#SDG 6
womeninscienceday · 2 years
Innovate. Demonstrate. Elevate. Advance. Sustain.
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The Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT), and co-organizing Member States are celebrating the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2023, on 10 February at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.
I.D.E.A.S. - Bringing Everyone Forward for Sustainable and Equitable Development.
This year, the IDWGIS will focus on the role of Women and Girls and Science as relates to the SDGs in review at the forthcoming High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), namely SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG17 (means of implementation), while following up on discussions on water held during from the “Water Unites Us” 7th IDWGIS, the 2nd High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2022, held in Dushanbe, and the 2nd UN Ocean Conference and its High-Level Symposium on Water held in Lisbon, as a contribution for the 2023 UN Water Conference, and other UN Fora. In doing so the IDWGIS aims to connect the International Community to Women and Girls in Science, strengthening the ties between science, policy, and society for strategies oriented towards the future. The IDWGIS will thus showcase best practices, strategies, applied solutions in addressing SDGs challenges and opportunities. It will also include for the first time a science workshop for Blind Girls and a session from the BLIND fellow SCIENTISTS on “Science in Braille: Making Science Accessible”. The 8th Assembly of the IDWGIS will feature two high-level panels and four interactive conversations with distinguished representatives from governments, inter-governmental organization, the private sector, academia, and our fellow blind and deaf scientists. The voice of Girls in Science 4 SDGs International Platform and youth will be present in every conversation.
In Panel 1, participants will engage in interactive discussions, respectively focusing on:
(i) sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11);
(ii) transportation and logistics (SDG 7);
(iii) business and industry (SDG 9); and,
(iv) a space for sustainable development, with a focus on SDG 6.
SDG6 and SDG17 will be addressed in a cross-cutting manner. A Cansu SITE representative will provide the water lens in each conversation. Additionally, relevant experts will be invited to offer their input on SDG17, as well as on financing sustainable solutions. Finally, in fulfilment of RASIT’s mission of bringing everyone forward, the importance of multilingualism will also be highlighted.
In Panel 2, RASIT and UN Member States, departments and agencies will celebrate the 8th anniversary of the #February11 Global Movement through a high-level panel entitled “Think Science. Think Peace”.
This will be the 8th Assembly, pursuant to the adoption of Resolution A/RES/70/212 on the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, on December 22, 2015, aimed at promoting equality in science, technology, and innovation for socio-economic sustainable development, in line with the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs.
The 8 th Assembly is co-organized by the Permanent Missions of Chile, Lebanon, Malta, Poland, Portugal, the Philippines, Rwanda, Slovakia, and Spain, to the United Nations, and co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Finland, France, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Kenya, the Maldives, Romania, Republic of Korea, San Marino, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and Turkiye to the United Nations, as well as the African Union, the League of Arab States, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
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weeklyyoungjump · 2 months
週刊ヤングジャンプ 2024年33号 Young jump
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Kokoro Toyoshima 豊島心桜 生年月日 2003年9月25日 出身地 日本 新潟県五泉市 身長 167cm
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Neru Nagahama 長濱 ねる 本名 長濱 ねる 生年月日 1998年9月4日 出生地 日本・長崎県長崎市 身長 159 cm 血液型 O型
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zeldahime · 4 months
Zelda Liveblogs a Lancet Paper
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Following this post, I am now going to liveblog reading the Lancet paper cited by the Economist article to predict worldwide fertility to drop by 3/4s of its current position if current demographic trends continue. It is an Open Access article, so the entire thing is open for anyone on the internet to read.
GBD 2021 Fertility and Forecasting Collaborators (March 20, 2024). Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet, 403(10440), 2057-2099. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(24)00550-6.
I refuse to use Chicago style. This is mostly because I memorized APA and don't want to learn a new one.
First, my background: I am not a demographer; I am not trained as a demographer; I have studied it auxiliarily to my other academic pursuits. I fall in a sort of educated in-between. I am currently a Master's student in library and information sciences, and my undergraduate degree was in political science, both at USAmerican universities. However, the field of economics is also very close to my heart, and I would have double-majored in it if the opportunity and financial costs had not been too high to justify it. During the five years I was a college drop-out, I studied economics independently, reading broadly within the field and taking non-certificate courses online. I've been taking non-certificate courses in economics through correspondence or online since I was about nine. I'm not an expert! I do, however, think I'm a fairly well-informed amateur.
And a note on language. This paper refers to birthing parents as mothers and to the demographic that gives birth interchangeably as female and women. I acknowledge that this is a cissexist patriarchical viewpoint that erases transmen, nonbinary and intersex people, and probably others I'm not thinking of. For consistency between my reflections and the paper and ease of reading, I will do the same. I'm conscious I'm part of the problem here, but don't see a way around it without making my bits harder to understand than they have to be.
With that out of the way, here we go:
Methodology (Summary)
This is where me not being a demographer is an important thing to know. I neither know nor normally care about the statistical methods used to determine demography, just that the demographers aren't retracting papers over it. However, I do know that in general the CCF50 (total cohort fertility before the age of 50) is a neater and more accurate measurement to build projections on than the TFR (total fertility rate by year) and that's the methodology the paper's authors went with. This is good and promising. TFR for known years and CCF50 projections sounds like a solid method. 👍
We additionally produced forecasts for multiple alternative scenarios in each location: the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) for education is achieved by 2030; the contraceptive met need SDG is achieved by 2030; pro-natal policies are enacted to create supportive environments for those who give birth; and the previous three scenarios combined.
I'm very hopeful about these forecasts! They'll show a few different hopeful scenarios.
To evaluate the forecasting performance of our model and others, we computed skill values—a metric assessing gain in forecasting accuracy—by comparing predicted versus observed ASFRs from the past 15 years (2007–21). A positive skill metric indicates that the model being evaluated performs better than the baseline model (here, a simplified model holding 2007 values constant in the future), and a negative metric indicates that the evaluated model performs worse than baseline.
This is a very responsible thing for the authors to have done, and I am interested to see how this is reflected in the models.
Findings (Summary)
During the period from 1950 to 2021, global TFR more than halved, from 4·84 (95% UI 4·63–5·06) to 2·23 (2·09–2·38). Global annual livebirths peaked in 2016 at 142 million (95% UI 137–147), declining to 129 million (121–138) in 2021. Fertility rates declined in all countries and territories since 1950,
(Emphasis mine. The numbers in parentheses are the confidence interval.) I think this is the most important takeaway from the whole damn paper. Makes sense, since it's the first line of the findings. If you read nothing else, read these three sentences. Global birthrates are barely above replacement (which, if you recall from my other essay, is generally considered to be ~2.1). To me, this implies lot of problems that traditionally have been considered solvable with population redistribution (meaning, mostly, immigration) may not be solvable that way even if fertility were to stop declining today and hold constant for the rest of the century.
Future fertility rates were projected to continue to decline worldwide, reaching a global TFR of 1·83 (1·59–2·08) in 2050 and 1·59 (1·25–1·96) in 2100 under the reference scenario. The number of countries and territories with fertility rates remaining above replacement was forecast to be 49 (24·0%) in 2050 and only six (2·9%) in 2100, with three of these six countries included in the 2021 World Bank-defined low-income group, all located in the GBD super-region of sub-Saharan Africa.
Holy shit. I cannot emphasize enough how low a TFR of 1.59 is. This is approximately the current TFR of the United Kingdom, and they're beginning to freak out even though they have relatively easy sources of additional replacement recruitment through the Commonwealth. Imagine that for the whole Earth. With only six countries as a potential source of surplus population to be redistributed.
Funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Makes sense. This is the kind of thing that foundation funds.
Low levels of fertility have the potential over time to result in inverted population pyramids with growing numbers of older people and declining working-age populations. These changes are likely to place increasing burdens on health care and social systems, transform labour and consumer markets, and alter patterns of resource use.
Oh man, I wish I'd gone through this paper earlier, I could have just quoted this bit and been done instead of trying to explain it from scratch! 😂
The UN Population Division estimates of past fertility are not compliant with the Guidelines on Accurate and Transparent Health Estimates Reporting (GATHER) statement in important respects; notably, they do not provide all code for statistical models or explicit details on criteria for exclusion or adjustment of primary data sources. Furthermore, the validity of UN Population Division projections has been questioned due to the assumptions applied in countries experiencing low post-transition fertility dropping below replacement level.
YES GO OFF 👏 The UN Population Division is so much more cagey about their data than the World Bank, it's so annoying, and they keep predicting increases that don't happen. I thought it was so weird as an undergrad but figured it was because of ~bureaucracy~ or privacy laws or whatever. It's nice to be vindicated [redacted] years later.
Our forecasts also suggest that, by 2100, the largest concentrations of livebirths will shift to low-income settings, particularly a subset of countries and territories in sub-Saharan Africa, which are among the most vulnerable to economic and environmental challenges. Extreme shifts in the global distribution of livebirths can be partially ameliorated by improved female education and met need for modern contraception. Outside of this subset of low-income areas, most of the world's countries will experience the repercussions of low fertility, with ageing populations, declining workforces, and inverted population pyramids, which are likely to lead to profound fiscal, economic, and social consequences. National policy makers and the global health community must plan to address these divided sets of demographic challenges emerging worldwide.
This is such an important point for them to make. Demography isn't a vacuum; it has significant real-world effects. By 2100, most babies born will be born in Africa, and we need to plan for that now. By 2100, most countries will not have enough workers, and we need to plan for that now. 2100 is not that far into the future. I, personally, will live to see the beginnings of the effects of this demographic shift, and I'm an adult who pays taxes and has a college degree and shit.
The Data Sources and Processing section is pretty standard and unremarkable. Good job.
Fertility Forecasting
We produced forecasts of fertility using an updated modelling framework (appendix 1 section 3) that improved on the methods in the 2020 study by Vollset and colleagues. In our updated methods, we used not only estimates of female educational attainment and contraceptive met need as covariates, but also estimates of under-5 mortality and population density in habitable areas to account for a larger variation in CCF50 across all countries in the sub-models (appendix 1 section 3.1, appendix 2 figure S2). Similar to Vollset and colleagues, we continued to forecast fertility with CCF50 rather than TFR, because modelling in cohort space is more stable than in period space.
Niiiiice. Covariates are things that, well, vary, alongside the thing you're trying to measure. For fertility, the most obvious one might be age of the mother at first birth; if someone is 16 at first birth, she probably will have more kids than someone who is 30 at first birth, for example. This model also includes how much schooling the mother gets, whether she has contraception, the mortality rate (that is, how many of them die) of children under five, and population density! That's a lot of statistical crunching and their model will be more precise for it. Precise isn't the same as accurate, but I think that with the variables they selected, they will travel in the same direction.
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What a pretty equation. I don't understand it, but it's got a certain je ne sais quois.
For the education SDG scenario, the forecasts assume that by 2030, all people will have 12 years or more of education by the age of 25 years and then maintains the same rate of change as the reference scenario up to 2100. For the contraceptive met need scenario, to reflect the SDG scenario of universal access, the forecasts assumed a linear increase in contraceptive coverage to reach 100% by 2030 and then stay constant up to 2100.
I love how optimistic these scenarios are 😂 This truly is the best-case scenario for both the education forecast and the contraceptive forecast! I do hope everybody has 12+ years of education and 100% contraceptive coverage by 2030. Make it happen, António!!!!
(Joke explained: António Guterres is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations, and these goals are absolutely not going to be met by 2030.)
In the pro-natal scenario, we assumed a country will introduce pro-natal policies, such as childcare subsidies, extended parental leave, insurance coverage expansion for infertility treatment, 33 and other forms of support for parents to afford high-quality child-care services, once TFR decreases to less than 1·75. We then made three assumptions on the effects of such policies. First, we assumed the full effect of pro-natal policies will be to increase TFR by 0·2. Second, it will take 5 years after the policy is introduced for the full increase in TFR to occur, and TFR will rise linearly over that time span. Last, we assumed that both the policies and the increase in TFR by 0·2 will endure for the remainder of the century.
The pro-natal scenario is also incredibly optimistic. This kind of response simply hasn't happened in any country that's tried pro-natal policies as envisioned by the authors (my reference cases, just off the top of my head: Japan and France).
The optimism makes sense. They represent extreme cases, in order to contrast possible outcomes versus the reference case. This is good practice! It's just also funny.
The Reference Case
I hate the embedded tables. They have the confidence interval in the same cell as the estimate. How very dare they, that's incredibly inconvenient for me personally.
The chart in Figure 1, however, I think speaks volumes:
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It speaks so many volumes that I'm gonna go up and put it above the cut, brb. This chart shows the reference case; that is, it shows the fertility rate if the fertility trends of 1950-2021 continue into the future.
At the national level, estimates of TFR in 2021 ranged from 0·82 (95% UI 0·75–0·89) in South Korea to 6·99 (6·75–7·24) in Chad, with below-replacement levels of fertility (TFR <2·1) in 110 of 204 countries and territories (table 1, figures 2A, 3).
I think this range is neat and goes to show that while the trend is world-wide, it's still not even. Chadian women still give birth to about 7ish kids on average. That's more than 3x replacement, and more than 8.5x the average fertility of South Korea. South Korea is going to have different problems than Chad; Chad probably doesn't have to worry as much about their workforce being unable to sustain a large elderly population. (Don't look so cheerful about it. They've got lots of other stuff to worry about. 😬)
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These charts are fascinating to look at to me. I think this really showcases just how dramatic the projected decline is. It's not just the Europe, it's not just wealthy post-industrialized countries, but everywhere. It's in Eswanti, it's in Indonesia, it's in Burkina Faso, it's in China. It really shows just how much Chad is an outlier (adn should still be counted, btw, just because it's an outlier doesn't mean we should discard it; it's dependent on study structure and you can't just throw out entire countries because they have high birth rates on a study of birth rates).
Our estimates indicate that there is approximately a 30-year gap between the time when TFR falls below 2·1 and when the natural rate of population increase turns negative. We forecast that 155 (76·0%) countries and territories will have fertility rates below replacement level in 2050; by 2100, we project this number will increase to 198 (97·1%), with 178 (87·3%) having a negative natural rate of increase (figure 3).
A 30-year gap sounds reasonable. That's about how long it takes for people to have/not have kids, and for their own parents to potentially die, in about equalish numbers (on a global scale, anyway). I do think this gap number is likely to increase as healthcare improves in places that are worse today and as fertility technology increases the age at which people can become pregnant, but 30 is a perfectly respectable number with actual statistical backing.
Alternative scenario fertility forecasts
This is the part I'm really excited about!!!
The first scenario, which assumes meeting the SDG education target by 2030, is estimated to result in global TFRs of 1·65 (95% UI 1·40–1·92) in 2050 and 1·56 (1·26–1·92) in 2100 (table 2). The second scenario, which assumes meeting the SDG contraceptive met need target by 2030, will produce global TFRs of 1·64 (1·39–1·89) in 2050 and 1·52 (1·21–1·87) in 2100. The third scenario, which incorporates pro-natal policy implementation, is forecast to yield global TFRs of 1·93 (1·69–2·19) in 2050 and 1·68 (1·36–2·04) in 2100. The combined scenario, in which all three other alternative scenarios are applied, is projected to result in a global TFR of 1·65 (1·40–1·92) in 2050 and 1·62 (1·35–1·95) in 2100.
So recall the reference scenario projections: 1·83 (1·59–2·08) in 2050 and 1·59 (1·25–1·96) in 2100.
I find it interesting that all cases are so incredibly close to reference, with overlapping confidence intervals. Functionally, there's not a lot of difference between a TFR of 1.68 and 1.52. They're both still well below replacement. It's about the difference between Sweden (1.67) and Russia (1.51). Russia, you may have noticed, is waging war about it.*
*This is not a stated goal of the Russian Federation in the Ukraine War. This is me personally making an assertion that the shifting demographics of the Russian population, including the below-replacement birthrate beginning to put pressure on their lacking social safety networks, has contributed to the many complicated and interconnected reasons why the Russian Federation invaded Ukraine, but please do not take me to be the final authority on the matter or interpret this statement as implying that demography of all things is the sole or primary reason for the war.
The aforementioned changes in fertility over the coming century will have profound effects on populations, economies, geopolitics, food security, health, and the environment, with a clear demographic divide between the impacts on many middle-to-high-income locations versus many low-income locations. For nearly all countries and territories outside of sub-Saharan Africa, sustained low fertility will produce a contracting population with fewer young people relative to older people before the end of the 21st century. These changes in age structure are likely to present considerable economic challenges caused by a growing dependency ratio of older to working-age population and a shrinking labour force. 42 Unless governments identify unforeseen innovations or funding sources that address the challenges of population ageing, this demographic shift will put increasing pressure on national health insurance, social security programmes, and health-care infrastructure. These same programmes will receive less funding as working-age, tax-paying populations decline, further exacerbating the problem.
This is why the Economist article talks about birthrates the way it does. It's not about white babies or whatever people in the notes are sarcastically ascribing to an article they haven't read. It's about the whole world. There are 150 countries outside of the Sub-Saharan Africa region, and 44 of the 46 countries within Sub-Saharan Africa are projected to feel the many or all of the same effects as well.
It's about the way social security nets are structured and how they're going to fail. It's about the way that elderly people are going to be treated by our societies. It's about me, and it's about you, and it's about making sure that there are enough humans to take care of the other humans that need taking care of.
If we don't increase global fertility rates above replacement, which it increasingly looks like we won't, we need other solutions. The fertility one is easy fuckin' pickings compared to a complete overhaul of society, and you saw how little difference it actually makes. So did the authors:
To date, one strategy to reverse declining fertility in low-fertility settings has been to implement pro-natal policies, such as child-related cash transfers and tax incentives, childcare subsidies, extended parental leave, re-employment rights, and other forms of support for parents to care and pay for their children.49, 50 Yet there are few data to show that such policies have led to strong, sustained rebounds in fertility, with empirical evidence suggesting an effect size of no more than 0·2 additional livebirths per female. [...] Moreover, although pro-natal policies primarily aim to increase births, they also offer additional benefits to society, including better quality of life, greater household gender equality (ie, more equal division of household labour),53 higher rates of female labour force participation,54 lower child-care costs,55 and better maternal health outcomes,56 depending on policy design and contextual factors. In the future, it will be beneficial to perform an in-depth analysis on varying impacts of pro-natal policies in selected countries that have a meaningful impact on population. [...] Importantly, low fertility rates and the modest effects that pro-natal policies might have on them should not be used to justify more draconian measures that limit reproductive rights, such as restricting access to modern contraceptives or abortions.
I just want to highlight that the study authors explicitly argue for certain pro-natal policies that increase quality of life and caution against pro-natal policies that limit rights. These people aren't heartless.
They also discuss at some length the implications of the changing distribution of live births, where by the end of the century most live births will take place in the poorest nations, which are also the ones that will be hardest-hit by climate change. These nations already face famines, military rule, civil wars, terrorism, and climate changed-caused severe heatwaves, droughts, and floods. They advise politicians to take this into account when making policy decisions but don't go into what policy decisions should be made, which is wise since they're demographers and not political scientists, but disappointed me, the political scientist reading the demography paper and hoping to find something to criticize.
My takeaway:
Incredibly interesting paper. As a non-demographer, I think it's very convincing and hope that it sparks a serious conversation about the paths we need to take forward, in our own countries and as a global community. I especially hope that it inspires us to take bold action to drastically change our systems of elder care, which are already being pushed to the limit and will simply break under pressure if fertility rates continue to fall.
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cerucadet · 2 months
ok hi hi so just saw your keith sketch (that you made crying about your animation thesis) and now i want to know, whats your animation thesis????? Im too curious now
omg thank u for taking an interest?? :,)
basically my friends and i (a 3 person group) have to make a short film while grabbing something from the SDG goals (sustainable development goals of the UN)
our minimum runtime should be 1 minute per group member, but as an ambitious group (that we are paying the Price for considering we are in the production part where we only had less than 3 months to finish animating and coloring Everything...) doubled that runtime to a 6 minute short film :,)
so our thesis is basically making a short film from scratch all the way from thinking of names for our characters aaaaaalll the way to compositing and post prod editing.....
then after! we have to make an Entire 5 Chapter Research Paper talking about how the SDG goal is relevant to our short film (also talking about the animation process i think)!!!!!!!! : D yay or whatever
Our capstone project/thesis takes up 2 whole years! ! !
as for the concept/plot/characters im afraid we cant show that yet but im proud of what my friends and i have straggled together, we might post it on youtube once we graduate though!
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solarpunkbusiness · 1 month
We're looking for organizations, schools, universities, institutions, communities, that want to appropriate the Academy's tools and become Activators. They will be recognized as allies of UNEP's work on Sustainable Living and will have access to trainings and a network of likeminded organizations committed to a more sustainable future. 
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beansnpeets · 2 months
Hi friends. Personal stuff under the cut, as per usual. I may be asking for dating advice. 😬
How flirt??? How do I make it clear to a man that I would like to Smooch And Stuff Maybe?? Without explicitly telling him??
I would very much not normally ask this kind of thing here, but I do not know who to talk to about it. I already talked to my bestie and she is bolder than I and has more or less told me to just suck it up and tell him, but uh. I don wanna 😵‍💫 because FEAR.
I have been out of the game for so long. The apps were already getting bad when I met Jon more than 6 years ago, but I hear they are Super bad now and I'm not really interested in wasting my time. I already have my eye on SDG, obvs. It would be NICE to do a little dating before I get into something with him, but I already know I am not meeting anyone anytime soon so I may as well just skip that part since it isn't important to me, just could be fun. I am pretty sure he likes me back, but he is being RESPECTFUL and giving me space post-breakup with Jon and I have already been dropping hints at him, but perhaps it's just not clear enough.
I gifted him a photo album with a few photos he had mentioned once he wanted printed out and I hand-wrote a note thanking him for the help moving and letting me be a part of the kennel and I signed it "yours, Blair 💙" and he messaged me afterward "I love it 💙 lol", and said it was a good trade for the collar he gave me for Rollei (he also gave me a hoodie with his new kennel logo on it, which I did not order, he ordered one for me specifically and gifted it to me) and idfk where to go from that. Everything since then has been normal. He DID linger and follow me around a little last weekend when I was there to brush dogs again. We usually end up chatting whenever I am there, it's always been like that from day 1. I have told him stuff I haven't talked with a lot of people about, in terms of my family garbage. He has told me some of his also. He was one of few people I told about Jon before I bought the house. And every time we talked after that he asked me if I had "had the difficult conversation yet" (dumping him).
Anyway, yeah idk how to flirt with this guy. I am getting a failing grade in Flirt I think. I had an opportunity to make a move last time I was there, but I was too chicken to be that bold. Might try next time, but idk if I can get up the nerve.
And here is the tmi/nsfw part pls don't perceive, but I need to get it out.
I know it is quite soon still, after Jon. I was trying to leave Jon for more than a year, though. I was ready to get out a while ago. Um but I am really craving that partnership and companionship that comes with a relationship but also I would reeeeeally appreciate getting laid sometime soon because I haven't for MANY MONTHS and now that I am free from the tension of my ex I am finding I do in fact have a libido. But, again, I ain't meeting anyone here. I don't like bars and there isn't exactly a roaring dating scene for 30+ people in this tiny town. Unless I wanna go after older men, but.....ew.
Like idk where to meet people? There is no recreation here!! And I'm not just chasing SDG because he's around my age, single, a dog person, and convenient. We get along well and I am interested to get to know him and see what this could be. Also VERY attractive man. Ngl. God. The one day I showed up there and he was doing chores with his shirt off and WOWIE I melted. And those hazel eyes 😍😍
But anyway. Um. Yeah. So. I am A Yearning Mess right now and have been super unsure how to deal with it. I am terrified to be too bold, but I am thinking maybe that is the next step here. Idk how much time he is going to give me post-Jon or if he is just going to wait for me to make a move anyway to be respectful. I am tired of chasing men, I would like to be pursued by someone I like just once 😮‍💨
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pochqmqri · 5 months
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It is now May and we still haven't heard anything about the adult Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! sequel that is supposed to air sometime this year. Nothing official or direct has been said about it since the initial announcement over a year ago, but despite that, there have been some bits of information we can piece together about it.
To start off, let's look at the initial announcement back in March 2023. To celebrate the Pretty Cure franchise's 20th anniversary, Toei Animation announced that they would be producing two sequel PreCure anime for adult audiences.
The first one was Kibou no Chikara ~Otona PreCure '23~/Power of Hope ~PreCure Full Bloom~, which was a sequel to the first five PreCure seasons, but primarily Yes! Pretty Cure 5 and Yes! Pretty Cure 5 GoGo! It aired on NHK-E in Fall 2023 for 12 episodes, and was streamed internationally on Crunchyroll.
The second one was tentatively titled "Mahou Tsukai Pretty Cure! 2," obviously a sequel to the 13th season of the same name. It was said to air sometime in 2024 on the late night ANiMAZiNG!!!! block. And that's all we ever heard about it since.
Let's look at what ANiMAZiNG!!!! actually is. It's an anime programming block from 2:00-2:30AM on Sundays created by the Asahi Broadcasting Corporation with TV Asahi; these networks are the ones responsible for airing PreCure in Japan every Sunday at 8:30AM, so it's familiar territory. ANiMAZiNG!!!! started in October 2020.
Notable anime that aired on this block include: Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie, The Maid I Hired Recently Is Mysterious, The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!, SK8 the Infinity, Iwa-Kakeru! Sport Climbing Girls, I Shall Survive Using Potions!, and Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for My Retirement.
A 2:00AM slot for PreCure is quite interesting, as even OtonaPre aired on NHK-E as late as Saturday 6:30PM. Despite this, the anime that airs on this block usually isn't too "adult," i.e violent or sexual, so I don't expect MahoPre2 to be anything of the sort. Similarly, the recent Tokyo Mew Mew New aired around midnight, and it wasn't out of the ordinary in terms of content.
With the exception of the Jahy anime, the anime that airs on this block usually does for just one cour, i.e. it has about 11-12 episodes and takes up one seasonal anime slot. We can assume that MahoPre will also have 12 episodes, not just because of this, but also because that was the same amount OtonaPre had. Relatedly, since MahoPre2 is airing on a different network than OtonaPre did, I also think that MahoPre2, when it gets an official title, is probably not going to be under the "Otona" label. OtonaPre aired on NHK-E, the "E" standing for education, and thus was heavily tied in to topics such as climate change and SDGs, of which I don't see MahoPre2 focusing on as much given it will air on a different network that doesn't have such an educational slant (see the other anime that usually airs on ANiMAZiNG!!!!).
At this point in time, the Winter 2024 anime season has long since concluded, and the Spring 2024 season is currently ongoing. So, we know what anime has aired/is airing on ANiMAZiNG!!!! this year so far, but we also have information on a few anime that will air later in the year too, so let's paint a schedule:
The Strongest Tank's Labyrinth Raids — Jan 7 - Mar 24 (Winter 2024)
Tonari no Yokai-san — Apr 7 - TBA (Spring 2024)
??? (Summer 2024)
The Healer Who was Banished From His Party is Actually the Strongest — Starts Oct (Fall 2024)
All of the seasonal slots for ANiMAZiNG!!! this year, except for Summer, have been filled up, and none of them include MahoPre2. On the official site, the poster for the upcoming Summer season is just a blank "Coming Soon." I find it surprising in the case of the Fall slot, because I was expecting MahoPre2 to air there, as OtonaPre also aired in the Fall last year. Based on this information and lack thereof so far, one can assume that MahoPre2 will be airing in the Summer, but doesn't that seem a little strange?
The Summer anime season usually starts in July, and that's two months away now, so why have we gotten basically no official information on the anime yet, not even a proper title or a few visuals? Despite the fact that OtonaPre aired in October last year, we got a peek at the first visual about a week after the initial announcement in March, followed by a moderately paced reel of information throughout the year. Looking at the other non-PreCure anime on ANiMAZiNG!!!!, Strongest Tank was officially announced back in October 2023 (three months prior to airing), Yokai-san was officially announced back in November 2023 (five months prior to airing), [insert overtly long isekai title] was announced earlier this year in January (9 months prior to airing), so MahoPre2 definitely stands out in its lack of information at this late of a stage. Even so, I can't think of any other anime that would be taking the Summer slot at this point in time. There's also the possibility that Yokai-san runs for a second cour, but usually anime that airs on ANiMAZiNG!!! only run for one season, and Yokai-san's original manga concluded with 4 volumes and one side story, which is generally enough content to fit one cour.
So, what can we expect in the coming weeks/months? The first thing is, like most PreCure anime, a logo/title drop in the Japanese trademark office. Just a day before the initial announcement of OtonaPre, the logo was recorded in the office, so it's likely that whenever the MahoPre2 title drops, an official reveal will follow shortly.
What Rie Takahashi said
Another bit of information comes from Rie Takahashi, the voice actress for MahoPre's Mirai /Cure Miracle, on her radio show with fellow voice actress and friend, Reina Ueda (who coincidentally voices Mayu/Cure Lillian in the current Wonderful Pretty Cure!). For the episode uploaded on February 19 earlier this year, she talks a bit about MahoPre2, how it's airing sometime in 2024, and that they're excited for it, that this year is going to be a great one, no new information really, but it's probably the most recent information we've gotten from an official source, albeit a reconfirmation of what we already know.
Somewhat relatedly, the Kamikita twins, who draw the seasonal PreCure manga adaptations every year, posted a tweet earlier this year in January asking if there was anymore news on MahoPre2, which seems to indicate that, even to them at that point, they weren't briefed on anything behind the scenes.
Speculation: The "Wonderful PreCure!" movie
For the sections labeled speculation, I ask that you please do not take anything I write here as pure fact.
While browsing the Japanese side of Twitter, I came across a few opinions of PreCure fans on why Toei is being hush on MahoPre2. One idea is linked to the WonPre movie coming out later in September. In the film's initial trailer, there's a line said towards the end:
さらに素敵なお友達の出番です!っていいました?! "Sara ni sutekina otomodachi no deban desu! tte iimashita?!" "Did you just say, 'It's time for even more wonderful friends'?!"
What's the significance of the Japanese characters I highlighted in bold? In the context of PreCure, they are the catchphrases of Sora from last year's HiroPre, and Mirai from MahoPre. The 出番, deban, comes from Sora's catchphrase, ヒーローの出番です!, Hero no deban desu!, or officially translated as "It's hero time!" The っていいました?!, tte iimashita?!, or "Did you just say [x]?!" is a quoting particle frequently used by Mirai. Tumblr only allows one video upload per post, so I'll have to link to a separate post I made with the video comparison.
With this in mind, a fair amount of fans believe that the WonPre film will be another crossover one, like the HealPre and TroPre ones were, only this time, that team will be crossing over with the HiroPre and MahoPre teams. It's likely that MahoPre is added in to promote the upcoming sequel, which could be airing around the time the film hits theaters. For that reason, it's probable that Toei wants to combine the marketing for both MahoPre2 and the WonPre film, neither of which has started yet.
Speculation: MahoPre2 Delayed?
The idea of MahoPre2 being delayed isn't really based on any evidence, but pure speculation. Some fans believe that internal politics at Toei have made them shelve the sequel for the time being. Sailor Moon fans are familiar with how Sailor Moon Eternal and Sailor Moon Cosmos were mishandled and delayed multiple times.
Ojamajo Doremi, PreCure's older sister franchise, is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary with a potential animation plan adapting the sequel light novels with the girls grown up. Funnily enough, that's similar to the concept of MahoPre2, so maybe Toei somewhere down the line turned MahoPre2 into Doremi1620? Hahaha...
Another common theory is that MahoPre2 will actually air in early 2025. That sounds a bit weird, doesn't it? They explicitly said 2024, even Rie Takahashi said so, right? Technically, that wouldn't be a lie, if Toei was looking at Fiscal Year 2024, which in Japan, lasts from April 2024 to March 2025 for governments and corporations. That would give MahoPre2 time to air in the Winter 2025 season, and thus the promotion hasn't started yet because it's still too early.
So, with that all said, there are at least two time periods I believe MahoPre2 could air in, the Summer 2024 season, or the Winter 2025 season. As of now, we can only wait for more information, but I do not have reason to believe that Toei cancelled this project.
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georgelinblessy · 3 months
Partnering with the Marpu Foundation for Enhanced CSR Efforts and SDG Achievement
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Partnering with the Marpu Foundation can significantly boost a company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts and contribute to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Marpu Foundation is known for its impactful projects focusing on environmental conservation, community development, education, and healthcare. By collaborating with the foundation, companies can enhance their CSR initiatives and make a positive impact on society and the environment.
1. Environmental Conservation Projects
One key area where partnering with the Marpu Foundation can amplify CSR efforts is environmental conservation. The foundation is actively involved in various projects aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment. These initiatives include:
Reforestation Programs: Marpu Foundation organizes reforestation programs to restore degraded ecosystems and enhance biodiversity. Companies can support these programs financially or through employee volunteer programs, showcasing their dedication to environmental sustainability.
Endangered Species Protection: The foundation's efforts to protect endangered species through habitat conservation and anti-poaching initiatives can be bolstered by corporate partnerships. Companies can contribute resources or technology to aid in monitoring and protecting wildlife.
Clean Energy Projects: Marpu Foundation promotes clean energy solutions such as solar and wind power. By funding or collaborating on these projects, companies can help reduce carbon footprints and advance SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy).
2. Community Development Initiatives
The Marpu Foundation's community development projects aim to uplift marginalized communities, providing essential services and infrastructure. Companies can enhance their CSR impact through:
Poverty Alleviation Programs: Collaborating with Marpu on initiatives that provide employment opportunities, vocational training, and micro-financing can significantly reduce poverty levels in underprivileged areas, contributing to SDG 1 (No Poverty).
Access to Clean Water and Sanitation: Partnering with Marpu to build wells, sanitation facilities, and water purification systems helps ensure clean water access, aligning with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation).
Healthcare Services: Supporting the foundation’s efforts to set up clinics and mobile health units improves healthcare access in remote regions, addressing SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being).
3. Education and Healthcare Programs
Education and healthcare are pillars of sustainable development, and Marpu Foundation's programs in these sectors are transformative:
Educational Outreach: By partnering with Marpu to build schools, provide scholarships, and supply educational materials, companies can contribute to SDG 4 (Quality Education). Employee volunteer programs can also enhance the educational experiences of children and adults in these communities.
Healthcare Improvement: Supporting Marpu’s healthcare initiatives, such as vaccination drives, maternal health programs, and disease prevention campaigns, ensures better health outcomes for vulnerable populations.
Examples from Marpu’s Projects
Project A: Reforestation Initiative: This project focuses on planting native trees in deforested areas to restore ecosystems, increase biodiversity, and combat climate change. Companies can participate by funding tree planting events and engaging employees in volunteer activities.
Project B: Community Health Clinic: Establishing health clinics in underserved areas to provide primary healthcare services. Corporate partners can fund the construction and operation of these clinics, supply medical equipment, and support health awareness campaigns.
Project C: Solar Energy Installation: Installing solar panels in rural communities to provide sustainable and affordable energy solutions. Companies can sponsor solar projects, provide technical expertise, and promote renewable energy adoption.
By engaging in such projects with the Marpu Foundation, companies can align their CSR efforts with sustainable development goals while making a tangible difference in the lives of people and the environment. This collaboration not only enhances the company's social and environmental impact but also strengthens its reputation as a responsible and forward-thinking entity. Through strategic partnerships with organizations like the Marpu Foundation, businesses can contribute meaningfully to global efforts in creating a more sustainable and equitable world.
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chinmayeesahu · 3 months
Enhancing CSR Impact through Collaboration with Marpu Foundation
The importance of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is higher than ever in the quickly changing business environment of today. Working together with like-minded organizations is crucial as companies look to improve society and the environment. The Marpu Foundation is one such collaboration that has a great deal of potential to increase the impact of CSR.
At the forefront of social change and sustainable development, the Marpu Foundation | NGO has established itself as a beacon of hope for communities worldwide. With a diverse portfolio of initiatives spanning education, healthcare, environmental conservation, and more, the foundation embodies a commitment to creating a better future for all.
"Marpu" - a synonym for transformation - was established by the respected National Youth Awardee, Mr. Kadiri Raghu Vamsi. Marpu Foundation | NGO focuses on harnessing the potential of individuals to bring about positive change in the world. With a team committed to effecting change and providing a supportive space for all, the Marpu Foundation earned the title of "The Best NGO in India" in 2020.
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Emphasizing employee involvement and volunteering is one of the main features of the Marpu Foundation's CSR approach. It has over 80,261 volunteers and over 10,245,120 beneficiaries operating from 39 locations in 15 states. The themes of their work center on environmental sustainability, economic development, social development, and partnership for the goals.
Partnering with the Marpu Foundation not only enhances corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts but also significantly contributes to advancing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Marpu Foundation's projects are exemplary models of sustainable development, promoting social, economic, and environmental well-being. Here's how partnering with Marpu can boost CSR efforts and support SDGs, illustrated through some of their impactful projects:
1. Education Initiatives (SDG 4 - Quality Education): Marpu Foundation's education initiatives focus on providing quality education to underserved communities. Partnering with Marpu in these initiatives allows corporations to support SDG 4 by investing in programs that enhance access to education, improve literacy rates, and empower marginalized groups. For example, a partnership could fund the establishment of schools in rural areas, provide scholarships for underprivileged students, or support vocational training programs.
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2. Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation): Marpu Foundation undertakes projects aimed at ensuring access to clean water and sanitation facilities, particularly in areas facing water scarcity and poor sanitation. Collaborating with Marpu in such projects enables companies to address SDG 6 by funding the construction of water infrastructure, implementing water purification systems, or promoting hygiene awareness campaigns in communities lacking access to clean water and sanitation.
3. Women's Empowerment (SDG 5 - Gender Equality): Marpu Foundation is committed to promoting gender equality and women's empowerment through various initiatives such as skill development programs, entrepreneurship training, and advocacy for women's rights. Partnering with Marpu in these endeavors allows corporations to support SDG 5 by investing in projects that foster economic independence and social empowerment among women, thereby contributing to creating more inclusive and equitable societies.
4. Environmental Conservation (SDG 13 - Climate Action): Marpu Foundation actively engages in environmental conservation efforts aimed at mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. Corporations can enhance their CSR initiatives by partnering with Marpu in projects such as afforestation campaigns, sustainable agriculture practices, or renewable energy projects. By supporting these initiatives, companies can align with SDG 13 goals and demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship.
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5. Healthcare Access (SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being): Marpu Foundation works towards improving healthcare access and promoting health awareness in underserved communities. Collaborating with Marpu in healthcare projects allows corporations to contribute to SDG 3 by funding medical camps, establishing healthcare centers, or supporting vaccination drives. By investing in healthcare initiatives, companies can help reduce healthcare disparities and improve the overall well-being of communities.
In conclusion, partnering with the Marpu Foundation offers corporations a unique opportunity to bolster their CSR efforts while making meaningful contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Through strategic collaborations with Marpu, companies can address pressing social, economic, and environmental challenges, driving positive change and creating a more sustainable future for all.
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jordanianroyals · 1 year
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17 September 2023: Queen Rania attended UNICEF’s Champions for Children: Child Rights at the Heart of the SDGs reception event in New York, which took place on the sidelines of the High-level Week of the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
Hosted by UNICEF’s Executive Director, Catherine Russell, and featuring the First Lady of the United States, Dr. Jill Biden, as a keynote speaker, the event aims to place children at the heart of achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on their empowerment and the need to invest in their future. (Source: Petra)
Convening around the release of a new UNICEF report addressing progress on child-specific indicators in the SDGs, the event shed light on children’s vulnerability and highlighted the unprecedented opportunity to shape the future for children, transforming, and accelerating progress.  
According to the report, Progress on Children's Well-Being: Centering child rights in the 2030 Agenda, two-thirds of child-related indicators are off-pace to meet their 2030 SDGs target. The report warns that as of today, only 6% of the world’s child population living in just 11 countries have reached 50% of child-related targets met. If this trajectory continues, it is expected that only 60 countries – home to just 25% of the world’s children – will have met their targets by 2030, leaving around 1.9 billion children in 140 countries behind.
The analysis weaves together over 20 years of data across more than 190 countries, comparing where countries stand today against where they aim to be in the next seven years, and identifying the challenges and opportunities for accelerated action. The findings show a mixed picture of both progress and backsliding against the global goals.
The report also reveals that accelerated development is possible with strong national commitment, effective policies, and adequate financing, with some low and lower-middle-income countries making the fastest rate of progress.
 Attended by youth advocates, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, and several high-profile guests, the event featured a segment on ways to champion children in areas like health, education, climate, and peace-building efforts.
Other prominent speakers included Queen Mathilde of Belgium and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, actor Orlando Bloom.
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womeninscienceday · 2 years
Closing ceremony - 8th anniversary of the February11 Global Movement.
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The Royal Academy of Science International Trust ( co organizing and co sponsoring UN Member States, departments and agencies are celebrating the 8th anniversary of the February11 Global Movement.
Statements to be delivered by Heads of State or Government, and other dignitaries of the United Nations and the world. Statements are expected to highlight the role of women in science in solving world challenges, the importance of multilingualism to facilitate the global compilation and application of scientific advancement for sustainable development, as well as the value of investment in science-based solutions for sustainable development. . The closing ceremony will include:
Elaboration of the collective vision and inputs from the “Water Unites Us” 7th International Assembly of Women and Girls in Science, the 2nd High-Level International Conference on the International Decade for Action on Water for Sustainable Development 2018-2022, held in Dushanbe, and the 2nd UN Ocean Conference and its High-Level Symposium on Water held in Lisbon, as a contribution for the 2023 UN Water Conference, and other UN Fora.
• Elaboration of the collective vision and inputs from the conversations on the Impact Investment for Sustainable Future: Financing Science-Based Solutions.
“For all countries striving to use scientific advancement for transformative development programs, it is necessary to grant women equal rights to men, empower women specialized in all fields of sciences and invest in their creative capabilities, recognize their achievements, and involve them in planning and decision-making processes.” ---1973 the late HRH Prince Mohammad bin King Faisal (I) of Iraq El-Hashemite, The Founder, Royal Academy of Science International Trust
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nikki101421 · 7 months
Exploring Empathy: Week 4 Insights and Climate Action Shift
Weekly blog- March 10, 2024
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Source: Pinterest
During week 4, we really dug deep into understanding each other by playing the Empathy Map game. Sharing our experiences and feelings helped us see things from different perspectives and understand our own desires better. We even created a character named "Joshua" after one of our group members, which made the game even more enjoyable.
In addition to the game, we also had an online progress report for the week. During this time, our team decided to make a significant change. Instead of focusing on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 6, which is about clean water and sanitation, we shifted our attention to SDG number 13, which is about climate action. We all agreed that it's crucial to tackle climate change now by reducing pollution and taking action.
As part of our new focus, we discussed proposing smoke filtering devices that could be attached to vehicle mufflers. However, we wanted to stay focused on the problem first before jumping into solutions. We wanted to assess where we could make a difference and what we could provide to address the issue effectively.
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Source: Pinterest
This week has been eye-opening for me. Despite our differences, my groupmates and I connected deeply through the Empathy Map game. This experience showed me the power of empathy in understanding others' perspectives and desires. It's a lesson I'll carry forward as we engage with potential customers. We'll prioritize understanding their needs and concerns, ensuring our solutions truly resonate with them. This shift in focus towards climate action also taught me the importance of being adaptable and willing to change direction when necessary. Overall, I'm proud of the progress we made this week and excited about the positive impact we can have moving forward.
Nikki Love C. Opiso-ME3A
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering-3A
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harawata44 · 10 months
ゴミの量を1/3に圧縮できる、魔法のゴミ箱 | ギズモード・ジャパン
 ・【楽天市場】【 LINEでクーポン 】 圧縮ゴミ箱 KomprimoFrank コンプリモ フランク
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gorunnn · 8 months
Dalam era digital yang terus berkembang, penerbitan artikel online menjadi salah satu cara efektif untuk memperkenalkan dan mendukung produk-produk Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM). Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengangkat potensi UMKM di Desa Giripurno melalui platform online, sekaligus memberikan kontribusi terhadap pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), khususnya Pekerjaan Layak dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi (SDGs 8) serta Industri, Inovasi, dan Infrastruktur (SDGs 9).
Dalam konteks SDGs, penerapan program ini mencakup aspek pekerjaan layak dan pertumbuhan ekonomi di tingkat lokal. Dengan menyinergikan industri, inovasi, dan infrastruktur, kami bertujuan untuk mengembangkan potensi UMKM di Desa Giripurno. Produk-produk dari UMKM di Desa Giripurno akan diulas dalam artikel ini dengan harapan dapat memberikan eksposur yang lebih luas dan meningkatkan peluang pasar.
Dengan demikian, melalui penerbitan artikel online ini, kami berharap dapat memberikan gambaran tentang produk-produk UMKM di Desa Giripurno dan mendukung pencapaian SDGs terkait Pertumbuhan Ekonomi.
Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Desa Giripurno
Desa Giripurno yang terletak di Kecamatan Borobudur, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah merupakan desa yang terletak di kawasan perbukitan Menoreh. Desa Giripurno terdiri dari 6 dusun, yaitu Pokoh, Parakan, Gayam, Jombor, Miriombo Kulon, dan Miriombo Wetan. Desa ini memiliki potensi Sumber Daya Alam berupa hasil pertanian yang cukup melimpah, sedangkan potensi alamnya yang berupa perbukitan dan lereng menyimpan potensi wisata air terjun dan bukit-bukit yang dapat dikembangkan menjadi wisata alam yang menarik. Selain itu, Desa Giripurno juga memiliki potensi UMKM yang dapat dikembangkan guna menunjang perbaikan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Berikut merupakan beberapa UMKM di Desa Giripurno.
Keripik Pisang - Snack Bu Darmi (083109956193)
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Keripik pisang merupakan camilan berbahan dasar pisang yang diiris tipis, kemudian digoreng dengan menggunakan tepung yang telah dibumbui. Keripik pisang ini memiliki satu varian rasa, yaitu manis. Dalam proses pembuatannya, pisang tersebut dibalurkan lagi juga dengan gula cair. Keripik pisang ini telah diproduksi sejak tahun 2015.
Empleng Singkong - Snack Mak Isah (085726989323)
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Memanfaatkan melimpahnya hasil perkebunan singkong Desa Miriombo Wetan, Mak Isah memproduksi camilan gurih dengan cita rasa khas yang menggugah selera. Sudah dapat ditebak dari namanya, empleng singkong berbahan utama singkong yang diparut kemudian dicampur kelapa parut.
Peyek - Snack Bu Darmi (083109956193)
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Peyek menjadi makanan khas di berbagai kabupaten di Jawa Tengah, salah satunya di Kabupaten Magelang. Peyek yang menjadi keunikan di daerah Magelang adalah peyek yang berasal dari suket. Rumput (dalam bahasa Jawa suket) menjadi bahan dasar utama pembuatan peyek. Suket yang digunakan adalah suket jentik manis. Jentik manis merupakan tanaman liar yang banyak tumbuh di daerah Magelang. Namun, menurut masyarakat Magelang, jentik manis dapat dikonsumsi dengan diolah menjadi peyek, sehingga peyek jenthik manis menjadi makanan khas dari Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Peyek ini telah diproduksi sejak tahun 2015.
Borobudur Milk - Bapak Warto (085643318725)
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Borobudur Milk diproduksi oleh Kelompok Tani Ternak MMM (Muda Mandiri Menoreh) Dusun Miriombo Wetan, Desa Giripurno, Kecamatan Borobudur. Susu bubuk Borobudur Milk telah memperoleh sertifikasi Halal. Susu kambing bermanfaat untuk menjaga kesehatan tulang dan gigi, mendukung kesehatan sistem pencernaan, meningkatkan imunitas tubuh, mencegah penyakit kardiovaskular, dan lain sebagainya. Komposisi: susu kambing murni, gula pasir, krimer. Cara penyajian yaitu dengan cara seduh 2 sendok makan Borobudur Milk dengan 150 ml air panas. 
Stik dan Pangsit - Snack Bu Darmi (083109956193)
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Stik dan pangsit merupakan camilan enak yang sering dijumpai dan disukai banyak konsumen. Guna menambah aneka macam snack yang diproduksi, Bu Darmi memproduksi  camilan yang banyak dikenal dan dikonsumsi banyak orang yaitu stik dan pangsit yang terbuat dari bahan tepung terigu dan tepung kanji.
Jopo Coffee - Bapak Irjiono (083138715425)
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Jopo coffee merupakan sebuah kedai kopi Miriombo Wetan yang berlokasi di dekat Puthuk Mongkrong. Kopi diolah dengan bahan biji kopi jenis robusta yang asli diambil dari tanaman kopi hasil pertanian di kawasan perbukitan menoreh tepatnya di perkebunan masyarakat Miriombo Wetan. Jenis kopi ini memiliki kalori lebih rendah daripada jenis kopi lainnya.
Besek Anyaman Bambu - Bu Istitah
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Besek anyaman bambu yang diproduksi oleh Bu Istitah menggunakan bahan bambu yang tidak terlalu muda dan tidak terlalu tua. Bambu tersebut kemudian dibersihkan dan dipotong. Bambu yang telah dipotong kemudian diirat. Setelah diirat, bambu dijemur sampai kering. Iratan bambu yang telah kering sudah dapat dianyam untuk dibuat besek dengan ukuran besar, sedang, maupun kecil sesuai pesanan.
Berkah Jangkrik Abadi - Bapak Widadi (087845792600)
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Berkah Jangkrik Abadi merupakan sebuah UMKM di Dusun Pokoh yang menjual jangkrik. Jangkrik diambil dari Salatiga dan Temanggung. Jangkrik yang telah diternak akan dipanen pada usia 30-45 hari. Pemasaran UMKM ini sudah bagus, tapi harganya tidak stabil mengikuti pasar. Berkah Jangkrik Abadi dapat menjual jangkrik dalam bentuk telur atau jangkrik.
Rengginang Rizquna - Maratul Hasanah (081333722453)
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Rizquna merupakan sebuah UMKM di Dusun Pokoh yang menghasilkan dan memasarkan rengginang. Bahan dasar yang digunakan adalah beras ketan. Rengginang dipasarkan dalam keadaan mentah dengan satu varian rasa, yaitu asin gurih. Harga rengginang dalam satu kemasan adalah Rp22.000. Rengginang yang sudah dikemas kemudian dijual di toko-toko sekitar. UMKM ini sudah ada sejak lama, dibuat secara turun temurun, dan telah mendapat sertifikasi halal.
Barokah Cacing – Ibu Puji (083838949093)
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Barokah Cacing merupakan UMKM di Dusun Miriombo Kulon yang fokus pada budidaya dan pemasaran cacing. UMKM ini menyediakan cacing sebagai pakan ternak, pupuk organik, atau bahkan sebagai sumber protein alternatif dalam industri pakan hewan. Dengan menggunakan teknik budidaya yang efisien, UMKM cacing dapat menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar.
Banyaknya UMKM di Desa Giripurno diharapkan mampu menunjang perbaikan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat. Beragamnya UMKM yang tersedia disini juga diharapkan dapat menjadi ciri khas bagi Desa Giripurno sebagai Desa yang memiliki banyak potensi wisata.
Penulis: Ainur Rokhimah, Raras Puspita Wiji Utami, dan Hamzah Widodo Trie Kusumo Yudo (Tim KKN PPM UGM Periode 4 Tahun 2023/2024)
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coffeetablettowers · 9 months
Walmart had UGLY table cloths so I just ordered a bunch of stickers off etsy to put all over my work table.
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1. Pebblesun Shop
2. InternetGordon
3. Sharkfin Studios
4. Spicy Gem
5. SDG Stickers
6. Farmlife Sticker Shop
7. Halenvie
8. UniandUmi
9. HyeStickers
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xtruss · 11 months
Exclusive: Satellite Images Show Gaza in Complete Darkness After Power Supply Cutoff by “The God’s Fucked-up Terrorist People of the Illegal Regime of Isra-hell, The Zionist Cunts,” Indicating Worsening Humanitarian Crisis
— Fan Wei | October 14, 2023 | Global Times
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Satellite images of Gaza Strip on September 14, 2023 and October 12. Photos: Courtesy of SDG center
According to the latest satellite images obtained by Global Times reporters from the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development (SDG Center) on Saturday, the Gaza Strip, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, is almost completely plunged into darkness at night due to Israel's power supply cut-off. This stark contrast to the previously well-lit nights in the region highlighted the difficult living conditions faced by the people in the Gaza Strip. Since the Israeli military announced the cutoff of water and power supply to the Gaza Strip and implemented a comprehensive blockade on Monday, a humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian Gaza Strip has worsened.
The Gaza Strip is a narrow strip of land measuring 41 kilometers long and 6 to 12 kilometers wide, per official information by Palestine. More than 2 million people, the majority of whom are Palestinians, live on a total land area of approximately 365 square kilometers, making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world, with population density comparable to that of Madrid in Spain, and London in the UK.
The night view image of the Gaza Strip, taken around 10 pm local time on September 14, using the low-light imaging instrument of the SDG Center's satellite, shows that before the recent Palestine-Israel conflict, the entire Gaza Strip was brightly lit at night, which visually reflected the high population density in the region.
Two-thirds of the electricity supply in the Gaza Strip comes from Israel. On Wednesday, the only power plant in Gaza had to shut down due to fuel shortages after Israel announced a complete blockade on the region. As a result, the entire area experienced a complete blackout, leading to an escalating humanitarian crisis.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health warned Wednesday that all hospitals in Gaza would soon run out of fuel for electricity, resulting in "disastrous consequences." On Thursday, the International Committee of the Red Cross issued a warning that hospitals in Gaza were turning into "graveyards" due to the lack of power supply. The power outage also affected the operation of local communication systems and the preservation of daily food for residents, who were also unable to withdraw their savings from banks. UN Secretary-General António Guterres also pointed out on Friday that the power outage in Gaza has triggered a drinking water crisis.
The latest satellite images obtained around 10 pm local time on Thursday also showed that after a complete power outage, the Gaza Strip is almost plunged into complete darkness at night, with only sporadic lights. This also means that the entire Gaza Strip has been paralyzed, and the basic livelihood of local residents cannot be guaranteed.
Satellites with low-light imaging payloads have the ability to reflect the socioeconomic development and living standards of a region by detecting the intensity and distribution of nighttime lights. Currently, the majority of satellites with low-light imaging capabilities are operated by China, the US, and Israel. The low-light imaging satellites of the US and Israel are mainly used in military, environmental monitoring, and mapping fields.
China's Sustainable Development Scientific Satellite-1 is the world's first scientific satellite specifically designed to serve the United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This satellite was developed under the guidance of the Chinese Academy of Sciences' "Earth Big Data Science Engineering" pilot project and is the first launch planned by the SDG center, a global research institution dedicated to serving the UN agenda through big data.
After its operation in orbit, the data of this satellite is shared globally, providing support for research on sustainable development goals, especially for developing countries. It contributes to and sets an example of reducing the global imbalance in sustainable development and the digital divide between regions.
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