#Rule: Numbah 5
The Emergence of the
Average Man
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Society will say he’s not a Man
Yet, since when was the “Perception of Man”
“Defined by Societal Constructs”
No, this type of “Attraction”
Goes “Beyond” that which can be “Construed” by
‘Society”, ‘Culture”, ‘Religion”
‘Man” & ‘Woman”
& ‘SO” that which cannot be ‘defined”
‘Remains” ‘Undefined”
“YeT”, “IT” still “Exists”,
‘Or” rather, we still “Persist”
In a World where...
The “Concept of Becoming A Man”
“Even one of the Average Quality”,
“Is a Shameful Thought”
Where the very thought of “IT”,
“Makes you a Threat to Society”,
‘A Society where the very Nature of Humanity”
Has now become “Apprehensive”
With the Human Senses being nothing more
‘Than an Expression of Time.”
"Numb to the Touch”
“Deaf to the Voice”
“Dull by the Smell”
“Indifferent to the Taste”
“But, for some reason, Never Blind”.
“For even the blind can still see, that which,”
“Does not have an exact Form”
“What is Sight but a gateway drug to Recover”
“What is Lost ¿”
“To feel Again”
“To taste Again”
“To Hear Again”
“To Smell Again”
“To See Again”
[If— Only My Eyes Could Speak]
- Nicole Sadiee
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The Feeling
Rain of Bullets
{James Newton Howard}
{Jack Garrett}
Ultra Black
{Nas, Hit-Boy}
High Rises
My Power
Bohemian Rhapsody
{Idina Mendel}
Let It Go
Bigger - {Beyoncé}
That’s All
{Meek Mill}
My Way
{Frank Sinatra}
God’s Plan.
{Yoko Shimomura}
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{The Silhouette Mirage}
The Hidden Reality: Infamous.
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kingsaturns · 5 years
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if any of these were your favorite characters as a kid you're gay now
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Remember You Young
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I answered this ask because I thought it was adorable. I loved the show they wanted me to do, and I want to see who could guess it before it became obvious. Its a one-shot . 
She was being followed. At first it had been daunting when she realized it, and Marinette had done everything she could to shake them off her trail. Then she realized she was being stalked by kids. Literally kids. None older than ten or eleven at best.
           They had been terrible at hiding, rarely ever whispered, argued constantly, had the most outrageous costumes but somehow managed to keep up with Marinette’s every move... most of the time. They ran around with toy guns and pretend walky talkies.
           It either said the best thing about the kids’ skills, or the worst thing about Marinette’s.
           There was a husky boy who ran around in a blue shirt and goggles. He never took off the old pilot’s hat he wore. He was also… always eating cheese. Or candy. He liked puns that caused his friends to groan constantly.
           There was an Asian little girl who wore an adorable green sweater that was too big for her and the arms of the sweater went well past her hands. She was girly and seemed to be the sweetest of the bunch. Honestly, she was the happiest girl Marinette had ever seen in her entire life. The only time the kid had gotten upset was when she had cried when couldn’t find the stuffed animal she wanted in any of the stores. Marinette had been heartbroken for her. The bluenette didn’t know what a “Rainbow Monkey” was or why it had to be French but she was going to get it for the girl if it was the last thing she did it.
           A bald British boy seemed to be the leader as everyone took direction from him. Marinette had never seen his eyes due to the black glasses he wore. The kid seemed to believe himself to be some sort of superspy. He had a fierce take-charge attitude and barked orders like a pro and preferred to a treehouse their hung out at as headquarters. He didn’t smile often.
           A pretty black girl seemed to be the one with the most sense of the much, and the most style. She wore her hair in a long braid, a blue shirt-dress and an old red cap. The girl had a natural charisma and coolness to her that made Marinette feel awkward in comparison. She seemed to second-in-command .
           The smallest of the bunch was a blond boy with an unfortunate bowl cut and a bright orange hoody. He was loud, brash, and was the “tough guy” of the bunch. He picked a fight with nearly everyone. A fierce little guy that called Marinette a “Ruddy Teenager.”
           However all the kids seemed to dislike adults and teens to some degree. They cast suspicious glances at everyone thirteen and older no matter how nice they were. None of them ever called each other by their names, always opting to follow the rules of whatever game they were playing and called each other by numbers. And always mispronounced the word: number.
           Numbuh 1. Numbuh 2. Numbuh 3. Numbuh 4. Numbuh 5. Marinette hadn’t gotten close enough to figure out who was who but she did suspect the numbers were ranking order or anything. They were probably just random.
           After over two weeks of being stalked, Marinette still hadn’t been able to figure out what they wanted from her. Only that they didn’t know she was Ladybug. It was frustrating.
           She finally got answers one day while walking home from school when she got attacked by an evil cat lady who weaponized her pets, a deranged dentist who put braces on everyone, and a man dressed like toilet. They attempted to kidnap Marinette and raise all out heck on everyone around them. They weren’t Akumas. They were just crazy people.
           The kids fought them back. They saved the day. They saved Marinette. The villains ran with their tails between their legs.
           …Suddenly everything the kids had been doing didn’t seem like a game anymore.
           …Then the kids kidnapped Marinette. The kids jumped her, hogtied her, gagged her, and carried her back to their tree house… which Marinette now realized was way more advanced than any tree house should be. EVER.
           As soon as they got to there, and Marinette was uncharitably tossed on to the couch, the kids panicked.
“We shouldn’tve done this!” Goggles boy chimed. “We weren’t supposed to make contact. Moonbase will decommission us for sure.”
“And let the adults have her, Numbah 2,” The bald boy said. “I think not! We can never let the adults win. Its against everything the Kids Next Door stand for.”
The black girl nodded, “Numbah One’s right, we can’t let Father have what’s in her brain,” She said. “It could destroy the KND!”
“But that’s not possible, Numbah five, we all know that!” The girl in green said. “She got decommissioned. Her brain got all wishy-washy. Right, Numbah Four?”
           The blond boy huffed, “Yeah! Numbah Three’s got a point. And what’s so important about some ruddy teenager anyway? Tell you what! We should drop her artic ocean and never look back.”
           Numbah five groaned, “Are you stupid, boy? They sent Numbuh 274, I mean Chad, after her. And CREE! They wouldn’t have done that if she wasn’t important. The supreme leader wouldn’tve sent us to stop them from getting her! Ya moron.”
           Marinette frowned at that. Chad, the handsome foreign exchange student that came to Marinette’s class a few weeks ago. All the girls in school thought he was so dreamy. Even Marinette, even though she had been perplexed at the sad, almost wistful looks he would shoot her when he thought he wasn’t looking. And at the stories he told about his childhood, and woud look at Marinette like he was waiting for her to jump in and finish them. Almost like he knew her. Or expected her to suddenly remember him.
           The same with Cree, a foreign exchange student in a grade above Marinette’s, but to a lesser extent than Chad. The older girl liked to make sly remarks about what being a teen meant where she came from. She cracked what seemed to be inside jokes at Marinette and looked crestfallen when it was clear the bluenette didn’t understand what she meant. Then Cree would grumble about stupid kids ruining everything.
“But WHHHHYYY?” Numbah Four whined. “We got sent a like bajillion miles away to         a city where they force kids to eat bugs and smelly cheese all to protect a teenager. A TEENAGER! And they don’t even tell us why.”
           Numbah Two frowned, “It is kind of strange. I mean we hate teenagers! They’re the worse. Why save this one?” He looked at Marinette like she was specimen in a jar.
“Because team,” Numbah One announced loudly, pausing for, what Marinette knew was, dramatic effect.  “She is Numbah Seventy-Two.”
           Gasps rang through the room. The kids reared back as if struck. Their eyes went wide and they started at Marinette in awe.
“…Or at least she used to be,” Numbah One added.
“Woah,” Numbah Four said, looking at Marinette with newfound respect.
           Numbah Two sqeauled, “This is the best day ever. You have to sign my Yipper card.” He told Marinette. “It’s an ultra-rare collectable. Only three still exists. The rest were destroyed.”
“But, but, but how?” Numbah Five asked, removing her hat. “All records of Numbah Seventy-Two was struck from the history of the KND. Only the supreme leader and her team ever knew what happened to her.”
“They pinky-swore not to tell anyone what happened!” Numbah Three added. “No one would ever break a pinky promise.”
“That’s true,” Numbah five nodded. “No kid ever would. Expecially not her team. She saved us. She saved the KND. She saved the world and made it better for kids everywhere.”
           Numbah One nodded. “Exactly. No kid would ever break the solemn oath. But do you remember just who was one her team?”
           Looks of realization appeared on the kids’ faces, and then anger.
“Numbah Two Hundred and Seventy-Four,” Numbah Five said bitterly. “He was Number Seventy-Two’s second in command for years. And He betrayed her. Why am I not surprised?”
“But why?” Numbah Two asked. “I mean if she was still Numbah Seventy-Two I’d understand. She stopped Principle Boutface from ending summer vacation forever. She stopped Father from making Halloween adults only forever and ever. Name a bad guy, and I can guarantee she kicked their butts! And most importantly she even beat…” Numbah Two paused, clearly afraid. “well you know. She’s done loads of cool things. But She can’t remember anything. So why? Why come get her now?”
“She beat who?” Numbah Four asked. “I don’t know. Who’d she else did she beat? Why were they so important?”
           Numbah One and Five looked away. Both remembered but neither wanted to say anything.
“We were still just little babies when it happened,” Numbah Three answered seriously. “Still finishing training. We never really knew what was going on. Too little for anyone to tell us. We just knew it was bad. Kids were always scared, always hurting…”
“It was a dark time,” Numbah One agreed. “Before Father took over, there was another in charge of the evil adults in the world. But he worse than Father could’ve ever dreamed of being. Kids were scared to go to sleep. They were afraid of their closets and what was under their beds. OF every shadow. No kid would be caught out after dark. They were too scared. Nowhere was safe. No one was safe. Not from him. Not from…”
“The Boogieguy,” Numbah Five finished. “The most powerful leader the adults ever had. The strongest, most evil villain you can imagine. But Numbah Seventy-Two refused to back down. She was the only who could stand up to him. The only one to ever beat him.”
           Numbah Two nodded, “Legend says the Boogieguy had a nasty plan to open a portal to unleash meanest, nastiest monsters another world to get kids to behave better. But Numbah Seventy-Two heard and went to beat him once and for all. And she did too. She trapped him in his own trap. He’s been there ever since!”
Numbah Three added, “Numbah Seventy-Two finally defeated the Boogieguy, she locked him away in a place so scary, so terrifying not even the adults would be willing to go near it. Which it means it has to be really, really, REALLY, scary. Only she knew how to get him out. She used a super-secret password that only she knew. And then, and then she, she!” Numbah Three burst into tears.
Numbah One placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, “To stop the Boogieguy for good, and to make sure no kid ever had to suffer his wrath again, she decommissioned herself. She was only eleven.”
“It was a hard sacrifice, but one kids everywhere will never forget,” Numbah One vowed. “And the Global KND didn’t let it be in vain. We fought back harder than ever before. Her team-”
“But, but,” Numbah Four look around, “She wasn’t even a teenager, why’d she go and do a stupid thing like that for?”
“To save us,” Numbah Five answered, and put her hat back on. She looked at Marinette with hard eyes. “To save the KND, and protect kids everywhere. Because of her, the KND finally turned the tables on adults. We weren’t scared of the dark anymore.”
“Was never the same!” Numbah Five snapped at him. “None of them were ever the same after fighting Boogieguy, after what happened to Numbah Seventy-Two. They couldn’t handle being around each other anymore. They are transferred to different teams. Their entire sector was retired. Number Three Hundred and Sixty-Two. Numbuh Sixty. My sister- Cree! Numbah Two Hundred and Seventy-Four, UGH! Look what they became. Ya don’t need to be decommissioned to not recognize them anymore.”
           It went quiet. The kids not knowing what to say. Marinette had never been so confused in her life. Had she been some sort of Spy kid? Had her memories been erased? What was going on?
           And if everything, the kids were saying was real, and Marinette decided that it was, then she was a little peeved at Chad and Cree, her old teammates apparently, for going against everything this KND had accomplished… That Marinette had apparently sacrificed herself for. And what for? To side with some evil adults?
“…The KND have figured out a way to destroy Boogieguy forever,” Numbah one said. “Unfortunately the adults have also become aware of the Boogieguy’s location and want release him. In order for either side to succeed in their mission, we need Numbah Seventy-Two.”
           All eyes turned back to Marinette.
Numbah Five cast a sad look at Numbah Seventy-Two, Marinette, “Chad and Cree will come for her.” Of that Numbah five was certain. The lone picture of ABC that sat next to Cree’s bedside nightstand was proof enough of that. It was the only thing her big sister ever kept of her KND days, apart from her memories. The only “little kid” thing she didn’t scorn. “They won’t stop until they get her. I don’t think Cree or Chad ever forgave the KND agreeing that Numbah Seventy-Two should erase her memories.”
           They never forgave themselves for letting her, Abby didn’t add.
“She was decommissioned, hello!” Numbah Two reminded them. “She can’t remember anything.”
           Number One took off his glasses and looked at the teenager who, in another life, had been everything he ever dreamed of being in the KND. She was a legend. A hero. She had, once, been the best of them all. “She will.”
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kareofbears · 3 years
numbah 20, would you kindly?
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
VERY EXCITING. i woud love to delve deep into this question while talking about the fic that i’m writing now but i don't like talking about a fic that i haven't finished yet cause i feel like a FRAUD but ill still talk a little bit about it 
there’s something so incredible and so fucking difficult about merging two contents together to make an AU. this is the first time I'm actually doing that and i have to applaud people who only write us. like. that's so fucking hard?? how do you balance these characters with the rules and laws of the new universe. to me, persona 5′s characters are so heavily tied to the world of persona 5--personas, the metaverse, shujin, persona awakaneings. i love working with canon, because there’s so much to fix that i never really get bored of writing about it, but I'm still really happy to be doing this new fic now. 
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theskullslums · 6 years
I was tagged by @ryeku29 (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
rules: answer these questions and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better
Nickname: Most people on tumblr/Deviant art call me skully. Friends call me Jess, and Overwatch players have a tough time saying, “Slums” in chat cuz they KNOW it sounds wrong (・_��ヾ
Zodiac: SWAGGatarious ( ◞・౪・)
Height: 5, 8 (゚⊿゚)
Time: 4:08 pm.  (I just woke up an hour ago tho so it’s morning for me へ[ •́ ‸ •̀ ]ʋ)
Favorite band/artist: Hollywood Undead has always been a favorite. I listen to a LOT of EDM too though. That includes thousands of artists xD Things from Youtube channels like TastyNetwork, Future House Music, and xKito are examples. Really helps me when I’m in a drawing mood. 
Song stuck in my head: Wii Shop channel music (killme ཥමཙමཤ  )
Last movie i saw: Jurassic Park (Original on Netflix) ((I really like those movies 
; _ ;  ))
Last thing i googled: (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) V●ᴥ●V V◕ฺω◕ฺV
Other blogs: Don’t have any other one’s on tumblr. What you see here is all I got (´°ω°`)
Do i get asks: I’ve got a TON right now that I should REALLY LOOK INTO WORKING ON I’msosorryforthedelays  (`・/д\・) You guys are so nice though, I really love the kind asks you guys leave me. Some I don’t answer cuz I want to always see them when I open tumblr ; u ; 
Following: 160. Most are art blogs that inspire me. others are just strait up shitposting blogs and I loVE THEM. 
Why did i chose this username: BACK IN THE YEAR 2013, WHEN I WAS GRACED WITH MY FIRST LAPTOP, I got myself a Deviant art account and was so un-creative that I just made my name “LinkandMidnaforever” and I was like  (・_・ヾ <(That....That could be better.) I really just needed something for branding so I watched the original “Pacific Rim” movie and there’s a place called, “The Bone Slums.” At the time I was typing it, I had forgotten what it was called and mistakenly wrote “TheSkullSlums.” I didn’t hate it, so I never changed it! (≖ლ≖๑ )フ although.....
Average amount of sleep:  12 - 14 hours a day. AND I DO MEAN DAY. I’m a night owl.  ℃ↂ_ↂ 
Lucky number: 8! Ah, my gud boi numbah EIGHT <3 <3 <3 (☉ε ⊙ノ)ノ
What am i wearing: Tights and a tank top. ヘ(°◇、°)ノ LOVE ME THEM TANK TOPS. 
Dream job: Either: Graphic game designing, or Movie animation. I also wanted to be a chef when I was little. . . then i saw the flame under the pan ◝₍ᴑ̑ДO͝₎◞
Favorite food: I’m always down for orange chicken or sushi  ヘ(゚∇゚ヘ)
Instruments i play: ...key...keyboard and mouse. I can’t read sheet music (ノ)ʘ﹃ʘ(ヾ)
Eye color: Brown ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
Hair color: Dark Brown. I like to dye it blonde and blue for events tho.               ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯ ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯ ¯\_༼ ಥ ‿ ಥ ༽_/¯
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: loUD NOISEZZZZZZZZZZ Σ(・口・)
Languages you speak: English. Took French in Middle school, and I tried to teach myself Japanese. It comes in handy for trying to translate the Twilight Princess Manga. That’s about it so far (○□○)
Most iconic song: Hollywood Undead: Up in Smoke ∑(;°Д°)
Random facts: I’ve played Twilight Princess for over 1,800 hours literally just running around hyrule. I got my first job after High School in 2017 working at a Sears literally just to afford a new $3,000 computer. I quit after I made the money. I’ve lived in NY my whole life and only went out of state like 3 times. My first airplane ride was last year and it scared me shitless ; u ; . I got my first graphic design job as a High School freshman working for a man that owned, “DPH Games.” (He thought when I said freshman that I meant in college). Despite all the wrong weird-looking aspects of my art, I still look back at my old pieces and regularly acknowledge that I’ve done considerably better since then. IT’S IMPORTANT TO DO THAT! EVERYONE SHOULD! :D 
I’m only still drawing because of all the nice people like you guys in my life telling me that my art is worth improving! Always help eachother out even a little cuz it really does go a long way! ^^ 
THIS IS JUST THE MEME KID I IS AND I’M SO HAPPY YOU GUYS STOPPED BY TO READ WHAT I’M ALL ABOUT!! ໒( ♥ ◡ ♥ )७ For anyone who wants to do this, do it! I tag ERRYONE! Wanna learn about everybody :D 
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konnichibot · 6 years
Questions and answers!
Again tagged by my bestie @therothwoman let’s do this too!
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
1. Nickname: Nemo
2. Gender: Cis-female
3. Sign: Taurus
4. Height: 5′2″
5. Time: 9:45 pm
6. Fav band: Not really a band but handles alot of music in RWBY casey lee williams and Jeff williams! I have many faves but the one close to me is caffeine
7. Fav solo artist: Deadmau5 still holds a place in my heart with awesome beats
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9. Movie I last watched: marvel avengers infinity war!
10. Show I last watched: RWBY! Just finished my binge watching and finished up volume 5!
11. When did you create your blog: 2012 I believe.
12. What do you post: mostly awesome fan art, video game screenshots and dank memes to warm my cold dead heart
13. Last thing googled: Vistaprint!
14. Do I have any other blogs: @donutarigato is my art and comics blog!
15. Do you get asks: No 8′)
16. Why did you choose your url:it was inspired from a snippet of happy monster band, when they went to japan and a robot said “konnichiwa” my bro in law went “aww, a “konnichibot” “ and inspiration struck! And it was my love of two things combined into one! Japanese culture and robots!
17. Following: 263 sublime blogs
19. Average hours of sleep: 7-8
20. Lucky number: numbah 5
21. Instruments: I used to play chopsticks (really shitty) on keyboard,
22. What I’m wearing: old christmas pajamas
23. Dream job: full time independent comic artist.
24. Dream trip: Japan! mostly areas around Tokyo like shibuya, shinjuku, akihabara, ikebukuro, harajuku
25. Fav food: pork =Q=
26. Fav song: bipolar nightmare, automatic goosebumps man
27. Nationality: American
28. Last book I read: Life of Vice by @robinenrico, lovely artstyle and overall a nice treasure from Mocca that my friend was able to snag for me!!
29. Currently reading: a short novella with psychedelic art called “the strange library” by Haruki Murakami
30. Top 3 fictional universes I’d like to be in: dragon ball Z, houseki no kuni and ghost in the shell
I’m too tired to tag people so do this up if you’d like!
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mezzy303 · 6 years
Tag Game: Excellent Taste
tagged by @willzgirl
rules: tag nine people with excellent taste
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: salmon pink shorts and a white shirt
Last band I saw live: oh uh, probably a brass band at a bar a few months back. One of the members is an acquaintance from high school
Last song I listened to: Get It In by Yoon Mirae ft. Smoky Robotic (English Ver), it’s on my summer rewind playlist that spotify made ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lipstick or chapstick: I have chapstick on me 24/7
Last movie I watched: All the way through, Ocean’s 8. Part way, Finding Nemo
Last 3 TV shows I watched: Avatar the Last Airbender, Supergirl, and I just started watching Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
Last YouTube video I watched: You caught me on a day I was actually on youtube LOL. It was a naptural85 video she posted today
3 characters I identify with: Numbah 5 from Kids Next Door, Tsuyu from My Hero Academia, and Lance from VLD to an extent (minus the goofball flirt part lol)
Books I’m currently reading: I am in a void where I’ve finished/caught up everything I’m reading and figuring out what to read next. On my list: Born a Crime by Trevor Noah, and rereading the Chamber of Secrets
tagging: I’m terrible at these and will leave it for anyone to do!
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gyalonthemoon · 6 years
Rules: List ten of your favorite female characters from ten fandoms and tag ten people
Shoutout to @moon-queen 🎀✨ for tagging me
1.) Katara- Avatar: The Last Airbender
2.) Ingrid Third- Filmore
3.) Numbah 5- Codename: Kids Next Door
4.) Shego- Kim Possible
5.) Raven Baxter- That’s So Raven
6.) Angela Moore- Boy Meets World
7.) Penny Proud- The Proud Family
8.) Raven- Teen Titans
9.) Sam Manson- Danny Phantom
10.) Sabrina Spellman- Sabrina The Teenage Witch
I tag @shiningwoc & @phenks
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imperialotakubot · 7 years
Tagged by: The One and Only @candyrandyjuniverse​
Rules: List ten of your favorite lady characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people! (may change)~ I tag anyone who wants to do this challenge.
Haruka Tenou (Sailor Moon)
Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Emily (Corpse Bride)
Numbah 5 (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Elphaba (Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz)
Undyne (Undertale)
Powerpuff Dynamo (The Powerpuff Girls)
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Star Butterfly (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
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skiplo-wave · 7 years
Tag meme
Rules: list ten of your favorite female characters in ten different fandoms and then tag ten people.  I was tagged by @daxcat79 thanks :D
Jasper-steven universe
Wonder woman-DC
Marina-splatoon 2
Rey-star wars
Clementine- Telltale the walking dead
 Numbah 5- Code name: Kids next door
Raven-Teen Titans
Furiosa- Mad Max
Garnet- Steven Universe ( yeah I cheated :P )
I tag @thesovereignempress @wanderingquill @ladygotchabetch
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ac1234unity · 7 years
I got tagged by the awesome lady that is @piratekingvaas <3 <3  Rules: tell me your favorite character from 10 fictional works (shows, movies, novels, etc.) and tag 10 people :) 1. Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad (Assassins Creed)- He’s the first love of the franchise and he made me love the franchise :3 2. Will Graham (Hannibal)
3. Madara Uchiha (Naruto) 4.  Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) 5. Mikasa Ackerman (Attack on titan) 6.  Ragnar Lodbrok (Vikings)  7.  Jack Shephard (Lost) 8. Dean Winchester (Supernatural) 9.  Shinya Kogami (Psycho Pass) 10.  Nathan Drake (Uncharted 4)  I did my best to not put only animes or video games hahahahha and the numbers dont matter they all are *insert japanese pronunciation* NUMBAH one for me  I tag: @just-a-dot @assassinscreedfanscommunity @kaneki-kenway @forsubject4 @writtenwithspilledink @dark-will-graham @amayanocturna @miyku @arnodorianisbae @paulocalavera 
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painted-quinn · 7 years
Tag Game!
Rules: answer these questions and tag (20) people you want to get to know better! Tagged by: @mussii >////< Thanks so much! I never done one of these before this was so much fun! -Name: Hannah -Nick name: I go by a lot of nicknames from different people, friends have called me Red, Mogar, and my family calls me B and H-Bomb. -Zodiac Sign: Capricorn -Hogwarts House: Slytherin -Orientation: Bi -Ethnicity: White, American. -Favorite Fruit: Raspberries, they grow wild where I live, they always taste better when you pick them yourself. -Favorite Season: Fall
-Favorite Book: Twenty-thousand leagues Under the Sea, The Golden Compass, Cryptid Hunters, The Percy Jackson series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,  -Favorite fictional characters: 2D, Noodle, Ms. Marvel, Moon Girl, Lockheed, Devil Dinosaur, Numbah 3, Harley Quinn, Gwenpool, Black Canary, Zatana, Junkrat, Kiki(from the Ghibli film), Luna Lovegood, and Robin(Dick Grayson) -Favorite Flowers: Foxglove, Snapdragons, Blue bells, and snow drops -Favorite Scents: Garlic bread, chives, Fried food at a carnival, ocean, and old books. -Favorite colors: Chocolate brown, Hawaiian Surf Blue, That purple the clouds turn right before the sun sets, but my favorite is red it always makes me smile.  -Favorite Animals: Hyenas, Squids, Bats, Black cats. -Favorite Artist/Bands: Gorillaz, Owl city, Barenaked Ladies, Green Day, Blink-182, Nirvana, Ok Go, and Lindsay Stirling.
-Favorite Drink: Vanilla steamers, hot chocolate, and orange cream sodas. -Average Sleep: It fluctuates depending on whats going on but it’s usually between 7 and 8. -Number of blankets I sleep with: as many as possible so, 5 in the winter 2-3 in the summer. -Dream Trip: Japan, my dad went there when he was younger and loved it! -Last thing you googled: “List of Steven Universe episodes” (I needed to catch up) -How many blogs I follow: 1724 (I have a problem..) -Number of Followers: 157 -What I usually post about: Video Games, Fan art, Rooster Teeth, LGBT+, and anything that makes me smile and laugh.  -What is your aesthetic: Comic shops, Empty roads in the evening or early morning, 90′s pop art.
Your turn!
Tag 20 other people. @timelords-moose, @audiblelight, @man-research, @adh2d, @nerdgasrnz, @samuraibebop105, @nevermorex, @crystalwizard Wah! that’s not twenty I need more friends. :’(
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moonpengu · 7 years
Tagged by no one lol I’m doing this out of curiosity lol 
Rules: Go to this website: www.random.org/lists/ and pick 15 of your bias/faves
1. Mum/Dad: Sanduel (lmao how precious) 2. Sibling: Zelo (omg he’s like 1000 ft taller than me, I’ve seen him in person like literally 5 ft away from me) 3. Grandma/Grandad: Hyolin  4. Haunts you: Hwasa (makes sense she’s fucking gorgeous lol) 5. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Taemin (*screams* enter Taememe breath of relief here lol) 6. Your ex: Wooyoung  (Awwwhh lol) 7. Your Bestfriend: Jaejoong (yay!)  8. Proposed to you: Park Bom (awww bommie you deserve the world <3) 9. Your Boss: Suga (but...I’m pretty sure I’m older? lol okay..lolol) 10. Random person you meet at a bar: Jinyoung (why...hello there would you like to be husband numbah 2? lol) 11. Rival: L ( I feel like we’d be competitive lol) 12. First Kiss: Key (I’m not complaining lol please don’t be mad Taemin lol) 13. Drunk and singing karaoke: Onew (This doesn’t surprise me lmfao HE WOULD)  14. Played 7 minutes in heaven with: Mark (oh boy..lol) 15. Gave you your favorite dessert: T.O.P. (I some how feel like T.O.P. would prank me on this one lolol.)
I tag @aegyo-shinee @marriedtohwasa @flowercrownshinee @coolwaifu and anyone else interested lol
also my bias list is all sorts of fucked up I just know Taemin is always number 1 and the rest of shinee follows after lol then there is no order lol 
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