#Ryo mail
dadailybocch · 8 days
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Ryo Yamada's birthday. Another bassist for the Based Gods, Da Birth....of Da Blue Guy. Happy birthday, Blue Guy!! 😆
Based on this album cover, please go listen to Thundercat if you haven't heard his music already, this is an artist I feel like Ryo would actually listen to & enjoy 😆
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willaeru · 1 year
Also did this for day one of Digitober
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himbo-kronk-stan · 2 years
Ryuzaki 3 was the truest successor, not bc his d.n.a. or anything like that but because he knew the importance of L death note having a jacket and a gun
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kpop-bbg · 2 months
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lasttabris · 4 months
Ask blog is OPEN!
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Hello, welcome to "Kittens and Lions", a blog that I will be using for roleplay interest and also as an Ask account for the characters I currently roleplay.
If you’d like to ask a character a question, please specify which. I will not answer asks that are not explicitly labelled for a character (or characters), so make sure to let me know whom you want an answer from!
You may ask anon, as yourself, or as another character. All* questions sent for the characters will receive an in-character answer. I might be a bit slow, but I will try to get to them
Please choose a character(s)!
* I have the right to refuse to answer some questions, without justification.
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syoul · 9 months
  ⟢   clipped wings, brittle feathers; take me and your broken body somewhere only we know.
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rewh0re · 10 months
bubblegum & lace
hi ryo :)
bubblegum: not exactly annoying but like I have this habit of kind of rubbing my teeth together sometimes involuntarily and when I catch myself I'm like 😐 I immediately stop lol. And in others idk loud chewing ig?
lace: ok my dream style would be those really dark academia kind of style yk? Like those shirts, turtlenecks, coats and all that in neutral shades? But like I'm from a place where I can't dress like that I'll literally melt into a pool so i normally wear like midi dresses or like just denims and tops (winter closet is better than summer closet anyday tho)
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callilouv · 1 year
i want u to know that i've legit stared at ur theme for like the past 3 minutes CRYINFuaehfiwehafipohPQ
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virtualcarrot · 15 days
[KKIR] Pen on paper - Part 3
[Ao3] [Part 2 on tumblr]
When Masato’s finally considering setting them loose on more advanced material, a courrier interrupts his lesson.
Masato’s supremely unimpressed.
“Yes?” he snaps, hand lowering from the blackboard.
None in the room are really pleased with the delay. They’re about to be given access to a room of--carefully vetted and unrestricted--scrolls and the class is abuzz with the excitement of new knowledge. It’s thrilling. Or it will be, as soon as they can get back to it.
Faltering under the weight of a classful of unhappy eyes, the young woman at the door clears her throat.
“I have a missive from the Rokudaime of Konohagakure, to be delivered to one Umino Iruka.”
The blood drains from Iruka’s face. A formal missive. Few things sound more ominous. He hopes Naruto’s okay. He hopes Hinata’s okay. He hopes Boruto--Oh gods, did Hinata miscarry?
“-inappropriate,” Masato’s saying. “Official communication from the Hokage should go through the Mizukage’s office. This is a gross sign of distrust and secrecy.”
“Kakashi-san probably didn’t realize the diplomatic implications,” Iruka hears himself say, ears ringing from the adrenaline rush.
“And what does this Kakas--” Masato begins to say, rolling his eyes at the implication of incompetence. He cuts himself short, likely as he notices the actual name he’s repeating. “You mean, the Rokudaime? Hatake Kakashi himself?”
All eyes turn on Iruka, who blinks in incomprehension. Ryo elbows him under the table and mouths a silent ‘ san ’ like a kid whispering the cheat to a test, except with a wide-eyed look of utter dismay.
“Kakashi-sama,” Iruka rushes to amend. “I meant Kakashi-sama.”
Masato welcomes the correction with a sneer. “Regardless, Intelligence should read it first. Iruka-san is not a diplomat. There is no privilege.”
“Don’t be an idiot,” Nobuko retorts out loud and with an exceedingly dismissive snort. “He’s an official envoy from Konoha. What kind of moron would interfere with mail from the Hokage himself?”
If looks could kill, Nobuko would be dead on sight. Since it doesn't, she weathers Masato’s glare with indifferent aplomb. In the doorway, the courier seems to be considering the disproportion between her own pay and the whole hassle.
Finally, Masato relents.
“Very well. But make sure to inform the Mizukage’s office.”
“Yeah, sure,” the courier says unconvincingly.
Iruka barely glances at her. He’s too busy tearing the envelope open.
He skims over the content, two single sided pages of Kakashi’s sharp and concise strokes, the writing of someone used to efficient writing both on the field and in the office.
Then he blinks. He gives the pages a slower perusal. As far as he can see, everything’s fine. It is, in fact, pretty much a letter telling him just that, and one after another the clenched muscles of his body begin to ease. 
By the board, Masato sniffs, radiating sarcasm. “May we continue the lesson, Iruka-sama?”
“Ah, yes, of course. Sorry.”
Iruka shakes himself and puts the letter away for later.
Dear Iruka-sensei,
It's come to my attention that you were worried about the effects of your absence. Be assured that Konoha still stands.
The mission desk is running smoothly. The newest clerks must have been suitably filled with fear of your retribution upon your return. As for the users, if any nurtured hope of slacking off on their reports out of your watch, they were quickly disabused.
I was able to meet with Hiroaki-kocho. He praised your work at the Academy and your positive influence on the teachers. We had an interesting conversation on how to tackle the old guard and draw them to new methods. I’m sure it's a topic you’ll have ample things to comment on.
(Incidentally, I was unaware that Hiroaki-kocho is such a connoisseur of spirits. The sake bottle was much lighter from his visit)
Naruto’s doing fine. It seems he's slowly coming to understand that the office has demands he can't simply talk his way out of. Just yesterday, he asked Shikamaru for further clarification on administrative procedures. The care of war orphans, I believe was the topic. I thought you'd want to know.
Hinata and Boruto are also well, as are Sakura and Sarada. Konohamaru remains promising. He will likely make jounin soon. If I forgot anyone you'd like to know about, please let me know.
I've also been made aware you might be under the impression that I oppose this enterprise. Understand that it is false.
Arm yourself with all the knowledge you want. If I'm lucky, you'll be kind enough to share it with me. After all, you'll soon be the one in charge of imparting it. You will be ready to be Headmaster well before Naruto takes the mantle from me.
Please take this letter as proof of my full support. I hope it finds you well.
“You okay?” a disembodied voice asks from on high.
Unable to look away from the words swimming on the paper, Iruka mumbles a vague acknowledgement.
From nir perch, Ryo has a clear line of sight of the meager furniture of their shared room, from the cramped closet to the other beds to the rickety table Iruka's using as a desk.
Ne peers over the railing of the top bunk bed. “I think you stopped breathing. Is it bad news?”
Iruka slowly lowers the letter, dizzy with longing. “No. No, it's… very much the opposite.”
“Are you sure? Or is it, like, secret?”
“He's fine, leave him be!” Nobuko yells from outside of the open sash window.
She’s sitting on the other side of the wall through core strength and chakra alone. They’re on the second floor. A hint of the smell of her cigarette wafts inside, carried by the smoke that the tori-based seal she summarily slapped on the raised pane is struggling to keep away. It’s the same she’d been using all of last week and it’s clearly losing power. Iruka will have to warn her. He doesn't mind it too much but Ryo tends to scrunch nir nose at the smell.
They weren’t all originally set to bunk together until Nobuko decided otherwise and bullied the original occupants into a switch. Although first disgruntled, the hostel owner opted to turn a blind eye. Likely, he measured the worth of arguing bed distribution against the effort it’d take, and came up with a negative result. He’s since been leaving them to their own devices, though not without pinched looks of judgment at their now mixed dormitory.
Thus far, the most debauchery they've indulged in is a late night game of koi-koi with the hanafuda Ryo provided. They drank a couple of cheap beers while playing, after which Toru blessed them with a taste from his personal stash of umeshu.
It tasted lovely but Kakashi would probably find it too sweet.
Iruka drops his face in his hands with a groan. Even his thoughts won’t give him respite.
“Shower’s free,” Toru announces, walking in with his damp towel thrown over his arm. “If you’re fast enough, it might still be when you get there.”
As if on a spring, Ryo scrambles into motion. Then ne stalls, one leg hanging over the precipice of the bunk bed. Iruka doesn’t have to see it to feel nir beseeching look.
He lowers his hands with a sigh and leans back to meet nir gaze. Out of the corner of his eyes, he catches Nobuko crushing her cigarette on the window sill and maneuvering to come inside. Her chakra control isn’t bad for a non-active operative but she’s clearly better skilled at sticking her back to the wall than shifting anchor points.
“I’m vice-principal of Konoha Academy,” Iruka reminds them. “I was worried about taking a leave. Kakashi-sama has been kind enough to keep me informed.”
Nobuko sucks her teeth. “Sama, is it now?” she mutters on her way to the trash can, where she drops the cooling cigarette butt.
Justifications crowd the tip of Iruka’s tongue. Kakashi insists on a lack of decorum, he wants to say. He’s never sought praise, he’s never sought fame, if anything he’s been haunted by it. Only his sense of duty keeps pushing him in the spotlight.
Kakashi’s down-to-earth. He takes pride in his work, because he takes pride in work well done and he takes pride in doing it well, but he’s not self-important. He doesn’t like being made to feel special. Kakashi, Iruka thinks, has been made to feel special too many times for too many wrong reasons over the years.
Kakashi favors teamwork. He values friendship. Probably, being called an equalizing honorific makes him feel less alone.
Iruka rubs the back of his neck with a wince and says none of it.
“Ah, about that. Slip of the tongue,”  is what he goes with. “I’ve known him before he was appointed. He was jounin-sensei to some of my students.”
It’s the most honest and the shallowest reply he feels safe to give.
He ignores Nobuko’s noncommittal scoff. Ryo has made nir way down the top bed and is staring at him with something strange in nir eyes, like ne’s seeing Iruka for the first time. It’s unnerving.
“I didn’t realize you were so close to the Hokage,” ne says and Iruka suddenly recognizes with a flare of embarrassment what the shine in nir eyes is: admiration.
The mere fact of knowing another person isn’t worthy of that much.
“I’m not. I just used to be a teacher, is all. Nothing much.”
By the closet door where he's hanging his towel off to dry, Toru tuts in disapproval.
“Nothing much?” he repeats, sounding genuinely upset. “You’re Vice-Principal of Konohagakure Academy. It’s unfair that you speak of your duties so lightly. That’s a lot of responsibility. I hope you take it seriously.”
Iruka doesn’t think there’ll be an age where he isn’t vulnerable to disapproval from an older, respected figure. That is likely why he doesn’t snap back over being scolded by what, all things considered, is very much still a near stranger.
In fact, Iruka ducks his head, admonished.
“Of course I do! I almost canceled this trip, I was so worried about leaving!”
At his words, Toru’s gaze turns considering. Then he smiles, satisfied. For a brief, grief-stricken second, Iruka wonders if the Sandaime would also be pleased with him. With who he’s become today.
“Your kage seems to think you do, anyway,” Toru grants lightly, packing away his toiletries. “To take the time to write to you. That's quite the honor, you know?”
Iruka does. He knows it all too much.
No matter how much Kakashi insists on informal terms of address, there’s nothing equal about them. 
The scroll Masato unrolls barely reaches the length of the table. It’s surprisingly short for the amount of power it radiates. In a slow succession of groups, the students are invited to crowd over to examine it.
Iruka’s group is among the last to reach it.
“Amazing work. See the lines here?” Toru says in a low voice, finger tracing over them from afar. The library assistant watches him eagle-eyed in case he comes into contact. “They drive the chain of triggers.”
Iruka peers over, squinting in interest. At the center of the scroll, Inu presides. Smaller characters circle it, disposed with elegant symmetry along what Iruka suspects to be cardinal points. Long, fluid strokes of ink tie them together, swirling back and forth from Inu and the other characters. The result is mesmerizing.
“This isn’t just a trigram, it’s a nodal seal,” he whispers. It’s not even on purpose. His throat has gone tight with awe.
“The crowning achievement of Kiri style sealing,” Masato confirms with a puff of his chest.
They spend the rest of the afternoon studying the strokes, trying to figure out the order they were drawn and whether the sequence of catalysts would follow the same path. While Toru and Nobuko are busy arguing opposing interpretations, Ryo keeps glancing up at Iruka.
He doesn’t know what ne expects from him. In spite of his origins, Iruka has no practice of Kiri technique. If anything, given the intuitive ease with which Ryo’s been picking it up, it’s nem that Iruka should be looking to for help, not the other way around. And he sure needs it. He’s been struggling.
After a moment, he stops scratching down notes with a sigh. “What is it?”
“Did you reply?” Ryo asks before adding, in the face of his confusion: “to your Hokage?”
Iruka crosses his arms, feeling a scowl darkening his face. “What’s your obsession with this?”
Undeterred, Ryo does an antsy windmill motion with nir hands. “You got a letter. From your Hokage! How can you be so cool about it? You think the Tsuchikage would write to me? I don’t think he even knows I exist!”
Iruka can’t help but smile, struck with the sweet relief that this isn’t about him. He remembers being young and desperate to prove himself. He remembers what it was to hope to be noticed.
 On the other side of the table, he catches sight of Nobuko and Toru’s looks of amused interest. Iruka rubs his chin in the appearance of thoughtfulness.
“Hm. But why would you want him to?”
Ryo falters with a frown of frustration. “I don’t know? It’d be cool? If the great kage himself acknowledged me?”
Iruka’s been so stuck feeling inadequate and inferior, these past days, that he forgot how much wider and bigger the world is than him. He completely missed Ryo’s insecurity. Ne’s younger, after all, nearly as young as Iruka was when he started teaching. He hadn’t realized just how much of a difference these ten years between them make. He hadn’t realized how much he, himself, has matured.
“Why do you need him to?” he prompts. “Will that make you stronger? Smarter?”
“Of course it won’t,” ne replies, upset to be misunderstood.
Iruka nods. “No, it won’t, because you’re already smart. You’re hardworking. You’re curious and sharp-minded. I see it. Toru-san and Nobuko-san see it. Sure, it’s not as fun to brag about than the Tsuchikage,” he adds, good-naturedly ignoring Ryo’s stammered disagreement, “but the Tsuchikage doesn’t know you. He’s not the one sharing a room with you. He isn’t fleecing you at cards. I’d say, we’re much better suited to give you accurate feedback. Better looking too,” he adds with a wink, just to break the ice.
Ryo flushes at that, and then flushes deeper when ne notices ne’s the focus of Toru and Nobuko’s attention.
Suppressing a smirk, Nobuko turns back to her notes with a carefree roll of her shoulders. “Eh, you’re alright. Less obnoxious than Toru, definitely.”
Following that, they resume their study of the seal, trying to identify usable patterns. After a while, Ryo lowers nir pencil.
“Does that mean you, like, know the Hokage?” ne asks, less combative than earlier.
“As I said, he’s taught some of my students.”
Ryo gives him a mean look over his evasive answer. When even Toru’s expression turns disapproving, Iruka sighs.
“I’ve known Kakashi-san for years. He was a good team leader to me, before I became a teacher. Tried to take the fall when I messed up. He’s a good guy. He means well and he cares about the students. More than I gave him credit for, to be honest.” He scratches the bridge of his nose, feeling sheepish. Then he catches their curious looks and clarifies: “we’ve been working on reforming the Academy.” He meets Ryo’s gaze before ne gets any ideas. “Trust me, it’s not glamorous. Late nights of paperwork, takeout, and finances spreadsheets. Not anybody’s dream of a pleasant evening.”
Except Iruka, apparently, who has grown terribly fond of those meetings.
“Are you and the Hokage… friends?” Ryo asks, but this time ne sounds more puzzled than wonderstruck.
The question hits a bit too close to everything Iruka’s been trying and failing so terribly to push away from his thoughts.
He shrugs one shoulder. “The Hokage’s a private person. But yeah, we’re friendly.”
Toru gives a sharp, meaningful little nod. “The burden of power is not an easy one,” he says, to which Nobuko lets out a tortured groan.
“I swear, Toru, you say the lamest things,” she says, looking for a distraction by tugging one of the schematics out of the pile they’ve drawn.
Ryo perks up at the sight.
“Oh, I think I see it, now,” ne says, and proceeds to draw and trigger a two-nodes seal that floods their desk in a matter of seconds. Iruka manages to crumple their research to the dry safety of his arms, but only narrowly.
Inspiration strikes Iruka the next morning, while he’s applying balm of sea foam to his temples. He keeps it in mind all day, scraping a few errant minutes here and there to write it down and waiting for the time to complete his parcel.
At the end of the day, the old man at the apothecary squints at him in recognition. Iruka would be surprised, hadn’t he lived the most of his life with a very identifiable scar running across the middle of his face.
“Back already? What did you do, eat it? You’re not supposed to.”
“Ah, no. It’s not for me. But I was wondering if the balm couldn't also help someone back home.”
“It’s not hand lotion. Can’t go around just giving it to anyone.”
Iruka stamps down on his irritation and reminds himself that he’s a guest in Kiri. He tries to figure out a way of wording the issue without divulging state secrets, and gestures in the vague direction of the right half of his face.
“My… friend… used to have a seal over here. For years. Now that the seal’s been taken off, they’ve been having trouble adjusting.”
Thoroughly unimpressed, the shopkeeper snorts. “And what, you don’t have medinin in… wherever you’re from?”
“Konoha. And my friend has a high tolerance for pain,” Iruka replies carefully.
“Ah. The grin and bear it type,” the shopkeeper hums, sounding vaguely sympathetic. ”Tell me the symptoms.”
Something about the folds of his skin seems wry, like he’s very aware he’s about to be given a summarily redacted version of the situation. At the end of Iruka’s account, he scratches his cheek.
“Hm. Chakra migraines. Yeah, unpleasant. Balm of Sea Foam might help, alright. Force chakra flow, plug the leak,” he says, disappearing into the backroom with what Iruka’s beginning to suspect is customary curtness.
Iruka leaves with his purchase wrapped in coarse brown paper. He tucks it into the envelope he folded while at the Archives, along with the letter he penned during lunch break.
The receptionist at the hostel greets him with her usual disinterest. She barely glances at the envelope, even as she grabs a notebook to add it to her to-do list. It’s not the worst she’s had to deal with: three days ago, one of the researchers handed her a chest-wide package to send to Suna. It took up a third of her counter until she was able to push it onto a courrier.
“Where’s it going?” she asks in a monotone.
“Konohagakure,” Iruka supplies helpfully.
“To whom?”
“Hatake Kakashi.”
“Hokage tower.”
A credit to her lethargy, it takes reaching the middle of the address before her pen skids in confusion.
She looks up warily.
“Hatake Kakashi. The Hokage. Of Konoha.” An eyebrow lifts in judgment. “Through common mail?” At Iruka’s nod, she shakes her head. “Don’t you have, like, messenger birds and sh--Oh, what am I saying. Yeah, sure, I’ll take care of it, whatever.”
“Right,” Iruka says, before expressing bemused thanks.
When he reaches it, the dormitory’s empty. A fresh tori seal is cycling air through the window. He throws his legs on the other side of the sill, feet dangling while he sits to take in the view.
It doesn’t go far. Kiri’s imposing tower karsts block the horizon, safeguarding and secretive. The salt of the sea at large still finds its way over, carried by the wind even past the tobacco smoke. Beneath, a lake of ambient mist rolls sluggishly, puddling in the many dips of Kirigakure’s uneven ground like water in rocky shores. The sinuous streets and stairs that complete the landscape draw labyrinthic paths between the cylindrical architecture of the village.
Iruka misses Konoha’s overgrown forest. He misses…
When Nobuko holds out her cigarette, he doesn’t startle.
“Didn't peg you as one for hero-worship crushes,” she says, back and feet adhering to the wall.
“I'm not,” Iruka denies.
He gives a minute shake of his head. She pulls her hand away with a shrug.
“Ah.” The tip of her cigarette flares in the corner of his eyes. “Don't worry, kid. Heartbreak passes.”
Seagulls squawk in the distance, where the eye can’t see. At the windowsill, Iruka pulls up a knee to brace on.
“You?” he asks.
Nobuko takes a silent, drawn out drag. She blows it out in an even longer breath. Her gaze is far away. She rubs the lower half of her face then shakes off the cobwebs of her thoughts.
“Eh. It’s happened. But love needs making yourself vulnerable.” She sucks her teeth and huffs a humorless chuckle. “I'm not made to be vulnerable.”
She offers the cigarette again, pinched upright between thumb and forefinger.
Iruka takes it.
(He coughs, just a little)
Dear Kakashi-san,
Thank you for your letter. I was a bit homesick--I've gotten rusty and complacent, I think, staying in Konoha--and it was the perfect cure for it! I'm very grateful. It's a relief to know everything is going well. And to have your support.
You'll find enclosed a little balm. I know your headaches tend to flare, and I thought this might be of help. The apothecary is a grumpy and kind old man that seems perpetually peeved, but his advice has been sound. I use it myself [...]
[Part 4]
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
My manga collection (October 2023)
I did a post detailing my manga collection back in 2021, but it's grown a lot since then so I figured I'd make a new post! It was also a good time to do so because we're repainting my room and while there's usually a ton of anime merch in front of the books on my shelves, now it's all been packed up. So there's a clear look at the books without me having to move anything, lol.
Anyway, without further adieu, here we go! My manga collection is largely shoujo (specifically magical girls) and horror manga.
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Pet Shop of Horrors by Matsuri Akino
Pet Shop of Horrors: Tokyo by Matsuri Akino
The Clique by Yishan Li
Frozen II manga by Arina Tanemura
Dark Metro by Tokyo Calen and Yoshiken
Yokai Rental Shop by Shin Mashiba
Confidential Confessions by Reiko Momochi
Pichi Pichi Pitch (aka Mermaid Melody) by Michiko Yokote and Pink Hanamori
Magical Girl Site by Kentaro Sato
Reiko the Zombie Shop by Rei Mikamoto
Les Miserables (manga adaptation) by TszMei Lee
Nightmares for Sale by Kaoru Ohashi
Presents by Kanako Inuki
Mail by Housui Yamazaki
Dark Water by Meimu
Tale of a White Night by Tooko Miyagi
Goth by Otsuichi and Kendi Oiwa
Beautiful People by Mitsukazu Mihara
Attack on Titan: No Regrets by Gun Snark and Hikaru Suruga
In Clothes Called Fat by Moyoco Anno
A Girl on the Shore by Inio Asano
Bride of Deimos by Etsuko Ikeda and Yuuho Ashibe
Limit by Keiko Suenobu
Helter Skelter by Kyoko Okazaki
Dolls omnibus (in Japanese) by Yumiko Kawahara
Ibitsu by Haruto Ryo
A God Somewhere (Western comic) by John Arcudi and Peter Snejbjerg
Beauty (Western comic) by Hubert and Kerascoët
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Ah! My Goddess by Kōsuke Fujishima
Only One Wish by Mia Ikumi
Higurashi When They Cry: Festival Accompanying Arc by Karin Suzuragi
Chronicles of the Grim Peddler by Lee Jeoun-A
PTSD Radio by Masaaki Nakayama
Elfen Lied by Lynn Okamoto
Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit by Motoro Mase
Happy Sugar Life by Tomiyaki Kagisora
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood by Hirohiko Araki
An Ojamajo Doremi artbook (in Japanese)
Mermaid Saga by Rumiko Takahashi
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Dolls by Yumiko Kawahara
Maid-sama by Hiro Fujiwara
Franken Fran by Katsuhisa Kigitsu
Hell Girl by Miyuki Eto
Gurren Lagann by Kotaro Mori
Doll by Mitsukazu Mihara
Mantis Woman by Senno Knife
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Various Sailor Moon artbooks from the anime, manga illustrations by Naoko Takeuchi, and fan artbooks
Sailor Moon Eternal Edition by Naoko Takeuchi
Sailor V Eternal Edition by Naoko Takeuchi
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica by Hanokage
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Different Story by Hanokage
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Wraith Arc by Hanokage
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Rebellion Story by Hanokage
Puella Magi Oriko Magica by Kuroe Mura
Puella Magi Oriko Magica: Sadness Prayer by Kuroe Mura
Puella Magi Tart Magica by Golden Pe Done
Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Side Story by Fuji Fujino
Assorted PMMM and Magia Record artbooks
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Pokemon Adventures (aka Pokemon Special) by Hidenori Kusaka and Mato/Satoshi Yamamoto. I own the complete set of the RBG, Yellow, GSC, FRLG, Emerald and HGSS arcs as well as a few volumes from the RS, DP, and Black/White arcs.
Various Pokemon 4koma (in Japanese)
Pokemon: I Choose You by Ryo Takamisaki
Phantom Thief Pokemon 7 by Miho Asada
The Rise of Darkrai by Ryo Takamisaki
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure by Shigekatsu Ihara
The Electric Tale of Pikachu by Toshihiro Ono
The Art of Pokemon Adventures by Satoshi Yamamoto (both English and Japanese versions)
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Ginji's Rescue Team by Makoto Mizobuchi
Pokemon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea by Makoto Mizobuchi
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Various Junji Ito Manga:
Dissolving Classroom
Fragments of Horror
The Liminal Zone
Black Paradox
Venus in the Blind Spot
No Longer Human
Twisted Visions (artbook)
Uzumaki coloring book
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Uzumaki (original printing) by Junji Ito
Museum of Terror by Junji Ito
Soichi by Junji Ito
The Drifting Classroom by Kazuo Umezu
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency by Hirohiko Araki
Orochi by Kazuo Umezu
Be Very Afraid of Kanoko Inuki! by Kanoko Inuki
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Wonderland by Yugo Ishikawa
Shadows House by Somato
I Had That Sane Dream Again by Yoru Sumino
Is Love the Answer? by Uta Isaki
Nightmare Inspector by Shin Mashiba
The Ring by Misao Inagaki
Wonder House of Horrors by Miyako Cojima
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Puella Magi Suzune Magica by GAN
Puella Magi Kazumi Magica by Masaki Hiramatsu and Takashi Tensugi
Magia Record: Another Story by U35
I also have some manga in storage like Inuyasha and Kitchen Princess, but that's about it!
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gffa · 7 months
All right, this is my best approximation of my Yoroiden Samurai Troopers collection, at least as far as I could find packed away in storage! It was so overwhelming trying to sort through this, oh my god.
DOUJINSHI: Mostly mix/gen anthologies, these are each ~220 pages, about the size of a paperback book, done by various artists.⇩
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Mix/gen anthologies, primarily from Tachibana Kaimu/Laim Company, which tended to have a strong Seiji/Touma bent. Paperback size, each is ~100 pages.⇩
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Seiji/Touma doujinshi, a lot of V-KIDS and Mizuki Ken, etc. Soft cover, but about paper size A4, like 8"x10", each ~50 pages long.⇩
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Ryo/Shin doujinshi, size A4, ~50 pages each.⇩
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A mix of pairings, a handful of Ryo/Touma, Seiji/Shin, etc., size A4, ~50 pages each.⇩
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Three doujinshi artbooks (first two in the first row + Cotton Color, a Mizuki Ken artbook that has a lot of YST illustrations) + two more doujinshi (Seiji/Shin, then Ryo/Touma)⇩
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NOVELIZATIONS + ARTBOOKS: Top row is five of the novelizations of the series (raw Japanese of course), slightly smaller than a manga volume in the US. Bottom row is two smaller pocket-sized artbooks.⇩
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The Message series of artbooks, I never was able to track down #4, it eluded me and was one of the greatest frustrations of my YST fannish life. Duplicates of #2 and #5, as you can see, plus two more artbooks. (The second one, iirc is from the designer of the characters, so there's other stuff in there, but a lot of YST art as well.) ⇩
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The Memorials books + the various other artbooks for the series. There's a duplicate of the first Memorials book, but the second one and the Memorials Deluxe were my favorite, they were EXTREMELY hard to get your hands on and I only had them because a friend was kind enough to send them. They're all hardcovers and of a hefty size, they're a little bigger than a hardcover book and probably twice as heavy. The other six (last one in the top row + bottom row) are all soft cover books.
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In total, the weight of these are: doujinshi 42lb + artbooks 19lb. I'm willing to break up the collection between doujinshi and artbooks, but other than that, I need the collections to stay together because I feel like that's the only way I can part with them. I spent so long collecting these together that they're precious to me, I can't just throw them away, but I can give them away for the cost of postage, so long as all of it goes. Doing my best to calculate media mail (which I have no idea if it would actually come out to that much, because as heavy as these are, it seems like a low price), the doujinshi would be $40 and the artbooks would be $20. (I am skeptical because this stuff is HEAVY, but that's what the USPS site tells me.) Contiguous US only, unfortunately. Send me a message if you're interested and then I'll give you my e-mail, I just want the collection to go to a good home, because it's time for me to let go.
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thetoaddaddy · 4 months
learning how much an S rank mission pay and the average royalty/event/movie deal fees for a best selling author we can accept Jiraiya is basically a self made billionaire(or whatever it would be considered in ryo maybe a googolnaire?) but lives like a little rat with not much to his name is funny af to me. He could be petty and buy out so many businesses and basically own half of the village and create a monopoly. He could probably bribe the feudal lord(s) to swing whatever way he wanted. He could literally buy a mansion and fill it with weird over priced art, a kitchen he won’t use, a hundred mail order wives and gold diggers.
Nah. Lives the humble life. Steals money from his students and lives frugally. Bruh 😭 we gotta pen an au where he casually lays out the cash for things.
Surprises his s/o with a lofty house. Takes his s/o on an extravagant date. I’m talking like flies you to Italy for pasta type of dates(just as an example idk do they have a rich person type of run for that shit? Maybe the crescent moon island resort that could be a fun prompt). Buys out a hotel or park just for his family to occupy it. Casually spoils his s/o with very expensive things. Bro could be the end all be all of sugar daddies. The silver fox with the deep pockets. An iconic playboy shinobi hybrid that the world hath never really seen before. But he’s like nah… cheap hotels, simple clothes, and maybe spend 1% of my savings on love bar hostesses.
In his hand with all this money he could have really fucked things up but picked to live as basic as he could with no fucks about flashing the cash or being like most self made rich folk and broadcasting it. Nah he scrimps and lives so vagabond for the hell of it.
What a goblin.
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violentviolette · 9 months
hey jack what did you sculpt 👀 (if u wanna share)
i actually cant share it yet cause its part of ryo's christmas gift and i havent mailed it out to him yet LOL i know its like. well past christmas at this point but i learned a new craft to make another one of his gifts and was foolishly like oh this should only take me 2ish weeks to finish and then it took me almost 4 ajksghdhjgasdkh so im still finishing up the last of his presents but once he gets it i definitly will post it because its jujutsu kaisen themed and if i can be a little concieted for a moment, it came out so fucking awesome and cool and therefore i have to parade it around for the validation lmfaoooo
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thepancakewitch · 6 months
The Life of a Secretary
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Bunko is a strong woman that is in a poly relationship with Inaba & Urita.
This is fairly relaxed/sweet, 18+ for usual.
I had grown up in a wealthy family, yet I was so plain. Aside from my wealth, I had no beauty and it felt like I had no skills. I applied myself, and it seemed that I had finally found a purpose in life, to help with money. I became an assistant at Pensonic to Uriko Suziko, the head of Pensonic. I simply did what I was told, no questions asked. I had noticed there was always something in his shadow, it seemed to be human but I couldn't decipher its shape entirely. It was ball like, limbs outstretching with oil like hair. Its origin was a mystery to me. After days of staring and trying to decipher it, Suziko finally spoke up.
"Curious about my friend, are you?" He laughed, neatly folding his papers. "Everyone who ever works for me always asks me about him. Inaba, please introduce yourself."
The ball unfurled, digits gripping into the floor as it approached me. He slowly sauntered over, crawling cautiously. "
"I'm... I'm Inaba Ryo." He gently scooped his hair out of his face, his eyes lighting up. He had a surprisingly childish and... adorable face!
Much to his surprise, I didn't scream or run. I offered a hand, squatting down to meet him with a smile.
"Bunko. The pleasure is mine." He studied my hand, and looking to Suziko, he was given a reassuring nod. His hands were rough, calloused from years of training and fighting, yet from touching his hair, it was slick with some oil. My hand, by comparison, only had paper cuts, cat scratches and some dryness. It was as if I understood him upon touching him. This... this was a warrior. A blood thirsty assassin.
"You're Suziko's bodyguard, correct?" I just... wanted to keep speaking with him. I didn't have much else to say, especially when it came to others. I lived a quiet life where I spent most of my off time playing games or trying to catch fights when I could... not that Suziko knew!
"Right." He replied with a smile.
"Well ah..." Bunko pull yourself together. What a cutie! "Y-you're so good, I hardly see you half of the time. You're amazing."
Suziko laughed, intervening. "Alright he gets it. I need you to go mail these papers for me before the mail man drops by." He offered me the stack of them. I nodded and stood up, completely forgetting Inaba's hand was still connected to mine. I went to walk away, grounded by something. I turned to look at my hand, his own still wrapped around mine.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" I gasped, trying to take my hand back. He held onto it, staring at me as his hair fell back down. Releasing it gently, he retreated back to the shadows, keeping a close eye on me as I left.
I closed the door behind me and went to go prepare these to send.
Suziko leaned against the desk, crossing one leg over the other as he folded his arms. "It's been a while since you introduced yourself to anyone, Inaba." He spoke in a warm tone.
"I like her." He looked to the door, eyes barely peering out from behind his curtain of hair.
"Just make sure you two don't distract each other too much. The tournament is coming up, after all."
"It doesn't help to have a little bit of motivation though." Inaba grinned.
My shift was winding down to an end. The last of the mail was sent, calls arranged, meetings made, everything was in place and I could finally rest easy. I made my way back home, meandering through the dark streets. The city was constantly bustling, never resting for any second. I boarded onto the subway, leaning near the door, my thoughts drifting on about what dungeons I wanted to go through with my guild mates...
I felt a presence closing in to me. A familiar one. A business man. I groaned, here we go again. There were no words, only a creepy huffing as I could feel his hand closing in on me. Before he could touch me, another hand gripped onto mine as a foot collided with the man. I was frozen as I saw the man go flying across the empty car. Surely there was no one else in here... was there?
I looked to my hand again to see the familiar black ball of hair.
His eyes looked up to me, making sure I was safe before, dragging me to a seat, placing me in it and coiling up next to me. His hair covered over me like an added layer of security. I smiled,weaving my hand throughout his hair as I enjoyed the moment. It felt like a dream, to be rescued by my... shining, spider like knight...? Still, it was pleasant, fantasy like, whimsical.
"Thank you." I replied, looking to him with a smile. Inaba grinned back. There wasn't much to say, it was simply understood.
"Your kick was pretty good." She looked to the unconscious business man, grinning. "You looked like Terry when he does his rocket moves!" I spoke absent mindedly, pumped up about what had just happened. I had such a rush of emotions I had completely forgotten I mentioned an underground fighter.
"Oh. You watch Kengan fights too?" Inaba tilted his head, giving an interested look. His hand released my sweaty one, touching my cheek gently. "I'm a fighter too."
I looked to him. I knew, but... I had never seen him fight. I could feel it, in his palms as they touched my face. His skin was so white compared to my own, he seemed like a ghost.
"I uh..." I took up my hands, cupping it against my cheek. "I can feel. Your skin is so rough, I can feel the scars, the injuries..." I found myself drifting off, speaking aloud as I felt secure with him, almost alone in this car as his hair cocooned me. "You mostly use... your digits... and... there's so much muscle build up here... it's unlike anything I had ever felt."
Inaba stared, impressed but a bit taken aback by the more affectionate gesture. He kept his cool, still keeping his finger there as he moved closer.
"Can you... feel more of me?" He asked, pressing his nose against mine.
Oh goodness! Was I being proposed for something sexual? I darted my eyes around. This wouldn't be like with the random, sleazy office workers... no, this was... something consensual between them. "U-uhm how... much more?"
"Everything." He stared into my eyes.
Damn it, too close!! I was going to reply but I was met with a sudden, forceful kiss that drowned out any noise I made. I was pleasantly interrupted, this had to be one of the most enjoyable things that had ever happened in my boring life. My heart was racing as I gripped onto his hand. He broke it, studying me.
"I..." I blinked. "I uhm... s-sure." Why did I agree to this? The train approached my station, stopping only for a few seconds before passing it. Oh. I looked to it as we sped away from it.
"My place." Inaba offered, nuzzling himself against my face.
I'd need to swing by my own place to get clothes... take a shower... put on my make up for tomorrow... this was a lot. It would be easier to go home but, I... I couldn't decline him.
"Sure." I replied, then was greeted with another ravaging kiss.
We stopped at a small station, Inaba regaining his familiar ball shape as his hand continued to grip onto mine. He paused as he left the station, and quickly, crawled up my back to cling to me. Essentially, he had become my piggy back rider. I'm not really sure how, but I was able to keep him on me. Was it years of baby sitting? Upon further inspection, it was his hairs wrapped around my body, fortifying me. I could feel his heart beating against my back, and, I could feel him directing me in what direction to go.
We made it in front of a large estate. It was to be expected due to his work, but... it was an entire clan. This was not what she was expecting. I wanted to compliment his estate, but I refrained from doing so to avoid seeming materialistic. Truly the worst trait a woman can have. We found ourselves opening a paper door, and closing it behind, I hadn't had the time to take my shoes off before being placed into the bed as he stood up.
"It's... been a long time since I've spoken with a civilian." Inabra smiled, sitting down next to me. "I'm glad you aren't scared of me."
"Scared..." I laughed. I took a few pillows into my arms, propping my head up on them as I began to speak to him. "I admire you. I wish I was born with some duty, some purpose, a skill... I haven't anything like you have."
"Well..." Ryo sat in front of me, propping his head up on the same pillows. He really knew how to comfortably invade my personal space. "I think you have a skill. I feel really relaxed with you... it's like when I was a school kid with my best friends. I want to tell you everything."
I curled my lips. How precious... it was even cuter when he was so close to me! He gave me another light peck. "Don't betray me."
"A-ah I wouldn't ever! You and Urita mean so much to me!" I laughed nervously. He was quite intimidating despite his boyish appearance. He curled up again, now sliding himself beneath the covers as his limbs contorted around me. I made myself comfortable by laying on my side, supporting my head with the multiple pillows. Ryo had found himself a set of pillows... my chest. I was more embarrassed that I hadn't showered in a while.
"I uhm... I had plans to shower when I got home... d-do you mind if I do that here?" I tried to peep out of my mouth.
"Ah, right. I'm the one who interrupted your plans, my apologies." He uncurled himself, sitting up as he smiled. He got down on all fours once again, and as I stood up, his hand gripped mine. "I should join you."
WHY DID YOU HAVE TO TORTURE ME!!!! I could feel myself screaming within, and yet, WHY DIDN'T THIS HAPPEN SOONER! I'm nearing my mid 30's and I already get teased a lot by Sizuko and the other employees that I'll be an old maid!!!
"I-if you want." I replied, letting him guide me to the bath room. It was massive, as expected for an assassin clan's home. There were showers and of course, a large tub full of warm, rejuvenating water.
"I want you to wash me and I'll wash you. It'll be fun." He was giddy. He scurried over to the showers like an excited child waiting to show his mom he could operate the gears. I walked over, having to awkwardly disrobe in front of my... boss's bodyguard? He threw off his clothes in an instant, it was almost as if I looked up one minute and the next I was greeted with his firm, tight bottom displayed before me.
He started up the water, peering back to me before sheepishly looking down. It seems like he didn't think this through either.
"U-uhm I can wear a towel if you want..." I offered. He nodded, pointing to the stack near the entrance. I grabbed one for me and him before covering myself and returning back. I threw him a towel, peering away.
"Thanks." He threw his on around his waist. He stood up, putting his hands on his hips as he laughed. "I feel like I'm in the ring again!"
I laughed with him. It was pretty cute. I paused as I took up a bucket of water. "Inaba..."
"Ryo, please." He corrected me.
"Ah uhm Ryo-kun," His face flushed at the suffix. "Do you want me to wash your back?"
His face contorted at the myriad of options, all of which excited him and made him more eager. Kun. He looked back to me, picking me up with his arms and placing me on his lap. The size difference was noticeable, but his strength let him support me easily.
“I’m going to be washing you Miss Bunko.” He smiled, lifting up a washcloth to start on my shoulders. My heart was beating a mile a minute.
Kengan tournament. We were one of the fortunate parties to be invited onto the ship without having to face blood shed. A familiar face strutted towards us. "Hey cos!" It greeted. Nishihonji Akira, CEO of his father's security system. He warmly hugged Sukizo and gave Inaba a hug as well. Imai Cosmo, a fighter I had heard of but haven't seen, approached us, wanting hugs. He warmly wrapped himself around me.
"Are you Mr. Sukizo's assistant?" He beamed. I laughed, straightening my glasses.
"Y-yes." Assistant was such a... general term. I was more of a support class in an RPG. I did everything for these two. If Sukizo was a merchant/tank, then Inaba was definitely straight DPS. How nerdy of me...
"I'm. so. jealous." He huffed, slumping in against me. His hug was certainly strong, it was easy to see how he could be a formidable grappler. His size also worked to his advantage. Wait... jealous? "Why do they get a cute mom assistant...?" He asked me, pouting.
"Cute mom...?" I replied weakly, unsure of how to handle this. I guess in a way... I was their mom figure. Did either of them even have mother figures? Maybe they had a decent relationship with their mom, but nothing a growing child needs. I laughed. "I'm sure Mr. Nishihonji will hire someone soon to take care of you both, kind of like miss Kaede. You're both very sweet so it'll be easy finding someone."
Imai's face turned red. He blew up at the compliment, keeping her close. How he wanted to be babied more! A hand gently moved Imai away, making him audibly whine. "Inabaaaa! Don't do this to meeee!"
"Don't tease miss Bunko." He huffed, crawling onto my back again as he put his head on top of my own. You were one to talk, you hypocrite...
"Inaba! Did you find yourself a girlfriend finally?" Nishihonji teased, smiling. Sukizo laughed with him.
"Oh yes, they're inseparable!"
... Sukizo... you spend just as much time with us, if not more so, than any other person due to our jobs. It seemed hypocritical to be giggling at a body guard and an assistant spending time together, no less working as a support system for Sukizo.
Sukizo and Nishihonji disappeared. I gently patted Inaba's head as Imai stuck around to speak with us.
"I always worry for all of you... I know this is just the way of life here and I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy watching it." I explained with a hearty sigh. Inaba was now positioned around me, hanging onto my torso like a baby to a mother animal. Imai beamed.
"Ahh don't worry Miss Bunko! I'll show off for you~!" He posed, flexing a bit. I laughed and patted his arm muscle. He was only a bit bigger than my little spider, but he was incredibly formidable. It would be fun to see these two pitted against each other.
The two CEOs returned with their match ups.
"Oh I don't know who to feel worse for, us or you two." I joked about the match ups. Both opponents seemed terrifying. Ohma was like an angry dog with no master, let loose every so often. Adam was more like a rampaging bull... which was fitting given his home region.
"Don't worry, it will be over in no time." Imai boasted.
"I'm looking forward to my match..." Idara smiled, leaning into me more as I reworked my hands on his glutes to support him.
"You'll both do great, I'm sure." I reassured them. I gently placed Inaba down so I could walk again,but not without giving Imai another hug as well as Nishihonji. We all said good bye and good luck and began to walk.
Meandering down the corridor, I began to try to recount all of the details I knew of Ohma. I had only seen a few of his fights, but his style was unlike anyone else I had ever seen. Idnaba, giddy for the next match, brought himself up to a bipedial movement. I continued to hold his hand as Sukizo commented on his excitement.
"Me.. take on a rookie, huh?"
In the hospital room, Bunko was by Inaba’s side. As he awoke, Ukizo and him had a heartfelt reunion moment. Bunko followed with a soft stroke of his face.
"Miss Bunko...?" He smiled, looking towards her. "Could you... brush my hair?"
"Sure. I even brought all of your brushes." She replied, getting up to retrieve a box of expensive looking hair brushes. He smiled, staring up at the ceiling.
"I haven't been able to live in the moment in so long... live as a fighter. I feel rejuvenated. This is my blood. This is what I am.” He patted his chest gently, wincing in pain. His eyes trailed over to her as she lifted up her tool kit into her lap. “Does it ever bother you?"
"No, it doesn’t bother me that you are an assassin." She replied, taking out a detangler as she began to bring his hair together with her other hand. “Unless if you mean something else...” She took a segment of his hair, gently running the detangler through it.
"I mean, that someone you care for could die in any fight?"
Pausing, she looked to Inaba with pain in her heart, tears falling. She already felt them welling up by him in this position, but they were raining down now that he mentioned his mortality to her.
"Yes but... this is your life. I know if you were to die, I could live without regret because I was able to care for you, and have you trust and care for me as well. I used to worry so much but... I decided, I want to make the most of all of the time I have with you." She placed the brush down, sobbing against his chest gently.
"I love you Ryo-kun."
"I love you too, Bunko-chan."
Bunko was dizzy from excitement as she raced around the house, gathering up her things. A business trip with her favorite people from her company! Her dreamy CEO and his handsome and adorable bodyguard! In bathing suits no less!!! She was so eager to see more of their bodies, she laughed to herself but immediately became disheartened.
Oh right... I don’t think they’ve ever seen me in casual clothing... nor my body no less. She panicked, staring down at her toned body of built up muscle. Most men found her strength intimidating, especially so in a misogynistic society.
Well, if they don’t like me for who I am, then maybe it wasn’t meant to be... she thought, reassuring herself. W-Working here! I mean! She panicked. The last of her clothes were packed, and just in time for her ride share to arrive... with none other than her mentioned coworkers.
Walking out with her suitcase around her shoulder, her large sunhat and sunglasses blocked the sun as a flowing top hid her defined body. An expensive car pulled up, Urita in the drivers’ seat as he smiled. “Hey! Don’t you look great- oh goodness, let me help you with that!” He jumped out of the car with Inaba, who was already trying to put his hair onto it to grasp it closer.
“Ohh don’t you two worry! I got this!” She giggled as the trunk popped open, placing her brief case in between their things. “It’s not that heavy but I appreciate it.” She walked into the back as the other two got back in.
“Alright Miss Strong Secretary...” Urita chided her, getting the car ready for the long trip ahead to the beach. Inaba peered to Bunko from the passenger seat, hardly strapped in as his limbs were all over the place.
“You aren’t lonely back there, are you?”
“I’ll be fine! After all, someone needs to keep Mr. Urita company.” Bunko laughed, tilting her head.
“Alright. Wait, why didn’t we hire a private driver again?” Inaba prodded at Urita as he sucked in his bottom lip.
“BecauseIsortofwantedittobeonlyus.” Urita coughed, turning the key to start up the car. It was barely audible to Inaba, who let out a loud ‘oh!’ sound, and Bunko was unable to hear it.
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my kin list (1st angel devil, 2nd ticci Toby, 3rd Leviathan (obey me), 4th satan/ryo, 5th liu woods,6th matt (mail jeevas),7th dazai osamu, 8th fyodor)
am i weird?
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mongol-japan-center · 4 months
TAKIGUCHI Ryo (滝口 良)
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