#Roleplay as Couple Therapy
coachcatasha · 9 months
RolePlay: Massage Therapy
Who Doesn’t Love A Massage? This week’s class is a roleplay that brings massage therapy to the playground. A massage sounds like an easy connecting exercise, but couples sometimes struggle to pull this scene off with the inherent pressure of sex. Our roleplay kits offer a simple, actionable walkthrough that allows couples to build a safe roleplay experience. The Massage Therapy kit includes a…
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squadmuse · 5 months
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Gives nose/forehead kisses
Spencer does! He prefers kissing you on the lips but doesn’t pass up giving you kisses anywhere else.
Gets jealous the most
You do, and Spencer does too. It’s not that either of you are disloyal it is more that you know how great the other is and wonder how they picked you out of everyone else
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk
Spencer does, and he’s got a tried and tested hangover cure ready in the morning for you. He makes sure you text or call him, there have been too many unsubs taking advantage of drunk people over the span of his career in the FBI.
Takes care of on sick days
You both do. Spencer might be a known germaphobe but he is a fountain of knowledge and that includes medical care, home remedies and more. You enjoy taking care of Spencer and make sure he’s rested, fed & medicated.
Drags the other person into the water on a beach day
You do, Spencer hates the beach. But he goes because he loves how you love it and he won’t pass up the sight of you in a bikini and seeing you wet from the waves
Gives unprompted massages
Spencer, he’s read a lot of books on traditional Chinese and Thai massage therapy among others and seeing your stressful career, he makes sure to take care you of however he can.
Who drives? Who rides shotgun?
You both switch. Spencer drives and so do you, but whenever you’re pregnant, an overprotective Spencer has you ride shotgun as you’re carrying very precious cargo.
Brings the other lunch at work
You do. Spencer will live off of extremely sugary coffee if he can, and end up eating antacids due to a ton of dairy products. So if he’s at Quantico, you bring him some vegan or dairy free lunch and catch up with him.
Has the better parental relationship
Spencer has a strained yet loving relationship with his mother and has no contact with his father. You have a loving relationship with your own parents but as you live and work in the D.C metro area, you are long distance.
Tries to start roleplaying in the bedroom
Spencer, kinky little genius! You take a while to come around to it, and refuse to roleplay Doctor Who in the bedroom.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
You and Spencer are great drunk dancers whenever you are drunk.
Still cries watching Titanic
You do, and Spencer tries to cheer you up with random facts about the survivors of the actual accident.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Spencer. He has you tag along with him and Penelope to ComicCon and while he dressed as the Fourth Doctor & Sarah Jane or as Jon Snow & Ygritte, or as Jack Skellington & Sally.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
You do. It is very hard to find a good gift for Spencer and you usually get him a collector’s edition of something or first edition of a book or something signed by his favourite author or scientist.
Makes the other eat breakfast
You do. Spencer again skips breakfast or just eats a piece of toast or bowl of cereal. You make sure he eats something more heartier and healthier.
Remembers anniversaries
Spencer does, he never ever forgets it and always surprises you with the best he can.
Brings up having kids
Actually Spencer does, and it is a big thing for him to do so after his worries about the genetic changes of schizophrenia and/or Alzheimer’s Disease being passed on… but he realises how much he loves you, sees how much you love his godsons and realises he wants to be the father of your babies.
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
Would you do one where he sees a girl who looks like how he envisioned Delores and gets her to agree to roleplay but then he can't actually tell her to Delores really was so he just lies about that and keeps slipping in the middle of sex and saying things she doesn't understand?
Thank you for this! So, this is crazy because this describes almost exactly a short fic I wrote quite a while ago. I'm not sure it's the tone you were looking for, as it's definitely a little on the dark side. Five is not super warm and fuzzy to his real-life girlfriend in this one. And any story where he's wrestling with his demons and how they relate to Dolores can get dark just by the nature of it. There's a lot going on in that brilliant brain of his, and some of it isn't good or healthy.
But, I think it's a pretty good story, so I'm going to post it here, with just a couple small changes to make it a little bit more like what you requested. However, if you read this and decide this is not scratching where you itch, please let me know if there's something else I can try.
Thank you again for this request! ❤️
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Five x Dolores, Five x Female Unnamed Character, One-Shot, 6,078 words
Warnings: Smut, Doll fetishization, Five not being in a good place mentally
He knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t be asking her to do what he was asking. It was fucked up. But wasn’t that the story of his life? Just when he thought he was doing ok, blending in, being normal. Then something would come along and boom, he was fucked up again.
“Hold still. That’s right…just like that.”
Five hadn’t wanted it to be like this. He just wanted to be a normal boyfriend. To have a normal relationship. He wasn’t sure it was love, but maybe it would get there eventually. But he liked the companionship. The soft kisses and sharing a bed. God, he hated sleeping alone. On the nights she wasn’t there, he laid awake most of the night; and when he did finally drift off, he was woken minutes later by some horrible nightmare. But when she was there next to him, breathing in the darkness, and he could feel the weight of her body on the mattress; then he could sleep soundly. No nightmares came if he wasn’t alone.
So, it really wasn’t fair. And he knew it. But that didn’t stop him from making his request of her. He had agonized over it for days, the sickening thought growing stronger inside his head. He tried to push it down, tried to make it go away. But it was always there, lurking in the shadows of his mind, threatening to burst forth in a manic display of craziness.
Five had been doing so well until that day. It had been years of drinking, and then therapy, and then finally acceptance. He wasn’t sure he’d describe himself as being happy, necessarily, but it was close. All those years of solitude, followed by the stresses of saving the world, and capped off by the overwhelming blame that was heaped on him by his family. Well, after all of that, the best he could do was a sort of contentment. And that was almost as good as happiness.
Afterall, he had her. And he definitely liked her. Liked having her around. He felt more at ease when she was with him, less on edge than usual. But he knew her feelings for him were much stronger than that. She loved him. He knew that because she told him. She told him at breakfast over their coffee. She told him at night before they fell asleep. And she told him while he was fucking her; hard and raw and ruthlessly, until she was clawing at his back. But he never said it back. Not once. And yet, she was still here.
Five pretended he just wasn’t ready to say it yet. He’d get there eventually; he was so close. And there were so many times when it almost escaped his lips. Those times when she would lean over and put her head in his lap, so comfortable with his body, like he was an extension of herself. Or when she was sleeping and he would look at her in the darkness, thankful she was there with him. But that wasn’t love. Not really. That was needing someone, which was entirely different. 
“I need you,” he would whisper next to her ear as she groaned beneath him, clutching at his skin. At least he could say that without lying. Five may have been a complete mental case and an asshole, but he wasn’t a liar.
The thing is, he knew what the problem was. There wasn’t enough therapy or drugs in the world that could cure him from what was lurking deep down inside of him. It had been too long, too many years of it. You can’t just erase decades of something from your mind, no matter how fucked up you know it is. Afterall, that’s what drew him to ask her out in the first place, wasn’t it? Her poised posture, the wavy blonde hair, her fair complexion. It didn’t help, though. Five couldn’t love her because he still loved her.
Five had been in a real relationship before. Practically a marriage, actually. For longer than he knew most people stayed together in this day and age. Granted, there wasn’t much of a choice at the time, but he liked to think that even if they had lived in a normal society, they still would have lasted that long. He loved her, and she loved him. And then…and then he just gave her away.
He and Dolores had been an unlikely pair, that was true. She liked poetry and romance, and couldn’t get enough of every pink sunset she saw, even though they were a dime a dozen. Five liked drinking, and swearing, and surviving. But when it came to her…she was his poetry and romance and sunset. She made him human and the only reason his mind remained even slightly intact. She’s the one that told him not to do it. That shooting himself in the head was cowardly and unoriginal; two things he definitely did not want to be. So, he lived on. For her.
She was the first thing he thought of when he landed in 2019. He knew she was out there, in that department store. He just had to find her. It was a harrowing experience, trying to get her out of there, but he did it. Amid a barrage of gunfire, his powers failing him, he did it anyway. Because she was the only thing he would have died for. He had told her he would find her, and he did.
Then the next couple of days went by in a blur. After a hasty reunion in his childhood bedroom, with passionate kisses and loving embraces in his old bed, he knew they couldn’t stay there. He had work to do. A world to save. An apocalypse to stop. So, he brought her with him, shoved in that bag because he didn’t know how else to transport her safely. She didn’t mind, though, just happy to be with him again. 
When he didn’t know what else to do, or where to go, he found the library. Their library. And just like most nights over the previous 45 years, Five got drunk and confessed his undying love to Dolores. He was no closer to stopping the end of the world. No closer to finding the owner of the prosthetic eye. But he had her with him, and that made him feel like anything was possible. 
Then he wasn’t sure what made him do it. Maybe it was the new world they were living in, with all the people and buildings and cars zooming past. Maybe it was his siblings and their judgmental gazes towards the two of them. Maybe it was his talk with Hazel, about starting a new life over again. He wasn’t sure, but in his mind, he thought he was doing what was best for her.   
So, he took her back to the department store, back where she came from. He said his heartfelt goodbye and Dolores smiled a sad smile before he turned away. His heart was broken, but deep down he knew it was the right thing to do. There just wasn’t a place for them in this new world. 
Timelines came and went. The world ended, and then it didn’t. Over and over, Five fought against the impossible, never stopping until finally…finally…he could stop. And he was free to live a normal life. But that ship had sailed. He would never be normal. And he would never stop thinking of Dolores. He knew she was probably out there somewhere. Where, he had no idea. The department store had changed hands several times, and the mannequins on display there were the modern kind; faceless and genderless, wearing clothes Five didn’t understand.
So, when he came upon her years later, he couldn’t believe it. It was like someone yanked him backwards through time, pulling his body and soul through the viscosity of space, and landing him fifteen years in the past. 
At first, he almost passed her by. Walking down the sidewalk that he had frequented a hundred times before, he happened to be looking at the other side of the street as he approached the old thrift store. It was only because of her that he looked over. She was with him. Walking hand in hand, they had been strolling down the street, taking in the shop windows and other sights of the city. 
“Oh, let’s go in here! Sometimes they have good vintage stuff,” she had exclaimed, pulling Five by the hand and walking towards the door.
The action made Five turn his head and look in the direction he was being dragged. That’s when he saw her. Right there in the front display window. Wearing a red, A-line dress and a tacky, over-sized sunhat. She was a brunette now, but Five recognized her right away. How could he not? He dreamt of her almost every night.
He stopped dead in his tracks, unable to move. Unable to breathe. He stared at her and she stared back. Then he felt a tug on his hand again.
“Come on, what are you doing? Let’s go in.”
Five looked from the window to her, a dazed look on his face. “What?”
“Let’s go in. What’s wrong with you?” She was laughing at him, thinking he was just being his usual, slightly weird self.
He allowed himself to be dragged into the store, the little bell above the door ringing as they walked in, loudly announcing their presence. There was only one other shopper inside, along with a bored-looking sales person behind the counter. The air was stale and heavy, and smelled of old books and damp wood. It wasn’t a huge store, but it had little departments, and she wandered off in search of shoes. Five stayed near the front of the store, mumbling an excuse about wanting to look at some crappy wall art.
Once she was out of sight, Five turned toward the front window display. Dolores’ back was to him, but he would have been able to identify her even without her face. How many times had he run his hands over her smooth body, caressing her and kissing her until she laughed and told him he was tickling her? How many times had those hands touched his own body, pushed through his hair, and brushed his cheek? Just looking at her now, Five could feel the sensation of her body on his. One warm and frantic, the other cold and unmoving. 
He stared for a while, just studying the back of her. He wasn’t sure what to say, or even if he should say anything. She probably hated his guts, and she would have every right to. Would she even talk to him if he approached her? He knew she had seen him through the window, but that didn’t mean she wanted anything to do with him. Five took a hesitant step closer to the display, and cleared his throat. The sales person looked up briefly, then returned to scrolling through their phone.
“Hello, Dolores. It’s good to see you again.”
Five waited. He had spoken quietly, hoping no one else would hear him, but he knew she could. The few seconds of silence that passed were torture, and he was just about to turn away again.  Then he heard her voice, softly, answering him.
Hello, Five. It’s good to see you, too.
He smiled, so grateful she was even speaking to him after what he had done. “You look good, Dolores.”
Thank you, so do you. How are you?
“I’m doing well, thank you.” Five glanced around the store, making sure no one was looking.  “Actually, I’m not doing that well. I’ve missed you.”
I’ve missed you too, Five. 
“Hey! What are you doing?”
Five jumped slightly. He hadn’t heard her walk up behind him. She was standing there with a confused look on her face, a pair of vintage heels in her hands.
“What? Nothing.” He gestured to the shoes. “You found something?”
She paused for a moment, glancing up at Dolores, and then back at Five. “Were you talking to that mannequin?”
Five scoffed and shoved his hands in his pockets. “Of course not. I was just thinking about something and started talking out loud to myself. You know how I drift off sometimes.”
She nodded. It was true, his mind did drift away a lot. Seeming satisfied with his answer, she held up the shoes. “Aren’t they awesome? I’m going to go pay.”
Five watched her walk to the counter and he stole another glance at Dolores. He dropped his voice even quieter, barely even a whisper.
“Can I come back and see you again?”
I’d like that.
Then Five was walking back out the door, his hand in hers again, barely listening to the words she was saying as they walked back to his apartment.   
Five did go back and see Dolores. Every day for the next two weeks, he found an excuse to leave and walk the few blocks to the thrift store. Sometimes he would stand outside on the sidewalk, talking to her through the window. Sometimes he went inside, cursing the stupid bell that rang overhead. The store clerk would look up and see him, recognizing him now that he was always there. On the times he did go inside, Five would make a show of wandering around the store first, picking up an item here or there. But he would eventually make his way back to the front, near the window, lingering there for far too long. 
With suspicious looks from the sales person, Five would bring some shitty item up to the counter and pay for it before leaving. Then he would throw whatever it was he just bought in the trash down the street. He’d return home, usually to find her waiting for him, asking where he’d been.
“Just going for a walk”, he’d reply. Now he could add liar to his list of reprehensible traits.
Once he had it in his head, he couldn’t get it out. He still fucked her when she threw her arms around his neck in a way that he knew meant she wanted him. Still kissed her and made her feel good. At least, he hoped he did, he wasn’t that much of an asshole. But it wasn’t the same. And she called him out on it.
“What’s going on with you lately?”
“What do you mean?” They were lying in bed, naked and breathing hard after a short, but satisfying round of sex. Five was staring at the ceiling, not meeting her eyes. 
“I don’t know, you just seem different. Like you’re zoning out in the middle of everything.”
Five glanced over at her, but looked quickly away. “So, what are you saying? You don’t like the way I fuck you anymore?” He knew his voice was much too harsh and she didn’t deserve that.
She looked hurt. “Of course not. I’m just saying you seem…distracted lately. That’s all.”
Five sighed, but he looked her in the eyes this time. “I’m sorry, you’re right. I haven’t been sleeping well, that’s probably what it is.”
She frowned with worry and went to place a hand on his chest. Rather than allowing the conversation to continue, Five sat up and got out of bed. 
“I’m going to take a shower.” Then he blinked into the bathroom without another word, feeling like a world-class piece of shit.
Then one night after a particularly heartfelt conversation with Dolores, and one too many drinks, Five worked up enough nerve to propose what he hadn’t been able to shake from his mind.
He had initiated it this time, sitting next to her on the couch and stroking her hair, pulling her onto his lap. After a passionate kiss and some light groping, he pulled away.
“Can I ask you for something?”
She smiled. “Is it sexual?”
Five laughed, embarrassed. “Yes, actually.”
She had meant it as a joke, but now she was intrigued. “Wow. You’re usually not that adventurous. Ok, what is it?”
Five paused, thinking he should just shut up and not say anything. But the words left his mouth before he could change his mind. “I want you to pretend you’re a doll.” His face flushed red and he looked away.
Her eyebrows knitted together, not fully understanding. “A doll? What do you mean?”
He took a deep breath. “During sex. I want you to stay still and let me move your body how I want it. Like a doll.” Five had purposely not chosen the word mannequin; too afraid of being called out.
“Um, oh. That’s definitely different.” She sounded dubious, at best.
Five ran a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, that’s stupid. Forget I said anything.” He went to kiss her again, as a distraction, but she pulled away from him.
“No, it’s ok. I want to do it for you. You just caught me off guard, that’s all.” She smiled and ran her finger down his cheek. “I can be your doll.”
Five swallowed, choking down the combination of shame and arousal that was coursing through his body. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. “I’m sure. I’ll do anything for you, you know that.”
As if he couldn’t feel any worse. He knew she was only doing this for him because she did love him. She was always trying to please him, to not anger him or make him feel bad in any way. Jesus, what an asshole he was.
“Just tell me what you want me to do.” The look in her eyes was sincere.
Five knew exactly what he wanted her to do. He’d been thinking about it for so long now. “Go into the bedroom and get undressed. Lie down on the bed and wait for me. But don’t move or speak. Just let me do everything.” His breath was coming harder now, just from the anticipation.
He saw a brief look of hesitation cross her face, but she nodded. Then she disappeared into the bedroom, as instructed.
Five waited a few minutes before getting up. He wandered slowly toward the bedroom, unsure of how he was going to react now that this was really happening. When he reached the door and peered inside, his heart stopped. There she was, lying unmoving on her back in the middle of the bed, just like he asked. She didn’t look up or speak when he stood over her, looking down. 
“You look gorgeous, darling. Not that you aren’t always gorgeous.” His voice was soft and tender. Definitely softer than he’s ever spoken to her before. But that’s because he wasn’t really speaking to her. Not in his mind, anyway.
Five stared at the still figure on the bed. Aside from the subtle rise and fall of her chest, she remained unmoving for him. Even as he gently ran a hand down her chest and abdomen, testing the waters to see if she would react. But she was a good doll for him. Always eager to please.
He started to undress himself as he talked to her in his loving voice. “I’ve missed your touch, my dear. I think about it all the time. The things I’ve done to you. The things I want to do to you still.”
When he was fully naked, Five climbed onto the bed with her, kneeling over her, straddling her thighs. He reached up and took her chin in his hand, gently moving her head from side to side.
“Do you remember how it used to be? Just the two of us?”
She kept her gaze on the ceiling, but he could see her swallow when he touched her and her eyebrows creased together. He placed a soft kiss on her lips and she didn’t react. It was perfect and he groaned.
“I love kissing you,” he murmured before ducking back down for another one. 
He smoothed her hair and caressed her face and neck. Five knew, in the back of his mind, that this was unfair. He’d never been this gentle and loving with her like this, and it was probably confusing for her. But that didn’t mean he was going to stop. No, he needed this. He was craving it.
He positioned his body over hers, taking her stiffened arms and moving them so they were resting across his back. She kept them where he placed them. He was fully hard now, and he rubbed himself against the inside of her thigh, moaning as he did it. He kissed her again, this time longer and harder, while he rutted into her. He heard her make a tiny whimpering noise and her hips twitched upwards.
“Shhh…stay still. Just a little longer,” he whispered, his face buried into her neck so he didn’t have to look at her face for too long.
She obeyed and her body stilled again. Only the harsh rasp of her breathing could be heard.
“You feel so good, my darling. Like always. You’re the only one that knows what I like.”
He could have stayed like that, just rubbing himself against her until he came all over her leg. He would have preferred it, actually. But the tiny part of his brain that wasn’t completely insane convinced him otherwise. Without asking, or even touching her first, Five thrust himself inside of her. He heard her gasp and her fingers clutched his back.
“Hold still. That’s right…just like that.”
She did her best to stay as still as possible while he fucked into her. He kissed her with his eyes closed a few times, but mostly he just focused on her neck and shoulder, lost in his own fantasy. He blocked out the moans she made and her hips pushing up to meet his. It wasn’t perfect, but it was close. The more he thought about Dolores, and her hard, statuesque body under his, the faster and harder he fucked her. He was desperate. Desperate to come inside of her, even though he would normally wait until she came first.
With a long groan and one final thrust, he was spilling hot cum inside of her. He pushed himself hard against her, his fists clenching the pillow under her head, until he was spent. Panting and still avoiding her eyes, Five climbed off of her, lying awkwardly next to her on the bed.
 He didn’t know what to say. What was there to say?
“Sorry,” he mumbled. That was about all that came to mind.
There was a pause and she adjusted herself, moving her body now, and looked over at him. “It’s ok. You don’t have to apologize. Some of it was a little confusing, but that’s alright. It was…good.”
He looked up at the ceiling and covered his eyes with his hands. “Shit,” he cursed quietly.
He felt her hand on his arm, warm and soft. “Five, it’s ok. Really. Don’t feel bad.”
Of course she would say that. She never wanted him to feel bad. Even when he deserved it. Even when he asked her not to move and came inside of her way too early. He probably made her feel like a cheap whore, but she would never say that. Because she loved him, and this is how he repaid her. The thought actually made him angry. Whether it was at himself or her, he wasn’t sure.
He snatched his arm away from her. “I don’t need your pity,” he snarled.
“It’s not pity, Five. I’m just trying to tell you it’s ok. That I don’t mind what you did.”
Five sat up, placing his feet on the floor, his back to her. “Just drop it, ok? I don’t need a fucking therapy session.” Then he was gone again, back in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror. Loathing his reflection.
He had meant for it to be a one-time thing. The way it left him feeling after the first time made Five want to crawl in a hole and die. He couldn’t look her in the eye. Could hardly speak to her. But she still came back. Wanting to please him, as always. Five tried to just focus on the good thing he had in front of him. A kind, loving person that wanted nothing more than to make him happy. Why couldn’t he just go back to the way things were before they came across that thrift store? Things had been far from perfect, but at least Five hadn’t felt like a sick pervert. He never used to have trouble screwing her in a perfectly normal way, liking the way she moved beneath him and moaned his name.
But now he was truly and utterly fucked. He didn’t want her anymore. Not the real version of her, anyway. Yet he didn’t cut her loose. He pretended he still wanted her, just so she wouldn’t leave. Because now he needed her in an entirely different way.
“Please, can you do it again?” Five was kissing her chest and rubbing her bare thighs. He always avoided her eyes, now.
She didn’t answer right away and he finally looked up at her. The look on her face was filled with apprehension.
“Again? Five, this is the fourth time now.”
Five tried to tamp down his growing anxiety. He needed her to do this for him. It felt like he was going to go crazy if she didn’t.
He kissed her stomach to distract her, listening as she inhaled sharply. “How about this?” He kissed her thigh. “I do something for you first, and then you do something for me.” He gave a small kiss in between her legs and she whimpered. “Deal?”
“Yes,” she whispered, her head already thrown back, eyes closed.
Five fulfilled his part of the deal. Using his hand and his mouth, he watched impassively, almost bored, as he worked her over. The sight of her writhing in pleasure and the sound of her pitiful moans did nothing for him. He made her come hard and fast, until she was lying on her back, fully relaxed and satiated. Five eyed her wordlessly.
Finally, she opened her eyes and smiled at him. He waited as patiently as he could for her breath to finally steady. If she was breathing hard like that, it wasn’t going to work for him.
When it seemed like she had calmed down again, Five ventured to speak up. “Are you ready for your part of the deal, now?”
She flashed a quick look of uncertainty, most likely due to the underlying harshness that he had desperately tried to keep out of his voice, but had failed to do. 
“Yeah, sure. I’m ready.”
Five smiled. “Good. You know what to do, then.”
She nodded and positioned herself just like the other three times she had done this for him. Lying flat on her back, eyes on the ceiling, arms and legs at her sides; waiting to be moved in the way he wanted. She controlled her breathing as best as possible, so only minimal movement of her chest could be seen.
Seeing her immobile like that, Five drew a hard breath in. He hated that he wanted this so badly, but the urge overpowered his self-loathing and he couldn’t help himself. He ran a hand down her arm, and then along her hip. His touch was gentle and slow.
“You’re so beautiful like this,” he whispered tenderly. 
Five positioned her arms so they were bent at the elbows, hands and fingers molded into a slight curve. Her legs he kept straight, but spread them apart slightly. Unlike in the past, he ran his hand lightly over her eyes, closing her eyelids. He decided he didn’t want her looking at him anymore. It was too much of a distraction.
“Keep your eyes closed for me, doll,” he said quietly as he kissed her cheek. She did as he requested and kept them closed.
He proceeded to kiss down her arms and over her chest, his lips soft and gentle as they grazed her skin. He whispered loving words and told her how good she made him feel. Taking one of her hands, Five placed it on his hardened member, fitting it in the crook between her thumb and index finger. He held her hand in place while he slowly thrust back and forth, rubbing his cock over her, groaning with the intense and familiar pleasure. Soon, he wasn’t able to hold back any longer.
Rather than fuck her properly, like he did before, Five had no desire to feel the soft, wet sensation of her wrapped around him. Instead, he started grinding against the inside of her leg, in the space between her thigh and groin. It was harder there, mostly bone, and his movements became faster as he lost himself further and further into his fantasy. 
He was holding his body over hers, rutting against her, moaning a mixture of obscenities and gentle praise. She stayed still for him, her eyes closed, although he could see now and then her eyes moving back and forth beneath the lids, the lashes fluttering ever so slightly.  She gasped quietly sometimes, but Five was so far gone he barely noticed.
Once he was close to finishing, Five knelt between her legs on his knees. Pumping himself with his own hand, he worked himself over until he was coming onto her stomach and tits, covering her in a load of cum while he groaned loudly with his eyes shut tight. 
After a few moments, Five was able to open his eyes again. He was greeted by her judgmental gaze staring back at him. A mixture of horror, concern, and disgust written all over her face as she propped herself up on her elbows. He quickly averted his eyes, saying nothing, and blinked into the bathroom for a towel. When he returned, he cleaned up the sticky mess he had made all over her while she laid there, still silent.
When that task was done, he didn’t know what else to do, and he sat nervously on the edge of the bed, feeling hot with shame. She sat up fully and finally spoke.
“Are you ok?”
That was the first thing she asked him, after all of that. After being made to lie still while Five did whatever sick thing he wanted to her, only to have him jerk himself off onto her stomach. Five just couldn’t believe she was taking this much abuse, and it turned his stomach a little. To know that he was allowing this to continue, that he was the cause of this abuse. It would be one thing if this was a mutual fantasy, but it wasn’t. And she didn’t even know the half of it.
“Yeah, why?” Five asked with a slight tone of annoyance.
She touched his shoulder, lightly, and he tried not recoil from her hand. “If there’s something you need to tell me, you know you can. I won’t care. I love you.”
And there it was. Those three fucking words that made him want to pull his hair out and scream. Instead, he whipped his head in her direction, his building guilt and anger towards himself finally unleashed.
“Why do you keep telling me that? Why?!”
She shrunk back a little. “That I love you? Because I do.” 
Five sighed heavily and started pulling his underwear back on. “Do you really have that little respect for yourself? Are you that pathetic?” He stood over her now, his voice hard while she backed further away from him on the bed.
“I…I’m sorry…” her voice was trembling and he could see tears forming in her eyes.
“Jesus Christ! Now you’re sorry? For what? Don’t you see what’s happening here? I’m never going to love you, ok. So, if you think you’re going to wear me down or make me fall in love with you somehow, that’s not going to happen. Do you understand what I’m telling you? I don’t love you!” He emphasized these last words, practically yelling them to get his point across. 
Five watched as her face crumbled, the last bit of hope she had been clinging to crushed in a second with his words. She began to cry and she buried her face in her hands. Her words were muffled as she whimpered pitifully.
“You told me you needed me.”
Five lowered his voice so it was softer. But his words were just as cruel. “I used to need you. I don’t anymore.”
The next day, Five was walking into the thrift store again. He hadn’t needed to make up an excuse this time. She was gone. Out of his life for good, now. He felt badly about how he treated her; horribly actually. He had always known he was a monster inside, but this was the first time he had let it escape like that. Let it rear its ugly head and completely destroy another person. A person he supposedly cared about. But he couldn’t think about that now. He needed to speak with Dolores.
Ignoring the side eye from the sales person at the counter, Five walked up to the front window. She was still there, just like always. Same red dress, same floppy sun hat. 
“I have to tell you something, Dolores. Something important.”
Ok, go ahead. I’m listening.
“I want to be with you. And only you. She’s gone now. We can be together. That is, if you’ll have me.”
Of course, Five. I always want to be with you. But what happened with her?
“Nothing. She just finally saw through me. Saw that was I really in love with someone else.”
You love me?
“I love you, Dolores. I always have.”
The next day, Five came back. Only this time he hoped it would be his last time. After discussing it in secret with Dolores, they had settled on a plan. A plan to get her out of there and back home with him where she belonged. It should be fairly straight forward, but just in case, Five’s pistol was loaded and ready inside the waistband of his pants if needed. Just like last time, he wasn’t going to leave her without a fight.
Instead of trying to avoid the sales clerk, this time he approached the counter right away. It was a stupid, convoluted story that he had conjured up the night before. Something about how he had accidentally donated an item a few days prior, but realized he needed it back. Would the clerk mind checking in the back to see if he could find it? 
Five had used as much charm as he could manage, hoping he seemed sincere and not in any way crazy. The clerk seemed to buy it, although he did give Five a few odd looks. Once he was behind the door that led to the back warehouse, Five took his chance.
Carefully but quickly, he released Dolores from the display stand she was attached to. It took a little longer than he had anticipated, and Five kept looking nervously toward the counter, hoping the sales clerk would take a while. Finally, she was free. He lowered her from the raised platform in the window and into his arms. He cradled her gently for a moment, before taking one more glance around. Seeing that the coast was clear, he blinked the two of them out into the alley behind the store.
Once he teleported them several more blocks away, he finally stopped and rested. He highly doubted anyone was going to miss a decades-old mannequin from a dusty old thrift store. Five caressed her face and kissed her lips. It felt so good. So familiar. He immediately felt more at peace than he had in years.
Back home, Five showed Dolores around. This would be her home now, too. He promised he would buy her some better clothes, and do away with that awful hat. But for the time being, he just wanted to stay inside and rekindle their love.
“I love you, Dolores. I’m sorry I ever left you.” He nuzzled against her smooth cheek with his own.
I love you, too, Five. We can be together now, right? Just the two of us?
“Yes, my darling. Nothing will come between us again. I promise.”
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thealogie · 9 months
has anyone written a fic where aziraphale and crowley go to couples therapy. I just think it would be funny
I don’t think so but I know people love that one fic where crowley goes to therapy!
I want to see them do couples therapy but I don’t want it to be healthy. I don’t want them to learn anything. I want to see the therapist try to make them do roleplay and they get so into it they forget their fight and come up with elaborate characters and the therapist is like “no…no…you’re supposed to role play as yourselves…” I want them to come up with an elaborate story about the company they used to both work for (because they don’t want to tell their therapist who they really are) and the therapist is like “well anthony it’s not fair of you to resent him for taking a job. it’s just a job.” and crowley screams into a pillow. I want azirpahale to get into a fight with the therapist when the therapist implies crowley is being immature. I want the therapist to quit her job
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firstclassattorney · 2 months
(I hear you’re willing to do post turnabout trump roleplays.. I’ve had this au idea brewing for a couple days. it basically messes with canon entirely lmao. the concept is inspired by a fic [ “The R*pist” on ao3] I began a while back)
Five years. It had been five fucking years since Kristoph Gavin was convicted for the murder of Shadi Smith. No new information has come to light about the case since.
Kristoph had heard that both Mishams had passed away four years prior, from Atroquinine poisoning.. as according to plan. Yet, he hasn’t heard anything of his protege, his legacy, Apollo Justice—not even a rumor.
Initially, Kristoph was supposed to face execution. However, thanks to some overly-sympathetic hippies, he merely got a life sentence for taking a life. Ironic, no? Since Kristoph would be a permanent resident in this prison, they began attempting rehabilitation and to integrate him into the general population through therapy. It was also important to determine his motives, real or fake, for the records.
Thus, he had been seeing a variety of psychiatrists lately assigned by the prison. A couple quit their jobs and others requested to be moved to another prison. None of them interested Kristoph much.. till one did.
Walking down the hall, Dr. Justice found himself with a new career. He abandoned law, in favor of psychology—Apollo just could go back after he knew everything he learnt about law was from a murderer. Who knows what other crimes he committed? The guard outside let him in without issue, saying, “Have a nice day, Mr. Justice.”
“You too,” he murmured. He looked different, spiky bangs laid down over his forehead and donning a medical coat over a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt, wearing a blue tie. Apollo exhaled before turning to face Kristoph, who was seated. “Mr. Gavin.”
Kristoph wasn't very interested in the psychiatrists assigned to him. He was not fond of them whatsoever and felt no need to cooperate with them at the end of the day. Well, that was until Apollo had entered the room, facing him and looking much different than he used to. His overall aura and appearance had changed completely, something that intrigued Kristoph moreso than anyone else around him in these past few years did.
In all truth, he did not believe Apollo would 'fix him' either. He really didn't. Kristoph had long accepted the fact that he was... different from everybody else. Better than them, but still different. They couldn't understand his desire to be perfect, his constant need to control situations and even people, all for the sake of a reputation that was long ruined. Though he did not have any intention of showing signs of insanity, he could indulge Apollo's inquiries a little longer.
So, he simply smiled at his old protegé, tilting his head in an almost innocent manner. His smile had not changed the past few years whatsoever.
"Mr. Justice. What a pleasure it is to see you. You've grown."
As a person and in height, Kristoph noted, but the latter part wasn't changed all too much. Obviously, though, he would hold his tongue and not say that aloud.
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nothorses · 2 years
Aren't you the one with the weird ass misogyny kink
This is such a perfect example of how fucking stupid callout culture is, actually.
For context, nearly two years ago now, a few blogs known for picking fights & starting harassment campaigns picked a fight & started a harassment campaign against first one transmasc blogger, then a bunch of other transmascs they harassed about reblogging his post who either didn't respond to them, or who responded unfavorably.
I won't get into the nitty-gritty here, but I did elsewhere [1] [2] and so have a few other folks.
I wasn't the original person called out. I was tacked on after the fact because I didn't respond.
What I've been "called out" for since then is, essentially, a bunch of complete bullshit made up by people who are pissed off that I encouraged people to think critically about the callout posts they came across.
Even among those lies, my sex life, kinks, fetishes, whatever- none of it has ever come up. Because I don't engage with that online, I never have, and I never will, for exactly this reason.
Would you be surprised if I told you this wasn't the first time I'd been accused of the "crimes" that original person was accused of?
You probably shouldn't be! This shit happens all the time, and it's only a natural progression of the callout culture it all stems from: one person has some shit they said taken out of context and painted in a bad light by a vindictive and usually transphobic internet loser, everyone who doesn't publicly disavow them immediately and without question is guilty by association, and what reason do they have to defend this person anyway, except so they can get away with the same thing? They must be doing it too!
And this ask especially is phrased in such a blatantly manipulate way. There's no good way to answer this: either I say "yes, but" and people stop thinking or caring there, or I say "no, here's what really happened" and I look weak and dubious for defending myself at all. The accusation has been made, the question has been asked, and now everything I say is with the assumption that this is something I am responsible for proving or disproving.
It's stupid and pointless and it's all fucking made up. It's designed to run on instinctive disgust and outrage, and what better conduit is there for rage and disgust than trans people? Especially trans people who talk about being trans.
And even putting all that aside: who fucking cares?
Who cares if one dude gets off to some shit he, in real life, both suffers from and actively tries to combat? Why are you so concerned with the private sexual fantasies of one random internet stranger? Why is it so important to you that everyone in the world know what this one dude thinks is hot when acted out between two consenting adults?
Come off anon and tell me all your kinks, anon. Tell me every single thing you have ever been turned on by, everything you've masturbated to, and why. I want detailed notes. I want links to porn. If you've made art, written fanfic, roleplayed- I want to see it.
C'mon, if this should be publicly available knowledge, let's start with you. It shouldn't matter as long as none of it's weird or off-putting to anyone else, right? You don't need to hide anything, right? There's nothing there you'd be embarrassed about, nothing you'd rather keep private, right? So what's the hold-up, why haven't you done this already? Why are you on anon to begin with; what are you hiding?
If anyone's the "sex freak" or whatever, anon, it's you. Nobody fucking needs this information about anyone, especially if they aren't sexually involved with each other. It's a massive invasion of privacy, and much more importantly it is textbook sexual harassment.
Anyway. Hi, voc and w-oc. I should be more surprised to see you two in my inbox, but I guess yall are obsessive enough to respond to, literally, a couple of tags on one reblog containing undefined, contextless acronyms of your urls. Hope you talk to a therapist about that someday.
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solarianradiance · 3 months
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John: hey karkat! John: watcha up to?
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John: your human...sonas? John: you're being a furry, but with humans?
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John: that sound like something rose would suggest. John: glad you're at least trying to hold to your promise, don't see a whole lotta that these days.
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John: but now i gotta ask. John: why are you drawing two of em?
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John: you said humansona's John: as in plural. John: you're not exactly hiding anything anyways. John: it's right there for all the world to see. John: no need to be krabby about it.
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John: ...
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John: well. John: exscuuuuse me for taking an interest in my obviously isolated friend.
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Karkat: ...
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John: holy crap karkat! John: these are really good! John: i didn't know you were such a capable artist! John: i'm actually impressed.
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John: you said these were your humansonas? John: for therapy? John: why do you have 2? John: and why is one of them a girl?
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Kanaya: In Case You Are Wondering Kanaya: I Too Made A Humansona
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John: AAA!!!!!!
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Kanaya: BLEEEH!!!!!!
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John: KANAYA! John: how long have you been in here with us?!
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Kanaya: The Whole Time! Kanaya: Did You Not Know I Was In Here?
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John: NO!
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Your fic "Shut Up and Fish" got me thinking... are you implying that Grian's snail is a spark?
"Shut Up and Fish"
"That's hard," Grian concedes, not looking up. The pink snail's watching, its tail patting the dirt. Grian cradles the turquoise snail's limp eyestalk in his hand. Snails are tricky creatures… They don't signal their injuries with the crook of their tails like dogs do, and they're not immune to fall damage like cats. Gingerly, easily, he brings the snail's neck to his chest and gives it a little hug. He makes a little noise. This world is beautiful if you know where to look. "Please," begs the voice in the wrinkles of his damp and dripping clothes. "You'd be a better dad to Tim. You'd be a better husband- I want what YOU have… That's MY life. Give me back my body!" Grian ignores this, peppering sloppy kisses on the snail's sweet head. It nudges into him, cuddly and sloppy and alive. Beautiful, sparked son of a thing. He'll tell Grumbot sometime, but Grumbot might not love to know he's got a snail for a younger brother now. And he laughs again, because it's stupid. It's just… It's really stupid. But he nuzzles the snail and the snail nuzzles back, and the voice in his head wails and scratches at him in the strain of Gem's boat anchor against the pebbles and sand.
In the Pixels Imperfect canon, a creature or build that is portrayed as having sentience beyond that of its basic mob AI (if applicable) needs an AI spark. Grumbot and Jrumbot are perfect examples of "portrayed as sentient" vs. "offhand joke about the build being a child, but not followed through with." Jrumbot is a non-sentient build and Grumbot is a sentient one.
Grian's snail is played as sentient - Grian even makes a huge deal about Scar "not playing the game right and making the snails do things they wouldn't do" - so in the Pixels canon, the snail is a sparked build.
Sparks don't have to be perceived as offspring- they simply embody whatever the intended roleplay was. Grumbot initially referred to Grian and Mumbo as Creator 1 and Creator 2 in Hermitcraft canon, then swapped to addressing them as dads after a certain point (to their surprise), which underscores the idea that in-universe, he is sentient and making his own decisions.
That said, Grian considers the snail his biological son, yes. His baby boy who does crime.
I have some news about Box from Double Life, wheeze...... BigB made it VERY clear in canon that Box is sentient enough to "say its first word," and Ren jumped up and down all giddy exclaiming that he was "such a proud papa," confirming that he sees it as his child.
When they're in couple's therapy, BigB explains that he "knew Ren would like it if Box had a hand so it could reach out and give him a hug." Also, special spotlight on BigB bragging about how "Box is going to need to find a soulmate" because that's so funny. I like how after BigB goes red, he invites Martyn to Box, he says "We look forward to seeing you. That's 'we' as in me and Box."
Shout-out to Martyn and Cleo getting "We will take care of Box in your absence" signed and agreed by Ren and BigB "by law and by will." Sorry you two are horribly broken up, but congrats on ur giant son. They will not nurture it, but they will definitely look at it and go "... Huh."
Guess who has one thumb, canonically wears a monocle and walks around looking like it's been "punched in the face," is technically in the Clocker family tree via Martyn, rocks he/it pronouns, and is heir apparent to Dogwarts in the Neighborhood Watch AU.
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alpaca-clouds · 25 days
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I have been asked a couple of times, whether I am doing requests right now and what kind of requests I would do, and now that the very eventful August is done, I thought I could actually redo my Requests Open post.
So, hi, I am Alex, I write a lot of fanfictions. Yes, I will do requests (and commissions). Yes, I will even do smutty ones. Even the really smutty ones. Yes, I will also do dark stuff and whump. I love whump.
The main fandom I will take requests for are:
Baldur's Gate 3
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Castlevania (Netflix) & Castlevania: Nocturne
League of Legends & Arcane
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
There are other fandoms I write for, but those are the ones I feel most comfortable writing for at the moment.
What I will write:
A variety of shippings (see under the cut)
Character-centric stuff about almost any character
Smut, BDSM and Kink (I might however be not comfortable with specific kinks or specific kinks just on some of the ships)
Whump + Hurt/Comfort
All sorts of lighter genre
Family Fluff
Friendship Fluff
Urban Fantasy AUs
What I definitely won't write:
No-Magic AUs
OCs that are not my own (with @g-vlssz Sophie being the excemption)
Any sort of reader insert (especially female reader inserts)
You will find a more detailed list in regards to fandoms, ships and so on under the cut. :)
Baldur's Gate 3
Will Write:
Pretty much any of the characters (unless they are some NPC I missed)
Any shipping combination between Karlach, Lae'zel & Shadowheart
Dame Aylin/Isobel
Astarion/my own trans male Tav
(Toxic, unhealthy) Cazador/Astarion & Vellioth/Cazador
(Toxic, unhealthy) Raphael/Gortash
(Toxic, unhealthy) canon Dark Urge/Gortash
Any combination between the companions as friends
Halsin & adopted kids
Gale & Tara, as well as Gale & Yenna
Won't Write:
Anything with a Tav or Durge that is not my own (I just do not feel comfortable writing about someone else's OCs, sorry)
Any reader insert
Any shippings with Gale (the man needs therapy first lol)
Ascended Astarion
Sharran Shadowheart
God Gale
Minthara, because I never managed to recruit her
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
Will Write:
Any variation of the characters as platonic relationships
I will write also crossovers with BG3
Won't Write:
Simon/Doric as a romantic shipping - Doric is canonically asexual, and I do headcanon her as aromantic as well, so I absolutely love to write them as a very intense queerplatonic relationship, but not as anything romantic
Castlevania (Netflix)
Will Write:
Any characters
(Greta)/Trevor/Sypha/Alucard (and any combination between any two of them, with the exception of Greta/Alucard)
(Toxic or AU) Hector/Lenore
Dracula/Lisa (however, for them I will not write harder kink)
Will also write: Hector/Sypha/Greta & (Hector)/Isaac/Trevor
Any friendship/platonic combination between character who live in the end
Will not Write:
As said above: romantic/sexual Greta/Alucard (I headcanon Greta as aromantic bisexual and Alucard as panromantic demisexual - and in my stuff they are just not compatible in what they want from a relationship, but are queerplatonic with each other)
Cis Striga (I headcanon her as trans and I will refuse to write her as cis)
Dracula/any character who is not Lisa (however, I would write a whumpy one-sided "Isaac is crushing on Dracula" story)
Hector/Lenore as a healthy couple outside of an AU
Castlevania: Nocturne
Will Write:
Pretty much any friendship/platonic stuff between the characters
Will not Write:
Alucard/Maria (absolutely not, that's so fucking creepy)
Admittedly so far I am also not confident enough to write Richter/Annette
League of Legends & Arcane
Will Write:
Honestly, within LoL I will write a ton of different ships - especially queer ships. So - given the amount of characters, just look at the "Won't write" and if a ship is not there, just try and ask.
I will write most of the canonical AUs of LoL (like Star Guardians and Odysse)
For the Arcane timeline I am also quite versatile when it comes to alternate timelines - from "nothing bad ever happens" AUs up to "everything goes to shit" AUs
Will not Write:
I will definitely not write anything for the characters, who are actively participating in a fascist genocide (looking at some characters in Noxus and especially Demacia)
Caitlyn/Vi (because too many fans are biphobic, and I am done with it)
Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Will Write:
Any platonic combination between any characters
Won't Write:
Anything about Athena (I hate her)
Will Write:
I would love to write family and friendship fluff, too!
Won't Write:
I have not yet played Hades 2, so...
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dracothelizard · 5 months
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Wrote some fic for the Smut4Smut exchange, and since author reveals have happened I can share my fic!
Pairing: Ed/Stede
Today is a quiet, easy day. They have no guests at the inn. The last crew left yesterday and paid for their rooms with a crate of expensive fabric stolen from a Spanish merchant. Stede wants to wait for Zheng to return, because she knows the best places to sell fine silk and cashmere, and she’ll be able to get the best deal. But obviously Ed and Stede can keep some pieces to themselves and enjoy them. Maybe not in the way the merchant intended them to be enjoyed, though.
Admiral Stephenson teaches Merchant Jeff a lesson on cashmere, and Ed and Stede learn a couple of new things about themselves.
Kinks include but aren't limited to:
Dom Stede/sub Ed
Sexy roleplay with barely contained laughter
Admiral uniforms \o/
Ed wears stockings as a treat (a treat to who? To all)
Some bondage once Stede gets the knots right, he's still working on it
CBT (the sexy kind, not the therapy kind)
Hand jobs
Foot jobs
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reblog-reblog666 · 11 months
Reblog Masterlist 3
Matt Murdock
Chrysalis - Hurt Comfort, Little Fluff, Trans Matt
Good distractions - Smut
Muted dawn - Angst, Hurt Comfort
Blank space - Angst, Hurt Little/No Comfort, DarkFic
Apartment hunting HC’S - Fluff
Flare up - Fluff, Comfort, Sickfic (Asthma + Cold)
Injury hc’s - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
Ask game - Fluff
Dancing with the devil - Smut
S/O w/chronic fatigue / always napping hcs - Fluff
Distracted - Fluff
Day 10: mutual masturbation - Smut Blurb
Day 11: temperature play - Smut
Day 12: bondage - Smut
Day 13: roleplay - Smut
Day 14: pain kink - Smut
Day 15: mask kink - Smut
Day 16: blood play - Smut
Two round apples - Fluff, Smut
Sub Matt hc’s - Smut
The lakes - Hurt Comfort, Fluff, Hearing Loss Reader
…late night devil (put your hands on me) - Angst, Smut Themes
Wake up - Chapter 1: spend a little Chapter 2: live a little Chapter 3: dead for a moment Chapter 4: back at my place Chapter 5: come smell the roses Chapter 6: make a mistake Chapter 7: set heaven on fire Chapter 8: the sun will rise Chapter 9: I think it’s time Chapter 10: see if it fits
Perhaps love - Fluff
Headcanons - Fluff, Smut
Sub!Matt blurb - Smut
Transfem!Sub!Matt blurb - Smut
Forget - College!Matt, Smut
Angel of small death - Kinda Angst, More So Heavy Topics
Dreaming of a grave prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
Moon song - Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Male!Reader
Kinktober day 27 - Smut
Pages toward your future - Little bit of comfort in the beginning, Fluff
Bf Hcs - Fluff, Smut
Just one wish - Fluff, Angst, Hurt Comfort
Pregnant reader hcs- Hurt Comfort
Milk - Smut, Fluffy
Horses and Zebras - (1) (2)
A little teasing never hurt anybody - Fluff
Fight club [Franks version] - Smut
New Year’s Day - Fluff
Just the tip, princess - Fluff, Smut
Taste - Smut
Premature ejaculation ask - Smut, Hcs
Give it to me - Smut
Ginger and lemon (autistic reader series) - (1)
I’ll take care of you - Period Comfort, Smut
Felled by you, held by you - Period Smut
Transubstantiation - Period Smut
A calm night - Fluff, x Foggy
Interrupting Matt’s patrol - Smut Blurb
Roommate Matt - Smut Blurb
Matt’s chest - Fluff Blurb
Tired after patrol - Fluff Blurb
Professor Matt - Kinda Dark Smut Blurb
Showering - Fluff Blurb
“Where did your clothes go?” - Fluff Blurb (Hinted Smut)
Prince Matt - Blurb
Kidnapper Matt - Dark Blurb
Matt + edging - Smut Blurb
Enemies to lovers - Blurb
Stalker Matt - Dark Blurb
Stalker Matt 2 - Dark Smut Blurb
Harmful habits - Comfort (Kinda) Blurb
Cuddling during period - Fluff Blurb
Mafia Matt - Kinda Dark Blurb
Braiding hair - Fluff Blurb
Patching him up - Kinda Angsty Blurb
Second impressions - Fluff Blurb, Implied Smut
Service dog - Fluff Blurb
Frank Castle
Injury hc’s - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
Ask game - Fluff
S/O w/chronic fatigue / always napping hcs - Fluff
Couples therapy - Angst, little bit of Hurt Comfort at the end?
Headcanons - Fluff, Smut
Fight club [Franks version] - Smut
Give it to me - Smut
Foggy Nelson
A calm night - Fluff, x Matt
Michael Kinsella
Injury hc’s - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
Ask game - Fluff
S/O w/chronic fatigue / always napping hcs - Fluff
Luke Skywalker
Dom!Luke hcs - Smut Themes
Short thoughts on Luke w/autistic girlfriend - Fluff
F/O Stuff / People I don’t know 😜
Take your time - Hurt/Comfort, Smut
Neurospicy has never been so cute - Fluff, Hurt Comfort
William Afton
Colder. - Not exactly fluff but close enough, kinda darkfic
Corruption. - Part 2 to Colder, Smut, kinda darkfic
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blaseballbrainrot · 3 months
Right now I'm working on a big ol post talking about a chatlog roleplay I did a couple years ago called Vaultline, its premise is after s24 locks everyone in the vault Loots opens a chatroom between the material and immaterial planes and some pretty wild stuff happened in the 11k messages it ended up being! So before I actually tell anyone the story it's silly poll time >:)
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likeadog · 7 months
oops yeah please share the story I am in dire need of your webweaving
Sorry this is so late, I was struck immediately and viciously by the wrath of god (and sedatives), so needless to say i was away from my computer
anyway so . the setting is: bnha roleplay server. let me introduce our cast
we have ME, 18, playing Monoma
we have the Bakugou and Shinsou roleplayers, who are a couple also. They are also the server mods. Notably, all three of us are some kinda gay-guy-adjacent-moment
you have Snow, 19, playing Kaminari and Summer, 20-something, playing Kirishima. Snow was ace/agender/aro and summer was identifying as cis bihet
I, unaware of summer identifying unironically as like, biromantic heterosexual, had accidentally started a fight about microlabels in the discourse channel, which ended in her refusing to speak to me further on the topic because she "couldnt control herself from hurting me", which were big words from someone i was not scared of in any way, but slay.
Regardless, the server moved forward.
Kirishima was, in this setting, a gay guy. I'm pretty sure he also had lesbian moms. Summer decided to take the exciting "discovering your identity" approach, despite confiding in us that she really didn't come out until well into adulthood, but one is not limited to live experience in the world of fiction, yeah? however, i think some people should be.
anticipation builds in the ooc chat. monoma makes an off-hand comment about being gay. kirishima asks, "what's that?"
we are aghast. this continues. not only does imaginary gay kirishima not know what gay is, he doesnt know what lgbt stands for. when a comment is made that he could google it, a joke about it all being inappropriate images is dropped. the homophobia is beginning to stink. however i have promised i would not get into more fights (liar) so me and the shinsou and bakugou rpers are just like, ribbing at it a little in the ooc chat. like, "man, i wish i was this sheltered growing up, maybe i wouldnt have been bullied in school" or something to that effect, which summer takes very personally and adamantly defends her right to imagine a world where it is in any way realistic for a sixteen year old who is gay and has gay moms to be this stupid.
but nonetheless, the in character chat goes on. kirishima is still getting hooked on phonics style sexuality. and then kaminari decides to whip out a chart. which chart?
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needlessly to say, we were baffled. surely no one believes this is how anything works, yes?
the vilification of hypersexuality (medical symptom, often of trauma). the bizarre insistence on carefully organizing every aspect of attraction on a gradient. its such a fascinating little piece of bullfucker, but furthermore,
in a world in which the LGBT acronym is too hard for someone to grasp, im supposed to believe he just clicks with Sexuality Battleship??? I'm a professional faggot and this thing confuses me.
It was such beautiful insight into their minds. A world in which one can skip all the annoying gay people parts of sexuality labels and instead dive right into the microcosms of what was solely relevant to them. it also fantastically predicted the future homophobia i would be subject to, including a line about how "gay people had enough and wouldnt stop stealing ace rep" about the magnus archives, and also the todoroki conversion therapy moment, but this was really just a truly incredible appetizer to the full course of dumb fuckery.
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showmethehotpods · 2 months
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It's been awhile. I suppose I ought to update on the autism diagnosis / therapy adventures if there's still anyone following for the details of self-progression.
I have an official diagnosis/report now of Autism Level 2, with additional ADHD characteristics.
I had a meeting with the National Disability Insurance Scheme intake worker a couple of days ago.
Should I get approved - which could take another 4-6 months to find out - I would have funding to assist with ongoing emotional-regulation with my therapist, strengthen myself to know how to better handle upsetting situations, better ways of not being so reactive and such.
I would also potentially have support around my confidence and anxiety levels regarding social opportunities. Dad often calls it 'being stuck'; finding things in the community to go to, even if I do find something that interests me, overcoming fears of the unknown to go and not be terrified of talking to people, being exposed in large crowds.. I feel if I had a safe person supporting me with this, it would improve my confidence a lot.
Anyway, back to the writing/roleplaying side of things. I don't know why it worries me so much to feel like I have to prove that I'm making positive steps, that I'm not a problematic mess. I do just want people to know that I'm taking those steps to be stronger, happier, healthier. And I'm so thankful for people's patience, kindness, understanding. I want to be better for myself, definitely - but I also want to be better for all of you. I always have.
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heartembrace · 2 months
I wish there was an American Auto roleplay fandom because Melissa being Katherine's psychiatrist would be hilarious
I imagine Katherine would hate their sessions at first, especially since they remind her of couples counselling with Richard, but she starts to hate them less when she realises how frequently Melissa compliments and agrees with her. Also she enjoys getting to talk to someone where the only topic is herself, even if she has to pay lots of money to do so.
I'm aware that Arkham Asylum and Payne Motors are nowhere near each other but Katherine will find a way to use the private jet shown in episode six.
Katherine: How am I meant to take a mental health day if I'm surrounded by people who piss me off?! If you actually expect me to take therapy, I'll need the private jet.
Board member: You can't find a psychiatrist in Detroit?
Katherine (hadn't thought of that): ... Not any good ones!
And since the height of Katherine's ego makes up for her physical height (making myself laugh with that one), she would never admit to seeing a psychiatrist, let alone one who works in a mental asylum, so I headcanon that Melissa is code for Mumbai.
I literally thought of that while at musical theatre choir practice and whispered excitedly to myself, "Because of the letters!!!"
Putting the quotes I came up with for Katherine and Melissa under a read more 'cause there's heaps
Katherine (slamming her hand on Melissa's desk): The board of directors want me to take therapy, I don't know why. I did some research and you were the first psychiatrist I found who didn't sound like a quack, plus you're a woman so you can relate to the whole female in a male-dominated career, glass ceiling nonsense.
Melissa: I'd probably relate to it more if you didn't call it nonsense.
Katherine: While I'm sure this is going to be a complete waste of time for both of us, the board will take any excuse to replace me and I am this close to getting fired.
Melissa: Your fingers are touching.
Katherine: Exactly. So here's how this is going to go - I am going to pay you a stupid amount of money to give me whatever drugs I need to keep the board members at bay. Got it?
Melissa: There's a bit more to it than that, and I admire your enthusiasm, I don't know how much research you did -
Katherine: Just a quick Google search.
Melissa: *nods in 'I had to learn how to do in-text and end-text referencing and this CEO couldn't be bothered to look at one full website* But I treat criminals and the criminally insane. I would love to help but you're talking to the wrong person.
Katherine (deadpan): Who do you want me to murder?
Melissa: What?!
Katherine: *slides over money* Will this change your mind?
Melissa: Bribery isn't - *adds up amount, raises eyebrows* I'm sure Arkham would never turn down funding for better resources.
Katherine: If I have to be honest with you, this should be a two-way street. You're going to spend the money on a holiday or something, aren't you?
Melissa (honestly): No, I'm going to give it to the asylum.
Katherine: Then you're an idiot.
Melissa: *Sliding money back* I can always change my mind again.
Katherine: And Sadie said she wasn't sure about that.
Katherine: *sliding money back* Point taken.
Melissa: That's dumb, you could easily pass for 38.
Katherine: Thank you!
Katherine: ... You're not just saying that 'cause I'm paying you, right?
Melissa (honestly): Nope, that is my genuine and unbiased opinion.
Katherine: I'll take your word for it. To be fair, I've had a bit of work done over the years. (realises) Wow, you're good! You didn't have to say anything and you've got me spilling my darkest secrets.
Melissa: There's no shame in having plastic surgery or Botox but thank you for trusting me enough to admit that you've had at least one of those. Also I appreciate that you think I'm good at my job. Let's see what else I can get you to divulge.
Katherine: Let's not, I don't need another lawsuit on my hands. (realises) Shit!
(at the beginning of a session)
Melissa: How's your week been?
Melissa: *hugging Katherine*
Katherine: Fine. Uneventful. Oh, Richard wants to divorce me, so that's something.
(ten minutes later)
Katherine (in tears): And he is such an asshole but I can't get over him calling me selfish.
Katherine (as they're walking to Melissa's apartment): I swear that waiter only asked for your ID to mock me.
Melissa: We should really spend a session talking about your fear of aging and belief that everyone's out to get you.
Katherine: I would rather die.
Melissa: Okay.
Katherine: Also I never mentioned a fear of aging, you don't know what you're talking about.
Melissa: I'd ask if you'd looked in the mirror lately but that would be rude.
Katherine: Why? Are you saying that I look old?
Melissa: No, but the fact that you had to ask me that only proves my theory.
Katherine: That kind of trickery is why there are so many negative terms for psychiatrist.
Melissa: I wasn't intending to trick you.
Katherine: Bull. Shit.
Melissa: I'm sorry that that's how I came across.
Katherine: *checks her reflection in a window and pulls back the skin of her face*
Melissa: I saw that.
Katherine: *raises her middle finger behind Melissa's back*
Melissa: That too.
Katherine: I hate you so much.
Melissa: That's why you're my favourite client. 😊 
Katherine: Kiss-ass.
Melissa: Cougar.
Katherine: I insult people on a daily basis, I can play this game much longer than you.
Melissa: You want a bet? *winces* Sorry, poor choice of words, I forgot about your gambling problem.
Katherine: It's only a gambling problem if I'm losing.
Melissa: You know that's something an addict would say, right?
Katherine: You know that's something a fuckwit would say, right?
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fairytail-whathesays · 10 months
If it isnt too much trouble, can i ask for bickslow/freed hcs?
You sure can!
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You can't think of a more opposites attract couple. Nope, none. Refined, dignified and proper Freed Justine dating weird, freaky-deaky, off-putting, tattoos-and-mohawks, black-magic-practicing dark knight who curses casually and makes completely unfiltered remarks.
Bickslow, who has a devious smirk on his face at virtually all times, looks forward to the times when Freed also possesses one as seen in the above picture--i.e. when he's about to destroy someone.
Bickslow will flirt with anything and everything. Freed doesn't mind, because he knows it's not serious--Bix's heart, body and soul, belong to him.
Freed has a wider knowledge of dark magic than half the dark guilds in existence. Bickslow has an intense curiosity about the same, but thankfully, Freed has wisdom from experience, and frequently prevents Bickslow's investigations into dark magic from going wrong.
Bickslow is the one who plays powerhouse when they fight together, not because Freed isn't capable of laying a beatdown, but because he dislikes using his stronger magics due to...bad experiences.
They swapped clothing styles once. It actually worked really well, and Freed rocked the knight look while Bickslow cleaned up surprisingly well in fancy regalia.
Bickslow is the more emotional of the two by far--shocker, I know. However, this also translates to longer sour moods and deeper depressions when he does get upset about things. Freed quickly sought ways to make Bickslow feel better and it turns out that Bickslow responds amazingly well to animals, hence a short period with a therapy kitty.
Once when they sparred, Bickslow caught Freed's rapier with his teeth. Freed felt a stirring that day that he denied for a long time. (Bickslow made abundant sword-swallowing innuendos after this as well).
Bickslow loves being a bad influence on Freed--getting him angry, making him indulge his emotions (and bother to actually feel and address them), and forcing Freed to actually be a human with flaws and issues on occasion. Likewise, Freed enjoys being a good influence on Bickslow and helping him think past the short-term.
When Bickslow is mad at Freed, his babies will copy everything Freed says in a sing-sock, mocking manner.
For reasons that will be explained later, Freed will not indulge eye contact between himself and Bickslow. Not even in sexytimes. On the other hand, this hang-up has resulted in Bickslow being gifted a large number of eye masks, such as this dashing one:
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Or this absolutely pimpin' one:
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Bickslow cranks up the kinky when he's with Freed biblically (or demonically, as it were). There's no gentleness or caution, because Bix refuses to patronize Freed by acting like he's fragile or can't speak up. Freed keeps up remarkably well.
There is a lot of roleplay. Freed has always had a thing for Bickslow being the aggressive demon to his stately prince, and it's a role Bickslow loves playing, as long as Freed doesn't overcomplicate things. Somethings the demon seduces the prince away from a lover, sometimes he's captive and held in b*ndage, and sometimes the demon swoops down on the sleeping prince to s*domize him.
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