#Rosie and Sam are great friends
rosehearts-forest · 4 months
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I give you human Rosie and Shine. Au where if Rosie stayed in the human world and became a trainer with another kid named Sam.
For @heropartnerweek the prompt ‘human Au’
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emilybeemartin · 1 year
Just to tie in my two themes this month----
Additional notes, because poll options apparently limit their characters:
Frodo finds great peace in watching the tides rise and fall throughout each day. He attends all the ranger programs on birds and seashells and fills pages with sketches and poetry.
Sam meticulously selects postcards in the gift shop for each of his friends and spends a whole morning writing and addressing them. He also buys Junior Ranger hats for his kids and a variety of Appalachian jams for Rosie.
Park rangers launch a Missing Person search for Aragorn when they realize his car's been parked at Avalanche Creek for three days. The search runs for almost a week before he comes strolling out the opposite side of the park, supporting one of the SAR techs who twisted an ankle during the search.
Legolas is first drawn to Olympic for the towering, mossy temperate rainforests, but the ground goes out from under him when he steps onto Second Beach for the first time. He spends an entire day watching the light and tides shift on the sea stacks, and he leaves feeling both full and hollow, like a bell that's just been rung.
Mammoth is only Gimli's first stop on a cavern tour, followed by Jewel and Wind Caves and Carlsbad Caverns. Wind Cave is his favorite for the unusual formations. He makes an obnoxious tween boy cry in Carlsbad for breaking off a speleothem.
Boromir is on a tour of military parks. He asks so many questions to the intern working the info station at Fort Sumter the kid has to go find the park historian. His favorite site is Vicksburg because that place was buckwild, though he silently judges one of the reenactors for his clumsy handling of a black powder rifle.
Merry also makes stops in Jurassic and Dinosaur National Monuments. He watches every park video, takes selfies in front of all the fossil exhibits, and earns his Junior Ranger badge at each one. He buys a keychain for Pippin.
Pippin actually gets four citations, mostly for trying to stick his hands in mud pots. He doesn't mean anything by it---he's just so delighted and curious about the bizarre landscape. He winds up with several thermal burns and dumps a king's ransom in the donation box on his last day.
Gandalf gets dinged by rangers for not paying the $5 fee for Trunk Bay, but he acts senile until they eventually decide to drop it. He gets postcards from everyone and responds to none of them.
Faramir and Eowyn are traveling together and do many of the same hikes and rides, but they do have some different preferences off-trail. Eowyn drags Faramir to a rodeo and the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar in Jackson Hole, and he goads her into Ranger Shelton Johnson's living history programs on the Buffalo Soldiers in Yosemite.
Eomer is bike-packing on his sport cruiser motorcycle. He goes to Roosevelt south unit for the wild horse herds but ends up spending half a day watching a prairie dog town. He takes 400 photos of them, mostly blurry, and texts them to Eowyn.
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Series Masterlist
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Summary: F/N and John left their kids at the Singer residence once again to go on a hunt. Boredom strikes the youngest in the household and since Y/N is growing up, the Winchester boys have become her guinea pigs. What's gonna happen when she convinces Sam, Dean and Bobby to let her give them a makeover so they can too feel like 'pretty princesses'.
Y/N is 9 years old, Sam is 9 years old and Dean is 13 years old.
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
Third Person POV
"Hey Uncle Bobby??" Y/N peered through the side of the door into Bobby's living room. He was sat on the couch, nursing a glass of whiskey. Sam and Dean were watching Looney Tunes on his crummy old TV. All heads turned to her, "What's up kiddo?" Bobby asked the little girl affectionately.
Y/N hid her makeup kit her daddy bought for her for Christmas behind her back, a cheeky smile on her face.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth at the look on her face. He couldn't help but have a soft spot for the girl, and he could tell that look meant she was up to no good. He leaned back in his chair and folded his hands in front of him, watching her with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.
"What are you hiding there, kiddo?" Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "Can I do your makeup?" She asked them sweetly, blinking her eyes slightly. A sweet smile spread across her face as she moved back and forth on her heels and toes. The color drained from Sam and Deans faces.
Both Sam and Dean's heads snapped up at her request, their eyes widening in a mix of horror and reluctance. They looked at each other helplessly before turning back to Bobby, silently pleading for him to intervene.
Bobby chuckled at the reactions of the boys before turning his gaze back to Y/N. He stroked his beard for a moment, contemplating the request. "Eh, why not?" He said, giving in with a shrug.
"Yayyy!!" She exclaimed excitedly, running into the room. She ushered Bobby to the ground, flat infront of the couch, doing the same for the boys. "Now sit still, I don't want to poke your eyes out" She warns the Winchesters.
Bobby chuckled and perched himself in front of the couch, trying to keep his face straight despite the amused twinkle in his eyes. He looked over at Sam and Dean, who were both sitting on the couch, looking like they were about to be tortured. Sam was tensing up while Dean was eyeing Y/N's makeup kit skeptically.
"Great, just what we need. Y/N/N turning us into doll faces," Dean muttered under his breath. "Watch it, charming. Before 'accidentally' I smear lipstick on your eyes" She narrowed her eyes at her friend warningly. Unzipping the bag to get started on Bobby's face.
Bobby couldn't help but chuckle at Y/N's sassy response. Reminding him a bit of her mother. Dean held up his hands in surrender, trying to look serious but failing miserably. The corners of his mouth were betraying him, threatening to break into a grin.
Meanwhile, Sam was trying hard not to laugh at his brother, who looked as if he was about to faint at the prospect of being turned into a 'doll face' by a y/n.
After she was done with Bobby's face up, she grinned proudly. The old man's beard was now covered with black eyeshadow, lips painted a rosy pink and his eye lids coated with messy purple dust. She then moved over to Sam. "Your turn" She smiled menacingly. Holding up the eyeshadow brush and lipstick.
Bobby's face was a work of art, a masterpiece of colorful chaos. He couldn't help but laugh at the sight of himself in the mirror, taking the good-natured teasing like a champ.
Sam, on the other hand, was looking like he would rather face a horde of demons than allow a his best friend to touch his face with that makeup brush.
His eyes widened as she turned her attention to him next, a mixture of fear and resignation on his face. He glanced over at Bobby, who had a look of amusement plastered all over his face, clearly enjoying the boy's predicament. Sam gulped and reluctantly sat in front of her. But he knew better than to argue, so he reluctantly sat himself in front of her.
Dean, on the other hand, was having a field day. He was sitting on the couch, watching Sam squirm with glee, a huge grin on his face.
Sam's look didn't take too long, she topped his mop head with a pretty pink bow to the side as the finishing touch. His eyelids sported an orange eyeshadow, his lips smeared with the red lipstick. Sam's face was now a canvas of colorful chaos, courtesy of Y/N's ‘artistic’ skills. He tried to look offended, but the pink bow in his hair was ruining the effect.
She smiled proudly again before turning to Dean, hands on her hips. "Ready, charming?", Dean, who had been watching Sam's transformation with a mixture of horror and amusement, was now dreading his turn. He looked at Y/N with a mix of fear and resignation, knowing he was next in line for the makeup chair.
He put on a brave face, trying to look like he was ready to face whatever Y/N was going to do to him. "Bring it, princess". He challenged. And boy did he regret it.
Y/N smirked at Dean's challenge, knowing full well that he should never have challenged her. She grabbed her kit and approached him, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She sat down in front of Dean, eyeing his face with a critical eye.
He swallowed hard, realising that he might have bitten off more than he could chew. But there was no backing out now, and he knew it.
Within minutes, Dean's faces was transformed into exactly what he quoted earlier, a doll face. His cheeks her compact with dark pink blush, his eyelids coated with sparkly (emphasis on sparkly) light pink eyeshadow. His lips smeared with her brightest shade of pink lipstick. The teenage boy looked with he came straight out of a Barbie doll collection.
But it didn't end there. Just like Sam, she topped his head with a white bow before handing him the hand-held mirror.
Dean was stunned into silence as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He then let out of the cartoonish scream his lungs could muster up. He looked like a character straight out of a Barbie movie, a far cry from hunting monster and fighting for his life.
The pink eyeshadow and blush on his cheeks were so over the top it was almost comical, and the bright pink lipstick on his lips made him look like a clown.
His brother, Sam, was trying his hardest not to burst out laughing. The look on Dean's face was priceless, a mixture of horror, disbelief, and a touch of 'oh God, why me?'.
Bobby, meanwhile, was having a hard time holding back his laughter. He had tears in his eyes as he tried to keep a neutral expression, but the sight of Dean looking like a Barbie doll was almost too much to handle. He let out a snort of laughter before catching himself, trying to maintain a serious facade.
"Oh man, you look... interesting, son" Bobby managed to say, his voice cracking with held-back laughter. "Who's the pretty princess now?" Y/N smiled widely, a twinge of mischief but also victory on her face.
Sam couldn't hold it in anymore. He burst into hysterical laughter, falling back onto the couch, holding his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably at the sight of his big brother looking like a Barbie doll.
Dean, on the other hand, was at a loss for words. His face was a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and shock. He looked like he wanted to retaliate, but he couldn't find a single way to defend his 'pretty' appearance.
Bobby was enjoying himself, laughing heartily at the boys' predicament. Dean scoffed, "You two are just jealous I look prettier" He retorted sassily, aiding to the act. Putting on a high pitched voice, snapping his fingers in a ‘Z’ formation.
Sam's laughter got even louder at Dean's sassy response, tears streaming down his face as he tried to catch his breath. Bobby, on the other hand, was nearly rolling on the floor laughing, his face turning red.
Bobby was watching the scene unfold, clearly enjoying the show. He had a smile on his face, watching the banter between the three kids. He chuckled, wiping away a tear from laughing so hard.
He was happy to know that even with everything these children had gone through and are still going through. They still found a way to make each other, and him, laugh.
"Well I'll be damned, you actually pull off princess look, Dean" He teased, watching the boys try to act like tough hunters while looking so pretty. "You're darn straight, Robert" Y/N sassed back, earning a joking glare from her Uncle Bobby.
Dean rolled his eyes at Bobby's comment, trying to play it cool despite the embarrassment. He crossed his arms, still maintaining the high-pitched voice and the sassy attitude. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, you two. Just remember who can still kick your asses in this doll face."
Sam was still giggling on the floor, trying to catch his breath from laughing too hard. He wiped away the tears from his eyes and tried to get himself together. "Seriously, man, you're like a Ken Doll come to life."
The creaking of the front door opening caused them all to freeze in place, eye wide with fear when in walked their fathers, F/N L/N and John Winchester.
Their fathers stood in the doorway, staring at the spectacle before them. There was silence in the room as both men took in the scene before them. Bobby, Sam and Dean all froze, unsure how to explain the situation.
John and F/N scanned the room, their eyes falling on each person. Their gazes landed on the boys, and they froze as they took in the sight of both Sam and Dean wearing makeup and bows in their hair.
"Daddy look, I made everyone pretty" Y/N said excitedly, running into her fathers arms.
Both fathers were stunned for a moment before they snapped out of it. John's eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at his sons, struggling to digest the sight in front of him. F/N, on the other hand, was holding back laughter, trying to keep a straight face.
As Y/N ran into F/N's arms, he picked her up with a chuckle and held her close. "Yeah, I can see that baby." He replied, the corners of his mouth twitching in amusement.
"What do you think, Uncle John?" Y/N asked John feigning innocence, while internally praying he wouldn't burst into a fit of rage. She knew if she put on her puppy dog eyes with John, he'd take it easier on the boys.
John's eye twitched as he stared at the two boys, his face a mixture of shock, anger, and disbelief. Sam and Dean tensed up, waiting for the inevitable outburst from their grumpy dad. But then Y/N piped up, feigning innocence and hitting John with her puppy dog eyes.
His face softened a bit, the anger in his eyes replaced with a mixture of resignation and annoyance. As F/N shot his friend a warning glare, not to yell at the kids or his little girl as they were only having fun.
"It's... colorful" he said, his voice strained as if he was trying hard to keep his cool.
Sam and Dean exchanged glances, relieved that John hadn't erupted into a fit of rage. But they were still bracing themselves, expecting the worst. They knew John was old school and expected his sons to be tough, masculine hunters.
Meanwhile, Bobby chuckled internally, knowing that John's reaction could have been a hell of a lot worse. He watched the scene unfold, enjoying the chaos.
A hint of a smile twitched on John's face as he leaned down infront of his eldest son to get a better look, "Is that glitter?" He couldn't help but snort with a cocked eyebrow.
This made everyone burst out into laughter, including F/N and himself as Dean's face flushed with embarrassment.
Authors Note: I know I promised everyone a new chapter on Genesis Primis soon but I'm having so much fun with the prequel😂
This one was actually not my idea, it was requested by @karrah89 so a big thanks to you love.
Croatoan should be out tomorrow, Monday for the latest. I hope you guys liked this one! Enjoy the cutesy stuff for a bit because unfortunately not all chapters in TBOTD is gonna be like this *hint hint* ;)
Hope you guys loved it! Feel free to message me with any requests, I'd love to add some stuff you guys would like to see in here. I'll do the most I can.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @swimmingmakerathletedreamer @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings
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live-laugh-legolas · 1 month
heyy idk if you take requests right now but I was thinking maybe you could write headcanons about how the fellowship would act like around their crush. Let's say reader is the crush in the scenario, so how do you think the members of the fellowship would act around them? And maybe Thranduil as well if it's not too difficult!
The fellowship around their crush (+Thranduil)
-There is no possible way you can tell he has a crush
-I mean he is so sweet to everyone; and everyone falls in love with him for it
-So you definitely assume he doesn’t have any special feelings towards you
-But there are signs
-He lets you be first for everything; like being served food, bathing first, etc
-It is obvious to anyone paying attention that his eyes are basically always on you
-He just wants to make sure you are alright
-He is pretty subtle about it
-But he’s not shy either
-He’s awkward yes, but he doesn’t feel embarrassed to admit he has a crush
-It’s a huge compliment for someone to have a crush on you, and that’s all he means by it
-I think he is more talkative around his crush too
-Because he wants to engage with them and get them talking too
-Blushes so fucking much
-And he stammers
-He gets really nervous and feels he needs to impress you
-Kinda overcompensates by being a little gruff; but not in a mean way; more in the sense that he shortens his sentences so he doesn’t stutter
-That being said, he isn’t afraid to tell his friends all about you
-I imagine him being like Sam was with Rosie at the party; his friends know but can’t get Gimli to act on anything
-He says he doesn’t want to be rash
-And that he doubts you would be interested in him
-But if he eventually does ask you out and you say yes his whole demeanor changes instantly
-He is confident and so happy
-“YES! Oh um I mean thank you, I mean…”
-I know he is a pretty confident guy and quite outgoing
-But I stick to my characterization that he actually doesn’t have many friends and is actually kinda socially awkward
-So he’s very nervous about ever saying anything to you
-He talks a big game, but is super nervous is he decides to ask you out or you ask him out
-Such a protective soul; you will never have to worry about being hurt because he will protect you without having to be asked
-I think like Legolas, he also isn’t necessarily shy about it
-He wears his heart on his sleeve and isn’t afraid to let you know he cares about you
-But he says it in a way that could be taken as “I love you because you are my friend”
-Which he does. He would never feel the need to rush into anything and will be your best friend before asking you out
-Well we know he is shy and can’t bring himself to think he is deserving of you
-But also he can’t think of anyone who would treat you better than him
-He always offers to help you out
-He will carry anything for you, cook you anything, help you clean; you get the idea
-Very protective and will immediately come to your defense should someone even look at you wrong
-Cocky mf
-Seriously he is so flirty
-He immediately looks to you after he says a joke to see if you liked it
-But also on the flip side, he actually talks less around you
-Not because he is nervous per say, but he wants to listen to you talk instead
-He has a super god memory and will remember any little thing you tell him
-Like if you mention once that you like a very specific type of pastry; he will get you one even if it’s months later
-Definitely not subtle but he is very bashful about it
-You think he is giddy normally, well wait till he’s around you
-He uses humor to try and get over his nerves
-I think he is the type to go home with the biggest smile and will rant to anyone around about how great you are after hanging out with you
*Bonus Thranduil
-He’s a king and has mastered the art of remaining stone faced and keeping his feelings hidden
-But he makes a point to always try and be around you
-He always invites his crush for tea and asks their opinion on matters
-He will never admit to having a “crush”
-He’s too sophisticated for that, or so he says
-His love language is gift giving
-He will start with smaller things, like a new bow or nice dress for a party
-But it eventually becomes beautiful jewelry and gifts fit for royalty
-He hopes, and kinda assumes, you will get the idea from this because he isn’t one to speak his affections
-He is indirectly protective; making sure guards know to keep an eye on you and he will make sure you have anything you need
-It is only in rare moments of vulnerability that he will soften; I imagine this happens after you get injured or something
-He will admit that he can’t lose you
-The type to kiss you before ever saying that he likes you outright
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kissingkiszka · 3 months
Choosing The Road - GVF x Reader
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Summary: Reader goes on a roadtrip with her lifelong best friends, and they are all after her heart.
CW: MDNI, 18+, fluff, drinking, cursing, can be viewed as both platonic &/or romantic, flirting i guess?, traveling idrk! Love triangle but all 4 of the boys are after reader (love pentagon?) not proofread
This is a bit of a short one I wasn’t actually going to post but here we are! I wrote this one on the way to my Starcatcher show :)
I may do a part 2 to this where reader ends up with one of them so lmk if you’d like to see that and who she’d end up with!
It was your second day on the road, and it was anything but boring, especially being with the guys. They had been your best friends for years now and a roadtrip with them was something you had always wanted to do, and now was the chance.
Everyone had pitched in a little bit to cover the cost of a rental RV, and everyone took turns driving, except you. You were more than happy to, however the boys wanted you to sit back and enjoy the ride. Sam even decided to bring Rosie with him, which led to even more fun.
Even though you had just gotten on the road yesterday, there were already countless trips to truck stops that had been made. It was always the same routine, too. Sam would get out to stretch his legs, play with Rosie, and photograph the surrounding area. Josh would hop out, take a short walk in the surrounding patches of grass and pick up any flowers, rocks, or sticks he had found nearby. He was really good at journaling and the pieces of nature he had found made for excellent journaling supplies. Danny always made a trip to the bathroom and made sure everyone had their snacks and enough water to last them to the next truck stop. Jake had recently taken up the hobby of writing poetry, so he would sit outside and take in as much scenery as possible to later write about. And for you, well you would join each of them in their respective activities depending on your mood.
“Let the good times roll!” Sam announced, putting the camper in reverse. He had just taken over for Jake as driver.
“Who wants to listen to some blues?” Jake asked, taking out his phone.
“You. Only you do, Jake.” Josh spat.
Jake plopped himself down in between you and Danny. Without a word, Danny handed him a water bottle and a small bag of crackers.
“Thanks bud.” Jake said, opening the bag.
Danny was definitely the mom friend, which made you laugh. The Kiszka boys always had a somewhat childish side. Although they were some of the most responsible and respectful men you knew, they always brought out your inner child, which was one of the reasons you were such great friends with them.
“This road trip is so fun. I can’t wait to make some more lifelong memories with my lifelong friends.” Danny smiled, picking his head up from the book he had been reading.
“I can’t wait to see where the road will take us. Bajabule!” Josh cheered, taking a beer can out of the mini fridge in the corner. “So many good vibes around us.”
This trip was so spontaneous, you didn’t even have a planned destination. You guys just wanted to drive around the country until you felt like going back to Nashville.
“Jake, could you hand me my water, please?” You ask sweetly.
“Of course, love.” He smiles before turning around to get your pink metal water bottle. Before he could grab it, Danny scoops it up and delivers it to you.
“Here you are, m'lady.” Danny says as you graciously accept the water.
“I was going to get it for her-” Jake begins.
“You snooze, you lose, buddy.” Danny lovingly pats him on the shoulder.
The various sights you had seen eventually turned into mountain tops that looked identical to one another.
After a few hours of driving straight, Sam finally pulled into a parking lot. You lifted your head out of a book you were reading to take in the new location.
“A truck stop? Another one?” Josh stands up with his hands on his hips.
“I have to pee!” Sam argued. “Plus, I don’t want Rosie pooping on the floor, or we might have to pay extra for that.”
“Good call.” Jake nodded, standing up.
“I need to stretch my legs anyways.” Danny added, walking towards the door.
Sam got Rosie on her leash and then made his way out of the RV, and everyone followed after him.
“You want any snacks?” Josh leaned in, asking you.
“Me? Uh, maybe a coffee would do me some good.” You smile.
“You got it.” He reciprocated the warm smile and went inside to get snacks.
You followed him at a distance, going to quickly use the restroom.
After you used the restroom, you wandered around the truckstop for a bit. You walked over to a huge map on the wall, examining it carefully.
You quickly grabbed a pamphlet that read ‘Arkansas’ across the top in big blue lettering. You were planning on making a scrapbook of the road trip and figured you would be collecting any sorts of materials for it.
Even though you had been on the road for the past day, and you had no idea where you were, it was good to find out that you had at least made it out of Tennessee.
“Arkansas? Huh.” Danny came up behind you and rested a firm hand on your shoulder.
You jump back, startled. You let out a small chuckle. “Yeah, I was worried we’d still be in Tennessee.”
“Don’t worry about that, Y/N.” Danny laughed. “I think we’re coming pretty close to Oklahoma by now. Maybe if Josh could drive better, we’d be there by now.”
You nodded with a giggle.
“Well, I’m gonna go get a quick snack. You want anything?”
“No thanks, Josh is already getting me something.” You smiled. “I’m gonna get some fresh air for a bit.”
You left the truck stop, heading over to the RV. Sam was now outside with Rose. You headed over to them, bending down and greeting Rose with a few pets.
“She loves you.” Sam smiled as he watched you play with his beloved pet. “But who doesn’t? You're easy to love.”
“I could say the same for you, Sam.” You look up at him and go to stand.
“Yeah, right.” He chuckles, giving Rose a treat.
“You are.”
“Really?” He asks, his eyes going wide.
“Duh. You’re my best friend. Everybody loves you.”
“Awh.” He sighs and smiles to himself. You even catch a glimpse of him blushing, but he turns away before you can point it out.
You turn around, making your way back to the camper and notice Jake stepping inside.
When you get inside, you notice Jake sitting down on one side of the couch. He pats the spot next to him, signaling for you to join him on the couch.
“Hey.” He smiles.
“Hey.” You reply, sitting down.
He has his leather bound journal placed open in his lap. You take notice of the many words accompanying the pages.
He notices you looking at the pages as he looks down. “I've been busy.”
“Looks like it.” You nod. “What are you writing?”
“I’ve been working on some stuff. Some concepts for a new album. Some poetry. Y’know.” He admits.
“I see you’ve gotten a lot done?”
He laughs and glances down at the journal once more. “You can say that.”
You lean in a bit closer, getting more interested in hearing his ideas. “Does sight seeing give you inspiration? Is that why you’re always writing stuff down?”
“Well, I actually get a lot of my inspiration from you. Believe it or not.” He gives you a sweet smile.
“Jake,” you grin. “That’s so nice. Can I-”
“I don’t want you to see it yet. Only when it’s perfect.” He softly closes his journal and moves it to the side. “I only want you to see my top notch work.”
“Jake, I think all your work is top notch.”
“Thank you, Darl-”
As he finishes his sentence, Josh comes sauntering back into the vehicle.
“Your coffee, madam.” He dramatically puts his hand out, you take the coffee from him. “And I also threw in a bag of chips for you.”
“Thank you, Joshy.” You accept the snacks with a cheeky smile.
“No need to thank me,” He sits himself down on the couch across from you and Jake. “Especially over a small bag of chips and a coffee. I’d do anything for you.”
You giggle before Danny and Sam come piling back onto the RV, with Rose following closely behind on her leash.
“Alright, so who’s driving now?” Sam claps his hands together.
“I’ll drive.” Danny stands up. “Haven’t driven for a bit now.”
“I know there's a rest stop in about…50 miles.” Jake told him.
“Maybe we stop there for the night? Get some rest?” You inquired.
“Yes ma’am.” Danny nodded, sitting down behind the wheel.
“Getting rest at the rest stop!” Josh chimed in.
That night, the RV was parked at a rest stop next to a huge pond. It was off the highway and very peaceful. The RV bunks were anything but comfortable. You had been tossing and turning, not able to get any sleep. You thought for a minute before deciding on reading your book. That always helped you fall asleep easier. As you walk into the sitting area to retrieve your book, you see Josh’s silhouette on one of the couches.
“Josh?” You ask in a whisper, blinking back your lack of sleep.
“Oh!” he jumped back, startled. “What’re you doing up?”
“Can’t sleep. How ‘bout you?”
“That makes two of us.”
“Have you seen my book?” You ask, squinting in the darkness trying to find it.
He shakes his head. “Can’t say I have.”
“Dammit.” You sigh under your breath.
“Why so sad? Come join me outside.”
“For what?”
“I don’t know.” He shrugs. “Just feel like it. A night underneath the stars…?” He says unsurely.
You oblige and follow him outside.
He finds a nearby picnic table and lays down on top of it, looking up at the night sky.
“Lay with me.”
“Lay with you?”
“Yeah, c’mon.” He pats the spot next to you.
You lay next to him and stare at the sky as well. It’s silent for a few moments, as both of you are just admiring the sky and wondering what to talk about.
“So many stars out tonight. They’re all so bright too.”
“You’re the brightest star, though.”
“Says you.” You chuckle, your cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. “You’re literally the brightest star out there.”
“So I’m the sun?” He asks.
“The sun is still a star.” You nod matter of factly.
“You know what? if you asked me to, I would go up there, and catch all the stars…I’d bring them back down for you.” He admits, laying his hands against his chest.
“That’d be one big feat.”
He chuckles. “For you, it’d be nothing.”
“Thanks Josh…”
“You know, I’d do anything for you. I’m sure all of us would. We love you so much.” He sits there for a minute before sitting up with wide eyes. “Oh my god. That’d make for a good album name.” He smiles to himself before looking over at you, who’s long asleep by now.
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mrmeowziii · 25 days
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Flat color of the Roti cast at 26! After Lightning’s win.
‘Quick’ explanations for everyone-
Staci’s a hairdresser- She hasn’t quite gotten to owning her own shop yet, but she’s just as happy as long as she can help others see how beautiful they are! She’s made an unlikely friendship with Anne Maria, who shares her profession and love of all things cosmetic.
Brick went off to fashion school after serving in the military for a bit, and has since graduated! He’s more confident in himself, and is trying his best to start his own fashion line. His closest friends from the Roti cast are Anne Maria, Staci, and Dakota, who he talks with often about fashion and hair- Scott, who he’s dating- and Jo, for old times sake.
Scott never fully recovered from Fang’s attack without extra funding and was left with a permanent limp and chronic pain… poor guy. Still, after living on the farm for a few years, he reconnected with Brick at a cast reunion and the two have been going strong since. He’s still trucking despite his disability, and he’s supporting Brick with all he’s got.
Jo never got to open her dream gym, but instead got into nursing. A strange choice for her? Maybe, but she’s good at giving her patients what they need. Oh, and she’s a pro with physical therapy. Despite Lightning’s messiness for a few years, and their initial relationship, Jo and him are pretty good friends now- though that doesn’t stop her from egging him on from time to time.
Dakota’s a professional fighter, while Sam’s a game developer. They’ve been married the second longest, after Zoke, of course. When she’s not killing it in the ring, Dakota’s still quite fashion forward. Her mutation’s been reversed a good amount, but not all the way. It’s unlikely it’ll ever be fully cured, but Dakota’s okay with that. She’s got Sam on her side all the way, after all! As for him, his newest game ‘Groundstory’ absolutely blew up after a great crowdfunding campaign! You’ve probably heard of it.
Anne Maria’s newly single after a messy relationship back in Jersey. She’s crashing with Jo for the time being, so who knows how long that’ll last? Maybe longer than you think… ;) For now she’s working at a hair salon and sharing lots of tips with Staci, while helping Brick with his fashion line, since Scott’s got NO eye for this kinda thing.
Lightning… well, he’s had an interesting journey to get where he is now. For the first few years after winning, everything was great! He was the star of the football team he’d been drafted by, a literal millionaire, and his dad was finally giving him his time! But then… poorly managed wealth is a recipe for disaster, leading to Lightning being dropped by the NFL, his dad disowning him, and a pretty bad drinking and binge eating problem. Only when Cameron intervened was Lightning given any hope of getting better, and he’s on the road to recovery now. They live together, the two comprising a pretty odd couple, but a happy one nonetheless.
Cameron found he liked helping others with their mental health after a bit of trying to figure out what to do with his life, and became a licensed therapist after blowing through college. After a bit of helping Mike and Zoey with their first child, he reached out to a very depressed Lightning and made it his goal to rehabilitate his former competitor. After a few intense years, a few relapses, and an unexpected level of bonding, the two of them now live together, not married- but taking it one step at a time. Cameron’s proud of his boyfriend.
Mike and Zoey got married after All-Stars, and had their first kid at 20. Rosie is the light of their lives, and soon little Enzo will be joining the picture as well. Zoey’s been responsible for every cast meetup since All-Stars ended, and she spends her free time writing about her experiences on reality television. She was Canada’s mom of the year when Rosie was two years old!
Mike, as it turns out, didn’t delete his disorder with the press of a button. Woah. Mike and the gang are multi talented, and each of them have found their passions in different things. Chester’s retired, but the dream of being Miss Canada’s still there. Svetlana hasn’t stopped practicing her gymnastics, and is ready for another go at the Olympics! Vito likes to club, but is surprisingly good with Rosie- besides Mike, he’s her favorite. Manitoba Smith still lives for adventure, and helps Dawn and B in their animal sanctuary when he can. Mal works with Mike at their office job, trolling any employer who gets a little too comfortable in their position. If there’s anything the two of them can agree on, it’s that their boss sucks.
B’s inventions started to earn him a lot of money not long after Roti, but he kept it humble, and helps fund Dawn’s nature sanctuary as one of it’s main supporters. The two of them live happily together, their ability to understand each other when no one else could bonding them for life. B’s working every day to make machines more environmentally friendly, and reduce the carbon footprint of humanity.
Dawn fundraised for years, and with some intense determination on her part, along with some help from B, she finally got to create the animal sanctuary she’d always wanted in the mountains of British Columbia. She works there full-time, surrounded by the nature she’s always loved. At home, she lives with her cat Gaia and her partner B.
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spinningalbinoturtle · 6 months
Fellowship Marriage and Wedding Headcanons
Aragorn + Arwen
As we see in the movies and books their wedding is a very big to-do in Gondor. Arwen has a great eye and has picked out excellent design choices. If Aragorn had his way they would have been married in a small ceremony in Rivendell outside years ago but also Elrond saw to it that didn’t happen
They very much co-lead and have a fairly equal relationship. I say fairly because ultimately Arwen always has the last say
Aragorn genuinely and intensely worships his wife and will not hesitate to bring her or her opinions up at any given time.
They fuck A LOT. Aragorn absolutely knows how to please a woman and enjoys doing so
Sam and Frodo
Yes they’re married, no he didn’t go to the undying lands, no Sam doesn’t marry Rosie what are you talking about?
I think it would be wildly funny is they got married at Bilbo’s birthday party- but realistically I think they got married in Rivendell on their way back from the quest.
When Sam becomes Mayor he appoints Frodo as his deputy so they can work together
They have a very affectionate and loving relationship to the point where other hobbits (Merry and Pippin) get annoyed by their gratuitous displays of PDA
They have sex like once a week but cuddle everyday
They’re very protective of one another
Eowyn and Faramir
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again, Faramir is a trans woman-they are lesbians
Have a very equal relationship although Eowyn appears more dominant (and kinda is)
They share political power very equally though
They both are scared to be parents but also really want kids: spoiler alert they had nothing to worry about they are excellent parents
Eowyn is very open about sex and will discuss it or go at it in semi public spaces, Faramir is more shy so Eowyn respects this but encourages her to be more confident
Pippin and Diamond
They met at the strip club where Diamond is a dancer
They instantly fell in love
They are super devoted to one another
They are ALWAYS going at it and have evidence of their sex life displayed around their living room-this makes guests very uncomfortable
Pippin takes pole dancing classes to impress Diamond. He also takes her to the male strip club so “she can enjoy it”
His parents are a little disappointed but they keep it to themselves because they’re just happy Pippin finally settled down
Merry and Estella
I hate to say this but their marriage is low-key arranged. Merry’s dad wanted him to get married and Estella’s family wanted connections
At first they kinda like eachother and get along but Estella rapidly becomes annoyed with Merry’s constant being high and having Pippin over
She eventually divorces him. He goes to crash on Pippin’s couch for an extended stay
Eventually he goes back to Buckland. Estella gets rich off the divorce
Merry is happy with his bachelor lifestyle and has plenty of various boyfriends and girlfriends over the years. He teases his friends for being “tied down”
Legolas and Gimli
Their wedding is held in Dale in an attempt at neutrality but a fight breaks out between the dwarves and elves at the reception and they sneak away
They love to travel together
They have tried everything. And I mean everything. They never run out of ideas to spice up their sex life
They do sleep in separate rooms though because Legolas kicks and Gimli snores
They do not want kids but like being the weird uncles of everyone else’s kids. They don’t want the responsibility
Credit for the Diamond is a hobbit stripper headcanon goes to @diplomatson thank you my friend for that excellent idea
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iconuk01 · 1 year
From: "The Lord of the Rings: A Musical Tale" at the Waterside Theatre, Bagnor, near Newbury.
Video is not mine, but this show was AMAZING
When you arrive at the theatre, you don't go into the theatre at first, you all gather in a large garden area behind the theatre, which is set up with wooden benchs and tables, and a large, raised, circular stage.
This is the setting for the opening ten minutes, as the cast arrive, in character, and help set up for Bilbo's birthday, playing ringtoss games on the stage, or just wandering the tables, saying hello to the audience.
Then we start the folk music, and the cast join in on their instruments (Nearly every one of them plays at least two instruments as the show progresses, so they're providing their own music as they go along, with cast not involved in a scene usually providing background music from just off stage) as they have the birthday party, Bilbo gives his speech, disappears, and then the audience enters the theatre for the rest of the show (Well, almost, but that would be telling)
The choreographer, Anjali Mehra, combines English folk dancing, Morris dancing, as well as many elements from various Indian dancing that I don't know the names of, but recognise as being from there, and some just fun random stuff. (See video above)
Sam and Frodo
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Legolas arriving at Lothlorien
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The Lady Galadriel
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I need to sleep now, or I'd try to describe how they did the Nazghul on a budget as well as a stunninly effective, if abstract, Balrog, and an utterly TERRIFYING Shelob, all in a tiny theatre (it only seats 220)!
But I will say their Sam (Nuwan Hugh Perera) is utterly endearing, and at the other end of the scale, their take on Gollum (Matthew Bugg) is astonishing, an utterly physical performance with the actor crawling around the stage, the galleries, the balcony itself, all whilst screeching or wheedling. He even gets a sort of duet with himself... and the later scene where, listening to Sam and Frodo sing "Now and for Always", a song of quiet Hobbit heroism, Gollum starts to relax and smile to himself and somehow visibly starts to come round to his Smeagol side again, before the encounter with the angry, distrustful Sam which drives him away, is heartbreaking.
Sam is singing lead here, with Frodo (Louis Maskell) sitting in front, Bilbo (John O'Mahony) and Rosie (Charlotte Grayson) in the background, with Pippin (Amelia Gabriel) on lute, Merry (Geraint Downing) on cello, Arwen (Aoife O'Dea) on harp and Elliott Mackenzie (ensemble) next to them.
Just beautiful!
Is it perfect? Well, it crams a lot into it's three hours, but cuts quite a lost of bits out, especially character development and quite a few major characters. As one critic noted, intros and motivation are basically reduced to "I am Xxxxx, I'm a zzzzzz and I'm friends with him but I don't like him and here's why"
So Rohan doesn't feature at all, Theoden and Denethor are sort of combined into one "Steward" and and Faramir isn't there at all... I guess if you're on a budget, the cavalry are the first to go. I also suspect if you don't know the story already, it's a bit of a skip over a LOT of things you need to know.
But that being said, the cast are sincere, the music is great and the staging is STUPENDOUS, so all in all, a great evening.
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strawwritesfic · 2 years
Frodo Baggins x Female!Hobbit!Reader: Girl
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Summary: Frodo doesn’t really mean it about turning Merry and Pippins into toads, but there are times he wonders if that wouldn’t make things a little easier on everyone else.
Rating/Tags: All (Movie canon; during canon; Fellowship of the Ring; A Long-Expected Party; Pippin & Merry; Pippin & Merry & Frodo; Frodo & Gandalf; Sam/Rosie; quarreling; love confession; birthday party; the Shire)
Challenge: “160 Collective Drabbles” challenge by BobaPop on Lunaescence Archives.
Tag List: @imaginesfire​
Bilbo’s eleventy-first birthday party had been the talk of the whole Shire for almost the entire year that led up to it. Every hobbit in the town of Hobbiton—and many more from the outlying regions—was invited to the massive celebration. To the young Frodo Baggins wandering through the crowd, it seemed that each and every one of them had come. Plus some, he judged, as a line of his uncle’s well-wishers nearly crushed him in their eagerness to get to the buffet. He had seen nearly everyone he cared to, including Merry and Pippin and Rosie and Sam...save for the one person he had hoped to see most.
The weight in Frodo’s stomach grew heavier and heavier the longer his search for you went on. Could it be that you hadn’t come? Of all the hobbits to skip his coming of age party—and to add to that, he knew that it was his fault if you had! If only he had not said what he’d said just that very week. Then maybe, maybe—
He looked up to see Merry and Pippin waving at him from beside the band playing for the wide field of dancers between Frodo and his friends. Both grinned widely upon catching his eye. Unable to entirely hide his disappointment, Frodo morosely picked his careful way through the throng of party-goers to the pair. Neither of them stopped smiling.
“Why the long face, Frodo?” Merry asked.
“Are you still looking for [Name]?” added Pippin.
Frodo looked over his shoulder at the constantly-shifting dancers, half-expecting to see you there with some other neighborhood tween. He did not. Pippin’s grin widened as Frodo turned back to him and Merry.
“Never fear,” Pippin gave Frodo a hearty clap on the back, “for we have found your maiden fair.”
Frodo tried to protest this, but Merry overrode him: “A little bird told us precisely where you can find her.”
“Who was the little bird?” asked Frodo. 
Merry shrugged carelessly and reached for a passing tray of ales. “Gandalf,” he answered, passing Pippin a drink of his own while the latter nodded sagely.
“You know, I rather think Gandalf suspects us of something, Merry.”
“I believe you are correct, Pippin. And that he believes sending us on this errand to help Frodo will keep us from any mischief.”
“A pity for Gandalf. Everyone has to be wrong from time to time, I suppose, even great wizards such as he.”
Both sniggered into their mugs. Frodo waited for them to get to the point. They didn’t. At last, unable to wait any longer, he said:
“Well? Where is she?”
Merry gave a slight start, as though he had forgotten that Frodo was even there. He pointed off towards the edge of the main tent.
“Her mother has her helping with the catering, or so [Name] claims.”
“So you’ve spoken to her?”
Pippin shook his head. “Threw a plate right at my nose when we tried. You’ll probably have better luck.”
“I doubt it,” Frodo murmured. 
After gulping down the last of his ale, Merry made a shooing motion with his free hand. “Well, run along and find out, why don’t you? And if you see Gandalf along the way, tell him we passed along his message and were perfectly well-behaved for the duration of our conversation.”
Frodo knew that he ought to have been more concerned with his companions’ plans. If Gandalf desired to keep them occupied, it was probably for the best. A lot of planning had gone into this party. Merry and Pippin were more likely to ruin it with their particular brand of trouble than any of the other guests—and that included the horrible Sackville-Bagginses. On the other hand, Gandalf must have wanted Frodo to talk to you, if he’d gone out of his way to give him your whereabouts.
It hardly mattered. Before Frodo could breech the topic of whatever trouble the two were up to that evening, they had disappeared into the crowd. Oh, well. He hadn’t really wanted to tell them off anyway. His heart just wasn’t in it.
Relieved of this duty—though not without feeling some slight trepidation over what Merry and Pippin might have planned—he made his way in the direction indicated. This led him straight to a smaller tent set off from the rest of the festivities. Frodo joined the fast-moving line to the entrance and eventually came close enough to peek inside. A veritable hive of busy hobbits in uniform bustled endlessly before him.
None of them seemed to notice him slipping into the warm darkness after them. Everyone was far too busy with their assigned task. Here the party’s considerable amount of food was prepared, and none of the workers had time to rest. A constant stream of them carrying plates both empty and full moved in and out from the tent’s entrance flap. Heat from exertion and so many cooking fires pressed against Frodo’s skin until he was quite as pink in the face as those doing the baking. Of course, he found you at the very back, scowling over a steaming tub of water filled with dirty serving platters.
He was not surprised you were hiding among the cooks. Your mother was considered one of the top chefs in Hobbiton, and Bilbo had hired only the best for his eleventy-first birthday party. What did surprise Frodo was your expression. Rarely had he seen you appear so dour, and you hadn’t even spotted him yet.
“Pardon me, Mister Frodo,” said a man at Frodo’s back, “but if you wouldn’t mind scooting out of the way, I’d be much obliged. We’re rather in a hurry.”
Frodo hastily crossed the aisle in which he’d been lingering. The man’s additional, “and a very happy birthday to you, sir,” was lost on him, for at that very moment your eyes flashed upward to catch him in the act of spying. You dropped the platter in your hands, but being pinned in by the hobbits washing plates on either side of you, you could make no escape. One of the washers left, only for Frodo to step into the empty space.
You crossed your arms across your chest, and shot him a look eerily reminiscent of your mother. “What are you doing here?”
“It’s my party,” Frodo answered, “as well as Bilbo’s.”
Apparently this was the wrong answer, because you threw him a dirty look and bent to snatch your dropped plate from the sudsy water. “Then go enjoy your party,” you snarled, attacking a stuck on bit of potato with more vigor than Frodo thought necessary. 
He inched closer, the better to stay out of the way of those continually coming to deposit dinnerware in need of washing. “I can’t,” he said. “I don’t have anyone to talk to.”
Your mother had explicitly freed you from catering duty for the party. She had done it as a favor to Frodo, an early birthday present, she had said. Why, then, did you seem so insistent on doing what wasn’t your job for the evening? Without bothering to look at him, you dropped your tray back into the tub, then reached over the resulting splash for a new plate.
“I’m sure Merry and Pippin would be more than happy to talk with you,” you said coldly.
“I don’t think I want involved with whatever they’re up to.”
“Bilbo, then.”
“He’s busy playing host.”
“How would he keep an eye on Merry and Pippin?”
You threw your hands up in the air in frustration, and lost your grip on the plate. “Why not Sam?”
Frodo shuffled his feet. You were nearing the subject of your fight, whether you realized or not. “He and Rosie are dancing.”
Nose wrinkled, you rummaged through the water in search of your platter. “Well, I don’t know what to tell you, Frodo. Those are all the boys I know, and your only friends. After all, you told me yourself we can’t be friends, because I’m a girl.”
His wide blue eyes closed in shame. Frodo had said that. He hadn’t meant it. The whole thing had been badly bungled, and now he didn’t know how to un-bungle it, or if you’d even give him the chance to try. 
“I didn’t mean it like that, [Name].”
You did not answer this time. Having retrieved your wet things, you made a silent, angry beeline for a rack of clean towels to dry them with. He followed as quickly as he could, given how many hobbits were inside such an enclosed area. He wished he wasn’t having this fight so publicly—not that anyone really had the time to eavesdrop.
“[Name], I didn’t,” he insisted as he caught up to you. “You’re a girl.”
“Oh, very astute observation,” you said semi-hysterically. Now the pitch of your voice was drawing attention. “What would I do without you? I already figured out I was a girl because, in case you haven’t noticed, we're no longer friends!”
Frodo took a deep breath. Like mother like daughter—though he supposed you were still a tween, with your own coming of age several months away still. Either way, he was terrified of your rage, but this might be the last chance he got to explain himself. Bracing himself, he lightly looped one hand around your wrist. You fell into an enraged silence at once.
“You’re a girl and my friend,” he said, before you had the opportunity to recollect yourself. “When I said I didn’t have any friends that were girls…well, I meant that you’re something more.”
“What?” you said after a moment of struggle. 
Encouraged by your not making to run off again, Frodo slipped his hand from your wrist to your palm. “I didn’t mean that we weren’t friends. I was trying to ask you to dance with me. I just didn’t phrase it right.”
A strange noise like a cross between a giggle and a squeak escaped you. You still had not forced him to release you. “You wanted to dance? With me?”
The odd tone of your voice gave Frodo some doubts. You were not normally the kind of person to repeat others either. He offered you a hesitant nod.
“I didn’t mean to make you think you mean less to me than Sam and the rest. You don’t. You mean more. But,” he added when you remained as stiff as a statue in front of him, “if you want to just stay friends, I understand. So long as we’re still friends.”
Seconds went by as you continued to gape at him. His heart sank, and he let go of your hand at last. Yes, he understood you wanting to remain friends, but that didn’t mean he wasn't disappointed by this turn of events. Bilbo’s occasional asides about broken hearts made sense now. Frodo mashed his lips together for a long moment before he gathered his wits about him to take his leave.
“You’re busy," he said awkwardly as he backed away. "Bilbo will be looking for me. We’ll talk some other—”
“Of course I’ll dance with you!”
Frodo had barely got two steps toward the crowded tent exit when you practically tackled him in a hug. Twisting in your grip, he looked around to see your scowl had transformed into an enormous smile.
“You will?” he said. Bewildered as he was, his heart felt ten pounds lighter even as you shuffled off him to allow him room to stand.
“Yes! I—I like you as more than a friend, too. I’d love to dance with you. If,” you looked suddenly shy, “if you still want to after I was so mean.”
“You weren’t mean. I said the wrong thing. I got nervous.”
You smiled again, a little less brightly this time. “So…still more than friends?”
“More than friends,” he said. “But can you leave? Will your mother let you?”
“Are you kidding? She’ll serve me next if she catches me hiding from you in here.”
Just like that, you both were hand in hand again. Frodo squeezed yours firmly in his own. “Let’s go. I think I can get the band to play—”
Everyone in the tent yelped and froze. Plates trembled. Frightened hobbits dropped their plates. You threw Frodo a knowing look.
“Pippin and Merry?” you asked.
“Pippin and Merry,” Frodo said wearily. “Let’s go see what sort of trouble they got in this time.”
“Then we dance?”
“Then we dance.”
The two of you ducked out of the food tent and headed for where Gandalf and a cluster of half-drunk hobbits—all grumbling over the fright they had received—were gathered. 
It was hard for Frodo to be too upset with Merry and Pippin after they’d help him get together with you. Gandalf had, too, however, so it could be that they were about to get what they deserved. It all depended on how much time this business took, and if Frodo at last got to have his long-awaited birthday dance.
On second thought, he hoped Gandalf turned them both into toads. It would be faster, Frodo thought, and after all, Gandalf could always turn them back...after you and Frodo had your dance.
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almost-gabrielle · 1 year
Told Ya She'd Say Yes
requested by @frodo-cinnamon-roll. Thx for requesting :)!
***Frodo's POV***
I sighed, staring at the bar where Rosie Cotton, and lovely y/n worked. Both were chatting happily to each other as they did their duties. It's been a few months since we came back to the Shire. I've always had a crush on y/n, even before my quest began. Sam had already proposed to Rosie, which happened just a couple of months ago.
Now, I wanted to ask y/n out. But I didn't know how. And I was too scared.
"Hello? Frodo, are ou even listening?" Merry asked. He waved his hand in my face, trying to catch my attention.
And it worked. I snapped back to reality after staring at y/n from afar.
"Sorry. Wasn't paying attention," I answered quickly as I turned to face my friends again.
"Oh. Staring at y/n, are we?" Pippin smirked. He gave me a teasing wink.
My cheeks burned a bright pink color.
"Of course, I don't," I hastily replied.
"Yes, you do. You've been staring at her for the past thirty minutes, man," Merry interrupted. "You should ask her out by now."
"I can't, Merry. I'm too shy," I tried to argue.
"C'mon!" groaned Merry. "You went into Mount Doom and managed to destroy the Ring. And you think that asking y/n out is harder than that?" He stared at me in disbelief.
The duo pressured me for a bit. Sam just sat to the side, smoking his pipe. He didn't want to get himself involved, and I didn't blame him.
"I'm sure she'll say yes, Mr. Frodo," he finally encouraged. "I was scared to death when I asked Rosie to marry me a couple weeks ago, even though I knew she'd say yes. We're not close to Miss y/n, but I can tell that she adores you, even if she just watches from afar."
"See?" Pippin added. "You should ask her!"
Both Merry and Pippin shoved me towards her, and I nervously approached y/n. My hands were sweating profusely by the time I got there. I waited patiently as y/n collected orders from two other male Hobbits, who were drunkenly commenting her. That caused me to be a bit jealous. But she paid no heed to them, much to my relief.
She finally turned to me, smiling slightly. I could see a pink blush creeping up her cheeks, and she quickly avoided my gaze.
"C-Can I help you, Mr. Baggins?" she asked shyly.
"Well. . . . .," I began, wondering how I should start off my confession. "I actually have something to tell you, y/n."
She raised an eyebrow, looking really suspicious. Well, no turning back, now. It's now or never.
"Go on," she said. She sat herself down on the counter.
I took a deep breath, trying to control myself.
"I — I was wondering if you'd — if you'd like to go on a date with me?" I asked, stuttering and stumbling in between words. She stared at me in surprise, and I could feel a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach.
Maybe she didn't want to be with me at all.
I found myself blushing hard. This was not how I wanted things to go.
"I-I'm sorry!" I stuttered, unsure of what to say. I — I wasn't sure of what you'd say. Or if you wanted to go on a date at all! It's alright if you don't want to. I understand —"
I was cut off when I felt a pair of soft lips pressing against mine. At first, my heart stopped, and I didn't know how to react. I soon responded by wrapping my arms hesitantly around her waist. When she let go, she looked me directly in the eyes.
"Of course, I want to, Mr. Baggins," she answered.
My heart soared when I heard her say that.
"Tomorrow evening, then? If you're free?" I asked.
"That sounds great."
"I'll see you, then," I breathlessly replied.
I looked at her one last time before cheerfully making my way back to my friends. I noticed that both Merry and Pippin had triumphant smirks on their faces.
"What?" I asked casually once I sat back down.
"Told ya she'd say yes," Pippin replied.
"Shut up," I replied as I stared wistfully after y/n again.
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livsoulsecrets · 10 months
1989 (Taylor’s version) songs as BL/GL Characters - Part 1
Welcome to New York - Chris and Amm (Friendzone 2)
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When we first dropped our bags on apartment floors
Took our broken hearts, put them in a drawer
Everybody here was someone else before
And you can want who you want
Boys and boys and girls and girls
[…] Like any great love, it keeps you guessing
Like any real love, it's ever-changing
Like any true love, it drives you crazy
But you know you wouldn't change anything, anything, anything
Blank Space - Sand and Ray (Only Friends)
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Saw you there and I thought "Oh, my God, look at that face, you look like my next mistake, love’s a game, wanna play?"
[…] Ain't it funny? Rumors fly and I know you heard about me
So hey, let's be friends, I'm dying to see how this one ends
Grab your passport and my hand, I can make the bad guys good for a weekend
So it's gonna be forever or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over, if the high was worth the pain
[…] 'Cause we're young, and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far, it'll leave you breathless or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers, they’ll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space, baby, and I'll write your name
Cherry lips, crystal skies, I could show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies, you’re the King, baby, I'm your Queen
[…] Wait, the worst is yet to come, oh, no
Screaming, crying, perfect storms, I can make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns, keep you second guessing like “Oh, my God, who is [he]?"
I get drunk on jealousy, but you'll come back each time you leave
'Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Style - Prapai and Sky (Love in the air)
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And I should just tell you to leave 'cause I
Know exactly where it leads, but I
Watch us go 'round and 'round each time
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style
[…] Just take me home
Out of the woods - Akk and Ayan (The Eclipse)
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When you started crying, baby, I did too
But when the sun came up, I was looking at you
Remember when we couldn't take the heat?
I walked out, I said "I'm setting you free"
But the monsters turned out to be just trees
When the sun came up you were looking at me
[…] Are we out of the woods yet?
All you had to do was stay - Kim and Chay (Kinnporsche the series)
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Here you are now, calling me up, but I don't know what to say
I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made
People like you always want back the love they pushed aside
But people like me are gone forever when you say goodbye
Hey, all you had to do was stay
Had me in the palm of your hand
Then why'd you have to go and lock me out when I let you in?
I wish you would - Nim and Mollie (The Warp Effect)
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I wish you would come back
Wish I'd never hung up the phone like I did
I wish you knew that I’d never forget you as long as I'd live
And I wish you were right here, right now
It's all good, I wish you would
I wish we could go back
And remember what we were fighting for
Wish you knew that I miss you too much to be mad anymore
Bad blood - Todd and Black (Not me)
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Cause baby, now we've got bad blood
You know it used to be mad love
[…] So take a look what you've done
Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times, you and I
[…] Now we've got problems and I don't think we can solve 'em
You made a really deep cut
Wildest Dreams - Tharn and Phaya (The Sign)
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Say you'll remember me
Standing in a nice dress
Staring at the sunset, babe
Red lips and rosy cheeks
Say you'll see me again
Even if it's just in your wildest dreams
How you get the girl - Mon and Sam (Gap the series)
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Say it's been a long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want […]
And then you say, I want you for worse or for better
I would wait for ever and ever
Broke your heart, I'll put it back together
I would wait for ever and ever
And that's how it works
That's how you get the girl
This Love - Pat and Pran (Bad Buddy)
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Your kiss, my cheek
I watched you leave
Your smile, my ghost
I fell to my knees
When you're young, you just run
But you come back to what you need
This love is good
This love is bad
This love is alive back from the dead
These hands had to let it go free, and
This love came back to me
This love left a permanent mark
This love is glowing in the dark
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motownfiction · 6 months
one year after the accident
One year after the accident, Lucy still can’t even think about Cherries Jubilee at Baskin-Robbins. It’s not that she’s ever actually eaten it. As a matter of fact, she’s not sure she’s ever known anyone who’s eaten it. It’s just that whenever she would go into the Baskin-Robbins down on the corner with Sam, they’d make jokes about “obviously getting a scoop of Cherries Jubilee.” The joke began sometime in the ninth grade, when Lucy was going through a phase, trying to find the most unique names for a baby girl in her future. How insightful of her, really. When she read Cherries Jubilee on one of the ice cream tubs, she thought one of those would make a great name. Probably Jubilee. She made the mistake of saying it loud, and Sam – never one to miss a beat – immediately said, “Why not both?” Thankfully, Lucy laughed, and it spiraled into a joke that lasted until the day he died. No one else was ever really in on it. That’s what made it special. Lucy and her friend of distinction.
One year after the accident, Lucy can’t think about “Angel Baby” without remembering that time at her parents’ Fourth of July barbecue. It was the summer between ninth and tenth grade, right after she got the guts to tell Sadie that she was in love with Will. But she didn’t need to admit to Sam. Sam understood everybody. The minute that strange song by Rosie & the Originals began to play from the Callaghans’ turntable, Sam knew what was going on. Will didn’t. He was minding his own business, eating a hot dog, assuming that Lucy could never do something romantic for him, not after all this time. But Sam knew. He sprung into action, spilling some of his Coke on the vinyl tablecloth, and met Lucy in the middle of the driveway for a slow dance. He sang the song in a high falsetto because of course he knew all the words to it. He said they’d make Will jealous. Lucy laughs now, thinking Sam must have wanted to make Will jealous of Lucy, too. Maybe. What a sweetie he was, even then. Especially then.
One year after the accident, Lucy tells herself that she doesn’t have the right to miss Sam. Sure, they had a few special moments, but everyone else in her life was closer to him. Sure, they loved each other as friends, but that’s not the same as losing a son, a brother, an in-law, a godfather, a best friend whom you’ve loved even longer than the wife you’ve known since first grade. None of those people want to see her grieve for him. She’d be making it about herself. It’s not that she didn’t lose Sam. It’s that the people she loves lost him more.
One year after the accident, Lucy tries to pretend like there isn’t a hole in her heart … like her soul doesn’t scratch like a record after it’s been left on the wrong side too long. One year after the accident, she doesn’t even think about whether she should be feeling any way else. That’s just not what you do.
It’s not what you do.
(part of @nosebleedclub poetry month challenge -- day 6!)
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onmywaytobe · 9 months
You know what I have some thoughts about Frodo and Sam
I really hate when people say “aww they’re boyfriends” because it diminishes what their relationship actually is. Sam’s utter devotion to Frodo wouldn’t be healthy in a romantic relationship, because Frodo doesn’t give him anything back (he doesn’t have the ability to, he’s very busy shouldering a big burden, but that’s not the point). The servant/master dynamic is so GOOD when the servant is utterly devoted to their master and they both know their place in the power dynamic. Frodo respects the hell out of Sam and even loves him, but he also knows that he’s the one in charge here. And again, that’s not a healthy romantic relationship, but their dynamic works because it isn’t romantic.
When one person serves the other and that servitude isn’t reciprocated, that’s not actually a nice romance. And like I said before, it diminishes their actual relationship, their devotion to the cause, which is beautiful and gets lost in the desire to make all men who love each other into boyfriends. Men can be friends and love each other without it being romantic or sexual. Men need to be able to do that without making it into something it’s not.
What’s so great about LotR is that it’s an allegory for WWI. I know Tolkien said it wasn’t but it so clearly is. And the relationship between Frodo and Sam is the same relationship that soldiers have in foxholes. They’re not in love. They’re putting themselves on the line for the greater good, and doing whatever they have to in order to succeed. They are staying in their assigned roles and assigned power dynamics. If their relationship was romantic it would cross those lines and ultimately be inappropriate. I think there’s something so beautiful about being just a captain and a lieutenant, or a master hobbit and a gardener.
And also, they have lives outside of this mission! Yes Frodo is ultimately ruined by his quest, like so many are by war, and is unable to move forward after the fact. But Sam doesn’t stay by his side as anything more than a good friend and supporter. Sam has a whole life outside of Mr Frodo and the conflict that the books center around. He doesn’t marry Rosie because JRRT was homophobic, he marries Rosie because he is able to move on and live a good life after returning from his quest. He has room for Frodo and room for the rest of his life too. It’s possible to love multiple people in different ways. And I don’t like seeing all love being reduced to being romantic.
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wordbunch · 2 years
better company (Sam x reader)
a/n: whoever requested a jealous/angry Sam.. I salute you! I had lots of fun while writing this, and I hopeee it lived up to your expectations and wishes 😁 let me know how you liked it, and consider reblogging if you enjoyed it, so more people can see it! 💖 sending love ✨
summary: drama happens at Bilbo's birthday party 👀
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The most awaited party of the year - Bilbo Baggins’ 111th birthday - was happening at last! Along with any other respected hobbit in the Shire, you were, of course, invited, wearing your best clothes and ready for a night of dancing, drinking, listening to stories and legends and, hopefully, watching Gandalf’s magical fireworks. The night was warm and there was a sense of magic in the air, with everyone in a joyful mood it seemed that anything could happen. And many memorable things did, indeed, happen, but one of them you weren’t expecting in the least (but maybe, you had been hoping for such an outcome, in the deepest corners of your heart).
The atmosphere was positively chaotic, especially after everyone had a couple of drinks - the music was getting louder, the dancing was becoming more passionate (albeit a bit less coordinated), some couples already started disappearing behind trees to share kisses in secret, but you were growing a bit too tired to join in, instead opting for watching from the sidelines for a little while. The more you watched, the more entertained you were, but every now and then your eyes would wander towards a certain curly gardener with rosy cheeks who was sitting not too far away from you, seemingly busy with a pint of ale as a dark-haired hobbit, whom you recognized to be Bilbo’s nephew, went on talking to him about something. You were unsure whether it was the merry atmosphere and the heat getting to your head, but you could swear he smiled a couple times when your eyes met. Touching a hand to your cheek, you sheepishly noticed that it seemed a bit warmer than usual. Your little moment was interrupted when two, obviously already tipsy, hobbits you didn’t even know came up to you, talking over each other and interrupting one another loudly.
“Why is a pretty lady like yourself-”
“You want some company-”
“Sitting here all alone?”
“To go dancing with?”
You looked back and forth between the two in mild shock, wondering whether you’d looked bored and lonely - you certainly weren’t feeling like that.
“I would prefer to just stay here, thank you,” you awkwardly laughed, fidgeting with the hems of your sleeves.
“C’mon, not even one dance?” one of them inquired again.
“I’m alright this way,” you shrugged, starting to feel uneasy. As if on instinct, your eyes searched for Sam, the friendly face that had been sitting nearest to you just a few moments ago, but to your disappointment you didn’t see him in his spot anymore. One of the hobbits that have been pestering you audaciously reached for your hand, and you were just about to yell in annoyance, when he was slightly pulled back from behind, and then his friend took a step back too. To your great delight and relief, you spotted a head of honey blond curly hair behind the two that harassed you - Samwise Gamgee was the hero of your evening.
“I think she told you that she didn’t want to go dancing,” you heard him saying with an unusually stern edge to his soft voice. “I don’t understand how I could hear her from further away, yet you didn’t notice her rejecting you to your face.”
Your mouth opened slightly in a mix of surprise and amusement, but you quickly covered it and blushed. Many other party attendees were certainly watching the scene now, and you didn’t want to make it even more awkward by showing your crush so openly.
The hobbit that Sam was dealing with muttered something and then scurried away together with his friend, leaving a frowning Sam with a clenched fist. “Yeah, you’d better go now.” His lips were pressed in a thin line, and his eyebrows were in a deep frown, and you swore he looked like he was ready to fight anyone at that moment. You couldn’t really believe your eyes, but that night had already proved crazy and unpredictable. 
“He didn’t bother you too long, did he?” Sam’s eyes finally landed on you and his facial expression immediately softened, having looked you up and down and seeing that you were unharmed. 
“He’d barely just started when you saved me,” you waved a hand dismissively with a little smile spreading on your face, “but I appreciate it regardless.”
“‘twas the least I could do. Anyone would have done the same in my position, probably.” Sam met your eyes for a moment and then looked down, suddenly shy again, and he cautiously sat down on the bench next to you.
“But nobody else did anything,” you nudged him softly, making him look up and smile. “You were my hero tonight.”
“That’s too big of a word to use, Miss [Y/N],” he smiled a bit.
“Just [Y/N] is perfectly alright,” you reassured him with a brief squeeze on his arm. “I believe I owe you a drink, for your kindness.” You started to get up, but he gently pulled you down and you fought the urge to grin like a fool. In your peripheral vision you noticed Frodo sitting and watching everything play out with the expression of utter delight and amusement painted on his features.
“No need, but thank you anyway,” Sam explained when your attention fell back on him. “I’ve had quite enough for tonight, but I was hoping that-” he started and fell silent, one hand going to rub the back of his head as you eyed him curiously.
“I was hoping to sit with you for a little bit but, um, those two,” he gestured quickly with his head in the direction in which he imagined the two annoying hobbits had gone after his intervention, “surely bothered you enough, and you wish to be left in peace.” He finished the sentence quickly, with almost a questioning tone, daring to hope a little bit that he was wrong, and that you’d rather spend the rest of the party with him, instead of by yourself. And his hope wasn’t for nothing - he immediately noticed how your lips widened in a warm, genuine smile, and how your eyes seemed to sparkle.
“Actually, I would love to spend some time with you,” you confessed enthusiastically, making Sam almost fall off the bench in surprise. “By far, you are a more pleasant company than they could ever hope to be.”
Sam was speechless. Half the night Frodo was encouraging him to go up to you and talk, having noticed the lovesick glances the two of you had exchanged, but at last, fate had orchestrated a moment in which he could seize your attention. 
“W-would you maybe like to share a dance?” he wondered quietly, having gathered the courage to look you fully in the eyes (he thought about how they were glowing brighter than all of the party lights and fireworks combined)  and even take your hand in his. 
“I’d love nothing more.”
And off you went, hearing Frodo cheering loudly behind you, to spin around wildly to some happy tune. It was a long awaited party, and a very memorable one, indeed.
💘 everything taglist: @starlady66 @lotrnonsense @lazyoswald @entishramblings @thesolarangel
💘 lotr taglist: @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog
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jessbakescakes · 2 years
do you have any favourite 20k+ fics, I love me some long fics?
Absolutely I do!! Here are some of my favorites!
darling, so it goes (some things are meant to be) by mikaylawrites (Rated M) [Josh/Donna]: Josh/Donna country music AU, SO SOFT and ONE OF MY FAVORITE FICS EVER! Still in progress but it's frequently updated and it's a delight.
all i've ever known by @sam-loves-seb (Rated G) [Josh/Donna]: Childhood best friends turned lovers AU. Literally so so soft and so wonderful.
Regulatory Infractions by @hufflepuffhermione (Rated T) [Josh/Donna]: Canon compliant J/D post Rosslyn recovery era. It's SO great. 14/10.
i fall apart (and i thought i was so smart) by @rosieposiepie (Rated M) [Josh/Donna]: S3 canon divergent/S3 rewrite, Donna and Josh sleep together after Mrs. Landingham's funeral and Donna finds out she's pregnant shortly after. (Rosie hi I re-read this quarterly, still, holds up every time).
Dream of a Common Language by Nadera Furo (Rated E) [Josh/Donna]: Donna tells the story of her and Josh to someone who's trying to become a part of her life again. This is just a beautifully written fic and it makes me emotional every time.
Oversight by @thefinestmuffinswrites (Rated E) [Josh/Donna]: Post War Crimes angst/hookup situation -- probably one of my favorite post War Crimes fics I've ever read, if not my absolute favorite!
Running by andyoureturntome (Rated M) [Josh/Donna]: Set during the Santos campaign, J/D angst. It hasn't been updated super recently but it's just SO great and I eagerly await more updates!
often a sweetness by @thefinestmuffinswrites (Rated M) [Josh/Donna]: A J/D fic set in S4 -- how the two of them were there for each other in all the events at the end of that season!
this is the wonder (that's keeping the stars apart) by joshatella (shuuuliet) [Josh/Donna]: SOULMATE! AU! Still being updated but is frequently updated. I'm behind and am working to catch up but when I tell you I love this?!
Not an exhaustive list but a list nonetheless! Enjoy!
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tathrin · 2 years
Okay but ever since reading this post I have been utterly consumed by the thought that on one hand, this knowledge changes absolutely nothing because the text is exactly as queer (read: very) as it always was, and yet at the same time it sort of recontextualizes everything enormously because if Tolkien had a gay friend, if Tolkien was actively down with gay fiction, then the fact that he wrote the absolute most perfect example of a Queer Happily Ever After ever was no accident.
This was not some oblivious Old British Fellow writing about Those Deep Platonic Bonds Between Men with no clue or awareness that there could be other types of love bonds between men. This was not "Oh lol, look how gay these characters turned out! completely unintended on the author's part obvs, but still wow super gay!" This was not Tolkien being Too Straight(TM) to realize that life beyond the cisheteronormative default existed. He knew. He knew, which means there is no way this was not purposeful.
And of course it’s not explicitly stated that they’re wedded partners in the sense that Éowyn marrying Faramir was, or Sam and Rosie, or Aragorn and Arwen, or any of the other het-couples married in the books. Nobody in England in the forties was talking about gay marriage, not as any sort of legally recognized possibility. “Legal recognition“ then still meant jail and disgrace. (He knew what they did to Turing. He knew what they did to Wilde.) Tolkien knew that, and honestly his own feelings about whether or not it was "moral" by the standards of his religion and society are irrelevant; he accepted it enough to accept and praise those stories, those writers. To be friends with W. H. Auden to the extent that the two of them wrote birthday poems for each other!
And Tolkien turned around and wrote Legolas and Gimli sailing away from Middle-earth to go to Valinor and live happily ever after together.
Think about that in the framing of the time it was written, in the context of Tolkien having a gay friend; in the context of Tolkien respecting and praising stories with gay lovers. Nobody in the forties expected marriage equality, or even a separate-but-equal civil union stand-in. Nothing like that, not even close. But Tolkien wrote “Then Legolas built a grey ship in Ithilien, and sailed down Anduin and so over Sea; and with him, it is said, went Gimli the Dwarf. And when that ship passed an end was come in the Middle-earth of the Fellowship of the Ring.”
He didn't write "and then Legolas and Gimli were wed," because that wasn't something he likely would have been able to get either his head or his society around. Likewise he didn't write "Boromir was ace" because he wouldn't have know what that meant, even if he’d meant it (and it’s hard to read the line "taking no wife and delighting chiefly in arms” and not see it as some form of asexuality, tbh) just like he didn’t use that sort of language when he talked about the Dwarves who preferred their crafts to marriages, etc. (There are a lot of aro/ace-coded and otherwise queer-coded folks in these books aside from just our most obvious Hobbits, Elf, and Dwarf, if you’ve never noticed.) We have to remember to take the time period into consideration, and understand what he would have known how to write and what he wouldn’t have. I’m not asking anyone to pretend that this story was somehow written with prescient knowledge of the modern world; I’m asking people to actually look at the text as it was written, in the time it was written, and interpret it that way, rather than by our modern standards.
Because here’s what he did write:
We have heard tell that Legolas took Gimli Glóin’s son with him because of their great friendship, greater than any that has been between Elf and Dwarf. If this is true, then it is strange indeed: that a Dwarf should be willing to leave Middle-earth for any love, or that the Eldar should receive him, or that the Lords of the West should permit it. But it is said that Gimli went also out of desire to see again the beauty of Galadriel; and it may be that she, being mighty among the Eldar, obtained this grace for him. More cannot be said of this matter.
Tell me that is not the absolute epitome of a Queer Happy Ending? Tell me that it isn’t making you cry, thinking about Tolkien coming up with the closet thing he could conceive of to an “and then they were married and lived happily together to the end of their days” ending for two male characters who loved each other. They literally break the rules to go to magical heaven together; there is nothing more queer than that. NOTHING. Especially when you add “more cannot be said of this matter.” Why can’t more be said? Because that’s how you wrote queer stories back then, isn’t it? Certainly it’s how Tolkien would have, medievalist that he was, writing an (invented) epic legend.
Tolkien lived in a world where two men could never be married either legally or in the eyes of any established church, and he knew this. He may or may not have even thought it was right that they should want to be; it doesn’t matter. Because he still gave us the closest thing to a Happy Gay Ending—to a Happy Gay Wedding—that he could have imagined. He still thought that that was what was right and good and deserved for these two characters. They broke all the rules of both their people, and went to the Undying Lands together. That is absolute PEAK queer love, tbh. We love each other so much that the rules don’t matter. We love each other so much that the disapproval of gods don’t matter. We love each other so much that we don’t care if other people think it’s strange or wrong, we’re going to do it anyway and you can’t stop us because we love each other THAT MUCH. Tolkien wrote them that way, and then he wrote them sailing to heaven together in the end.
How many times in history—including in the time period in which Tolkien was living—did you have “confirmed bachelors or spinsters” putting their lives together, traveling together, living together, without any hope of a legal union (or any religious ceremony officiated by an established organization for that matter, although some of them had ceremonies of their own to be sure) to recognize their love, or even any surety that their families would allow their graves to lie alongside one another once they were dead and unable to protect themselves, but refusing to be parted anyway?
Tell me that doesn’t resonate when you think of Legolas and Gimli. Legolas and Gimli, who should have been as sundered after Gimli’s death as any other elf and mortal, and yet were not. And yet found a way to be together against all the rules of their world and the forces that should have governed their fates. “You are a Wood-elf, anyway, though Elves of any kind are strange folk. Yet you comfort me. Where you go, I will go. Strange it may seem...” and “Strange it may seem, but while Gimli lives I shall not come to Fangorn alone...” and “You shall come with me and keep your word; and thus we will journey on together to our own lands in Mirkwood and beyond.” Read those lines and tell me that doesn’t read that way, if you can.
When you look at Legolas and Gimli in the context of queer relationships of Tolkien’s era, in fact, the text reads as even more queer rather than less, I think. Often modern readers are accused of projecting the views of today onto stories written in the past when we claim to see deliberate queerness in the subtext, but in this case looking at the text from the position of the past, it does very much the opposite. And I don’t know why I never looked at it that way before, because I know my queer history well enough to have seen this sooner—save that I suppose I’m so used to looking at queer subtext in older fiction under the premise of “unintended queerness” rather than thinking the author might have done it with full knowledge and deliberation—but oh, this time I think it was deliberate. This time I think it had to have been.
Tolkien gave them not just a but rather the best Queer Happy Ending.
And we’ve allowed cisheteronormative revisionist interpretations of the text to blind us to that reality. To be read as the “natural default” of all books, even when they aren’t. And frankly, if you actually read the text as it is written rather than letting all the homophobic drivel we’ve been inundated with all our lives to obscure what’s actually there, then it’s clear enough that I posit that from now on, it’s anyone trying to take a heteronormative view on Legolas and Gimli’s relationship that has to find evidence in the text to support their position, rather than the other way around. Because we have no reason to take straightness as the automatic default here, and every reason in the world to look at this relationship and take it as written instead. And frankly my friends, it is written extremely queer.
Now, is there any way to actually "know" what Tolkien was specifically thinking or intending here? No, obviously, not unless someone finds a note or letter somewhere stating it in clear and unambiguous terms that somehow escaped being burned in any of the intervening years, of course not. Not without time travel and telepathy. I’m not saying that. No one (contrary to the many tests you probably took in high school lit classes to the contrary) can know that about someone else's book, not unless the author tells you and even then you may have to ask how much you trust their word after the fact, but—but.
But Tolkien was a very careful writer, and a very intelligent and well-read man. He was a medievalist, a craftsman of language and legend. He knew his references, his allusions, his myth and his history. And if he knew queerness too, which he did...well then I'm sorry, but there is no way that I am ever going to believe that he wrote the perfect Queer Happily Ever After by accident.
He was too good of a writer for that.
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