#Rock is the MVP though
cannibalism-lab-rat · 2 months
Bro I just read the Playground and I don't think I'm gonna emotional recover
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white out is probably one of the more notable episodes of she ra bc it's just catra at her absolute worst behavior, like objectively the portal had far greater consequences but i think the cold got to her in this one bc she's such a fucking menace. "looks like you're mine now adora" "always so perfect, look at you now. you're coming back to the horde under my command" "i wonder which of your friends i'll have you annihilate first" "I'VE GOT CONTROL OVER ADORA. I'M NOT GIVING THAT UP." like when corrupted she ra throws catra at the ground like a ragdoll she deserves it, 100%, no questions asked. there isn't even a time/space anomaly making catra act up, they just put her in outpost 31 from the thing with her ex and suddenly she's the homoerotic joker.
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even scorpia's briefly like "ahahah maybe i don't want to have a crush on catra after all" bc she's acting like such a freak. but also scorpia spends the entire episode trying to ask catra out, and tells adora, "you two, even when you're trying to kill each other, you can tell there's a real bond" and she is JEALOUS of that?? actually you know what this is also a catradora at their worst behavior episode too, like the way they immediately start trash talking and then ditch everyone to scrap the second they see each other is beyond unprofessional. catra's favorite number is canonically 42069 (confirmed by nate stevenson) and adora knows this by heart. if those two idiots were in the same room for five minutes while adora's on loopy mode the show would actually just end, and this episode fucking KNOWS it and refuses to give us the satisfaction. bro. scorpia telling loopy adora that catra is misunderstood and shouldn't SHE know that better than anyone else is just like. wow. ouch. rude. scorpia is actually the mvp of this episode she straight up judges adora to her FACE for abandoning catra and swears not to do the same, even though honestly she probably should, because catra fucking SUCKS in this one. scorpia reveals that "catra once used my rock-hard exoskeleton as a nail file" why?? why would you let this happen?? stop simping she's not worth it!! but scorpia is still the mvp bc at the end of the episode she just straight-up realizes that catra is out of her goddamn mind and breaks the 'controlling she ra' disk for catra's own good bc clearly something about low temps and her ex makes catra go 25% more feral than usual and it's pretty cringe. it's like when i dispose of the dead fly my cat has been antagonizing for the past twenty minutes like babygirl i don't like the person you become when you're in these conditions!! and of course OF COURSE we get literally two seconds of sober wordless communication between catra and adora that's just like ohhhh adora's gonna remember this one, you're going to be doing the dishes for the first fifteen years of your relationship once this galactic war shit wraps up and you save the universe by kissing with tongue. oh my god, what the fuck is with this show. how does this show exist. how does this episode exist. how does catra exist. they put this gay catgirl in an environment under 32 degrees farenheit for one episode and it's enough to make her say some of the most toxic, deranged dialogue in the entire series. i think soup would fix her, and also a cocktail of psychiatric medication and cognitive behavioral therapy. she sneezes like a kitten and needs a weighted blanket in the evil uber away from cringefail summit as she's mentally drafting the 'i fucked up' email to her boss. she thanks scorpia and shares the blanket with her bc she's so exhausted by her own bullshit. she ra and the princesses of power season 2 episode 5 white out is for the cold gay heartbroken bitches and it might just be one of the series' best. looks like you're mine now adora, good fucking night.
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fillingthescrapbook · 1 month
Let's Talk About: Fantasy High Junior Year and Rock the Boat
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Who knew the opening minutes with Ally hijacking the intro would lead to Brennan quitting just before the episode ends? I guess we did. We were told. By Ally's before-the-season featurette, and by the episode description. We were told.
Almonds almost took out Brennan before Ally could. We got a little ghost with hairy feet--showing hole! And then we got the wrong graphic at the end? I think?
And now Zac's the dungeon master.
The biggest thing I learned from this episode? How dim the lights that are on Brennan have to be, just so he doesn't wash out. Like, look at Zacky in that photo. The lighting team is truly amazing at their work, just to be able to balance Brennan out with the rest of the cast.
But joke's aside--
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The Intrepid Heroes are one hundred percent some of the best players of tabletop-roleplaying in the business. And not just because they're making us laugh--it's because they're able to deliver some outstanding storytelling alongside the jokes!
Yes, a lot of kudos goes to Brennan too. For his amazing DM-ing. But the cast? A standing ovation for the lot of them. Even just Ally pointing out how Gorgug and Kristen being the first of the Bad Kids to die--and being in direct line of fire with the dragons? Accidental narrative drama! (Edited to add: It was Gorgug who remembered they died, and Kristen—looking at all the dragons surrounding then—who said it could happen again still.)
Fabian having invested so much on his popularity track pays off. Riz and Eugenia being an amazing team, Siobhan and Ally giving outstanding support, and Fig (and Emily!) finally getting over their cursed rolls--it was all so brilliant. Blimey!
Gorgug was the MVP of this fight though. Zac's rolls and Gorgug's stats truly kept the Bad Kids afloat. And Brennan asking Zac to roll for things Gorgug was concentrating on gave me the loudest laugh of the episode. Because the only thing he was concentrating on: was staying alive!
And, please, talented artists out there. Let's make a music video for Fight in the Sky by Fig and the Cig Figs. Using vulture footage taken with GoPros.
I don't have much else to say. Next week looks even more wild. And Murph is now the Expert of the Cocked Dice.
Oh, and "Shoot Grandma and gas it."
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girlgenius1111 · 3 months
the opening - in tears good start solstråle deserves so much better and parents who are so much better SOMEONE GIVE HER A HUG or just tell she's loved
mapi is the mvp, she is holding this little dysfunctional family together someone get this girl an award, she's taken emotional support to another level i love her
also ingrid's complex feeling towards her parents are so valid because her parents and solstråle's parents might as well be two different people. she misses the people she knew and hates who they are to solstråle
"Sometimes, Mapi felt like she was teaching preschoolers how to identify and express their emotions when she talked to the both of you, though that might be an easier task." THIS
i relate to solalstråle being taught not to take up space a little too much
"Mapi very calmly shook her head, opening her mouth to explain when Ingrid’s eyebrows flew up on her forehead. “No. I am on your sister’s side, and you should be too. No one has been for a really long time.”" MAPI LEON I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN
I'm a rock climber this is getting too close to home too relatable... oh well (i also really want to visit the climbing gyms in barcelona, they are insane)
"Hugs from your sister always made you feel better, even if you’d never admit it." FINALLY give solstråle all the hugs
“Ale’s sister Fresa  went to school with this girl that hand makes maps like this. I got her name from diablillo, and I told her what I wanted. Do you like it, do you like it?” Mapi asked excitedly.  FRESA MENTION FRESA MENTION OH MY GOD OKAY IT'S HAPPENING
the two of them chanting IKEA is such a mood, i did a trip recently and i am doing another soon 10/10
- 🩷🌵
🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️omw to give sol as many possible hugs from as many possible people
mapi IS THE MVP. making sure both her girls feel their feelings and feel supported 🥹 everyone needs a mapi
fresa mention tehehehe 🍓🍓🍓 🙃🙃🙃
the only appropriate reaction to ikea
i love you anon 🩷🌵 you are so incredibly appreciated
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Belong (1.5: Rewind) | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: exes-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers; actress!OC x basketball coach!Yoongi; summer romance; “long” distance relationship; parallel timelines; angst, fluff, smut
Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, family drama, sport injury; dreams & moving away; implied depression; basketball and acting talk; 2014 and 2022 Yoongi; shy and nonchalant cocky whipped Yoongi; kissing; explicit sexual content (specific warnings stated per chapter (18+)
Chapter Word count: 5k
Series Masterlist
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Status: Complete
Series summary: Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up, distancing yourself from your family that had fallen apart, and saying goodbye to the man who made you feel what home was like. When you decide to finally return after being away for so long, you meet Min Yoongi again, and you’re reminded of the summer romance from 8 years ago with the college basketball superstar whose broken dream pushed you away. As you find yourself spending time with him, you’re left to wonder if love changes, if it gives second chances, or if it’s just another illusion that will hurt the both of you the second time around.
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Listen to: You Found Me First by Jake Etheridge; Alone with you by Canyon City || Playlist 🎶
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8 years ago 
Yoongi is not a stranger to loud sounds.
His brother, Geumjae, is a fan of rock music and used to play it all day, everyday when they were growing up. Yoongi would fall asleep to the sound of drums and electric guitar and gritty vocals of whatever band that the older man was into. 
Yoongi’s dad runs an antique shop, a business that was passed down from his elders and which was expanded into furniture restoration. He’d spend his free time there, watching his father use all types of hand and electric tools to scrape, saw, and sand different pieces until the finished product was up to his standards. 
It may seem a bit odd but he thinks it’s one reason why he got into sports. He’d watched them as a kid and was amused by the cheers and the grunts that could be heard in the arena and through the TV. There was so much energy and so much excitement, as if those motivated the players even more, injecting in them adrenaline that pushed them, that made them hungrier, that made them succeed. 
He understood it during his first pickup basketball game in the neighborhood park when he was 10 years old. A couple of the older boys invited him over to play and the audience, which consisted mostly of the kids from school and some adults hanging around, were hooting, yelling, and praising them once the score got close. 
It was electric. Yoongi didn’t always smile but he couldn’t stop himself from doing so after he made the winning basket - a lucky shot, really, but he liked to call it the shot of destiny. There was nothing like it, and he always carries that experience with him. He refers to it as the pivotal moment in his life where he fell in love with basketball, as he told the university newspaper when they interviewed him the other week. It made him think of the possibilities, of the extent of his talent, and the overwhelming joy he could get from going to that court and giving his all to win a game. 
He smiles just thinking about it now, as he warms up for the first match of the summer league. It’s off-season for the university teams but this conference is where some other schools and amateur teams compete. He’s unfamiliar with the players but that’s what makes it exciting. 
He knows they know him, though. He made national news when he became the youngest MVP at 19. That was 2 years ago when he was a sophomore, but his local fans continued to grow. He was never one for attention but he won’t shy away from it if it’s about his talent. To make it to the professional league, people need to know his name. And he knows that’s not a problem. 
“There goes the ‘sweet assassin’ Min Yoongi with a fadeaway jumper and it’s nothing but net!” Jungkook hoots, imitating a commentator as he watches his captain from the sidelines. 
“He gets the steal and takes the step back-3!” Yells Namjoon this time. “You don’t leave the ‘sweet assassin’ open like that!”
Yoongi chuckles as he walks towards his teammates. “Stop it. The moniker sucks,” he says, wiping away his sweat. 
“You’ve had that since freshman year and you’re complaining now?” Namjoon chuckles. 
“It’s cringey.” Yoongi frowns.
“It’s brilliant!” Jungkook disagrees. “I mean, the school paper article revealed your online pseud is ‘suga’ because that’s how much you revere yourself and your shooting guard position and the sports dudes ran with it, gave you a nickname, and it stuck. That’s impact. And it’s pretty cool. The ‘golden boy’ makes me sound like an idol or something.”
Yoongi and Namjoon laugh but insist that the name fits the younger man. He is pretty good at everything.
“I still think the ‘god of destruction’ is the best,” Yoongi remarks, referring to Namjoon, who got the name after the few times that he’d detached the ring from the board after a dunk. “It’s so intimidating.” 
The 3 men proceed to tease each other, and Yoongi likes the carefree vibe of off-season games. Though his team still takes it seriously - they’d recently won the university conference so they don’t want to slack - they also want to play with less of the pressure than they normally do. It’s good for camaraderie and better for the start of summer. They want to enjoy and have fun while making a statement through their wins. 
Yoongi instructs both men to continue warming up as he passes Namjoon the ball. All of them head to the court to shoot and as the captain, Yoongi looks around to make sure all his teammates are present and are preparing for the game. It’s not a big one but somehow, the locals have come to enjoy the summer league. It’s free and it’s good entertainment, and so the buzz in the gym is enough to get him excited. 
The spectators are settling down. He stands by the sidelines and sees familiar faces. There’s a bunch of kids from school and some that he’s met during pickup games. There are neighbors, too, and even that one kid he remembers from high school who’s friends with Jungkook, the one who spilled juice all over his notebook and then cried so Yoongi never spoke to him again for fear that he’d make the younger man upset. The guy’s studying in Seoul now, if he’s not mistaken. 
Yoongi’s eyes travel to the person sitting next to him and he swears something goes wrong with his ears because the sounds in the gym suddenly disappear. For a moment, he can’t hear anything. That same instance, everything blurs. Except for the girl with the yellow scarf on her hair, sitting next to Taehyung - he remembers his name now - her crinkled eyes and stunningly sweet smile rendering him speechless. 
Being some local basketball superstar means that Yoongi gets attention, and that includes from women who are somehow attracted to his calm, quite nonchalant personality that’s tinged with the right amount of arrogance when he’s on the court. He’s not a stranger to their efforts to get noticed. He’s noticed them, in fact, but not enough to get him interested. It’s rare though for someone else to catch his eyes. But that woman though… that’s someone he’s definitely interested in. 
He’s never seen her before. She’s probably from another town, or someone that Taehyung met in Seoul or something. Somehow the idea of her being foreign excites him. If she’s never heard of him, she will now. And she—
The ball hitting Yoongi’s jaw surprises him, causing him to jerk back and find the person who probably embarrassed him in front of the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. He’s not surprised to find Seungkwan rushing to him, apologizing and falling to his knees, saying that he called the captain’s name and threw the ball, thinking it would be caught.
But when Yoongi looks at the woman, she has her eyes elsewhere. He sighs in relief, telling Seungkwan that it’s okay, but when he looks towards the benches again, she’s now looking at him. 
He swears his heart stops. But it’s not like him to show it. 
He holds her gaze for a while, liking the effect it seems to have on her as she shyly smiles and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear. But for his sake he really hopes she’d look away. 
The coach calls for the team to huddle and Yoongi’s the one who has to break the moment, turning his back to run to the sidelines. He looks in her direction again and smirks to give her something to think about and maybe cheer about, and the bite of her lip says he definitely did. 
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“Is it possible to get an orgasm from just looking at someone?” You ask your best friend Taehyung. “Or like, when you both look at each other and there’s that tension you feel and you just… get turned on?”
“I literally just spoke to someone for a minute and you just eye-fucked somebody?” He gasps. “You’re quite something.”
“Hey, you’re the one who told me to scout the players and tell you who I find cute so you can introduce me to them,” you shrug. “I just did what you asked. He just happened to be looking at me when I found him. And shit did he look at me.”
“Who is it?”
“Number 3.”
Taehyung chokes on his drink. “Seriously? That’s who you eye-fucked? Out of all the guys on the basketball team, you choose the Captain Min?!”
“The who?” You say. “Ah, right. His jersey said Min. I was kinda focused on… uh, other things.”
“Okay, woman. Behave. We’re in a public place,” Taehyung reprimands you. “Also, I’m serious. He’s the one who caught your attention? Jersey number 3? Dark hair, white headband?”
“Yeah, the one listening to the coach with his tongue dragging through his teeth,” you say, eyes on the group of guys in a huddle. “Yeah, definitely him.”
The man in question seems to be listening intently but his eyes shift to you briefly and you feel that tightness somewhere - your heart, you think, and you swallow. Hard. You don’t know if he saw it but he smirks at you again so there’s a high chance he did. 
Taehyung sighs and you turn to him. 
“Why do you sound so scandalized?” You ask.
“I’m not!” He defends. “I guess I was just expecting you to like someone like number 7.”
You search for the man in question. Nice build, boyish looks. 
“Yeah, he’s cute,” you say. “But not my type.”
“Or number 1.”
Much more built. He’s like a baby giant.
“I like his dimples,” you answer. “And he looks so soft, I want to protect him.”
“There you go,” Taehyung smiles.
“But I want to be protected,” you counter. “And small build guy number 3 there looks like he will. He’s gonna scare the losers away and tell them to fuck off and then I’ll let him fu—”
“Okay, ___, let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” he glares at you. 
“What’s wrong though? Is he an asshole? Do people not like him?” You badger your best friend. 
“No, it’s not that. People revere him around here, actually,” Taehyung explains. “And well, girls try to get with him but he doesn’t really pay them any mind.”
“Does he eye-fuck them? If not, then I think I’m his exception,” you argue. 
“You make a good point. So maybe I don’t need to introduce you to him. Maybe he’s just gonna introduce himself!”
“That’s not what you told me, Tae,” you frown. “You said, I point a guy and then you introduce me.”
“I didn’t think you’d choose him!”
“Hey, did he bully you in high school? Is that why? Because if it is, then screw him! No one messes with my best friend.”
“It’s not that! Everyone likes Yoongi. They just don’t wanna mess with him, including me. And I… well,” he trails. “I accidentally spilled my juice all over his notebook once and he looked at me like he wasn’t affected but that made it even scarier. And then he just never talked to me after.”
You groan in frustration. You would think that based on Taehyung’s reaction, the man is some jerk or untouchable being. He just happens to have a perpetually disinterested face and that’s honestly something you like. He seems like the type with a no-nonsense attitude and you’re quite the same. Most times, at least. There’s definitely something to explore there. 
You watch intently as he carries the ball, skillfully dribbling it and evading his opponents. He makes a smooth shot to the elation of the crowd, and unlike his teammates who grunt and make some form of over-exaggerated gesture, this man merely smirks, perhaps to himself, as he runs backwards to get to the other end of the court. It’s incredibly sexy, you think, how his seemingly quiet nature hides something a little cocky underneath, especially since he’s got something to show. You’re not the most knowledgeable at the sport but you can easily tell he’s good at it. 
“So, you’re gonna introduce me, right?” You turn to Taehyung during a timeout. 
“Uh, I think you can perfectly do that yourself,” he chuckles awkwardly. “I mean, you’re good with people.”
“Tae, you’re such a wimp. You said you’d introduce me to whoever I choose!” 
“We’re not doing this again,” he groans. “Look, we’re going to Jungkook’s place after, okay? Yoongi likes to drink after a game so he’ll definitely be there. I’ll make the guys introduce you to him. And I can’t promise anything because from what I heard, he’s never made a move on anyone and the ones who make a move on him get turned down so… good luck, I guess.”
You scowl at your best friend. This is the first time he’s ever bailed on you, considering he’s your hype man all the time. When you first entered university, you were both a bit intimidated by all the big city and international kids but he got out of his shell first and then pushed you to do the same. They bore good fruits, insofar as you enjoying yourself and then getting a boyfriend, even if it didn’t last long. 
But this isn’t your territory, even if you were raised here. There’s not much of the city that feels like home. You barely kept in touch with your high school friends, too, mostly because you spent more time at drama class, and so you don’t have control or leverage here. It also just so happens that the guy you’re interested in isn’t the friendliest even if you think he’s being a tease. You’re up for the challenge, though. 
“Well, thanks for the encouragement,” you roll your eyes. “But a guy with soft features like that doesn't look all that hard and intimidating to me. I bet he’s a softie deep down.”
“Soft features? Are we talking about the same guy? I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile.”
“Tae, we made eye contact. It’s like a blink-and-you'll-miss-it type of softness. Or maybe you just don’t look at him long enough,” you explain. 
“I definitely don’t.”
“Well then in that case, Mr. “I don’t care about shit” might be all caring and sweet on the inside,” you hum, as you eye him again and catch him asking his teammate if he’s okay. “I’m here long enough to find out.”
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Jungkook’s apartment is close to the university, in an alley near the bars and other student accommodations. It’s spacious even with his gaming computer and weights, and he’d set up the living and dining room area to accommodate the guests. You look around the place and think it’s much bigger than the one you and Taehyung share, and you know why post-game hangouts take place here. 
Your best friend said a couple of the guys from the team and a few of their friends usually come over to drink. You can tell, by the way Jungkook is the perfect host, keeping the table with snacks and drinks stacked and by the way he converses with you - charm and cheekiness combined. 
He really is cute. He’s got a sparkle in his eyes and an innocent smile, and you can tell that’s part of his appeal. But you’ve got your eyes set on someone, someone who just happens to not be here.
You look around once more and wonder where he is, and just as you’re about to ask Taehyung, the man you’ve been looking for enters. He’s in knee-ripped black jeans and an oversized cream t-shirt with a baseball cap on. You feel your throat dry immediately and your eyes follow him as he walks towards the table and opens himself a bottle of beer. 
You hear your name being called and you turn to one of the guys next to you who’s asking what you’re taking up in university. You’d forgotten about the conversation you’re in, as you immediately get sucked into the presence of jersey number 3, who’s now relaxedly leaning against the wall, looking around himself. He catches your eyes once more and you so badly want to just go up to him but you admit that you like this - him watching you from afar as you talk to someone who isn’t him. 
“I’m taking up acting and film,” you say. “I really want to become an actor.”
“Well, you have the looks for it,” Jungkook comments. 
“You think so?” You flash a smile, playing along.
“Yeah. A lot of us do,” he smirks.
A couple of the guys laugh but nod in agreement. 
Not that you intended to be flirty with these men and get their attention, but the cute top and hair scarf outfit you put on was a good idea. Even the other girls seem amused by you. You just wonder if someone else is. 
“You guys are quite charming, aren’t you?” You giggle. 
“Of course we are. This is how we welcome people in our group,” Jungkook smiles. “How long are you here for again?”
“The entire summer,” you say. “Enough time to be charmed by you?”
You aim to tease, really, especially when Jungkook blushes. You don’t actually have any intention with him but a part of you was maybe hoping that it would ignite something in the man you’re really interested in. You’d like to think so, as you turn to him again and see his hardened gaze. It’s like he’s assessing you, trying to read you. It makes you a bit exposed but you like it. Whatever this thing you’re both doing, it’s exciting, something you didn’t expect about coming home since you left for college 2 years ago.
“Oh my god, this is like watching my friends flirt with my sister,” Taehyung whines. “Please stop.”
You all laugh and he claims it’s a little awkward, but he does say he’s quite protective, warning anyone who wants to win you over. 
You all go back to chatting around until Jungkook, like the good host that he is, announces that it’s time to play and get batshit drunk. 
You all gather around in the middle and play number games, something you’re good at. You mostly survive, needing only to take 3 shots that don’t really make a dent in your system. Then you play a card game, which you also do well in, and it gets the group cheering for you to your delight. 
You constantly look towards the couch where Yoongi stays, as he’s the only person who doesn’t join the games. Taehyung says the man isn’t into them and no one really forces him. You see the times he smirks though, especially whenever you survive. You'd like to think he’s secretly cheering you on and it oddly makes your heart race. For all the eye-fucking, the milliseconds where his look softens gets you feeling all giddy. 
By the 6th game, some of the guys have loosened up more than the others. They’re laughing more, teasing more, flirting with you a little more directly, and they’re at least funny and not that disrespectful. You laugh and tease along and you really could go on doing more of these games, until Jungkook suggests to play spin-the-bottle. 
The rules are simple - one person spins the bottle and whoever it lands on will be the one they’ll kiss. 
“We’re too old for this,” Namjoon claims, even as he sits himself in the circle you all form.
“We never are,” Jungkook chuckles. “Plus, we’ve got a good number of guys and girls in here,” he says. “It’ll be fun.”
You take your seat on the circle right next to Taehyung and you look over at the couch again, biting your lip and cocking your eyebrow this time, as if daring Yoongi to join, given that the guys say that he absolutely hates participating in this.
Not tonight apparently, as he walks over and nudges Namjoon with his foot. 
“Oh, so now you’re playing?” The big man laughs. “I wonder what made you decide to finally join us.”
Yoongi sits down across from you, unbothered once more. 
He just shrugs. “I was getting bored watching you guys be terrible at the games.”
The group laughs before they begin. Of all the nights when you wish the spin-the-bottle gods were on your side, you wish it was tonight. 
The bottle thankfully misses you for the first 4 times. When it’s your turn, you position it in the direction that you mentally calculated would land on Yoongi with the force you put in. 
It’s quite nerve wracking, not knowing if this would work, but as the bottle slows down and the desire for it to point towards him heightens, you start to think that if this fails, you’re gonna have to just survive it and then find another way to get your chance at kissing him. 
And then it stops. Right in between him and Namjoon. Your heart breaks a little as you compare the distance, especially as the other people whisper the name of the man it’s pointed towards. 
“Hmm,” Taehyung says, “the bottle’s closer to—”
“Me,” Yoongi says, surprising everyone. “The bottle’s closer to me.”
His eyes are locked on you and no one dares to challenge the man, especially with how firm he sounds as he claims himself as the chosen one.
“By all means, go ahead and kiss, then,” Jungkook states, surprise and amusement laced on his face.
Yoongi, instead of scooting to the middle like everyone had done, stands up and reaches out for your hand. You take it and come face to face with him - finally, and you’re speechless as you stare back at him. There’s this certainty and desire in his eyes, you’d like to think. It’s captivating and it’s making you feel hot and definitely turned on. 
“Do you mind doing it in the kitchen?” He asks you. “I don’t really want them to have a front row view.”
“I don’t mind,” you say, trying to sound calm. 
He takes your hand again and walks ahead to the kitchen nearby. You’re still visible but like he wanted, there’s enough distance for the others not to have a close up look of your kiss. 
Yoongi leads you to stand by the counter, finally able to get a clear look at you. He’s been wanting this since hours ago and he couldn’t wait to get the chance to get you alone. You’ve been surrounded by all the guys since he arrived and well, he doesn’t blame them. You’re stunning and charming and you have this sparkle in your eyes when you talk about acting. He’d had enough of just watching from the couch and catching your eyes because yes, he’d noticed you glance at him and he liked that, liked that even if you had everyone else’s attention, you seemed to only want to get his. 
He honestly hates this game. It got him in precarious situations the few times that he indulged the guys by playing and at one point, he just stopped joining. He couldn’t pass up on this, though, not when there’d be a chance to kiss you. If you didn’t get paired up together, he’d still find a way. But he didn’t want anyone else to have the chance, so he took his. And well, maybe sort of cheated.
“So…” you start. “The bottle was definitely closer to Namjoon, you know? Anyone could tell.”
“I know,” he hums. “I could tell you wanted it to be me, though. And I really wanted it to be me.”
“Well in that case, what are you waiting for? Seems like the audience is getting impatient,” you giggle, prompting him to turn towards the living room where the entire group is anxiously anticipating when you’d both just make out. 
“I don’t really care about them,” he says, walking closer to you then caging you by the counter. “I mean, I was hoping this wouldn’t be a quick one.”
Your thighs clench in reflex. He still has a bit of that teasing smirk on but he also looks quite serious, as if there’s a chance you’d turn him down, as if you haven’t been gazing at each other since the game. 
Licking then biting your lips, you smile. “I don’t do quick kisses.”
“That’s good,” he smiles now, eyeing your lips. “Neither do I.”
He dives in right away and your eyes close the moment you feel his lips against yours, soft and electrifying as you expected. He starts slowly, loosely, giving you a chance to pull away if you want. But you don’t, craving for him instead as you try to keep him against you longer. 
It becomes his cue to deepen the kiss and that’s when you feel the warmth of his breath and then, the warmth of his tongue, seeking entrance that you too quickly give. You feel him smile against you and you fall into it even more. Lips melding onto his, you savor every bit of him that you can taste. There’s bitterness from the beer but it’s a taste you could easily be addicted to. It’s him, after all, and he’s just as good as you imagined. 
It’s a little daring for you, you could admit that. You’ve gone to parties and flirted around, kissed guys for fun and then walked away. You’ve never made out with someone right as you met them, though, and especially without even getting a proper conversation in. But Yoongi is captivating in a lot of ways and the way he tastes definitely doesn’t disappoint.
Just as you’re about to think of other things that would definitely make you even wetter, you feel his hand cup your cheek and he keeps it there, not so much to direct you where he wants but… to caress you, to savor you, especially as he keeps his steady pace.
He’s not rushing. He’s not asking for more, as his other hand remains clenched on the counter and his hip remains distanced from yours. He’s just going, feeling all that he can feel with this kiss and humming his satisfaction. 
It’s your hands that can’t control themselves, as you grip his shirt and try to get him closer. 
He does, but only for a while. 
He pulls away and watches you open your eyes. There’s only a hint of disappointment in them. Perhaps like him, you just let yourself enjoy that moment. And it was a damn good one. You tasted sweet from the cocktail you had and there’s this comfort in the way your lips feltl against his. It’s quite addictive, and he applauds himself for not pushing to do more. 
He thumbs your cheek one last time before his hand descends to cover yours that’s now gripping the counter. 
“I’m Yoongi, by the way,” he smiles. 
You burst in laughter and your head leans on his chest. 
Cute, he thinks. 
“And I’m ___,” you reply. “It’s nice to meet you. Finally.”
“You’ve been waiting for this, huh?” He cocks an eyebrow.
If this were any other cocky, self-absorbed guy, you wouldn’t indulge him. But that kiss alone told you that this man is so gentle, and you’d quite like to be a little vulnerable with him. 
“Embarrassingly, I have. I saw you at the game and thought you were pretty hot,” you chuckle. “I asked Tae to introduce me to you.”
“Hmm,” Yoongi hums. “You wanna know what’s embarrassing? I saw you in the crowd and I couldn’t look away. I got hit by the ball because I didn’t hear my teammate calling me.”
The way your cheeks warm is immediate. How can he turn you on and then make you feel all giddy? 
“That’s… pretty cute,” you giggle. “And not embarrassing at all.”
“I’d still prefer it if you don’t tell anyone.”
“Not a single soul,” you promise, smiling cheekily.
God, he’s so weak for your smile. How did he go about all 21 years of his life without this? 
“Are you done?!” Jungkook yells from the other room. “We’ve been waiting on what’s gonna happen after you two made out like you’re the only ones in this place.”
The laughter tells you they’re just teasing. 
“Well, we didn’t ask you to wait,” Yoongi turns back to tell them. “We could’ve gone on much longer.”
He turns to you questioningly. “If you want.”
“That’s an option,” you chuckle. “Or we can get out of here and figure it out?”
“Anything in mind?” He asks, standing up straight now. 
You want to kiss him and straddle him and tear his shirt off and so much more. But you decide you want to start with the gentleness first. You think that if you look long enough, you’ll see it behind the nonchalance and unreadable expressions. Somehow you just know that whether it’s daring things like kissing an almost-stranger or talking about anything or gazing at each other’s eyes, Yoongi would be up for it. You’re here for the summer and you have time. And you definitely want to take your time with this one. 
“Would you like to grab some coffee?” You look up at him, hoping he’s thinking the same.
“Just coffee?” He teasingly smiles.
“Yes, Yoongi. Just coffee.”
He nods and takes your hand. He walks with you to the living room where everyone is staring at both of you with a mix of shock and amusement. No one looks disappointed, though, and even Taehyung is wiggling his eyebrows at you. 
“We’re going to a cafe,” Yoongi announces. “And for the record, this is the last time I’m ever playing this game.”
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c  @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @gukssunshine @nch327 @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @fancycollectormoon @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97 @minyoongiboongi @bangtansmauyeondan @bora-bae7 @investedreader @petalsofink @moonchild1 @jvngkooker @starbtslove​
Series Taglist: @wobblewobble822​ @shydestinyyouth​
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
Graves with a Tsundere!Reader
I want to kill Graves with a rock biblical style and make sure he never moves again. Kind of ironic I wrote this, but anyway. The gist is that reader "hates" Graves. I'm not sure if this actually counts as tsundere stuff, but I think it goes in that direction, at the very least.
It wasn’t particularly a surprise you wanted to strangle him, no matter how much everyone else seemed to love him. Those lingering touches, the way he gives out praise with that smug smile, his knowledge of which buttons to push to get what he wanted. So infuriating. People had a tendency to be annoying, yet no one could steal his crown if they dedicated their life to it. This time, too, he had his hand on your arm. “Shadow, you did so fucking amazing out there, take it easy for the rest of the day.” Giving you one last pat on your arm, along with that signature cocky grin of his, he removed himself from you, walking out of the room. A few seconds later, his voice could still be heard: “Shadows, you didn’t defeat the enemy, you decimated them. I’m so proud of you and what you’ve accomplished today, keep it up. There’s gonna be a good reward for you soon.” A cacophony of “yup-yup” echoed throughout the base.
Shadow Company was unlike any other place you’ve ever worked at. You couldn’t quite put your finger on as to why, but its employees were rather affectionate people, the boss being no exception. It’s not very uncommon for someone to simply hug each other for no reason in particular other than wanting to. A good friend of yours, Shadow 8-4, rested their head on your shoulder, their eyes opening every once in a while, before being closed at least twice as long. You were grateful to have them as your friend, they did not mind your complaints about your commander. “...he’s just the greatest moron of them all, I want to kill him with my own two hands. If I could, I would dangle him over an open tank of sharks and watch him struggle. Absolutely hate how he always keeps touching me in such an encouraging manner, telling me how good I’m doing. His accent is so stupid sounding.”
“Let me guess: His eyes have such a weird shape and they’re too nice looking as well?” They link their arm with yours, cuddling up to you. A sigh escapes their lips.
“You get it, pal! His eyes mock me in a way that has me wanting to suplex him through a basketball hoop! It looks like he cares so deeply about us, it has me reeling. He needs to keel over and die!” Gesturing with your free arm, it seemed as though you were pissed, even though you barely felt such an emotion. Your mind wandered as you got it off your chest, continuously coming back to Graves standing close to you, making small-talk with you. Shadow, you were the MVP tonight, keep it up. Treat yourself to something, it’s on me. Even now, whenever you look at the plushie you got you have to think about your beloathed commander. It may be named Philadelphia, but its nickname is still Phil. The poor thing has to endure your insults before you cuddle it, falling asleep while doing so. As you kept complaining about Graves, threatening to injure or kill him in various unrealistic, almost humorous ways, you noticed 8-4 ceasing to respond. It seemed as though they had fallen asleep on you, again.
The commander is an adult, you can talk to him about the things that bother you. How were you, as an adult, supposed to tell him, your superior, that you wanted to beat him with a stick because he was fairly pretty? In the canteen, you supposed it was natural to find him there at some point, the little fuck was, clapping the backs of your co-workers. While it wasn’t uncommon to find him eating with the other Shadows, it boiled your blood every time he cracked a lame joke, leaning onto the table, gauging everyone’s reactions. He was so observant, but you were sure he wasn’t going to see you throw a pillow at him coming. Even so, when he took notice of you, he ditched the other Shadows in favor of you. “Shadow, heard you’ve got some problems with me. How about we talk things out in my office now, yeah?”
It was really as good a reason as any to tell him your opinion while also not having to worry about everyone else. With them already leaning into each other, knowing exactly why the commander called you to him, you cursed everyone inwardly. As much as you loved your co-workers, you did wish sometimes they would simply shut up. But it wasn’t like anywhere else would be different. Even so, talking privately was sort of intimidating, but ultimately wouldn’t deter you.
He took you with him to said room, walking confidently in front of you as you glared daggers into his back. Fucking asshole, the gall he has to be like that. Once inside, he closed the door behind you, beckoning you to sit down, with him following suit immediately. “You have some unruly things to say about me, I’ve been told. Care to tell me what exactly the problem is here?”
Taking a deep breath, you steadied your mind, letting all the things you wanted to say come to you. “Alright, sir. Where do I even start? Your stupidly handsome face is everywhere I go, and whenever I see you, you’re using your charme to get your way. Your charisma has me wanting to do unwise things, such as making you choke on the most sour lemon I can find. I need you to understand that the way you show your care and appreciation is not okay because it’s making me feel things. Fuck you, sir. Eat dye and shit! Honestly, how dare you be so smug about everything. You think you’re so cool, huh? So cool how you can crack a joke and have everyone chuckle? So awesome how so many of us have a crush on you? How so many of us adore you? I hope you slip on a banana peel and fly into the ceiling! Go die, sir!”
“That really what you think of me, Shadow?” Clasping his hands together, Graves seemed more amused than furious, actually. He got up, walking around his desk towards you. Naturally, you spun the chair to always be facing him. Opting for sitting on his desk, he looked down at you. “Can’t say I don’t appreciate the compliments. Now, listen here, darling.” Graves put his hand under your chin, making you look up at him. “You’re brutally honest, I like that. Now, some of you have a little crush on me? That’s cute.” Unfortunately, he leaned down towards you, his breath tickling the shell of your ear, his hand moving towards your shoulder to push you against the back of the chair. “Mind telling me a bit more about that?” While he moved his face away, his hand did stay put, his eyes locked onto yours as he smirked at you.
“There’s not much that needs to be said about that, I’m not giving away my co-Shadows.” Your heart was racing, your breath shallow and quick. Swallowing down a lump in your throat, your commander took notice of such. This was a bit more intimidating in person.
“That’s funny, it almost looks like you’re one of them.” A small chuckle left his throat. “You’re giving me a bad image here, I’m not sure I like that too much. You think there’s a way for me to stop you from spreading information like that?” The grip on your shoulder tightened a bit.
With a racing mind, you thought of all the possibilities this could allude to. Your breath hitched as you took the your sleeve into your hand. The way he peered down at you was almost too much, forcing you to look away. “Stop being-”
“Look at me while talking.”
Huffing, you closed your eyes for a second, before opening them to look at Graves again. “Stop being such an idiot, then.”
“That’ll do. Now, I think I can do something to make your change your mind at least somewhat.” This time, his hand wandered to your cheek, guiding you towards what was to come. No time was left for you to question him, a quick movement silenced you as he pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was neither hurried nor forced, you could feel the smirk tugging at his lips throughout it. Somewhat chapped, but still warm, just as you got used to the sensation it was over. His hand left your shoulder as he pulled back.
“I’m guessing that’ll settle it for now?”
A few seconds passed when you realized you had forgotten to breathe, playing with the string on your sleeves a bit faster. “Yeah, I think- I think that is good for now.” Such fog in your mind, shrouding your judgment. Not a single thought was coherent enough to be muttered, you simply stared at Graves, not sure if the situation even demanded any words. You probably should have said something, but what it should have been, what it could have been, was unclear.
“If you ever have another problem with me you’re more than welcome to come see me and take it up with me in person. Any other complaints?”
“No, sir. I think I’m good for now.”
“You’re free to leave my office, then.” You bit your lip to the point you were surprised it wasn’t bleeding.
“And Shadow,” he called out. “Good to hear the morale is as high as ever.” You were going to make sure that guy would wake up with a massive headache.
Once outside, you found yourself surrounded by other Shadows, as though you were all children with you having been called for a stern talking to by the teacher. Curiosity killed the cat and you were about to become a feline. Heads tilted, a few quiet chuckles, hushed voices whispering amongst each other before asking you regarding what happened. One of those fucks snitched, but there likely was no way for you to find out anymore. Inclined to talk shit about your commander to them, you remembered the scene in his office, torn between whether or not you actually should right now. With an annoyed grunt, you pushed past them, ready to go to your room, still replaying what happened with as much detail as you could remember. Graves should still kick the bucket, though.
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avacynthia · 3 months
(ooc. finally done with a pretty severe work crunch--whew!--and gearing back up to write here again. 😊 for the inspo, I rewatched ash's battle vs. cynthia in journeys and wow. I forgot how awesome that entire fight was, so I'm gonna ramble a bit--
some highlights for me...
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cynthia leading with spiritomb, who tanks a billion damage as a stall wall before taking out half of ash's team. highlight of the fight is easily when cynthia has spiritomb use destiny bond to take out ash's pikachu with its last breath. just like that, the ace is down. the plot armor is a bit chipped. strategic. devious. spiritomb mvp.
cynthia NOT mega-evolving garchomp and dynamaxing togekiss instead. I love this. an unexpected curveball, and it almost works...
...because cynthia is determined to go full sweat with togekiss, and it is amazing. spamming the serene grace + air slash combo for flinches galore, and then spamming max airstream once dynamaxed to turn togekiss into a speedy monster? how tilting. we love to see it.
garchomp stays the final boss in this fight, though. she doesn't need to mega evolve to be an absolute threat, and she uses stealth rock (love that) and hyper-offense to wreck the field...until she goes down to the wire with ash's mega-lucario. (why does ash have a mega-lucario...?) I guess cynthia's one weakness is trainers who have lucarios, huh...
even though cynthia falls just short at the end, make no mistake. the queen stays queen. 😤)
(also, catch diantha hyping cynthia up in the pregame tunnel...hm. they're just friends, probably. 😏)
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nelvana · 8 months
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Back at it again with another pokemon playthrough, this time going all the way back to gen 1 and playing yellow! I had been playing this on and off again for a few years now, but finally wrapped things up a couple months ago. Those old sprites are fascinating. Similarly, I thought it would be fun to shake up the usual team drawing doing this in the original Game Boy colors!
Team stats and general gameplay info under the cut:
"Sunnie", Pikachu, Thunderbolt - Quick Attack - Double Team - Body Slam
"Frumky", Primeape, Strength - Dig - Low Kick - Rock Slide
"Spesk", Parasect, Slash - Mega Drain - Leech Life - Spore
"Memoire", Mew, Earthquake - Metronome - Surf - Psychic
"Beast", Flareon, Fire Blast - Sand-Attack - Smog - Quick Attack
"Leece", Dewgong, Headbutt - Surf - Rest - Ice Beam
General Playthrough Notes:
Gameplay total settled at nearly 20 hours! One of the shorter ones, I'd say; though, then again, there isn't really much to do in this game aside from the gyms and Team Rocket stuff.
We went in to the E4 with the whole team at level 45! Something that didn't go well in my old LeafGreen playthrough, but was perfectly fine here. The E4 wasn't that bad at all, honestly.
Kanto is not nearly good enough to deserve all the times I've played through it. I am so tired of Kanto and I'm not even done with it yet (I'm midway through a SoulSilver randomized apocalocke which, of course, has Kanto in the postgame, and I'm doing another LeafGreen run for some reason).
Okay okay so look you can see the mew on my team, I thought it'd be fun to have a mew! I missed the spots you're ideally supposed to perform the glitch in. I had just finished Cerulean City and then realized that the trainers I needed for the glitch were in that city! And I had already beaten them! I ended up using a dugtrio in diglett cave instead. It wasn't very consistent, took me a few tries, but eventually I got it.
Fun fact! At one point I was going to do a yellow nuzlocke! I ended up getting bored and realized I just wanted to play through yellow regularly, so here we are. In that run I caught Frumky though, which is actually what won me over enough to want to use her again in my actual yellow playthrough. It was actually that save where I traded with myself to get an alakazam back in my gold playthrough.
Gen 1 is so funny with how broken it is. I got so much joy in describing to my roommate all the fucked up things that were happening in-game.
Hey. Come here. Listen closely: I don't think parasect is as bad as everyone says it is. Even with the multiple x4 weaknesses in gen 1. Spesk was the mvp in a lot of fights, they packed a punch. Lovely little critter.
...Wish I could speak high praises for gen 1 flareon though. I enjoyed using Beast! But they really just don't get access to a lot of good moves. Beast had their moments, but ultimately didn't get as much screen time as I had hoped.
Similarly, dewgong? Not as good as I hoped. It really isn't quite as beefy as I had in mind. Poor thing. Again, still had fun with them on the team!
Having pikachu following me around and checking in with them whenever will never not be cute. We've been robbed of quality following pokemon in the modern games.
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cutekittenlady · 5 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 4
Well my overall philosophy of exploration bore fruit!
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Always remember kids, in a good game you can find pretty good items you may otherwise miss if you just take your time and explore a little!
Regardless my training at the Virbank Complex was interspersed with a guy asking me to "fire up" some of his new employees. Needing to train my team anyway, I took him up on the offer.
After defeating the first foreman with Aries I got a great surprise;
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Aries evolved into Flaafy! She also learned Charge!
This training session is already bearing some pretty great fruit!
As I was defeating the workmen I also saw this scientist guy walking around the complex. Talking to him and hearing what he had to say netted me an ether! An item that actually restore pokemons pp! Its harder to find in the early game so I think I may hoard this for now.
Reporting back to the boss nets me the tm for rock smash. I'm collecting a decent number of tms!
After leaving in the VIrbank Complex I head to the pokemon center and buy some healing I get a few potions and antidotes, as well as soem super potions juuuust in case. I also decide to buy one heal ball and one net ball on the off chance they come in handy down the line.
Now its prep time!
I decide to start off by replacing Bentleys tackle attack with return. I also teach the same attack to Molly as well. I consider teaching one of the team work up but it turns out none of them are able to use the move. I then give each of my team members a pecha berry to hold so they can heal themselves if they get poisoned at the gym.
With that prep work complete I head to the Virbank gym.
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While the last gym was a school, Virbanks Gym is an underground rock club of sorts.
This is where we find Roxie, but she and her band are rocking out so hard that she cant hear us asking for a battle! Guess we'll have to beat her bandmates to bring the music down enough to start our gym battle.
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I choose to start with the drummer on the left.
I start off with Molly and he sends out a grimer. Mollys intimidate takes down his attack a stage and i opt to start out with an ember. Unfortunately Grimer immediately uses disable rending ember useless. I have Molly use return (cant remember if grimer can have poison point) and it hits, but grimer hits back. I have molly use leer and grimer uses poison gas which sadly poisons molly. Thankfully she eats the pecha berry I gave her and heals up. With grimers defense lowered I have Molly use return again which hits Grimer down ino the yellow, but unfortunately Grimer uses poison gas again and poisons Molly. Not wanting Aries or Bentley to use their pecha berries just yet I opt to keep Molly in. Ember is still disabled so I take grimer out with a return.
Next the drummer sends out Koffing and I get a message that ember is no longer disabled. I have Molly use Ember and manage to get a burn on Koffing. Koffing hits with assurance and molly is hurt by their poisoning. Luckily though Koffing is also hurt by their burn. I use an antdote on Molly to heal her up. Koffing takes the opportunity to hit with another assurance but is again hurt by their burn. I have Molly hit with return but it doesnt do much. One more ember and a bit of damage from the burn damage is enough to take koffing out.
I use a couple of potions on Molly to heal her up before taking on the guitarist on the right.
Once again I send in Molly and hte guitarist uses venipede. I have Molly start off with Ember which, it turns out, is super effective and takes venipede out in one hit! It must be the bug typing. This victory levels Molly up to level 16.
There is now only Koffing to deal with, and remembering how the last koffing tanked return I decide to rely on special attacks here and have Molly use Ember which takes Koffing down to half health and burns it. Another ember is enough to take it out.
Molly is really the MVP of this gym! Tbh I was expecting it to be Aries. I dont even need to heal up with a potion before facting Roxie. However before I face the gym leader I do take Bentleys pecha berry and give it to Molly while moving Bentley to the front of the party. I then give Bentley the silk scarf in the hopes that it will power up his Return attack.
I don't expect Bentley to do much in this fight since grass is weak to poison, but given what a murder bean Bentley was at the start of the adventure I doubt he'd be content with sitting out.
With that I face off against Roxie.
Roxie starts off with Koffing naturally enough. I opt to Bentley start of with Growth increasing his attack. Koffing hits with a supereffective smog, and I have Bentley set up another growth. I'm hoping to get a very stron ghit here. Koffing hits with assurance bring Bentley into the yellow. I then make a critical mistake and misclick another growth rather than an attack and Koffing hits Bentley with another smog. Not wanting to waste al those growths I opt to have Bentley use vinewhip. even though it wont be very effective. Which it sadly is not. Bentley is then KO'd by Koffing.
This ones on me not Bentley. Really could have played that smarter.
Wanting to save Molly for whatever pokemon Roxie has next, I send in Aries. Remembering that Koffin tanked return, I'm guess this guy must have high defense so Aries special attacks should do better here. Even so just to be safe I start off with a thunder wave to paraylze koffing and then use charge to power Aries up. Koffing hits with a tackle but it does barely anything. I have Aries use thundershock and its enough to take Koffing out in one hit!
Booyah Aries!
Roxie then sends out her next pokmeon, Whirlipede. If Whirlipede is a bug type like Scolipede was swapping in to Molly should be effective here. However I decide to leave Aries in. Her paralysis may be the best way to keep Whirlipede from using any moves that might poison my team.
So I do just that and have Aries use thunderwave right off the bat. Whirlipede gets paralyzed but still manages a pursuit. I have Aries use cotton spore to slow whirlipede down, and Whirlipede hits with venoshock for half of Aries health. Hoping to get lucky with paralysis I have Aries use charge to power up for an attack. Whirlipede used Venoshock again, but thanks to charge increasing Aries special defense it doesnt KO. Whilipede is paralyzed the next round and I have Aries use Thundershock which doesnt do as much as I hoped. I decide to use cotton spore again next round. If Aries cant beat Whirlipede i can at least make it slow for Molly. Whirlipede hits with another pursuit and I have Aries use another thundershock. Unfortunately Whirlipede uses protect and the damage fails to land. I repeat the same tactic next round but it only chips whirlipede. Whirlipede hits with another pursuit taking Aries out.
While two of my team members are down I'm not out. I send in Molly knowing Whirlipede is weakened alread and with Mollys intimidate its attack drops as well. Aries part comes through as Whirlipede is paralyzed and one ember is all it takes to beat Whilipede and win us the badge!
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Thankfully Roxies a graceful loser and gives us the Toxic Badge for beating her. Now any pokemon up to level 30 will obey us. She also gives us the tm for venoshock.
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yes they did Roxie yes did.
I'm fairly certain Bentleys disappointed he lost, but he'll rebound.
Immediately after we step off the stage a stranger approaches and asks us to go to pokestar studios. Mention of the place sends Roxie running off after her dad.
C'mon Roxie whats the worst that can happen here?
I head towards pokestar studios but stop at the pokemon center on the way to heal up my pokemon after that gym battle and head to the north of Virbank
So we walk in and the same stranger who talked to us back in Virbank Gym sees us and introduces us to the boss Mr... Stu Deeoh.
Stu Deeoh
I am not making this up.
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Some parent out there really had the last name Deeoh and named their kid Stu. And that kid then proceeded to go into filmmaking.
I just.... what life does this man have?!
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Be honest dude. Did your parents hate you? Are they dead? Did you kill them to inherent their money but mostly because they named you Stu Deeoh?
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You and Alder must go to the same bar or something because you are dodging the question.
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Well now I just want to slap your bald head.
I get a tour of the studio and meed Roxies dad in the lobby. Hes apparently just shot a film? Which was... fast? Are... are these cheap B movies? I hope its cheap B movies cause otherwise its something else and this is supposed to be a kids game.
So Roxies dad pressure me into watching his movie to get "acting tips" from a "professional".
Hahahah okay Pop Roxie MAAAAAAAYBE chill out a little? Yeah?
You've been in one low budget film shot in an open lot probably in front of a green screen. If your lucky its not something that'll make your daughter never wanna look you in the eye agian.
I don't gotta see your film, right talent seeker guy?
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Arceus damn it!
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Oh wow...
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You uh.... You okay Pop Roxie? Your knees okay?j
(missed my chance to screenshot this next bit so I got a screenshot from youtube. Original Vid here)
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Wow man... tone death much?
Then Pop Roxie goes on this heartfelt speech about having always wanted to pursue his dream of being on the silver screen and being inspired by his daughter, and then he just... goes back to his ship saying he would return to the screen one day.
OH Pop Roxie!
The guy then just... drags me to the studio to see the Boss.
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Call me Dahling again and Alder and Pop Roxie won't be the only older men around here who need new knees.
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.... Ah. Thats significantly less bad. Well... I guess Hugh wouldn't mind if I take a few hours out of my day to-
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Oh right sure. Get your Kung Fu star five pokedollar Brycenman look-alike phony out here to protect you. I have a murder bean, a lightning ram, and a firebreathing dog. I aint afraid of your security detail!
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.... Holy shit you're... you're actually Brycen.
Shit, uh... well if you heard anything about knees just know it was a HUGE misunderstanding eheheheh.
My mom has a picture of you in our fridge.
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She kisses it good night.
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For years I thought she actually murdered dad so she could- I MEAN SAME TO YOU MAN! SAME TO YOU!
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Your knees are spared this day old man.
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Actually will I be getting paid for this? Yknow like in cash money? Cause, like, moms been single a long time since dad died and we could really use the-
aaaand he walked away.
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hughungrybear · 4 months
Me while watching Cherry Magic Thailand (Final EP):
It's the final EP!!!! Where will I get my next serotonin boost then? 🥺🥺🥺
1. Achi's cherry has been officially popped (hehe *wink wink 😏). He has now lost his mind-hearing power. However, Karan, it's too early in the morning to be this cheesy though 😅😅😅
2. Awww. Achi's new co-workers are so sweet (even though they prioritise playing football above all else 😂).
3. Why is Rock holding the monitor though? 😅😅😅 Also, holiday bonuses is the GOAT.
4. My SingJan heart 🥹🥹🥹 Rock represents all of us in the workforce that have unrealised dreams. Pai is right though. Nobody can really stop you from doing what you love as long as you have fun doing it. That fan sign though 😂😂😂
5. It's meet the parents time. (Please don't be homophobic, please don't be homophobic). Achi's Mum is very confused why anyone would even want to date her clumsy son 😂😂😂
6. That's next level superstitious though - praying to pick the right gummy bear colour 😂😂😂 Even in his most simp behaviour, Karan is still handsome. Wtf.
7. Looks like they're setting Karan's parents to be problematic. At this late stage of the series???
8. Min's dreams are finally coming true. Hope that won't cause problems with his relationship with Jinta [after 5 seconds] Oh, Min WILL NOT LET IT BE A PROBLEM. Nice. 😊 Also, it turns out that Min's fans are also Jinta's fans. Lucky them 😅😅😅
9. Y'know it's weird to see Tay on the driver's seat since he hates driving irl, which makes New the designated driver in their TayNew Meal Dates.
10. I will never understand parents avoiding necessary conversations with their kids. It's not as if the issue will go away if they ignore it. Karan's mum is every bit of a cvnt (along with the silent, useless father).
Big Sis Karin is the real MVP. I just want to slap Karan's parents (especially the mum) after Karin's monologue. Karan stopping himself from holding Achi's hand because he noticed his Mum is looking is very fvcked up (it broke something inside of me 😭😭).
Karan is lucky to have Achi, but I think he is even luckier to have Karin as his concerned, protective big sis.
12. I still don't accept that Min's group became famous by dancing to Mama OK! song. 😂😂😂 Oh, Rock became a social media dancing office worker icon. So happy for him.
13. Yes, push legalising LGBTQ+ marriage agenda please 🥹🥹🥹
I'm really happy with how this series turned out to be (although they did not show when Jinta will lose his powers too lol). So far, GMMTV remakes are managing to give proper respect to the originals without becoming a copycat. I think with this series, we (and by we, I mean the PolCa fans) can breathe in relief that TayNew is really back.
Now, to wait for 23.5 degrees 😭😭😭
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shortpplfedup · 1 year
The Definitive Ranking of My School President OSTs and Covers Part 2
Top 5, here we go!
5. 'You've Got Ma Back' - Fourth, Ford, Satang, Winny
No you're crying. Perfect pop. No notes.
4. 'I Want To Scream Out Loud' (Cover) - Fourth, Ford
This is one of the songs I've had in heavy rotation. A great pop-rock spin on an already-enjoyable original, plus I love an upbeat, joyful love song.
3. 'Once Upon A Time' - Fourth, Gemini, Ford, Satang
I'm a sucker for a graduation song, puts me all up in my feels. A pop ballad all about already missing the past but looking ahead to the future, and the bonds of friendship? I'm there. Plus Satang's voice is so smooth and I love it so much.
2. 'Just Being Friendly' (Cover) - Fourth, Ford, Satang
A Tilly Birds banger reimagined as a new wave synth pop masterpiece? No but y'all don't understand: Aha, Hall & Oates and Tears For Fears were my entire personality at one point. I had no choice but to adore this song. The only reason it's not in the #1 spot is that I prefer the Hot Wave performance version with just Fourth's voice to the studio version, even though I do love the studio version very much, once again because of Satang's voice. Satang is very underrated is what I'm saying guys.
1. 'Come Closer' - Ford
In the end, I guess it's always going to be the torch song for me. I love all of our singers in different ways, but Ford is the MVP and he proves it here with his buttery voice, impressive range and fantastic breath control. This dreamy romantic ballad shows him off at his best, and it's my #1 with a bullet.
Come argue with me in the comments for funsies! Love to hear you guys' thoughts and see your own rankings!
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sonorous-cicada · 6 months
2023 Year In Review
This year I wrote 276,380 words and posted 258,729 of that.
Busiest Month: July with 55k words written.
Completed a 80k long fic at the beginning of the year.
Almost completed a 125k fic over the summer. 
Wrote 8 One Shots.
Started 4 long fics. Completed 4 events.
Hosted the vacation event. 
I made some amazing, supportive friends this year who helped push me to that quarter-million word count. 
Thank you to @something-like-air for being my rock this year. Thank you for supporting me and keeping me sane (mostly). Thank you for beta’ing over 500,000 words to date. I’m deeply grateful for everything you’ve done for me. You’ve saved me from myself more than you know. You deserve every good thing that has happened to you this year and then some. I hope you stay blessed, that the road rises to meet you, the wind remains at your back, and the sun shines warm upon your face. 
Thank you @lightweaving for becoming my friend this year. I appreciate the laughs we’ve shared, and the time we’ve spent writing together. Thank you for co-modding the Vacation Event with me. Thank you for pushing me to be a better writer with our silly games and competitions. Our shared insanity kept me going even when the Depression (™) tried to take over. I’m grateful that we’ve become friends. 
Thank you @komorebirabbit and @renaerys for slapping me upside the head when I needed it, and for listening to my silly little idea rants. Thank you for tolerating the jokes, sarcasm, and competitive spirit. Thank you for pushing me to write even when time got thin and my patience ran low. Jo, thank you for your stubborn sense of justice and your refusal to bend to pressure. 
@bunnbreaker You are always ready to go balls to the wall for your people, and that is a trait I strongly admire. I hope that never changes for you. And I’m so thankful that I met you this year. You’re a strong person and have fought whatever life has thrown at you with grace. Don’t be afraid of that. It’s amazing to watch!
@xylazine thank you for all of the good times this year and for the round-robin fic. Thank you for all of your support and cheerleading throughout the year, even when writer’s block had a chokehold on you. It takes a big person to be able to move past their own struggles and help someone else. You’re the real MVP of the comment section and that’s huge in and of itself. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, appreciates how hard you work to read and comment on everyone’s fic. So thank you! 
@moonlady9 we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs together. This year was one of our hardest. You were one of the first people in this fandom to believe in me. You always fight to write something new and innovative. Thank you for being there, even when the real world got messy. Thank you for fighting through life to be where you are. Even though it may seem bleak and dark, you always come out on top. And I pray you always will. You deserve that much and more. <3
Thank you to everyone who has been in my life this year. This year, fandom felt as it should be: a community. The heart and soul of fandom will always be the human behind the keyboard making all of this possible. I appreciate and am grateful to you all from one human heart to another.
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wheelcr · 2 years
hiii how are you? can you talk more about finn in ur actress dr? like what does he do in his free time or what you usually do together? I'm sooo in love with him♡
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hii nonie! i'm doing good! a lil sleepy ngl but i'm fine. also!! i can totally understand why you're in love w bambi jdhdjd i am too </3
generally, i know finn listens to music a lot. everytime i go on discord his spotify status is always displaying some country or rock song from the 80's, even when we're together he always just has to have his earphones in or he goes like batshit and starts getting really anxious hshdn
he also likes to play basketball and skate! yes, he's tried to do both at the same time on several occasions. he once facetimed me to show off him and his roommate at a basketball court, tried to shoot a hoop from behind him and just completely embarrassed himself in front of me, i was screen recording and obv i posted it to twitter ( with his consent ofc )
i know that he's a huge music geek. he's always on his guitar, always mixing stuff on his little interface thingy which is too intimidating and complicated for me to even try and understand. most of the time when he leaves his laptop on when we hang out i just see like a music editor or like google docs w notes and lyrics open, sometimes it concerns me bc hello?? do you even sleep???
lesser known fact about finn, he loves window - shopping. whether it be online or like in malls in the city, i know from his mom that he's always looking at stuff but never buys anything
and when he's not doing any of those things he's either reading some vintage comic book or some teen romance / coming of age novel, writing movie plots and dumping his ideas in his little notebook, or playing whatever videogame is popular at the time
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most of the time when we hang out it's with the rest of his friends, which, as you know, consists of a bunch of loud mf vloggers and content creators so we're just listening to them banter and do goofy stuff with their dry ass humor, often having the camera shoved in our face once or twice so they can get extra views
though during the times when it's me knocking at his apartment door at 12 in the morning, or like us hanging out on facetime or on discord, we actually just sit in silence, a super comfy silence
when we have the energy to go out and actually make plans with each other, it's mostly going to watch a movie in cinemas or just on his couch, or to the mall to try and beat every kid's ass at the arcade and bag ourselves a few new plushies, which he always ends up giving to me even though he won them fair n square
whenever we go to the mall we always always have to stop for frozen yogurt, it's literally a requirement for whenever we go out. we cannot go home unless we get frozen yogurt
i always end up with like a keepsake when i hang out with him. especially if i'm visiting him after months and months of being busy with our own projects, i always go home with like a new headband or a new plushie or a new keychain
finn's love languages are definitely touch and gift - giving. him randomly handing me something, even if it's like a cheap box of chocolate from the convenience store, it's like his own little way of going 'i missed you' and it makes me smile so fucking much it hurts
anyways— other than that we're normally just dancing like idiots in our room to taylor swift or some old music, or yelling each other's ear off trying to get mvp in call of duty, or filming stupid shorts that will either never get released to the public, or are posted on my personal tiktok account that only dedicated fans will find ksjsks
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wcrriorhearts · 1 year
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Welcome to part one of my positivity shoutouts. I will be doing these in alphabetical order and hope my scattered brain won’t forget anyone. Given I can only put people on here I follow and therefore know, feel free to send in positivity for people in the House of the Dragon fandom who I have missed & not mentioned, so I can include them in a later post! 
@alicentry - we have not interacted yet, but i think your writing is marvelous. you have an impeccable grasp on alicent and write her beautifully. you also seem like a super sweet person ooc and i hope you’ll be on my dash for a long time to come
@bronzebtch - i guess you’re okay? just kidding, you are an incredible human being and an even more impressive writer!! you have taken a character that had approximately 3 seconds of badass screen time and turned her into such a well rounded, beautiful, relatable, fleshed out person that i feel like we saw much more of her than we actually did. all the connections you have forged with characters in the fandom are utterly beautiful and i cannot imagine my dash without you on it anymore. even though you’re team green…
@bcbliophile - tiny my darling, you are a staple in this fandom and a joy to have on the dash. you have so much love and enthusiasm for the characters you write and it is absolutely infectious. you are nothing but a bright, friendly and talented light on the dash and i adore all of the things we write. your choice of muses is wonderful and you write all of them so well <3 stay as amazing & talented as you are!
@blxckprincxss - you’re doing a great job! You have a lovely selection of canon muses and ocs and all of them are very well fleshed out and beautifully written.We have not interacted yet, but I hope we will change that in the future. I love having you on my dash!
@brideofcdragons - you are an absolute legend in this fandom, given that your blog has basically existed since 2013 and it is lovely to see that HotD has made it easier for the old GoT people to interact again. It’s like a whole revival! Your portrayal of Dany is wonderful and it is obvious that in the many years of writing her, you have fleshed her out perfectly. I hope we’ll have you around for a long time to come!
@bruiisedpetals - another incredibly talented multimuse <3 i vividly remember a time when multis got a bad rap,but it’s because of talented and wonderful people like you, that we’re now all thriving on our multis and face no weird prejudices anymore. All of the muses you write are absolutely stunning and the connections you have formed with other characters beautiful to see. Your writing is so perfect and I love having you on my dash!
@breakbcnes - the real mvp of the hotd storyline, the dad of dads, harwin our mans <3 once again you have adopted an absolutely underrated dilf and made him a staple in this fandom and i feel so blessed to be writing with you. he is just absolutely top notch and there is nothing else to say about him. he's the most loyal and genuinely nice man in the entire story and you write him perfectly
@becomelions - your second blog my darling, but you have a couple of underrated hotd charas on here as well that i adore and so once again, thank you for picking up underloved sweethearts and brightening our dashes with them. you rock!
@caraxes--rider - my darling, you are one of the kindest, most drama free people on this platform and i cannot imagine my dash without you on it <3 you have a wonderful grasp on daemon and don’t water down his darker parts, which is awesome. i love everything that we have created for our muses and hope we will never run out of great ideas to write. 
@clutchofmuses - another wonderful and talented mutli! your passion and love for the muses you write is visible in everything you write and you seem to have endless creativity when it comes to writing well plotted storylines with your partners. keep up the good work <3
@clawsbcared - what a great blog you have! it is entirely filled with OCs that absolutely don’t seem like OCs, because they are so well fleshed out and lively that they seem like actual book/show characters. you insert them so easily into different verses and scenarios and breathe life into a house that would otherwise have gone unnoticed during the dance. it’s a joy to have you on the dash!
@collectionofvoices - the multis definitely dominate this fandom and i have absolutely nothing to complain about, because you are another wonderful writer with an impeccable collection of muses that are all written incredibly well and true to their book/show counterparts. you’re also very passionate about your babies and it shows in your interactions and headcanons. stay awesome!
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poohwhin · 11 months
starting a fight just to get rocked by 5-13 people who had NO PRIOR CORRELATION to each other is absolutely insane. (no sympathy for them though they highkey deserved that)
also like a million props to the dude who SWAM over there 😭 mvp frfr
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fanartbyherd · 9 months
No Evil and Bechtile Test.
I got bored and decided to see how many episodes of no evil pass the bechtile test.
for those of you who don't know the bechtlile test is this:
1. has two (named) women,
2. talk to each other about 
3.something other than a man. 
----- so here are the episodes and the reason they do or do not pass.
Ep 1. No, only has one female character.
Ep 2.No, has multiple named girl characters, but no one talks in this episode.
Ep. 3 Yes, calamity and kitty talk about the ponies on the coat.
Ep 4. Yes, if singing counts was a conversation.
Ep. 5 No, two named girl characters. they have a conversation but Paula and kitty talk about Huey and why he has rocks tied to his tail.
Ep 6. No, two named characters talk, but not to each other.
Ep 7. No, no one talks
Ep 8. Yes, wrip and calamity carry the episode
Ep 9. yes, calamity and kitty talk about borrowing a pumpkin.
Ep 10. Yes, Kitty asks calamity where her pumpkin and scarecrow is. also the Angle complementing kitty.
Ep 11. yes, discussion of how to heal the sick of Macoy
Ep 12. yes, Kitty asks angle why she is here.
Ep 13. maybe... yes, if chief is a name then calamity and chief talk with each other, like asking why they have a barn full of chupacabra.
Ep 14. No. its a story, but no conversation between named female characters, just Wrip saying that Vinkel had no tail.
Ep 15. yes. calamity says that she'll pass out without the poppy charm.
Ep 16. No! great song but no conversation.
Ep 17. yes Wrip tells calamity off about kidnappings and kitty tells her the tuning fork is hers.
Ep 18. yes. Frida talks to calamity and kitty. Frida also talks to Emonia about a note.
Ep 19. yes. everyone has a conversation.
Ep 20. yes. calamity and kitty talk about what they are doing.
Ep 21. yes. Wrip shows calamity what black bart looks like. kitty talks to angle
Ep 22. No, I love Paula, she's great, but she's the only named character that talks. we don't know what ichabod's mothers name is.
Ep 23. yes. calamity and kitty have a short conversation. also Paula MVP this episode.
Ep 24. yes, Emoida, Frida and Emily , discuss the dolls Huey gave them.
Ep 25. yes. is ASL talking according to the Becktle test? I mean ASL is a conversation. so I count it.
Ep 26. no, Zotsiketsil and Paula chat with other characters, but not each other.
Ep 27. yes. angle gives permission to Emily and Emoida to stay in Richland and they compliment her dolls. how old is angle? she probably made the Dino dolls. but that means she needed to find their bones.
Ep 28. No. the characters don't talk to each other.
Ep 29. No. the characters don't talk to each other. great character work though.
Ep 30. no, Paula slays again but only talks to guys.
Ep 31. No. Ah clark.
Ep 32. No.
Ep 33. No.
Ep 34. yes. calamity says it's not safe to travel at night to kitty. also hoop snakes my beloved.
Ep 35. yes. calamity says no to kitty. and calamity and kitty talk to murder about the mercy bow.
Ep 36. No, kitty and calamity talked a lot, but never too eachother about something other than corn. though kitty asks murder about finding a medicine man. and they? she? nods.
Ep 37. No, only one feminine character speaks and they are an unnamed charecter. this is still one of my favorite episodes.
Ep 38. yes, kitty and murder talk about fixing the temple. also introduction of mama! I adore grandmother spider, but I may be biased.
Ep 39. No, kitty, calamity and Xochiquetzal talk, but not to each other. the stylization of the game is so nice, creepy bones, but nice.
Ep 40. No only the nurse ratchet looking charecter talks. also that second nurse is great. she's fun to watch even though she dose not say a word.
Ep 41. Yes, Paula and Calamity talk about travel and getting vineyard jailed. Wrip and Paula also talk about the conning the towns. ah the kids are always a delight.
Ep 42. yes? calamity and kitty talk about city bureaucracy.
Ep 43. yes. kitty and calamity talk about jailbreak. man Charles is so dramatic. it's still funny that he only started to look like a villain when he joined the good guys.
Ep 44. No.
Ep 45. No.
Ep 46. Yes. man the kids are so fun.
26/46 pass the test.
a bit more than half.
I gotta admit that the beck tile test is not the best test for figuring out representation, it's better than nothing, and this was more of a fun exersise more than any sort of serious analysis. its also a test that is clearly designed more for film than it is for shorts.
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