#Royal Correspondent
garadinervi · 11 months
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My Name is Rachel Corrie, taken from the writings of Rachel Corrie, edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner, with the permission of the Corrie family, in collaboration with the Royal Court Theatre International Department, Theatre Communications Group, New York, NY, 2006, pp. 47-50 (Rachel Corrie’s emails here)
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antoine-triplett · 1 year
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rwrb book + emails from alex
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moonypears-blog · 4 months
Sofia: Mr Cedric, why do you always hang out by this window all the time?
Cedric: It's a very special window
Sofia: What's so special about it?
Cedric: It can tell the future.
Sofia: What?
Cedric: The glass shows images of future events, I watch it to prepare myself for what may come.
Sofia: Wha-really???
Cedric: No.
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george-the-good · 6 months
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Letter from KING GEORGE VI to his physician, DANIEL DAVIES. The King wrote from Sandringham, three months after his lung operation:
December 27th 1951
Dear Davies,
I must write & try to thank you for all your help to me in my long illness. I fear I have caused you many days of worry during the last few months. But since the seat of infection has been removed I do feel that I can regain my health again & the few days here have done me good. I have used a gun with no ill effects & medium accuracy. Miss Linton’s exercises and massage have been invaluable.
With renewed thanks to you & with all good wishes for 1952
I am
yours very sincerely
George R.
Article on the ‘Miss Linton’ the King mentions in his letter:
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Every day Miss Winifred Linton goes from Weymouth Street, London, to Buckingham Palace. She helps the King with his breathing exercises.
In theory anyone should be able to breathe by moving only one side of the chest. Miss Linton’s exercises enable the King to do this.
She is a physiotherapist who has worked for many years with leading doctors, including Mr. Price Thomas, the King’s surgeon, and Mr. Geoffrey Marshall. It was Mr. Price Thomas who called her in to help the King.
A shy, grey-haired woman, she was a member of Queen Alexandra Nursing Service in World War One.
- The Manchester Evening News // November 14, 1951
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brb-on-a-quest · 3 months
Just for the Halibut (the hell of it; pun intended pls laugh)
My dear abroad North Canadian Watson,
I have begun my investigation in such a manner that I shall relay all of the information for you to take down in that Tumblr blog of yours to share with your large and growing readership. I trust you will keep the facts straight as always, dear watson.
The halibut treaty of 1923 was the first ecological conservation aimed at #savethefishies as it opened a fishing season from November to Feburary. it was also one of the first treaties you ppls actually signed without getting The King of England involves (aww look at baby Canada taking her first steps as an independent nation).
British govt (as the overprotective girlfriend from the revolutionary war) was like "Canada why are you doing things without my permission?? I didn't approve of you negotiating halibut with the United Sates (like geez, Brits, move on). The prime minister at all (last name King which doesn't make this confusing at all) was like "well this really doesn't concern you so we don't need you."
british King *spluttering* "well that's illegal" (rightfully so, but Canadian king threatend to send a delegation to do the treaty to DC and British King Couldn't Do Much About it- Watson, are you paying attention?)
As far as you stealing fish from South Canadians, that's primarily because the border between the Canada but a little bit more north and more east (alaska) and Normal Canada was disputed. But unclear. To be fair the stealing part came from an unsourced instagram reel and maybe unfounded. But supposedly this is one of the crucial events of getting canadian autonomy which is cool bc i had no clue how you managed to do that before without going the 'Murican Route.
With love,
A south canadian sherlock who's wondering if there's more to this halibut story than meets the eye and should do more research.
Halibuts are a creature i wouldn't mind if you stole them tho
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Edit: forgot to tag @igotthisaccountunderduress and also my sources were wikipedia (shameful ik) and the canadian encyclopedia. don't make me use mla i will cry.
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vox-anglosphere · 7 months
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A priceless century-old thank you letter from the Queen Mother, written to a friend after her engagement, discovered as a bookmark.
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fandoms-writings · 3 months
Hey! I was hoping you could maybe help me find a series. I used to read it on tumblr and AO3, and it was a Bucky Barnes family type fic. I know that doesn’t narrow it down but I remember there being a bunch a Halloween type fics, and the first one or so was with their baby Becca. And they had a bunch of kids and there was a very specific smut work where reader is pregnant and Bucky comes in from mowing the lawn and she’s like super horny for him 😭😭 Please if you have any idea I will love you for life (I already do but more lol)
oh i don't know this one but it sounds fantastic!
Does anyone know this??
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dorkybooktrash · 6 months
I want a book with historic gay correspondence like the quotes from Red, White and Royal Blue
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andthatisnotfake · 10 months
11 Madirosh please!
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, Madirosh!! I so ship them! Not an Omar song this time, but a Young Royals one nonetheless.
A light breeze blows some loose strands of hair over her face, sticking them to her purple lip gloss, but Madison tucks them behind her ear. She sits on a clear patch of grass to the side, in a shadowy area, sipping a beer as she watches her friends (and her friends' friends) dance to loud music, drink, and make out, having some fun before the next school year starts. She wasn't even supposed to be here yet, but she'd wanted to arrive a week before classes so she could get more acclimated this time, and Felice had insisted that she stayed at her house, claiming there was more than enough space (which was very true, the house was huge). And then Felice had told her she was having an end-of-summer-break party, just for some of their friends and classmates. She hadn't lied, but their friends had also brought more friends, and right now there were about twenty people mingling in the garden under the dim light of torches and moonlight. Not a lot by any standards, but enough to make her feel a little out of place. She loved a party as much as the average teenage girl, but she couldn't help but feel a bit lost when they all spoke a language she still didn't fully dominate and knew about things she'd never even heard of. She'd heard before that one could feel lonely even in a room fool of people, but she hadn't really understood what that meant until she'd moved to Sweden.
"Hej," someone says behind her, startling her enough to spill some beer on her dress.
"Sorry!" The girl behind her says, in English. Madison remembers her as Simon's friend, who had been introduced to her in the beginning of the party, but whose name she'd already forgotten.
"You're the American girl, right?"
She nods. "Madison."
"You can speak Swedish, Rosh."
"Nah, it's fine. I actually should practice my English, it's not very good."
Maddie smiles. "I think it's quite good, actually. But thank you. And don't worry, that's on me for not noticing you there. And it's an old dress anyway." She looks down at the stain forming, making a disgusted face when she touches it and her fingers get sticky. "I should probably get some water on it though."
"Here!" Rosh moves quickly, grabbing a water bottle she'd apparently been drinking from and and pouring a bit over the stain, then lifting her t-shirt to dab on it with the hem.
Madison's eyes flick to her toned stomach and she remembers hearing something about Rosh being an athlete. Well, it clearly showed.
Apparently she's been staring for a tad too long, because Rosh clears her throat and drops the t-shirt. She feels herself blush, but nods.
"Thanks, Rosh."
She gets a raised eyebrow and a flirty smile in return.
"You're welcome, Madison."
"Just Maddie will do."
"Then you're welcome..." Rosh's eyes drop to her mouth and she licks her own lips before looking up again, eyes fixed hers "...Maddie."
The way she says her nickname makes a shiver travel up Maddie's spine and she gulps.
Clearing her throat, she looks up at the other teenagers.
"You, uh... wanna dance?"
Rosh smirks. "Actually, I was wondering if you'd mind helping me practice my English a bit more. I can't quite roll my tongue the right way."
Maddie chuckles. She can most definitely teach her that.
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fideidefenswhore · 1 year
Did Henry VIII forbid Princess Mary from any correspondence after she was bastardized by statute? Different biographies claim different things, was hoping for some clarity and insight.
If he did, he did a fairly poor job of enforcing the rule:
1172. Anne Shelton to Henry VIII. I have spoken with my lady Mary, as you desired, and asked her by whom she sent the letter to master Carowe. She said she sent it by her servant Randal Dod, and that lady Bryan delivered her lady Carowe's letter open, the effect of which was to desire her for the Passion of Christ in all things to follow the King's pleasure, otherwise she was utterly undone. After I had spoken with my lady Mary I went to my lady Bryan, and she affirmed what was said to be true. Hunsdon. this Sunday, at 8 o'clock in the evening. Signed. 'Henry VIII: September 1534, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 7, 1534, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1883), pp. 453-457. British History Online.
This contradicts the below:
968. Princess Mary to [Cromwell]. Apologises for her [poor] writing; "for I have not done so much this two year and more, nor could not have found the means to do it [...] but by my lady Kingston's being here."  'Henry VIII: May 1536, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), pp. 402-420.
Which contradicts...
1253. Marillac to Francis I. Saw letters of hers in French, written to the Emperor's ambassador in the time of her “ennuy.” [...] [Her] chamber woman says that when her mother was first repudiated [1531 or 1533] she was sick with “ennuy,” but, on being visited and comforted by the King [1536], soon recovered and has had no such illness since. 'Henry VIII: October 1541, 11-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 16, 1540-1541, ed. James Gairdner and R H Brodie (London, 1898), pp. 585-592.
And, it even contradicts Chapuys, who mentions her correspondence during this time, as well. There are times he's unable to receive any messages, but Mary was writing him frequently at some times, intermittently at others. Like, during 1534, Chapys falls for some false flags (such as, crowing about how Mary managed to secure the best place on the barge setting out for Elizabeth's new household, sent word to him where the barge would be sent so that he knew which place to wait for her appearance on the shore... shortly followed by him whining about how this showcase of defiance seems to have intensified her mistreatment, and caused the arrest of "a young lady who did her the most service", including interrogation by the Duke of Norfolk as to how, exactly, Chapuys learned which place at which riverside he needed to wait to watch her pass...), but from 1535 onwards, she even manages to send her own letter to the literal Emperor, and she claims it will be very easy to slip out of her sister's household, that all she has to do is drug Anne Shelton and shimmy out a window to accomplish this, all the way to 1536, where she manages to copy a letter her stepmother has written to Anne Shelton and send it to Chapuys, and sends him word that she approves of the plot to oust her stepmother from the throne ("On 2 May 1536, he wrote that Mary had encouraged him to get rid of Anne and, on her advice, he employed various means to do so [...]", Inside the Tudor Court, Lauren Mackay).
There is of course, the possibility that it was 'forbidden' to Mary officially, but that the unofficial policy was to turn a blind eye/allow it so that her correspondence could be monitored. Warnicke espoused this theory, I'm not terribly convinced, however, because while Chapuys does mention Mary's letters, he also, in the thick of the Exeter Conspiracy arrests, claims he's not too terribly worried for Mary's well-being because he's long told her to burn correspondence from him, and he himself has already burned her most controversial correspondence, kept the red herrings he dictated and sent her some for good measure, should her household be searched (since a complete absence of correspondence from Chapuys would be suspect). Although, the possibility that Henry knew his eldest daughter had solicited foreign invasion would perhaps put the pressurizing of his council for her arrest six months afterwards, into an...interesting, context? (Was he planning to hold onto this information/evidence just in case he ever needed to use it? Had he not acted upon it until that point because he wanted to leave the option of an Imperial alliance open? Had he not told his council, but was he planning to if she refused the oaths yet again, mid-1536? Et al)
Tl; dr again, if that was his forbiddance, it seems it was either rather toothless (it would be instructive to read the letter Shelton was responding to here, wouldn't it) and/or inconsistent. There seem to have been periods within this timeframe where this 'rule' was more strictly enforced than others.
#anon#correspondence with her mother; i believe so; correspondence period?#it doesn't seem like it#and yeah there is not much consensus btwn the available mary i biographies#not even on whether or not she was on (virtual) or (literal) house arrest#there is the comparable example of elizabeth's house arrest during the marian era#which begins with the tide letter and ends with her gaoler forbidding writing materials until she has petitioned the council like. 100 time#in her royal nuisance era#my sense of these years has evolved quite a lot bcus when there is a controversial subject i tend to focus in on it#historians have moved from an insistence that mary lived in a succession of houses of horror#in constant threat of or even constant literal beatings#with every single privilege one could imagine denied#(90s and the aughts)#to...well; mary was a dissembler and well-versed in the art of self-fashioning#ie what she herself wrote does not always seem to have been necessarily true#for example; she claimed in the immediate aftermath of the boleyn downfall#that the only reason she had not written to her father from 1534-36 was that she was denied writing materials the entire time#and yet...see above#i have had a similar journey. it is a matter of reading the dispatches of the imperial ambassadors primarily#and then tabling them against all other available primary sources#this letter/source is also illuminating bcus it means the narrative that all her supporters advised rebellion was not true#this is a compelling piece of evidence that disproves the narrative that chapuys was in such concert with mary's supporters#bcus it shows they were advising her to submit two years before chapuys did so#*ambassador
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garadinervi · 5 months
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My Name is Rachel Corrie, taken from the writings of Rachel Corrie, edited by Alan Rickman and Katharine Viner, with the permission of the Corrie family, in collaboration with the Royal Court Theatre International Department, Theatre Communications Group, New York, NY, 2006, p. 28 (Rachel Corrie's emails here)
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rinbylin · 1 year
re: xiao dingquan's needs and wants are very private and personal
thinking about how that's essentially everything nianzhi is and represents.
the gentle and demure noble lady. never seen the world outside much until the day she was married off. not educated beyond basic wife responsibilities to be able to appreciate all the literature and poetry lu wenxi could understand. the perfect epitome of the traditionally feminine 内 (inner) domestic sphere concerned with all things familial
to be a man of the world in the confucian world is to be able to project your moral being into the exterior world beyond the family ie. 外. be it socially or politically
as the crown prince whose 内外 spheres overlap, xdq's cultivation as a person ultimately only manages to accumulate in a way that impacts his private sphere. his political moves only amount to familial affairs. there had been very little leaked out to the world outside his own.
at the end of the day, nianzhi gave him the assurance that his needs and wants for a peaceful domestic life is not only possible - but whole. if only that could be the rest of his life, he would choose to stay that way.
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madeimpact · 1 year
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Also, while we're on the subject, polyglot Noctis. Obviously
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george-the-good · 8 months
The King’s death is a cruel and sad blow to us all but the knowledge that thousands, even millions, are sharing our sorrow is a great comfort - For his sake one is so thankful he had those last few happy weeks in his beloved Sandringham.
Princess Mary, letter to Lord Middleton // 29 March 1952
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brb-on-a-quest · 4 months
Dear South Canadian,
It is with a heavy heart that I today take my leave of your country’s fine border. I will forever fondly remember the memories I have made and ice cream I have eaten here. Never fear, for I shall continue to haunt the narrative of the falls, and when you arrive I shall then haunt you. Lovingly, of course.
In the meantime, I leave with you a symbol of our country’s sisterhood and perhaps the best thing I have found in my travels:
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Forever yours,
Your friend the North Canadian
*presses my face in between the gaps of the gate the liebetween us, staring longingly out into the distance as a random caravan fades away, imagining it to be yours*
*pulls away and starts opening up a notebook and a pencil and writes, with a sing-songy monologue appearing in herhead*
Dearest Iggy of the North Canada,
I pray this letter finds you in a state of health and returned quite comfortably to your own nest somewhere far up in the cold northern areas of Canada. I rue the day that our two countries had been torn apart (curses, Great Britain) and that we will not be given a chance to meet, perhaps for a long time when the great Borders Will Be Lifted and One of Us can Overstep the Lines that Bind Us. Instead, we must pass by our meeting place like ships in the night or two shooting stars that only just brush before continuing on their separate journeys. I shall provide travel stories, for sure, because we are actually going to Small Town NY that is some distance away from the falls and Niagara would only be a small day trip that I will pack as densly as I can with pictures and souveniours. I hope to find as many goodies to fill your inbox with. Perhaps not as many cool finds, but I will Take A Picture of A North Canadian Merch, Swear My Life On It. That being said, where did you find that beautiful America shirt.... we should match... or I should find a similar looking Canadian one or something.
I look forward anxiously to that fateful day in August because then I shall be traveling, and my life will have more routine and purpose, as well as a sense of adventure (and probably a sense of dread at riding in the same vehicle with my family for an extended period of time - I can hear the arguments already). I look forward forward to my inboxed being possessed by the spirit of a north Canadian. Let me haunt your mind, lovingly, as always,
Your South Canadian Birb.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
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