mythbringer-mayhem · 8 months
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This gremlin is constantly biting my fingers I can't do anything what the hell Loki
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Phoenix Stan au number 9 please
9. “Quit it or I’ll bite.”
Send me a number and characters and I’ll write a drabble!
               Fiddleford poked his head intoFord’s study and sighed.  
               “Stanford, leave that poor birdalone,” Fiddleford scolded, marching over to Ford.  Ford looked over at him.
               “Fiddleford, it is crucial thatI collect data.  Once these phoenixeshave healed, who knows when I’ll get a chance to examine one next?  Pele and Prometheus will no doubt return totheir sylvan lifestyle upon regaining full health.”
               “You named ‘em?” Fiddlefordasked, aghast.  
               “I felt awkward referring tothem exclusively as ‘male’ and ‘female’.”
               “Yer a scientist.”
               “They didn’t seem to appreciatebeing referred to by their sex,” Ford amended. Fiddleford looked at the phoenix Ford had been examining, the male.  Like usual, the male phoenix lookedgrumpy.  “I thought it apropos to givethem fire-based names, and it was a happy coincidence that the names began withthe same letter.”
               “Swell,” Fiddlefordmuttered.  His eyes widened.
               “What?” Ford asked.
               “I- it looked almost like themale rolled his eyes at what ya said.”
               “Really?”  Ford peered closely at the male.  The male phoenix took an agitated step awayfrom Ford, hissing softly.  “Prometheus,do you not enjoy the name I assigned you?” The male phoenix, Prometheus, let out another hiss.  “If you could tell me your given name, Iwould call you that.  But I don’t knowyour given name.  To be honest, I’m notsure if you have one.”  Prometheusruffled up his feathers angrily.  Thefemale, sitting in the large bird cage Ford had bought last week,squawked.  “Pele, I’m afraid you’re in asimilar boat.”
               “I wonder if we could teach themto talk,” Fiddleford murmured.  “Likeparrots.”  Pele and Prometheus stared athim.  “They’ve obviously got some degreeof sentience.”
               “I agree,” Ford said with anod.  Prometheus let out a squawk.
               “So, what have ya learned fromexaminin’ Prometheus today?” Fiddleford asked. Ford looked down at his notes.
               “He’s healing very rapidly.  He should be able to fly soon.  It would not be for the best, however, sincehe is still limping.  His leg needs moretime, and trying to land on it could set him back at the beginning, in terms ofthe healing process.”
               “Fair enough,” Fiddlefordsaid.  “When his wings ‘re healed, maybewe clip ‘em?”
               “That’s a good idea,” Fordsaid.  Prometheus squawked.  “It is,Prometheus.  I know you won’t be happy aboutit, but you can’t agitate your injuries.” Prometheus squawked again.  
               “What are yer plans, fer oncethey’ve healed?” Fiddleford asked.  
               “Let them loose,” Ford saidsimply.  “I’d hate to remove twocreatures from the wild, particularly given that I don’t know their ecologicalniche.”
               “Have ya examined the femaleyet?”
               “No.  Prometheus refused to let me get close to herthis morning.”
               “Yer a good mate, ain’t ya?”Fiddleford asked Prometheus.  Prometheuspuffed up his feathers proudly.  “Ya keepyer lady safe.”  Prometheus let out a self-assuredcrow.
               “I wasn’t going to harm her,”Ford protested.
               “I know.  But the phoenixes don’t,” Fiddleford said.  Still locked in the bird cage, Pele chirpedloudly.  “Want me to get Pele out?  She seems to prefer me, so far.”
               “Yes, thank you,” Ford replied,turning a page in his journal. Prometheus cocked his head at Ford’s notes.  “These are the results of examining you andyour mate, Prometheus,” Ford said.  Hetapped a pen against his chin.  “It’sodd, actually, what I’ve been seeing from you two.  According to tradition, mating season startsin March.  We’re ten days from April,however, and I have yet to see any mating behaviors from the two of you.”
               “They’re injured,” Fiddlefordsaid as he put a leather glove on.  “They’reprob’ly waitin’ until they’re at 100% to dance the goat’s jig.”  Prometheus let out a sort of stutteredhiss.  Ford and Fiddleford stared at thephoenix.  “Was that a laugh?”
               “Sounded like it,” Ford saidsoftly.  Fiddleford shrugged, then walkedto the bird cage and opened the door.
               “Here ya go, beauty,” Fiddlefordsaid sweetly, holding his arm out.  Pelehummed and took a dainty step onto the glove. “Gosh, yer so dang gorgeous.  Iknow I’ve said that ‘fore, but it’s true, darlin’.  And yer a sweetheart, too.”
               “Not to me,” Ford muttered.
               “Even birds have favorites,Stanford.”  Fiddleford scratched thecrown of Pele’s head, eliciting a contented trill from her.  “This is the good spot, ain’t it?” he cooed.
               “Your experience in handlingbirds doubtless helps you,” Ford said.  
               “True enough.”  Fiddleford carefully deposited Pele on thestand next to Prometheus.  She immediatelysidled to her mate and nuzzled him.  “Aw,look at ‘em.  They’re so cute.”
               “Yes, yes, they’re very romanticwith each other,” Ford said dismissively. “Kindly remove Prometheus, however, so that I can examine Pele.”  
               “Are ya sure?  Seems like they want to spend some time together,”Fiddleford said, watching the phoenixes snuggle.  
               “They’ll have ampleopportunities to do so, after I’vechecked on how the female is healing,” Ford said.  Fiddleford sighed.
        ��      “All right.  Yer the boss.”  Fiddleford reached for Prometheus.  Prometheus hissed fiercely at him.  “Don’t be like that, sir.  This is what has to happen.”  Prometheus let out a loud screech.  Fiddleford blanched and immediately took astep away.  
               “Fiddleford, he’s justposturing,” Ford said.  “You told meyourself that he would act like he would attack, but not make good on thepromise.”
               “I can tell the differencebetween posturin’ and a real threat,” Fiddleford said.  “That was Prometheus sayin’, ‘Quit it or I’llbite.’”
               “I doubt that.  They’ve been behaving incredibly well,particularly for a pair of wild animals,” Ford said.  He reached for Prometheus.  Prometheus snapped at Ford, his beak comingtogether a millimeter from Ford’s hand.
               “Good behavior or not, they’vebeen through the wringer lately,” Fiddleford said.  He shook his head.  “Bein’ injured, then wakin’ up in a strangeplace, bein’ poked and prodded by folks they don’t know…these birds need abreak.”
               “I do have to examine Pele,” Ford insisted.  
               “Try doin’ that after they’verelaxed a bit,” Fiddleford suggested. Prometheus began to preen Pele’s feathers.  “Let’s give ‘em some alone time.”
               “This is my study,” Ford said. Fiddleford nodded.
               “But it’s also where ya set thebirds up.  Come on, it’s lunchtime, I’llwhip us up somethin’.”
               “Fine,” Ford sighed, followingFiddleford out of the room.  Fiddlefordsmiled.  
               “Thank you, Stanford.  And maybe we can call Angie and Stan, whilethe phoenixes decompress.  Haven’t heardfrom those two lately.”
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Arch Rivals 2
Trigger Warning : Abuse and or drug related issues.  Please read with caution.
“Are you serious? We have to play with them! Doesn’t coach remember all the pranks they pulled on us and we weren’t allowed to retaliate against them. I mean come on this is bullshit!” Lauren was leaning up against her bike while talking to Dinah after practice.
“Laur we’ll get through this, if our girls want to keep their spots then they have to step up and prove it. Even though Mani and Mila are pretty good and they could be an asset to the team. Plus they are both absolute sweethearts.” Dinah answered back but almost regretted it as soon as she saw Lauren’s face.
“Wow really Dinah and what makes you think that Normani isn’t trying to take your spot on the team, because you know that Cabello’s going to be coming for mine. Just when did you get on a nickname level with them?” Lauren glared at Dinah and straddled her bike.
“Laur! For you information last summer when you left me is when I met Mila.” Dinah crossed her arms and leaned against her car. “That wasn’t my fault, you know that I didn’t want to go but I was forced to.” Lauren shot back a sad small smile. “That’s not the point Lauren. Mani and I have known each other for years almost as long as you and me. Ally and I met her in dance class, she is absolutely amazing and as you saw today she is quick on her feet. Stop judging people when you don’t know them Lauren. Anyways I have to go babysit so call me later and we can study for the test on Friday, okay?”
Dinah got in her car and looked behind Lauren and nodded “oh yeah your next disaster is coming this way. Please take care of this before it turns into another KC. Love you Laur and just try to accept the other school being here. You never know maybe it could change your life.” With that said Dinah was driving away blasting Beyonce as she went.
Lauren thought about what Dinah said and just shook her head. Lauren turned to her left just in time to see her latest disaster coming her way. Dinah was definitely right this was going to end today. Lauren stepped back off of her bike right as arms and legs wrapped around her body and lips were attached to hers.
“What’s wrong babe? Did I do something wrong?” Kendall said as she put her feet back onto the ground worried when Lauren didn’t kiss her back.
Kendall still had her arms around Lauren’s neck and Lauren’s hands were on her hips, but something just didn’t feel right anymore between the two. “Listen Dall we need to talk. I haven’t been feeling this for a while and this year I really need to focus on school and get a scholarship so I can get out of this place. So I hate to tell you but we’re done. Please don’t cry.”
Kendall took a minute to really register everything that Lauren had said and when Lauren looked of course she was crying. “Kendall look..” Kendall pulled away from Lauren’s grasp.
“No Lauren I get it I’m just another fling. Fine I totally get it but don’t come running to me when you need someplace to crash. I never want to see you again.” Kendall turned and walked off not even trying to hold the tears back.
”Kendall….come on.” Lauren didn‘t want the girl to cry, hell Lauren only crashed with the girl twice so she didn‘t see what the big deal was.
“Trouble in paradise Jauregui?” Camila ask walking to her car with a smirk on her face.
“Not like it’s any of your business Cabello. One other thing try staying out of my way next practice would ya!” Not waiting for a response Lauren put her helmet on and rode off.
“Lauren! Lauren! Wait! Gosh dang it now how am I going to get home?” Ally yelled for Lauren to stop when she ran out of the building.
Camila stopped when she heard the yelling and turned around to find the smaller brunette looking lost. “Hey…Ally right? Do you need a ride?”
Ally wasn’t too sure if she should be seen with someone from the other school especially if Lauren found out. “Umm…”
“Look if you’re worried about Jauregui don’t worry I’m not going to tell anyone. I promise. Now come on I don’t bite.” Camila said getting into her car.
Ally looked around but decided what the hell it was better than walking the five miles home.
“So Camila how do you like it here? Everyone treating you okay well besides the obvious?” Ally asked while telling her where to turn.
While keeping her eyes on the road, “Yeah I’m doing okay. Your school has a much better facilities thats for sure. I mean even your gym is…I’ve always liked playing in your gym over ours. Everyone for the most part has been okay. There are a few groups here and there that have blatantly told us how they feel. I think that has a lot to do with Jauregui though.”
“Yeah Lauren for some reason has always choose you to be the center point of her frustrations. I think it is because you give it right back to her and don’t let her walk over you like she does some people.” Ally gave a small smile. “That’s me on the left, blue shutters.”
“Yeah but with Jauregui it is just all fun for me, I mean have you seen the faces she makes when she gets all fired up. I mean have you seen it when her eyes change from green to a an almost grey green they are priceless and so entertaining. How could you not want to piss her off, oh yeah and winking at her.” Camila started laughing while saying, “you should have seen her face last year after the state game when I did it was so scrunchy and confused looking it was great.”
Camila couldn’t stop laughing now. “Oh..you like her don’t you?” Camila stopped laughing at that and snapped her head to Ally.
“N..no. I do..don’t. She hates me, there is no way. No.” Camila was having a hard time getting the words out.
Ally patted Camilas’ hand “I hate to break it to you sweetie but you have the lost in your own world look whenever you were just talking about her.” Camila looked down at her lap, “don’t worry I won’t tell her that would just make her act out further. I’ll keep it to myself. Don’t worry Camila, Lauren will come around and when she does you’ll see that she is actually a real sweetheart. Lauren just always has here guard up. When you get past it you’ll see the real her.” Ally didn’t wait for any kind of response and got out of the car.
“Oh and Camila thanks for the ride I really appreciate it.”
“No problem anytime. See you around Ally.” With good-byes said Ally waved as Camila drove off. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Lauren loved the smell of the ocean that is why she chose to take the long way home and take it all in. By the time she got home it was almost seven. Lauren knew her pops was going to be pissed but at least her brother and sister were at sleep overs tonight so she was the only one that would have to take the sting of everything tonight. Lauren decided that she would try to sneak into the house so she walked her bike up the street and parked it on the side of the house. As Lauren began climbing the side of the house to get inside, she would have made it if she wouldn’t have got her foot caught on the lamp cord by her desk and sent it crashing down to the ground.
“Ouch! Damn it!” Lauren whisper yelled hoping that he didn’t hear.
Soon enough she heard her door being slammed open, “well it’s about time you got home. Do you know how long we’ve been waiting to eat. Don’t even try to say you were up here sleeping and forgot. I checked when I got home and you weren’t here.”
“I’m sorry papi. Practice ran late and so I couldn’t get here but I knew Chris and Tay were out tonight and I thought that you would just make something.” Lauren said all this as she prepared for what she knew was coming.
“Well maybe next time you shouldn’t think so much and just do what is expected of you. Next time it happens you’ll get worse then what you’re about to get.” Lauren could her the malice in her fathers voice, but she knew there was nothing that she could do to stop it. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————
“Alright class pop quiz time.” An audible groan went through the classroom. “That’s enough put your books away and take out and pen and paper.”
Everyone looked as the door clicked shut, “Aahh Miss Juaregui nice of you to join us this afternoon. Take a seat. Talk to me after class.”
Lauren just nodded and took her seat next to Dinah. “Hey are you okay dawg?”
Lauren just took out a pen and paper and nodded at Dinah. “I’ll just see you at lunch DJ.”
That is all Dinah got out of Lauren so she sent a text to Ally telling her to meet them at their outside table as soon as her class got out.
Camila just happened to be on the other side of Dinah, “what’s up with grumpy pants usually she has all sorts of comebacks?”
Dinah gave a sad smile Lauren’s way, “yeah well we all have our off days. Don’t worry about she’ll be fine and back to her normal snarky self by practice.”
Camila kind of chuckled, “yeah that is what I’m afraid of.”
The bell rang and soon enough that classroom was empty except for Lauren and Dinah. “I’ll get you some food meet us outside today. Yeah?”
“Thanks Dinah.” Lauren gave a small smile as Dinah made her way out.
“Ally we have a problem Laur came in real late today and she didn’t even do her bitchy comeback thing to the teacher it was like we were back to the KC era.” Dinah said sitting down at the picnic table.
“Did she tell you anything? Or did she do the broody I’ll see you at lunch thing?” Ally asked.
“The second one. I’m pretty sure she will get detention for coming in late too. So then Coach is going to get on her too.” Dinah said with a mouthful of sandwich.
“I wonder what happened this time. Anyways it’s Lauren Juaregui as she would say, and I am invincible.” Both girls started laughing uncontrollably at Ally’s horrible interpretation of Lauren. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Lauren walks out of the classroom and goes to her locker throws her stuff inside and slams it shut. Lauren knew going to lunch was just going to spark questions, so she chose to skip it. Then proceeded down to the girls locker room and changes into some shorts and a tee shirt. No tank tops for awhile Lauren thinks to herself. Lauren wraps up her hands and grabs some boxing gloves. Lauren has gym after lunch so she tells coach that she’ll be in the weight room.
Lauren doesn’t notice anything else around her when she is in one of her moods. Lauren puts her headphones in and zones out and lets the music overtake her. Today she has picked the song Blood by In This Moment. Nothing helps her more than swinging at the punching bag and taking all of her frustrations out even when she doesn’t notice the other people present at the time.
“What do you think has got her all worked up to be that angry Mila?” Normani asked while spotting Camila on the bench press.
“I have no idea but something tells me it is something that no one knows about. Nobody has that much aggression and talks about it. I should know.” Mila finishes her reps and trades places with Normani.
“Yeah well if I was you I would try to steer clear today in practice.” Normani struggles with her last reps. “Alright that’s all for me I’m out I’ll see you in practice.” Mani gives Mila a side hug and leaves.
“Yeah bye Mani.” Camila goes back into her cool down routine.
Lauren shirt has since been soaked as the hour she has comes to an end. Lauren looks around and no one is in the weight room so she stripes her shirt knowing that everyone will be in class by now. Lauren gets into the locker room and it is all clear as she walks to her locker to retrieve her shower supplies.
“Oh my God!” someone shrieks from behind Lauren her first instinct is to turn around and hide herself.
“Oh it’s just you Cabello. Why the hell are you screaming?” Lauren takes the sweat soaked shirt in her hands and puts it back on trying to hide the grimace as she lifts her arms.
“Are you okay? Those look like they need some attention. I could…” Camila was automatically cut off by Lauren.
“There’s nothing there just some old scars from my childhood. Don’t talk about things you know nothing about Cabello. Now if you will excuse me I need to take a shower before I go to my next class.” Lauren grabbed her stuff and slammed her locker shut. Shoulder bumping Camila as she walked by.
“Well I was only trying to help. I’m here if you need anything.” Camila said as she went to her own locker. I need to talk to Dinah and Ally and see if they know anything about this, Camila thought to herself. ————————————————————————————————————————————————————
“Dinah where is Lauren.” Coach yells across the gym.
“I believe she got detention for coming in to biology late today Coach.” Dinah said while taking deep breathes from finishing her suicides.
The girls locker room door slams as Lauren comes running out. “Well speak of the devil. Where have you been Lauren?”
“Detention coach. I swear it won’t happen again.” Lauren said taking her place on the sidelines and stretching to get loosened up.
“Alright who’s ready for a scrimmage? Oh and this time I’m picking the teams.” Coach took out his clipboard and started calling out names. “Juargeui, Hamilton, Jones, Burford, and Hoar, team white. Cabello, Hernandez, Hansen, Rodriguez, and Drommy, team black. The rest of you we will sub in when we find appropriate.”
Lauren notices that basically the coaches just flipped her and Cabello around to see how they worked with the girls from the other teams. “DJ, Ally! I’m sorry you’re going to lose today.”
Dinah and Ally just laugh, “yeah we’ll see about that.” Dinah said tapping Lauren on the back going to her spot.
Camila noticed that Lauren literally froze in place and was trying to hold back tears that could be seen from across the gym let alone her being right next to her she could hear the low groan Lauren made.
“Hey are you sure you’re okay?” Camila asked in a whisper.
Lauren tried to hide the pain in her voice, “yeah I’m fine. Back off Cabello.” Lauren spole through clinched teeth.
Camila took that as her sign to not ask anymore questions. “Alright then let’s play Jauregui.” Camila made a mental note to take it easy on her.
Hansen and Jones took the tip off and of course Hansen won it. Lauren thought to herself yep that’s my girl as she fell back on defense. Hansen gave the ball to Cabello as they made it across half court and set up the offense. Cabello passed to Ally and made her way down to go through her block when Lauren got shoved in the back and nearly fell over from Dinah nudging her.
“You okay Dawg? I didn’t even hit you that hard.” Dinah asked sticking out her hand to help Lauren up.
“I’m fine.” Lauren said through gritted teeth. “Let’s just play.”
“Okay Laur no need to get grumpy now.”
Lauren went back to finding Camila to defend, when a sloppy ball came her way and Lauren stole it and made it to the other end but Cabello wasn’t even trying to stop her. Lauren went to put up a simple lay-up and almost screamed from shooting the ball. Lauren thought she hid the grimace on her face pretty well.
“Juaregui! What was that? Are you okay or do you need to come out?” The coach yelled knowing something was wrong after seeing Lauren change her lay up shot.
“Coach I’m fine no worries.” Lauren said as she waited at half court for Camila to bring the ball up.
“Don’t play down on me Cabello. Bring it.” Lauren said defending Camila.
Camila passed the ball off, “like you really need me to push you right now. Everyone can tell there is something off about you today. If you keep playing hurt it’s just going to get worse.”
Lauren knew the block was coming and side stepped around it, “Don’t worry your pretty little head about me Cabello. I have these plays memorized front to back. Besides you should be more worried about why your teammates keep making sloppy plays. Gotta run.”
Again Ally had thrown a lazy pass and this time Lauren made sure not to grimace when she went up for the layup that she had to do back handed because true to her word was playing her like always.
Another whistle blow “Ally out Ramirez in.”
The game went back and forth the whole practice neither team getting a real jump on the other. It was getting to be the last ten minutes of practice and usually that is when they stopped and did laps and or more suicides. Lauren was happy to just keep playing though and the coaches were liking what they were seeing so they decided to let the game keep going.
“Alright ladies heres the situation. White shirts you are down by three points. Black shirts have the ball. Run the plays. Try your best. Everyone on the sidelines are refs if you see something hanky call it out. Coaches will decide if it’s a foul. Play till the whistle blows. Show us what you got girls.”
Lauren’s team decided to full court press after their team huddle. Surprisingly the girls were willing to follow her lead. Normani was the only one giving Lauren a hard time. Lauren knew it was her way of sticking up for Camila so she let it go. For now. Dinah in-bound the ball to Camila, Camila turned and was automatically double teamed. Camila’s teammates though told her of Lauren’s plan. Camila tried to ignore it but the more she did the more she acted out her instincts to not do what Lauren wanted her to do.
Camila was stuck on the side at her free throw line, instead of throwing to the open man right in front of her she dribbles back out of the double team and passes back to Dinah. Dinah is not that great at bringing the ball up and cautiously starts dribbling up the court when she is blocked and hastily passes it right back to Camila. Camila turns and sees that Lauren and Jones are coming to double team her when Lauren stops at the half court line and just lets Jones take on Camila. The two girls knew each others moves so it was easy for Camila to get around the girl. Camila knew that the battle with Lauren was going to be a little harder though.
Lauren noticed that Camila was playing weird almost like she didn’t want to do what was right there in front of her. Lauren picked up on the fact that the girls on her team were letting the other girls win. Normani was actually the only one that was doing what Lauren had suggested and Normani was at least trying to make her teammates stick to the plan but anyone could see that they were failing. Lauren did the only thing she could think of and let the ball come to half court and forget about the press.
Lauren called out “Zone girls” seeing as they hadn’t decided on what they were going to call the plays yet wit the merging. All her girls fell back into a zone stance and waited to see what Camila did in response. Camila came up the right side and dribbled the ball through her legs over to her left hand. Camila tried to drive around Lauren but couldn’t quite seem to get around her, so Camila did the next best thing and passed to Rodriguez and cut towards the basket to get open. Rodriguez threw an ally oop kind of pass for Camila but the whole team saw it and it was soon stolen by Lauren’s team.
Normani stole the ball and saw Lauren making her way down the court. Normani threw a hail mary pass to Lauren which she had to reach for. Camila was the closest to Lauren and when her jersey rode up Camila froze where she was making it to where Lauren made the easy lay-up and now put there team within one point with thirty seconds left to play. Camila still couldn’t seem to move until Dinah ran by her to throw the ball in. “Hey Mila you alright?”
It took Camila a sec and then, “Uh..umm yeah I mean yeah why wouldn’t I be. Can we talk after practice?”
“Yeah sure why not.” Dinah responded as she threw Camila the ball.
Camila from this point on was off of her game when she was bringing the ball up she dribbled off of her foot and out of bounds. Turning over possession to Lauren’s team. Normani in bounded the ball into Lauren and she started the offense. Lauren spotted Jones open underneath and bullet passed her the ball and Jones made a short jumper to put their team ahead by one. However Drommy who was guarding Lauren ran into her pretty hard and knocked her on her back. Lauren punched the floor with side of her fist and stood up trying not to show the pain that she was in when she laid into Drommy.
“What the hell Darcy! Did you really need to bull rush me I didn’t even have the freaking ball. You really need to pay more attention to what the hell you’re doing out here. This is why we practice at half speed, in a real game you would have just cost us our chance at winning. There is a reason you were a sub last year.”
“Juaregui!! Your done for the day go shower and get out of here. Be early tomorrow to make up your laps you missed today. Oh and lose the attitude.” Coach yelled as he brought everyone else in for a team huddle.
Lauren wasted no time in grabbing her stuff and leaving the gym. Lauren threw her equipment in her locker and changed back into street clothes and grabbed her helmet and made her way outside and was gone in an instant.
“Alright girls nice practice. Cabello you got anything?” Coach asked.
“Umm..actual yeah. I know that this is not an ideal situation all of us being thrown into one school to play together on one team but the other team was actually telling me strategies while we were playing. Heres the thing we would never tell our opponents our plays when we are playing them so why do it when we are trying to become one team. If everyone would just drop the rivalry that we had then things could work out great. Think about it we were the top two teams in the state last year, what makes you think that everyone wouldn’t want to be in our position right now. We can take the amazing talent and skills of the two teams and make it into the most epic teams anyone has ever seen. With Lauren’s play making ability and Normani’s swiftness and Dinah you are actually one heck of a rebounder we never had that on our team before. Ally I know that you were having an off day but your three pointers are to die for. If my fellow teammates would have actually played today instead of trying to put Lauren under the bus then yeah maybe the coaches would have seen your potential. Now as for me from now on it’s not about what mascot that I play for it will be about the team that I get put on. I will play a hundred and ten percent every game and practice just as hard. Now who’s with me?” Camila ended with putting her hand out into the middle of the circle.
Some of the girls were shell shocked at Camila’s words but nearly every one on the team put their hands into the middle. A few girls decided that they didn’t want to partake and just simply walked out of the gym. For the most part though everyone had smiles on their faces as they thought of how great their season would be.
“Let’s got team.” They all cheered throwing their hands in the air and ending the practice.
“Mila what’s up with that speech it was amazing. What did you want to talk to me about?” Dinah said link her arm with Mila’s.
“Um..do you know what was up with Lauren today? Did you notice that she seemed… off?” Mila asked.
“For as long as I have known Lauren she has off days. They come every once in a while and by the next day she is usually fine. I will tell you one thing though she hates talking about it so I would just let it go.” Dinah replied nonchalantly as they walked into the locker room.
“Oh okay, I guess, thanks Dinah see you tomorrow.” Mila grabbed her ball and went back into the gym.
“Coach is it okay if I stay for a while?”
“Yeah it’s cool but don’t go out the door without everything or you’ll have to wait till tomorrow to get it.”
“Okay thanks.”
Camila worked on everything heck she had even gotten the Tigers playbook and was going over the movements of the plays. Camila wanted this to be a great season but she knew that her biggest task was going to be getting Lauren to drop her bad ass exterior and play as a team. Camila stopped running plays and was working on her free throws when she heard the locker room doors open and in ran two cute little kids. One was a boy maybe ten years old with dark hair and bright blue eyes. The little girl looked a couple years younger and had light brown hair and brown eyes. They were laughing as they came in and didn’t notice Camila yet.
“Hey were did you two little rascals go? You do know that if you get to far away from me the tickle monster comes out.” Lauren came around the corner laughing as the two younger ones took of giggling to get away from her. Camila couldn’t help but smile at the scene in front of her. That was until Lauren noticed her and froze and crossed her arms across her chest and just glared at Camila.
“What are you doing in here? There is never anyone here this late.” Lauren said.
“The coaches said it would be okay if I stayed for a little while. I must of lost track of time.” Camila said defensively.
“Tay, Chris why don’t you guys go sit on the mats and watch a movie, okay? Chris it’s Taylor’s turn to pick.”
“Okay Lawren.” Chris said through his two missing front teeth.
“Listen I am not here to…arrgghhh…ouch Taylor please get down.” Lauren said trying to get Taylor off of her back when she bent down to tie her shoes.
“Lolo are you okay, I’m sorry. Please don’t hurt me Lolo.” Taylor said crying and shielding herself from what Lauren might do.
“No come here Taytay I would never in a million years hurt you. You’re my little sunshine and you make me smile even when I’m having a horrible day. Please baby I won’t be like him I promise.” Lauren said through tears she didn’t know she had and opened her arms waiting for Taylor to run into them.
Lauren picked Taylor up and walked over to Chris, “just so you know I meant my promise to you too okay buddy?”
“Yeah Lawren. I know I think Taylor just gets scared easily now. He tried to catch us earlier that is why we were in the tree house. I did like you said and we went up there and locked the door thingy until you got home. Lawren I was so scared.” Chris was now in tears, so of course just hugged the two tighter not caring that they were hurting her back.
“Will you two be okay now or do you want to go somewhere else?” Lauren asked with them still in her arms.
“No Lolo. I like the boom boom that the ball makes.” Lauren looked at Taylor confused.
Then it dawned on Lauren, “oh you mean the echo got it kid.” Lauren said messing up the girls hair.
“Alright pick a movie Tay. I’ll try not to be to late.”
Lauren turned and Camila was still there with a look of not pity but almost empathy on her situation. Now that Camila had heard a little bit of it she knew that the girl was going to want to know what was going on. In a way Lauren was still cautious about what she was willing to tell the other point guard.
“Well okay so those are my brother and sister in case you didn’t get that. Chris and Taylor. They’re ten and nine, and yeah some bad shit has happened to us. So here’s the thing if you’re going to use whatever you just saw to tell the whole school you can leave now. If you just want to shoot around for a little while then let’s do this but just so you know I’m not going to talk about it so don’t even try.” Lauren grabbed her ball and started taking close jump shots to get warmed up.
“Okay then I guess.” Camila grabbed her ball and started to shoot around too.
Everything was quite except for the sound of a peter pan playing in the background and two basketballs being dribbled around the gym.
“You know they fell asleep right?” Camila said pointing over to the two younger kids.
“Yeah they always fall asleep while I am practicing in here it is kind of like a tradition in a way.”
“The noise doesn’t bother them I take it.”
“The only time it bothers them is if I were to get mad and slam the ball down. I only did it once and I will never do it again. Besides I think they understand that they are safe here. I mean you have to have a key to get in. So they know he can’t get to us here.” Lauren said trying to keep the back of her shirt from touching her.
“Okay I know you don’t want to talk about it. Will you please let me look at your back though? I can tell that it’s hurting you and plus your shirt has some blood spots on it now.” Camila said with hands held in the air as if to say no harm coming from this way.
Lauren thought about it for a minute and knew that she needed to at least have someone take a look at them so she agreed. Lauren crossed her arms and pulled her jersey up over her head wincing as she did.
“Oh my god Lauren!”
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
🌙 Lute McGucket
🌙 - vampire
Decided to set this in the Stanley McGucket AU.  In most AUs, Lute visits his siblings in Gravity Falls unexpectedly and ends up with a firsthand experience of the weirdness there.  But in the Stanley McGucket AU, I think it happens more often than in others.
Send me an emoji and I’ll write you a ficlet!
               “Dish ish da lasht time Ivishit,” Lute said, frustrated.  
               “We warned ya ‘bout the bats,”Fiddleford said.  Lute scrunched up hisface.  “We told ya to bring protection if’nya were plannin’ on goin’ into that cave.”
               “Shtanford didn’t brink ‘tekshun.”
               “Yeah, well, Ford’s the dumbestgenius I know, so,” Stan said, idly bouncing the baby he was holding.  The baby grabbed at his hair.  “Ouch! Danny, chill.”  Danny giggled inresponse.  Lute smiled fondly.
               “She’sh sho cude,” Lute cooed.
               “Stuff like that is how I knowyou’re bluffin’,” Stan said.  “No amountof fangs and blood-suckin’ could keep Lute McGucket away from his nieces.”  Lute ran his tongue along the large fangsthat had grown overnight.  Stan raised aneyebrow.  “That’s…kinda weird, Gucket.”
               “Jusht feelin’ ‘em.”  
               “Okay, we should be able to cureyour vampirism before you return to Gumption,” Ford said, walking into theliving room.  After Lute’s bat bite fromthe day before had resulted in fangs and sallow skin, Ford had immediately doveinto researching ‘the vampire condition’. As such, the McGuckets and Stan had gathered at Ford and Fiddleford’shouse, so that Lute could be ‘properly studied’.  
               “Good,” Lute said.  Crying began to emit from the playpen Stanand Angie had set up.  Angie stoppedtaking Lute’s vitals for a moment to glance over at the playpen.  Their second child, Daisy, was standingupright, chubby fists clenched around the mesh playpen wall and face beet red.  Daisy’s wailing grew louder.
               “Daisy wants somethin’, Stan,”Angie said.  
               “Yeah, I figured that out, babe.  But I’m kinda busy holdin’ Danny right now.”
               “I’ll take care of her,” Lutesaid brightly.  
               “No,” Stan and Angie saidshortly.  Lute deflated.
               “Why?” Lute asked.
               “Ya still need to be, fer lackof a better word, examined,” Angie replied, abandoning her task and walkingover to her screaming daughter.  Shepicked Daisy up.  Her nose wrinkled.  “Yup, she needs somethin’ all right.”
               “Did you finish taking Lute’svitals?” Ford asked without looking up from his journal.
               “Nope.  I got a baby what needs a diaper changed,”Angie replied.  She left the room,grabbing the diaper bag on her way out.
               “Also, Lute, don’t take this thewrong way, but ya turned into a creature of the night,” Stan said.  Danny tugged on his face.  “I know ya love the girls to bits, but still,they’re prime prey for a vampire.”  
               “How could I nod dake dad da wrong way?” Lutedemanded.  “Shtan, I wouldn’t harm a hairon der headsh.”
               “I know,” Stan saidquietly.  Danny poked him in theeye.  “Ow.”
               “Shervesh ya right.”
               “Actually, that brings up a goodpoint,” Ford said.  “Have you gotten anyvampiric cravings yet?”
               “Ike fer human blood?  Uh, don’t dink sho.”
               “Are you sure?” Fordprompted.  “We need to plan ahead.  It will likely take a couple days to cureyou, and I doubt you can go for that long without satiating your appetite.  At least, unless you wish to turn into amindless monster.”
               “Whad are ya dalkin’ ‘bout?”Lute asked.
               “If a vampire don’t drink bloodfer a long enough time, they turn into a bein’ driven by their thirst ferblood,” Fiddleford explained.  “Allhigher mental functions are gone.  Theironly thoughts are to satisfy their hunger.”
               “…Okay, Shtan, now I shee whyyer nervoush,” Lute conceded.  He rubbedthe back of his neck.  “Gosh, dat’sh nota happy dought, turnin’ into shome shavage beasht.”
               “And that’s precisely why weneed to plan,” Ford said firmly.  “Do youhave any hunger?  Any at all?”
               “We need to determine the amountof time you can go between feedings,” Ford said.  He poised a pen above a fresh page in hisjournal.  “What time did you last eatfood?”
               “Uh, shix?” Lute said with ashrug.  “Dat’sh when dinner wash.”
               “Excellent.  And since your fangs grew, have you had anycravings for human blood?  Or flesh?”
               “Flesh?” Stan asked.  “Sixer, we ain’t dealin’ with zombies.”
               “Yes, but the werewolves ofGravity Falls drastically differ from the werewolves of lore.  It’s just wise to prepare for the chance thatGravity Falls’ vampires are the same way.”
               “No, no hunger fer blood or fesh,”Lute said.
               “Any murderous urges?” Fordasked, scribbling it down.  Lute eyedhim.
               “No more ‘n ushual.”  Ford looked up, startled.
               “Oh.  You- you were referring to me.”
               “Shtanford, I ain’t fond of bein’poked ‘n prodded like a horshe ad da coundy fair,” Lute said.  “You’ve been on thin ishe wid me before.  Dish ain’t helpin’ yer cashe.”
               “A horse is an interestingcomparison,” Ford mused.  “Normally,people say ‘prize dog’ or something along those lines.”
               “‘Normally’?  Do ya make a habit outta inspectin’ people?”Stan teased.
               “It depends.”
               “On what?”
               “If gnomes count as people.”
               “Geez, Ford, I was just jokin’,”Stan said.  “Why do ya go aroundinspectin’ gnomes?”  He carefully coveredDanny’s ears.  “Messin’ with those lilbastards is just askin’ for trouble.” Danny shook her head until he removed his hands.  She made a satisfied noise and snuggled closeto him.  
               “Horshe ish the besht metaphor,”Lute said.  “Yer lookin’ ad my teef,after all.”  Lute opened his mouth wideto demonstrate.  
               “Oh, mind keeping your mouthopen for a few minutes?” Ford said quickly. “I need to sketch your fangs.”
               “…No,” Lute said, closing hismouth.  “I ain’t an ekshperiment.”
               “Very well,” Ford said with asigh.  “I’ll have to collect data on vampiresthrough some other method, then.”
               “Dat’sh what yer doin’?” Lutedemanded.  “Yer shupposhed to be curin’me, nod shtudyin’ me fer yer journal!” He crossed his arms.  “I mean itdish time.  No more vishits to dis dangtown.  I don’t care how many cute nieshesI’ve god.”
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