sovaharbor · 4 months
sorry it just pisses me off endlessly how carelessly my mom will spend money on herself but god forbid i ask for. Sunglasses. a new pair of sunglasses. that aren't mom-core from the fucking 2000s that have been sitting in our kitchen junk drawer for years and years. i get a "well if you don't care how they look [in reference to me saying i didn't really care about TRYING THEM ON FIRST because the shape of them isn't a concern of mine] i would prefer you just use them from the drawer"
like i'm going to 1) explode, and 2) cry .
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adampage · 2 years
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silliness-inc · 10 months
she fucking pulled out this blog on call
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yveltalreal · 1 month
i was supposed to meet up with my girlfriend before the end of summer mini exams where the fuck is sheeeeee
shes late :/
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mangoposts · 6 months
all these people talking about that one girl matt follows that looks like mina, WHO THE FUCK IS SHEEEEEE. like you guys make me WANT to scrape my knees on the ocean floor, tell us already😭
No literally like who is she i want to see 😭😭😭😭
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anena-enthusiast · 15 days
YOU LIKE VFLOWER?!?!?? She's my fav fjfbdkdhnsddjdj :DD
first vocaloid song that I figured out was vocaloid was with her and HER VOICE ROCKS
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grigori77 · 10 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 77
Are you that busy, Sam? Really? See, they're both making a strong argument that they're MORE busy than you ...
Ah yes, I see ... vainglorious Sam ... if course ... "Text Marisha to find out what UWU means" ... oh dear gods ...
Laura: "Why are you so much better at reading your own schedule than the ad-copy?"
Matt wants the Ruidus dice so he can DESTROY THEM with them ... XD
Travis is so grabby for the jammies, I love it, it's adorable. :3
Oh, intimate conference for the witchy trio ... or an excursion? Oh, yeah, okay ... get caught up, idiot ...
Are we sure this is a good idea, Marisha? Seriously? This is gonna be potential problems for Laudna ...
Tunnels? Oh boy ... yeah, I really don't trust this at all ...
I will not dignify girl-fart talk ... I will not ...
A lost master bedroom? That's ... weird ...
Why not use it? Oh man, I got a pretty good idea about the reasons for THAT ...
Sneaky sneaking ... and here we go, stealth checks ... oh, nice work, ladies ...
Does she know where to go? Hmmm ... oh, so Laudna was kind of like a phantom of the castle for a while? Okay then ...
Yes, maybe AVOID the many guards ...
Liam, Taliesin, what are you whispering about there? And now note passing? I am so curious ...
Crap! Pots and pens make BIG noise ... sheeeeee-it ... yeah, NO SHIT you need another stealth check ...
Argh! Busted? "A little midnight snack?" Nice save, Imogen.
Fearne trying to be quiet ... clop clop clop ... Travis: "From Pike in armour to Fearne's fucking hooves!" XD
Aaaaah ... Laudna's parallax effect! O.O Oh ... trauma ... yes, I'm with Fearne, I hate the Briarwoods ...
Laudna and Fearne BOTH have Thieves' Tools? Blimey ... I mean I expect it of the klepto, but ...
Lighting up the room through the keyhole? Intriguing move, Imogen ... oh, and that is SPOOKY ...
I'm sorry, WHAT is she doing? Are you REALLY gonna summon a Reiloran right now, Imogen? Seriously?
Reiloran: "What do you require?" Imogen: "Can you unlock the door?" Reiloran: "... sure ..."
Apparently he doesn't really have a CHOICE about hanging out ...
De Rolo family portrait ... yeah ...
Laudna IS NOT having a good time right now ...
Looking for a book in particular? Hmmm ... Sam: "The Cat In the Hat ..." XD ... you idiot ...
OH!!! Secret passage! Nice ... bricked off? Okay then ... oh, really? Cute ... Travis: "The attitude in this family!" XD
Marisha: "I don't want to have to Shawshank Redemption this." Matt: "Two weeks later, you finally make it through the wall."
Sneaky nifty Fearne ... nice ...
Sivaana? Interesting ... and apparently he's kind of ENJOYING this ...
Oh NOW they're twigging to the fact that this was a BAD IDEA? A bit bloody late now, surely ...
An old lab? Oh shit ... I know whose workshop THIS IS!!! Crap ... it's Ripley's!
It's getting cold? Oh that can't be a good sign ... oh fuck what fresh hell is THIS?!!!
Roll initiative? SHIT!!!
Theatre of the Mind? Oh, okay ... Sam's disappointed he can't do a proper Wizzkids plug ...
Laudna first ... Hunger of the Shadow Shard? Fascinating ... Nat19 ... 16 Necrotic damage! Yeah!
It takes NO DAMAGE?!!! What? Oh shit ...
Form of Dread! Yeah! Oh wait ... WHAT THE FUCK, Matthew? Seriously? Not Delilah, not NOW!!!
Once a young man? Hmmm ... Withering Touch? Owwwwww ... 16 points of Necrotic damage to Laudna ...
Fearne tries to communicate ... no joy ... so she just bitch slaps it with her flaming palm! Nice ... not SUPER effective, though ...
Now a teenage girl, a servant? Crap ... and now ANOTHER? Some old guy ... Hmmm ... oh, I think I'm starting to get this ...
Yup, this is just Delilah's vengeful victims seeking retribution ...
Imogen just shoves Laudna back ... then casts Shock Flare? Wow ... oh, nice! Oh, and that works? Great ... finally a break ... 13 points of Lightning damage ...
Sivaana hits the hurt one eith a Mind Spike ... POW!!! Nice ...
Oh no ... Laudna is rattled ... but she's USING IT ... Hound of Ill Omen! Yay! Go, demon doggy!
Another Withering Touch? Phew ...no joy ...
Fearne casts Daylight? Hmmmm ... yeah, I really didn't expect that would actually DO anything ... so she bamfs out Mister? Okay ...
Damn it, that means Delilah really IS there ...
Mirror Image? Okay ... and they miss! Yes ... phew again ... and ANOTHER miss! Yay!
End this, Imogen! Please!
Oh crap, no rest means she has NO SPELLS LEFT?!!! Balls ... oh, she's never done this? Eat are you planning, Laura?
WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?!!! Ashley: "Lightning tiddies!"
Holy fuck, they BOTH take 4D8 of Lightning damage? Sweet ... 15 points each! Oh, and the first one is GONE!!! Nice ...
Oh, bye bye Sivaana ...
Laudna unleashes some Eldritch Blasts! Yay! And they all hit ... 15 and 23, then 8 damage overall ... then again ... and a Nat20? Wow ... 25 for the first, 9 for the second, 15 ... HDYWTDT for BOTH of the remaining ghosts ... BOOM, they are GONE ...
Oh man ... fucking Delilah! Crap ... what the hell? It's coming FROM Laudna? Oh shit ...
Oh, so this was Delilah's workshop? Great ...
So Laudna's Delilah's tether as much as the other way round? Crap ... and now she's trying to SEDUCE our girl ... leave her alone, you heinous bitch!
What the fuck is she talking about ... the Whispered One? Fucking VECNA?!!! Seriously? Oh shit!
She wants "more"? Oh, this won't end well ...
So if she gets out she's gonna try and bring the Whispered One back ... not good, not good at all ...
I'm hating this whole conversation so much ...
Oh for fuck's sake ... now she's going after Fearne too? Crap ... no! Not Dark Fearne! That's not good at all ...
That's just it, the only way they can kill her is to kill Laudna ...
And now to Imogen ... she really is just being an all round unpleasant bitch, isn't she?
She's gone? Finally ... I was not enjoying that ...
OF COURSE Imogen wants to find a way to get Laudna out of this mess ... this is so ugly and heartbreaking ...
Laudna makes Imogen promise to move on and be happy if anything happens to her ... fuck ... damn it Marisha, you're getting us right in the feels right now ... and Laura too ...
And now Fearne has FINALLY twigged that Imogen and Laudna are A THING ... :3
Yeah, there won't be anything of use on here now ...
A coffin? Lovely ...
Oh yeah, makes sense they would have just TRASHED this place ...
A splinter? Hmmm ... witchcraft ... charming ...
On the way out, Fearne torches everything she can ... Nice ...
Gods ... I don't like this deal AT ALL ...
You're gonna break HERE?!!! Really? Gah ...
Back to it ... a night's rest, then ... and Travis is rolling AGAIN?!!! You're really messing with us here ... STOP IT!!!
Typical morning for Orym, clearly ...
Awwwwww ... I love Fearne and Orym's friendship so much ... :3
He STOLE something for her? Awwww ... and so here we go, the ghost pirate spyglass, yeah, I'd actually forgotten about that ... that's so sweet ...
"Scenelet done." XD
Chetney had a sexy dream about Lady De Rolo ... of course he did ... watch out you don't give yourself a coronary, Chet ...
Crap ... they didn't reseal the wall? Balls ... that's totally gonna come back to bite us later ...
Now Chetney wants to make Ashton a toboggan ...
Last chance to chill before it all goes off ... yeah ...
Oh, here we go, makeshift sled ... hmmmm ... Orym is rightfully suss about that ...
You know what that is? Growth.
No, I don't think there will be any wood on the moon. Unless there is ... "moon wood"? Imogen: "Rich ... thick wood." Oh boy ... and then it gets worse ... oh, that's it for Matt again ... more games derailment ... XD
FCG: "What's the happy ending for you?" Orym: "Tomorrow. That there be a tomorrow." Wow ...
The girls stole Letters a copper wok ... not to eat but USE ... hmmm ... oh no, not the "fishy hot hole" again ... Matt is dying ... XD
Eight tubes of Bengay? Oh no, it's Tiger Balm ...
Chetney: "Nothing like some fresh pow!" Oh, here we go ... sledding ... okay then ...
Ashton and FCG are going in the wok ... oh dear ... Liam: "It IS Christmas Vacation!"
They're RACING?!!! Oh dear ...
They JUMPED THE WALL?!!! Crap ... watch out for the cart! Aaaaaaaah! Oh, that could have been SO bad ...
Meanwhile the others just WIPED OUT ... but Ashton enjoyed it, at least ...
ASHTON!!! No stones in snowballs! They are children!
Cassandra's coming?
Imogen goes to the Dawnfather's temple ... oh hello, priestly lady ... Imogen: "How do I talk to a god?" Oh boy ... here we go, time for the theological lecture ...
Mother Brizalda? Awwww ... I like her immensely.
Imogen offers up her Whitestone Is For Lovers t-shirt? Wow ... oh man, she's really asking for His help either Laudna's situation ... oh man ...
The Matron's temple ... yeah, she's not accepting it ...
Gilmour's Glorious Goods? Awesome ... wow, the place has been somewhat STRIPPED, clearly ... Orym seeks what he can ... three healing potions for 150 gold? That's a sweet deal ... oh yeah, that's right, Orym HAS met Gilmour himself, hasn't he?
Ooh, what's this? A Potion of HEROISM?!!! Holy fuck ... 199 gold? Nice ...
Oh, the Slayer's Cake? Yes! Do that!
50 pastries? Blimey ... and an apple pie. Okay ... placing an order, then ... the electrum piece? Okay then ... and a namedrop ... that'll do it.
Old abandoned ruins? Seriously, Ashton? And the clock tower ... probably safer ...
Ashton and Fearne having a serious talk about the future ... hmmm ... and now ... oh wow, are they actually FLIRTING now?
Damn, they're actually SO CUTE ... :3
Yeah, the shippers are going NUTS right now and I love it ... XD
Clockwork Vox Machina shenanigans ...
FCG gets snippy about Orym supplying baked goods instead of him ...
Orym's apple pie makes Liam hungry for real ...
To business in the war room, then ...
Percy gets his mad scientist on ... it's kind of adorable actually ... and that's actually pretty brilliant, as well.
Oh, he's still so SPICY too, especially with Laudna ... XD
Allura's coming too? Okay then ...
2 scrolls of Mass Nondetection? Cool. A scroll of Dimension Door too. Also cool. A bunch of healing potions too. A potion of Speed. 2 potions of Gaseous Form.
And FCG gets his bejeweled baking tin too ... cool.
Oh, they're going NOW?!!!
Beneath the castle? Oh ... OH!!! Yes, of course ... oh boy ... they're going to THE FUCKING ZIGGURAT!!!
Oh wow ... now Chetney's homing in on Cassandra instead ... XD
So ... this is it, then? Moment of truth for Ashton and Fearne? Hmmm ... oh, he really IS going to put it in HIMSELF instead? Crap ... I thought that was gonna be BAD ...
Holy shit he KISSED HER!!! Fearne: "Well now I'm not sure I WANT to put it in you."
Shit ... they really ARE doing this ...
It's happening ... the Harness and the Shard snd Ashton ... and now the others know too ... oh boy ...
And he Rages ...
A Constitution save? No Advantage? Hmmm ... 23? Oh, okay ... HIS SHOULDER BROKE OFF?!!! What the fuck? And his EAR?!!! Shit!
15 points of Fire damage ... the crystal crumbles and shatters ... Ashton's chest becomes a furnace ... and more parts are breaking off?
Ashton (over and over): "From the earth to the earth ..."
Orym and Imogen run up and through the barrier ...
The other arm breaks off? This is going SO BAD ... Fearne tries to take the Harness off ... Ashton tries to Rage again ...
Another 36 points? Crap ...
Imogen tries to hold him together using Telekinesis, he downs a Healing potion but it just evaporates? Great ... FCG tries to cast Death Ward on him ...
Another 28 points? He's getting hurt SO FUCKING FAST ...
This is going SO many kinds of bad all at fucking once ...
48 points now ... snd he is DOWN!!! But FCG tries to take it instead ... oh, but the Death Ward ... it's just CHAOS ...
Watery Sphere? Which just turns into steam as soon as Imogen casts it ...
At least he made his Con save ... he is BARELY holding on ...
FCG casts a 6th Level Cure Wounds on him ... 27 points back, but he also took over 60 damage ... he's BARELY alive still ...
Imogen tries to take the Harness off ... meanwhile Orym tries to help with Seedling ... itoff, but the Transference I'd still going on ...
Aura of Vitality?
The Ring of Temporal Salvation? Oh yeah ...
Damn it ... hejeep dropping and then coming back ... this is going do bad ...
Laura: "Hey, you guys remember when Ashton broke that green lens?"
Ashton shatters ... and then it comes back together again while the Ring breaks ... snd he has another 5 rounds? Crap ... it's not over ...
Laudna just grabs Imogen and Chetney znd starts dragging them out if the bubble ...
He just has to last those five more founds znd keep rolling good? Okay ...
Just keep healing him! Fearne's doing it too now ...
The tension is unbearable ... I can feel the whole table just PANICKING internally ...
FCG tries Divine Intervention ... roll good, Samuel ... 31? Shite ...
But he's still rolling sweet ... he's still in the fight ...
Okay ... one round left ... I'm fucking SWEATING ...
This is it ... last roll ... come on Taliesin ...
They are all SO MAD AT HIM RIGHT NOW and I don't blame them ... but it was a SWEET roll ...
He's down, steaming ... but now he's back ... wow ... he has a MOLTEN ROCK ARM replacing the one he lost? Cool ...
Fearne kicks him in the face. "I sm never trusting you again!" I do not blame her ...
That's it ... end of session ...
They are still SO PISSED at Taliesin ... I am too ... he is SO FUCKING LUCKY ...
This episode put us through the FUCKING WRINGER and I am DEAD ...
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bravenew-what · 1 year
Anecdotes from Helloween’s show
Y’all. When I say I’m a changed person because of this show, it’s because I fucking am.
The first of them I saw was Sascha, I mean we were DIRECTLY in front of him. He’s giant. A literal giant.
Skyfall was pure chaos. So much was happening at once and I had no idea where to look so I just screamed the words.
I stuck my tongue out at markus and he did it back!!
Kai was all over the stage all night, he was a total flirt with EVERYONE
I headbanged so hard during Future World at the right moment and it cracked my neck for me
The guitarists and Markus were all in sync with the way they danced around during future world AND IT WAS SO CUTE
Weiki and I made funny faces at each other and I know he saw me cause he exaggerated the same face when I made it back at him
Kai chucked the fucking mic stand to the groundjust before his medley
Weiki had guitar trouble TWICE and I felt bad for him
I would later make a lot more eye contact with Andi, like I swear he got a bit of a power trip from it and I was completely under his spell for it. Not even remotely joking
Weiki just being…… Weiki. His stank faces and wizard-like hand movements just make his playing that much better.
Sascha being so fucking sweaty that he could stick a pick right to his forehead without having to lick it or something (though I would have paid money to see that alone)
Sascha’s solo. That’s it.
Sascha actually had guitar trouble during his solo too
Michi pretending to use the stools he and Andi were sitting on as crutches during forever and one
Andi also made some very LEWD gestures during Dr. Stein that I refuse to describe because I have it on video 🤣🤣
Sascha flipped his hair out of his face AND MARKUS LEANED OVER HIM AND BLEW IT RIGHT BACK WHERE IT WAS
Andi and I sang our hearts out to each other during How Many Tears and I honestly thought I was gonna cry 🥹🥹
Sascha bent down and frantically waved and smiled like a total geek at this teenage girl while she was filming and I can just tell it made her whole year!
And oh my god, during Perfect Gentleman. Andi pointed at markus and went “AND SHEEEEEE IS”
Andi and I singing the last chorus of Perfect Gentleman together
Hearing Sascha sing the outro of keepers and then do the guitar melody tol the end was fucking beautiful and he has the voice of a literal Angel
Okay so the moment I had with Andi that I will not shut up about: I had my camera on through all of Keeper of the Seven Keys and I called to Andi after they hit the last note and Andi slowly turned and when he realized it was me he winked and stuck his tongue out just a little like a fucking flirt and I swear I swooned harder than I ever have in my life AND I HAVE THAT MOMENT ON VIDEO SO I CAN HOLD ONTO IT 😭😭😭
Kai calling Weiki a “fucking weirdo”
Dani was a fucking machine all night long, and when he finally came out from behind his kit, the crowd lost their shit for him
Michi popped one of the balloons during I Want Out and tried to run away from it
There were multiple crowd surfers all night, two came directly over us and me and the girl next to me had to duck below the barrier and out of the way so the guys could get them over
I only got bashful one time from the eye contact from the band!!
​Helloween also drink their respect women juice every day cause every single one of them were good with all of the girls in the crowd. End of story.
That was one of the best concert experiences of my life. I feel like a whole new person because of it.
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Lily is fucking evil jesus
Sheeeeee's not having a good time. This may be the worst breakdown she's had so far.
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thessalian · 11 months
Faerun!Alisaie vs The Hunt for Minsc
But first, Volo has something sensible to say ... maybe...
Volo: A champion has fought the Chosen of Bhaal before and a champion must fight the Chosen of Bhaal again--
Alisaie: ...Now, see, if you hadn't run off to get yourself exploded by tapoled cultists, you'd know that that was entirely the idea all along!
Volo: ...this book might help?
Alisaie: *flips through the book* Historical reference is all very well, but I kicked Myrkul's ass and I can do this. Seriously, if you hadn't buggered off, you'd know all this already!
Volo: Well, you yourself are a bard, and--
Alisaie: ...Y'know what? No. No, I do not have time for this and no, you do not deserve to hear this told in all of its bardic splendour. No, you can hear it from Gale. Gale will pedant at you if you try to do your usual Volo Things to the story while I take Jaheira and go find this Minsc person.
Astarion: I'm sorry, but ... an avatar of murder has admitted to taking Lae'zel and you're going to look for a replacement? I'm almost proud.
Alisaie: Oh, we're getting her back. But Gale's right when he says that we need all the martial help we can get. Besides, it should be easy to confirm or deny this guy's alive. I figure if he's alive, he's making too much noise for people to have not heard about it. Anyway, Nine-Fingers Keene has her hideout in the underground. She might like the heads up that they probably don't want to ask the neighbours for a cup of sugar because the neighbours are a fucking murder-cult.
And, awhile later, in Nine-Fingers' little hideout
Jaheira: You handled that extremely well ... for all the good it did.
Alisaie: Hey, we know he's out there. That's a start. I mean, the fact that he's calling himself the Stone Lord and poaching Nine-Fingers' turf is ... a thing, but...
Jaheira: Mm. I admit to being a bit concerned about that. Could he really be working with the Absolute?
Alisaie: Not everybody has Astral Prism protection, Jaheira.
Jaheira: Still. I mean, Minsc of all people... He has little enough mind to flay.
Alisaie: Well, first thing to do is try to find that clue we're supposed to be looking for... Aha. Perfect. *leans over to drunken gnome* Hi there.
Drunken Gnome: Hiiiii! I was just saying how the Stone Lord's gonna hit the Counting House and we're gonna get him!
Alisaie: Oh, really. Sounds like a phenomenal plan! I'd love to hear all about it!
Less Drunk Gnome: We weren't talking to you--
Alisaie: You're interrupting a good story, sir. For shame.
Drunken Gnome: See, I like this one! Sheeeeee's got respect! Now, get a load of this plan--
Jaheira: ...She ... talked her way in here without my having to leverage the whole thing. Then she got Nine-Fingers to be even remotely helpful. Now there's this. I mean ... what ... how...?
Shadowheart: You recall how she drank your truth serum and still managed to talk around your question?
Jaheira: Yeeeeeeeeees...
Shadowheart: She's had a fair bit of practice since then.
Wyll: She got this hat at Sorcerous Sundries, too. She doesn't really need the boost, but it never hurts, I suppose.
Jaheira: ...Good to know.
A little later, in the Counting House
Jaheira: Thank you for actually letting me do my job back there.
Alisaie: I should probably thank you for letting me do mine by charming that story out of that gnome. Sorry, but ... while Harpers are supposed to be versatile, you're ... erm...
Jaheira: Old and crotchety?
Alisaie: I was going for "more authoritative than charming", honestly, but you do you.
Jaheira: Apologies. I'm getting a little too used to the "old woman" jokes.
Alisaie: And I take it that's why that Scroll of Archdruid Slowdown-Of-Ageing?
Jaheira: And I suppose you would age gracefully.
Alisaie: Probably. I don't have the Archdruid ritual option, don't really see the benefits in going Astarion's route, and Aylin and Isobel would both beat the shit out of me if I followed Ketherick and Lorroakan's lead. Thus, no real option. Anyway, I don't mind the idea of a whole lot of laugh lines. Who's going to care?
Shadowheart: Honestly, I'm hoping mine match, when the time comes.
Wyll: Awwwwwwwwww.
Alisaie: So you really do read smut as much for the romance as the other thing, don't you?
Wyll: At least, yes--
Jaheira: Shush. Look.
Glitterbeard: Right. We got that stony fuck stashed right here in this mimic--
Minsc: *rips his way out of mimic*
Alisaie: *quietly* Now there's an entrance...
Minsc: You promised me there was gold in there!
Alisaie: *quietly* ...You weren't kidding about 'not enough mind to flay', were you?
Minsc: I kill you for lying!
Jaheira: I really should step in here--
Alisaie: Hold up. You said he's a great friend of yours and mostly only really listens to you, and we've got a city full of doppelgangers!
Jaheria: What are you getting at?
Fake Jaheira: Let the minions kill him, Minsc. We've got all the gold we could want.
Minsc: ...Ah, fine. *stomps off*
Invisible Bhaalite Assholes: *attack*
Jaheira: ...It was ... it looked like...
Alisaie: We're fighting for our lives here, Jaheira! You can have a nervous breakdown later!
Jaheira: ...Yes. Right. Of course.
Stabnation: *ensues*
Once the stabnation is pretty much concluded...
Jaheira: Your ability to see the invisible is truly useful. At least it gives us a place to aim spells that need no targets to wound.
Alisaie: Yeah, well, getting that particular skill set wasn't exactly fun, but at least it's been useful.
Jaheira: How did you--? Wait. No. Never mind. I have no wish to know. Hrm. A little tricky to track given all the blood, but ... these footprints are of sewer muck.
Alisaie: Of course. Where else would pieces of shit end up?
Jaheira: Misled as he may be right now, he is my friend--
Alisaie: I meant your impersonator, actually.
Jaheira: Ah. Apologies, again.
Alisaie: No big. Anyway. It does all make sense on the whole; everything Bhaalite seems to be nesting down there. We're going to have to find him and pry him out of that particular mess, but I'm probably going to need Astarion, at least for part of it.
Wyll: What? Why?
Alisaie: One - more of his spawn-siblings are probably down there and he might want to have a word. Two... *gestures at vaults* Tell me he wouldn't have a field day.
Jaheira: You would say this in front of the staff?!?
Glitterbeard: Look, your big lunk of a friend over there got everything anyway. If you can find anything worth anything in here, more power to you.
Jaheira: ...Right. Not Harpers. As much as at least two of you act like them.
Alisaie: The lute is more my instrument, true.
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undertheniall · 2 years
House of the Dragon rant
FUCKING ALICENT I CAAAASNTTTTTTTTT. I HATE HER SO MUCH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Like how fucking insane is sheeeeee... Seriously??? And fucking Criston? Dude disgusting... Anyway im glad rhaenyra and daemon are finally together! And that Laenor is good ane alive and going somewhere with his man.
And I hope Alicent dies the most horrible death possible. Seriously at this point shes worse than cersei. At least Cersei was smart... Alicent is just a bitter bitch at this point. Not to mention Criston and that hunchback cunt of hers???? DRACARYS THEIR ASSES NOOOOW
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hunterstorys5 · 1 year
Meeting new friends part 2
*emerald and alex walk until the entrance of a forest" A:? Where did she go now? She said she would wait here?
E:about who are you talking?
*a Umbreon with purple rings jump on emerald. Emerald screams*
Umbreon:hi Alex, I see you have made a new friend who is shEEEEEE *A psychic force launch the Umbreon away.*
E:*trembling* who was t-that?
A:Wow. How you did that? Psych moves aren't supposed to work on dark types.
And that was my girlfriend, umbra.
E:I think I'm more powerful than even I know.
*Umbra walks back slowly*
U: Really powerful. Ouch *rubbing her back.* You throw me really hard
U: It's ok. Like Alex said I'm umbra and you?
E: I'm emerald. Nice to meet you.
*They talk for a while. While umbra and Alex tell a bit about themselves. Emerald doesn't know what to talk of her without giving she isn't a espeon. They enter the forest. Passing by a lot of pokemon like Rattata, pichus, all of the starters less snivys and other little pokemons. On the way they pass by a cute zorua that gets curious about emerald. A zoroark catch the zorua and give a strange look to emerald and go away*
U:Bye Zack *with a smile*
E:that Zack gave me a strange look.
U: Don't worry. he is like that with anyone he doesn't know.
E:Ahn. Ok.
*They walk for a bit more. Until Alex and umbra stop*
Umbra: shit. Emerald you can climb trees?
E:yes, why?
U:I explain later, now go up. *Umbra start to climb a tree and carry Alex too*
E:*a bit slow she reach a branch on side of Alex and umbra one. She looks down and see a black mass passing in the ground* What the fuck is that thing?
Alex:We don't have any idea. She appeared a few days ago. The ones that entered in contact with her started to feel weak. So we are trying to stay away.
E:I understand. Still that thing looks interesting. *Without noticing emerald start to float as the mass slither*
Umbra and Alex:What the fuck?
E:hmm:? *Notices she is floating* oops
Part 1:
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tearsofperseides · 1 year
I'm making this because I want to post something, but also am in somewhat of a manic episode and this is how I cope so-
Explaining some of my kins
Emily Dickinson (Dickinson)
If anyone knows that "Is this fuckin play about us?!" audio from Tiktok, that's how I felt when I first saw this woman on my screen. Aside from having siblings, there is NOTHING that sets us apart. The inflection in her voice, how she interacts with people around her, her family's dynamic, her internal monologues, and how she copes with things. I have two tattoos dedicated to this show because the show resonated with me to such a high extreme.
Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
Without going into too much detail. Let's just say that I've been season 1 Rebecca in the past. I watched the show back in 2019 and multiple times, at some almost comedic scenes I started crying because I resonated with Rebecca to such a high degree. I saw, not parts of myself, but my whole self in her. A little funny thing is one of my friends is named Patrick, so I often sing "(Tell Me I'm Okay) Patrick" when he's around. And of course, the quote: "It just, it just feels like everyone is in this cabal of normal people, and they're all laughing at me like I'm the jester in my own Truman Show. Patrick, tell me what the secret is."
Robin Buckley (Stranger Things)
A lil Robin! She's one of the reasons why I changed my name! I love the name, Robin, I always did! I mean there's not much to say about her in terms of kinning. A little ball of anxiety that seems intimidating at first (apparently a lot of my friends found me intimidating when they saw me), a little fun comedic character that actually borders on tragedy (if the show would be written well-). Autistic as well, but that's fanon.
Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
UMM HELLO??? HI?? ME??? Mommy issues, daddy issues. Just issues in general, deflecting with humor??? I actually started hyper-fixating on philosophy because of this show, my friends constantly keep saying I'd be the main character in a sitcom too (which... I am...). I mean just watch the show if you haven't, it's really good.
Edward Teach (Our Flag Means Death)
When I made my friend watch OFMD I asked him which character he thinks I kin and the second Blackbeard showed up he pointed to him and I asked why, his response was "What do you mean, why?! Look at him! ADHD off the charts! He's all over the place! He's fascinated by the simplest of things!", then later on as the show continued, when we got Ed's backstory, he once again said "I can't believe you asked me why when he has daddy issues." And of course, there's more to me relating to him outside of these little traits. Will I share anything else? No, fuck you (/j), it's personal!
Nadine Franklin (The Edge of Seventeen)
This is all for now, some more Robin lore I guess hahaha-
I think this could be classified as a shit-post but honestly I don't know
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paracunt · 2 years
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pastafossa · 2 years
The Red Thread: Chapter 109
Ship: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Chapter Summary:
“Listen,” you sighed, waving your knife around in emphasis. “I’ve had a very long day. Or night. Week. Whatever. I haven’t eaten since this morning. I’m recovering from getting my ass handed to me by the Punisher. I spent most of last night with my soul trapped in some sort of mystical forest that I don’t understand because there isn't exactly a manual for the particular spirit realm my ass gets stuck in. In short, I’m sore, I’m starving, and I’m sleep deprived as fuck.”
She blinked, before pursing her lips thoughtfully. “My, it does sound like you've been busy. Is your life always this exciting?”
“Unfortunately for my sleep schedule, yes.”
Or: the one in which you and an old 'friend' of Matt's spend a little time getting to know each other.
Wordcount: 5,786
Warnings for this chapter: blood, knives, but nothing major
Read me on AO3 that’s where penguins hang out
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nauticfoxes · 3 years
anyone minds if i become a vanitas no carte blog <3 its just that. her
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