#Slider Imagine
Imagine A Buzzed Slider Flirting With You
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Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner X Fem!Kazansky Reader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, slightly drunk Slider, Iceman is a protective older brother and it annoys reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Requested by @iceman-kazansky​
Taglist: @the-marshals-wife​
Part 2 here​​
(A/N:) Thank you so much for this fun request! I had a hard time figuring out how I wanted to start it but when I finally got that the rest was cake! I adore writing requests for this fandom cause they are always so fun and creative! And I love writing all these great characters! I hope this was everything you were hoping it would be! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Life as the sister of Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky was hardly ever easy, especially when he had the tendency of being the protective older brother. Though it wasn’t all bad, when you found yourself in one of the most popular bars in Fightertown USA celebrating your brother’s achievement with all the other pilots of Top Gun. Though surrounded by handsome pilots, Ice had a strict policy of no dating Navy pilots, and he had drilled harshly into the heads of his fellow pilots and crewman that you were off the market to any and all forms of Navy men. You snorted at the thought taking another sip from your beer mug as Iceman conversed with you about the different maneuvers he had to perform during his most recent dogfight. Normally you would be interested in your brother’s exploits but tonight you wanted to have fun and enjoy the night talking with others (maybe have some potential relationships open up). Not be the untouchable sister of the elite pilot in the whole Navy that everyone was told to avoid and not touch.
“You okay,” Ice finally interrupted your moody thoughts as his eyes searched yours worriedly.
“Yeah fine,” you replied looking away and sipping more at your beer. “Just a long week Ice. I’m really tired.”
“You could have just told me you didn’t feel like going out tonight. I would have understood.”
“And miss the chance to celebrate my big bro’s achievement? Heck no!”
“It’s not that big of a deal,” he answered though his body language proved he thought otherwise than his spoken words. 
You snorted punching him in the shoulder, “Some of us have to make do being lowly nurses working long shifts.”
“What you do is really important,” Iceman cut you short never one to let you demean yourself or compare your line of work to his. “There’s no way that I’m not proud of you because you aren’t a Navy pilot like me. You’re job as a nurse helps more than I ever will.”
“Chill out there Ice,” you chuckled a little bitterly. “I know how you pilots like your ego stroked.”
Before Ice could retort several pilots came up to you two, slapping him on the back before pulling him away from you towards one of the pool tables sitting in the middle of the bar. He looked back towards you reluctantly before tapping another pilot sitting at a table on the shoulder. Ice spoke a few words and then he nodded before getting up and making his way towards you still standing at the bar. You rolled your eyes turning away, another babysitter to watch over you while your brother played pool. Just when you got rid of one killjoy, the first killjoy hires a second one. While waiting for this newest lookout made his way to the bar you begin to plot on how you could possibly escape this torture when you caught something out of the corner of your eye. One of the waitresses that had gone on break about thirty minutes ago was making her return and she was heading straight towards your incoming bogey. This guy Ice sent didn’t seem to be the brightest or most trustworthy and your intuition proved correct when he forgot completely about you and went straight to the poor waitress that just wanted to finish her shift. But sacrifices must be made for the greater good of your sanity. You made your escape while everyone was distracted. Which was just outside the bar because you did ride here with Ice. You didn’t mind sticking around though and enjoying the view outside with the beach right outside the door with a beautiful sunset coloring the scenery with different purples, pinks, and oranges.
Taking a seat on a salt crusted bench you enjoyed the sounds of waves crashing against the beach and a salty wind stirring your hair. The fresh air felt good on your flustered cheeks when the front door opened. You jumped afraid that you had been found when a different pilot you had never seen before stepped through the front door. You were afraid Ice sent him to find you but by the stumbling steps of this pilot and the buzzed look on his face he was just looking for a good place to cool off or puke his guts out. You turned away losing interest despite his handsome features. Yes your brother’s friends were all attractive in their own way this one was more your type. Close cropped dark sandy colored hair and a square jaw that could cut steel. He wore sunglasses so you couldn’t tell what color his eyes were, but you know you shouldn’t find out since Iceman would have a fit if he even knew that you were entertaining the thought that a pilot was one of the most absolute handsome creatures you had ever seen. You chuckled again causing this new guy’s attention to cut over to where you were sitting.
“Heeeyyy,” he slurred while waving at you. Even that small motion was causing him to stumble into the doorway of the bar. “Nev’r seen you ‘ere before.” He continued like he hadn’t been close to kissing the splintery wood of the doorframe.
“Yeah this is my first time being here,” you admitted thinking the conversation would end there. You jumped a little when he took a seat right beside you on the bench leaning right up against you.
“Y’here for th’ booze t’,” he continued to converse with you, barely as he was on the verge of being hammered, and you couldn’t decide if he had a death wish or just didn’t know that Iceman is your brother.
“Well I’m here with my brother to hang out so not necessarily here for the booze,” you answered scooting away just a little as his arm kept bumping into yours from his close proximity.
“Ooo luk’y me,” he smirked settling an arm on the back of the bench this time. 
Though he was being controlled mostly by the liquid courage you couldn’t bring yourself to fear this weird man for being so forward. It was a nice change of pace as everyone else had been avoiding you like the plague. Yes you had accepted to come for your brother’s sake and you were so very proud of him, but you wished that he would have a little more faith in you at picking out who you let woo you. Though you probably weren’t giving the best impression being basically cuddled by a drunken Navy man who had one too many drinks and was on the verge of making poor decisions. But he was fun to talk to and you found yourself losing track of time as you both conversed and he continued to flirt shamelessly at times, especially when you told him you were a nurse. It wasn’t until you heard a commotion inside did you realize you had completely forgotten about Iceman. The door to the bar burst open and a steaming mad Iceman.
“Slider,” the normally professional pilot roared making his way towards the man who had made himself comfortable right by your side. 
“Ice whaat ‘s your dealll,” Slider whined when the angry pilot lifted him up by the collar of his shirt. “Is she y’ girl?”
You made a gagging noise while glaring at your brother basically lifting your new friend up with nothing but rage fueling him.
“As if,” you scoffed wrenching Slider (who you now knew his callsign) from your fuming brother. “He’s my brother and he’s also a killjoy.”
“Killjoy,” Ice turned on you this time.
“You heard me,” you stepped forward sick of listening to him while he sucked the fun out of everything. You could understand his no pilot rule but despite Slider being on the verge of plastered he hadn’t done anything untoward towards you. “You invite me here to celebrate you and I agreed cause I wanted to be a good sister and have fun with my brother. But then when I get here you basically tell everyone I’m off limits and I can’t even begin to make conversation with anyone you’re friends with because they think that as soon as they do they’re going to be torn limb from limb. So excuse me if I talk to the one guy who was too stupid to know who I was.”
“Heeyyy,” Slider pouted his flush cheeks becoming redder.
“No offense,” you smiled, happy to know that despite seeing Iceman’s rage he continued to stick around.
Iceman sighed rubbing at his neck sheepishly. He could admit when he was out of line. Despite wanting what was best for you at all times, he could be overprotective and a jerk at times.
“I’m sorry,” he finally apologized before looking back to his back seater. “But really? My RIO?”
As soon as he asked you, you got a sly grin pulling at your full lips.
“So he’s not a pilot?”
“Technically,” Iceman paused seeing right where you were going with this. “Don’t you dare.”
“He’s not a pilot Iceman,” you stuck your tongue out at your brother grabbing Slider’s hand. “C’mon big boy I want to take a walk on the beach!”
Iceman stepped forward to follow before earning a finger in his face.
“Without my brother,” you snapped before leading the still buzzed Slider away. You didn’t think when you came to Fightertown USA that you would be walking hand in hand across the darkened beach with a Navy man by your side. Iceman wouldn’t like it but sometimes when it came to your happiness you just had to ignore your older brother and do what you felt was in your best interest. He meant well and wanted what’s best for you always but somehow you had a feeling that this man, who stumbled drunk into your life, was possibly going to be the best thing that ever happened to you.
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labarboteuse · 2 years
Pairing: Ron "Slider" Kerner x f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Summary: She's trying to punish him for not having told her something, he's gonna punish her for her attitude.
Warnings: MINOR DNI, daddy kink, oral sex receiving for him, spanking, dominant - submissive, me being a simp for Slider? I plead guilty your honor.
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Plunged in her book she didn’t raise her eyes when the mattress sagged next to her and that an arm came to slip on her belly followed by a brown head, one of her hands which held the book came to slip in his hair.
"Hey you, how was your day?"
"I missed you." Ron replied in a muffled sound against her shirt. "Did you already take a shower?" He asked hoping that it wasn't the case.
"I did." He grumbled and straightened his head just to look at her over her book. "You could have waited for me."
She looked up at him over the book.
"You're a big boy, since when do you need me to take a shower?"
His mischievous look and smirk gave her the answer to her question, making her roll her eyes.
"Someone's horny tonight." She muttered, returning her attention to her reading.
"Always when I see you." He lowered the book and dove toward her to crush his lips on hers, which made her laugh and she pushed him away without really any great conviction.
"You stink Slider."
"Okay okay, I leave, but don't get too comfortable, I'm not finished with you yet." 
The bed creaked when he got up to go to the bathroom and she looked up, biting her lip and wondering if the bed would need to be changed once again. The previous one hadn't withstood the daily and perhaps too energetic exercises of the couple, this one already announcing signs of weakness.  When Ron came out of the bathroom with a simple towel around his waist, she barely looked up from her book to devour him discreetly with her eyes. God he was beautifully cut, when he reached over the dresser to leave his watch there, a sudden wave of heat went up in her at the sight of his muscular forearm and his biceps sticking out. Clearly his muscular arms had always had a great effect on her.
"Enjoying the view?" He asked with a teasing tone.
Her eyes quickly returned to the page of her book, a hint of red coloring her cheeks, busted like a young teenager ogling the muscular high school
"Don't dare to climb on the bed while you're still wet."
"Oh princess, there is someone else who's getting to be wet."
She rolled her eyes and threw her book at him, which he avoided with a laugh.
"I'm still mad at you Ron. Give me that book." She said raising her hand to him so he gives her the book she just has thrown.
"Oh you're showing it perfectly well." He laughed ironically, leaning over to get the book and move forward to her. "I said I was sorry."
"Don't care, you wouldn't have to apologize if you told me."
"Are you gonna be mad at me forever?"
"You should have told me what happened, you could have died out there!"
"And I'm alive! And I can show you how much I am by the way. 
"Give me that book."
"Please Ron give me that damn book." He was about to give it to her and when she was about to take it, pulled it away with a smile.
"Say it. You know how to correctly ask for something princess."
"You're really cheeky to pushing further that direction right now."
He leaned toward her, "Say it." he added in a breath.
She looked into his eyes, which she tried to be as hard as possible, and added in a dry tone, "Fine."
"I'm waiting darling."  The glint of mischief that constantly animated his gaze when he was with her shone in his eyes, he enjoyed pushing her to her limits.
"Daddy please, give me that book." 
"No princess, that's still sounds like an order. You know I can't accept that."
Her chest heaved with a deep breath, was she upset or was this having the desired effect?
"Daddy please, could you give me that book?"
"I rather prefer that tone." He then gave her the book which she took, less curtly than she would have liked, with a few words he had managed to make pudding out of her. Now he could have done whatever he wanted with her but she wouldn’t flinch. She had been scared to death by what had happened on his mission in the Pacific after his graduation. He could have died out there, and that event made her realize that he was going to put his life in constant danger. She would never have a peaceful mind when he would be left. But that wasn't what made her angry, it was the fact that he hadn't told her and that she had found out by chance, by talking to Wolfman and Hollywood's girlfriends. Even so, her anxiety had gotten the better of her anger and she couldn't give him what he deserved as well as she would have liked. She now needed most of all to feel him close to her, to have him hold her and reassure her that he was there, that he was okay, and to make love to her as if it had been the last time. She was incapable of being angry with him. Which he knew very well and was taking advantage of it.
"You should deserve to be on your knees for that attitude young lady."
"Yeah count on that." She mumbled before opening the book where she had left it and take back her reading.
"I really don't like that attitude of yours tonight princess."
"Ron, shut up, I'm trying to read, which is by the way far more interesting than you."
A growl sounded in the pilot's chest and without waiting any longer he snatched the book from her hands before tossing it to the other side of the bed.
"Hey!" She exclaimed in a protest.
"On your knees."
"Or what?" She replied challenging him.
"Don't make me say it twice."
"I'm not in a mood to play Ron." She said standing up from the bed determinate not to give him the task easy and to retrieve her book. He stopped her by grabbing her forearm and squeezing it, not too hard so as not to hurt her but just enough to make her understand that he wasn't playing.
"I said, on your knees." Her heart sped up and she vainly tried to keep a straight and assertive posture, her head cool so as not to show him the effect he was having on her by acting this way. And then without knowing why, she burst out laughing, which took him by surprise, and he frowned. "I'm not sure you're in a good position to laugh. You are just making your case worse."
"That's enough Ron." Perturbed by her reaction he unconsciously loosened his grip around her arm and she took the opportunity to extract herself and leave the room after retrieving her book. He stood up and followed her up the stairs.
"You know your efforts to show you don't want that are futile, you crave for it."
She rolled her eyes as she made her way to the living room, if he wouldn't let her read in their room she would stay in the couch. Knowing full well that it was utopian since he wasn't going to leave her alone. He caught up with her and pressed his torso against her back, one hand on her arm along her body, the other on her stomach.
"Everything in you is screaming for that. It's been days you fight against it, you think it's part of your so-called punishment? But you're dying for me to take you and make you scream my name. We both know that, and everything in you is calling for me. The way you walk in front of me, making dance your hips, the way you bend over to pick something you probably let dropped on purpose, the way you laugh with others to make me jealous, you think I didn't see it?" His whisper in her ear and his breath in her neck woke up butterflies in her stomach and she bit her lower lip trying not to fall right at his feet. "Really babe? Letting your lace panties drawer open just for me to see it? It's childish, but you know how well it works. So now you're gonna obey like the good daddy's girl you are and beg for me to spare your tiny ass." He placed a kiss in her neck and smile feeling how warm her skin was. "Say you're gonna."
"I will." Her voice softened, shit, how fucking right he was.
"I need more than that princess."
"I will beg for daddy not to wreck me."
"But will I listen?"
"Why won't I?"
"Because I truly want you to wreck me." 
"But still, you know how much I love to hear you beg." She nodded. "Now what did I ask you?"
She then knelt and put her hands flat on her thighs as how he taught her to be. Still behind her he caressed her hair and lean over her to leave a kiss on the top of her head.
"You know you'll be rewarded if you obey. I don't want to be hard on you, but something you don't give me any other choice."
She let him speak without adding anything, had she wanted to punish him for hiding what had happened during the mission? Of course she had. Had it worked for even a fraction of a second? Absolutely not. Was she going to be reluctant at what he was about to do? No way, she wanted it too much for that. Ron came to place himself in front of her and she raised her eyes looking at him through her eyelashes, he showed a satisfied smile. Without him having to say anything, she undid the knot of the towel that he always had on his waist and this one fell on the ground revealing all his excitement. She held back a smile and took him in hand, a sigh crossed his lips when he felt her warm hand wrap around him. His glance anchored in hers while she gratified him slow back and forth making him shiver. One of his hands slipped into her hair that he grabbed and she approached the face to take him between her lips, caressing his sensitive foreskin of her lips which tore him a groan, he contracted his thighs when he slipped entirely into her mouth, feeling her tongue on his length. Tightening his grip on her hair he pushed further into her throat making her cough as he began to tap in. Her second hand went to his thigh to grab onto something as he fucked her throat with vigor making her almost choke on his member. Closing his eyes he tilt the head back filled with a feeling of plenitude, slowing down its movements of pelvis, she took advantage of it to breath again. Embedding her nails in the skin of his thigh, taking him down a grunt, she literally impaled her throat on his cock activating to make him come. When he was on the point to pour himself in her throat he pulled firmly on her hair to tilt her head backwards.
"What does daddy's girl then."
She swallowed his seed as he filled her mouth, feeling the warm liquid flow down her throat.
"Such a good girl." He caressed her cheek with his thumb before reaching out to her to straighten up, she took it and stood up welcoming a passionate and fiery kiss from Ron whose one hand slid between her loins, the other finding its way back to her hair. Head back she closed her eyes as he buried his face in her neck to lay kisses and nibble her skin before sliding down her shoulder.
"Ronnie.." She moaned.
“Yes love."
"Fuck me."
Brushing her ear with the tip of his lips, his chuckle echoed in her ear.
"Daddy please fuck me." She whimpered. 
"Put your hands on the wall." 
She turned around and put the palms of her hands on the wall facing her and knowing what he was about to do, bend over a bit, while he took off her pants and her panties. Before she could say something, she felt his hand smashed on her butt, biting her lips trying not to escape a moan. She received another spanking and a small scream of pleasure came through her lips followed by a third one, no longer trying to hold it back.
She gasped when he spoke into her ear, not expecting him to be so close. "You're not supposed to enjoy your punishment princess.” He said amused before putting a kiss on her shoulder. "Do you want me to continue?" She nodded her head in response which stretched a smile on Ron's face. A fourth one, butterflies were felt in her stomach. Fifth one, a louder scream. Sixth one, she felt the blood in her clit making it grow with pleasure. Seventh, she couldn't wait no more.
"Ron please fuck me!" She beg making him chuckle.
Pressing himself against her he put his hands on her hips and slipped in her tearing her a moan of ecstasy tilting the head backwards, beginning with slow back and forth, so that she could feel him going and coming in her of all his length. He quickly accelerated the cadence, making resound in the room the sound of his skin to slap against hers. Nestling his face in her neck, which stifled his hoarse moans, he placed his hands on hers still on the wall. She felt him pressing in her back to penetrate her as deeply as possible, then she took off one of her hands of the wall to come to place it behind his nape of the neck as she could and he covered her arm and her wrist of kisses, wrist around which he rolled up his long fingers, his other hand always on hers on the wall sliding along her arm and coming to slip on her belly, tightening her, desperate to feel her against him. Hearing her moan his name increased his pleasure tenfold, when he felt her legs start to shake he knew that she was not far from the orgasm, then he tightened his embrace around her waist and kissed her behind the ear.
"Marry me." He whispered in her ear making her wide open her eyes in shock.
"Tha-That's unexpected." She blew between two moans.
"I think it's a very original way to propose." He chuckled getting deeper inside her to finally break her, filling the room with her yelling drowning with him into a powerful orgasm. "Should I take that for a yes?" He laughed, she trying to find her breath.
"No more secret."
"No more secret." He replied tightening her in his arms and kissing her cheek.
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saltsicklover · 3 months
Okay, so imagine this
Lady (oc/reader/whatever) is on the side of the road, in an absolute downpour. She has her car jacked up and is changing her tire in the middle of a terrible storm.
Then, one of the boys from Top Gun 86 pulls over to help her.
Then they roll up to the bar and the other guys give him so much shit for being absolutely soaked and dirty.
My heart says Iceman, but what do you guys think?
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ddejavvu · 11 months
Touch starved pilots of your choice cuddling their s/o headcanons
characters written: pete 'maverick' mitchell, nick 'goose' bradshaw, tom 'iceman' kazansky, ron 'slider' kerner, leonard 'wolfman' wolfe, rick 'hollywood' neven, beau 'cyclone' simpson, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, jake 'hangman' seresin, natasha 'phoenix' trace, robert 'bob' floyd, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, reuben 'payback' fitch
sfw, but cut for length. enjoy!
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell:
depends on what age you're thinking!
if it's young!mav, he's probably just a liiiitle reluctant to let himself relax sometimes
he's sort of got his tough guy persona, and he's not used to dropping it, so when you get him alone he tries messing around at first
whether that's a few too many kisses, or a pinch to your side, he guards himself a bit before letting himself go
but when he does, oh, he's like a little kitten !
he lets you run your hands through his gelled hair (gross)
and it gets all misshapen and spiky
he probably just melts when you pet his hair like that, and he'll be snoozing on your chest in no time
now older!mav is definitely less of a tough nut to crack
he probably initiates the cuddling in the first place, he nudges you over to the bed and lays himself on top of you to crush you
you can push at his chest and splutter all you want, but he's made his choice on where he's going to lay, and it's on you
he likes holding you, but he wants to be face-to-face, so you can brush noses and bump foreheads
he probably tries sooo hard to stay awake so that he can soak in the time you're spending together but peepaw definitely crashes like 10 minutes in
Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw:
he also likes to be face to face!
buuut not for the same sweet reason as mav
he just wants to itch you with his mustache
he likes nipping at you too, he bites your nose to make you laugh
you won't be getting any sleep when you cuddle with goose, he just wants to talk and laugh and hold you the entire time
it's not a period of time to wind down, it's a big laugh-fest
and god FORBID you try to get up to pee
“Nick, I have to go.” / “Sorry, honey. I can’t let go. I think my hand’s stuck.” / “NICK!!”
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
he’s another one who probably has just a bit of trouble letting his guard down
he’ll cuddle with you no doubt, but he’ll probably always keep you in his lap or have some sort of upper hand in the embrace
it takes a while before he’s ready to be held himself
when he does finally give in it's so soft and sweet :')
he's had a really hard day and he comes home with his eyes drooping
you've planned a movie night but he doesn't even look like he could sit through an episode of a tv show
so you lead him to bed instead, and tell him you're sleepy, cause he won't 'ruin' the night by admitting that he is
you ask to play with his hair and he lets you, but he's not sure why 'cause you just said you were tired??
you basically have to trick him into being held but once his head is on your chest and your hands are in his hair he's gone.
he ends up mumbling something all sleepy and groggy like 'mm, that's nice' and his eyes are half shut and he's so endearingly tired :')
he wants you to do it all the time now, I'd say it's about 50/50 whether you fall asleep holding him or he falls asleep holding you
Ron 'Slider' Kerner:
slider's a big boy!!!!!!!
he's big and tall and muscly, the perfect cuddle buddy
he's probably more inclined to hold than be held
but he likes it when you face him so you can wrap your arms around his back :')
he probably likes it when he's able to bury his face in your neck/shoulder/against the top of your head
like he always wants his face snuggled in somewhere warm and nice smelling
and it just so happens his chest is an excellent place to get lost yourself
so you most of the time just nuzzle right into each other and get to snoozin'
i think he'd talk real soft, too, he'd murmur against your ear while you're drifting off, probably boring you to sleep with technical details of his flights but just before you crash for the night he slips in a little 'i love you, honey' and <33333
Leonard 'Wolfman' Wolfe:
he's a loser for his partner it has to be said
almost as teasing as nick is but not quite
he'll let you fall asleep he just wants to talk to you AllTheTime because he LovesYouSoMuch
he's a chatterbox and you'll be lucky if you get to sleep at a decent hour
he really likes it when you lay your head on his chest
'cause he likes playing with your hair and your face :]
sometimes he'll just use you as a little stress toy and squeeze your cheeks and pinch your nose and poke at your forehead
always making silly little jokes and telling you all about his day
down to, like, every comment one of his friends made...
'and then slider said he was gonna kill him but hollywood ran, so then they were just chasing each other around and iceman said-' / 'babe.. can we sleep? please?' / 'oh! right, sorry baby.'
Rick 'Hollywood' Neven
listen there's a reason he and wolfman get along so well
they're BOTH teases!!!
cuddling with hollywood is not really relaxing, because he's always pinching your sides or putting his nasty cold feet all over you, or pretending to knock you out by fake-punching you a bunch
you're just laying there and he's 'punching' your stomach, making fake punch sounds with his mouth, and if you push him away he'll pretend you've absolutely knocked him out, tumbling down onto the mattress with this dramatic thump and closing his eyes and sticking his tongue out of his mouth like he's a dead cartoon character 😭
he's like a dog you have to get his energy out before trying to rest with him or he just Won't Rest
when you DO get him sleepy, though, he's kinda incoherent when he's tired, so you'll be cuddled up together, maybe you're scratching his back, maybe he's playing with your hair, and he's just sort of mumbling nonsense until he finally drifts off to sleep
Beau 'Cyclone' Simpson:
will not be held
sorry! not happening
he's just so big and beefy and authoritative that he doesn't much enjoy being coddled
he loves cuddling with you though, he gets very relaxed just laying with you
he's a casual toucher, i think, so you can rest your head on his shoulder at the airport, you can hold his hand at restaurants, whether that be over or under the table, he lets you hang all over him however you want
he's not super into in-your-face PDA, though, so you'll have to be polite and considerate about it
actually in bed though, under the blankets at night?
he's so much more cuddly than you'd expect
he wraps his big strong arms around you and tugs you close and lets you melt all over him <33
your favorite place to lay your head is probably his chest 'cause it's so broad and firm and nice <3
he's a good back rubber so cuddles are always soft and cozy and sleepy
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw:
lord he's a cuddler
he's just a touchy guy, because he's probably gone without it for a significant amount of time so now that he's got you he's gonna enjoy it
big big big on pda, doesn't really care who sees
so that means cuddling in public, too
perfectly content to sit by the beach with you in his lap all cuddled back into his chest he doesn't care if anyone teases him
but back in bed he's a sucker for head scratches
if you have long-ish nails, enough to scratch at his scalp, he'll literally melt over you like an ice cream cone
his limbs go all gooey and he flops his head down on your chest, groaning and grunting while you scratch through his hair
he really enjoys sleeping on top of you, whether that be fully chest-to-chest 'you're suffocating me' cuddling or just an arm thrown over your stomach while he lays on his own
he likes being held, too, but probably prefers to hold unless he's having a hard day
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin:
big boy!! surprisingly fond of being held for everything we know about him
that cocky demeanor does not last under the sheets
he adores holding you, of course, he'll wrap his big arms around you and cradle your head to his chest
he probably plays with your hair, looooves it when you tangle your legs up with his own
he prefers if you talk to him rather than him talk to you if you're cuddling
cause he likes the sound of your voice and he loves hearing about your day
he tries to listen so attentively to what you're saying, but if you're taking a little too long telling him about that batty old customer that had visited the shop you work at today, his eyes are going to slowly start to droop and he's gonna let out a big ol yawn that means it's time for him to close his eyes
you always cut yourself off like 'sorry, jake. g'head, go to sleep'
and he insists you continue like 'nooo darlin' i wanna hear! keep going :]' except within two minutes he's dozing against the pillow while you talk about the old lady again
he's a simple man just talk soft and slow to him while snuggled up in his arms and he's gonna sleep no matter what you're telling him
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace:
she really likes laying face-to-face with you!!
she's a fan of spooning, of course, she likes either burying her face in your back or letting you snuggle into hers
but she loves the intimacy that comes from being pretty much nose-to-nose with you
the type to lay there and chat with you mere inches away so that you're leaning in to kiss her all giggly and bashful every four seconds
she uses your cuddle time to tell you all about her teammates, what stupid shit jake said today, how bob almost tripped down the stairs, that fanboy's got a new girlfriend who wants to meet you, etc etc etc
but that means when you see them next you know all of the hot gossip about everyone and you giggle every time jake says something dumb and he's like WHAT.. WHAT IS IT.. WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME.. and you give nat this little ;) 'cause you'll definitely be talking shit about him later
she does this thing where she cradles the back of your head in her hand if you're face to face and she throws her leg over your waist and it gives you such intense butterflies that you need to close your eyes sometimes <3333
Robert 'Bob' Floyd:
cuddlebug <3
he loooves cuddling but if you do it face-to-face he's gonna need to be super close to you because he can't see without his glasses 😭
i'm taking like nose-to-nose so close that you have to cross your eyes to see him
otherwise he's pretty chill in what positions he likes
you love it when he reads to you
i think he might not be the most confident reader out loud but he does it anyways 'cause it puts you to sleep
he gets really sleepy really easily so sometimes it's best to refrain from cuddling in public
like you're out on the beach by a firepit and you're all snuggled up together but oops he can't enjoy his smores because he's sleeping on your shoulder
he loves it when you lay your head on his shoulder sm :'))
he wraps his arm around you and tugs you closer <3
Javy 'Coyote' Machado:
prefers holding to being held
probably a little less talkative than the rest, but that doesn't mean you never chat
he just has this insane ability to fall asleep anywhere, i'm talking slumped against the bus window, leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground, piloting his aircraft sorry
he likes staring at you, though, while he falls asleep :')
if you're talking to him he'll listen and nod and hum along and agree when he should, he's a very good listener
but slowly he'll start to fade a bit, and he'll sling his hand over your waist, smush his face into the pillow, and keep listening for as long as he can
slooooowly you start getting less responses from him, he's not reacting as much, but his eyes are always locked onto your face and he's got this lazy little smile on his face while he drifts off to sleep 'cause he gets to look at you the whole time :')
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia:
the most talkative in the whole wide world
cuddling with him is barely even cuddling, it's watching him act out his entire day
'and then payback went like this and- BAM! shot it down.'
and he's up on his knees in the middle of the bed with his arms out demonstrating exactly how they'd worked through their training exercises that day
and he is loud and energetic and you're half-asleep like 'that sounds awesome, babe.'
he isn't one to stay in one place really, he likes tossing and turning a bit before he falls asleep which means that you are also going to be tossed and turned
he's a really shifty sleeper too so you'll wake up with your face in his armpit
if you're really sleepy though, he'll settle down, he'll pull you into his chest and let you fall asleep there
but he'll probably be on his phone for a bit, he strikes me as a crazy night owl
Reuben 'Payback' Fitch:
out in two seconds
there is no conscious cuddling with him
because the second his head hits the pillow he's snoring
you can cuddle up to him but if he's cuddling up to you he's doing it in his sleep
you're actually so jealous of him bc you lay down for the night and he tucks his chin over your head or he snuggles his face into your neck and that's it.
he's out.
he's a clingy sleeper, though, so if you wanna read for a bit or use your phone it might be kind of hard
honestly it really helps your sleep schedule to sleep with him 'cause sometimes he's entirely wrapped around you and you can't move
so there's nothing to do but sleep yourself
he's like a living furnace i KNOW that man runs hot
you probably wake up sweating a bunch if you're all snuggly with him
blanket stealer. he somehow manages to tear them off of the end of the bed where they're tucked in and cocoon himself
and then you wake up freezing cold
when i said he snores i mean it he snores loud
it's sort of comforting eventually? like at first it drives u insane
but over time you come to rely on it as white noise and you can't sleep unless he's all over you snoring right in your ear and drooling on your shoulder
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outalongtheedges · 10 months
Top gun ‘86 headcanons
Part 2
You can find part 1 here, babes!
Mav stole Sliders top gun trophy a year after they graduated
Slider stole it back a few weeks later
Since then they’ve been stealing it back and forth for YEARS
Ice is so so so sick of them. You have no idea
Once Maverick broke into Slider’s house at night to steal the trophy but almost got caught by the man himself. He had to hide inside a kitchen cabinet (a la Roger Taylor), and had to stay there til morning.
When Slider leaves in the morning for work, Mav just stays in the cabinet for a little while longer cause Slider has a habit of forgetting shit at home
But its not Slider that comes back into the house but Ice to do his friend a favour. Thing is Ice doesn’t know exactly where the thing is he forgot so he just opens cabinets/cupboards/drawers at random.
When he finds his partner sitting in one of the cabinets, he’s disappointed and surprised.
“I DON’T WANNA KNOW, MAVERICK! I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.”, is all he yells all throughout the house when Mav tries to explain the situation to him.
Slider on the other hand got stuck in a window once.
He had wanted to take his trophy back from Mavericks place and tried to climb in through the window, however the window wasn’t directly on the first floor and even tho he’s tall, Slider had to find himself something to step onto
He found a box
Said box slipped away from under him as he was halfway inside, ass and legs hanging outside. With no leverage from either side and the window being too narrow to bend his legs up and through it, he had to wait until either Mav or Ice would come home.
He’ll never hear the end of it. It’s been years since that happened and it’s still topic whenever anyone starts sharing stories.
“Do you guys know about the time when Slider got stuck in a window?”
The Dagger Squad has to swear on their life to never tell anyone, cause Slider has a reputation to uphold.
(They meet up for dinner whenever they can. You can not convince me of anything else)
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
mav, casually leaning on the bar, smirking: yeah, I threw the first punch
goose, standing behind him, snorting loudly: no you did not
mav, flipping him off over his shoulder: oh, shut up
goose, snickering and sipping his beer: you shut up
mav, glaring at him now, completely forgetting that he was trying to flirt with someone: don’t tell me what to do
goose, shrugging, having the time of his fucking life because he damn well KNOWS that mav forgot: well, maybe if you shut your pie hole I wouldn’t have to tell you what to do
mav, mocking him because he’s a five year old: oh, that’ll be the day- when nick bradshaw doesn’t egg the shit out of me and tell me what to do about something
goose, laughing: no, that WILL be the day, because you’re so stupid that-
ice, who had just been trying to flirt with the cute brunette he saw across the bar: w h a t t h e f u c k
slider, in the background, ready to throw himself out the nearest window: jesus christ
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coffeecollective · 7 months
Dude if you guys like these I have so many it’s insane, this one’s a lot more low effort though, sorry about that
Slider used to be PAINFULLY homophobic
Despite that, He actually wasn't open about it.
Especially after he found out ice and a few of his other friends were queer as well.
It was only after he found out ice was gay when he started to have second thoughts on his opinions towards the LGBTQ+ Community.
He never once suspected he was gay as well, Even after coming to accept the gay community and after realizing he never really felt attraction towards many (if any) women.
But then he started to notice more and more about both Iceman and Maverick.
Next thing he knew he was suddenly cuddled up in bed with the two, Ice in the middle and maverick on his friends left, both fast asleep.
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topguncortez · 2 years
Dash- T. Kazansky
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pairing: Tom 'Iceman' Kazansky x female!Kerner (call sign: Dash) word count: 3.8k warnings: top gun shit, misogyny, cannon character death. from this request
thank you for @imjess-themess for beta reading!:)
“Ice, it’s Dash. There’s been an accident.” 
The words were ringing around in her head since they had left Chipper’s mouth all of five minutes ago. Everyone here knew that accidents were possible, things happen, mistakes happen. They spent their day flying at top speeds, dancing in the sky trying to fight one another for the first place trophy. Dash Kerner was sitting in third, behind Goose and Maverick, and her brother and Iceman. But now, the sinking feeling in her stomach was telling her she was about to move up, and by default. 
Dash, aka Y/N Kerner was Slider’s younger sister, only by two years. Even though Ron knew that, he still acted like there was a ten year age gap between the two of them. He made it known that she was his little sister, always introducing her as such. Even when she graduated from the academy, and got her wings she was still introduced as: “This is my baby sister, Dash.” It was Ron’s way of trying to ward off unwanted eyes from his fellow pilots, which he thought he had succeeded, but boy was he wrong. Ron thought he had to worry about the careless and reckless Pete Mitchell, and didn’t even think to look much closer. 
Tom Kazansky had fallen in love with Y/N the moment she opened her mouth and told Maverick off at the O Club. Maverick had tried his usual advances, trying to smooth talk the civilian looking woman into believing he was some hotshot pilot (which he was, but Ice wasn’t going to admit that to his face), and Y/N was just eating it up. Pete thought he had hooked the line, until she asked him a basic question. 
“So, do you usually go after mig-28s in a negative 4 G nose dive? Or were you just trying to prove how big your dick is?” 
It had spent Pete spiraling, as she grabbed the beer from his hand, and walked over to where Slider and Ice were trying not to burst out laughing. Pete watched her walk over there, and cursed himself as Slider threw his arm around his little sister. He couldn’t hide the look on his face as Goose appeared, and looked at the same scene. 
“Oh no, no, Mav, I know you did not try to get with Dash?” Goose groaned. 
“I didn’t know she was Slider’s sister!” 
Ice knew from that moment on that she could handle herself, he always knew that. Ice had felt a sort of protectiveness over Y/N, not just because she was his RIO’s little sister, but because he loved her. She was also the only female in a room full of jacked up caffeine fueled cocky pilots, who had been told all their career they were the best. Y/N had had her fair share of dealing with men like this, she grew up in a household where Slider was on a pedestal, and she was climbing for an ounce of attention. Unlike the others in her class, she was not told she was the best. She was often overlooked, and it made her work harder than anyone else. 
And having to have to work harder, also made her reckless sometimes, which was one thing Tom couldn’t stand about her. She wasn’t like Maverick, not in the slightest, but sometimes she did maneuvers or moves that weren’t entirely othrodox, but it also made her a challenge to try and shoot down. She liked to keep everyone on their toes, especially Slider, who had gotten after her after one of her more dangerous dogfights. 
“It wasn’t even that big of a deal!” Dash yelled, as she took her helmet off, chasing after her brother. She had just come down out of the air with Hollywood and Wolfman, after successfully taking down both Viper and Jester. 
“That big of a deal?!” Slider stopped in his tracks and turned around to face her, “You could’ve gotten yourself killed! What the hell was that?!” 
“That?! That was me getting a win. That was me proving that I am good and can get both Viper and Jester.” 
“Leaving your wingman, doing some outlaw shit, god you’re flying like Maverick!” 
“I’m flying better than Maverick!” 
“No you’re flying unsafe!” 
“Oh get a new fucking line, Ron, and quit stealing shit from Ice.” 
“Quit trying to be like Maverick..” 
Y/N scoffed and brushed past him, purposely knocking her shoulder into his. Ron clenched his jaw, his mind telling him to turn around and apologize, knowing how much his little sister hated that people insinuated she was one to trade favors to get ahead. He did turn his head, when he felt someone clap him on the back. 
“Way to go Slider,” Maverick smirked, and walked off towards the locker rooms. 
Ice had been drawing up his next flight plan when Dash came into the room, throwing her helmet down on the table and letting out a frustrated groan. He had heard over comms that her hop went well, she was the only pilot to get both Jester and Viper in one dog fight, probably bumping her up into second. She should be happy, celebrating, taking a shower to relieve the tension in her shoulders, but instead she was taking deep breaths to calm her down. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Ice said, and Y/N snapped her head up, now seeing the blonde pilot, “Or not.” 
“You don’t talk about feelings Ice, you’re ice cold for a reason,” Dash said, shaking her head. 
“Well, when it looks like its really messing with someone then I might,” Ice said, standing up from his spot and walking over to her. He leaned against the table she was standing at, “What’s up? Heard you got both Viper and Jester.” 
“I did, and I should be happy, but I’m fucking pissed off,” Y/N groaned, running her hand down her face, “Why do you think I’m here?” 
“Cause you’re the best-” 
“No, none of that shit. Pretend you don’t know me, that I’m not your RIO’s little sister, that I’m not Captain Kerner’s daughter, I’m just some other female pilot. How do you think I would’ve gotten here? Or to the rank I am?” 
Ice sighed and shifted in his spot, “I wouldn’t think any less of you, if that’s what you’re trying to say. Whether you are Captain Kerner’s daughter, or the daughter of some junkie, you are the person you chose to become, and that was a good pilot. You’re smart, level headed, a little reckless-” Dash laughed at that, “But if I was in a dogfight, I would want you as my wingman. I trust you, Dash, and that’s saying something, cause I don’t trust a lot of people in the sky, but you’re one of them.” 
“You’re not just saying that to make me feel better are you?” 
“No,” Tom shook his head, “I’m saying it because it’s true.” 
“Thank you, Tom,” Dash said, and wrapped her arms around his midsection. Ice stiffened at the feeling at first, but quickly melted into it, pulling her in tightly. She was significantly shorter than he was, so he rested his chin on the top of her head, and took a deep breath, trying to freeze the moment for as long as he could. Sadly, it ended far too early for either one. Dash gave Tom a shy smile, as she picked up her helmet and walked towards her locker room. 
Tom had a smile on his face as he returned to his spot and worked on his flight plan, and Dash couldn’t help the blush on her face as she walked into the locker room. 
After that day, neither one seemed to hide the mutual pining for each other. Wherever Ice went, Slider and Dash were sure to follow. Ice had spent less time at the O Club, flirting with women and more time in the classroom after hours with Dash, working on flight plans or talking about their dogfights or talking about some random topic like baseball. Tom had fallen in deeper love for the girl, watching as she would close her eyes and tip her head back when she laughed, or when she’d sass back to one of their fellow pilots. 
And Y/N had fallen for Tom. It was the way that he was a dick to everyone, but her. He also cut back on digging at Maverick, much to her request. He would listen attentively when she was up in the air, holding his breath as she did some maneuver, or she’d go silent on comms. Slider had even caught up on the way his pilot would turn all smiley whenever Dash would walk into the room, or the way his hand would brush her hand or the small of her back. Slider even noticed that lovesick goofy look in his little sister’s eye, one that she only seemed to get when she’d see a picture of Nikki Sixx. 
“Do you like Ice?” Slider asked her, as they were taking a break during their volleyball game. Her eyes had barely left Ice’s sweaty, tan torso, and Ice could hardly look away from her perfect tan legs. 
“What? What kind of stupid questioin is that?” 
“So, him talking to that brunette over there isn’t making you jealous?” Dash looked over her brother’s shoulder just as some brunette in a skimpy cheetah print two piece put her hand on Ice’s bicep. Dash gave her brother a tightlipped smile and shook her head, “Good thing you’re a good pilot, cause you’re such a shitty liar.” Ron laughed. Dash scoffed and hit his shoulder, “Hey! I’m just saying. You’re the one all googly eyed over him.” 
“I am not!” Dash groaned and rolled her eyes, “I thought we moved past this stage in our sibling-ship.” 
“Never, littler sister,” Ron teased, “I will always make fun of you and your school girl crushes,” He took another sip of his water, before handing the bottle back to Y/N, “Try not to drool.” 
“I hope you get hit in the head,” Dash teased and pushed her brother away back onto the court. Ice looked over at her and sent her a nod of his head. She smiled at him, and Ron saw the whole thing go down. 
“Yeah, you’re both shit liars.” 
They only had three weeks left, when the final placings came out. It was a close run for first place, each of them a point behind the other. Dash had focused less time on her crush on Iceman, and more time on perfect plans and her skill. She was determined to rise above Maverick and Iceman. She needed to win, she had to win. Not only to prove those who told her she couldn’t do it wrong, but to show the other young females that they could do it too. It made Ice fall in love with her even more, seeing her determination as she worked harder and harder. 
But it also made him falter a bit. Dash was colder, spending less time chatting with him in the work room, and more time studying the F-14 book cover to cover. Ice wasn’t used to her being closed off, but Slider assured him, it was just how she got. She had come down from her dogfight with Sundown, and was pissed. 
“I fucking had it!” She yelled as she took her helmet off. 
“Sure you did,” Sundown rolled his eyes, “That’s why we both got shot down.” 
“Cause you got in my way! When I say I have something, I got it,” Dash said, and turned to walk off the tarmac.
“Quit being a fucking girl,” Chipper spoke. 
“What did you just say?” Dash stopped in her stride. Most of the pilots that had been milling around had stopped as soon as the words left Chipper’s mouth, including Ice and Slider. 
“I said, stop being a fucking girl. You didn’t have the shot, and Sundown did.” 
“A shot he missed.” 
“If you would’ve moved. You’re not as good as you claim, and you’re probably sucking dick to get by. Face it, you’re just not as good as you think. Having Ice as your fucking playboy is going straight to your fucking head.” 
Dash felt her cheeks get hot, and the anger slowly crawled up her spine. She knew she couldn’t make a scene in front of the admirals and the other aviators, but she wanted to defend herself. But Chipper was right, if she made a scene she would be acting like “A girl.” Instead, she swallowed her pride and walked towards the hanger. 
“Save it, Tom.” She said as she passed the aviator. Ice’s icy blue star went from her body, to Chipper, who was now talking to Hollywood about what happened during his dog fight. Ice made a move to step towards him, but Slider stopped him. 
“You going and saying something isn’t going to help her,” Slider said, “She might be my little sister, but she’s a big girl. She can handle this shit. You’ll make it worse for her if you start defending her against every small dicked man with a fucking bone to pick with her.” Ice looked down at his boots, “Come on, we gotta get ready, we got Wood and Wolfe today.” 
Dash didn’t even bother to go to the rec room when she got in. She knew that the story of what happened on the tarmac was going to spread, and she would rather not deal with the stares and whispers. She went straight to her locker room, and jumped into the shower. She basked in the feeling of the hot water as it hit her sore muscles. The female locker room was on the other side of the building, so she got the silence of being alone. The only person who would wander over here to tell her something was Charlie, and she only did that once to ask her a question about Maverick. 
She washed her body and her hair, washing away the sweat and dirt from the day. She wasn’t trying to dwell on the words that Chipper had spewed, but she couldn’t shake them. Dash had heard it all before, the only way she was going to make a career in the Navy was if she was on her knees. She usually ignored all the talk, most of the gossipers too scared to say it to her face, but having it delivered right to her, was something she didn’t expect. 
Dash knew her time to get into first was winding down. Her next flight was going to be with Mav and Goose. She was nervous, she hadn’t flown with Maverick yet. Maverick hadn’t slowed down at all with his dangerous flying, if anything, he got even more reckless with the way he flew. It made Ice and Slider nervous too, knowing she was going to be sharing the air with someone who they all considered ‘unsafe’.  Everything felt good when she got up in the air, but it all turned very quickly. One second, she was lining up to take the shot, the next she was burning in, going into engine failure from a bird strike. Mav had flown through her jet wash, as she bailed out, trying to get away from Jester to correct the damage from the strike. 
Ice had been shaving his face in the mirror, half listening to the conversation between Sundown and Slider, when the locker room door banged open. Ice looked up in the mirror, seeing a panicked Chipper, and his head started to spin. 
“It’s Dash,” Chipper stated, which got the attention of Slider as well, “There’s been an accident.” 
Both men had never gotten dressed quicker in their lives, as they ran down the hall towards the hangar. Hell, Slider was still buttoning up his shirt as they came to a stop behind Viper and Jester, as they were whispering to one another. 
“Sir, do you know-” 
“No,” Viper said, cutting Slider off. He licked his lips and turned to look at them, “They should be landing soon. Hollywood and Wolfman were up in the sky too, they’ll be landing as well.” 
Slider nodded and looked up towards the clear blue sky. All he could see was the trails of where the planes had been. Ice felt his hands shake as he clenched them into fists down by his side. 
“Search and Rescue said there’s one confirmed casualty, won’t identify over comms, taking them straight to the hospital.” Jester spoke, his brown eyes glancing over to Ice, “There was a bird strike, as one bailed out to correct it, another flew into the jet wash, the comms cut out before I could hear on who.” 
“Alert who we need,” Viper said, and Jester nodded walking off, “You should call-” 
“If you’re saying I should call my family, I’m not. And I’m not leaving until I see their plane land. I don’t care who it is,” Slider spoke, and Viper nodded. 
The men stood there as they heard the familiar rumble of an F-14 flying over. Ice held his breath as he watched the gray plane come in for landing, squinting trying to read the small writing on the side of it. Wolfman was the first out of the jet, as another plane came in for landing. The second the canopy was off of the second plane, Wolfman was helping the pilot down from the plane. Ice recognized the red and black paint of the helmet and took off running towards the pilots. 
She felt shaky as she stepped down from her plane. The flat spin Dash had been in was terrifying, and she felt both sick from the spinning and from the fear that she was going to burn in. Dash had taken a couple shaky steps, her voice wavering as she called out for Wolfman, who had helped her navigate out of the confusion she had been in. Her RIO had passed out from the G’s of the spin, and was slowly coming to as Wolf and Hollywood got them down to the ground. Wolfman had quickly ran to her, catching her in his arms before she could collapse. 
“I got you, I got you,” Wolfman said, grunting under the weight of her body, “Hey, hey! Help! I need help!” Wolfman went down to his knees, still holding Dash’s unconscious body, as Ice, Slider and medics came running out. Wolfman shook Dash’s body, trying to get her to wake up, gently tapping her face. “She just collapsed!” 
“It’s from the adrenaline wearing off,” A medic said and gently took Dash’s body out of Wolfman’s arms. Wolf stood up and backed up, watching as the medics took over checking the girl. Her RIO was also getting medical attention, as Slider ran over and tried to get his way through. 
“What happened?” Ice asked, his heart beating in his chest. 
“I-I don’t know,” Wolfman said, “Wood and I were doing a hop with Admiral Jackson, when we heard her call mayday. She lost control, and Mav tried to help but lost control himself, burning it. Him and Goose. . . they had to eject.” 
Ice looked back over to the small crowd around Dash, and watched as one of the medics placed her on a gurney. Slider never left her side as they moved towards an awaiting ambulance nearby. The heavy feeling in his chest never left as he ran to his car, and drove to the on base hospital, or as Slider invited him to wait by his sister’s bedside or when they heard that Goose Bradshaw had been the casualty they reported. The heaviness never left until the next morning, when her eyes fluttered open and she searched around the room, finding Tom Kazansky passed out on a small plasticy couch in her room. 
“Ice?” Dash called out softly, and Tom woke up quickly at the sound of her voice. He looked around, blinking the sleep from his eyes before his blue eyes landed on the girl in the hospital bed. She stretched softly, groaning as she did, “Is-is-”
“Corduroy is okay,” Ice said, answering the question about her RIO, “Little shaken up, but he’s okay. But, uh, Bradshaw, Goose, he didn’t make it.” 
“Oh my god,” Dash said, feeling the tears well up in her eyes. She covered her mouth with her hand as she let out a sob. Ice moved quickly, sliding into the bed next to her, and holding her in his arms as she cried. He shushed her, running his hand up and down her back soothingly, “What did I do?” 
“Nothing, Dash, you didn’t do anything,” Ice said, and kissed the top of her forehead, “You had a bird strike, you did everything you could to correct the spin, and got you and Corduroy back down safely.” 
“But Mav-” 
“He flew through your jet wash, he didn’t see it and you didn’t know. There was nothing you could do but save yourself and your RIO,” Dash looked down at her hands in her lap, and Ice softly lifted her chin with his finger under her jaw to make her look at him, “I am glad you are alive. I thought. . . When Jester said there was a casualty, I thought the worst. And then you got out of the plane and collapsed and I just-” 
Y/N cut him off by placing a kiss on his soft lips. He hesitated for a second, but relaxed and cupped her face with his hands. Y/N sighed as her body relaxed into his arms. Ice pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, running his thumb over her cheek. They both were startled when the door opened, and Slider let out a loud groan. 
“Jesus fuck!” He said, running a hand down his face, “Listen, I’m glad you’re done pinning over each other cause it was starting to get annoying. . . But swear to God Kazansky, I walk in on you banging her, and I’ll kill you. You make her cry? And I’ll kill you. You knock her up before marrying her? And-” 
“Kill me?” Ice asked, cutting off his best friend. 
Y/N groaned as hid her face in Ice’s chest, as a rumble of laughter rolled through his body. Ice kissed the top of her head again and pulled her tighter into his chest. 
“I don’t think you have to worry about that, Slider. I’m not going anywhere and neither is she. And I’ll make sure to leave a sock on the door.” Ice smirked as she looked up at him. 
“Sounds like a plan Lieutenant,” Y/N said, and leaned up to kiss him, as Slider made a gagging sound.
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rainymoodlet · 10 months
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"... you ain't from 'round these parts, are ya?"
asher downey for @hauntedtrait's chestnut ridge bc!
young adult, twenty-six, they/them
an angry five foot five inches
farrier and hoof health specialist
will actually fight you over your horse/cattle/sheep/goat's feet
can confirmed fireman carry anyone... try them
shoulders are a lot broader than they appear they're SHORT
asher downey is an outdoor-loving, loner animal enthusiast who wants the best for your animals and will absolutely tell you to shut up until they finish assessing the issue. they're not rude, just... brusque. to the point. while they have a mean mug and a lot of quick comebacks loaded up in that small frame, asher is actually quite a genial sim. raised by polite parents in a polite town, they genuinely are a "good neighbor to know" - it's just gettin' past their cold front that's the hard part!
the scar and the bite are from particularly nasty run-ins with local coyote packs: they now own two, having rescued them as pups!
likes: mini goats in particular, cooking selvadoradan food, country fashion, the creak of old wood floors, historic landmarks, riding bareback (ahem), bitless goddamn bridles, wide open fields, flower-scented perfumes, crossfit, chewing wheat unironically, animal cops mothafuckin houston babeyyy
dislikes: the big city, smog in general, beating around the bush, passive aggressiveness, gossip, complaints in general like omg, washing the dishes, being expected to be quiet, THEIR HEIGHT, the tourism industry, the general slow gentrification of chestnut ridge, molasses, and - funnily enough - chestnuts
i am sinfully late with this and you know i can't help but make a bedazzled butch but i am utterly in love with asher and i'm so thrilled with how they came out 🥹 feel free to take whatever creative license you'd like with them, my beloved fangs!! shorter hair, no hair, bigger muscles, etc. i don't have the updated height slider back in my game so they're not height-accurate in-game, i'm going to go back in and fix that dsfkjhsdkf. private dl if chosen, and even if not, i'm so excited to see what blue is going to get up to!! 🥹 cas and in-game outfit below:
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Imagine Slider Confessing Before Leaving For Top Gun
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Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner X FemReader
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, arguing, name calling, Slider scares the reader a little
Word Count: 1,449
Requested by @im-the-s0lace​
(A/N:) I was beyond ecstatic when I got this request! I love being able to write for characters that are most of the time lost in the background! So being able to write something for other fangirls to enjoy makes me really happy! So I really hope this request is everything you hoped for and I’m sorry it took me a little bit to get to it! I was commissioned to paint a mural in a local restaurant and that took up my whole week last week but now I’m getting it posted and I really hope it was worth the wait! So until next time happy reading! ~Countess
You had taken the day off as the special day for Slider arrived, he had been waiting for word on whether he was accepted into Top Gun. So you decided to wait on him at your house in case of celebration or just being there to comfort him if it didn’t work out. Now as the afternoon began to pass by you were becoming quite anxious as the hours passed. Anxiety was becoming frustration when the sound of Slider’s car pulled into your driveway. You raced to the door opening it as the anticipation was too much to bear. The man you had grown up with exited his car and made his way to you, his face unreadable, you were about ready to comfort him when he picked you up and carried you inside.
“I made it,” he shouted spinning you around in your living room.
“Aw Slider I’m so happy and proud of you,” you laughed hugging his neck tightly. He sat you down but refused to let you go, his eyes soaking in your joyful form. “I already have everything set up for us to celebrate with all your friends.” You said. “I knew you were going to make it so I made plans ahead! Tonight is all about you and your accomplishment Slider!”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Slider seemed to deflate but you couldn’t see it as you were already up the stairs to get dressed.
“Yes I did!” You called from upstairs. “It’s not everyday that my best friend gets drafted into Top Gun!”
While Slider knew that you just wanted to do what was best for him, he couldn’t help but want to share his final night before leaving with just you. He had known you since you were both children. You both grew up together, went to school together, played together. You were the steady constant in his life and he knew the instant that friendship turned into something more to him. He had been waiting to tell you how he felt for so long and now you were just trying to help but it was impeding upon his plans. He couldn’t disappoint you or break your heart. Cause all you had was his best interest in mind. But when you came down stairs all dressed up to celebrate him, his heart pounded harder and it was almost impossible to keep his feelings inside.
You had booked a private room at his favorite place and everyone he had ever thought of as a friend was there. They patted him on the back and congratulated him nonstop all night. They even bought him drinks, which he refused. He didn’t want to get plastered and he wanted to drive you home. But deep down this wasn’t what he wanted. And as the night waned on he became irritable.
 Whenever you got close to talk with him, Slider would either snap at you or ignore you completely. So it wasn’t long until that you were in a bad mood to. Though you both hide it perfectly from your friends. You were thankful you hadn’t rented the room for the whole night though, you and Slider were leaving early. Telling friends that you both were going to turn in early since he had to leave so early tomorrow, which was most of the truth. The part where you both were mad enough to explode at any given moment was something you both kept secret.
Slider held the restaurant's door open for you though you silently ignored him and just to spite him you opened your own door to his car. The car ride back to your house was silent and full of quietly simmering anger. You refused to be the one to break the silence but once your house was in view you finally spoke for the first time to him.
“Thanks for the ride,” you snarled. “Good luck at Top Gun.” You slammed the car door and stomped up to your front door. You didn’t hear Slider come up behind you and just when you were about to slam the door again just for good measure he caught said door with his large hand. His form loomed over yours, eyes full of irritation.
“What is your deal,” he roared stepping forward. You backed up, not used to him treating you this way, but you refused to back down and to be cowed by his displeasure.
“I don’t know Slider,” you refused to take another step your pointer finger poking him roughly in the chest. “Why don’t you tell me what your deal is and I’ll tell you mine?!”
“You! You are what’s wrong with me!”
“Me,” you screamed.
“Yes! I didn’t want to go out tonight! I didn’t want my last night here to be wasted spending it with people that matter but aren’t at the top of my list! You’re so selfish planning something without asking me!”
“It’s a celebration party Slider! I’m not supposed to run everything by you! And how was I supposed to know what you wanted?! You barely even talk to me anymore and I would go as far as saying that you have been avoiding me here lately! The party, FOR YOU I might add, you definitely didn’t have anything to do with me! So why don’t you just go home and get out of my life cause apparently there’s no room in yours for me,” you were sobbing now ready to escape to your room. Whatever friendship you had left with the man you adored seemed to have exploded leaving only the tattered remains.
Slider’s heart broke seeing you break down with mascara leaving streaks down your cheeks. He never wanted you to find out this way but he couldn’t let you leave like this, especially now that he was leaving town. He didn’t know how long he’d be gone for but if he left you in this shape he would never forgive himself. So before you could escape him he reached out grasping your arm.
“Let me go Slider,” you demanded. You were done. No part wanted to fight anymore.
“Listen,” he whispered. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said those things. I’m just aggravated about how stupid I am.”
“You’re definitely stupid Ron Kerner.”
He chuckled glad to know that you still had the ability to sass him.
“I didn’t want the party tonight because I wanted to spend my last night before I left with you. Not a ton of people just you. You are everything to me (Y/N) and I’m stupid for not telling you sooner. The reason I’ve been so distant,” he breathed, “is because I didn’t know if I should tell you how I feel. I don’t want to damage our friendship, but I went ahead and screwed it up anyway.”
You shivered in his embrace preparing yourself for Slider’s next words.
“I love you,” Slider nuzzled you gently. “More than just as a friend. I love you for you. That you aren’t selfish. That you want me to succeed in all my dreams. That you are there every step of the way. I’m sorry I wish I could take back what I said.”
“I forgive you Slider,” you sniffed before looking up at Slider. Caressing his check he sighed in relief. “Truth is I’ve loved you more than a friend for a long time. I just didn’t want to say anything if you didn’t feel the same.”
“Guess we both were being kinda dumb then,” he laughed.
You nodded before hugging him tighter. Slider enjoyed the moment for a few passing seconds before he was easing a finger under your chin as his thumb stroked your soft cheek.
“You know we still have some time left tonight,” Slider breathed lips barely above yours. “Can I stay a little longer with you?”
“I’d liked that,” you answered.
Slider took your mouth with his, lips caressing against yours softly. He held you against him, enjoying the feel of your feminine form pressed against his masculine one. If he was in a dream he never wanted to wake up. Top Gun was exciting but it was nothing compared to the future he had in store with you in the mix. He stayed until he just had to get home and prepare. Slider wished you could come with him as well, but you promised to wait and he could tell you all the stories he would make over the phone or when he got back home. With one more kiss Slider left feeling like he’d already won and you, you were ready to see what the rest of your life had to offer with Slider.
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29625 · 25 days
Old Slimav playing ACNH during quarantine be like
Slider: Look Mav, I built an open bakery in my rose garden! Oh, Dotty is giving me a peach? What a nice little girl she is! <3
Maverick: Yeah hang on a second baby, I’m building a death trap for Brad and Ice ‘cause the last time we played together they pushed me to a pitfall and tortured me with nets until I figured out how to escape
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Saw your question about musical instruments and fighting styles for the turtles. I don’t have instruments, but I always felt like Leo’s love of fighting with his blades was very akin to a highly skilled ballet dance.
Like, one day the guys saves a women from a Purple Dragon mugging, and when Leo sheepishly turns to her to say “Miss I promise we won’t hurt you.” He doesn’t get the words out because she starry eyed and very obviouslu not afraid. She exciting exclaims how his fightinf looked just like her ballet practice.
Raph, Donnie and Mikey are suddenly stuck listening to the excited rambles of two giant ass nerds talking about the disciplines of their respective practices.
Cuuuute, I imagine these Purple Dragons are more like previous iterations, yeah? Past Leos can definitely get that ballet vibe to their styles I see it I see it.
Though I will say that in Rise I’d argue Mikey’s more ballet than Leo just in terms of canonical mentions! But tbh all of them have some forms that could mesh well with ballet, Mikey’s just the one I think of most when it’s mentioned as he’d been described as a ballet master before.
For Rise Leo, I actually find his style of fighting akin to figure skating. I might actually make a post about this at some point but it’s actually fun to look into for him.
Fighting styles are always fun to look at though because fighting and dancing go hand in hand, and I wholeheartedly agree that dual wielding katana and using them as Leo does is probably one of the biggest examples this in the series.
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rose-pearls · 2 years
Baby and Pregnancy prompts
Summary: some prompts of the reader pregnant or funny moment with the baby featuring: Bob, Hangman, Rooster, Iceman, Maverick and Slider.
I found some prompts and fell in love with them but couldn't chose which one to do or with who so enjoy multiple stories all at once, it may be a bit of a mess! Honour goes to the people that wrote those prompts!
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Trying to figure out the baby's gender by analyzing their symptoms with old wives' tales – Bob
“Bobby where are you?”, you yell through the house as you leave the bathroom.
“In the living room sweetheart.”, you smile at the sound of his voice, having missed him during his two weeks mission.
“There you are my dear husband.”, Bob has a bright smile as you appear and immediately brings you into his arms on the couch, carefully kissing your forehead.
“What are you reading?”, your husband blushes a bit and it makes you even more interested in finding out just what he was reading.
“I was talking to Mayhem, and he told me that his wife and him looked at old wives’ tales to figure out the gender of their baby.”, he says slightly embarrassed, and you chuckle before kissing him quickly on the lips. One of your hands is rubbing your growing stomach, you were nearing the three months and you both couldn’t wait to find out the gender.
“Want to see if we can figure it out before the ultrasound in two weeks?”, Bob’s bright grin was the only answer you needed as he quickly nodded, excited.
“Let me see what we can find out.”, you chuckled at the sight of your husband so focused on finding a good question that would figure out if it was a boy or a girl.
“Alright, first thing.”, Bob turns to look at you and you put yourself comfortably on the other side of the couch with your feet on Bob’s lap, enjoying the soft massage he had started.
“Are your cravings more sweet or salty?”, that was a good question and although you had always been more of a sweet person, these last two months you had been eating a lot of salty things.
“Strangely more salty things, normally I’m more of a sweet tooth but baby Floyd seems to like salty things.”, Bob’s smiles was bright as he looked at you and turned into a loving one as he looks at your bump.
“Now, this is a strange one but there could be a difference if I put weight alongside you.”, this made you laugh and Bob started laughing as well, this man went on a run every day much to your sadness as it meant less cuddles but that proved that Bob hadn’t taken an ounce of weight.
“We can cross that one out.”, Bob sends you a wink and you smile tenderly at him as he writes something down before getting to the third question.
“Are you moody or more relaxed?”, he seems scared to answer the question and you rolled your eyes fondly at you husband.
“I don’t know, I mean I’m more emotional but I’m not exactly crying all the time. You were after all the one that cried when we watched Nemo.”, Bob looks scandalized, and you giggle softly.
“His mother dies! I’m only human.”, you are now full on laughing while Bob huffs and you go closer to Bob unable to hide the smile.
“You are right darling, so I think that to answer your question I am more relaxed.”, Bob nods and writes something down, moving the paper so that you couldn’t see it making you pout.
“This question is a bit weird but are you carrying low or high?”, his eyebrows are furrowed like he is trying to solve a math problem and you feel equally confused.
“Well, the baby is low in my stomach, but I think that is always the case. Why don’t we skip that one.”, Bob nods and looks at the next question he wants to ask while rubbing your feet’s.
“The next one is, are you glowing or are you looking more pale and tired.”, you scoff and Bob snorts at your reaction.
“So, Bob, do I look like shit or not? What a question is that.”, Bob starts to laugh, and you slap his arm and the WSO quickly recovers giving you a quick peck on the lips before looking at you with utter love in his eyes.
“You always look beautiful, but people have been saying that you are glowing.”, you can’t help the blush that appears at Bob’s words and kiss him on the cheek. 
“True, although aren’t you supposed to glow when your pregnant?”, Bob laughs at your annoyance at the question and continues.
“I guess not. A last thing we can do is the ring test, you put a ring on a cord and how it moves will tell us what the gender is.”, you look at Bob impressed and let him go and take a piece of cord that is laying around and take of his wedding ring.
The ring doesn’t move first as you lay down on the couch with Bob above you until it starts moving in circles and your eyes widen just like Bob.
“Holy shit.”, the both of you whisper and look at each other in awe.
“Well judging by all of those answer we are having a”, Bob tries to put some suspense but at your raised eyebrows he chuckles and finally reveals the gender.
“A boy.”, he whispers softly, his forehead against yours and you can’t help but smile.
“You better be right Mr Floyd or I’m going to get my hopes up for nothing.”, he chuckles lightly and kisses you lovingly.
“Don’t worry Mrs Floyd, I’m always right.”, you snort at that, and Bob starts to tickle you as punishment making you laugh even harder.
"I feel like a fat cow." "Well, you're the most beautiful cow." - Maverick
Getting pregnant was a wonderful thing, but the one thing you hadn’t expected as much was getting this big during your pregnancy. Your first three months had been filled with morning sickness and cravings while your second trimester was filled with wanting to climb Maverick like tree, not that the man was complaining.
Now in your third trimester you were really getting bigger and as much as you loved the thought of your baby growing there you couldn’t help but feel conscious of the way you looked. 
Maverick had gone to buy the crib for the baby’s room with Ice, they had painted yesterday, and the soft green room looked beautiful. Ice could somehow paint and had painted some little F-14’s on the wall making Maverick grumble about how perfect he always was before receiving a bit of paint in his face from Ice. You had to try and not laugh at Maverick’s scandalized face and Ice’s mischievous grin.
The both of them arrived, bickering as always and Maverick quickly kissed your lips before going up to build the crib with Ice. It seemed to be going well before you heard some swearing and a laugh that could only be from Ice. You thought of going up but another round of swearing followed this time from Ice and you decided to stay in the living room enjoying Maverick’s laughter.
Ice stayed for dinner, and you had tried to make something light for dinner, to maybe be careful of what you were eating and lose a bit of the weight you were putting on. Maverick had furrowed his eyebrows while Ice had just sat down and thanked you for the food before leaving to go back home.
“Sweetheart?”, you turned around from putting the last things into the fridge at Maverick’s voice and he looked at you with concerned green eyes while leaning against the door.
“What is it handsome?”, you asked after a few seconds of silence and he sighed while looking around the kitchen, he often did that when he was trying to find a way to say things.
“You know that you are the most beautiful woman in the world, right?”, you looked at him in surprise before snorting.
“I look like a fat cow.”, you said followed with a chuckle and you quickly felt the strong arms of Maverick around you.
“Well, you’re the most beautiful cow.”, you couldn’t help the laugh that came at his words, but it turned into tears making Maverick worried and he turned you around.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what is happening.”, Maverick looks at you with a soft smile and wipes your tears away. 
“Don’t worry, although I think you know what the matter is.”, he has a knowing look in his eyes and you sigh, your husband knew you too well.
“I feel like I’m so big ever since the pregnancy and”, you can’t finish your sentence as Maverick kisses you deeply and you respond quickly.
“You are the most gorgeous pregnant woman I know, and you are perfect the way you are. Do you know how many times I want to drag you into our bedroom and ravish you?”, a blush appears, and you kiss Pete with all you have enjoying the feeling of his body against yours.
“You may be bigger than before but that is because you are carrying our child and you don’t know how proud I am of calling you, my wife. You are perfect just the way you are love, don’t change a thing.”, you can’t help the tears that come up at his words and Pete smiles lovingly before a smirk appears.
“Now, I’m going to show you just how much I love you.”, he picked you up and you started laughing but your laugh was quickly stopped by a moan as Pete dragged you to your room.
Person B – being usually the stoic one – somehow managing to evoke a laughing fit in the baby – Ice
It had been six months since you came back from the hospital with a beautiful baby girl who looked just like her father, with his striking blue eyes. Ice loved spending time with his daughter when he got home from work and adored her like she was the most precious thing on earth. She was definitely a daddy’s girl and Ice prided himself with it making you chuckle every time. 
Ice had to go back to Top Gun for a meeting, but he had forgotten his lunch, so you decided to bring it to him and bringing your daughter along for the ride. She had been babbling in the back of the car as you approached the base and was looking in wonder outside of the car. You picked her up and just as you were ready to go, she let out a small shriek and you turned around to see a plane taking of and a toothy grin appeared on her face. She really was her father daughter you thought shaking your head fondly.
The Dagger squad had been training this month and Ice had a mission for them, but he needed to review it before telling Maverick about it. It was probably stupid to think you wouldn’t meet any of them on the way to your husband’s office and just as you turned the corner you were met with the whole squad chatting.
“Isn’t it my favorite niece.”, you heard Rooster exclaim and you had to stop yourself from laughing as the grown man started babbling to the 6-month-old baby. The rest quickly joined him and started trying to make her laugh, but it was in vain. 
They had been trying to make her laugh for the last two weeks, but it seemed like it wasn’t working for the moment. Maverick joined them quickly wondering where they were and when he saw his goddaughter a bright smile appeared.
“There is my favorite Kazansky, how are you pretty girl?”, she started babbling in Maverick’s arms and the man was nodding along seriously like he was having a real conversation.
“What am I hearing about a favorite Kazansky?”, a wide smiled appeared as you felt Ice’s arms around your waist and Maverick looked at Ice unimpressed.
“She is cuter than you, get over it.”, Ice rolls his eyes, and you chuckle before Ice looks at his daughter with a wide smile.
“Your godfather is a bit of an idiot, isn’t he?”, you expected your daughter to babble or just try to go in her father’s arms, but she suddenly started giggling and everyone was surprised.
Ice looked stunned and you also started laughing at Maverick’s and Ice’s twin expression of shock, the Dagger squad also erupted in laughter.
“See, she agrees with me. Don’t you? Maverick is an idiot.”, she starts giggling again and Ice is smirking at his wingmen who is looking at your daughter in betrayal.
“How dare you? This is a betrayal!”, however his betrayed look doesn’t last long as she continues to giggle, and Maverick can’t stop the smile that appears before giving her back to Ice.
“I can’t believe Iceman managed to make her laugh!”, Ice looks at them with a winning smile before taking your hand and leading you towards his office. You daughter waving back at the Dagger squad as you left.
having the baby wear matching clothes with them – Goose
“Goose, we need to leave in ten minutes are you ready?”, you yelled through the house, wondering where your husband and son went.
“Just a minute sweet cheek.”, you rolled your eyes at the nickname but couldn’t stop the smile that appeared.
You started checking if you had everything to go to Ice’s house for the monthly barbecue with the class of ’86. All of Bradley’s stuff where there with an extra set of clothes if something happens. Just as you were wondering where your husband was you heard footsteps and a second later, he was there. Even years later Goose still wore his Hawaiian shirts and even though they sometimes looked ridiculous, it was still what made him Goose and you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
What you hadn’t expected to see was your son with a matching Hawaiian shirt, white undershirt and little jeans. They looked like twins with 30 years of age difference. You couldn’t stop looking at them in surprise and Goose chuckled.
“So, what do you think?”, you let out a soft laugh and looked at the two most important men of your life.
“You two are a sight for sore eyes.”, this made Goose smile proudly and Bradley followed his dad and babbled a few words.
“Now we only need to find you a matching shirt and we will all be matching. Isn’t that a great idea Bradley?”, he asks as he tickles your son’s side and the baby babbles happily making Goose look at you with a smirk. You on the other side didn’t feel reassured at all, as much as Goose loved those, they would certainly look like shit on you.
“No way, I draw the line there.”, Goose pouts but you know that he will bring the idea back tonight and everyday if he has too until you give in. You feel his body against your back and his arm around your waist as you pick up Bradley’s bag. 
“Ready to go beautiful?”, you nodded and took Bradley into your arms while Goose went to put everything in the car. 
“Don’t you look handsome?”, Bradley has a wide grin, and you can’t help but blow a few raspberries making him laugh. Goose looks at you with a loving grin and takes the opportunity to kiss you longingly before taking you to the car.
You quickly arrive at Ice’s house and start to wonder how the others will react at Bradley and Goose’s matching outfits. Just as you are ready to go to the backyard Goose stops you and after looking at him puzzled, he takes out mini aviator sunglasses out his pocket and puts them on Bradley before putting his on. 
“You really thought about this for far too long darling.”, Goose laughs before taking your hand and leading you to the backyard. 
Everyone seems to be there, and you have to stop yourself from laughing at Maverick’s reaction when he sees your husband and son.
“Goose, what did you do? You gave him your bad taste in clothes.”, you can’t help the snort and Goose rolls his eyes playfully while the rest turn around to look at the commotion.
Slider spits out the beer he was drinking while Ice is laughing at his place at the barbecue, Hollywood and Wolfman are shaking their head fondly while Merlin is looking in shock.
“Please, you are just jealous of how great we look.”, everyone starts to laugh, and they start to talk to Bradley with their baby voices and a lot of pictures are taken during the afternoon.
wait a minute. heartbeats?! plural?! we’re having twins/triplets/etc?! - Rooster
It had been a month since you had found out you were pregnant, and you were finally going to the doctor to see how the baby was doing and if everything was going accordingly. Bradley had taken the day of and had been like an excited puppy since this morning. 
Bradley was probably the most excited parent in the waiting room as he had a bright smile and was telling everyone he was having a child, making a few people chuckle at his excitement. 
“Mrs Bradshaw?”, you take Bradley’s hand in yours and lead him towards the designated room where he quickly sits down on the chair next to the bed.
“How is everything going? No complication?”, you shake your head while Bradley looks a bit curious around.
“Everything is going well, just cravings but otherwise no morning sickness.”, the doctor nods and starts to put the gel on the small bump.
“This is going to be cold.”, Bradley takes your hand in his and you smile softly at him, squeezing his hand reassuringly.
“You can hear the heartbeats of the baby’s right now.”, you were so engrossed by the image and the sound that you didn’t paid attention to what she said exactly but Bradley apparently did as he was hanging onto every word she was saying.
“Wait a minute. Heartbeats?! Plural?!”, you looked at him surprised while he looked like he was ready to faint, and you turned back to your doctor who was chuckling.
“Yes plural, congratulations you are having twins.”, shock couldn’t even describe what you were feeling, and Bradley seemed to disfunction at the words.
“Twins? Two babies? Holy shit.”, you slapped his arm, and he quickly apologizes to the doctor making her laugh. 
“That is going to be quite the adventure.”, you can’t help but whisper and Bradley has a bright smile.
“We are having twins! Are they identical?”, his excitement is only bigger now, and you can’t help the utter love that you feel for this man.
“They are identical.”, the both of you smile widely at each other and you start to feel emotional at the thought.
Your doctor starts telling you what you need to take and do and after a few minutes she lets you get your clothes back on. Bradley still seems stuck on the fact that you are having twins.
You leave the doctor’s office with a smiling Bradley and as you leave the waiting room you hear Bradley say.
“We are having twins!”, the people must look at him like he is crazy, but another man screams congratulations and Bradley couldn’t be happier.
Your child's been kicking me all day." "Oh, so now it's my child? - Slider
As much as you loved feeling your baby move and feeling him kick, it was starting to get on your nerves as it was three in the morning and your son didn’t seem to want to sleep. Your husband was fast asleep after a long day of training while you were huffing looking at your bump willing your baby to finally settle down and let you sleep. 
After a minute you didn’t feel anything anymore and you happily thought that your son was finally done but just as you got settled down you felt a strong kick. Goddamnit that kid really was his father’s child.
It had started this morning when Slider left for work and somehow your little guy had decided that he was doing some sort of sport in there as he constantly moved and kicked often. Now you love to feel him move and it always made your heart flutter at the sight of his little feet kicking but now it was starting to annoy you. 
You feel Slider’s arm bringing you closer and you sigh softly at the touch before another kick was felt and you grumbled, waking up your husband. He looked confused for a moment at the fact that he was awake and looked at you with sleepy eyes and his bed hair.
“Everything alright? You have a craving?”, he quickly asks, and you feel your annoyance melt at the sight of his worried eyes, but a sudden kick makes you think back to why you were annoyed.
“Your child’s been kicking me all day”. You say grumbling and Slider can’t help chuckling, but he stops at your raised eyebrows.
“Oh, so now it’s my child.”, he says with a teasing smile, and you roll your eyes.
“This can only be a Kerner trait, I’m telling you.”, your husband laughs and kisses you lovingly before caressing your bump lovingly.
“I think he got it from his mother.”, you snort and enjoy having Slider caress your bump and side making you relax more.
“That is a lie.”, he nods seriously but a smile appears, and you let out a laugh quickly followed by your husband.
It’s only a few moments later that you realize that you haven’t felt a kick in a while, you look down at your bump while Slider kisses your shoulder and neck softly while caressing your leg. 
“I know what you are doing there.”, you can feel his smirk on your skin, and he drops a few more kisses before looking at you with his most innocent smile.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”, after raising your eyebrows you see him give in and he kisses you passionately making butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“He seems to have settled down.”, you whisper and Slider smiles softly at you before looking at your bump.
“Looks like it.”, you smile at each other for a few seconds before you start yawning and Slider laughs quietly.
“Common lets sleep.”, you settle in Slider’s arms and finally fall asleep as you settle in bed with your husband holding you.
I'm starting to feel like this baby will have a lot of aunts and uncles. - Hangman
Jake wanted to tell the Dagger squad that you were pregnant in a spectacular way, because ‘we aren’t going to do it like everyone’ he said.
So now you found yourself waiting for your husband as he finished his last hop of the day and you waited for him to arrive. You had gone to Penny to ask for help on revealing your pregnancy and after a long hug and a lot of congratulations you started planning your reveal.
You had found labels that you could personalize, and Penny just had to put them on a beer bottle and give them to the Dagger Squad, for Bob it would be on a soda bottle. Penny had assured you that it wasn’t an issue as she loved the idea and quickly hid the labels. 
Jake finally arrives with a bright smile and kisses you like a starving man making the other whistle at the two of you. 
“We know she is your wife Hangman, no need to make a show of it every time.”, Rooster yells and Jake ignores him as you laugh.
“Ready for the surprise?”, he is smirking, and a mischievous grin can be seen in his green eyes.
“I was born ready.”, the both of you smirk at each other before leaving towards the Hard Deck and joining the others around the pool table. Maverick and Ice have joined them, and they are all chattering.
“Penny told us that she would bring us some new beers she bought.”, Fanboy tells them with a smile, and you have to hide you smile at the thought of what they were going to get.
Penny arrives and you can see that she is trying not to spoil the surprise as she smiles widely.
“There you go, do tell me what you think about it.”, the aviators quickly take a beer and some of them take a sip before Phoenix lets out a surprised scream.
“You are pregnant?!”, she seems shocked, and you laugh at her reaction while the rest looks at her puzzled.
“Baby Hangman coming soon in the air.”, she reads out loud and everyone looks at their label, a look of understanding passing through.
“Holy shit.”, you hear most of them whisper and you feel Jake’s arm around your waist.
Phoenix is the first to congratulate you and she takes you into a bear hug and tells Jake that he better be on his best behavior before hugging him too. The rest of the group follows with hugs and Coyote glares at Jake before hugging him hard.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me before the others.”, Jake smiles widely and pats Coyote on the shoulder.
“Where would the fun be in that.”, Coyote rolls his eyes but brings you into a hug congratulating you. Rooster wishes you a lot of courage and patience, managing to avoid Jake’s napkin that is thrown at him and everyone laughs.
The whole group is talking about the baby, and you quickly realize something.
“I'm starting to feel like this baby will have a lot of aunts and uncles.”, Jake laughs at that and brings you closer.
“That baby is going to have so many uncles and aunts it’s going to be spoiled rotten.”, you laugh and settle into Jake’s embrace enjoying the sight of your friends arguing about who would be godfather and godmother.
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outalongtheedges · 1 year
Goose On Film
Part 2
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“Oh so that’s where that picture went”, Maverick mumbled more to himself than to anyone in particular.
Not that the others would’ve cared much about what he had to say about an old picture on a corkboard in the Bradshaw’s study.
“Interesting. I thought I had lost that one”, Slider’s wife suddenly said beside him. “Should’ve known Goose took it back.”
Maverick nodded before reaching up to take the picture of him and Ice off the board. He’s had it inside of his wallet for the better part of 10 years before he had ‘lost it’.
“What do you think you’re doing there, Maverick?!”, Goose slapped his wrist before he could reach the picture. “It’s mine!”
Okay so to be fair Goose did take the picture and he also paid for them to be printed out but it still was a picture of Ice and Mav. So it made sense for Maverick to have it, right? Slider’s wife seemed to have been thinking the same thing judging by the way she eyed the photo of her husband.
“I know what you’re thinking, Pete Mitchell! Don’t even try it. It’s an important piece in my ‘Goose on Film’ series.”, Goose continued to argue with his best friend. “You got more than enough pictures of you and that blond bastard, don’t you think?”
Maverick rolled his eyes. He could never have enough pictures of him and Tom. Not in a million years could he have collected enough of them. And that picture in particular had been taken on Carole’s birthday in ‘92, and if you know anything about Carole’s birthday parties then you’d understand the significance of that photo. That Goose even managed to take a decent one of them was astounding.
Yeah okay Mav was looking down, reading god knows what and it was a little blurry, but Ice managed to look into the camera as if he’d never done anything else but model in his entire life.
“And you!”, Goose suddenly turned over to Mrs Kerner that had her fingers on one of the thumbtacks holding up her husbands picture, “Don’t even think about it! I’ve been to your house, the walls are full of pictures of Slider and his ugly mug!”
“But not this one. Look at how cute he looks…”, she looked the photo dreamily.
“I don’t know about Slider and cute.”, Goose and Mav said at the same time, questioning looks on their faces.
“Oh come on! You guys know what I mean!”
They did know, Goose and Mav could stare at their respective partners for hours and call them every term of endearment under the sun and wouldn’t get tired.
„Come on Goose!“, Maverick whined pointing at the picture. „Let me have it back. It doesn’t look nice enough for your photo books anymore anyways.“
„What exactly did you do with yours, Pete?“, Mrs Kerner asked with a raised brow, looking sceptical as ever. „Looks like you crumpled it up.“
„I had it in my wallet? And then on my plane.“
„You know what you’re right. They’re both in horrible condition.“, Goose sighed exasperatedly, „I still have the negatives. Take them and treat them horribly! No respect for my art!“
Slider’s wife took the picture down triumphantly and folded it up the way it probably had been for years. So did Mav, staring lovingly at the photo he had stared at every time he went up in his plane.
„You two are paying for the new prints I have to make!“
„Of course Nick, honey. I’ll pay for it“, Mrs Kerner chuckled and Maverick nodded along.
All of them knew they wouldn’t pay for the prints, not that Goose would care.
Masterlist Part 2
Another silly little manip and this time with a story?? I’m treating you and myself (mostly myself) with this one aren’t I?
Let me know what you lovely people think ✨🎈💕
Remember be nice and respectful, have a nice day and a good nights sleep.
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emmedoesntdomath · 11 months
ice, glancing over his meeting records: captain mitchell, if you could read us the minutes from our last meeting. 
mav, who took no notes beyond ‘ice looks hawt’: of course, of course
*goose subtly slides him a piece of paper*
mav, reading: this is fucking stupid. xoxo
viper, looking like someone’s about to be fucking buried:
slider, laying facedown on the table:
ice, throwing his glasses across the room: YOU HAD ONE JOB
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ohtobemare · 5 months
Happiest of birthdays to you! Would love to request my man Slider and the prompt “you remembered?!”¹ “what kind of question is that? of course i did!”
Hope you have fun plans for your bday (or at least good VK dreams!)
Alright, nonny. Here it is. The kickoff to my birthday celly. And woof, she was rough. Slider is so hard in all the right ways, of course and I really hope it doesn't take me this long to get through all of these. Enjoy our favorite RIO (sorry, Goose!) and thanks so much for celebrating with me!
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“Sli? Sli baby, you here?” 
Ankles all but throbbing as you wobble through the front door in heels, quick eyes skirt the kitchen for any signs of life potentially lurking in the after-5 shadows crisscrossing the tiles of the floor.
Nothing but the quiet hum from the open window and the overhead light on the stove fills the space. Huffing a little breath, the groceries drop to the granite countertop of your island with a hard thunk, overflowing arms aching with the sudden relief. 
Tossing keys on the counter and kicking your heels off against the island, cool tile feels miraculous on your feet. Does wonders for the dull flame in your arches as you curl your toes, adjusting to the change. Eyes catching the time on the stove, your hand slips along the granite countertop as you cross the kitchen. Do the mental math.
And that makes you a little more anxious than you were before, hurrying towards the stairs. 
Calling for Slider again, you’re not sure where he is. That piece of shit he drives is parked at the curb, just as it had been last night. When Ron had passed out on your couch. He obviously hadn’t bothered leaving, the hood on his pickup was still cold.
You head upstairs, two at a time, surveying the living room from the open banister. TV still, Ron’s once-rumpled blanket from where you’d covered him up folded with clinical care on one of the cushions. His Navy duffle parked by the recliner he’s been calling his since the day you’d moved it in. 
Nothingness. It’s there, like a taut wire. Waiting to be plucked, for the butterknife to come and cut the tension like it’s Sunday dinner. Odd that Slider isn’t rumbling around your duplex in your absence—usually he’s doing something. Working out, changing a lightbulb, that one time he’d taken it upon himself to wash baseboards. The man isn’t prone to stagnancy. Even if you insist he relax. 
At the top of the stairs, a hit of familiar peach tickles your nose and gives you pause. Wriggling toes into the plush carpet, you hear the running water at the end of the hall. This house is nothing if not held together with paper-thin walls and discount nails. A true product of the 1970s, you’d replaced the carpet last year. Slider had wrangled up some of the boys, beer and home cooked food had brought them around to help lay carpet and new tile.
The neighbors hadn’t been so nosy, or visible, since. 
Curiosing your way down the hall in the direction of running water, you slip into the master to find light cutting into the shadows of your bedroom from the on-suite. Fusty shampoo and steam roll from the cracked door, and your lips quirk up into a goofy smile at the little off-key humming.
Some tune you don’t know, but coming from Ron? It’s like front row seats at Billy Joel. Or it might as well be. 
Stopping at the door, you gently grab the knob and use your other hand to knock a knuckle against the door. Immediately mute, nothing but the rush of the shower slapping water against the backsplash takes up the space.
Peeking past the door to the mirror hanging over the sink, you can see Ron in the shower. He’s paused, mid-shampoo. Eyes squeezed shut, adorable crow’s feet and all. 
“I’m back from the store, Sli,” you check his watch, which has been hanging out on your wrist since you’d snatched it off the nightstand this morning. Resting your head against the door, you twist the ball of your foot against the carpet and gnaw teasingly on your lower lip. 
“Yeah?” The titter of a laugh is there. More of a chuckle, really. “Get what you need, baby?” 
Baby. It punches low, white-hot. Sends tingles of pleasurable heat; promises all the things he does right buzzing through your fingertips.
Sticking your head through the crack of the door, you smile crookedly at the reflection of him trying to clear the soap from his face. Mirror half fogged over from the heavy steam, something similar rolls through the low of your gut. Pleasant but clawing, devastating but delicious. 
And he really is a beautiful creature of a thing—all hard muscle and suntan, there isn’t a part of him that isn’t near to carved bronze. Little more than Icarus flying into a too-near sun, he cuts you at the knees every time he smiles your direction. When his hand takes yours, the atmosphere thins into hardly-there air that’s all too good and impossible to breathe at once.
And that little thing he does, the slow drag of his lips against the line of your jaw, down the soft flesh of your neck to the collarbone? It shakes you all the way down. 
Ron Kerner is the glistening sun, you all too thrilled to orbit. A clear northern sky. Endless canvas of midnight sprinkled with the glow of far-off worlds only ever promised in poems and movies and stories, what he does to you is nearly sinful. Little does he know that he grips you in strong, calloused hands that balance so much more than the way he holds your hips, the way he cups your face—you little more than putty in his hands. They hold your world, your heart, your ability to love. 
Two years together—two revolutions around the sun—has throttled you into never letting go. Into thinking you can’t exist without the hard planes of him fitting so perfectly against you. He’s a disease you can’t shake, radiation poisoning that corrupts the body and soul; toxic divinity that’s contaminating every realm of your fathomable existence. 
Even here, separated by doors and steaming clouds and frosted glass of a shower door that hides all the things that matter, you’re one calculation from drowning in the way he’s smiling crookedly. How his hair curls so beautifully when it’s wet—how rivulets of water carve what feel like unexplored chasms down his breastbone, his pecs, obliques. 
Hands dropping from working shampoo through his hair, his little smirk twists when he goes to bite the corner of his bottom lip. He can feel you staring, obviously. And the frosted strip of glass on the door is doing a magnificent job of hiding everything that crosshairs your line of sight. Welded there and unable to move for any amount of collateral known to man, you hardly notice the door moving. Or the fact that you’re squirming. 
Until Ron steps forward, head poking through the opening to grin at you, goofily. 
“My eyes are up here, gorgeous.” And his wagging brows make you blush. Eyes dragging away to far off places, all conveniently across the bathroom, your bottom lip rolls inward.
Drumming your nails against the back of the door, he snorts at the color lighting up your face. “Well don’t be shy about it, for Christ sake,” teasing is only half of Ron’s game.
Cool eyes find the inferno of yours, the corner of his mouth ticking up a quirk. “Get over here.” 
And before you can even breathe, he’s waving his hand for you to come. 
For a few beats he doesn’t say anything. You weigh the decision from behind the door as if it's stock and your flat-footed stance behind the door is Wall Street. But you’re burning in all the right places—for a moment, thinking you might be combusting from beneath the collar of your button down shirt.
Because you can’t feel the limp noodles that have conveniently replaced your arms at either of your sides. Legs feel like they’ve disconnected from your body. All you can feel is the pulled-taut hot little feeling between your legs, the way your core is absolutely throbbing in need of the way he’s looking at you. 
Fingers curling and uncurling at your sides, you slip through the door. Gently toe it closed. Pressing your ass against the twin sink countertop, your toes flex against the cool tile of the floor. It’s slick in that way that cool tile gets when steam is in the air, and one wrong move will have you skating like a newborn foal.
And suddenly everything about this room is hyperaware, flogging you in deeper living color. The atrocious color of the walls you haven’t repainted; that ugly spot that one painting from your mother was supposed to cover, but sits perpetually at the back of your closet because it’s not your style.
It’s all so here, so alive, as Slider does nothing but hold your attention. Waving you come like a damn siren of a thing and not the Naval aviator you've been pining over since that day you'd seen him at the O-Club. 
Fortifying your position, your fingers curl into the granite countertop before a desperate, coy little smile twists your lips. Shaking your head, the throaty chuckle rolling around the back of your throat is a little deeper than you thought possible. And your tongue is thick, clumsy in your mouth over him.
Your eyes dart immediately when he slips further out of the shower, one of his tree-like legs stepping home on the bathmat. Water pours from him like the gates of Sesame have opened, taking with it all moisture from the back of your throat.
Chuckling in disbelief at your stubbornness, he leans out of the shower to reach for you. “What? Don’t trust me?” How his brow lifts conspiratorially confirms that he knows, and you lift to your toes to lean back from his grabbing hand, farther over the sink. “Oh come on, gorgeous—” 
“—you get over here, Kerner. Away from the shower.” Your eyes drop to the center of his abdomen, more telling than you'd like to be.
You heave yourself onto the counter with a heavy plop, planting heels against the cupboards beneath, the heavy oak a little rougher on your feet than you remember. Then, crooking a finger at him, your chin lifts as your eyes drop to a lusty half mast.
His face might as well be a landing strip the way his brows take off, and you chuckle when his tongue so visibly fills the pocket of his lower lip. 
“What? You don't trust me?” 
Return smile slow, “Not even for a second,” has your brows bouncing suggestively. That tight little snake that’s been slipping low down your spine curls into a tight coil at the base of your stomach, poised. Waiting. Like springs; catapults that clamp metric tonnes of aircraft home to the cold blue surface of carriers. Waiting for the greenlight. Of flight. Of going. 
And like the crack of a whip, Slider slaps open the shower door with a wet palm. Stepping out, his hand drags through the rivers of water cascading down the glass to the floor, like life itself depends on finding paydirt.
In a breath he’s suddenly standing between your legs, water from every crevice of his finely-hewn body pouring to the floor. Fingers curled into the granite at either side of your thighs, the running shower that’s wasting water by the gallons disappears from thought. 
The only thing tangible is Slider’s hot breath between the two of you. His cock, heavy between the yummy, God-ordained V of his hips. The way his breathing is just a little ragged when he steps between your legs makes you forget your name; one of his thick wet hands sliding home to your hip.
Fingers twisting in the Rayon of your shirt, his other comes to brush your bangs from your forehead, playing. Exploring. Investigating how they whisp away, how it sends shivers down your spine. 
Even two years under Ronnie’s spell, you still can’t breathe when his eyes move from yours to your mouth. Catching your bottom lip between your teeth, you attempt to steady the heart that’s practically pulsating between your ribs. Any second you expect it to jump into his awaiting hand—little’s changed since the first time he’d kissed you in the front seat of your Pontiac, tasting like beer and chapstick and cologne that didn’t match his personality. Your heart had beat just as quickly then.
Jury’s out on when it would ever not. 
Slider leans forward a little to brush his lips against yours. And you try to kiss him, breathless and head spinning, but he pulls back a little, smiling. Angling to skim his mouth along your jaw, his nose brushes the apple of your cheek. Wet, and his like-steel grip on your thigh has left a wet handprint in the denim of your Levi’s. But you don’t care, not really.
Because it’s so hot, so perfect the way his fingers skim to the sensitive juncture of your legs. To that whiny, needy little spot that aches just so in way’s only God Himself could smile at. 
Goosebumps chase up your arms as his fingers curl into the meat of your thigh. Fingertips brush up the curve of your side to the collar of your shirt as he works thick, inferno kisses to that spot he knows you love. It’ll be all kinds of red and blue by tomorrow, and it will all but stand up and demand your best full-coverage base, but that’s a tomorrow problem.
Right now all you can feel is the magnetism in the base of your gut, the twitch of fighting the urge to close your thighs around his waist and pull him close. 
His lips drag back to your mouth, hovering. Tasting, teasing. And he smells like shampoo, like peach and rain and that musk that only men seem to ever have on their skin. Nose brushing the end of yours lightly, his lips curl into quicksilver as he takes your hand, laces his fingers through yours, and guides it to the middle of his chest. 
All but shaking, you gnaw at the inside pocket of your cheek. “Smile for me, sweetheart,” and the throatiness of it rips a breathless little whimper from the back of your throat, his fingertips brushing down the column of your neck. Head tipping back as your eyes flutter closed, toes burning against the rough oak cabinets like you can feel every splinter of rough wood. 
“Smile for Slider on your birthday, hm?” 
And that punches your gut like nothing ever has. Head snapping forward, you can’t resist—your mouth crashes against his like steel punching steel, teeth knocking together in a way that makes neither of you pause but pulls a surprised grunt from him. Legs lift to wrap around his waist. Pull him forward, suck him in.
Your fingers memorize every swell and curve of hard muscle as they trace up his arms, across his collarbones. Until all at once your arms slip around his neck, pulling him down, flush against your chest. His fingers skip along the hem of your shirt, dangerous. Possessive. It’s nearly treason. 
“You remembered,” between lazy kisses that pull and push in all the right ways, your smile grows. And his fingers slip up your back lightly, fisting the material of your shirt as he holds you. Dips you forward with gentle pressure until you’re chest-to-chest. Heartbeat to heartbeat. Until you’re looking up into lusty eyes beneath your lashes, hardly able to breathe. 
“‘Course I remembered,” his brow furrows a little, like he’s a bit confused by the question, “what kind of guy would I be if I forgot my babygirl’s birthday?” Ownership is definitely a thing between the two of you–-a bedroom kink that snaps you just short of a rubber band. Curls heat down your spine like its smoke in the air. 
Biting your lower lip, you smile at him before your nose wrinkles a little. “You’re bad for me, Ronnie,” his lips curl up into a grin as he chuckles against your mouth, a singular finger tracing the line of your shoulder blade beneath your shirt. 
“And you’re too gorgeous to be twenty-nine,” it's almost whining. Taking your bottom lip between his teeth, his brows wag a little when you blush up at him. Pulling away, piglet cheeks warm under his attention as you arch back into his hands, the front of your shirt stains wet from his chest. 
And arching back only snags his attention. Ducking to press an open-mouth kiss to the pulse in your neck, his teeth lightly drag against your skin when he sucks. Hard. Twisting a delicious little hiss that tastes like heat on your tongue, he chuckles. Your finger playing through the curls on his chest sends goosebumps across his skin, you feel them pebble beneath your fingertips. Droplets on his skin have fanned cold, but the room is still swirling with team from the nearly overwhelming thunder of the shower. 
“Feel any older?” His murmur is thick against soft skin. Very suddenly nothing about him is chilled–he may as well be cut from volcanic rock.
Throaty hum chasing any reasonable response from your head, his hand lifts to the back of your hair, fingers searching for a handful of hair before the light tug drops your head back. 
Pain is momentary before it bleeds into warm heat that lights up your nerves, sends blood ripping through your ears like a stoked locomotive on fire and threatening the rails. Chest rising and falling in tandem with his, your fingers curl into the damp curve of his bicep, pulling him a little closer.
“'Only as old as you feel, Ron,” your tongue skates your bottom lip, eyes darting over his shoulder to consider the shower, “And I don’t feel very old. Not yet, anyway,” head canting to the side, his other hand cards through your hair. Looking hungry, looking very engaged with what you’re saying, your smile grows. Sweetly, innocently. 
“I think I’ve got some miles left in me. Don’t you?” 
It’s taking visible effort for him to stay composed, you can tell. It’s in the twitch of his fingers, the little tick of muscle in his jaw. Ron has never, in two years, been very good at keeping a poker face—the man is too animated. Too much of a card to keep any secrets, and today he’s as much Ron Kerner as you’ve always known him to be. 
But the push and pull of your body against his working off your shirt is uncoordinated and hot, too many steps to even fathom as that familiar twisting serpent hums in the base of your belly. In the perfect, God-designed V of your legs, the damn thing.
And Slider is nothing if not easily entertained—it takes little to no effort for his attention to drop to the growing cut of your shirt as one by one, your fingers work at buttons like they are hardly there. 
Watching to the point of huffing, Slider resolves to just rip the garment the rest of the way off, tossing it away into the abyss this on-suite has become. His disregard–the nerve. It was your favorite shirt. A white and gray little striped thing that you got at Bloomingdales, on sale. Normally couldn’t afford.
But Ron hasn’t ever really cared about clothes, not in the heat of the moment—he’s replaced every garment he’s destroyed. Bless him and his generous soul, you’re willing to bet a week’s salary he’s prepared to buy you three more. Had planned to rip that one off of you as soon as you’d kissed him goodbye to leave for the damn store. 
Chest to chest, your skin nearly ripples with feel-good bumps that make you shiver—it’s the only thing keeping you boots on the ground. And he wastes exactly zero seconds—his fingers are nearly lithe with the button of your jeans, laying them open with a mere pop of his thumb.
And all too quickly, his hands are in yours, fingers interlaced as he steps back from the sink, tugging you with him.
“You think so, huh?” You’re nearly a full foot shorter than Slider, a fact he’s never failed to bring to your attention. Lowering to lazily play with your bottom lip, his smile grows as he steps back a few more paces, and now you can all but feel the spray of the shower dance across your skin. “How about putting money where your mouth is, baby?”
And like a crack of lightning, both of you are suddenly beneath near-scalding water, chest to chest with your back pressed hard against the backsplash. 
“You hate shower sex, Sli,” never mind saturated jeans weighing heavy on your legs, and how truly awful that feels—you couldn’t wriggle out of them if you’d even tried, “Why would you—” Boxed in between either of his arms, there’s little more between you than him.
And there’s nowhere to run, pulse of hot water lighting up your skin like fire. Another fistful of your hair has your head tipped back against the tile, his fingers slipping through the droplets clinging to your skin. 
“But you don’t,” he shakes his head once, saturated curls all but bouncing with the effort before he rakes them back with a smooth hand, “and today is about you, gorgeous,” hands falling to either of your hips, he guides you forward until his dick presses softly to your thigh.
"And besides," In a sweet, hardly-ordinary-for-Slider nose-to-nose kiss, his smile becomes loose for all of a few seconds. Leaves you breathless, dizzy. Stupid—more stupid than you want to feel on your birthday. Almost conspiratorial. 
“—my birthday is in a couple weeks."
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