dzthenerd490 · 5 months
Action Report: Finally Capturing SCP-4666
On 2018, it was coming close to Christmas and Site Director Eto was getting tired of the Foundation's constant chase for SCP-4666. As such he put in a request to form his own personal task force to have SCP-4666 contained once and for all. He had his request sent directly to the O5 Council, which was risky as they normally don't focus on anomalies with low casualty or media exposure risks. Though to his surprise they accepted and gave him until December 21st to have a team and plan formed to contain SCP-4666. This led to the utilization of Mobile Task Force Zeus-1 "Conduits" Division "Elementals". 
For the operation Captain Delsin Rowe along with four of his units Code Names: Fire, Lightning, Steel, and Ice. None of them are given anything more than standard Foundation suits and armor. That December by order of Site Director Eto and with the approval of the entirety of the Ethics Committe and almost an entire 1/4th of the Administrative Staff the operation was a go. Foundation observation staff on the moon were monitoring every satellite in the sky for the slightest hint at SCP-4666 activity until finally he showed up. Once they were sure it was a house targeted for attack Captain Rowe and his team were deployed immediately. 
SCP-4666 was outside the house and only seconds away from breaking in, he drooled as he was sure this last one of the nights was going to be the best. Though before he entered, he was reminded of that one last night where he had to fight those fucking abominations. He growled in anger as he was reminded of that horrible night and how he almost lost everything. His sacred goal, his fun, his duty, all of it could have been gone because of those fucking freaks. He busted the door down in anger and rushed in hoping to quickly get to work to get the frustration.
"Yo! What's up freak?" The Yule Man looked at the human leaning on the living room table. He scoffed and ran towards the human but suddenly the human raised his hand and a ball of fire hit him in the stomach. Suddenly he went flying out of the house and landed hard into the cold hard grown and some snow. Suddenly he found himself surrounded by four other humans. He tried getting up but suddenly his arms and legs were covered and filled with chilling ice. It wasn't just growing over his flesh but freezing his blood, his muscles, his very bones. He screamed in pain or at least tried to but his tonged suddenly was incinerated by a thousand bolts manifesting in his mouth. 
"Heh, well that was easy, hey Delsin, looks like another job well-" The Yule Man refused to accept this so he broke his hand out of the ice leaving nothing but broken bones. His hand regenerated instantly so he punched the soldier with enough force to break every bone in their body. As they went flying the other next to him tried to retaliate but the Yule Man was superior in speed and bashed their head into the ground. Suddenly the Yule Man had metal rods infused into his skin and in the next second he was hit with lighting strikes. 
The current of lighting followed through the rods in his body frying every single cell in his body. He would have accepted defeat at that point if he was a lesser being, but he was nothing like his master. He would be the one to bring the true meaning of Christmas to the entire world by blanketing the entire world in snow. To achieve such a noble goal, pain like this was nothing but an obstacle to be crushed. These annoying naught adults were no different. 
He slammed his fists onto the ground sending shockwaves through the ground and his scorched body. The result made snow and ash fly in the air making the two remaining humans blinded by it all. He punched one in the stomach hard enough to break every bone in their body. He tried punching the other but a large wall of pure steel making him break his fist on impact. Suddenly the wall flew towards him and landed on him, crushing him on the ground and shattering half the bones in his body. 
The metal on top of him started heating up and quickly melting into molten steel causing it to melt over him. The molten metal was flowing like lava giving him no chance of escape and no way of resisting. He couldn't imagine feeling pain any worse than what he was feeling right now but he knew he could just shake off the molten steel eventually. Or that was what he thought but it suddenly started cooling down and freezing up so quickly by a sudden wave of cold ice. 
The ice froze everything to the point that the steel turned hard again and froze together before any of it could break by the sudden change in temperature. Now he was completely trapped unable to break free at all as the steel melted on to his very bones preventing him from moving even a millimeter. 
"Ugh, okay I think he's actually contained this time."
"Gya! Fuck this fuck face he broke every part of my fucking spine!"
"You got off easy, you know how fucking painful it is to have your own skull break into your brain." The Yule Man could hear everything they were saying and started growling in anger. His muscles were destroyed by the molten metal from earlier, but he could still move his bones. The metal was clearly bending and breaking by his movements even if ever so slightly. 
"What the fuck?! He can still move?!"
"All of you get out of here, get those kids in the back to the nearest Foundation Area. I'll take care of the Christmas freak."
"God it boss."
"Show him what your made of Delson!" The Yule Man broke his arm out of the metal while he heard the four other adults leaving and one more approaching to continue the fight. He was enraged by this; how dare they perceive him as such a light threat. He was the one who could cover the world in snow, they should fear him as they were the naughty ones that would feel his wrath. He would make them regret retreating by ripping his new human to pieces. He finally broke out of the metal thought bits of the metal was still melted onto his body. 
It hurt a lot, but he smiled as the metal pits hanged off of his body like bits of blades and armor that fit naturally on his body. Perhaps he could get used to this new form of his and use it to more effectively kill the naughtiest of the world starting with the smirking brat in front of him. He was angered by him but since it was just one human, he didn't let it bother him too much. Even if he had magic like the others did, he could crush him if he was all by himself.
"Huh, so you're the Yule Man or whatever. Woah the others really did a number on you. You know I would feel bad for your right now if you weren't a child murderer."
"... You clearly can't comprehend my great work."
"Pfft! Great work?! That's a load of shit, what GREAT work could possibly involve torturing kids on every Christmas? You know I knew a woman who talked about saving people by imprisoning them all. You wanna know what happened to her?"
"If I had to guess, the same thing I'm about to do to you!"
"Hmph, no, it's actually what I'm about to do to you." The Yule Man frowned in anger at this cocky brat and charged at him ready to tear him to pieces. But suddenly his body was engulfed in flames, then in ice, then struct by a thousand bolts, then covered in burning neon, then sliced up by virtual blades, then stabbed by thousands of concrete blades, finally his body was filled to the brim with oil making him bloat like a balloon and his skin was covered with napalm. After a single bolt from Delson's finger he exploded, the resulting explosion was powerful enough to destroy the entire area. It was only thanks to Delson absorbing all the entire and smoke was that no humans or wildlife in the area were hurt. 
Now all that was left of the Yule Man was a smoldering skeleton that fell to its knees. The pain it felt was unimaginable, it couldn't speak, it couldn't move, it couldn't even think. Delson walked up to the Yule Man and waved his hand around just to be sure it was unable to move. Though it did twitch a little to show it was still alive and capable of regeneration.
"Huh so even that didn't kill you... Not that I wanted too, the higher ups wouldn't let me hear the end if I did that. But still, I heard what you regularly do to children you fucking piece of shit. You deserve a lot worse than that. But you know what, I'm satisfied that with this. Besides, once your locked up in a cage you'll be the Foundation's toy." The Yule Man couldn't let it end like this, once the people with the three arrows got him that would be the end. He had to activate his ring to get a portal, if he could just make a portal, he would be free. But suddenly his had was covered in ice.
"Yeah, we heard about the ring form the last attempt to kidnap you. I honestly can't believe you never once considered bolstering up your own defenses or just quitting entirely so we couldn't get you. You really are a cocky asshole; but hey, Karma's a bitch, am I right?" Delson then kicked the Yule Man in the face. 
The Yule Man woke up in a large room with seemingly no escape, he quickly panicked and tried manifesting a portal but for some reason nothing manifested no matter what he tried.
"Don't bother. The walls have been infused with a type of cement that nullify spatial anomalies like portals. It's also coated with an indestructible metal; you can't escape no matter what you do." The Yule Man was horrified now he was trapped for real, and this meant that so long as he was trapped here his goals would be hindered to near impossible. However, he stopped for a moment then smiled and looked up to the ceiling. He wasn't sure how those watching over him could see him, there wasn't any cameras after all. Though he could see speaker, just no cameras. 
"You really should have killed me, now you will be wasting resources trying to keep me contained which you will ultimately fail at! I know you! The jailers! You will fail and I will be there to laugh and mock you! You can't kill me! So long as I have this ring I will live forever, and you will rot while I thrive! Time is one my side! You should have taken the ring you naughty brats! Now you can never kill me!"
"... Hahaha... Oh SCP-4666, we don't want to kill you." Suddenly one of the walls started moving up, revealing a new room on the other side. 
"But in a few seconds, you're really going to wish that we did." The room was fully exposed to the room the Yule Man was in. He looked in and couldn't see anything in the dark room, though he could hear pathetic weeping. Suddenly a tall man that looked smaller and weaker than him walked forward into the light allowing the Yule Man to see him in confusion. In the next second they met eyes and SCP-096 screamed as he charged.
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neonxxxxxx · 2 months
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If anomalies from SCP were in school or something
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louceph · 10 months
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SCP-4666: The Yule Man
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cagneyblooms · 3 months
his brother used to take him and force him to babysit this little shit because unfortunately he's his uncle but at least he could take him fishing
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the-ghost-bracket · 9 months
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Santa Poll
Death propaganda
SCP-4666 propaganda
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mynamejers · 2 years
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Cringe Fail Weissnacht Event
Posting a day after Christmas, but just on time for the last day of Hanukkah. Hope y'all are doing well, and see ya in the New Year <3
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - ?
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awkward-clone · 9 months
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Merry (late) Christmas
Yule man offers you a gift
a toy rabbit made from the skin, eyes and fingers of children :)
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zealthewhatever · 9 months
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SCP-4666 - the Yule man
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cemetery-walks · 6 months
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chriscdcase95 · 2 years
SCP 4666/The Yule Man: (finds out about SCP 106 having his own “Evil Santa” streak):
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dzthenerd490 · 9 months
SCP-3288 vs SCP-4666
The Yule Man walked through the snow and found the last house for the night, he smiled as he was going to be sure to end tonight with a bang. Suddenly the kids already got in his bag started thrashing around again making him frown in annoyance. He swung his fist at the bag he could hear some of the kids screaming in agony then silence. He probably broke one of their limbs or two, not that it matters. These were the kids he deemed the naughtiest of the naughty. All kids of the world were secretly monsters, but these ones were the worst. He made sure that ones like these were punished properly by being worked to pieces. What was left of them would be remade into toys for the ones that weren't as bad but still quite bad. He did this to remind them, all of them what happens when they become naughty even if they were already little shits from the day they were born. 
EVERYTHING he did had purpose, those foolish adults thought of him as a random murderer but no he was a hero. He was correcting the mistakes of his foolish master, he was a good Santa, HE WAS A PERFECT SANTA! How dare they all call him a monster; he would show them all the truth no matter how long it takes! But for now, it was time for the last stop. He smiled as he took a breath smelling the house to confirm. Last time he was here he could tell form the smell alone this was the home of a naughty child, one of the worst. Or at least that's what he was supposed to smell but instead he smelled blood and lots of it. 
He growled in anger, this could only mean two things; one, that little shit showed his true nature and killed the entire family himself or two, someone just stole his prey. He bashed the door down and confirmed that it was the ladder, though not in the way he expected. What he saw was about three malformed humans that were dressed like royalty and noblemen of medieval Germany. They were currently eating the family which were now nothing more than torn apart pieces because of them. However, they all looked up upon the Yule Man entering the room. 
"Hm? An intruder?" Their voices sounded horrific, yet their words were surprisingly clear and easy to understand. 
"His body is similar to ours. A distant cousin of a great house perhaps?"
"Somehow more perfect that ours. yet he wears no clothes? What house are you from?"
"Do not be fooled! He doesn't have our pure blood!" The Yule Man turned his gaze to the stairs and saw another one walking down slowly to his level. This one was very different his body wasn't as malformed but instead he just seemed taller than the average human almost as tall as the Yule Man. His face was indeed deformed with one side being overtaken with growths while the other had an almost handsome appearance if it wasn't for the fact that his lips on that side were gone. You would be forgiven for thinking they were torn off, possibly form a previous battle but upon a closer look the Yule Man could see it was a part of his deformity. Despite his ugly face he looked at the Yule man with arrogance in his eye. He raised his hand to place it on the railing to show his arm was almost the perfect combination of elongated and muscular. His hands were almost beautiful it wasn't for his elongated fingers and their disgusting infusion with his long and sharp blade like nails. 
"Tch! Look at him! A mere mockery at best! No, the exact opposite! Our purity is in our strength! Our very blood! He on the other hand! Blech! Everything about his is perfect except for what matters, his blood! He not even good enough to have as a concubine for my mother! Look at his legs, he has no male pride! Pathetic! Dispose of this filth!"
"What?! You may be the 143rd prince of the mighty Empress but that does not-!" Before one of the freaks in front of the Yule Man could continue to protest, another one raised his hand in front of her face to silence her. 
"Yes, my lord! Right away!" The three rose up and growled like beasts at the Yule Man, he smiled as he loved getting revenge on those that steal form him. Just like those fuckers with that weird global pentagram symbol or the ones with that weird circle symbol when the arrows or whatever, he'd tear apart these fuckers just the same. He screamed at them to show that when it came to monsters, he was an apex predator. However, he ended up getting punched by one of them, the impact was hard enough to make him fly out of the house. They quickly walked out of the house, all be it beast like, and growled at him. 
Now he had a clearer sight of them, one was quite fat but had elongated arms and a stretched-out head. his clothing looked to belong to German royalty but was torn and ripped in a way as if it has been forcefully pulled, as if he was mutated that way and his clothing suffered as a result. The other was quite muscular though his muscles weren't always formed well, his legs suffered the most to the point that his feet weren't formed correctly. His upper body was muscular but also had a large tumor like growth on his back which ripped out of the back of his shirt. his fists were also malformed to the point they were no different to giant clubs of meat and muscle. Each hand also had lots of fingers growing out of them form different directions making it look like a fleshy mace of some kind. Then there was the last one a girl he guessed from her velvet dress. Unlike the other two her clothing was actually clean and not torn at all, though her forehead was large and had flaps of skin covering her eyes. Quite different to her mouth which had no lips and bits of skin missing from the sides of her mouth like she was born that way, showing all of her long and sharp teeth. 
"Hehehe, I have to say, devouring peasants was fun, but I think having a wolf hunt every once in a while, is fun too."
"Oh, your exactly right Marquies Becker! Let us enjoy every bit of killing this wolf though I have to say it sounds insulting to proud wolves to call him that. More like a rabid trash dog."
"Hahaha, well said Duke Klen. Ahem, not joining us, Baroness Roth?"
"Oh my, what kind of lady would I be to ruin the fun of you fine gentlemen, please don't mind me and put this pitiful dog out of its misery."
"Hahaha, well said, now then how about-" Marquies Becker was punched by the Yule man before he could finish talking making him fall hard on the snow. He roared and thrashed around in pain making the Yule man laugh though it didn't last long as he was quickly kicked by the Marquies Becker making him fly back. He suddenly stopped when Duke Klen hit him on the ribs making him fly in the other direction and his whole-body skip along the snow until he finally stopped with some of his skin scrapped of and his ribs broken. 
"You dare attack your betters when they are in the middle of dialogue?! Learn your place you rabid dog!"
"What's so funny peasant?!"
"You're not the first pricks to call me lesser, my creator did that before you did. Wanna know what happened to that prick? Crack! Pop! Snap!"
"Hmph, so your creator made you and you killed him, that only goes to show his incompetence in the first place! I expect his creation to show no better results!" Duke Klen charged at him in a quadrupedal way much like a gorilla. However, the Yule man smiled as his wounds healed and grabbed Duke Klen by the face once he got close enough. He then rammed his whole body into the ground and snapped his neck. Marquies Becker was shocked while Baroness Roth said nothing. Marquies Becker roared in a beast like manner to the skies only to glare at the Yuke man with intense rage. 
"That was my dear friend and cousin! You will pay for that you rabid dog!"
"Come here and make me then!" Marquies Becker roared and charged in a quadrupedal way as well, the Yule man smiled and raised his hands to anticipate the fight. However, to his shock the Marquies Becker slid down on the snow and under the Yule man as he did, he slashed his stomach with his long nails. One second the Yule man grabbed his stomach in pain and the next he was on the ground for Marquies Becker slammed both fists on his back pushing him hard on the ground. The Marquies quickly started punching him as many times as he could to break as many bones as possible.
Suddenly Marquies and the Yule man were on the roof and quickly started falling down hitting the tiles, railing, and gutters of the roof. Marquies Becker landed hard on the ground and groaned in pain as he picked himself up. However, upon doing so the Yule man grabbed him by the head with both hands and lifted him up. Marquies Becker was filled with fear while the Yule man smiled, he then crushed his head and left his body there. Finally, there was Baroness Roth the only one left, the Yule man smiled as he knew this would be an easy fight. 
"Hm... For a rabid dog your actually quite talented, if you had any male pride, I would have gladly let you impregnate me but instead you're not worth shit. What an absolute disappointment, utterly pathetic." The Yule Man laughed; it was so funny this freak could actually think she was in any position to keep her pride when facing him. He charged at her sure she was going to strike but no matter how hurt he got, as long as he had the ring, he would always have the last laugh. He made sure to make things extra funny by using the power of the ring to teleport around Baroness and strike from behind her. He did so and quickly punch through her neck, pulverizing her throat and making her head go flying as a result. Or at least that was supposed to happen but instead, he was slashed all over his body but what seemed to be hundreds of needles. He fell to the ground and started bleeding all over form the thousands of wounds he received almost instantly. 
"So utterly pathetic, and yet I have to be the one to dispose of you, what an utter disgrace to my lovely hands." The Yule Man ignored the pain and got up to look at the Baroness to see both her sleeves torn off to show off her hands. On both of her arms grew hundreds of hands, each one had somewhere between three to seven fingers each with various lengths, but all were equipped with sharp nails. 
"Upon birth I though my hands were a hideous curse, but the Empress in all her glory showed me and my many brothers and sisters that there is beauty in our forms as it shows our strength as nobles. Beings like you are the true imperfect. Ones that have been deceived by your symmetrical bodies to think there is nothing wrong with you. No because you show no flaws means you are full of them. We show all of our falls means we are filled with nothing but perfection, our blood is perfection!" The Baroness ran to the Yule Man who had healed and tried to punch her again only for her to dodge and cut up his arm and whole body again. She then stabbed several hands into his back and ripped out a large chunk of flesh. The Yule Man howled in pain only to be hit on the back of the head hard enough to land face first into the ground. The baroness grabbed him with her hands which ended up wrapping around his neck and grabbing his shoulder and back of the head as well. 
"How did you say you killed your previous master again? Was it crack? Was it pop? Was it snap? No, no, no. All three, yes?" The Baroness started crushing his neck slowly actually choking the Yule Man, he tried to swing his arm at her, but she used her other arm to slash him with all the hands on that one. He screamed as the flesh was torn right off his arm, leaving nothing but bones. He was going to die if this kept up but there was nothing he could do. He was really going to die, and there was nothing he could... no, fuck that. 
His arm wasn't done regeneration, but he didn't give a shit he swung it at the baroness and even as she cut up the bones, he kept his arm swinging at her until it impacted her face. She fell to the ground and the Yule man charged at her, she slashed him again exposing his ribs and cutting large chunks of flesh off the other arms, but he used that one to punch her in the face anyways. He then dugs his thumbs under the skin flaps on her face and into her eyes while grabbing the sides of her head. The Baroness slashed off as much of his flesh as she could, but he kept going until he ripped her head open. 
Finally, the Baroness was dead, the Yule Man fell to the ground and finally allowed the ring to heal his body. He was reminded as to why he never confronted those humans with the guns head on before. He could totally kill them, but it would be a painful process, probably with as much pain as he was in right now. However, his rest quickly came to an end as he heard clapping form the house. He rolled his body to see the same prick form upstairs standing at the door next to the bag of his captured kids. 
"I have to say, it's quite a shame my mother only ranked Roth as a Baroness, frankly she probably deserved the title of Duchess, much more than Duke Klen I dare say. But alas even she fell to a rabid dog like you. No matter, I'll be sure to mount your head over the fireplace of my personal mansion, and that ring of yours, that will be quite the bonus to my prize." The Yule Man groaned as he got up but still forced his body to and faced the boy with anger. 
"You can't take the ring! It will only be taken when the owner dies! And with it, I will never die!"
"Perhaps, but did you not kill your master by simply snapping his neck? I'd imagine he was wearing it while in control of you as I highly doubt, he was so incompetent to the point of actually entrusting it to you at the time. Besides it took you quite some time to recover so I'd imagine I merely have to slice that arm off and from there things will be much easier." The prick smiled making the Yule Man growl in anger. He only got angrier as he walked over to the pack and touched it making the kids inside squirm in fear. 
"Oh? And you brought me a tribute, what a good little peasant you are, even when you act like a rabid dog you understand your place. Perhaps as the 143rd Prince of her majesty the Empress and newly appointed ruler of the 34th Legion I will be merciful and take this alone."
"Those are mine! Mine to punish! Mine to torment! Mine to destroy! Mine to make anew to remind all the little shits of the world that Christmas has meaning and to disregard it is death!"
"Hmph, come and take them then." The Yule Man growled and stepped forward but suddenly looked afraid and quickly turned the other direction, manifested a portal with his ring, and ran away. 
"... tch, coward, but what else could be expected from a rabid dog, even peasants have some semblance of pride." The prince turned around to grab the bag only to be shot by several tranquilizer darts. The last thing he did was make a shocked expression as his body fell to the ground. Mobile Task Force Athena-5 "Christmas Crashers" surrounded the prince, the captain of the squad grunted in anger as this was not the target. 
"Command come in, mission failed, SCP-4666 is still on the loose. One anomaly caught in the crossfire, looks to be another instance of SCP-3288."
"How dare you... I am... the 143rd Prince... of her majesty... the mighty empress..."
"... Command, SCP-3288 instance claims to have a direct connection to Person of Interest: The Empress, please advise."
"Hey captain! Your gonna want to see this!" One of the MTF units opened the bag and inside the kids came crawling out all of them crying and clinging to the MTF units, begging for help.
"Uh... Additionally, we got SCP-4666's bag with lots of children inside, it seems SCP-4666 failed to get them back to his underground base in time, I say again please advise."
"Understood, good work Athena-5 get the 3288 specimen and the kids. Sending a SATACH-3 "Eagle" your way now."
"Copy that, Command, over and out. Alright let's get these kids out of here!"
SCP: HMF Tales Hub
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via-the-ghoul · 2 years
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Anomaly High compilation 2, as a Holiday present (there’s a Yule girl, that’s… Christmas-y)
Now, you could say I have a problem with designing too many characters. I could say there’s currently 8 characters with finished bios that still aren’t posted.
(Click for better quality)
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cagneyblooms · 3 months
i got bored so i designed parents for scp 4666, because that's a cool thing to do with your free time
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the-ghost-bracket · 9 months
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Santa Poll
SCP-4666 propaganda
Santa Claus propaganda
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no1kupalafan · 2 years
hihi look
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my OCs ambrozie and vera from the ambulance SCP, rescuing a victim from the yule man :)
the paramedics know what anomalies are, but do not believe their own ambulance to be anything out of the ordinary. they’d definitely help this girl though :)
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missdirectiontv · 2 years
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me after reading every godsdamn line in scp-4666
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