#Ron Kerner X Reader
ddejavvu · 1 year
Touch starved pilots of your choice cuddling their s/o headcanons
characters written: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch
sfw, but cut for length. enjoy!
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell:
depends on what age you're thinking!
if it's young!mav, he's probably just a liiiitle reluctant to let himself relax sometimes
he's sort of got his tough guy persona, and he's not used to dropping it, so when you get him alone he tries messing around at first
whether that's a few too many kisses, or a pinch to your side, he guards himself a bit before letting himself go
but when he does, oh, he's like a little kitten !
he lets you run your hands through his gelled hair (gross)
and it gets all misshapen and spiky
he probably just melts when you pet his hair like that, and he'll be snoozing on your chest in no time
now older!mav is definitely less of a tough nut to crack
he probably initiates the cuddling in the first place, he nudges you over to the bed and lays himself on top of you to crush you
you can push at his chest and splutter all you want, but he's made his choice on where he's going to lay, and it's on you
he likes holding you, but he wants to be face-to-face, so you can brush noses and bump foreheads
he probably tries sooo hard to stay awake so that he can soak in the time you're spending together but peepaw definitely crashes like 10 minutes in
Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw:
he also likes to be face to face!
buuut not for the same sweet reason as mav
he just wants to itch you with his mustache
he likes nipping at you too, he bites your nose to make you laugh
you won't be getting any sleep when you cuddle with goose, he just wants to talk and laugh and hold you the entire time
it's not a period of time to wind down, it's a big laugh-fest
and god FORBID you try to get up to pee
“Nick, I have to go.” / “Sorry, honey. I can’t let go. I think my hand’s stuck.” / “NICK!!”
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
he’s another one who probably has just a bit of trouble letting his guard down
he’ll cuddle with you no doubt, but he’ll probably always keep you in his lap or have some sort of upper hand in the embrace
it takes a while before he’s ready to be held himself
when he does finally give in it's so soft and sweet :')
he's had a really hard day and he comes home with his eyes drooping
you've planned a movie night but he doesn't even look like he could sit through an episode of a tv show
so you lead him to bed instead, and tell him you're sleepy, cause he won't 'ruin' the night by admitting that he is
you ask to play with his hair and he lets you, but he's not sure why 'cause you just said you were tired??
you basically have to trick him into being held but once his head is on your chest and your hands are in his hair he's gone.
he ends up mumbling something all sleepy and groggy like 'mm, that's nice' and his eyes are half shut and he's so endearingly tired :')
he wants you to do it all the time now, I'd say it's about 50/50 whether you fall asleep holding him or he falls asleep holding you
Ron 'Slider' Kerner:
slider's a big boy!!!!!!!
he's big and tall and muscly, the perfect cuddle buddy
he's probably more inclined to hold than be held
but he likes it when you face him so you can wrap your arms around his back :')
he probably likes it when he's able to bury his face in your neck/shoulder/against the top of your head
like he always wants his face snuggled in somewhere warm and nice smelling
and it just so happens his chest is an excellent place to get lost yourself
so you most of the time just nuzzle right into each other and get to snoozin'
i think he'd talk real soft, too, he'd murmur against your ear while you're drifting off, probably boring you to sleep with technical details of his flights but just before you crash for the night he slips in a little 'i love you, honey' and <33333
Leonard 'Wolfman' Wolfe:
he's a loser for his partner it has to be said
almost as teasing as nick is but not quite
he'll let you fall asleep he just wants to talk to you AllTheTime because he LovesYouSoMuch
he's a chatterbox and you'll be lucky if you get to sleep at a decent hour
he really likes it when you lay your head on his chest
'cause he likes playing with your hair and your face :]
sometimes he'll just use you as a little stress toy and squeeze your cheeks and pinch your nose and poke at your forehead
always making silly little jokes and telling you all about his day
down to, like, every comment one of his friends made...
'and then slider said he was gonna kill him but hollywood ran, so then they were just chasing each other around and iceman said-' / 'babe.. can we sleep? please?' / 'oh! right, sorry baby.'
Rick 'Hollywood' Neven
listen there's a reason he and wolfman get along so well
they're BOTH teases!!!
cuddling with hollywood is not really relaxing, because he's always pinching your sides or putting his nasty cold feet all over you, or pretending to knock you out by fake-punching you a bunch
you're just laying there and he's 'punching' your stomach, making fake punch sounds with his mouth, and if you push him away he'll pretend you've absolutely knocked him out, tumbling down onto the mattress with this dramatic thump and closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out of his mouth like he's a dead cartoon character 😭
he's like a dog you have to get his energy out before trying to rest with him or he just Won't Rest
when you DO get him sleepy, though, he's kinda incoherent when he's tired, so you'll be cuddled up together, maybe you're scratching his back, maybe he's playing with your hair, and he's just sort of mumbling nonsense until he finally drifts off to sleep
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson:
will not be held
sorry! not happening
he's just so big and beefy and authoritative that he doesn't much enjoy being coddled
he loves cuddling with you though, he gets very relaxed just laying with you
he's a casual toucher, i think, so you can rest your head on his shoulder at the airport, you can hold his hand at restaurants, whether that be over or under the table, he lets you hang all over him however you want
he's not super into in-your-face PDA, though, so you'll have to be polite and considerate about it
actually in bed though, under the blankets at night?
he's so much more cuddly than you'd expect
he wraps his big strong arms around you and tugs you close and lets you melt all over him <33
your favorite place to lay your head is probably his chest 'cause it's so broad and firm and nice <3
he's a good back rubber so cuddles are always soft and cozy and sleepy
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw:
lord he's a cuddler
he's just a touchy guy, because he's probably gone without it for a significant amount of time so now that he's got you he's gonna enjoy it
big big big on pda, doesn't really care who sees
so that means cuddling in public, too
perfectly content to sit by the beach with you in his lap all cuddled back into his chest he doesn't care if anyone teases him
but back in bed he's a sucker for head scratches
if you have long-ish nails, enough to scratch at his scalp, he'll literally melt over you like an ice cream cone
his limbs go all gooey and he flops his head down on your chest, groaning and grunting while you scratch through his hair
he really enjoys sleeping on top of you, whether that be fully chest-to-chest 'you're suffocating me' cuddling or just an arm thrown over your stomach while he lays on his own
he likes being held, too, but probably prefers to hold unless he's having a hard day
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin:
big boy!! surprisingly fond of being held for everything we know about him
that cocky demeanor does not last under the sheets
he adores holding you, of course, he'll wrap his big arms around you and cradle your head to his chest
he probably plays with your hair, looooves it when you tangle your legs up with his own
he prefers if you talk to him rather than him talk to you if you're cuddling
cause he likes the sound of your voice and he loves hearing about your day
he tries to listen so attentively to what you're saying, but if you're taking a little too long telling him about that batty old customer that had visited the shop you work at today, his eyes are going to slowly start to droop and he's gonna let out a big ol yawn that means it's time for him to close his eyes
you always cut yourself off like 'sorry, jake. g'head, go to sleep'
and he insists you continue like 'nooo darlin' i wanna hear! keep going :]' except within two minutes he's dozing against the pillow while you talk about the old lady again
he's a simple man just talk soft and slow to him while snuggled up in his arms and he's gonna sleep no matter what you're telling him
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace:
she really likes laying face-to-face with you!!
she's a fan of spooning, of course, she likes either burying her face in your back or letting you snuggle into hers
but she loves the intimacy that comes from being pretty much nose-to-nose with you
the type to lay there and chat with you mere inches away so that you're leaning in to kiss her all giggly and bashful every four seconds
she uses your cuddle time to tell you all about her teammates, what stupid shit jake said today, how bob almost tripped down the stairs, that fanboy's got a new girlfriend who wants to meet you, etc etc etc
but that means when you see them next you know all of the hot gossip about everyone and you giggle every time jake says something dumb and he's like WHAT.. WHAT IS IT.. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME.. and you give nat this little ;) 'cause you'll definitely be talking shit about him later
she does this thing where she cradles the back of your head in her hand if you're face to face and she throws her leg over your waist and it gives you such intense butterflies that you need to close your eyes sometimes <3333
Robert 'Bob' Floyd:
cuddlebug <3
he loooves cuddling but if you do it face-to-face he's gonna need to be super close to you because he can't see without his glasses 😭
i'm taking like nose-to-nose so close that you have to cross your eyes to see him
otherwise he's pretty chill in what positions he likes
you love it when he reads to you
i think he might not be the most confident reader out loud but he does it anyways 'cause it puts you to sleep
he gets really sleepy really easily so sometimes it's best to refrain from cuddling in public
like you're out on the beach by a firepit and you're all snuggled up together but oops he can't enjoy his smores because he's sleeping on your shoulder
he loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder sm :'))
he wraps his arm around you and tugs you closer <3
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:
prefers holding to being held
probably a little less talkative than the rest, but that doesn't mean you never chat
he just has this insane ability to fall asleep anywhere, i'm talking slumped against the bus window, leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground, piloting his aircraft sorry
he likes staring at you, though, while he falls asleep :')
if you're talking to him he'll listen and nod and hum along and agree when he should, he's a very good listener
but slowly he'll start to fade a bit, and he'll sling his hand over your waist, smush his face into the pillow, and keep listening for as long as he can
slooooowly you start getting less responses from him, he's not reacting as much, but his eyes are always locked onto your face and he's got this lazy little smile on his face while he drifts off to sleep 'cause he gets to look at you the whole time :')
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia:
the most talkative in the whole wide world
cuddling with him is barely even cuddling, it's watching him act out his entire day
'and then payback went like this and- BAM! shot it down.'
and he's up on his knees in the middle of the bed with his arms out demonstrating exactly how they'd worked through their training exercises that day
and he is loud and energetic and you're half-asleep like 'that sounds awesome, babe.'
he isn't one to stay in one place really, he likes tossing and turning a bit before he falls asleep which means that you are also going to be tossed and turned
he's a really shifty sleeper too so you'll wake up with your face in his armpit
if you're really sleepy though, he'll settle down, he'll pull you into his chest and let you fall asleep there
but he'll probably be on his phone for a bit, he strikes me as a crazy night owl
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch:
out in two seconds
there is no conscious cuddling with him
because the second his head hits the pillow he's snoring
you can cuddle up to him but if he's cuddling up to you he's doing it in his sleep
you're actually so jealous of him bc you lay down for the night and he tucks his chin over your head or he snuggles his face into your neck and that's it.
he's out.
he's a clingy sleeper, though, so if you wanna read for a bit or use your phone it might be kind of hard
honestly it really helps your sleep schedule to sleep with him 'cause sometimes he's entirely wrapped around you and you can't move
so there's nothing to do but sleep yourself
he's like a living furnace i KNOW that man runs hot
you probably wake up sweating a bunch if you're all snuggly with him
blanket stealer. he somehow manages to tear them off of the end of the bed where they're tucked in and cocoon himself
and then you wake up freezing cold
when i said he snores i mean it he snores loud
it's sort of comforting eventually? like at first it drives u insane
but over time you come to rely on it as white noise and you can't sleep unless he's all over you snoring right in your ear and drooling on your shoulder
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topgrns · 5 months
Tom “iceman” Kazansky, Mike “viper” metcalf, Bradley “rooster” Bradshaw, Natasha “phoenix” Trace, Javy “coyote” Machado, Ron “slider” Kerner
Nick “goose” Bradshaw, Pete “maverick” Mitchell, Jake “hangman” Seresin, Robert “Bob” Floyd, Rueben “payback” Fitch
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
Show Her How It’s Done
Requested: yes
Summary: Slider takes you on a proper first date.
Word count: 0.9k
Note: 2k celebration!
Warnings: none.
Pairings: Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner x fem!reader
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Slider heaved out a sigh as he pulled the towel against the back of his neck. Tonight was supposed to be his first date with you, and to say he was nervous would be an understatement. “You’ll be fine,” Ice clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re just thinking about it too much,” The blond collected the rest of his belongings before walking out of the locker room. One last comment was tossed over his shoulder as he left. “Show her how it’s done, Sli.”
Thirty minutes later Slider was standing on your front porch, nervously glancing around the pristine space. A number of flower pots lined the white railing, all growing perfectly despite the California heat. Suddenly, he could hear rustling on the other side of the door. He sucked in a deep breath and straightened up just as you pulled the blue door open.
The breath was knocked out of his lungs as he took in the sight in front of him. You were wearing a flimsy black tank top and a pair of denim jeans. It was a simple outfit but on you, Slider thought that it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
When he heard your quiet giggle, his eyes immediately snapped up to yours as he began sputtering. The weight of the flowers in his hand suddenly seemed heavier than before. He cleared his throat. “These are for you.” He murmured, passing you the small bouquet of lilacs and white baby’s breath. Your heart swelled at the gesture.
Slider waited patiently as you returned inside to put the flowers in a vase. His hands were clasped in front of him and he was staring at the flag hanging from the corner of your porch when you returned.
There was a nervous smile on his face as you locked up. When you turned back to him, his eyes were immediately drawn to the large smile on your face. He stretched a hand out to you. Your fingers intertwined with his as you began walking away from your house.
When Slider had first asked you out, he had assured you that he would plan the perfect date. Meaning that you had no idea where you were going. “So,” you started, glancing up at the tall RIO. “You gonna tell me where we’re going?” There was a light and airy tone to your voice, almost seeming to pull the weight off of his shoulders in seconds.
He glanced down to find your eyes fixed on him. A small smile overcame his face as he turned his eyes back to the sidewalk in front of him. “You’ll just have to wait and find out.” He teased as the two of you stopped at the cross walk.
After walking for a few minutes, Slider finally stopped the two of you across the road from a small, brightly coloured building. There was a large sign beside the door advertising the best ice cream in Miramar. Slider felt a wave of pride surge through him at the sight of your broad smile.
The two of you crossed the street carefully. Slider held open the door for you once you reached the quaint shop. You thanked him quietly, a pleasured sigh falling from you lips at the feeling of the cool air as you stepped into the shop. There was one couple in front of you, which gave you enough time to decide on what you were having.
A large chalk board hung behind the counter, colourfully displaying all the options that were available. “What are you gonna get?” You questioned as you debated between mint chip and cherry garcia. Slider hummed quietly before he made his choice.
“I think I’ll get pistachio and raspberry.” He decided a few seconds later.
Once the other couple had their ice cream, Slider stepped up, ready to order for the both of you. After a few more seconds of debate, you settled on mint chip.
As the two of you stepped aside to wait for your cones, Slider’s hand settled on your lower back, gently rubbing the skin through the thin fabric of your shirt. You leaned against his side as you listened to the waves crash against the shore only a few meters from the ice cream shop.
A few moments later, the older woman behind the counter called Slider’s name. You followed after him as he grabbed the cones from her. You thanked him quietly as he passed you yours. Almost out of instinct, your hand slipped into Slider’s as the two of you exited the shop. The older woman had a knowing smile on her face as the door closed softly behind you.
Slider led you behind the shop. There was a bench built up against it and looking out over the ocean. He gently pulled you down beside him. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you as you ate your ice cream. The RIO had his hand resting on your knee, thumb gently stroking over your exposed skin.
“Thank you for this.” You spoke quietly, as not to disturb the peace that had settled over the two of you. Your head fell against his shoulder.
The hand that was on your knee moved to wind around your shoulders, pulling you closer into his side. “I’m glad you had fun.” He spoke just as quiet. Any doubts from earlier were quickly forgotten as the two of you watched the sun sparkle off of the deep blue water.
A/n: Thank you all for reading! I enjoyed writing this one so much. Requests are open.
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Tagging: @alexxavicry @chaoticcassidy @saturnsbabe69 @bbooks-and-teas
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ohtobemare · 5 months
Happiest of birthdays to you! Would love to request my man Slider and the prompt “you remembered?!”¹ “what kind of question is that? of course i did!”
Hope you have fun plans for your bday (or at least good VK dreams!)
Alright, nonny. Here it is. The kickoff to my birthday celly. And woof, she was rough. Slider is so hard in all the right ways, of course and I really hope it doesn't take me this long to get through all of these. Enjoy our favorite RIO (sorry, Goose!) and thanks so much for celebrating with me!
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“Sli? Sli baby, you here?” 
Ankles all but throbbing as you wobble through the front door in heels, quick eyes skirt the kitchen for any signs of life potentially lurking in the after-5 shadows crisscrossing the tiles of the floor.
Nothing but the quiet hum from the open window and the overhead light on the stove fills the space. Huffing a little breath, the groceries drop to the granite countertop of your island with a hard thunk, overflowing arms aching with the sudden relief. 
Tossing keys on the counter and kicking your heels off against the island, cool tile feels miraculous on your feet. Does wonders for the dull flame in your arches as you curl your toes, adjusting to the change. Eyes catching the time on the stove, your hand slips along the granite countertop as you cross the kitchen. Do the mental math.
And that makes you a little more anxious than you were before, hurrying towards the stairs. 
Calling for Slider again, you’re not sure where he is. That piece of shit he drives is parked at the curb, just as it had been last night. When Ron had passed out on your couch. He obviously hadn’t bothered leaving, the hood on his pickup was still cold.
You head upstairs, two at a time, surveying the living room from the open banister. TV still, Ron’s once-rumpled blanket from where you’d covered him up folded with clinical care on one of the cushions. His Navy duffle parked by the recliner he’s been calling his since the day you’d moved it in. 
Nothingness. It’s there, like a taut wire. Waiting to be plucked, for the butterknife to come and cut the tension like it’s Sunday dinner. Odd that Slider isn’t rumbling around your duplex in your absence—usually he’s doing something. Working out, changing a lightbulb, that one time he’d taken it upon himself to wash baseboards. The man isn’t prone to stagnancy. Even if you insist he relax. 
At the top of the stairs, a hit of familiar peach tickles your nose and gives you pause. Wriggling toes into the plush carpet, you hear the running water at the end of the hall. This house is nothing if not held together with paper-thin walls and discount nails. A true product of the 1970s, you’d replaced the carpet last year. Slider had wrangled up some of the boys, beer and home cooked food had brought them around to help lay carpet and new tile.
The neighbors hadn’t been so nosy, or visible, since. 
Curiosing your way down the hall in the direction of running water, you slip into the master to find light cutting into the shadows of your bedroom from the on-suite. Fusty shampoo and steam roll from the cracked door, and your lips quirk up into a goofy smile at the little off-key humming.
Some tune you don’t know, but coming from Ron? It’s like front row seats at Billy Joel. Or it might as well be. 
Stopping at the door, you gently grab the knob and use your other hand to knock a knuckle against the door. Immediately mute, nothing but the rush of the shower slapping water against the backsplash takes up the space.
Peeking past the door to the mirror hanging over the sink, you can see Ron in the shower. He’s paused, mid-shampoo. Eyes squeezed shut, adorable crow’s feet and all. 
“I’m back from the store, Sli,” you check his watch, which has been hanging out on your wrist since you’d snatched it off the nightstand this morning. Resting your head against the door, you twist the ball of your foot against the carpet and gnaw teasingly on your lower lip. 
“Yeah?” The titter of a laugh is there. More of a chuckle, really. “Get what you need, baby?” 
Baby. It punches low, white-hot. Sends tingles of pleasurable heat; promises all the things he does right buzzing through your fingertips.
Sticking your head through the crack of the door, you smile crookedly at the reflection of him trying to clear the soap from his face. Mirror half fogged over from the heavy steam, something similar rolls through the low of your gut. Pleasant but clawing, devastating but delicious. 
And he really is a beautiful creature of a thing—all hard muscle and suntan, there isn’t a part of him that isn’t near to carved bronze. Little more than Icarus flying into a too-near sun, he cuts you at the knees every time he smiles your direction. When his hand takes yours, the atmosphere thins into hardly-there air that’s all too good and impossible to breathe at once.
And that little thing he does, the slow drag of his lips against the line of your jaw, down the soft flesh of your neck to the collarbone? It shakes you all the way down. 
Ron Kerner is the glistening sun, you all too thrilled to orbit. A clear northern sky. Endless canvas of midnight sprinkled with the glow of far-off worlds only ever promised in poems and movies and stories, what he does to you is nearly sinful. Little does he know that he grips you in strong, calloused hands that balance so much more than the way he holds your hips, the way he cups your face—you little more than putty in his hands. They hold your world, your heart, your ability to love. 
Two years together—two revolutions around the sun—has throttled you into never letting go. Into thinking you can’t exist without the hard planes of him fitting so perfectly against you. He’s a disease you can’t shake, radiation poisoning that corrupts the body and soul; toxic divinity that’s contaminating every realm of your fathomable existence. 
Even here, separated by doors and steaming clouds and frosted glass of a shower door that hides all the things that matter, you’re one calculation from drowning in the way he’s smiling crookedly. How his hair curls so beautifully when it’s wet—how rivulets of water carve what feel like unexplored chasms down his breastbone, his pecs, obliques. 
Hands dropping from working shampoo through his hair, his little smirk twists when he goes to bite the corner of his bottom lip. He can feel you staring, obviously. And the frosted strip of glass on the door is doing a magnificent job of hiding everything that crosshairs your line of sight. Welded there and unable to move for any amount of collateral known to man, you hardly notice the door moving. Or the fact that you’re squirming. 
Until Ron steps forward, head poking through the opening to grin at you, goofily. 
“My eyes are up here, gorgeous.” And his wagging brows make you blush. Eyes dragging away to far off places, all conveniently across the bathroom, your bottom lip rolls inward.
Drumming your nails against the back of the door, he snorts at the color lighting up your face. “Well don’t be shy about it, for Christ sake,” teasing is only half of Ron’s game.
Cool eyes find the inferno of yours, the corner of his mouth ticking up a quirk. “Get over here.” 
And before you can even breathe, he’s waving his hand for you to come. 
For a few beats he doesn’t say anything. You weigh the decision from behind the door as if it's stock and your flat-footed stance behind the door is Wall Street. But you’re burning in all the right places—for a moment, thinking you might be combusting from beneath the collar of your button down shirt.
Because you can’t feel the limp noodles that have conveniently replaced your arms at either of your sides. Legs feel like they’ve disconnected from your body. All you can feel is the pulled-taut hot little feeling between your legs, the way your core is absolutely throbbing in need of the way he’s looking at you. 
Fingers curling and uncurling at your sides, you slip through the door. Gently toe it closed. Pressing your ass against the twin sink countertop, your toes flex against the cool tile of the floor. It’s slick in that way that cool tile gets when steam is in the air, and one wrong move will have you skating like a newborn foal.
And suddenly everything about this room is hyperaware, flogging you in deeper living color. The atrocious color of the walls you haven’t repainted; that ugly spot that one painting from your mother was supposed to cover, but sits perpetually at the back of your closet because it’s not your style.
It’s all so here, so alive, as Slider does nothing but hold your attention. Waving you come like a damn siren of a thing and not the Naval aviator you've been pining over since that day you'd seen him at the O-Club. 
Fortifying your position, your fingers curl into the granite countertop before a desperate, coy little smile twists your lips. Shaking your head, the throaty chuckle rolling around the back of your throat is a little deeper than you thought possible. And your tongue is thick, clumsy in your mouth over him.
Your eyes dart immediately when he slips further out of the shower, one of his tree-like legs stepping home on the bathmat. Water pours from him like the gates of Sesame have opened, taking with it all moisture from the back of your throat.
Chuckling in disbelief at your stubbornness, he leans out of the shower to reach for you. “What? Don’t trust me?” How his brow lifts conspiratorially confirms that he knows, and you lift to your toes to lean back from his grabbing hand, farther over the sink. “Oh come on, gorgeous—” 
“—you get over here, Kerner. Away from the shower.” Your eyes drop to the center of his abdomen, more telling than you'd like to be.
You heave yourself onto the counter with a heavy plop, planting heels against the cupboards beneath, the heavy oak a little rougher on your feet than you remember. Then, crooking a finger at him, your chin lifts as your eyes drop to a lusty half mast.
His face might as well be a landing strip the way his brows take off, and you chuckle when his tongue so visibly fills the pocket of his lower lip. 
“What? You don't trust me?” 
Return smile slow, “Not even for a second,” has your brows bouncing suggestively. That tight little snake that’s been slipping low down your spine curls into a tight coil at the base of your stomach, poised. Waiting. Like springs; catapults that clamp metric tonnes of aircraft home to the cold blue surface of carriers. Waiting for the greenlight. Of flight. Of going. 
And like the crack of a whip, Slider slaps open the shower door with a wet palm. Stepping out, his hand drags through the rivers of water cascading down the glass to the floor, like life itself depends on finding paydirt.
In a breath he’s suddenly standing between your legs, water from every crevice of his finely-hewn body pouring to the floor. Fingers curled into the granite at either side of your thighs, the running shower that’s wasting water by the gallons disappears from thought. 
The only thing tangible is Slider’s hot breath between the two of you. His cock, heavy between the yummy, God-ordained V of his hips. The way his breathing is just a little ragged when he steps between your legs makes you forget your name; one of his thick wet hands sliding home to your hip.
Fingers twisting in the Rayon of your shirt, his other comes to brush your bangs from your forehead, playing. Exploring. Investigating how they whisp away, how it sends shivers down your spine. 
Even two years under Ronnie’s spell, you still can’t breathe when his eyes move from yours to your mouth. Catching your bottom lip between your teeth, you attempt to steady the heart that’s practically pulsating between your ribs. Any second you expect it to jump into his awaiting hand—little’s changed since the first time he’d kissed you in the front seat of your Pontiac, tasting like beer and chapstick and cologne that didn’t match his personality. Your heart had beat just as quickly then.
Jury’s out on when it would ever not. 
Slider leans forward a little to brush his lips against yours. And you try to kiss him, breathless and head spinning, but he pulls back a little, smiling. Angling to skim his mouth along your jaw, his nose brushes the apple of your cheek. Wet, and his like-steel grip on your thigh has left a wet handprint in the denim of your Levi’s. But you don’t care, not really.
Because it’s so hot, so perfect the way his fingers skim to the sensitive juncture of your legs. To that whiny, needy little spot that aches just so in way’s only God Himself could smile at. 
Goosebumps chase up your arms as his fingers curl into the meat of your thigh. Fingertips brush up the curve of your side to the collar of your shirt as he works thick, inferno kisses to that spot he knows you love. It’ll be all kinds of red and blue by tomorrow, and it will all but stand up and demand your best full-coverage base, but that’s a tomorrow problem.
Right now all you can feel is the magnetism in the base of your gut, the twitch of fighting the urge to close your thighs around his waist and pull him close. 
His lips drag back to your mouth, hovering. Tasting, teasing. And he smells like shampoo, like peach and rain and that musk that only men seem to ever have on their skin. Nose brushing the end of yours lightly, his lips curl into quicksilver as he takes your hand, laces his fingers through yours, and guides it to the middle of his chest. 
All but shaking, you gnaw at the inside pocket of your cheek. “Smile for me, sweetheart,” and the throatiness of it rips a breathless little whimper from the back of your throat, his fingertips brushing down the column of your neck. Head tipping back as your eyes flutter closed, toes burning against the rough oak cabinets like you can feel every splinter of rough wood. 
“Smile for Slider on your birthday, hm?” 
And that punches your gut like nothing ever has. Head snapping forward, you can’t resist—your mouth crashes against his like steel punching steel, teeth knocking together in a way that makes neither of you pause but pulls a surprised grunt from him. Legs lift to wrap around his waist. Pull him forward, suck him in.
Your fingers memorize every swell and curve of hard muscle as they trace up his arms, across his collarbones. Until all at once your arms slip around his neck, pulling him down, flush against your chest. His fingers skip along the hem of your shirt, dangerous. Possessive. It’s nearly treason. 
“You remembered,” between lazy kisses that pull and push in all the right ways, your smile grows. And his fingers slip up your back lightly, fisting the material of your shirt as he holds you. Dips you forward with gentle pressure until you’re chest-to-chest. Heartbeat to heartbeat. Until you’re looking up into lusty eyes beneath your lashes, hardly able to breathe. 
“‘Course I remembered,” his brow furrows a little, like he’s a bit confused by the question, “what kind of guy would I be if I forgot my babygirl’s birthday?” Ownership is definitely a thing between the two of you–-a bedroom kink that snaps you just short of a rubber band. Curls heat down your spine like its smoke in the air. 
Biting your lower lip, you smile at him before your nose wrinkles a little. “You’re bad for me, Ronnie,” his lips curl up into a grin as he chuckles against your mouth, a singular finger tracing the line of your shoulder blade beneath your shirt. 
“And you’re too gorgeous to be twenty-nine,” it's almost whining. Taking your bottom lip between his teeth, his brows wag a little when you blush up at him. Pulling away, piglet cheeks warm under his attention as you arch back into his hands, the front of your shirt stains wet from his chest. 
And arching back only snags his attention. Ducking to press an open-mouth kiss to the pulse in your neck, his teeth lightly drag against your skin when he sucks. Hard. Twisting a delicious little hiss that tastes like heat on your tongue, he chuckles. Your finger playing through the curls on his chest sends goosebumps across his skin, you feel them pebble beneath your fingertips. Droplets on his skin have fanned cold, but the room is still swirling with team from the nearly overwhelming thunder of the shower. 
“Feel any older?” His murmur is thick against soft skin. Very suddenly nothing about him is chilled–he may as well be cut from volcanic rock.
Throaty hum chasing any reasonable response from your head, his hand lifts to the back of your hair, fingers searching for a handful of hair before the light tug drops your head back. 
Pain is momentary before it bleeds into warm heat that lights up your nerves, sends blood ripping through your ears like a stoked locomotive on fire and threatening the rails. Chest rising and falling in tandem with his, your fingers curl into the damp curve of his bicep, pulling him a little closer.
“'Only as old as you feel, Ron,” your tongue skates your bottom lip, eyes darting over his shoulder to consider the shower, “And I don’t feel very old. Not yet, anyway,” head canting to the side, his other hand cards through your hair. Looking hungry, looking very engaged with what you’re saying, your smile grows. Sweetly, innocently. 
“I think I’ve got some miles left in me. Don’t you?” 
It’s taking visible effort for him to stay composed, you can tell. It’s in the twitch of his fingers, the little tick of muscle in his jaw. Ron has never, in two years, been very good at keeping a poker face—the man is too animated. Too much of a card to keep any secrets, and today he’s as much Ron Kerner as you’ve always known him to be. 
But the push and pull of your body against his working off your shirt is uncoordinated and hot, too many steps to even fathom as that familiar twisting serpent hums in the base of your belly. In the perfect, God-designed V of your legs, the damn thing.
And Slider is nothing if not easily entertained—it takes little to no effort for his attention to drop to the growing cut of your shirt as one by one, your fingers work at buttons like they are hardly there. 
Watching to the point of huffing, Slider resolves to just rip the garment the rest of the way off, tossing it away into the abyss this on-suite has become. His disregard–the nerve. It was your favorite shirt. A white and gray little striped thing that you got at Bloomingdales, on sale. Normally couldn’t afford.
But Ron hasn’t ever really cared about clothes, not in the heat of the moment—he’s replaced every garment he’s destroyed. Bless him and his generous soul, you’re willing to bet a week’s salary he’s prepared to buy you three more. Had planned to rip that one off of you as soon as you’d kissed him goodbye to leave for the damn store. 
Chest to chest, your skin nearly ripples with feel-good bumps that make you shiver—it’s the only thing keeping you boots on the ground. And he wastes exactly zero seconds—his fingers are nearly lithe with the button of your jeans, laying them open with a mere pop of his thumb.
And all too quickly, his hands are in yours, fingers interlaced as he steps back from the sink, tugging you with him.
“You think so, huh?” You’re nearly a full foot shorter than Slider, a fact he’s never failed to bring to your attention. Lowering to lazily play with your bottom lip, his smile grows as he steps back a few more paces, and now you can all but feel the spray of the shower dance across your skin. “How about putting money where your mouth is, baby?”
And like a crack of lightning, both of you are suddenly beneath near-scalding water, chest to chest with your back pressed hard against the backsplash. 
“You hate shower sex, Sli,” never mind saturated jeans weighing heavy on your legs, and how truly awful that feels—you couldn’t wriggle out of them if you’d even tried, “Why would you—” Boxed in between either of his arms, there’s little more between you than him.
And there’s nowhere to run, pulse of hot water lighting up your skin like fire. Another fistful of your hair has your head tipped back against the tile, his fingers slipping through the droplets clinging to your skin. 
“But you don’t,” he shakes his head once, saturated curls all but bouncing with the effort before he rakes them back with a smooth hand, “and today is about you, gorgeous,” hands falling to either of your hips, he guides you forward until his dick presses softly to your thigh.
"And besides," In a sweet, hardly-ordinary-for-Slider nose-to-nose kiss, his smile becomes loose for all of a few seconds. Leaves you breathless, dizzy. Stupid—more stupid than you want to feel on your birthday. Almost conspiratorial. 
“—my birthday is in a couple weeks."
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callsignthirsty · 2 years
Stuck in the Middle — Chapter 3 — Both
Co-written with a friend who isn't on tumblr. Pairing: Ron “Slider” Kerner x Reader x Tom “Iceman” Kazansky Summary: The one where Maverick’s sister is on a mission to give her brother a heart attack by sleeping with not one, but two of his colleagues. Word Count: 6400 Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, threesome, creampie(s) Chapter: 3/3 Read Previous Minors DNI
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Pete returned home some hours later to find you in a very… festive scarf. Unfortunately for Goose, who had opted to stay with you until Pete arrived, it had done little to hide the hickeys littering your neck. That had been an interesting night.
Little did any of you know that hickeys, unseasonal scarves, and the Iceman would be the least of your worries in the coming days.
A hop gone wrong had you and Carole scrambling to get to the hospital.
They were alive, but it had been a close thing.
Pete was released that same day after a thorough evaluation. Goose was still unconscious. As tears leaked from his eyes, you knew that your brother was blaming himself, but there was little he could’ve done to avoid flying through Ice’s jetwash — Viper had stopped by the hospital to say as much.
You spent one, then two days in the hospital. Classes continued — fly long enough and it happens, they said, but Pete wasn’t ready to go up again. Not without Goose. And on the third day, like a miracle, Goose’s eyes blinked open. “Holy shit.” His voice was scratchy from disuse.
Carole sat upright at his side. “Nick?”
“Mav, where’s my camera?” Goose croaked, ignoring his wife. “There’s an angel by my bed. The guys ‘ll never believe it if I don’t take a picture.” When a nurse entered the room, relieved tears were tracking down a laughing Carole’s face, Bradley smiling in his Uncle Mav’s arms.
On the fourth day, Goose encouraged Pete to return to class because “You can’t let Ice and that big oaf run away with our trophy. They’ll never let us live it down.” Pete had reluctantly agreed when Goose gave his hand a reassuring squeeze. “Don’t worry, honey. You’ll do great.”
Pete smiled. “Thanks, dear.”
So the summer continued: hot days spent on the tarmac and by Goose’s side. And then, graduation was just a day away. Goose, unfortunately, wouldn’t be able to attend, but he had enough points to graduate, and Pete planned on going for both of them. You, Pete knew, would be in the audience, and there lay his current predicament:
Well, more accurately: Slider. After he’d returned home from his date with Charlie, Pete got an eyeful of hickeys and Goose’s side of the story. Namely, everything had been fine until Kerner opened his big mouth and burrowed beneath Goose’s skin so that Ice could steal you away.
If Pete had any hopes of keeping you and Ice separated after the commencement ceremony, he needed Slider.
* * *
Classes wrap and Slider is cleaning out his locker when he becomes acutely aware that he's one of two people left in the room. And even though Mitchell's back is to him, years of training and locker room antics mean that Slider knows when he's being watched. But the silence grows long and goes stale to the point that he's almost convinced that Maverick isn't going to say anything — which is a surprise because Maverick always has something to say.
There it is.
"Congrats on the trophy." It must be killing Maverick to say it, and Slider smiles because, yeah, the trophy is his. It feels fucking good. But that's not what Maverick stuck around to say. It isn’t what he’s after.
Slider doesn’t want to drag this out longer than it has to be, so he gets to the point. "What do you want?"
The question hangs while Maverick takes a second to think before speaking — and isn’t that a scary thought? — when he finally spits out: “I have a proposition for you.”
"I don't swing that way."
"What? No." And Maverick spins to shoot Slider a dirty look. "I want your help keeping Ice away from my sister. At graduation."
"Why me?" The million-dollar question, though Maverick doesn't realize it.
"If you're helping me, you aren't helping him," Maverick says like it should be obvious. And, okay, yeah, that’s fair.
"What makes you so sure I'll help you?" Slider can’t tamp down the Cheshire grin at the way Maverick squirms. But besides being his pilot, Ice is his friend, and… well, they aren’t putting labels on whatever this thing is with Mitchell’s sister. "Besides, I think he's earned a little celebration." Hadn't they both? From the look on Maverick’s face, Slider would say his answer is ‘no.’
"I can pay you."
“No, you can’t.” Because even if Mav did have money, which Slider’s sure he doesn’t, his price would be too high. The trophy and a fuck? Pete Mitchell would have to be the richest man alive.
“I heard the guys say you got yourself a girl.” It’s a reach at best, but it shocks Slider into silence. Briefly, he wonders if someone had, in fact, seen the two of you in or on his car. But if that were the case, he doubts Maverick would be talking with him now. “She coming to the ceremony?” Maverick tries as Slider collects himself, trying to come off cool and collected like Ice always manages to.
“She hasn’t decided yet.” A lie. You’ll be there. You wouldn’t miss it for the world. Hadn’t let Maverick and Goose come to Fightertown without you in the first place.
Maverick smiles as if he’s got an idea. An in. “If you help me out,” he says, “you can borrow my bike.”
“Why would I—”
“Ladies love it,” Maverick insists, and Slider ignores him in favor of clearing out his locker. “Even you’d look good on a bike, Kerner,” Maverick tries again. “Everyone does.”
“Think about it,” Maverick’s voice drops as he sets the scene. “She’s clinging to you as you speed down the road. Wind in your hair. Her arms wrapped around your waist. Tight body pressed all up against your back. And the adrenaline rush—” Mav’s eyebrows raise as if he’s remembering something fondly or really trying to sell the idea “—makes for amazing sex.”
Slider can’t help the smug grin that overtakes him — ice-cold, no mistakes was never his schtick. “Is that right?”
Mav’s smiling too, his head nodding lightly like they’re on the same wavelength. And maybe they are because Slider’s thinking about it. “Mind-blowing.”
Well, if Mav insists. “Alright.”
“So you’ll do it?” Maverick seems almost surprised that it’s worked. Like he hadn’t imagined Slider was, in fact, a man who could be reasoned with.
“Yeah,” Slider confirms, zipping up his bag and knocking his locker shut one last time. “Don’t make me regret this.” He wouldn’t.
* * *
“Gentlemen,” Viper says from the podium with a proud smile. “You came here the best of the best. We made you better.” You sit near the front of the audience, smiling and clapping with everyone else as the speeches finish, and the Top Gun trophy is presented to Lt. Tom “Iceman” Kazansky and Lt. Ron “Slider” Kerner. The new nameplate shines brighter than the others, but maybe you’re biased.
As soon as you can, you’re up from your seat. You go to Pete first; give him a hug and a heartfelt congratulations. Then, when he’s distracted by another graduate asking after Goose, you slip away. You’ve successfully snuck up on Ice’s six and are seconds from giving him a congratulatory kiss when Slider moves to intercept. Time freezes for a moment, and you’re worried that Slider intends to kiss you in front of this crowd — Top Gun trophy still in the hands of the man most of his class knows you to be with. When the moment passes, however, that worry twists into deep-seated confusion.
Ice frowns. “What gives?” Because he’s never known Slider to be a cock-block.
“I’ve got orders.”
“From?” And you can see Pete smirking into his drink as Ice all but demands an answer.
“Mitchell.” You and Ice look at Slider as if he’s grown a second head. “With Mother Goose still in the hospital, he needed some help keeping the Iceman away from his baby sister.”
“And you accepted?” Ice’s jaw clenches.
“Deal’s a deal.” Ice scowls, the look wholly out of place considering the trophy still in his grasp.
“What did he offer you?” you can’t help but ask.
“Not important.” Somehow you doubt that.
The rest of the graduation party is… well, not what you’d expected or hoped for. For one, you’re still there. Every time you try to get close to Ice, either Slider or Pete gets in your way. And this is worse than Pete and Goose because Slider is intimately aware of all your evasion maneuvers — he’d helped you come up with a good number of them.
You’re positive you’re going to scream when Viper swoops in with actual orders. Jester hands envelopes to Ice, Slider, Hollywood, and Wolfman. And Pete.
Before anyone can stop you, you wrap Ice in a hug. You throw your arms around Slider next, then Pete, who can’t be mad when you’re squeezing him like this might be the last time you get to. The “be safe” you whisper into his ear means more after Goose’s accident, but you don’t have time to talk about it before they’re all whisked away.
* * *
Maverick doesn’t want to give Slider his bike when they return to Fightertown. Says he’d barely had to work for it since they’d left the graduation party early.
“A deal’s a deal, Mav,” Slider says, but it’s gentler than it would’ve been a week ago. Mav and Ice are wingmen now, so Slider’s trying to be nice. Not too nice. Not I’ll-stop-fucking-your-sister nice — and Slider supposes that’s the one that counts the most — but nice-nice.
It’s a start.
You’d received no fewer than three phone calls, so you’re not surprised to hear the motorcycle roll up to the curb. What does surprise you is Slider at your door with Pete’s keys in his hand.
“Come on,” he says as he gathers you in his arms until you can feel the solid ba-dum of his heart on your cheek. “We’re going for a ride.”
It feels strange climbing onto Pete’s Kawasaki behind Slider, but as the engine roars to life and you wrap your arms around his middle, you’re confident you’ll enjoy it while it lasts.
Slider pulls over at a roadside diner. Ice is already inside, fingers drumming against a table in the corner and Academy ring glinting in the sun when Slider holds the door open for you. He beams when he sees you and makes room beside him at the booth. It seems only fitting to sit beside him since you’d been clinging to Slider moments ago.
The three of you catch up over food and a shared milkshake. Ice and Slider tell you what they can about the mission: the tight bunks, the awful food, the budding friendship with your brother. In exchange, you give them the latest on Goose’s progress in physical therapy. It’ll be a long road to recovery, but if anyone can do it, you know it’s Goose.
When you’re ready to leave, Slider wants to take you out for a spin — after all, he’s been assured that the ladies dig a man on a bike, and he wants to test that theory.
Slider would rather swallow glass or wait in line at the DMV than admit it out loud, but Mav’s right. The warm press of you along his back, small hands clutching at his waist as the engine hums between your thighs, is something else. Ice isn’t thrilled to see him climb onto the bike with you, both sans helmet, and insists on trailing behind the bike in case something goes wrong. It won’t, but whatever makes Ice feel better, Slider supposes.
And although his tailing had started as a protective compulsion, Ice quite likes the way you look wrapped around Slider — your hair a wind-tousled mess and jacket snapping in the wind.
It’s purely coincidence when you spot Charlie’s Porsche at a stoplight; its top down and a familiar head of cropped black-brown hair behind the wheel. At first, Pete offers Slider a cheeky grin, a friendly wave, and then — out of curiosity, you’re sure — his eyes slide to the back of his bike. You can’t bring yourself to hide your face, frozen when Pete’s eyes lock on you and almost bug out of his head, his smile dropping and face ashen with sudden realization. Slider’s laughter reverberates through your chest. The light chooses that moment to turn green, and Slider takes off.
Over your shoulder, Ice honks when Pete refuses to move, a smug smile on his lips as he zips after you.
When you return to Ice and Slider’s place, you rest your cheek in the space between Slider’s shoulder blades, your own shoulders shaking as your mirth bubbles over, and soon you’re shaking from the rush of it all.
Cat’s definitely out of the bag now.
Once the door is open, Slider gets to work. By the time Ice walks in, Slider already has your back against the wall, lips taking yours in a bruising kiss as adrenaline courses through your veins. His big hands slide beneath your shirt to cup you over your bra. Damn Mav, but he’s right. And, as your fingers catch in his shirt-back and pull him closer, Slider has zero intentions of letting you go anytime soon. Not when he’s got you exactly where he wants you. Definitely not when each slide of his tongue over yours teases cute noises from the back of your throat.
Ice must be thinking something similar because he’s quick to join you. His fingers find yours tangled in Slider’s shirt to help you lift it until the RIO has to break your kiss to take the offending garment off. It’s a mistake that Ice takes full advantage of, stealing your lips in a kiss of his own.
Hands resting on your hips, Ice guides you around until he’s the one leaning against the wall. He’d wrap an arm around your waist to tug you closer, but Slider is already plastering himself to your back, so Ice settles for a deep kiss and revels in the wanton noise it earns him.
Without the sweet distraction of a kiss, Slider works your jacket down your arms and into a heap on the floor. He takes your hands in his and leads one into his hair; the other he guides down until it’s slipping under the loose hem of Ice’s shirt. Ice jolts at the skin-to-skin contact and your answering moan gets lost between the slick slide of lips and tongues. Your teeth clack against Ice’s when Slider presses his hips into yours with a sinful grind that drags his cock against the swell of your ass as he finally sucks a mark into your neck — consequences be damned. But instead of pulling him away, the hand in Slider’s hair encourages him. You tilt your head to the side and re-slot your lips against Ice’s while giving Slider more room to work a deep bruise into smooth skin.
One of Ice’s hands cradles the back of your head, his lips working insistently against yours as your hand trails fire over his abs and up to his chest. Perfect teeth catch on your bottom lip and you break apart panting, but then Ice pulls you back for more greedy kisses. His other hand grabs one of your belt loops and uses it to pull your hips away from Slider’s so they’re flush with his own.
While Ice keeps your mouth occupied, Slider’s hands return to the thin material of your bra. He’s growing more impatient with each of your whimpers, the steady roll of Ice’s hips pushing your ass back against his erection which, to Slider’s exasperation, is still trapped uncomfortably beneath the rough denim of his pants. With a barely-there nip that erupts goosebumps across your shoulders, Slider rucks your shirt up until it’s bunched beneath your arm, but Ice refuses to stop kissing you — whether because he’s a greedy bastard or because he’s skeptical that Slider will steal your lips away the way Ice had was anyone’s guess.
The sharp rip of tearing fabric wrenches your lips from Ice faster than anything else Slider could’ve thought up, your nipples pebbling as cold air assaults your heated skin. “Hey!” you scold as the fabric falls limp to the floor.
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Slider promises as he unhooks your bra with deft fingers and grabs your chin to pull you in, licking at your lips before taking them in another harsh kiss. You let yourself be turned from Ice to chase the feeling of Slider’s lips claiming yours. Behind you, Ice flings your bra to the side and hastily removes his own shirt.
Slider may be driving, what with the way he has both you and Ice trapped against the wall, but Ice is far from passive. The two join forces in an all-out assault on you from both sides. Hands bumping as they knead and tease and take you apart piece by delicious piece. Teeth scraping against your collarbone. Your nipples pebbling between calloused fingers. Chests heaving. Lips smacking. The sweet friction of denim dragging over denim as you all move together. Sighs, growls, and groans lost between teeth and tongues. The mixing taste of them on your tongue as they push and pull, give and take.
You shiver, moaning into Ice’s mouth as he plays with your tits. Not to be ignored, Slider shoves a hand down the front of your jeans, two fingers working deep into your dripping cunt. Then Slider’s fingers are gone, and before you can say something in protest, you squeal as he throws you over his shoulder. “Ron!” you giggle, another excited shout leaving you as one of Slider’s hands lands playfully on your ass and he turns to bite at your hip just above the line of your jeans as he moves the party to the bedroom.
Slider throws you onto the bed, and you bounce before settling tousled among the pillows. Your thighs fall open in a wanton display, and you crook a finger to reel Slider in until he’s licking a path from your open zipper and up to nibble at your jaw until he’s stretched over you. You moan at how he fits so snugly between your legs and his chest rubs against your own.
“How do you want to do this?” Ice asks, leaning against the doorframe, his arms flexing none-too-subtly when your eyes find him over Slider’s shoulder. He’s a sight to behold — cheeks a slight, breathless pink, arms crossed beneath his chest, belt buckle weighing down the open flap of his pants to reveal more smooth skin and the tented white of his briefs. You lose sight of him when Slider turns his head.
“You can take her mouth since you’ve been hogging it all night.” Slider kisses your cheek, his dark eyes on your as he crawls back down your body. “I’ve been thinking about this pussy for days.”
Ice crosses the room with unhurried steps, long fingers caressing your jaw. “Is that what you want?” he asks, thumb tracing your full bottom lip while Slider mouths at your hip bones. The RIO’s hands slowly pull your jeans and panties down to savor the moment. You bite your lip, briefly catching Ice’s thumb before he pulls it back. A flush of heat travels through you as Slider’s eyes meet your own and he presses a final kiss to your hip bones before he ventures lower.
When you nod, Ice pulls his cock free, eyes never leaving yours as he pumps himself lazily and kicks the rest of his clothes all the way off. Opposite him, Slider grips your leg behind the knee and raises it, revealing the diamond of your cunt. You keen, fingers threading through Slider’s hair and hips jerking as his tongue drags over your core. Lightly stubbled cheeks rub against your sensitive thighs and set them aflame as Slider’s eyes blow wide, his breath fanning over your clit before he gets to work.
Not to be forgotten, Ice’s fingers return to your jaw, light but with enough pressure to turn you back to him. His cock hangs heavy between his thighs as the bed dips to accommodate him. As he rubs the head across the seam of your lips, Slider pushes his tongue against your slick folds with a groan. You’re buzzing, jaw falling open with a sweet noise, and Ice gives into the temptation to tap his cock to your tongue before pulling back and smearing saliva and precum across your cheek.
Unprompted, you take the tip between your lips, tonguing at the slit to savor Ice’s taste before trying to work more of him into your mouth. Slider watches from between your thighs as Ice lets out a low groan, his hand falling into your hair as you work his cock in and out of your mouth. All the while, Slider’s tongue continues to fuck into you, a finger coming to rub spit and arousal into your clit until you’re trembling, hips seeking out the slick press. Slider slips a finger into you alongside his tongue, reveling in the way that Ice’s cock slips from between your lips as you unabashedly moan, thoroughly distracted from your current task.
Distantly, Slider thinks that the real surprise isn’t that Hollywood and Wolf had heard you; it’s that it took them so long.
Ice brings one of your hands up to fist around his cock, his eyes glued to Slider as he continues to wring more wanton cries from you.
Slider smacks his lips. “She tastes good.”
“Yeah?” Ice’s Adam’s apple bobs.
Slider takes another lick that’s purely for show, his chin covered in your juices. “Sweetest pussy there ever was.” Ice groans as he imagines it, cock twitching as he thrusts into your fist, and Slider ducks down to suck on your clit before he asks: “Want a taste?”
“Fuck yes.”
Slider stands back and practically rips his pants off while Ice takes his place between your thighs. Ice throws your legs over his shoulders before diving in and drinking his fill. He groans as the tang of your sex explodes across his tongue, your heels digging into his back. Slurps at your dripping cunt with a fervor that makes your back arch off the bed.
“Please,” you cry.
“What do you want, sweetheart,” Slider asks, suddenly at your side and taking one of your nipples into his hot mouth.
You whine, arching up into Slider and down against Ice’s face. “Fuck me. Please.”
“Well, when you ask so pretty.”
“Don’t worry, baby,” Ice soothes. He scrambles up, already running the leaking tip of his cock through your spit-slick folds. “I’ll fuck you real good.”
Slider raises a brow. “Why do you get to fuck her first?”
“Because I’m here.”
For a moment, you’re worried they’re going to break into rock, paper, scissors. Slider looks ready to get up and do something about Ice taking advantage of his generosity — he’d said Ice could have your mouth, dammit. But before he does, or you can whine for someone to hurry up and fuck you already, Ice’s hand settles on the curve of your waist, and he pushes in. You groan. Slider drops back against the bed and rolls his eyes. He shouldn’t be surprised; Ice always gets what he wants.
As the jut of Ice’s hips settle against you, Slider takes your lips in another kiss, his hands kneading at your tits. It isn’t his first choice, but Slider can be content with this — swallowing your needy moans, tracing the outline of your lips with his tongue. Making up for the time he’s lost with your mouth to Ice’s greed.
Each rock of Ice’s hips causes your tits to jump the slightest bit within Slider’s large palms and against his tongue as he sucks on a perky bud and applies gentle pressure with his teeth. Before his lips find yours again, his hand trails up your chest and applies gentle pressure to your neck. You shiver, arching into the touch. Slider loves the dazed expression, the slack ‘o’ of your spit-glazed lips when you wear his hand like a necklace, and your eyes brim with rampant desire. He dives in to leave a mark just below your jaw, reveling in the way that you dig your nails into his hair and the way your head is thrown back, and the way you must be clenching around Ice from the strained “fuck” he hears coming from the foot of the bed.
Slider lets out his own punched-out “fuck” when your hand wraps around his cock and strokes. It’s uncoordinated with the way Ice is trying to take you apart and awkward due to the angle, but that’s more than fine. Slider needs something to take the edge off, and your touch is just that. He doesn’t want to finish in your hand. Not tonight.
You bring your lips to Slider’s and let him take the lead while Ice turns his attention to your legs. He lifts one up to his shoulder, and you hum into your kiss at the stretch. Progressively sloppier kisses are pressed from your ankle up your calf. Ice’s new angle has him sinking deeper into you, but he keeps his thrusts slow, the cadence so different from the one you’d had on the beach, but one that — if kept up — he knows will have your legs shaking, back arching, nails scratching. Especially if he keeps hitting that spot.
As it is, your cunt is clenching around him with each forward shove of his hips into yours. Squeezing around him as if to keep him inside of you. Milking him.
With a curse, Ice pulls out, and you break from Slider to whine at the sudden empty feeling. Ice gropes at your hip and offers it a pat before he’s encouraging you to roll over. As you move to accommodate the change in position, Slider grabs you, and you yelp as he manhandles you onto your knees.
“Hey,” Ice says.
Slider just turns you so you’re facing Ice and enters you with a harsh snap of his hips. “My turn.” You want to chastise them, tell them to play nice, but all that comes out is a pathetic mewl. Slider’s smile is haughty. “Still so tight even after Ice fucked you,” he groans as your walls suck him in. Your jaw falls slack, and a pleasured noise tumbles free into the night. When Slider has you screaming, one of his hands fists in your hair. “Come on,” he growls. “Open that pretty little mouth for Ice.” And you do, tongue lolling out over your bottom lip as you look up from beneath thick lashes.
Every time Slider’s hips crash into yours, you’re pushed further down Ice’s cock. Your taste is heavy on his skin, an intoxicating mixture of tang and his musk. Sweet. Salty. You suck more vigorously, hollowing your cheeks as your head swims. When Ice’s hips jerk forward and his cock tickles the back of your throat, you moan long and low. The vibration pulls a shiver from Ice, his fingers whispering across your flushed cheeks and attempting to card through your hair where Slider has it pulled tight.
When Slider nails your sweet spot, you pull off of Ice. “Ah, fuck!”
“That’s right, sweetheart,” Slider preens, releasing your hair to smack your ass. “Want you to let everyone know who’s making you feel this good.” He holds your hips still and grinds torturously into you when you don’t comply.
“God, Ron,” you gasp. “Don’t stop!”
“That’s it, baby,” Slider says. You bite your lip self-consciously, wanting to keep your pleasure from the ears of any passersby.
Ice thumbs your lip free of your teeth. Rubs over the indents left behind until you let out another pathetic whine. “Don’t hold back,” he murmurs. “It’s okay. We want to hear you. Everyone already knows.”
Slider’s hips slam forward. “Now let them all know how good you feel.”
Ice catches you as your arms give out and lifts you up until you’re clutching his shoulders. You kiss him desperately as Slider picks up the pace, the clap of skin on skin filling the bedroom. Slider buries himself in your neck to leave another bruise as you cling to Ice. Your kisses are less lips and more teeth and tongues now, but you couldn’t care less. Ice’s palms caress your sides while Slider’s hands anchor themselves on your hips to pull you back against him with each increasingly desperate thrust. The kisses Ice gives you do little to shut you up at this point, to neither man’s disappointment. You’re stuck between them. Nowhere to go. Nowhere to hide. Nowhere you’d rather be when Ice’s hand leaves your side to play with your clit, delicately circles it as Slider continues to hammer into you.
In the end, that’s what does you in, your head thrown back against Slider’s shoulder as both men work together to take you apart.
Distantly, you’re aware of Slider’s grip tightening enough to bruise, the stutter of his hips, and the garbled curses as he presses tight between your quivering thighs and cums.
Gentle fingers turn your head to the side, and Slider captures your lips in a kiss. Simple. Passionate. His tongue rolls over yours as his hands smooth over your hip bones and down your thighs. He shakes as he soaks in the closeness, your highs still crashing through you.
He pulls you with him as he half lays back against the headboard, cum dribbling from your cunt as his spent cock slips free. You melt back against his broad chest and hum as you settle against him. Slider feels warm, and you still tingle everywhere he touches you.
The bed dips as Ice crawls forward until he’s knelt between your knees, his hands planted against the duvet on either side of Slider’s thighs. “You still up for round two?” Your pussy pulses at the thought, more of Slider’s cum trailing down the crack of your ass. Ice gathers the cum on his middle and ring finger and pushes it back into you with a wet squelch. You can’t help but clench around his long fingers, back arching when one of Slider’s hands presses flat against your lower abdomen and encourages more of his pearly essence to leak out around Ice’s fingers, both of them entranced by the sight.
“Words, baby,” Slider whispers breathless and sated against your ear. “You need him to fuck you?” Ice closes his eyes and groans, his cock twitching red and heavy where it leaks against your thigh. “Need Ice to fill up that pretty pussy?”
“She’s already so full.”
“I can take it.” Your legs circle Ice’s trim waist and drag him closer still. You feel hot as you imagine him spilling within you. Being so full of Ice and Slider both that you can’t possibly keep it all inside. “I want it.”
That’s all that Ice needs to hear. He wastes no time sinking into you right up to the hilt with a sinful groan. Trembles when you cry out, soft and exquisite, your eyes already blissed out but your cunt still so wet and needy, gripping him tight as if you were the one who hadn’t cum mere minutes ago.
Each rock drives you into Slider’s chest. Not to be left out, the RIO’s arms lazily snake around to cup your breasts and tweak your nipples, his lips subdued but no less sizzling as they skim over the marks he left on you earlier.
Ice leans close, his glacial eyes dark and blown wide, lids at half-mast. He catches your bottom lip between his teeth and worries at it until you gasp, releasing it with a slick pop. “Tom.” It’s not a scream like earlier, more a frantic, heady pant, your voice rough as it washes over Ice in all the right ways. It tingles low in his spine and raises goosebumps along his arms until his shoulders bunch with the feeling.
You arch up, away from Slider’s chest but into fingers clamped over your nipples as Ice’s rhythm falters. The wet clapping of your sex is loud between your ears compared to the heavy sighs and the continuous squeak of old bed springs.
Ice gulps. “You’re so sensitive.” It’s true. Every touch feels like fire. Like straight electricity. Like pleasedon’tletgodon’tstop! and Ice’s dentist won’t be pleased with how he’s clenching his jaw. Drawing in ragged breaths and grinding his teeth to make this last even the slightest bit longer. But you’re right there with him.
Slider’s calloused fingers tap against your clit, and you’re gone. A silent scream passes your lips as you pull tight like a bow and release, and Ice snaps with you.
The three of you lie together in a pile of sweaty limbs. Cum and arousal leak thickly down your thigh and onto the bed. Despite the mess, none of you are willing to move. This is the most comfortable you’ve been in weeks. Floating somewhere high above the bed. Ice is your blanket, and Slider your pillow. At least for a couple blissful minutes.
“Alright,” Slider says, nudging none too gently at Ice’s shoulder, “get off. You’re heavy.”
Instead of telling Slider to go fuck himself, Ice rolls his shoulders and peels himself off of you. He marvels at the mess they’ve made between your legs, then moves to get off the bed and start the shower.
The shower, it turns out, is a waste.
You don’t get much sleep that night.
* * *
After breakfast, Ice helps you into his car and drives you to the hospital while Slider wheels Pete’s bike to his housing assignment just a couple doors down. Ice pulls the car to a smooth stop right in front of the visitor’s entrance. He gives you a sweet kiss on the lips, then leans up to place one on your forehead. You breathe him in — spearmint, sunscreen, aftershave.
“Will we see you tonight?” You shrug, resting your forehead against Ice’s shoulder as his hand gently massages the back of your neck. “I’m just a call away if you need me to pick you up.”
“I know,” you say, giving Ice a quick peck before opening the car door and stepping out.
As you get closer to your destination, you become increasingly aware that you’re wearing yesterday’s clothes and one of Slider’s definitely-too-big-for-you shirts. But that doesn’t stop you from slipping into Goose’s room with a knock.
“Look who decided to show up.” Pete’s arms are crossed over his chest, brows furrowed in his patent big brother scowl, but Carole is smiling where she sits at her husband’s bedside, Bradley sitting on his lap. When you don’t say anything, Pete continues: “You didn’t come home last night.”
Goose turns to you, wide-eyed and head bobbing, before falling back against his stacked pillows. They must have already given him his post-PT drugs. “Wait, where were you, then?” Pete glares at his best friend; it takes a minute for Goose's drug-addled mind to catch up. “Oh.” Goose covers Bradley’s ears, then loudly whispers to his wife, “She was having sex with The Iceman.”
“Thank you, Goose,” Pete bites in frustrated exasperation while Carole giggles.
“He wouldn’t have found out if she wore the scarf I bought her,” Goose insists before turning back to you. “Did you show Carole the scarf?” Back to his wife. “It’s a great scarf, hun.” Great was a relative term. He’d bought it from a 7-Eleven.
Carole nods, Goose dopily nodding along with her. “I bet it is.”
“Can we talk about literally anything else?” Pete asks, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Eventually, you’ll have to accept that this is a thing, Pete,” you say. It comes out strong, but internally you’re a quivering mess. You love your brother, but you can’t live your life for him; you have to live it for yourself.
Pete sighs. “I know, it’s just… a lot.” And... yeah.
“I know,” you say. Because it is a lot, and that’s okay. It can be a lot. You just need him to be okay with it. Okay with you.
“It’s just…” Pete shakes his head. “Kerner? Really? Ice, I get, but Slider?” Your cheeks heat, but you refuse to look away even if you’re sure the floor looks incredibly interesting right about now.
“Oh my god,” Goose gasps. “Carole?”
“Yes, honey?”
“Did you know she was sleeping with Slider, too?”
Carole grins, shaking her head. “No.”
Pete sighs. “What, Goose?”
“Did you know—”
“I’m the one who just told you.” You can’t help but smile at your brother’s displeasure.
“So when we were keeping her away from Ice… was she just off with Slider?”
Pete’s head whips from Goose to you, and this time you give into temptation and study the floor. “Well, we Mitchells aren’t exactly known for our good decisions, are we?” you mumble. Pete can’t help but laugh at that.
“No, we’re not.” And with that, some of the tension bleeds out of the room.
Until Goose bolts upright, almost knocking Bradley from his lap. “We’re at a hospital.” Everyone gives Goose a confused look. He’s known he’s been at the hospital since he woke up — had the doctors switched up his meds? But Goose is staring intently at you now. “Do you need to take a pregnancy test? The nurses gave me this button that I can push to bring them in and– Mav, you okay?”
Pete does not look okay. His face is ashen, eyes wide but unseeing as he slowly slides down the hospital wall.
“Goose, dear,” Carole says with a hand on her husband’s arm as she watches Pete with a careful eye, “you can press the button now.”
“Ahh yisss,” Goose slurs, hugging Bradley close and spamming the nurse-call button.
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
Hot stuff
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Ron 'Slider' Kerner x Reader
Written for @mrsjaderogers
Female reader
Implied smut
Wherever Ron roamed, you were always close by. It was a given you would be seen together.
Neither of you had labelled this thing between you. It just was. Always had been. If anyone asked Ice what was up with you two he would just respond that you two were just as you were.
Every time you came to the O club, you would be sit right beside him, or, more often than not, in his lap.
It started one night when the bar got crowded and to make more room, Ron asked if you felt comfortable sitting on his lap. You agreed and that was that. It was a fee night after that when he asked you if you wanted to sit in his lap again, but this time it was just a tease.
It made you laugh. You didn't sit in his lap that night, but it wouldn't be long before you found comfort there again.
You had gone to the toilet at one point, and when you had returned your spot had been taken. Ron saw your sadness at not being able to sit with him, so he patted his knee. You got the message and sat in his lap.
That's when it became a regular thing.
Every time you came out with the boys, you would sit in Slider's lap. One pat on his knee and you would sit. His arms snaked around you. You leaning against him. All night.
It wasn't long before this escalated.
You could say you got rather comfortable sitting here.
Now, you and Ron flirted all the time. He couldn't keep his hands off you most if the time. A smack to the ass as he walked past you. Pinned up against the wall and talking dirty in your ear. Roaming hands while talking to friends.
He wasn't shy.
And neither were you, it seemed.
As he laughed with his friends at the table, you decided to tease him a little. If he noticed it right away, he didn't say or do anything. Not until you rolled your hips against him a second time.
You felt him freeze.
You bite your lip and do it again. Ron squirms under you.
Trying to act like you weren't doing something to him, he leans forward slightly. His lips brush your ear.
"If you don't behave, I'll have you here on this table."
You grin, making it look like you were smiling at something that was said. Keeping your voice low, you respond.
"That won't do. We'll make a mess. You could follow me onto the toilets."
Ron let's out a low sigh as you roll your hips against his thigh again. God, he was going to do things to you that would leave you unable to walk for days.
"Ladies first," he whispered.
You chuckle and excuse yourself. Ron watches with hungry eyes as you disappear into the toilets.
A few moments go by and he gets up, heading in the same direction. Ice pretends he doesn't know what he's doing. As much as he loved you both, he didn't need that image in his head.
You're leaning against the sinks as he enters. You smile as crosses the room and instantly kisses you, arms around you.
The kiss is hungry and hot. His hands are roaming over you, touching every inch of you.
His long fingers undress you quickly. He's been itching to get you like this.
His kisses soften for a moment.
"How did I get so lucky?" He asks.
You smile.
"I thought I was the lucky one."
His hungry kisses return again.
Ice watches both of you exit the toilets. He looks at his watch and smirks. You had been in there way longer than you probably intended, and there was no way you weren't fucked out.
You didn't seen to care.
You were smiling up at Ron as he walked with him arm around you. Slider was laughing softly as he whispered things in your ear.
Honestly, it was a surprise either of you got anything done.
Still, you two were perfect for each other and everyone could see it.
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imawkwardlysoc · 1 year
champagne and sunshine
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Dedicated to @skiddit, @optimisticmiraclecolor, and other members of the slider slut society.
Song- champagne and sunshine by plvtinum ft. tarro
Pairing- ron 'slider' kerner x female! reader
Warnings(s)- 18+, MDNI, degradation, full-on smut, dirty talk, slider calling himself daddy, p in v, aftercare
Summary- slider goes absolutely feral when he sees the reader in a sundress.
Wordcount- 1,473
After a day of training in the hot San Diego weather, some of the boys decided to go to the O-Bar to grab some cold drinks to cool them out and to also let go of some stress. While Hollywood and Wolfman grabbed the drinks, Maverick, Iceman, Slider, and Goose sat around the tables talking about their plans for the weekend.
“So Carole’s wondering if you guys are still down to have a little barbeque at our place tomorrow,” Goose started the conversation.
“Yeah, Y/N and I are already planning on bringing something,” Slider nodded his head.
“Oh, how are you two doing?” Ice asked his RIO.
“We’re good,” the RIO smiled. “Really good.”
As Hollywood and Wolfman returned with the cold drinks in their hands, Slider started to gush about his partner not knowing that Y/N just arrived. Adjusting the straps of her dress and fixing her hair, she walked into the bar to see some Top Gun students eyeing her down, planning a plan on how to get her in their beds at the end of the evening. Y/N ignored their looks and headed straight to the table where her boyfriend and his friends sat.
“Sorry, but is this seat taken?” Y/N wrapped her arms around Slider.
“Only for you,” Slider smiled as he pulled Y/N by her waist and pulled her into his lap.
“Y/N, nice of you to join us,” Mav smiled.
“Yeah, I just need a drink after the busy day I had,” Y/N took a sip out of Slider’s drink and looked at Goose. “By the way, I got the thing you and Carole needed for tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Goose thanked Y/N.
“It’s no problem,” Y/N smiled as she laid her head on Slider’s shoulder.
Throughout the two hours they were there, Y/N was laughing and enjoying the conversations that were happening while Slider was distracted with his own thoughts and the sundress Y/N was wearing. The floral sundress fell above her knees while the dress slit went mid thigh giving Slider easy access. The sweetheart neckline showed the right amount of breast while her collar bone was exposed which Slider wished to trail all of his hickies all over her body. The tie straps will make it faster for him to rip the dress off of her when they get home.
While Y/N was in a conversation with Ice, she felt Slider put his hand on her thigh where the slit was and started to ride his hand up. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek as she felt the tingling feeling. As Slider made it up her dress, he used his two fingers to open the fold and started to rub her clit. Y/N tried to remain calm and interested in the conversation while fighting the urge to let out a moan.
“Y/N, are you okay? You’re looking a little blushed,” Hollywood questioned.
“Yeah, it’s just a little hot,” Y/N let out a chuckle.
“Well then gentlemen, I’m going to take this lady home and cool her down,” Slider announced while removing his hand from under her dress. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
All of them said their goodbyes and Y/N and Slider went to where Slider’s truck was parked. Slider helped her into the truck since it was slightly elevated and closed the passenger door before getting into the driver’s seat.
“You’re an asshole you know?” Y/N slapped his arm.
“How am I?” He questioned.
“That thing that you did while we were inside,” she explained, slightly frustrated. “What would happen if anyone saw it? Especially the guys.”
“And I will kill them if they mention it,” Slider placed a kiss on Y/N’s lips. “Damn, it’s hot when you're frustrated.”
“Just shut up and take us home,” Y/N whined.
“As you say,” Slider winked.
He pulled the truck out of the parking space and made the fifteen minute drive to their house. Throughout the drive, the sexual tension was tense as Slider kept on guiding his freehand up Y/N’s thigh. Y/N let out a tiny moan which Slider smirked at when he pulled into their driveway. Getting out of the car, Slider quickly locked the car as Y/N opened the front door. When the two of them got into the house, they closed the door and hurried to their bedroom.
Y/N let out another moan as her back was against the wall while Slider started to place kisses along her neck and neckline. Ripping her underwear off and moving the dress slit away, Slider inserted his fingers into her again while rubbing the clit. With his free hand, he started to untie one of the straps of her dress while Y/N helped with the other one.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” Slider groaned as her dress fell exposing her breasts.
Removing his fingers, he let the dress fall to the floor and looked at the expression that was shown on Y/N’s face. With a satisfied look on his face, he picked her up and placed her on the bed while towering over her giving her a nod. Y/N started to unbutton his uniform while kissing him and placing kisses along his neck. Throwing the button up onto the floor, Slider quickly tossed his white beater off leaving his dog tags on. Kneeling onto the bed now, Slider started to place kisses along Y/N’s bare body as she quickly took his pants off. Taking off his underwear, Y/N cupped his crotch for a few seconds before starting to stroke his cock. Slider soon got on top of her as his dog tags dangled above her face with her eyes pleading.
“You want it don’t you?” Slider’s voice went down an octave as he went closer to her ear to whisper the last part. “You dirty, little slut.”
Y/N let out a whimper while also nodding her head yes.
“Oh no, I need a verbal answer,” the RIO tilted her chin up so he could see her.
“Yes!” Y/N moaned and whimpered. “Please! I need it!” 
“Oh wait for Daddy,” Slider smirked as he began to go down. “I’ll fill you up soon you little whore.”
Slider started to place kisses along her legs and inner thighs. Y/N gripped the bedsheets as her back arched while letting out some small moans. Taking one of her hands, Y/N gripped onto his hair as he continued to eat her out.
“Are you ready?” Slider asked.
“Yes, please!” Y/N screamed out.
With that answer, Slider started to tease her a little while misplacing his cock which caused Y/N to moan more. Soon he inserted it in and started to slowly thrust into her. Moans filled the room as each thrust quickened. Y/N wrapped her legs around her partner’s waist while he kissed him passionately. 
“Ron,” Y/N moaned. “I’m about-”
“No, not yet.” Ron started to do some of his final thrusts.
In his final thrust, the two moaned out their names so loud that the whole neighborhood could hear it. Slider collapsed next to Y/N who were both a sweaty mess as they panted.
“Fuck, that was,” Y/N panted.
“Amazing,” Slider completed. “I’ll be right back.”
Slider got out of bed and left the room for a few minutes before coming back with a damp hand towel. He cleaned the area between Y/N’s legs before tossing it into the laundry basket and getting into bed. He pulled her closer making their legs tangled together. Slider softly talked to her asking her if she was alright while rubbing circles on her thighs. The two shared a conversation before deciding it was time for bed.
*The Day After at the Party*
“So, you had an eventful night didn’t you?” Mav smirked.
“Mitchell, shut up before I throw you into the ocean when we’re on a carrier,” Slider sends him a daggered look.
He soon looked over to see Y/N talking and laughing at the conversation she was having with Carole and Sarah.
“Looks like you and Ron had a pretty exciting night,” Carole nudged Y/N a little.
“How did you know?” Y/N blushed.
“Well you’re still glowing and you missed a spot.” Sarah pointed out the missed love mark that peeped over the neckline of her dress.
“Oh well,” Y/N replied while shrugging her shoulders.
“You’re planning on doing it again aren’t you?” Carole questioned as she saw the look on her friend’s face.
“Oh yeah.”
Y/N took a sip of her drink and sent Slider a wink before turning her attention back to the conversation.
“He’s gone isn’t he?” Wolfman asked.
“Yep,” everyone answered at the same time.
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h-c-u · 1 year
A different type of exercise
Summary: You do your best to convince Slider to come back to bed, but he wants to finish a set before that... 
Pairing: Ron "Slider" Kerner x fem!reader 
W/C: 1.6k
Rating: +18, size difference, daddy kink
TWs: none
A/N: Porn without plot. Also - don't distract someone lifting weights in real life, it's dangerous af. But beside that - enjoy! 
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You didn't exactly know why your wonderful boyfriend liked to exercise in the middle of the night, and it's not like you were totally against it. What you really hated was waking up and not having him in bed with you...
And this time you woke up already horny and soaked... You didn't remember what you were dreaming about but it must have been amazing, because the feeling didn't want to go away, not allowing you to go back to sleep. And you definitely didn't want to take care of that yourself, when Ron was just in another room.
With a heavy sigh, you got out of bed and went to your home gym wearing only one of his old t-shirts.
He was currently getting ready to lay on the bench and start lifting, with his hands wrapped in tape and everything else prepared.
- Ronnie...? - you said, grabbing his attention, but not enough for him to stop. - Come to bed, I need you... - you knew that just by your tone he could tell that you weren't joking.
- One last set, doll, and I'll be there, I promise... - he replied, finding the right position, wrapping his hands around the bar, and lifting it in the air.
- You don't understand... I need you now... - your voice was low and full of that primal need, but he still assumed that you'll be able to manage 10 more minutes. He was wrong.
Seeing his muscles tense, his whole body working intensely on lowering and lifting the weights just did something to you... On a regular day you could watch his impressive physique for hours, no matter what he was doing, but now... Now watching wasn’t enough, so you slowly came closer to him and stood over the bench, giving him one last chance to stop, but he didn't... So you took matters into your own hands.
- Y/n... - he warned you when you lowered the band of his shorts and got closer to his exposed penis. You always had trouble with fitting his whole cock into your mouth, and you honestly tried to work on your gag reflex, but he was just... so big. Fortunately, you just needed him hard, not even caring how your actions affected him now. - Ffffffuck.... - he said, still trying to finish the set, but he was slowly losing count, with his dick quickly filling up in your warm, soft mouth. Not even half a minute later, you straddled him and with your hand, guided him inside you; he didn't even have time to react properly. Next to extreme pleasure, he felt that he was in real danger of getting stuck under the weights because you were distracting him so much.
So while you were slowly sinking down, taking him deeper and deeper, he finally lifted the bar one last time and rested it on the handles, just as your pussy swallowed him whole.
- Needy little thing... Couldn't even wait 10 minutes... Do you want daddy so bad...? - you eagerly nodded, enjoying the burning stretch without moving just yet, but you knew you wouldn't be able to stay still much longer. - Awww... Poor thing... Daddy's sorry he wasn't there to take care of you when you woke up. - he rose on the bench, changing the angle, which drew a long, deep moan from your mouth. He immediately drank it directly from a source, kissing you with a passion that took your breath away. - And you're taking me so well... Such a good little girl... - he smiled between the kisses and started taking off the shirt you were wearing; he wanted to see the bulge in your stomach and how it will move when you were ready to continue, which didn't take long.
You had to stand on your toes, just to rise enough to get half of him out of you, but you were determined to make it work, so instead of actually getting up, you started grinding against his body, trying your best to stimulate your clit. The sounds you were making were lewd, and he loved every single one of them... You could feel your juices making his pubic hair wet, somehow making them rougher, and the pleasant scratch only added to the stimulation, but even that wasn't enough... Your calves were twitching and spasming, ready to give up. You knew what you had to do...
- Daddy... - you were a mess... Your body was covered in sweat, your hair sticking to your forehead, and you were already out of breath.
- Yes princess...? - he asked with a cheeky smile as if what you were doing wasn't affecting him at all.
- Please... - your voice cracked from desperation and you rested your head on his shoulder because you just... weren't strong enough.
- Please what, princess...? - you huffed in frustration and bit him. Not hard enough to leave a mark, but he definitely felt it, because he chuckled. He knew that you had trouble regulating your reactions when you were so desperately helpless, and he wouldn't mind even if you drew blood, because he loved being marked by you. - Use your words. - he requested in a soft tone, but you knew that if you didn't ask, he would inform you in that same soft tone dipped in honey that good girls ask for things nicely, and if you couldn't do that, it meant you didn't really want it... And that would be the end of the night... And that was something you just couldn't deal with.
- Daddy... Please fuck me... Make me cum and fill me up... - you said, suddenly embarrassed by your actions and words, hiding your face in the nook of his neck.
- Since you asked so nicely... - he teased, but his strong hands found their way under your ass and squeezed your cheeks hard; you knew well what that meant and you lifted your feet from the floor and crossed your ankles behind him. He shifted once more, moving his forearms under your thighs, giving himself more leverage to actually start moving your body, and then he slowly lifted you in the air, so only his tip stayed inside you, and you almost cried at the sudden emptiness, but you didn't have time to even think about complaining because he let the gravity work with him, and you literally fell onto his whole length. And then again... And again... He was using your body as a toy, and you were more than happy to let him because he was making you feel so good... He was dragging the tip against your g spot with every move, whispering sweet praises directly into your ear... How good you felt around him, how he loved that your tiny body was taking him without a hitch, how perfect your moans were, and how you should moan even louder...
And even through all the praises and compliments, you could hear the obscene sounds your pussy was making every time he entered, and even though you two did much kinkier things in the past, it made you blush because it was a clear sign how strongly Slider could affect your body. And with every move he was getting you closer and closer to the peak, but when you were almost there...
- Hold on, princess... just one minute longer... So we can cum together and your tight walls can milk me even harder. Ok...? - he asked, but you knew it wasn't a request, and something in you broke when he looked at you. You were so close, even stronger breath could push you over the edge, and yet he was intent on keeping you there for just a little longer. You nodded, tears of frustration and desperation streaming down your face, while he was still moving your body. You bit your lip so hard that you drew blood, trying your best not to cum. It was hard and he knew exactly what he was doing, especially when he moved one hand to your lower abdomen and pressed on it hard at the same time as he said. - Now you can cum... - as soon as the words left his mouth, the tightly woven cord in your core unraveled and you slumped against Ron's torso, so checked out, that you didn't even realize what exactly happened when you came.
It took you a few minutes to come back to consciousness...
Slider's arm was still tightly wrapped around your waist, while his second hand was gently playing with your hair... He was still panting, and so were you, but you also realized something else... Everything was... wet. And not from sweat...
- I've made a mess, didn't I...? - you asked quietly, your cheeks on fire.
- A beautiful mess, princess... I just wish I could have drank it all straight from a source. - he grinned, a plan already forming in his head. It's not like it was the first time you squirted, but it wasn't happening often, so it was always a pleasant surprise. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. - You were perfect... - small praise, but it made you grin like an idiot.
- Carry me to bed...? - you requested quietly, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he started to stand up, a change of position making his cock fall out of you, and with it, you could feel sticky cum sliding down your thigh.
- Quick shower first... - he pressed another gentle kiss, this time to your temple and you couldn't help but smile. 
A/N 2: Please don't feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. But I would really appreciated if you commented :) Love, G.
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Imagine A Buzzed Slider Flirting With You
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Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner X Fem!Kazansky Reader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, slightly drunk Slider, Iceman is a protective older brother and it annoys reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Requested by @iceman-kazansky​
Taglist: @the-marshals-wife​
Part 2 here​​
(A/N:) Thank you so much for this fun request! I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to start it but when I finally got that the rest was cake! I adore writing requests for this fandom cause they are always so fun and creative! And I love writing all these great characters! I hope this was everything you were hoping it would be! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Life as the sister of Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky was hardly ever easy, especially when he had the tendency of being the protective older brother. Though it wasn’t all bad, when you found yourself in one of the most popular bars in Fightertown USA celebrating your brother’s achievement with all the other pilots of Top Gun. Though surrounded by handsome pilots, Ice had a strict policy of no dating Navy pilots, and he had drilled harshly into the heads of his fellow pilots and crewman that you were off the market to any and all forms of Navy men. You snorted at the thought taking another sip from your beer mug as Iceman conversed with you about the different maneuvers he had to perform during his most recent dogfight. Normally you would be interested in your brother’s exploits but tonight you wanted to have fun and enjoy the night talking with others (maybe have some potential relationships open up). Not be the untouchable sister of the elite pilot in the whole Navy that everyone was told to avoid and not touch.
“You okay,” Ice finally interrupted your moody thoughts as his eyes searched yours worriedly.
“Yeah fine,” you replied looking away and sipping more at your beer. “Just a long week Ice. I’m really tired.”
“You could have just told me you didn’t feel like going out tonight. I would have understood.”
“And miss the chance to celebrate my big bro’s achievement? Heck no!”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he answered though his body language proved he thought otherwise than his spoken words. 
You snorted punching him in the shoulder, “Some of us have to make do being lowly nurses working long shifts.”
“What you do is really important,” Iceman cut you short never one to let you demean yourself or compare your line of work to his. “There’s no way that I’m not proud of you because you aren’t a Navy pilot like me. You’re job as a nurse helps more than I ever will.”
“Chill out there Ice,” you chuckled a little bitterly. “I know how you pilots like your ego stroked.”
Before Ice could retort several pilots came up to you two, slapping him on the back before pulling him away from you towards one of the pool tables sitting in the middle of the bar. He looked back towards you reluctantly before tapping another pilot sitting at a table on the shoulder. Ice spoke a few words and then he nodded before getting up and making his way towards you still standing at the bar. You rolled your eyes turning away, another babysitter to watch over you while your brother played pool. Just when you got rid of one killjoy, the first killjoy hires a second one. While waiting for this newest lookout made his way to the bar you begin to plot on how you could possibly escape this torture when you caught something out of the corner of your eye. One of the waitresses that had gone on break about thirty minutes ago was making her return and she was heading straight towards your incoming bogey. This guy Ice sent didn’t seem to be the brightest or most trustworthy and your intuition proved correct when he forgot completely about you and went straight to the poor waitress that just wanted to finish her shift. But sacrifices must be made for the greater good of your sanity. You made your escape while everyone was distracted. Which was just outside the bar because you did ride here with Ice. You didn’t mind sticking around though and enjoying the view outside with the beach right outside the door with a beautiful sunset coloring the scenery with different purples, pinks, and oranges.
Taking a seat on a salt crusted bench you enjoyed the sounds of waves crashing against the beach and a salty wind stirring your hair. The fresh air felt good on your flustered cheeks when the front door opened. You jumped afraid that you had been found when a different pilot you had never seen before stepped through the front door. You were afraid Ice sent him to find you but by the stumbling steps of this pilot and the buzzed look on his face he was just looking for a good place to cool off or puke his guts out. You turned away losing interest despite his handsome features. Yes your brother’s friends were all attractive in their own way this one was more your type. Close cropped dark sandy colored hair and a square jaw that could cut steel. He wore sunglasses so you couldn’t tell what color his eyes were, but you know you shouldn’t find out since Iceman would have a fit if he even knew that you were entertaining the thought that a pilot was one of the most absolute handsome creatures you had ever seen. You chuckled again causing this new guy’s attention to cut over to where you were sitting.
“Heeeyyy,” he slurred while waving at you. Even that small motion was causing him to stumble into the doorway of the bar. “Nev’r seen you ‘ere before.” He continued like he hadn’t been close to kissing the splintery wood of the doorframe.
“Yeah this is my first time being here,” you admitted thinking the conversation would end there. You jumped a little when he took a seat right beside you on the bench leaning right up against you.
“Y’here for th’ booze t’,” he continued to converse with you, barely as he was on the verge of being hammered, and you couldn’t decide if he had a death wish or just didn’t know that Iceman is your brother.
“Well I’m here with my brother to hang out so not necessarily here for the booze,” you answered scooting away just a little as his arm kept bumping into yours from his close proximity.
“Ooo luk’y me,” he smirked settling an arm on the back of the bench this time. 
Though he was being controlled mostly by the liquid courage you couldn’t bring yourself to fear this weird man for being so forward. It was a nice change of pace as everyone else had been avoiding you like the plague. Yes you had accepted to come for your brother’s sake and you were so very proud of him, but you wished that he would have a little more faith in you at picking out who you let woo you. Though you probably weren’t giving the best impression being basically cuddled by a drunken Navy man who had one too many drinks and was on the verge of making poor decisions. But he was fun to talk to and you found yourself losing track of time as you both conversed and he continued to flirt shamelessly at times, especially when you told him you were a nurse. It wasn’t until you heard a commotion inside did you realize you had completely forgotten about Iceman. The door to the bar burst open and a steaming mad Iceman.
“Slider,” the normally professional pilot roared making his way towards the man who had made himself comfortable right by your side. 
“Ice whaat ‘s your dealll,” Slider whined when the angry pilot lifted him up by the collar of his shirt. “Is she y’ girl?”
You made a gagging noise while glaring at your brother basically lifting your new friend up with nothing but rage fueling him.
“As if,” you scoffed wrenching Slider (who you now knew his callsign) from your fuming brother. “He’s my brother and he’s also a killjoy.”
“Killjoy,” Ice turned on you this time.
“You heard me,” you stepped forward sick of listening to him while he sucked the fun out of everything. You could understand his no pilot rule but despite Slider being on the verge of plastered he hadn’t done anything untoward towards you. “You invite me here to celebrate you and I agreed cause I wanted to be a good sister and have fun with my brother. But then when I get here you basically tell everyone I’m off limits and I can’t even begin to make conversation with anyone you’re friends with because they think that as soon as they do they’re going to be torn limb from limb. So excuse me if I talk to the one guy who was too stupid to know who I was.”
“Heeyyy,” Slider pouted his flush cheeks becoming redder.
“No offense,” you smiled, happy to know that despite seeing Iceman’s rage he continued to stick around.
Iceman sighed rubbing at his neck sheepishly. He could admit when he was out of line. Despite wanting what was best for you at all times, he could be overprotective and a jerk at times.
“I’m sorry,” he finally apologized before looking back to his back seater. “But really? My RIO?”
As soon as he asked you, you got a sly grin pulling at your full lips.
“So he’s not a pilot?”
“Technically,” Iceman paused seeing right where you were going with this. “Don’t you dare.”
“He’s not a pilot Iceman,” you stuck your tongue out at your brother grabbing Slider’s hand. “C’mon big boy I want to take a walk on the beach!”
Iceman stepped forward to follow before earning a finger in his face.
“Without my brother,” you snapped before leading the still buzzed Slider away. You didn’t think when you came to Fightertown USA that you would be walking hand in hand across the darkened beach with a Navy man by your side. Iceman wouldn’t like it but sometimes when it came to your happiness you just had to ignore your older brother and do what you felt was in your best interest. He meant well and wanted what’s best for you always but somehow you had a feeling that this man, who stumbled drunk into your life, was possibly going to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
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ai-luni · 2 years
Could you please do a smut where slider is eyeing reader from across the bar and ends up walking you home and then yk… but like he is really “bossy” when it comes to bed, but not aggressive
So I got a little carried away... but I hope you still like it because it was too much fun to write.
Come on Baby
Ron "Slider" Kerner x fem!Reader
Warnings: Unprotected sex, awful jokes... I'm so sorry
Song rec: Closer - Nine Inch Nails
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Wrapping up another week at a bar. You think you’d be sick of it by now but every time, you never regretted a night. Tonight was different, a bachelorette party for your friend Donna. Arriving at a bar near the TOPGUN naval station, you hear a lot about this place from her. She has a thing for pilots but she got engaged to a cop instead. It was then everyone realised she really just had a thing for men in uniforms. 
You guessed it was already 10 and Donna was drunk as she usually was. Left to the devices of her maid of honour, she sent the bridesmaids scattering around the room. You sat at the bar barely touching your drink, instead having a good time with your best friend and fellow bridesmaid Lisa. 
“How about that one?” She motioned over the pair of guys standing close to the restroom entries, “the tall ones have been watching you all night!” 
She took a long sip from her straw giving you time to look before continuing.
“You reckon if you take the tall one, I could take the blond one? God you know I love blonds.” you could only laugh at her in disbelief but you really weren’t surprised. You watched as the tall guy across the bar noticed Lisa’s stare and nudged his blond friend to look too. “Come on! Both in uniform, good psychiques and those sunglasses.” 
“You want me to go up there?” You said with a playful roll of your eyes. This isn’t the first time you’ve done your little one two with her. And with a dead serious look directly into your eyes she gave you a ‘yes’.
Donna made you wear these ridiculous hot pink ribbons tonight that you had both taken off and rested on the bar until this moment. With an idea you tied the ribbon loosely in your hair and started your strut to the restroom. Just like that ribbon was a paid actor, it gracefully slipped onto the floor behind you, landing at the feet of the men on target. You didn’t stop until you heard an “excuse me, miss” behind you.
You turned around and surely enough the blond was holding the hot pink ribbon out to you with charm oozing from his smile. 
“Y/n oh my god! Don’t tell me you almost lost your ribbon. Donna would’ve killed you!” Lisa joined your side, her line sounding so artificial you had to hold back a chuckle - she was never one for acting or lying or hiding any kind of emotion. You took the ribbon from his hand and half hazardly put it back in your hair.
“Thank you…” you smiled towards him, eyes expecting a name in return.
“Tom Kazansky, you can call me iceman.” He was coy beyond all belief and was now eyeing Lisa.
“A pilot huh?” Lisa wasn’t hiding any of it either, eyes wide looking at the boy with her lip caught between her teeth.
“Yes ma’am,” he tips his sunglasses up and gets another good look at her, “and my RIO, Slider.” 
“I’m Lisa, this is my friend y/n. Bridesmaids tonight.” She says. You got a good look at ‘Slider’. Handsome for sure but if he was your type, you were unsure. He kept an eye on you, probably already deciding out of the two that ice would take Lisa home. 
“Always the bridesmaid, never the bride huh.” He chuckles, resting his arm on Iceman’s shoulder. Iceman cracked a smile but not much else of a response was given to the joke. You had your arms crossed, maybe this is why he didn’t seem like your type.
“Always the RIO, never the pilot.” You slipped out without much thought, something in this interaction felt like a challenge to you now. Iceman left out a hearty chuckle before patting his friend on the back, as if saying “good luck with that one”. He puts an arm around Lisa, a coy “let me get you a drink” was heard as they walked away. Leaving you and Slider there alone.
You let out a small awkward cough, he took a sip from his drink. 
Eventually the conversation picked up, you didn’t completely dislike the man. He was cocky but he wasn’t disrespectful and he was damn nice to look at. He had a gorgeous smile but god if some vile stuff didn’t come out of it sometimes. It made you laugh though and with every drink you had, you felt yourself loosen up and care less how demanding he was.  
“So.. why do they call you slider?” You took a small sip of your drink, at this point you’ve completely lost track of Lisa.
“Because the way I talk up girls, it just slides right in.” and that sip you took was put right back into that glass. He looked proud of that one.
You took him back to your place, you couldn’t help it. It was his large hands on your hips, or maybe it was his smile. Whatever it was, you didn’t think he would get you but you caved in. The way he began to speak to you over a couple drinks. He told you to sit in his lap or take his hand or take him home, you were almost in a trance. 
He couldn’t keep his hands off you, lips attached to your neck when all you wanted to do in the moment was unlock your front door. His hands never left your hips, from opening the door to stepping inside and locking it again. He was persistent.
“Where’s your bedroom?” Sultry with an American twang in your ear - a breath of fresh air compared to the loud club music playing all night. You pointed down the hall and for the first time since you got to your place, his hands left your sides. All you could do is stand and watch as he strode down the hallway, cocky kind of confidence in his step.
“You coming baby?” Damn straight you were. Your bed wasn’t made, he didn’t even notice. Because under three buttons, two straps and one clasp, you were all his. 
You finally walked into your room to see him already making himself at home. Sitting on the edge of your bed and unbuttoning his shirt. Largest manspread you’ve ever seen, naturally your eyes had to look. Look… more like stare but he loved the attention and the look on his face told you so. The boy was smug.
“Do a twirl for me” he had a wide smirk on his face, the kind you’d read about in romance novels. Shamelessly staring at your hips.
“A what?” You were taken aback but not surprised at this point. He was certainly confident.
“You heard me baby.” He was on his feet now, shirt abandoned and hands back on your hips. For half a second, his grip tightened and he spun you around. His head craned back to get a better look of you. You weren’t sure what face you were making but from Slider’s response, he thought you didn’t look so impressed. 
“What, are you embarrassed now?” He raised an eyebrow as though he couldn’t believe you’d already forgotten the series of conversations from earlier that night.
“And so what if I am?” Your eyebrows were raised to match his, a cheeky smile fighting its way onto your face now. Feigning innocence. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t make him hot in the ears.
“I don’t believe you.” His hand moulded around the back of your neck, bringing your face closer to his. Lips meeting again and again. He likes to hear the smacking echo. Slowly he backed you up against a wall, you only noticed when your back hit it. His tan forearm resting against the wall, next to your head. You let out a couple of deep breaths watching the way his chest would rise and fall in front of your face.
You met his eye, the signal you gave was subtle but he caught on. A flick of your eyes down and he was scooting back to give you more room to work. You started high, at his collarbone. One kiss at a time. By the time you got to his stomach, he’d had enough and grabbed the back of your head, guiding you faster. The express trail until you were on your knees in front of his belt. He continued to hold your face closer.
Your nose nudged his cotton covered crotch and the sigh he let out did something to the butterflies in your stomach. His hand didn’t budge, you were stuck nose to pants. So you did what any rational, hot and bothered gal would do. Kitten licks turned into full on sucking, until there was a stained patch of saliva on his white pants. He was sure a bit of that wet patch was from his own contribution. The action gave him barely any stimulation but the sight was enough to get him off there and then.
The belt started to come off the moment you sat back to take a break and admire your work. His dick loud and proud in front of you in the blink of an eye. You met his gaze again and he broke.
“God I gotta have you.” You shimmied your way back up the wall, working slowly at the buttons of your dress until it fell to the floor. Your hands laid themself on his chest quite comfortably.
“I’m all yours. Go on big boy.” Your teasing smile soon disappeared from the sheer speed at which he yanked you against him. Head in your neck and hands comfortably seated on your ass. Your eyes are already rolling to the back at the way his tongue worked your neck. You knew you were still having the same effect on him - your fingers scratching the short hairs on the nape of his neck and soft moans leaving your mouth - by the way his hips were subconsciously grinding against yours.
“Off.” He mumbled into your neck after yanking the edge of your panties and releasing them to snap against your skin. You did as he asked. His eyes on your hips as one leg stepped out of the fabric at a time. And once they were flung across the room, he pushed you back against the wall. 
The same forearm was holding him up against the wall, the other he brought up to you. His flat palm presented out, waiting for your response. 
“Lick it.” He demanded, however it came out more desperate with the way his eyes pleaded for you and his chest heaved. Again you did just as he asked, conjuring as much spit up in your mouth as possible and dragging it across his open palm. Slowly, feeling every ridge and calloused piece of skin. He soaked up the sight and let out a long insufferable groan to cope with it all. 
His hand langed around his dick, dropping the spit on the carpet which you were too preoccupied to even make a conscious mental note of. His eyes were screwed shut, breath heavy as he hung his head next to yours. He stroked himself in front of you, your nails gently gliding over his chest as you took in the sight.
“Tell me something baby.” He could barely speak, he was so out of breath, “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you so badly.” Your hand covered his, encouraging him to stroke himself faster and the groan he let out beside was testament to that. It was all he needed hear and his hands were on your ass again. Your hand replacing where his once was, keeping him steady, keeping the friction going. 
“Jump.” He demanded once more, laser focused on one task and one task only. Soon enough he had your legs wrapped around his waist, your fingernails digging into his back. He drove into you like he was waiting for it all day, all week. Relentlessly, You could hear the picture frame on the other side of the wall bang and jump and rattle at his movements. All you could do was arch your back and lean into him further.
Head resting against the wall, chest to chest and hand hanging to him for dear life by the neck. You were definitely feeding his ego with the noises you were making. He ducked his head to your wide open chest, leaving kisse. You felt his smile against your skin paired with a huff of his hot breath. Between the occasional groan, he coaxed you on with “that feel good” and “come on baby”, like every line he learnt was from a porno vhs but you found it hot.
“Hold on tight now.” He groaned, readjusting his grip on your waist. His hand reached down between your bodies, two fingers sliding across your slit in a messy attempt to find your clit. You could tell he was struggling to keep himself together and was desperate to get you off so he could follow suit. You grabbed his hand, guiding him where you needed him and all hell broke loose. 
His groans turned to moans he could hold back anymore. The noises that echoed in your small bedroom, the pounding, the moaning. Both of you quickly covered in sweat, his grip slipping down your waist slowly but surely. The air was getting thicker and thicker.
“More oO moRe oh god Ron.” You undid in his hands like putty, hips grinding into his movements as you babbled out for more. He didn't think you remembered his actual name but the moment it left your lips, he knew he was a goner. 
“COME ON BABY!” He let out loud pumped up yells into your chest. Hips bucking into you at a rapid but sporadic rate. He could tell you had ridden through your high and with a final yell, he punched the wall next to you and pulled out. Your hand was quick to take over. His grip on your waist tightened as he tried not to drop you through his release. He could barely keep his eyes open but boy did he try. The sight of your perfect, sweat covered stomach getting decorated from his cum was a dream come true for him. 
He held you up a little longer as you both tried to catch your breath. Your hand completely nested in his hair, his forehead glued to your collarbone. After a good couple minutes, you both finally collected yourselves and made your way to the bathroom to clean up.
“You know, you punched a hole in my wall.” You laughed in disbelief the moment you saw it  walking out of the bathroom.
“A big one?” He yelled through the wall, sounding concerned now. He does tend to lose himself sometimes. You shook your head as he approached you, entering your bedroom again soon after you.
“Oh no, I guess you’re just going to have to come back and fix it for me.” A playful sigh left your lips, slider laughed at your sarcasm until it processed what you really said.He contemplated if you were being serious or not for a second before grabbing your hips again.
“You mean it?” It almost sounded like he couldn’t believe it but was definitely on board to see you again. You demeanour grew even more playful knowing he was up for making this more than just a one night stand.
“Yeah but… I don't have money.” You twirled your hair and put on a fake innocent pout. He only chuckled and picked you up. He was fully prepared to throw you on your bed until he heard you laugh. Your gorgeous laugh, he was breathless for a moment. Was he swooning? Did Slider have a crush all of a sudden?
“Let’s get a coffee.” a smitten little smile played on his lips.
“Right now?” your eyebrows raised, it was half past midnight. He fake checked the watch on his wrist that didn’t exist. 
“Well I ain’t planning on sleeping anytime soon, I don’t know about you.”
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ddejavvu · 11 months
mei's 20k celebration !!
first of all, thank you to each and every single one of you for being here!! together you make just over 20k. the size of my audience is very hard for me to fathom (seriously, have you ever googled what 20,000 people look like? insane!!!) but i know i'm incredibly grateful that you're here!! writing is very fun for me but it's even better with lovely people like you cheering me on, and i'm happy to do what i do if it means you get to enjoy it.
i have been exceptionally busy lately, and i haven't done a follower celebration since 10K i believe, so i figured now was a good time for another one! i know not everyone is into the same fandoms as everyone else, so this celebration will be separated into each different fandom that i write for. why? it's fun for me to plan things around my fandoms, but i didn't want to exclude anyone, so i just made a little mini celebration for them all :)
you're allowed to send as many asks as you want, for whichever fandoms you want, i just ask that you do it in separate asks! i'm not sure yet when I'm going to end the celebration, but I'll give you at least a 24H warning so that you can send in any last asks you have :)
without further ado: my 20k follower celebration!
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Top Gun / Top Gun Maverick - Playing With The Boys
Are you ready for a beach day with some navy men? Choose an option from the list below and come hang out by the water, just be careful no one pushes you in!
'maverick? did your mother not like you, or something?' - make up a callsign for yourself, tell me why you've chosen it, and I'll tell you which character i think you'd get along with!
'i just don't want anyone to know i've fallen for you.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'and your wingman?' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'dogfight football.' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the characters of top gun!
'baby on board!' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'hangman. you look... good.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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Criminal Minds - Wheels up in 30
You've been called on a case with the BAU! Pass the time on the jet with an option from the list below, and good luck catching your unsub!
'we interrupt your regularly scheduled programming...' - pick an activity to do on the jet on the way back from a case, and i'll tell you which member of the BAU i think you'd get along with!
'oh, you LOVE me!' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'ah- he wants to be his FAVORITE profiler.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'hey, there's still money on this thing!' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the characters of criminal minds!
'let me tell you about my team.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'pretty boy!' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: aaron hotchner, derek morgan, emily prentiss, spencer reid, penelope garcia, david rossi, jennifer jareau, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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The Marauders - Summer at Potter Manor
You've been invited to spend the summer at James's manor! Be polite to Euphemia and Fleamont, spend your day picking an option from this list, and try not to tear up the lawn!
'a rather friendly disposition' - tell me what you think your animagus form would be any why, and I'll tell you which character i think you'd get along with!
'oi! evans!' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'mischief managed' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'i solemnly swear that i am up to no good' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the marauders era characters!
'he's a murderer.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'pretty brown eyes' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: remus lupin, sirius black, james potter, lily evans, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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Stranger Things - Into The Woods
You're going monster hunting with Hawkins' finest! Pass the time waiting for your trap to be sprung by picking an option down below, but don't talk too loud, or it might hear you...
'we're stuck here...' - tell me which season of stranger things is your favorite and why, and I'll tell you which character i think you'd get along with!
'it's finger lickin' good.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'that's actual shit.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'oh it's the championship game?' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the stranger things characters!
'this is giving me the heebie jeebies.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'I've got a date, dad.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley, jonathan byers, nancy wheeler, jim hopper, chrissy cunningham, joyce byers, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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Marvel - Crime Fighting Duty
Your favorite heroes have asked you to tag along for a day! between calls on the police radio, pick an option from the list below and fight the day away!
'he's got one up his ass, too.' - tell me what superpowers you'd want and why, and i'll tell you what marvel character you'd get along with!
'you're a very good kisser.' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
'pile of bodies, pile of heads.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll link a tiktok that i think fits their vibe!
'ooh! I know this one!' - games! fmk, would you rather, cym, all surrounding the marvel characters!
'I was cleaning the chimney.' - send me a headcanon about one of the characters and i'll give you one back!
'we look GOOD.' - tell me your favorite character and i'll give you a photo of them from my pinterest board
characters accepted: eddie brock / venom, peter parker (1, 2, and 3), matt murdock, steve rogers, bucky barnes, + ask if you'd like me to write someone else!
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shelfwar · 1 year
Definitely see slider being a big movie person but his S/O can never stay awake so they just end up asleep in sliders arms. Thoughts?
Hey thanks for the request, I had lots of fun writing this so I hope you enjoy it!! Sorry if the ending was crappy... Requests are currently open at this time.
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Slider X Reader ~Movie date~
Tonight was Sliders night to pick out the date and that was movie night at your house. So here were the two of you sorting through VHS tapes trying to decide on what to watch and Slider being the biggest movie goer you know was hogging up your collection in which you could care less.
You were the complete opposite of Slider, you weren't really into watching movies, because well you slept through half of the movies to even remember what happened. But Slider didn't even know about, your oh so called embarrassment so you would have to wait for him to see.
"What about this one?" Slider held up the movie Back To The Future. "Nah, oh I know!" You rummaged through the collection and found what you were looking for; the movie Scrooged that had Bill Murray in it. "Hey, that's one movie I haven't watched yet." He said as he plucked the tape from your hands and took it out of its case. He then put the tape in the VHS player and started to rewind the movie as you started to get sorta comfortable on the couch.
Once the movie was done rewinding he leaped onto the couch and as started to get comfortable with you snuggling closer to him. You laid your head on his shoulder as the previews for the upcoming movies played. Slider wrapped the fluffy blanket around your bodies as he placed a light kiss on your forehead before wrapping his one arm around your body.
About an hour into the movie your eyes started to grow heavy as slumber started taking over your tired body. "He is such a dumbas he, just, ugh my lord he's a asshole!" Slider slightly yelled, as you shifted in your sleep. He looked down and saw that your face had nuzzled into his chest as a small drop of drool was starting to drip onto his shirt. Slider sighed in content and wrapped his arms tightly around you as he watched your sleepy state. "Your so beautiful, I love you. Sweets" He said softly as he rubbed your back ever so slowly making sure he didn't disturb you.
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topgun-imagines · 1 year
The Best Boyfriend || Moodboard
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stcverogers · 2 years
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top gun fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over recently
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F + A: webb of unfortunate events by @ohtobeleah the last thing you expected was your father to be back in your life again
A: honest by @vcrooster no matter how much you love rooster, you and him were never meant to be
F + A: days like this by @mads-weasley rooster has a no good, terrible, day and all he wants is your comfort
F + A: show me all the scars you hide by @bradshawsbaby you love bradley even more for his scars
F + A: you don’t get to taste the honey without the sting of the bee by @notroosterbradshaw rooster never gets jealous. you on the otherhand...
F + A: rooster's girl by @wannabeschyulersister nobody messes with rooster's girl
F: sleep clothes by @fandomlit rooster short circuits after seeing you in your sleep clothes
F: pouting by @belowtheharddeck you spend the evening catching up with the naval aviators, leaving bradley kiss-less and pouty
A: you said you’d grow old with me by @blue-aconite you and rooster never got your fairy tale ending
F + A: stop by @lcahwriter even during your intimate moments, you still can't shake the thought of rooster dying from your mind
F: just like dad by @ilyasorokinn jamie wants to be just like her dad
F + A: "whiskey sour? classy." by @undiscovered-horizon another naval aviator disrespects you and rooster can't let that happen
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F + A: the princess and the hangman by @simpforrooster being an admiral's daughter, hangman likes to get on your nerves
F + A: don't go breaking my heart by @callsignmercy jake did the one thing he promised he wouldn't
F + A: strawberries by @siempre-bucky the one time jake writes to you
F: the joker by @gogobootz1 when you accidentally order too many peaches, penny (and jake) come to your rescue
F + A: our little secret by @sebastianstangirl01 nobody would've thought that bob floyd's sweet baby sister would be dating hangman
F: imagine being hangman's girl, knocking the sense into him at the bar and rooster never lets him live it down by @theclassiccherry
F: jake worries about his sick wife by @zablife
F: careful hands, precious cargo by @winchesterandpie despite you being in a mood, jake is still the most understanding boyfriend
F + A: you left me no choice but to stay here forever (right where you left me) by @sunderlust you've spent half your life fully and utterly in love with jake seresin.
F: tomorrow never comes by @purplevortexx you will always be there for jake
F + A: the green eyed monster by @hangmans-girl when jake doesn't understand boundaries, you show him just what you mean
F: baby, you down? by @softspiderling 𖥻 bradley finally meets the man you had been gushing like a school girl over
F + A: hello, goodbye by @imjess-themess jake visits home after a while and learns that you have far from moved on from him
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F: wizard! by @absoluteabbott baby bob wants to be just like his father, a wizard.
F: one night by @ereardon hangman keeps flirting with you but you only have eyes on a certain wso
F: not a secret anymore by @hlstead coyote hangman gets nosy and snoops around bob's phone, only to find out his big secret
F + A: when you come back by @writingdumpster you make bob promise to come back so he can tell you how much he loves you
F: no regrets by @edensbuttercups bob brings you back home safely after a drunken night and you wake up the next day with no regrets
F: bookstore lover by @samwlscns bob now knows where to go if he's ever in the need of book related opinions
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F: somewhere only we know by @bestedoesmeow javy comforts you after you've been feeling stressed
F: coyote as a dad headcanons by @jungle-angel
F: you and coyote meet again after some time by @rhettabbotts
F: close by @buckyr00s javy gets admitted to the hospital and you visit him
F: for better days by @coyotesamachado coyote gets into a bird strike and you're beyond terrified
F: you're coyote's secret girlfriend by @belowtheharddeck
S: chew on my heart by @bradleyfuckingbradshaw coyote gets scared shitless when you get into a training accident
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F: beach days by @emmajane244 chipper flirts with you, unaware you are slider's wife
F: imagine slider confessing before leaving for top gun by @spinningwebsandtales slider's about to leave for top gun and all he wants to do is spend his last day with just you
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F: ice ice baby by @redmenacehorned being ice's secret girlfriend, slider assumes the pretty girl by the bar is single and free game
F + A: finally by @topgun-imagines after months of trying, you and ice are finally having a baby
F + A: head in the clouds by @callsign-dragonbaron while visiting maverick and goose at top gun, the one man you loved with all your heart finds his way back into your life
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F: how wolfman proposes to you by @jungle-angel
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S: under the desk by @topguncortez you visit cyclone during his lunch break and find yourself hidden under his desk
S: cyclone by @labyrinth-runner you are cyclone's much needed release
F + A: admirals' daughters by @krmy2386 you overhear what you boyfriend has to say about admirals' daughters
S: nice 'n easy by @wildbornsiren cyclone relieves you after a hard day
S: one night stand in fightertown by @zablife you meet the admiral at a bar one night, leaving with him for the best time you've ever had
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callsignthirsty · 2 years
Please read before making a suggestion!
Inbox Status: Closed Work's wild and getting around to suggestions might take a little while, but if you send me something that smacks my muse upside the head, I'll write the fuck outta it. I'm finishing up my current suggestions, then am working on outlining a multi-chapter fic that I'm really excited about. Stay tuned. I'll open the suggestion box again once I have a handle on things.
WIPs: 4
Top Gun (1986) Tom "Iceman" Kazansky Something to Remember Me By 🔥 No Promises 💌 Homecoming 🔥 💌 Wrong Answer, Sweetheart 🔥 💌 Good Advice 🔥 💌 Bend Over 🔥 💌 Do You Have to Go? 🔥 💌 Ron "Slider" Kerner You Get Me Closer to God (I Wanna Fuck You Like An Animal) 🔥 💌 Stuck in the Middle 🔥 (Reader is Mav's sister): Chapter 1 🔥 — Ron "Slider" Kerner x Reader Chapter 2 🔥 — Tom "Iceman" Kazansky x Reader Chapter 3 🔥 — Ron "Slider" Kerner x Reader x Tom "Iceman" Kazansky
Stuck at the Navy Ball 🔥 (Reader is Mav's sister): Chapter 1: Under the Table 🔥 Chapter 2: On the Roof 🔥 Chapter 3: Behind the Door 🔥
Top Gun: Maverick Pete “Maverick” Mitchell Call Sign: Avalanche (part 1) (part 2 🔥) 💌
Threesomes Sailor Sandwich 🔥 💌 — Cyclone x F!Reader x Maverick
Top Gun (Movies) 100 Smut Dialogue Prompts Masterlist 🔥 💌 currently including prompt fills for: Rooster, Hangman, Cyclone, Wolfman
🔥 Explicit Content/Minors DNI 💌 Suggestion
Also on AO3
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dragon-kazansky · 2 years
You've just had a really bad break up with your partner. You're walking home after fighting with them. It's raining heavily and you're soaked to the bone. You go the only person you can think of. Ron is surprised to see you when he opens the door, but he's quick to let you in and look after you. Ron never liked your partner anyway, but he did always like you.
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