#Royal Conservatory of Brussels
joe-england · 2 years
MAGNIFICA - Animation Short Film 2022 - GOBELINS
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chopinski-official · 7 months
Dobry wieczór. Since it’s International Women’s Day (albeit not strictly), tonight I would like to draw my followers’ attention to the female pianists and composers who were my contemporaries… Apologies for the lengthiness, evidently there is a lot to be covered.
Clara Schumann 1819-1896
A child prodigy, Clara was taught piano by her father and by thirteen he was taking her on concert tours.
She met Robert Schumann as a child when he came to Leipzig to study law at the university. He took piano lessons from Clara’s father, Friedrich Wieck. When she was 18, he proposed to her. They married in 1840.
The virtuoso went on tours with her husband and earn money by performing and teaching. She was also a gifted composer, however most of her time was spent looking after her family, editing Robert’s music and playing. Clara’s compositions include more than 20 piano works, a piano concerto, some chamber music and several songs.
Fanny Mendelssohn 1805–1847
Composer and pianist, Fanny grew up in Berlin, sharing the same musical education as her brother Felix, with whom she had a close relationship.
Her compositions include a piano trio, a piano quartet, an orchestral overture, four cantatas, more than 125 pieces for the piano and over 250 lieder, most of which were unpublished in her lifetime. Although lauded for her piano technique, she rarely gave public performances outside her family circle.
Owing to her family's reservations and to social conventions of the time about the roles of women, six of her songs were published under her brother's name in his Opus 8 and 9 collections.
Marie Moke 1811-1874
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Marie Moke gave her first concert at the age of eight and by the age of fifteen, she was already known in Belgium, Austria, Germany and Russia as an accomplished virtuoso.
She married pianist and piano manufacturer, Camille Pleyel, but they later separated on account of her promiscuity. Heinrich Heine considered her among the greatest pianists “Thalberg is a king, Liszt a prophet, Chopin a poet, Herz an advocate, Kalkbrenner a minstrel, Mme Pleyel a sibyl, and Döhler a pianist.”
Later on, she created the piano school at the Royal Conservatory in Brussels where she taught from 1848 to 1872.
Louise Farrenc 1804-1875
A French composer, virtuoso pianist and teacher, she started playing young and had piano lessons with famous teachers such as Moscheles and Hummel. She studied composition privately with Anton Reicha at the Paris Conservatoire, unable to go to composition classes as a woman. By the 1820s she was touring France, giving concerts.
In 1842 she was made Professor of Piano at the Paris Conservatoire where she stayed for 30 years. For a decade she was paid less than the male teachers. Only after the triumphant premiere of her nonet did she demand and receive equal pay. She wrote a wide variety of piano music, but her chamber pieces are considered to be her best work.
Pauline Viardot 1821-1910
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From a musical family (including her older sister, Maria Malibran) Pauline was trained by her father on the piano and in singing.
In her youth she took piano lessons with Franz Liszt and counterpoint and harmony classes with Anton Reicha. However, despite wanting to become a concert pianist, she was directed towards singing by her mother.
Pauline began composing when she was young, but it was never her intention to become a composer. Written mainly as private pieces for her students, her works were still of professional quality and Franz Liszt declared that, with Pauline Viardot, the world had finally found a woman composer of genius. Compositions include her chamber operas Le dernier sorcier and Cendrillon.
Arabella Goddard 1836–1922
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Born in France to English parents, at age six Arabella was sent to Paris to study with Friedrich Kalkbrenner. Aged seven she played for myself and George much to our pleasure.
During the 1848 Revolution her family had to return to England; there, Arabella had further lessons with Lucy Anderson and Sigismond Thalberg. She was known for her ability to play recitals from memory.
Arabella was appointed a teacher at the Royal College of Music in 1883. This was the RCM’s first year of operation and Arabella was its first female professor. She composed a small number of piano pieces, including a suite of six waltzes.
Marcelina Czartoryska 1817-1894
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Born into the aristocratic Polish family, the Radziwiłłs, Marcelina was taught piano by Carl Czerny in Vienna and by myself in Paris. She gave concerts across Europe, with Franz Liszt, Pauline Viardot and Henri Vieuxtemps.
From 1870 she lived in Kraków, where she gave mainly private concerts and, thanks to her artistic connections, contributed to founding Kraków’s Academy of Music in 1888.
Maria Kalergis 1822-1874
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Raised in Saint Petersburg in the home of her paternal uncle, the Tsar's minister of foreign affairs, Maria received a thorough education where she evinced an early musical talent.
She was a student of mine and held salons in Paris whose guests included Liszt, Richard Wagner, de Musset, Gautier and Heine. Later, she became a hostess and a patron of the arts in Warsaw.
She was a co-founder of the Warsaw Musical Institute, now the Warsaw Conservatory and established the Warsaw Musical Society, now the Warsaw Philharmonic. Between 1857 and 1871 she made frequent appearances as a pianist.
On her death, Franz Liszt wrote his Elegy on Marie Kalergi.
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azy-arty · 2 years
So-.... this page has been quite dead for the past two years. But well ! I had a pretty good reason ! I just graduated from Gobelins in Paris and did this movie with a wholesome teammate named Rose Gallerand (@truite_wasabi on instagram) !
The real story of a young lady from Costa Rica, Pacifica Zelaya, who went to study in Belgium at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 1905. Unfortunately, there, she met Edouard Mailly, another student who would become her fiancé. Our movie tells the story of a relationship, a concert and her last evening.
insta : @azy_arty
(and you got subtitles in english on youtube !)
In addition...
 I have to thank you all in a cheesy way : I started this account years and years back, at the beginning of my studies, without any ambition but to draw fanarts of Undertale, and looking back, I can see how far I’ve come now. Today, I’m working and paying my bills, but I’ve still got the sweet @paintingit​ as a dear friend (whom I met here, it’s crazy) and it’s strange to tell myself this all started with a skeleton now voted #1 sexiest tumblr man, yea. It’s also thanks to all the nice comments and feedbacks I’ve received from you over the years. Then I hope you’ll enjoy this movie who’s been one hell of a trip, but which I’m still a little proud despite it all to show today.
Thank you ! And take care !
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opera-ghosts · 10 months
Interview with Pauline Donalda (in french)/March 16, 1966.
Pauline Donalda (née Lightstone), was a Montreal-born opera singer of international renown who was made an Officer of the Order of Canada for her contributions to Canadian arts and culture.
Born into a family of Eastern European immigrants, Donalda studied opera at the Paris Conservatory with financial support from the influential politician Donald Smith (Lord Strathcona). In honor of his sponsorship, she later adopted the stage name “Donalda.” After a successful debut in Nice, France, in 1904, her artistic career quickly took off. In 1905, she sang at London’s Covent Garden for the Queen of England and at The Brussels Royal Opera House. In 1906, she sang alongside tenor Enrico Caruso in a Verdi opera. These performances earned her tremendous acclaim. In the same year, she joined the Manhattan Opera House, founded by the American musical comedy composer and producer Oscar Hammerstein. When World War I broke out, she suspended her career and organized benefit concerts to support the war effort.
From 1922 on, she devoted herself to teaching voice. Twenty years later, in 1942, she founded the Opera Guild of Montreal, which went on to stage the first Canadian performances of many operas.
Donalda was among the first women to promote opera. In so doing, she helped promote both Canada and the Jewish community worldwide.
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gravelgirty · 2 years
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edeldoro · 2 years
MAGNIFICA - Animation Short Film 2022 - GOBELINS
Oct 26 2022
1907. Magnifica, young Costa Rican harpist, is preparing for her concert at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels where she studies with her fiancé. Inspired by the life of Pacifica Zelaya.
1907. Magnifica, jeune harpiste costaricaine, se prépare pour son grand concert au Conservatoire Royal de Bruxelles où elle étudie avec son fiancé. Inspiré par la vie de Pacifica Zelaya.
Directors/Réalisateurs: Rose GALLERAND, Azélie MICHOUX Team contact / Contact de l'équipe : [email protected]
Soundtrack/Musique : Samuel MAROT SAFERIS, Julien VERMEULEN Sound editor / Montage sonore : Laurent JIMENEZ Mix/Mixage: Laurent JIMENEZ
Production: GOBELINS, l'école de l'image - Cécile BLONDEL: [email protected] Distribution: Miyu Distribution - Luce GROSJEAN: [email protected]
(Warning for violence and murder mentions. Inspires by the life of Pacifica Zelaya.)
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- Gobelins Graduation Movie co-directed with Rose Gallerand -
The real story of a young lady from Costa Rica, Pacifica Zelaya, who went to study in Belgium at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 1905. Unfortunately, there, she met Edouard Mailly, another student who would become her fiancé. Our movie tells the story of a relationship, a concert and her last evening.
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lucdupuis · 8 months
Website: https://www.lucdupuis.org
Luc Dupuis, organiste et compositeur belge né en 1954, est reconnu pour son expertise dans la musique pour orgue, notamment les œuvres de Widor et Handel. Professeur émérite au Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, Dupuis a grandement contribué au domaine musical avec ses méthodes d'enseignement innovantes et ses compositions. Ses offres incluent une gamme de symphonies pour orgue, de concertos et de matériaux pédagogiques, séduisant les amateurs et les musiciens professionnels. L'œuvre de Dupuis se caractérise par un mélange de savoir-faire traditionnel et d'interprétation contemporaine, rendant ses compositions et transcriptions une ressource précieuse pour les aficionados de la musique pour orgue.
Luc Dupuis, a distinguished Belgian organist and composer born in 1954, is renowned for his expertise in organ music, particularly the works of Widor and Handel. As a professor emeritus at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Dupuis has significantly contributed to the field of music through his innovative teaching methods and compositions. His offerings include a range of organ symphonies, concertos, and educational materials, appealing to both enthusiasts and professional musicians. Dupuis' work is characterized by a blend of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary interpretation, making his compositions and transcriptions a valuable resource for organ music aficionados.
Luc Dupuis, ein renommierter belgischer Organist und Komponist, geboren 1954, ist bekannt für seine Expertise in Orgelmusik, insbesondere den Werken von Widor und Händel. Als emeritierter Professor am Königlichen Konservatorium Brüssel hat Dupuis einen bedeutenden Beitrag zum Musikbereich durch seine innovativen Lehrmethoden und Kompositionen geleistet. Sein Angebot umfasst eine Reihe von Orgelsymphonien, Konzerten und Bildungsmaterialien, die sowohl Enthusiasten als auch professionelle Musiker ansprechen. Dupuis' Werk zeichnet sich durch eine Mischung aus traditionellem Handwerk und zeitgenössischer Interpretation aus, was seine Kompositionen und Transkriptionen zu einer wertvollen Ressource für Orgelmusikliebhaber macht.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090204940795
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-67JW0CTvn6Aw1zgde7T7g
Keywords: publications de musique pour orgue partitions de symphonies pour orgue concertos de handel pour orgue symphonies de widor matriaux dducation musicale techniques de composition pour orgue services de transcription musicale musique classique pour orgue compositions contemporaines pour orgue pdagogie de la musique pour orgue partitions de symphonie pour orgue transcription des concertos de handel ditions des symphonies de widor ressources denseignement musical arrangements de musique pour orgue publications de musique classique thorie de la musique pour orgue techniques de performance pour orgue services de composition musicale rpertoire de musique pour orgue partitions dorgue en ligne compositions pour orgue solo musique liturgique pour orgue partitions dorgue baroque musique sacre pour orgue partitions de bach pour orgue partitions romantiques pour orgue musique contemporaine dorgue compositions impressionnistes pour orgue partitions de musique religieuse pour orgue partitions de musique franaise pour orgue musique mditative pour orgue compositions virtuoses pour orgue partitions dorgue romantique musique festive pour orgue musique pour crmonie dorgue partitions dorgue de mariage compositions pour orgue moderne partitions dorgue solennelle musique dorgue contemporaine partitions de musique chorale pour orgue compositions pour orgue sacr partitions dorgue classique musique de chambre pour orgue partitions dorgue jazz compositions pour orgue lectrique musique pour orgue et orchestre partitions dorgue en rcital compositions dorgue romantique organ music publications symphony scores for organ handel organ concertos widor symphonies music education materials organ composition techniques musical transcription services classical organ music contemporary organ compositions organ music pedagogy organ symphony sheet music handel concertos transcription widor symphony editions music teaching resources organ music arrangement classical music publications organ music theory organ performance techniques music composition services organ music repertoire online organ sheet music solo organ compositions liturgical music for organ baroque organ sheet music sacred music for organ bach organ sheet music romantic organ sheet music contemporary organ music impressionistic organ compositions religious organ sheet music orgelmusik publikationen orgelsymphonie partituren hndel orgelkonzerte widor symphonien musikbildungsmaterialien orgelkompositionstechniken musikalische transkriptionsdienste klassische orgelmusik zeitgenssische orgelkompositionen orgelmusikpdagogik orgelsymphonie noten transkription von hndel konzerten widor symphonie ausgaben musikunterrichtsressourcen orgelmusikarrangement klassische musikpublikationen orgelmusiktheorie orgelperformanztechniken musikkompositionsdienste orgelmusikrepertoire online orgelnoten kompositionen fr soloorgel liturgische musik fr orgel barocke orgelnoten sakrale musik fr orgel bach orgelnoten romantische orgelnoten zeitgenssische orgelmusik impressionistische orgelkompositionen religise orgelnoten franzsische orgelmusiknoten meditative musik fr orgel virtuose orgelkompositionen festliche musik fr orgel orgelmusik fr zeremonien hochzeitsorgelnoten moderne orgelkompositionen orgelnoten fr feierliche anlsse chorale orgelnoten sakrale orgelkompositionen klassische orgelnoten kammermusik fr orgel jazz orgelnoten elektrische orgelkompositionen orgelmusik mit orchester orgelnoten fr konzerte romantische orgelkompositionen
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sandrateitge · 2 years
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Four Seasons 2 Stine Janvin ​Billy Bultheel
15 September 2022
Zwölf-Apostel-Kirche An der Apostelkirche 1 10783 Berlin On the occasion of Berlin Art Week, CCA Berlin is organizing the second iteration of its musical evening series Four Seasons with the Zwölf-Apostel-Kirche (Twelve Apostles Church) on Kurfürstenstraße, featuring live sets by Stine Janvin* as well as Billy Bultheel with Max Murray and Weston Olencki.
Vocalist, performer and sound artist Stine Janvin (NO) works with the extensive flexibility of her voice in relation to visual elements such as costume and lighting, as well as audio spatialization and the ways in which this can be used to channel physicality of sound, tangibility and trigger sensory response. Often inspired by electronic music genres, folk music and pop culture, Janvin creates audio visual works and live performances for a variety of spaces such as theaters, clubs and art galleries, and more recently websites and digital platforms. Since spring 2021 she has been touring with her latest live project Echoic Choir, co-created with choreographer Ula Sickle, which premiered at Wiener Festwochen and was recently presented at MACBA Barcelona, Mattatoio in Rome, Venice Biennial opening week and MUNCH in Oslo. Janvin has recently presented works at Performa Telethon, New York; Issue Project Room, NYC; Rokolectiv, Bucharest; Kunsthall Stavanger and MUNCH, Oslo; and Chords for Calling presented by Deutschlandradio Kultur and Berliner Künstlerprogramm. In autumn 2022 she will release a new book in collaboration with artist Cory Arcangel on the Brooklyn based publisher Primary Information. At the Twelve-Apostles-Church, Janvin will play a new piece for voice, Pop Coloratura, featuring echo and synth samples and paying homage to some of Janvin’s favorite pop songstresses. Billy Bultheel is a composer and performance-maker based in Berlin and Brussels. Coming from a classical conservatory background and academic studies in the performing arts, Bultheel has developed musical performances that unfold spatially. He practices an extended notion of composition which includes performance, architecture and narrative as musical parameters next to harmony rhythm and timbre. His practice combines heavy electronics with medieval, baroque polyphony and performance. Bultheel has released on the record labels PAN and C-A-N-V-A-S. At the Twelve-Apostles-Church, Bultheel will present Shadow Tracks, a collection of compositions from 2021 written for brass quartet at the Ancient Amphitheatre of Epidaurus for the Satire Ichneutai (Trackers) by Sophocles. Here, rewritten for tuba, euphonium, organ and electronics adapted to the resonance of the Twelve-Apostles-Church in Schoneberg. The compositions intend to give an impression of the first music ever heard by Apollo, played by Hermes on his lyre, who is hiding underground. Dumbfounded and unable to grasp the idea of music, Apollo finds himself, ear against the surface of the earth, paralyzed. Musicians: Max Murray (Tuba), Weston Olencki (Euphonium), Billy Bultheel (Organ and Electronics) *Stine Janvin’s contribution is supported by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Berlin.
CCA Berlin
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New Video: Brussels' Romina Palmeri Releases a Gorgeous Bachata Ballad
New Video: Brussels' Romina Palmeri Releases a Gorgeous Bachata Ballad @PalmeriRomina @heygroover @romainpalmieri @DorianPerron
Romina Palmeri is a Brussels-born and-based, Italian-Belgian singer/songwriter and dancer, who can trace the origins of her music career to her childhood: growing up in a family of musicians and performers, Palmeri was surrounded by the music and rhythms of the Mediterranean and of her Italian heritage. At a very young age, the Italian-Belgian artist trained in classical dance and hip-hop and…
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beluxroyals · 5 years
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February 21, 2020 | Queen Mathilde participatied in piano, cello and jazz-saxophone masterclasses during her visit to the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. Several teachers are former laureates of the Queen Elisabeth Competition, which will be dedicated to the piano this year.
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ifreakingloveroyals · 5 years
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Through the Years → Queen Mathilde of Belgium (1,125/∞)
12 December 2019 | Visit of Queen Mathilde to the Royal Conservatory of Brussels. (Photo by Didier Lebrun © Photo News via Getty Images)
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royal-hair · 5 years
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Queen Mathilde of the Belgians visiting the Royal Conservatory of Brussels - 12.12.19
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hakimce · 5 years
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What an interesting exercice ,,, (à The Royal Conservatory of Brussels) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5gbSR-AJXPg04IoiNfiFHDzb3wI7eh7HIqrk40/?igshid=y80a4c0srx9e
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opera-ghosts · 1 year
Il Trovatore: "Stride La Vampa" · Louise Homer · Metropolitan Opera Orchestra · Giulio Setti
Louise Homer was one of the most talented and popular opera singers of the early twentieth century. She had a two-decade career as a leading contra-alto with the Metropolitan Opera in New York. She performed with Enrico Caruso and Marcella Sembrich under director Arturo Toscanini. Along with her beautiful voice, she was greatly admired for her powerful acting and stage presence. She sang many of the grandest roles in the Italian, French and, German operas. Her notable roles were Amneris in Giuseppe Verdi's Aida, Orpheus in Toscanini's 1909 revival of Christoph Gluck's opera, the Witch in Engelbert Humperdinck's Königskinder, and the title role in Horatio Parker's Mona. She also toured the country as a solo recitalist.
Louise, a top selling artist on the Victor Talking Machine Company (RCA), was regarded as one of the first great classical recording artists. She recorded from 1903 through 1929, singing arias, gospel hymns, and songs composed by her husband Sidney Homer. She recorded duets with Caruso, Alma Gluck, and other opera stars. Her recording of “Whispering Hope” with Alma Gluck was a national best seller.
Born Louise Dilworth Beatty in Pittsburgh in 1871, she was the daughter of Dr. William Trimble Beatty, founder of the Shadyside Presbyterian church. Beatty Hall at Chatham College in named in hour of Dr. Beatty, who was one of the founders of the college. She sang in the church choir with her eight brothers and sisters. When her father died in 1882, her mother moved the family to West Chester, Pa to be near her relatives. She studied voice and made her public debut in Philadelphia with an performance of the cantana “Ruth the Moahitess”. Louise graduated as valedictorian from West Chester High School. To help support her family she worked as a stenographer and court reporter. She continued to study singing with Abbie Whinnery and Alice Goff. She also sang contralto in a church quartet. In 1893 she quit her job and enrolled at New England Conservatory of Music. Her composition instructor Sidney Homer (6 years her senior) accompanied Louise to a performance of Faust by the visiting Metropolitan Opera. Disobeying her family’s religious beliefs it was the first theatrical performance she ever attended. After that performance, Louise vowed that she would become an operatic artist.
Louise wed Sidney Homer in 1895, had a child, and went off on borrowed money in 1896 with her husband to Paris for more vocal studies. In Paris studied with drama with Paul Lhérie and voice with Fidélé König. She made her professional debut as Louise Homer in 1898 in Vichy, France as Leonora in Gaetano Donizetti’s La favorita. She continued her early career appearing at for a season at Covent Garden in London in 1899. Her performances at Covent Garden resulted in a Royal Command Performance. Appearing for a season in Brussel she had over 100 performances at the Théâtre de la Monnaie. Maurice Grau of the Metropolitan Opera heard her sing in Paris and offered her a three year contract. In 1900 she became an principal singer at the Metropolitan Opera in 1900, performing there until 1919.
Louise Homer found critical acclaim in 1908 for her performance as Orfeo in Toscanini's revival of Gluck's opera. Operate Critic Richard Aldrich wrote of her "nobility, dignity and plastic grace for the eye, and of full-throated and beautiful song for the ear."
Louise retired from the Met after the 1918 - 1919 season. She sang for several seasons with the Chicago Civic Opera. In 1927 and 1928 she returned to the Met for two celebrated guest appearances. She toured the country appearing at recitals that included songs by her nephew, Samuel Barber. Her older sister, Marguerite, was Barber's mother.
Louise and Sydney retired to Florida, where Louise became a vocal instructor at Rollins College. She taught vocal students until her death at age 76 in 1947. While she was at the height of her singing career she raised six children with her noted composer husband Sidney Homer. She was elected as one of the greatest American women by the National Association of
Woman Voters. : In 1939 Sidney Homer wrote “My Wife And I: The Story of Louise and Sidney Homer”. Her daughter Anne Homer told Louise’s story in the 1973 biography “Louise Homer and the Golden Age of Opera”.
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Johan Duijck (b.1954)
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