#Rosie is from alola
rosehearts-forest · 4 months
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I give you human Rosie and Shine. Au where if Rosie stayed in the human world and became a trainer with another kid named Sam.
For @heropartnerweek the prompt ‘human Au’
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doll-anon · 10 months
Alola! What's *your* favourite plushie? (from @smeargledshades)
Oh! I can't decide out of all of my friends! I've got so many! They don't talk or move like me but that's what pretend is for!
I've got Rodney and Sophora and Indigo and Rosie and Zita and Shape and Blackthorn and Flare and- I'm being told I should stop saying their names now!
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toxic-spike-plumeria · 2 months
The Mural
Rated M for Mature for sexual themes.
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon.
Note: Takes part in my Cigarettes and Hibiscus universe, art description is inspired by MCR's Revenge era, and punk propaganda art. If it helps, I wrote the ending while listening "Welcome to the Black Parade".
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The first time Plumeria had seen The Mural, as it was so affectionately called, was the day she had arrived in Spikemuth.  She didn't understand the meaning or sentiment behind it at the time, all she saw was beauty and art- on pitch black background was a side profile view of Piers, cyan eyes glinting with a large, dark starburst, as he sported his signature colors of black and white and magenta, underneath the portrait was a decaying, waving paperesque-stlyed banner that read “Our Lord of Sorrows”.  Below him to the left was another side profile of a young woman, with side shaved pigtails, and blue eyes that almost matched the man she was depicted beside.  Her colors were still vibrant, but softer, a bright baby pink and light gray with a deep indigo shadow, her banner reading “Spiritus Tenax”.  The portraits were graffiti’d in a mix of noir/deco/grunge, true to the anarchist style of the city leaders it displayed so proudly.  Plumeria was blown away by it, completely mesmerized, her drive to reconnect with her boyfriend all the stronger.  Just like the music notes behind him on the bricking, she followed the sounds of heavy guitars and eerily angelic vocals to her other half, pouring his heart out on stage, their eyes meeting, and worlds connecting in less than a second. 
He stopped mid song to embrace her, something that shocked everyone around, before leading her to the front, and continuing on.  Without knowing why the two Yell grunts acting security kept the strange, new woman safe from prying eyes and glares and stares of the others.  Something shifted in Spikemuth that day, everyone could tell.
A few more months had passed before The Mural was passed by again from either of the couple.  This time it was Piers who had noticed it, the image that had been there for so many years, ever since he took over the gym, suddenly changed overnight, raising a brow and piquing his interest.  He could see from the main road bold shades of rosy pink and lemon yellow highlights had been aurad'd around another figure that sat to Piers’ right.  Upon further inspection he smirked, noting the figure of his lover there, one leg bent to her chest, arms wrapped around it, tender eyes looking out.  She had no banner, but around her like a halo was the phrase “Tenebris Lux”.  He immediately took a picture and sent it to Plumeria, providing no explanation.  Something within his heart fluttered with a newfound pride for his city, and a new spark for her.  He couldn't wipe the smile from his face the rest of the way home, or when he took Plumeria to bed upon arrival.  
Tenebris lux: the light in the darkness.  And in the dark of their shared room, naked bodies twisting and breathing heavy, hearts full of passion and love, Piers could see why the painter, whomever they may be, gave her that as her descriptor.  Underneath his form, covered in sweat, panting hard and moaning loud, Plumeria was the only light he'd ever need.   And he'd swear she glowed with every orgasm, lighting up the room, and his soul.
Then just like that his light was snuffed out, and he was left in the darkness once again.  Her part in the mural became a memoriam, golden flecks and peace crosses added to her halo. Her once warm eyes now closed forever, covered by a blackened shroud.  The word ‘Sorrow’ in Piers’ title had been bolded, the paint dripping like the tears he often shed.
In Alola she was a martyr, though only to Ula’ula and Akala, where her efforts and sacrifice made way to revelation and freedom, but not without war.  And every war has casualties.  
The siblings had seen the update before they had seen the arrival.  And a striking update it was- the whole of The Mural had changed, from poses to colors; only the titles and art style itself stayed the same.  The mural now centered on the theme of family, with Marnie now sporting the official gym leader clothing of Spikemuth, her stare one of determination, eyes bright and large.  She held a wide stance, a dusk ball popped open with a freshly released Morpeko, metallic bronzed thunder bolts painted over small splashes of magenta and baby pink , the rest of her portrait grayscale monochrome, except for the blue in her eyes.
Piers was stationed above her to the left, donning his performance uniform of plaid distressed pants and a printed tee with a spiked jacket, his trusty Obstagoon modeled to his left side, rocking out in its signature pose, both monochrome save for Piers’ cyan eyes and splatters of aquamarine and violet shadowing them.  His notorious medallion and jacket spikes had been accentuated with a metallic silver paint, adding definition and shine. His face, crying the last he saw, was dark and energized, his fist raised in rebellion.   
Lastly, to his right stood Plumeria, her left arm up, holding a metallic golden ball of light, while Alohi was cradled in her right arm.  She was dressed in her signature concert outfit- high rise pleather shorts paired with split top halter and fishnet shirt, completed by the studded leather jacket Piers had gotten made for her, and her signature fashion boots.  A halo of metallic golden paint adorned her head, and her eyes were flaked golden as well.  Harsh blotches of yellow and rosy acted as a backsplash against the monochrome, much like how Marnie's and Piers’ portraits were done. And all around her body were the scars Guzma had left when Piers had followed her to Alola.  Right before she was gone forever…but who here would know about those?
The banner waved anew, freshly painted and waved so that all three bore their titles: Our Lord of Sorrows, Spiritus Tenax, and Plumeria’s new title- Our Lady of Resilience.  Upon further inspection Marnie noticed that the banner wasn't the only thing ‘freshly’ painted. The whole mural had been redone recently, the fumes still wafting in the air, if barely, and further down the alleyway were the empty cans of colors, appropriately discarded into their respective receptacles. 
Piers had never run so fast in his life.  The only way anyone could know about the scars was to see them.  He damn near busted the door down to the apartment, Marnie hot on his trail.  And when they finally entered, they say a very confused Plumeria looking around, before being tackled in a crushing, loving embrace by her other half.  She was real, she was here, and she was alive.  Piers sobbed in her arms, joined soon by his sister, both having missed the Alolan in their own way. That night Piers made another vow to her, so that he would never be far from her again.  He couldn't bear it.
The mural only changed twice more after that.  When Plumeria joined Marnie as a co host  to the gym, her outfit and pose on the mural were changed to reflect her poison type colors of neon green and electric purple. Her hand now holding a poison barb, and Alohi's evolution into Veneon was updated.  
The final time it changed was the day Piers and Plumeria wed.  Their colors, for the most part, stayed the same- monochrome clothes with splashes of their personal pallets behind them, save for the color of their eyes, and the newly adorned metallic silver and gold coronets above their heads.  They were modeled in their wedding clothes, Piers in his distressed and spiked tuxedo and jacket, and Plumeria in her layered satin and mesh corseted gown.  They faced each other, Plumeria holding a bouquet of her name bearing flowers along with their sacred fire blooms from Alola. Piers held her chin in his hand, tilting her head slightly, ready to lean in for the matrimonial kiss.  The banner twisted around them this time, reading the phrase “Tenebris Tenetur, Lux Est”. Two smaller scrolls below their portraits revealed their new titles: Our King of Pains, Our Queen of Hearts.  Marnie had been removed from this mural, having her own now, located across on the other side of the alley.  She still wore her uniform, and was still posed with her Morpeko, the metallic bronzed bolts shimmering over a scattering of her colors, matching a metallic bronze tiara above her head.  On her banner was her new title as well: Our Lady of Tenacity.  And this was how Spikemuth's royalty stayed immortalized.
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crawstacean · 1 year
Intro Post, I guess!!
I saw a lotta people joinin this app and thought it could be fun!
- I already mentioned my name, but it’s Sawyer! I’m 22 and I use they/them pronouns.
- Grew up in Hoenn, but moved to Alola when I was 9. I just recently moved to Paldea for work.
My team!
- Firstly, there’s Cayenne the Crawdaunt! She was my first pokemon and is usually head of my party!
- Next is Sparky, my Luxray! Him n Cayenne are from Hoenn and are best friends!
- Then there’s Laurel, my Leafeon! She’s a sassy lil lady with a heart of gold!
- And then Rosie, my Ribombee! She’s the first shiny I ever caught! She’s really such a sweetheart!
- Next is Patches, my Mimikyu! I got him pretty recent, but I’ve loved raisin him so far!
- And last, but not least, is Aries, my Armarouge! I’ve been raisin her for a while now - found her as a Charcadet not that long after movin to Paldea - and she’s gotten on great with the others!
I’m excited to be here, and will probably post random thoughts from time to time! Feel free to send asks - the box is always open!
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nnatsume · 2 years
i can see those headcanons 👁 pls share gym leader natsume headcanons 👉👈 (he'd have a mismagius wouldn't he, nice mix of ghost and psychic,,then maybe a dark type like umbreon?) ~🌹rosie
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↳ ❝ [ POKÈSTARS — NATSUME ED. ] ¡! ❞
a / n; i go completely crazy when it comes to combining my interests. and pokemon is one of them . i have. i have so many things .IT'S NOT NECESSARILY GYM LEADER STUFF THAOYDHAHD these are all over the place sorru i took some of these from my 3am screamimgs
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natsume is originally from the unova region but moved to alola with his mother for business reasons. they still have their fortune telling thing going on, but this time they employ the help of psychic pokemon as well.
his mother has a hypno, and instead of two cats they have an umbreon and an espeon. they're just like. weird housecats. not for fighting. just for petting. and sometimes they help with fortune telling.
natsume's team: i latched onto entries.
mismagius: "it chants incantations. while they usually torment targets, some chants bring happiness." (x & y) natsume's speech is precisely to throw people off. they're literally meant to be. my headcanon is that that was his first pokemon!!
zoroark: "each has the ability to fool a large group of people simultaneously. they protect their lair with illusory scenery." (x & y) and actually not bc it's one of my favourites. natsume bamboozles ppl frequently.
musharna: "the mist emanating from their foreheads is packed with the dreams of people and pokémon." (black & white)
rotom: "its body is composed of plasma. it is known to infiltrate electronic devices and wreak havoc." (diamond & pearl) rememeber the whole "kidnapping alkaloid and forcing them to play your ssvr game"? i think that would be easy with a rotom.
chandelure: "this pokémon haunts dilapidated mansions. it sways its arms to hypnotize opponents with the ominous dancing of its flames." (sword & shield) headcanon that he caught his chandelure in tsumugi's house.
alolan raichu: "it unleashes electric shocks that can reach 100,000 volts. when agitated, it can knock out even an indian elephant." (sun) apparently indian elephants exist in pokemon. but alolan raichu is so switchcore..
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his battle theme would be something like yo dj pump this party! it sounds really switch-y okay. it sounds kinda electric if you know what i'm talking about.
i'm thinking he'd do something like the shinsekai or contrarian magician for a pose since that's his signature. and also a sore loser. tries to be smooth but speaks through grit teeth. something like "next time i'll make you never want to fight agAIN."
when he wins he gets kinda arrogant. a la, "it's just like the future foreTOLD—don't look so dejected, yeAH?", wears the classic natsume smirk. he's nasty about it but will help you to the pokémon center if you need it.
he's super stacked on berries and potions and effects and always happy to lend some, because his mom makes a metric ton, but he doesn't use them himself. he wants to beat people with raw power and strategy. he uses other items to amplify skills though, he likes the stones for example—switching between ghostium z and psychium z! or even just a dry stone or a damp stone if he's feeling effect to annoy his enemies.
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not home very often. this time instead of holing himself up in the secret room he's practicing with his pokemon outside. his dream is to join the elite 4. and make it elite 5, if you know what i mean. that would be the eccentrics.
he's sora's neighbour. and sora is a small kid that dresses like a helioptile—they established themselves as team switch (like team rocket!) because sora wanted to help natsume fulfill his goal if he taught him how to talk to pokemon like he does.
tsumugi works at a prominent library owned by his parents, and he's the guy who gets team switch wired into all the championships and professional fights through his connections. so they count him as part of team switch too, even though he's usually just chilling outside of the fighting ring with his swablu!
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more cute stuff: natsume's zoroark can lead conversation! you know how that one zoroark turned into nurse joy and spoke? yup. just like that, natsume taught it a couple words. they talk sometimes, but most conversation is non-verbal because they're very in sync. i'm just thinking of natsume napping under a tree with it. <3
he's frequently called to tsumugi's house for a deep cleaning of ghost-types. their house is very old and they tend to swarm to it—one night, tsumugi called him over because the light kept flicking on and off in his kitchen—turns out it was a chandelure playing with the chandelier lights.
his mother's hypno is very popular, despite the bad rep it has in other places! they like to take it on walks through the city and bless people's dreams at night.
their umbreon is worse than every cat because not only does it tip over all the vases and pots but it can also false swipe you. natsume had to stick all the fragile things in place so it wouldn't destroy everything. espeon in turn is a very peaceful pokemon that likes to chill in whatever bed it finds! joins natsume on his training rounds sometimes, and helps him by being his combatant if sora isn't there to help out.
favourite place is probably in the proximitry of tapu lele! because of it's healing aura/scales. he finds that relaxing and he can go on with his practice for longer since it keeps him energized—very practical—sometimes it drops a scale for him on purpose because he's a frequent visitor. he knows not to get too close or on it's nerves, though.
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hereliesbitches--me · 3 years
Pokemon Verse info
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The plot does contain themes of genetic splicing, mention of fetuses, and vague reference to sexual assault. The antagonist are not minor-friendly in their habits. They are manipulative, murderous assholes but are equally capable of being charming to achieve their needs, and I dont condone their actions.
Please respect that the characters are dangerous. Your muses can get hurt dealing with them, but I am not against retaliation. It should be acknowledge that none of them are pushover by any means either. Harass them at your own risk
|| The Plot ||
In Alola, anything is possible. Its a paradise protected by island deities, and being that tear through the fabric of space and time to visit. A Man, a scientist with hopes to study the dimensional phenomenon as a glimpse into humanity's past, inadvertently released a Malevolent Pokemon from the Abyss who latches herself on to him. Whispering confidence in his greatness, she convinced the scientist to pursue a project that would undoubtedly bring him glory and prestige within the scientific community:
To create the next step in human evolution, he must take the steps in creating a genetic miracle of crossing pokemon and human DNA to create a whole new race. And together, they would make a new world.
Thus, Toruga found himself a scientist within the aether foundation. Utilizing the knowledge his mistress has gathered, he takes advantage of Lusamine's fixation on a perfect world of beautiful pokemon in order to create the prototypes for his new generation with her funding backing the project. Toruga's ruthless and seemingly moraless ambition makes him ideal in partaking in the less than desirable parts of the aether foundation, and makes him a valuable asset. As long as he completed the little jobs she obsessed over, then Lusamine and her staff don't dig further into his pet project in the underbelly aether paradise.
After many failed fetuses that never make it past incubation or die within hours to weeks, Toruga is finally successful by utilizing a surrogate host mother to incubate a child in, though his volunteer died in childbirth under the stress. Rosie is born, the first of her kind as a alolan meowth girl. She is aether property, until her father, a sponsor to the company, threatens to expose them if they did not cut his daughter out of this deal. Unwilling to allow this media disaster, the Valentine family conveniently dies in a "mysterious fire", and his 9 year old project is seemingly lost.
The storyline has two alternatives to be set in, in lieu of the Sun and Moon storyline.
|| During game ||
In this period, Rosie's father may have died, but she has lived the last 7 years of her life as a wild pokemon traveling the islands of Alola with her makeshift family of pokemon. She is safe here, distrusting of humans and their enslaving ways, until she finds herself taking interest in the shenanigans of Team Skull because of a childhood friend (@Maxskulline) among them. Team Skull's involvement with Aether lead to the revelation that his prodigy experiment is alive, now Toruga is eager to bring her back home. With Team Skull, Rosie must learn to be a human being, and decide whether she is more pokemon or more human. Entirely unaware of the spider trying to draw her back into his web
|| Post game ||
Following the disaster of the wormholes taking Guzma and Lusamine, the aether foundation is no longer useful to Toruga. He had Rosie in his clutches, then the little cat slipped through his fingers yet again. But unscathed. Rosie, traumatized from forced drugging and other events, escapes from aether with her pokemon. Carrying with her now an unexpected surprise she later birthed on her own. Rosie now struggles to be a mother and make a living for her cub, trapped between the world of humans and that of pokemon. She is still very much feral and protective, but she exposes her son in a very controlled manner. She raises him with the help of her pack and Max(@Maxskulline). She has to learn to trust again.
Meanwhile, Toruga's assets have dried up with aether, he turns his attention to alternative sources. The Man has begun to reach out to other various criminal organizations, offering his services in the scientific fields with the exchange of resources. With Neikan pinning in his mind, he is slaving away making these connections in hope of dating his mistress' hunger for power and the people she can use. Unable to focus his attentions on Rosie does not mean he's forgotten his protype. Instead, Toruga has sent John and Nathair to hunt for the pair and report back any information they find.
|| Antagonist ||
▪︎ Toruga Winchester
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Age: 45 in game / 53 post game
Originally from the Unova region, his desperate need to get away from the suffocating city and explore the cosmos led the scientist to Alola to conduct his research in light of the wormhole incidents and the presence of deity pokemon. While his original intentions were pure, the Malevolent pokemon he released had anchored itself into his being, infecting him with her influence and desires. His humanity is nearly completely lost for the sake of his scientific ambition.
Toruga is a charismatic older gentleman by nature, which conceals his predatory manipulative instinct. He is an unnerving presence, a monster hidden beneath the kind smile of an attentive scientist. He sees everyone as a means to an end, no matter age, species, or gender. Variables to be added into his experiments if given the chance. He may always be thinking of work, but he works masterfully in turning the tables of conversation to keep people talking with him. Since his attachment to Neikan, the distorted space pokemon, he has grown increasingly sadistic, including a new sexual fixation with all shades of purple.
Hes completely bent to her will ans cannot find the strength go deny his mistress any request.
Pokemon set:
》 Cofagrigus ( Disposes of nosy or thieving associates. Often left in his lab overnight as security and devours any unwanted visitors.)
》 Archeops ( A tracker and secondary guard pet, he paroles the perimeter to alert Toruga of any unwanted or upcoming guests.)
》 Elgyem (His lab assistant)
|| Neikan Shadou ||
A malicious Psychic/Ghost pokemon, Neikan is a cursed primordial pokemon that was banished for her conniving nature and her parasitic ability to siphon life and power for the earth and pokemon around her. She was a notorious instigator, especially among deity-like pokemon.
What she lacked in the ability of creation, she made up for with specialized psychic ability and high intelligence. Able to cast advanced illusions , Neikan utilized her psychic abilities to forcefully will lesser beings to her whim as servants and protectors. Trapped within ultra space, she was an apex predator that regularly feasted upon the unfortunate residents. When Toruga mistaking opened a portal into her world, she leaped to the human world, but is unable to keep her true form at full power without a host. She latches onto Toruga and plants the idea of a new generation of humans fused with pokemon.
Her intentions are truly to have Toruga produce a viable vessel she can completely poses, which would be able to process the full extent of her powers, while allowing her to exist in the human world unnoticed by creation pokemon like Arceus.
She hungers to establish herself in the world of humans, if not as a creation God then the mother of a new world and the army of beings she amasses under her influence.
In true form, Neikan is a fur covered, canid/gargoyl type of pokemon bearing 6 eyes, batlike wings, 4 arms, and a prehensile tail that doubles as a spear at the tip. Her Salvia and venom produce a desirable pheromone that attracts prey to her location, but also can disorient the target to be more aggregate upon smelling or tasting up close. She also possesses an elongated, prehensile tongue she uses to pull specific organs out of the body of her prey. The key to her hypnosis is the use of her 6 eyes, keeping 4 closed at a time unless she is pushing out an allusion. As a ghost pokemon, She is able to move through solid objects and attach herself to hosts to keep her presence hidden. She has learned the human language from being attached to Toruga and communicates telepathically in a similar fashion to MewTwo. Not wanting to reveal her true form, she presents herself as a misty voluptuous shaped woman. The most striking features are her seemingly curly mane of purple hair and ominously glowing purple eyes, couples with a shadowy maw of sharp teeth. She still regularly feeds on pokemon that are left unattended for her hunting. Small prey is easier, but that does not mean she's incapable of eating large armored pokemon.
¤ Poisonfang. ¤ Hurricane
¤ Dream Eater ¤Hypnosis
¤ Draining Kiss ¤ Telekinesis
¤ Hyperbeam
▪︎ John Shaw
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Age: 26 in game/ 34 post game
Born and raised in Alola, John is a man that exists solely to inconvenience and piss people off with his existence. He took the job with Toruga for the pay and the fact that he gets to fuck people up and get paid for it, but he is self serving above all else. When the situation no longer entertains or serves him, he will change sides on a whim for a matter of convenience. John despises Alola and prefers to stay on Aether paradise as much as possible. Anywhere else but the home that made him feel like he was never enough.
John may be a flirtatious, no-filter asshole when he has interest in something, but hes also capable of being completely sadistic and sociopathic in regards to others. All he cares about is having fun or entertaining himself. He is by no means inexperienced in battle, nor is he weak,
However, he is regular punched and thrown around by Nathair who gets annoyed with his snarky mouth. John hates Nathair, but the fuckhead is on pokemon steroids and he's not sure if there is a solid way to kill him. For now he takes advantage of a paid vacation to stalk after this stupid cat and Nathair's living cumshot.
Pokemon Set
♧ Mandibuzz. ♧ Salazzle
♧ Gengar. ♧ Ditto
♧ Lycanroc (Dusk form)
▪︎ Nathair Elerdand
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Age: 30 in game / 38 post game
Originally from the Galar Region, Nathair is considered a body guard within aether paradise and a Goon sent out by Toruga when Toruga does not trust John's capability. Nathair is one of the only surviving subjects from Toruga's project of splicing adult humans with pokemon DNA, surviving because of his hulking physique and his stubborn will to overcome the sickness. Nathair was spliced with Solgaleo DNA toruga gathered from the sun shrine and a cosmos that had been temporarily in his possession(before, unaware of the pokemon's moveset, it teleported away in a panic). Unlike Rosie, the splicing in Nathair is considerably unstable, affecting primarily his mind with a steady growing hunger for the hunt, power, and battle. Most human bodies cannot withstand the power that comes with pokemon movesets, as their bodies are too fragile and may burn up from the inside out before they are even able to produce an energy attack. Nathair has a unique genetic composition fusing with the characteristics of Solgaleo, thus allowing him overtime to perform pokemon moves with a similar efficiency to a natural pokemon.
He is capable of performing:
◇ Solarbeam. ◇ Metal Claw
◇ Gigaimpact. ◇Crunch.
The ultra space DNA has significantly increased his strength and endurance that can rival even that of heavy hitting pokemon, yet his drawback is his unraveling tunnel visioned mental state.
He is the father of Rosie's son, Thursday, and obssess over the notion of bringing Rosie back in order rather father the start of a new human race.
By nature, Nathair is a brutish but silent man. He sees humans now , especially weak humans, as ants to be crushed beneath his boot and his patience wears thin very quick. He is overall calculation, however usually resorts to violence or threats of mutilation when conversation does not get him what he wants. He is a goal oriented man and will steam roll through anything standing in his way. Friend or foe alike.since becoming a crossbreed, Nathair typically fights pokemon battles himself. In the case where it is more than a one on one, then he has his alternative pokemon from his human days
Pokemon Set:
◇ Corviknight
◇ Drednaw
◇ Bewear
◇ Haxorus
|| Protagonist ||
▪︎ Roselyn "Rosie" Valentine :
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Age: 16 during game / 24 Post game
The first pokemon half-breed, Rosie is based on an Alolan meowth, and it does play into her nature. Very much a wild hunter, when she learns to become human again she is curious, cautious, and rather clingy once she belies you are part of her group. Which is the case with her love for her best friend, Max. True to her mewoth nature, she is vindictive, possessive, and spiteful if you cross her or get in the way of her friends/family and herself. She will bite a chunk out of you herself, she doesn't need pokemon go fight for her. Once she warms up to you and concludes you are safe, she becomes much more curious and physical on her expression of trust and affection.
She grew up a secluded child until her father died in the house fire, sending her away with his Absol and her own Growlith. With no family, they've lived on their own every since , learning to live like a wild pokemon with foraging berries, hunting smaller pokemon, finding shelter, and defending their territory from other pokemon groups.
All together, her pack is composed of:
♡ Pangoro (Pango/Pacha)
♡ Absol ( Artemus)
♡ Arcanine (Jericho)
♡ Haunter (Ovidious)
♡ Mimikyu (Mimi)
♡ Honchkrow (Orpheus)
Rosie, being a pokemon, now refuses to use pokeballs on any of her pokemon. They are wild and free being, thus she considers the use of pokeballs as undeserved enslavement. A bitterpoint she has against humans. It isn't until she learns from Team Skull that she has no choice but to use pokeballs because of their visit to aether paradise, but even then she asks permission before putting them away.
Post game, the trauma following the escape from aether has left her broken up and distrusting from humanity all over again. Shes secluded, needy, and bites at anyone if you touch her without warning. After she gives birth to her son, she becomes even more protective and distrusting of the world. She will talk to people excessively and study them for a long time before she reveals she has a kitten to share with them. Its difficult for her to hold a conversation besides talking about food or survival skills. Over time, shes learning to open herself up and decides she is a pokemon first before she is a woman. She still has very strong opinions about pokemon battle, but shes learned to keep them to herself for the sake of her son. Being born part pokemon, Rosie can efficiently use pokemon moves without damaging her body.
Her movesets are:
♡ Shadowball. ♡ Iron Tail
♡ Shadowclaw. ♡ Thief
♡ Pay Day (Yes, she hits someone and money falls out of them)
After evolving into a persian, Rosie developed the ability to use:
♡ Hypnosis
♡ Powergem
♡ Hyperbeam
▪︎ Caradox "Thursday" Valentine
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Age: 8 years old
The unplanned son of Nathair after Toruga chemically induced a heat during Rosie's capture, Thursday is a gentle soul with no notion of the chaos that led to his creation. He is an alolan meowth like his mother, but he does have the capability of much stronger moves because of his father's Solgaleo genetics. He does not know any power moves, only physical moves like bite and scratch. He loves bugs and wants to make friends, however his mother has a bad habit of getting in the way of that as she hides him or scares off prospective friends by hovering too close. His only friends right now are the pokemon pack, his auntie Max, his mother, and a single Wimpod he named "Hailey".
▪︎ Anthony "Tony" Capello
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Age: 42 years old
A moving detective with the international police, hes been chasing down Toruga and the rumor of human experimentation for years. One of many cases he investigates, he takes undercover work as a local officer to face off against major crimnal organizations to take em down one at a time. He was former military before discharging and taking to police work. He is the father of triplets he takes with him, his wife having been killed after an investigation gone bad. Theyre a difficult bunch to deal with, but Tony needs to be taught how to be gentle. His kids needs friends in the area and they desperately need a kinder touch added to their life that their military dad can't give them.
Tony is gruff, cynical, and incredibly impatient when dealing with criminal. While he has tried to restrain himself, he has a reputation for leaving black eyes , bruises, and fractures when smart mouth criminals get on his bad side.
His triplets:
♤ Dante (oldest)
♤ Anthony (middle)
♤ Molly (youngest)
Pokemon Set:
♤ Incineroar (trains with Anthony the most. They spar together and practive battle.)
♤ Aggron (Molly likes to ride on his back everywhere)
♤ Houndoom (Family pet/police dog)
♤ Manectric (family pet)
♤ Sableye (primarily runs with Dante if not with Tony investigating cases)
▪︎ Seth Johnson
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Seth is Tony's supervisor and a captain within the international police, overseeing a handful of officers spread out through the regions. He oversees the filing process of cases and distributes the information to his agents. Originally from the Hoen region, Seth moves around for work and struggles as a single dad to his teenage son, Spencer. He was once a field officer himself and there are times where he craves to get back into the field . His wife died in a car accident when Spencer was a toddler and he has not had the courage to date ever since.
Seth is a gentleman first and foremost, friendly and selfless, albeit a workaholic to a fault. He doesn't get out much because he's always chasing his teenager to keep him out of trouble.
♡ Ninetails
♡ Blaziken (helps keep an eye on his son, Spencer)
♡ Braviary (Work pokemon)
♡ Liepard (belonged to his wife, family pet)
♡ Espeon (main pokemon)
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miraimisu · 2 years
Opening Lines Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories. (If you have less than 20, just list them all!) See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
I was tagged by @aurantia-ignis and @scandiyatt, thanks for the tag loves!!
Hu Tao's day has been all sunshine, rainbows, ash, and flowers springing under her step. Another day of work, another ceremony successfully carried out, another box of tissues emptied under her mastery.
Sharla is sick, and curiously, she isn't the first one to notice, Dunban is. And it's not because she's pale, coughing, or complaining, but because she collapses halfway into Makna Forest and Dunban is the one who finds her.
"I did not imagine you would come back so quickly, Vigilant Yaksha."
"Zhongli, Zhongli!"
Gladion is 25 when he meets her, rosy on the cheeks and butterflies in his stomach. 🌟 (Definitely my favorite)
"Melia, I hope this is not serious."
Melia has been getting sick more recently as of late. With the changes in the Bionis and its fluctuating levels of ether, it's only natural a High Entia like her is suffering the lack of ether everywhere they go.
"That Alternis fellow was quite interesting, wasn't he?"
Once upon a time, a girl lived in a big, big manor in a beautiful, beautiful world. (Contender for favorite but not quite)
Sometimes, Frey hates her boyfriend.
Moon always thought she would never have to encounter an Ultra Beast ever again. Life has its unique ways of proving her wrong.
When Moon enters the small motel room in Route 8, she's beyond surprised at what she finds. The lady at the hall had told her that the room should be empty, yet she stumbles with Gladion and his chimera, sitting in a corner of the room.
When Moon told him earlier this morning that she would do anything he asked for, Gladion had expected a few things.
Hau considers himself a very basic man; he enjoys the little things in life, takes things slowly, breathes in the sunlight and relishes the silence.
"Maybe if we had brought the malasadas I suggested earlier we wouldn't be this hungry now."
The trip from her homeworld to the magic realm isn't as tiresome as one would believe.
Gladion once swore to himself that he would never get into problems, mostly because he doesn't have the patience to deal with people or comeuppances and he knows he'd end up messing up one way or another.
While Gladion knows he's traveled everywhere in Alola and he knows the region like the back of his palm, he also knows there are many places he's never visited.
Gladion has lived his whole life as a runaway pirate without knowing what despair is.
Hurried steps rush into Po Town and look around the rainy town.
Thoughts: I guess sometimes I go for the bold, introspective openers, and other times I just start off with dialogue because listen, sometimes you just wanna get to the meat of the fic. These days I usually try the quick approach unless some description is necessary for the pace of the scene - I guess that reflects here, too. But if one were to ask me to attach each line to a fic, I'd know less than half of them ghjfbndjmks I NEED MORE FLAVOR IN THOSE
Tagging @izupie, @sad-goomy and @artpharos! I'm tired and I don't recall who else to tag vfgdhbjcdks if you see this feel free to do the game and say I tagged you, nobody will know ;)
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askpokepelago · 3 years
‘Mobile’ Browser-Friendly Story events page
sorry the tumblr app is bad and can’t handle /chrono and tags from their own site. But that said, under the cut is redirect links that should open in browser so you can read each “page” we develop! This blog runs through the help of the wonderful anons who ask questions along the way! Please consider sending some of your own questions or comments you have to the characters here!
Alola Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Whence he came Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
Aphun Below Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 (this link on might be more challenging on mobile, redirect wip) Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10
Sinnoh Home Page 1 Page 2
Valentine’s Day Page 1 Page 2
Bean Man Down Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7
Ring Around the Rosie Page 1 Page 2
Memory Restoration Initiative Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Agent PSY4 vs Champion Moon Page 1 Page 2
Wicke Leaks Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Mohn’s Review Page 1 Page 2
Lunala Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Complications in Remembering Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Post Op Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Aether’s Darkest Days Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
The Father-Son Disaster Page 1 Page 2
Destabilized Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Trainer Trouble Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4
Coming Around Page 1 Page 2
Birthday & Research Party Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
Family Vacation (memory) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Lost at Sea Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
How to Tame a Wild Ultra Beast Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
A Cut Above Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Mother’s Day (Event- Pt 1) Page 1 Page 2
Discovering Type:FULL (Pt 2) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Rebuilding Family Bonds Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Ultra Memories Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
MeleMohn (2 months later) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Professorial Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5
Gladion VS Guzma Page 1 Page 2 Page 3
Last Updated: Jan 1st, 2021
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love-at-first-bite · 3 years
❄️😘🎶1️⃣ for raihan and 💖👏✨🎁 for piers? - kabumutual
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❄️ - What are you and (Y/N)’s favorite activities to do when it’s winter/cold out?
- "Hammerlocke gets snow rather often, so we get plenty of snow days through the year! In the town proper, we take a walk to the café for any seasonal drinks they have. Piers stays at my apartment though, he hates the cold, and asks we bring him something back first. After, Victor and I head out into the hills for some fun. Snowmen, a small snowball fight, sometimes Victor will bring his Weavile and Glaceon out to join us. We have fun, though I think Victor would be content just sitting out in the cold, it's just how he is."
😘 - How often do you like to smooch them?
- "Only all the time. And it's a damn good thing he likes being smooched in return. I mean, have you see his cheeks? Rosy and round, just begging to be kissed or squished, and when I do that, what do you expect from me? To not kiss his cute little pout? Now, I know he isn't big on affection in public, but I like to sneak a little forehead or cheek peck here and there."
🎶 - What’s their voice like?
- "I would say comforting. He hasn't gotten on meds yet, so he tries to pitch it down, though he can pitch rather high if he want to. It's kinda funny how high he can go. He's from Unova, around the southern part, so his accent is much different than a Galarian accent. He's been around Piers, Lee, and I so long he sometimes slips into one. He gets flustered, but it's cute."
1️⃣ - What’s the first thing that attracted you to them?
-"I wish I could explain it better, but I just can't. Have you ever had a crush on a friend? One day you look at them and just think 'shit' cause you see them as more than a friend now. I guess his compassion for others? I felt different around him than I did with Leon. I think the League kinda changed us, I felt like I always had to be strong and collected around him since he was the Champion, so caught up in my want to beat him. But I could let those walls down around Victor and he'd listen when I spoke. I wanted to tell him for a long time, but never did, then he joined the League Challenge and my plan fell apart. I'll tell you, the day he and Piers pulled me aside to confess to me, I felt like a weight had been lifted, a weight that had been on my chest since I was eighteen"
"I mean, Leon and I were still great friends, all three of us were. And still are. I just got so in my own head, seeing Lee as more rival than friend as the years went on. I felt like if I showed weakness to him as a friend, I would show weakness as a Pokemon Trainer. I mean, now I know that was all rubbish, but we've all had our lows and difficult spots, haven't we?"
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💖 - What’s one really cute/cool thing that (Y/N) does?
- "No matter how big or scary lookin' or dangerous his Pokemon are,, he treats 'em all like babies. Course it's common place to find someone snuggling up with a Whimsicott or an Umbreon or a Rockruff, and yeah, that's cute. It's not everyday you see someone cooing and aww-ing over an Obstagoon or a Zoroark, scratching the chin of a Scolipede or cuddlin' up with that little devil of a Sableye. There's just something oddly adorable about seeing someone baby talkin' an eight foot tall bug, ya know?"
👏 - What’s your favorite habit of (Y/N)’s?
- "He's gotten into a habit of leavin' little notes around the place. In our now shared apartment in Spikemuth or for both Rai and I during our trips to Hammerlocke. Everyday, in a different spot too. They're sweet, sappy, and all signed with a cute little smile. I've kept every note so far and always look forward to where the next one'll be and what it'll say."
✨ - What’s one of (Y/N)’s talents that you’ve noticed?
- "Victor loves sewing cute little toys and hats and the like. I remember him showin' me this big ol' Richu he made, even has movable arms an' legs. When he got home from Alola, he came home with a Rowlet and made a matching plush for it to play with. Thanks to his skills with a needle and thread, our Pokemon can count on him to patch up any of their toys they get a little too rough with."
🎁 - Do you like to pamper them?
- "I mean, I try to. Victor isn't too keen on havin' a bunch of money spent on him, says it makes him feel a little guilty. But I like to surprise him with a little gift here and there, I promise him it's nothing too fancy. Really though, if anything, Raihan's the one who pampers us. Rai's pretty stubborn about, telling him not to do something will only make him do a bigger, more grand thing than he originally planned."
(i'm sorry i took like 3 days to answer this @kabumutual i have no excuse <:|)
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txtniipped · 3 years
time, ever moving
pokemon (gameverse) -- green oak/reader
(1892 words)
ao3 version
What snapped Green out of his funk was some cocky brat from Johto. His name was Gold, you learned, when Green complained to you at some banquet. He spoke about Gold bugging him at Cinnabar, about how the kid wanted to fight him right there, on top of all the ash and cinders. You had smiled wryly at him, and had told him, “I bet you would have if you were still twelve.”
Green snorted in response, lifting his glass of champagne to his lips as he spoke. “Good thing I’m not twelve anymore then.”
You’re not sure when your relationship with Green Oak changed.
When you were kids, he was a menace. You were no better, but it was always Green getting the two of you in trouble. Between rushing through the tall grass Pokemon-less, exploring nearby caves with “borrowed” equipment from Professor Oak’s lab, or dumb dares down at the coast south of Pallet, the blame would befall both of you, despite all of the instigating being Green’s doing.
Even during your journey, most of your trouble—when not dealing with an interregional crime syndicate—came from the one and only Green Oak.
Roadblock of the century, Green Oak was always waiting for you. Town after town, route after route, you found him flaunting his progress, forcing you to pause in your own as he challenged you. Given, you’d always win, and Green always gave you some piece of advice or a tip you genuinely didn’t know after, but it was still a momentum breaker; another bullet point on your list of annoying habits of one Green Oak.
Squaring up against him at the final point in your journey, however, was much more fitting than fighting Champion Lance.
Green was devastated when he lost, despite the front he put on for you. There was no name for the way he left after his grandfather came into the room other than retreating, and if Professor Oak hadn’t corralled you towards the Hall of Fame, you would have run after your rival.
Champion duties took over from there, and though you were a kid, you were swamped with work. Between interviews and tv appearances, photoshoots and League meetings (the last one, you’re sure, was the only true duty you had. The other stuff was most likely Lance fishing for funds for the League—two child prodigies claiming the title of Champion within a few months of beginning their journeys was honestly quite the cash cow), you rarely saw Green.
You found out later—sometime after most of the euphoria had died down—that Lance had hired Green as the new Viridian Gym Leader.
As Champion, you had the final signature on the paperwork to make it official. When Lance presented it to you, you almost thought it was a joke. Green Oak, willingly working with the League? With you?
He’d gone radio silent the moment he left the Plateau after you won the Champion battle. You only learned from Daisy after you nearly knocked a hole in the Oak residence’s door that Green left for Sevii Islands— that he’d been gone for weeks now, I thought he let you know?—and when he got back, he had ignored you. You! Rivals, best friends, whatever, he hadn’t said a word, and now—now?!
You signed off on it, of course. Your beef with Green was yours, not the League’s, and with how desperate you knew Lance was on filling the empty hole where Giovanni once stood, you weren’t going to be petty about this.
It turned out that Green was actually an excellent pick for a gym leader. You knew he would be—duh, he was Green Oak—, but you were proud of him anyway.
Viridian perked up nicely with a new gym leader at the helm—the influx of new trainers in Kanto the season Green stepped into his position nearly rivaled the season following the Champion battle between the two of you the year before. It was a testimony to Green’s fame, as well as another boost in profits for the League, which always made for a happy Lance.
Your rival had a way of elegantly beating aspiring trainers into the ground. Sometimes, it was the breaking point for journeys, and others, it drove home just how determined they really had to be to continue. The average rate of Earth Badges actually being given out per season dropped with Green as the Viridian Gym Leader when compared to Giovanni, but Lance had agreed with you—Green was every bit the better gym leader.
Until, at least, he seemed to get bored.
Viridian Gym fell to the wayside some time during Green’s second year of running it. Your rival had openly complained about paperwork, about guest lectures and special appearances, about the banquets and meetings and get-togethers whenever someone would spare him a second on the topic. It wasn’t a surprise to see Lance pulling Green away at all those gatherings to scold him, and you weren’t surprised by the way Green would always let it roll off his back either. 
Green Oak operates by no one’s rules but his own when he can get away with it, and if the worst repercussion Green was going to face was Lance being disappointed with him, you knew nothing would change.
What snapped Green out of his funk was some cocky brat from Johto. His name was Gold, you learned, when Green complained to you at some banquet. He spoke about Gold bugging him at Cinnabar, about how the kid wanted to fight him right there, on top of all the ash and cinders. You had smiled wryly at him, and had told him, “I bet you would have if you were still twelve.” 
Green snorted in response, lifting his glass of champagne to his lips as he spoke. “Good thing I’m not twelve anymore then.”
Gold tore through Green’s gym when he finally arrived, about a month later. 
You heard about it from your mother first, who apparently had been keeping up with Gold’s journey after the boy came through Pallet and charmed the little town with his familiar and nostalgic ambition. Your immediate thought upon hearing the news was how Green would want a rematch without the League rules he was required to follow as a gym leader weighing him down. When you saw Green the following morning, he voiced that exact sentiment to you. You laughed at his predictability.
Shortly after Gold had bested you a few weeks later, Green stepped down from Viridian Gym. He had an internship in Kalos under Professor Sycamore, as well as a scholarship to some college there for evolution sciences. Apparently, he spoke enough Kalosian to get by, and hearing him speak it to some lab assistant over the phone while dining at a cafe with him rattled your brain. 
Green kicked your shin under the table, and, belatedly, you realized you had been staring. Cheeks rosy, you settled on staring at your drink instead.
League meetings were insanely boring without Green there to take your mind off them after he left. Gold had won the title of Kanto Champion, yes, but he had already besieged the Johto title, and held the responsibilities that came with it. He had stepped down from any sort of toe-in-the-water as far as Kanto went, and thus, Lance had kept you around. Besides, after a rematch a month later, you had beaten Gold anyway. The two of you were on pretty even footing.
These meetings though—they were boring. Green somehow never paid attention and yet always could summarize them for you afterwards. Now, with him halfway across the world, you had to struggle to keep your eyes open alone under Lance’s droning voice. At least you could find comfort in Erika, who always fell asleep at some point in these meetings without fail.
Unova was where you saw Green next. The Champions Tournament was an event entirely too flashy for your tastes, but you could see the way Green shined under the attention. His battles were magnificent and dramatic while still being calculating and precise. You ate up the way he directed his hand towards the camera with a blinding grin on the tiny television in your hotel room at the start of one battle, and from the tinny shrieking blasting through the shotty speakers, so did everyone in the arena.
Your battle against one another was apparently referred to as the highlight of the tournament, and while you understood why everyone screamed in delight as Green’s Aerodactyl took down your Charizard, you couldn’t quite place why they practically deafened you upon your victory. You had nowhere near the showmanship Green did, but when Green shook your hand post-match, the way he looked at you… His smile was soft, proud in a way that could only be directed at someone else, and with his eyes locked with yours, you realized his pride was placed in you. That was a rush of emotions not even ten thousand people chanting your name could ever hope to give you.
He was on break, Green told you later in your hotel room. He was doing fine in school, which you knew meant he was acing every one of his classes, the bastard, but the highlight for him was the data collecting he was doing for Sycamore. It took him all over Kalos, from rocky shores to snowy mountains, from quaint little towns so similar in feel to Pallet, to eternally autumn forests. Green had stated somewhere between his descriptions of the aquarium in Ambrette Town and the sundial in Anistar City that he would love to show you the region one day. When the two of you turned in that night, with Green passed out in his day clothes on the other side of your bed, you dreamt of summer days exploring a new region with your oldest friend. Maybe, after Green had finished his research under Sycamore, the two of you would make up for your childhood journey.
Your chance came nearly two years later in the shape of a man named Kukui.
He was a professor from the Alola region, a region famous for its beautiful shores and stunning flora. Your mom had vacationed there once upon a time, you knew, back when your dad was around. The way Kukui described it was from the view of a man in love with his home. When he asked for your notoriety to draw in more than just vacationers to their region, you almost gave in due to his passion alone.
Convince Green Oak first, you managed to tell him. If he had your rival on board, you’d go too.
Alola was humid, you found out. Humid and hot, forcing your clothes to stick to your skin as you trudged through the wilds of the routes. The benefit, you discovered quickly enough, was that Green would unbutton his polo down as far as the shirt would let him when the sun was at its peak.
He was a view, under the glow of the Alolan sun, no matter the hour of the day. Even the moonlight felt like it knew how to accentuate his features for you to admire as the two of you camped along routes. His hair lightened with the weeks, and his skin took on a sunkissed complexion that suited him so nicely. He had teased you for staring multiple times at first, but between weeks of Mantine surfing, battles with locals who only had passing knowledge of yours and Green’s fame, and evenings spent talking softly between the two of you, you had noticed his eyes on you just as much.
You’re not sure when your relationship with Green Oak changed, but, as you kiss him in the evening light, cool ocean waves lapping at your waists, you don’t think you particularly care.
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Trapped - Leon x Reader
FINALLY. Did I really needed 3 days to translate my own story?! Damn.. I apologize if it sucks..
here ya go with your own little fluffy and slight!smutty oneshot. It’s just lime, so it’s not 18+ But it’s mentioned sex and  (mild?) sexual situations Word Count: 5000+ (that’s why I put it under a cut)
"Do you still need some help, Sonia?" you asked after you had digitizing all the new data on the archive to brought it up to date. It seemed like Professor Magnolia hardly cared about the archive.
"Oh, that's nice of you, but you did so much work since morning. Actually, you even did Hop's tasks." Sonia said, looking up from her monitor. Hop looked up from his own tasks, feeding the Pokemon in the laboratory and doing reports on their stats, and blinked. "I have only two hands Sonia. You should also take care of general tasks sometimes. You are a professor, but that does not mean you can pass unconvienient tasks on us." the younger male chided her. Sonia only cleared her throat and sighed.
"You're right. Thanks for your help Y/n, but I think we are fine now." she waved you off. You smiled and glanced around the lab. Playful Yamper ran through the rooms, while Hop took care of the Wooloos and shearing them.
"Are you sure? You know I like to help. It's a good distraction though.." you mused. Hop blinked in worry and Sonia cocked her head in confusion.
"Distracting from what? Did something happen?" she asked, getting up from her seat to walk closer to you. You shook your head in order not to unnecessarily worry your friends.
"No, no. That sounded more serious than it should. Haha. I'm sorry, It's just .." you began and played with a strand of your [h/c] hair in slight embarassment. Sonia raised an eyebrow at you before it made "click". "Oh! Lovesickness, huh?" she asked.
"It's not lovesickness. He has not broken my heart at all." you mumbled.
"But my brother is the reason you want distract yourself, right?" Hop intervened. Almost everyone of your friends knew about your feelings for Leon. Well, everyone except the slightly inattentive Champion himself.
"I know he has a lot to do and many appointments .. But .. it's been so long since we've seen each other. He even hardly answers to my textmessages because his phone is off a lot. ... God, I sound like we're a couple .. " you sighed and facepalmed with both hands.
"Just tell him how you feel then? I'm pretty sure Lee will gladly take time for you if you invite him. Just give it a try." Hop spoke encouragingly. You looked up and saw your two friends smiling.
"..This is not as easy as you think it is! I will not risk our friendship with an unmindful confession if he does not return my feelings. " you muttered. "Y/n. You are a smart person, unlike our inexperienced champion. " Sonia began. "It is so obvious how much it sparks between you whenever you see each other. Everyone is aware of your mutual feelings. And I think you can see it aswell, but you're just telling yourself otherwise because you fear a rejection that would not even come. " she said and crossed her arms.
"Can we please change the subject? ? Do you need me anymore?" you sighed and hoped to get out of this embarassing situation. At least it was embarassing for you. Sonia sighed even more and shook her head slightly. Then she get back to her desk and took some books from her table.
"Actually yes.. I borrowed these books from Leon when he was at home a few weeks ago. These are about Dynamax and the phenomenon of wild Pokemon that dynamax without having a trainer. I learned plenty much thanks to them. So you could bring the books back if you want. "Sonia spoke and offered you the books. Hop threw a keychain to you a moment later.
"If mother is not at home, you can use the key to get into our house." he told you. You smiled at them and bid them goodbye to left the lab, on your way back to Postwick.
When you arrived at the house of Leon, Hop and their mother,you noticed that the door was unlocked. So their mother was at home. You entered the building and walked straight to the kitchen to greet the owner of the house. You always thought it was polite to reveal your presence and not directly go to the rooms in a house that was not yours.
In the kitchen, you quickly noticed a written letter on the refrigerator and a lack of any trace of anyone. You blinked and went to the refrigerator to read the note.
'I got invited to a weekend trip to Alola with Gloria's mother.  If you need anything, there is money on the table and I just filled the refrigerator. Love, Mom.'
You blinked again, perplexed. Actually whom did she meant with that message? Hop lived in the laboratory, since he started to help Sonia as an assistant and Leon was never at home. But someone  had to be there because the door was unlocked and the note was also addressed to a person ..
"Snor." a sudden gruff voice growled behind you. You turned around and saw a young Snorlax. It did not have the proportions of an adult Pokemon, but it was still a large, heavy Pokemon.
Huh, since when owned their mother  a Snorlax?
Snorlax sniffed around and you looked to the refrigerator.
Uh oh.
"No, this is not for you!" you said, putting your hands on your hips. Snorlax just pushed you aside, completely disinterested in your protests and tried to open the refrigerator.
"Snorlax, I told you not to walk into the kitchen." a familiar voice sighed and you immediately recognized that masculine yet gentle voice. Your cheeks turned rosy and your heart skipped a beat. How long had it been since you had heard that voice? You straightened up after being pushed away from Snorlax and saw Leon standing in the hallway. His hands were on his hips, but his face was amused and he smiled broadly. Snorlax stopped his movements and turned around, making a really sad face at the purple-haired male. "Snor.. lax? .. " the Pokemon mumbled and Leon laughed heart-warming.
"I know you're hungry, but I already fed you." Leon said smiling and finally he was able to see you standing behind the broad Pokemon. "... Y/n ?!" his voice softened and his smile got noticeably wider. You fought against blushing stronger when you realized that you were the reason his mood lightened up even more. "Hey ... Long time no see." He smiled and scratched his bearded chin. ..
"Yes. Too long. What are you doing here? And.. .. is this Snorlax yours? I did not know that you have one. " you asked him and ran to Leon to pull him into a greeting hug. Leon smiled and laughed lihghtly while he returned the hug and pressed you tightly against his body  before he pulled away and looked at you lovingly. "No, it is not mine. This Snorlax was attacked by a Dynamax Machamp in the Wild Area and got  seriously injured. It destroyed some trees and furniture when they tried to bring him to a Pokemon Center in the Wild Area, so I took him home before it causes more grief to anyone. " He explained. "Because.. since mother is on a weekend trip in Alola and Hop lives in the Lab, I thought it would not bother anyone while it can recover. Can I give the question back to you? You are rarely visiting our house. Did you look for mother? " Leon asked and offered you a seat on the couch next to him. You smiled and stifled a lovingly sigh because of Leons explanation for the poor Snorlax. This man was truly a gift .. You pressed the books to your chest and shook your head slightly. "I helped out Sonia and Hop in the lab and my last task is to bring the books back. She had borrowed them from you." you said. Leon looked at the books you carried and held close to you. "Ah." He nodded and stood up again. "That's very nice of you. I thought Sonia wanted to keep the books for as long as she had them. These must be heavy, come here. " He said then, and without waiting for permission, he took the books from you and smiled.
"I put them back. I'm right back, okay? Then we may talk while enjoying a refreshing glass of lemonade. We certainly have a lot to say to each other. "You watched him as he walked to his room. A chuckle left your lips and you smiled to yourself, before plopping on the couch. Despite the fact, that you hadn't seen each other in a while, it was really smooth and easy between you too. As if you never stopped talking. It was so amazing ..
You closed your eyes and let your thoughts wander. When you almost dozed off, you heard a loud crash and falling objects that almost startled you. You almost fell off the couch and blinked.
This sounds came from Leons room?
You ran straight to his room and opened the door. There you saw Leon, who stroked his neck, troubled and stood in front of the many books lying on the ground and his broken shelf. It seemed as if the boards no longer held the weight and now the already rotten boards were all broken from its hinges.
"I did not realize how old this shelf was .." Leon sighed when he noticed you. You smiled at him and knelt to the books to help him picking them up. "Or did you just tried to stack the books too much, because you no longer knew where they belonged, didn't you?" You asked teasingly, making him blush slightly because he felt caught. "Maybe."
His answer made you giggle and when you were about to grab one of the books, Leon had just the same thought, as his hand reached for the same book and both of your hands touched. You looked at each other, gazing longingly into his eyes and Leon swallowed slightly before he picked up the book quickly and put it on the side next to the shelf. "Maybe the shelf can still be saved. Mum's tools are in the cellar. I'll get them. "Leon spoke and went to the door. He pushed down the door handle and tried to open it, but there was a resistance after a few centimeters that made Leon blink perplexed. He saw dark blue fur and a thick white belly. "... Snorlax, how are we supposed to leave the room when you take a nap right in front of the door? That is a little impractical .. .. "Leon sighed, nudging the sleeping Snorlax several times with the door. No response from the Pokemon. You cocked your head and went to the door. When you peered through the small gap of the open door you saw indeed the young Snorlax blocking it.
"There is nothing that could wake a sleeping Snorlax. Well, except for a PokeFlute. I don't have one. " you spoke and crossed your arms. "...Neither do I. But wait. I think there was an App in the phone that can play tunes of the Poke Flute, wasn't it? " Leon remembered and reached for his phone. "Unfortunately it was removed from the App Store because some people have used it to purposely keep Pokemon awake, especially in the Wild Area. There was this scandal, where a Pokemon was kept awake until it's almost died of exhaustion .., " you muttered the last sentence. Leon closed his eyes and lowered his arm with the smartphone. "It's just disgusting what some people are capable of .. These people should never come into contact with Pokemon again ..," he added sadly. You nodded and browsed through your Pokedex for useful informations regarding Snorlax. "Oh I found something. It's sleep varies, depending on how much it ate. Do you know when and how much you fed it the last time? " you asked, trying to get away from that sad topic too. "Uh-huh. About an hour ago. I gave him a few berries. "
"..A few? For a Snorlax? " you chuckled incredulously. "Okay okay, three wheelbarrow loads of berries." Leon corrected, laughing. You giggled and calculated the calories of these berries with your phone and checked the result with the entries in the Pokedex. "So, according to the Pokedex it should wake up in about 3 hours because." you explained. "Three hours ?!" Leon repeated and sighed. "That means we're locked for three hours?"
"Well, it seems like it. Snorlax will not wake up, no matter what we do. " you shrugged. "At least you could still squeeze your body out the window. Sadly, I do not fit through it. " Leon mused. "Hey, I don't want to let you alone. Especially not after we didn't seen each other for so long. " you smiled and poked his shoulder affectionately. Leon smiled and then looked at you. "But I can't keep you 'hostage' here with me for so long." He said lightly. "Leon, you make it sound as it's a punishment to sit here with you. Hey, we can talk just here." you smiled at him and sat down on his king-size bed before you motioned him to join you. Leon closed his eyes briefly and shook his head, laughing softly. He sat down beside you and you began to tell each other what you had experienced in lately.
"I can not believe that Raihan and Taiko (Author's Note: Taiko is a OC and takes a small part in the long Leon-FF I am writing. You will learn more of here when I upload that fic. She is your best friend in this.) really got banned from the restaurant." Leon laughed and wiped a tear of laughter from his face. You giggled and let your form fall backwards onto the soft cushions. "I couldn't believe it either, that they really try to have sex at the table and really think nobody noticed .." you sighed. "Well, this is something I believe .." Leon admitted, laughing shyly. "Are you serious?"
"Well, I can't speak for Taiko, but Raihan has absolutely no sense of shame. He never had. " he explained and looked at your lying form next to him. "Oh man." you giggled even more before you noticed weight beside you on the bed. Leon had settled next to you and that made you blink in slight confusion. "I prefer being eye level with you while talking to you." He said when he saw your questioning look. You smiled and raised your arm to play with a purple strand of his hair that had fallen around his shoulder during his movements. "I missed this." you confessed. "You missed what?" Leon asked and smiled broadly at you as you continued to run your slender fingers through his hair. "Everything. To talk to you, To laugh with you. Just.. being around you. " You smiled sheepishly and Leons cheeks turned rosy. "M-Me too, if I'm honest." He said softly. Now it was your turn to blush. "Really ..?" you asked and you both locked eyes. His stare was intense but so was yours. The purple-haired male suddenly and unexpectedly grabbed your hand that was in his hair and pulled you closer to him in this process. "Yes .. I .. I missed you." He spoke softly and gentle. Your heart began to race because of his words. "Leon .. I missed you too so much .." you replied, your voice barely above a whisper, causing Leons smile to widen. He closed the distance between your bodies to hold you into a tight embrace. He pressed you to his chest and stroked your back. Contented sighs left both of you and you closed your eyes. Leon let go of your wrist to take your hand and intertwined your fingers. The position, you both were currently, was that intimate, that you recalled Hops advice and asked yourself if you should just go for it now..
A comfortable silence fell upon both of you, while you held each other's bodies, enjoying the closeness and warmth of the other. Leon suddenly sighed, barely audible  and you were almost sure to hear him mumble something. 'Why is this so difficult ..'
"Huh ..? What's difficult? " you asked, looking up. Leon gasped in shock and blushed a deep shade of red. "H-Did I say that out loud ..?" He asked, shocked. You blinked slightly and nodded cautiously. Leon swallowed a lump down his throat and sighed again when he averted his gaze from you, embarassed. You started to smile, after all you know this kind of behavior of yourself. You took his face in both of your hands, to raise his head and made him look at you again. His eyes widened a bit when he noticed that your lips were that close that they almost touched. "Leon .. There's something I want you to know and I'm so desperate to tell you .." you began, smiling. "And I .. feel as if it's the same as what seems to be on your mind .." you added.
Leon opened his mouth to say something, but every syllable died in his throat. The shade of red of his cheeks had now penetrated up to his ears and you felt as if your chest will explode if you not finally give in and tell him how you feel, which you longed for months.
"But I believe actions speak louder than words .." you finished your timid whisper and closed the final gap between your lips for a tender and hesistant kiss. Your eyes closed instantly and a shiver ran down your spine when you felt his hands gripping on your hips and kissing back. "You were right .." Leon whispered against your lips and pulled you close again to let his lips collide with yours once more. "It's the same." He mumbled, his hot breath tickling your skin before he kissed you one more time. This time the kiss was much softer and shorter, but all the more important.
You draped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, demanding for more. Leon caressed your sides and licked your lower lip before he started to kiss your jaw tenderly. "I .. I have never felt so much for someone .. And .. I have no experience in such matters .. .. .. So... do not expect too much ..", he warned you with an apologetic smile. You smiled and put your hand on his cheek to trace it gently with your finger. "Do not talk nonsense, Leon. I don't have experience in love matters either .. And I never felt like this before too. And .. the thing with the experience is something that can be changed. " you winked making Leon blush again. Your smile widen and you pecked his chin, between his beard. "Even if you may know it already, I say it anyway .. I .. love you. I love you so much .. "
There it was. You finally told him how you felt. The confession, which burned on your mind for so long. Leons smile became happier as he pressed you close to his body and kissed your forehead. "I love you too .. I thought of you al the time .. No matter what I did, my thoughts and aspirations were always with you." Leon sighed. "During fights, interviews, autograph sessions .. Business with President Rose .. I always had only one thing in mind .. you." he added shyly.
His words warmed your heart. He had the same trouble you had the whole time. All that time that you  could not see each other, your thoughts wandered at each other. Tears of joy crept out of your eyes and this alerted the champion of Galar. "D-Did I.. Did I said something wrong ..?" he asked panicking, wiping your tears tenderly with his thumb. You sobbed briefly and then shook your head. "No, no ..that are tears of joy .." you explained. "Because I always felt the same about you. I longed for you so much. I could not sleep or eat properly .. I checked my messages almost every minute if you answered .. I have missed you so much that I almost went crazy. " you confessed.
Leon blinked before he smiled gently and put his index finger under your chin to lift your head and kissing your lips sensual and slow. His amber irises shone with so much dedication and passion. "Why did we take so long for this?" He asked softly and dropped next to you again on his bed. He pulled you close and his lips lingered on her cheek before he left gentle kisses on your skin. "I do not know .. Apparently everyone sort of knew already about our feelings. Hop and Sonia tried to convience me to confess for months. " you laughed. "Really? Raihan and Gordie tried the same with me .." Leon chuckled and stroked your back lovingly, as he looked at you devotedly. You looked back at him tenderly and giggled. "At least they had the decency and never tried any stupid 'Let's get Y/n and Leon together' stuff. In the end, Snorlax was our helper. " you said, playing with his soft hair. "Remember me to thank it later." Leon smiled and leaned in again to caress your lips with his. You sighed softly in these gentle kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I will." You whispered against his lips and then there was silence. You hugged each other in comfortable silence and exchanged small kisses occasionally. Leons gaze eventuellay shifted to your neck and he bit his lip. He took your hand in his and squeezed it softly. "Y/n ..," he began, and swallowed awkwardly. "I hope this question is not too strange or inapproximate.. but .. M- May I kiss your neck ..?" He asked, noticing how ridiculous this question actually sounded. But it was important for him to have your permission before he went a step further. You blinked when Leon turned his head away in shame of his own question. You took his face in both hands and lifted him so he could look at you. A gentle smile was on your lips. "You don't need to ask for permission Leon. Of course you are allowed to, " You reassured him and pecked more short kisses on his lips. "You can just be so incredibly sweet, you know that ..?" You added, whispering. The champion of Galar was a blushing mess now. On one hand, he felt ashamed of the question and the other, because of your words. He chuckled and let his index finger dance from your cheek to your neck in gentle traces. "Then you obviously are not aware of how sweet you are. Because you're much sweeter .. " he smiled and nibbled on your jaw lightly. You gasped softly and your fingers began to massage the back of his neck until a faint moan left his throat. This sound made your cheeks burned up. That sounded too sexy. "These are sounds I could get used to hear. No, I Will. " You corrected yourself, laughing and Leon smiled slightly as he kissed your neck and nibbled at your soft skin. He kissed millimeter by millimeter until, at a certain spot made you moan. Leon stopped his actions fully and blinked at your embarrassed and flushed face. "Uhm .." you began, but Leon put his fingers on your lips and to prevent you from saying more. "I would not mind to hear more of these sounds too." He chuckled seductive and you closed your eyes when his lips found your weak spot again and started to attack it with his mouth. He sucked, licked and bit gently into place until you moaned and quirmed beneath him and gave him more access to your neck. His fingers were still on your mouth when you moaned, resulting in sucking at his fingers when you closed your mouth again. It was almost an impulse. Leon got brave enough due this and nibbled on your neck, while his free hand lifted up your shirt a bit that he can caress your bare hip. You continued to suck and licked his fingers, when you felt his hot mouth going further and kissing your sternum as much as your cleavage allowed him.
You enjoyed his kisses and touches for a while until you stopped to nip on his fingers and you raised his head again to kiss his face until you reached his ear. When you blew some hot air on his ear shell, you felt him shiver and chuckled. Provocatively, your fingers caressed his chest over his jersey.
"I'd like to return the favor to kiss your skin below your neck .. But your shirt is in my way." You whispered softly and Leon chuckled before he grabbed your hips and pulled you flush at his body. His lips were on your neck and he sucked again at the already red swollen weak spot until you moaned loudly. "Then get rid of it~?" It was not a question, but a plea, when Leon continued to kiss your neck, until you threw your head back and gasped in pleasure. He was hell too good in this. "Are you sure? Don't you think.. we're moving too fast? " You asked uncertainly and played with the hem at the bottom of his jersey. Leon blushed again and cleared his throat before he took your hand in his and intertwined your fingers. "If it's not too fast for you.. It's not too fast for me either.. Because .. I know it feels right, what we do. You're the only one... the only person I ever thought of doing this kind of things .. As long as I can remember knowing you. So .. if it's okay with you, then ... we go as far as you want. .. I'm ready for anything. " He admitted shyly, leaving you kind of speechless and blushing of his consideration and love towards you. You gently caressed his cheek and squeezed your intertwined fingers, when you thought for the right words to say. "Leon .. I-I thought actually that .. I need more time for such things. But now that we are here .. it feels so natural. Really. And I also know that you would never urge me to something. I trust you. I trust you 100 percent. And .. I'm ready for anything, especially after I know that you're thinking the same. " You said, and looked at each other for a long time before the purple-haired male pulled you closer to give you a chaste kiss. "I love you, Leon. And .. I want to feel more of you .. " you whispered against his lips. Leon smiled and took your hands to lead them back to the hem of his jersey. "Well, as I said earlier .. get rid of my clothing then." He whispered seductively and helped you as you took his jersey tentatively and pulled it up slowly. He raised his arms so you could pull it completely over his head. Underneath his jersey was a pretty muscular upper body, which sent an interesting electric tingle down your lower abdomen. "Well .. I knew before that that you have a toned body, but .. Leon, you're really sexy .. .." You purred. Leons handsome face held an arrogant grin because of your praise, before he put his arms around you and pressed you closer again. "Thank you." He smiled and his eyes fluttered closed as he felt your fingers dancing over his bare skin and felt each muscle. Your lips caressed his chin, before you went lower and kissed over his shoulders, down to his chest. Leons mouth left  deep sounds of pleasure and his hands ran through your [e/c] hair while he enjoyed this treatment. You suddenly gasped in surprise, when you felt something hard poking on your hip. The bulge in his pants had grown significantly and Leon looked down on his body and his face flushed a deep shade of red.
"T-I'm sorry .." he whispered, ashamed and wished he could hide his red face behind his cap if he would wear it right now. You smiled sympathetically and patted his cheek before you leaned forward and gently kissed his lips. "Don't be sorry. That's just a natural reaction of your body. " You explained to him and took his hand to lead it under your own shirt to her breasts. "You have said, you were ready for anything, but .. if it's still too much for you, we'll stop. Okay? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.“ you spoke quietly and felt Leons hand timidly and shyly gracing over your bra. You closed your eyes and leaned into his hand while his warm fingers wandered under the cup and felt your soft skin. "I don't feel uncomfortable." Leon said. His voice was already hoarse and a little deeper. He sounded so sexy. "I-It's just that I never did something like this before .. I don't really know what to do." He muttered, though his fingers moved on his own as he took your nipple between his index and middle fingers and tweaked and rolled it between his fingers until you moaned. "Don't worry. Most of it is instinct. Just do what you did before. You .. ah .. have a good intuition anyway. " You gasped and buried your nose deep in the crook of his neck, as Leon moved his other hand under your shirt and bra too, to give your other nipple the same treatment. He rolled both buds between his fingers, massaging the tender meat. He nudged your head with his, so that you raised your head to meet his for a soft kiss.
"You are just amazing .." he breathed against your lips and his massage got a bit rougher until you inhaled sharply and you rocked your hips against his. "I love you.."
"I love you too Leon .. And we have .. so much time to dive into this new pleasure." You promised him and looked at him. Leon returned your gentle gaze, before both of you smiled and leaned in for a longing kiss, when Leon started to pull your shirt over your head. The evening was still young and infact you had the whole house for yourself..
Hop started to worried after you haven't brought back his keys. So he went to his house too at evening. It kinda surprised him and so he searched the house for signs of his mother or you. After reading the note, he was still more confused that someone was here and you didn't went back to him. He went instinctively to his brother's room and saw a hungry Snorlax, which scanned the corridor for food. "Eh? A Snorlax? Is my brother around here? " he wondered and then went to the door of Leons room. He expected nothing wrong and opened the door innocently. "Brother are you-"
"Leon .. Ah .. faster .."
"Y/n ..so tight.."
The door was closed as quickly as he had opened it. Seeing his brother naked hovering over one of his best friend was something he never wanted to witness. Hop chuckled and called Sonia. "Good news .. And you owe me 2000 PokeDollar .."
The End.
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maxskulline · 4 years
Freshly brewed coffee steams in a cup that’s shaped like the bulbous form of a Petilil. The hands wrapped around it are speckled in cuts and freckles alike, because farm work is never easy and because she spends more time in the sun these days than she’s used to. Max found out that she isn’t too prone to sunburn, and that that’s a good thing when you work in one of Alola’s dryest, hottest areas. Instead, her skin turned into a soft tan and her freckles stand out more than ever. It looks pretty - anyone would say so. Those who were once bold enough to trace the constellations on her skin always said how much they love that she’s star kissed. But beauty isn’t anything she pays much attention to these days. Why should she? On a usual day, Max works herself to the limit and then some, pushes past the possible because she dreams less when she’s exhausted. Dreams are unpleasant, unwelcomed, repetetive and she’s so tired of seeing it all happening over and over again. Of seeing him. 
The him she knew last, his wickedness forever imprinted into her memory, is more bearable. She can deal with the hatred she feels for this person. It’s the dreams of their time before - before all of this - the dreams of a family she has loved and lost -  those are the ones driving Max to a fitful, tear-stained awakening. Sometimes, she scrambles to the bathroom just in time to purge herself. As if she could throw up the shards he has left of her, cutting her apart from the inside. It is for this reason Max eventually decided to sleep in her own room, and protect Rosie from the mess she has turned into. She had to promise Rosie that she’ll take a bedroom next door, and that she’d always be there when Rosie needed her. But this is a battle she prefers to fight alone. 
On some days, Max doesn’t respond much when someone attempts conversation. These are the bad days. The days when she can only make it by because she’s had nothing for breakfast but a good handful of Valium. If asked, Max will blame it on bad sleep - it’s not technically a lie. Although, in hindsight, no one cares how dissociated she feels as long as she’s earning her keep on the farm, and intrusive answers are never demanded by anyone. In return she doesn’t care if she can’t remember the rest of the day because all that matters is to make it by somehow and save up enough Pokédollars to leave this godforsaken island. 
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Today’s one of those less than okay days. The cup’s been sitting in front of her nose for a good half hour and turned luke-warm, voices and colours are whirring around the pink haired girl who sits two chairs apart from another youth at the table, a television is running distantly in the background. It’s all there and not there at the same time. To the outside eye, Max may look like a girl who isn’t an early riser and who needs her first cup of coffee to be talkative. They wouldn’t guess that she hasn’t slept to begin with lest they take a closer look at her face and notice the dark circles lining her eyes. 
Her fingers begin to trace the texture of the oak wood table over and over again, although she hardly acknowledges the sensation, while she musters enough clarity to wonder where Rosie went. There’s a young man named Rocky she’s getting along with well, very much to her surprise. Rocky’s been - he’s been good to them. Especially to Rosie. Patient, attentive, funny, the kinda guy with such a warmth in his smile that he could melt away glaciers. He’s handsome, too. If Max cared about such shallow nonsesense nowadays. Still, for all the fucks she’s lost to give, she definitely cares about Rosie, and Rosie’s smiling a little more around him. It is the sole reason why Max can let herself relax a little whenever her best friend is spending time with him, indulge in self-pity without pretending she’s anything but heartbroken. 
The coffee’s gone pretty cold now. Doors open and shut close again, until she’s left in the room with three middle-aged farm workers. No one had shut off the TV. Max feels like she’s only now waking up, slowly blinking and shifting on her seat until her whereabouts make sense again. When the large grandfather clock tells her it’s almost time for her shift, Max lifts the cup at last and empties it in two large sips. Ugh - unsugared, cold coffee’s pretty much the worst and almost makes her wanna spit it out again, but it does as good a job of snapping her back as a smack to her cheek would. She cringes into herself and reaches out to pluck a grape from the fruit bowl as a means to wash away the bitterness. 
Her hand stops and falls flat when someone turns up the TV, loud enough to make her feel like she’s being once again pulled under water where she cannot breathe. 
‘.......... as of this morning, we can confirm that the President of the Aether Foundation was found and is now receiving medical care.’
Max moves on auto-pilot. Her legs don’t even feel like her own when she gets up and joins the others by the TV, fingers curled inwards so tightly that her nails leave crescent dents. Everything she hears and sees, Max watches from somewhere else - she’s no longer the owner of her body, but rather an observer. And yet - yet she feels more alert than she has had for the past couple of weeks. “What’s going on?”, she hears herself ask, unable to tear her eyes away from the screen. Next to the reporter plays a scene most likely recorded by phone, a shaky recording trying to focus on a bright tear in the sky. ‘It shouldn’t be there’ is the first thing Max thinks when she sees the wormhole - she’s never seen one in person before, made it out before she ever could. But looking at it feels unnatural and wrong because she knows the sinister fabrications behind it. All those experiments on the poor Pokémon..... no, this thing shouldn’t exist. 
“Dunno, they said it’s been there for hours before someone dropped out of it. Closed up right after. Apparently it spat out the missing Aether Foundation president.” 
And there she is. A fallen angel, exiled from what she had deemed her own paradise - a fitting and deserved ending to the nightmare she had played such a great part to create. She can’t find an ounce of sympathy within her, and why should she? This woman - she may look like a fallen angel now, but she certainly helped to crown Max as the queen of nothing - and she deserves everything she’s got coming for her. But not even the thought of a fitting punishment can satisfy Max now because something else’s catching her attention. 
It’s easy to miss, really. Just a black shadow falling through the sky when the camera zooms in. Max may have been the only one who saw it happening - a man dropping from the wormhole mere seconds after the President - a someone not even the news care to name. If Max thought she had lost her ground before, now it is swallowing her up whole. There’s little room to breathe down here, in the depths of everything she suppressed until now - the uncertainity and the fear and the deeply rooted knowing she wouldn’t let herself dwell upon because it hurts too much. She was right all along. She was right to think he’d do it. Max whimpers but doesn’t feel the solid pull on her arm, dragging her away from the television. A strong, kind hand - Rocky’s hand.
He and Lusamine are the only people who fell from the wormhole. There was no one else. None. He’s left them all behind. Max can feel her mind reeling, the world around her spinning. There’s a ringing in her ears, but every sound is dull, as if spoken through cotton wool. Max is pliant when Rocky maneuvers her out of the house and Rosie grabs her hand, speaking to her, telling her friend to breathe.
There was no one else. 
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Guzma had called her a traitor for turning her back on him and his grandior plans. What had happened to her friends? Where are they? Did - did he leave them in his so called paradise? No.. No, that’s not it. She knows that’s not what had happened at all. Her vision blurs when something inside her fractures at the truth she had known all along. Now she’s clinging to Rosie, though she doesn’t remember when her hands found Rosie’s upper arms. She may be squeezing too tightly because Rosie flinches, but she doesn’t push Max away when her body cracks and she starts sobbing. 
He didn’t take them with him to begin with. Because there never was any room for anyone else, not even for Max.
She can’t turn away from the last time she saw him; it plays like a broken record, over and over and over again. How could she have believed that their ending may have swayed something inside of Guzma? She remembers him on his knees before her, rain-soaked, defeated, insane. She remembers the look in his eyes when she left him for good. She remembers that he wasn’t alone - he was surrounded by the people who adored and admired him through every challenge, who were there to catch his fall from grace and who could have made a change for him - but instead, he chose to follow her. Every last bit of hope she had left for him died today. She hates herself for having hoped to begin with - such a stupid and human thing to do. Guzma cannot be saved from his greed for everything that’s bigger and better than him. It is a disease and it’s infested him too deeply. He cannot see the good that he already has - that’s why, in the end, he couldn’t see her. Max doubts he ever will learn to know what he has. It isn’t her problem anymore.
Half an hour passes in the blink of an eye, but eventually, her breathing slows down and the tears dry fast under Alola’s brightest sun. A pair of brown eyes stare with concern, but there’s pain in them, too. Max wishes she could take it away - but she can’t even take her own pain away. What good is she, really? 
She really is the queen of nothing.
“Sorry about that”, she croaks out and clears her throat twice. Fumbles in the pocket of her pants for a half-empty pack of cigarettes and can’t even light it because her fingers shake so much. Kudos to Rocky for nicking the lighter and doing the job for her.
Another problem comes with the fact that Guzma’s back in the picture. Not that she expects him to look for her, but you never know - might wanna take his sweet revenge for ruining his image in front of the Prez. She’ll need to make herself invisible and unknown to him, or to anyone who may recognize her as his..... 
The first cigarette’s burned down within seconds. She can light the next one herself, ignoring the concern written all over Rosie’s and Rocky’s faces because Max is acting like this break down didn’t even happen. “I need your help with something, okay? If he’s back out there, I need to make sure he’ll never find me.”
Because Arceus knows how long they’ll have to work for an escape from Alola.
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“I need you to cut my hair.” 
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i just wanted to say that i love how you draw paul 🥺 he’s always been one of my favorite characters and i always love seeing new art of him from you. i was also wondering if you had any headcanons for him?
Thank you!!
It’s really unfortunate how little content there is of him but considering his last appearace was 10 years ago that’s hardly suprising ; O ;
Yeah, I have a couple headcanons for him!
-I like to believe he did eventually beat Brandon after his exit from the series
-He doesn’t particularily like wearing short-sleeved shirts or short pants and the only reason he did it in Alola was because he would have literally melted otherwise
-He’s from Sinnoh, so he doesn’t do well w/ heat
-He also isn’t the kind of person to change outfits very often. Like if he notices a hole in his shirt he’s going to get a new one but otherwise he’s more a “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” person (for all Paul outfit changes in my art, you can assume Rosie either gifted him the clothes or physically dragged him to a store to pick something)
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skulldxddy · 5 years
    continued from [ x ] // @maxskulline​.                              ALOLA FROM HELL.
   Guzma stumbles to a halt around her, barely co-ordinated from all the booze still flooding his system. It’s honest liquid courage for him this time. Every step forward Max takes, he plants a step of his own in the way of her until she’s got no other choice but to face him---to please just fucking hear him out. He’s used his big body as a blockade plenty other times before so he knows exactly how to keep it in her way. He’s given up many times, but this time, he won’t. He can’t. He’s sick of harbouring all these fuck-ups and regrets on stupid pieces of paper. He’s sick of staring at the wall. He wants to make things right. Damn, though. She looks good.
                He ain’t even found his balance yet and it’s already throwin’ him off.
   Guzma opens his mouth to speak but only bites his lip ‘cause Max is way ahead of him, and he lets himself take everything she’s got, picking at the scruff of his chin around to the back of his head---anything he can to keep his hands busy and temper the tremors. He’s a changed man .  .  . at least, he thinks he is. There’s so much he’s learned, but she don’t know that. To Max, he’s still the same old big bad scumbag that ruined her. The poisons of the past pour out in her every word and for once, Guzma is defenseless. He hangs his head low and allows himself to be defenseless, a far cry from how things used to be. He breathes in her smoke, tastes the ashes he left, and for once he understands what it is to be a second-hand---wait.
              She’s giving him a chance? He’d be stumped if he wasn’t so---what is it? 
   It’s like stage fright. It feels like her eyes bear on him with the pressure of an entire fucking audience. He feels their judgement. Feels her judgement, and the visible drop of sweat across his brow burns hotter just like his collar. Can she just---can she fucking stop that?! No. It ain’t her. It’s his perception making him all stupid. Pull yourself together, Guzma, comes that same tired song ‘n dance. You never been so afraid of speakin’ up before. He spits on the ground.
   “First of all, there ain’t much I can say without soundin’ like I’m tryna spin it that way, but this---it ain’t about my redemption, yeah? I know there’s no comin’ back from the shit I pulled. You think I give a fuck about any of that shit, Max?” No, no. Deep breaths.
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   “I-It’s just---this life’s the only one we get .  .  . and I blew it.” Arceus, he needs another drink. “For not just myself but you. For all’a you. And for Rosie, too.” This chance she’s giving him is all he’s got, and his voice is straining not to blow this, too. “Your boy, Guzma,” he mocks himself, “has fuckin’ blown it to pieces chasin’ after some vision of a life I was too far fuckin’ gone to realise I already had with y’all. Shit, I blew that too. Ya know what they say ‘bout that, ah? That you never know what you got ‘til it’s lost to you? It’s somethin’ I read while I was in---ah, forget it.” Those lost deserved better. Skull couldn’t recover from their own personal tragedies beneath the reign of Guzma’s fucked-up influence, his selfish ambition---that included Max. She was trapped; he had trapped her. Had her little heart laid out nice ‘n pretty in the palm of his hand and swore he wouldn’t break it right before he closed his fist and dumped the pulsating little remains in the trash. Lot of fucking good that’s done for ‘em now. Maybe his tyranny wasn’t much different from Lusamine after all. 
             Birds of a feather and all that stupid shit.
   His restless hand grips the front of his shirt, squeezing, wrinkling the fabric. “I don’t know what you want to hear right now.” I’m tryna pour my fucking heart out to you and you aren’t reacting just fucking say something. He is not the boss of her anymore. She ain’t his to push around anymore. She never was. He finally understands now, and has for quite some time.
   “There’s no one in the world like you. I ruined a fuckin' beautiful thing---you know? You the best I ever had, baby girl,” his brows pinch tight before he can continue speaking. Calling her that again comes by instinct, and it sucks. “And if there’s any apology I could give to you---it’s that, Max,” he corrects himself. There’s a pause; he’s grimacing, throat’s tightening as it aches to force the word out. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be the same for you.” 
            .  .  . Ah. Haha. Hahaha, fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
   Wasn’t that exactly what she didn’t wanna hear? Did he just mess this up? Guzma forces his hands back down when they rise up, shoves ‘em back down deep into his trouser pockets before they could start tearing out hair. No use hanging around long enough to find out. 
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   “That’s---th-that’s it.” He avoids looking at her now and turns his back, not wanting to see what’s gotta be written all over her face. This just proves it; he's exactly what Max don't need.
        “You can go now. You can go. I’m---I ain’t gonna get in your way no more.”  
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nnatsume · 2 years
i still need to play the past pokemon games :')) like i was able to learn about the alolan pokemon thru the anime (also i caught solagaleo + lunala with the randomizer on) eventually tho i got fed up with the crazy amount of legendaries and mythical pokemon, and pokemon that dont belong in the right place. i nearly fell out of my chair when i saw the ducking size of solagaleo compared to my trainer. BUT ANYWAYS. whats the gameplay like in sun and moon? ~🌹rosie
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OH HELP. yeah alola has a. good couple additions to the legendary and pseudo-legendary pokemon.. scratches head. but it's fun, i don't remember all of them either. and right, they have... they have.. size now. Woah.
it's probably the look that differs mostly?? it's more flat and video-game-y, less of that realistic-3D thing. it's what kinda makes it for me.. i don't think it's any different gameplay-wise from other games, they have the same concepts. you move to a place and fight your way to the pokemon champion someway somehow. the story is also Really Good. and. and it has a fun minigame in ultramoon ♡ tbh the only thing i've been doing the last few times is just going mantine surfing because it's so much fun. ♡ and i adore lillie btw i think she deserves the world
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galaxcias-archived · 4 years
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@alolua​ : “Are you.. blushing?” @ hima 
     Why Himari chose to take a boat ride to Ula’ula island was beyond her. She used Ride pokémon almost daily, so it perhaps was her wanting a change of pace? She wasn’t entirely sure. But having Hau with her on said trip was both a blessing and a curse.
      A blessing becuase it was her friend! someone she trusted ever since she and her mother put down roots in Alola. There wasn’t anyone she considered a greater friend, aside from Lillie, of course.
      But also a curse, because lately her heart felt a bit...different when around him. It was far from a bad feeling, rather it made her heart flutter in a way. Of course, she could just say that perhaps she liked him...more than a friend? Was that possible?
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      No, no. She had to remember that her mother had felt this way about her father, but after being together for years, it ended poorly. She wasn’t ready to take that risk for herself. He might not even feel the same way! Luckily, distracting herself by observing her gallery of poké-finder images was enough to push the feeling down, just a little bit. But apparently that wasn’t enough for her friend to notice the rosy hue on her cheeks.
      “Am I...? Oh! I uh, didn’t really notice...” She responded with a nervous laugh. Playing dumb worked before in situations like these. Maybe it would work now, too. She wasn’t sure of her own feelings right now, after all.
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