#Rocksy Rambles
Ya know whats so magical about listening to old music? The fact that you're listening to the same music that a kid back then listened to for the first time, especially on a record player/cd player/cassette player.
You're listening to the same music that was considered-and probably still is-the best music in the world. It makes me feel things, like these rushes, no matter how many times I've listened to the song, it'll always feel like I'm listening to it for the first time again.
I used to hate this music lol I hated rock n' roll when I was I kid, I'll admit, but that's 'cause I never actually took the time to listen to it and now I realize how powerful and good it is!
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the4bestgame-blog · 6 months
Need to play my changeling character again, the campaign has been on pause because my group just wants to play D&D 5e so I'm just gunna ramble about her here. Her name is Rocksy Stone, because we have a long history of "X Stone" where the X is always a gemstone and Rocksy was designed as a parody of that. She was kidnapped by the fae around WW2 when she wandered off into the forest and was turned into a giant mountain and was literally and metaphysicly mined for all her emotions and traits, gemstones of "happiness" and "love" used to adorn fae jewellery or dresses. Eventually there was nothing left to take, and she was abandoned, believed to just be a drained mountain, the fact she was technically a person long forgotten. The thing with being in Arcadia, at least in our version of cannon, is it wants you to loose yourself to it, to embrace your role and become it in truth. After years in Arcadia, with everything took from her, that should have happened to Rocksy long, LONG ago. But when they took all the gems, all that was valuable they left behidn the stone, the rock, and her anger seeped into that rock until it flew like magma and became a volcano. That mountain walked out of arcadia with burning anger as liquid magma in her veins and she escaped. Of course, if you know anything about CTL 2E you know she didn't escape unchanged, the world she escaped to is modern day and she has no idea how to handle that and also all her fucking emotions other than pure rage are gone. She knows she /should/ feel them, but what is taken by the fae is no so easily given back. She has been constantly searching for these gems to recombine and become whole, so far she has fear, sadness, love and excitement. She got sadness after we did a short mini campaign playing as other characters and she got to witness her youngest sister, now old and feeble, get killed by the fae that took her in revenge for Rocksy escaping, learning in the proses that the entire fucking Stone bloodline is cursed. Love she brought from a hobgoblin in exchange for a bunch of leads on the story we needed at the time, and excitement was another hob that tried to pull the same shit, only for Rocksy to kick its ass because they weren't in the Goblin Market. Most hobs distrust her now, but she fucking got it. Fear was a fun one to get, like sadness it was given to her by a fae in return for her suffering something, specifically one of the other players is a spirit medium and was trying to negotiate with a ghost, the negotiations went badly and Rocksy, being the tank of the group, stepped in to defend. She lost her fucking arm in one attack. She still ended up defending Anna (The other PC) long enough for them to calm the spirit whilst the 2 other party members where across town dealing with vampires, but Rocksy had only one arm for like, 3 arcs whilst she studied to learn token making (magic item crafting) and crafted her own arm because she knew some rudimentary blacksmithing and wasn't going to accept anything that she didn't personally understand. Build wise shes very fun, not gunna go into all her Merits and Contracts but she has Giant merit, Spurious Stature from one of her Kiths and Transfigure the flesh as a contract, which each boost her size. All together with an average roll, I can become larger than a car. In addition I have Iron skin merit, obdurant skin from the other kith I have so far, and earth armour of the elements fury contract, meaning that once I grow that big I can add a bunch of armour to flat out negate damage even ontop of my massive health pool. Rocksy is a fucking tank compressed into a human-ish shaped form, if you piss her off you are going to be grappled by the giant hulking form and if you are lucky she will throw you out of the battlefield where you can run.
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🌵 "So, theoretically, if Caramel were to be going in that direction, and the creature is going the opposite way... They will not meet until they reach this corridor..."
Aloe rambled on, using his whiteboard once covered in plans for removing Rockstar's condition as a crudely drawn map of the floor all those involved were currently on.
💾 "If we cut that monster off HERE! Yea! Then we can get him to rush down that hall and right into the cryo-whatever! Haha, nice!"
With the two chattering, DJ was left to the side. Mumbling tiredly, they stood from their bed and wandered over to the two. The scientist paused in his shared ramblings with his family member and turned to the other. The cookie that had garnered attention then simply threw themselves into a hug on Aloe.
Heavily discomforted, the plant man just stared down upon the MC, arms pulled away to signify he didn't wish for this. Cyborg, though a brash move, pulled the two apart.
🎧 "Please... Please, I-I..."
The little musical soul whimpered, trying to latch onto Aloe again.
🎧 "Let me help... I-I want to help... Let me help save R-Rocksy..."
The three were stuck in a moment of silence. From beneath DJ's visor, a well-known fluid dripped from beneath. Tears. They were crying. Aloe, though there was a heavy pang in his chest from seeing them, wound up taking DJ's hands. He sighed, motioning with his head for Cyborg to stand aside for the moment.
🌵 "If you want to help... You're- You're going to have to distract and run from him until he gets into the cryo-chamber... From there, Hell get frozen. I... Don't know if you will be frozen too, but will that work?"
🎧 "M... Mhm... Please..."
🌵 "It's settled then..."
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desnayy · 8 years
If I were to write about my Sugar Rush persona, the character would most likely by heavily gender neutral and has a sort of bumpy car cause rock candy is all bumpy
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ya know, I feel like a know Steve personally, or I feel connected to him in some sort of way. I guess we have a lot of things in common like stagefright and we both play guitar, etc. But I feel like there is something more that.
I don't think I'd wanna date Steve if I knew him, I'd want him to be my bestfriend. This man allows me to feel safe and confident in myself. He makes me smile like no one else can.
I'd kill to have him by my side as my best friend.
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I miss when music was actually about music and about having fun. Now it’s just “omg you found my TikTok get me to 10 million followers so I can share my music,”
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Rocksy Ramble #546 lol
Sometimes I forget that Steve isn't with us anymore. I don't know how to explain it.
When I am reminded that he isn't here, I just picture him smiling with Phil and I begin to think how much it hurt for Phil and the rest of Leppard to go through this.
Now as somebody who has gone through a similar situation (I lost my best friend too {my dog that I've had all my life}), it's not easy, but it does get easier with time.
I wish going through these things was easier but it really isn't, especially if that person or pet has changed your life in such a positive way.
If you feel like you are going through a similar situation, don't be a afraid to message me :)
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not my friend thinking that Steve is a woman-
we FaceTimed yesterday and I shared my screen to my Pinterest and I was showing her pics of the guys 💀💀💀
She says Joe is the only decent looking one
I’m slowly converting her into a Leppard girl y’all just u wait
I wish she had tumblr but she ain’t allowed to have social media 😭😭😭
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Ok I just wanna say, could we stop comparing musical artists? Every individual band or musician has their own style and comparing them isn’t gonna get you anywhere.
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I’ve been listening to Just Like 73 for the entire afternoon and it’s a really good song.
To be honest, those people who are hating the song are still attached to the old Def Leppard. Def Leppard has the freedom to play and write whatever songs they like, just as every other artist does. Also, if you don’t like a song why can’t you stop listening to it and forget about it instead of criticizing it? It’s not that hard.
“It’s not a good song, Def Leppard is trying to be this and that..” Like ok? Do you want a cookie or something?
The point is, stop criticizing and artist’s music. Ignore it if you don’t like it <33
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Why do people like Taylor Swift so much? lol
I mean she’s ok, but I feel like she’s always complaining about the guys she has dated and some of her lyrics don’t make sense like “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.” I thought she grew up with a supportive family and in a lovely home. And she calls herself a tortured poet when there are so many other musical artists who have gone through worse situations who are actually tortured poets, like Axl Rose and Kurt Cobain.
is she only doing this for attention? I’m confused.
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A message to all anons:
ok, so quite a few of my friends have been receiving anonymous hate asks on tumblr. First of all, to all the anons out there, fuck off. I don’t understand why you guys have to be so hateful to people who are enjoying what they are doing.
Why don’t you anons find something better to do with your life? Nobody asked and nobody wants you here.
I’m so ducking sick of this! I know none of these anons are actually gonna care about this, but I’m just annoyed at all this hate that people are getting.
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Why do certain people think that love is cringe? Why do people have to hate? Some people think that loving something makes you weak, but it doesn't. No matter how many people tell others to stop hating, they won't stop. To be honest, that makes you cringe, like just stop hating.
I haven't received hate on here, but I have on Instagram or in person. Hate really remains with a person. Like, I've been told that I would die alone or that I was ugly or that my drawings were terrible. Honestly, it's not funny, these things that you say.
Do people not consider the fact that what they say hurts? How would you feel if somebody said that to you? It really freakin' hurts even if I know it's not true.
I'm just here tryin' to enjoy my favorite things and people just come on here to make fun of it. What makes you think that that is ok? Seriously, I wanna know.
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Rocksy ramble:
Ok, I'm gonna vent about relationships and sexuality 'cause I feel like I need to talk about this.
Sometimes, I think about how maybe I don't actually want a relationship with anybody, that part of me is actually aroace. I am attracted to both girls and boys, yet I don't think I want a relationship. Maybe I'm just not ready.
I'd say I'm naive 'cause I don't think I'd be able to tell if a person is being genuine with me or not. I feel as though I'd handle it horribly if my s/o cheated on me because I'm already insecure enough as it is.
I'm still pretty young, but even when I was younger I hated cuddling in bed with my parents. One of my best friends one night was being incredibly clingy with me and I told him to stop many times and he just wouldn't.
I'm just not sure how I feel about having a relationship because I know now that there are in fact other forms of love and my best friend helped me realize that.
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