#fbaa book 5
fleyrie · 2 years
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separatist-apologist · 10 months
I'm not sure if you had answered this before but have you read zodiac acadamy?
Cuz I was fooled into believing it's a fantasy romance about the twins solving mystery at an acadamy and learning how to control certain elements and stuff. Going on cool af adventures and learning new creatures that are good or bad. Also I was told it had the tropes rivals to lovers/enemies to lovers.
Turns out to be about 2 pick me's getting harassed and bullied by a group of sex obsessed guys for the entirety of not only the first, but also the second and third book. 😀 I've never been so dissapointed.
The writing is jacka** as well.
I literally opened up my computer for this one. Fans of ZA, look away. I think my feelings on it are well known.
First of all. The writing is ATROCIOUS. I think the books themselves would probably be passable were it not for just the god awful writing. It's literally "this happened and then this happened and this happened and this happened" like damn bitch can I get a description or something? ALL telling, ZERO showing. Like if you're gonna tell me a character is smart, you better back that shit up. But they don't because Tory and Darcy are dumber than a box of rocks.
I was also told it was romance and apparently it is like, 4 books in, which circles me into my next complaint. I get why authors want to market their books as romance but it is LITERALLY not a romance for at least that first book. If I'm picking up romance, I expect romance. Not...sexual assault and bullying and then nothing else.
Tory and Darcy also don't have distinguishable voices and if I put the book down, I'd forget whose POV was who. The authors gave one of them blue hair and called it a day and I feel like there was so much she could have done with them and just...didn't want to.
I know a lot of people love it, and I think there is nothing wrong with liking trash. I've never once heard someone claim ZA is supposed to be elevated literature and I think to that end, it's almost mean making fun of it. The people who like it like it for what it is, I want to like it for what it is, but I can't get over the writing which bothers the fuck out of me.
I think it's definitely a brain off read. I definitely have read books where it's like, I am not reading for information, I am reading for vibes.
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juniperbooks · 2 years
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From TikTok to Goodreads, no one can escape the immense popularity of 'spicy' Fantasy Romance series. In case you aren't familiar, 'spicy' books are ones with steamy romance, hot characters, and a varying degree of love scenes, and we just cannot get enough! Here are the top series on #BookTok ranked by the spice that brought this hidden genre to the forefront of pop culture literature:
Shade of Magic - V.E. Schwab
Full of drama and tension with a touch of romance (including LGBTQ+!), Shades of Magic is firmly within the Young Adult genre and thus ranks 0/5 on the spicy scale. 
Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maas
Revenge, redemption, lies and secrets, a kick-ass female lead, and her morally grey love interests are what drive this Dark Fantasy romance series. But as the love scenes aren’t too descriptive and can easily be avoided, the series has a spicy score of 1/5 overall. 
All Souls - Deborah Harkness
Though teeming with forbidden romance tension, the steaminess is mostly just a little warm with one fiery scene for the series. The All Souls Trilogy has earned a 2/5 on the spicy scale, bridging the gap between YA and NA. 
Outlander - Diana Gabaldon
Firmly into New Adult territory and filled with kilt-dropping smut and allusions to BDSM, but generally hinted at more than described, giving this epic series a 3/5 for spice.
A Court of Thorns and Roses - Sarah J. Maas
If handsome fae, medieval politics, and steamy love triangles are what get you going, or if you are just looking for a place to start in this new fantasy subgenre, this is the place. Dramatic, magical, and very sexy, ACOTAR gets a spice rating of 4/5. 
And now *drumroll* the award for the spiciest fantasy romance series at Juniper Books goes to…
From Blood and Ash - Jennifer Armentrout
Dripping with detailed love scenes and reimaginings of classic fantasy tropes, FBAA takes spicy to the next level with a maxed-out score of 5/5. Phew...its getting hot in here...
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Every time I remember that there's people out there that got mad at JLA for the union and that's the reason I embraced this journey of like almost 10 books with 800 pages each AND THAT IT WAS OBVIOUS FROM THE START, I want to punch them...
(I'm now in book 4/5 [The War of Two Queens] of my FBAA marathon and I'm loving every second of it)
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Yeah so read Fourth Wing. At the core and the way the plot moves it kinda reminded me of FBAA. I don't know who compares it to acotar that's far off. The structure of it is more like FBAA. The fmc, Violet, is fiesty like Poppy and openly thirsts over the main love interest, Xaden. Speaking of Xaden I wouldn't say he's as hilarious or charming as Casteel. He's a bit more focused and stressed tf out cause of Violet lmao. In that sense maybe he's a tad more like Nyktos. Clearly I sensed fbaa while reading. I couldn't put this book down Sunday. If I could rate it over 5 stars on GR, I would. Check it out when you can.
OK I love this! Because I already kinda had a feeling that I would really like this book, even though it has mixed reviews, just based on intuition and it seeming like my kind of thing?? But now with you loving it, and it having FBAA vibes, I'm extra convinced I'll love it! I trust your opinion so this excites me. I'm just waiting for the second book to come out before I read it so I can read both at once. But I am definitely gonna read it! I've got the first book already and preordered the second so just waiting patiently now
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bookloveravenue · 1 year
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Blood and Ash (book 5): A Soul of Ash and Blood by Jennifer L. Armentrout
Only his memories can save her…
A great primal power has risen. The Queen of Flesh and Fire has become the Primal of Blood and Bone—the true Primal of Life and Death. And the battle Casteel, Poppy, and their allies have been fighting has only just begun. Gods are awakening across Iliseeum and the mortal realm, readying for the war to come.
But when Poppy falls into stasis, Cas faces the very real possibility that the dire, unexpected consequences of what she is becoming could take her away from him. Cas is given some advice, though—something he plans to cling to as he waits to see her beautiful eyes open once more: Talk to her.
And so, he does. He reminds Poppy how their journey began, revealing things about himself that only Kieran knows in the process. But it’s anybody’s guess what she’ll wake to or exactly how much of the realm and Cas will have changed when she does.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout revisits Poppy and Casteel’s epic love story in the next installment of the Blood and Ash series. But this time, Hawke gets to tell the tale.
June 11, 2023
My Review: 5/5 Stars
This book was everything you could have wanted in a Casteel point of view story. Taking place shortly after the previous book, Casteel and Poppy are about to fight a battle they never have before. Instead of fighting an enemy they can they, their enemy is simply time. Time for Poppy to complete the final steps as she becomes the Primal of Life and Death. But there may be a very small catch of possibility as she rests in stasis. Advice given to Casteel? Talk to her. And what better way to remind Poppy of their story than to start at the beginning? It's time to find out exactly what was going on with Casteel during From Blood and Ash.
We learn SO many things about him and others during this time. I loved going back and seeing how he was feeling, turns out Casteel had quite a lot of mixed feelings during this time. And not only that, he was (and honestly still is) dealing with his capture. We get to see how deep that runs. Casteel is complicated and your heart goes out to him more to realize just how far it goes. We get to see many scenes I'm sure everyone wanted to see in his point of view. And most importantly, we get to see how he fell in love with Poppy, even when he didn't know it himself. I also loved that we get to see things that made no sense to Casteel at the time but came together later. What I loved most about this story though was that we weren't completely in the past. If you read the sneak peek of the first 3 chapters, you know the story starts in present day. And that is sprinkled throughout. Which again explains why Jennifer said that this book is truly book 5 and makes sense to read at this point rather than right after FBAA. Those pieces were my favorite because we got a lot of new information (the end alone had me reeling!!) and we get to see some reflection from Casteel. Also some hints of information that we have yet to learn but are promised to come later!! (You'll know exactly what I'm talking about when you see it.) This was important to me because it kept the series going in an important way.
I really adored this story and it was just another great addition to this series. I can't wait for the next ones coming and this world has only gotten more interesting and complex as the series goes on. You definitely do not want to miss this book!!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
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basilsreadingnook · 5 months
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currently reading A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire and honestly i love this one way more than the first book in the FBAA series but i’m only a couple hundred pages in so we’ll see how that goes.. i gave the first book a 3.5/5 because i had a lot of issues with the writing but there’s a bit of an improvement in the second one
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novella-lover · 1 year
I wish I loved From Blood and Ash by JLA, but it doesn’t hit for me. 
They marketed the book as a “fantasy bodyguard romance, forbidden love” etc. And I was sold! So I picked up fbaa and was thoroughly heartbroken the longer I read it. All the inconsistencies, goofy banter, filler (it needed a ton of editing, sorry), on top of the excessive info-dumping for the world building, AND I could NOT get behind the cringe MMC/LI, which made this book a 2/5 stars for me. And I felt that was a generous rating but then someone roasted me on goodreads for posting my review.
Recently, I started the 2nd book because my friend said it gets better but I stopped. Maybe this series just really isn’t my thing. 
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nikethestatue · 2 years
How do you think gwynriels on Tiktok/ tumblr will react to the news when it’s announced ACOTAR 5 is about Elain + Azriel? It’s insane how staunchly and how many people believe gwynriel will get a book, especially on TikTok every theory regarding Elain is either about her being evil, running away to spring court to be with Tamlin, or Elucien getting together. It’s like booktok for the most part doesn’t even acknowledge Elriel as plausible at all and all I can think of is how Elriel will literally break this fandom with this crazy shipwar. Thoughts????
I mean, not to get political, but it reminds me of Trump and his insanely staunch supporters who hear and see nothing except how amazing he is. Even the whole 'Gwynriel Supremacy' slogan has Trumpian overtones.
The entire Gwynriel movement reminds me of Trump's presidency--loud, obnoxious, intolerant, dismissive, completely unaccepting of what is plainly in front of them. It's like MAGA--they are right, everyone else is wrong.
Any argument results in a simple 'no, you are wrong', and how can you reason with people like that?
So yeah, there will be a lot of screaming about 'fan service', and I wouldn't put it past them to actually BURN the book and flood social media with 1 star reviews. It sucks for SJM, because as a writer and a creator, I wouldn't want my work to be treated like that. At the same time, it's also on her and BB to cool the tensions, which they haven't done.
The bottom line is that it changes nothing. The book will be Elriel's.
Now, perhaps, if HOSAB IS next, then if there is no mention of Gwyn AND there is a lot of Elriel, or even Elain, then people will start moving on from the series to something else.
I still don't understand why they haven't all jumped on the Poppy and Casteel bandwagon. It's basically the same story. And there, they get to fall in love and sex it up and have 3somes and whatnot. So you want Gwynriel's story--read FBAA and get your fix.
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peletiersdixon · 2 years
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I posted 1,864 times in 2022
That's 1,864 more posts than 2021!
38 posts created (2%)
1,826 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,858 of my posts in 2022
#twd - 566 posts
#caryl - 347 posts
#my gifs - 183 posts
#hotd - 175 posts
#twdedit - 157 posts
#carol peletier - 147 posts
#queen of my life - 140 posts
#lit - 112 posts
#got - 82 posts
#movies - 81 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#although if i'm following you at this point its quite deliberate since i've deleted my blog so many times i've had the worst time rememberi
My Top Posts in 2022:
If there’s one thing I want to see from the next books in the fbaa series it’s Reaver and Nektas burning shit down to get to Jadis. Please just give me this 🔥🔥
32 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
“I also didn’t want to do anything unendurably horrible like talk about my feelings.”
-Galeldriel Higgins, The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik
38 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Honestly, every time El is ragey and angry
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and talks about beating someone with a stick
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or chewing their face off in a rage,
See the full post
44 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
A series of tweets from a writer on TWD
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147 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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147 notes - Posted November 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moononastring · 2 years
132 books! Holy moly. I know it would be asking A LOT but do you think you could post a list of all books? If you don’t want to it’s ok. But wow….
HAHA I know it's nuts but I always have a book on me so I reread in between any free moment. It also turns out that it's 130 books since I double-checked on GoodReads!
I initially had a reading goal of 75 books then bumped it to 100. Throughout this year I've realized, I pick and choose between hobbies so if I'm reading, I don't do any other things. So I sacrifice time to play on my switch/watch tv/write because reading takes first place. Also, GoodReads does count epilogues and webtoons as books so I do as well lol. Which is how I'm currently on the 131st book 😂 But sure! I love talking about books so I will list them under the read more!
Scandal in Spring (Wallflowers #4) by Lisa Kleypas- 5/5
Mafia Bride (The Dilustro Arrangement) by C.D. Reiss - 2/5
Anchored Hearts by Priscilla Oliveras - 3/5
By Any Other Name (ARC) by Lauren Kate - 4/5
#FollowMe for Murder (Trending Topics Mysteries #1) ARC by Sarah E. Burr - 3/5
Storm of Chaos and Shadows (SCAS #1) ARC by C.L. Briar - 3/5
You Had Me at Hola (Primas of Power #1) by Alexis Daria - 3.5/5
Great of Nothing by Joy McCullough - 2/5
How to Fake It in Hollywood (ARC) by Ava Wilder - 3/5
The Littlest Library by Poppy Alexander - 2/5
A Rouge by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels #1) by Sarah MacLean - 3.5/5 | Reread
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (TROS #2) by Sarah MacLean - 5/5 | Reread
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata - 5/5 | Reread
Dream On (ARC) by Angie Hockman - 3.5/5
House of Earth and Blood (CC#1) by SJM- 4/5 | Reread
Good Girl Complex (Avalon Bay #1) by Elle Kennedy - 3/5
House of Sky and Breath (CC#2) by SJM - 4/5
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons #2) by Julia Quinn - 4/5
The Viscount Who Loved Me Epilogue by Julia Quinn - 4/5
Just Like Magic (ARC) by Sarah Hogle - 4/5
FBAA #1 by JLA - 4/5 | Reread
From Lukov with Love by Mariana Zapata - 5/5 | Reread
The Un-Arranged Marriage (ARC) by Laura Brown - 2/5
KOFAF (FBAA #2) by JLA - 4/5 | Reread
TCOGB (FBAA#3) by JLA - 4.5/5 | Reread
TWOTQ (FBAA#4) by JLA - 4.5/5 | Reread
An Offer from a Gentleman (Bridgerton #3) by Julia Quinn - 5/5
An Offer from a Gentleman Epilogue by Julia Quinn - 4/5
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton (Bridgerton #4) - 3.5/5
Romancing Mr. Bridgerton Epilogue - 3.5/5
A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson - 4/5
An Encore of Roses by S.T. Gibson - 4/5
Bravely (ARC) by Maggie Stiefvater - 3/5
King of Battle and Blood by Scarlett St. Clair - 2.5-3/5
No Good Duke Goes Unpunished (TROS #3) by Sarah MacLean - 3/5
Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover (TROS#4) - 4/5
To Sir Phillip, With Love (Bridgerton #5) - 3.5/5
To Sir Phillip, With Love Epilogue - 3.5/5
The Bodyguard (ARC) by Katherine Center
ACOTAR #1 by SJM - 4/5 | Reread
The Italian Job (ARC) by Kathryn Freeman - 2/5
For Butter or Worse (ARC) by Erin La Rosa - 3/5
A Sign of Affection Vol. 6 - 3/5
A Sign of Affection Vol. 7 - 4/5
ACOMAF (ACOTAR #2) by SJM - 5/5 | Reread
When He Was Wicked (Bridgerton #6) - 5/5
When He Was Wicked Epilogue - 4/5
Book Lovers by Emily Henry - 5/5
ACOWAR (ACOTAR #3) by SJM - 4.5/5 | Reread
Booked on a Feeling (ARC) by Jayci Lee - 2/5
Something Wilder by Christian Lauren - 1.5-2/5
The Dragon's Bride (A Deal With a Demon #1) by Katee Robert - 3/5
The Fine Print (Dreamland Billionaires #1) by Lauren Asher - 4/5
Terms and Conditions (Dreamland Billionaires #2) - 2.5-3/5
ACOFAS (ACOTAR 3.5) by SJM - 3.5-4/5 | Reread
It's in His Kiss (Bridgerton #7) - 3.5/5
It's in His Kiss Epilogue - 3/5
Bad Girl Reputation (Avalon Bay #2) ARC by Elle Kennedy - 2/5
Gild (The Plated Prisoner #1) by Raven Kennedy - 3.5/5 | Reread
Glint (TPP #2) - 4/5 | Reread
Gleam (TPP#3) - 5/5 | Reread
Glow (TPP#4) - 5/5 | Reread
My Killer Vacation by Tessa Bailey - 5/5
Spy x Family Vol. 1 - 4/4
Spy x Family Vol. 2 - 4/5
On the Way to the Wedding (Bridgerton #8) - 3/5
On the Way to the Wedding Epilogue - 2/5
Violet in Bloom (Bridgerton 8.5) - 3/5
The Spanish Love Deception (#1) by Elena Armas - 4/5
The American Roommate Experiment (#2) - 4/5
ACOFS (ACOTAR #4) by SJM - 5/5 | Reread
Spy x Family Vol. 3 - 4/5
Spy x Family Vol. 4 - 4/5
By A Thread by Lucy Score - 3.5/5
Twisted Love (Twisted #1) by Ana Huang - 3.5/5
Twisted Games (Twisted #2) - 4/5
Twisted Hate (Twisted #3) - 4.5/5
Twisted Lies (Twisted #4) - 5/5
Thank You for Listening (ARC) by Julia Whelan - 3/5
The Fixer Upper (ARC) by Lauren Forsythe - 2/5
Spy x Family Vol. 5 - 4/5
Spy x Family Vol. 6 - 4/5
Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones - 3/5
Belladonna (#1) ARC by Adalyn Grace - 4.5/5
The Risk (Mindf*ck #1) by S.T. Abby - 4.5
Sidetracked (Mindf*ck #2) - 3.5/5
Scarlet Angel (Mindf*ck #3) - 4/5
All the Lies (Mindf*ck #4) - 4/5
Paint it All Red (Mindf*ck #5) - 5/5
Spy x Family Vol. 7 - 4/5
Spy x Family Vol. 8 - 4/5
Flowers for the Devil by Vlad Kahany - 3.5/5
Blide Side by Kandi Steiner - 3/5
Fangirl Vol. 1: The Manga - 4/5
Fangirl Vol. 2: The Manga - 4/5
Things We Never Got Over (Knockemout #1) by Lucy Score - 5/5
The Enemy (It Happened in Charleston #2) by Sarah Adams - 2/5
Hat Trick Heart (Thunderclap #1) ARC by Ella Market - 3/5
Angelika Frankenstein Makes Her Match by Sally Thorne - 1/5
Brutal Prince (Brutal Birthright #1) by Sophie Lark - 3.5/5
Stolen Heir (Brutal Birthright #2) - 3.5/5
Savage Lover (Brutal Birthright #3) - 3.5/5
Blood Heart (Brutal Birthright #4) - 2/5
Broken Vow (Brutal Birthright #5) - 4/5
Heavy Crown (Brutal Birthright #6) - 2/5
Edith, Season 3 (Webtoon) - 3/5
Reunion (Webtoon) - 5/5
Kingdom of the Wicked (KOTW#1) by Kerri Maniscalco - 4/5 | Reread
Kingdom of the Cursed (KOTW #2) - 4/5 | Reread
Kingdom of the Feared (KOTW #3) - 4.5/5
The Maiden & the Unseen (ARC) by Jeanette Rose - 3/5
The Naughty or Nice Clause (ARC) by Kate Callaghan - 1/5
In A Jam by Kate Canterbary - 3.5/5
King of Wrath (Kings of Sin #1) by Ana Huang - 4/5
Spy x Family Vol. 9 - 5/5
Spy x Family Vol. 10 - 5/5
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne - 5/5 | Reread
The Bromance Book Club (#1) by Lyssa Kay Adams - 5/5 | Reread
Undercover Bromance (#2) - 4/5 | Reread x2
Crazy Stupid Bromance (#3) - 5/5 | Reread x2
Isn't It Bromantic? (#4) - 4/5 | Reread x2
A Very Merry Bromance (#5) - 4.5/5
Happenstance by Tessa Bailey - 3/5
Dating Dr. Dill (#1) by Nisha Sharma - 2/5
All Rhodes Lead Here by Mariana Zapata - 3/5
Tis the Season for Revenge by Morgan Elizabeth - 5/5
It ends up rounding out to 130 because I reread the Bromance books 1-4 twice this year lolol. Currently on my 131st read which is Romancing the Duke by Tessa Dare!
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Book series I have read since June:
A Court of Thorns and Roses (5 books including the companion book)
Crescent City (2 books)
From Blood and Ash (4 books)
Flesh and Fire (2 books)
I LOVE reading, but I really haven’t read many new books since Deathly Hollows came out (the hunger games was the last series I read)… I’m not sure why, but nothing really grabbed my attention (aside from fanfics!) but I started seeing posts about these characters named Cassian, Azriel, and Nesta probably about a year and a half ago. They just randomly popped up on my feed. I was intrigued, but not enough to pick up the books and read at that point. Then a character named Gwyneth Berdara started popping up and posts about her and that Azriel character and I started getting more invested into this fandom that I had only ever heard of through random posts on Tumblr. So, I picked up the first book and was crazy confused as none of those characters were really in it (aside from Nesta in a minor way) but after the initial few pages, I was hooked! I didn’t go out of my way to look for any hidden meanings in the storylines, I just read it. My obsession with it quickly grew and before I knew it, I had ordered the last three books in the series (and the adult coloring book which was baffling because I’m not a fan of the adult coloring books) before I was even half way through book 2! From Prythian, I headed the Crescent City. While looking on Etsy for art work and stickers from these two series, I stumbled upon From Blood and Ash. BOOOOOOM. Here we go again. I am hooked. Sped through FBAA and then right into the Flesh and Fire prequel series to FBAA. Only problem is…none of these series were finished and now I have to wait what seems like FOREVER for the next books to come out 😱😭. Anyways, I’m very thankful to the users on Tumblr who posted all the fan arts and content surrounding ACOTAR! Without you guys, I probably never would have heard about it!
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msfeyredarling · 2 years
no because the way I'm excited for the next chapter of TSIRUP is just stupid. Like I can't wait. It's ALMOST equivalent to how excited I am for the next fbaa and asite and acotar and cc books.
So really excited. I just need the chapter to be really long and for there to be a boss bitch feyre and jealousy but also fluff between the 4 of them but flirting and a little angst
...basically I'm ready for the whole fanfic😅
that's all though ily you are amazing how was your day?
I have crackhead energy today don't mind me
I’m so glad you enjoy TSIRUP. I'm back from my holiday so I'm only just starting to write chapter 5.
The plan so far is
Chapter 5: the bonfire. BAMF feyre, jealous batboys, some feyre and tarquin bonding (maybe alittle kiss in there because i can’t help it)
Chapter 6: some batboys angst, dress shopping for fey and Christmas deco shopping also
I cannot remember my plan after chapt 6 or further but it is planed on my doc
Fluff is coming. I think?
Your crackhead energy is welcome 25/7 because let's be honest, who doesn't have crackhead energy. ily2, thank you for your kind words🥰
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tiepologabs · 2 years
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i found trough that post that fbaa are a 5 series book not a triology my brain is like 🤯🤯🤯
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stormhearty · 4 months
Hi, I'm back after a few days, because simply working and studying is so hectic. Sometimes I think about what my life would be like if I were simply born an heiress🤑 how are you?
I think it's adorable and funny that you're productive before bed🤣 "I need to sleep, but let me read a manwha! Oh, I need to write now!" lmao. Those Red Bull commercials🤣🤣
This family is already crying out for help, poor thing.
Ahn😭 I always recommend "Shadow and Bone" to read first, because you already know the universe when you start reading SOC, but s&b is so painful to read that I only recommend it to then know the wonder that is SOC😭 (and also because in s&b there are 3 great secondary characters and so dear🛐). Eager readers suffer. I liked caraval, but I can't remember almost anything😭 and tiktok strikes again🤣
🤣🤣 your friend is definitely struggling poor thing, I hope she makes it! Look, I really enjoyed it after the first three chapters, but I'm suspicious of recommending it because I identified in so many ways with Poppy's journey and how she evolved. I'm suspicious because I loved reading FBAA and favorited it, lmao (it has a place in my heart). You can do it! Take your time reading these chapters (it took me a month to get going).
Do you feel that? Smells like LIE🤣🤣 first time I've heard an excuse like that just to buy books at a discount, LMAO. I plead guilty!
No worries! I have been napping a lot because I went back to work after my 5 days off. The beauty of 12-hour shifts. And I posted the two fics that were giving me difficulty, now working on a Modern!Cassian fic! And how are you? How was work?
Guilty! I usually read a manwha in bed before going to bed, in all honesty. I have a list of manwhas I follow, and I try to catch up with the newest chapter. I just happened to re-read the old chapters of "Secret Lady" (which was the manwha I was able to get inspiration from for the Eris x Reader fic I posted), and inspiration struck! LMAO.
I went back to play a bit of SIMS 4 and my main girl was like sleep-deprived and hungry. 🤣🤣🤣
Will add Shadow and Bone to my TBR list then. It is forever growing, I never had this big of a TBR list in so long!
And after LOTR, probably the Narnia series. I had forgotten a lot of things that had happened, so I might go back to that.
🤣🤣🤣 I do have a goal this year to read more! And yes, it is unfortunately an excuse but it's a good excuse!
Also, did you want your own tag so that when I post your ask replies, you can get them?
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staciass · 5 months
Ok so this started out so good. It had ASOIAF and FBAA feels which was kinda addicting and easy to like until around chapter 10/11 when you realise there isn’t going to be any character growth or development and the fmc is just an annoying spoiled princess who whines the entire book I’m not even kidding and the MMC that she’s attracted to what’s his deal? Like for serious someone tell me we don’t know much about him other than he has theis weird shadow powers, his name is Ryvin and he’s hot to look at. Like that is all that we know.
The side characters were better developed than the fmc and MMC and idek why. I’ve about 5 or 6 chapters to go but yeah this could have been sooooo so much better especially when you think about how she tried to weave in these Greek myths to her own worlds but by that point I hated the fmc all she did was whine and act like a dumb ass.
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