eddie would keep as that wanted something stronger. Ketamine was something you were familiar with. You popped opened the box and stare down at it, your breath picked up at the sight. Where you going to do this?
Your shaky hands lift up the baggy in your eyesight. You put the box besides you as opened the small baggy with the little bit getting on your keys. You knew the risks of this and you needed this.
Your vision blurred with tears. You had no idea how much you were snorting when everything felt like a blur, like you didn't feel a thing and your body felt like it was lifting off the ground from the sensation.
Your body dropped to the ground with the baggy too spilling next to your head and your keys dropping besides you too. A visions of blur of mop of curls in your sight catches your attention.
Eddie walks through the doors of the trailer noticing the lights were on and he makes his way to his bedroom. His heart sinks to his stomach once he spots you on the ground. He rushes to your side seeing the box and the ketamine. He has no idea how much you snorted but his heart is racing, his eyes fill with tears as he takes you in his arms calling out your name.
Your face is pale, loss of color and Eddie races you to the bathroom in his arms. He is scared of losing you
You don't know how long you were out or what has happened but you woke up, groaning as you turn on your back looking up at the ceiling. A figure is sitting on the edge of the bed staring into nothing. You know that mop of curls as he sits there. He doesn't know that your awake.
You barely have words to speak out. His head turns as if feeling your eyes on him and when he sees you are awake, a sob erupts from him as he grabs onto you. His head is on your chest and you feel his tears soaking your shirt.
" Why.." he whispers. His hand is clutching your shirt as holds you like you were going to vanish. " Baby.." he mumbles lifting up his head. Those brown does eyes are in full blown tears.
You don't say a words he leans up towards you and presses his lips on your forehead.
" Say something" he says. Your mouth is dry and he takes the water besides his bed, opens it and helps you sit up as you drink. His hands are shaky as he holds you but he goes back to the position he was in, " Say something." He asks again.
" You" was all that you muttered out. His heart broke in two hearing that word. His head doesn't wrap around the fact that you did this because of him, " I love you."
" I don't" you whisper, Eddie shakes his head as he lets more tears run down his cheeks. " Don't do that ever again" he cups your face with both his hands. " I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."
" Eddie.."
" I fucking love you, you hear me? You aren't leaving me, you hear me? You aren't leaving Lilly. You aren't leaving Steve or Robin or Dustin or the rest of us. You aren't leaving, you hear me?"
" Yes" your own tears stream down your cheek as you let him hold you. He crawls next to you and pulls you to his side as he kisses the side of your head, " I love you." He whispers.
You don't know how long the time has passed but you hear little snores come from him. You turn to face him seeing the curls fall over his eyes. You bring up your hand to push them away, he mumbles something but returns to snoring. He looks so peaceful as he sleeps but you don't wanna get close to him. He was going to hurt you again.
" I can never hate you Eds, I don't know if I can love you though.You hurt me, I can't forgive you. But I miss you, I miss what we used to have... but maybe I wasn't meant to love you...maybe my love will never be good enough for you... maybe I was meant to love another.."
You turn back on your back to look at the ceiling with a deep sigh.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
Safety Found in Red Sleeves
Chapter 3
So, I know it’s been a long time waiting for this chapter but it’s finally done! It is 3500+ words of Thana’s overprotective friends and Jason being an overprotective dad/brother.
Before I get into the chapter, I’m going to go over a few words that might trip you up. All of the translations are courtesy of Google Translate so if I’m using a word wrong feel free to correct it.
Baba is Papa. Aleuma is Auntie. Kutlat Saghira is Little Nugget.
Thana stood in front of the class, carefully going over her note cards for her presentation.
Mlle. Bustier smiled at the class before clapping. “Okay, everyone. Let’s settle down and give Ms. Dupain-Cheng our full attention.”
Lila, ever the attention seeker, allowed crocodile tears to well up in her eyes. “Mlle. Bustier. She’s going to copy my presentation. It’s not fair.”
Thana glanced up at the other girl, her blue-grey eyes cold. “Well, Lila. If you’d paid attention, you would know that M. Dupain and Mme. Cheng are my adoptive parents. I’m not doing my presentation on Italy. I’m doing my presentation on Gotham City, New Jersey, USA.” She nodded towards Mlle. Bustier and waited for her to put the slides up on the board before turning to look at the class. “Gotham City, New Jersey, USA is called the ‘most crime-ridden city’ by the locals. The GCPD, or Gotham City Police Department, is exactly what it sounds like. The police department of Gotham City. Most locals, however, do not respect the officers of the GCPD because of the vigilantes that roam the streets. The main vigilante is Batman, he’s also the oldest, he dresses in all black with a cowl on his head that has bat ear like protrusions on the top. After him is Nightwing. Nightwing is very flexible and most Gothamites, people from Gotham, speculate that he is in fact the first Robin. He dresses in a suit of black with a blue bird across his chest. Red Robin, who is widely speculated to be the third Robin, works alongside the first two but also alongside Spoiler. He dresses in a red and black suit with a yellow robin head in the center of his chest atop a pair of crossed bandoliers. Spoiler, who most believe was both the fourth Robin and the second Batgirl, dresses in a suit that is primarily purple with black on her chest. Signal, a member of the team, dresses in a yellow and black suit with a white bat on his chest. It is believed he may be a meta, which is shorthand for metahuman which is what they call people with powers. There is also Black Bat, who most believe was the third Batgirl, who wears a mostly black suit with a yellow bat on her chest and yellow detailing on her arms and around her ribs. Black Bat’s suit covers most of her face from her nose to her chin. Most Gothamites believe that the first Batgirl is working hand in hand with the rest of the team behind the scenes after an attack by the Joker left her paralyzed from the waist down.”
The class looked on in amazement at the high quality photos that went along with each hero, but also in fear as Thana gave a thorough rundown of all the heroes and villains, called Rogues, before Thana’s face split into a smile.
“-The Sirens, a group of three antihero turned Rogues who don’t behave the same way that most of the other Rogues do. They have been seen helping Batman, when it fits them. The Sirens refers to Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. Catwoman wears a black leather catsuit, which is self explanatory in her name. Poison Ivy wears varying shades of green and plant life while Harley Quinn, who was once affiliated with the Joker, most commonly wears a light pink crop top under a pair of gold overalls. The Riddler and Scarecrow, two Rogues who are relatively harmless since they partnered up, are rather distinctive. The Riddler, who wears a green three piece suit with matching hat and a purple tie and domino mask, leaves riddles and clues. Scarecrow, who wears a grey three piece suit with a canvas sack over his head, injects or sprays people with what he calls Fear Toxin but recently he has cut back on the injections and only soaks the paper The Riddler’s riddles are written on in his fear toxin. The Penguin wears a black three piece suit with a white dress shirt and is most commonly accompanied by twin girls who are most commonly seen wearing black wigs, green dresses and Kabuki masks. The Great Rodolfo, whom most speculate is related to the Joker, wears a cream or tan suit jacket, plaid pants, a matching plaid vest and a different patterned plaid necktie. Lastly, there’s Red Hood,” Thana’s hands fisted at her sides and pressed her lips into a thin line, who has recently been spotted fighting alongside various members of Batman’s team. Most Gothamites believe him to be the second Robin returned from the dead. Red Hood wears a red helmet, a dark brown leather jacket, black pants with black boots and a black utility belt, a black shirt with a red bat on his chest, and a red long sleeved shirt under his black shirt.”
Thana wrapped her arms around Kim’s waist and let out a shuddery breath. “My brother is Red Hood and he wants me to know it’s him.”
Chloé frowned but nodded. “We’ll help you see him again. However, we need to set up people here to fight the Akumas and someone to get, at least, Adrien to purify the butterfly.”
Alix smiled and turned towards Chloé. “I have some friends in Mme. Mendelieve’s class who can assist us while we’re gone.”
Adrien nodded and smiled. “You mean Bellamy, Brielle, Marc, and Alicia?”
Alix nodded. “Alicia is very sneaky and would be pretty good at using the Mouse Miraculous. Marc is very trustworthy and may or may not already be planning a storyline involving a hero who’s based on them. They would be a good temporary Horse Miraculous user. Bellamy is the Mom friend of their friend group and kind of reminds me of the dragons from mythology who hoard things, so I was thinking about him for the Dragon Miraculous. And Brielle is awkwardly good at keeping people organized, the only person better is Vivienne, so she could probably wield the Bee Miraculous.”
Adrien grinned goofily and slung an arm around Alix’s shoulders. “Those are great suggestions and unless anyone else has anyone better I think we’ll go with them.” Adrien, as the de facto leader of the team, looked to Thana for his longtime partner’s opinion.
Thana nodded from where she was hiding amidst Kim’s red sleeves. “Bellamy was nice to me when I arrived and Alicia always shadows her friends.”
Nino glanced at Chloé before tapping his headphones. He knew she would know what he meant. Nino glanced at their friend, could see how out of it she was becoming, and locked eyes with Chloé.
Chloé, always okay with coming off as argumentative and brash, looked at her oldest friend with a smile before falling back into her usual bratty persona. “Not to say this hasn’t been fun but, this hasn’t been fun. Kim, Nino and I are going to take Fragolina back to mine. Thanks for having us and thank your dad and Jalil for not interrupting us for me Alix. Kim. Nino.”
Kim stood up slowly, making sure to not disturb Thana as he did so. He shed his red hoodie and draped it around Thana’s shoulders before pulling Nino to his feet. Nino, who took his headphones off and placed them atop Thana’s head before selecting one of his playlists and stuffing his phone into one of Kim’s pockets.
The boys guided Thana out of the room, while Chloé smiled at the two other members of their group. “Fragolina’s going through some things at the moment, because she just realized her brother isn’t as dead as she thought he was and wants her to know that he’s looking for her.”
Adrien pursed his lips before glancing at Alix. “I didn’t know she had a brother, did you?”
Alix shrugged. “She didn’t really talk to many of us when she got here.”
Thana settled against the pillows on Chloé’s bed with Kim’s hoodie looking as though it was swallowing her whole and the hood pulled up over her head and covering Nino’s headphones with the lyrics to The Neighbourhood’s “R.I.P.2 My Youth” transitioning to Fall Out Boy’s “Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea” sounding in her ears. Nino’s phone was no longer in Kim’s pocket but plugged in while Chloé was packing clothes for their trip to the States.
Nino and Kim were trading practice blows in an area far away from Chloé’s closet. Or they were before Nino began flipping away from all of Kim’s attacks.
Chloé glanced at the boys before shaking her head and turning to their resident Gothamite. Chloé let a smile cross her face before turning to the four Kwamis, who were all relaxing in a large dollhouse, and raising a brow. “What are you four doing?”
Plagg and Trixx wore matching grins while Stompp simply crossed their arms over their chest and Sass began humming a tune. “Relaxing, what does it look like we’re doing?” Plagg’s face broke out in a larger grin before he relaxed into Trixx’s side.
Chloé simply shook her head at the four Kwamis. “Why don’t you four go relax with Fragolina?”
Jason smiled as he picked up his Little Nugget and settled him on his hip. “Hey Little Nugget. Did you sleep well?”
Damian nodded before burying his face in Jason’s shoulder. “Who are they?”
Jason adjusted his hold on Damian to allow for Damian to see the two girls. “You remember Lady Shiva, don’t you?” He waited for Damian to nod before he continued. “The girl with the dark hair is Lady Shiva’s daughter, Cassandra. The blonde haired girl is Stephanie Brown. Do you remember when Bruce proclaimed that he wouldn’t have his children hanging out with the children of bad people?” Damian pursed his lips in thought, something he picked up from Jason, before nodding again. “Lady Shiva is a bad guy, as is Stephanie’s father. But, by Bruce’s standards so are Talia and Ra’s.”
Cassandra bowed, low to the floor, in Damian’s presence. Cassandra would never forget her training, and all must bow before the Heir of the Demon’s Head.
Stephanie gave a two finger salute with a smile. “Sup?”
Dick and Tim emerged from the bedroom they crashed in the night before. “Jason? Does this place have coffee?”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Am I going to have a Tamaranean princess and a half-Tamaranean tyke breaking into the apartment you’re helping pay for?”
Dick’s eyes widened before he dove for the couch, where he left his phone the night before. He let out a victorious shout when he found his phone still had battery life left. He tapped out a text to Kory before turning back to his brothers. “No.”
Jason kept watching for danger out of the corners of his eyes, even though it was noon and he was in a supermarket, he couldn’t take any chance now that he had his Little Nugget and two sisters to watch out for. He saw a familiar man with short red hair leading a man with long brown hair, a familiar red haired woman and her companion, a familiar blonde haired woman, turn down aisles further down. “Stephanie Jeanelle Brown. Put down the toaster waffles. Take Cassandra and go find the boxed waffle mix, and while you’re there grab some pancake mix and syrup. Dick, Tim, go find some fruits that will keep for more than a week.”
The four teens nodded before going off to do what was asked of them. Damian, however, pouted from beside Jason. “Why do they get to go get things while I’m stuck with you?”
“Because, Little Nugget, I’m not afraid someone will steal them and make me reconsider how I feel about murder now that it’s not just me.” Jason smiled and ruffled Damian’s hair, which had grown out since Jason had first taken him. “I just want to keep you within eyesight because there are unsavoury characters who live in Gotham and darken the streets. I know technically I’m your brother but I feel like you are my child and I will do everything in my power to protect you, like I couldn’t protect your aunt my sister.”
Damian glanced up at Jason, a look of confusion on his face. “But I thought there were only three girls in the family in the right age range.”
Jason’s face melted into a faraway look and tightly pursed lips. “She was four when I met her, this tiny little slip of a child covered in bruises with dark red hair and blue grey eyes. I was following her, like most street kids would have, when she got the drop on me and then pinned me into the shadows beside a dumpster because her father was walking towards the alley we were in. I became Robin when I was twelve and she was nine, and then CPS and GCPD dragged her from one of our nests and took her away from here. I just found out about that at the press conference.” Jason’s blue green eyes kept sweeping the aisles looking for anyone who could pose a threat to his family. He saw, instead, Selina Kyle deciding between two different laundry detergents in one aisle and Oswald Cobblepot, accompanied by Pere and Gale, deciding between two different kinds of cereal.
Damian took in the information Jason gave him, knowing that Jason would tell him anything he asked even if it was painful to think about. “Who’s her father?”
“Jervis Tetch, aka Mad Hatter.” Jason’s voice was filled with so much venom he had to take a few deep breaths to calm himself down. “He’s a very bad man and if you ever hear anything about him, you run away. The Iceberg Lounge will provide you sanctuary if you can’t make it back to the apartment.”
Damian nodded as he allowed himself to be caged in by Jason’s arms so he was between Jason and the shopping cart.
Stephanie and Cass returned triumphantly with waffle mix, pancake mix and syrup. Followed by Dick and Tim a few minutes later.
Dick turned to Jason with a wry grin. “Is there a real reason we’re shopping at this store at this time of day? Or did you just want to surround yourself with other people who love your Pixie?”
Jason glanced up and made eye contact with Ed Nygma. Jason waved with a small smile on his face before Ed grabbed John’s arm and dragged him to the six siblings.
“Big Todd.” Ed called in lieu of greeting.
John nodded with a smile.
“Are you ever going to give that up?” Jason shook his head fondly. “Ed, John. This is Damian, my Little Nugget. Little Nugget, these are your aunt’s Uncles Ed and John.”
Ed nodded. “Have you tried to get in contact with her?”
John pressed a kiss to Ed’s cheek before looking at their present company. “Now might not be the best place to converse about this topic Love.”
Ed nodded before he let John drag him away. “We must converse again.”
Jason smiled as he tucked Damian into bed, before closing the bedroom door. He slumped back into the kitchen and with an exhausted sigh he set about finishing the dishes from the day’s meals. He paused to think about what Ed had said in the store. Would she even want to hear from him? Would she be receptive to talking to him or getting in contact with him?
Tim walked into the kitchen, intending to get a glass of water then go back to bed, when he stumbled upon Jason lost in thought. “Jason?” Tim stood next to Jason and gently pried a plate out of Jason’s hand. “Jason? Can you hear me?”
Jason shook himself out of his stupor and turned to the smaller boy. “Replacement? What are you doing up at this hour?”
Tim shrugged nonchalantly. “I was going to get a glass of water.”
Jason rolled his eyes and grabbed a glass out for Tim. “Sure.” Jason leaned against the counter and watched as Tim filled the glass with water.
Tim smiled at his older brother. “Were you thinking about what Nygma said?”
Jason ruffled Tim’s hair with a half smile on his face. “She was my only family for many years.” Jason turned back to the sink still full of dishes with a chuckle. “Go back to bed Replacement.”
Tim nodded. “Yeah, okay. I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow.”
Jason finished the dishes before dragging his still damp hands through his hair. He let out a tired sigh before turning around, to find discarded clothing covering his couch. He picked up a laundry basket and tossed all of the clothing into the basket. He glanced around the living room and nodded, satisfied with how clean it was. “We’ll have to clean up the apartment tomorrow, as long as Wayne doesn’t call us in.” Jason muttered as he put the laundry basket down on the counter and walked into his bedroom and curled around Damian.
Jason, with Damian settled on his left hip, stared at Bruce Wayne who was standing at the door to the apartment building. He raised a single eyebrow as he turned to have his right side facing Bruce. “Can I help you Mr. Wayne?”
“We need to talk.”
Jason snorted. “Then you can do it while walking. We’re meeting someone soon and we’re walking.”
Tim, Steph and Cass brushed past the trio. “Bye Jace! We’re gonna go hang with Kon, Cassie and Bart for a few hours!”
“Text when you get there and when you’re leaving! If we’re not home before you call to let me know you made it home safe!”
“Bye Jason!” Steph called while Cass waved.
Jason turned back to Bruce and raised his eyebrows. “Walk and talk Wayne.” Jason hitched Damian further up on his hip and started to push past Bruce, when Dick beat him to it.
“Call me if you need something or if one of the others needs something. I’ve gotta go home to Kor’i and Mar’i.”
“See you later Dickiebird.”
“See you Jaybird, see you Chick.”
Damian simply waved at Dick and rested his head on Jason’s shoulder. “Bye-bye.”
Jason watched Dick walk away with a smile on his face. He turned to Bruce and frowned.
“Baba. Go.”
“In a minute Kutlat Saghira.” Jason pressed a kiss to Damian’s cheek. “Do you want to walk and talk or-”
“What did he just call you?” Bruce cut Jason off. “What did you just call him?”
“I called him Little Nugget, and last time I checked I didn’t have to tell you anything.” Jason shook his head and pushed past Bruce. “Are you ready to meet some friends Little Nugget?”
Damian nodded and smiled.
Jason pushed open the door to the Iceberg Lounge and smiled as the chilled air cooled the sweat on the back of his neck. “This is where we’re meeting some friends of your Aleuma.”
Damian smiled and patted Jason’s chest, his nonverbal way of saying he wants down.
“Don’t run off, stick close. Not everyone in here is friends with your Aleuma.”
Damian nodded before the two men from the supermarket approached them.
“Jason.” the man with brown hair smiled as he extended his hand to Jason.
“Mr. Crane. Have you been keeping your nose out of trouble?”
John laughed and nodded. “Of course, Ed keeps me in line.”
Ed laughed and shook his head. “Someone has to.”
The red haired woman and her blonde haired companion strolled into the area with matching smiles on their faces.
“Sundew.” The red haired woman called.
“Little bird.” Her blonde companion chirped.
Jason waved. “Damian, the red haired lady is Doctor Pamela Isley and her lovely companion is Doctor Harleen Quinzel. Pam, Harley, this is Damian al Ghul-Wayne. However, he’s more my son than Wayne’s at this point.”
Pam and Harley waved at Damian before offering him smiles.
“Oswald!” Jason called to a portly man across the lounge.
The man, followed by two women dressed in green long sleeved dresses and Kabuki masks, walked over to Jason with a smile on his face. “Todd. It’s good to see you.”
“You too old man.” Jason bowed to the two women. “Pere. Gale.”
The women bowed back.
“Damian, this is Oswald Cobblepot, your Aleuma liked him for some reason and he gave us shelter on more than a few nights.”
Oswald Cobblepot held out a hand to Damian with a smile on his face. “Hello there Damian.”
“Hello.” Damian smiled and stood taller. “Baba. I’m taller.”
Jason snorted. “I see that Little Nugget.” Jason glanced over his shoulder when he heard the door move.
“Hey, Ozzy? You heard from-” Jerome stopped talking before his face split in a smile. “Hoodie! You’re back!”
“Hey Rome.” Jason waved. “Come meet Damian.”
Damian tilted his head in a confused puppy manner before the red haired man appeared from behind Jason. “Is he?”
Jerome extended a hand to Damian with a more mild grin on his face. “Hi. I’m Jerome Valeska, although most of these people know me better as The Great Rodolfo. You must be Damian Todd.”
Damian preened for a moment before coming back to the moment. “Technically, Baba says my name’s still Damian al Ghul-Wayne but I like Damian Todd.”
@southamericangothamite @maribat-is-lifeblood @mystery-5-5 @our-preciousss @mochegato @chocolatecatstheron @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen @2confused-2doanything @wannajointhecrabcult @dreamykitty25 @tomanyfandomsonmymind @moonlightstar64 @justafanwarrior @mialuvscats @pheony1882 @pepelachanel @moongoddesskiana @abrx2002 @ladybug-182 @greatcatblaze @thatonecroc @vixen-uchiha @superbwhispersconnoisseur @lilkymilky
After this, there will be a short titled “Pixie?!” featuring Jason fresh from the grave and the appearance of Talia al Ghul using his panicked state against him.
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ashsblurbs · 4 years
Mi amora II
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Steve closed his eyes trying to take a quick nap before toddler Tony woke up. Tony was a handful as an adult as a child he was different. Tony was only conformable around Steve and weirdly Natasha. If anyone else got close to him, Tony would begin to cry and run away to the many hidden areas in the tower. It would take him a while to bring Tony out of hiding and it was only Steve that could.
“Steeb, I’m hungry.” Steve opened them back up to look over at Tony with rumple hair and still holding the iron man doll he gave him to relax so he would sleep. That was one thing he realized that didn’t change about Tony of any age. So, much for the nap. Steve didn’t move hoping if he laid still enough Tony wouldn’t see him. The thought made him laugh. Tony ran over to him and jumped onto his chest knocking the wind out of him. “Steeeebbb! It’s time to get up!” The toddler leaned in closely into his face, so they were touching noses. Steve smiled at how adorable he was. Steve lifted him and tickled him making Tony cry out to make him stop. “Do you want a PB and J sandwich or dino nuggets?” Tony squealed with excitement.
“Dino nuggets! Mr. Jarvis never let me have them. He says they aren’t real food.” Steve chuckled sitting him down on top of the counter so he could watch Steve cook them. Tony watched intently always focused on everything going on around him. Steve knew he would be smart, but he didn’t quite realize how smart a four-year-old Tony would be.
“Hey, Steve.” Steve and Tony turned around to see Bucky in the doorway holding up a laptop. Tony began to scream, grabbing at Steve to “protect” him. Steve glared at Bucky and he gave him a sympathetic look.
“Sorry, I will come back. It’s news about Tony and the spell.” Steve nodded while he held Tony tightly trying to calm him down.
“I will find you in two hours okay.” Bucky nodded and left. “Shhh, Tony, it’s okay uncle Bucky is gone. He would never hurt you, okay buddy. I trust him and aunty Nat trusts him too.” Tony looked up at him with big tears rolling down his chubby cheeks.
“No, he’s mean.” Tony pouted. Steve looked at him curiously.
“Why would you think Bucky was mean?” Steve asked.
“He hurt mamma and daddy.” Steve was taken back at Tony’s remark. How did little Tony know that Bucky was the one that killed his parents? This meant that small Tony had all of Tony’s memories or at least a variation. Steve hugged him one more time and pulled the iron man doll towards him.
“Do you want to hear a story about ironman while you eat your nuggets?” Tony nodded already perking up again. Steve placed the nuggets down in front and Tony went to town on him.
“It was Halloween night, and we ran out of candy. All of the kids were really disappointed, so Ironman blasted off in the sky. Only a matter of seconds it was raining lollipops and jolly ranchers. The kids scream out of happiness filling their trick or treat bags full. As much as they could carry. Ironman was a real hero that day. He saved Halloween.” Tony giggled at the story.
“Steeb, could we go trick or treating? I want to be Ironman.” Steve held back the tear that would surely slip away. He ruffled the boy’s hair. If only he knew he was Ironman. The saver of worlds. Earth’s first line of defense. If only this small Tony knew that his life was amazing, and he would grow up to be more than Howards’ son.
“Yeah, buddy. You can be Ironman.” Steve looked up to see Nat walk in. She gave him the nod that he needed to go talk with the group. “Hey, auntie Nat is going to watch you for a little bit okay. I have to go to work.” Tony pouted but nodded. Steve knew that once Nat turned her back Tony would be looking for him so, needed to get this meeting done fast.
“What do you mean he’s going to have to grow up in the next couple of days? Guys, I just want my husband back to normal.” Steve huffed placing his hands on his hips. The group had figured out that Tony was cursed by some Asgardian witch in the middle of the night. Supposedly she was looking for Thor but accidentally hit Tony. Which made no sense since Thor and Tony looked completely different even in the dark. Thor had tracked her down she said the only way to reverse the curse was to ride the curse out. It would last for seven days. On the sixth day, Tony should hit eighteen resulting in him waking up as his present-day self on the seventh day. Steve rubbed at his forehead not knowing if he could raise his husband, especially in his teen years. Tony told him stories and shared the photos. Tony was a hand full at sixteen. Drinking, partying, hooking up with any stranger that would bat an eyelash at him. Steve wished he could call Rhodey in as reinforcements since he knew this era of Tony the best but at last, he couldn’t. Rhodey was pretty tied up with being the president.
“Okay, then we need all hands on deck then. What age will he be tomorrow?” The grouped looked at each other not sure if they could really help Steve.
“Well, he will be seven but Steve this on you. Baby Tony flips out when any of us gets near him. Do you really think that will change as he gets older?” Bruce asked.
“Well, I’m no child psychologist but children tend to become less shy and more friendly as they get older. This is also Tony. He will differently become more vibrant as he gets older. He’s just scared right now because you guys are strangers to him. Tony likes me because I’m Captain America. He doesn’t even know I’m Steve.” The group nodded understanding what Steve was saying. Steve turned to leave when he found little Tony poke his head around the door frame.
“Tony, do you want to meet your family.” Tony shrank back not so sure but he saw Steve talking to them so they must be good. Right? Steve stuck a hand out and guided the young boy farther into the lab so he could meet the people that will make him feel like he had a family again outside of Jarvis. “Tony, you met Bucky. Then this is Sam, Bruce, Clint, and Happy. There are so many more that aren’t here like Rhodey and Pepper and a young boy named Peter.” Tony hid behind Steve’s leg feeling shy but then Happy came over and knelt down to his height.
“Hi, Tony. Do you know you will grow up to be a pretty awesome person?” Tony moved around to look at Happy with big bright eyes.
“I will?” Happy smiled.
“Yeah, you will, and you will be my best friend. We eat cheeseburgers together all the time.”
“No way!” The rest of the group introduced themselves. Tony lit up and become more relaxed around them. He wanted to show everyone his Ironman doll that Steve gave him. Shoving it into everyone’s face saying he was going to be Ironman.
The night fell on the group as they watched a movie like a family. Tony begged to watch Robin Hood, the Disney version. Steve found it fascinating to learn things about Tony like his favorite childhood movie. Tony didn’t share a lot of details that were from before 2008. He didn’t like bringing up his childhood at all. Steve just enjoyed learning these little things. Tony had curled up into Steve’s lap fast asleep. He was so small and gentle. Steve wanted his husband back, but he was going to miss having a small child around the house. He wondered if after all of this is over and Tony was back as Tony; they could sit down and discuss the future. Steve wouldn’t mind having a little monster of their own running around. Tony yawn outstretching his arm hitting Steve in the face.
“Hey, watch it bud. Why don’t we get you to bed?”
“Nottt tired,” Tony grumbled even though it was clear that he was.
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 1) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Word Count: 3.0K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Y/N Kyle, daughter of Selina Kyle, really enjoys spending time with Jason Todd, both as Civilian and Alter-egos.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterizations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos
Masterlist | Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 2
Y/N always loved how Jason acted around her. When he was Jason, he was sweet, kind, warm. When Jason was Jason around her, he always found excuses to talk to her, he always found excuses to look at her, he always found excuses to be near her, and he always smiled a little, and would look down at the ground when he saw Y/N had caught him staring at her without reason. When Jason was Robin, he was certainly cockier. He would flirt with her at every opportunity. He would give her a sly wink and a grin wildly. He would walk with more of a sway, showing off whenever he could, always wanting to find an excuse to impress her. He was always trying to catch her attention and made sure she knew he was always a call away if she needed him. The only thing was Jason had no clue that Y/N knew he was Robin – Y/N figured it out herself. He wasn’t as sly as he thought he was.
Right now, Y/N was with Robin.
“So, Kitty Cat,” Robin began, trying to follow Y/N as she walked with perfect balance across a metal beam in an empty construction site. Robin also had good balance, but nowhere near Y/N’s. Y/N decided it was her turn to show off, walking on her hands for a while and then doing a front flip, turning to face Robin with a sly smirk on her lips, “maybe I can take ya out some time?” he offered, putting his Bo Staff on his shoulders and carelessly resting his arms on it by his wrists.
“Okay, first of all, Tweety-Bird, it’s Lynx, like the wild-cat. Second of all, I think it’s best to limit whatever this is,” Y/N gestured between the two of them, “as strictly alter-egos.”
“Come on,” Robin grinned at her, taking a step forward, “It’d be fun.”
“Look, I have no doubt we’d get along, Tweety-Bird,” Y/N sighed, “you’re fun, sweet even, but you and I both know the deal. Lynx and Robin is not a civilian team up.”
“Kitty Cat…” Robin pleaded, “just tell me a little something about your civilian you, please?”
Y/N smiled and stepped forward. She couldn’t tell him anything about her, for safety, in case he figured out he knew her as a civilian, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t have some fun. Pursing her lips and sticking her chest out, Y/N leaned close to Robin’s ear and got so close that he could smell her perfume. She chuckled a little as she whispered.
“No chance!” She purred before pulling back and grabbing her claw from her belt and aiming for the next building, shooting it and swinging away. When Y/N reached the building she grabbed a hold of the ledge and pulled herself onto the roof with grace, turning to where Robin was and giving him a the cheeky wave before disappearing – the sun would be rising soon and she had to get home.
It was fun to mess with Jason both as Y/N and as Lynx, although her mother warned her not to, just in case he did eventually catch on eventually. There was always a risk when you had an alter-ego, vigilante or criminal, that those you cared about could get injured if they were to figure out who you were under the mask. Keep people out and keep them safe, regardless of your own feelings – it was easier that way. There was enough argument between the two of them with Y/N wanting to be a vigilante, especially considering her mother’s past, so Y/N decided it was easier to agree with her mother about this and continue to be Lynx than argue with her about it all. Anyway, Y/N did trust her mother’s judgement in a lot of things, after all, her mother had experience with being an alter-ego, albeit a criminal one under the name of Cat Woman, and so while the motives were different, the rules were somewhat similar to keeping the identity hidden. Y/N loved her mother and admired her and she trusted her mother – she didn’t know many people in Gotham who could survive a life of crime this long.
The lights were all off when Y/N climbed through the window of the flat into the living room. Maybe Selina was out with Y/N’s aunts; they weren’t really her aunts, Selina, as far as Y/N knew, had no family, her aunts were what Y/N called her mother’s friends and co-workers (for lack of a better term), Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. To Y/N they were always Auntie Harley and Auntie Ivy. One of the rules Y/N had as Lynx was to never go after The Gotham City Sirens. Another was that if her mother and aunts ever got in trouble with the law (whether that be arrested or cornered by Batman or something along those lines) Y/N would rescue them. It’s part of the reason her aunts were more than encouraging with Y/N being Lynx, while her mother took a little bit longer to come around.
Y/N knew why Selina was against Y/N being a vigilante, being Lynx. Her father. Selina never really spoke about Y/N’s father because of how painful it was for her, but that doesn’t mean Y/N knew nothing about her father. From what Selina had told her, Y/N had managed to learn a little bit about the man. She was fifteen when she learnt about why her mother was sceptical to allow her only child to become a vigilante in Gotham City of all places.
“Why can’t I do this?” Y/N yelled at her mother in the middle of the argument, “YOU MUST BE THE ONLY PARENT IN THE WORLD WHOSE UPSET THAT THEIR CHILD IS NOT A CRIMINAL!”
“I don’t care that it isn’t crime, Y/N,” Selina snapped, “and I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
“Fine, you want to know,” Selina said, pausing for a moment afterwards as though she was thinking. She pressed her lips together in a thin line and nodded, “Years ago, I just learned I was pregnant with you and I told your father, and so we went out to dinner to celebrate, but the place we went to belonged to Penguin…” she hesitated for a second, “his rivals had planned an attack that night – your father was killed in the crossfire.” Y/N’s heart plummeted. “Gotham is dangerous when you’re a civilian like your father, but if you become a vigilante… it’s ten times more dangerous. I don’t want you to get hurt, baby.”
“Mum,” Y/N looked at her mother, “if it’s dangerous to be in Gotham either way, I’d rather go out trying to make a difference. You have to let me do this, Mum, please.”
Selina sighed and looked at her daughter, as though memorising her, or reminiscing about something. She eventually nodded reluctantly before hugging Y/N and kissing the top of her head.
“You really are like him at times, like your father,” Selina whispered, “such a sense of justice in you.”
Her mother’s words rang in her head as Y/N closed the living room window behind her and closed the curtains, pulling her mask off afterwards. A light turned on behind her and Y/N turned around to see Selina sitting in an armchair in her dressing gown, arms folded.
“Hey, mum…”
“You’re late home,” Selina said, tilting her head to the side.
“I know, I’m sorry,” Y/N nodded, “Jason come along and we got talking…”
“Oh, that boy,” Selina rolled her eyes.
“Mum, Jason’s not a bad guy,” Y/N whined as she pulled her night vision goggles from the top of her head and gently placed them on the table, “he’s really nice.”
“I know, baby,” Selina sighed and stood up, rubbing her temple, “but he’s eventually going to put two and two together, especially if you aren’t going to keep him at arm’s length.”
“We’re lab partners at University, it’s not like I can avoid him.”
“What about as Lynx and Robin?”
“I never tell him anything about myself as Lynx,” Y/N assured her mother, “I need to shower,” Y/N hugged her mother before walking by to the bathroom, but she stopped in the doorway and turned back to Selina. “Mum?” Selina turned to face her daughter, “Jason has zero clue who I am beneath the mask - I promise you that I’m being careful.”
“I know,” Selina smiled and nodded, “I’m your mother though, Y/N/N, it’s my job to worry, especially because of your father… you remind me of him in ways, and that scares me a little.”
“I promise you, Mum, I won’t end up like Dad,” Y/N said before disappearing into the bathroom. She didn’t see Selina sigh and shake her head, brushing her hair back from her face and pressing her lips together.
“Problem is,” Selina whispered to herself, “you already are.”
“Hey, wait up!” Called a voice.
Y/N spun around to see Jason running to catch up to her, waving to catch her attention as he ran. She stopped to allow him to reach her, grinning when Jason had finally caught up to her.
“What’s up, Jace?”
“Nothing much,” Jason smiled at her as he gazed into her eyes, “I wanted to talk to you about class, our lab project?”
“Sure, what about it?”
“Just asking if you wanted to come by tonight to work a little extra on it?” Jason scratched the back of his head, “I mean, this is 50% of our grade, and well, Bruce isn’t home tonight so, aside from Alfred, the whole mansion is ours, and anyway, Alfred is cool, you’ll like him. He’s got good humour.”
“Sounds good,” Y/N nodded, “I’ll text my mum and tell her I won’t be home till later.”
“Alfred’s a good cook too,” Jason added, “and you’re more than welcome to stay for dinner.”
“Thanks, Jason,” Y/N said, “I’m going to get a coffee, wanna come?”
“Sure,” Jason nodded, “I could go for a coffee.”
“So what did you do last night?” Y/N asked Jason as they walked. She was always interested to see what he came up with to avoid saying that he was Robin.
“Nothing much,” Jason shrugged, “what about you?”
“Erm…” Y/N frowned in thought, coming up with a lie, “me and Mum had a movie night – pizza and chick flicks, a nice girly night.”
“You like chick flicks?” Jason scoffed, cocking his eyebrow at the thought.
“What’s wrong with chick flicks?”
“Nothing,” Jason said, “I like a good rom-com every now and then too, I just can’t imagine Miss Y/N Kyle; The Leather Jacket Wearing, Spiked Boot Owning, Queen of Gotham, being into ‘To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’.”
“Hey!” Y/N pointed at Jason, “first of all, ‘To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before’ is a modern classic. Second of all, I will watch anything with Noah Centineo in. Third of all, don’t make assumptions about people, Jace. When you assume you make an ass of you and me!”
With every point Y/N made, she lifted a finger, and when she said ‘you and me’, she made sure to poke Jason square in the chest with a teasing smile as she did, causing Jason to smile back. When she finished, Jason bit back a large grin and nodded.
“Okay,” he said, “you’ve proved me wrong, Miss Kyle, I stand fully corrected.”
“Good,” Y/N teased, sticking her chin out, “tell you what, buy me a coffee and I’ll forgive you!”
“Alright,” Jason nodded as they reached the café. He held the door open for Y/N, smiling at her as she went past. “How’d you like your coffee?”
“Just black,” Y/N said. “Pure Caffeine is what I need! I’m so tired.”
“Haven’t you been sleeping well?” Jason asked, giving Y/N a sideways glance, as though curious to know the answer. Y/N gulped a little and scratched the back of her head – she couldn’t tell him the truth, which she was up late at night because she was dressed in a leather suit fighting crime.
“Life of an insomniac,” Y/N chuckled awkwardly.
“Tell me about it,” Jason laughed, “can’t remember the last time I had a proper night sleep.”
Jason and Y/N decided to take over the kitchen in Wayne Manor, having all their books and notebooks spread over the counter and papers scattered over the floor. Y/N was biting on a pencil while Jason was munching on a packet of crisps. Alfred had come in every now and then to see the sight had gotten more out of control, sigh and shake his head, then leave again.
“Let’s take a break,” Y/N groaned, closing her book. She started rubbing her temples to relieve the pressure building in her brain.
“Agreed,” Jason said taking the spot next to her. “Look, I had another reason I wanted to ask you round.”
“Oh, Jason,” Y/N teased, “are you about to confess your undying love for me?” She dramatically placed her hand on her chest and gasped like an actress from a 1920s film. Jason laughed and pushed her playfully.
“You wish!” He teased back, “There’s an internship open at Wayne Enterprises,” Jason explained, “and I know you want to build up your CV before we leave University, and an internship at Wayne Enterprises would look really good to future employers,” Jason continued, “so… I recommended you, and Bruce accepted.” Y/N blinked, “it’s nothing much, I mean, it’s mainly getting Bruce coffee and writing down dates and taking phone call messages, but it’s still something.”
“No,” Y/N shook her head, trying to stand up, but Jason grabbed her hand, “Jason, I don’t take hand-outs.”
“It’s not a hand-out, it’s not charity,” Jason assured her, “it’s a recommendation from someone who knows you and knows how hard you work. Bruce wouldn’t have agreed if he thought I wasn’t being serious.”
“Jason…” Y/N sighed.
“Just give it chance,” Jason asked, “you never know – it might be worth it.”
Y/N sighed and looked at Jason. He stared at her with large pleading eyes – it was like she had just beaten a baby seal with a golf club, and it made her feel awful; perhaps if she didn’t have such a horrible headache Y/N would be up for arguing more, but at the end of the day, her head hurt so bad she wanted to be sick, she was so tired, and, actually, she was grateful Jason had done this for her and had thought Y/N was capable to work at Wayne Enterprises.
“Okay,” she nodded, “thank you, Jason.”
“You’re welcome,” Jason smiled, dropping his hand from her wrist.
When Y/N had got home, Selina was still up and getting ready for going out with Harley and Ivy, grabbing her bullwhip and smiling at her daughter as she closed the door behind her.
“Hi, baby,” Selina said, “how’s the project going?”
“Good,” Y/N nodded, dropping her bag and sitting down, “it’s exhausting though.”
“As is the life of a university student,” her mother chuckled.
“Erm…” Y/N hesitated but smiled, leaning forward, both excited and nervous to tell her mother of what Jason had lined up. Excited because of the grand scale of the opportunity, but nervous because saying it aloud made it real. “I’ve… I’ve got an internship.”
“Oh, Y/N, that’s amazing,” Selina hugged her daughter tightly before pulling back and sitting on the coffee table opposite, “where?”
“Wayne Enterprises!” Y/N beamed. “I’ll be working sort of as an assistant for Bruce Wayne himself!” Selina’s face fell, taking Y/N by surprise. She thought her mother would be thrilled. How many people can say their child had acquired an internship at Wayne Enterprises? They were like gold dust.
“Why?” Y/N asked confused, “it’s an incredible opportunity, and will look amazing on a CV.”
“Just no,” Selina shook her head furiously and stood up, pacing up and down the living room. “You… you can’t, no!” Selina ordered. Y/N stood up and faced her mother. Selina seemed so concerned, biting down on her lip, rubbing her wrists with her hands and shaking her head while saying ‘no’ firmly on repeat. Y/N was a little worried about Selina, she had never seen her mother like this.
“Mum, what is it?” She asked. Selina stopped and looked at Y/N before sitting down and gesturing for Y/N to do the same.
“Look, I’m telling you this in the utmost confidence that it will go no further than the two of us – not even Ivy and Harley know this,” Selina said, her voice going serious, “got it?”
“Yes,” Y/N nodded, a little frightened.
“Bruce…” Selina sighed, speaking his name like one did of an old friend, “Bruce is Batman.”
Y/N blinked and looked at her mother, waiting for her to burst out laughing and say it was all a joke, but that never happened. Selina just looked at her daughter with the face of utter seriousness.
“Okay…” Y/N mumbled, “and you’re worried because… you’re a thief?”
“I’m worried cause I have a vigilante for a daughter,” Selina said, “I’m not worried about myself. If Bruce finds out that you’re… Lynx…” Selina trailed off, not finishing the sentence.
Y/N leaned forward and held her mother’s face. Y/N saw the fear in her mother’s eyes. It didn’t hit Y/N how frightened her mother was of something happening to her daughter until she saw the fear of it in her eyes at that moment. Bruce wouldn’t kill vigilantes, it didn’t take an idiot to figure that out, but what could happen was Y/N worked with Bruce and got fatally injured in the process – that was Selina’s fear and a valid one too.
“I’ll be careful,” she assured her, not saying what she was really thinking. If Bruce Wayne was Batman, and she was working with him through her internship, then she had an opportunity far greater than she originally realised, far greater than even Jason had realised. Y/N had an opportunity to see how to improve herself as a vigilante. “I promise! Give it a chance, Mum, if it doesn’t work then I’ll tell Bruce Wayne where he can shove his internship.”
Selina looked hesitant but nodded regardless.
“Alright, fine,” Selina sighed, “I’ll give it a chance.”
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 5) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Word Count: 3K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Y/N reveals to Jason not one, but two, secrets about herself.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterizations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36
Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 4 | Masterlist | Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 6
Y/N decided it was time she told Jason she was behind Lynx. After nearly four months of dating, the hiding of the truth mixed with the constant fear of slipping up was starting to get to her. Tonight was the night she was telling him. She planned to approach Jason as Lynx when he was Robin and tell him the complete and utter truth, that Y/N Kyle was Lynx and that she knew Jason Todd was Robin. If she wanted this relationship to move forward and be healthy, then she had to tell him the truth.
It was as though her heart was in her throat as she walked up to Jason dressed as Robin and herself as Lynx. Y/N took a deep breath.
“Robin?” She called, her voice waving. Jason turned around and beamed at her, but when he saw her concerned face his own fell. Jason walked up to her and put his hands on her shoulder.
“What’d up with you, Kitty Cat?” He asked.
“Erm, look,” Y/N sighed, “there’s something we need to talk about.”
“What? You breaking up with me?” He teased.
“Gee,” Robin sighed, “What’s wrong?”
There was so much in her head, so much to say and think but none of it was coming out. What could she say to Jason at this moment? Was she just to blurt it out? Oh God, she hadn’t thought it through enough but it was too late to back out of it. All she could think to do was show him. Y/N sighed and bowed her head and slowly removed her mask, her hair hiding her face. The only thing Y/N could hear was the sharp inhale of Jason’s breath as he realized what she was doing. She lifted her head and brushed her hair back, revealing her face to Jason. Jason stared at her, taking her all in as she stepped into the light and let him see all of her. He smiled a little as he looked at Y/N.
“This is me,” she said, looking at Jason, “and I know who you are beneath the mask.”
“You do?” Jason blinked.
“If you wanna hide your identity, Jason, you need to do more than cover your cheekbones,” Y/N teased. Jason started laughing a little as he took his mask off too. “Nice to meet you properly, Tweety Bird.”
“Likewise, Kitty Cat,” Jason smiled. “Can I tell you a secret?” He said leaning in close to her ear and brushing her hair behind her ear.
He quickly pressed a kiss to Y/N’s cheek and whispered “I knew you were Lynx,” before pulling back and smiling at her with a playfulness on his lips.
“You did?” Y/N laughed, “What gave me away?”
“I know those eyes,” Jason said softly as he stroked Y/N’s cheek, gazing into her eyes, “I know them anywhere.” He leaned down and kissed Y/N gently, “why tell me now?” he whispered against her lips.
“It felt right,” she confessed, “was it?”
“Yes,” Jason nodded, “you know you could tell me at any time.”
“I know,” she nodded, “likewise for you.”
“I know,” Jason said, “I was going to tell you tomorrow on our date.”
“So, erm,” Jason said a few days later as they hung out on the campus during lunch. They were sitting on a wall, Y/N resting her feet on Jason’s lap and Jason placing a hand on her ankle as he spoke, looking at her awkwardly, and saying “I’ve been wanting to ask this since we told each other our secret identities, but why did you really help The Sirens?”
“I knew I’d have to say this eventually,” Y/N sighed as she pulled her feet back and crossed her legs, “please don’t judge me for this, you have to understand that when I love someone, I’ll go to the end of the earth to help them and keep them safe.”
“And you can’t tell anyone this, I mean it.” The seriousness in Y/N’s voice caused Jason to frown in confusion, what could the reason be that would make Y/N be so strict about who could know about this? He nodded anyway, knowing that if it was a serious secret for Y/N then he’d keep it for her.
“I think you’ve already assumed about my aunts – that they are really Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy,” Y/N said. Jason nodded slowly as though worried he’d get in trouble, but Y/N just smiled. She couldn’t blame him for figuring out the fact that the women he met were, in fact, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, “but Catwoman… that’s my mum.”
“Seriously?” Jason’s jaw dropped and he moved closer, “your mum is the most infamous jewel thief in all of Gotham?”
“It’s not what she goes around saying,” Y/N said, “but yes, that’s my mum.”
“So, your whole life was being raised by Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy?”
“Man,” Jason let out a low impressed whistle, “no wonder you’re so badass, you were raised by the toughest chicks in Gotham, perhaps the world.”
Y/N started laughing, “I’m sure they’ll be flattered to hear that.” She smiled and looked down for a minute, “since you know… would you like to meet my aunts properly now? And my mum?”
“Really?” Jason smiled, “you want me to meet your family?”
“Yeah, you’re important to me.”
Jason was a brave young man, there was no denying that, but standing outside the house of Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy, knowing they, and Catwoman, was inside was perhaps the only time that Y/N had ever seen him shake with fear. He looked at Y/N with large, fearful eyes. She took his hand and kissed the back of it.
“You’ll be fine, they don’t bite,” Y/N said.
“Yeah, no need to panic,” Jason rambled, “just three of the most dangerous criminals are waiting inside a house to see if I am worthy enough to date the girl they’ve raised. No worries.”
“They won’t do anything to you,” Y/N said as she walked herself and Jason to the door, “they know I like you too much, so as long as we don’t break up you’re safe.”
“What will they do if we break up?” Jason said stopping in his tracks and staring at her.
“Well…” Y/N hesitated, “my high school boyfriend, Ed, is missing three fingers on his right hand…”
“Fuck, what am I doing?” Jason whined as they reached the door. “You really are lucky I love you because there aren’t many people I’d face the Gotham City Sirens for.”
Y/N stopped Jason from knocking on the door and turned to face him, a wide-eyed expression gracing her face. Her mouth was hanging open. He had never said ‘I love you’ before, and Y/N hadn’t expected it, especially anytime soon. Guys that she had dated in the past had always fled the moment her aunties and mother appeared – the three women were intimidating enough to scare guys off.
“You love me?” She asked softly.
“Well, yeah,” Jason said as if it were obvious. “Of course I do, Kitty Cat. I mean, I’m about to meet your jewel thief mother and criminal mastermind aunts.”
“I love you too,” Y/N smiled as she leaned in and kissed him, “ready?”
“Fuck no,” Jason said, “let’s go in anyway.”
Y/N smiled at him and then knocked on the door. Selina Kyle opened the door and smiled at her daughter then gave Jason a cool nod – she wasn’t exactly pleased with Y/N telling Jason that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were her aunts, but at least Selina didn’t know that Jason knew she was Catwoman. There were some things Y/N and Jason agreed not to tell her mother they knew. Imagine the carnage!
“Come in,” Selina stepped aside.
When they walked in, Y/N let Jason go in front of her and leaned in close to her mother, whispering quietly as she did.
“Be nice, Mama. He’s nervous enough already.”
“Hey,” Selina scoffed, “the worst you’ll have to worry about from me is breaking in and robbing the guy – and I am not about to break into Wayne Manor. Harley and Ivy are the ones to worry about, you know, the pair that have pet hyenas and a room full of poisonous plants.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and stepped away from her mother, standing next to Jason, who stared around in awe at the exquisitely decorated house.
“Nice, huh?” Said a calm voice. Jason looked at the top of the stairs to see Poison Ivy standing there in a long green dress, staring at him, smiling faintly at Jason’s reaction to her and Harley’s house.
“Y-Y-ye-yeah,” Jason nodded, blinking frantically.
“So,” she said as she walked down the stairs, her hair bouncing as she did, “Y/N and Selina tell me that you know me and my partner aren’t waitresses.”
“And you’re not frightened?” Ivy lifted her eyebrows, almost amused.
“You had a hand in raising Y/N,” Jason shrugged, “she’s turned out a wonderful, good-hearted person. Why should I be scared?”
Ivy smiled, clearly flattered with the answer – she looked Jason up and down and then gestured for the three of them to follow her into the sitting room. There were two matching sofas and a small coffee table where a tray with a teapot and cups were.
“Harley is out getting the food, so she shouldn’t be that long, but please sit,” Ivy said.
Y/N and Selina smiled and sat but before Jason could Bud and Lou appeared, making him jump.
“Oh my god!” He yelped, backing up, “Hyenas?!”
Bud and Lou, as they were Harley’s pets, were like their owner, meaning they were messing with Jason for fun, crouching low and snarling as they slowly approached. Jason, who wasn’t told that there were Hyenas on the premises, was obviously terrified.
“Oh, right,” Y/N sighed as she stood up and moved in front of Jason. At this point, Bud and Lou were at their feet and circling Jason and Y/N. Y/N waited until Bud and Lou were both in front of her and began to scold the animals, “No!” She snapped loudly, “Go sit down over there,” she said pointing to the sofa Ivy was on. The two hyenas made an irritated whining noise that their fun was interrupted before going to sit at Ivy’s feet. Ivy and Selina both held back a chuckle as Y/N tutted and sat down, patting the spot next to her for Jason to sit down, which he did, completely bewildered.
“They are Harleen’s pets,” Ivy explained as she scratched Lou behind the ear. “Utterly harmless really, like giant cats, but, like cats, they do enjoy messing with people.”
“Y/N has practically helped Harley raise them,” Selina added on, “so they respond to her commands just like they do Harley’s.”
“Really?” Jason blinked. “Hyenas…”
“What animal do you imagine Harley Quinn keeping as a pet?” Ivy chuckled as she began pouring tea into cups. “She’s not exactly a Budgie type, is she?”
“Good point,” Jason laughed nervously as he took the cup from Ivy and sipped it slowly. “Maybe a crocodile?” He added in an attempt to make a joke. It went down well as all the women, including Y/N, started chuckling at the joke.
“Don’t recommend it to her,” Selina said seriously, “she has impulse control problems as it is.”
“Aren’t you going to defend her?” Y/N asked Ivy, “It’s your spouse.”
“Selina’s right,” Ivy held her hands up in surrender, “you can’t argue with it.”
“She gave Y/N ninja stars for her ninth birthday.”
“Ninja stars?!” Jason stared at Y/N with a dropped jaw. Y/N nodded and smiled as she thought about the present from Harley Quinn.
“They were awesome,” Y/N sighed. “I’m still pissed you confiscated them.” She said to her mother.
“You were nine!” Selina pointed out.
“You wanna talk about what you were doing at nine?” Y/N lifted her eyebrows, subtly implying about her mother’s past on the streets and robbing people. This earned Y/N a dark look from her mother.
“Only a conversation the Kyle Woman could have,” Ivy sighed and shook her head, looking at Jason with a smile.
“HEYA!” Called Harley as she walked in the house. The group all arose and went to meet Harley at the door, “Babes,” Harley squealed as hugged Y/N, then pulling back and engulfing Jason in her arms, “and you! You little Casanova!” Harley pulled back and pinched Jason’s cheeks as she cooed, “Thank Gawd you know who I and Ivy really are now,” She sighed as she walked by and handed the bags to Ivy. “Neither of us really have the temperament for customer service. I’d knock the annoying bastards out.”
“And they don’t call me Poison Ivy for nothing,” Ivy muttered as they carried the bags into the kitchen, calling over her shoulder as she did, “Go sit back down, we’ll bring it out in a second!”
The rest of the afternoon went wonderfully. Harley had bought fancy English Biscuits that they placed on fancy little plates and placed them on the coffee table. It was a simple but elegant affair, and the women made sure to make Jason feel comfortable. Bud and Lou were lounging on the floor, snoring as they dozed off.
“So, you live with Bruce Wayne?” Ivy looked to Jason, “that must be interesting.”
“It’s… definitely something,” Jason nodded, “you know he hadn’t used the dining room for years until I moved in?”
“Seriously?” Selina lifted her eyebrows as she looked at Jason, “A whole dining room? Talk about Richie Rich.”
“Alright there, Little Miss French Champagne and Belgium Chocolates,” Harley scoffed.
“At least I use what I’ve got,” Selina pointed out.
“And you, sprout,” Ivy smiled, “working with Bruce Wayne as well, oh, we’re so proud of you.”
“You’ll have to excuse Ivy and Harley,” Selina apologised to Jason, “Y/N is like their own in a way.”
“You think having one protective mum is bad,” Y/N chuckled and playfully rolled her eyes, “try having three.”
“And you wouldn’t have it any other way,” Harley grinned as she lifted her cup to her blood-red lips and winking at Y/N.
“Damn right!”
The women all laughed and Selina leaned over and kissed the top of her daughters head, stroking her Y/H/C hair as she pulled away. Selina looked at Jason, seeing how he looked at her daughter with such soft eyes, such love, and she smiled at the young man. She could clearly see how Y/N fell for Jason Todd and she could see how happy they were together.
“Thank you, Jason,” Selina spoke up, “for recommended Y/N for the position.”
“I did it because Y/N deserved it,” Jason said, “out of all the people I know, no one deserves that spot more than Y/N.”
“Thank you,” Y/N said leaning over and kissing his cheek.
“Anywho,” Harley drawled, “what’d you do, Casanova?”
“Oh, me?” Jason said, “I, erm, I don’t really have anything planned, I’m mainly focusing on… university at the moment.”
“Well, considering Billionaire Bruce Wayne is paying for it, that’s a smart idea,” Ivy nodded with approval. “What about after university?”
“I haven’t really thought about it,” Jason said, “I’m more of a 'live in the moment’ type.” He paused, “but if I had to say? All I want really is a nice girl, a steady pay, a happy life.” He glanced at Y/N as he spoke, causing her to smile and take his hand in her own.
The Gotham City Sirens all looked at each other and nodded in approval at what he said. Yes, Jason Todd was a perfect fit for Y/N Kyle, they had decided it. The relationship had their blessing and there was no higher honour than that.
“That went well,” Y/N nodded as she and Jason walked through the park, hand in hand, after their afternoon with the three women who raised Y/N. “They really like you.”
It was a quiet afternoon, bordering on evening. The sun was setting and a warm orange glow fell over the part, causing the park to have a cosy, warm summer glow that made them feel warm and fuzzy inside. Jason smiled and looked at Y/N as they strolled.
“Thank god,” Jason chuckled, “because I think Harley would have fed me to her hyenas if they didn’t.”
“They wouldn’t have killed you,” Y/N repeated, “you might have needed a prosthetic limb or something, but that’s it.”
“You do not know how happy I am that we got their approval,” Jason said as he wrapped his arm around her, “because it would have broken my heart if they said no.”
“I would have still found a way to date you,” Y/N assured him as they sat down. There wasn’t much that could keep her away from Jason Todd. She liked him too much at this point to imagine not dating Jason – she could’ve talked her mother and aunts into approving of Jason, but luckily she didn’t have to. Jason won them over himself with his charming personality and delightful conversation.
“Ms Kyle?” said a voice. Y/N and Jason turned to see Jim Gordon standing there. “How good to see you, and you too Jason.”
“Commissioner,” they nodded.
“Please, Jim is fine,” he waved it off and stood in front of them, “what brings you to the park?”
“Oh, we’re just enjoying the rest of the afternoon,” Y/N explained, “Jason has just met my family.”
“Aw, that’s nice,” Jim smiled.
“What about you?”
“I’m on my way to the florist to get my wife some flowers.”
“What’s the reason?”
“No reason,” Jim said, “I just want to get her some flowers.”
“That’s sweet,” Jason nodded as he pulled Y/N close to him.
“Well, you two love birds enjoy the rest of your afternoon,” Jim bid them goodbye before walking away. The couple watched him leave.
“You know,” Jason sighed, “when you and I get married, I’m going to get you flowers like that.”
“We’re going to get married, are we?” Y/N smiled.
“Well,” Jason chuckled, “I’ve got your mother and aunts’ approval, that’s half the battle, isn’t it?”
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 3) - Jason Todd
Tumblr media
Gif: Oliverbruce3 on Tenor
Word Count: 5.2K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Lynx and Robin argue about why Lynx helped The Gotham City Sirens Escape. Jason meets Y/N’s mother, Selina Kyle, and her aunties.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterizations.
A/N: A special thank you to @marveling-avengers for the recommendation of ‘How Can We Be Lovers’ by Michael Bolton for the karaoke song for Jason Todd.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36 
Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 2 | Masterlist | Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 4
“Right,” Robin huffed, “we need to talk!”
Y/N stood up from the ledge she was sitting on and turned to face Jason. They were standing in an abandoned construction building, no one but them around, and both of them were pissed. Robin about Lynx letting the Sirens escape and Y/N that Robin wanted to talk about this. She didn’t want to be scolded by Jason as Robin for helping Catwoman and the others, it was a complicated matter and she knew that he wouldn’t understand.
“What about?” Y/N said bluntly.
“You know what,” Robin pressed his lips into a thin line and poked Y/N in the chest. She rose her eyebrows and looked at his hand which just poked her. Before he could even pull his hand away from her, Y/N grabbed a hold of it and flipped Robin over, causing him to land flat and hard on the ground with a groan.
“Leave it alone, Robin,” Y/N warned him, going to leave. “This is a tree you shouldn’t bark up.”
“Why? Just tell me why?” He said. Y/N, who was at the ledge and ready to shoot her claw, stopped and sighed with her back still to Robin. What could she tell him?
“It’s complicated,” she said, refusing to turn around, “you wouldn’t understand.”
“Lynx…” Robin sighed. Y/N cracked and turned around. Robin was getting up from his knees onto his feet, brushing the dust and dirt from him and twisting from side to side to loosen his sore back. He stared at her, desperate for answers.
“Robin, please, don’t make me explain this,” Y/N pled, “its personal.”
“Lynx, we’re both in a dangerous life,” Robin walked up to her and gently pushed her hand which held her claw down so she was more inclined to stay and then took her other hand in his hand, “but it’s made even more dangerous when we make deals with people like Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. What did they offer you to help them?”
“It’s not an alliance, it’s not a deal,” Y/N assured him, “they offered nothing and didn’t know I was going to be there and helping them. I helped them by my own choice, Robin.”
“But why?” Robin asked, trying to meet Y/N’s eye, but Y/N kept avoiding his gaze, unable to take the disappointment in his eyes. Y/N had broken the unspoken code and helped the enemy. Yes, Y/N had a good reason, but it was a reason no one else could know. Selina had many enemies, and if anyone, absolutely anyone, figured out Y/N, AKA Lynx, was her daughter, then that was adding even more danger into an already dangerous lifestyle.
“I’m not doing this, Robin,” Y/N sighed, “I made this choice for reasons of my own, and you don’t need to know them. You’re not going to know them, because it’s my fucking life. Got it? If you don’t like that then that’s your problem, not mine.”
“I just want to know if you’re still on our side,” Robin asked, “are you still on our side?”
“Of course I am,” Y/N huffed, “but, Robin, the world isn’t so black and white as to be solely good or bad, you of all people know that. Don’t think I don’t know about the cops you’ve beaten up – that one in Detroit? I know he’s in extensive physical therapy after what you did to him. Two types of cops, right? Useless or dirty?” Y/N leaned in close to his face, “don’t judge me for helping the Sirens, you’ve got no leg to stand on here. You’re just as morally grey as me.” Y/N pulled back and sighed, throwing a glance over her shoulder at the skyline, “see you about, Robin, if you can stand talking to a traitor like me.”
“Lynx, that’s not what I meant,” Robin called out as Y/N leapt from the structure and shot her claw to the adjacent building, pulling herself onto its roof and disappearing without looking back.
“Lynx, come on, talk,” Robin said following her after tracking her down.
Y/N was getting tired of this. She didn’t want to talk about what happened at the vaults and she sure as hell didn’t want to have Robin criticize her for something he didn’t understand and she couldn’t explain. Hell no, she had better things to do with her time.
“I’m done talking, Robin,” Y/N said as she strutted on, “you don’t understand.”
“So you’ve said, but why won’t you explain it?”
“Because it’s personal,” she snapped spinning around to face him, “look, Robin, you’re a good guy, but you don’t know my outside of Lynx, so stop acting like you do – I appreciate where this is coming from, I do, but me sharing who I am away from Lynx could be putting you, myself and those I care about in danger, so back off!” Y/N stormed off, but Robin remained hot on her tail.
“We’re going to talk about this,” Robin insisted, “please, Kitty Cat, talk to me.”
“Robin,” Y/N sighed and turned to Robin, “I don’t know what to tell you…”
“Lynx, I care about you,” Robin explained, “you mean a lot to me, and I don’t want something bad to happen to you. I’m sorry for pushing – you don’t wanna talk about this, and I should respect and trust you.”
“I know you care about me,” Y/N nodded, folding her arms. “I’m sorry,” she said, “for being aggressive about all this, and bringing in those cops, and for generally being a bitch.”
“Hey, I was bothering you,” Robin chuckled a little, “you were allowed to be a bitch.”
“Normally you’re supposed to say ‘you weren’t being a bitch’,” Y/N teased.
“I’m an honest guy, Kitty Cat,” Robin grinned, causing Y/N to laugh along with him.
Jason was practically vibrating with nerves when he knocked on the door of Y/N’s home. It was in a nice building, Y/N was right about her mother working hard because just looking around him in the hallway Jason realized that this must have high rent. Good for Selina, he thought, being able to achieve all this. The door opened and a woman was standing there. She was tall and slender with wild curly hair. There was a wildness to her eyes, a glimmer in them which served as a warning to people not to mess with her – she was a fighter, don’t forget it. The nonchalant, aloof look on her face made Jason nervous – this woman looked so effortlessly cool. The woman narrowed her eyes onto Jason and looked him up and down with a composed curiosity.
“Can I help you?” The woman asked in a voice which was cool and soothing to the ear.
“Erm…” Jason blinked in shock at the woman, “I’m looking for Y/N Kyle, this is the right address right?” Jason asked, looking around for any trace that this was the right address, wondering if he had misread it. Y/N had texted him her address when they were paired up for their project, but they had always met at the library, a café or at Wayne Manor, there was no need for him to ever appear at her home, but Jason badly wanted to talk to Y/N.
“Yes, this is it,” The woman nodded and stepped aside, letting Jason in, closing the door behind them, still closely watching Jason as she moved around. There was a large glass of wine on the table with a box of gourmet chocolates next to them. Clearly, the woman had been relaxing before Jason had appeared as there was a fluffy blanket and a movie on the screen – some old movie that Jason didn’t know.
“Where is she?” Jason asked, turning to the woman.
“In the shower at the moment,” the woman said, “take a seat, she’ll be a minute. Would you like a drink?” She asked.
“I’m good, thanks,” Jason coughed.
“Okay,” the woman shrugged before flopping back onto the sofa with a sigh, grabbing a chocolate and popping it into her mouth, “Charbonnel et Walker Pink Marc De Champagne Chocolate Truffles,” she told Jason, “ab-so-lute-ly to die for.”
“I’m sorry,” Jason said, “who are you?”
“Oh,” The woman blinked, realizing that she hadn’t introduced herself, “I’m sorry, how rude of me! I’m Selina Kyle,” She offered her perfectly manicured hand out to be shaken, “Y/N’s mother, and you are?”
“Jason,” he said, taking her hand, “Jason Todd – the lab partner.”
“Oh yes,” Selina pulled her hand back and lifted a finger in thought, “the lab partner! Y/N has told me about you.”
“All good I hope,” Jason chuckled awkwardly under Selina’s scrutiny. It was clear to Jason that Selina was sizing him up, seeing if he was appropriate for her daughter, and it was uncomfortable because when Jason looked around at the incredibly expensive surroundings Selina had, Jason felt out of place with his old yellow hoodie which dirty and in good need of a wash. There was no way in hell that anyone would look at Y/N Kyle, the daughter of a successful, intelligent and beautiful single mother, and think that Jason Todd, a Wayne charity-case with impulse control issues, and think they belonged together and Jason wouldn’t blame Selina for thinking the same thing.
“Yes, yes,” Selina chuckled lowly at Jason shifting under her gaze, “you’re a very nice young man, from what I’ve heard,” she assured him “It’s nice to finally be able to put a face to the name.”
“Likewise, Mrs Kyle,” Jason nodded.
“Miss,” Selina corrected, “I never married.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“No need to apologise,” Selina said, “common mistake that many make – it made for a lot of tense parent-teacher conferences when Y/N was a child.” Selina then paused, “you’re living with Bruce Wayne, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, he’s… supporting me, I guess,” Jason scratched the back of his head, “helping me get an education and a better life.”
“Good,” Selina nodded, “you’re a smart young man from what I have been told.”
Before they could continue Y/N walked into the room in her pyjamas, drying her hair with a towel. She wasn’t looking at the scene before her but at the ground as she moved the towel around her head.
“Hey, Mum,” Y/N said, “have you seen my purple bra?”
“Y/N, baby,” Selina coughed, “you have a visitor,” she gestured to Jason.
Y/N looked up and met Jason’s gaze, lowering the towel as she did. She was stunned silent.
“Hey…” he lifted a hand awkwardly.
“I shall leave you two alone,” Selina gracefully got to her feet, grabbed her chocolates and wine, and glided from the room, “behave,” she called over her shoulder as she left. They waited until they heard her bedroom door close.
“What brings you by?” Y/N asked as she sat down, tucking her legs underneath herself.
“I wanted to talk…” Jason coughed, “erm… look… we’ve both admitted we like each other, right?”
“Well… I was thinking that, maybe, if you wanted to, we could go out… like on a date.” Jason was not a nervous person, but Y/N made him nervous. She was beyond incredible, so smart and talented and beautiful and strong, he could go on and on and on about all that he loved about Y/N Kyle.
“I’d love to,” Y/N said with a grin breaking out on her face. Jason sighed in relief, he hadn’t realised how scared he truly was of the idea of Y/N laughing in his face at the very thought of dating him. “Saturday?” She suggested.
“I’ll come by at 7?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“I don’t approve of this,” Selina sighed to Harley and Ivy as Y/N was in her room getting ready for her date with Jason Todd.
“Why not?” Harley drawled as she shrugged and leaned against the counter, “The fella makes her happy and it’s not like she’s gonna go up and tell him ‘hey my ma’s a jewel thief’ on the first date.”
“I don’t think this is anything to do with you,” Ivy told Selina, “Y/N is practically an adult now and is fully capable of making her own choices – I don’t know why you’re against her and this Jason Todd boy going out together.”
“Because… I don’t think this can end well,” Selina sighed.
“You won’t know unless you let her try,” Harley said in a sing-song voice, “The last time I saw her this excited it was because I gave her them knock-out darts.”
“I still can’t believe you gave my thirteen-year-old daughter knock-out darts,” Selina critiqued as she poured them their wines out. It was their girl’s night. Selina had gotten them all together for the night as Y/N was going out on her date and Selina needed distracting from the fact her little girl was practically a woman now. There was a fancy cheese platter Selina had prepared and many bottles of wine to work through. Ivy and Harley gave sympathetic looks to Selina, who was nursing her glass close to her, as they knew how protective she was over her daughter. It wasn’t an easy task to raise a daughter all on your own, especially in Gotham City of all places, but Selina did a good job, the couple couldn’t fault Selina’s parenting if they tried; Y/N was an intelligent, strong, charming young woman. That didn’t mean letting Y/N go as she grew up was an easy task – could any parent really let their baby go easy?
“She was asking for them!” Harley defended herself.
“So where is this Jason lad taking her?” Ivy asked.
“I don’t know,” Selina muttered, “want’s to surprise Y/N with it all.”
“That’s sweet!”
“How do I know he hasn’t booked them a hotel room? How do I know it won’t be a seedy bar in the bad part of town? How do I know they’ll both be safe?”
“Okay,” Ivy sighed, “first, they’re not randy teenagers sneaking around after prom, so the hotel is out. Second, it’s Gotham, all parts of town are bad. Third, you’ve taught Y/N everything about fighting for herself, she could take out three men twice her size at once when she was seventeen.”
“Y/N is still my baby.”
“She always will be, Selina,” Ivy said, “This boy doesn’t change that.”
Y/N walked out into the kitchen and smiled at her mother and aunties. Giving a twirl, she showed them her outfit for the night; black skinny jeans and a deep purple loose-fitting knitted jumper. She didn’t want to overdress because she knew Jason and she knew that there was no way he would take her to a fancy restaurant – it wasn’t the scene for either of them, and she hoped that he knew that – but the jumper she was wearing was still quite fancy, made from 100% Merino Wool and needed to be delicately hand washed. Y/N only wore that specific jumper on special occasions.
“How’d I look?” Y/N asked nervously. Selina stared at her daughter, lowering her wine glass and smiling softly; Y/N looked grown up with a dark lipstick staining her lips and her designer sweater and expensive boots, and Selina was taken aback by the maturity her daughter had suddenly gained before her.
“Beautiful,” Selina said softly, “Jason will be a fool not to fall in love with you.”
“Thanks, mum,” Y/N beamed as she grabbed a cracker from the cheese board and bit into it.
“So…” Ivy grinned and leaned towards Y/N, “when's your man coming to get you?”
“Okay, Jason isn’t ‘my man’,” Y/N chuckled, “and he’s picking me up any minute now.”
“Do we get to meet this young man?” Harley asked with a small playful smile on her lips as she grabbed her wine glass, “Make sure he’ll treat our little Y/N right?”
“No chance,” Y/N said, “I like this guy and my criminal aunties and mum are not going to scare this one-off, like Peter, my prom date.”
“Peter was all wrong for you,” Ivy defended, “It was better we found out then than later.”
“Jason’s a good guy and I know he’ll treat me well, better than well, he’ll treat me amazingly,” Y/N assured her aunties and her mother.
There was a knock on the door and Y/N ran to get it. She opened it to be greeted by Jason, smiling and shoving his hands in his pockets. Jason was wearing a black leather jacket with white and red patches, which he tugged on a little as Y/N looked at him, making sure he looked presentable. They locked eyes and grinned wildly with joy at the mere sight of the other.
“Hey,” Jason said.
“Hi, shall we go?” Y/N said, grabbing her jacket from the hook.
“What?” Jason teased, “Don’t I get to assure your mother I’ll be a perfect gentleman?”
“My aunts are round, so mum is busy.”
“Gee,” Jason said, watching Y/N’s panicked expression and feeling a little hurt, “don’t you want me to meet your family?”
“Jason,” Y/N paused in her movements, “my mum is protective as hell and so are my aunts – trust me, you don’t want to meet them the eve of our first date. I think my mum has a lie detector somewhere and Auntie Ivy probably has truth serum in her bag.”
“God, exaggerate much?” Jason chuckled, “They can’t be that bad.”
“Why hello there,” drawled a voice. Y/N turned around to see Harley standing there with a large grin painted on her lips, “you must be the fella taking my niece out, come on in, I and my partner would love to meet you properly before you sweep our Y/N away for the night.”
“Thank you, mam’,” Jason said walking in and closing the door. The pair followed Harley into the kitchen where Jason stopped and stared at Harley and Ivy closely before turning to Y/N, “Are your aunts Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy?” Jason asked her in a dead serious voice. Of course Ivy and Harley couldn’t dress more toned down.
“NO!” Y/N said quickly, “no,” she repeated quieter, thinking fast, “they work at that diner down the road – you know the one? Where the waitresses dress like heroes and villains?”
“Oh yeah,” Jason nodded, “They do a good burger there!”
Harley and Ivy looked at each other with raised eyebrows before looking at Y/N, who stood behind Jason and gave them a silent pleading stare. Please don’t ruin this for me, she silently said, please for the love of God don’t do this. The couple sighed and nodded, but that didn’t mean Harley couldn’t have her fun.
“Yeah, we work at that diner,” Harley said, a wicked grin on her face, “say sugar,” Harley turned to Jason and poked his chest playfully. Jason looked like a deer in headlights as Harley stalked around him, sizing him up, looking at him like she would eat him all up any second. He obviously thought Y/N was exaggerating when she said they were protective of her, but now he saw she was right. The way the woman circling him was walking, all angles, and glaring at him with harsh eyes told Jason that the women, including Y/N, could all rip him to shreds in minutes separately, and he didn’t even dare to think about what all four of them could do to him. “You should bring Y/N/N in there sometime, it'd be nice. Tell you what, I'll give you the times I'm working so I can say hi. Wouldn't that be nice?” Harley popped her hip and rested her hand on it, looking around. Ivy bit back a small smile.
“Oh god…” Y/N mumbled, pressing her fingers against her temple.
“What?” Harley blinked.
“Let the lovebirds leave, darling,” Ivy placed her hand on Harley’s shoulder, “we don’t want to take up any more of their time – you can embarrass Y/N later on.”
“I was just having a little fun, Hun,” Harley pouted as she sat down. Selina, holding her wine glass, rolled her eyes and sighed.
“I’ll have your daughter back at a reasonable time, Ms Kyle,” Jason promised.
“You better, doll,” Harley poked Jason again as Y/N pushed Jason towards the door, turning to her mother and aunties as she did.
“Thanks guys, you really set the mood for the night,” she huffed at them.
“It’s what we do, kitten,” Selina toasted her glass as she watched her daughter and date leave.
“Oh my god, your face” Y/N said between laughing, “when you thought that Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy were my aunties was incredible!”
“Alright, alright,” Jason chuckled a little, “but you can’t blame me, it’s uncanny, but they are super pale too, are they alright?”
“It’s Gotham, when was the last time we had a ray of sunshine!” Y/N said, “it’s why we don’t have anything solar powered here.”
“Good point,” Jason said, “But I did think they were Harley and Ivy.”
“Yeah, and while we’re at it Batman’s my father,” Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes. “So where are going tonight?”
“You like karaoke?” Jason asked as he opened the door to the building. Y/N stepped out and was greeted by a motorcycle, black and sleek with bright LED lights. Jason grabbed the two helmets he had and placed one on Y/N’s head, tightening the chin strap and tapping the helmet when secure before putting his own on and winking at her. “Gotta bring you back in one piece so your terrifying Aunties and protective mother don’t castrate me.”
Jason climbed on the bike and gestured for Y/N to climb on behind him and grab his waist, which Y/N did. She wrapped her arms around his middle and pulled herself close to him, so close that she could smell his aftershave, which was a mirage of sandalwood, citrus and amber. It was nice, it was comforting. She smiled as she breathed in the scent.
“If I didn’t know any better, Jason Todd,” Y/N smiled, “I’d say you brought this bike so I would have to hold on to you.”
“Like I would do that,” Jason said looking over his shoulder with a sly grin.
“Yes, you would.”
“Better hold on tight,” Jason said as he started the bike, “I like to go fast.”
“Me too,” Y/N grinned as Jason took off.
The bar that Jason took Y/N to was small and intimate with few people in and a stage with a karaoke machine on. Jason held the door open for Y/N to walk in and then followed after her. The man behind the bar smiled at Jason and called out to him.
“Little Jacey, you alright, boy?” The man said.
“I’m good, thanks, Martin, you?”
“Ahh, the same as usual,” Martin shrugged, “And who’s the lovely lady with you?”
“Y/N Kyle,” Y/N said.
“Take a seat,” Martin gestured to a small table away from everyone else for privacy, “you won’t get bothered there. I’ll bring you both some drinks in a minute.”
“Thanks, Martin,” Jason nodded and guided Y/N to the table where they sat down.
“You know him?” Y/N commented as they sat down and she looked around at her surroundings.
“My Uncle Ray used to come here a lot,” Jason said, “Martin used to help me with my homework.”
“As far as I’m concerned you’re old enough to handle a little tipple of booze,” Martin brought two glasses of whisky over and put them down with a wink.
“Thanks, Martin,” Jason grinned.
“Call me if you need anything,” Martin said before returning to the bar.
“He seems nice,” Y/N said.
“He is,” Jason nodded.
“I never pegged you for the karaoke type,” Y/N took a sip of her drink.
“Hey,” Jason grinned, “first of all, there is nothing wrong with liking a little sing-song. Second of all, I’ve got a killer voice. Third of all, don’t make assumptions about people, Y/N/N. When you assume you make an ass of you and me!”
Y/N started laughing as he parodied the words she once said to him about her liking ‘To All the Boy’s I’ve Loved Before’ with a cheeky smile on his face.
“Alright, alright,” Y/N nodded, “I was wrong. So, you going to go up there tonight?” She pointed to the stage. “Show me what a killer voice you’ve got?”
“Maybe,” Jason shrugged. “What’d do I get for it?”
“Knowing you’ve impressed me so much that I might let you cop-a-feel? Maybe a kiss?”
“Are you flirting with me, Miss Kyle?” Jason teased, leaning forward.
“Maybe,” Y/N shrugged.
“Sure, I’ll sing a song,” Jason said getting to his feet and walking over to the stage.  He hopped on with ease and tapped at the screen of the machine, selecting his song before looking back at Y/N, grabbing the microphone and winking at her. There was a familiar tune coming over the sound system, a tune which Y/N knew all too well because, as much as her mother would like to deny it, Y/N grew up hearing a lot more Michael Bolton than most her age.
“Oh my god,” Y/N laughed gleefully as Jason started bopping along to the beat
“How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? How can we start over when the fighting never ends? Baby, how can we make love if we can't make amends? How can we be lovers if we can't be, can't be friends?” Jason began, clasping at his chest and bouncing one leg, “Look at us now, look at us, baby still tryin' to work it out never get it right we must be fools, we must be crazy,” Jason shut his eyes tight and started moving his head to the beat “Whoa, Whoa, when there's no communication. Whoa, whoa, it's a no-win situation. How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? How can we start over when the fighting never ends? Baby, how can we make love if we can't make amends? Tell me how can we be lovers if can't be friends?”
Y/N got to her feet and walked closer, stopping by the bar where Martin stood cleaning glass and chuckling to himself with the shake of his head, causing Y/N to turn and look at the man in confusion. Jason wasn’t so much as singing as yelling into the microphone in tune to the music, but it worked.
“He must really like you,” Martin said.
“I don’t know many young men willing to sing Michael Bolton at the top of their lungs.”
Y/N smiled and blushed as she turned back to face Jason, who had opened his eyes again and was looking directly at Y/N with a playful little grin on his lips.
“We lie awake, this wall between us,” Jason continued, “We're just not talkin', we got so much to say, let's break these chains, our love can free us. Whoa, whoa, ain't it time we started trying, whoa, whoa, gotta stop this love from dying.” Jason started dancing around on stage, causing Y/N to laugh. He was so clearly trying to impress her and make her laugh, and it was working, “How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? How can we start over when the fighting never ends?”
Jason then jumped off the stage and got on top of the bar. Both Y/N and Jason were completely obvious to the other patrons in the bar. Y/N had started clapping to the beat. When on top of the bar, Jason bent down at an angle so he and Y/N were almost face to face and continued to sing.
“Baby, how can we make love if we can't make amends? Tell me how can we be lovers if can't be friends? Baby, love is tough but we can make it. Baby, times are rough but we can make it, we can work it out” He sang, causing Y/N to grin widely as she started to move along to the tune. Jason offered Y/N his hand to climb on top of the bar, which she took, pulling herself up quickly. Jason put the microphone between them as they both started to yell into the microphone the end of the song, “How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? How can we start over if the fighting never ends? Baby, how can we make love if we can't make amends? Tell me how can we be lovers if can't be, can't be friends? How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? How can we start over if the fighting never ends? Baby, how can we make love if we can't make amends? Tell me how can we be lovers if can't be, can't be friends?”
They were jumping up and down on the bar, Y/N shaking her hair as she did and Jason holding onto the wire of the microphone. They stared each other in the eye and grinned as they yelled the song at the top of their lungs. It was only the two of them to themselves, and it was freeing. As the song faded out they started to slow down and when it finally stopped, both were gasping for air and laughing as Martin whipped their ankles with a cloth.
“Get off the bar, lovebird,” Martin scolded playfully, “These people didn’t come here to hear two tone-deaf morons yell Michael Bolton.”
“Sorry Martin,” Jason said jumping off the bar and offering Y/N a hand. When Y/N was off Jason put the microphone back and waved to the small audience who gave him, and Y/N, an odd clap here and there, clearly finding the two young courters an entertaining sight. Jason walked back to Y/N and took her by the hand leading her back to the door, “let’s get outta here?”
“Yes,” Y/N nodded.
“Bye Martin.”
“Bye Jason.”
Y/N and Jason strolled hand in hand over the bridge above the highway, talking about nothing, occasionally looking at each other and smiling shyly. They were like thirteen-year-olds again, shy and in love and enjoying every nerve-wracking moment of it. When Y/N started shivering from the cold night air, Jason slid his jacket off and put it on Y/N.
“Don’t want you catching phenomena now, do we?” Jason said softly into Y/N’s ear as he pulled her hair from beneath the jacket’s collar. Jason was left in a white tee.
“What about you?”
“I’m fine,” Jason waved it off as they walked towards the railings. Jason climbed on to sit on the railing while Y/N just leaned against it, “what are you thinking?” Jason asked her.
“Thank you for tonight,” Y/N said softly, “this has been incredible.”
“I thought you’d like it,” Jason smiled.
“I’m not a caviar-and-lobster type of girl,” Y/N chuckled, “regardless of my mother’s expensive taste, but I do like sushi!”
“That’ll be our next date,” Jason lightly knocked his shoulder against Y/N’s. Y/N laughed and climbed to sit on the railing next to Jason, linking one of her hands into his.
“Next date, huh?” Y/N said, “Someone’s optimistic!”
“You’re gonna say ‘no’ to free sushi?”
“Got ya!” Jason teased as they shifted closer and closer. Jason moved to caress Y/N’s face, slowly dragging his thumb over her cheek. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
“You’re pretty good-looking too, Jason…”
“Thank you,” Jason laughed as he leaned in and nudged her nose with his, “very much,” he whispered before catching her lips with his own. Y/N put her hand on the back of Jason’s neck and pulled him closer to her, savouring every second of their kiss.
She didn’t want it to end, and at least for now it didn’t have to.
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 4) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Word Count: 3.5K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Police Commissioner Jim Gordon meets Y/N and sees the blatantly obvious reason as to why Bruce finds Y/N familiar, although Bruce still doesn’t notice it. Y/N goes and visits her Auntie Harley and Auntie Ivy to ask them what they know about her father. 
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterizations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36
Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 3 | Masterlist | Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird Part 5
Y/N didn’t know how the conversation started between herself, Bruce and Jason, but they were talking about vigilantes.
“I think people like Batman and Robin are needed,” Y/N said as they chatted on, “My mum grew up in the city before they existed and tells me stories about it, people like Fish Mooney and Jerome Valaska, and it sounds like a chaotic nightmare. With Batman and Robin around… there’s more order in the city.”
“Yes, I remember the city before,” Bruce nodded along as Jason wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulder and kissed her temple. They found no need to hide their budding relationship, it didn’t affect her internship and Bruce respected personal boundaries. “It has certainly changed.”
“And they’ve inspired others to make a difference and fight crime,” Y/N added on.
“Lynx is my favourite,” Jason said, “She’s a total badass!”
“Lynx…” Bruce frowned.
“Don’t you like Lynx?” Y/N asked curiously, wanting to know what Bruce, Batman, had against Lynx. Maybe it could help her improve.
“Well, there is great potential there, no doubt,” Bruce nodded, “but I keep a vault at the Gotham city Vaults and heard from a guard of Catwoman, Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy breaking in and nearly being captured by Batman and Robin only for Lynx to help the three escape,” Bruce almost tutted, “if it’s true, then I’d say that Lynx is unpredictable, and can you rely on someone unpredictable?”
Y/N pulled away from Jason and walked towards Bruce’s shelves to study what was on there, hoping to change the topic. They didn’t understand. They wouldn’t understand. Her eyes were drawn to a broken object. It was a broken snow globe, white base and no glass, and therefore no water or snow, but the scenery inside was still intact. A snowy hill with trees and a house. Y/N frowned as she looked at it, fingers itching to touch it and trace the little path through the trees leading to the house.
“Where’d you get this?” Y/N asked, turning to look at Bruce, who remained at his desk, eyeing the article of his past. Jason stood by Y/N and looked at the snow globe too, as though he had just noticed it.
“I bought it as a gift for… someone, a girl, when I was a young boy,” Bruce explained as he finally approached the two at his shelves. He took the snow globe and handed it to Y/N, who lifted it up close to study, smiling at the pretty scenery, imagining how it would look with falling snow. Bruce watched her closely; there was something about the glimmer in her eye and the smile on her face when looking at the broken artefact that stuck him – she was so familiar to him somehow, why?
“Didn’t she like it?” Y/N asked, lowering the snow globe.
“I’m not sure,” Bruce said, “we had an argument when I tried giving it to her and she dropped it, then left.”
“I’m sorry,” Y/N said handing the globe back. Bruce took it and gave a small smile.
“She was a very stubborn person,” Bruce almost chuckled.
“You and this girl,” Jason said, “were you… together?”
“Not at the time, never officially,” Bruce explained, “but… we liked each other… and in another life…” there was a sadness to his voice as he thought about the girl.
The conversation was interrupted by a knock on the open office door. The three turned to see an older man standing there in a neat suit, crinkles around his eyes and mouth as he smiled at Bruce, who chuckled and greeted the man with a firm handshake.
“Bruce Wayne, it’s good to see you,” the man said.
“Likewise, Commissioner.”
“Come on, after all we’ve been through, call be Jim,” The Commissioner said as he walked in and saw Jason and Y/N. He held his hand out to them, “Jim Gordon, Police Commissioner.”
“Jason Todd,” Jason said, shaking his hand.
Jim then turned and looked at Y/N, blinking in shock, his mouth open as he stared at her. Jim knew that smile, a permanent playfulness etched onto a face with a mischievousness that was hard to hide, and looking at Y/N’s eyes, Jim saw something else. It was so clear and so obvious to an outsider, but something Bruce couldn’t see himself, the reason as to why Y/N seemed so familiar, and not only that but something else, something hidden, something which Y/N didn’t know herself. It was all there in her eyes. Y/N just smiled and chuckled, taking his hand, clueless to his reaction.
“Y/N,” she said, “I’m the new Wayne Enterprises Intern.”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” Jim said, slowly shaking her hand and staring at her face.
“Well, we’re going to lunch now,” Jason said, “see you later, Bruce, and nice meeting you Commissioner Gordon.”
“And nice meeting the pair of you,” Jim said as he watched Y/N leave the room with Jason. When they left Jim turned to Bruce with a stunned expression.
“Does Y/N remind you of anyone?” Bruce asked gesturing after the girl.
“Yes,” Jim said.
“Me too, but I can’t figure out who.”
“Really?” Jim blinked. Was Bruce Wayne so oblivious that he couldn’t recognise that Y/N was the daughter of Selina Kyle? And was Bruce Wayne so oblivious that he couldn’t see that Y/N had his eyes?
Apparently, he was.
“Tell me,” Alfred said to Y/N as she and Jason sat in the kitchen. Bruce was still at the office. “Is it just you and your mother?”
“Yep, just me and my mum.”
“Where’s your father?” Alfred asked curiously. Even Jason turned to look at Y/N then. After all their time together, Y/N had never mentioned her father.
“He died,” Y/N sighed, “before I was born.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Alfred said, placing a hand on Y/N’s shoulder. “How did it happen?”
“There was a shoot-out at one of Penguin’s places, my parents were there and Dad made sure Mum was safe,” Y/N paused, “Mum had just told Dad that she was pregnant.”
“Oh, Y/N,” Alfred sighed, “I am truly sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Y/N shrugged it off. She hated the pity people gave her when they heard her mother’s tragedy. Her father died protecting Selina and her unborn child, that’s what should be remembered, not that Y/N grew up without a father.
“Well, Y/N,” Alfred said, “your mother did an absolutely remarkable job in raising you, you are an incredible young woman and I have no doubt that your father, if he were here, would be incredibly proud of you,” he smiled at Y/N.
“Thank you, Alfred,” Y/N smiled faintly, “that means a lot to me.”
“What was his name?” Alfred asked. Y/N stopped smiling, it fell from her face as she thought. What was her father’s name? Y/N frowned as she thought. Surely her mother must have mentioned it once, at least a nickname, but as Y/N thought she realised that Selina hadn’t. Who was her father?
“AUNTIE HARLEY? AUNTIE IVY?” Y/N called through the lobby of Harley and Ivy’s house. Her voice echoed around the room before she heard the sound of paws hitting the ground. Bud and Lou, Harley’s Hyenas, plodded up to her and nudged her legs for Y/N to fuss them, which she did with a chuckle, scratching Bud behind the ear and Lou under the chin. “Hey babies,” Y/N cooed at the animals.
“Auntie Ivy,” Y/N sighed as she walked up to her aunt and hugged her, “where’s Harley?” She asked, looking around her.
“I’ve learnt not to ask,” Ivy chuckled while speaking into Y/N’s ear and wrapping an arm around her, “it only leads to me worrying. Now,” Ivy said, “what brings my lovely niece round?”
“I, erm, I wanted to talk,” Y/N said as Ivy sat her down and grabbed a bowl of strawberries which were already out and sat it between them.
“About anything in particular?” Ivy asked as she sat down and looked at Y/N.
“What’d you know of my father?” Y/N asked. Ivy blinked and straightened up at the question.
“Hasn’t your mother told you all she knows?”
“No, mum doesn’t like talking about dad,” Y/N confessed, “she always gets upset about it.”
“What’s brought this on? Wanting to know about your father?”
“I don’t know,” Y/N shrugged, “I guess I feel like there’s a part of me missing cause I don’t know my past, my whole past. I know mum, but I don’t know dad. And, honestly, something seems off about Mum’s story about Dad
“Well, honestly, sprout,” Ivy sighed “Harley and I know nothing about your father, and honestly, we couldn’t even tell you if what your mother says is the truth.” Ivy waved a hand, “Penguin has gained many enemies over the years and an attack seems likely, and many died in crossfires in Gotham, but I don’t know why on earth Selina would step into Penguin’s place, especially when pregnant and with the man she loves. But I and Harley have always accepted it as the truth. Why would we question it?” Ivy explained, “Although now you mention it there is a lot to question about Selina’s story. Remember sprout, your mother is in a dangerous lifestyle and she often keeps things private for protection, not of herself but of you. You’re her daughter, she would do anything for you.”
“I know,” Y/N nodded, “I just want to know who he was, where I came from… if there’s any family on his side. I feel like I’m missing part of myself.”
“I get that, sprout,” Ivy stroked Y/N’s hair, “I do. If I knew anything I’d tell you,” Ivy promised, “but I don’t, and neither does Harley. This is Selina Kyle we’re speaking of, even her secrets have secrets.”
“But, Auntie Ivy,” Y/N hesitated, “if mum is lying and my father didn’t die in a crossfire at Penguin’s, then what did happen?”
“I don’t know…” Ivy whispered, “your mother keeps many secrets, and your father seems to be her best-kept one, but I doubt your mother would cut your father from your life, she knows what it’s like growing up without parents. I think she must be telling the truth, and if not, then… well… I hate to say it, sprout, and then perhaps your father died another way, something less heroic than protecting the mother of his unborn child. I hope you don’t get upset by that…”
“No, no,” Y/N shook her head, “I get it… There are no heroes in Gotham.”
“Not in the big sense,” Ivy said, “but there are small heroes every now and then, and perhaps your father was genuinely one of those. He did the brave thing and sacrificed himself so your mother could have you and give you the best life possible, and maybe that’s why it hurts your mother so to talk about him.”
“Thank you, Auntie Ivy.”
“Now come on,” Ivy stood up and pulled Y/N to her feet, “I’m going to need help watering the plants and feeding Bud and Lou, and I think you are the perfect little helper!” Ivy tapped the end of Y/N’s nose with her finger, “come along, sprout.”
“Hun, where are you?” Harley cooed as she walked around the house, Bud and Lou trailing after her, coming to see Ivy and Y/N. “Aww, Y/N,” Harley squealed, running and hugging her niece closely, “it’s so good to see you! What brings ya by?”
“Oh,” Ivy sighed, “Y/N was just asking if we knew anything about her father.”
“Ya Daddy? Nah, nothing,” Harley shook her head, “nada. Wish I did, babes, sorry.”
“It’s alright,” Y/N said with a sad smile, “I get it, mum’s private.”
“Babes,” Harley sighed, cupping Y/N’s face, “Selina keeps things private for a reason, to keep you safe, and that’s probably why she ain’t told us anything, cause we’d tell ya. I can’t blame her really.”
“Me neither,” said Ivy, “we aren’t parents, so we don’t know what would be the right thing to do.”
Harley nodded “Exactly, but know one thing, babes, me and Ivy will always be here for ya.”
“We helped Selina raise you from a seedling,” Ivy stroked Y/n’s hair, “we see you as our own in a way.”
“Thank you, Aunties.”
When Y/N got home she opened the door to her home to see her mother standing in the living room with large eyes and opposite her was Jim Gordon. They were clearly having a private conversation as they stopped when Y/N walked in. Y/N frowned at the sight but walked in, dropping her bag.
“Commissioner Gordon, what a surprise!” Y/N said wearily, “what brings you by?”
“Well, I knew Selina when she was a kid,” Jim said, “and please, just Jim will do, Y/N.”
“Really?” Y/N stepped forward and folded her arms, “I didn’t know that.”
“Well, Selina has always been a private person,” Jim smiled at Selina who smiled tightly. Y/N noticed this and watched her mother. Had Jim said something which upset her mother? Was he planning to arrest her or something?
“What were you talking about?” Y/N asked, eyeing Jim up and down.
“Just catching up,” Selina assured Y/N with a smile.
“Mmm,” Y/N nodded, “how’d you meet?”
Jim and Selina sighed and met each other’s gaze.
“Actually, I cannot say the details,” Jim admitted, “but it was through a case – a murder. Your mother was a possible witness.”
“Really?” Y/N frowned and looked at her mother who awkwardly looked down.
“It’s not something I like to talk about,” Selina said, “I was a kid on the streets, things like that happened more than I care to admit.”
“Oh, mum…”
“Anyway, it was good to see you, Selina,” Jim said, “and think about what I said, please, you know he’d like to.”
“I made that decision a long time ago, Gordon,” Selina told the man, “and I don’t plan on changing my mind anytime soon. Anyway, it’s too late to now anyway.”
“It doesn’t mean he wouldn’t find out eventually,” Jim pointed out. Y/N just frowned, not knowing what they were speaking about. “Anyway, I should go. My wife and kids await.”
“Goodbye, Jim,” Selina said, leading the man to the door, “it was good to see you.”
“You too, Selina,” Jim said, stopping in the doorway and looking at the woman, “I’m glad to see you’ve gotten yourself on your feet, and to see you have such a lovely daughter. I’m proud of you, Cat.”
“Thank you, Jim,” Selina smiled as Jim left, closing the door behind him. Selina turned and faced Y/N, who frowned at her mother.
“What the hell was that about?”
“It’s something from a long time ago,” Selina waved it off with a sigh, “I was young, a different person. You weren’t born.”
“Was it about that case? The one you witnessed?”
“In a sense,” Selina sat down, “it was about a relative of the victims. But I was involved in a few cases, it could’ve been about any of them.”
“Like what?”
“There were two people who abducted street kids,” Selina said, “Jerome Valaska, which I think I’ve told you about.”
“Yes,” Y/N nodded with a shudder. “I remember finding that YouTube video of his attack on the Gotham Police Station when I was nine. I had nightmares for months.”
“And that’s why I put blocks on certain things online,” Selina said sitting down, “I remember you waking up and screaming in the middle of the night. It traumatized you. And I hope the sick freak who put it online gets hit by a car. Karma! Then there was Barbra Keen, lord knows what happened to her. She sort of dropped off the earth around a few years back, but I’ve heard she’s in Central City now anyway. Look, what I’m saying is there is a lot of horrible things in the past, and that’s why I haven’t told you about what I’ve witnessed or all of what I’ve been through. It’s horrible, Kitten.”
“Okay Mum,” Y/N nodded as she sat next to Selina and snuggled into her mother’s side like she did as a child. She rested her head on her mother’s chest and wrapped an arm around her mother’s middle. Selina sighed and leaned back in the sofa, wrapping her daughter in her arms and kissing the top of her head. Y/N inhaled deeply and the scent of her mother’s perfume provided comfort to her - Vivienne Westwood Boudoir. Classy and Selina Kyle.
“How was it round Ivy and Harley’s?” Selina said quietly into her daughter’s hair.
“Nice,” Y/N yawned as she suddenly felt tired. It was amazing that, regardless of how old Y/N was, all Selina had to do to get her baby girl to sleep was wrap her up in her arms and talk in a soothing voice.
“Close your eyes, Baby,” Selina cooed, “I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“Okay, Mama.”
Selina and Jim didn’t talk about Selina being a witness to a crime as a child, no, they spoke about what Jim knew, and when Selina confirmed it, Jim knew he had to talk with Alfred. He called the old friend and asked him to meet in a bar.
“Commissioner Gordon,” Alfred nodded as he took the seat in the booth opposite Jim, “What is this about? And why did you wish to meet here and not at Wayne Manor? You know Bruce will always be pleased to see you.”
“This is about Bruce, in a sense at least,” Jim explained, “and it isn’t my place to tell him what this is about.”
“Is it my place?”
“No,” Jim shook his head, “this is Selina Kyle’s place to tell Bruce.”
“Selina Kyle?” Alfred frowned, “what is this about, Jim? What does Selina Kyle know?”
Jim sighed and shook his head “It’s not what she knows, Alfred, it’s about what she’s hidden…”
“Jim, just tell me.”
“That Jason’s girlfriend,” Jim said quietly, “what’d you know about her?”
“Not much,” Alfred shrugged, “Jason’s Lab partner, raised by a single mother, an only child, and her father was killed at Penguin’s in a crossfire, why?”
“Her father isn’t dead, Alfred, her father is alive and well.”
“You’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting, Commissioner, are you?”
“Bruce Wayne is her father.”
“And what does Selina Kyle have to do with this?”
“Don’t you know Y/N’s surname?” Jim blinked.
“Her name is Y/N Calabrese Kyle,” Jim explained, “And she’s the daughter of Selina Kyle.”
“Selina and Bruce?” Alfred mumbled, “I suppose I’ve always suspected on some level that the two of them had feelings for one another, but I never thought that they’d act on them.”
“Oh, they acted on them alright.”
“How’d you know?” Alfred asked, “Who she was?”
“I saw it in her the moment we met in Bruce’s office,” Jim explained, “after that all I did was look at Hospital record to see that Selina Kyle gave birth to a baby girl nearly 20 years ago, which made sense because there was a yearlong hiatus in her actions as Catwoman. On the birth certificate, Bruce is listed as the father, but I suspected Bruce was the father automatically, and not because of the history between Selina and Bruce, but because of her eyes. Look at Y/N’s eyes, Alfred, she’s a Wayne, then I went to see her and ask if it was true.”
“And she confirmed this?”
“Yes,” Jim nodded, “Y/N is Bruce’s child.”
“Do you know what this means?” Alfred muttered, “After Bruce passes, God forbid, then lawyers will look to see the next Wayne Heir. They will track her down, does Selina know this?”
“Yes, she does, but doesn’t want her daughter to know this.”
“Why not? Bruce would be more than happy to provide for this child and Y/N is an admirable young woman, Bruce has met her and said so himself.”
“Selina is Selina,” Jim sighed, “remember Bruce left the city for ten years, and Selina was hurt, beyond hurt.”
“So she’s keeping Bruce in the dark about his child because of petty anger?”
“No, she’s doing this because she’s scared Bruce will leave again, and this time Selina isn’t the only one who’d get hurt. Y/N would too.”
“Oh…” Alfred sighed and sat back. Course. It made sense when he thought about it. Alfred remembered the pain in Selina’s eyes when she saw Bruce had left, and he could understand why she wouldn’t want her baby to experience that same pain. Bruce was unpredictable, but he kept his promise of never leaving the city again, but how could Selina be sure? She thought he’d never leave her the first time, but he did.
“I suppose their reunion was more than they expected though,” Jim pointed out. Bruce returned to the city over twenty years ago now, and Y/N was nineteen, that meant that one of the first times the two were reunited, they conceived Y/N. “Does she know that Bruce is her father?”
“No,” Alfred said, “she’s convinced her father died in Penguin’s in a crossfire, saving Selina, who was pregnant with her.” Alfred looked at his old friend, “did you try and convince her to tell Y/N? Or Bruce?”
“She said she made her mind up 19 years ago, and she’s sticking to it.”
“She was always stubborn.”
“But Alfred this isn’t our place to tell either Y/N or Bruce,” Jim said, “okay?”
“I understand,” Alfred nodded. He truly did.
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