phykoha · 5 months
I gift you with a doodle of baby mike because you're one of my favorite artists <3 /gen
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rainbowninja00 · 11 months
alright alright alright, so.
I was thinking about what I want nightmare to wear casually as an adult, THEN i started thinking about his physique!
Nightmare as a child was pretty skinny with a little bit of chub, same with Dream.
as an adult, Nightmare is fairly chubby! very huggable and squichy 10/10
Dream as an adult is the opposite, lean and athletic which means he has fairly visible muscles.
Both are very strong in their own right and loveable!
(I'm gonna try to describe his design later cause GOD i can't draw. if someone decides to draw him, or any of these guys for that matter, PLEASE TAG ME IM BEGGING YOU I WANT TO PUT YOUR WORK ON MY WALL)
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andywinter16 · 1 year
I was wondering which of the Kingsglaive are great at cuddles? I feel like Libertius is just an obvious teddy bear. Tredd I feel like for some reason just struggles to stay still for long. I may be biased but I feel like Luche gives great cuddles, but you have to actually get the man to stop working long enough for a good cuddle session.
Hello there anonie :) We can be biased together :D I will give you answer to those you mentioned. I will definitively make follow up like another round with others because then it will be extremely long ask ( And I am not sure If anybody would read it)
 I also included pictures of  their favourite cuddle positions.Hope you will  enjoy! :)
Libertus: 100000000/10
his arms are open tu cuddles 24/7
Squichy tummy, perfect as pillow
as right teddy bear he´s hairy baby!
smells like a exotic spices and I live for that
hums softly galadhian tunes (usually you fell asleep in his arms)
will tickle you with his beard (it´s not harsh thou)
Loves kissing your tummy 🥺
soft yet firm touches (that kind that makes you crawl for more)
I believe he´s versatile about big/small spoon
he´s not a mover during cuddling, how you want him is how you get him
Favourite position: You on top of him while your in each others embraces, his chin is resting on top of your head
Luche: 10/10 when you get him off work
(I love that whole fandom agrees on that Luche´s workoholic)
perfect body temperature for cuddles 
loves you in his arms and touching you in general (neeeedyyyy boooyyy)
has a incredible soft skin and smells woodily with hint of sage-brush 
forehead kisses and hair stroking (kiss that jawline!)
definitively eye contact with him, Luche loves to watch you (not in creepy way) but more like protective and sweet kind of way 
Big spoon, secretely loves being small spoon  
He can stay still for a long time in one position (and then playfully complain that his hands are numb)
 he doesn´t speak much during cuddling sessions (Luche´s in blissful state of mind completely at peace) BUT he sighs and make those cute little noises 
Favourite position: I am firm believer that he loves spooning both ways as much as I love breathing. 
Tredd: 7/10 
Tredd being fidgety and hyperactive makes so much sense ( through whole movie Tredd is doing something, like shaving in the car)
he´s a goddamn heater, like seriously Tredd radiates heat waves (whole planet is warmer thanks to him XD)
every damn time cuddling leads to sex, I am sorry but that´s the truth™
is extremely grabby (butt, chest, hand, leg,...) and playful
Tredd will cuddle you in his lap, showing everyone who you belongs to
ROCK solid body (can be little uncomfy), will propably squich you under him
yet is great as weighted blanket (Tredd will not let you get up at all)
He´s fucking mover it´s not funny (like you´re spooning, and then you´re on top of him, and then Tredd is on top of you,..)
will ruffle your hair, pinches your sides, blow rasberries on you (my adhd is acting up thanks to him)
smells heavy, not unplesantly quite the opposite but it can make you dizzy
is actually the one who falls asleep when cuddling ( looks super cute, hair´s messy, little bit of drool)
Favourite position: You have his head on his shoulder, arm wrapped around his torso, while one of your leg is interwined with Tredd´s
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hoodie-prince-kid · 1 year
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look at me. I am so unbelievably small. Im so fuvking tiny. Just the littlest squishyiest guy youve ever seen. Tiny wnd little and squichy and jus look at me. Dont you wanna give me strabwerry milkshaes and saltwater taffy and cream soda? Im so little why wouldnt you give me little sweet treats,,
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mylittlegemlins · 3 years
the smurfs a new touch of blue review:
ok i'm in the mood today so since i finally got to see some episodes in english here are some things about the smurfs reboot:
I saw the series when I was around 8-12 years old, I had DVD, some books and I became very obsessed with this series, I also got to see the movies just when they came out, and I know they are bad but I was 12 years old so too part of my childhood don´t judge me, I adore them. So when I knew that they would do a reboot I wanted them to portray their essence as best they could. In the most summarized summary I can give, the series is good, there are many things that I love, hate and things that I did not understand because I don´t know French, but I still had fun guessing what the hell they were saying.
Some general things:
-I made a top that I will explain at the end, but for now, I did not like the episode of Hefty's nose and my favorite is the one with Dopey/ Dimwitty.
Although I will continue to call him Dopey because I am like that name.
I love that they have separated Dopey and clumsy, as well as Chef and greedy. I liked the character of Dopey in the comics when I started reading them and I thought: I wish they had left him in the series he is so forgotten! He doesn't even exist in the spanish comics because they gave him the same name as Tontin, but literally two days later I saw Dopey appear in the reboot, and now he's my favorite character.
The original series had a very bad animation for the time, and this one has an animation that looks very good, it is not a marvel, but this 3d versions look nice and free of errors and I like them.
Many characters no longer appear, especially I'm going to miss Sassete and a lot of villains they had , or the fact that there were fairies, goblins and all kinds of fantastic creatures, I know they don't appear in the comics, but over time it became tiring to have only Gargamel and Bigmouth.
I hope that Omnibus will appear at some point because it appeared in the comics and in a painting.
Azrael in french seriously sounds like a real cat and is very adorable, I love him.
Is it just me or is there no background music at times? as in diaper daddy, the scene where jokey pretends to be a robot and there is nothing in the soundtrack
I like that little squichy sound they added to it, they´re small details but it makes me laugh more when they get hurt instead of worrying about Brainy having a concussion from falling on his head.
They made Gargamel less evil, he even dressed up as a Smurf with his Smurf, and he didn't even do anything in the first few episodes, the Smurfs just sneaked into his house.
They made brainy less self-centered
They added Dopey, thanks.
I'll do part 2 later.
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appri-dot · 3 years
Thanks u,,oughwawa
I wish I had a coherent and useful answer other than Bri'ish disease but just waaaa
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kaebedom-me · 3 years
Honestly, this is so stupid, people can't comprehend liking charas for anything other than their stats? Appreciating developers' hard work on design and characterization is such poor behaviour, it's all about the flex man
im sorry that happened to you nonnie, i hope you’ll be able to find better coop players next time umu
if it means anything to you!! im proud of your Kaeya!!! my Kaeya’s a little bit squichy but he does a decent job! but like killing a whole boss in three hits is!!!!! super cool, keep it up!!! Kaeya would be happy uwu
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Roman's Adventure
A bit of angsty daycare au where Patton loses Roman 😓
Warnings for calling one's self stupid and crying, I think that's it.
You would not imagine the abundance of problems Roman got himself into. He was constantly wandering off to who knows where and he got himself in a lot of sticky situations.
Roman's parents had tried to inform Patton, the one who watches over the kids in his daycare, that Roman was a troublemaker. They had provided multiple instances to Patton about Roman ending up at the other side of town, claiming he had 'gotten in a scuffle' with a snarling beast whom he swore to protect his family from.
"He always comes from sweet sentiments," said his parents, "but he is much too adventurous for his own good."
Patton listened to the parents closely but he didn't grasp the full extent of the severity of Roman's wandering.
One day, a few weeks after Logan's arrival, Patton had busied himself with trying to convince Logan to 'play with the other kids for just a few minutes!' and Logan was having none of it. He wanted to sit scrunched on the grass with his book.
After a while, Logan said, "Who would you like me to play with?"
Patton, thinking he was finally persuading Logan to interact with the other children perked up and spun around to face the yard. "Well, you could always play with Valerie and Roman! They would love the company-"
Patton cut himself off quickly with a gasp. Valerie was sitting where he left her playing with toys trucks but Roman was nowhere in sight. "Roman?"
"I do believe he has a tendency to travel into the forest," Logan unhelpfully provided. The forest was the only way Roman could have gone, save for going back into the daycare center. The trees lined the whole back of the building.
Patton could handle this. He could! He just had to ask Valerie where Roman went. He probably just went to the bathroom by himself or something.
"Hey Valerie?"
"Do you happen to know where Roman is?" Patton's voice was shaking slightly. Roman could be in danger! He should run into the forest screaming his name in an effort to find him. But that would leave Logan and Valerie alone and it really wasn't the best course of action anyway.
"Mmm, I fink he was gonna catch a dwagon!"
"Where, Valerie. Where is Roman."
Valerie recognized that they were in a bad situation by the tone of Patton's voice. She stuck her little hand out and pointed to the right side of the woods. "He went that way. It wasn' that long ago!"
"Thank you, Valerie. Next time Roman wants to go into the forest, tell him no. Okay?"
Logan walked to where Patton and Valerie were standing. He looked over to where Valerie had pointed and scrunched up his face in thought.
"He can't be more that five minutes away by an adult's leisurely stride. If you go out now, you could find him in under three if you're quick and he responded to your calls to point you in the right direction."
Patton had never been so grateful that Logan was a cute little math wiz. He gathered up the children and set off into the woods where Valerie had pointed to, calling for Roman all the way.
He guessed lunch time was going to have to be postponed for a little bit.
Roman had set out into the vast unknown with a plan. He would start in a straight line looking for a dragon, and when the threat ceased to exist, Roman would turn around and come back right to the way he came. But he had taken a few turns. He thought he could follow them, but he's forgotten exactly where he turned and now that he wanted to turn back, he didn't know the direction of the daycare.
Roman haven't even gotten to catch the dragon! It had slipped from his grasp just about the time that he got a hungry for lunch. He had not been in the forest that long, but he hadn't eaten since breakfast. 
His tummy was getting pretty noisy in it's requests for food. If he was back at the daycare, he would ask Patton for a snack, or lunch if it was around that time, but Patton wasn't around right now.
He was alone.
It was at this moment that the reality of his predicament had fully sunk in. He was in a forest with no people around. He had gotten lost before, but he always had someone to ask for help. Everyone in his town knew each other. It wasn't that hard to get back home.
But now he was stuck in a forest with nothing but his plastic sword to protect him. No one was around.
Maybe he was close enough for Patton to hear him. Yes! That was good. Good idea Roman. Yell for Patton. He will find you!
Roman looked around at the huge trees and picked a random direction to yell in. "Paaaaaton! Paaatooonnn!"
He listened for a second and, hearing nothing, picked another direction to aim his yells.
He did this for about thirty seconds. Roman was a big talker and singer, but he didn't yell a lot, so he was already out of breath.
Roman sat down on the damp grownd on dead grass and wet leaves. It was no use. He was going to have to live out here for the rest of his life. He would probably have to scavenge for berries and gross insects for food. Roman didn't want to eat bugs! Bugs were icky and crawly and sometimes they bit him!
His situation was looking worse and worse. What if no one found him until he was an old man? What if he missed his chances at making lots of friends in school and meeting that special someone? He would never get the chance to marry? No one would want to date a stincky old man with a beard!
Roman plunged his hands on to the ground and fisted his hands around the yucky leaves to his sides. He looked around one last time before losing hope. He curled his knees to his chest and pinched his eyes shut. Soon little tear drops were squeezing out the sides of his eyes and he sobbed. He wanted his family. He wanted Valerie and Patton and, you know what? He wanted Logan. He didn't know anything about Disney, which was a crime, but he was smart and nice and played with him sometimes.
Logan would probably know what to do right now. He would say something about the sun setting in the west and just know where to go. He wouldn't get lost in the first place, that smart Logan. Stupid Roman for running away into the stupid forest to fight a stupid dragon. He should have stayed with Valerie playing trucks.
He was positively balling after that. He was gasping for air in deep, shuttering sobs as tears guched out of his bright blue eyes and down his pink face.
His prince costume was soaked through by the wet forest floor now. He was uncomfortable and sticky and he was still hungry.
Just then he heard a faint call.
"Rooomaaan! Where are you?" It sounded like Patton.
Roman quickly wiped his drippy nose and his face with his sleeve. "Here! I'm here! I'm sorry, I'm over here!"
Patton called out again, "Roman? Is that you? Keep talking so we can come get you."
"Okay! I'm over here, over here by these trees that look exactly the same like all the other trees in this whole big wide place! I'm really sorry about getting lost! I didn't mean to! I'm really glad you found me..."
Patton came through the trees into Roman's line of sight at a dead sprint with Valerie holding on to his front for dear life like a koala. Logan was not far behind, but he had much sorted legs than Patton and he was more focused on not stepping in any super squichy parts of the forest  floor than making it to Roman in a great haste.
When Roman saw Patton and his friends, he kept up from his curled position and crashed into Patton's legs. Patton had to windmill his arms so he didn't fall over Roman as the two collided. He recovered quickly and scooped up Roman to be held right next to Valerie in a sort of three way bear hug.
When Logan caught up, he stood off to the side awkwardly. He didn't want to disturb the three's reunion.
When Roman noticed him standing there, he motioned to Patton to let him down and he jumped on to Logan. Logan started. He was not prepared for an impromptu hug nor did he get them very often. After he figured out what was going on, Logan let go of his stiff posture and relaxed into the hug. It was the most love filled thing that he had ever received by another person, besides maybe Patton at one point, (But in his suprise and joy by this act of affection, it was wonder he could remember his own name, much less a memory, at the moment.)
Logan slowly pulled his arms out from Roman's (he had pinned them to his sides) and rapped them around Roman.
Roman whispered to Logan, "I wish I was smart like you. I wouldn't have gotten lost prob'ly."
Logan whispered back, "I'm sure I would have gotten lost too, if I was placed in the center of an unknown area. I most likely would not have wandered off, but your nature is that of curiosity, so it is expected."
Like usual, Roman only caught about half of what Logan was trying to say with his big words, but he got the main idea. He hugged Logan even tighter before letting go. "Thanks."
Patton ushered the three kids back to the daycare and they all had lunch. Roman told his exaggerated story about his fearless trip through the forbidden land. ("Oh, it's forbidden all right. Let's not go into the forest again, all right?" Patton put in)
Roman did say that he was a little scared that he would be lost forever, but Patton quickly reasured him. "I never would have left you in the forest, Roman. I would have searched for the rest of my life to find you."
"An' I would'a helped!" Valerie added.
Logan looked down at the table and added something quietly.
"What did you say, Logan?" Patton prompted.
Logan elaborated. "I would have also would not have given up on you, Roman. You are an interesting and expected part of coming here and I think I would miss it if you were gone."
Patton squealed at the cuteness of it all. He knew that starting his own business would come with it's share of downs, but moments like this reminded him how much he loved his job. He didn't think he could give it up for the world.
And there you are. A little daycare for the soul.
Tag list: @bunny222 @jemthebookworm @neonb-fly @ccecode @thomasthesandersengine @fury-of-rome @world-class-izzy
Tell me if I missed you or you would like to be tagged in the future!
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quartermera · 6 years
Hugs with Hoshi
Okay, I’m litteraly being a mess and I’ve been wanting a cuddle from Soonyoung for days and weeks now (sad I’ll never have one lol) so this is it!
He. Is. Squichy!
Like he is litt so soft omg
He’d be the type to give back hugs
If you’re smoll, he’ll rest his chin on the top of your head
If you’re toll, he’ll rest his chin on you shoulder
He’ll nuzzle his nose either in your hair or your neck
Loves picking you up so you secure your legs around his waist
If you’re laying down
You’re on top of him
Face nuzzled in his neck
Legs knotted
His arms securely around your waist
You could fall asleep because of how peaceful it is
And sometimes you do
But then other times, you would just chat
And other times he would tickle you
Loves to be the big spoon
Loves to be the little spoon
Loves to cuddle while watching a movie or drama together
Can get steamy, but not always
Really smooth when it does
Also really likes to rest his head on your chest
And listen to your heartbeat
Some day he’ll end up hugging your legs
His head tickling your stomach
And this will kinda become his fav thing to do
If you’re sitting tho
Then he’ll love to have your back against his chest
So he can kiss your neck
Or nibble it
He’s just a soft ball who loves to cuddle with you
Requests are always open~
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Main Pred OC Info UPDATE
Damian Full Name: Damian Ashley Sheen
Nickname(s)/Alias: The Grump-Ass, This Motherfucker(c)
Age: 20, for his species (62 human years)
Species/Race: Zandreaux
Hair: Shoulder-length, unkempt, orange
Eyes: large, royal purple, vertical pupils, glow
Height: 35ft standing, 14ft on all fours
Body type: Athletic, built for endurance, some extra belly pudge for hibernation. I. e.: Dad Bod
Usual Outfit: Old gray sweatshirt and worn out jeans
Notable Facial Features/Make-up: Zandreaux eye markings - each Zandreaux has eye markings that are unique to each individual. The markings are typically symmetrical and can assist in determining the sex of the individual: in general, 2 - male, 3 - female. Variations, of course, occur.
Notable Features on/of Body: A little larger than the average size of his species in the wild
Personality: Grumpy is his default emotion, he is rather uncaring by first meeting and does not trust many people, once he cares for someone, he cares for them deeply and would defend them with his life, is actually rather cuddly and playful once he gets to know someone
Fear(s): Damian does have a case of Arachnophobia from an incident as a child, but does not fear much. He does fear being unable to help friends if they are in danger and losing them.
Habit(s)/Quirk(s): Despite his grumpy, predatory nature, he enjoys watching wildlife, relaxing, and flowers.
Voice: Zandreauxs are not naturally supposed to speak in the same way humans do, so his voice is rough, deep, and quite growly.
Favorite Food: Humans, unfortunately, and rabbits.
Favorite Place: The small field right outside of his burrow.
Favorite Activities: Relaxing/sleeping, eating, playing with friends, cuddling, watching wildlife, patrolling his territory.
Birthdate/Place: He hatched in a lab on March 3, 1961.
Family: No relation by blood, but does consider his former caretaker, Dr. Marcus Sheen, as his father.
Home: A burrow that he dug himself
Location of home: Somewhere out in a secluded valley
Role on the Food Chain (tm): Predator, almost apex, and preferably so
Michael Full Name: Michael Zeke Woodrow
Nickname(s)/Alias: Mikey, Mikey-boy, Cinnamon Roll
Age: As far as he’s aware, he’s an adult, but that’s about it
Species/Race: Rattlesnake naga
Hair: just past his shoulders, deeply side-parted over the right side of his face, dark brown
Eyes: left: bright yellow, vertical pupil; left: scarred, cloudy
Height: 15ft from the ground to the top of his head, 55ft in total
Body Type: Thick, strong, built for power
Usual Outfit: Black muscle shirt, black eyepatch, glass fang necklace
Notable Facial Features/Make-Up: Lots of freckles, clawmark scars on right side of face
Notable Features on/of Body: golden underbelly scales, large rattle at the end of his tail
Personality: Shy, helpful, kind, polite, can be playful, Michael strives to help all sick and/or injured animals; vegetarian by choice
Fear(s): being eaten, losing friends, being attacked, being feared
Habit(s)/Quirk(s): Stuttering made worse by stress and anxiety, coupled with a hiss
Voice: A very pleasant voice, still a bit boyish, and very quiet and subdued
Favorite Food: Raspberries and pie
Favorite Place: his old home (with his human family)
Favorite Activities: Reading, exploring, gardening, playing video games if he has access
Birthplace/Date: He was born in a cave on July 27, 1998
Family: His parents (deceased), his sister (missing), his human family (parents and twin younger siblings) (missing), 
Home: A cave in the side of a mountain
Location of Home: Deep in a forest somewhere
Role on the Food Chain (tm): Predator, but not usually by choice; fears being prey
Squich Full Name: Rachel Patrice Krause
Nickname(s)/Alias: Red, Squich, Squichy, Squish, Squishy, Bitch
Age: 26
Species/Race: Human (formerly), Alien Hybrid (current)
Hair: long, thick, curly, medium brown
Eyes: faded blue, vertical pupils
Height: 7ft, 8ft when including her horns
Body Type: Thick, chubby, definitely seems somewhat strong
Usual Outfit: Black t-shirt, blue jeans, black and white sneakers
Notable Facial Features/Make-Up: Four eyes, mole on right side of nose, likes mascara
Notable Features on/of Body: long pointed ears, two horns on head, four arms, claws
Personality: Shy at first, can be loud and obnoxious, very goofy, motherly and protective
Fear(s): everything? She’s got anxiety disappointing others, perceived failure
Habit(s)/Quirk(s): She stims verbally often, repeating sounds and phrases; she sings or hums to herself, she sways when standing in one place too long and plays with her hair or clothes
Voice: medium-pitched feminine voice
Favorite Food: ice creams of several flavors
Favorite Place: Home. She can be herself there.
Favorite Activities: reading, drawing, singing, dancing, cooking
Birthplace/Date: Technically, she became fully formed on June 18, 2015
Family: Parents and brother, whom she hasn’t seen since she awoke
Home: A little apartment of her own
Location of Home: In a large rural town 
Role on the Food Chain (tm): Switch, which typically a prey preference, but has been leaning more to predator as of late
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headcanon-baby · 7 years
dear mr. min (fuck me, fuck you) pt. 3
jimin regrets everything in life. including sending the lengthy, hormonal, angst-filled shit letter to his future boss aka Agust D aka ‘mr. min’ aka, “fuck you joonie hyung, why can’t you have uglier business friends????” AU that literally nobody asked for.
a series of ‘professional’ e-mails and texts between park jimin and a certain mr. min (as well as their totally useless ‘best friends’).
chapter summary: agust d doesn’t give a shit, doesn’t give a fuck. (except he does when it comes to cute boys in B&W filters and adorable Tinder profile descriptions) (again, this chapter is brought to you by very-done receptionist lee jihoon. he regrets everything, including fucking his boss at the age of 17.)
(one anon asked me why they couldn’t read the 3rd chapter of this fic so i clicked on the link and found out the url suddenly couldn’t be found. so here’s the reupload!)
to: <agust d ride my d> from: <parkjimin>
subject: i'm so sorry!!!
dear mr. min,
this is jimin (the one who sent you the disrespectful email). and i would like to formally apologize for the way I reacted earlier this morning. i was drunk and while i know that that's not a good excuse for drunk texting I would like to say I'm really sorry again and please don't think badly of me because of this. if it's possible, i'd like to make it up to you with some coffee?
(i promise i'm not trying to bribe my way into your good books. i swear.)
yours truly, park jimin
"boss, you've got an important email."
"who is it? i'm busy."
"scrolling through tinder and super liking every gay guy you see isn't what i'd call 'busy' boss."
"get to it, brat."
"it's that guy again. he asked -"
"just reply with something to show that i actually care."
"you su -"
"just go," yoongi waves him off as he aggressively super likes a hot guy with a B&W filter and the cutest eyesmile he'd ever seen. what was his name...? 'park jimin'? and what was up with that cringey 'i was born in busan first'...?
(still. how darling, yoongi thinks as his stare lingers a little longer at the way the man's tongue darts out of his teeth and honestly dies a bit inside because wow.)
how fucking adorable.
"who's it this time, boss?"
yoongi sighs deeply, which could mean two things: either namjoon broke something extremely, irreplaceably expensive (eg. yoongi's phone, yoongi's patience etc.) or -
"yah, i want to nail him to my desk, jihoon-ah."
jihoon - predictably - cringes at the sentiment. he knows what it's like being 'nailed' to min yoongi's goddamn work desk - or the aftermath of it anyway. there's lube running down his ass cheeks, his hair stinks of spunk, and at the end of the day he's given a lingering reminder of the 'event' in the form of dark hickeys splattered across his neck and finger-shaped bruises on his hips.
he fucking loved it. but he's never going to tell his boss that. he already had enough stroking of his oversized ego.
(and his diiiiick lol.)
"that's nice boss."
"how come i've never met such a person in my entire life, jihoon-ah? it's a conspiracy, i tell you. so many gay fish in the world and i fall for the bisexual one."
lee jihoon is speechless when he glances at his boss's new phone from the side and silently, wordlessly wonders if his boss even bothers to look at his email recipients.
"boss - "
"shh. go back to work jihoon-ah. your boss is in love."
...if you even bothered to read your emails, you'd probably love him - and his ass - even more, jihoon thinks dryly as he works up a devious smile and waltzes back to his desk with a plan forming in his mind.
"have fun on tinder, boss."
"oh trust me, I will."
jihoon can't help his smile turning into a full on smirk as spins in his chair, cracks his knuckles and double-clicks on park jimin's latest message.
now, who said being a receptionist didn't have its perks?
time for some fun, jihoon awakens his inner taehyung and cackles evilly as he begins rapidly typing back a reply.
to: <parkjimin> from: <agust d ride my d>
subject: re: i'm so sorry!!!
dear park jimin-sii,
it's alright! i forgive you. everyone's entitled to a day of bad life decisions. i have them 24/7. in fact, why don't we reschedule your job interview to next week, so i can take you up on that coffee date? i've heard of a great cafe at garosu-gil if you're interested. (it's a cat cafe, actually. if it's too expensive for you i could pay for most of it. i'm not a stingy old grump like you think i am.) hope to hear a reply from you soon!
P.S. you have a great ass. do you model?
yours, mr. min
family support group
squishy mochi <file attached>:    
to: <parkjimin> from: <agust d ride my d> subject:re: i'm so sorry!!!
squishy mochi i DON'T KNOW??? WHAT TO SAYY??? like THANK GOD?? HE'S NOT ANGRYY??
wow, fantaestic baby to be fair, you've gotta great ass
jungshook i can attest to that
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ too much information my child
squichy mochi well you dumped this great ass so sux to be you <:
jungshook oh my god LET IT GO
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE is anyone going to mention how jimin wrote 'sucks' as 'sux' like some emo teenager
joon.ie how odd
joon.ie yoongi doesn't normally reply back unless its on tinder and he's got a hmu and then he'll reply even faster than how long jungkook lasts in bed
jungshook h HYUNG
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ BURN
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE as quoted by tae ""throwin shade further than my GPA""
wow, fantaestic baby ^^^
jungshook #stopbullyingthemaknae2k17
squishy mochi #how about no lol
squishy mochi back to the point
squishy mochi should i??? like??? reply?? what if i get rejected??? i don't think my body can handle another hookup with a questionably 'platonic' best friend again
wow, fantaestic baby ooh, is it my turn yet?
wow, fantaestic baby *still midkey offended that u picked the baby over me last time*
jungshook oi
squishy mochi i was thinking more of hoseok hyung actually
squishy mochi nevermind tae you can go next
wow, fantaestic baby rEKT
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE :<
squishy mochi don't be sad hyung i'll give u a bj later okay? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE ♥♥♥♥♥ thanks minnie ily
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ sometimes i forget minnie isn't actually a pure cinammon roll irl
squishy mochi wanna fuck my thighs tonight, hyungie? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ yes please
joon.ie hey
squishy mochi threesome? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
joon.ie that's better
jungshook what's wrong with this fucking family
"you really need to stop hanging out with jackson-hyung, hyung."
"really, why's that mingyu-ah?"
"your evil smiles are starting to look like his."
"i'm OFFENDED," jackson shouts over from the 'engineers meeting' (which was code for poker with doritos as betting chips) with an exaggerated body wave.
jihoon wants to reply when bambam the cleaner slides out of the closet and dabs aggressively with jackson.
"lmao," joshua from the technical department says loudly as he passes by not giving a fuck.
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babybunnprincess · 7 years
Little ask 😄 2, 8, 19, 23
hi cutie! C: 2: My MOST favorite I guueesssss will have the be all the peter rabbit books ahah. They MADE my childhood. Used to keep a stash in my closet and read in there when I wanted to be left alone. It took good care of meee8: When I’m sad, I like to watch The Rescuers, a VERY underrated Disney movie about mice that can talk and save the day!19: Juice . . . hmmm . . . I would say Pineapple with Aloe chunks in it! OR mango juice (like the really thick one! mmm so good!) what about youuu?23: For my birthday . . . more slime! no little can get enough slime! OR this bunn squichy I found on amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N5SIDXI/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I3AWFLMJF4OKUD&colid=116U80WY1IU2GSO CUTE thanks for the ask
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jadesaber · 5 years
SMG4: Hunger Glitch
”Hunger Glitch”
Part 3 of the ”Girls Weight Gain Saga”
Tari is owned by SMG4
In a appartment, sits a girl playing a game on her Nintendo Switch. She’s wearing a blue and white hoodie with markings so it looks like a bluejay bird, brown pants, white and blue socks, and brown slippers. She has a metal left arm, blue hair, purple eyes and pink cheeks.
Tari loves video games. She has been playing it for as long as she can remember. Which cause her to be social awkward and never made any friends. It wasn’t until she meet Mario, SMG4 and Meggy that she started to be more open. Now she’s apart of a gang of weird and crazy characters. She ows them alot.
Tari is right now playing online on Super Smash Each Other in The Ass Brothers Ultimate. She’s maining Yoshi. And it seems like she has won the match! She sighs and put down the controller. She has been playing for 8 hours.
”I need a drink” she said, she rose up from the couch and walked to the kitchen. She went to the fridge and opened it. She took out a glass of water.
”No... I want something with taste” she said to herself and put the glass ontop of the fridge, kinda badly as it looks like it’s about to fall down. Tari went in and picked up a Pepsi can.
”Perfect!” She closed the fridge door, but it causes the glass to start moving. Tari opened the can and drank a few sips. It was delicous. She had a hand on the fridge.
The glass fell down and split out the water, Tari saw the small wave of water, but she reacted to slow. She wasn’t fast enough to move her robot hand in time. The water hit her hand. Sparks started to come out as Tari started to do weird faces and body movements.
But she stoped and held her head. She felt dizzy. Then she heared a weird noise. She looked down and it came from her stomach, she was hungry. She looked at the clock and saw it was 14:50
”It’s time for lunch anyways” she said and opened her fridge again snd pick up a bag of hotdogs. She had later started a pot with boiling water and put down two hot dogs. But her stomach gurgled again.
”Maybe a little more wouldn’t hurt...” she said and... held all the hotdogs into the pot. A few minutes later, the hotdogs were ready. She eat one up. And another, and another. She ended up eating all of them. She patter her stomach while smiling. But suddenly, her stomach growled again? Tari looked concerned
”I’m still hungry?” She thought to herself confused. She went to the fridge and found a lasanga. She up it in the over for 40 minutes and eat a piece. Only to end up eating all of it. But her stomach was still growling. Tari was getting annoiyed by this and stood up, but she got alittle hurt by the table.
”That’s weird, I’m not that clo-” well what do you know, it’s her stomach who touched the table. Tari got frightend. He stomach had started to start a muffin top, like she had a deflated football in her stomach. But things got weirder. Like she was on auto-pilot, she went to the fridge and found a big microwave heatable turkey! She put it in the microwave and had it there for 20 minutes. While it was heating up. Tari looked at herself confused and scared.
”What’s... wrong with me?” Is all she could say. But she looked at her robot hand. She gasped in realization. She looked around for her phone and found it on the kitchen table. She grabed it and re-dailed the previous number.
Meanwhile, in Peach’s castle. SMG4, a Mario looking fellow with white overall snd Blue shirt and cap was on his Computer laughing at something, when his phone rang. He answered
”Hello?” Tari, on the other end shouted
”Whoa, slow down. What do you need help with?”
”I’ll explain later! Just get to my appartment, fast!” Tari hanged up before SMG4 could anwser. He shruged his soulders and went to his car.
Meanwhile with Tari, she was eating the turkey an rapid pase, not leaving any meat on the bone left, which effected her stomach again, it grew so it hanged over her waist, this also effected her boobs. Get got bigger! This made Tari terrified, but like her body was on autopilot, she grabed the phone and rang a pizza resturant.
Back to SMG4, he sighed in frustration.
”Stupid traffic!” He was stuck in a traffic. Proberly people who wanted to go home after a stressful day at work. Back to Tari’s appartment, someone was knocking the door. Tari opened the door, it was a pizza delivery man.
”Hey, did you order 40 pizzas?” He asked and 40 pizza boxes were outside her appartment, she moved like Sonic and had all the pizzas in her appartment snd closed the door
”What about pay?” He man asked. The door opend again and got a stack of dollors. Inside her appartment, her stomach was growling like crazy. She opened the pizza box and grabed two slices. She started to showed them into her mouth and as she chewed, she put in another one and another one.
”Hurry SMG4” she thoguht to herself worried ”I don’t know how much longer I can take”
30 Minutes Later...
SMG4 opened the appartment door.
”Hello? Tari?” He asked, but got no anwser ”Sorry it took do long, there was alot of traffic” He walked to the kitchen.
”So what was it you needed help wit- GOD LORD, MAN!” He shouted like Double D, to what he saw.
Many pizza boxes were opend and empited. Atleast 5 boxes were unopened. One was in the middle of being eaten by what seemed to like Tari. But she was Heavily different.
She seems to now weight 550 pounds! Her stomach was a big muffintop, her sides wide as heck, her legs big and squichy, her breasts had went from B-size to D-size. Butt humongus and her arms thicc and squichy, even her robot arm had gained that thiccness. She was the definition of a SSBBW woman. It was a miracle that her clotshs hadn’t been ripped apart. Tari looked at her friend, tears falling down on her checks that was full with pizza. She swallowed and thank god her chins wasn’t effected
”Help me...” she said, and then went back to her eating. SMG4 was dumbfolded by what he saw said
”Well, you can just stop!”
”I can’t!”
”Why not?”
”I think I have a glitch!” SMG4 raised an eyebrow. ”A Glitch? How?” He asked. Tari swallowed and pointed at her robot hand. And then went for another pizza slice.
”I spilled water on my arm. My arm is hooked up to my brain, when I spilled the water, it must have crashed my instincts. I’m incredibly hungry, and my body is literly on auto-pilot! I need you to stop me, before I actually start eating people!”
”... Yeah we don’t want that!” SMG4 looked around and made a glas of water.
”Maybe it will be fixed if we spill water a second time!” He threw the glas at Tari’s arm. Like the first time, Tari’s hand zaped as she made weird faces and poses, but then she jumped up in the air and crashed into the table. It broke, and SMG4 was send up flying and then landed on his ass.
”OW, my ass!” He scratched his ass and stood up. Tari opend her eyes and... grabed an entire pizza! And then she took a huge bite on it!! While she was chewing, she started to cry again.
”Ugh, no, you made it worse!” She cried, as she took another chunk of the pizza. SMG4 looked around fracticly, when he found a taser in his pocket!
”I know! I’ll zap you untill you shut down!”
”Wait-” Tari wasn’t able to say much as she was zaped by the taser. Her flapps wiggled up and down and everything went dark for Tari.
Text appeared that said ”Virus Fixed” Tari opened her eyes. She was sitting and leaning to a wall, she had her flest hand resting on her gigantiska belly, she looked to the left and saw her now thicc robot arm was hooked up to a Calle that lead to a laptop, SMG4 looked at her.
”I found this Virus caple and thought I could help you. Felling hungry?” SMG4 said and asked. Tari had her arms on her giant belly, it didn’t grow. Neither did she feel hungry.
”No... thanks” Tari said. She then put her arms at the wall, and slowly climed up. She then pushed and tried to get balance. She was able to do it. But she looked sad as she touched her belly again. She did not like this at all... SMG4 felt bad for her
”Come one” SMG4 said ”Let’s get to Peach Castle so we can discuss this with the others. Tari got terrified.
”WHAT? NO! I can’t go out like... this!?!” She pointed at herself. SMG4 scratched his mustache. Then he got an idea. Later, SMG4 was driving a car, that was draging a big open cart. Something was covered works giant purple blanket, inside was Tari. She was holding her rubber duckie, Archibald. Tari is looking depressed
”At least no one else is in my situation...” she thought to herself
To Be Continued...
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