longdogspottings · 5 months
Alright, here’s the 150th Long Dog I have spotted on the  episode called “Surprise!” on Bluey. If anyone wants to have a look.
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correctrvbquotes · 4 months
Fade in to the bomb, counting down the last few seconds to 2:00
Grif: Howh, just two minutes left.
Sarge: Men, I don't want this to sound pessimistic, but I'm absolutely certain we're all gonna die!
Simmons: I think that that's a totally objective assessment of the situation, sir.
Tucker: (hitting the window shutters with the ultimate weapon) What if we just beat on these window shutters together? We can get 'em open.
Sarge: No, that would be the coward's way out. Fruitlessly trying to escape instead of accepting your own fate!
Tucker: (jumping up in the now open window) But I can see daylight!
Sarge: It's true. Only a miracle can save us now.
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coquinaclutch · 9 months
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thecalvinistkat · 5 months
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*rubs hands together* I HAVE A THEORY (3 of them to be exact)
Listen to the explanation here: https://youtube.com/shorts/oR_rdTvURjs?si=XE42fOmNyi7tu2Uj
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sportsunfolded · 9 months
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ink-ghoul · 2 years
Cleo's default skin was made by Xandra (sp?). I found it in S3E50!
I'm not sure about Gorgon Cleo; I almost wanna say 5th Alice but that's only 'cos I recall them doing Cleo's honeybadger skin recently so I don't wanna say that with confidence dksgh
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Thank you!
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rpgbot · 1 year
Free RPG Day 2023 - RPGBOT.News S3E50
On this episode of the RPGBOT.News, we look forward to this year's Free RPG Day! We look back at some Free RPG Day content wich we've played previously, and discuss some of our favorite free offerings coming to an FLGS near you on Saturday, June 24th.
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chrisshields18 · 7 months
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airisu7425 · 5 years
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Levi Ackerman - S3 ep 50
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lexosaurus · 5 years
I know you just typed /a lot/ but any chance you could run down the good episodes? I want to marathon them sometime
Yeet my dude I gotchu!
So I’m gonna organize these into 3 categories. 1. Episodes that are universally loved. 2. Episodes I didn’t like but other people really liked. 3. Episodes I liked that other people are meh about.
Keep in mind that this is all based on my general observation as well as my opinion and is not to be taken as word of law. 
Okay, let’s get started!
1. Episodes that are universally loved
S1E1 Mystery Meat: It’s the first episode! How could you not love it? The episode takes place about a month (i think) after Danny’s accident with the portal. He has ZERO control over his new powers and he has to face off against his first real ghost! It’s all around very wholesome and I deffs recommend anyone actually start with this episode.
S1E7 Bitter Reunions: Here we meet Vlad Masters/Plasmius and we learn a bit about who Vlad is and why he hates Jack so much. Other than that, it really is a well done episode. Lots of humor mixed in with a general “Oh no Danny” that we love.
S1E9 My Brother’s Keeper: Okay so this is a super angsty episode with a ghost (Spectra) that uses psychological powers rather than physical ones. I LOVE this kind of thing so it’s one of my all time faves. My only qualm is that this episode contains the infamous Main-Character-in-a-Diaper scene that Butch Hartman (show creator) is known for putting in ALL of his works. But it’s p short so I just pretend it doesn’t exist.
S1E10 Shades of Gray: This episode introduced VALERIE who is a phandom fave. She’s a fucking BAMF and we love her a lot. Even though she hates Danny. She’s still dope.
S1E15 Public Enemies: This is just an all-around 11/10 well done episode. It’s basically about Walker (from S1E8 “Prisoners of Love”) getting his revenge on Danny by turning the town against him. Each minute is PACKED with amazing content and we stan yes.
S1E18 Life Lessons: More Valerie! More Skulker! Yess! That’s all you really need to know lol.
S1E19 The Million Dollar Ghost: This episode people like because 1. Vladdy and 2. It introduces The Guys in White which are a government organization specifically made to hunt and maim ghosts. This has inspired a LOT of fanfiction. So much fanfiction. Just…so much. I love it all.
S2E24/25 Reign Storm: So this is the first two-parter in the series and it’s very very well done. The plot is essentially Vlad fucks up and, as such, Danny, Vlad, and Valerie must team up together to stop the evil that invades Amity Park. This also has inspired hella awesome fanfiction and lore in the community so we love it.
S2E32 Flirting with Disaster: This episode has Technus pushing Danny and Valerie into a relationship. It features some badass Human Danny moments as well as badass Val moments. All in all, a solid Valerie-centered episode.
S3E41 Eye for an Eye: This episode is the start of Season 3, the universally most hated season, but I think that most people enjoy this episode. It features Vlad trying to take over the town in a kind of unusual and smart way.
S3E50 Claw of the Wild: Wulf returns! Otherwise, this episode has some great Trio bonding and some cool lines and whatnot. Not people’s favorite episode ever, but I think most people think it’s a solid ep.
S3E51 D-Stabilized: Dani returns from S2E37 Kindred Spirits and is very unwell! Below I state that I don’t like Dani as a character and I explain why, but even I found this episode enjoyable and it is very universally loved. There’s a lot of character growth from Danny and Valerie here and it gets pretty dark. 
2. Episodes I didn’t vibe with but other people really liked
S1E5 Splitting Images: I wasn’t HUGE into this one because I hate the way Butch Hartman tries to frame Danny’s petty revenge as legit bullying, but it does introduce Sydney Poindexter, who does appear in the show a few times. And this episode does feature Dash and Kwan a lot, so if you like them then this is a good episode to watch.
S1E11 Fanning the Flames: I’ll admit, I’m not a huge Ember stan. But a lot of people love her as a ghost (she is a badass I will admit) and the song in this episode is a straight up bop so it’s worth a watch.
S2E25 Identity Crisis: So this is an episode that threw me for the loop I think when I watched it because it’s SO goofy and totally not angsty at all. Which, coming off of Reign Storm (the episode before it), seemed odd to me. But yeah, it’s just a goofy “Danny fucks up” episode and a lot of people find it hilarious.
S2E28/29 The Ultimate Enemy: So this is a pretty legendary episode that I just happened to not really like. It explores a world in which Danny becomes evil. It introduces popular characters Dan (evil Danny) and Clockwork. Jazz gets a moment to shine here also which is cool.
S2E31 Secret Weapons: A Jazz and Danny bonding episode following the events in The Ultimate Enemy. I think this episode got better as it went, and I do enjoy watching it, but it’s just not a favorite of mine. But if you like Jazz, you will like this episode.
S2E37 Kindred Spirits: This episode introduces Dani, an unstable clone of Danny that Vlad makes. Explores a lot of psychology and dips into some dark shit. Honestly, this should be in the “universally loved” category but I just couldn’t get on board. I found Dani to be a cheap ploy by Butch to try to gain more female viewership, Most people adore this episode, so don’t let my negativity towards Dani as a concept deter you from watching it. Many fanfictions use Dani, and I know phanon Dani is a lot more well-rounded so yeah.
S3E42 Infinite Realms: This episode introduces Frostbite, a beloved character in the phandom. Lots of fanfiction involves him. I also love Frostbite and would die for him, but I just found the plot of this episode to be lacking.
S3E46 Urban Jungle: I think this episode actually got a lot of mixed-reviews. Some parts were cool, I think people just didn’t vibe with the villain (myself included). This episode features Danny getting his final power in the series, as well as more Frostbite! So we like that.
3. Episodes I liked that other people were meh about
S1E3 One of a Kind: This episode introduced the ghost Skulker who’s like one of my faves. It also has some good Sam moments, which are rare to find in the show. It also introduces the idea of Danny as a half ghost being a rare thing, which is something I fucking love to capitalize on in phanon.
S1E17 Maternal Instinct: I actually think a lot of people like this one but I haven’t seen much people talk about it so I put it here. But it has more Vladdy! Yay! The plot is a take on the “lost in the woods” concept which has been inspirational to many cool fanfictions throughout the phandom.
S2E27 The Fenton Menace: This one is a really good Fenton Family bonding episode, featuring some wacky Fenton parents shenanigans, and mainly focuses on Danny and Jazz’s relationship and how Jazz always tries to be super mature all the time. Wacky and very heartwarming!
S2E33 Micro Management: I don’t think loads of people vibe with this episode but I really like Dash so I enjoyed this one a lot. Basically, Skulker shrinks Danny and Dash and Danny loses his ghost powers. Just a funny, lighthearted episode.
S2E39/40 Reality Trip: This two-parter is one of my most-watched episodes. I just loved the concept of Danny having to deal with being revealed to the world. I think the plot could have been a bit better, but the concept was good. Reoccurring antagonist from S1E20 Control Freaks.
S3E45 Forever Phantom: I think the general consensus is that this episode is “average” but tbh I really love it. It features a new ghost Amorpho who is neither evil nor good, just kinda confused, and deals with Danny having to face his new fame head-on.
So this was my list! Hopefully it’s pretty accurate. There were some episodes (like Maternal Instinct and Claw of the Wild) I wasn’t sure where to put so I made my best guess based on the information I had around me!
Happy viewing!
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kuchenackerman · 5 years
jsdfnjnd I'm watching S3E50 right now and I'm getting chills and my heart is fluttering with all the subtle soft eremika scenes so far BLESS
(I’m 13 minutes in)
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longdogspottings · 5 months
Alright here’s the 111th 112th 113th and 114th Tennis Balls I have spotted on the episode called “Surprise!” on Bluey. If anyone wants to have a look.
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correctrvbquotes · 4 months
Past Church materializes as a ghost behind Future Church on the cliff
Past Church: What happened? I can see my body. I see two of my bodies. Am I dead?
Future Church: Uhh... Uh-oh, um, let's just put it this way: You were killed because someone very close to you is an idiot.
Past Church: So I am dead? Aw, that blows man! Wait... I see a light. Should I go in to it?
Future Church: What light? I don't see a light, you must be shaken up from the explosion. You should probably rest.
Past Church: Farewell my body. I shake loose these earthy bonds, for a better existence...
Future Church: Man... First I kill myself, then I realise I'm a honkin' dork. Not a very good day to be me.
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coquinaclutch · 9 months
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S3E50 - The Bride May Now Swipe Right
This week we talk about the Royal Wedding, Lukas explains why Magic The Gathering conventions are the last stand of implicit white identity and defends monarchic political systems.
This week's links:
https://www.truthdig.com/articles/the-royal-wedding-and-the-end-of-whiteness/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DdjgRM2X4AIJVTl.jpg:large https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/mar/16/what-happens-when-queen-elizabeth-dies-london-bridge
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rtrixie · 6 years
Do you think Queen Elizabeth (fairly or not) will be remembered as the queen that Britain died under? Do you think the royal family should be held accountable to for allowing the power of Britain to be given to strangers and basically strangling the life out of it?
We discussed exactly this in our latest episode: https://soundcloud.com/currentyearreport/s3e50-the-bride-may-now-swipe-right
I doubt any monarch’s reign saw a worse imperial and national decline at peace than Elizabeth’s. I don’t know if the decline can be halted, but I think her death will either mark the quiet death of Britain or the beginning of a restoration, nothing more or less. 
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