fleyrie · 2 years
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oars · 1 year
i wanna draw miguel in a quince dress
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ihaventsleptinweekz · 4 months
I should write an alastor fic where he dies in the fight against Adam then has that mental breakdown in front of this man
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Like its the exact same mental breakdown where he raves about the ridiculousness of HIM dying for his friends except he genuinely was doing it altruistically and by some miracle got into heaven and is now shitting himself thinking about how Vox is probably laughing is ass off at him rn
Meanwhile like two feet away this twink is shaking, terrified, and frantically hissing "SERA???? SERAAA?? I NEED YOU HERE RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW. SERA??!??!??"
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eljesala · 2 months
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iT's NoT riGhT sErAaA >:(
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shadebloopnik · 2 months
First tine sketching Seraaa
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Her hair's fun lmao
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vypridae · 2 months
I had a thought of Emily implying to Velvette that she might have a shot with Sera if she got redeemed. Is it true IDK and neither does Emily but maybe just maybe Velvette will try it.
i cant imagine velvette ever wanting to try redemption like. at all, just not her thing, she'd rather be the worst she can down in hell to gte the most power AGHFADJHADGH but i CAN however imagine emily trying to get her to WANT redemption
emily, sliding up to velvette: you knowww~ seraaa might be interested in a pretty girl *COUGHCOUGH YOU COUGH COUGH* if you were to, say, i dont know, try redemption?
velvette: LMAAOOO HELL NO. she either takes what she can get or she'll just has to deal with me checking her out and wanting her fingers in my p-
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echoofheartbeats · 3 months
😟 but she was Right, SERaaaaah
she showed us a soul can ImprOOve 😮
He Saw The Light💡, sERAAA!
checked all the boxes ✅️✅️✅️ that YoOoU Said WoullLdd
ProveAPerson deserves a secondchance
Now we turn our Backs 🔙 no secondglance?
~ It's not as simple ✨️ as you Think
not everything ✨️ is spelled in ^iiiiiink^ 🖋 ~
😡 it's not Fair, Serauhhh 🫤
(( ❌️careful, Charlie, keep a cool heeaad 😬))
NOOUH!!! 👿 don't you Care, Sera?
That just because someOne is DeaAAAd💀, itDoesn't
Mean they can't reSOLve to ChangeTheirWays
Turn the page, escape🔥inFerNal BlaaYYze🔥
~ I'm sure you wish it could be So. ✨️
But there's a Lot ✨️ that you don't knoOOOOh ~ 😔
👿 WHUAT are we EvEn tTalkin' aAbOuT?
Some CracK-WhoRe who Fucked Up alreadyeeeeeee? ⁉️
He blew his Shot, like the CoCKSXS in his mouth 😈
this Discussion is Senseless and Peaaaahhtttyyee 😒
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seraaa!! :)
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satoruswaifu · 2 months
seraaa !! happy birthday !! i hope you got spoiled soso rotten omg i'm leaving flowers in your inbox for your special dayyy ILYSMM 💐💐
i’m responding to this ehe hope that’s ok charm!!! 🥺 thank you so muuuuch ILYTOO 🩵 hugging you through the screen!!
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wrong-mmind · 3 months
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bluewren · 9 months
HI WREN HAPPY FRIDAY! I see you would like Sera fluff! Maybe a little hurt/comfort to start it off, for Sera/Tali - "They shouldn't treat you like that." from the vague angsty prompts??
Hello Niri!!! This made me think of how Tali always seems to side with Sera. I used lo Mai gai as a food stand-in, since I was too lazy to create new lore. LOL @dadrunkwriting wc: 1120
The morning comes to Taliesen by the aching rumble in her stomach. That was the only sign that slept at all the previous night, the sudden nagging pain in her stomach. She had not eaten anything since Solas left. Last night's appetite leaving with her, along with the elven healer and trusted friend. They had failed to rescue Wisdom and Solas needed time to be away and to mourn, and though she understood that and tried not to think about what she would have done if it was her own siblings…
She hoped that Solas trusts her enough to stay and confide in her. Worse that something felt final in the way he left, the way he couldn't bear to answer her when he walked. How she seemed invisible when he said his last sentence.
It's possible that yesterday might have been the last night she'll ever see Solas again, and she is not ready to sit on that. Not when she feels like her worries as Inquisitor are stacking and she's losing distance on the people she can turn to.
Still, feeling down and worried about everything collapsing isn't helping her fill an empty stomach. The Dalish camp is close enough for a cozy home style meal.
Taliesen takes a quick sniff of her leather trousers, it still stinks of sweat from last night's battle. Though it isn't off-putting enough for her to not put them on along with a loose tunic and boots. She peels open the canvas covers of her tent, now seeing the sun is already a quarter away from its highest point.
Sera's already sitting by the smothered campfire, a doubtless sign that Taliesen slept for too long.
She waves. "Took you long enough. Feeling awake now, sleepyhead?"
Taliesen blinks, she can feel a smile slowly curl onto her lips. Somehow Sera's flippant forwardness is always enough to do that.
"Come on." Tali waves back, beckoning for Sera to follow her. "I need food. You can help me carry."
“Where we going?” Sera’s eyes widen, but she follows along anyway.
“The Dalish camp!” Taliesen points to the other side of the river.
“The Dalish camp?” Sera groans, crossing her arms.
“I got a sudden craving for [lo mai gai]. If they don’t have any, we can trade for aged embrium leafs and grains. We can make them ourselves.” Taliesen speaks, around feeling herself drool.
Sera grumbles, dragging her heel and slowing them both.
“What’s wrong with that?” Both elves stop, the Dalish elf of the two raises a brow.
“Some of them were giving me weird looks.” The City elf of the two replies, her foot begins tapping with irritation. “Like they got snot up their breathers. Don’t think they like me.”
Taliesen points her nose, unbearably close with her eyes in judgmental squint. “Seraaa, did you say something to them yesterday?”
“Nothin’.” Sera huffs, pushing the Inquisitor back by the shoulders to retake some space. “Why have to think that it was me who caused something?” Her voice rising.
In truth, Taliesen didn’t believe anything did happen between Sera and Hawen’s clan. Though she already sees the beads of sweat dripping off of Sera's neck, and is enjoying the sight of it.
“What if I didn’t?” She smirks, her words almost sound like purring.
“You!” Sera growls, she dashes to grab and headlock the other elf’s head.
Sera’s grip is stronger than Taliesen expected, feeling her head locked between two logs. Though not enough to stop her from laughing, she retaliates by tickling the other blond on her exposed side. She slowly manages to push Sera along towards the camp, managing to walk the straightest path she can while blinded and having her sense of direction turned sideways.
“Andaran Atish’an, my sister. It’s good to see you again.” Hawen stands in front of them.
The entangled elves realize they look dimwitted while waltzing into their camp. They swiftly straighten themselves, standing like impeccably professionals.
Taliesen clears her throat. “We would like to trade for food if your clan can spare anything.”
“We are happy to trade with you?” He nods, then turns to Sera. “But I would appreciate that your friend stays out of our camp.”
“What?” Taliesen gives back a baffled blink.
“Some of our People are perplexed by your friendship you two have, it will be better if she stayed out of the camp.”
She crosses her arms, a finger tapping her left shoulder, worrying that she might end up something regrettable. Sera is more vocal with her displeasure, grumbling at Hawen.
“She’ll be beside me.” Taliesen reassures. “We’re not here to cause anyone trouble.”
“That might be the case.” Hawen nods. He sighs, clearly reluctant to request this of her. “But we need to keep the peace between our people, the Dales have not been hospital as of late.”
“What does my friend have to do with any of that?”
“It’s a precaution. I want trouble on neither of our sides.”
Taliesen shakes her head. “We aren’t here to cause any trouble…”
“Inky, it’s fine.” Sera interrupts Taliesen, tugging her back by the shoulders. “Just get the stuff, I’ve got no problems waiting.”
“I’m not letting them treat you like that.” She says, her eyes narrowing.
“Got it!” Sera throws up her hands, back away from the camp. “You don’t need to. I’m not going to be around whoevers.”
“Sorry it has to be this way.” Taliesen sighs.
She chooses to follow along with her friend, rather than allow the clan to have their prejudices.
The elves tread back the path they walked, though now Sera feels her stomach growling unlike earlier. The walk feels twice as long back, and worse knowing that no treat is waiting for them when they return.
“Not a big loss. I’m sure the soldiers will have a meal ready.”
“You didn’t have to do that.” Sera snaps.
“You think you’re the only city elf, who’s been turned away by them?” Taliesen raises a brow. “Dalish clans have been like that for as long as I’ve known them.”
“What’s it? My ears, too droopy for them?” Sera rolls her eyes. She feels herself gagging. “Not my first time hearing that either. Stuffin’ our mouths would have made everything better.”
“And you’ll be fine with that?”
“Doesn’t matter! We could have gotten a good meal.”
“You didn’t deserve to be treated like a roughneck, just for not being one of them.” Taliesen shakes her head, seeming surprisingly stern. “I’m not letting that happen.”
“Doesn’t need to be your choice.” Sera whispers, her cheeks feeling a bit flushed.
Though she doesn’t want to admit it with words, she’s grateful that Taliesen sided with her over the Dalish clan.
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astrxlfinale · 5 months
❝ there’s quite a lot about me you don’t know. ❞ from Seraaa
Oh he could only imagine.
Being part of the Nameless always promised he encountered countless with their particular stories. In fact it could be considered the fine 'flavor' of a tale to unravel. That would be the particular angle to consider, but in his case, part of him wonders if this lady was reveling in that mere fact. A stubborn puff of air escapes from his nose before he idly brushes at the back of his head. "Join the club then! We call it the everyday strangers."
"Wanna know the catch to that mystery?"
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"S'right there in the title! If there's stuff ya wanna keep under wraps, don't be worried on me being too damn nosy. The present moment serves to stay as this guy's priority." Who knows, that may even serve to be a comfort. The extensive regimen of those obsessed with destiny, history all of those details that keeps either noses deep in books or the addicted lost in the past, it serves no damn interest to him.
Which in this case with the one known as Sera to be a touch overdramatized on his end. This was just a blatant show of his character.
"Now if there's a thing catches the excitement for show n' tell. I'm damn sure you'll get it into the spotlight."
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buckrecs · 1 year
seraaa i just saw that you're rereading my series and i am just sooo freaking excited about it. 💕 Ugh i'm being really emotional today but hell yeah, you rock and i love you sooo much ❤️❤️❤️
xx Meg (@espinosaurusrexex)
Thank you so much for coming to my inbox and I absolutely looove your works🥺🥺
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isszzz · 1 year
si la vida te me puso enfrente por algo seraaa
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Niente turno di riposo? :(
Tutto sommato normale, però la malinconia ha avuto la meglio. Concludo la serata con un po’ di pesantezza. 🦥
Ciao Tigroooo! ❤️
Forte e caloroso. 🫂🌸
Cavolo ho visto adesso questo messaggio 😥
Buona seraaa✨ come stai?
Nope, niente giorni liberi neanche per le feste 😫
Abbraccino 🫂
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mas 80% já ta bom Adriana, já passa 😄 ta metida essa menininha viu😄😄😄🥰 que orgulho 100% de acerto!!!!! Vamo começar a arrumar a mala, Floridaaa, Miamiii, texassss, onde seraaa que vamos morarttt😄😄😄😄😄🥰
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