#dear mr. min pt. 3
namdang1950 · 6 months
Dear people on every social media platform around the world.
Dear Prime Minister
Dear all ministers
Study all police departments, all officers around the world.
Study all military branches and all officers around the world.
To presidents of all organizations around the world.
To the parents and relatives of Mr. Sahat Mankong.
Dear Mr. Sahat Mankhong's boss
Dear friends of Mr. Sahat Mankong
The most urgent matter is to file a legal action and petition the president to fire employees of a company named United States. Mankong resigned from work on charges of deception, loss of property, embezzlement, false statements.
Hello, I'm Mrs. Krongkan. 75 years old, former deputy director of legal affairs and credit, wife of PT, former deputy superintendent of investigations at the police station, Min's mother, would like to file a lawsuit and request the company president to fire Mr. Sahat. Mankong was released because he had filed a legal action against Mr. Sahat Mankong. This incident occurred in 2011, when Mr. Sahat was 18 years old and was staying at a Bangna condo. He had a younger sister named Nam Phet. Mr. Sahat's father drove a taxi and his mother. The United States in the past worked in the accounting department, which has the following evidence:
1 money transfer slip of the victim (me)
2 Deposit slips from various banks
3 Conversation messages in my notebook
The following charges
1 Deception causing loss of property
2 Embezzlement
3 false statements
The case will be prosecuted accordingly.
1 Computer Act
2 civil cases
3 criminal cases
This was not done once but was done many times on many occasions and will prosecute Mr. United States. Continue to maintain stability to the utmost in both civil, criminal and computer matters.
As a result of this incident, we would like to request that Mr. Sahat Mankong be fired.
and there is no company accepting work
With respect
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
1836 Oct[obe]r Sun[day] 16..
9 40/..
12 3/4
No kiss ver[y] fine morn[in]g the sun full up[on] the thermom[eter] stand[in]g now (10 40/.. a.m.) at 79°
br[eak]f[a]st at 10 40/.. to 11 40/.. then walk[e]d w[i]th A- [Ann] on the flags oppos[i]te the h[ou]se an h[ou]r till 1 then saunt[ere]d
out ab[ou]t alone till ab[ou]t 2 - then a lit[tle] whi[le] in the draw[in]g r[oo]m tidying - all ready prepar[e]d for the
coff[in] being br[ou]ght d[o]wn int[o] the draw[in]g r[oo]m tonight – w[e]nt to see my a[un]t ab[ou]t 2 1/2 .p.m saw no change in
h[e]r app[earan]ce - sat w[i]th A- [Ann] till 3 then w[e]nt d[o]wn to r[ea]d pray[e]rs – wait[e]d 10 min[ute]s or ¼ h[ou]r for John Booth –
fr[om] 3 1/4 to 4 A- [Ann] and I r[ea]d the ev[enin]g serv[i]ce I r[ea]d on[l]y the 1st less[on] and she r[ea]d the 2[n]d less[on] for the morn[in]g by mista[ke] - and in 1/4 h[ou]r I r[ea]d one of Paley’s serm[on]s vol[ume] 6 p[age] 42 It is
good for us to be in afflict[io]n – ab[ou]t 8 p[ages] long – ver[y] appropriate – ver[y] good - all the
wom[e]n and the 3 men ca[me] in, and all seem[e]d attent[ive] to and impress[e]d by the serm[o]n - 5 wom[e]n
Cooks[o]n Oddy, the cook (that Mr. Jubb s[e]nt to help us) Ann the h[ou]sem[ai]d and Sarah the kitchen m[ai]d –
3 men Rob[er]t the f[oo]tman, Geo[rge] the groom, and John Booth – w[i]th A- [Ann] in the store-r[oo]m a few min[ute]s
then till 4 3/4 wr[ote] the ab[ove] of today - my cold still ver[y] bad b[u]t bet[ter] than yest[erday] or the day bef[ore] –
I beg[a]n yest[erday] to wear an addit[iona]l piece of flannel acr[oss] my chest and this seems to ha[ve] done
me good - I r[ea]d w[i]th less diffic[ult]y or rath[e]r w[i]th mo[re] ease than I expect[e]d - then wr[ote] as
foll[ow]s - ‘Shibd[e]n hall – Sun[day] 16 Oct[obe]r 1836. Dear sir - I ha[ve] long been impat[ien]t
‘to s[e]nd you the val[uatio]n of your farm, and hop[e]d to ha[ve] h[a]d it in ti[me] for this let[ter]; b[u]t I ha[ve]
‘n[o]t yet got it, (the val[uatio]n of the townsh[ip] being n[o]t yet qui[te] complet[e]d) and, on
‘this melanch[ol]y occas[io]n, I will n[o]t delay my let[ter] long[e]r - you will be sor[ry] to
‘hear that my a[un]t expir[e]d at five min[ute]s past one, a.m. on Monday - worn out
‘by prev[iou]s suffer[in]g, she seem[e]d to slip away gently, and eas[il]y, at the last - I beg my
‘comp[limen]ts to your moth[e]r and sist[e]r -  Bel[ieve] me, d[ea]r Sir, ver[y] truly yours A. [Anne] Lister’ –
seal[e]d and put int[o] the let[ter] beg to go tonight my let[ter] to ‘John List[e]r Esq[ui]re 11 Stockwell
Common London’ – w[e]nt to see my a[un]t - no appar[en]t change - stood look[in]g
perh[aps] a min[ute] or mo[re] and ca[me] away hav[in]g seen h[e]r for the last ti[me] at 6 8/.. – din[ner] at 6 10/..
in 35 min[ute]s – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs - Mr. Duncan ca[me] bet[ween] 6 and 7, and the coff[in] w[a]s sold[ere]d up, and put
int[o] the draw[in]g r[oo]m where I w[e]nt in to see it at 9 20/.. - A- [Ann] r[ea]d a lit[tle] Fr[en]ch at coff[ee] ti[me] and we b[o]th
sat r[ea]ding aft[er]w[ar]ds till 9 20/.. I the 1st 48 p[ages] vol[ume] 3 Bigland’s (A-‘s [Ann]) hist[ory] of the world – artic[le] Italy –
Let[ter] tonight 1 1/2 p.m. wide[l]y writ[ten] fr[om] Mr. Musgrave dat[e]d ‘Osbaldwick n[ea]r York. Saturday.
Oct[obe]r 15th’ - ‘my d[ea]r Madam - the int[ere]st I ha[ve] felt for so[me] y[ea]rs past in your lament[e]d
‘a[un]t ma[ke]s it a pecul[ia]r mortificat[io]n to me that I am preclud[e]d fr[om] officiat[in]g, as you desire,
‘on Mon[day]  It is n[o]t howev[e]r, I regret to say, in my pow[e]r to be at H[alifa]x on that day. The anniver[sar]y
‘of the Bible soc[iet]y is held on the sa[me] day, and I h[a]d request[e]d Mr. Gratrix prev[iou]s to the rec[ei]pt of your let[ter]
‘to apologize to the committee for my abs[en]ce at a meet[in]g at w[hi]ch I us[uall]y preside. I am sure
‘anyone of my curates will be hap[py] to be in attend[an]ce at your own hour. I beg my k[i]nd reg[ar]ds to
‘Miss Walker and am, my d[ea]r mad[a]m, yours ver[y] truly Charles Musgrave’ - I ment[ione]d to A- [Ann] my
supposit[io]n that our vicar is on a vis[i]t to Archdeacon Markham - that there is a din[ner] p[ar]ty or so[me]
s[u]ch th[in]g for tomor[row] that he does n[o]t like to miss, and .:. it is n[o]t in his pow[e]r to be at H[alifa]x on that day!
h[a]d just writ[ten] so far of today i.e. the last 15 lines at 9 50/.. p.m. r[ea]d the newspap[e]r - A- [Ann] saw to the sett[in]g
out the tab[le]s for tomor[row]’s br[eak]f[a]st - she call[e]d me d[o]wn at 11 – F[ahrenheit] 42° now at 11 35/.. p.m. – ver[y] fine day –
found my cousin come gently just before dinner
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headcanon-baby · 7 years
dear mr. min (fuck me, fuck you) pt. 3
jimin regrets everything in life. including sending the lengthy, hormonal, angst-filled shit letter to his future boss aka Agust D aka ‘mr. min’ aka, “fuck you joonie hyung, why can’t you have uglier business friends????” AU that literally nobody asked for.
a series of ‘professional’ e-mails and texts between park jimin and a certain mr. min (as well as their totally useless ‘best friends’).
chapter summary: agust d doesn���t give a shit, doesn’t give a fuck. (except he does when it comes to cute boys in B&W filters and adorable Tinder profile descriptions) (again, this chapter is brought to you by very-done receptionist lee jihoon. he regrets everything, including fucking his boss at the age of 17.)
(one anon asked me why they couldn’t read the 3rd chapter of this fic so i clicked on the link and found out the url suddenly couldn’t be found. so here’s the reupload!)
to: <agust d ride my d> from: <parkjimin>
subject: i'm so sorry!!!
dear mr. min,
this is jimin (the one who sent you the disrespectful email). and i would like to formally apologize for the way I reacted earlier this morning. i was drunk and while i know that that's not a good excuse for drunk texting I would like to say I'm really sorry again and please don't think badly of me because of this. if it's possible, i'd like to make it up to you with some coffee?
(i promise i'm not trying to bribe my way into your good books. i swear.)
yours truly, park jimin
"boss, you've got an important email."
"who is it? i'm busy."
"scrolling through tinder and super liking every gay guy you see isn't what i'd call 'busy' boss."
"get to it, brat."
"it's that guy again. he asked -"
"just reply with something to show that i actually care."
"you su -"
"just go," yoongi waves him off as he aggressively super likes a hot guy with a B&W filter and the cutest eyesmile he'd ever seen. what was his name...? 'park jimin'? and what was up with that cringey 'i was born in busan first'...?
(still. how darling, yoongi thinks as his stare lingers a little longer at the way the man's tongue darts out of his teeth and honestly dies a bit inside because wow.)
how fucking adorable.
"who's it this time, boss?"
yoongi sighs deeply, which could mean two things: either namjoon broke something extremely, irreplaceably expensive (eg. yoongi's phone, yoongi's patience etc.) or -
"yah, i want to nail him to my desk, jihoon-ah."
jihoon - predictably - cringes at the sentiment. he knows what it's like being 'nailed' to min yoongi's goddamn work desk - or the aftermath of it anyway. there's lube running down his ass cheeks, his hair stinks of spunk, and at the end of the day he's given a lingering reminder of the 'event' in the form of dark hickeys splattered across his neck and finger-shaped bruises on his hips.
he fucking loved it. but he's never going to tell his boss that. he already had enough stroking of his oversized ego.
(and his diiiiick lol.)
"that's nice boss."
"how come i've never met such a person in my entire life, jihoon-ah? it's a conspiracy, i tell you. so many gay fish in the world and i fall for the bisexual one."
lee jihoon is speechless when he glances at his boss's new phone from the side and silently, wordlessly wonders if his boss even bothers to look at his email recipients.
"boss - "
"shh. go back to work jihoon-ah. your boss is in love."
...if you even bothered to read your emails, you'd probably love him - and his ass - even more, jihoon thinks dryly as he works up a devious smile and waltzes back to his desk with a plan forming in his mind.
"have fun on tinder, boss."
"oh trust me, I will."
jihoon can't help his smile turning into a full on smirk as spins in his chair, cracks his knuckles and double-clicks on park jimin's latest message.
now, who said being a receptionist didn't have its perks?
time for some fun, jihoon awakens his inner taehyung and cackles evilly as he begins rapidly typing back a reply.
to: <parkjimin> from: <agust d ride my d>
subject: re: i'm so sorry!!!
dear park jimin-sii,
it's alright! i forgive you. everyone's entitled to a day of bad life decisions. i have them 24/7. in fact, why don't we reschedule your job interview to next week, so i can take you up on that coffee date? i've heard of a great cafe at garosu-gil if you're interested. (it's a cat cafe, actually. if it's too expensive for you i could pay for most of it. i'm not a stingy old grump like you think i am.) hope to hear a reply from you soon!
P.S. you have a great ass. do you model?
yours, mr. min
family support group
squishy mochi <file attached>:    
to: <parkjimin> from: <agust d ride my d> subject:re: i'm so sorry!!!
squishy mochi i DON'T KNOW??? WHAT TO SAYY??? like THANK GOD?? HE'S NOT ANGRYY??
wow, fantaestic baby to be fair, you've gotta great ass
jungshook i can attest to that
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ too much information my child
squichy mochi well you dumped this great ass so sux to be you <:
jungshook oh my god LET IT GO
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE is anyone going to mention how jimin wrote 'sucks' as 'sux' like some emo teenager
joon.ie how odd
joon.ie yoongi doesn't normally reply back unless its on tinder and he's got a hmu and then he'll reply even faster than how long jungkook lasts in bed
jungshook h HYUNG
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ BURN
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE as quoted by tae ""throwin shade further than my GPA""
wow, fantaestic baby ^^^
jungshook #stopbullyingthemaknae2k17
squishy mochi #how about no lol
squishy mochi back to the point
squishy mochi should i??? like??? reply?? what if i get rejected??? i don't think my body can handle another hookup with a questionably 'platonic' best friend again
wow, fantaestic baby ooh, is it my turn yet?
wow, fantaestic baby *still midkey offended that u picked the baby over me last time*
jungshook oi
squishy mochi i was thinking more of hoseok hyung actually
squishy mochi nevermind tae you can go next
wow, fantaestic baby rEKT
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE :<
squishy mochi don't be sad hyung i'll give u a bj later okay? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
i'm your hope J-HOOOOOOOOPEEEE ♥♥♥♥♥ thanks minnie ily
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ sometimes i forget minnie isn't actually a pure cinammon roll irl
squishy mochi wanna fuck my thighs tonight, hyungie? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ yes please
joon.ie hey
squishy mochi threesome? (´ ꒳ ` ✿)
joon.ie that's better
jungshook what's wrong with this fucking family
"you really need to stop hanging out with jackson-hyung, hyung."
"really, why's that mingyu-ah?"
"your evil smiles are starting to look like his."
"i'm OFFENDED," jackson shouts over from the 'engineers meeting' (which was code for poker with doritos as betting chips) with an exaggerated body wave.
jihoon wants to reply when bambam the cleaner slides out of the closet and dabs aggressively with jackson.
"lmao," joshua from the technical department says loudly as he passes by not giving a fuck.
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agustids · 3 years
Tumblr media
A collection of BTS fanfics that I liked (u know the ❤ button), possibly some are re-read, since 2017. I hope you don’t mind that I like hurting my feelings most of the time with angst stories lol. my back hurts so much after compiling these fics ugh 
Warnings: some fics listed below contains smut (+18), better read the description of the story before proceeding. 
Will only update this masterpost every now and then. I will also set up a post with the stories I read in ao3 soon.
Feel free to suggest me stories that are not in this list <3 
Personal favorites (✬)
Kim Namjoon (k.nj)
➞ Letting Go (ft. p.jm) @bangtan-babe | angst, fluff
Min Yoongi (m.yg)
➞ Carousel ✬ @yoonia | angst, smut, suspense, arranged marriage!au  ➞ Wildest Moments @joonbird | angst, smut ➞ The Tenth Floor (ft. k.th) @notsoguiltykpop | fluff, humor, some angst ➞ Slytherin to my Heart @bangtan-insfired | angst, fluff, hogwarts!au ➞ Lesson Learned @chyubs | fluff  ➞ La Douleur Exquise @cinnaminsvga | fluff, angst, smut, incubus!yoongi ➞ The Wicked Witch @jimlingss | angst, fluff, drama, soap opera!au ➞ 2 am @sunshinejoon | angst ➞ Pipe dreams @chinesesuga | angst, fluff, smut (eventually) ➞ The Crown (ft. j.jk)  @sopewriters | angst ➞ Garden in my heart @army-author | fluff, bad boy!yoongi ➞ I want to be the one you write your love songs about @jiminandlemonade | angst, fluff ➞ Blackthorne Manor ✬ @kpopfanfictrash | gothic romance!au, mystery ➞ Signed in Black @yoon-kooks |  soulmate!au, bad boy!au, fluff, eventually smut ➞ Cool cats (and dogs, too) @gukyi | dad!au ➞ Inheritance @jincherie | hybrid!au ➞ Somebody Else ✬ @jjkthclub | angst, infidelity ➞ Internet Friends  ✬ @etherealino | social media!au, fluff ➞ The Devil Herself @jiminiethot | demon!oc, explicit smut  ➞ Sugar pie, honey bunch! @bangtaninink | sugar daddy!au ➞ Cut me open part 1, part 2 @hayjeon | smut, married, surgeon!au ➞ Camouflage @fairyscribbles | zombie!au ➞ interlude; dream, reality @dat-town | fluff, slice of life ➞ Lethal @analovegirl | explicit smut, fluff ➞ Piano notes @exi-dentally | school!au ➞ Late Bloomer @tayegi | werewolf!au, smut ➞ 72 miles   ✬  @namjoonchronicles | heavy angst, slight fluff   ➞ Black & White @akinnie75 | romance, fluff, slight angst, slow burn ➞ All I want for Christmas @hayjeon | single dad and ceo!yoongi ➞ Bunny Blues (ft. j.jk, k.nj) @httpjeon | hybrid!reader, angst, fluff, future smut ➞ Leave me @itsamejin | cheating, toxic relationship!au, angst ➞ Away from Me ✬  @personasintro | fluff, angst, smut, divorce!au ➞ Droplets @bts-timestories | historical, arranged marriage!au, yandere themes ➞ Goodbye @itsamejin | angst ➞ Heartstring Melodies (ft.j.jk) ✬ @whitesparrows97 | soulmates!au, angst ➞ I feel you in my heart (ft. j.jk)  ✬ @purpletaecup | drama, angst, romance, second chance ➞ Divorce @xjamlessparkx | angst
Park Jimin (p.jm)
➞ Blazing Arrows (ft. j.jk) @kingminie | fluff, angst, future smut, supernatural!au ➞ You are Really Perfect (pt 1), I was afraid to lose you (pt 2) @justtextmeoppa | slight angst, fluff in the end ➞ Neighbour @moonlitjiminn | fluff, romance ➞ The Arrangement @kpoptart216 | angst, arranged marriage!au ➞ I’ll never be her  ✬  @anon-luv | angst, romance  ➞ Chained to you @addicktjimin | tiny angst, fuck boi!jimin ➞ Taste the party (ft. j.jk) @winetae | smut, idol!au ➞ Temporary Bliss  @jjkthclub | angst ➞ Park Jimin @chulobangtan | angst ➞ Over Again @yoonia | pianist!au, artist reader!au, angst, slight smut ➞ A Serpent’s Flower, Sowing a Sapling (sequel)  ✬  | hogwarts professors !au, smut, married   ➞ Better @jeonggukookies | bestfriend!jimin, fluff/slow burn angst ➞ Come Home to me, Darling ✬ @roses-ruby |  cheating!au, angst, smut , fluff  ➞ Opposites Attract @kpopfanfictrash | hogwarts!au, smut ➞ Bloom ✬ @jamaisjoons | hanahaki!au, angst, smut ➞ Charity @inkjam-moon | royalty!au, fluff, light angst, smut ➞  A Sensitivity to Ephemera @akinnie75 | fluff, tragic, slow burn, romance
Kim Taehyung (k.th)
➞ Rent-a-Boyfriend™ @jimlingss | fluff ➞ Strawberry Shortcake (ft. j.jk) @btsinned | smut, angst, fluff, strawberry farmer!taehyung ➞ Pulse  @rohobi | angst, smut, medical!au ➞ Begin Again (ft. m.yg) @writtenyoongi | single parent!au, fluff, angst, sprinkle of smut ➞ Sweetpea (ft. j.jk) @nitaescence | explicit smut, ddlg!au ➞ Silver and blue series @untaemedqueen | werewolf!au ➞ Remember This ✬ @yoohtae | weddingplanners!au, angst
Jeon Jungkook (j.jk)
➞ Baby, My Baby  @pjimims | angst, fluff, parents!au ➞ Flirt (ft. k.th)  @slyscenarios | angst, smut, fuckboy!jk ➞ The Lost Memories  @gujoonim | angst, romance ➞ Daddy Issues  @euphorianyx | smut, fluff, angst ➞ A Story that we paint  @thedefinitionofbts | college!au, future, scifi, slight fluff and angst ➞ The Truth about Forever  @thedefinitionofbts | romance, implied smut, angst, slice of life ➞ Surrender  @infiresjimin | angst, smut ➞ You’ll be okay  @bangtan-babe | angst, fluff ➞ It ain’t me  @inferno-loop | social media!au  ➞ Cherry (ft. k.th)  @esqeon | angst, friends to lovers!au ➞ Attention  @btees | fluff, angst, some smut, college!au ➞ Kalopsia  @erosjeon | fluff, smut, hybrid!jungkook ➞ Hurricane  @planetjeon | angst   ➞ Ice Queen  ✬  @kookmejeon | social media!au   ➞ DNA @btssavedmylifeblr | dystopian smut, future, angst ➞ Lust and Limerence @btsfanficss | angst, fluff, harry potter!au ➞ New Rules ✬  @tayegi | angst, smut, fratboy!jungkook   ➞ The Boy Who Left @gujoonim | angst, ceo!au  ➞ 3:00 AM @oceanjoon | angst, cheating ➞ Image, Bad Boy @kittentaegu |  bad boy!au, angst, fluff, smut ➞ About Time (ft. p.jm) ✬  @yoonia | time leap!au, soulmate!au ➞ Dear Jungkook @fatrainbowmermaidunicorn | angst ➞ Comfort Inn Ending @joonbird | angst, smut ➞ Ego  @suga-kookiemonster | smut ➞ Witch Hazel @yoon-kooks |  fanfic writer!jungkook, idol!reader, college!au, angst, fluff ➞ All in my head @fatrainbowmermaidunicorn | angst w/ happy ending ➞ Mistake (pt 1), Obsessed (pt 2) @whipped-for-kpop-fics | smut, noona kink ➞ Time to let go @mywrittings | angst, bestfriend!au  ➞ Piano Tiles @bobagukk |  angst, fluff, smut; chaebol!jungkook, pianist!y/n ➞ Four Letters (ft. m.yg) ✬ @littlemisskookie | angst, smut, fwb!jungkook, icequeen!reader ➞ Winter Court series (ft. k.th)  ✬ @koyamuses | angst, slowburn, fantasy, romance ➞ Park’s Paradise of Muggle Merchandise @kittae | hogwarts!AU, drabble, ravenclaw!jungkook ➞ Holy hell @arcadeguk | greek mythology!au  ➞ For Science ✬ @boymeetsweevil | nerd!jungkook, smut, angst ➞ Hidden under the covers @yoon-ing | college!au ➞ Puzzle @kimvvantae | smut, angst, comedy, fwb!jungkook ➞ Strike Three ✬ @avveh | explicit smut ➞ Different Paths @taehyungiejiminie95 | angst, ex-bf!jungkook ➞ Fierce and Delicate (pt 1), Felicity (pt 2) ✬  @mintseesaw | smut, angst, fluff, husband!jungkook ➞ The Morning After ✬ @jungkookiebus | smut, fluff   ➞ Secret Slut @jeonsweetpea | smut, ceo!reader, personal assistant!jungkook ➞ Long lost ✬  @gukyi | childhood friends!au, celebrity!au   ➞ Moving On @taeguboi | angst ➞ Low Expectations @vin-taege | angst, eventual smut, l2e2l ➞ Netflix and Chill @badbhye | smut ➞ Rigor Mortis ✬ @readyplayerhobi | smut, angst, horror, fluff, police officer!jungkook   ➞ The Lionheart’s Oath ✬  @sugaxjpg | angst, fluff, smut, fantasy, knight!jungkook   ➞ Freesia @eleventoes | childhood friends to lovers!au, semi-bad boy!jk, fluff ➞ The Turing Test @fortunexkookie | android!au, fluff, explicit smut, angst ➞ Mr and Miss Perfect @kookscript |  hogwarts!au, fluff, angst-ish ➞ Lonely Heart , part 2 @scenarioslovers | married!au, infidelity, angst ➞ (y)our name @jjkpls | fluff, angst, smut ➞ Speak Now @bbangtan-ddaeng | angst, cheating ➞ Navy @jjkfire | childhoodfriend!AU, idol!AU ➞ Vaunt @yminie | explicit smut, frat boy!jungkook ➞ Take a Chance @crystaljins | hanahaki!au ➞ Moirai @taeken-my-heart | soulmates!au, angst, e2l ➞ Blindfold @themfchase | explicit smut, college!au ➞ Bam! you got scammed! @dovechim | explicit smut ➞ Tooth and Claw @johobi | explicit smut, werewolf!au ➞ Full Stop @1oserjk | divorce!au, angst ➞ Blizzard, part 2 ✬  @curly-bangtan | romance, smut, dosmetic!au ➞ Growing Pains @rkiverse | fluff, angst, quarterback!jungkook ➞ Monster @btssmutgalore | frat boy!jungkook, explicit smut ➞ Bandslam @ironicarmy | band!au, smut, e2l ➞ Young God @njssi | smut, nonidol!au, brother’s best friend!au ➞ Falling into you @kookingtae | college!au, slow burn, mutual pining, shy/nerd!jk  ➞ Rough Edges @kjhmyg | badboy!jungkook, explicit smut ➞ On my mind @angelguk | fluff, smut, domestic!au ➞ Worst of You @oureuphoria | fluff, angst, comedy, police officer!jungkook ➞ Bunny Troubles @appreciatethefoolishness |  fluff, future smut, hybrid!jungkook ➞ Rattled series ✬ @gukslut | singledad!jungkook, angst, smut, romance ➞ He won’t know @jgukmilk | cheating!au, smut, slight, angst ➞ Number Neighbor @sevenforeverbulletproof | social media!au ➞ One year, my love ✬ @hayjeon | historical!au, fluff, angst, smut ➞ You belong with me @joonscroll | angst, fluff ➞ Chasing pavements ✬ @guklvr | dad!jungkook, f2l, angst, unrequited feelings au, sad stuff, future smut ➞ To tame a god ✬ @jeonstudios | fantasy, werewolf!au ➞ Broken Dreams @ddaenysus | soulmate!au, angst, unrequited love ➞ Through the night @nightbts |  fluff, angst, idol! au, friends to lovers!au ➞ Effortlessly @gyukult | fluff, smut, romance ➞ Crybaby @lavishedinjimin | explicit smut, somewhat a ddlg!au ➞ Still with you @ddaengqyu | angst, fluff, idol!au ➞ Rebound (ft. k.th) @btssaysstudy | angst ➞ I want a baby @codenameskye | angst ➞ Somewhere only we know ✬ @userseok | hybrid!au, angst ➞ Aphrodite in war @jungblue | comedy, angst, eventual smut ➞ Easy @itsamejin | angst, fluff, fuck boi!jungkook ➞ Tell me no lies @jeongi |  ceo!jungkook, angst, smut, minimal fluff ➞ After I left you @latetaektalk |  exes! AU, fake dating! AU, enemies to lovers-ish! AU, unrequited feelings-ish! AU, angst, fluff ➞ Fine Line @voidswan-main | fuck boi!jungkook ➞ Heart of the Storm @ladyartemesia | fluff, smut, hint of angst ➞ Come back to me ✬ @bonnyskies | angst, sexual themes, idol!au, marriage!au, parents!au ➞ Good Girl @bonny-kookoo | mild ddlg!au, smut, fluff, little angst ➞ Love to hate you @latetaektalk | angst, fluff, sexual themes, fake dating!au ➞ Lonely hearts club @dovechim | e2l, smut ➞ Tiger lily @v-hope |  fluff, slight angst, smut, college!au ➞ Alpha Jeon @pbandjk | werewolf!au ➞ Claws of carnality @jjungkooksthighs | smut, werewolf!au ➞ Your eyes tell ✬ @njkbangtan | soulmates!au, angst ➞ All over you @zibermuda |  smut, e2l, nerd!jk ➞ I hate you, I love you @jungblue | angst, smut ➞ Hand in the Kookie jar @mama-m0chi | bbf / baby daddy!jungkook, smut ➞ Zoom Call @1kook | fluff, slice of life, smut ➞ The dark prince @jkeuphoriadreamland | yandere, royalty!au, smut, angst ➞ Stolen dances ✬ @taeyohonic | bestfriend!jungkook, my bestfriend’s wedding ➞ Ego killer @zibermuda | smut, e2l, fuck boi!jk  ➞ From home @gyukult | fakedating!au, fluff, angst, e2l, smut ➞ Confident @h0neypjm | smut, fluff, angst, college au, fuck boi!jungkook ➞ Dire @whatifyoulivelikethat | smut, werewolf!au ➞ Please love me ✬ @ahundredtimesover | angst, arranged marriage!au, smut ➞ Evolution of a lover’s heart @jeonstudios | fluff, angst, fuck boi!jungkook ➞ Decalcomania ✬ @koyalov | angst, fluff, idol!au ➞ Almost home ✬ @angelguk | dad!jungkook, angst ➞ Delivery boy @pbandjk | angst, fluff, smut, becoming parents!au ➞ Magic Shop @njkbangtan | childhood best friends to lovers, drama, angst, fluff, slow burn ➞ [Your] love’s the only hoax I believe in @sparklingchim | angst, smut, fuck boi!jungkook ➞ Stem major!koo x cold senior!y/n ✬ @jiminrings | bullet fic, fluff, angst ➞ Spellbound to be @rosaetae |  vampire!jungkook, fantasy!au, soulmate!au, angst ➞ Lost Stars @rookiegukie | fluff, angst, roommates!au, e2l ➞ Lovefool @citrustan | angst, smut, fluff ➞ An ode to a broken heart @smoochkooks | unrequited love, heavy angst, eventually smut ➞ Anemoia @vantaenims | futuristic!au, fluff, mystery ➞ Once upon a bracelet @ladyartemesia | fantasy, soulmates!au, e2l ➞ The fact is @bangtanreadingcorner | romance ➞ Deus ex machina ✬ @readyplayerhobi | angst, android!jungkook ➞ Aquarium @whatifyoulivelikethat | heavy angst, cheating, non-idol!au ➞ The alchemy of amor @army-author | fluff, fantasy!au, e2l ➞ Drown for you ✬ @jeonstudios | merman/siren!jungkook, angst, fluff, smut ➞ Granite glow ✬ @namjoonchronicles | slice of life, videographer jungkook au, marriage au, angst, fluff ➞ Orange Tulips @kainks | soulmate!au, reincarnation!au, fluff, angst, light smut ➞ Cotton Candy @velocitae | fluff, slight angst, slight smut, werewolf!jungkook ➞ Strings  @minsuxga | soulmates!au, angst
➞ Hotbot @httpjeon | angst, fluff, smut
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Also a head canon about how STF tease Gavin about their sister in law?👀 I’m sorry if I’m asking a lot lmaooo. Hope you take care of yourself and doing well☺️✨
Happy August dear anon, I ate 3 home made macarons today, does that count as taking care of self? 🐭 I hope you're also having a nice week and enjoying summer ☀️☀️☀️
Pt. 3 Wednesdays are for Headcanons: STF- Special Tease Forces
Monday: Gavin comes to the HQ later than the usual. The team make a pack to play with his biological clock...(by setting all the clocks in the headquarters forward one hour, hoping they can go earlier :D)
Li Yu: Hey Captain you've made it right on time for our 10.00 am briefing!
Gavin: But it's 9..
Eli: Hey Gavin if you keep chit chatting you will miss the briefing.
Gavin: hmm... OK, when you're all set then let's start.
Tang Chao: Alright everybody let's have lunch!
Agent 1: thank God, I'm starving!
Agent 2: Let's eat a second breakfast for lunch today.
All: Agreed!
Minor: Hey bro Gavin we're going to trudge together in an hour right? (they also dragged him into this)
Gavin: But I'm going to dinner with MC first.
Minor: She says she can't make it, so let's go.
Gavin: What a weird day
MC furious at 6 pm: Didn't you promise to have dinner with me before you meet Minor?! Where are you?!!
... Poor guy has missed an hour of his day for coming 10 min late to work on 15th of February 🤖
Tuesday: Eli catches Gavin washing tupperware in the kitchen.
Eli: If you wanna become a true househusband you need to...
Gavin: Three
Eli: What?
Gavin: Two
Eli: I think you forgot some rest around the bottom of the cup
Gavin: One
Eli: You should also start cooking for her you know?
Gavin: If one has met the right one, being househusband becomes a role you don't mind. Maybe you'll understand one day what I mean. How's your love life going? (warned you)
Wednesday: Gavin disappears during the mission and reappears 20 minutes afterwards.
Once he's back everybody acts as though they wouldn't see or hear him and then when Gavin.
Tang Chao: Hey everybody, Captain Gavin has obviously left us so let's head back.
Yu Li: Yeah, he surely must have more important things then... You know... Saving the city?
Eli: He surely sets his priorities straight. Too bad that we're only his band of brothers looking out for his back, spending sleepless nights, going through hell and back.
Agent 1: I wonder how many laps would be my punishment if I did that?
Gavin: The mission is over since 1,5 hours. The question is, why are you all dozing off here? You look like you have lots of time in hand, I could fix That!
All: Gotta go captain, see you around! (all disappear to dust in 0,00001th of a second.
Thursday: Gavin receives a huge package at work and it's the job of the newest rookie to hand it over to him.
Rookie: Captain Gavin this package has arrived for you. I've scanned it with my evol. It's safe sir (his Evol is ultravision and can see through objects)
Gavin: How did you scan it exactly?
Rookie: ehmm... Because I wanted to make sure that I don't put your safety at risk and to eliminate all possible dangers, in accordance with the STF code number 12...
Gavin: Just give me a direct answer!
Rookie: The eye mask with a bunny on it, a bottle of massage oil with ylang ylang aroma, a package of heart shaped cookies and the note "for my unassailable monument hero" all proved to be cleared... sir.
Gavin: So is this what you wish to be written on your tombstone? *sighs... You're new here, so I'm only going to warn you this once. When you see a package from the Sender MC, you will not touch it. Understood?
Rookie: Yes, sir! I'll inform lt. Eli as well.
Gavin: hm?
Rookie: Lt. Eli supervised me while scanning the package to make sure I don't make any mistakes.
Gavin: And?
Rookie: Agent Tang Chao was present to make sure I'm telling the truth, Yu Li transferred the information to...
Gavin: to?
Rookie: Data process team.
Gavin: 185.
Rookie: Sir?
Gavin: Laps around the HQ building. Go!
Friday: Tang Chao catches Gavin lying all day long and decides to be the lucky winner of the week.
Eli: Hey Gavin, let's go grab some drinks after work.
Gavin: Can't, I have to modify my bike.
Tang Chao: For 30 minutes, then he is picking Mrs. Commander up.
Yu Li: Captain Gavin, have you ever used make up?
Gavin: Never
Tang Chao: He applied make up on his fiancée.
Agent: Captain Gavin, would you ever drive a Ferris Wheel?
Gavin: What am I? 12?
Tang Chao: He gives his fiancée Ferris Wheel rides whenever she wants and secretly enjoys it.
Gavin enters the break room while the squad is reading an article about military men.
Agent: What does it mean "Military men are always horny, because they're away on missions regularly"?
Eli: That's really nonsense, military men can go weeks without their beloved ones.
Yu Li: Funny you say that Lt. Eli.
Eli: How about you hot shots?
Yu Li: My girlfriend is still mad at me, so I have other concerns right now. I'm out.
Rookie: Oh Captain Gavin! How is it with your libido?
All:.... (oh no you didn't)
Gavin: Drill Manager
All: What?
Tang Chao: Don't worry everybody I got this.
Gavin: Tang Chao
Tang Chao: Ready. I already know what you're thinking... Starting this weekend... For 3 days... Non stop... Thirsty... Sleepless nights... Outdoors... Burning hot... Hell... Mission... Volunteer... Tang Chao.
Tang Chao: Wait what?
Gavin: LI Yu, did you transfer the order to the drill manager?
Li Yu: Affirmative.
Gavin: I'm leaving now. You can congratulate this week's lucky winner when I'm gone.
That's it folks!
I hope you had something like this in mind dear anon ^_^
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chickenooodlehope · 4 years
~ ult group tag ~
thank you to the lovelies @imyourcalico & @blueandtaes for tagging me! 💕 I adore reading these!!
p.s. sorry mine is longer than I intended! ya girl can ramble
Who was your first bias? sweet jimin 🥺definitely because one of the first things I watched was their Carpool Karaoke, and 1) he looks like an actual prince with his little jacket getup, and 2) his whole baby mochi/papa mochi schtick with james made me cry actual tears of joy. that also foreshadowed how I would feel 100% of the time about the rest of them too, so, uh, that’s good? 
Who is your bias now? taehyung… he’s just such a gentle soul, and so genuinely, stupidly weird. I love a himbo. but I must say, mr. min yoongi is very near and dear to my heart, and if I am allowed to name 3 people here, hobi is perhaps the most talented human on the face of the earth
What was the first mv you watched by them? dynamite! I got into them in november of last year, like the week before “be” came out, so that song was just...everywhere lol 
What’s your favorite mv? “blood sweat & tears??” if I’m FORCED to choose an official music video, it’s that one because, you know, it’s perfect. but the recordings I watch most are probably any and all performances of “airplane pt. 2,” and the jimmy fallon performance of “home.” the level of absolute chaos they exude is just… *chef’s kiss*
If you could listen to one of their songs for the rest of your life, which would it be? I think that this is a question specifically designed to cause existential crises so thanks for that!! but hmm the song that gets to me the most/the one that I can listen to over and over again without getting tired of it is “we are bulletproof: the eternal.” listening to it feels like I’m experiencing actual magic, and I love what it represents for fans and the whole community of people who love them. plus tae & jin’s parts in the bridge make me Extremely Emotional
Who would you want to see them collab with? I don’t know enough about the rest of the k-pop world yet but I am just getting into SHINee (WOW WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE & TO WITNESS THEIR NEW ALBUM) and I think it would be incredible if they’d do something together 
What mv concept for you want to see them do? I think they should just let hobi do his thing and the rest of them try to follow along & record it live. one shot one take GO
Have you ever had a dream with any of the members? this is hard because I *never* remember my dreams, but I do have a vivid memory of one where they were trying to teach me to do a proper “finger heart” lmaoooo 😂 unsurprisingly, I am very bad at it in real life lololol but I’m practicing!!
If you could spend the day with one member, who would it be and what would you do? obviously I would like to hang out with taehyung but I’m worried he’d want to play video games, which I have absolutely zero interest or talent in LMAO 😅 on second thought, I’m gonna grab joon and we’ll go have a nice hike somewhere in the trees and talk about life
Which member do you think you’d get along with the best? definitely jin. he’s such a sweet, loving dweebus — I think we would vibe because I’m often friends with people who share his chaotic mom energy. it helps me feel calm, like how some babies can only fall asleep when they’re surrounded by a loud ruckus, like banging pots and pans, you feel me?
Which member do you think you’d argue with? JIMIN. he’s a punk. 
If you had to let one member scroll through your tumblr, who would it be? can I just second EVERY SINGLE PERSON who has already done this already and say, uhhh, none of them?? they’re welcome to my heart but not my blog <3 
I’m tagging @bluengrey @yoongistics @flytomyjoon @flowerkth and @stardustyoongi 💕💕
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awilko · 4 years
14 weeks to go, my legs ache.
I have read quite a few blogs from middle aged men doing an Ironman some funny, some dull.  I am targeting the first one.  
You , dear reader, have 14 weeks of reading this mindless drivel which concludes (hopefully!) with an Ironman in Vitoria Gasteiz in Northern Spain.  This will be my third Ironman but the first time I have really had the time to focus on how to improve through well thought out training and taking ownership for what fuels it.  
If you’re not aware of the distances involved in an Ironman well fear not, I won’t bore you with them here, suffice to say it’s a long way, it’s really quite tiring, takes all day and is my third biggest sense of achievement in life.  Obviously helping to raise two amazing kids who are now fully fledged adults and navigating 3 wonderful years with Mandy come well before huffing and puffing my way round Europe.
My first writing struggle is to figure out why I am writing this, the good news is I think I’ve figured it out.  My name is Andy and I want to write a blog over the next 14 weeks for four reasons.  Two of the reasons are selfish two aren’t.  Let’s start with the selfish one’s and build up to a crescendo  of the selfless reasons.
1. I want to motivate myself to do really well.  Yep, that’s as selfish as it gets but by sharing with you hopes and targets for times it might just actually help me to achieve them.
2. I want to plug my new company Panoptic Aspects Ltd.  Having departed the sexy world of portable buildings (for now, never say never!) I have now set up a new business with an old friend Gavin Rhodes.  Panoptic Aspects  ventures into the exciting world of visual marketing and by providing 3D Virtual Tours of any building to help our clients promote their funky buildings I am sure we will have fun and provide some great tours of properties to view anywhere, anytime with the click of a mouse or tapping away at a smartphone or tablet. We had a good week last week providing two tours - firstly of a fantastic portable building containing a CT scanner and then the finest pub in Easingwold preparing for normality to resume after Covid-19.  Click on the links and have a walk round them both after you’ve done that have a look at the website. More gratuitous plugging to come!
3. Moving swiftly on to the selfless reasons.  I would like to encourage anyone who has minimal athletic prowess (just like me) that with a bit of thought on what you eat, drink and do you can achieve a lot and feel really good.  Don’t worry I won’t preach!
4. Finally, I want to raise some money for Mind.  It’s been 20 years since my first experience of how depression can destroy a life and have massive impact on the lives of those trying to help.  This week has thrown up reminders of those days and I would really like to raise some money so others don’t have to be affected by the helpless feeling when your loved ones and friends struggle with mental health issues.  Click here if you would like to donate a few quid.
So, that’s the why boxed off, now lets have a look at the how.  This week has been a big week, it has seen me cycle 102 miles, run 62 miles, swim absolutely nowhere and complete 4 strength or circuits sessions.  That was a total of 20 hours and 46 mins so its no wonder my legs ache!
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I’m sure your mind is racing with so many questions about what went on in these 20 hours and 46 minutes so I’ll try and answer a few here:
Monday included a 6 mile run in the morning, then I thought I would wait until the wind and rain was at their worst before going a 42 mile bike ride which included 3 x 20 minute hard efforts.  A bike wash was in order after that.
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Tuesday included 9 miles of running on the treadmill whilst watching the finest performance at Glastonbury of all time (if you’ve only got 10 minutes to spare go to 1:32 for Ziggy Stardust followed by Hereos.)
There was also a circuits session via Messenger with the fantastic Centurion Circuits and PT.  Ian does a great job of encouraging fitness in York and I’ve really enjoyed being a member of this group both online in these tricky times and in person when people used to meet in gyms and do exercise.
Wednesday brought 13 miles of running and 18 miles of cycling which did involve some mechanical issues (this is often the case with me!) but didn’t stop me smiling.
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Thursday brought 9 miles of running, a strength session with Ed Nicholson (if you want to avoid getting injured  through running and learn a lot about cycling along the way then Ed is your man, let me know if you need a good Physio and I’ll send you his number.)  In the evening another circuits session with Ian encouraged by his weekly challenge.
An 8 mile run on Friday morning round the streets of York which seem to be getting busier by the day.  Golf with mates in the rain was a bright end to the week despite losing to a German looking Rory Mclroy impersonator. 
A bike ride Saturday morning - my mate Lewis Calder was going to come along but managed to break a spoke in the first mile (my cruel luck with bike mechanical issues is clearly contagious!) 
The bike ride was combined with helping in the search for a friend.  As I write this it doesn’t seem to have ended well, a lovely bloke who I will miss.  This inspires me further to raise funds for Mind, men do seem to bottle things up (me included) we need to help remove the stigma of talking through issues.  Please donate if you can.
Another strength session after the bike ride was quickly followed by some beers while watching Leeds United get ever closer to a return to the promised land.
16 miles on the treadmill while watching more Glastonbury highlights was today’s effort.  Have you ever tried singing “Mr Brightside” by The Killers while running at 6 mph?  It’s really hard but very rewarding!
A steady week next week with some tests and rest before starting another four week block of training.  Writing this has made me realise how much I enjoy the training process, it doesn’t come without sacrifices but its really self fulfilling making you feel better both above and below the neck.
Well, if you’ve got this far you either really like me or you were incredibly bored before you started.  Whichever it is thanks for reading and I’ll see you same time next week.
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50 Shades Of Kwon Ji Yong PT.1
y/n- your name  y/l/n-your last name  PT.2 PT.3
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I scowl with frustration at myself in the mirror. Damn my hair - it just want it behave, and damn Hyo-Rin for being ill and subjecting me to this ordeal. I should be studying for my final exams, which are next week, yet here I am trying to brush my hair into submission. I must not sleep with it wet. I must not sleep with it wet. Reciting this mantra several times, I attempt, once more, to bring it under control with the brush. I roll my eyes in exasperation and gaze at the pale, brown-haired girl with blue eyes too big for her face staring back at me, and give up. My only option is to restrain my wayward hair in a ponytail and hope that I look semi presentable.
Hyo-Rin is my roommate, and she has chosen today of all days to succumb to the flu. Therefore, she cannot attend the interview she had arranged to do, with some mega-industri alist tycoon I’ve never heard of, for the student newspaper. So I have been volunteered. I have final exams to cram for, one essay to finish, and I’m supposed to be working this afternoon, but no, today I have to drive a hundred and sixty-five miles to downtown Seoul in order to meet the enigmatic CEO of Kwon Enterprises Holdings Inc. As an exceptional entrepreneur and major benefactor of our University, his time is extraordinarily precious, much more precious than mine - but he has granted Hyo-Rin an interview. A real coup, she tells me. Damn her extra-curricular activities.
Hyo-Rin is huddled on the couch in the living room.
Y/N, I’m sorry. It took me nine months to get this interview. It will take another six to reschedule, and we’ll both have graduated by then. As the editor, I can’t blow this off. Please, Hyo-Rin begs me in her rasping, sore throat voice. How does she do it? Even ill she looks gamine and gorgeous, strawberry blonde hair in place and green eyes bright, although now red-rimmed and runny. I ignore my pang of unwelcome sympathy.
“Of course I’ll go Rin.You should get back to bed. Would you like some Nyquil or Tylenol?”
“Nyquil, please. Here are the questions and my mini-disc recorder. Just press record here. Make notes, I’ll transcribe it all.”
“I know nothing about him,” I murmur, trying and failing to suppress my rising panic.
“The questions will see you through. Go. It’s a long drive. I don’t want you to be late.”
“Okay, I’m going. Get back to bed. I made you some soup to heat up later.” I stare at her fondly. Only for you, Hyo-Rin, would I do this.
“I will. Good luck. And thanks Y/n - as usual, you’re my lifesaver.”
Gathering my satchel, I smile wryly at her, then head out the door to the car. I can not believe I have let Hyo-Rin talk me into this. But then Rin can talk anyone into anything. She’ll make an exceptional journalist. She’s articulate, strong, persuasive, argumentative, beautiful ,and she’s my dearest, dearest friend.
The roads are clear as I set off from Gangnam-Gu,  toward Seoul (i know its like part of seoul but i meant that she goes to main part of seoul ok?) and the 1-5. It’s early, and I don’t have to be in Seoul until two this afternoon. Fortunately, Rin’s lent me her ,sporty Mercedes CLK. I’m not sure Wanda, my old VW Beetle, would make the journey in time. Oh, the Merc is a fun drive, and the miles slip away as I floor the pedal to the metal.
My destination is the headquarters of Mr. Kwon’s global enterprise. It’s a huge twenty story office building, all curved glass and steel, an architect’s utilitarian fantasy,with Kwon House written discreetly in steel over the glass front doors. It’s a quarter to two when I arrive, greatly relieved that I’m not late as I walk into the enormous - and frankly intimidating - glass, steel, and white sandstone lobby.
Behind the solid sandstone desk, a very attractive, groomed, blonde young woman smiles pleasantly at me. She’s wearing the sharpest charcoal suit jacket and white shirt I have ever seen. She looks immaculate.
“I’m here to see Mr.Kwon. y/n y/l/n for Min Hyo-Rin.”
“Excuse me one moment, Miss Y/L/N.” She arches her eyebrow slightly as I stand selfconsciously before her. I am beginning to wish I’d borrowed one of Hyo-Rin’s formal blazers rather than wear my navy blue jacket. I have made an effort and worn my one and only skirt, my sensible brown knee-length boots and a blue sweater. For me, this is smart. I tuck one of the escaped tendrils of my hair behind my ear as I pretend she doesn’t intimidate me.
“Miss Min is expected. Please sign in here, Miss Y/L/N. You’ll want the last elevator on the right, press for the twentieth floor.” She smiles kindly at me, amused no doubt, as I sign in.
She hands me a security pass that has VISITOR very firmly stamped on the front. I can’t help my smirk. Surely it’s obvious that I’m just visiting. I don’t fit in here at all.
Nothing changes, I inwardly sigh. Thanking her, I walk over to the bank of elevators past
the two security men who are both far more smartly dressed than I am in their well-cut black suits.
The elevator whisks me with terminal velocity to the twentieth floor. The doors slide open, and I’m in another large lobby - again all glass, steel, and white sandstone. I’m confronted by another desk of sandstone and another young blonde woman dressed impeccably in black and white who rises to greet me.
“Miss Y/L/N, could you wait here, please” She points to a seated area of white leather chairs.
Behind the leather chairs is a spacious glass-walled meeting room with an equally spacious dark wood table and at least twenty matching chairs around it. Beyond that, there is a floor-to-ceiling window with a view of the Seoul skyline that looks out through the city toward the Sound. It’s a stunning vista, and I’m momentarily paralyzed by the view. Wow.
I sit down, fish the questions from my satchel, and go through them, inwardly cursing Hyo-Rin for not providing me with a brief biography. I know nothing about this man I’m about to interview. He could be ninety or he could be thirty. The uncertainty is galling, and my nerves resurface, making me fidget. I’ve never been comfortable with one-on-one interviews, preferring the anonymity of a group discussion where I can sit inconspicuously at the back of the room. To be honest, I prefer my own company, reading a classic British novel, curled up in a chair in the campus library. Not sitting twitching nervously in a colossal glass and stone edifice.
I roll my eyes at myself. Get a grip, y/n. Judging from the building, which is too clinical and modern, I guess Kwon is in his forties: fit, tanned, and fair-haired to match the rest of the personnel.
Another elegant, flawlessly dressed blonde comes out of a large door to the right. What is it with all the immaculate blondes? It’s like Stepford here. Taking a deep breath, I stand up.
“Miss y/l/n?” the latest blonde asks.
“Yes,” I croak, and clear my throat. “Yes.” There, that sounded more confident.
“Mr. Kwon will see you in a moment. May I take your jacket?”
“Oh please.” I struggle out of the jacket.
“Have you been offered any refreshment?”
“Urn - no.” Oh dear, is Blonde Number One in trouble?
Blonde Number Two frowns and eyes the young woman at the desk.
“Would you like tea, coffee, water?” she asks, turning her attention back to me.
“A glass of water. Thank you,” I murmur.
“Olivia, please fetch Miss y/l/n a glass of water.” Her voice is stern. Olivia scoots up immediately and scurries to a door on the other side of the foyer.
“My apologies, Miss y/l/n, Olivia is our new intern. Please be seated. Mr. Kwon will be another five minutes.”
Olivia returns with a glass of iced water.
“Here you go, Miss y/l/n.”
“Thank you.”
Blonde Number Two marches over to the large desk, her heels clicking and echoing on the sandstone floor. She sits down, and they both continue their work.
Perhaps Mr. Kwon insists on all his employees being blonde. I’m wondering idly if that’s legal, when the office door opens and a tall, elegantly dressed, attractive African- American man with short dreads exits. I have definitely worn the wrong clothes.
He turns and says through the door. “Golf, this week, Kwon.”
I don’t hear the reply. He turns, sees me, and smiles, his dark eyes crinkling at the corners. Olivia has jumped up and called the elevator. She seems to excel at jumping from her seat. She’s more nervous than me!
“Good afternoon ladies,” he says as he departs through the sliding door.
“Mr. Kwon will see you now, Miss y/l/n. Do go through,” Blonde Number Two says.
I stand rather shakily trying to suppress my nerves. Gathering up my satchel, I abandon my glass of water and make my way to the partially open door.
“You don’t need to knock - just go in.” She smiles kindly.
I push open the door and stumble through, tripping over my own feet, and falling head first into the office.
Double crap - me and my two left feet! I am on my hands and knees in the doorway to Mr. Kwon’s office, and gentle hands are around me helping me to stand. I am so embarrassed, damn my clumsiness. I have to steel myself to glance up. Holy cow - he’s so young.
“Miss Min.” He extends a long-fingered hand to me once I’m upright. “I’m Kwon Ji Yong. Are you all right? Would you like to sit?”
So young - and attractive, very attractive. He’s tall, dressed in a fine gray suit, white shirt, and black tie with unruly dark copper colored hair and intense, bright Brown eyes that regard me shrewdly. It takes a moment for me to find my voice.
“Urn. Actually…” I mutter. If this guy is over thirty then I’m a monkey’s uncle. In a daze, I place my hand in his and we shake. As our fingers touch, I feel an odd exhilarating shiver run through me. I withdraw my hand hastily, embarrassed. Must be static. I blink rapidly, my eyelids matching my heart rate.
“Miss Min is indisposed, so she sent me. I hope you don’t mind, Mr. Kwon.”
“And you are?” His voice is warm, possibly amused, but it’s difficult to tell from his impassive expression. He looks mildly interested, but above all, polite.
“y/n y/l/n. I,m studying English Literature with Rin, urn… Hyo-Rin… urn… Miss Min at Gangnam ”
“I see,” he says simply. I think I see the ghost of a smile in his expression, but I’m not sure.
“Would you like to sit?” He waves me toward a white leather buttoned L-shaped couch.
His office is way too big for just one man. In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, there’s a huge modern dark-wood desk that six people could comfortably eat around. It matches the coffee table by the couch. Everything else is white - ceiling, floors, and walls except, on the wall by the door, where a mosaic of small paintings hang, thirty-six of them arranged in a square. They are exquisite - a series of mundane, forgotten objects painted in such precise detail they look like photographs. Displayed together, they are breathtaking.
“A local artist. Trouton,” says Kwon when he catches my gaze.
“They’re lovely. Raising the ordinary to extraordinary,” I murmur, distracted both by him and the paintings. He cocks his head to one side and regards me intently.
“I couldn’t agree more, Miss y/l/n” he replies, his voice soft and for some inexplicable reason I find myself blushing.
Apart from the paintings, the rest of the office is cold, clean, and clinical. I wonder if it reflects the personality of the Adonis who sinks gracefully into one of the white leather chairs opposite me. I shake my head, disturbed at the direction of my thoughts, and retrieve Hyo-Rin’s questions from my satchel. Next, I set up the mini-disc recorder and am all fingers and thumbs, dropping it twice on the coffee table in front of me. Mr. Kwon says nothing, waiting patiently - I hope - as I become increasingly embarrassed and flustered. When I pluck up the courage to look at him, he’s watching me, one hand relaxed in his lap and the other cupping his chin and trailing his long index finger across his lips. I think he’s trying to suppress a smile.
“Sorry,” I stutter. “I’m not used to this.”
“Take all the time you need, Miss Y/l/n,” he says.
“Do you mind if I record your answers?”
“After you’ve taken so much trouble to set up the recorder - you ask me now?”
I flush. He’s teasing me? I hope. I blink at him, unsure what to say, and I think he takes pity on me because he relents. “No, I don’t mind.”
“Did Hyo-Rin, I mean, Miss Min, explain what the interview was for?”
“Yes. To appear in the graduation issue of the student newspaper as I shall be conferring the degrees at this year’s graduation ceremony.”
Oh! This is news to me, and I’m temporarily pre-occupied by the thought that someone not much older than me - okay, maybe six years or so, and okay, mega successful, but still is going to present me with my degree. I frown, dragging my wayward attention back to the task at hand.
“Good,” I swallow nervously. “I have some questions, Mr. Kwon.” I smooth a stray lock of hair behind my ear.
“I thought you might,” he says, deadpan. He’s laughing at me. My cheeks heat at the realization, and I sit up and square my shoulders in an attempt to look taller and more intimidating. Pressing the start button on the recorder, I try to look professional.
“You’re very young to have amassed such an empire. To what do you owe your success?” I glance up at him. His smile is rueful, but he looks vaguely disappointed.
“Business is all about people, Miss y/l/n, and I’m very good at judging people. I know how they tick, what makes them flourish, what doesn’t, what inspires them, and how to incentivize them. I employ an exceptional team, and I reward them well.” He pauses and fixes me with his Brown stare. “My belief is to achieve success in any scheme one has to make oneself master of that scheme, know it inside and out, know every detail. I work hard, very hard to do that. I make decisions based on logic and facts. I have a natural gut instinct that can spot and nurture a good solid idea and good people. The bottom line is, it’s always down to good people.”
“Maybe you’re just lucky.” This isn’t on Rin’s list - but he’s so arrogant. His eyes flare momentarily in surprise.
“I don’t subscribe to luck or chance, Miss y/l/n. The harder I work the more luck I seem to have. It really is all about having the right people on your team and directing their energies accordingly. I think it was Harvey Firestone who said ,the growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.”
“You sound like a control freak.” The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them.
“Oh, I exercise control in all things, Miss y/l/n,” he says without a trace of humor in his smile. I look at him, and he holds my gaze steadily, impassive. My heartbeat quickens, and my face flushes again.
Why does he have such an unnerving effect on me? His overwhelming good-looks maybe? The way his eyes blaze at me? The way he strokes his index finger against his lower lip? I wish he’d stop doing that.
“Besides, immense power is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control things,” he continues, his voice soft.
“Do you feel that you have immense power?” Control Freak.
“I employ over forty thousand people, Miss y/l/n. That gives me a certain sense of responsibility power, if you will. If I were to decide I was no longer interested in the telecommunications business and sell up, twenty thousand people would struggle to make their mortgage payments after a month or so.”
My mouth drops open. I am staggered by his lack of humility.
“Don’t you have a board to answer to?” I ask, disgusted.
“I own my company. I don’t have to answer to a board.” He raises an eyebrow at me.
I flush. Of course, I would know this if I had done some research. But holy crap, he’s so arrogant. I change tack.
“And do you have any interests outside your work?”
“I have varied interests, Miss y/l/n.” A ghost of a smile touches his lips. “Very varied.” And for some reason, I’m confounded and heated by his steady gaze. His eyes are alight with some wicked thought.
“But if you work so hard, what do you do to chill out?”
“Chill out?” He smiles, revealing perfect white teeth. I stop breathing. He really is beautiful. No one should be this good-looking.
“Well, to ‘chill out’ as you put it - I sail, I fly, I indulge in various physical pursuits.”
He shifts in his chair. “I’m a very wealthy man, Miss y/l/n, and I have expensive and absorbing hobbies.”
I glance quickly at Rin’s questions, wanting to get off this subject.
“You invest in manufacturing. Why, specifically?” I ask. Why does he make me so uncomfortable?
“I like to build things. I like to know how things work: what makes things tick, how to construct and deconstruct. And I have a love of ships. What can I say?”
“That sounds like your heart talking rather than logic and facts.”
His mouth quirks up, and he stares appraisingly at me.
“Possibly. Though there are people who’d say I don’t have a heart.”
“Why would they say that?”
“Because they know me well.” His lip curls in a wry smile.
“Would your friends say you’re easy to get to know?” And I regret the question as soon as I say it. It’s not on Hyo-Rin’s list.
“I’m a very private person, Miss Y/L/N. I go a long way to protect my privacy. I don’t often give interviews, he trails off.
“Why did you agree to do this one?”
“Because I’m a benefactor of the University, and for all intents and purposes, I couldn’t get Miss Min off my back. She badgered and badgered my PR people, and I admire That kind of tenacity.”
I know how tenacious Hyo-Rin can be. That’s why I’m sitting here squirming uncomfortably under his penetrating gaze, when I should be studying for my exams.
“You also invest in farming technologies. Why are you interested in this area?”
“We can’t eat money, Miss y/l/n, and there are too many people on this planet who don’t have enough to eat.”
“That sounds very philanthropic. Is it something you feel passionately about? Feeding the world’s poor?”
He shrugs, very non-committal.
“It’s shrewd business,” he murmurs, though I think he’s being disingenuous. It doesn’t make sense - feeding the world’s poor? I can’t see the financial benefits of this, only the virtue of the ideal. I glance at the next question, confused by his attitude.
“Do you have a philosophy? If so, what is it?”
“I don’t have a philosophy as such. Maybe a guiding principle - Carnegie’s man who acquires the ability to take full possession of his own mind may take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled. I’m very singular, driven. I like control - of myself and those around me.”
“So you want to possess things?” You are a control freak.
“I want to deserve to possess them, but yes, bottom line, I do.”
“You sound like the ultimate consumer.”
“I am.” He smiles, but the smile doesn’t touch his eyes. Again this is at odds with someone who wants to feed the world, so I can’t help thinking that we’re talking about something else, but I’m absolutely mystified as to what it is. I swallow hard. The temperature in the room is rising or maybe it’s just me. I just want this interview to be over. Surely Rin has enough material now? I glance at the next question.
“You were adopted. How far do you think that’s shaped the way you are?” Oh, this is personal. I stare at him, hoping he’s not offended. His brow furrows.
“I have no way of knowing.”
My interest is piqued.
“How old were you when you were adopted?”
“That’s a matter of public record, Miss y/l/n."His tone is stern. I flush, again. Crap. Yes of course - if I’d known I was doing this interview, I would have done some research.
I move on quickly.
"You’ve had to sacrifice a family life for your work.”
“That’s not a question.” He’s terse.
“Sorry.” I squirm, and he’s made me feel like an errant child. I try again. “Have you had to sacrifice a family life for your work?”
“I have a family. I have a brother and a sister and two loving parents. I’m not interested in extending my family beyond that.”
“Are you gay, Mr.Kwon?”
He inhales sharply, and I cringe, mortified. Crap. Why didn’t I employ some kind of filter before I read this straight out? How can I tell him I’m just reading the questions? Damn Rin and her curiosity!
“No y/n, I’m not.” He raises his eyebrows, a cool gleam in his eyes. He does not look pleased.
“I apologize. It’s urn… written here.” It’s the first time he’s said my name. My heartbeat has accelerated, and my cheeks are heating up again. Nervously, I tuck my loosened hair behind my ear.
He cocks his head to one side.
“These aren’t your own questions?”
The blood drains from my head. Oh no.
“Err… no. Rin - Miss Min - she compiled the questions.”
“Are you colleagues on the student paper?” Oh crap. I have nothing to do with the student paper. It’s her extra-curricular activity, not mine. My face is aflame.
“No. She’s my roommate.”
He rubs his chin in quiet deliberation, his brown eyes appraising me.
“Did you volunteer to do this interview?” he asks, his voice deadly quiet.
Hang on, who’s supposed to be interviewing whom? His eyes burn into me, and I’m compelled to answer with the truth.
“I was drafted. She’s not well.” My voice is weak and apologetic.
“That explains a great deal.”
There’s a knock at the door, and Blonde Number Two enters.
“Mr. Kwon, forgive me for interrupting, but your next meeting is in two minutes.”
“We’re not finished here, Andrea. Please cancel my next meeting.”
Andrea hesitates, gaping at him. She’s appears lost. He turns his head slowly to face her and raises his eyebrows. She flushes bright pink. Oh good. It’s not just me.
“Very well, Mr. Kwon,” she mutters, then exits. He frowns, and turns his attention back to me.
“Where were we, Miss y/l/n?”
Oh, we’re back to ’Miss Y/L/N, now.
“Please don’t let me keep you from anything.”
“I want to know about you. I think that’s only fair.” His browneyes are alight with curiosity. Double crap. Wher’s he going with this? He places his elbows on the arms of the chair and steeples his fingers in front of his mouth. His mouth is very… distracting. I swallow.
“There’s not much to know,"I say, flushing again.
"What are your plans after you graduate?” I shrug, thrown by his interest. Come to Seoul with Rin find a place, find a job. I haven’t really thought beyond my finals.
“I haven’t made any plans, Mr. Kwon. I just need to get through my final exams."Which I should be studying for now rather than sitting in your palatial, swanky, sterile office, feeling uncomfortable under your penetrating gaze.
"We run an excellent internship program here,” he says quietly. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Is he offering me a job?
“Oh. I’ll bear that in mind,” I murmur, completely confounded. “Though I’m not sure I’d fit in here.” Oh no. I’m musing out loud again.
“Why do you say that?” He cocks his head to one side, intrigued, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“It’s obvious, isn’t it?” I’m uncoordinated, scruffy, and I’m not blonde.
“Not to me,” he murmurs. His gaze is intense, all humor gone, and strange muscles deep in my belly clench suddenly. I tear my eyes away from his scrutiny and stare blindly down at my knotted fingers. What’s going on? I have to go now. I lean forward to retrieve the recorder.
“Would you like me to show you around?” he asks.
“I’m sure you’re far too busy, Mr. Kwon, and I do have a long drive.”
“You’re driving back to Gangnam?” He sounds surprised, anxious even. He glances out of the window. It’s begun to rain"Well, you’d better drive carefully.“ His tone is stern, authoritative. Why should he care? "Did you get everything you need?” he adds.
“Yes sir,” I reply, packing the recorder into my satchel. His eyes narrow, speculatively.
“Thank you for the interview, Mr. Kwon.”
“The pleasure’s been all mine,” he says, polite as ever.
As I rise, he stands and holds out his hand.
“Until we meet again, Miss y/l/n.” And it sounds like a challenge, or a threat, I’m not sure which. I frown. When will we ever meet again? I shake his hand once more, astounded that that odd current between us is still there. It must be my nerves.
“Mr. Kwon.” I nod at him. Moving with lithe athletic grace to the door, he opens it wide.
“Just ensuring you make it through the door, Miss y/l/n.” He gives me a small smile. Obviously, he’s referring to my earlier less-than-elegant entry into his office. I flush.
“That’s very considerate, Mr. Kwon,” I snap, and his smile widens. I’m glad you find me entertaining, I glower inwardly, walking into the foyer. I’m surprised when he follows me out. Andrea and Olivia both look up, equally surprised.
“Did you have a coat?” Kwon asks.
“Yes.” Olivia leaps up and retrieves my jacket, which Kwon takes from her before she can hand it to me. He holds it up and, feeling ridiculously self-conscious, I shrug it on.
Kwon places his hands for a moment on my shoulders. I gasp at the contact. If he notices my reaction, he gives nothing away. His long index finger presses the button summoning the elevator, and we stand waiting - awkwardly on my part, coolly self-possessed on his. The doors open, and I hurry in desperate to escape. I really need to get out of here. When I turn to look at him, he’s leaning against the doorway beside the elevator with one hand on the wall. He really is very, very good-looking. It’s distracting. His burning brown eyes gaze at me.
“Y/N,” he says as a farewell.
“Ji Yong,” I reply. And mercifully, the doors close.
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Redemption 2013 Nl
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Watch Full Blood of Redemption in Best Video Format
Subscribe to TRAILERS: to COMING SOON: us on FACEBOOK:Official Trailer. Original theatrical trailer for the 2013 film 'Redemption.' Starring Jason Statham, Agata Buzek, Vicky McClue, Benedict Wong. Written & directed by Steven. Redemption 2013 R - 5.7.6 A former UK Special Forces soldier (Jason Statham) in Afghanistan is fleeing a court-martial. In London, he hides in the criminal underworld and takes another man's identity but when he finds out that his missing girlfriend has been murdered by a ruthless criminal he takes revenge.
Now you can watch full Blood of Redemption in HD quality with duration 85 Min and was published in 2013-09-23 with MPAA rating is 7.
Original Title : Blood of Redemption
Movie title in your country : Blood of Redemption
Year of movie : 2013
Genres of movie : Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller,
Status of movie : Released
Release date of movie : 2013-09-23
Companies of movie : VMI Worldwide, High Five Films,
Countries of movie : United States of America,
Language of movie : English,
Durationof movie : 85 Min
Average vote of movie : 5.6
Youtube ID of movie : lyVkDn0sPxo
Translation of movie : EN,TR,NL,PL,RU,EL,DE,FR,ZH,PT,HU,
Actors of movie :
NameCharacterDolph Lundgren : AxelBilly Zane : QuinnGianni Capaldi : KurtVinnie Jones : CampbellRobert Davi : HaydenRobert Miano : SergeMassi Furlan : BorisMassi Furlan : Agent WestManny Ayala : Bum HitmanAl Burke : Officer BauerZoli Dora : Campbell Henchman #2Mario E. Garcia : Officer Paul CrainJelly Howie : LorynClint Glenn Hummel : Private EvansClint Glenn Hummel : Officer SmithScott Ly : Lin ChuaScott Ly : Officer BrownMarcus Natividad : Asian AssassinBrad Nelson : JunkyardGilbert Rosales : Man Outside BarChuck Saale : LAPD Captain BruceJenny Shakeshaft : Call GirlJim Storm : Senator RoswaldJim Storm : Gorgeous WomanFranco Vega : Officer HunterKelly Wood : Natalie the Technician
Movie plot of Blood of Redemption :
Redemption 2013 Online Subtitrat
Watch full Blood of Redemption in HD Quality with movie synopsis 'Quinn Forte had it all: power, money, a brother who idolized him, and a woman who loved him. He also had enemies. In the course of one night, he loses everything. Betrayed by someone in his inner circle, Quinn is set up and arrested. His father, the patriarch of the criminal empire is killed and his brother suspects that Quinn is behind it all. When he's released from jail he tries to escape the demons from his past, but that becomes an impossible task. Campbell, the ruthless new leader of 'The Company' won't let him leave in peace. So instead of escaping them, Quinn fights back. He joins forces with his former henchman and friend, The Swede, and takes on his enemies head on.' in top quality. Watch full Blood of Redemption in Top Video Format by clicking the button above.
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Editor : Danny Saphire, Director : Giorgio Serafini, Director : Shawn Sourgose, Writer : Rey Reyes, Writer : Giorgio Serafini, Writer : Shawn Sourgose, Producer : Brittany Bowen, Producer : Gianni Capaldi, Producer : Andre Relis, Music : Riccardo Eberspacher, Director of Photography : Marco Cappetta, Casting : Mario E. Garcia, Production Design : F. Joseph Burns, Art Direction : Allison Schenker, Set Decoration : Raelyn Tepper, Costume Design : Swinda Reichelt, Makeup Department Head : Ren Rohling, Makeup Artist : Charlotte Orlove, Hairstylist : Jenny Sandersson, Production Manager : Kacy Palmieri, Assistant Art Director : Allison Arachea, Property Master : Sabine Asanger, Dialogue Editor : Eric Romero, Foley : Alexander Schwartz, Sound Editor : Steve Walter, Visual Effects Supervisor : Alessandro Schiassi, Stunt Coordinator : Jimmy Lui, Steadicam Operator : Sergio De Luca, Gaffer : Michael Matney, Best Boy Electric : Erik Boccio, Set Costumer : Deborah Zercher, Script Supervisor : Laura Jean Bransky, Sure, now you can view movie connected with Blood of Redemption 100 % length and find the hyperlink to this flick Blood of Redemption in best look.
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Redemption 2013 Nl Movie
The Demented
Watch Redemption 2013
Plot summary. Nothing can prepare a man for the horrors of war and as Joey Smith, a damaged Special Forces deserter and now a homeless alcoholic, wanders London's bustling streets in complete anonymity an unexpected discovery will soon help him get back on his feet. Little by little, as Smith struggles to rebuild his shattered life in a stolen identity as an unstoppable Chinese Mafia enforcer, the brutal death of a dear friend will, inevitably, force him to avenge her murder, dragging him deeper and deeper into a dark world of pain, guilt, and suffering. In the end, do God's plans for redemption include 'Crazy' Joey, too? Stars. =>-Jason Statham : Joey. =>-Agata Buzek : Cristina. =>-Vicky McClure : Dawn. =>-Benedict Wong : Mr. Choy. =>-Ger Ryan : Mother Superior. Directors. =>-Steven Knight. Info. =>-Genre : Action : Drama : Thriller : Crime. =>-Chapters : 10. =>-Languages : English. =>-Release Date : 2013. =>-File Sizes : 1.40 GiB. =>-Movie Runtime : 1h 40m. =>-Overall bit rate : 1 999 kbps. Video. =>-Codec : H.264/MPEG-4 AVC. =>-Aspect Ratio : 16:9. =>-Resolution : 1 280 x 720. =>-Bit rate : 1 444 kbps. Audio 1 English. =>-Codec : mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC. =>-Channels : 2 channel. =>-Bit Rate : 112 kbps. =>-Bit rate mode : Constant. Audio 2 English. =>-Codec : Digital Audio Compression AC-3. =>-Channels : 6 channel L R C LFE Ls Rs. =>-Bit Rate : 320 kbps. =>-Bit rate mode : Constant. Audio 3 Russian. =>-Codec : mp4a: MPEG-4 AAC LC. =>-Channels : 2 channel. =>-Bit Rate : 112 kbps. =>-Bit rate mode : Constant. Subtitles - Softsubbed : SubRip : MicroDVD. =>-English. ......... ...... .... ... .. .
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xans-ex · 7 years
Goomar (Pt. 2)
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader Genre: Mafia AU, Smut (Heavy), Angst (Heavy), Fluff (Barely) *No heavy smut in the 2nd chapter either ;) but there will be small sexual actions* Word Count: ??? (I don’t really like to do word counts so I’ll just say that length-wise, my chapters *after chapter 1* will always be pretty long.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
*Warning- Strong Language, Explicit Sex, Explicit Sex Talk/References, Gang Violence, Talk of Gang Violence*
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Reluctantly, you go with the Min’s to their large estate. Things couldn’t get worse...
Horrid wedding planning, crazy friends, and your soon-to-be husband whom you just can’t understand. Yet, your father raised you to be strong, and to stand by what you want and believe in. You can’t be controlled...and strangely, he liked that.
What does he mean?
Yoongi’s eyes burned into yours as he held you in place by a single finger, your body almost frozen in place at such a simple action. You couldn’t look away, and it felt as if the room was completely empty except for the two of you, who stood almost close enough for the distance to be a step away from intimate.
Your face almost went pale as he slowly licked his lips, the sudden gesture making your legs tremble. 
Oh dear lord, what is he doing?
“You must be (Y/N).” You exhaled the breath you were holding in when you heard his voice. The deep vibrato was music to your ears.
Breathe (Y/N), breathe.
Yoongi was toying with you. He knew what effect he had on you. He had this effect on every woman he meets. However to you, this was completely unfair. You had to fight hard to pull yourself from his trance, taking a step away from him and inching close to your father as if he could protect you. You looked up at your father, who only had the same bewildered expression that you had.
“Well as fun as this has been to watch, I must say that it is getting late. We live pretty far from this area and I would like to get back to my estate before noon tomorrow.” Mr. Min said, his nonchalant and bored voice almost catching you by surprise. His voice was almost as melodic as Yoongi’s.
You looked up at your father, who met your stare and a sad smile spread on his lips. “May I have a few minutes with my daughter?” Your father looked at the Min’s with an almost pleading expression. You’ve never seen your father almost seem powerless next to another man. But this wasn’t just another man. He was someone who could destroy your whole family with just a phone call.
Mr. Min nodded once, his permanent frown twitching slightly in annoyance at the fact that he had to wait for you longer than he planned. Your father grabbed your hand, pulling you away from the Min’s, and you quickly glanced at Min Yoongi, who was no longer looking at you.
“I’m going to miss you, Sunshine.” Your father wrapped you in his arms tightly, his face burying in your hair as your face was buried in his chest. You held onto your father tightly, your hands balled up into fists and grabbing a tight hold on his suit jacket.
You breathed in his scent, his familiar smell of cologne and cigars filling your nose and you almost let your tears spill, but you refused. Crying would only make this harder for not only you, but your father, who was almost trembling.
You let go of him slowly, feeling as if you were on display, which you were as you turned and saw that everyone was staring at you, including the Min’s. Yoongi’s eyes staring into yours.
It took a while, but with the help of your family you were able to pack everything you owned and you watched as they loaded them onto the Min’s private jet. 
“In case you get cold.” Your father handed you his jacket and you took it. You both knew that the private jet would have a heating system, but you didn’t hesitate as you grabbed your father’s jacket. The only thing that would remind you of your home.
Your father hugged you tightly once more, his eyes filled with tears that you knew wouldn’t spill. You forced a small smile as you looked at your father one last time before quickly following behind the Min’s as they climbed the steps onto their private jet. You wrapped your father’s large jacket around your shoulders, the heavy material covering your upper body completely.
Walking into the jet, you did not know what to expect. It looked better than you imagined. The seats were a clean ivory with black designed armrests and designs throughout the jet. Wine glasses rested on the small counter tops on the sides and there was a mini fridge next to every pair of seats.
You looked around, seeing Mr. and Mrs. Min sitting side by side in the back. Mr. Min looking at his computer while Mrs. Min was on the phone as she did work on her tablet. You then looked at Yoongi, who was staring at you in curiosity. You stood there, awkwardly clenching the jacket draped over your shoulders.
“Are you going to stand there when we take off like a dumb-ass or are you gonna sit down?” You looked at Yoongi in disbelief as you realized that he was trying to insult you. This was different from the Yoongi you met earlier, who was so quiet and mysterious, burning a fire inside of you. This version of Yoongi just made you want to punch him. 
You opened your mouth to say something, but you quickly closed your mouth as you realized the situation you were in and you quietly sat down in the seat diagonal from where he was sitting.
You heard him snickering silently and you huffed, turning slightly in the surprisingly large and comfortable reclining seat of the jet so your back was now facing him.
You were told that this was going to be a ten hour flight, so you decided to rest, not wanting to be awake to think about the fact that you were leaving your home forever. Your fingers brushed over your mother’s charm bracelet which was still dangling on your wrist and you sighed softly, wrapping your father’s large coat tighter against your body. The warmth of the thick material and your father’s scent slowly putting you into a deep sleep.
“Get up, we’re here.” You heard that familiar deep voice, but this time you were less than eager to open your eyes to look at the man who was going to be your soon-to-be husband. “Five...five more minutes...” You mumbled and Yoongi rolled his eyes, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek in annoyance as he stared at your sleeping figure.
He suddenly got an idea, and he smirked mischievously. He reached down and rested his hand on your knee and your eyebrow twitched at the sudden contact. He bit his lip as his hand started to softly crawl up your thigh. Your eyebrows furrowed yet your eyes stayed closed.
Yoongi looked at you, tilting his head to the side as he saw that you weren’t going to be easy. He tchiped, thinking quickly before leaning forwards so his lips were only an inch from your neck. He slowly went up to your ear, his breath tickling you. “I want you...” He whispered before going back down to your exposed neck and pressing a kiss against your warm skin.
Your eyes flew open and you jolted back, looking at Yoongi with wide eyes as your hand flew to your neck, your skin burning from the contact of his previous action. 
He only looked at you, gloating over his victory. “We’re here, so unless you want to spend the night in this jet again, I’d suggest you come with me.” His face returned to his seemingly normal careless expression before turning around and exiting the jet.
It’s only been one night and Min Yoongi has already made his standing on your ‘Kill List’. You grumbled angrily to yourself as you got up, your eyes straining from the bright light as you walked outside.
Was this really where you were going to live? You looked around in amazement at the large estate surrounding you. It’s a hundred times larger than your mansion back home, and you felt embarrassed that the Min’s saw what they could call a ‘common home’.
You looked at the large men carrying your things through the large wooden door of the Min’s home, and you swallowed hard nervously before walking inside.
Absolutely beautiful. You couldn’t keep your eyes off your surroundings. Paintings decorated the walls, a large golden chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting its bright yellow light over you. You looked forwards at the two staircases on the sides of the main room, leading to the same area that split off as the upstairs and went off into separate hallways which you assumed had bedrooms and such.
“Like what you see?” You jumped when you heard Yoongi’s voice by your ear, his breath tickling that same spot again. You turned around, looking at him with pure irritation. “You need to stop doing that.” You said, frowning at him.
“Or what?” He leaned in towards you and you were quick to back away. “Please take me to my room.” You looked at him, trying to keep your composure when on the inside you were literally screaming. He was ruining you in more ways than one.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow before shrugging and walking past you. “Follow me.” He walked up the stairs and you were quick to follow, your steps almost in sync.
He opened your door, your stuff already placed neatly around the room. You walked past him, looking around your room in amazement. “It’s so big...it’s bigger than my old room.” Your heart sank lightly as you realized what you said. You looked back at Yoongi, who was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Is...Is this really going to be my new home?” You asked, your fingers rubbing the lace material on the end of your dress. He cocked his head to the side, looking at you with a confused expression. “Are you just now realizing this?” He rested his head against the frame, gazing at you. You scoffed at his response. 
“I am in no mood for this. If you’re not going to say anything nice to me then leave. I don’t have time for ignorance. I would like to be alone so I can sleep.” You quickly sat on your bed as you stared at him. He looked at you as if you just spit in his food and he scoffed, his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek again. 
“Listen princess, I don’t know how they treated you back home, and frankly, I don’t care. But this estate, this large area, is filled with mobsters. And not your flower picking, daddy loving, family like you have back home. These people have killed other people. Taken people from their families with no remorse. We don’t show mercy, and we don’t bitch about how crappy our lives are. We also, do not take any shit from snot-nosed brats who think they own shit because they’re marrying the next Don.” He snarled, and you were taken aback by his sudden aggressiveness.
Yoongi didn’t seem like the type to be this rude, but as you thought about it, he was a Min. And from the stories you heard, they were the worst of them all.
“If you want something, you get it. No one is going to do anything for you. So suck it up, and shut the fuck up. Goodnight.” He closed the door harder than you expected, the loud sound of the door slamming shut made you jump, your arms wrapping around yourself.
You couldn’t do anything. You just stared blankly at the door, as if Yoongi were still standing there. But he wasn’t. Snot-nosed brat? How dare he. You huffed loudly, peeling back the soft covers of your bed and you quickly took off your dress, leaving you in only your bra and underwear, and you crawled in. You covered your whole body with the large cover, the soft material laying perfectly on top of your skin. You quickly got comfortable enough to sleep, forgetting that you were indeed in a large home full of cold-blooded, murdering mobsters. And one was soon going to become your husband.
You did not get to sleep for long, since you woke up to a woman calling your name. You opened your eyes to see a woman with long brown hair staring down at you. “Mr. and Mrs. Min have asked for you to join the family for dinner.” She watched as you sleepily nodded as you sat up in the bed before quickly exiting your room.
You were exhausted. Mentally, physically, and emotionally. You also couldn’t get Yoongi’s words out of your head. “ We also, do not take any shit from snot-nosed brats who think they own shit because they’re marrying the next Don.” How utterly rude. You were not a snot-nosed brat,and you certainly did not think you owned anything in this large home. If anything you felt that they owned you.
You quickly slipped on a sweater and jeans, the inside of the mansion of the estate was a little too cold for your liking, but you weren’t going to say anything. You didn’t own anything in this house and the Min’s certainly don’t owe you anything. You will prove Yoongi wrong.
You stepped into the large dining hall, seeing the Min’s all sitting and drinking wine. They all looked at you, Mr. and Mrs. Min only glancing at you briefly before carrying on with their previous conversation. Yet, Yoongi was staring at you, his expression unreadable. You avoided his gaze, his words still replaying over and over in your mind. You sat far from him, your eyes looking down at the plate in front of you.
You didn’t feel hungry. You didn’t feel like sitting with this family that you knew nothing about. You just wanted to go home. You kept your hands in your lap, your head down to avoid the gaze Yoongi had on you. “Are you not hungry?” Mrs. Min asked, her voice soft as she glanced at you. 
You looked at her, innocently shaking your head. “No, I’m not.” She nodded before clearing her throat. “Well then, since we’re all here, I thought we’d discuss the future.” She began. “You and Yoongi will be getting married, and since this is my son’s wedding, I decided to be the wedding planner.” She smiled.
“You mean you just want to control everything and give me no say in what I do and do not want to do?” Yoongi interrupted, his eyes on his food as he used to fork to roll the peas around his plate slowly. “As a matter of fact, yes.” Mrs. Min clapped as she smiled wide. That earned a scoff from Yoongi, who rolled his eyes at his mother’s blunt answer.
“So i’m thinking first...what day?” She put a finger to her chin, thinking to herself. “Let’s just do it tomorrow.” Yoongi’s voice made your head shoot upward, looking at Yoongi who was just staring at you with the same unreadable expression. “I-I don’t think I’m ready for that.” You shook your head.
“I agree. Plus, I want to plan this wedding to be the most beautiful and I need time to get everything together. How about..in a month?” Mrs. Min looked at the both of you, an eyebrow raised. 
You said nothing, not wanting to be against anything she says. A month is also too soon for you, but your fear of Mr. and Mrs. Min was too strong to protest. You couldn’t forget what Yoongi said. His family was cruel, and didn’t care if you had a family. Your life could end if they wanted it to, and you had no say or chance to beg for mercy. You simply nodded, Mrs. Min’s expression changing fully to a cheerful one. 
“Oh, this is exciting!” Mrs. Min said, instantly taking out her phone. “I’m going to make some phone calls.” She stood from the table and quickly disappeared down the hall. This change of character took you by surprise. Mr. Min only nodded in your direction, also following suit and following his wife down the hall.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen her smile until today.” You mumbled, your eyes back down at your plate. You still didn’t want to see him. “I’m surprised you agreed to a month. Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Yoongi’s voice felt closer than you expected, but when you looked up, he was still in the same seat.
It was like he was always near, his voice only inches from your ear. You could still feel your skin burning from the kiss he pressed against your neck earlier. “I wasn’t going to say no to her.” You admitted that you were afraid. There was no reason to deny it. The only thing you refused to admit is that you were also scared of the man in front of you.
You weren’t scared that he’d hurt you. In fact, you knew he wouldn’t. You were terrified of what he does to you. Your mind is still yours but your body was completely under his touch. A single finger.
Yoongi said nothing to your words, nodding slowly before rising from his seat. “I’m going to bed.” His words sounded meaningless and you didn’t meet his eyes as he stood there briefly before you heard the heel of his shoes as he walked past you and through the other hall.
He is in the same hall as you. As if that we’re a surprise, of course it was the same hall. You waited until you felt that he was no longer close and you stood from the table, looking at your plate full of food that you didn’t touch. You had no appetite. Not here.
You slowly walked down the hall towards your room, glancing at all the paintings and small things on display that lined the walls. You were amazed how they could own so many things. It looked like they had expensive objects from all around the world.
You eventually made it to your door, your hand touching the cold handle of your door and opening it. A presence. Even though your room was pitch black, you still felt a presence. You reached out to feel the wall until your fingers touched the light switch and you switched it on, only to see that Yoongi was now in arms reach of you and he quickly pulled you inside, your door slamming shut from the sudden force.
He pushed you against the wall, his hands inches away from your face as he had you locked in place by his hold on the wall. You were trapped. And you could only stare at him with wide eyes as his shot straight into yours. He said nothing, his eyes now looking all over your face, his last spot on your lips.
Your breath halted as he leaned closer, your body shaking lightly. You quickly turned your head. No. You didn’t want this. But the fire burning in your stomach almost made you think something different. He leaned in closer, his lips close enough to your neck that his warm breath made your body shiver, your back slightly arching involuntarily. 
What is he doing to you? You felt your heart start to pound out of your chest as his lips slowly grazed your skin and you made a small noise, making him hesitate before slowly pulling away. You looked back at him, confusion clear on your face.
“Stop looking so sad. You’re ruining the mood around here.” He didn’t release you from your station against the wall, his eyes still staring at your lips but were quick to snap back up to your eyes, locking you in place. “Look at me more. It pisses me off when you don’t.” He still didn’t move. 
“Eat when food is given to you. I don’t need you passing out all over the place or getting sick and burdening everyone around you just because you’re sad.” His words were soft yet demanding, and all you could do was stare at him as he spoke. “You’re entitled to your own opinion, just don’t piss everybody off.”
He started to lean forwards a little and you quickly turned your head, your eyes shutting. You heard him sigh before feeling his hand grab your chin to turn your face forwards. Your eyes opened to see his stare, his eyes wandering as if he was searching for something. “I won’t hurt you. I will never hurt you. I will never force anything upon you. I’ll always wait until you’re ready.” His hand let go of your face, his arms falling back down to his sides and freeing you from his capture. 
You quickly moved from the wall, moving so you were farther from him. He looked at you and you could’ve sworn you saw a look of hurt but if it was there it quickly changed back to his normal carefree gaze.
“Please don’t play with me.” You blurted out those words before your body could stop you, and Yoongi only raised an eyebrow slightly. “I’ve never had a man this close to me. Never had a man touch my skin like you, or put their lips on my skin like you did. My heart doesn’t know what to do and my brain doesn’t know what to think. But I know you think it’s all a joke, to have me feel these things. Please do not play with my feelings. I am here against my own will. I had no choice to come here. I only did it for my father and my family. I am not spoiled, I can take care of myself. It’s only been a day, and i feel like I’ve been trapped for years.”
Your hands came up to wrap around your waist, hugging yourself. “I miss my father. I miss my home. But I have no choice but to be here and to marry you. This is not what I wanted. I want to have my own choices. So I’m choosing to say not to play with my heart, Min Yoongi. I’m not like other girls who may fall at your feet. My family may not be as cruel, but we are mobsters. I was raised to be strong, and to be a leader. I will not be toyed with.”
You hadn’t realized you had been staring at the floor until you looked up to see Yoongi’s eyes, his expression once again unreadable. That just made you frustrated. You wanted to know what he was thinking, and to see him look at you with no emotion made you want to scream. You turned around, not wanting him to see how frustrated he makes you.
“Who is toying with who? That’s what you should be asking yourself.” His words were cold, your head turning quickly to see him already leaving you room, shutting your door behind him. You stood there, astonished. Who’s toying with who? What the hell does that even mean? You were not toying with him, in fact, all you have done is stay silent, and you’ve even taken his insults without saying anything back to defend yourself. All you have done is stay small, surrounded by people who’s status towered over you.
These thoughts ran through your mind all night until you eventually fell asleep, the events of today leaving you extremely exhausted.
Black. That seemed to be the only thing you saw when you dreamed. There really was no explanation for it, nor could anything or anyone help you understand the meaning. That’s just the way your mind worked. Not that you’d complain, since the dreams you’ve heard from other people seemed bothersome.
Sometimes you were glad you couldn’t dream, but sometimes all you wanted was some color. A flash of greens, some reds, or maybe some yellows. But it was the most troublesome when you’d see flashes of yellow and think maybe this was the start of a dream, but would be rudely awakened by the reality that these flashes of lights were not illustrations of your subconscious. Instead they were the flashes of sunlight entering your room as your uncle opened your window blinds, letting the sunlight seep into your room and cast over your eyes, blinding you as you awakened.
You opened your eyes, the sun shining straight on you and you held your hand above your eyes to give you shade to look at the figure opening your window blinds. “Uncle?” You sat up and narrowed your eyes to see clearer and you saw that it was not your uncle. Instead, it was Min Yoongi, who was staring at you with a raised eyebrow at what you slept in. You looked down to see that you stripped down to just your bra and underwear again, your black laced bra on clear display in front of the man.
Your face became red hot as you quickly pulled the blankets over your chest, covering yourself. He could only chuckle, the deep laugh and small smile on his face only made you more embarrassed. “Well, good morning to you too.” He teased, and you pouted, looking away from him. 
“Please forget that you saw anything.” You looked back at him. “I’ll try. I just can’t stop thinking about the question if your panties match.” He sneered. Your mouth opened wide in surprise. “Pervert.” You folded your arms over your chest, securing the blanket there. “Only for you, princess.”
You willfully ignored the nickname he gave you and huffed loudly. “Did you come in here to invade my privacy or was there an actual reason?” You glared at him. He said nothing at first, instead just leaning next to the window and crossing his arms. “Well, I was going to tell you that my friends are coming over to play pool, and I want you to be there so you can meet all of them. But seeing how you’re barely dressed in front of me, now makes me want to stay here to see how far this will go.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “You’re so cocky. Who said you were going to get anything from me?” You were obviously annoyed, and that only entertained Yoongi more.
“Well, I am your future husband. To be more specific, your fiance. That puts me on a pretty high pedestal, and it’s a shame that I’m almost close to marrying my fiance and I haven’t even had the pleasure to kiss her.” He was playing with you again.
You narrowed your eyes, your blush returning back on your face. “I’ll meet your friends, but you’ll have to kill me first before I’ll ever let you kiss me.” You snarled, watching as he chuckled again, the sound only infuriating you more. “Don’t tempt me.” He headed towards your door, glancing at you as he took hold of your doorknob. “They’ll be here in an hour.” He closed your door, leaving you alone once again.
You took a long, much needed shower after the day that passed, enjoying the hot water falling onto your skin like bullets. You had your hands through your hair, washing the shampoo from your long locks. Your mind always wanders while showering, and you started to think about your family back home. You wished you could talk to your father, or hear his voice, but all you had to keep him in your mind was a jacket that still smelled of him.
You got out the shower, wiping the fog from the mirror so you could look at yourself, wrapping yourself in a towel and grabbing another towel to dry your hair. You walked out the bathroom, going straight to your suitcase and pulling out a matching red set of lace underwear and a bra. You suddenly remembered what happened earlier with Yoongi and your face became red again as you hurriedly put them on, feeling embarrassed that you had exposed yourself like that.
You own plenty pajamas, but the day was so long and tiring that you simply stripped and went to bed. A mistake that won’t happen again. You opened another suitcase, taking out the dresses that were inside so they wouldn’t wrinkle. You looked at all of them, deciding to put on an olive green summer dress, the end of it adorned with white lace.
You looked at yourself in the mirror, your hair now dry and you decided to put it over one shoulder, your long hair draping over your shoulder and chest. You looked on your nightstand, seeing your mother’s charm bracelet and you quickly put it on, lightly feeling the sun charm dangling from it and smiling. 
No matter how much you missed your mother, your memory of her was still strong, and you were happy that you still had her close to your heart.
It took you a few to figure out where the pool room was, but you were quick to find it when you heard Yoongi’s voice along with other men outside the door. You knocked before slowly opening the door, looking to see Yoongi along with six other men staring straight at you. You stood awkwardly, closing the door behind you softly. 
“Guys, this is (Y/N). My fiance.” That word still made your heart pound and you looked at Yoongi as he looked back at you with a smirk. “Wow, she’s even more beautiful than you described.” One of them said, his lips forming a smile and you spotting dimples that appeared on each side. “I’m Namjoon.” He said, reaching out his hand which you took respectively.
After meeting all of them, you had a general idea of who they were and their personalities. Kim Namjoon, is really smart and kind, yet he tends to break a lot of things. You overhear the others calling him the ‘God of Destruction’ which you later fully understood.
Kim Seokjin, who you were later told to call Jin, is the oldest in the group of friends, yet he acts like a child. He likes to tell really horrible jokes, though Yoongi’s friend, Jimin, was always the only one to laugh. Park Jimin is very nice and is almost the same height as Yoongi, but he is a lot more playful that him. He likes to tease the others, and he always laughed at jokes, no matter how terrible they were.
Jung Hoseok is so funny that you had to hold your stomach sometimes from laughing so hard. He always had the best responses, and he sometimes did random things to make everyone laugh. You knew immediately that everyone loved him.
Kim Taehyung is not from this world. That’s really all you can say. He’s a sweetheart and also just as random as Hoseok, but he did things that only made you question his state of mind. But you knew immediately that he’d be a friend that you would be close to.
Jung Jungkook is the youngest, so everyone treats him like so, but he is also the most muscular of the group of friends. Jin always tells him to calm down and to relax his muscles as a joke, and he would always just smile, his teeth reminding you of a bunny. You had to admit that he was adorable, yet his muscles told you otherwise.
You sat among them, watching as Namjoon and Jungkook played pool while the rest of them sat on the couches around you and drank beer. Yoongi held one out to you but you quickly shook your head. “I’m underage, plus, I don’t like the taste of beer.” Yoongi raised an eyebrow. You never told him your age.
“Really? How old are you, (Y/N)?” Taehyung asked, looking at you curiously. “E-Eighteen...” You looked at Yoongi, who looked at you with wide eyes. “Woah, Yoongi! You’re marrying a young one. What’s the year gap there?” Namjoon looked at the both of you in surprise. “Like, six years?”
You looked at Yoongi in amazement. “You’re 24?” Yoongi only stared at you, the same amazed expression on his face.
It was late at night when the boys finally left, leaving you and Yoongi alone in silence. He didn’t speak to you once after finding out how old you were, and you looked at him slightly annoyed as he walked away from you to head towards his room. 
“Min Yoongi!” You watched as he stopped and turned to look at you. “You didn’t speak to me for hours.” He looked away, his tongue poking his cheek again as he gave you an annoyed glare. “Why didn’t you tell me how old you were. You’re practically a child.” He watched as you walked over to him, close enough to where you don’t have to shout.
“I am not a child.” Your simple words made him scoff and you crossed your arms, returning the annoyed glare. “I’m not a child. I am mature enough to handle my own decisions and situations, and I know right from wrong. I am an adult, and you will treat me as one. So don’t ignore me like that, and do not insult me by calling me a child. I will not be belittled by yo-” Your words were cut short by Yoongi’s hands reaching out and grabbing you, pushing you against the wall hard as his lips crashed into yours. One of his hands held you in place by the back of your neck while the other held you in place against him by your waist.
Your skin was on fire. His hands felt like hot pans as he burned your skin from the inside.
He’s dangerous.
Your eyes were wide open, staring at him as he kissed you hard, the feeling a little painful but his lips were so soft. Your eyes closed slowly, feeling his lips move on top of yours and you couldn’t help yourself from kissing him back, causing a low groan to leave his lips.
What are you doing? This is wrong. This is wrong.
But you couldn’t stop. You kissed him back, immediately letting him take dominance in the kiss as he held you close to him. Your hands went up to tangle in his hair, pulling him closer against your lips.
It was as if you were trying to engulf one another. As if no matter how close you were, you wanted to be closer. You wanted to feel his hot skin against yours. You wanted to feel his fingers gently sliding against your body, keeping you in place against his. You felt his tongue swipe against your bottom lip and you quickly felt his tongue slid into your mouth, his tongue sliding against yours, eliciting a moan from your throat.
His tongue pulled away and he gently bit down on your bottom lip, drawing back slightly before letting go and moving down to your exposed neck, hungrily leaving wet kisses and marks on every place he could. You bit your lip, your eyes closing as he sucked on one part of your neck that made you moan out loud, the sensitive area making your legs shake and Yoongi’s grip on your waist tightened as if he was holding you up to keep you from falling.
His lips returned back to yours, your kisses almost sloppy as you felt his hands go under your thighs only to lift you up against the wall, your legs wrapping tightly around his hips as you felt him pin you harder against the wall. You felt his tongue return back into your mouth, your tongues sliding as you hungrily kissed each other. You felt him grind hard against you, the fact that you were only wearing a dress made you shiver, feeling him over the thin material of your underwear. Your mind which was in a haze finally snapped back into reality of what was happening.
This is wrong. This is wrong. You need to stop this.
You pulled away quickly. Yoongi was quick to look up at you, his clouded eyes almost searching for the reason that you pulled away from him. “Yoongi...” Your words almost came out as a whisper. He looked at you a second more before realizing what was happening and was quick to carefully set you down.
You smoothed out your dress as Yoongi took a few steps away from you, running his hands through his hair. “Fuck...” You heard his frustration and you looked up at him to see him leaning against the wall on the opposite side of you.
“You don’t know what you’re doing to me, Princess.” He said, your skin growing goosebumps at how he looked at you.
“I don’t know what you mean. I’ve done nothing to you, accept argue with you over everything.” Your hand ran through your hair, which was slightly tangled from him grabbing at you. He shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing. “You don’t understand, do you?” He looked at you, studying your expression before tchiping and walking past you.
“Forget about it. Goodnight.”
You watched him disappear down the hallway and you fell back against the wall, your hand going to your heart to calm down the fast and heavy beating in your chest. You had no idea what he meant by the fact that you were doing something to him.
 You only stood there, still feeling your lips swollen from the harsh kisses and your neck felt tender from the marks he left. Your fingers lightly touched your lips, the feeling of his lips on yours and the taste of him on your tongue still lingered and made you feel like your brain was going to melt.
What did you do to him? What does he mean?
Author’s Note
I apologize deeply for posting this chapter so late. I just felt that I was in a rush to finish and I honestly feel like if I rush, it’ll be a crappy chapter so I took some time so it’ll at least not suck as much as I kinda feel that it does.
Just a reminder that even though I’ve written plenty of fanfics, this doesn’t make me an experienced writer. I don’t think I do very well, but I believe that if it’s something I love to do, I’ll keep doing it.
But if you guys really like it, then that also helps too, haha!
This is the second chapter, so if you want more, please don’t hesitate to message my inbox! I’m very quick to respond, unless I’m doing something really important, which can happen so just be patient with me please :)
Thank you to everyone who has been so kind and commenting on chapter 1 and liking and reblogging it, and those of you who followed me, thank you so so so much! I am very happy to see such positive responses from everyone.
I hope this chapter satisfies you, and I’ll try my hardest to make the third chapter ten times better than this one.
This is a growing experience, and I’m so glad that I get to do this with you.
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notsoguiltykpop · 7 years
The Tenth Floor pt 1
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader & Taehyung x Reader
Min Yoongi had gone through 34 secretaries in the past 24 months, and each one of them left in tears. This fact alone should have warned you against taking the job, but the pay was too good to pass up. Surely you could put up with a billionaires temper-tantrums, right?
Genre: Fluff, humor, probably some angst
Warnings: Strong language, smut talked about/implied, some dark themes
Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
You certainly looked the part. Dress slacks, light-blue blouse, a blazer with the sleeves rolled up once. You were even wearing heels, much to your distaste. You had bought your slacks at a consignment store cheap, and they fit other than the length. You planned to either have them hemmed or buy new ones as soon as you got your first pay check, but for now you would have to survive without practical shoes.
The elevator you were standing in was basically a box of mirrors, and everywhere you looked you saw yourself. It was a little disconcerting, so you tried to focus on your phone. You felt the elevator stop, and you glanced up at the numbers on the wall. You were only on the fifth floor, so you guessed someone else must be going up as well.
You were right, and watched as two young men stepped into the elevator with you. The taller of the two gave you a smile as the other almost pressed the button for the tenth floor, noticed it was already lit up, and dropped his hand.
“You must be the new secretary.” He commented, and you raised your eyebrows.
“Yeah, how did you—“
“We know everyone on the tenth floor.” The taller man replied. “My name’s Seokjin, by the way.” He held out his hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you.” You said, giving them both a smile. “I look forward to getting to know you both.”
“Don’t count on it.” The second man snorted.
Seokjin shot the other man a look, and hit his arm lightly. “Jimin, don’t scare the girl off on her first day.” Jimin shrugged, unperturbed.
“What do you mean, ‘don’t count on it’?” You asked, and Jimin smiled.
“I mean, you won’t be around long enough to get to know us.” He looked over to Seokjin. “I’d give her a week, tops.”
Seokjin sighed. “Such a pessimist.” He chided before sizing you up. “She’ll last a month.”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk about me like I wasn’t here.” You huffed. “Are you saying you think I’ll quit? Because I certainly don’t plan on it.”
“Oh my dear girl.” Seokjin smiled sympathetically at you, placing a hand on your shoulder. “No one plans to quit. Yoongi is one of my closest friends, so I say this in the most loving way possible, but he’s unbearable at best and bat-shit crazy at worst.”
Jimin cackled, and the elevator bing-ed as it passed the eighth floor. “I’ll bet you ten thousand that she quits within two weeks.” He said to Seokjin, and the taller grinned.
“Oh? So now you think she’ll last longer than a week?”
Jimin shrugged. “She’s got an attitude, so she’ll stick around out of pride. But she’s also going to drive Yoongi up the wall, so he’ll be that much worse to her. Two weeks.”
Seokjin shook his head. “Look how she’s standing. She means business, and she knows what she’s in for. She’s prepared. Two months.”
“I am still standing here.” You said pointedly, folding your arms.
“Irritated easily and doesn’t wear practical shoes.” Jimin hummed. “Still think she’ll last a month?”
Seokjin clicked his tongue. “So she has fashion sense, remind me how that’s a bad thing?”
The doors opened to the tenth floor and the two of them stepped out still arguing how long you were going to last. As you started to follow, Seokjin stopped suddenly and turned to face you.
“Good luck, by the way.” He waved.
“You’ll need it.” Jimin said seriously.
Yoongi’s office wasn’t hard to find, the huge double doors and name plate stood out from the elevator, and you made your way past desks and the people sitting at them to stand in front of it.
Taking a deep breath, you smoothed your blazer before knocking on the door twice.
“Come in.” A voice called from inside, and you opened the door and stepped inside.
“Hello, Mr. Min, my name is—“
“Coffee.” The man sitting behind the desk has bleached-blonde hair that was perfectly styled to one side, who looked far too young to be a multi-billionaire. He didn’t so much as look up from the papers he was pouring over, but snapped his fingers impatiently.
“Beg your pardon?” You said, slightly taken aback.
“My coffee, are you deaf?”
“No, I just—“ You started.
“Do you know what time it is?”
“What?” You said, dumbfounded.
“You said you weren’t deaf. What time is it?”
You glanced at your watch. “Seven forty-five.” You said. You were early, technically you weren’t supposed to be there until eight, but you didn’t want to risk being late on your first day.
“So where the hell is my coffee?” He didn’t sound terribly annoyed, but you got the feeling that could change at any moment.
“I’ll… Go get you some.” You said after only a second. You left the office rather hurriedly, pulling the door closed behind yourself before realizing you had no idea how he even liked his coffee. You walked over to the coffee station anyway, unwilling to risk making your new boss mad by re-entering the office without his coffee.
“He likes cream and sugar.” A voice said from behind you, and you turned to see Jimin.
“Thanks.” You said, shocked that he would offer to help, but relieved none the less.
“No problem. He’s really picky about his coffee.” Jimin patted your shoulder before walking away, and when you returned to Yoongi’s office you were feeling slightly more confident. Surely all Yoongi needed was a cup of coffee and he would be in a better mood for you to properly introduce yourself.
You set the mug on his desk and he picked it back up without even looking. His desk was a mess, papers everywhere, pens littered the floor, and both the desktop computer screen and his laptop were covered in sticky-notes. How he found anything was beyond you, and you watched as his elbow knocked a folder to the floor without his even noticing.
Yoongi took one sip of the coffee and made a face, spitting the liquid back into the mug and making a gagging noise as he did so.
“The fuck is this?” He finally looked up at you, a scowl on his face. “The fuck are you?”
“Your new secretary.” You stated plainly. Part of you was irritated that Jimin had apparently lied about how Yoongi liked his coffee, and another part felt dumb for believing him.
“What happened to Jessica?” He blinked at you.
“I believe you fired her a week and a half ago.” You said. Jessica was actually how you found out about the job. She had been ranting to you about how horrible it was and what a relief it was to be done with the job when you realized that if she was fired, the company must be hiring.
Yoongi stared off into space for a moment. “Oh, yeah.” He said, then shook his head. “She was unbelievably annoying, always humming to herself…”
You resisted the urge (barely) to defend your friend and kept your face neutral. “Well I don’t hum, so we should get along just fine.” You smiled, and Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“I have a meeting in a few minutes. While I’m gone, I expect you to get this mess cleaned up. And from now on, don’t put cream in my coffee, it’s disgusting.”
“Will do.” You said, already feeling the beginnings of irritation prickling at the back of your mind.
Yoongi turned his attention back to the mess of papers on his desk. “Why are you still here?”
Yoongi sighed deeply and looked up at you slowly. “Coffee. Now.”
It was a struggle to keep the smile plastered to your face as you closed the office door behind yourself, you were determined to make this job work. You couldn’t afford for it not to, if you were honest with yourself. Jimin was waiting near the coffee station, and greeted you with a wicked smile.
“Welcome to the tenth floor.” He saluted you before walking away, and you knew that Yoongi wasn’t going to be the only difficult person to deal with.
A/N I’m back from the dead! Sorry I’ve been gone for so long... I don’t know what this is, but I’ve been so stressed and sick lately I’ve lost my inspiration to write my other stories. Hopefully this will get me back into the swing of things and I can get back to them soon! Thank you so much for reading! And as always, let me know what you think! <3 
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headcanon-baby · 7 years
dear mr. min (fuck me, fuck you) pt. 1
jimin regrets everything in life. including sending the lengthy, hormonal, angst-filled shit letter to his future boss aka Agust D aka 'mr. min' aka, "fuck you joonie hyung, why can't you have uglier business friends????" AU that literally nobody asked for.
a series of 'professional' e-mails and texts between park jimin and a certain mr. min (as well as their totally useless 'best friends').
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to: <agust d ride my d> from: <thicc ass>
subject: bitch, listen up
dear mr. min,
this is a very brief if otherwise straightforward note to tell you that turning up late or - should I say - FUCK YOU, NOT TURNING UP AT ALL - is seriously SO deeply unprofessional and rude af no matter how incompetent you think the person you’re interviewing is. shit, I know I’m just a student okay? a broke ass college student who doesn’t know what tf he’s doing in life, struggling with this shita ss med school degree because fuck my asian parents, seriously. and I’m currently having NO DICK at this point of my supposedly thriving college school life & I just broke up with my ex of 2 days and getting shit plastered with said ex in this crampy ass discount bar with no goddamn air conditioning regretting my life choices as I’m writing you this quaint and respectful email hoping you can take this beautiful ass of mine.
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BECAUSE SCREW YOU, MIN YOONGI. what authority(??!) do you have that lets you ditch a goddamn job interview i’ve been praying and wishing and shitting FOR FOR 2 NERVE WRACKING WEEKS OF MY LIFE do you know HOW MUCH ANXIETY I WAS GOING THRU AT THAT PERIOD. NO YOU FUCKIGN DON’T. and also no, FUCK YOU if you think I’m gonna be that pretty eye candy sitting in one corner waiting to suck your dick for a promotion CUZ I AIN’T THAT KINDA BOY HUNNY. I’m a manslut but I’m no goddamn whore I have standards okay *flips hair*. IDEC THAT YOU’RE A HOTSHOT NEW PRODUCER WHO’S BFFS WITH NAMJOON HYUNG. FUCK HIM, FUCK HIS PRETTY BOYFRIEND AND FINALLY FUCK YOU . GOODBYE.
xxx PARK JIMIN, THICCEST ASS IN BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA “you lost your chance to have this ass riding your dick now you gotta pay for it baby boy” - kim seokjin savage extraordinaire
maknae line fuckery ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) + hoseok
baby j guys i fucked up
g dragon can spit on me and i’d be ok w it see hyung dis is why u dont send angry drunk emails to your potential boss @3am in the morning
baby j then maybe u shouldn’t have broken up w me at @3am in the morning
g dragon can spit on me and i’d be ok w it I
taetaeTAETAETEA ayo ladies and gentleman, introducing park jimin throwin shade further than my yearly GPA
hoseokkie *claps*
taetaeTAETAETEA back to ur story tho chim how bad is it
taetaeTAETAETEA like hobi hyung drunk sexting his ex bad or
hoseokkie that was one. time.
taetaeTAETAETEA or kookie trying to get u drunk so u wouldnt kill him too hard for dumping u bad
g dragon can spit on me and i'd be ok w it omg will u ever let that go
taetaeTAETAETEA hahax999 no thats what u get for breaking my bby chims heart u lil shit <3
baby j <3 <file attached>:
to: <agust d ride my d> from: <thicc ass> subject: bitch, listen up
im fucked thanks kookie :,)
g dragon can spit on me and i'd be ok w it hyung you're my hero ✧✧✧✧✧✧
baby j thanks but ur not forgiven ;,))))
g dragon can spit on me and i'd be ok w it :c
baby j c:
baby j *bows*
hoseokkie i"M SCREAMING
family support group
squishy mochi mama i made u proud <file attached>:
to: <agust d ride my d> from: <thicc ass> subject: bitch, listen up
✧✧✧prince of shade✧✧✧ tHAT'S MY BOY
joon.ie HYUNG NO.
inspired by the time i got accepted by a really promising graphic company and then they ended up never replying back. kudos to you guys. i fucking wish death upon your futures. *salt salt*
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citrusrei · 8 years
Testosterone Boys pt. 2
Reader x F*ckboi!Yoongi SYNOPSIS: An agreement of sorts is reached. GENRE: Angst, Fluff. WORD COUNT: 8.3k PART 2 OF 2
(Second part to Testosterone Boys)
AN: the italics are a flashback lmao, just a quick head’s up! <3
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“I’m not playing, asshole. Give them to me.”  
Around this time is when people surrounding you guys including, Hoseok, Namjoon, and even Jimin started listening in on your conversation but you didn’t mind an audience. Oh no, you wanted the world to see you knock Kim Taehyung out cold.  
“I’m serious, babe. I don’t have your undies. I sure wish I did though, they were fucking adorable.”
“Alright, Tae. Humor me. If you don’t have them. Then who does?” You sighed. Your anger was at the back of your throat now and your fists clenched. You were sure your knuckles were almost white.
Taehyung laughed once again, bringing his fingers to your chin to turn your gaze to his.
“Min. Yoon. Gi.”
"What?" You scoffed, your eyes automatically rolling, "Yoongi doesn't have my underwear. I just talked to him."
"Are you sure? 'Cause, I handed them over to him earlier. Lord knows how badly he wanted those. That pathetic little crush of his. On you! Of all people." He sighed.  
His words might have hurt you if you were actually paying attention to them. But no, he lost you at "Pathetic little crush". Yoongi had a crush on you? Min Yoongi? The Min Yoongi who skipped classes, or showed up high, fucking girls left and right Min Yoongi? Could have fooled you.  
You felt your face heat up. Of course, he was gorgeous and you'd be lying to yourself if you said you'd never thought of him in that light but he wasn't your type... Was he? Did you even have a type? And if you did, did fuckboy fall into that category?
"Aw, don't tell me. You have a crush on him as well? The good girl falling for the burnout. How 2003 chick flick of you both."  
You winced at Taehyung's tone. What happened to the nice, good guy he came off to be? Was that all just a facade? And you didn't have a crush on Yoongi, did you? I mean, yeah, he looked amazing tonight and yeah, a butterfly or two may have fluttered around your chest any time he was near you, but that's not a crush, right? That's just how you felt around Yoongi normally.
You vaguely remembered one of the first times Yoongi spoke to you. You'd known of his reputation because who didn't? Not that it ever mattered to anyways. Honestly, you didn't care if he slept around or smoked pot all day. That was his business and if he treated you with respect, then you'd treat him nicely back. Simple as that. ��
It was your Sophomore year, nearly two years ago that you met Min Yoongi in your world literature class. Of course, he was failing and of course you were top ranked so it was a no-brainer to the teacher for you to stay after class and tutor him; everyday.
"Min Yoongi, I know you're not a fan of this whole school thing, but you should at least graduate! Then at least you can be a bum but have a diploma!" Yoongi winced, the choice of words she used not settling well with him.
"If you fail this class, you'll have to take it during summer school. I have no choice but to have this student tutor you."
"But, Mrs. Yoo, I-I have um, basketball practice after school everyday! I can't miss that!" He lied. The teacher rolled her eyes before speaking,  
"Mr. Min, I know you don't play basketball. With how much you smoke, there's no way your lungs could handle it."
Yoongi sighed, accepting his defeat, "Okay, but can you at least tell me who the student is?"  
"She should be here any second, so just take a seat and wait."
It was like he was made out of sighs and eye rolls because that's exactly what he did before taking a seat at the front muttering, "This is so lame."
No more than a few minutes later, a small knock was heard on the door frame accompanied with a "Mrs. Yoo?"
"Ah yes, (Y/N), dear. Come in and sit down. This is your pupil, Min Yoongi. Min Yoongi this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Please. Be nice to her."
Your eyes widened when you saw who you were tutoring, all though you had somewhat of an idea who it could be due to your teachers hinting. She clued that it was someone who never really showed up, so he didn't know the coursework. Which meant it was either Yoongi, Hoseok, or Namjoon. However, even despite their absences you still knew how smart Namjoon was due to the fact that you've known him since elementary, English being one of his fortes and Hoseok; well you weren't sure of his knowledge in other classes but a few months back your teacher paired the two of you up for some Shakespeare project and he could quote and reference him beautifully. It was like he'd grown up in that time period, which really impressed you. But with Yoongi, you really had no idea what his intelligence was like. Did he even know what book you were reading in class?
"Okay, go on and take a seat, (Y/N). I have to go make copies of tomorrow's lesson so I'll be back in 15!"
You watched as her petite frame left the classroom before turning back to Yoongi. He was already face first into the desk, clicking his mechanical pencil until the led dropped to the ground.
"If you waste all your lead, what will you write with?" You joked, trying to ease the tension. His cat like eyes darted up to you before returning to his pencil, starting the clicking again.
You sat at the desk next to him, pulling out your notebooks, extra scratch paper and of course the book you were reading currently in class; Fahrenheit 451.
"Okay, so literally the assignment right now is to go and find 5 examples of foreshadowing and write about it. I'll give you one, and then you tell me one, okay?" You said, opening your notes and turning to Yoongi in your chair.
"You know, I've only read like 4 chapters of the book, right?" A sigh escaped your lips, figuring that would be the case.
"Well, you've read more than I thought you did." You laughed and Yoongi quirked an eyebrow.  
"Okay, well let's get started then!"
Yoongi ended up knowing a lot more than you thought as it turned out he read more than half the book so the two of you breezed through the assignment no issue. Naturally, you worked through some other assignments he was missing and in the end, bumped his grade up from failing to a solid D.  
Even though he gave off that 'cool, idgaf' attitude, you could see right through it. You could just tell that he was happy about the grade, even though he'd never admit to it and if asked, he'd vehemently deny it. You found yourself smiling as his threatened to break past his cool exterior and you decided that tutoring him wouldn't be half as bad as you thought it'd be.  
Over the course of the next couple of weeks, the tutoring continued. He'd show up a little after you but was never later than 15 minutes passed the final bell. You thought it was kind of endearing that he was so interested in getting his grade as high as he could with your help. It made you feel important.  
He even started coming to class regularly. Of course there were the occasional days he'd miss but you'd say 3-4/5 days a week he'd be there. Of course, he'd sit near you cause he was comfortable with you. You'd always answer questions if he had any, you'd laugh at any joke he said and you'd scold him if he was late or didn't show up. He liked that you were hard on him because no one had ever been that way before. It showed that you cared, in his opinion.
"Hey." Yoongi whispered to you 20 minutes into the midterm exam. You side-eyed him as a way to tell him to not talk to you right now. Clearly you were busy.  
"Pssst." He hushed, poking you with the end of his pencil.  
"What." You hissed back, loud enough for the teacher to look up and scan the room. You busied yourself back into the test sheet as did Yoongi. Once you were in the clear, you looked back to him who was already looking at you. You felt your cheeks flush at his obvious stares and your eyebrows knitted together.
"What, Min Yoongi?"  
"What are you doing after school today?" His question confused you. What did he mean? Of course you were tutoring him. He should know that by now, it had been the same schedule for the past 3 weeks.  
"What? I'm tutoring you, stupid." He laughed only slightly, loving how much sass was coming from you today.
"Okay, but what about after? It's a friday night. Have any plans?" His tone was quiet and you weren't sure if it was because he didn't want to get caught talking during a test or if he didn't want to be heard asking you out. Your head turned back to the test as you spoke,
"I think I'm going to a movie with Jimin, why?" You tried to act as nonchalantly as possible. Not wanting Yoongi to know that you were dying to know was he was getting at.
"Jimin? Is that your boyfriend or something?" He scoffed, causing the teacher to shush the both of you. Your face went red in embarrassment and Yoongi snickered at your beet red cheeks.
"So, is he?" He asked again, you taking too long to answer the first time.  
"No." You mouthed, finishing up the last couple of questions and setting your pencil to the side of your desk. Yoongi looked at his test and realized he still had more than half left with only 20 mins of class but still deemed this conversation more important.
"Good." He mumbled, almost too quietly for you to hear but still, you did. What was good? That Jimin wasn't your boyfriend or was he confident in his test answers? What was going on with him today?
"Look, there's a party tonight. You should come." He finally said. You stayed quiet weighing your options. Go to a party where Yoongi will be? Or go to a movie with your best friend? While you loved Jimin and wanted to see the movie, you'd never been to a party before. And never had you been asked by someone like Min Yoongi. You decided you could probably talk Jimin into it.
Yoongi hated that you didn't answer him, not that he asked you a question but he was really dying to have you come to this party. Over the past 3 weeks he found himself having a lot more interest in World Literature and it wasn't because of Macbeth. He hated disappointing you, so he'd show up as much as he could. He'd come everyday to your tutor sessions not because you were amazing at tutoring him, but that he loved watching you get so passionate. He loved hearing all of your opinions about heavy subjects, he loved the small banter the two of you shared, he loved the casual talking about one another's day when he first arrived. The "How was your day?" Question you asked everyday was one of the highlights of his day. He didn't know when he first fell for you. Whether it was the first session or the second or the third or the fourteenth, all he knew was that he did.
He put up with teasing from Namjoon and Taehyung about how "serious" he was about his education now when they thought it only about trying to get into your pants. But that wasn't it at all. He genuinely wanted to take you out and get ice cream or go to a movie or just walk somewhere so he could hold your damn hand and maybe kiss you at the end of the night. It almost scared him to think he had fallen for someone this deeply and even to this day he thought he could deny it and maybe even talk himself out of it, but he knows that he'd be lying. He hated how vanilla he became around you. This wasn't who he was, was it? He wasn't the type to do dates, hell, he didn't even do relationships so why the fuck did he want to go steady with you? He was willing to give up his old ways for you. He'd stop fucking around, he'd stop hanging out with such assholes or in the least stop being so impressionable around them. He'd even give up smoking for you. If that didn't show he was serious about you, then he didn't know what was.  
After the class was over and somehow Yoongi miraculously finished his exam he turned it in and caught up with you in the hallway. You were waiting for Jimin so you could head to lunch as you always did so it wasn't hard to find you.
"So? Will you come?" Yoongi smiled when he met you. Your heart lurched in your chest, secretly loving all the attention he was giving you today.
"Are you asking me out, Min Yoongi?" Right as the words left your mouth, you wanted to bury yourself where you stood. The heat running up the course of your neck could be felt by other people a mile away, but all Yoongi did was smile wider.
"I mean, maybe I am? Why, does it bother you?" Your eyes widened as you looked up to him and he let out a small laugh, his own heart beating like a drum so loud he was surprised you couldn't hear it.  
He was nervous. He'd never really been rejected before and if the girl he was utterly infatuated with denied him, he didn't know how he'd ever live it down.
"No, it doesn't." You boldly said, now causing Yoongi's eyes to widen before his face broke out into a gummy smile that had your stomach in knots and your heart singing.  
Yoongi couldn't help it and he didn't care if he was making himself seem like a huge dork. He thought that you'd better get used to it now because he was going to ask you out at the party tonight and if you agreed, you'd never see another side of him. He'd be in a constant state of bliss.
"So, does that mean you'll come?" He pegged on, you giggled a bit and it was music to Yoongi's ears.
"We'll see what I can do." You saw Jimin walking up behind Yoongi so you said a quick 'see ya later' to the dark haired man in front of you, leaving him with a goofy grin plastered to his face that stayed there the remainder of the day.
"So about the movie-" You and Jimin said at the same time.
"You first." He laughed, you laughing along with him.
"No, no. You go ahead."  
"Okay. So, I know you wanted to go see that movie tonight but... There's a party." Your eyes lit up and your ears perked at Jimin's words. Maybe you wouldn’t have to beg him after all.  
"It's at Namjoon's," He continued, "I think we should go. We're sophomores and haven't been to a house party before! I think it'll be good for us."  
"Sure, let's go." You quickly answered, almost too quick that it had Jimin stuttering.
"R-really? You wanna g-go?" He asked, his eyes as wide as saucers.
"Yeah! Why not? I think it'll be fun." Jimin's face lit up as a smile grew on his lips, "You met a girl, didn't you?" You added. Jimin's smile dropped instantly, turning shy and blushy.  
"Ah, that's not it, (Y/N)." He whined, but you could see through his lie. You laughed, ruffling Jimin's natural colored hair, "That's okay, I met someone too."
Jimin became serious again. He had a feeling he knew who you were talking about and he really hoped he was wrong. "You aren't talking about Min Yoongi, are you?"  
Instantly, you scowled. His intrusive tone struck some sort of chord and you suddenly didn't want to talk about it anymore.  
"So what if it is? There's nothing wrong with him."
Jimin sighed, running his fingers through his hair. His gaze ran the course of the hallway before turning to yours, "I never said there was. I've just... I've just heard stuff about him."  
Of course. Who hadn't heard anything about Yoongi or his friends? You understood why Jimin was concerned and it's not like it hadn't crossed your mind that maybe the reason Yoongi was all nice and flirty today because he wanted to get into your pants, but over the past few weeks of you spending time with him and getting to know him better, you couldn't see him doing that to you.  
"Yeah? Well so have I. But I know him and he wouldn't do that." Jimin sighed again and you could tell he was completely not okay with this but you really didn't care. You could trust Yoongi. Or maybe you were just being naïve.
"Okay, I believe you. Let's have fun tonight. Okay?" He smiled and you mimicked him, fully agreeing to let loose tonight.
Tutoring went by without a hitch. Maybe even better than that considering how smiley and giddy Yoongi was the entire time. It was refreshing and you found yourself thinking that you wouldn't mind it if he kept acting like this.
Soon after, you went home and got ready nearly an hour early before the party even started which meant that you still had two hours to kill before you would go. Jimin had said something about how it would seem "uncool" if you showed up to a party on time so you'd have to be "fashionably late". You wanted to see Yoongi though. Would he be excited to see you? What will you say to him when you see him? Will he like what you're wearing? Questions and self-doubt ran through your mind that had you changing your outfit at least 5 different times and trying to decide if you wanted your hair up or down. Eventually you decided on a casual yet stylish outfit consisting of plain skinny jeans and a fitted black long sleeve shirt with your hair down.  
"Hopefully this will be okay. I don't want to seem like I'm trying too hard." You said out loud to yourself, fixing and kinks in your hair and straightening out any wrinkles on your outfit.  
"You look hot!" Jimin said from behind you. You could see him behind you in the reflection of your mirror. He styled his hair a bit differently, showcasing his forehead slightly and you could tell he put a lot of effort into his outfit. It was simple like yours but still made him look like a Greek God.
"Damn, Park! If you weren't my best friend, I'd be jumping your bones right now!" You teased. Jimin wrinkled his eyes together in a cute grin as he got shy, mumbling a "Oh, stop it" causing you to smile as well.
Jimin made himself at home atop of your bed as you finished the minor details. Nerves finally starting to get the best of you. Yes, you were nervous before but you were now only minutes away from meeting up with him. Outside of school. Outside of tutoring. He wanted to see you; apparently.
"Maybe we shouldn't go. I'm sure there's still showings of the movie!" You babbled, Jimin rolled his eyes.  
"We're going to the party. He asked you, right? He'll be happy to see you." It was almost as though Jimin was reading your mind as he knew all the right things to say. You nodded, agreeing with him that your anxiety was unnecessary. He wanted to see you. He wanted to see you. He wanted to see you.  
You replayed the words like a mantra until it stuck in your head. You could do it. It's just a party.
"Dude, you look so on edge, take a hit and chill out." Hoseok said, handing Yoongi the joint.  
Yoongi eyeballed the small cig between his fingers, debating on whether or not he should. Of course, he was nervous for you to show up and obviously this would mellow his mood, but he wanted to be sober when he saw you. The party had been going on for an hour and not once did he drink or smoke. There was also no sign of you.
"What are you waiting for someone?" Namjoon smiled, taking a drink from the beer bottle he had just grabbed from a cooler.  
"No, I'm just feeling a bit off. That's all." Yoongi said, handing Hoseok the blunt.
"Yeah, you're feeling off because you haven't smoked in who knows how long. What are you? A prude now?" Yoongi side eyed the blonde haired man, who only grinned in return.  
"Give me it." Yoongi demanded. Hoseok passed the joint once again and Yoongi took a deep, long puff from it, exhaling the cotton white smoke from his nostrils.  
"There, now you can calm down and wait for whoever you're waiting for." Namjoon laughed. Yoongi sighed, glancing at the time on his phone. An hour and a half already. Maybe you weren't coming.
Disappointment and discouragement coursed through his body. He should have known better than to get his hopes up for someone like you. Someone who's way to good to be seen with someone like him. Someone too perfect in every way to ever associate themselves with someone like Yoongi. A burn out. A loser. A fuckboy. He should have known better to think you really cared. The teacher probably offered you some amazing extra credit to help out the dumb kid, failing more than half of his classes and you wouldn't ever pass up that. No, because that's just how you were. And he decided that if you didn't consider him important, then he didn't consider you it either.  
"You know what? I'm not waiting for anyone." Yoongi hissed, snatching the beer from Namjoon's hands and downing the remains.  
"Whoa, I was drinking that?" He huffed. Namjoon was amused with his friends newfound behavior, however and he wanted to see how far he could push it.
"You want another?" He offered. Yoongi muttered a quick yeah, still finding himself watching the door, just in case you showed up. Not that he cared at this point, however.  
Namjoon laughed, handing his friend another drink, "Hey man, I think Nara has been eyeing you for a while. Maybe you should go see what she wants?" Yoongi's heart sank. Was he really going to give up this easily? He gulped down half of the bottle easily, his sight set on the girl.  
She looked up from her drink, smirking. Her eyes begging him over. He didn't know if it was the alcohol, or the joint but one way or another he ended up in front of her. Minimal words were spoken before her lips her on his. At first he hesitated, his thoughts completely consumed by you until her hand snaked down to his belt and grabbing on to it firmly. Then, he was lost.
"Jimin, we're so late!" You yelled, walking up the steps into the huge house. People littered the porch and front yard, some song that had to have been popular on the radio playing in the background.  
"I'm sorry! You know my car sucks." Jimin said, meeting you at the door. You didn't bother knocking considering the door was already open. It led to the main room that was flooded with people from your school and more than likely people who weren't. Your breath was almost taken away from the sheer amount of people that occupied the room.  
Naturally, your eyes scanned the vicinity, looking for the head of hair that you'd grown so used to seeing everyday. But you couldn't find it.  
"Jiminnie!" A voice called. You looked behind you to see some red haired girl throw herself at your best friend. It was clearly the girl he'd been excited to see before. His smile lit up as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pecking her lips gently.  
"Ah, (Y/N) this is Molly. Molly, (Y/N)." The red head stuck her dainty hand out, a bright smile shown on her face.  
"Ah, (Y/N)! I've heard so much about you. It's nice to meet you!" She gushed, her grip on Jimin loosening ever so slightly.
"It's nice to meet you too! You don't go to our school, do you?" She shook her head, "Nope! I go to East End High. On the other side of town." You nodded knowingly, "Oh, I see. Wait, how did you two meet then?" You asked, your eyebrows scrunching together.
"Oh! We met o-" Jimin's hand covered her mouth, cutting off her sentence before she could finish it. He laughed nervously, making any excuse to get you away from them.
"A-AH, I'll tell you about it later! Why don't you go find Yoongi! It has been like two hours since the party started, I bet he's dying to see you!" He croaked.  
At the mention of Yoongi, your previous curiosity faltered. Jimin was right, you should go and find him and explain your tardiness.  
"O-Okay then! It was nice meeting you, Molly. Stay safe, you kids." You laughed, turning around and walking into the sea of people. He had to be here somewhere.
The living room was held no sign of Min Yoongi and neither did the kitchen nor the backyard. 'Maybe he's not here?' You thought.
The cold air from the night calmed your nerves only momentarily before negative thoughts seeped their way into your brain.  
What if he didn't show up because it was all some sick joke? Your heartbeat sped up and sunk simultaneously, your cheeks heating up despite the chill air.  
That had to have been it. He was playing some cruel prank on you to make you seem like some idiot who thought he could ever be capable of having normal feelings for someone and boy, did you feel stupid.  
Jumping to conclusions, you felt the hot tears brimming in the corners of your eyes, but oh no, you wouldn't give Yoongi the satisfaction of making you cry in front of who knows how many people. So for now, you sucked it up and told yourself that you can cry the moment you entered your bedroom. Jimin would be fine with Molly. You could walk yourself home, it wasn't that far anyways.
"Hey! (Y/N)!" A chirpy voice rang from behind you. You didn't even have to look to know who it was. Seokjin.  
"Hello, Jin." You chided, facing the taller boy.  
"You here alone?" He asked, straightforward with his words. You nodded, not really paying attention.
"Why?" He pestered. Your face contorted as you looked up at him, debating on whether or not to tell him the truth.
"I was looking for someone. I was invited." His mouth opened as he let out a silent "Ah", nodding his head.  
"May I ask who?" You sighed. Boy, was this guy persistant.
"I guess. I was looking for Yoongi. But I don't think he's here, so I'm just going to leave." Seokjin raised his eyebrows at the mention of the troublemaker.  
"Ah, Min Yoongi? He's upstairs. I don't know why you'd be looking for him though, he's trouble! I'd stay away if I were you." You blocked the rest of Jin's words out after he slipped that Yoongi was upstairs.  
You quickly excused yourself, not bothering to give any excuses. You figured Jin would understand.  
Once inside, it took you a second to find your way back to the main living room which held the staircase to upstairs. Was he really up there? What was he doing? Maybe he was nervous too?
Nerves filled your gut again, but not the fluttery kind.
You stepped up the stairs, careful not to bump any party goer even though by the looks of it, they were too far gone to even care. Of course, the house had numerous rooms to choose from and you really didn't want to just barge in on people.
You knocked on a couple doors, most of them were empty surprisingly, that is until you reached the end of the hallway.
"This is so dumb." You whispered to yourself before knocking. You seriously felt idiotic to even be searching for him at this point. You could easily just go wait for him downstairs and he'd show up when he wanted to, if he wanted to. Which you really hoped he did.
Gently, you tapped your knuckles against the white painted door, waiting for anyone to respond from the other side. After a few seconds of nothing, you figured it was empty until a low, guttural groan passed through the door.  
You weren't dumb, but for some reason you knocked again. Even though you knew fully just what was happening on the inside.  
"G-Go away." The voice groaned. You would have stepped away, really, letting them have their privacy, but instead you grabbed the doorknob. You knew that voice and you sent a silent prayer that it wasn't who you thought it was.  
The doorknob twisted easily, and you pushed it open slowly. A sick feeling bubbled in your stomach and you knew you could back out. You didn't need to do this. You didn't even know it was for sure him. What if you were about to walk in on some completely random couple? You could never live that down.
But still, you opened the door. Even though, you wish you never would have.
There he was, as predicted, leaned against the sink, pants around his ankles as some girl kneeled before him.  
"Y-Yoongi." You hushed, wanting to disappear from the world right as the name slipped from your lips.  
His eyes darted open, irritatedly looking towards the culprit that was distracting him from the head he was receiving. But once he saw who it was, his eyes widened. His mouth parted as if he was trying to speak, trying to cover up what you thought was happening even though it was exactly what it looked like. There was no cover up for this.  
Yoongi quickly pushed Nara off of him and pulled his pants up, instantly becoming flaccid as he saw the look on your face.  
"(Y/N), this isn't what it looks like." His eyes closed, cursing himself for that being the first thing to come out of his mouth.  
You scoffed, the tears from earlier fresh as ever as you backed away from the door and leaving immediately.  
You didn't bother to listen to the voice calling for you, begging you to wait, screaming dozens of apologies. You didn't bother finding Jimin to let him know you were leaving and that you'd never go to another high school party again. There was no reason to.  
Yoongi caught up with you right as you reached the front door, latching himself onto your wrist, stopping you from going any further.
"Let me go." You sighed, your gaze falling to the floor.
"No," Yoongi sobbed, attempting to catch his breath, "Just talk to me for a minute."
"There's nothing for us to talk about?" You sniffled, wiping away the stray tear that fell and turning to face him, putting on your best poker face.
Yoongi's breath hitched, nearly choking as his heart fluttered and banged against his ribcage.  Why did he have to be so fucking stupid? Why couldn't he have waited?
"What happened back there with Nara was nothing. It meant nothing." He repeated, as if he were trying to convince you to give him some sort of chance. But that's not the type of girl you were. He fucked up, and you weren't going to let it slide. You had already made yourself look like an idiot once, and that was not happening again. Not with Min Yoongi.  
"Okay? Sorry I walked in on you. You didn't have to stop because of me. I should have listened to you when you said go away." Yoongi's eyebrows knitted together, confused as to why you were talking like this.
"What? No, I shouldn't have done it to begin with! I was fucking stupid and messed everything up."  
"Messed what up? Us? There isn't an 'Us', Yoongi. You're free to sleep with whoever you want," Your words were quick and jumbled and you just wanted to leave, "I'll see you Monday. Have a nice time here." You turned to move, but his grip on your wrist stayed put.
"(Y/N), I'm so so-"
"Yoongiiiii, why'd you push me off?" Nara cooed, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind him. Her eyes fell to his hand on your wrist and her eyebrows quirked, "Oh? Am I interrupting something?" She said wryly, a smirk coming to her lips as she pecked her way up Yoongi's jaw. He winced away from her touches, wanting absolutely nothing to do with her.
"No, I was just leaving." You snatched your wrist back, giving a final look to Yoongi before making your way home.
"Good, she's gone. Let's finish what we started upstairs, yeah?"  
"No, thanks." Yoongi peeled her off of himself. She was obviously flustered and he knew that she'd more than likely start up some dumb rumor about how he'd went soft on her or how he denied her or whatever. But he didn't care. She could spread all the rumors she wanted.  
Yoongi hated himself.  
"So, it's true then? You do? I'm going to take your silence as a 'yes'." Taehyung continued.
"Hey, man. Just stop." Hoseok chimed in, standing from the coffee table and putting a hand on his shoulder. Taehyung just shook it off, eyeing you as you stood in thought.
"Shocked, are you? We all know what he did to you those years ago but in his defense, who could deny Nara? You're so plain compared to her." He snarled. This brought you from your head, your eyes locking on to his. What the fuck is his problem? You thought.
"What's going on?" A voice questioned. It was Yoongi's.
Taehyung smirked, "Oh, my little kitten here would like her panties back but- Oh, no! I don't have them! Any idea where they could be?"
Yoongi's face reddened. He knew you'd think of his as some pervert if it came out that he had your underwear hiding in his pocket, and he knew you already thought lowly of him so, he'd lie to the death if he had to.
"No? You're the one who got them, right?" He convinced, hinting to his friend to keep it on the down low. But that wasn't going to happen.
"Are you that baked that you forgot I handed them over to you? Or... maybe it's that you don't want to seem like some creep for keeping your crushes underwear? Hm?" Yoongi squinted up the man grinning down to him. He wanted to knock him out.
"What the fuck is your problem, Tae?"
"Problem? I don't have one. She just needs her panties back. Give them to her."
Yoongi scoffed, “Listen. I already said I don’t have them.” His jaw clenched. He was seconds away from punching him square in the throat. There was a crowd now. Everyone gathered around the scene as if it were a movie unfolding before them. A few even chanted fight in the background.
This was not good. It was just underwear and you didn’t even care at this point who had them, you just wanted them back. Not that you could put them back on though, that’d be disgusting.
“Really? Then what are these?” Taehyung reached towards the pocket of Yoongi’s jacket to be met with nothing. Taehyung sputtered, his words fumbling in his mouth as he checked the other pocket as well, both turning up empty.
“Where are they?” He clenched, his teeth showing.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I told you. I don’t have them.” Yoongi smirked as he walked away, glancing at you only briefly. 
Your heart nearly stopped from the look on Yoongi’s face. Smug as all hell. What was all this mess? Him making your heart beat again after all these years. Taehyung taking your underwear, lying to you. This night was chaotic.
“H-He had them. I-I gave them to him, I have no idea where he’s hi-hiding them.” You were over this. Fuck your underwear.
“Oh, who cares at this point! They’re just underwear. Let’s go, Jimin.” He nodded, still shocked from the events that just took place. Jimin grabbed your arm, escorting you to the door, but you remembered there was still something you wanted to do. 
“Ah, wait, wait.” You said, unlatching your arm from Jimin’s and facing the asshole who ruined your night.
“Hey... Taehyung?” You asked sweetly. His gaze turned to you, irritation sketched upon his features.
“Wha-” Before he could even finish his sentence, your fist collided with his jaw. You threw your arm towards that handsome, devious face with as much might as you could muster, never hesitating or resisting in the swing. Your knuckles met his face with a loud smack, even cracking a few of your fingers, sending him flying backwards into the crowd that stood behind him. 
He looked up to you, his eyes wide as he clutched the side of his head, a small trickle of blood seeping out of his mouth. He wanted to cuss you out, he wanted to get even but most of all, he wanted to leave. He’d just been knocked down by a girl. A girl that he’d played only an hour before. This was his downfall. The end of Kim Taehyung. People took out their phones, snapping pictures and taking videos, whispering the words that would be on the tongue of the student body for the rest of the year. This was big, and everyone knew it.
“Man, I was hoping to knock you out. Oh well.” You winked, latching arms again with your best friend who stiffled back the urge to burst out laughing.
Even as you were exiting, Taehyung thought of ways to get you back, to do anything to show he was the boss but instead, Namjoon helped him to his feet, holding back laughter of his own. Once on his feet, he scanned the party, letting out a nervous chuckle and booking it to the exit, praying that people would forget this happened entirely. Even though he doubted it.
You said your goodbyes to Jimin, both of you agreeing that you’d had enough fun for the night and made your way to your bedroom. A hot shower beckoned you. You felt grimy from that asshole laying his dirty hands on you.
You gathered all your necessities; including a new pair of undies, and made your way to the bathroom. The steam from the shower quickly fogged up the mirror, relaxing you. Finally, you were in your own home, no distractions, no dumb boys who’d taken your underwear. You were content. You’d knocked Kim Taehyung off his feet today. You considered that a win.
Right as you grabbed the hem of your shirt, the shrill ring of the doorbell could be heard from downstairs. Of course, you thought, of course something would interrupt my celebratory party.
“Coming!” You yelled once the doorbell rang again, turning off the water to the shower.
The doorbell rang once again, an irritated sigh escaping from you as you opened the door, “How can I hel- Oh, you.” Your eyes blinked to the dark haired man before you, an expression of shock etched on his face that matched yours. 
“Yeah, me.” He hummed, a small smile playing on his lips in an attempt to settle any tension in the air. 
“What do you want?” you grumbled. Why couldn’t you just have the rest of the night to yourself?
“U-Uh, well, can we maybe, um,” He panicked, his words not coming to him.
“Spit it out, Yoongi.” 
“Can we talk?” You audibly groaned before shutting the door behind you, stepping out on to your front porch.
“Be quick.” He nodded, swallowing hard as he tried to find all the right things to say. 
“So,” he began, “how are you doing?” You looked at him incredulously. Was he seriously asking that right now?
“Fuck,” He hissed, “No, not how are you doing, ugh, I’m so stupid.” This was new. You were definitely not used to this Yoongi. The usually coiled and stable man was now coming undone, and for some reason it made you nervous. 
“Just, just calm down, Min. Take a breath.” Your choice of using his last name calmed him. It reminded him of old times. Back when you were close. 
His heartbeat rang in his ears. He was done being a baby. He was going to do something he’s been wanting to do for the past 2 years. Something he should have done. With high school being over in just a few weeks, he knew it was now or never. 
“(Y/N), about what happened at the party...”
“Oh, no worries. I don’t even care about the underwear anymore. Taehyung can do whatever with them, maybe even use them to hold his ice pack.” You laughed.
“No, not that party, wait- ice pack? What do you mean?” His eyebrows knitted together. His look of confusion sending your heart into over drive. The way his bottom lip stuck out slightly had your mind slipping into thoughts of what it’d feel like against yours. 
“Ah, I knocked him out. Well, not really. I wanted to. But, I punched him pretty hard. My hand still hurts.” Another giggle fled from you causing a smile to form on Yoongi.
“What, really?” You nodded, satisfied with yourself. 
“Huh,” he hummed to himself, “You’re kind of badass, aren’t you?” His comment had your ego flying, your own smugness finding you as you scoffed. 
“Yeah, it seems like I am.” This time Yoongi laughed and it was music to your ears. Boy, you missed him.
“So, is that all?” You asked. Yoongi shook his head frantically, “No, no! I still have stuff to say. Maybe it’ll be for nothing, but I can’t live with myself if I never do this.” Those nervous flutters reentered your stomach; the same ones from that party those years ago. Uh-oh. 
You urged him to continue. He took a deep breath, gazing up to your eyes that he loved so much. He felt like a loser. Who in their right mind stays smitten with someone like this for more than two years? Here went nothing.
“I want to explain myself. Not that it will make a difference, I don’t think. But, about the party. From two years ago.” Your heart sped up even more, if that was even possible. Why was he bringing this up?
“Yoongi, it was two years ago. It’s long forgotten and forgiven. Not that you had anything to be sorry for.” He sighed, obviously not satisfied with that.
“I haven’t forgotten. I haven’t forgiven myself. I was an idiot. An idiot who thought you weren’t going to come. An idiot who thought the best way to cope was to fuck it and smoke and drink and fucking kiss Nara which lead to that stupid shit in the bathroom and then you walked in and my whole world came crashing down and I was scared to lose what we had and we lost it. I wanted so much more with you, man, I still fucking do. I know that I fucked up, and I mean big time. I was going to confess that night. I was going to ask you out on a date and had every intention of making you my girlfriend. And I messed it up. I know I can’t change the past, even though I wish I could. But... I really like you. Like, a lot. And now I’m rambling and I’m making myself seem like an even bigger id-”
You didn’t know what came over you. You couldn’t even blame it on the alcohol considering how much you’d sobered up but before you knew it, your lips were on his and it felt right. It felt damn right. The kiss had been long overdue and there was nothing more that you wanted to do than kiss the shit out of him.
Yoongi was shocked at first, but once it settled and he realized what was happening and eased into it immediately.
His hands flung to your neck, almost needily. You giggled through the kiss, seeing a desperate Min Yoongi turns out to be one of your favorite things. However, he took the opportunity to snake his tongue into your mouth, not that you minded. One hand stayed put, practically glued to the your neck as the other one traveled to your waist, pulling you closer to him. 
Time seemed to pass in hours, just you and him at 1:00am on your front porch, kissing under the moonlight. It was like a movie, and you didn’t want it to end. But of course, all good things do. 
Yoongi was the first to break away, resting his forehead against yours as he tried to regain his breath and composure but you saw through his facade, and a gummy smile broke out. You smiled along with him. 
“Let’s do that again sometime.” He whispered, his blown out eyes peered into yours. His dark eyes felt like home and you couldn’t help yourself from pecking him again. 
“I meant at another time!” He played, batting your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it.” You grinned, your hand finding his and entangling your fingers with him.
The two of you stood there, purely enjoying each other’s presence.
“So, where do we go from here?” He questioned, worry filling his voice. This could very well be a one time thing and maybe the kiss was merely a pity kiss because you felt bad he was confessing after all this time, making him look like a fool.
“Well, how about that date?” You offered. Yoongi’s eyes lit up, and you could have swore you saw tears, but before any could drop, he pulled you flush against his chest. His heartbeat racking against his chest at a speed of at least 100 mph.
“That sounds amazing. Oh, and (Y/N)?” You hummed in response, leaning back to look up into his eyes. 
“Do you want your underwear back? I have them.” 
AN: Finally out! I hope you all like it ;-; I’m almost tempted to make a follow up scenario to this because I really want to write a smut scene between these two and I just felt that it didn’t fit with where this one was going. So, expect that in the future lol. Leave me some feedback! <3
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rickfuckingdalton · 8 years
Wrote this in 2001
Adam Sandler - Nicky
Ben Stiller - Greg
Drew Barrymore -Kristi
Cameron Diaz -Jenni
Matt Dillon - Jenni’s Brother , Patrick
Will Ferrell - Jenni’s other brother , William
Robert DeNiro-Jenni’s Dad , Mr. Jennison
Goldie Hawn - Jenni’s Mom Mrs. Jennison
Harvey Keitel - Guest at Party
Lily Tomlin - Guest at Party
Dick Cavett - Guest at party
Candace Bergen - Guest at party
John Goodman - Fat old lady at party
Danny DeVito - Fat Lady at party
Brian Doyle murray - Fat Old woman at party
Chris rock - Angry Woman at mall
Eddie murphy - Angry fat woman at mall
Arsenio Hall - Angry Fat old lady at mall
Martin Lawrence - Angry Fat Old Lady  at Store
Jamie Foxx - Angry Fat Old Lady  at Store
David Alan Grier - Angry Fat Old Lady  at Store
Tommy Davidson - Angry Woman neighbor
Shawn Wayans - Angry Woman neighbor
Marlon Wayans - Angry Woman neighbor
Damon Wayans - Old Angry Woman across the street
Keenan Ivory Wayans - Angry Old Woman in the house next to the one across the street
Horatio Sanz - Man in apartment
Hank Azaria - Man who gets shot in the butt with archery darts
Paul Reubens - Man who Greg mistakes for a “crazy lunatic“
William H. Macy - Johnny Peterson , their dumb neighbor
   Great Movie
Absolutely Hilarious!
Laugh till the devil comes to get you
Rated PG- 13
 1. Video Killed the Radio Star - Buggles
2. Tainted Love - Soft Cell
3. I Ran - Flock of Seagulls
4. Who Can It Be Now? - Men At Work
5. Hold Me Now - Thompson Twins
6. She Blinded Me With Science - Thomas dolby
7. Don’t You ( Forget About Me ) - Simple Minds
8. Oh Yeah - Yello
9.  In the Name Of Love - Thompson Twins
10. Twist and Shout - Beatles
11. Danke Schoen - Wayne Newton
12. Day-O - Harry Belafonte
13. Shout Pts. 1 & 2 - Isley Brothers
14. Cool Jerk - Capitols
15. Surfin’ Bird - The trashmen
16. Surfin’ Safari - Beach Boys
17. Surfin’ USA - Beach boys
18. Fun , Fun , Fun - Beach Boys
19. I Get Around - Beach Boys
20. Little Honda - Beach Boys
21. Surf City - Jan & Dean
22. All Summer Long - Beach boys
23. Barbara Ann - Beach Boys
24. Ya Ya - Lee  Dorsey
25. Stayin’ Alive - Bee Gees
26. Night Fever - Bee gees
27. You Should Be Dancing - Bee Gees
28. Jive Talkin’ - Bee Gees
29. More Than A Woman - Tavares
30. There’s Something About Greg And nicky - Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller
31. Brick House - Commodores
32. Le Freak - Chic
33. Good Times - Chic
34.  The Family Dinner Song - Adam Sandler and  Ben Stiller
35. Who Let the dogs out? - Baha Men
36. Pee Song Medley - Adam Sandler and Ben Stiller
37. Insence and Peppermints - Strawberry Alarm Clock
38. American Woman -  Guess Who
39. Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
40. We Will Rock you - Queen
41. We Are The Champions - Queen
42. Super Freak - Rick James
43 . Peter Gunn Theme
44.  Jump Aronud - House of Pain
45. Car Wash - Rose Royce
46. Love Rollercoaster - Ohio Players
47. Fire - Ohio players
48. Superfly - Curtis mayfield
49. Greased Lightnin’ - John Travolta ( from ���Grease“)
50. 3am - Matchbox 20
51. angel - Shaggy
52. Allstar - Smash Mouth
53. All the Small Things - Blink 182
54. It wasn’t Me- shaggy
55. Rock And Roll All Nite - KISS
56. Graduate - 3rd Eye blind
57. Tubthumping - Chumbawamba
58. Music - Madonna
59. Monster Mash - Bobby Pickett
60. Wild Thing - Troggs
61. Hang On Sloopy - McCoys
62. Johnny B. Goode - Chuck Berry
63. Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf
64. Born to be Wild - Steppenwolf
65. Wooly Bully - Sam the Sham and the Pharohs
66. Little Red Rididng Hood - Sam the Sham and the Pharohs
67. Foxy Lady - Jimi Hendrix
68. You Really got Me - Kinks
69. Mony Mony - Tommy James and the Shondells
70. Devil with a Blue Dress on and Good Golly miss Molly - Mitch ryder & the Detroit Wheels.
71. Party Doll - Buddy Knox
72. Oh Boy - Buddy Holly
73. Rave on - Buddy Holly
74. That’ll Be The day - Buddy Holly
75. Maybe Baby - Buddy holly
76. California Girls - Beach Boys
77. Louie Louie - Kingsmen
78. Twist and Shout - Isley Brothers
79. Litte Red Riding Hood - Sam the Sham and the Pharohs
80. Get Outta My Way Now! - Adam and Ben
 These are all 80 songs in the film
150 mins
 Lines :
( At the dinner party visting Jenni’s parents)
Mr. Jennison : So ,Greg ,how has it been the last time I saw you?
Greg : Great
Mr. Jennison : Hi ,Nicky!
Nicky : Hey , Mr. Jennsion!
Mr. Jennison : Hows it goin’,huh?
Nicky : Great!
Greg :us two crazy buddies are still wild ,yeah
Nicky : Right , man!
Mrs. Jennison : Greg
Greg : Yeah ,Mrs. Jennison
Mrs. Jennison : You bought some ham ,could you show it to us?
Greg : No!
Mrs. Jennison : Why?
Greg : You’re really talkin’ about my butt!
Mrs. Jennison : Oh , really!
Greg : Yeah! Hey any of you wanna see my pork and beans?
Mr. Jennison: No!
Greg : Because it’s down here!
Nicky : He means his you know what area
Greg : Thanks for defining that!
Mr. Jennison : Oh!
Jenni : I have some cantaloupes!
William : oh ,really!
Patrick : Yeah , that’s right!
Jenni : No ,I mean my boobs
Greg : Oh!
Jenni : Greg ,you know , I’m your girlfriend!
Greg : I know! Iknow! Yeah Yeah ,I know! ( he and nicky talk gibberish while the others laugh)
Mr. Jennison : I’m having a big party tomorrow night ,you guys will al meet three fat old ladies!
Greg : Oh!
Nicky : None of our neighbors are comnig are they?
Mr. Jennison : No ,why?
Nicky : Good , Cause I don’t want Lugey Queen coming
Greg : oh .yeah The one who hocks lugeys at passerbys from her driveway! Good thinknig!
Nicky : Thanks!
Greg : You’re welcome
Mr. Jennison : It will be tomorrow night\
( the next night)
Mr. Jennison : Well ,isn’t this great honey?
Mrs. Jennison : Yes, dear!
Guest : This is great , Jennsion
Mr. Jennison : Thanks!  Anybody want some champagne?
Guests : Yeah!
Greg : Hey , Jennison ,we want to Budwiesers
Mr. Jennison : 2 Budweisers comnig right up for Greg and Nicky!
Greg and Nicky : Thanks!
Jenni : I want wine!
Pat and Will : We want Lite Beer!
Mr. Jennison : Okay!
( He gives the drinks to the others) So , guys what do you think of this?
Greg : oh ,it’s great ,love it!! You know ,mind I talk in front of all these people at this  party , So , these people are  my girlfriend’s parents ,these are their friends I believe , now there is something those three girls sitting on the couch have in common ,anyone..anyone?  
William : They are all big ,huge ,fat tubs of lard!
Greg :Right on the nose ,Will ,now these fat ladies have eaten too much ,their couch potatoes ,and big ,huge fat tubs of lard ,now this old lady is the fattest and also there is something strange about her , she’s old and she’s fat , this fat woman right here is little less fat ,but she is still a fat woman sitting on this couch at this party , and the other lady is also fat and also to accept the fact that this fat lady here is a MAN! ( pulls her hair)
Woman : Ow!
Greg : They’re all really men I can tell ,by their faces , you lied to me Jennsion ,ooh, you told me they were big fat ladies ,but they are just big fat drag queens who sit on couches at parties when ever they are invited , imagine that , now how do I deal with you? Do I think you’re a psycho ,yes! lying to me, ,what a freakin’ creep you are!
Nicky : Right!
Greg : Nicky and I are leaving in the morning ,with Jenni! , Come on! ( The three of them go home)
 The groups with the most songs featured in the film are Beach Boys , Bee Gees and Queen
 We Will Rock You by Queen plays about 4- 5 times in the film
 There is a karaoke party where they sing American Woman and Another One Bites The Dust.
 We Will Rock You  plays 5 times
 In a scene where Greg and Nicky accidentally let some dogs out , Who Let The Dogs Out? by the Baha Men plays.
 There are  a bunch of men playing women in the film.
  Another Bites the dust ny Queen is heard 4 times in the film.
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kyreniacommentator · 5 years
Exciting! Our Brand New Venue For Events 2019!!!!
Thank you to Hayal and all the staff at the The Fez for offering to host some of our fund raising events this year.
We are kicking off this year with a brand new Quiz Night, based on the TV Show ‘Tenables’.
We look forward to seeing you!!!
Bombay style chicken
10 oz split red lentils 3 oz onion – chopped 1 hot green chilli pepper 2 tsp cumin seeds – ground ½ tsp turmeric 1 tsp fresh ginger – finely chopped 2 ½ pts water 3 lb chicken portions – skinned 2 ½ tsp salt 2 tbs olive oil 1 tsp cumin seeds – whole 4 cloves garlic – chopped ½ tsp cayenne pepper 2 tbs lemon juice ½ tsp sugar
Combine lentils, onion, chilli, cumin, turmeric, half the ginger and water into a big pot. Bring to a simmer, cover leaving lid slightly ajar, and cook on low heat for 45 mins. Add chicken and salt. Mix and bring back to boil – cover. Reduce heat, simmer for 25/30 minutes until chicken is tender. Heat oil in small pan over medium heat. When hot put in whole cumin seeds. When seeds begin to sizzle [a few seconds] add remaining ginger and garlic. Fry until garlic turns lightly brown. Add cayenne, lift pan immediately and pour its entire contents into the pot with the chicken. Add lemon juice and sugar, stir and cook on medium heat for 5 mins. Garnish and serve with rice.
Mr Wilson left our Rescue Center in June 2018 to live in Germany.
Since then he has become quite the seasoned traveller and has also learnt some new skills.  We recently had an update.
” Dear Kim, remember Mr. Wilson? He went to his new home almost a year ago. He likes man-trailing, ice cream and going on road trips with his favourite humans Rebecka and Fred. This year he went to France, Spain and Corsica. Oh, what an amazing life one can have!”
Mantrailing is something we hear of often from our Germany adopted dogs and Stefi explained a little.
” Mantrailing is a kind of training where the dog uses the individual scent of a person to find him/her, walking more or less precisely on the path the human used. The cue at the start for the dog is e.g. a sock or something else this human was wearing. At the end this person waits (sometimes hidden) and then the dog receives a treat. This is a very simplified explanation”
What a fun way to bond with your dogs, exercise them, and also encourage them to use their natural skills.
Happy man-trailing Mr Wilson and all of the other KAR dogs who are enjoying their “furever” lives all across the world. Don’t worry. Be happy.
More info can be found on https://mantrailingscentdogs.co.uk/
Our book stall at Lambousa Market is in need of replenishing.
The stall is a huge part of our organization, so please empty those bookshelves for us. English and 
  Turkish titles, including fiction, childrens, non fiction, classics and biographies.
You can drop off at Karakum Office/Gladrags or if on the West side, direct to the stall on a Saturday morning.
Whey Hey!!! the Quiz Team have been winning again……
Thank you ‘Not a Clue’ 844.80TL. If you aren’t aware, this team attend quiz nights and donate any and all cash winnings to KAR.
Well done brain-boxes.
Thank you!
Thank you Sylvi for your kind donation of specialist cat food for two vulnerable centre cats!
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Ahhhhh look, it’s our little Dimple,
She has been at the centre for 9 years, can anyone offer her a home in her latter years, someone to love and someone to love her.
We like to share the achievements of our supporters.
Lucy and her family are long time donators and sponsors of KAR. Lucy has written her first book and it has been reviewed by children of KAR staff and we are told it is very good.
Please support Lucy as she supports us. AMAZON.CO.UK
Looking back at KAR in the Press
To read all about it in CyprusScene.com, online weekly enewspaper and the favourite read of many in Northern Cyprus. [sdm_download id=”644056″ fancy=”0″ new_window=”1″ color=”green”]
#gallery-0-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  KAR Weekly News Roundup for 21st June 2019 Exciting! Our Brand New Venue For Events 2019!!!!
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