#SB Alexander
clarounette · 2 years
REVIEW: The dawning by SB Alexander
REVIEW: The dawning by SB Alexander
Click the image to buy on Amazon Summary It’s the dawning of a new era in the supernatural world. There’s a war on the horizon, and I’m caught between enemy lines. On one side, my human grandmother. Harriet Aberdeen will walk through fire to get what she wants—me. On the other, an arrogant, sexy vampire. Sam Mason will stop at nothing to save the woman he loves—me. But neither one is in…
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spongebob-connoisseur · 9 months
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Yeah! That's about all I know about him because anything SB related is my business. I don't know much else beyond that.
Here he is when he's not in costume
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And here he is in the full Nosferatu costume
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Ngl he's hotter in the Nosferatu costume
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fnafagainstmodernfnaf · 10 months
Do we really have to tho.. .
I think this calls for a secret marriage 🤭🤭
-queen of the shadow realms
There's nothing like summer in the city
Someone under stress meets someone looking pretty
There's trouble in the air, you can smell it
And Alexander's by himself, I'll let him tell it
I hadn't slept in a week
I was weak, I was awake
You've never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break
Longing for Angelica
Missing my wife
That's when Miss Maria Reynolds walked into my life, she said
I know you are a man of honor
I'm so sorry to bother you at home
But I don't know where to go, and I came here all alone
She said
My husband's doin' me wrong
Beatin' me, cheatin' me, mistreatin' me
Suddenly he's up and gone
I don't have the means to go on
So I offered her a loan, I offered to walk her home, she said
You're too kind, sir
I gave her thirty bucks that I had socked away
She lived a block away, she said
This one's mine, sir
Then I said, "Well, I should head back home"
She turned red, she led me to her bed
Let her legs spread and said
That's when I began to pray
Lord, show me how to say no to this
I don't know how to say no to this
But my God, she looks so helpless
And her body's saying, "Hell, yes"
No, show me how to say no to this
I don't know how to say no to this
In my mind, I'm tryin' to go (go, go, go)
Then her mouth is on mine, and I don't say
No, no (say no to this)
No, no (say no to this)
No, no (say no to this)
No, no (say no to this)
I wish I could say that was the last time
I said that last time, it became a pastime
A month into this endeavor I received a letter
From a Mr. James Reynolds, even better, it said
Dear Sir, I hope this letter finds you in good health
And in a prosperous enough position to put wealth
In the pockets of people like me down on their luck
You see, that was my wife who you decided to (fuuuu)
Uh oh, you made the wrong sucker a cuckold
So time to pay the piper for the pants you unbuckled
And hey, you can keep seein' my whore wife
If the price is right, if not I'm telling your wife
I hid the letter and I raced to her place
Screamed, "How could you?" In her face, she said
No, sir
Half dressed, apologetic, a mess, she looked pathetic, she cried
Please don't go, sir
So was your whole story a setup?
I don't know about any letter (stop crying God dammit, get up)
I didn't know any better (I am ruined)
Please don't leave me with him helpless (I am helpless how could I do this?)
Just give him what he wants and you can have me (I don't want you, I don't want you)
Whatever you want, if you pay
You can stay (Lord, show me how to say no to this)
I don't know how to say no to this
But this situation's helpless (helpless)
And her body's screaming, "Hell, yes"
No, show me how to say no to this (whoa)
How can I say no to this?
There is nowhere I can go (go, go, go)
When her body's on mine I do not say (no) yes
Say no to this
Say no to this, I don't say no to this
There is nowhere I can go (go, go, go)
-NM Mangle🪳
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Since it's well established that Nikolai is a people pleaser, i think one of the things that attract him to Alexander is his independence. Sure, Darkling wants the country to love him but he's long past trying to achieve it somehow. He's well off being disliked.
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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hphl edit; the stolberg-burke family
ellen dorrit petersen as celestia burke
johan rheborg as alexander stolberg
calahan skogman as malcolm stolberg-burke
 naomi battrick as estelle stolberg-burke
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Given the frankly astounding number of Protestants I've come across who believe the most bog-standard debunked conspiracy theories about Catholicism, I wonder whether the one I should be ""thanking"" for this influence is Alexander Hislop or Jack Chick.
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petals2fish · 4 months
Order In The Court (The Incident)
They would joke about ‘The Incident’ for years after, the story always becoming more melodramatic with each theatrical retelling. It was Sirius’ favorite story to tell, and he recited it at their wedding two years later. “And it all started because I got called to jury duty…”
Read on A03
"Please, do find yourself a comfortable seat," the woman behind the front desk instructed, extending a badge emblazoned with the word JUROR in bold crimson letters towards Sirius Black. "Our orientation session is set to commence in a mere two minutes."
Sirius couldn't help but entertain a sense of incredulity at the summons to jury duty. After all, he held the esteemed position of being the closest confidant and cherished friend of none other than Judge James Potter. Sirius had naively assumed that his role in assisting James with his meticulously organized Pokémon card collection would surely render him exempt from the mundane responsibilities of jury service. 
Alas, fate had a different plan, as the summons found its way into their mailbox, delivered with no small amount of glee by James himself, his smirk rather too wide for someone delivering stupid civic duty. James, in his characteristic wit, dubbed the summons as 'bring your best friend to work day', a moniker that Sirius cynically rebranded as a 'governmental conspiracy.'
As Sirius made his way into the juror room, James' image beamed proudly from the screens above, accompanied by a short biography detailing his legal prowess. Cheryl, the woman stationed at the front desk, cast a scrutinizing gaze upon Sirius as he navigated past her station to claim a seat.
With a resounding thud, Sirius deposited himself into an unoccupied chair adjacent to a red-haired individual whose face bore an expression of palpable frustration, their heated conversation on the phone permeating the room with an air of agitation.
"This woman at the front desk told me that this could take all day, so if you don't hear from me, I've asked the supposed murderer to murder me."
the irate woman said into the phone, shooting Sirius a look to convey her similar disdain for being there. She was speaking to someone with a high-pitched voice, but the conversation ended abruptly. The woman pulled her phone from her ear and pouted.
Sirius' gray eyes returned to the television screen in front of them. James' face reappeared, accompanied by his bio. The woman looked up just as James' face disappeared, leaving only his bio, which stressed his love for doughnuts and race cars.
"What kind of idiot admits they like Krispy Kreme over Dunkin' Donuts?" the woman muttered next to Sirius with a slight grunt before resuming her phone surfing.
Sirius resisted the urge to tell her that James had a knack for picking the worst foods to love. Anyone who chose Denny's over IHOP was clearly insane, and James picked Denny's every single time. 
Suddenly, Sirius' phone went off in his pocket. He leaned up to pull his cell from his jeans pocket. The white screen flashed with more than one message from James Potter.
JP: I can't believe that we get to hang out all day together! / If u get picked to be in my courtroom, that is. / I could get fired for telling u this, but old man Alexander needs a panel of like, twenty jurors, so good luck NOT getting picked. / Are u downstairs?
Sirius rolled his eyes and began texting James back.
SB: They've stuffed at least 150 of us in this tiny room and are about to start orientation. / What happens if I leave before they call my name? 
JP: Death penalty for running from ur civic duty 
SB: How many jurors do you need? 
JP: Idk. This attorney in my case is killing my vibe, and I can't focus. / G2G, the attorney just realized I'm not paying attention to the case and threatened to sue me. 
SB: Threaten him with the death penalty. 
James remained silent, prompting Sirius to exhale wearily as he reclined in his chair. Glancing at the clock across from him, he noted only a few minutes had elapsed. He sighed once more, drawing a glance from his striking neighbor. Before she could utter a word, a voice resonated from a small stage to their right.
It was Cheryl, the woman from the front desk, positioned at a podium to give instructions. "Alright, let's get started. I see you're all eager to begin your jury duty today."
The surrounding individuals chuckled, albeit with a tinge of bitterness. Cheryl appeared encouraged by the response and proceeded, adjusting her blonde hair. "First, we'll recite the pledge of allegiance."
Reluctantly, Sirius stood and placed a hand over his heart. The red-haired girl beside him wore an indifferent expression as she mimicked the action. Once the pledge concluded, Cheryl instructed them to affirm their commitment to truth before the court of law.
Sirius couldn't shake the feeling of being back in grade school, facing the stern gaze of the principal.
Finally, Cheryl had them seated again before outlining the rules. "Most trials are resolved within a day, and not everyone will be selected. If chosen for jury duty, remember you cannot disclose any information once you leave the courtroom. Those not selected must remain on standby in case additional jurors are needed." Sirius frowned deeply at the prospect of spending the entire day confined to the same room. "Lunch will be provided around midday, and I'll announce when it's time over the loudspeaker. Any questions?"
There was silence.
"This is the perfect time to turn to your neighbors and introduce yourselves."
Of fucking course Cheryl would encourage socialization.
Sirius turned to the redhead, who was eyeing his long black hair with interest. He hadn't noticed before, but her eyes were a startling green, and she was wearing a Levins University sweater. Sirius and James had both attended Levins. The woman stuck out her hand, and he took it kindly.
"Sirius Black," he grunted.
"I'm Lily," she said. "Lily Evans."
Sirius' eyes flashed to her sweatshirt. "When did you graduate?"
Lily responded lukewarmly, "I dropped out."
Sirius raised an interested brow at his neighbor. "Me too. Not your slice of pie?"
Lily tilted her head at him. "What?"
"I mean, did you drop out because you're not very good at school?"
Lily's eyes twinkled precariously. "I got into Harvard Law."
Sirius’ frown faltered. "Oh, sorry..."
"I happen to have an IQ of five hundred and fifty-six."
"Is that even a thing?" He couldn't tell if she was kidding or not.
"I dunno, you tell me."
He stared at her with uncertainty, and then she laughed, a sound that was both warm and spirited.
"I'm just kidding; I don't go to Harvard," Lily waved her hand at Sirius with a grin. "I had to leave LU for a year to take care of my dad. I'm back for my last year. I'm a chemistry major."
Sirius was surprised by her choice of major. "Wow, how—erm—" he paused, not knowing how to phrase his question without insulting her again. 
Chemistry was more boring to him than watching wet paint dry. 
Instead of being awkward, she challenged him. "Say what you're thinking. You think I'm a nerd."
"Intellectual," Sirius stated.
Her smile widened. "Nice save."
Sirius cracked his own grin; she had the same sense of humor as James. It was uncanny that he'd find the pale, red-haired version of his roommate in jury duty. She even ran her fingers through her loose hair in a way reminiscent of how James messed up his curls.
Lily stopped looking at Sirius to glance down at her phone, which was going off every ten seconds. She was texting back someone with little smirks and a few eye rolls. Since Sirius didn't have anything else to do while they waited, he continued watching her interact with the world behind her screen.
"You're quite popular," he finally said, after about forty minutes of her back and forth texting.
Lily blew her hair from her eyes and sent Sirius a disgraced look. "Everyone's giving me tips on how to get out of jury duty."
"You don't want to be here?"
"You do?" she asked in surprise, as if every word from his mouth was preposterous.
Sirius shrugged. "Not really," he admitted. "But as far as I understand, we're stuck here."
"Well, my friend Marley told me to walk in here with a Donald Trump hat and a Black Lives Matter shirt to confuse the hell out of them," Lily said firmly. "But my other friend Angela is certain if I tell everyone that I believe in the death penalty, they'll send me home."
"She's convinced they'll let me go on grounds of insanity."
Sirius liked talking to her; she had a sharp sense of humor. "I hear the hospital down the road is quite nice. Padded walls and such."
Lily shrugged at his teasing. "Gotta stay committed to the role."
Sirius barked a laugh. "Commit to a role?" he motioned to her black leggings and university sweater. "The only role you're committed to right now is being a lethargic college student."
Lily stuck her tongue out. "Do you have any better ideas? I'm open to anything."
"Sleep with the judge?" Sirius waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Lily slammed her back against the seat in despair. "I'd seriously consider it."
Sirius laughed and then lightly kicked at Lily's ankles. "I'll let him know."
"Thanks, pal," Lily laughed, as if finding Sirius amusing and not in any way honest.
"In fact," Sirius pulled out his phone, "I'll text him right now."
"Yeah," Lily rolled her eyes, "Because you have Judge Judy on speed dial."
"His name is James, actually," Sirius didn't miss a beat, "And he's my roommate."
Lily eyed him, waiting for his expression to give into her scrutiny. "You're bluffing."
Sirius didn't say anything; he was too busy texting on his phone. Once he'd finished the text and hit send, he flashed the screen right at Lily's green eyes.
SB: James, one of the jurors just told me she's willing to sleep with you to get out of jury duty. 
Her forehead furrowed as she read his text, and then she laughed. "Is he attractive?"
Before Sirius could answer, the woman called over the loudspeaker, "Alright, the judge has called for jurors. We will be calling you by the numbers on your badge, and this is a sample size of forty."
There was a collective groan from around the room. Lily crossed her arms moodily and looked at her badge for her number.
 "I'm 147," she said, looking at Sirius. "What about you?"
Sirius flipped his badge in her direction. "213."
"What are the chances of us getting called together?" she whispered as the woman started calling out numbers.
"45! 67!"
Slowly, people began filing towards the door at the back of the room.
"Jesus, it's like the damn Hunger Games in here," Lily hissed.
"Just waiting for someone to jump up and yell that they'll volunteer as tribute..." Sirius whispered back.
"I'd need to be thoroughly intoxicated, but hey, for the sheer amusement of it, count me in," she chuckled, her eyes gleaming mischievously.
"Absolutely, that would definitely add some much-needed excitement to our otherwise mundane confinement," he agreed with a grin.
Sirius couldn't help but admire Lily’s quick wit when she said out loud,  "I should've thought of sneaking in some vodka.”
At that moment, Sirius resolved to permanently befriend the clever redhead.
As the forty selected jurors were escorted out by vigilant security personnel, Lily and Sirius exchanged relieved glances. They breathed easier knowing their numbers hadn't been called during the drawing. Watching the jurors depart, they shared a knowing look, silently acknowledging the tension that lingered in the room.
"Can we leave now, then?" Lily asked.
Cheryl's annoying voice came over the intercom, "If you remain in the sitting area, please know we must keep everyone here until all the judge's needs have been met."
"Guess we're stuck here," she shot a glare at the front desk. "Fucking Cheryl.”
 Just then, Sirius' phone pinged.
JP: Tell her I at least need 2 take her 2 dinner first. 
Sirius laughed and showed his screen to Lily.
Lily fake gasped as if shocked by James’ response, "How old-fashioned!"
SB: She says you're old-fashioned. 
There was a reply almost instantly.
JP: Does she like old-fashioned? 
Lily, reading over his shoulder, told Sirius, "Tell James I prefer my men in colonial wigs."
JP: Tell her I only wear the white wig when on stand. 
Lily's laughter bubbled louder at Sirius' reply, and she reached out her hand, gesturing for his phone. Sirius gladly handed it over to the blushing woman, who appeared thoroughly amused by James' (admittedly weak) retorts. Her fingers danced across the screen as she typed away eagerly. James responded just as eagerly, causing the phone to buzz animatedly in her hands.
After what felt like an eternity, Lily tossed the phone back to Sirius with a satisfied grin. As he scrolled through the messages, a knowing smirk played at the corners of his lips.
SB: Hey Judge Judy, do you have the power to dismiss us from this Hell? - Lily 
JP: Hello Lily. Unfortunately, I can't dismiss you unless you're picked. 
SB: So now we have to HOPE we get picked?! 
JP: I don't make the rules, I just enforce them. / If it makes you feel any better, you'll be paid for being here. 
SB: Yeah, like, fifteen dollars. 
JP: Maybe they'll buy you all lunch. / Probably not though, because our government has budget cuts. 
SB: Aren't you supposed to be judging people right now, not ruining my hopes and dreams? 
JP: Actually yes, but this attorney has been going on for literal hours about the color of someone's shoes, and I lost interest about three days ago, so I'm texting under my desk. 
SB: Is that not against some judge's code of law or something? 
JP: Probably, but I don't always follow the rules. 
SB: And they let you be a judge? 
JP: A surprise to all, including my professors. 
"Well, I have to say," Sirius looked up at Lily, who was reading something on her own phone now that she’d passed his back, "James hasn't held a conversation with a girl this long in a while."
"Not the conversation type?" she hummed, not looking up from her phone.
"He's more the 'kiss don't tell' type," Sirius commented slyly, seeing her neck turn red at the suggestion.
"He just told me that you're the 'kiss don't tell' type," Lily looked up with a smirk.
Sirius frowned, "Wait, are you texting him?"
Lily sniggered and showed her phone screen. Sirius' jaw dropped when he saw that she had her text open to a certain chat with a contact named ‘Judge James’.
Sirius rubbed his eye, trying not to laugh again. "You really labeled him as Judge James?"
"I considered Judge Judy," she crossed one leg over the other casually, "but he convinced me otherwise."
Sirius ran his fingers through his long black hair in disbelief, "I can't believe you got his number."
"Sent it to myself, didn't I?" Lily grinned as she turned her phone back so she could reply to whatever text had just come in. "I had to ask him if he was a Republican or Democrat."
"Politics?" Sirius mused, "Interesting topic."
"I'm not going to have sex with someone who voted for Trump."
"You want to have sex with the judge, Evans? I'm appalled."
"You're the one who suggested it," Lily replied as she kept texting. "Don't worry, I've bargained for your freedom from Jury Duty in the contract."
"There's a contract?" Sirius couldn't believe how much Lily and James had spoken about in the last forty minutes.
"According to him," Lily replied as she smiled at a meme James had sent her. 
The woman from the front desk came over the intercom, and the noise in the room quieted considerably. Lily even dropped her phone screen from her face.
"We've just received news from one of our judges, and he might have needed another juror group around one in the afternoon. Now would be the time to get some lunch. Please be aware that if you drive out of the parking garage, you will be subject to fees pertaining to parking. It is our suggestion that you go to one of the restaurants on this street."
"So we can't drive," Lily groaned. "I guess I'll go to the Subway down the road and have a bland sandwich."
"Nah," Sirius stood up and stretched. "Let's go to the bar."
Lily's interest peaked. "A bar?"
"You did say you'd like to get drunk before volunteering as a tribute for the Hunger Games," he reminded her.
"I mean, I won't say no to getting a drink or two."
"It's a date."
"Will James be on lunch then as well?" she asked as she stood up.
Sirius shrugged. "It depends on his case."
"What is his case?" Lily asked as she and Sirius made their way out of the tiny room and down a set of stairs.
"Probably murder," Sirius griped. "Old lady killed her husband after he offended her cat Mr. Snuffles."
"Poor Mr. Snuffles," Lily sighed dramatically. "He didn't stand a chance."
Lily walked ahead, smiling at everyone they passed politely. Sirius felt totally relaxed around her, like they’d been friends for ages and not just a few hours. That didn’t normally happen, not with him at least. Sirius' phone went off again, and he checked it with interest.
JP: So really, how pretty is she? Because right now, based on her texts, I'm in love. 
SB: Discernibly average. 
JP: Sirius. 
SB: James. 
JP: This case is taking forever. I should get lunch. Where are you headed? 
SB: A bar. She's a riot and wants to get drunk. 
JP: She said you dared her. / I bet she’s so pretty. / What color are her eyes? 
SB: Ugly 
JP: I hate you. 
"Sirius, what's the bar called?" Lily pulled Sirius away from his phone.
They stepped outside into the cool October air, with Lily standing there, her phone in her hands as she tried to navigate directions around the courthouse. Other jurors on lunch strolled around them. Lily's red hair fluttered in the wind, and her eyes sparkled, full of life. At that moment, Sirius knew that when James finally met this woman, he'd be a fool not to fall in love. Sirius decided to make himself comfortable around his best friend's future girlfriend.
"I dunno, Evans," he complained. "That's what Google Maps is for."
Lily stood there for a few more moments, typing into her phone. "James says there's a bar on Mayberry and Castle."
"Let's go then," Sirius motioned for Lily to lead the way.
Lily gave a pretty little cheer before heading towards the pillars that led to the streets. Apparently, she had been downtown enough to know where the streets were. She led Sirius about a block away from the courthouse and through a short alleyway. A small bar called Thickens sat between a beauty parlor and a convenience shop. Lily opened the wooden door, and the smell of cigarettes and cinnamon wafted over Sirius as he entered the dimly lit bar.
Once they had their drinks, Sirius eyed the red-haired woman with interest. "So, tell me about yourself, Evans."
Lily took a swig of her cider. "Well," she said with pursed lips, "I grew up an hour south of here in a small town, hated it there, and moved away."
"What a great story," Sirius faked astonishment. "Lifetime movie material."
Lily smirked. "You got a better one, Black?"
Sirius nodded solemnly. "I was disowned by my super conservative family for refusing an arranged marriage to my second cousin, dropped out of school due to depression, and relocated here to be with my best mate."
Rather than pulling away from Sirius, like most people did, Lily leaned in closer. "Sounds like you've had a rough time – but does your sibling despise you with every fiber of their being for no discernable reason?"
Sirius took up her challenge. "My younger brother Regulus didn't break free from the family like I did – he tragically passed away. Took his own life, actually. In his final words he blamed me for his misery."
She took another hearty swig of her drink. "Could've used a happier twist."
Sirius cracked his knuckles. "Well, I was adopted by my best friend's family, and we sing about rainbows and sunshine every night before bed, so I’m pretty happy now."
"What a charmed existence," Lily remarked, her sharp green eyes holding a depth of intelligence Sirius rarely encountered. 
“I bet your life is all butterflies,” Sirius surmised, playfully nudging her to give up her story. 
Lily looked at the ceiling before sighing and stating out loud, "My father passed away four months ago, my sister disowned me for apparently killing him, and just last week, my cat Argus met his end after darting out and being struck by a bus."
Sirius had to hand it to this girl, she was not shy, nor was she afraid of judgments. She’d be the perfect match for James, and made the perfect friend to help Sirius gang up on James with. 
"Are we in a contest for the most miserable life?" Sirius sloshed his drink in his cup to ‘cheers’ her.
"No, just bonding over our shared trauma," Lily offered with a wink.
"That's more like it."
She lightly touched his arm with her bottle. "And what about James?" she asked playfully. "Is he the epitome of perfection?"
"He snores like a freight train and has a penchant for fast cars," Sirius replied. "Not exactly my cup of tea."
Sirius laughed as she took another swig. "Cheers."
Lily requested another cider, having polished off her first. Both of them sat staring at the screens, lost in their own thoughts. Sirius often utilized his tales to dissuade others, and it was rare for anyone to stick around. Yet James had stayed. Remus had stayed. Peter had stayed until he found something more enticing. And now, this girl—this randomly selected girl in jury duty—didn't even flinch when he recounted his story. Sirius downed his whiskey as Lily concluded her second cider.
"Keep pace, Black," she teased.
He arched an eyebrow at her. "I challenge you to try and outdrink me."
"I never back down from a challenge," Lily winked as she lowered the bottle from her lips. "If I'm going to endure another six hours in that infernal jury room, I might as well have some fun."
Sirius clinked his glass with hers. "This marks the beginning of a splendid friendship, Evans."
Lily had no objections to that. "We should play a fun drinking game to celebrate this momentous friendship."
"How much fun are you thinking?" Sirius asked. 
"Take a sip for every time your family has let you down?" Lily proposed.
"I'd be drunk really quickly if we used those rules."
"Me too," Lily raised her bottle in his direction. "Cheers to that."
He finished his whiskey and downed three more, a testament to Sirius's renowned tolerance for alcohol. Meanwhile, Lily, slightly tipsy and giggly, leaned on Sirius's arm as they made their way back to the courthouse. She looked at the world with a contented sigh, expressing her joy at the strangest things. She was like a breath of fresh air, as much as he loved hanging out with his other friends. Sirius didn't have too many friends who were girls, in fact. 
"I'm so happy we crossed paths," she declared, "And I plan on charming your best friend to help us out of this situation."
Sirius chuckled, guiding her through the courthouse door. "You think flirting with a judge might get us kicked out?"
"It'd be a relief," Lily replied as they ascended the staircase to the jury room, "Considering I've been trying to flee since seven thirty this morning when Cheryl had us singing the national anthem."
"I challenge you to sing it again, but this time to Cheryl," Sirius proposed.
"Really?" Lily whispered, briefly checking her reflection on her phone screen.
"They might actually send you packing," Sirius mused.
"I'm game," Lily affirmed, determination flashing across her features. "Anything to escape this place, but you're coming with me."
Sirius couldn't suppress his laughter as she broke free from his embrace and twirled up the stairs. Her red hair billowed behind her, and she collided with a messy-haired boy in black robes and thick glasses. Sirius recognized him instantly, though Lily and James were strangers to each other.
James caught Lily's shoulders, steadying her with a half-smile. "You alright?"
"Oops, sorry!" Lily giggled, withdrawing from James's grasp and dancing excitedly down the hall toward Cheryl. "Let's go, Sirius, we're getting kicked out of jury duty!"
"Right behind you, Evans!"
James Potter turned to see Sirius striding confidently, while Lily charged ahead, oblivious to the fact that she had just bumped into Judge James without a second glance. James ran his fingers through his hair, further tousling the black curls as he watched Sirius and then Lily disappear down the corridor.
"Is that—" James began.
"Indeed it is," Sirius confirmed as he passed James to join Lily.
"Fuck me, she's gorgeous," came James' less than eloquent reply.
As Sirius followed Lily into the jury room, he couldn't believe his eyes. Lily wasn't just walking in, she was belting out the national anthem at the top of her lungs. Sirius was beside himself with laughter as the entire room turned to watch Lily make her grand entrance, serenading the women at the front desk. Cheryl, in particular, looked utterly mortified as Lily proudly delivered the country's anthem with unexpected gusto and bursts of laughter.
"Oooooh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light!" Lily's rendition sounded like a distressed whale.
Sirius couldn't fathom how he ended up in jury duty with this wild woman, but he was grateful nonetheless, thoroughly entertained as Lily sang directly in front of Cheryl, sporting wide arms and a terrible dance.
"Ma'am, please, have a seat!" Cheryl pleaded. "What on Earth are you doing? Someone, call security!"
"Damn," Sirius chuckled, still unable to contain his amusement, as he reached out to gently pull Lily away from Cheryl's murderous glare. "I can't believe you actually went through with that dare."
"I never back down from a dare," Lily declared before glaring at Cheryl. "Can we go, please?"
Cheryl stood up, shaking her finger at Lily and Sirius. "You can't leave until all the judges' needs have been fulfilled."
Lily glared unhappily at Cheryl. "You fetch Judge James, Cheryl, and I'll ensure his 'needs' are taken care of."
Sirius doubled over, struggling to contain his laughter. James would surely be in stitches when he hears about Lily's drunken declaration of fulfilling his needs.
"Are you intoxicated?" Cheryl implored, eyes wide with horror. 
"Me? Intoxicated?" Lily chuckled, shooting Sirius a mysterious glance. "Not at all."
"She's definitely drunk," Cheryl pointed out to someone entering behind Sirius.
"I only had, like, two beers," Lily countered as security brought out a Breathalyzer. "That's hardly enough to get me wasted."
"Please, escort her out," Cheryl pleaded with security. "She's disrupting the proceedings for everyone!"
Sirius couldn't agree less; the room was either erupting in laughter or capturing Lily's antics on their phones. She had the entire room on her side, some people were even asking if they could leave too. Sirius had a sneaking suspicion that Lily might be able to get anyone to do what she wanted, she just had a certain charisma to her that most people dreamed about having. 
Undeterred, Lily continued, "Cheryl, listen. I'm all for the death penalty, so you might as well send me home—"
Cheryl motioned to the security guard, who seemed perplexed by Lily's behavior. "Come on, remove her from here!"
"Only a judge can dismiss a juror," the security guard reminded Cheryl, pointing out the rule she was so keen on enforcing.
"I want her out of my jury room!" Cheryl demanded. "She's mocking our national anthem, she's threatening to prostitute herself out of jury duty, and she's drunk!"
Sirius really couldn't keep a straight face as he pulled out his phone to contact James as quickly as humanly possible. 
SB: James, your future girlfriend is going to get arrested. 
JP: Someone just came into my courtroom complaining about a drunken woman in the jury room. Please tell me it was her. 
SB: I mean, it would've been fine, but then I dared her to sing the national anthem to everyone in the room and she did it.
JP: I'm going to marry this girl.
Sirius looked up from his phone to see Lily struggling against the hold of a policeman, her green eyes narrowed with frustration. He immediately turned to the woman at the front desk, Cheryl.
"Hey," he beamed dramatically, using all the Sirius Black charm he could muster. "So, my friend there isn't drunk. I swear. I dared her to sing to you. No harm meant. It was just for a bit of laughs."
"It won't be so funny when she's facing fines or jail time," Cheryl warned.
Lily let out a derisive snort. "Relax, Cheryl."
Sirius turned away from the desk to shoot Lily a disapproving glare, finding her lack of cooperation exasperating. Meanwhile, Lily was growing increasingly agitated with the security guard attempting to administer a Breathalyzer test. Sirius had little doubt that if they managed to get a reading, Lily wouldn't come out sober. Hell, he wouldn't either.
"You have no evidence that I'm intoxicated!" Lily snapped, her nose wrinkling with frustration. "We were just trying to pass the time because we've been stuck here all day!"
"Please, blow into this breathalyzer, Miss," the officer insisted, appearing as though he'd rather be anywhere else.
Join the club , Sirius thought.
"No way!" Lily exclaimed, pushing the breathalyzer away from her mouth. "I won't give you ammunition to use against me in court."
Suddenly, the double doors swung open again, and Sirius felt a surge of relief at the sight of James entering. Cheryl seemed relieved too, but James's attention was solely focused on Lily, his eyes brimming with joy. Sirius marveled at how James hadn’t even officially met the girl and was already getting heart-eyes like right out of a comic book. 
"Alright, alright, what's happening here?" James interjected as he approached from the staircase, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "I came up here to dismiss everyone from jury duty, and now there's all this commotion about some drunken escapade. Where was my invite to the party?"
"She won't breathe into the breathalyzer, Your Honor." The policeman motioned in frustration to Lily, who had her arms crossed and mouth squeezed shut like a child at the dentist.
"Why does she need to be breathalyzed?" James asked. 
"We believe she's been drinking." Cheryl stated firmly, glaring at Lily with all her power. 
"But you have no proof?" James noted, shrugging nonchalantly. 
"She was just singing the national anthem at the top of her lungs." Cheryl deadpanned, “and you want to tell me she’s sober?”
"I'm actually just really super patriotic," Lily muttered resentfully, and Sirius had to clamp a hand over his mouth so that he wouldn't laugh out loud again. 
The same couldn't be said for James, who laughed out loud at Lily's cheek. "She has a point," James said to the police officer with a chortle. "It's not illegal to sing the national anthem."
"She smells like the bar," the officer said pointedly.
"I smell like cheap beer and disappointment too.” James said, tilting his head dangerously, “You want to breathalyze me?"
"Of course not, Your Honor," the police officer said irately. "But you wouldn't show up to a courthouse drunk."
"That you know of," Lily hissed loudly enough for everyone to hear, staring at her fingernails, not quite realizing which judge was standing before her.
"Miss, we can't have drunks running around the courthouse," the policeman hissed. "Please just—"
"Let me talk to the offender," James ordered in his deep tone, reminding Sirius how menacing James could be when he tried.
"Alright then." The policeman motioned for James to proceed, releasing his grip on Lily's elbow.
Sirius observed as James turned towards Lily, a smile spreading across his face. James stuffed his hands into his robes, wearing the goofiest grin imaginable before coyly greeting, "Hello, Lily."
Lily's eyes widened, and her complexion paled. "Shit."
Sirius wished he could etch every moment of this day into his memory, especially the look on Lily's face when she realized who the judge was.
James's hazel eyes danced with playful amusement. "Yes, it's me, Judge James."
"Judge... James?" Lily's surprise was palpable.
James inclined his head towards Lily, causing her cheeks to flush once more. "Pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," he said, offering his hand to her. "I'm the one who upholds the rules around here."
Lily hesitated, eyeing his outstretched hand. "Well, I'm in trouble now."
"And why is that?" James asked, a hint of amusement evident in his voice.
"Because you're hot," Lily quipped, a mischievous smirk gracing her lips as she finally accepted his handshake. “Got any handcuffs?”
James snorted, but Sirius could tell he was pleased by the compliment. "You don't have to butter me up, Evans. I'm letting you off the hook."
"Your Honor, she's clearly inebriated," the security guard interjected anxiously. "That goes against the code—"
James cut him off. "it's not just her, all these people are released from jury duty."
Lily let go of James’ hand and danced in place. "What? You're serious? We’re free?"
"You're released from jury duty," James confirmed with a nod. "You can go."
"Finally," Lily sighed happily, turning to Sirius with a triumphant look. "And I didn't even have to sleep with the judge!"
"I really hope that's not ruled out completely," James remarked shrewdly, earning an aghast look from the security guard. 
"Not completely," Lily shrugged. "But I thought you had to take me to dinner first."
Before James could respond, Lily (who was most definitely drunk off her ass) grabbed a fistful of James' robes and kissed him squarely on the mouth. For a second James remained motionless, and then he responded in full, his hands gathering up in her hair to anchor Lily to his lips. Cheryl almost had a heart attack when she came out around the desk to find Lily wrapped up in James' arms. And James was thoroughly enjoying it. All Sirius knew is that James took entirely too long "walking Evans back to her car" after they’d finished swapping spit. 
James faced repercussions from his boss for delaying an unresolved court case.
Lily was reprimanded for causing a scene and was slapped with a fifteen-dollar fine.
Sirius successfully dodged jury duty and found the entire outcome enjoyable.
Plus, Sirius had gotten another friend out of it. 
A week later, Lily and Sirius sat at the kitchen table engrossed in a fierce game of Monopoly, determined to outmaneuver each other, when James returned home from work. He hung his bag on the back of Lily's chair and leaned down to plant a kiss on her cheek. Sirius made a show of gagging before making his move in the game, eliciting a string of curses from Lily directed at his family name. 
Sirius just flipped her off and took more of her money in the process. 
“I love you both.” James chuckled at their playful banter before slipping his arms around her frame and planting his chin on her skull like a headrest. 
"So, still gainfully employed?" Lily inquired, Sirius knew she was legitimately concerned that her antics might have jeopardized James’ job.
"Nah," James replied. "I'm the only one there who actually cares about the cases. They can't afford to let me go, despite Cheryl's complaints."
"What does that woman have to complain about," Lily remarked as she navigated her way around the Monopoly board. 
"Cheryl, swears she witnessed you 'assaulting' James…” Sirius teased Lily, kicking her lightly under the table. 
“Yeah cause I was,” Lily said proudly, “with my mouth."
"Cheryl was way out of line with that accusation," James stated with a roll of his eyes. "It was quite evident that I was reciprocating the assult. 100% consensual assault of the mouths."
Lily leaned into James's touch. "It's not my fault that I'm utterly irresistible."
"Yeah, that would've held up in court," Sirius said, watching as James nibbled Lily's neck unashamedly. "God, you two are like lovebirds. It's nauseating."
Lily winked at Sirius as she tilted her head for James to get better access to her bare skin. "Feel free to leave."
"And let you have sex on our kitchen table?" Sirius rolled his eyes. "Absolutely not."
"You two are iconic now, you know," James told them, pure joy practically bouncing off him. "Cheryl has taken to warning every juror that enters the courtroom that there will be no drinking before, or during, jury duty."
"Why does she feel she has the right to tell people not to drink?" Lily asked with a self-righteous shrug.
James hummed. "Apparently, you're supposed to serve your time in court sober."
"I bet she says you shouldn't sleep with the judge either," Lily mocked, looking up at James and batting her eyes.
"Probably, but I don't always follow the rules," James said, kissing her full on the mouth.
When he pulled back, Lily was beaming.
"And they let you be a judge?" she teased him, running her fingers through his black hair.
To Sirius, James had never looked happier in his entire life. "For some reason, they deemed me trustworthy."
Sirius swallowed a bit of whiskey before reminding the couple, "Don't forget the sorry bastard who introduced you two."
He wasn't sorry, not at all, especially when they all walked down the street to a Chinese takeout forty minutes later. Lily had one arm in James' embrace and her other arm wrapped around Sirius as they discussed what movie they were going to watch over dinner. They would joke about ‘The Incident’ for years after, the story always becoming more melodramatic with each theatrical retelling. It was Sirius’ favorite story to tell, and he recited it at their wedding two years later. 
“And it all started because I got called to jury duty…”
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gohre · 8 months
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        ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ 𝔴𝔢𝔩𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔥𝔢𝔩𝔩 ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ 3:33 ━━━━◉─────── 6:66 ↻ ㅤㅤ◁ㅤㅤ❚❚ㅤㅤ▷ㅤㅤ↺
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        ㅤ ㅤ      ⁽ 𝖎. ⁾    ⸻    ⅋      GOHRE        ;
𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎 , 𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚜 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚙 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚗 𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚜 ⅋⅋ 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚌𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜. 𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚕 𝚋𝚢 𝔫𝔦𝔠. 𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛𝚜 ⅋⅋ 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚊 𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢. 𝚎𝚡𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚝𝚢. 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚒𝚏 𝚠𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚞𝚊𝚕𝚜 , 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔 𝚢𝚘𝚞.
ᵇˡᵒᵍ ᶠᵉᵃᵗᵘʳᵉˢ: 𝘳𝘰𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘢 𝘻𝘰𝘳𝘰 , 𝘦𝘷𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺 , 𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘷𝘢𝘯 , 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘦 , 𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘢 𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘰𝘥 ⅋⅋ 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘴.
𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬: carrd | usft sb | starter calls 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬: elena gilbert 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞: bonnie bennett, stefan salvatore, dean winchester, harley quinn, aragorn & katherine pierce
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alaric saltzman ⸻ pedro pascal 35 tvdu arwen undomiel ⸻ liv tyler ageless tolkien bonnie bennett ⸻ kat graham 18 supernatural damon salvatore ⸻  tbd 25/178 tvdu (hc only) dean winchester ⸻ jensen ackles 26-32 walking dead eddie munson ⸻ joseph quinn 20 fear street elijah mikaelson ⸻ daniel gillies ??/1k tvdu eowyn dernhelm ⸻ miranda otto n/a tolkien evan buckley ⸻ oliver stark 23 fear street harleen quinzel ⸻ margot robbie 28-30 batman hayley marshall ⸻ phoebe tonkin 18-25 teen wolf jack kline ⸻ alexander calvert unknown supernatural jenna sommers ⸻ sara canning 26 tvdu katherine pierce ⸻ nina dobreva 18/536 supernatural klaus mikaelson ⸻ joseph morgan ??/1k tvdu matt donovan ⸻ rudy pankow 19 fear street pamela eisley ⸻ tbd 29-32 batman roronoa zoro ⸻  mackenyu 21 one piece live action rowena macleod ⸻  ruth connell unknown supernatural ruby ⸻  florence pugh unknown supernatural selina kyle ⸻ tbd 26-30 batman stiles stilinski ⸻  dylan o'brien 18 teen wolf stefan salvatore ⸻ tbd 17/171 tvdu tauriel greyfawn ⸻ evangeline lilly ageless tolkien
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clarounette · 2 years
Currently listening: The dawning by SB Alexander
Currently listening: The dawning by SB Alexander
Let’s see where Layla and Sam’s story takes them. I’ve started The dawning by SB Alexander, still narrated by Blake Lockheart and Cecily Foster.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 1 month
Why this is Australia's most queer Eurovision yet
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/why-this-is-australias-most-queer-eurovision-yet/
Why this is Australia's most queer Eurovision yet
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The Eurovision Song Contest is back for another year and it may just be the queerest yet for Australia. 
This year’s edition will be held in Malmö, Sweden following Loreen’s historic win last year with Tattoo.
Australia is back for another year and will be represented by the truly fabulous Electric Fields with their song One Milkali (One Blood).
Queer identity
Electric Fields is made up of Zaachariaha Fielding and Michael Ross and they put their queer identity at the very forefront of their music. 
Michael told the Guardian about growing up gay in conservative Queensland. 
“I had to try to walk differently, I had to move my hands differently. And it’s a very unique experience that only queer people would really understand – pretending that you’re the opposite of what you are,” he said. 
Zaachariaha was raised in the remote desert community of Mimili in South Australia’s Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara lands.
“With my family, I didn’t even come out … There was no reason for it. My brother reminded me of it a few years ago – he said, ‘You know, you didn’t really come out to us.’ I didn’t really verbalise it, I was just more being it,” Zaachariaha told the Guardian. 
Michael shared with QNews the importance of being authentic.
“What is always a focus when we create a track is that both Z and my authenticity as people, as artists are truthfully woven into the lyrics and music. Because of this, our queerness naturally shines through same can be said for when we perform,” he said.
And why is the queer community so drawn to Eurovision?
“One of my core values is equality and I don’t believe in stereotypes but is it just me or are the queers just naturally more creative, I think we are,” Michael explains.
“Eurovision is one of the freest creative platforms around.”
Courtney Act joins Australia’s team
Not only are the entries queer but so is the SBS team! 
Comedian Joel Creasey will be on commentary duties (alongside Myf Warhurst) while Courtney Act will be providing behind-the-scenes coverage from backstage. 
Although Courtney is there for TV duties, she still has performance ambitions. 
“Think of this as reconnaissance. I’m going into the Eurovision arena to watch it,” Courtney said.
“And I am, only in my own mind, going to take notes and see what it’s all about, how it works. So that when I get there in the future, I’ll be better acclimatised to represent Australia.”
Brendan Maclean is in support
Queer singer-songwriter and actor Brendan Maclean will be a backing artist on stage for Australia’s performance.
He told QNews about his excitement of being involved.
“As a backing vocalist, you’re being asked to help debut Electric Fields, these beautiful two people I have adored for years, to over one hundred million new fans. So while it’s a fun job it’s one I take very seriously,” he said.
“There’s no room for error, you get one shot at this.”
Where to watch 
Live broadcast on SBS and SBS On Demand:
Semi Final 1 – Wednesday 8 May at 5:00am AEST (Australia performing) Semi Final 2 – Friday 10 May at 5:00am AEST Grand Final – Sunday 12 May at 5:00am AEST
Primetime broadcast on SBS and SBS On Demand
Semi Final 1 – Friday 10 May at 7:30pm AEST (Australia performing) Semi Final 2 – Saturday 11 May at 7:30pm AEST Grand Final – Sunday 12 May at 7:30pm AEST
More on Eurovision:
Courtney Act has a big plan for her trip to Eurovision 2024
Brendan Maclean’s surprise Eurovision news for Australia
Electric Fields in Sweden for first Eurovision rehearsals
UK’s Olly Alexander reveals “dirty” Eurovision rehearsal
ABBA rules out reunion on 50th anniversary of Eurovision win
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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pwlanier · 6 months
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Moller Fyodor Antonovich (1812-1874) "Portrait of a boy in a Russian shirt." 1850s - early 1860s.
Canvas, oil, 95.3×74.3 cm.
At the bottom left is the author's signature: "F. Moller."
Publications: 1) catalog "Russian portrait from the collection of SBS-Agro", Moscow, 1997, cat. № 2; 2) monograph by L. Markina "Painter F. Moller, Moscow, 2002, cat. № 78.
Expert opinion of TsKHE named after I.E. Repina (S.A. Podstanitsky).
Historical painter, graphic artist, portraitist. Since 1828, as a free student, he attended drawing classes of the IAH. In 1830-1831 he participated in the Polish campaign. In 1832, he took part in an academic exhibition for the first time, presenting the painting "The Battle of Ostrolenka", which was acquired by Emperor Nicholas I. In April 1837, he began his studies with K.P. Bryullov in the class of historical painting. In 1856-1860 he taught at the Drawing School of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists, until 1861 he headed the pensioners of the Society. He spent the winter months from 1861 to 1866 in Berlin, where he worked on a picturesque cycle dedicated to Alexander Nevsky for the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The master's work is represented in many museum collections, including the State Russian Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Estonian State Art Museum, the State Museum of Fine Arts named after A. C. Pushkin and others.
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//"Zoya will live a very long life,” the Darkling said. “Despite the demon, you may not do the same.”
“Then I will love her from my grave.”
A smile touched the Darkling’s lips.//
Alexander loves a romantic 😏
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U mean if nothing else the SB genetics along with literature saying their like super hot n shit confirms that Lancelot gives Gwinevere's 'fairest' title a run for its money
Like holy fuck I was expecting a new knight to join the round table not the sexiest fish alive
Lmao, really. Lancelot is the most beautiful fish man around. Everyone at Camelot digs the fish guy. And honestly with the way all the knights and ladies are described in the lit, I have to assume Camelot is just a magnet for the hottest people alive.
Also, if y’all want another fun fact about Perceforest. It actually includes Sybil as well. In this one she’s actually an ancestor of King Arthur with, get this, Alexander the Great. Absolutely wild
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(I know that this is mainly a Hercules-themed blog but is it alright if I can show you something that I notice a striking similarity between the Villains in One of the SB movies, "Sponge On The Run" (which was the advertisement to Kamp Koral) and in Disney's Adaptation of Hercules?)
We all know that in Disney's take on the Mythological Stories of Heracles, the portrayal that we see in Hades is a Cynical and Sarcastic (something like an Evil Salesman) while in the Third SB Film, "Sponge On The Run", the portrayal of Hades' Brother (Poseidon) is often Cocky and Flamboyant.
While we do see different portrayals of the Brothers of Zeus throughout media, you may notice that a similarity between Disney! Hades and Nickelodeon! Poseidon is that both are Mischievous Gods (inaccurate to the OG Hades) who desire on what they want, it's the Heroes who must face their evil (well, technically Herc did finally defeated his own Uncle after rescuing Meg's Soul and even stopping the Titans while SpongeBob and Patrick did rescue Gary from Poseidon, their own Friends did help along with only Poseidon redeems himself in the end after when SpongeBob became his Friend).
However, the Actual One thing that we may notice is that the said versions of the Two Brothers are not seen with their Wives. We definitely know that in Greco-Roman Lore, the Big Three did had their own Consorts. And if you recognize very closely, it could mean that Persephone and Salacia are missing in their own respective films while their own Husbands are seen.
In which, it would've have meant something based on said lore that Hades would've had Persephone (ignoring the House of Mouse and Descendants categories) and that Poseidon would've had Salacia (based on the idea where Neptune and Poseidon swapped their own Spouses like how King Neptune is canonically married to Queen Amphitrite in the Show).
I now this may sound very deep and interesting in the context of how creative these Pantheons can be as far as Ancient Stories go (I am unsure if you have at least seen SOTR but I would like to know your own special thoughts on it) but just picture of these Two Guys (Or at least---Brothers).
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With their own Wives Together.
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And before you ask, Yes, that Mermaid Statue on the Right is meant to be a Interpretation of Salacia if she was in the Third SB Movie (next to a supposed Interpretation of a Disney Persephone on the Left).
The reason as to why that I have decided to share this little Theory with you is because I was just wondering on what is your thoughts/connection to this category of the "Brothers without their own Wives would still have them in Theory in a Media" thing.
What do you think?
Oh wow! You made some good observations there! It is pretty funny that both Poseidon and Hades are villains in their own respected movies, yet their wives only make short cameos in said movies lol. Oh and yes, I have seen Sponge On The Run!
I know in OG Greek lore that (next to Zeus) Poseidon wasn’t the greatest god and was a bit “evil” I guess you could say lol. Plus, SpongeBob literally takes place under the sea, so I can see why they used him, but yeah maybe him being the villain is a call back to original Greek lore? Or maybe he was inspired by Hades and Nickelodeon was like “we’re gonna make our own Hades equivalent” 😂
But yeah, I do like the fact that since Amphitrite is Neptune’s wife that Salacia would be Poseidon’s wife!
And I do think it’s pretty ironic that despite them not being villains in their movie they’re both brothers in Greek lore (kinda reminds me of this fun fact I learned: James Woods {who voices Hades} and Jason Alexander {who voices Poseidon} played as brothers in a 1995 film “For Better or Worse” where James Woods was the sleazy con-man older brother while Jason Alexander was the sensitive and geeky younger brother lol and then 3 years later they play as brothers again in Hercules the animated series lol).
Also you’re totally fine for sending this and talking about it! It’s very interesting and I love when people point out stuff like that lol! I do that all time with the media I’m into lol, so you’re all good! And thank you for adding pictures lol! I honestly need to start adding pictures to some of my future asks! I’ve been meaning to but I keep forgetting lol!
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endebar · 1 year
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【eN de baR】06 June 2023 休日のお知らせ
*06 [June 2023] - Regular holiday -   定休日: 毎週月曜,火曜   We're closed every Monday and Tuesday.
*66 [Trent John Alexander-Arnold] トレント・アレクサンダー=アーノルド POS:DF / HT:175cm / WT:72kg DOB:1998.10.07 / POB:England
長い名前なので通称である"TAA"で呼称する。 リヴァプールで生まれ育ったスカウサー (リヴァプール出身者や住人を指す俗称)。
トレントが名前でジョンが2ndネーム、 苗字は父方の姓と母方の姓をつなげた 複合姓で"アレクサンダー=アーノルド"。 日本人の苗字にも複合姓があったなら、 "松平=水野 家康"のような感じになる。
世界トップクラスのキック精度を持ち 超高精度のアーリークロス、サイドチェンジ 直接ゴールを狙える鋭いフリーキック、 ミドルシュートなど攻撃面で大きく貢献。
6歳からリヴァプールFCのユースに所属し、 2016年にトップチームに上がりデビュー。 元々はMFでプレイする選手だったが、恩師 ユルゲン・クロップ監督により右SBに コンバートされた。 右SBというポジションであるため守備での ハードワークも求められるが、スタミナや スプリント能力もあり自陣ゴール前でも仕事 をする。 ただ、守備判断や対人能力の技術は発達途上 であり、レアルマドリードのヴィニシウスJr やブライトンの三苫薫など攻撃スキルの高い 相手に右サイドを完全に支配されるなど 記憶に残るやられかたをすることがあり、 批判の的になりがちでもある。
イングランドの選手で66番という大きめの 数字を背負い続けるのは珍しく、だいたいの 選手は1~14番を欲しがるものだが、 "TAA"本人が66を気に入っているらしく 2016年にユースチームからトップチームに 上がってデビューした際にもらったこの番号 を背負い続けている。 今ではリヴァプールの66番は象徴的で大事な 番号になりつつあり、KOP(リヴァプール ファンの愛称)の小さい子供達が嬉しそうに 66番のユニフォームを着ていることからも それが見て取れる。
18-19シーズンのチャンピオンズリーグでの 活躍は素晴らしく、特に準決勝バルセロナ戦 で魅せたコーナーキックはサッカーファンを 沸かせた。 1stレグ、カンプノウでバルサに0-3で完敗。 2ndレグ、ホームのアンフィールドでバルサ 相手に4点差以上つけて勝つ必要があるが、 得点源のエースM・サラー、R・フィルミーノ を怪我で欠く状況。 前半早々にD・オリギがキーパーのこぼれ球 を押し込み1点目ゲット。後半早々には"TAA" のインターセプトからのクロスに合わせた G・ワイナルドゥムのシュートで2点目。 その数分後にX・シャキリの左サイドからの クロスにG・ワイナルドゥムがヘディングで 合わせ同点に追いつく3点目。そして後半 34分の右サイドからコーナーキックの場面。 "TAA"がボールをセット後、近寄ってきた X・シャキリにボールを譲る素振りをして 一旦ボールから離れて相手が油断した瞬間。 ボールに戻りクイックリスタートでCK。 このクロスをフリーになっていたD・オリギ が合わせて4点目をゲットし逆転。相手選手 ならびに全世界の意表を突いたこのプレイ で勝利し決勝進出。 決勝はトッテナム・ホットスパーズ戦、2-0 で勝利。"TAA"も攻守に活躍し、14年ぶりの CL優勝をリヴァプールにもたらした。
22-23シーズン、プレミアリーグは5月末に 最終戦を終えシーズン終了。リヴァプール は負傷者が続出し思うようなパフォーマンス が出せなかったシーズン、最終順位5位で フィニッシュ。なんとかEL出場権を獲得した が、CL出場権獲得には届かなかった。 来季、刷新される新チームに期待したい。 "TAA"については今季の終盤からポジション 変更が行われ、中盤のセンターで自由に 動けるようになり、守備のタスクが軽減され 攻撃参加の頻度が増すようになった。その分 右CBのイブラヒマ・コナテなどの守備負荷 が増しており、このあたりのシステム改善も どのように行われるのか楽しみにしたい。
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xtruss · 1 year
Phillis Wheatley: The Unsung Black Poet Who Shaped the US
She is believed to be the first enslaved person and first African American to publish a book of poetry. She also forced the US to reckon with slavery's hypocrisy.
— Rediscovering America | Black History | New England | USA | North America | Tuesday February 21st, 2023 | By Robin Catalano
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(Image credit: Paul Matzner/Alamy)
When the Dartmouth sliced through the frigid waters of Boston Harbor on 28 November 1773, the Quaker-owned whaler carried a cargo that included 114 chests of British East India Company tea. Eighteen days later, the tea, along with 228 additional trunks from the soon-to-arrive Beaverand Eleanor, would play a starring role in the US Colonies' most iconic act of resistance, which ultimately led to the Revolutionary War.
In the Dartmouth's hold was another precious cargo: freshly printed copies of Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral, a collection by Phillis Wheatley, the first enslaved person, first African American woman and third female in the US colonies to publish a book of poetry. Her life and work would become emblematic of the US struggle for freedom, a tale whose most visible representation – the Boston Tea Party, when American colonists protested Britain's "taxation without representation" by dumping tea into the harbour – celebrates its 250th anniversary this year.
Evan O'Brien, creative manager of the Boston Tea Party & Ships Museum, said, "Our mission, especially this year, is to talk not just about the individuals who were onboard the vessels, destroying the tea, but everyone who lived in Boston in 1773, including Phillis Wheatley."
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Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral is believed to be the first book of published poetry by an enslaved person in the US (Credit: SBS Eclectic Images/Alamy)
Actor Cathryn Philippe, who interprets Wheatley at the museum, connected with the poet's remarkable accomplishments. "You often hear about the tragedy of enslavement, which is a part of history that needs to be understood. But we don't hear much about the joy or successes of enslaved or formerly enslaved Africans."
Wheatley was born in what is now Senegal or Gambia and was abducted in 1761 when she was just seven or eight years old. Forced, along with 94 other Africans, aboard the slave-trading brigantine Phillis, she survived the treacherous Middle Passage, which claimed the lives of nearly two million enslaved people – including a quarter of the Phillis' "cargo" – over a 360-year period, and arrived on Boston's shores that summer.
“We Shouldn't Hesitate To Call Her A Genius”
Frail after eight weeks at sea, the girl caught the attention of wealthy merchant and tailor John Wheatley. He purchased the child as a gift for his wife, Susanna, and renamed her after the vessel that had spirited her away from her home.
Phillis showed a natural aptitude for language. David Waldstreicher, professor of history at the City University of New York and author of the forthcoming biography The Odyssey of Phillis Wheatley, said, "She became fluent and culturally literate and able to write poems in English so quickly that we shouldn't hesitate to call her a genius."
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Despite Wheatley's connection to the Boston Tea Party, her legacy remains largely unknown (Credit: Robin Catalano)
Although the Wheatleys were not abolitionists (they enslaved several people, and segregated Phillis from them) they recognised Phillis' talents and encouraged her to study Latin, Greek, history, theology and poetry. Inspired by the likes of Alexander Pope and Isaac Watts, she stayed up at night, writing heroic couplets and elegies to notable figures by candlelight. She published her first verse, in the Newport Mercury, at age 13.
While many New Englanders took note of the poet's gifts, no American printer would publish a book by a Black writer. Poems on Various Subjects was eventually financed by Selina Hastings, Countess of Huntingdon, and published in London. As a 19-year-old in 1773, Phillis travelled to the city, escorted by the Wheatleys' son. She was an instant sensation. Her celebrity, along with England's criticism of a new nation that simultaneously subjugated her while comparing its own relationship to the Crown as slavery, led the Wheatleys to manumit her in 1774.
A keen observer, Phillis frequently wrote about significant moments in America's fight for independence, carefully walking a fine line between being overtly political or critical of the colonial government as a Black woman. As a 14-year-old in 1768, she praised King George III in the poem To the King's Most Excellent Majesty for repealing the Stamp Act. Two years later, in On the Death of Mr. Snider Murder'd by Richardson, she memorialised the killing of 12-year-old Christopher Snider by a Massachusetts-born Loyalist during a protest over imported British goods.
Soon after, in 1770, a skirmish between Colonists and British soldiers erupted in front of the Old State House, not far from where Phillis lived on King Street, culminating in the Boston Massacre. Today, a circle of granite pavers, its bronze letters dulled by age and thousands of footsteps, marks the spot where blood was spilled. Following the incident, Phillis was inspired to write the poem On the Affray in King Street, on the Evening of the 5th of March, 1770.
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The Boston Massacre took place near Phillis' residence (Credit: Ian Dagnall Computing/Alamy)
Scholars estimate that Phillis produced upwards of 100 poems. Because her work makes few references to her own condition and is often couched in Christian concepts and the extolling of popular figures of the day, she has sometimes been dismissed as a white apologist.
Ade Solanke, a writer and Fulbright Scholar whose play Phillis in London will be performed in Boston later this year, said, "I think the biggest misconception about her is that she wasn't an abolitionist. You think of Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, people who were explicitly condemning slavery and going to war against it. But the act of writing poetry as a Black woman in this time period was pretty radical."
Wendy Roberts, a University at Albany professor who recently discovered a lost Wheatley poem in a Quaker commonplace book in Philadelphia, agrees. "I don't think any deep reader of Wheatley comes away thinking she's an apologist. She was asserting herself, her agency, her wish for freedom, her presence as a person."
Most buildings in Boston with a direct connection to Phillis' life no longer stand. Some were razed by a pair of fires in the 18th and 19th Centuries, and others have been replaced by urban renewal in the mid-1900s. The Old South Meeting House, a stately Georgian red-brick church built in 1729 and tucked between glass-and-concrete skyscrapers on Washington Street, is an exception. Besides being Phillis's place of worship, it was a cradle of philosophical debate, and served as planning headquarters for the Boston Tea Party. It now operates as a museum, with a statue of the poet flanked by exhibits on other ground-breaking figures from the pre- and post-Revolutionary eras.
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The Old South Meeting House where Phillis worshipped is one of the few buildings in Boston that remain with a connection to her life (Credit: Ian Dagnall/Alamy)
The writer almost certainly strolled through 50-acre Boston Common, the country's oldest public park (and site of the newly unveiled, and controversial, statue honouring Civil Rights icons Martin Luther King and Coretta Scott King). Phillis may have conducted the Wheatley family's shopping at Faneuil Hall, once the city's main marketplace for household goods – and located next to where enslaved people were once sold. It's now a retail centre, where visitors can pick up souvenirs, sample a variety of foods, or take a tour with a guide outfitted in 18th-Century breeches, waistcoat and tricorne hat.
Some experts speculate that Phillis participated in funeral processions for Snider and the five victims of the Boston Massacre, in which their coffins were paraded from Faneuil Hall to the Granary Burying Ground – also the final resting place of Revolutionaries like Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Paul Revere. Sombre and quiet, the cemetery bears more than 2,000 slate, greenstone and marble gravestones, many carved with traditional Puritan motifs like blank-eyed death's heads and frowning angels.
Phillis, who died in poverty after developing pneumonia at age 31, is thought to be buried in an unmarked grave, with her deceased newborn child, at Copp's Hill, in Boston's North End neighbourhood. An elegant statue of her, alongside renderings of women's rights advocate Abigail Adams and abolitionist Lucy Stone, holds court over the Commonwealth Avenue Mall. This year, when a replica of the Dartmouth sails into the Boston Tea Party & Ships Museum on Griffin's Wharf, it will host a permanent exhibit on the poet.
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In addition to a statue of Wheatley at the Boston Women's Memorial, a second statue of her is located inside the Old South Meeting House (Credit: Robin Catalano)
Phillis's legacy is perhaps best experienced in the work of contemporary artists. As part of the 250th anniversary celebrations, Revolution 250, a consortium of 70 organisations dedicated to exploring Revolutionary history, will host a variety of performances and exhibits, including a full-scale re-enactment of the Tea Party on 16 December. Several events will honour the poet, among them a photography exhibit by Valerie Anselme, who will recreate Phillis' frontispiece that adorned the original publication of Poems on Various Subjects.
Artist Amanda Shea, who frequently hosts spoken word events and poetry readings around the city, explained that, in many ways, she is carrying on a legacy pioneered so long ago. "I feel like I'm part of the continuum of Phillis Wheatley. It's really important to be able to write and tell our stories. It's our duty as artists to reflect the times in which we live."
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