#Rogue Wave
lambtotheslaughterr · 4 months
Rogue Wave
A Rafe Cameron Oneshot
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WC: 3.5k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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Summary: OBX S3 Ep 1-2 reimagined. Reader is the unwilling participant in Rafe's great plan to get Carlos Singh what he demands most...
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            You hit the door once more in frustration.
            You knew the guard was still there on the other side but he would only listen to his boss, not you. Sighing annoyingly, you finally turned to face the rest of the room. It was extravagant to say the least. Nothing like where you came from. Being a Pogue your whole life you never knew what it meant to have an ‘extra’ bedroom, let alone multiples of them. Guessing by what little of the villa you had seen before you had been shoved into the room, the villa likely had six or more bedrooms.
            “Rich pricks.” You mumbled.
            As you meandered towards the windows, intending to hopefully find an escape route, you paused when a note on the nearby wardrobe caught your eye.
            Pick your size. The note read.
            You eyed the identical silk red dresses.
            “Yeah, no, thanks.” You mumbled to no one.
            Slamming the wardrobe doors closed, you approached a dresser on the furthest side of the room. The clothes you were wearing were still damp from crashing into the bay. Opening the drawers, you were relieved to find plenty of women’s clothing, but how they ended up there remained a concern to you. You didn’t know who Carlos Singh was, or what he wanted with you or your friends, but you didn’t plan on staying to find out.
            Quickly changing into fresh, dry clothes, you found a pair sneakers in another closet before returning to the windows. Your mission to escape out of the window was halted by what you saw on the other side.
            Guards. Lots of them. And they all carried weapons. You had nothing on you to defend yourself. Besides, you knew better than to think you even stood a chance. At this point, you’d need a miracle to get out there. You only hoped your friends managed to escape & stay far away from the clutches of the mysterious Singh.
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            After hours of lying on the only bed in the room in boredom, you finally heard a commotion on the other side of the door. You launched yourself off the bed & grabbed a nearby metallic candlestick. It weighed heavy in your hand so you knew you may have a shot as long as you didn’t screw up. Whoever was coming for you wouldn’t be prepared for you to fight back & you had to use that element of surprise to your advantage.
            Pressing yourself to the wall just behind the door, you raised the candlestick & braced yourself to attack whoever entered the room. There was raised voices just on the other side & you were unable to focus on what they were heated about, too focused on needing to do what had to be done next. But just as the door opened, another body got shoved into the room & before you could even strike anyone on the back of their head, the door slammed shut, followed by the resounding locking mechanism.
            “You gotta be fucking shitting me.” The other person before you breathed out when they spotted you.
            “What the hell are you doing here?!” You asked exasperatedly, but did not lower your weapon. In fact, you raised it higher, taking a defensive position.
            “You really think you’re gonna hurt me with that?” The man—Kook King, himself—questioned amusingly as he took in the state of you.
            “I’ll give it a shot.” You quipped back, not backing down.
            Rafe rolled his eyes before shaking his head then he turned his back on you, waving his hand in dismissal, “Give it all you got, Pogue.”
            Gritting your teeth, you took a step forward, wanting nothing more than to hurt the bastard who caused you & your friends hell for years, but you came to realize he was in the same position as you. Locked in the room under the demand of one Carlos Singh.
            “What are you doing here?” You asked for a second time, your chest heaving as you reluctantly lowered the candlestick.
            Rafe peered out of the windows, observing the guards like you had only hours prior, “Had a business deal.”
            That made you stifle a laugh, “Your business deals usually end with you locked up in their bedrooms?”
            He sneered at you then. His reaction only fueled your mockery, “Guess you didn’t inherit all of Ward’s charms.”
            Rafe smirked haughtily at that but said nothing in response.
            Accepting that he was not a threat—for now—you returned the candlestick to its original place but didn’t stray far from it, determined to keep the entire room between you & Rafe Cameron.
            “What are you doing here?” Rafe questioned again, his eyes momentarily flicking to yours before casting them back out the window.
            “Beats me.” You crossed your arms over your chest, never letting your eyes stray from your long-time foe, “Figured you’d know the answer better to that than me.”
            Rafe chuckled darkly at that, “Guess we’re both in the dark then.”
            Time dragged on & eventually you found yourself sitting on the farthest edge of the bed. Rafe sat in a chair in the corner of the room, his eyes constantly on the guards outside. After hours of silence & him observing the strength of the security outside, you finally felt forced to comment.
            “They’re not gonna go away just because you keep staring at them.”
            Rafe grunted at that, “Got anything better in mind?”
            You shrugged, “No. Just sayin’, not like you’d stand a chance.”
            “Says the chick who was ready to fight her way out of here with only her handy-dandy candlestick.”
            You hated that he was right. Rolling your eyes, you turned away from him, eyeing the door to the hallway. It was getting dark out & still, no one had come to retrieve either one of you. What the hell did this guy want?
            After another hour of silence, you found yourself dozing off, exhausted from that morning’s events & your subsequent alert system being shot. But just as you felt yourself just on the edge of sleep, the door to the room unlocked. You shot out of bed, reaching for the candlestick a second time. Rafe mirrored you, though he only armed himself with two fists raised slightly at his sides.
            But before either of you could even think about getting the upper hand, a guard appeared with two more behind him, as he entered the room with a metal tray of what appeared to be food.
            “Dinner.” He said flatly, his eyes not missing either of yours defensive stances.
            He placed the tray on the bed before smirking knowingly to himself, then he backed out of the room, “Good night.”
            With that, he closed the door & relocked it.
            “So much for putting up a fight, Pogue.” Rafe commented.
            “I didn’t see you swinging.” You bit back, loosening your hold on the candlestick.
            Rafe shook his head unimpressively before peering at the food on the tray, “At least they brought us good shit.”
            It was an assorted tray consisting of lobster legs, BLT sandwiches, & a large bowl of what looked to be a pot roast soup. Rafe pulled the chair he had been sitting on to the foot of the bed & began having at the food. You only stared on. When he felt you staring, he returned the look, “Don’t think I’m gonna save you some if you don’t get any now.”
            “Could be laced.” You shared.
            Rafe grunted haughtily at that, “Singh ain’t that kind of guy.”
            “No?” You questioned, narrowing your eyes at Rafe, “What kind of guy is he then?”
            Rafe sucked the meat out of a crab leg before dropping the shell, peering up at you, “The kind of guy to look you in the eyes as he puts a bullet in your head.”
            The thought made you swallow nervously.
            “So eat.” Rafe demanded, “We’ll need our energy if we’re gonna get out of here.”
            That made your brows furrow, “You got a plan?”
            “Not yet.” Rafe chewed, “But I will by morning.”
            Biting your rebuttal, your hate for him an instinct at this point, you steeled yourself to sit back on the bed & reach for one of the sandwiches. Picking off the tomatoes, you brought the grub to your mouth. The two of you ate in silence for some time before you spoke your thoughts out loud.
            “I’m surprised you’re willing to even share food with a Pogue, despite the circumstances.”
            Rafe smirked at that but nodded, “I’m not all bad. You may be a Pogue but you’re still just a girl. I’m not that big of an asshole.”
            “Tell that Sarah.” You glared at him.
            Rafe stopped chewing then, his lips pursed as he licked his teeth. His eyes flashed to yours then, “That was a one-time thing.”
            “You mean three.”
            He leaned back in his chair, narrowing his eyes at you, “What do you want me to say? I’m sorry? Fine, I’m sorry.”
            “I’m not the one you should be apologizing to & even if I was an apology like that wouldn’t mean shit.”
            “Good thing it’s not for you.” Rafe bit back.
            Sneering at him, you looked away, not wanting to entertain a conversation with him any longer. But apparently, you had opened a can of worms because Rafe wasn’t quite done.
            “Ya know, we may have had our differences in the past but—”
            “Differences?” You laughed half-heartedly, “Is that what you call it?”
            Rafe glowered, but continued, “But you & I, we’ve never had any problems, not directly anyway.”
            “You fuck with my friends you fuck with me. So yeah, we’ve had plenty of problems.”
            He chuckled darkly at that, wiping his hands on one of the provided cloth napkins, “You Pogue’s are an interesting breed, always conjoined at the hip, can’t think for yourselves. Like a fucking hive of bees.”
            “At least we have each other’s backs.” You rebutted, “You can’t say that about anyone in your life.”
            “I don’t need anyone to have my back.” Rafe returned, his voice full of pride.
            “See how far in life that gets you.”
            “No further than you.” Rafe smirked, “After all, we’re both locked up in here, aren’t we?”
            The sandwich you were eating began to taste bitter. You dropped the remains of it onto the tray. Moving backwards on the bed, you rested against the headboard, your eyes never leaving Rafe’s.
            “You still haven’t told me why you’re trapped here to begin with.”
            Rafe sucked his teeth at that, “That’s for me to know.”
            “You expect me to help you get out of here with nothing in return?”
            “What you get in return is a way out of here. That’s enough for you.”
            Though you didn’t know Rafe on a personal level, you knew well-enough that he wasn’t going to break, let alone bend, for you.
            “Better be a good plan.” You commented, resting your head against the headboard. Exhaustion was coming for you yet again.
            “It will be.” Rafe eyed you, “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”
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            It was the middle of the night when you woke with a start. Your eyes peered blearily around the darkened bedroom, suddenly remembering where you were, though you didn’t remember dozing off. But what alarmed you more than remembering where you were was the reason you woke to begin with.
            There was a hand on your hip & someone’s breath at the nape of your neck as their hand reached around for the button on your shorts.
            Grasping the hand, you prepared to yeet yourself off the bed, but another arm shot out & caught you, forcing your back against their chest.
            “Where do you think you’re going?” The voice belonged to Rafe Cameron, & you were reminded about how he had been locked in that bedroom with you earlier.
            “The fuck are you doing?” You asked panicked. One arm of his was wrapped around your middle, securing you against him as his other returned to the front of your shorts.
            “What’s it look like? It’s the middle of the night, I’m bored, horny, & can’t sleep. This’ll help.”
            “Fuck off, Rafe!” You wrestled against him but your strength was no match for his.
            “Calm down, will ya?” Rafe reprimanded, “It’ll be over before you know it.”
            Despite his cool & nonchalant attitude, you were terrified. You knew Rafe Cameron was capable of bad, terrible, literally deadly things. His violent tendencies were predictable, able to see them from a mile away. But this? You knew you shouldn’t have been surprised but you were. Rafe Cameron was a rogue fucking wave.
            A strained whimper parted your lips as he forced you to roll onto your belly, his chest never disconnecting from your back.
            “Rafe, stop, I’m so fucking serious!” You winced when the rough fabric of your denim shorts got yanked down to your knees, your underwear along with them.
            Before you could verbalize your refusal for a third time, Rafe clapped a hand over your mouth, effectively silencing you. Panicked tears burst forth then. With your face shoved into a pillow & your cries muffled, all you could do was feel & listen as Rafe removed his own pants before prodding himself against you.
            An abrupt & burning intrusion knocked the wind of you, your mouth torn open despite Rafe’s hand covering you there. Rafe grunted shamelessly behind you as he sought out his carnal needs. Your hands gripped the sheets tight, the bones in your fingers straining against themselves as you willed the pain Rafe caused away. But the pain never dissipated.
            Rafe continued to thrust himself inside you, your walls dry & unwelcoming to his assault. He eventually removed his hand from your mouth, bracing himself on either side of your arms as he fucked himself into you. You shook beneath him, hot tears staining the pillowcase as you were forced to lie there & literally take it. All your fight left you as Rafe took the remaining energy you had left.
            He continued for some time, not being quick at all like he said it would be. At some point during it, he readjusted your head so your face was exposed & he brushed your hair out of your face to kiss your jawline & neck. Every single kiss of his left a wake of goosebumps & only made you feel more nauseous, like you were getting seasick from a rocky boat.
            Finally, you gasped quietly when you felt Rafe stiffen behind you, followed by a low, guttural groan of his emanating from deep within his heartless chest. He rolled off you immediately, breathing heavily to himself. You kept your face turned away but very languidly reached down to pull back up your underwear & shorts. Sniffling quietly to yourself, you stood from the bed & wobbled into the en suite bathroom.
            You kept your eyes on the ceiling as you peeled your bottoms back down & pissed into the toilet. Your vagina ached & burned at the sensation. You bit your lip, keeping yourself from wincing out loud. Once you finished using the bathroom, you cleaned yourself up with a wet hand towel & washed your hands. You didn’t bother looking yourself in the mirror, not ready to see the full extent of what Rafe had done.
            Back in the bedroom, you were angry to see that Rafe had passed out. His pants were still undone around his hips, his pubic bone exposed. Hot tears returned as you eyed him murderously. Steeling yourself, you reached for the candlestick nearby. Gripping it tightly in your hand, you pictured yourself bashing Rafe’s face in until he was unrecognizable. But as the gruesome thoughts ran rampant throughout your mind, Rafe peeled his eyes open, staring up at you.
            “Do it.” He challenged, “I dare you.”
            Your chin shook as you raised the candlestick, preparing to bring it down. Rafe closed his eyes again, that god-awful Kook smirk of his crossing his features, “But if you do, you’ll never get out of here. And Singh won’t have any reason to keep you alive, so your body will just be fed to the sharks alongside mine.”
            Desperate to ignore his taunts, you willed yourself to follow through & fucking kill him, but as much as you hated him & wished him dead, you weren’t a killer. Dropping the candlestick onto the floor, you collapsed to your knees, staring aimlessly at the bedframe.
            “That’s what I thought.” Rafe commented, his voice low & arrogant, “Now, get some sleep, you’ll need your energy in the morning.”
            Reluctantly, your body complied to his advice. You lowered yourself the rest of the way to the ground. It didn’t matter how uncomfortable & unwelcoming the hardwood was, it was far better than sleeping on the bed that Rafe just raped you on.
            Shoving those thoughts to the darkest depths of your memory, you allowed yourself to close your eyes, hoping & praying that when you woke in the morning, the last 24 hours would all have just been an awful nightmare & you’d wake up back on Poguelandia with your friends.
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            The sounds of ocean waves lulled you awake. You moaned in your sleep, frowning as you slowly came to. You peeled your eyes open, taking in your surroundings.
            Shooting forward, you whipped your head around. Unlike the villa bedroom you had fallen asleep in, you found yourself on a bench on the deck of a small yacht. You stood up, wincing slightly as a shot of pain emanated from your core.
            Last night’s memories flooded you & you felt like you were going to be sick. Racing to the nearest railing of the yacht, you leaned as far over as you could before throwing up bread, bacon, & lettuce. You wiped your mouth, frowning as you stared at the waves beating against the sides of the boat.
            “Thank fuck this isn’t one of my own or else you’d be cleaning that up with a toothbrush.” A voice sounded above you.
            You spun around, using your hand to shield your eyes from the blaringly bright sun as you found the source of the voice. Rafe Cameron smirked down at you, a pair of shades on his face.
            “What the fuck did you do?!” You yelled up at him.
            “What’s it look like?” He gestured to your surroundings. “I saved us.”
            You knew well enough that you were on a boat, but only in that moment did you realize that you were in the middle of nowhere in the ocean. No land mass or other boats in sight. You didn’t feel very saved.
            “This is when you say, ‘thank you, Rafe’.”
            “Fuck you, Rafe.” You spit, holding your stomach when you felt like you would vomit again.
            He sighed, shaking his head as if you were a misbehaving child, “Ungrateful Pogue as always.”
            “Ungrateful?!” You screeched. Wanting nothing more than to throw him overboard, you stomped in search of the stairs that would lead you to him before finally finding them. As you marched up the stairs, preparing yourself to do what you couldn’t do the night before, you froze the second you reached the landing.
            Rafe was sitting in the captain’s seat, & he had a handgun trained on you.
            You stared at the gun, biting your lip in anger then flashed your glare to Rafe’s shielded eyes.
            He raised his brows knowingly, “Problem?”
            “Lots.” You bit back.
            “Mmm.” Rafe nodded, “Well, those’ll have to wait.”
            “For what? What the fuck else could you possibly need me for?”
            Rafe sighed happily at that, a million dollar grin appearing on his face, “That’s what you’re gonna tell me.”
            “What are you talking about?”
            “I’m talking about the diary.”
            You swallowed at that. Of course you knew about the diary, you & your friends were after it, after all, but how did Rafe know about it?”
            “That’s why Singh had you. And me.” Rafe revealed, “He was convinced I knew where it was since we know each other, but he doesn’t know the intricacies of the Kook-Pogue feud, poor guy. So, he made me a deal. I get the information out of you, & he gives me half the cut. Here we are.”
            You eyed him warily, “So, last night? That was all, what, a ploy?”
            “Mhmm.” He smirked, “Once you passed out I spoke with Singh & he loaned me this yacht. Now, you’re gonna take me to the diary. Or I’m going to tell him where to find all your friends’ families & he’ll pick them off one by one until you get me what I want.”
            “You fucking asshole…” You breathed in disbelief.
            He only shrugged, “So, where do we go first?”
            “I’ll never help you.”
            “No?” Rafe, with his gun still aimed at you, pulled out a cell phone & raised it, “Should I give him a call then? Tell him which Pogue’s family he can target first?”
            “No, don’t!” You stepped forward, “Don’t, Rafe.”
            “Well then?” Rafe lowered his shades just enough to eye you directly, “Point & shout, Pogue, your friends’ families are depending on you.”
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this is 10/10 requests from my 500 followers celebration request opening!
big thank you to the anon who requested this & i thank you again for your patience as i get over being sick.
as always, please share your thoughts w me via comments, reblogs w reviews, or dropping an ask.
thank you for reading!
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taglist: @jsrafesgirl @bunnycvnts @ditzyzombiesblog @wearemadeofstardust0
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lynxdoes · 10 months
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Some Brissie sketches, he’s in his rugby era. Every time I draw this man he gets beefier and I’m here for it.
When he’s not in his rugby era he’s my AFTG oc, he’s a backliner 👉👈
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envisitadecortesia · 7 months
Contra la fuerza de la naturaleza
El día 9 de julio de 1915 hacía su entrada al puerto de Barcelona el crucero acorazado USS Tennessee de la marina de guerra de los Estados Unidos, estaba al mando del capitán Edward Latimer Beach Sr. y procedían del puerto de Alejandría. El crucero acorazado USS Tennessee en el puerto de Barcelona (fotografía de Pérez publicada en la revista Hormiga de Oro vía BNE) Tras cruzar la bocana realizó…
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View On WordPress
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roguewavelancers · 1 year
Would you still work with each other if you were worms?
If we were worms I doubt we'd have the ability to yearn to work with each other. But I like to believe we would. - Casey 📷
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punkrockmixtapes · 5 months
Rogue Wave "Maps" (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
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polybiiex · 11 months
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Today in Great Lakes shipping history. December 23rd.
2022: Vessels have been seeking shelter since late Thursday. Among them, Kaye E. Barker was anchored in Goulais Bay off the Canadian shore above the Soo. Herbert C. Jackson, Hon. James L. Oberstar, Paul R. Tregurtha and Philip R. Clarke were on the hook above DeTour. Mesabi Miner and James R. Barker were anchored at the southern end of the Keweenaw Peninsula, east side. American Mariner was headed for St. Ignace to drop anchor. Burns Harbor was stopped off Port Inland. Traffic in the Duluth/Superior area was at a standstill. (See map above)
Storm-force wind warnings covering Lake Michigan, Lake Huron and Lake Superior have been issued by the National Weather Service. These Storm Warning-strength winds, which are higher than Gale Force winds, are to whip across the Great Lakes Friday and into Saturday. Some of these wind gusts on Lake Superior could top out at nearly 70 mph, meaning they’d be approaching hurricane-force winds.
The waves being churched up by all this wind will be huge. The NWS meteorologists in Marquette expect waves up to 35 feet and some possibly higher on Lake Superior. That’s the same wave height as the monster storm that sent the famous Edmund Fitzgerald to the bottom in two pieces, with her 29 crew aboard, in 1975.
Waves could build to 19 feet in Lake Michigan along a stretch from Muskegon to South Haven. On Lake Huron, the biggest waves will be on the Canadian side of the lake. Lake Erie’s highest waves will be from the Cleveland area and east.
Back to Lake Superior, here’s what meteorologists from the NWS office in Marquette are forecasting:
“The wind … will be increasing to north gales Thursday night (to 51 mph), and then storm force winds (to 69 mph) through Saturday. The strong gale (to 51 mph) drops off by Sunday night. In addition to the winds, strong northerly winds will usher in cold air and a heavy freezing spray hazard and wind-driven waves in the eastern half could exceed 25 feet Saturday.”
Boat Nerd
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thereyvan · 2 years
hey y’all i’ve been a meteorology nerd since i was 8 so i’m gonna talk about the cool meteorlogical shit i like
sundogs!!! this is when the sun looks like it has a smaller sun on each side of it like a little whore(affectionate). these happen when light refracts through ice crystals. the sun has to be on the fuckin horizon for this shit to happen, so this shit only happens at sunrise and sunset 
circumzenithal arcs! these happen when you take a rainbow and turn it ass-over-tits. these little fuckers are also caused by light refracting through ice crystals and they happen really fuckin high up in the sky 
fuckign. solar tornadoes!!! they’re caused by the sun’s hot flowing gas and magnetic fields. these fuckers are really goddamn fast- as in, they can reach speeds upwards of 180-FUCKING-THOUSAND MPH!!! they’re also the size of the gotdamn EARTH 
rogue waves! these fuckers are a singular wave that’s at least twice as tall as the significant wave height(that’s the mean wave height for the area). they can be caused by one wave catching up to another, a wave reconnecting on the other side of an island, and plain old high-ass fuckin wind gusts 
volcanic weather! some volcanoes create such a large cloud that they can cause their own weather! these include tornadoes and even fuckmothering rain 
fire whirls! also called “firenadoes”, these little shits are caused by some of the same fuckery that causes solar tornadoes: hot-as-shit whirling gases. though these bitches also need some wind and a body of water covered in a flammable liquid to get going 
THUNDERSNOW. yes, you read that correctly. thundersnow happens when the ground temperature is unusually warm during a snowstorm. there’s an epic video of well-known meteorologist Jim Cantore going absolutely batshit over experiencing this in Boston 
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sheepslaps · 2 months
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the people yearn for turn of the century sonic gijinkas
here are my many inspirations
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duubsite · 8 days
Unprecedented Waves: The Record-Breaking Rogue Wave of 2020
In the domain of oceanography, certain events leave a stark imprint on both scientific and maritime communities. One such event, which stands as a testament to nature’s unpredictable ferocity, occurred off the coast of British Columbia in November 2020. This was the month that saw the highest, most extreme rogue wave ever recorded. A Brief Overview: The Apex of Rogue Waves Height and…
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lynxdoes · 6 months
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Carter “Brisbane” Woods is a profoundly troubled boy. Whether he’s 13 or 22, the weight of what he carries weighs him down. I hope you get to be happy one day Brissie
Do not repost please. Reblogs appreciated
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calischarm · 15 days
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The 1st book was good, but this one jus got better from page one! Another one I couldn’t put down!
I love how he loves her!
Sadie and Rayne have been a couple for the rest of her high school year, but now it is graduation and everyone is planning to move on to college. Sadie has to make a decision as to how she will move forward with her life now. Only the past never stays in the past and Rayne’s old friend shows up to cause trouble for his father. Maybe he was not much of a friend to Rayne after all….
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roguewavelancers · 1 year
What are the lancers favourite condiments (#very-important)
Oh, Casey's wayyyyy too infatuated with adding lemon juice to every meal they get. Lilith's wouldn't know good flavour if it punched her in the face, so they just drown whatever food she had in barbecue sauce 🤣
Me, personally? I think having a favourite condiment limits my culinary creativity. My favourite condiment is whatever works best for the dish. Though I will admit I think a good hot sauce brings a lot of dishes together. - Aesop 🕶️
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manitat · 1 month
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Rogue Wave - Every Moment
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missguomeiyun · 3 months
coffee lemonade @ Rogue Wave
Hey guys!
I finally visited this cafe!!!
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Rogue Wave has a very awkward location. Hidden in a little strip mall that contains nothing exciting. That's why I've never been here. My friend CL & I came & she said she comes here annually lol
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The interior is very cute. There were a lot of their beans as well as coffee gear. (Look at those pourover hadgets!) I would say their products are on the pricier end. The good thing is though - they do free within-city delivery over $35, which is like 1.5ish bags of coffee bean (or a large bag of Geisha)...
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They have some items I've never seen; including the coffee lemonade & the geisha. I've had geisha when I was in Korea but I've never seen it on menus in Edmonton.
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I ended up getting the coffee lemonade. Normally, as you all know, it's black Americano or nothing xD but the staff member recommended this to me, plus I've never even heard of it so. .. decided to try it.
. .. erm
I don't recommend it.
It's not bad as an iced drink. It was refreshing! It had a tart-y initial taste, which reminded me of Brisk but stronger/more lemon-y. But then it slowly dilutes out & you end up with a slightly bitter aftertaste. It was weird! Worth a try if you're adventurous, but I would say it's an acquired taste for sure!
& now, check out what I bought :P I had no intention of buying any beans but I did it anyway.
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Large bag of Thailand Doi PangKhon ($22 for 340g)
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Also got 3 small packs (I really like the design of the bag!). These are sampleer beans - each contain roughly 40-45g of coffee, which they say is enough for 2-3 pourovers.
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The 3 that I got (for $10). Each one would be $4 .. or 3 for $10.
CL & I also went to eat afterwards so we didn't stay for too long. Will post that later. Bye!
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inthewindtunnel · 3 months
Rogue Wave
(Sped Up)
Rogue Wave
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