xyztrio721 · 1 year
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jinmalos · 1 year
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Made some lil guys to help test with some sticker production tweaks! samples under the cut ;3
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the base colors are holographic, while the warm/cool variants are glossy vinyl
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Name: Matthew
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Name: Na’el
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Name: Nikol (most likely Shulk’s and Fiora’s son. Looks just like his father)
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Name: Glimmer (Most likely the daughter of Pyra and Rex. Has a strong resemblance to her mother as well.)
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Here’s the relationship chart! How did Zed and N survive. This is certainly something we’re going to have to wait for on the 25th.
Honestly, I just can’t wait for this. Xenoblade 2 was my first ever JRPG, and this is certainly something that I am VERY MUCH looking forward to. I can’t wait!
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chemicalbrew · 2 days
A & N!
Going to preface this by saying the short answer to both of these is incredibly obvious (Katana ZERO forever and ever etc) and I will not be mentioning it again, bringing up other equally important examples instead
A: Favorite game of all time?
Brandish: The Dark Revenant, which I am obligated to mention every time because it's the nichest favorite I have; for what it is and does, it is practically flawless. It has some of my favorite music and art ever, it gets almost everything right as a remake, and as a game it offers an experience I seriously doubt I can find anywhere outside of the series it belongs to. I dream of actually convincing someone to play this one day and think about it regularly with extreme fondness, even though it's been YEARS since I beat it.
I should play it again...
N: Favorite protagonist that isn't named Zero?
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This is yet another game I think of replaying constantly, and I might do that within the next couple years instead of moving on to the next entry in this series that is too big for its own good, just to see if it's as good as I remember. Before you is one of the rare cases of 'you have to just play the series and endure its flaws if you want to really see why this character is beloved'. Everything surrounding him is so good and complex and... yeah.
Other protagonists I like that are a big cut below this incredibly wonderful monstrosity and aren't named Zero:
(This is vaguely ordered from most to least beloved even if I like them all. Unfortunately, that means the top is Falcom protagonists. LOL)
Every other protagonist from the Trails series (yes, even Rean, to be honest. I don't mind Rean.)
Adol Christin from the Ys series!! yippee!!!
Ragna Valentine and Alwen du Moonbria from Zwei 2, who have delightful interactions together and are a package deal
Shulk and Rex from the Xenoblade games (giving them a shared bullet point because. the fandom needs to get over their preference for one or the other and they never will.)
Zagreus from Hades (obvious and wonderfully executed choice. I was watching a presentation on Hades the other day and I like how the concept notes for Zagreus actually said 'he should be hot')
Hikari Ku from Octopath 2 (THE kind of character everyone needs to point to and say 'Veronica will like this guy', for better or for worse)
Stocke from Radiant Historia (wonderful subversion in many ways, very memorable and refreshing as an RPG protagonist and I miss him so much.)
Athena Cykes from Ace Attorney (JUSTICE FOR ACE ATTORNEY WOMEN ETC)
Jill Stingray from VA-11 Hall-A (carries the whole game on her shoulders)
Red from Transistor (I like extrapolating on silent protagonists)
The Bard from Wandersong (funny guy go LAAAAA and have a crisis)
Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss (funny guy blow up the world and have a crisis)
Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI (I have a soft spot for protagonists with green ponytails that need to change the system, see also Lyn from Fire Emblem who isn't here because I've outgrown my love for her)
Niko from OneShot (the creature ever.)
The Batter from OFF (I like extrapolating on silent protagonists. And the things he does say are... hoo boy)
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Ranking the Xenoblade Games based on how straight they are
this is a mix of legitimate grievances about the writing and just goofing around. starting at least straight to most. Also not including X sorry I havent played it.
1. Xenoblade 2
Most of the romance in this game is light due to it being a sort of cute puppy love. Nothing actually happens between the characters and it’s mostly contained to the main characters with most side characters being free from clumsy straight love plots. There’s a couple of blushy scenes between Pyra/Mythra and Rex but most of their serious/emotional interactions are genuine and honest and don’t really get into romance or some hidden feelings they need to confess to. Even Nia’s confession is more of something for herself and she never really changes bc she’s in love or focuses on it that much. 
Beyond the main characters, sheba exists, jin and lora can be considered one sided at least romantically (she’s the one to make flirty comments in Torna and he always responds along the lines of ???) and he’s explicitly not motivated by her death, while it did obviously impact him it’s something he’d accepted and used as fuel for his ultimate goal. and of course there’s Malos, who’s own voice actor was like “cmon he was in love with Jin”. Morag and Brighid also exist. There’s even some old man furry yaoi implications with gramps and azurda in that one scene??? ngl its kind of cute. 
2. Xenoblade 3
Got a lot of points in the heteronormative category here. The main characters are paired up in m/f duos, but while 2/3 of them are romantically coded, Sena and Lanz aren’t really and Sena’s most focused relationship is probably Mio. To the game’s credit, it also doesn’t restrict them to these pairs and lets the whole group interact and have friendships and dynamics outside of the shippy ones. 
An emphasis is put on the true nature of humanity being to fall in love and have kids, but considering the context of the scene only certain parts of it really make me go “mmmmmm”. these characters are test tube babies who have never seen a real human baby and so it’s wholesome and understandable, but Monica’s wording about specifically couples later does lean towards heteronormative “everyone must grow up and have a kid.” Considering she canonically had a teenage pregnancy though and her baby daddy clearly isn’t around I expect she’s very shaped by that experience though. 
After that scene we don’t see a ton of heteronormative sentiment from city members (Ghondor, Shania, and Masha dont have any romantic sentiments, grey and rozana dont have kids and have a rather atypical but trusting relationship in general) and the focus on legacy and family is shown to have its toxic sides with Shania’s mom (who is also just. no 1 messed up lesbian in my heart).
Mio and Noah do start to have their characters focus more on romance and have their whole doomed soulmates shtick but I feel like they’re still given focus as individual characters in the main story post that revelation so I kind of forgive it, and the unhealthiest possible manifestation of their relationship is one of the main villains so. Also ngl they’re just cute, so I’m a bit biased here. I get if you’re groaning at the game pushing the main straight couple hard but at least they don’t suddenly lose all their personality when it happened. 
3. Xenoblade 1
Hoo boy. There’s just a lot of it in this game. Ngl it took me a while to properly get into Xenoblade bc while I liked the first game overall, it also just had some things that rubbed me the wrong way and 2′s general reputation didn’t make it seem much better (then I played it and fell in love and retroactively appreciate 1 more but yeah) and one of those things was how the game very quickly fridged the only female character as a love interest. Yaaaaay. 
Like yes she comes back later but at the time I was just kinda like. oh. ok then :/ and even when Fiora comes back, she’s super Shulk focused. Girl, you’ve been kidnapped and forcibly made into a cyborg and house a god who was walking around in your body but ig you’re mostly thinking about how your bf would feel. seriously when she’s fucking DYING her main concern is that Shulk doesn’t find out. like ok. Even her interactions with melia have that whole love triangle hanging over them as subtext. I greatly appreciate they didn’t got he jealousy angle and had Fiora genuinely want to reach out and be friends, but it does definitely feel like shulk is a matter constantly lingering whenever they talk.
And poor Sharla man. Seconds into meeting reyn she’s comparing him to her missing fiancé, despite still feeling he’s alive and wanting to find him. The game gives every hint that Gadolt may still be alive and rescuable, Meyneth even says smth like “I can feel this Homs still there” but not only does he die, he basically says “take care of her” to reyn like BOY you don’t know this man??? why would you say your last words to him and not your fiancé like ok. It felt like they wanted to make it “ok” for them to get together by killing him off and having him say that, even though everything until then had hinted with a hopeful tone that he could still be saved.
Ngl Melia’s unrequited love isn’t that bad but it does feel unnecessary considering how much she already suffers. Like you just really gotta rub it in huh. The fandom is wayyy worse about it than the game though, because canonically she moves on and is still surrounded by her friends and subjects and whatnot and doesn’t become some bitter scorned lover, but the fandom constantly jokes about it/acts like she is.
also some of the alt outfits, esp Sharla and Fiora’s are just...very obnoxious sexy fantasy armor. esp for flora when most of her body is supposed to be replaced with mechon parts but ig her tits were miraculously intact. They both deserve better writing ngl.
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Another fun theory: Bionis's ecosystem is held together by fate and duck tape. By removing the passage of fate, Shulk inadvertently caused multiple ecological crisises at once.
- Ponios, Laias, and Fossil Monkeys all canonically went extinct in Xenoblade 3. You can find their fossils as collectibles.
- Most of the life from Bionis uses the designs of their Alrest counterparts, implying that their Bionis versions couldn't sustain themselves. View Ferrises, Gogols, and Ignas for the most obvious examples.
- a lot of the stuff from Bionis that didn't explicitly go extinct is still not visible in Aionios. Such as Dienos, Hillns, Lexoses, etc.
- While there is stuff from Bionis that survived no fate, it's few and far between, especially considering that the stuff that did survive consists mostly of wildlife with identical counterparts in Alrest, which makes it indescribable whether their Bionis variants actually survived or not.
- none of the plant life from Eryth Sea appears to have survived Aionios. The plants from the floating islands are different and also it's a wasteland, while the life in Erythia Sea is completely different from what existed in Eryth Sea.
- Erythia Sea mostly consists of enemies introduced in Xenoblade 3. Considering the nature of Zanza's world vs Alrest, there are a few lore explanations I can image to explain this.
These guys could have existed in Alrest and Rex and Co. just never encountered them (which is probable since they canonically did not see the entirety of Alrest and the only Archipelago or Sea-like place they visited was Leftheria). Which means stuff like Gulpins always existed.
They evolved from their Bionis variants. Which has some basis in the Merfray closely resembling the Ignas that inhabited Eryth Sea. My only question here is how they managed to evolve so quickly. That kind of evolution should normally take millions of years. While it's unclear how long Aionios has existed, it's somewhere in the realm of thousands of years, not millions. So something's up if we were to assume this option.
Alvis edited the biological make-up of lifeforms in the new world, which would permit Gulpins and Merfrey to exist. I have not played Future Connected, so if there is any explicit evidence for that idea, it would occur there given that it's the only instance of gameplay between Shulk's world and Aionios.
Somehow the merging of worlds caused new species to be invented. Unless 3's story dlc ends in a way where someone temporarily assumes godhood, this seems unlikely.
Aionios only took parts of the Bionis and Alrest. So the creatures from Bionis that didn't make it into Aionios are happy and alive in Shulk's World.
Alrest's wildlife is simply built different. So, when Aionios was formed, Alrest's life acted like an invasive species and decimated the life native to Bionis. But these creatures wouldn't be extinct if the worlds didn't fuse.
- a lot of the life on Bionis doesn't look even remotely sustainable, especially factoring in their location. Like, take the Gogols in Bionis Leg for example, where the fuck are they securing the food required to sustain a group of apes that are literally larger than any other local wildlife. Rotbart in particular is unsustainable. Where's he getting his food from? My poor boy is gonna starve to death. How dare Zanza do this to Rotbart >:(
- a lot of life on Bionis looks like a mistake. Like, why tf do Deinos have a second head lodged into their neck? High Entia being able to fly with their wings would realistically result in their necks snapping, especially considering that they lack any visible muscle around their necks to prevent that from happening. Nebula literally just kill themselves as a self-defense mechanism. What the fuck? Also what the fuck is wrong with the Ferrises in Makna Forest? Like, why'd Zanza do that to their face? Fucking rude. Why are there so many creatures in Valak Mountain that do not look even remotely adapted to the concept of the cold?
- Zanza didn't give a crap about the sustainability of his creations without the Passage of Fate to keep them in check. The whole point of Alvis rebelling against him was that Zanza created an unsustainable world. So, creating an ecosystem that wouldn't immediately self combust without Fate keeping it in check would've taken a lot of effort that Zanza had no incentive to make. Alvis also doesn't exactly have a given reason to care if the ecosystem in Shulk's world implodes. And Shulk wouldn't have had a reason to create something to keep the ecosystem in check because he's not a biologist and he'd have no way of knowing about how evolution actually works since he spent his entire life experiencing biology under Zanza's framework (basically, he never thought to question how removing the concept of Fate might affect random wild animals).
- the one instance of an invasive species occurring on Bionis was the Leone Telethia in Makna Forest. We can see that a single animal going somewhere it shouldn't resulted in multiple areas of the forest being utterly decimated. We could assume that this is a Telethia thing, but without Fate keeping every species in its designated location (and Telethia still existing in Shulk's world), there's nothing really stopping random animals from going places they weren't designed to go and bulldozing the food chain.
- the same thing as the previous point could be applied to Alrest and Aionios for different reasons. In Alrest, you're looking at a ton of different island ecosystems and then they suddenly get gracelessly mashed together to form Elysium. There's nothing stopping, say the Gogols native to Gormott from migrating to Uraya and decimating the ecosystem that wasn't adapted to Gogols. Meanwhile Aionios even less gracefully mashes unrelated worlds together while spontaneously imploding. The Tirkins from Gaur Plain perhaps died off because of the giant ambush predator plants ported from Alrest. Which would explain why there are no Tirkins in Aionios's plains areas.
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glassautomaton · 1 year
Gonna take a look at some of the arts present in the gameplay section of the Xenoblade 3: Future Redeemed trailer.
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This move looks like a talent art on the master arts side, though as I’ll discuss soon, master arts might be a little different. It has two charges next to it, so, assuming it’s a team-up attack like the picture (and name) implies, I think it’ll likely need both parties to charge it up. It could also have two charges, but that would be a first for the series, and this looks like a more special move you’d want to have a big impact, like level 4 Blade Specials in Xenoblade 2.
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These are A’s arts, and taken with her appearance being so similar to Alvis as well as having a Trinity Core Processor Core Crystal earing as well as her class being named “Monado Fencer” (though don’t quote me on that, I just saw someone say as much) there’s a good chance she has something to do with the original Monado/Alvis. She also has Shulk’s Shaker Edge, now with a topple instead of a daze (odd for a healer), so I guess she got that in the Shulk/Alvis divorce.
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Rex, my boy. He’s back. I hope they don’t even try to rebalance Double Spinning Edge, I hope it never has to recharge. You can see the devs were even aware of how widely it was used with Mythra’s crit recharge over his other arts since it was the only one to inherit Mythra’s intrinsic perk. Anchor shot’s topple effect is now conditional, likely as a balance decision, though I’m sure you could think of some reason that this reflects his new outlook on life or something. What I find most interesting is that he has Infinity Blade as his talent art, as that was Pneuma’s level 4 Blade Special you only got on NG+. Pneuma lost her power as an Aegis/Monado when Klaus died at the end of XC2, and the attack needed Artifice Siren to boot, so I’m interested to see if anything happened that lets him use that or if it’s just a callback name. 
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Shulk’s got some of his arts back like Rex, and is still using Monado Arts like in Future Connected. He’s also got a new art, Monado Rage, that acts as a target lock effect, in keeping with his new role as a tank. This tracks with the Monado’s ability to shape its power to the desires of its wielder, and I assume Shulk still makes use of a Monado Replica. Considering how specialized this art is, likely only being useable by Shulk with his Monado, there’s a good chance Master Arts are just tied to the character rather than taken from other classes.
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cerisezero · 1 year
So I keep thinking about the whole thing that happens with Shulk and Rex at the end of Future Redeemed. (I need to rewatch the ending, tbh, to get the details straighter in my head but it sure is a thing that's been taking up space in there regardless?)
You know the thing that happens. Right, good? Good.
There's a song by VNV Nation that often comes to my mind with stuff like this. 'Further'. (Perhaps it's a stretch, as far as the lyrics overall go, but there's a couple of lines...)
As we were forged, we shall return perhaps someday I will remember us and wonder who we were...
To me, this feels huge.
Going from inverted-commas-"human" (Homs, Leftherian, whatever) to part of Origin itself, its avatars, part of the system that is making the world tick. Even if the other physical Trinity Processors are out there in the wild rather than being plugged into the Origin mainframe, even if the boys don't have the 'processing power'. the duo are stepping into the Aegises' shoes dangit, Rex, stay out of Mythra's cupboard! By the end of Aionios, those two are going to have spent more of their 'lived experience' as avatars than as Just People. Probably? Give or take how wonky Endless Now time is; do we have a timescale for how 'long' into Aionios' existence FR happened? But that's a thousand years or so anyway. A thousand years of being something else.
What must it be like for them, to make that adjustment? What is it like on the inside? Sure, we see glowy liminal space at the end of the game and creating memory spaces is A Thing but how much of the total being-an-avatar can that really cover? What are they experiencing at any given moment - how must they change by the time Noah's Ouro-bros roll into town?
This stuff tickles me in the back of my head, in the place that's a sucker for the cool sort of AIs and cyberpunk-adjacent human-machine stuff...
This is also kind of the place my brain grabbed that 'Shulk rehabilitating Malos (while his sibling cheers things on)' fic concept from; given what our boy did with Bionis and Mechonis, he's kind of aligned with How Logos Do, and he's rather filling that role here. ...He doesn't have much luck with the whole 'I'm not a god, I just play one on TV!!' thing, does he?
...Also I can't help but think the first sign that something weird happened with Origin and Intersection after Aionios stops being a thing would be Shulk and Rex passing the snuff out. Even if they can't remember consciously... that's got to leave a mark.
I will remember us... and wonder who we were.
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gaast · 7 months
What do you find most attractive in fictional characters? Give one physical trait and one personality trait if possible!
"If possible."
It really all depends, but you know that, on a basic level, I'm a sucker for blond anime boys for some reason. If they're the type to just smile mysteriously instead of answering a question about themselves, so much the better.
But I think my favorite characters in general are the ones who are determined to do what they think is right regardless of how painful or self-destructive it might be to do so, or how futile it might be overall (Hikigaya Hachiman, Lightning Farron, Siffrin). As you can see, I also really like characters who have to learn how to be vulnerable and learn how to (let themselves) express their feelings, especially with people they come to consider family.
I LOVE when characters are cheerful and never fully lose their optimism but have to acknowledge that they have been wrong wrong wrong and hurting people who they care about and let their friends help pick them up and learn and grow (Rex, and, in a way, Luke fon Fabre). But I also really love when characters just let themselves descend into their worst tendencies, acknowledging their own flaws while refusing to change them, just becoming a poisonous wreck incapable of forming meaningful comnections in favor of idolizing the self (Isamu Nitta, Albedo Piazzolla).
Of course, I also adore supremely cheerful characters whose lives are so fucking tough and to whom the world is almost nightmarish and who absolutely refuse to let that stop them from being happy and kind and helpful and naive (Marona, Sora). I love when characters who dont deserve that nightmare world decide to take revenge on it and then find the people they love and calm down and find peace and forgiveness in their hearts (Roxas, Axel, Walnut, Godot). But I also love when characters who wanted so desperately to do good end up so broken that they decide to become the villain (Big Boss, Lusamine, Guzma, Egil, Sprout).
Of course, I also adore characters who INSIST that they are evil but only if you frame it the right way (Laharl, Rozalin). I mean, characters who know they're evil but have a pathos about them get me too (Sigma, Metallia). But I think better than even those is when a nightmarishly powerful, truly deadful, overhwelmingly evil character decides to allow themself to change and be changed and become better people (Killia, Lambda).
But shoutouts to idealists who fall and never comfortably fit into villainy (Jin), idiots with ahoges who Blue Screen over something truly devastating happening to them only to decide their own new identities and throw off the reigns of the patrons who had for so long been manipulating them (Yumihiko Ichiyanagi, Shulk), and the characters who the developers didn't even realize they were queercoding (or maybe they did) who let us read so much pining into them it hurts (Reyn, Neku Sakuraba).
Also I love love love love LOVE when a character will sacrifice themself to protect someone, even if it's fucking STUPID of them and all they need to do is TRUST PEOPLE (Simon Blackquill), and characters who trust the protagonist but who the protagonist just can't trust implicitly (Klavier Gavin), and those very protagonists (Apollo Justice), and, yeah, I love a lot of characters and types.
I just love complexity and messiness and idealism in the face of despair (Makoto Naegi) and despair in the face of hope (Nagito Komaeda). I love bastards who know they're bastards, I love good people who fought long and hard to be good people and who will never acknowledge it (Solid Snake), I love good brothers (Gladion), I love cute friends (Hau), I love happiness and joy and I love sadness and despair. I love a lot. I have a lot of love.
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agent-cupcake · 1 year
XB3 DLC FUTURE REDEEMED IS DROPPING SOON I'M JAZZED!!! I know none of you have any idea of what I'm talking about but I can't thirst with anybody I know who plays this game so my thoughts must go here.
I am already waiting to disrespectfully enjoy N, he's such a rascal. Watching him suffer is second only to, like, Dimitri suffering? Amazing.
Hearing Harry Lloyd took me tf out like Z is already hot doesn't need to sound like that. I have listened to his line like 10 times now I might have a problem but damn. Sexy old man.
Takahashi really said you either get a ridiculous non-name (what the fuck is a Shulk??) or you get one from the Bible. Matthew looks hot though.
SPEAKING OF HOT Shulk looks NOICE with long hair. Monolithsoft understands that the people don't want booba, all the people really want is long haired sword boys. I'll probably never be on the Rex train but he's big now and that's not bad.
Really really really hoping Blake Ritson comes back too.
I could be crazy but A sounds like Rosie Day? The actress who plays Meteion in FFXIV. Or I'm insane. Idk about Glimmer. I like her design but I wish they would have dropped the whole regional thing, I haven't liked any of the American performances in Xenoblade thus far. And everything should be specially tailored to my taste, of course.
Speaking things I wish they'd drop, whyyyyy another bad vocal track. I never thought I'd put FE3H's soundtrack on a pedestal but the fact that they didn't use a power ballad in a single one of their boss encounters really is special.
It looks like it's going to answer a lot of outstanding story questions and lore and all of that but who cares. You can't deep throat a theme.
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semi-sketchy · 3 months
Similar to how Mythra's scene in the beginning of chapter 4 turned a lot of people off to her, this...turned me off a bit to Rex. Like his whole thing in XC2 was just how god damn compassionate he was.
Glimmer is out here, her friends she's known for almost 10 years having just died, her whole world turned upside down by Matthew. She purposefully endangered everyone, that's true, but it's also a case where she didn't know better.
Shulk didn't want to overwhelm her with info, so she was kept in the dark and held prisoner in an unknown camp. Giving them away to her faction wasn't irrational behavior.
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Rex's response to her pouring her heart out is to tell her to let it go because her friends are dead. Like WHAT?!
This is the same guy who opted to PROTECT and show compassion the person who LITERALLY stabbed him in the back and killed many people.
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Because he understood.
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But then he rips into his daughter mercilessly while she's having a mental breakdown and yes, Linka calls him out on it, but man...
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It was like where did my boy go?
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frickingnerd · 1 year
V-chan please stop me!! Im trying really hard to don't make a request with Shulk because i want to at least reach half of the story before starting to be a simp but my simp impulse is winning 😭😭
Anyways, I came because i want to ask you something, im curious and I hope is okay for me to ask you this but I wanted to know for what characters you like writing the most and for what characters you will like to write more? Im just curious!! And I love your writing ❤️
he's such a loveable sweetheart, nobody could blame you for it moonie! 🥺❤
i wasn't sure if this ask was only xenoblade related or not, sooo i'm answering this for all the fandoms i'm writing for 👀✌🏻
my hero academia: i'm pretty basic here so i like writing for izuku, katsuki, shoto but also shigaraki, iida, hawks, endeavour, tamaki or mirio! the ones i'd love to write more for would be class 1B boys, since they are underappreciated (+ i just started reading the vigilante manga and i love koichi and pop ☆ step and would love to write for them!)
my dress up darling: not many characters to pick from here, but i'll likely add some new characters soon! my fav to write for here is marin! and once i add the new characters, i'd love to write more for akira and amane!
miraculous: adrien and luka are the ones i enjoy writing for most! but i'd love to write more about felix or specifically chat noir instead of adrien!
percy jackson: leo is my fav one to write about and i'd love to write even more about him in the future!
13 sentinels: ei, shu, iori, yuki and natsuno are my favs to write about! but honestly i'd just love to write more for any of those characters in general, they are so underrated! 🥺
ai: the somnium files: i love writing for pretty much all of them! i really love moma, iris and kizuna so i'd love to write more for them!
danganronpa: i'd love to write more for nagito and kazuichi! kokichi or gonta as well! they are also the ones i enjoy writing for the most!
fe three houses: dimitri is the one i enjoy writing for the most and the one i'd love to write for more! pretty much all blue lions boys! they are all great and i love them so much! (+the other house leaders are fun to write for too!)
fe shadows of valentia: gray! he's my fav to write for and i'd love to write more about him in the future! i also really like conrad and alm and would love to write more for them as well!
fe awakening: chrom! chrom is my fav to write for and i'd love to write more for him! i also really enjoy frederick or stahl, but currently i'd just love to start writing for any of the awakening characters!
fe engage: i love writing for alcryst and diamant! but i also love fogado and hope i'll get to write more for him in the future!
master detective archives: desuhiko is my boy! i'd love to write more for him and i enjoy writing for him the most! i'd also love to write more for pucci, aphex, zilch and even yomi!
persona 5: i like them all rather equally. i enjoy writing for akechi and makoto and would love to write more for futaba!
project eden's garden: i love writing for wolfgang and would love to write more for him in the future! i'd also love to write more for kai and diana!
(neo) twewy: rindo, fret and nagi are my favs to write for! i'd love to write more for them, as well as for neku and joshua!
xenoblade chronicles: i love to write for pretty much anyone here, xenoblade is my hyperfixation 24/7! i'd love to write more for alvis/A, crys, taion, noah, reyn, shulk, rex, matthew and nikol!
zero escape: akane, junpei and sigma are my favs to write about! and i'd love to write more for those three, as well as for diana and phi!
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hybryda · 2 years
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Look I was all for my boy Shulk and his supporting cast. I only didn't care much about Sharla, but her story is fine I guess and I like her relationship with Ryen and Ryen is a himbo and we protect himbos on this blog. I don't care abut Rex or Nia or anybody in XB2 so far. And the game feels worse. I will get through it, bc I have both it and Torna DLC and I want the whole story before I get into XB3
But I had such a big smile when my boy Shulk showed up in the DLC stuff together with Fiora ;3; So yeah... so far XB2 is not exciting. The whole game is a chore and lack of costumes like in XB1 is the worst. Half the fun was dressing them up depending on the location D :
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luxu-khextras · 2 years
i honestly wasnt really interested on xenoblade chronicles 3
BUT MY BOYS (not you rex) ARE THERE
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rayvenden · 2 years
Hoo boy. That Xenoblade Chronicles 3 direct. I got teary-eyed. I’m happy with the way they handled the direct. Not TOO much information, but a few points we knew about were clarified, and a couple other things teased. There’s plenty to discuss but I just wanna talk about this expansion pass image real quick.
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Series spoilers. You’ve been warned.
Okay so at first glance you’ve got the main blade from each game. Shulk’s Monado on the left (or rather it looks like a Monado Replica), Rex’s Aegis on the right, and Noah’s blade in the center. This is a good representation of each game, and likely means that the two Hero Characters in the Expansion Pass are Shulk, and either Rex or just Pyra/Mythra.
However it might be more than just that. My first reaction was “I wonder if this is representing the Trinity Processor - Ontos, Logos, and Pneuma?” The Monado representing Alvis (Ontos), the Aegis representing Pyra/Mythra (Pneuma), and Noah’s blade... representing... Malos (Logos)??? Could it be?
One thing though, I think Noah’s blade more or less resembles the Mythra form of the Aegis. It has some of the same design and details. (While the Aegis on the right is more Pyra.) But... Noah has black hair... Malos has black hair... SURELY NOT A COINCIDENCE? Lol shhh I know it’s a stretch but let me have fun.
Since apparently each in the trinity processor has a Proverbs verse attributed to it, I’ll leave you with the one for Logos.
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Quick edit: I really want to connect Noah’s blade to Malos somehow, but designwise, to me, it looks more like you could take the True Monado, smush it with the Mythra blade, shake it around a little, and you’d get Noah’s blade. So maybe it could be something closer to, like, parallels with the concept of two things becoming one. Like how the Ouroboros work. (And, presumably, if we get a happy ending, both nations could become one?)
Anyway that’s it. Hopefully I’m done typing nonsense lol.
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hollowslantern · 2 years
hi i know I could google it but you're passionate so I thoight it'd be fun to ask you, what's xenoblade chronicles? and what would u tell someone who knows nothing of that media to get them interested? ^_^
Xenoblade Chronicles is a series of jrpgs. there are currently 4 main games, but I haven't played Xenoblade Chronicles X, so that one is a mystery to both of us and im going to pretend it doesnt exist. the games are known for their vast open worlds in unique settings, their unique gameplay (<- horribly complicated battle mechanics), and the fact that each game is separate from the other, making them playable in any order* (*terms and conditions apply. the ending of 2 spoils the ending of 1, and I'm currently unsure of how 3 fits in so all bets are off on it). all the games have themes of or relating to war is hell, building your own future, and friendship is magic.
Xenoblade 1 takes place here:
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on top the Bionis and the Mechonis, two colossal warriors who died fighting each other, locked eternally in combat. the inhabitants of the Bionis, scattered in colonies across it, are constantly under attack by the Mechon, a robotic species that kills them for unknown reasons.
the story follows Shulk, a 17 year old boy, as he seeks revenge on the mechon who attacked his colony, aided by his friends and by the strange visions that have begun to plague him ever since he took ownership of the Monado, a sword that responds only to him...
Xenoblade 2 takes place across a series of living beings called Titans. they make their home in the Cloud Sea, a giant body of water (and cloud) that covers the surface of the entire world. the titans are slowly dying off, causing war to break out as countries fight over the dwindling land. and there's also the world tree
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legend has it that god lives at the top of it in a beautiful paradise called Elysium ^
the story follows rex, a 15 year old salvager who dreams of climbing the world tree, proving Elysium is real, and saving everyone by having them live up there instead. after taking on a salvaging job too good to refuse, and getting stabbed in the back in a very literal way, rex becomes the Driver of a legendary Blade (a sort of living battle partner who gives their counterpart a cool weapon to beat people with and the rest would take to long to explain). the Blade, named Pyra, tells him she will give him half of her life if he will take her to her home, Elysium.
xenoblade 3 I know the least about, obviously, BUT.
it takes place on aionios, and the inhabitants are split into two factions: Keves and Agnus. each faction fights to maintain their Flame Clock, a gauge of their own life force, that dwindles with time and grows with the flames they steal from others. thus, a war that can never end. each person lives only 10 years¹, and has a mark on their body counting down until their death. they exist only to fight, and to fight well enough to live through their 10th term and recieve the most honorable death: a ceremony called Homecoming, where they die in front of their Queen.
the story follows 3 kevesi soldiers, and 3 agnian soldiers, who were sent to investigate an anomaly that [spoilers] and severs their connection to their flame clocks, ending the necessity for them to kill. as a result the 6 were labeled as deserters, and team up to travel to Swordmarch, a place they were told could stop them from dying when their 10 terms are up.
it's definitely not a series for everyone, and it's NOT without flaws (2 has a lot of weird bullshit fanservice and shit in it that i try to block out of my memory), but i like it a lot. if i was pitching it to someone it would probably depend on who i was pitching it TO, and what they like in a game. BUT i think if you like real-time strategy combat (is that the term im looking for?), and open worlds (cannot stress enough the open worldness of these games), and beautiful jawdropping landscapes, and fucking crazy plots, and characters that love each other so much they'll rewrite fate, and stories about finding or making a purpose in life... you might enjoy xenoblade :)
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this is reyn he's from xenoblade 1 he's a little bit stupid hes been protecting shulk (wet idiot nerd) since they were kids and we love him.
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