#Rodimus told a joke
hampterguts · 4 months
forever amazed and confused at how often transformers franchise just straight up depicts suicide attempts. like not even considering the superhero trope of "i have to save everyone!!! by choosing to die!!!!!" thing. like. non-allow-yourself-to-die-to-stop-a-thing-from-killing-everyone-immediately type situations. which tbh i wish more ppl talked about but not the point here
like. sure mtmte, a comic abt mentall illness and war, i expected it to be aware of the concept. but its not handled well and mostly used for shock value or "im better now i swear! i have a husband and everything" BUT ITS IN THE KIDS SHOWS TOO??? MY BESTIE G1 RODIMUS?? BEAST WARS DINOBOT???
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tinydefector · 5 months
Other characters' reactions to Megatron in a romantic relationship with human liaison reader.
Question's and Quiries
Megatron x human reader
Warnings: non
Word count: 1.6K
Request and ask open read pinned post.
Megatron masterlist
Many aboard the Lost Light would be shocked and concerned to discover Megatron in a secret relationship with the human ambassador for the ship. As Ex leader of the Decepticons, whose sole purpose has been conquest and destruction, becoming emotionally attached to an organic seemed unfathomable to many of the bots.
Word of the unlikely pairing would spread quickly through the vessel's corridors and hab suites. Many Autobots who suffered under Megatron's tyranny for vorns would recoil in disbelief and distrust, and even other bots more worried about the human, were they in a decent state of mind, were they being threatened?. Even neutral crew members found it difficult to accept. Had their captain truly changed after all this time? Or had he simply developed a new, disturbing method of manipulation? Either way, keeping the ambassador closely aligned posed serious risks. 
Rodimus was the first to hear rumours among the crew of the Lost Light that Megatron had taken a human ambassador aboard as something more than a diplomatic liaison. He had heard it from Swerve who had apparently heard Megatron drunkenly confess he adored them, loved them even. 
"Megatron? In a relationship with an organic?" Rodimus laughed incredulously. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Maybe if it was Optimus, but Megatron? He hates all other lifeforms." Rodimus had stated which made Swerve hit him with a cloth. 
"I'm telling you he was mopping around the bar drinking Energex like it was nothing, trying to work on poetry, he's fraggin smitten with the Ambassador!" Swerve states while cleaning more glasses. 
"The mech may scare the shit out of me but he becomes a sobbing mess when drunk, I can see why he never drunk during the war, could have ended it so much earlier with a drunken poetry night" Swerve jokes, trying to calm his own racing spark after the earlier interaction with the ex warlord.
Swerve, ever the gossip made news spread like wildfire.
Rodimus, Tailgate, Cyclonus and Skids and heard it from him. Rodimus told it to Drift who told it to Ratchet, tailgate told it to Whirl who shouted about it publicly. Skids had told it to Rung, who in turn relayed it to Ultra Magnus. 
"Can you believe it?" Swerve asked other members at his bar, optics wide. "The big, bad tyrant of the Decepticons has gone soft! I never thought I'd see the orn." Though said lightly, there may be an undercurrent of hope in his voice.
Tailgate, on the other hand, would be fearful yet curious. A secret admirer of the human ambassador, they were friends in his eyes, he nonetheless knows of Megatron's violent past. The idea of a human so close to the warlord would fill him with terror...yet also he himself was with a Decepticon,  ex decepticon.
As for Cyclonus, his reaction is the hardest to read. Stoic and stalwart, the former Decepticon says little. But observation of his microexpressions hints at deep surprise. 
When Rodimus approaches Drift with a similar story, having heard it from several sources, Drift doubts begin to fade, he had watched them for a while but now it seemed as if he theory had been confirmed. "This can't be true... Can it? Why would Megatron bother with a human?, he isn't very... open to contact”
From there Drift finds himself in the medibay, Ratchet let out an exasperated sigh when Drift told him about the rumours. "Megatron, caring for an organic? I'll believe it when I see it with my own optics. That mech is still as twisted and dangerous as ever, no matter who he chooses to consort with.”
When news finally reached Magnus, an emergency session was called. Shouting matches erupted as Rodimus and Ultra Magnus demanded explanations, one in shock and excitement the other wanting to make sure This wasn't a ploy. How did this happen under their watch, and what were Megatron's real intentions? The safety of the crew and their mission was of utmost priority, something the ambassador's unusual relationship with the former warlord could jeopardise. 
As chaos reigned aboard the ship, few knew what to make of Megatron and his human companion. But most agreed their unforeseen bond, if genuine, heralded great uncertainty for the future...Cybertronians had never tried courting outside of their own species, and so many questions came from it. 
Rodimus couldn't believe it when the rumours started spreading. Megatron, in a relationship with an organic? It seemed too bizarre to be true. Rodimus decided to confront Megatron directly to find out if it really was true. He had found Megatron deep in discussion with the human, hands gesturing animatedly as they spoke. The familiarity between them was unmistakable. 
"So the rumours are true," Rodimus said abruptly. "You and the... ambassador?" 
Megatron turned, his optics glowing dangerously. "What I do is no concern of yours, Rodimus." He tries to defend before eventually sighing and confirming. Megatron said impassively. "They enjoy listening to my writings, and I enjoy watching them when they work on their projects. Now leave us in peace." But when he confronted Megatron about it directly, the warlord didn't deny it. A smile crosses his face as he talks about them.
 Rodimus shook his head in disbelief as he hassled Megatron for more information,  how did a relationship like that even work, the size difference itself, one being Cybernetic and the other Organic. 
Ultra Magnus was deeply uneasy about the whole affair. An organic aboard one of their ships was risky enough, but for them to be fraternising with Megatron of all bots it worries him. He had fought against Megatron countless times and seen the depths of his cruelty.
"Are you certain of this?" Ultra Magnus asked gravely.  "Megatron and a human?" Ratchet could only nod grimly in response, he continues working as Drift sits off to the side. “Shocked me when the Ambassador came in for a health check, learned too much on megatron's interface life, for a lifetime” Ratchet confirms. 
"What does this mean for our relations with humans?" Rung wondered aloud. "Will they still see us as allies?” he asked, slightly worried. 
 It seemed impossible that the Decepticon could truly care for another. He feared this relationship was merely a ploy by Megatron to manipulate the ambassador and advance his own goals.
 But watching them had changed his feelings on the matter. Watching Megatron lift them up to watch the stars throughout the observation deck. Listened to Megatron laugh, a true laugh when in their presence. How Megatron went out of his way to make sure they were content. 
"I do not understand," Rodimus said slowly, turning to his companions. "Has Megatron gone soft? Or is this some new trickery, like dont get me wrong I'm glad that they are happy but does it feel unreal to anyone else?"
Brainstorm, ever the scientist, was endlessly fascinated. "Just think of the advances we could make by studying their physiology up close!" he said excitedly. "Too bad Megsy's being so selfish, keeping them all to himself." Nautica smiled and reminded him that they was a person, not a lab experiment. But privately, even she wished to learn more about these "humans.”
Drift frowned thoughtfully. "The ways of the spark are mysterious. Perhaps even one as Megatron is capable of love." His optics linger on the Larger mech who was discussing paperwork with the human sitting on the table in front of him. Red optics look down at the human softly as they chat softly amongst themselves. 
Ratchet scoffed. "Love is it? I'd believe Unicron had a change of sparks before Megatron. Mark my words, this will end in nothing but trouble and spilled energon. That human has no idea what kind of Mech they're dealing with." 
Tailgate let out a squeak of surprise. "Aww, they look so cute! He looks like a love sick sparkling!" tailgate was wrapped in Cyclonus' arms as they watched the two. 
Drift shoots Ratchet a look, in turn the medic sighs at his harsh words, he knew all too well what it was like falling in love with a Decepticon, he was being. A hypocrite and he knew it. 
And yet, as they watched, Megatron's actions remained gentle, protective even, as he spoke softly with the ambassador. Rodimus found himself hoping against logic that Drift was right - that even the coldest spark held the potential for warmth. 
Rodimus ran a hand over his faceplate. "Primus help us, the Senate is NOT going to like this." He states while downing his drink. "We'll need to address them, try to do some damage control before this blows up in our faces. Once we get back to Cybertron”
As for the senate, they were outraged that Megatron would fraternise with an organic, Megatron has a long and deadly history of oppression, war crimes, and casual disregard for other species. 
 Many councillors would express grave concern over any influence or leverage Megatron might gain through the relationship. 
Some would even demand the ambassador be removed from the ship for their own protection. Cooler heads would argue for letting the relationship play out, while closely monitoring for signs of abuse or manipulation. 
Ultimately, the senate would likely ban Megatron from direct contact with the ambassador until a full psychological evaluation could be conducted. 
 But after Optimus steps in stating it was inhumane and cruel they allow the two back together.
That night, Megatron spends it under the stars with his lover, both of them trading stories of poetry, philosophy, and astrology. In his spark, this was where he wanted to be, with them, and he would fight to keep that spot by their side. 
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ppnuggie · 2 years
💙💙I AWAKE FROM THE DEAD// I saw you were mainly doing MTMTE so here :)) ||
GN reader with trailcutter, skids, swerve, Megatron and roddy [separate] [headcannons], them reacting to reader flirting with them? fluff, crack do whatever I need my Teebs bro,got me feeling empty 😭😭
achoo see you next year prob idk, happy times💙💙
      MTMTE x gn human reader
    『 trailcutter ,, swerve ,, megatron ,, rodimus ,, gender neutral human reader    』
  -> bots reaction to reader flirting w/ em 🫣
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — yep ! see ya next year ! :D i mean ,, it will be next year when this is posted 💀 but i am writing it on dec.30 rn 🫣 ughh teebs 😞😞 i just got the part where he dies im so heartbroken ,, my mans ,, 😭😭😭 he didnt deserve alla that ,, smh ,, but tysm for requesting 😏 tbh i might not actually be online for this to be posted ,, bc this is in my queue along with many other things to be posted later 🫣 so theres a little update for not having links updated in the second masterlist 🕺
trailcutter ::
• he’d be quite flustered ,, not sure what to say not only because he was most likely super drunk but also surprised you were flirting with him
• any time you compliment him for something ,, his fans will kick on immediately ,, and whenever you’re not around some mechs might coo at him and make smoochy noises ,, mainly whirl
• he may try to return the compliments ,, though he’ll end up tripping over his words and end up more flustered if you say something about it
• primus help this man ,, hes just ,, stuck dealing with these flirty lines and little compliments whenever you decide to just drop them outta nowhere ,, swerve swears that one day he’ll combust if he has to see this sappy romance continue on for any longer !
swerve ::
• he might brush it off as a joke ,, or a dare if anything ,, because why of all people would you flirt with him ? swerve ? the annoyingly loud mech who doesnt shut up ?
• of course you’d have to reassure him that it isnt a dare ,, or just you trying to get something out of him ,, but that you generally like him
• he’ll malfunction right then and there and then ratchet will have to deal with another bot ,, poor ratchet 😞
• he may try to return any compliment with a horrible pick up line ,, but end up think you’re laughing at him and not the worst pick up line ever to be heard in the universe
megatron ::
• megs would be ,, confused but also flustered ,, because have you not seen him ? dont you know of the things he’s done ? hes megatron ! a feared bot throughout many parts of the universe ,, known to kill humans
• and yet here you are ,, sitting beside him as you read his poetry that you somehow persuaded him to show you with your little secret magic hypnosis ,, and now youre calling him cute
• he’d scoff ,, say that he wasnt cute in his mind ,, but not mutter a single word out loud
• he wouldnt know what to do ,, and instead just sit there in silence and listen to your attempts to flirt with the mech
rodimus ::
• he’d return it immediately ,, but with horrible compliments and pick up lines
• one time he said “ nice shoelace “ after you said he looked stunning with the new paint job after his recent mishap on another planet ,, and he keeps thinking back on it to this day ,, wondering why he said shoelace ,, like he even knows what a shoelace is 🙄
• ultra magnus would be so done with you two ,, because roddy would decide to start flirting with you during the meeting and despite you not returning any remarks or even acknowledging you even heard him ,, the mech continues
• even after megs passive aggressively told him to “ stop with the nonsense “ he only continued ,, only 10x worse this time
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Hi!! Love all your asks and writing it’s so good and hit all the amazing headcannons I love
May I request something for Megatron finding a long lost adult son, who shares Megatron’s interests, but behaviour wise is a lot more like Rodimus?
Thank you!
Thank you so much 😭
Megatron finding a long lost adult son that looks exactly like him in every single way but frame color would shock the pits out of him.
The large mech is literally his size and frame type which isn’t often as one would think.
The mech doesn’t act a thing like him either.
Acts completely like Rodimus and sounds like a mix between the two down to the low and high frequency of his vocals. Not to mention his extraverted personality as he charms a crowd with ease without being an aft in the process.
The mech left him speechless as he followed him quietly for an entire day just seeing how the mech lives and what he does for a living.
The mech is a medic of all things. Something he wanted to be before the war broke out when he was still a miner. The mech acted kind just as Rodimus did but he didn’t have Rodimus smile. No. Rodimus smile was bright and opened ones spark to the sun. This smile was, different, familiar. It was like looking in a mirror.
The mech had a smile like his own.
It was enough to make him have to sit down in his hiding place as he watched on completely speechless with an open intake.
The mechs name was Megorune (meh-goh-rune) a fitting name even if it felt a bit odd. He did a quick search of what the name meant and found it was an old name hidden in the culture files. It was a name mixed of Kaon and Nyon origins.
The shock he felt at seeing the old inscriptions of his home and the home of Rodimus, he just knew.
Looking at the mech was proof enough but seeing the designation inscription and the meaning behind it.
He just knew.
To rise from the mountains pain.
An old story he once told the mech formally named Hot rod who became Rodimus.
His Rodimus.
He’d gotten sparked during the war and left to have their sparkling who stood before him searching the archives still for an old book that he once enjoyed reading as a young spark.
This mech before him, the mech who held all the books and poetry he once read so many many years ago, with the same eager light in his optics that he once held, was his son.
A son Rodimus had and raised alone during the war.
A son he endangered because of his need for power and fall to madness.
A son Rodimus did well raising and did right keeping him far from him.
This was his son.
His boy who shared the cna of himself and the mech his spark could not do without.
He had a son.
He was standing right in front of him looking concerned because a stranger who looked just like him was standing in shock staring at him.
“Megorune? Megorune did you find the book you wanted?”
That voice…
Rodimus cane from around a corner, optics focused solely on their son with concern until he followed his gaze and dropped a book at the sight of him.
Megorune looked at his carrier confused and concerned before looking back to Megatron with a dawning realization until he too was shocked enough to drop his many books.
“Is..is this my sire, carrier?”
“Yes,” Rodimus hesitated before admitting. His optics were blinking a lot, something he did when he didn’t want to cry. “Megorune..this is your sire, Megatron.”
Rodimus held a shaky servo out towards Megatron who instinctively came to hold it. He’d missed this, missed him for so long.
“Megs..this is Megorune..your son.”
Megatron held onto Rodimus servo to keep himself grounded and his bitty flexed his servos the exact same way Rodimus would when he was shocked or on edge.
“You could’ve let him have some of my personality traits ya know,” Megatron tried to joke as a tear strayed from his optic, “didn’t have to solely rely on him looking just like me.”
The two of them laughed at the exact same time but his sons laugh sounded all of his sires.
It made Megatron smile.
“I’m…words cannot express how happy I am to meet you…your carrier..did more than I could ever hope to describe in raising you…you look…I am not worthy to be your sire but my spark cannot contain itself with how much joy just seeing you brings me.”
He did the one thing he was known not to.
He let his em field shroud the two and only the two.
They needed to know how he felt in this moment and they needed to know he would do whatever necessary to make sure he was able to stay in their lives.
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
maybe prompts for reader insert with mtmte rodimus having a trauma nightmare and the reader waking him up/comforting him...? 👉👈
Rodimus X Reader
Oops Rodimus hurt/comfort
Rodimus hasn’t been sleeping well lately. You thought it was because he was working way too hard, but you really didn’t know.
Everytime you’d suggest he go to the medbay or maybe even Rung, he’d just grin at you. “What? I’m tip-top shape!” Before you could say anything else, he’d rush off. 
You’d talked to Ratchet about it, but Ratchet told you that if Rodimus refused to come in, there wasn’t too much he could do. Though he would join you in pestering him. 
When it was time for you to sleep, you decided to check in with Rodimus. You knocked on his door and heard panicked mumbles. “Rodimus? Roddy?” You asked through the door. 
When you heard more whimpers, you barged into the room. There was Rodimus, tossing and turning on his berth. Fear was present on his face. You crawled up onto his berth, then onto his torso. You took his face in your hands and shook him a little. “Roddy, wake up honey. Come on.” 
Bright blue optics snapped open as he sat up quickly. You fell to his lap with a grunt and he looked around with a terrified look in his eyes. When he looked down and saw you, his vents exhaled. 
“Y/N? What are you doing in my room?” 
You pushed yourself up. “I heard you mumbling. I was worried.” His face still had traces of fear, though a lot less. “You were having a nightmare?”
“No. I don't get nightmares- I’m the captain.” He puffed his chest out as he joked.
While it was funny, you frowned a little more. “Rodimus. Please- Talk to me. I’m worried for you.” Your tiny hand grabbed his giant servo. 
Rodimus’ optics dimmed slightly as he laid back in the berth. “I- yeah. I guess I’m having a few nightmares.” 
“Do you… want to talk about them?” 
Rodimus shook his head. “No. I don’t think so.”
“M’kay.” You began to get comfortable on his chest. 
“Wh-what are you doing?” A pink tint flushed his face.
You grinned up at him. “I’m tired too. I’ll be your guardian angel, ‘kay?” 
Rodimus felt a small smile climb on his face. He placed his servo over your body gently like a blanket and offlined his optics. You both soon quickly fell into a comfortable sleep, with no nightmares to wake either of you up.
In the morning, Ultra Magnus barged into Rodimus’ room. “Rodimus, you’re late fo-” he cut himself off when he saw you both sleeping soundly, smiles on your faces. He sighed and shook his head with a smile also on his faceplates. “Young bots these days…”
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arceespinkgun · 6 months
Slowly getting deeper into my reread of MTMTE and man, issue #34 feels like the worst. Not the most incomprehensible or with the most poorly-written dialogue or whatever, but from a thematic standpoint I feel like what it was trying to convey is the most disgusting out of the issues so far. I do remember people being pissed about the character death in this issue, but I feel like it's a lot worse than that, and that it's so bad it ought to be dissected. Rant below the cut:
Okay, so there is some of the usual dumb bullshit and writing oversights that I keep seeing, like how did nobody notice Vos was missing his face until they found it on the floor? Why did First Aid just let Trailcutter start to donate all that energon when he's just said it was a huge risk and that it was a bad idea? Sure, it's Trailcutter's choice, but he didn't even say anything? Was there really a possibility that Rung would sign-off on what's essentially a lobotomy? That seems OOC based on how he's been characterized so far. That message in the flashback over the intercom—does JRo think people say the quiet part out loud to that blatant a degree? And how contrived was it that nobody noticed the electric chair in that pile of stuff and that Kaon just happened to be there to kill Trailcutter?
But all of those are minor issues that pale in comparison to the overall themes here. Trailcutter is demonstrating a belief in the sanctity of life by putting himself at risk to save Vos. This is something I feel like is sorely lacking among the Autobot faction in this continuity and JRo's work especially—a break from horrific war crimes and shit is a relief. Then Trailcutter gets immediately punished for it in a horrifically gruesome way, getting his "brain" and "spinal column" ripped out. Already, I don't like what that's implying from a narrative standpoint.
Then in flashbacks, we see a young Megatron talking to Terminus and then nearly being lobotomized, escaping due to a technicality. I hate this. First of all, JRo tries to sell us on Megatron being sympathetic by suggesting that he was 100% pacifistic and it was Terminus who told him there's only room for one guy at the top and to use his fists and all that. This is stupid for many reasons, not the least of which that this is totally pulled out of JRo's ass and doesn't fit with any previous portrayal of the character, but also, it's a cheap trick and stupid because violent revolution against an oppressive system is not something inherently unsympathetic.
More importantly, though, I hate that these flashbacks are here at all. What JRo is clearly doing is trying to deflect a potential reader response of, "Holy shit, the people who are essentially the Decepticon police force that Megatron personally trained just killed a nice, innocent guy! He needs to answer for this!" by showing us how much trauma Megatron went through in his past. Even aside from the fact that I don't personally care what trauma a guy who committed genocide and ran prison camps etc. experienced in his past, it's not relevant to the horrible thing that happened to Trailcutter in the present!
Even worse, JRo pulled this only like... a few issues after Megatron messed with Trailcutter's mind without his consent and it was portrayed as a joke! It was portrayed as both a joke and a favor because Trailcutter was an alcoholic! Trailcutter even pointed out that he had "rights" in that moment and Megatron explicitly ignored him... as did a huge number of witnesses! So with that context, choosing the issue in which Trailcutter is brutally murdered by the DJD to show Megatron's mind being altered as a traumatic, serious, life-altering event is so fucking gross.
Inconsistent characterization (of which Megatron in this series seems especially affected by, as do Cyclonus and Rodimus so far) also doesn't help, since again, just a couple of issues ago Megatron both said he "trained" the DJD to be "thorough" and that they are "the greatest monsters" of all. It's like JRo can't decide how accountable Megatron is for anything, or just picks an interpretation scene-by-scene based on whatever he wants him to say.
I feel like it's especially bad from an extrinsic perspective, since Megatron is one of the franchise's most prominent characters. In no way was he lacking in any sort of exposure. But you know who is underappreciated? Trailbreaker, a funny, sweet guy with a really cool ability, whose original bio seems to position him as a self-conscious disabled person. He was on the Ark and yet gets almost no attention. And not only did this series really do his design dirty (they took away his dark face and cute stripes!) but it also did this to him?!
Because I read this series back when it came out, I remember that Megatron eventually uses Trailcutter's forcefield ability against the DJD in a later issue. In another context, that might be nice poetic justice. But instead, I feel like it comes across as disrespectful to the guy's memory and like literally stealing from him and using him because of everything I've pointed out. Worse, it became yet another way to make Megatron look "cooler" because I remember that other characters pointed out that you can't just use someone else's power like that, and Ravage is like, well it's because Megatron's just so special, if anybody could figure out a way it would be him. Terrible.
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theoceanoasis · 5 days
Dratchrod where Drift and Ratchet mention being too old for Sparklings while Rodimus barely touches his food one night while in their home. They make jokes about it and don’t pay too much mind to Rodimus not really laughing along.
As time goes on they notice Rodimus is a bit distant while also seeing that his frame has changed. His hips are wider and his tanks are growing round. He sleeps a little more and eats more too.
They ask little things like “are you okay,” and make secret faces about the fuel he consumes because they never knew Roddy to like sweet cyber fruits.
Its not until they get home from a late shift do they see Rodimus packing a bag and putting his important things in there do they block the door and rush to find out whats wrong.
Its then Rodimus tells them, “I’m leaving,” his face is empty yet so sad.
“What do you mean leaving?!”
He’s their conjunx, they won’t allow him to leave.
“It’s better this way.”
“The slag it is.”
“You are not leaving us.”
There’s a long moment of high tension as the two get close to him. They’re not an arm length away when Rodimus drops his secret. He’s not afraid of being hurt physically just emotionally.
“I’m sparked.”
The silence is loud and their open jaws say a lot.
Ratchet is running a scan and Drift is feeling along Roddy’s tanks and they get the further confirmation they need.
It ends on a happy note though.
They never want rodimus to leave and they would gladly have a sparkling with roddy. They just knew their frames couldn’t handle it and they would never ask that of roddy knowing how uncomfortable he is with the subject of tank carrying.
Even though he was a little tired from being sick that morning he was hard at work making dinner. Tonight was special and he knew it would be a night they'd never forget.
He practically jumped with excitement and couldn't wait for them to arrive. He had amazing news to share with them and couldn't wait to tell them.
He tried not to be too impatient as he finished cooking and set the table. He made it look all nice and fancy wanting it to be perfect.
"What's the occasion?"
Drift wrapped his arms around him and he leaned back letting him kiss his cheek. Not wanting to give anything away he told him a half lie.
"I had time and wanted to do something special and show you two how much I love you."
Drifts face softened and he kissed him before they both turned towards the door which opened to reveal Ratchet.
He came over and kissed them both on the cheek taking in the nice dinner he gave them both a curious look.
Drift explained while the three of them sat down and started to eat. His spark was racing as he tried to figure out when the right time would be. He desperately wanted to blurt out the news but the two of them were in the middle of a conversation.
When he heard Drift mention someone on board being sparked he found his attention drawn wondering what they thought about it. He was about to ask when Ratchet snorted talking about how he was too old for a sparkling.
He felt his spark sink as he listened to them go back and forth joking about how they were too old and wouldn't have time.
With every word it felt like his spark was being stabbed and he found himself holding back tears, not wanting them to see him cry. What was once a happy moment was now ruined and he found himself panicking wondering what he was going to do now.
He wanted to keep the sparkling. From the moment he learned he was sparked he'd been so excited. He'd always wanted a sparkling and this was his chance.
If he told Ratchet and Drift they'd be upset with him and would want him to get rid of the sparkling. They'd be angry if he refused and he hid his face as a few tears fell.
Even though he loved them so much their relationship wasn't going to work out. He needed to leave now and find a way to raise his sparkling on his own.
He looked at his plate in disgust feeling sick at the very idea of eating. He moved the food around in his plate but didn't eat anything.
Ratchet and Drift didn't notice too busy talking about how much they didn't want a sparkling and stabbing the knife in further.
Having made up his mind to leave he began to distance himself. At first Drift and Ratchet didn't notice which hurt a lot even if it gave him time to get his stuff together.
He didn't want to leave but he didn't want them to resent him for choosing to keep their sparkling. He knew they wanted nothing to do with their little one and even though it hurt he had to think about his sparkling.
Looking in the mirror he noticed that his body was changing. His hips were growing wider and his belly had gotten bigger.
He only realized when Ratchet made a comment about him eating too many sweets. At the time it had felt like a slap in the face but now looking in the mirror he knew it wouldn't be long before it was obvious he was carrying. He needed to get out of there before that happened.
Even though he knew it was part of carrying he still found himself watching what he ate. He also didn't let Ratchet or Drift touch him thinking he was too disgusting to be touched and that maybe it's a good thing they didn't want the sparkling. Otherwise he'd be forced to deal with their disgust when his body started to change and they no longer felt attracted to him.
He felt tired all the time and after some pointed comments made by those around him. He started sleeping when no one was home. That way he didn't have to be criticized by those around him. He was exhausted and he couldn't help that his body needed more sleep. He didn't know why people had to immediately assume he was being lazy or disrespectful during meetings.
As time went on he knew Drift and Ratchet were catching on. They kept looking at him oddly and would share looks between the two of them they thought he didn't notice. It made him more insecure and he refused to eat in front of them. Tired of being judged for what he was eating. It wasn't his fault their sparkling was craving a very sweet mixture of energon.
When the day came for him to leave he was nervous and sad. While packing his bags he'd broken down and begun crying wishing things could be different.
He was just about to leave the apartment with his bags packed when he was stopped by Ratchet and Drift who'd come home early.
They stared at him in shock not processing what was happening until they both started shouting.
He'd flinched back refusing to look at them when he told them he was leaving.
They both gave him a shocked look and Ratchet immediately demanded to know why. They both blocked the door refusing to let him out and wanting to talk about this.
"It's better for all of us if I leave."
Drift shook his head giving him a sad look.
"You can't leave."
"The slag it is!"
Ratchet glared.
"You are not leaving. I don't know what's going on with you but we can talk it through."
"I'm sparked."
He blurted out flinching slightly in preparation for the horrible words that were about to be thrown at him. Except none came and when he looked up he found Drift and Ratchet staring at him in surprise and to his shock happiness.
They were both immediately on him. Ratchet scanned him and Drift was feeling his swollen belly. Both of them looked at him with love and adoration and it was so shocking it nearly brought him to the floor as his knees went weak.
"I don't understand I thought you wouldn't want the sparkling."
"Of course we'd want the sparkling."
"Why would you think we wouldn't?"
"The jokes you two were making about not wanting a sparkling?"
"We're both too old to have sparklings and our bodies have been put through so much that it's not possible. We never thought we'd ever have the chance to have sparklings."
"We joke about it because it's easier to cope."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"We didn't want you to feel pressured. We know how you feel about being a tank carrier and everything you've gone through."
He felt tears fall and both Ratchet and Drift hugged him. He collapsed into their arms and sobbed in relief because they loved him and wanted their sparkling.
The three of them eventually moved to their bed where they cuddled together excitedly talking about the future.
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altraviolet · 9 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well! Just an ask abt the ch47 spoiler(thanks for that btw<3)
So in one of the paragraphs it says he feels love for sw and thinks of him as a sorta lover because sw cares for him in a way no not has but doesn't want to acknowledge it bc the only other time he felt that way was with drift. My question is that before sw confessed did he already feel this way before and I just haven't picked it up yet ?
(I just wanted to thank you for getting me into reading mtmte, I'm currently on issue #26 :D)
Before I read teg I had no idea what mtmte was so I just took your description of every character and just rolled with it, but now that I have read a few comics and have a somewhat grasp on their canon attitudes, I can confidently say that you wrote them so well! Every description and attitude you gave the characters matched up so perfectly I just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Also I'm very sorry if this is reaches you at 4am I'M VERY VERY SORRY
yayyyy I'm glad you picked up mtmte!! isn't it good?!?! I'm glad you enjoy the comic and that the fic's characterization works well with it.
>My question is that before sw confessed did he already feel this way before and I just haven't picked it up yet ?
Okay I'll admit I've read this question a bunch of times and I'm not exactly sure how to answer it. I thiiiiink the 'he' refers to Rodimus. I think you're asking, "has Rodimus shown any signs of liking SW and I missed it?" and I don't really have an answer to that, as I don't know what you've gotten out of the text. I think the answer here is: yes?
The fic is told mostly through SW's point of view, so while we haven't seen Rodimus pine over SW, we have gotten other clues as to how he feels. The ch 47 excerpt is the most explicit statement we've gotten about it: we see Rodimus drawing a ton of parallels between waking up with SW and waking up with Drift. As you said, he "doesn't want to acknowledge it bc the only other time he felt that way was with drift." So that part at least is clear.
You want examples of Rodimus becoming close to SW from earlier in the story? They're there. The biggest one is probably holding SW's hand, unprompted, in 2938. Usually I don't mind writing out examples and details, but I'mma be honest with you, I'm really tired xD If you ever feel like rereading the fic, keep an eye on Rodimus as you go. Watch him slowly change. There is definitely a first time he laughs at a SW joke. We do see him acknowledge his own obsession with alt dimensioners until they're assimilated. He tells SW a really big secret very early on. We see him share his private screaming place (the dead zone). We see how hurt he is when SW avoids him after The Irradion incident. We just usually see all these things from SW's point of view, so they don't feel as definitive.
Hope that helps/answered the question :)
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morsartis · 1 year
That Rodimus x professional!reader that you recently posted was SO GOOD like omg- please please write more rodimus x readers, I’m begging
Just for you anon I have a SUPER short drabble! Thank you so much for the compliment and I hope you like this just as much!
The best part of having a cybertronian ride was the fact you didn’t actually have to do any driving. Which was great at the moment as you snoozed on and off in the passenger seat. Rodimus’ holoform was doing a magnificent job of pretending to drive while Rodimus himself had been slowly lowering your seat back as the intervals between ‘on’ and ‘off’ began to grow longer. You’d been up since dawn, having had to make a dash for it when your home had been targeted by the government. It had been pure luck you’d gotten a warning in time to throw some shit into a couple bags and skip town. Now the sun was sinking and so were your eyelids. 
“You good?” Rodimus asked, his holoform turning to look at you. 
“Yeah, sorry.” You fought back a yawn, “Not much of a conversationalist right now.” You joked, already sinking lower into your seat. The fans slowly turned to you, the heat kicking up a notch. He was doing it on purpose, you were sure of it. Rodimus laughed at your sleepy glare- more of a pout than anything. 
“Don’t give me that look, you need sleep.” He told you, holoform reaching over to poke your nose. You let out a tired laugh of your own.
“And you don’t?”
“Nah. I got plenty of rest.” 
“You’re going to crash the minute we reach the base aren’t you?” 
“Yep!” He replied cheerfully. With a shake of your head you smiled. 
“You’re terrible.” You told him plainly. 
“Only for you.” He teased leaning over towards you. His holoform smiled, too perfect teeth in an unblemished face. Artificial perfection verging ever so slightly into uncanny valley. It was true his holoform was attractive, it bore as striking a resemblance to him as possible, but you preferred Rodimus as he was. The cybertronian with more heart than brains. Still, you knew what he wanted, and so you leaned towards him. 
His lips were warm, lips a buzz as if you’d placed them against the old box tv you had at home. That pressure faint but firm for the brief moment that you kissed before pulling away. It was chaste. Just a quick press of lips before his holoform turned back to the road as if he were a real person and not a hard light hologram your boyfriend used to fool people. Giving up the pretense that you were even trying to stay awake you adjusted your jacket and closed your eyes, the heat lulling you to sleep with the comforting purr of Rodimus’ engine.
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zephyrrhiesfyrian · 1 year
I have finally finished the first set of sixteen expression doodles/chat stickers! A thank you to @slugsjunk for indulging my nonsense and giving me characters to draw :3 This was fun for a lot of reasons, but a big one was that it gave me a reason to draw characters I never had before, which is always good for practice.
Here they are! :D (some of them I envisioned as having specific scenarios attached to them lol)
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Ambulon: I imagine this was his expression when First Aid told him about jump-starting.
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Swerve: he's nervous because he's not taken his visor off in front of anybody before, but don't worry, the person he's looking at thinks he's cute. (they're in my next set >:3)
You might notice he's missing his visor. @slugsjunk's sent an edit of a visorless Swerve to the "cursed-images" channel in our Discord server and then asked me to use him for one of the expressions. I deigned to make him a little less deeply upsetting.
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Whirl: he's flirting with Cyclonus ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Cyclonus: oh shit he flirtin' bACK- (#°Д°)
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Getaway: I just wanted to make him cry. Is that so wrong? Kinda makes me angry how nice his highlights turned out.
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Megatron: he just handed Minimus a poem he wrote about him and now he a lil nervous 👉👈
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Thunderclash: (I already posted this one earlier) he's laughing at some silly joke Rodimus made because he's a himbo in love with his captain <3<3<3
He sparkle because that's the way @lush-specimen describes him in their fantastic fics :>
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Rodimus: the opposite shot of the previous one; he's not happy about Thunderclash finding his joke funny. First the guy takes his quest, now he's like the only person who laughs at Roddy's jokes? This guy's GOTTA be hiding something! (spoiler alert: he's not, Thunderclash is just a massive dork :D)
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Trailbreaker/Trailcutter: he angy >:(
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Lyzack: Black Shadow cannot tell her and Leo apart nor does he care to, and she's getting tired of being called the wrong name. That man better be glad he's made out of ununtrium or he'd be dead metal.
I've never understood why she looks like a recolored Starscream in canon, nor am I particularly a fan of how blocky and unmoving Leozack's helm is, so I made my own design. Fight me.
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Black Shadow: speak of the devil He's lookin' at Blue Bacchus and being hella gay for him :>
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Blue Bacchus: he was not prepared to deal with a genuine Shady smile this early in the cycle. Please, Shadow, he's trying to fuel. Let the man drink his energon before you make him swoon.
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Perceptor: he blushi blushi 'cause he watching Brainstorm do marginally safer science than usual. He is very proud that his constant nagging is paying off.
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Dai Atlas: oop priestman with the big sword is not pleased. I wonder who's the cause...*looks at star saber*
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Fulcrum: I bet Misfire took his drink or something. Or maybe he's just regretting that he didn't detonate and now he's stuck with these idiots.
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Tarn: I choose to believe this is the face Tarn is always making behind his mask. *blep*
Reminder that I still have at least sixteen more of these still to complete; you are never safe. >:D
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punkzines · 2 months
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Sumarry: Jazz/Rodimus x human reader they just met who sounds like a chipmunk.
a/n: no set continuation im bad at those… this is just a joke cause i heard an alvin and the chipmunks audio and couldn’t stop laughing. this is also short and bad as hell but yk what? so what. you cant arrest me.
Jazz totally wasn’t scared of organics, not in the slightest. However, he was scared of their tendency of sneaking up on him in the most unexpected ways and places. One prime example was you. He was testing out his speakers in a pretty remote area. There was barely anyone who wandered out these parts, especially at this time of day— something about schools and jobs?
Anyways, apparently that didn’t stop you at all— because just as he turned to leave and roll back to base, you scared the creepers out of him when he saw you in the rear mirror. “Woah!” He said surprised, turning back into robo-mode as he took a step back. “Where’d you come from, lil one?” Jazz stared down at you, servo placed on his hip. “What’s your name, hm?”
You stare up at him, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed. You were furious. And Jazz would have taken you seriously, clearly he had done something to upset you— but you started talking. He tried keeping it respectful, but it was funny the way your voice was so high pitched. He could barely make out what it was you were trying to say! You were talking too fast. Jazz chuckled— “Hol’ on, sweetheart. I can’t understan’ you.” After adjusting his audials to your frequency, that’s when he understood he had scared away one of the cats you were trying to feed. Oops?
“An organic…” Rodimus leaned down— optics blown wide open with curiosity. “So tiny...”
Rodimus had never really seen an organic… in person anyways. He swiftly picked you up, tilting his head. It was kinda freakish, the way it felt on his hand. It was odd— he felt you on his servo, so light…lighter than anything he has held before and… super squishy? He played with you with his digits. That was disgusting but fascinating. Rodimus was careful to not hold you too tight or play with you too roughly— you were fragile, one wrong move and you could just snap. How could these little things be sentient? He had been told they had built empires, made machinery— real advanced technology. Impressive, for something so small.
Rodimus was cut out of his train of thought as soon as he heard a high pitched scream piercing through his helm. It had come from you. He blinked— pausing any movements to stare at you— his spark flickering with concern at the thought of him hurting you just after minutes of meeting- you weren’t even harmed at all! “Hey! What’d you do that for?”
You cursed at him as you gripped his palm tightly— scared of falling to death. Unfortunately for you, Rodimus did not understand a word that was exiting your intake. Could it be that you were scared? Your voice did sound weirdly annoying all of the sudden. He thought organics voices were…much softer but all he heard was a heavy amount of shrilling. “Uhh…” He looked around then back at you. “Anyways…” He sets you down and watches you run away. That was something.
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zoskas · 9 months
Hi i saw your post about hot shot being a rodiclash kid and you’re so right you are correct and speaking gods truth and you have opened my eyes and now i’m having thoughts about it and you started this so now I’m sharing them with you <3
I’m mostly thinking of hot shot’s personality and where they came from and i have come to the angsty conclusion that it comes somewhere from being told conflicting information on his parents, mainly rodimus. Because like imagine you’re him, you’re a kid, and your sire has this fan club that loves him and always talks about how awesome he is, and you agree! Dads great! But then they start talking about your other parent, and they really don’t like him. They say he’s too arrogant, not worthy of Thunderclash. You love both your parents and so you’re kinda confused and you’re a child so yknow peer pressure is a pretty big thing when you have no idea about your own identity. But then sire is telling you that actually carrier is the best, he’s amazing and you shouldn’t listen to those people, but they’re really loud. They’re so loud that while you’re able to be unaffected towards your carrier, loving them just the same, you can’t stop finding those traits they hate in him in yourself. And it all eventually devolves into this horrible soup of acting like you’re the best and perfect to hide from how conflicted and kinda bad you feel about yourself.
Or yknow the lighter route of him just kinda being a cocky kid because kids are just cocky a lot
Sorry this was a lot but you had me thinking hard and this is now my new hc kid for them and you are now the only person i know who agrees with this and so i must share with somebody or i will implode
RAUUGUGHGHH FIRST OF ALL. THANK YOU FOR THIS ANON and happy new year! it's such a joy to know my silly transformers posts from years ago are still running around the block.... and SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS MY HEADCANON!!!! also i love getting asks. best gift ever. I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH THIS mostly for the rodimus hateclub because me and my friends always used to joke about it...but it's very real in my heart im so sorry rodimus. even if ur a good guy deep down. i know the tabloids were craaaazy when word got out he had a sparkling. i think fatherhood was his redemption arc unironically--like hotshot era rodimus WAS A DIFFERENT MAN. but that stressor of performance that he'd probably put on in front of hot shot definitely i think would factor into his (hot shots) behavior. rodimus is already so impulsive and good at hiding insecurities to a fault, and kids READ EMOTIONS DISTURBINGLY WELL so it's definitely. a behavioral cuckoo house. it's like almond moms but for ADHD supression. thunderclash was like. already perfect and the supportive dad so i have nothing to say here on that topic it's relatively obvious how he'd parent--but i do think he'd be the type to want to parent privately knowing their own fame so then it's also like; why are my parents hiding me from the public lol. i know they're arguing on when to bring this kid out. i have so much drama in my head. im rereading this and realizing it barely has anything to do with your own anon but it caused some of my old ideas to resurface so i will SHARE THEM HERE NOW!!!
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tinydefector · 23 days
Ok ok i thought about this and for me it's sounds funny.
Sooo on the comic where everyone just found out that Rung is god you know where Rodimus, Rachet, Whirl and Tyrest and others having existing crisis and the part where Whirl said "God was my therapist" and then I thought about it, how funny it would be if cybertronian or human MC/reader said something like "I was fuck by said God" like if said cybertronian/human was in relationship with Rung and everyone reaction (plus Tyrest too since I think he's a god fanatic) 😂😂😂😂
XD omg so I had a bit of a joke piece about fucking God over in this fic. But it gets even better that thought of Tyrest being a God fanatic and hating Organics. The horror when he finds out Primus is with a human, watch this mech just break down.
Everyone's optics and eyes are on Rung, and the mech stands there wishing attention wasn't on him. Rodimus paces back and forth, Ratchet just stares off into a wall wish above all he wasn't here right now. Whirl, for the first time, is so quiet that it makes everyone so uncomfortable. And then there was the human just looking up at Rung in shock, dismay? They really didn't know how they felt in that moment.
Rodimus finally speaks. "OK, ok, but how the Frag!, Your Primus! All this time, you have just been what? Hiding on cybertron, having a vacation!" He asked. He was bitter about this, as much as he wanted to blame Rung for everything, cybertron falling apart, his home, and the matrix in truth it wasn't his fault. After all wasn't he doing the exact same thing, running away because he didn't want to be a prime, he wasn't suited for it, he didn't want to live in Optimus' shadow and have that shame over him. He'd take being co captain with Megatron over having to be in Optimus' shadow any cycle.
Ratchet, on the other hand, just wants a strong drink. He had never been a believe in gods, yet here he was finding out the the mech who had been the Lost Light's therapist, had been a neutral throughout the war, had a space ship collection older then some mechs was Primus. It was just his luck. "Does anyone else know?" He asked, trying to be the level-headed one of the group.
Rung removes his glasses, and the stress and exhaustion are very visible on his faceplate. "Drift, I believe, he's, he's always suspected something," Rung explains. He wasn't sure, but he's rather sure that Drift knows what he is.
Whirl finally laughs. "This is Fragged. How in the Pit did I end up this fragging, unlucky that my slagging therapist is Fragging Primus!" They shout, they don't know if they are angry, hurt or just overwhelmed, so much had been fried in their circuitry after the Emputra but this, this felt like a sick joke. All the things he had told Rung now feel like they were confessions.
Tyrest is baffled. He doesn't know whether to fall to his knees or call blasphemy, but the evidence is right there in front of his optics.
Rung is sheepish as he looks to the human. He's hoping they don't hate him. "I know this is alot for you all to take in, I'm sorry you all had to find out this way, I'm sincerely sorry for everything that has happened" He calls out to the group. He goes to continue only to be cut off.
"Fuck my life, Swerve is never going to let me live this down" the human stammers out. Everyone's optics are on them, a flush tints Rungs plating. "Please we don't need to bring that-" He's cut off again.
"The fact that I've unknowingly been getting Railed by Primus!" They exclaim only for Rung to hide behind one of his servos as multiple mech's Jaws drop at those words.
"HAH, and i thought I was Fragged!" Whirl screeched, finding humour in the situation. The other mechs look just as shocked and disgusted. "No, I refuse. That's blasphemy. Please tell me you haven't been interfacing with an organic!" Tyrest almost pleaded, hoping by the all spark that it wasn't true.
Rodimus pinches his brow ridge. He could feel his processor hurting from all this information. "Slagging Pit," he grumbles. " I Owe Sunstreaker so much Shainx now," he huffs. "OK, ok. Rung's Primus, and he's fragging a human." He throws his servos up in the air, being overly dramatic.
Ratchet just glares at the two. "They both of you are to report to medical for an examination after this, You" he points right at Rung. " I have some rather choice words for you," he states before stalking off, leaving.
The human looks at the floor, and the true panic is taking over. "Oh fuck, I've been fucking an Alien God who's also my therapist" they mutter to themself, tears starting to well up in their eyes and Rung kneels down cupping their face and wiping the tears away. "I didn't mean to upset you," he says softly. Optics focused on them. " I don't want this to change anything between us. You mean a great deal to me, and I don't want to lose you," he murmurs to them, pressing a soft kiss to their forehead.
The sound of the others arguing and fighting drowns out as Rung focuses on his little lover. "I'm not angry, Rung, Primus, or whatever name you want to go by, but... but I'm a human, a random fucking human so why me. Why me? " they nearly sob as he scoops them up, pulling them against his frame.
"My dear, I'm the the holy being everyone believes I am, I'm just a very old mech, who did what he could to stop something bad from happening, alot fo the tales told are very twisted stories. I'm just a mech, I'm not some holy being. And as for why you. You were the first person to remember my name, you took an interest in my hobbies, I would have happily faded into dust unknown but you choose me" he coos softly. Digits tracing their cheeks as he looks at them in pure love.
"But an Organic!" Tyrest hisses out as he watches how sweet and tender Rung is with the human. Is Rodimus who speaks up next. "Ah ah, remember each time to talk badly about organic races you lose Shanix which goes right into my account!~" Rodimus sings out, trying to make light of the situation for his own mental stability.
"You two are fragged and Slag, and I thought I had issues!" Whirl huffs before pointing at Rung. "Not a word about our therapy session to anyone, God or not, I will end you." Whirl nearly snarls before transforming and taking off.
"But you are Primus! You could have your choice of any cybertronian, pillars in your name cities, why have you hidden for so long!" Tyrest utters, he wants to be angry, but at the same time, this was Primus. How could he.
Rung meets his optics. "Because that's not the type of mech I am, I did what I had to to stop Unicron, I got sick of people trying to put me on a pedestal, I wanted to live, live my life, to enjoy hobbies, travel, I gave up my old frame for the ability to live" he states. He wouldn't change his choices even if he had the ability to. He was content.
MC: "Swerve get me a strong drink!"
Swerve: "heya what got you so rilled up, partner problems? Give me all the juicy details."
MC: staring him dead in the optics. "Swerve, Rung is Primus"
Swerve: "Well, I wouldn't call him that, I mean, he must be a good frag but doubt that"
MC: "No Swerve, Rung is Primus, I've been fucking your God, why me, how did I get to this point"
Swerve: "you know what let me get you a double"
Rung: "this is a mess, I need to get myself a Therapist"
Swerve: "well doc tell me all your woos, I'm the closest your gonna get for therapy"
Rung: " ships having a meltdown over my past and the fact I'm with a human"
Swerve: " eh, heard worse, your squishy things your Primus"
Rung: " yes, well that's also part of the issue"
Whirl: "soo.... Rung huh?"
Mc: "Please, I don't want to talk about it"
Whirl: "What part, the part where you're fragging the ships Therapist or the part where your Fragging Primus."
MC: "Oh my fucking God Whirl!"
Whirl: "Ah, ah, your fucking my God not the other way round!"
MC: "fuck you Tyrest, you owe Rodimus more money now, from being a Xenophobe."
Tyrest: "Like, I would ever let you within five meters of my frame you disgusting little creatin. Your insults mean nothing to me. Filthy little flesh thing"
MC: " just remember it's your Beloved Primus who's fragging me!, yea!, your beloved God prefers fragging me!"
Tyrest: *the most horrified noise ever* " You take the Blastphamy Back!"
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ppnuggie · 2 years
      MTMTE x gn human reader
    『 rodimus prime ,, minimus ambus ,, tailgate ,, chromedome ,, rewind ,, misfire ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> wakey wakey its time for school
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — based off a video i saw 💀 first time writing mtmte 🫣 hopefully i did well for the characters ,,
the video
rodimus ::
• roddy usually sleeps in as long as he can before ultra magnus comes busting in n stuff ,,
• but the moment you mention school hes already getting ready ,, even though he doesnt even go to school
• it takes him a minute ,, half way through getting ready ,, to realize it
• he's grumbling and pouting ,, making little complaints about how 'its not that funny' and 'youre so mean'
• after he gets all his huffing and puffing out of the way ,, hes back to cuddling you in his berth
minimus ambus ::
• hes another who bolts upright ,, panicking about being late and worried he slept in too much
• he probably wouldn't realize it was a joke unless you grabbed him and told him to settle down ,, that he didnt have to work today because its his day off
• hes a little upset you did that ,, but he doesnt stay upset for too long ,, shaking his head as he mumbles to himself
• you'll probably have to drag him back to bed ,, since he was pretty much ready and would've done work on his day off ,, so you'd have to remind him about today and relax with the mech
• he needs a break ,, a vacation even ,, spare this man
tailgate ::
• hes crying and all ,, worried ultra magnus is gonna yell at him
• he's sobbing as he's going out the door ,, hustling and ready to go to magnus's office on time
• you'd have to stop him before he does so ,, saying it was nothing but a little joke and that he doesnt even go to school
• it takes him a minute but hes pouting ,, crossing his arms and calling you mean ,, yet hes quick to snatch you up and take you back to the berth for some cuddles <33
• you'd pamper him for the rest of the day ,, just chillaxing and watching movies with him
chromedome n rewind ::
• he'd just be super sleepy and tired ,, mumbling as he waves you off ,, saying he doesnt have school with a confused tone
• he might just put his servo over your mouth ,, and hold you close as he tries to fall back asleep
• or maybe just tell you to go bother rewind with alla that
• if you bother rewind with it ,, he'll tell you he's seen the video ,, and he would go through with putting his servo over your mouth to shut you up
• in the end ,, it doesnt work on them and they just cuddle you back to sleep instead
misfire ::
• he's so goofy and dumb sometimes ,, he'd bonk his head and worry about sleeping in before he realizes what happened
• he gives you an unamused look ,, huffing and puffing as he puts you on the ground ,, telling you to 'think about your actions' and 'face the consequences'
• but its not long before he realizes he misses your warmth and heat ,, and decides to pick you back up and trap you in his embrace
• good luck tryna get him to let go ,, it'll take the help of krok and spinister for the mech release you
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glitch-after-dark · 4 months
Dratchrod headcanons challenge
Who says I love you first?
Who makes their energon?
Who is the early bird/who is the night owl?
Who is the big spoon/Who is the little spoon?
Who loves to cuddle?
Who hogs the blanket?
Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
Who usually has nightmares?
Who likes sweets?
Who likes horror movies/who likes romance movies?
Who is small/who is tall?
Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Who is the most affectionate?
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Who asks for money/Who has money?
Who proposes?
Who is top/Who is bottom?
Who is most ticklish?
Who brings an animal they found home?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Who cooks best?
Who needs reassurance?
Who comms inappropriate things to the other during inappropriate times?
Who cries during certain films?
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first?
Gosh there are just so many questions here. I feel like this is from an ask meme where it's supposed to be a couple at a time. 🤣
This took a bit. And I am putting it under a cut.
Who says I love you first?
It was technically Rodimus to Drift, but in a noncommittal "I love you bro" kind of way that he was trying to play off as casual. He danced around it but never fully committed to it. When Drift left from the Lost Light, Rodimus couldn't say it again more seriously, though it haunted him for two years until they reunited at which point Dratchet had happened, and he shut that down. Ratchet had also teasingly told Ratchet he knows he loves him and similar joking back, but wasn't interested in him yet beyond respecting him and caring about him and distant kind of note that Ratchet was attractive.
Ratchet actually said I love you to Drift first because he left determined to be emotionally honest for once. Drift actually took longer to say it back, which upset Drift–Ratchet understood that Drift showed love–but once he got over the hump kept saying it whenever he got the chance.
Rodimus and Drift dance around it for ages, and it is pulling teeth to get them to verbalize it due to the twice burned issue and not wanting to destabilize things. Rodimus actually says it by accident because he's been socializing with Ratchet to try and force himself to "get over his feelings" by metaphorically pressing the bruise over and over by shoving Dratchet's relationship in his face as much as possible and reminding himself that Ratchet is clearly the better option by getting to know him more. Ratchet similarly wants to get to know Rodimus more as well given his importance in their lives and Ratchet's newfound determination to do better in all his relationships. These two end up spending more time together as Drift is getting interrupted, leaving it just them and finding out they both like fishing. Though Ratchet kind of is maliciously petty about it because he's determined to not be outsmarted by a fish while Rodimus finds it relaxing and Ratchet hilarious. Drift tries it and theoretically he thought it would appeal to him but he finds it mind numbingly boring.
Ratchet and Rodimus are doing this and acting a bit silly together now that they are really friends and Ratchet laughs at Rodimus's joke which makes Rodimus light up inside in a way he recognizes and just blurts out "Damn Ratch you beautiful." And them it clicks, and he mouth vomits. "Oh shit. I'm in love with both of you."
Due to the soap opera drama of the LL Drift of course overhears this.
It takes a while for Rodimus to actually say it intentionally and a lot of chaos for all three of them to assure Ratchet he wabts him too. But he does beat Ratchet to it. Drift, meanwhile, finally takes the step with Rodimus, and instead of saying it aloud does it through hand while they are alone together during the "working things out phase". So he says it openly first.
Who makes their Energon?
The all take turns getting Energon for each other. None of them are particularly interested in cooking or experimenting. So it's mostly straight cubes with some add ins for flavor that they get pre-made or at Swerve's.
Rodimus does like tasting experiments though and Dratchet brings him back food-food from Swerve's.
It's common for Driftrod to pop in and bring Ratchet Energon. Ratchet in turn often brings them snacks when he knows they are having long "game sessions" which Rodimus really enjoys and Drift thinks is fun but doesn't often seek out himself.
Who is the early bird/who is the night owl?
Against conventional wisdom, I say that Rodimus is the early bird. Why waste life sleeping? He is also the night owl along with Ratchet. He does not sleep enough.
Ratchet is much easier to convince to sleep in and only gets up early when scheduled. He also is prone to staying up late.
Drift has a regular schedule and is an absolute disaster in the morning if woken early which no one believes but that's because he gets all his pissed off "I am awake and it is everyone's problem" energy out before he leaves the room.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon?
No set pattern. All three take turns.
Who loves to cuddle?
Rodimus does after sex. It is an absolute necessity, and any other exercise that wears his energy out leads to cuddling. He relished it then and the ability to just linger and enjoy. If he has energy, though, he can only stay for so long.
Drift is initially a bit more standoffish at first but enjoys it more over time. He loves using Rodimus as a space heater or wrapping himself over Ratchet.
Ratchet, though, is the biggest proponent of it, and once he's comfortable, he loves doing it anytime, anywhere. He has absolutely no problem cuddling Rodimus in the Captain's Chair while doing paperwork or having either of them perched on his lap while at Swerve's or curling up into each other. He loves lazy morning sleep ins cuddled together.
Who hogs the blanket?
Drift. Definitely Drift. Rodimus overheats easily so often ends up kicking them off, and Ratchet can sleep without them. Drift has issues with temperature regulation, though, and finds wrapping up comforting.
Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
All three have.
Who usually has nightmares?
All of them, though, at different frequencies and triggers. Life left scars, and they all need different comfort following one.
Who likes sweets?
Ratchet and Drift.
Ratchet because he has a sweet tooth. He can it the most closing disgustingly sweet monstrosity with a straight face and genuinely enjoy it.
Drift actually can't taste sweetness, but he likes the energy burst that comes with them. He keeps them on him for assurance and to snack on in between fueling.
Rodimus actually can't stand sweetness. The fuel he grew up on was mixed with a very saccharine chemical filler to dilute it and it makes his fuel tank upset now. A little he can handle but it has to be balanced out.
Who likes horror movies/who likes romance?
Ratchet and Rodimus eat up horror and are the kind of people who talk the entire way through criticizing or joking about the ways the deaths go. Drift is white knuckling and veey invested in survival.
Drift likes romance of all kinds. He enjoys the guarantee happy ending in pure romance genre. Rodimus enjoys romantic comedies and is actually very into period romances with complex social rules and melodrama. Ratchet usually falls asleep during them.
Who is small/tall?
They are all about the same height?
Who is considered the scaredy cat?
I'd say none of them. Rodimus likes being jump scared because he laughs and thinks it's fun but Drift has a more hair trigger reaction to it. None of them are "scared cats" though.
Who is the most affectionate?
Hard to say because they each show affection in their own way. Drift is probably the most "traditionally" demonstrative of his affection, though Ratchet and Rodimus also get plenty of PDA complaints.
"Ratty" - "Kid" | Dratchet
"Rodders" | Driftrod
"Roddy" - "Ratch" | Rarer Ratchrod
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Ratchet. He enjoys it too as Driftrod are always delighted when he shows off his strength.
Who asks for money/has money?
I think we all know the answer to that. The funny part, though, is when Ratchet realizes he's become a sugar baby. Rodimus has no qualms once Drift and he work things out.
Who proposes?
Ratchet. Both times. Mostly because Drift got tongue tied.
Who is top/bottom?
They switch.
Who is most ticklish?
Rodimus. And Drift will take shameless advantage of this.
Who brings an animal they found home?
Rodimus or Drift, but Ratchet is the one firmly in the "didn't want the cat but loves it the most" category.
Who wants to stay in bed a bit longer?
Drift and Ratchet as mentioned previously.
Who cooks the best?
Ratchet if he ever does it is actually a very good cook. He learned as a method of flirting but hasn't had the time since he left college.
Who needs reassurance?
All of them at different points. Rodimus, especially in the beginning but less as time goes on. Drift during rougher patches. Ratchet as well though he is the worst for asking about it. Rodimus actually ends up being the best at pegging when he needs it and is the most comfortable asking.
Who comms inappropriate things to each other at inappropriate times?
It's Ratchet and Rodimus. They start it out because they are both trying to one up each other and Drift is stuck in between their sexy war in the shared group chat having to look Perceptor in the face while Ratchet left a sexy voice mail about how he's going to eat out Rodimus later. He puts an ends it eventually because Rodimus may be shameless and Ratchet has a great poker face but Drift cannot handle this constant bombardment.
Who cries during certain films?
Drift and Rodimus. Ratchet is is a harder nut to crack, though.
Who tells their friends/family about it first?
Ratchet. Mostly because his best friend pegs it the moment they make eye contact.
They all three make a joint statement later about their new relationship.
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 37-40
I forgot about Roddy's built-in shades lmAO lookin slick hon
aww, Cyclonus getting overwhelmed with emotion at seeing his old home again... I also like him apologizing for kicking the shit out of Tailgate way back near the beginning of the comic when he got upset at him for making him want to be a Decepticon. All he says is “I'm sorry,” does Tailgate even actually know what for lmAO
so fucked up that the little bit of the Shadowplay arc where Rung was fiddling around with a model ship in the background for two seconds was future Rung the whole time. It was even clearly a model of the Lost Light too
love that Cyclonus allows Tailgate to ride in his cockpit. Something something gay joke
poor Rodimus is so over this time travel shit lmAO
ghsfadjks Chromedome and Rewind are having this heart to heart while Whirl is standing like five feet away
ah yes. The curly straw that marked the fall of Cybertron lmAO
I like how Cyclonus agrees that Tailgate's face is punchable lmfAO
interesting that Rewind and Whirl are on the same page about preventing events in the past to change the future
honestly love the reveal that Brainstorm isn't going back in time to kill Orion Pax and win the war for the Decepticons, he's going back to kill Megatron and prevent the war from ever happening in the first place. It's the kind of thing you could pick up on yourself if you're paying attention but still comes as a shock because we don't understand why just yet
hell yeah, I love both Percy and Magnus putting Megatron in his place, fuckin tell him
“God, now I'm starting to sound like him” ha ha he's taking up your brain space idiot, get owned
aww, Brainstorm is good... he was just trying to fix things, for everyone...
god damn, Rewind lmAO you got Megatron so shocked he's speaking in lower case
“Megatron dies and we lose: but the universe wins.” man... truly there was no universe where things worked out for everyone, it was always either Cybertron suffers or everyone suffers and I can't blame Rewind for making that call
the way Chromedome is so gentle with him... yOUR HONOR........
I also cannot blame Whirl for saying “fuck the functionists,” like. He's right lmAO
and there it is, the message at the end of the very first issue. Man, it's already been such a journey and I'm only halfway through the story. I do like Cyclonus pointing out that everything they told Rodimus not to do has a net positive outcome, we've been doing so much good even if we've gotten nowhere with our original objective lmAO
BRAINSTORM IS GOOD... still wild that his thing for Quark was explicitly a crush, even if it was only one-way. But the more that the people he loved suffered, the more he wanted to go back and prevent, he just wanted to stop the suffering...
rip to that dude who became the sparkeater. Absolutely hilarious that it's their own fault that was ever there
aww Brainstorm, you do wanna go back to the present, you just don't know it yet, you're gonna be fine
and everyone rejoiced except for Brainstorm and Megatron, it's fine, they'll get over it
and now we've solidified the functionist universe as a thing that exists. So Brainstorm's actions are technically what brought about our final boss, huh? Not purposefully, but you know. It's wild how integral the functionist universe is to the quest lmAO
ah right time to check back in on team cringelord
this fuckin panel of Helex using his hand to take Blip's brain out of his mouth and put it back on his head may as well not exist, all I can think of is the scrapped version of this panel where he takes it out with his own mouth lmfAO
shout out to this page where Tarn explains why he wears the mask for tricking so many people into believing that he didn't actually enjoy torturing people to death and was just misunderstood lmfAO like straight up I saw so many people like “oh he doesn't want anyone to notice him closing his eyes and not watching the murder it must mean he secretly doesn't want to do it and is actually a good guy deep down!!!” and like. I'm gonna be real I don't know what the fuck Tarn meant by all that but I can pick up enough context clues from everything else he's ever said and done to figure out that he Did Not Mean That lmfAO
ah yes, the only member of the DJD who matters, get their asses, Nickel
I do have to say, Tarn running the DJD like a regular-ass office is extremely funny lmfAO “I'm largely happy with your performance, love the dismemberment, but there is room for improvement”
at least alternate Brainstorm tried to keep the rest of the crew safe. It wasn't his fault the DJD are a bunch of fuckin animals lmAO also oouughfhg that panel of Drift trying to protect Ratchet from Tarn still kicks my ass, he'll beg for Ratchet to put him out of his misery when it's his own life in danger but he'll jump in front of the DJD's ringleader to keep him away from Ratchet...
like. This moment where Tarn attacks Tesarus for the crime of daring to question his decision (in this case, his decision to leave Vos and Kaon to die) makes it pretty clear that Tarn is not secretly good lmfAO like straight up I saw so much bitching when Tarn killed Kaon in the Dying of the Light arc because “Tarn would never! This is OOC, the DJD loves each other, they're like a family!!!” and like... *gestures at this entire issue* *gestures at everything Tarn has ever done* This comic spends every moment that Tarn is on screen making it abundantly clear that his whole entire thing is killing his fellow Decepticons for literally any stupid fuckin reason and Tarn stans could not fucking take it when he killed his fellow Decepticon Kaon for a stupid fuckin reason lmfAO smh my head
it's so tragic because I don't even actually hate the DJD as characters, I think they're great villains. When Tarn showed his ass up in Cyberverse I nearly shit my pants with fear, and that's great! That's the mark of a good fuckin villain character! And even him being so pretentious is great because it makes you REALLY wanna see him get defeated! He's an excellent heel! But MAN were Tarn stans the most obnoxious people alive lmFAO they absolutely tainted him for me which is a shame
lol look at this idiot sulking in the snow because his idol denounced his cause ha ha get rendered obsolete, stupid
honestly Deathsaurus is so valid, get his ass
I cannot wait for Megatron to kill all their asses lmfAO god I cannot wait to get to the Dying of the Light, it's my absolute favorite arc and I'll talk about exactly why once we get there
and this one's my favorite individual issue, this is the issue that encapsulates everything I love about this comic, this is what it's all about
urhgjdf Pharma was so close to avoiding Delphi... just the nearest miss........
love the setup of Swerve arranging all these glasses for Tailgate to comically crash into and then he just crashes into Ratchet instead, get wrecked grandpa
aww Swerve don't be mean to Ten, it ain' t his fault your bar's empty
Love Chromedome being Brainstorm's defense lawyer in this trial. Also love Brainstorm immediately throwing Rewind under the bus lmAO I mean he's right but also, hilarious thing to try to pull, all things considered
ooh Nautica's so mad
hell yeah Brainstorm, you're right and you should say it, it's not fair to try to pin the actions of alternate Brainstorm on this Brainstorm, and good for Percy for standing up for him too
loooooooove Ratchet glaring while Brainstorm tells Rodimus he doesn't want to be kicked off the ship because it's his home. It was Drift's home too...
oouufgjd love Getaway feeding Tailgate bullshit significantly less, it's so agonizing watching him slowly manipulate him over the course of the comic
love Ratchet lowkey inviting all his closest friends for a final chat under the guise of checking for “super scraplets,” just stupid enough of a thing to be possible
“The only time people really talk to him is when they're sick- and I know how that feels.” RatcheeEEEETTT........🥺
ghsdfjk Ratchet setting Megatron up for failure in Mirage's bar is so mean lmAO but I mean. All he did was suggest Megatron do a poetry reading, it's Megatron's self-made reputation that's gonna make it a failure, so...
also love how First Aid is immediately onto Ratchet, “You know you can just. Ask to talk to your friends like a normal person right”
Ratchet is so sweet with Ten I'm gonna fuckin cry lmfAO
Magnus is Ten's favorite I'm gonna rip the arms of my chair clean oFF
and there he goes, off to find his man... I like. Still can't believe this happened lmfAO when Drift got exiled, I was fully prepared to never see his ass ever again, I figured his relevance was over and if we ever do see him again it'll be a bit part in a different series written by someone else, I can't believe that he was allowed to be cared about enough for someone to want him back, and especially for that someone to be Ratchet. Being a long-time Dratchet shipper while this comic was still going was just a constant stream of Ws and it was wild to experience lmFAO I had never won that hard in my life, I didn't know what to do with myself
also I just remembered, didn't Empire of Stone come out before this issue? So we already knew Ratchet went to go find Drift, we just didn't know when or why, or if it even actually was Ratchet lmfAO I definitely remember a theory floating around that the Ratchet in EOS was a hallucination or something. I also remember thinking, “Oh god, what horrible thing happened that made Ratchet have to leave the Lost Light,” and being floored when the answer was just that he personally wanted Drift back, there was no emergency, he just missed him. Like. What the fuck that's gay........
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