#S&S: Puck
skinandscales-if · 20 days
Nooooo I didn't want it to end omg!! The update was so good.
Firstly, Atlas really just pissed me off. I hate that we kinda just forgive Puck as well. Idc the reasoning, treating MC like that when they hadn't even mentioned what they saw was crazy- and Them feeling bad simply isn't enough. I still tried to help them, but that whole situation just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Secondly, Gosh I love Reese and Skye; especially Reese though. Seeing them get along so well during lunch was great. I want us to be the 3 musketeers lmao.
Lastly, Uh Oh, I wonder what's going to happen to MC. I'm nervoouusss.
Hey there! Don’t worry, you can still very much decide that you don’t forgive Puck, speaking with them was more a momentary conflict that they pushed back for the good of the two of you, but it can and will be brought up later. It was definitely meant to feel a little sour, Puck’s realll good at avoiding conflict. Especially when they’re getting ahead of it even occurring in the first place.
Three musketeers indeed! They’re definitely Team B when it comes to shenanigans, you can 100% get into plenty of trouble with them lol
😋 and don’t worrrry, everyone’s just being silly
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holy-puckslibrary · 3 months
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just a lil firefighter!sid fluff for y'all :)
gif from @ehghtysevenarchive + per this ask and others
Surely, the chief of Canada's oldest fire department has more important things to do on a crisp morning, the last one preceding a fresh week, than this. He most definitely does. And, yes, Chief Crosby is known for his pragmatic approach to, well, everything.
But neither carries weight here—not when she calls.
Leaky faucet, dead car battery, unreachable spider... It doesn't matter. One ring, and he's rushing home. He can't pin-point when the pattern began, likely sometime shortly between the day you moved into town and his first off-day, but it's a routine he's come to enjoy despite the extra strain on both his schedule and his body; Sidney never thought sharing a property line could be so tedious or time-consuming.
He knows he shouldn't enjoy the distraction as much as he does. You aren't together, Sidney doesn't ever allow his imagination wander that far, but he can't help it. He can't help but help. He rarely turns down anyone in need, which has done wonders for his reputation within the community, but with you... With you, it's different, and embarrassingly so.
He doesn't have the words to explain it. Not that he needs to, it's written plainly across his face.
There's a reason you're regular fixtures in the town's gossip column.
When he arrives on scene—not ten minutes after his F-Series crawled down the gravel drive—Sidney shakes his head and laughs. Collecting his cell and his radio, he slips out of the truck, watching as you fret like a mother hen.
Still in your slippers, you're stood at the base of a decently-sized red spruce wedged between his yard and yours, your crumpled face angled up into the yellow-green needles. You're the very picture of worry, wringing your trembling hands and muttering to yourself.
A stray kitten caught in a tree, that's what's got you in a such a state.
"Well, this is a new one," he bellows in lieu of a greeting, slamming the door shut as his boots hit the ground.
Briefly, your glassy eyes dart in his direction. You're midway through your customary apology when he arrives at your side and quiets you, just as he always does.
"They're more than capable of holding down the fort for however long it takes to rescue our new friend, okay?"
"I know, but what if—"
"But nothing," Sidney huffs, and he dares to take you by the shoulders. And, externally, he ignores the way you shiver under his palms. "If I didn't think it was safe for me to step out for a couple of minutes, I wouldn't. You believe me, right?"
You nod, bottom lip pinched between your teeth.
"Good. Now, how 'bout you keep an ear on this," Sidney sets the clunky satellite radio in your hand, "—and I'll grab the ladder from the shed?"
He doesn't really need your help monitoring the channel, but he knows you'll feel better if you feel like you're doing something. Like him, you find comfort in your utility.
In less than a minute, Sidney re-emerges, rounding the corner with a ladder in hand. You're in the same spot, now fidgeting with the radio, anxiously dumping it from one palm to the other and back again. He follows your gaze to line up the simple equipment necessary for the rescue operation.
Sidney's heart swells as you quietly step forward to spot him.
Lucky for everyone, the ball of orange fur is on the branch nearest to the ground. Sidney needs only to step up onto the first wrung to safetly coax the frightened creature into his waiting hands, he's back on the ground not long after.
He gives the kitten a gentle parting scratch under the chin, then transfers the purring fluff to you. The soft bundle takes to you immediately, nuzzling into your chest like that's where it wanted to be all along.
"I think he likes you," Sidney observes with a cheek-numbing grin.
Your lips are tipped up at the end and there's fan of happiness rooting itself around your eyes. Your mouth opens to reply, but before the words come—
"Well, would you look at this?"
Across the quiet street and a few houses to the left sits an audience of two. Both of which are now cooing as loudly as two ladies in their sixties can manage. Coffee cups in one hand and their cellphones propped up in the other, they fawn over the two of you as if it's live theater.
Sidney curses their sons, who he'd completed the explorer program with as teens, for enabling this technological torture.
"Smile, you two! Oh, Denise is just going to eat this up," one of them, a spitfire in a 4'11 frame by the name of Mrs. Bouchard, exclaims to her co-conspirator, Ms. Johnston.
Then, to no one's surprise and Sid's chagrin, they giddily type out their respective messages to the local paper's equally-nosy editor-in-chief.
"Looks like we're front-page news again," you hum bashfully.
The tabby mewls in your arms. You curl into the little bundle of fur, lips landing between its delicate ears.
Sid studies you in his periphery as he slips in and out of heady contemplation, ultimately deciding he doesn't mind as much as he once did. "That we are..."
eek! wait, why do i luv them already 🥹
as always, i would really appreciate if you reblogged my work, left a comment or dropped by my inbox w some feedback :) fandom runs on engagement, and so do writers!! thx a mil in advance!
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3416 · 4 months
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AM34 50 in 54 games (ft. his parents reacting)
Leafs @ Yotes | 02.21.2024
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starlightkun · 4 months
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➠ word count: 4.5k ➠ warnings: cursing, suggestive (no smut but they’re in love and horny lol) ➠ genre: fluff, established relationship, former hockey captain sungchan, chronically ill reader (chronic migraines), shortfic in the buzzer beater series (comes after saltwater smiles), some minor angst again but it’s about like growing up and being a human and finding your place and purpose as an adult, not between our couple or anything ➠ extra info: the reader in this has chronic migraines, which i have. when the reader’s migraines, experiences as a chronically ill person, and thoughts about being chronically ill are described, that is me writing directly from my own life. i am not generalizing the lives of all people with chronic migraines/chronic illnesses, but i am sending all my love to any readers out there living with a chronic illness, and here’s a reminder to go take your meds! ➠ series masterlist
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“It feels like I can’t ever move on from this. From being Sungchan the hockey captain. I know you were just joking when you said it but—I don’t want to actually be that guy that peaked in college.”
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“Yo, tell them about the championships against the Sharks, Sungchan!” Your colleague, Seunghan, insisted, pushing on your fiancé’s shoulder with his hand that held a drink.
Sungchan looked down at his feet for a moment, and you caught a quick flash of hesitation on his features before he looked back up at the group of enthralled people and gave a lighthearted chuckle and charismatic smile. “I’ve already told that story tonight, I’m sure everyone here doesn’t want to hear it again. Besides, don’t you all want to hear about Y/N’s paper?”
You two were at a rather ritzy gathering being thrown by your department celebrating that one of your articles had been chosen for publication in a huge literary theory journal.
“Anton wasn’t here when you told it earlier!” Seunghan shook a grad student instructor in your department. “And we’ve all read her paper like a hundred times before it got published.”
You reached up to squeeze Sungchan’s arm through his suit jacket. “It’s okay, Channie. I want to hear about it. That was championships your junior year, right? I wasn’t there, remember?”
He focused his gaze down on you for another second as if making extra sure, and you nodded and gave him a smile for good measure. He sighed, wrapped his arm around your shoulders, and began the story, much to all your colleagues’ delight.
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A little later in the night found you by the drinks table with Ten. When you had moved back to your old college town to accept a position with the Literature department, you hadn’t expected to walk in on your first day and see a familiar face. Sure, you knew you’d be seeing Dr. Son, who was the department head now and had conducted your interview, and several of your old professors, but you’d been keeping up with most of your old schoolmates and as far as you knew, Ten had moved away after you two finished your two-year master’s program and remained there.
Ten swirled his cocktail around his glass before taking a sip, his eyes trained on your fiancé, who was still surrounded. “Why do I never get that treatment?”
“Maybe you should’ve been captain,” you snickered, taking another sip of your soda.
“Too much work.” Your friend wrinkled his nose. “So what is your man doing these days anyway? He get that PhD in molecular biology about fish or whatever?”
“Yep, he’s a whole doctor,” you told your coworker, looking over at your guy with pride. “Defended his thesis last spring, we did a short stint abroad for about a year for him to study some rare fish in the tropics to cure a rare blood disease. I enjoyed all the food and the sun, really. He probably got skin cancer. And now we’re back here. He’s actually doing his post-doc research here, too.”
“He’s curing blood diseases in tropical fish?”
“No, sorry, in people,” you covered your mouth as you laughed. “Somehow, the fish could help cure a human blood disease, I’m not sure about anything past that.”
“And you’ve got a fat rock on your finger,” he teased, grabbing your hand to inspect your engagement ring. “What a power couple.”
You giggled, letting him look over the ring. “Yeah, something like that. He proposed when we were abroad. God, it was the most gorgeous sunset. Just us, nice and quiet.”
“I’m invited to the wedding, right?”
“Duh. We just haven’t sent invites yet, bitch.” You pushed him with your foot, rolling your eyes. “It’s going to be a certified frat party, I’m afraid.”
“Kegger?” Ten grinned.
“I’m enlisting Taeyong and Kun to keep all you menaces in check for me.”
“Well yeah, you can’t trust your Chenle-of-Honor to do that, he’ll be the first up to do a kegstand.”
You laughed heartily at that. “A few years ago, probably. But I’m happy to report my man-shaped best friend has grown into a real adult.”
“Really? What’s the little monster doing?”
“Middle management in advertising at a designer company. He’s got his eye on a promotion soon, though. Oh, and he’s got the cutest little dog.”
“Speaking of little monsters…” Ten trailed off, eyeing your drink, then your abdomen. “No alcohol?”
“I can’t drink on my medication, remember?” You shook the ice around in your glass smugly.
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As you rode home with Sungchan, your hands entwined over the console, you looked out the passenger window with contentment in your chest.
“I’m sorry, baby,” he sighed, stroking a thumb over the backs of your fingers.
“For what?” You turned to look at him curiously.
His features were pensive and regretful as he focused on the road in front of him, one hand on the steering wheel. “For being a distraction all night. Everybody was asking me about hockey the whole time when all the focus should’ve been on you and your awesome article. I’m sorry, I'll completely understand if you just leave me at home next time.”
“Channie, why the hell would I do that?” You asked through incredulous chuckles, turning to hold his hand with two hands. “Celebrating my accomplishments would mean nothing if I didn’t have you there with me.”
“But I just—”
“Admittedly, I didn’t expect there to be so many puckheads in the Lang department,” you shrugged. “But I know where we work, and you are a bit of a hometown celebrity around here, baby.”
“That sounds like something you’d call somebody who peaked in high school.”
“Right, my bad. You peaked in college.”
“Rude.” He knocked your elbow with his, making you laugh.
“I’m kidding, handsome. But I am proud of you. I snagged a good guy, and I am not going to hide you away when I go to these events just because people are going to ask about your hockey career.”
“It’s not fair to you.”
“I appreciate you trying to put the focus back on me tonight, I really do.” You squeezed his hand. “But when Seunghan said everybody in the department had read my article hundreds of times, he meant it. They all helped proof and revise it dozens of times each. I was tired of reading it by the time it was accepted if I’m being honest with you. Hearing about your hockey game was a welcome reprieve from thinking about the body as a critical site for sex, gender, and political ideology in M. Butterfly.”
“Do you mean that or are you trying to make me feel less like a dick?”
“I mean it, baby boy.” You pinched his cheek.
He squirmed in his seat as he slowed to a stop at a red light. “You never call me that anymore…”
“Seems like you needed it.”
“Hey,” he said softly, turning his head to look at you. “I love you.”
“I know.” You cupped his cheek, stroking his cheekbone fondly. “I never doubted that for a second, baby.”
Sungchan leaned across the console to press his lips to yours, cradling the back of your head. You hummed delightedly into the kiss, moving your mouth against his sweetly.
When you felt the car suddenly roll forward, you jerked back, gripping his arm with a yelp. “Channie!”
He was already grabbing the steering wheel with two hands and slamming on the brakes again. “Fuck! Sorry!”
The car had moved forward less than half a meter and you were the only car at the intersection, but it was enough to get your heart racing.
“Are you okay, baby?” Sungchan checked on you with wide eyes, keeping one hand on the wheel as he reached his other hand over to grab your knee.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” You put your hand over his to reassure both of you. The light turned green then. “Let’s just uh, get home in one piece, hm?”
“Sounds like a plan.” He patted your thigh, leaving his hand there as he slowly started the car forward again.
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“Channie?” You called out into the house, shrugging off your coat. You’d stayed a bit late to grade papers, and while Sungchan would’ve usually stayed to walk home with you, he had wanted to get a head start on cooking dinner.
“Pantry!” He yelled back, voice distant as he was presumably deep in the walk-in pantry.
You continued shuffling through the mail you’d grabbed on your way in as you walked further into your house, tossing the junk mail in the trash as you fished out the one packet that had caught your attention. Stopping at the doorway to the pantry, you tore open the thick packet. Skimming the letter and investigating the two lanyards inside, you informed your fiancé, “Donghyuck’s team is having a preseason scrimmage at the university, and he sent us VIP passes.”
Sungchan stuck his head back out of the pantry. “So that’s why he asked for our address the other day.”
“When did you talk to Hyuck?” You asked as he gently took the letter and lanyards from your hands.
“He called me out of the blue a couple weeks ago. I was at the gym before work and completely forgot by the time I got home, sorry, baby.” He flipped over the passes hanging from the lanyards, bright green and dark black, the colors of the professional hockey team that Donghyuck had gone on to play for after college. “I thought he was going to crash on our couch or something, not this.”
“He’s a pro hockey player making like millions a year and you thought he was going to ask to couch surf?”
“You think he wouldn’t?”
“Good point,” you chuckled. “So how was he? Sound like he was doing well?”
“You said it yourself, he’s a pro hockey player making millions a year. I’m sure he’s doing great.”
You frowned up at him. “You didn’t ask?”
“It was a quick conversation, he’s busy,” Sungchan shrugged and handed everything back to you, disappearing into the pantry again. “We barely had time to say hello.”
“We should go,” you declared, setting the lanyards down in a spot so you two wouldn’t lose them.
“Baby, it’s a Friday. That’s our date night.”
“We can miss one date night for this, Channie,” you scoffed. “Besides, I’ve never heard of Jung Sungchan not wanting to go see a hockey game. Are you sure you’re my Sungchannie? Were you replaced by an alien or something?”
Sungchan kept his back to you as he started chopping vegetables. “Never mind, you’re right. We should go.”
You narrowed your eyes suspiciously, but didn’t push the issue further. “Alright...”
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Sat back down in familiar bleachers, you hugged Sungchan’s arm tightly, buzzing with excitement. As much as you had loved watching Sungchan play hockey when you were younger, there was something special about watching it with him, having him explain plays, tell you if a player made the right call, or how he would have done it if he had been captain. Being able to see the sparkle in his eye up close as he watched one of his favorite things. You’d seen it plenty of times in the years that you stayed local while he got his PhD. Which is how you knew that something was wrong now, even as he tried to flash a smile at you every so often, ones that never reached his eyes. He didn’t join in the cheers very enthusiastically, and never engaged when the other guys around him tried to debate calls that the refs made.
You found out that the whole team from your senior year had been invited as well, though some of them couldn’t make it. So it was you, Sungchan, Mark, Ten, Jeno, and Chenle in the VIP section. Yangyang was staying abroad with his parents, while Sicheng was at a seminar for work. Chenle was of course invited as an honorary member of the team, fresh off a plane from Paris with that promotion in his pocket.
Donghyuck was Good. He had been great when he was on the Raptors, obviously, which was how he had gotten scouted to go pro, but now he was great. And this was just a preseason scrimmage, just him messing around. You were sure he was scary good when he was actually trying at their real games. He’d kept his old number from college, 66, and seemed to have his own legion of fans with posters and signs.
When the game was finally over—and Donghyuck’s team won—a representative from the team corralled everyone with the VIP lanyards and directed you towards a different area while the rest of the stands filtered out. You kept your hold on Sungchan’s hand as you waited in what you were pretty sure was the women’s locker room for your old friend.
Finally, Donghyuck ran in, and everyone immediately swarmed him, hooting and hollering, slapping him on the back, ruffling his hair, and making teasing remarks about being a big shot now.
“Mark!” Donghyuck threw his arms around his old Big’s neck, nearly knocking his friend over.
“Christ, dude,” Mark wheezed, stumbling back a couple steps. “Are you still wearing your gear or something?”
“Did you not keep up with our lifting regiment?” Donghyuck shamelessly felt up Mark’s arms, then gasped dramatically. “Am I the Big now?”
Mark swatted his hands away. “If you want to pay for all my beer and drive me around in your Lamborghini or whatever, sure.”
“Deal!” The pro player grinned, then turned to the next person, who happened to be you. “Y/N!”
“Hyuck!” You beamed, opening your arms wide for him to throw himself at you as well, only staying up since Sungchan was right behind you to catch you. “Hey, there! God, I can’t believe it! You killed it out there!”
“Thanks!” He let go of you with one arm to wrap it around Sungchan’s neck, pulling him into the hug with both of you. “Oh, it makes me so happy that you two are still together! Are you engaged? Married? Kids? I didn’t have time to ask Sungchan when I called the other week, I was heading into an interview.”
You leaned back as much as he would let you, just enough to show off your ring. “He proposed last year. We’re— eugh!”
You were cut off by Donghyuck tugging you two against him into a tight embrace again. You gave him a pat on the back as you continued, slightly choked with your throat pressed against his shoulder. “We’re looking at a spring wedding…”
“I love you guys so much…” Donghyuck sighed. “All of you. I hope you know that hasn’t changed.”
“We know that, Hyuck.” You coughed, rubbing his back. “Make sure we have your address so we can send you an invite, okay?”
“What did I tell you, Y/N? In undergrad?”
“You told me a lot.” You laughed as he finally let you and Sungchan go. “Some stuff you probably don’t want me to repeat right now.”
“I said you guys were soulmates. I knew you were gonna get married. I knew it.”
“Oh yeah, you did.” You squeezed his hand that he still had a grip on. “Hey, when you retire from pro hockey, you can be a fortune teller.”
“Don’t joke about that, I’m the star player, haven’t you heard?” Donghyuck was practically puffing out his chest. “I’m years off from retirement!”
Sungchan grabbed him by the scruff then, teasingly mussing up his hair. “What did we always tell you about bragging?”
Ten, Jeno, and Mark eagerly joined in on giving him a killer noogie, the four of them managing to keep him in place despite Hyuck being the only one who had remained a professional athlete.
“Ack!” Donghyuck complained as he was surrounded. “Y/N! Chenle! Somebody, help!”
“Promise you’ll buy us dinner with your star player money,” Chenle crossed his arms over his chest as he watched on, “and maybe Y/N and I will convince them to leave you alone.”
“Yeah!” Jeno agreed. “Dinner and drinks and we’ll consider!”
“This is extortion!” Donghyuck yelped.
“Glad to see some things don’t change…” You sighed, shaking your head. “You guys still pick on him.”
“He needs an ego check,” Jeno snorted, his arm now around Donghyuck’s neck.
“I was going to take you all out to dinner anyway!” Donghyuck pleaded. “Didn’t you people read the letters?”
“It was in the letter, guys,” you confirmed loudly.
The guys all looked at each other, slowly releasing their holds on the youngest. With sweet, proud smiles, they fixed his hair and straightened his branded hoodie back up, smacking his shoulder and patting his cheek between compliments of how well he played and specific moves he did, giving feedback on certain things he could improve on still. Donghyuck rolled his eyes at the constructive criticism, but you could see him struggling to suppress the fond curl of his lip at being surrounded by his old teammates again.
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When you finally got home that night, you felt about ready to collapse into bed. You had a tired, happy smile on your face from seeing all your old friends again, and haphazardly tossed your go bag to the side before stepping out of your shoes. Sungchan didn’t follow you into the bedroom, as you had expected. You heard him detour to the kitchen, and your ears perked up with interest as you changed into your pajamas.
Sungchan didn’t just get a glass of water, though. You heard him rooting around in the snacks, and that’s when you got concerned. You had just eaten dinner and had drinks, and he had plenty of bar snacks as you all hung around and caught up after finishing dinner. He shouldn’t be scrounging for a midnight snack already.
After tossing your dirty clothes in the hamper, you ventured out to the kitchen determinedly. Sungchan hadn’t yet found something to eat, a frustrated pout on his face as he pulled out box after box, but didn’t open any.
“Hungry?” You asked curiously, leaning against the fridge.
“No,” he sighed, setting the container of crackers down loudly then rubbing his face harshly.
You held your hand out towards him, and he took it immediately. You led him back through your house by the hand, into your bathroom and let go there. Walking back out through the house, you grabbed his desk chair from your joint home office, and pulled it into the bathroom. He was standing exactly where you left him, and let you wordlessly push him down by the shoulders to sit in the chair. Washing and drying your hands, you then readjusted the chair, making sure he was exactly where you needed him. Then you climbed onto his lap facing him, the two of you perpendicular to your bathroom vanity. You grabbed a fuzzy character headband from one of your drawers and put it on him, pushing his hair back from his face.
“Shh.” You stopped him as soon as he opened his mouth, putting your own headband on.
Next, you grabbed your cleanser.
“Shh,” you repeated with more emphasis, holding his eye contact firmly, until he gave up and closed his mouth, letting his head fall back against the head rest.
You meticulously went through your whole extended skincare routine, doing each step first on Sungchan, then on yourself. He finally gave up on trying to talk, then finally relaxed, then really relaxed, his eyes fluttering shut and a pleased hum rising in the back of his throat.
“All done, handsome,” you announced at the end, giving his cheeks a final squish between your hands, then pulling off his headband and fluffing up his hair.
Sungchan slowly opened his eyes, reaching up to take your headband off as well.
You smiled down at him. “How are you feeling, Channie?”
“Better, thank you, baby,” he replied quietly.
“You want to talk about it?”
He couldn’t look you in the eye. “About what?”
“Whatever’s been getting you bummed lately. You weren’t all there tonight, I could tell. And the day we got the passes, you didn’t even want to come in the first place. That’s not like you.” You put both your headbands aside on the counter, then stood up off him. “You get changed into your pajamas, I’ll tidy up in here. We’ll talk in a few minutes, okay?”
“Yeah, okay.” He nodded, getting up and grabbing the chair to drag back with him.
You wiped down the bathroom counter and tidied up all your bottles and containers, listening to the sounds of Sungchan getting ready in the next room over. When you walked back into your bedroom, you were thrown for a loop as you couldn’t see your fiancé for a moment. You found him in your living room, sitting on your couch and holding a picture frame that usually lived on one of the end tables.
Sitting down beside him, you looked at the picture with him. It was of you two at his last collegiate hockey game, him still in his uniform as he picked you up and spun you around, bright smiles on both your faces. His face now was brooding, jaw clenched and eyes hard as he continued staring at it.
“You got me that for our first anniversary,” you commented softly. “I love that picture.”
“I do too,” he sighed, though his tone was much more bitter than his words.
“Talk to me, Channie,” you murmured. “What’s going on?”
“It feels like I can’t ever move on from this.” He shook the frame. “From being Sungchan the hockey captain. I know you were just joking when you said it but—I don’t want to actually be that guy that peaked in college.”
“Oh, Channie...” you breathed out, draping an arm across his back and leaning your cheek against his shoulder. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...”
“It’s not you, baby,” he assured you, squeezing your knee. “It’s everything else. Like I try to do anything else, be anything else, but I’m just dragged back into that stupid jock box again.”
“Well, what do you want to be?” You asked as you sat back up, rubbing up and down the center of his chest soothingly. “Not what you think other people want you to be, or what you think you should be. What do you actually like? What do you want to do? Do you still like hockey? Outside of everybody’s opinions about you liking hockey? It’s okay either way, for you to still like it or not. It was the biggest thing in your life for like twenty years, baby. It’d be ridiculous to expect you to just suddenly not like it as soon as you graduated.”
“Do you really want a husband that just talks about sports all the time while you’re talking about smart stuff?” He sighed, letting his eyes close as he leaned all of his weight against you, his hands dropping to rest the frame in his lap.
“I want a husband that’s you. That’s why I accepted your proposal and not like, Dr. Yoon’s or something.”
“I’m going to assume you’re being hyperbolic to make a point and that my research head didn’t actually propose to you. Because if not, then I’m going to stop pouting and write my letter of resignation right now.”
“I’m trying to make a point here.”
“Which is?”
“You’re really underselling yourself, Channie.” You encouraged him to lay his head in the crook of your neck, not letting up your movements on his sternum. “You’re plenty smart. We’ve been together for almost seven years and I still couldn’t keep track of a hockey game if a gun was to my head. Meanwhile you were a whole captain. You had to make decisions on your feet—or, your skates. Not to mention, hm, oh yeah, you have a PhD in molecular biology. Did you forget about that? Doctor Jung?”
“Oh yeah,” he mumbled into your collarbone.
“Oh yeah,” you mimicked him lovingly. “I nearly flunked my bio for non-majors course my freshman year, you know.”
“What?” He squinted up at you. “Seriously?”
“You knew I was a Bio major, you should’ve asked me for help.”
“I kick myself every day for it,” you replied melodramatically, and finally saw a smile tug at the corner of his lips. “So? Do you think you still like hockey or not?”
He let out a deep sigh. “Yeah, I do. I really do.”
“Good. I’m glad.” You kissed the top of his head. “I want you to do stuff that makes you happy.”
“Coach came and found me at the lab last week... the day we got the VIP passes from Donghyuck. He’s looking for a part-time assistant coach, said I was his first pick,” Sungchan admitted quietly.
“That’s why you were so... off that day, huh?”
“Yeah. It felt like I was handed a pamphlet for a retirement home.”
You chuckled as he reached forward to set the picture down on the coffee table, then grabbed your hand that was on his chest. He looked up at you with heartachingly familiar, big, round doe eyes, ones that hadn’t changed in the ten years since you’d first met.
“I told him no but... I’m thinking maybe I should ask if he’s found someone else yet?”
“I think that’s a great idea, baby.” You pecked his forehead. “Coach Jung… I think I like the sound of that.”
“Yeah?” He grinned, a much different look in his eye as he sat up to his full height, towering over you.
“I don’t know, let me try it again.”
“Go ahead.”
“Coach Jung.” You reached for the back of his neck as he laid you down on your couch, hovering over you. “Yeah, it’s got a nice ring to it, huh? Powerful, sexy. I love a man with a whistle.”
“You’re so dorky,” he snickered, letting you pull his lips down to yours. “I love you so much.”
“I love you more, my Sungchannie.” You cradled his face with both of your hands.
“Lies.” He kissed your lips. “Impossible.” He kissed your neck.
“Says who?”
“Who has the whistle here?”
“You don’t have one yet,” you teased, holding your arms up for him to pull your shirt off. “Assistant Coach Jung.”
Sungchan kissed a trail down your front, stopping above your waistband. “You’re forgetting something, baby.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m a scientist, with a degree and everything, and I say it’s scientifically impossible for anybody to love anybody more than I love my girl.”
You made grabby hands at him, and he rose up from where he had settled between your legs, entirely blocking out the lights above you. You connected your mouths together again, wrapping your arms and legs around him so tightly he had no choice but to lay his entire weight on top of you.
“No fair,” you complained into his mouth. “I just told you I almost flunked Gen Ed bio.”
“You should’ve let me be your sexy tutor, then.” He didn’t sound sympathetic at all.
“Yeah, freshman you all sweaty and nervous in your hockey team hoodie.” You broke apart to giggle. “Real hot stuff, Channie. Literally.”
“You’re lucky you’re the love of my life, or I’d be really hurt at some of the stuff you say to me, you know.”
“You’re right.” You gave him a peck. “I am lucky that I’m the love of your life.”
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39oa · 1 year
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Goal Horn Impressions | Puck Personality
“Can you give us an impression of your goal horn?”
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itgirlwife · 1 year
f/os when you compliment them one time on an outfit/hairstyle/accessory that’ll 100% be wearing it whenever you come around just bc it was you who liked it particularly <3
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flaine · 1 year
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brittany rejecting santana's confession for artie at her locker (2×15) artie rejecting puck's promposal for brittany at his locker (2×20)
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stairnaheireann · 4 months
Puck's Castle | Shankill, Dublin
These are the ruins of Puck’s Castle, located in south county Dublin. Many of these structures were built around Dublin between 1400 and 1550 to protect the ‘Pale’ from the ‘wild Irish’. It is said to be built from sacred stones culled from the nearby Bearna Dhearg (or “ringfort”), but little is really known for certain about the structure today. Other similar structures in the area include…
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thornescratch · 1 year
“Camera fell off... everything is about cameras.”
No one else finds it suspicious that a goal camera was inexplicably broken while Nicklas Backstrom was in the immediate vicinity?
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circusgoth-dotcom · 5 months
Only Dreams
Ship: Dante Hicks & Bear (platonic), Jay x Bear x Silent Bob
Word Count: 936
Summary: Processing the grief of canon: The Fic. Bear has a bad dream about Dante dying and he comforts them about it.
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
Bear gasped as they jolted awake to their alarm- they had set up their radio to turn on two hours before they needed to be at Mooby’s, and even though Mr. Blue Sky was now softly floating in the air, they felt horrible. Reaching up to rub their eyes, they found their cheeks were wet with tears. Behind them, Jay stirred, waking up just enough to kiss their shoulder and neck. When they didn’t murmur a “good morning” in response, Jay stretched and attempted to be more present.
“Hey, pookie, what’s up??” He asked, his voice low and drowsy.
“I had a bad dream,” they whispered back. In front of them, Silent Bob was waking, too.
“Shit, that’s no good…. you’re supposed to wake up all refreshed and shit…. do you wanna talk about it??”
They shook their head before burying their face in Silent Bob’s hairy chest, briefly making him open his eyes before sighing contently and shutting them again. Jay began to rub their back.
“That’s okay. You’re sure you wanna go to work at fuckin’ Mooby’s today, feelin’ like this?”
They suddenly sat up, nodding vigorously and startling Silent Bob. “I have to see Dante.”
“Shit, alright,” Jay yawned as Bear wriggled their way off the bed, rushing to get ready. Jay and Silent Bob ambled along behind them, content to take things at their own pace.
“What do you think they dreamt about?” Jay asked Silent Bob while Bear was in the shower. “I mean, they were all upset ‘n shit one moment, now they’ve got their fuckin’ boxers in a knot about gettin’ to fuckin’ work on time, I don’t get it.”
Silent Bob shrugged.
“I also don’t fuckin’ get how him and Dante are still close after breaking up, aren’t exes supposed to be all bitter and shit??”
Silent Bob opened his mouth to respond before being cut off by Bear entering the room in his uniform.
“You boys ready?”
“As we’ll ever be.”
They went out to catch Bear’s bus, then did their usual routine outside of Mooby’s, a quick round of kisses before the boys went about their loitering and Bear entered the restaurant. He was glad to see Dante was at the counter and rushed over to hug him from the other side of the counter.
“Good morning Bear-- woah! Okay. What’s this for??” He was briefly surprised but slowly relaxed into the gesture.
“‘M sorry….” Bear mumbled, “I just…. I had a stupid dream, that you died, and I was really scared and sad….”
Dante held them at arm's length. “Hey, hey, I’m not going anywhere. Your brain’s just being a jerk.”
“Hey, I thought you two broke up,” Randal interrupted as he entered the scene.
“And I thought I told you that we’re still friends,” Dante reminded him with an annoyed tone.
“Psh, yeah, like friends grip on each other like that. And why does gummy bear over here look so constipated??”
Both of them rolled their eyes as Dante’s hands fell away from Bear’s shoulders.
“Not constipated, just dealing with my rampant emotions, unlike you,” Bear quipped as he glided around the counter.
“Yeah, well, emotions are for pussies, of which you still have yours.”
Dante held Bear back from elbowing him in the stomach. “Dick….”
“Can’t we all get along for one morning???” Dante asked exasperatedly. He then turned to Bear, who still seemed a bit anxious about his dream, lowering his voice. “If you want to talk about how you’re feeling, we can pop into Becky’s office real quick.”
Bear nodded and Dante squeezed their hand encouragingly. “Randal, do your job.”
“Yes, mom,” Randal responded sarcastically as Dante took them away. They sat down in Becky’s office, a small but cosy space with dim, comfortable lighting.
“So, what happened in the dream, if you don’t mind my asking?”
“We were back at the Quick Stop, funnily enough…. you, er….” He felt his mouth going dry. “Had a heart attack. They couldn’t save you.”
Dante frowned, holding onto their hands. “I can see why that’d shake you up. Oh, Bear…. like I said, I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere, I promise you.”
Bear nodded. “It was just so…. real. You’ve got so much more life left to live, I-I can’t bear to think about not doing this every day, with you….”
“Yeah, but this isn’t really living, is it?” Dante smiled slightly. “I really need to travel more….”
“We should plan a trip to Coney Island, all this time living in approximation to New York and I’ve never been.”
“That would be fun. Though, Randal will likely want to go, too….”
Bear sighed lightly. “Bring him along. Jay and SB would be tagging along, anyway, can’t leave them alone for too long or they do shit like sell fireworks to unaccompanied minors.”
Dante made a sound somewhere between shock and amusement. “Wow.”
“Yeah…. honestly, I don’t know how they got along before me. Like chickens with their heads cut off, I guess.”
“You know, if you don’t mind my saying, I was completely flabbergasted when you turned up after that year in San Francisco, hanging out with them. But it’s nice to know even guys like that can find their slice of happiness.”
Bear beamed. “I didn’t have it in the forecast, either, but sometimes…. you just find your people. Thank you, Dante, I’m…. feeling better, now.”
“Good.” He stood and offered his hand. “Let’s get to work?”
He took it. “Don’t you mean let’s mooove out?” He snickered. Dante laughed sarcastically, though he was smiling as they got to their feet.
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skinandscales-if · 21 days
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so I got inspired by agony
ohhhhh??? my GOD????? THIS RULES???? the fish tank, mc being pulled back, PUCK'S EXPRESSION?? you captured the moment SO WELL and the sheer shock + horror along with their skewed glasses,,,, ohhhh this is STUNNING I'm in awe!
Thanks so much for sending this in! And sorry for the trauma ^^
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holy-puckslibrary · 3 months
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sid to a furry friend's rescue!
florist!reader gets flustered during sid's calendar shoot
parents mentors for the day
someone's going on a date with chief crosby... and it ain't our girl </3
gif from @matbaerzal
To Sidney, this sham is nothing more than a meat-market legitimized. His fierce, formidable crew, flaunted and auctioned off in the name of "charity," as upstanding members of the local community brazenly gawk and drink themselves into a courageous stupor.
Gathered in packs around the local watering hole on a Friday night, the only things missing are high-res Animal Planet cameras and the calm wonder of Sir David Attenborough. It's only a matter of time before they start throwing themselves at each other like elk during mating season.
It's a shame Sidney won't be around to see it.
"Don't even think about it, Chief."
Sidney slumps; he spoke too soon.
Now, he's caught between cracked-door freedom and the firm grip of his Assistant Fire Chief. Kneading at the annoyance budding between his brows, Sidney turns on his heel to face his childhood best friend.
"C'mon, really? This is a circus, Nate. I shouldn't—Is this really something I should be doing? Y'know, it's not exactly... becoming of a civil servant."
"I'm doing it," Nate shrugs. "You don't see me pitching a fit."
The Chief glares. "Yeah, because you already know who you're going home with."
"Not true; tonight's could be the night Emmy decides to act on her grade school crush," the blonde jokes, his chin tipped across the gymnasium. "And who'd blame her? Flower's lookin' better than usual tonight."
The younger of the two only laughs in response to the dramatic groan of his name.
"No, I get it. You're acting pissy because your flower's stuck at home with a stomach bug, and, subsequently, you've been condemned to the terrible fate of having Cole Harbour's hottest fight tooth and nail for a date with you—oh, the horror! Truly, I feel for you, Saint Crosby."
"Bandwagon much?" he grumbles.
As Nate's grin widens, Sid's frown deepens.
Blue eyes twinkling with satisfaction, Nate teases, "You didn't deny it this time."
"D-Deny, what?"
Nate rolls his eyes; Sid's refusal to acknowledge anything, let alone something so obvious to anyone with eyes, was starting to get old, and fast.
"Yeah, sure, okay. Play dumb if it makes you feel better. But I'd figure my shit out sooner rather than later if I were you."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Sidney blinks.
"Oh, nothing... Just that you aren't the only civil servant sniffing around Blossom & Bloom these days."
With a parting wink, Nate vanishes into the crowd, leaving Sidney to stew in a fresh pot of bubbling unease.
and the plot thickens... hehehe 😈
as always, i would really appreciate if you reblogged my work, left a comment or dropped by my inbox w some feedback :) fandom runs on engagement, and so do writers!! thx a mil in advance!
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werewolfrevenge · 5 months
No but seriously mirage Casey, 03 Casey and idw Casey are probably the best written versions of Casey
And it’s probably because those three get more time to be fleshed out (especially mirage and idw since they have solo issues that give them moments away from the rest of the group!) like just ughhh!!
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angelhummel · 1 year
was the glee x orphan black crossover a popular fanon thing at the time or was that something my sister and i made up
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jazziehart · 2 months
Gleeboot Main Character Descriptions (Original Cast)
Hey everyone, Yes, I know you all know the basics of each Glee Character and what their personalities are, however, what I am going to show is who they are in my series and what issues I will be focusing on fixing for each character. I sincerely hope you enjoy this rebrand of Glee and will consider reading my rewrite. Also, I consider Blaine, Sam, and Coach Beiste part of the original cast so I will be including descriptions of them as well since they all played large parts in the show.
Starting off with the very first character shown, the queen herself, Sue Sylvester.
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What went wrong: Sue became a one-dimensional villian as the series went on with an irrational hatred for the glee club and its director Will Schuester making the story predictable. Whatever growth Sue had in her feelings towards the club was always rejected in favor of her being their biggest obstacle which became tiresome as the seasons went on. She also was given an insane storyline of being obsessed with Kurt and Blaine's love story in the final season. What went right: The exploration of Sue's family namely her mother and sister truly gave the depth that was needed to show why Sue became who she was. Her softness with Jean (her sister) and Becky were always so heartwarming and what made Sue a person rather than a characture.
What this means for Gleeboot: Sue will absolutely remain the villian until the needed character developement is cause for her to grow and have new enemies (ex. Coach Beiste's arrival and cutting Sue's budget in Season 2, Coach Roz Washington trying to take Sue's job in Season 3) to keep the story fun and interesting while still keeping the edge to Sue that's needed to make her hilarious yet effective.
Up next is a character who needs a lot of redeeming the coach of the New Directions, Will Schuester
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What went wrong: Where do I even begin? Will came off as incredibly creepy with his relationships with students instead of being the inspirational teacher he was intended to be. Also he was incredibly toxic in his relationship with Emma as the seasons went on putting her down constantly and never seeming to support her hopes and dreams which was so uncharacteristic of who Will was shown to be in the earlier seasons of Glee. He also stood his ground on issues that clearly didn't matter (ex. When he got pissed at Sue for banning twerking in school rather than agreeing to help Unique get a gender-netural bathroom). He also bent over backwards to appease Rachel which he was rightfully called out for but the show made it seem like whoever did so was 'jealous' or 'complaining for no good reason'.
What went right: In the first season Will was mostly everything we could hope for as an inspirational teacher particularly in the episode 'Wheels' when he had the entire Glee Club spend a week in wheelchairs so they could understand the hardships wheelchair bound Artie went through. He also rightfully tried to showcase and lift up the entire club earlier rather than focus on his two favorites (Finn and Rachel).
What this means for Gleeboot: Unlike Glee, Mr. Schuester will not be the prime focus but rather a supporting character as the teacher of the New Directions who tries to inspire the group and give everyone an equal shot to feel special. He also will be a teacher that the students lean on for support with issues that they are going through but he will also have his own personal life separated from the club, boundaries will be important.
Moving onto the next character showcase and the first of the original New Directions, Mr. Kurt Hummel.
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What went wrong: Honestly I believe a certain writer who shall remain nameless sadly put his own predjustices and voices them through Kurt (the whole Kurt is biphobic story arc anyone?). Which is so unfortunate because Kurt was one of the most accepting characters of anyone who was different. I also believe that same writer would do so many out of character things to make him seem like he was in the wrong all the time which is so sad because so many people looked up to Kurt.
What went right: Kurt was one of the first mainstream gay character which helped and inspired so many closeted gay people to feel like there was someone like them on TV. He also was so proud himself that it was inspiring to watch week in and week out especially in the earlier seasons.
What this means for Gleeboot: Since Gleeboot will be taking place in 2024, so much in the world has changed towards the majority of people's attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community especially in schools where any sort of homophobic slander that Kurt faced would've resulted in displinary action. While unfortunately homophobia still exists especially in a small conservative town like Lima was shown to be a lot of Kurt's early arc won't change as much as far as bigoted students bullying him but the faculty at McKinley High would most likely be a lot more helpful than they were on the show. Kurt will also be one of the most accepting people in the club who will help so many others come into their own.
For our next character, I will not be showing the actor's face out of respect for all of his victims but the character is definitely a controversal one as Noah 'Puck' Puckerman
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What went wrong: A lot of Puck's earliest storylines are very wrong, especially in relation to what happened that night with him and Quinn. Unfortunately, the show played it off as just cheating but there are so many indications to it wasn't consentual which is problematic in itself. Also Puck going onto 'date' Kitty is also quite problematic because of the age gap between them.
What went right: Puck's redemption arc from beign a bully to ending up in the air force. I feel like his character is actually one of the few characters who benefitted from the later seasons rather than was hurt by those apperances, although his role was significantly reduced compared to the other characters we've discussed.
What this means for Gleeboot: A lot of Puck's behavior would need to change in order for him to be a rootable character but I believe it would change the essence of his character too much to do that, so Puck will remain a very contraversal character who will eventually learn and grow from his mistakes.
Our next character is our leading male of the group as far as Glee was concerned, Finn Hudson
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What went wrong: Instead of being the rootable leader of the Glee Club, Finn did many unforgivable things that to me seemed so out of character for him most importantly being the way he outed Santana in Season 3. Also encouraging Quinn to cheat on Sam in Season 2 made absolutely no sense and seemed more of a Puck thing to do than Finn. Him kissing Emma when she was freaking out in Season 4? Not okay.
What went right: Finn was the glue that held the New Directions together and there were so many occasions that it showed. He was a natural born leader who helped the New Directions when they were at their lowest.
What this means for Gleeboot: Finn was definitely an imperfect character, especially at the beginning of the show but as he emerses himself in the group he learns that image isn't everything and eventually finds his way to do what he loves even though it isn't what's cool, performing. There also will not be any physical cheating from his character.
Our next character is my personal favorite and one that I have done many deep dives into, Quinn Fabray
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What went wrong: Much like Kurt, Quinn seemed to be a punching bag for certain writers of the show who took out their frustrations on her leading to her doing many things that were out of character. Also like Sue, Quinn was frequently reverted back into a one-dimensional villian that stood in the way of what many fans saw as the love story of the show, Finn and Rachel.
What went right: Quinn had great character development particularly in Season 1 as well as during Season 3 where she was faced with the reality that popularity wasn't everything and eventually found her way, getting into her dream school Yale.
What this means for Gleeboot: Quinn is such a multi-dimensional character that goes through one of the most intense transformations which will be showcased throughout the series with her going from villian to rootable hero who we all want to see succeed and feel all the pain she goes through. Unlike the original show all character growth will stick.
Moving onto one of my least favorite characters from the entire show, Rachel Berry.
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What went wrong: Instead of being the rootable ambitious girl that show wanted us to see, Rachel was incredibly selfish and did cruel things to innocent people (ex. sending Sunshine, who she just met to a crack house) or ruined her friendships by needing to be number 1 (ex. Running for senior class president despite knowing it would hurt Kurt). It got to the point where many didn't want her to have a happy ending, especially when she began to self-sabatoged her chances of her dream role in Funny Girl in Season 5.
What went right: In my opinion not much went right on the writer's behalf for Rachel who was supposed to be the main protaginist. Season 1 was the best showcase of Rachel being the underdog that so many were inspired to root for. She did at times grow like in Season 2 when she tried to help Sam win the duets competition but sadly the positives were shortlived since she was rarely ever put in her place when she was in the wrong.
What this means for Gleeboot: Rachel will maintain her competitive edge and ambition to become a Broadway star but with the self-awareness that she had throughout the first season where she looked out for the group besides just herself, but that doesn't mean if an opportunity comes up, she won't just jump on it.
We are heading back to the adults of Season 1 with our OCD guidance conselour, Emma Pillsbury.
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What went wrong: Emma became religated to Will's wife and love interest and we lost all of what was special about her by the end of the series which is sad. Her and Finn kissing making her freak out and not want to get married was such a strange storyline that never quite sat right with me. Also her not having sex with Carl even after marrying him quite frankly made no sense. She was willing to lose her virginity to Will in Season 1 so what changed?
What went right: Emma was shown to be incredibly caring and compassionate for the students which most of the other teachers didn't seem to have other than maybe Will. Though she had her struggles with OCD she did try her best to overcome them eventually going to consuling herself which was an interesting story arc.
What this means for Gleeboot: Much like Will, Emma will play far less of a leading role in the show and will be a supporting character that many of the students will go to with their varying issues and she will do everything she can to offer them help and support.
Our next adult is someone we love to hate, Terri Schuester
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What went wrong: Terri being brought back in the Legen of Doom was probably one of the worst things that could've happened during the series. While her character was always shown to be off her rocker, Season 2 was laughably bad with the attempts the writers made to try to sell her as evil then redeem her in the end by having her get the New Directions tickets.
What went right: I feel like her arc in Season 1 was incredible showing how manipulative she was by trying to convince her then husband that she really was pregnant and finding an alternative way to get a child. While in the end they weren't right for each other, I think Season 1 had a more fitting end to their relationship.
What this means for Gleeboot: Much like the other adults mentioned before, Terri will play far less of a main role in the series and be relegated to a supporting role. I will still be showcasing how awful she can be towards her husband and how she would do anything to keep him but there will be far less of an emphasis on it.
Up next we are going back to the students with someone who I completely believed deserved better though I haven't touched as much on it as I would've liked to, Mercedes Jones.
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What went wrong: Mercedes in truth was barely ever paid her due with how much she truly brought to the New Directions, frequently being relegated to a background singer who gave out the last jaw dropping note which truly was a complete shame because in my opinion she was quite possibly the strongest vocalist of the entire show (I'm always torn between her and Santana on that one). I also didn't love some of the writing of Mercedes, particually towards her treatment of Sam in the later seasons who had always done everything to show her how much he cared about her.
What went right: Mercedes was shown to be a strong woman who didn't take anyone's nonsense and was one of the few characters who dared to stand up to Rachel which I find commendable. She was a worthy advesary who pursued her dreams and ended up becoming a successful artist.
What this means for Gleeboot: Mercedes will have much more of a strong prescene throughout the series and will not be relegated to a glofied backup singer as she said "I'm Beyoncé, I ain't no Kelly Rowland" and that is exactly how she'll be treated.
Going into the New Directions, our next showcased student is Tina Cohen-Chang.
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What went wrong: Tina was severly underdeveloped as a character which lead to many confusing choices as the show went on with her becoming quite the diva which made no sense to the shy character we were introduced to in the first season. Tina also became quite selfish and obsessed with popularity which once against left many scratching their heads wondering who truly is Tina Cohen-Chang?
What went right: I absolutely loved when the writers showed Tina to be supportive, especially of her boyfriends (ex. trying to help Artie learn to dance in Season 1, submitting applications to dance schools for Mike because it was his dream in Season 3). This was the true heart of who she was deep down. She also wasn't afraid to stand her ground on her beliefs (ex. When she felt she wasn't being treated right by Artie she stood up to him).
What this means for Gleeboot: First and foremost, Tina will not be faking a stutter in Season 1, to me it was one of the most unnessarcy storylines of the show. I know the character was originally supposed to have a stutter but I think eliminating the whole stutter part completly would work. Tina will be a very shy and reserved girl who struggles to find her voice as part of the New Directions but eventually finds her courage and becomes a strong woman.
Moving onto Tina's best friend, Artie Abrams.
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What went wrong: The writers truly lost the essence of who Artie was turning him into a misogynsitic jerk most of the time who degrated women, something he clearly wasn't when the show first started.
What went right: Artie was great respresentation for those who were physically disabled being that the character was in a wheelchair and was able to show so many people that their disablities don't have to limit their lives.
What this means for Gleeboot: Artie will return to form as the sweet but dorky guy that we grew to love in the first season. While he may be influenced by many of the other guys in the club, he won't turn as misogynistic towards his girlfriends/love interests.
Our final character who made her debut in the pilot is Santana Lopez
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What went wrong: I feel like a lot of Santana's insults went too far, especially ones where she body shamed many of the New Directions (ex. Finn, Mercedes, Quinn). Santana also manipulating Brittany who is supposed to be the love of her life without any consequences was questionable at best.
What went right: Santana was one of the first mainstream lesbian characters who helped so many people be seen and heard. Naya's portrayl of the character was perfection. The developement of Santana was one of the few characters who's arc felt complete and well written.
What this means for Gleeboot: Not a whole lot will change for Santana character wise other than her insults evolving to 2024 where she will still roast the hell out of everyone but keep weight out of it.
Did you know that dolphins are just gay sharks? Up next is the third member of the Unholy Trinity, Brittany S. Pierce.
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What went wrong: Like so many airheaded characters as the seasons went on Brittany became dumbed down which was unfortunate. Also making Brittany into a secret genius made absolutely no sense and making it canon that her biological father was Stephen Hawking also felt in really poor taste.
What went right: Brittany was a hilarious comic relief with her one liners in Season 1 and her relationship with Santana was one that inspired so many fans. What this means for Gleeboot: Brittany was a great respresentation for bisexuals everywhere who like many of the characters made them feel like they were being seen, unfortunately the show never fully embraced Brittany as a bisexual and that is something I would love to change in this story. There also will be no 'Brittany is secretly a genius and goes to MIT' storyline instead Brittany will be mainly focused on her dancing which is a huge part of who she is.
Now moving on to the forgotten football player and New Directions member, Matt Rutherford
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What went wrong: We literally learned nothing about Matt other than he was a football player, he was one of the strongest dancers, he was friends with Mike, and he might have had a thing with Santana at one point. Other than that he was a huge mystery which is sad considering he was an original member of the New Directions.
What went right: Honestly, not much for poor Matt which is why his actor left not wanting to be reglated to the background.
What this means for Gleeboot: Matt will absolutely be more developed in the series with him being more than just a body for the New Directions. I don't want to reveal too much about his character but he will have love interests as well as a backstory of why he leaves the New Directions after Season 1.
Finally, from the original cast here is the Asian Dancer himself, Mike Chang.
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What went wrong: Much like Matt, we hardly got to know Mike outside of his relationship with Tina only getting very limited characterization in 'Asian F' which was in Season 3!
What went right: Mike's relationship with Tina was one of only two things that was fully realized, the other was his passion for dance which is clearly showcased in his defining episode in Season 3.
What this means for Gleeboot: Like Matt, Mike will be developed a lot more because his dynamic with his parents, particularly his father who didn't approve of him pursuing dance instead of law would be so intersting to pursue.
Moving onto the our main cast who joined the show after Season 1, starting off with one of the best teacher characters introduced, Coach Beiste!
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What went wrong: Okay, I really hope my intention is seen rather than what I'm about to write being misconstrued but I truly feel like the show undermined the character of Coach Beiste by making her the first transgender character which did not suit who we had grown to know Coach Beiste as. If the show had wanted a transgender storyline I fully believe they already had the character there that was right for it in Unique, who had already shown signs that she was a trans woman but with Alex Newell not being a member of the main cast, it seemed that role got assigned to Dot Marie Jones as Coach Beiste which to me didn't suit the character at all.
What went right: Coach Beiste was shown to be a caring and kind person who valued their students no matter what. They also generously bought Artie a ReWalk to help keep Brittany's faith about Santa being real which was adorable.
What this means for Gleeboot: Coach Beiste will remain a female coach in this series because to me she always identified herself as 'such a girl' and it felt strange for the show to do a 180 on that in its final season. While this may be contraversal, it's what I truly feel is in character for Coach Beiste. We will have a transgender character in Unique when she arrives.
And now we move on to my favorite male character, Sam Evans.
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What went wrong: Sam went from being an absolute gentleman and a sweetheart to becoming a sex obsessed clone of Finn as the show went on. I also hated how they made him like every other guy encouraging Mercedes to cheat on her boyfriend Shane. Not to mention the ridiculous storyline of him being hyponotized to be with Rachel which was ridiculous.
What went right: Sam was patient and kind to a healing Quinn after the year she had. He also was one of the first guys to truly stand up for Kurt and be willing to duet with him which is something none of them would've done. Sam was also such a dedicated boyfriend to all of his girlfriends which made him endearing and adorable.
What this means for Gleeboot: Sam will maintain his sweet and caring nature towards the New Directions and will be one of the first popular kids to call out the town's homophobia towards Kurt. He also will be a loyal boyfriend to whoever he dates, never once cheating or encouraging cheating on anyone.
Our last and final character we will talk about is one that became so popular, he became a mainstay in Blaine Anderson.
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What went wrong: Blaine went from a very sure of himself posh character to becoming somewhat of whiny and clingy manchild who couldn't go without contact from his boyfriend which led him to cheating. It was so disappointing to see the downfall of a once great and promising character.
What went right: Blaine was Kurt's rock through a rough time in his life where he was being severely bullied for being gay by a closeted gay. He also helped Kurt adjust once he transferred to Dalton Academy and slowly feel in love with him.
What this means for Gleeboot: I'm going back to basics for Blaine where he will be much more like he was in Season 2, sure of who he is but kind of clueless with love but learns along the way with the help of Kurt.
And that's all for the character descriptions. I hope you enjoyed a small preview of what's to come as far as Gleeboot is concerned. If you have any questions or comments you can leave them down below but as always please be respectful.
Much love, Jazzie
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yourchoicebehappy · 8 months
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