#Ruby harley lalonde
homestuck-iconz · 9 months
bigender yiffany circle icons?
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holy shit... mod rose is BACK bayyybeee!!! [im still v v busy but ive got some time so im handling the backlog <3]
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strovii · 5 months
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sister sister
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ducotte-real · 2 months
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Hey lol so like. So like space players and they're red saviors huh
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
>Be me, sleep deprived DM, half an hour ago.
>Get startled by phone ringing.
>It’s one of my players.
DIRK: Dude, it’s midnight. You good?
JADE: yeah!! yeah sorry if i woke you :( could i ask for a favor?
DIRK: Uh, sure? Shoot.
JADE: my daughter cant sleep, could you tell a quick story over speaker phone? she loves listening to the recordings of our sessions before bed but  left my laptop at the office so i cant play them!!
DIRK: She listens to us to fall asleep?
JADE: yeah!! but she really likes your plot and npc acting bits. she calls you “dumb dumb mister”. guess “dungeon master” is a bit hard for a preschooler hehe
DIRK: Wow… Well, if it will help her sleep, then sure.
JADE: YESSS thank you! ok give me a sec to head back to her room... ...ok youre on speaker!
DIRK: Hey Ruby, it’s Uncle Dirk.
DIRK: You ready for a story about [DM IMPROV SKILLS ENGAGE] the time your mommy and her friends went deep into a cursed temple to save a frost dragon egg?
>I then proceed to spend nearly 20 minutes spitballing a story over the phone for the most fascinated little girl until she eventually fell asleep.
>Friend thanks me for the help and says she’ll see me on game night.
>Lie down in bed, actually feel content and comfortable for once. I should have thanked her.
>I am the dumb dumb mister.
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sliamii · 5 months
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rogueofrageedits · 4 months
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OOPS forgot to queue these guys. actually adore Jade's design in these updates [obligatory folder plug]
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davepepsisprite · 11 months
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more doodles from the fabled ''stabdads 2 electric boogaloo'' au, featuring shadow-based magic (remember that?) for some reason
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eridoodles-daily · 4 months
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[2/10/24 Day 12]
Wasn't expecting a HS2 update today, but man I'm liking the direction [both art and writingwise] the new team is taking things, especially with the mess that the Yiffy situation has been
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springselkie · 6 months
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panel edits are harder than i thought ;__;
anyways dadbert AU (alpha kid dad instead of nanna) continuation in beyond canon... ruby is raised by jean/dad instead of being enrolled at the academy! these two have the best father-daughter relationship ever, where ruby becomes a prankster and a baking enthusiast :'') ruby doesn't have a good relationship with her mothers though, they feel like they were abandoned by jade and rose, seeing as how she just got dropped off at jean's and she's been kept in the dark unlike the rest of the omega kids
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homestuck-iconz · 1 year
mod roseee i have a question,,, can,, can i ask u to rate the success rate of a session with fankids based off the kids from the candy epilogues :)) -moon anon
Hm! Thats Ruby, Vrissy, Tavvy and Harry Anderson right? It totally depends on the classpects you give them if you want specifics, but i think they all get along well enough that they'd have a decent chance!!!!
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pxnky-prxmise · 1 month
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i dont wanna tag any of my shit as this fanon "beyond canon" shit :/// IT CAN DIE FOR ALL I CARE!!!!!!! (EDIT. well shit) i only like it bc of 'Omega Kids' bless their hearts Ruby's uncles are trying their best. at least just karkat... karkat prob OOC yeah i didnt got this his act stuff YEAH IM A FAKIE WHAT R U GONNA DO!!!!!!!!! tiny davejade cuz yeah.
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deepseaspriteblog · 1 year
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Someone left a comment on the tags of the Rose compilation I posted last night suggesting that the Roses should have slightly different names which I actually like a lot, especially so I can differentiate between the two rose strilondes, sooo have the (unofficial) names for all the alternate Roses + their chumhandles and weapons! Subject to change if I feel like I found something more suitable but here are now.
Just in case the text is too small, here they all are in order from left to right;
Rami Egbert / tabooTroublemaker / Planchettekind
Rhys Strider / thornlikeTemperament / Bowkind (as in, violin bow)
Rose Lalonde / tentacleTherapist / Needlekind (I mean you already know)
Ruby Harley / towetTranscription / Wandkind
Rory Crocker / trivialTurnabout / Needlekind
Rina Strider / tacitTheocrat / Dollkind
Rhea Lalonde / toxicTragedy / Poisonkind
Rian English / tyrantTestimonial / Crossbowkind
Nobody asked me to give them all chumhandles and spend two hours looking at words that start with T but I did it for them
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meraki-sunset · 7 months
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If by OG version you mean the Candy!Epilogue, she's not an ecto-baby. She's Jade and Rose's naturally born, biological child. Because for some hellish reason, the writers decided to give Jade a dick and justify it as part of her being fused with Bequerel. When having a secret ecto-baby behind her husband's back would've been less weird but still justify why she hid the child. Rose even explained the pregnancy was really short, like a dog pregnancy.
Anyways, the version of Yiffany that shows up on the final video on CSAU is still Jade and Rose's kid, i don't think it would make sense for a diferent mix of parents to produce the same child.
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She was just made through ectobiology this time around, along with hundreeds of other babies, that's why it's not weird for her to exist. The kids mixed their DNA in multiple posible convinations and Jade+Rose was just one of many.
That's why i added that little frame where Kanaya is playing with her. She has no reason to be mad at Rose, Jade or their bio baby, because Yiffy just one of docens of random babies they all made to repopulate the planet, instead of an afair baby.
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And the same goes for Tavros and Vrissy, they would never come to exist in CSAU if it's not as random Ecto-babies, because their bio parents just wouldn't have them. Harry Anderson it's a diferent story.
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So, in this timeline, they still exist and their bio parents are the same, but they were born from ectobiology and were last seen leaving in a ship with the carapace and other babies and grubs.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
YIFFY: Bro... EEEEVERYONE'S out here doing Vegan-uary.
YIFFY: I'm doing VAGIN-UARY, dude. Dap me up, mom B)
ROSE: ...You mean Virgin-uary.
YIFFY: .........GOOD ONE, MOM.
ROSE: It's funny 'cause it's true.
YIFFY: Well it's PRETTY HARD TO GET LAID with the name "YIFFY", mom >:'(
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Thinking about this again thinking and being VERY patient I am so patient
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kalopsic-lagomorph · 10 months
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^2 kids redesigns + mary-su
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