coldgpa · 2 years
Asserted major lesbian dominance tonight
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polyamorousmood · 19 days
I realized I was okay with my partner having other partners by the time I was 13 (though I didn't have a word for it at the time) and the reason I realized this was because I was so full of seething hatred (the kind only 13 year olds are capable of) for the love triangle in twilight that by the time I got to the third book I was like "who CARES if she has two boyfriends. I wouldn't care if my partner had other partners as long as I knew about it and everyone was okay with it. Anything is better than this nonsense"
I realized this several years before I realized I liked girls. I'm a lesbian. Anyway I just think "realizing you're poly via twilight hate" is objectively hilarious but it does, unfortunately, mean that twilight was a formative experience for me.
Twilight defined a generation. Love it🫶 or hate it🤬, it still shaped you. Very few escaped this fate.
Your fate, specifically, though, is objectively hilarious
Seriously though, at least you got something worthwhile out of the books! I often think it is easier to define ourselves first by what we are NOT than by what we ARE, so I can't say I'm surprised. Hating love triangles seems to be a common theme with us polyams 😂
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
AITA for enjoying my vacation even though my boyfriend was out of town?
I was recently enjoying a visit to Bath at the height of the season 🥳. My boyfriend showed up a few weeks in and then we got engaged, which was great 🎉❤️👩🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻❤️🎉
Here is the problem 🤦🏼‍♀️, he had to go home and ask his father's permission and work out his inheritance. It ended up being a lot less than I thought but that doesn't matter 😅 During that time I attended a ball with my best friend Cathy (his sister). While we were at the ball💃🏼, I was just watching my friend dance, I wasn't dancing at all, this man Fred approached me and would not take no for an answer. So I danced with him. I mean, I wasn't going to be rude.😅😬 Plus Fred's got a huge estate you can't snub men like that.
Fred kept following me around at the Upper and Lower rooms and asking me to dance 🤬😤. I wasn't going to lock myself up like a nun, so yes, I danced with him a few times. And we did spend some time together at the Pump Room but that was totally public 😅 Nothing happened.
Anyway, my boyfriend got back ❤️ and took everything the wrong way and got super jealous😢. I tried to tell him that it was not my fault at all, Fred was just obsessed with me 😫. Even his sister was against me and she saw how much Fred was going after me! My boyfriend told me it was over but I really love him and he won't even let me explain💔. And now Cathy isn't replying to my letters 🥺
AITA for enjoying myself while he was gone??? It was completely harmless! I just want him back and I want him to see that I didn't do anything wrong!!! 🥺 I was the victim here 😢💔 I'm going to show him the results.
Edit: I'm not a gold digger! I hate money. 😳
Top Comment:
I ain't saying you're a gold digger... 🎶
Leave that poor boy alone!
AITA Jane Austen Masterpost
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kisaamisa · 8 months
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𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘: in which a heartbroken boy and a lovesick girl find each other in high school. will she be able to cure his wounds or make them deeper?
a/n ⋆ there is two parts to this bitch because I can't fit all my photos in one post. 🤬🤬
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“Uhh, right!”
Baki was rapidly flipping through his notebook after the girl had asked what the project would be about.
“It's supposed to be about some…book?”
“And how long do we have to complete it?”
Baki sat there with a confused face. What is it? Why are we completing-
“The project Hanma.”
“I think we have a week or two to complete it..”
'How the hell did I already embarrass myself in front of her. We haven't been sitting next to each other for more than 5 minutes. Damn Baki, you’re pathetic.'
“Anyways, I'll give you my phone number. Don't text me until I text first or my sister will get on me about having a boyfriend.”
“That doesn't sound too bad.”
[Name] now squinted and raised her eyebrows, clear suspicion showing and making itself visible on her face.
“Okay if you say so..”
The pair sat in awkward silence and refused to make any eye contact until [name] brought up the fact that they should at least try and get a headstart before meeting again to get all of it finished.
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“I'll see you soon! Bye!”
[Name] waved to her new found friend before running off to go start walking home.
Baki stood there with his thoughts clouded. She was so pretty, so nice, so funny. He wanted her as a girlfriend but he didn't want to say anything. He was going through a break up for goodness sake! He at least had to wait a bit or it would seem as if he didn't value his and Kozue's relationship.
“Yeah! Do you wanna go out to that coffee shop later on, Ko?”
Speak of the devil.
“I don't know, I'm a bit tired but I'll text you later whether I'm going or not, okay?”
Baki wanted to desperately walk over to Kozue and apologize for everything and get back together with her, in fact, he was about to until an aggravating and grating voice yelled after him.
One that irritated him just by hearing it.
The way Katsumi had said those words were in a way that was babyish, practically mocking Baku for being the youngest.
Baki immediately snapped away from his thoughts and realized that he was starting to stare at Kozue. He immediately looked away and sped walked to his friends.
He muttered a slight “I hate you so much you fucking burnt sperm cell” and somehow, Restu heard and started lecturing him about giving respect and how to calm his anger down to at least respect the ones he loves.
Baki couldn't wait until he got home, he was already tired of school.
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a/n ⋆ i ate some really good pizza so shout out to pizza hut because I wouldn't have posted anything without it 💗
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all right reserved © please do not copy any of my works!
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rosemariad · 7 months
Supernatural season 13
I've heard of the widower arc that takes place during the early part of this season but geez
Dean looks so depressed – the desolation, the hopelessness. Poor Dean Bean, lost his angel yet again. You can't help but feel for the poor guy (for now…)
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Then the instant 180, uno reverse this man takes in his demeanor. He's so happy Cas is back. AND having a big cowboy adventure! They're spoiling this man after the widower arc. Jack & Sam are not down for it but Dean's been so miserable they shut the fuck up.
Dean swallowing deeply when Cas quotes Tombstone – confirmation they have movie nights together (ALONE??????) if they were alone during these movie nights – they're basically dating w/o clarifying that they are actually dating – and they're coparenting, my goodness! The domestication is real!
We later find out Dean snuck a quick shot of Cas in the little cowboy hat he made him wear for the case. Wow.
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But as a side note - I did NOT appreciate how shitty Dean was to Jack. He was basically abusing him verbally like WTF give the kid a damn chance - don’t make death threats to the newborn child that was literally born yesterday like the fuck #jackdefensesquad. Like anything bad that jack actually does, he’ll think back to the moments where Dean was like ‘oh he’s a monster’ ’when you go dark side, I’ll be the one to kill you’ yeah like maybe that’s what pushed him to that point. It’s no surprise Jack chooses to leave. My ass would’ve been gone. Also was Cas made aware of the threats Dean made to Jack???
They’re making it REALLY HARD to like Dean this season. MoC was bad, Demon!Dean too but evil forces were at work. This time he got no excuse — threatening at 16 yr old girl who has no one in her corner. They’re basically forcing her to help them for nothing in return. Unbelievable 🤬 And Sam, wtf? Would it kill you to stand up to your fuckin’ brother!
Anyway - Jack’s power is totally cool though.
Kaia…was killed by an alternate self? Whaaaaaat?
So this was the season they tried for the Wayward Girls? Shame it didn’t work out…like the premise is cool BUT since the main show barely give the women characters the time of day, is it any wonder that a pilot didn’t work? The showrunners only seem good with moments - but no building up of the narrative like the male counterparts AKA main cast. Also - what would be the conflict - give people a reason to keep watching the girls - their storylines seem more or less resolved - Jody has already mourned the loss of her family, its not like she became Batman or something to fight a war against criminality. Claire has also gotten past the loss of her parents (as far as we know but honestly she should’ve been part of the main narrative as her life had been directly affected by Castiel’s actions and we all know why Cas bothers to get up in the morning…anyway), Donna doesn’t seem to have anything going on - she’s divorced but over it, Alex is over her dark past, Patience is just seeming to get a hand of her abilities - like where are the stakes??? Sam and Dean had a whole quest to embark on, then they had to navigate fraternal relationship while fighting monsters all the time, slowly unraveling an overarching narrative that’s taken over their lives. Where’s that for the ladies????
I spoke too soon - Donna’s niece gets kidnapped and Doug is her boyfriend (wow totally forgot about that guy, certainly didn’t think he’d return) and once he gets turned into a vampire but cured of it, he’s done. Before he leaves Donna, he calls her a hero. Honestly, if I ended up having a partner/lover who killed dangerous supernatural creatures, I wouldn’t leave them. I’d stick by them and have them teach me a few things. Oh well. Maybe Donna will run to Jody to have a shoulder to cry on ;) I know y’all JodyxDonna shippers are out there.
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Scoobynatural was fucking legendary! I loved watching Scooby doo as a kid, from when they were literal babies, to the OG episodes, to the revamp from the early 2000s, all the movies! (Zombie Island was the best!). It was a genuine delight watching the Winchesters (and Cas) cross paths with Mystery Inc. makes me wish they met Buffy and Ash from Evil Dead. That would’ve been awesome! Watching Dean say scooby dooby doo was total cringe tho :/ I love that Cas shut him down 🤣🤣
That ascot though? He’s wearing it all wrong, its supposed to be stuffed in, like how Fred wears it. And certainly not worn with plaid. SMH…
But now I totally want Supernatural as a fucking cartoon! Just like Scooby Doo - it would’ve been fucking glorious, Dean’s unhinge-able jaw, the kooky facial expressions, the comedic effects, and who knows, it would’ve given the show-runners the artistic freedom to reveal the true form of angels, namely, Castiel’s. Oh well.
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Donatello is…dead? I know they said Brain dead but after Amara sucked out his soul and Cas fucked up his brain, isn’t he better off dead? Par for the course for a prophet though, sucks for him.
Funny how Rowena suddenly wants to be the good mom and try to bring her demon son back after CENTURIES of chances. Sure she may not have known what became of Fergus since she left him, but I’m sure it wouldn’t have taken much to find out. She just didn’t want to. Now she’s filled with regret. And Sam’s destined to murder her? And she didn’t take him out? Okay, well then I guess it’s only a matter of time until she dies😒 not this season though, she’s too useful with her witchy powers to be killed off until she serves whatever purpose is convenient 😒
Angels are almost extinct :( I know they’re meant to be seen as controlling jerks but so is Dean XD lol anyway that’s a bummer with devastating consequences cuz if there’s no angels - they said all the souls will fall to Earth and become ghosts - billions in number - yeah. If it were me I would’ve just said the souls disappear but it ain’t my show 🤷🏽‍♀️
Naomi is back and I don’t even care - I’m sorry but I just don’t care about Apocalypse world either, I feel like it’s a grand waste of time. The fact that Charlie and Bobby are there doesn’t even matter cuz it’s not them. It’s not the Charlie and Bobby we got to know before. They’re just counterparts of another world, echoes of the fallen. When Dean says I can’t lose you, dude you literally just met her. And they’re expected to what, abandon the world they were born into? The fuck?
And fuck this show for killing Kevin TWICE!!! Kevin you were too precious for this universe/multiverse, whatever.
ketch is the latest (aside from rowena) of former villains/enemies/antagonist in supernatural that's suddenly we're supposed to be sympathetic towards since they switch sides and help the winchesters for a change but what's the reason??? I feel it's a little out there that Dean especially would let ketch live after what he put his mom through but whatever. since the show runners insisted with this whole apocalypse world crap, Dean would have died without ketch's help 😑
Gabriel has returned…only to die…again…awesome. at least he got to fuck rowena before he passed away 🤣😅
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Luci got fucked over hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaha
Bobby x Mary, oh man John would be roaring in his grave…if he had one 🤣 [got burned to ashes in season 2], Bobby finna take his whole family, first his sons now his wife ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Luci resurrected someone? And nothing bad happened? Now tht’s a twist. I figured since he’s Satan she’d turn into a demon or something, but i guess not cuz we’re definitely not gonna see her again…
You know since I’ve seen The Boys I can see a resemblance between homelander and the devil, they both blow up in anger very similarly. When jack tells Luci, you’re not my father, he raged in a way that was eerily like Homelander would’ve. Just thought I’d point that out…
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Dean lets in Alt-Michael - Oh Lord above its the apocalypse all over again (this was a cool shot though) - meanwhile what’s OG Michael doing? Is he still in the Cage with Adam? Really? You had to bring an extra Michael into this nonsense? Ok 🙄 You know if Luci had possessed Sam too, it would’ve been a wrap!
Jack is powerless…for now? This poor kid was gonna kill himself?! Honey why? Ugh I’m blaming Dean for this. He put the seed in that kid’s head he was nothing but trouble and he was going to sacrifice himself, poor baby!
Cas why would you let Dean go?!?! Too sad to follow him into battle after Dean let Alt-Michael in?
Why can’t Sam get a super powerful Big Bad kill huh? Why is it always Dean? Geez.
So the only good things to happen this season were Scooby Doo and Jack meeting Cas. Ugh, their meetup was soo cute ^_^
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Welp only 2 seasons left, the last that’s over 20 episodes. Which means we only have 40 episodes to go til the end…goodie 😅
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rozcdust · 2 years
2 Part Story Time incoming!!!
[1/2] okay so idk if you remember me talking about this dude I liked from work long time ago (which a friend of mine likes as well but she doesn't anymore (the one I tried to stalk but failed that moment)) but I got an update that's not really an update but you get what I mean. so here🎉👏
buckle up cause this might get long but I feel like you'd find it funny cause it sounds like it came straight out of wattpad 🤣 for recap, there's a dude I started liking from work for over a year now and I've never spoken to him. like ever. we don't work in the same department but he passes by mine quite a few times seeing as I work by the door and that's how I started noticing him in the first place.
the first time I told you (and by association, your followers) this story, pandemic was still a heavy thing so I've never seen his face. but mask regulations have long been lifted where I'm from so I've seen him and he's kind of cute ngl but wouldn't be my first choice, which makes it weird-er that my heart is racing whenever I see him like ?¿WTF🤬
anyways, his mom got promoted to supervisor in a department that I help out a lot — my own mother works there — but at the time I didn't know they were related. my stepfather works with him sometimes too so that's another "connection" we have. but anyways, we're all the same nationality and it's just easier for me to get along with people that's older than me so his mom and I got close (and his aunt as well lmao, at this point I'm collecting his relatives like Pokémon) real quick.
so his mom and I were talking one day and I jokingly mentioned I wanted a boyfriend and she pulled me to the side to show me pictures of her kids 🤣 typical auntie behavior 😂 she's got an older son, the dude that I like and a daughter. you can probably already guess where this is going but I'll send the rest on another ask.
~ 👑J
OMG HIS MUM FR TYPICAL MOM BEHAVIOUR I LOVE HER 😭 aunties are so funny tho, they’re always ready to set you up with someone 🤧🤧
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Hola Dani 👋🏼 ¿cómo estás? ¿Que planes tienes para esta semana? I hope everything's going great for you! I had a great weekend, I wish I could spend my entire life on vacation mode!
I'm scared about this chapter 🥺
The One with the Prophecy
Is this about the prince???
People, when they were in pain, didn’t want to be understood.
This is heartbreaking 🥲
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Lexi flew into her room through the window and enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug.
Why is this making me cry?? 😭😭😭😭
“It was Marcus,” Georgia whispered.
Of course it was him!!!! Burn him!!!!
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“We do what we always do,” Uncle Jace said. “We listen to Alec.”
Always the correct choice!! Kind of ironic coming from Jace but he's not wrong!!
“I won’t get hurt,” Camila promised. “I won't do anything that will bring Rafael any more pain today.”
Ay no! Camila hazme caso, no vayas!!!!
“Because he is a genius, Camila,” Gigi sighed. “And unfortunately for us, he is on the other side.”
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“Go ask Anjali Rosales how it feels to be deprived of what you love most in the world,” Marcus told her.
This motherfucker!!! Dani please let me shower him with fire 🔥 🤬🔥🤬🔥
Marcus smiled at her. “Not yet.”
Oh fuck! Oh no... 😥
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He knew Max didn’t handle death well – especially after losing Rafael and David at the same time.
I don't think any of us will ever recover from that trauma!! 😭😭😭
Something small. Something cute.
Aww my child!!! 😍
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“You’re familiar with Paradise Lost?” the boy asked.
This book keeps being mentioned and I'm starting to get suspicious about it!!
The warlock smiled at that. “No one thought to ask me that.”
You've never met a more charming prince in your very long live!! 😌😌😌
“The Prince of Darkness is not a person,” Nicolas said. “It’s a prophecy.”
I knew it!! Ok... let's get some answers 🕵🏻‍♀️
Nicolas chuckled. “Haven’t you heard, David? All the stories are true.”
Those were not the answers I wanted!!!!
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“I can’t leave Anjali,” Rafael croaked.
Ay mi bebé precioso, se me rompe el corazón 😭😭😭😭
“These hands got my parents killed,” Anjali whispered. 
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“Because I’m surrounded by people who have never made me feel like one,” Magnus smiled. “And guess what, Anjali? So are you.”
“Oh,” Mallory said. “I have a boyfriend now.”
No you do NOT you delusional bitch!!!!! 🤬🤬
Nothing was wrong with her.
Everything is wrong with you...EVERYTHING!!! 🤬🤬🤬
Mallory looked up at the warlock and smiled.  “I need demon blood.”
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I hope she drowns in that same demon blood 🤬
Thank you Dani... ¡eres la mejor! 😌 this chapter has left me very scared and very anxious, but mostly excited about what's to come!!!! I am love you!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚
Hola, mi amor (this took a lot of effort oml). someone rec me some good Spanish shows to watch on Netflix i am begging (NOT ELITE!)
sorry i had a whole moment there sdkjhncjsk i just really need to watch some shows to learn a couple of words (ps - i know a lot of Spanish swear words because of narcos lmao)
i am love you babygirl 💚💚
ps - wishing more vacay weekends for both of us ;)
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shotorozu · 2 years
HI HI HI could i please request izuku's s/o meeting his mom and how it'd go? in whatever format, she's so comforting to me aaaa pls i love her sm. it's okay if not but thank you<3333 and have an amazing day or night
meeting mama midoriya
character(s): midoriya izuku, midoriya inko (bnha)
legend: [Y/N = YOUR NAME] you/your, and they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not mentioned, reader also went to izuku’s junior high but knew nothing about him lol
headcanon & scenario type: fluff, crack-ish (x reader, platonic with inko)
note(s): sorry for not posting for a while 💀 was finishing up with school. will post more later 🤩‼️ inko best mom basically 😎 bc this is the woman that birthed izuku midoriya 🤩‼️ oh and happy mothers day
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midoriya izuku and inko
sorry for the bad quality but it was quite fitting 😭
anyways, you and izuku have been together for half a year now— and of course, the topic of meeting his mom was going to come up.
so when izuku excitingly asked you to meet his mom that same weekend, you were naturally excited ‼️
..but also incredibly nervous. like yeah, you still want to meet his mom— not taking up this opportunity to see his mom would be a waste
plus you were able to envision how sad izuku would look if you told him that you couldn’t meet her ☹️😔
damn him for weaponizing his boyfriend tears /j 🤬😾‼️‼️
but 😭😧 what if she doesn’t like you 😭❓❓
this is a common worry, especially when it’s in regards to meeting your significant other’s parents— but this is izuku’s mom.
yeah, she’s his mom, so you’re obviously going to worry about being liked or disliked— but you’ve heard the stories from your friends, and they all say the same thing.
“she’s quite literally— the sweetest person on earth!”
“not going to lie, she made me believe in humanity again.”
“she’s so kind!”
“i can’t believe someone so kind natured and doting like her exists.”
even bakugou had something good to say about his mom 😟 “..she’s not bad, i guess.” and that says a lot
you’ve only heard good things about his mom— and you have no doubt that it’s true, considering that izuku’s sunshine and genuine kindness in one body.
so you wouldn’t be shocked, if his mom’s also like that too 🧎‍♀️
but y’know.. if she doesn’t like you— then there means that there’s DEFINITELY something wrong with you.
if someone like her doesn’t like you— then you’re probably the devil incarnated 😨 and you’ll most likely cry yourself to sleep, if you manage to get her to dislike you. even if it’s mild
izuku knew that you were nervous about meeting his mom— that feeling’s natural. but when you told him that you’re scared that she won’t like you
he was FLOORED 😨 again, your boyfriend knows this fear is only natural— he felt the exact way when he was about to meet your parents/guardians/relatives.
but he found it especially shocking, because she literally adores you (but you have no way of finding that out— unless you actually meet her)
“what?” izuku looks at you— like you said something impossible, “don’t worry, Y/N! she likes you!” he’d dare say love, but that’d be too soon to say because you haven’t met her yet
you try to take his word for it, because izuku’s a sweetheart, you don’t doubt that he’d tell that to anyone tbh— but he also doesn’t gain anything from lying to you in a situation like this.
either way, nothing can stop that feeling of anxiety that’s bubbling in your stomach— well, not nothing. if you got your boyfriend’s mom’s approval, then that’d certainly stop it 😃👍
now you two are standing in front of his childhood home, just waiting for the door to open after izuku rang the doorbell.
izuku’s standing close to you— enough to have the side of his shoulder brushing against yours. on any normal day well it kinda is but not exactly you would’ve found that comforting, but it still feels like your heart’s about to give out thanks to anxiety 😨
and before you know it, that feeling flees you entirely— when inko midoriya in the flesh opens the door, and you’re met with probably the sweetest looking woman in all of existence.
she greets izuku first, smiling warmly before giving him a hug— then it’s almost like she quickly discards his presence entirely 💀, because she’s immediately turning to you with interest, her eyes roving all over you with excitement.
“oh, you must be Y/N!” and her smile only grows when you confirm it “i’m izuku’s mom, i feel like he’s already told you— and speaking of which, izuku has told me all about you! it’s months of information please, come in!”
and then she ushers you into her home without a second of doubt.
izuku’s cheeks are already blushed pink, realizing that his mom just subtly exposed him 😭 he hopes that the topic doesn’t come back
now, inko may look incredibly excited about meeting you (which, she is), but under all that excitement is layers of nervousness— so you are definitely not alone on that part 💀
only izuku knows that inko basically turned the house upside down when she was preparing for your visit,
by rearranging some stuff, cleaning, cooking your absolute favorite dish (she asked izuku) remaking it once— all the yards, basically. and all izuku ever tells you later on is that “oh, my mom was.. extremely nervous, you don’t even know!” 😭🧐
turns out, people were 100% correct when they said all that nice stuff about his mom 😃👍 and izuku really wasn’t kidding when he said that she likes you— even without proving yourself first we’ll get into that later
why? izuku talks a lot 😼👍
anyways, even though inko’s basically your bestie that’s 20+ years your senior now, she asks you those obligatory questions about your relationship.
they’re not bad questions, and she’s not testing you 😨 don’t get me wrong— but she’s just genuinely curious.
she ensures you that you don’t have to answer of course, but now you’re just lowkey pressured to answer 💀
“so how did you and izuku meet?”
“oh, mrs. midoriya—”
“inko, dear.”
“right, sorry— inko, i first met izuku in a pond during junior high, but i really got to know him in our first year at UA! i sat near him, so me and him had the opportunities to talk a lot.”
“oh? you guys also went to the same junior high? what are the odds! if i may ask.. what do you like about izuku?”
you freeze, “oh, i don’t mean to put any pressure on you, dear! i’m just kind of curious—”
“well, uh,” you begin, “i love everything about him, inko.”
and that was what sealed the deal for her— she’s taken a HUGE liking to you ever since izuku spoke about you, and she was left to be curious about your very existence, how you’re like, your interest, etc.
but now she totally wants you as an in-law 😃
well, when she first saw you, she was already like “omg? THIS HAS TO BE MY FUTURE IN-LAW 🤩‼️” but your answer really confirmed things for her, even if you weren’t planning to blurt out “i love everything about him, inko.”
if y’all don’t get married that’ll be a real sad thing for her 😭 so please get married lol
it takes you a second for you to realize what you just blurted out in front of izuku, and his mom 😨‼️ “oh, i— i meant— i love everything about him, yes. but there are specific things i love about him— he has his flaws just like everybody else, but i love his attention to detail, how he just cares about people indiscriminately, how he always makes sure to stay humble despite his many improvements in school, his freckles his smile, and.. yes. everything, about him.”
but she only gives you a warm smile while also lowkey jittering with happiness its a miracle that she hasn’t bursted out crying from happiness “i’m so glad that you do.” and she then gives izuku a look that screams approval and relief.
(izuku’s too busy being happy at you two chatting, to be fully focused on his own blushing cheeks he’ll ask you about your answer later)
BONUS: inko watches in silence as you and izuku wash the dishes happily. her heart gives her a nice squeeze of contentment just witnessing the scene. she also tries not to freak out (in a good way) whenever izuku blushes whenever he accidentally touches your hand in front of her💀 it’s all innocent.
in short— you and inko are besties 🤩, even before you properly realized it, and you aren’t sure as to why you were nervous in the first place 🗿 izuku’s sincerely glad that you two are getting along just fine, but he just hopes that his mom doesn’t expose him 😟
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission :))
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jungwoniics · 3 years
all this over a photocard? — ot7
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↦ pairing: enhypen / enhypen x reader
↦ synopsis: when you have a photocard of another member in your phone
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↦ genre: fluff
↦ rating: pg, sfw
↦ w/c: 0.8k+
↦ warnings: none :D
↦ a/n: why hello my fellow readers 😇 i’m back with another headcanon 😻 posting this later than usual because well… i was busy and tired fjdnsjsj apologies 🥺🙏🏻 anyway, hope yall enjoy reading this! and yes you can look forward to a drabble for our dear jakey’s bday tmrw hehe 🤩🎉
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≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗛𝗘𝗘𝗦𝗘𝗨𝗡𝗚 . ꒱
you didn’t even have to show off your phone for him to notice the photocard 😮‍💨
we stan an observant boyfie 😩😻
but he gives you the silent treatment
“heeseung, have you eaten lunch?”
“hee, are you mad at me?”
…still silence…
you started feeling guilty for hurting his feelings that bad that he didn’t want to talk to you 😞😭 way to guilt trip heeseung 😒
“hee baby, don’t be mad. i was just teasing you. please forgive me 🥺”
literally smacks your arm lightly but smiles a cheeky smile 😹
you may have won this time, heeseung, but it’s not the end 😇😈
≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗝𝗔𝗬 . ꒱
honestly, he would just say it straight to your face
“yah, did you find yourself a new boyfriend”
*aggressively points at the photocard* 🥴
“awh come on, he looks really good in this” 🥺
not you literally pushing his buttons right now 😩😹
“hMm 🤔 i see it’s time i find myself a new girlfriend, huh?”
you: 😩😭🤬😮‍💨😞😡😤😒
“okay, i’m joking 😹”
“but remove that photocard. Right. Now.” 😒
≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗝𝗔𝗞𝗘 . ꒱
saw you taking a mirror selfie with your bestie
the photocard caught his eye 💔
“honey, why is that on your phone?”
literally tryna be subtle but deep down screaming, “get that photocard out right now‼️”
“ohh don’t you like it?” 😭🥺
“not… exactly”
his pout literally 😩🥺
fine, no photocard it is 🤪😹
≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗛𝗢𝗢𝗡 . ꒱
doesn’t care well, he does a little but he won’t admit it 😣
when you leave your phone on your desk to go to the bathroom, he takes the photocard out of your casing
literally hides it in his pocket 😹
obviously you realised as soon as you got back because the phone was in a different position than you had left it 🤦‍♀️
you tried asking sunghoon but he just ignores you
here comes the tickles 😆
he laughed so hard that he eventually gives in “okay, okay, it’s in my pocket”
“why did you take it? are you jealous?” 👀
“pfft, what, no 😒”
“alright fine, maybe a little bit”
awh don’t be jealous sunghoon, your girlfriend loves you 😘
≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗦𝗨𝗡𝗢𝗢 . ꒱
tried to be cool about it
but is literally dying of jealousy on the inside 😣
“how could she put a photocard of him instead of me 😡😔”
whenever he sees you, he finds you talking about the photocard with your friends
“please, that photocard is so nice” 🤩
“i know, right? he’s good looking. why wouldn’t i put his photocard in my phone”
hELP sunoo right now: ❤️‍🩹💔
“yah, if you like him so much, why don’t you make him your boyfriend then 😒”
your mind: finAlly a reaction out of this boy 😆🤧
“okay, i’m sorry. don’t be mad, baby. i was just joking around” 😘
≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗪𝗢𝗡 . ꒱
doesn’t actually care but he knew you were trying to make him jealous
whenever he was around, you would flip your phone such that the photocard could be seen when you placed it on the table 🤦‍♀️
so what does he do? he teases you back 🤧
he literally goes to the extent of calling your bestie over
when you came to his house like planned, you found him playing video games with your bestie they couldn’t stop laughing 😒😒
the thing is… you knew that he was trying to get you back for teasing him but that was not enough to stop that jealous feeling in you 😔🤧
you just sat by the side, watching them play their game ❤️‍🩹
to be completely honest, you were getting really pissed at their constant laughter that you couldn’t stop rolling your eyes 🙄
“y/n, do you wanna play?”
“ha ha, no thanks. you guys have fun being all giggly 😒🙄”
jungwon literally just shrugs and continues playing since he knew his plan worked istg this boy 🤦‍♀️
“i’m going off to meet sunghoon” “hey, why” “because i’m not needed here” 😭
yes jungwon, it’s time for the guilt trip 😒
“awh c’mon, don’t be like that. i was just messing around. i’m sorry 🥺”
that look he gives you does it all to make you stop being mad at him 😣😍
≡;- ꒰ ° 𝗡𝗜𝗞𝗜 . ꒱
you’re constantly flashing your phone under his nose
“hey stop, i’m doing something here”
hELP why kind of reaction, niki 😣
but it’s because he literally does not care at all 😹
his mindset: it’s your phone, i don’t care what you do to it 🤧
ok but the thing is the only reason you placed that photocard in your phone was to annoy him
but you didn’t even get a single reaction out of him 😒
“look, do you like the photocard in my phone?” “yeah, sure. it’s your phone, do whatever you want” 😔
niki, please entertain your girlfriend 😭
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© jungwoniics. all rights reserved. please don’t repost, plagiarise and translate. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Omg the new chapter on ACUPOP was the sweetest thing ever I love those little babies so much 💗💗💘💘, although I can't help but feel sad bc next chapter they return to London, Edmund dies and the he who shall not be named breaks them apart 🤬🤬😢😢. Could we get Simon's pov on this vacation? I'm sure it would be hilarious when they tell him they are getting married ( I also have the feeling that he has been there for Anthony when he thought Kate left him)
Oh they were cute right?
Just young and Happy and in love, way too quickly for anyone to understand.
Bit of a plot twist if you expect Voldemort to show up in the next chapter, but try to keep an open mind hey 😉
Anyway, I feel like Simon was a little more bemused than anything else but he was stunned when he heard Kate left Anthony. That couldn't be right. As ridiculous as it sounded, he'd thought they were made for one another.
"Will you please just go and talk to that girl?" Simon said a little irritatedly as Anthony's attention drifted for the hundredth time.
Anthony groaned, "She looks busy, and she's probably waiting for someone. Like a friend, or a boyfriend."
"Dude, she's been there since we got here, hours ago, and no one's approached her, go over there." This was ridiculous, Anthony usually didn't have any qualms about going up to women. Something about this girl, leaning against a palm tree as she read, had him shaken.
"And say what?! i've been staring at your tits in that bikini all morning, how about it?!"
Simon barked out a laugh, "Maybe start with Hi."
Anthony stared down at the frisbee, then up at the girl again, and then before Simon could stop him he'd hurled the frisbee at her. It landed with a thunk against the plam tree, just missing her head.
"Anthony! Jesus christ! I said go and talk to her, don't fucking decapitate her!"
But Anthony wasn't listening, already sprinting off towards her "I'm so sorry!"
And Simon couldn't help but stand, transfixed as anthony shot is shot, wincing for him as she stood up, clearly uninterested,
"Oh mate, no don't do that." Simon hissed to himself as Anthony darted around to stop her, watching as Anthony started walking away moments later, before the girl caught him, calling out to him.
And then Anthony was back, grinning broadly as he said "I've got a date! Kate is going to meet me for a drink later."
"Are you sure this is a good shirt?!" Anthony said a little panicked and Simon couldn't help but rol his eyes.
"Ant. You've been for drinks before, why is this so hard?"
And Anthony sighed, shrugging, "I don't know, I just have this feeling. When our eyes met, I just... felt something. Like I wanted to know everything about her. You know?"
"Nope, no fucking idea." Simon said honestly, "Have fun though bud. I have a date with an equestrian team." He felt absolutely positive that Anthony was going to balls this up.
But to his surprise, he met Kate, leaving Anthony's room the next morning, her makeup ruined, her shoes dangling from her hands as she padded across the floor.
"hey, I'm Simon. You must be Kate." He said smiling as she startled, clearly cursing internally.
"Hey. That's me, Kate. I was just-" She gestured at the door.
And something flared in Simon's chest for the way Anthony had spoken about this girl, only to have her leave before he'd woken, "Sneaking out? That's pretty low don't you think? He really likes you."
Her mouth dropped open, "He told you he likes me? Before we even went out?"
Simon nodded, "Don't even think about sneaking back in there now."
Kate bristled, her shoulders squaring, "Actually, I was just going to get changed before we meet up for breakfast. We're hanging out again today. I like him too, Simon."
And for the life of him, he didn't know why, but he was sure he'd just seen Anthony's future wife walk out the front door.
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sadlonelyyogurt · 3 years
Dude can you give me a weighting prompt for dallia, dalbit, or marlybit. I’m bored and I want to work again
k i got u
whats stuck in my head rn is if marcia got in a fight for one or both of the boys. this could be for either dallia or marlybit. like, someone talks shit about her boyfriend(s) and she just 🤬🔪. it doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical fight, she might be too classy for that but idk i could see her going full beastmode on somebody if she was really mad. but just something dramatic anyways.
since two and dally are definitely more the type to get into fights over an s/o i think it would be fun to see another side of marcia. could be angst or humor i think
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