weirdgirl92 · 1 year
I don’t know if it’s the monster lover in me, or Tim Curry’s acting, but DAMN, why did they have to make Darkness so charismatic in Legend?
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fannfish · 1 year
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(pose ref by: someone... look its really hard to track down the creator when all you have is a disembodied Pinterest post)
basically i drew the girls (mary rose and rosemary) having a romantic stroll yesterday and i was gonna post that but, i messed up on rosemary's face and i don't wanna fix it right now.
and then i drew this... look im bad at talking
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sslsims4lookbook · 11 months
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Day 3 of @windbrook's Slashed CAS Challenge, Varvara Beryl the Bad Girl aka Queen Popular Bi*ch.
Varvara Beryl had it all, she is rich, beautiful, the head cheerleader has a supportive girlfriend in the form of Juliet Dean, and friends and this year prom queen, the only two troubles in her life were Juliet's motorcycle crash and her overly controlling and emotionally abusive father which she trying running away from his shadow, sadly running from his shadow might let her be caught in the other shadow's claws and her untimely end?
"You will always be my Queen of High School Land, V" Love JD
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sethjarvy · 10 months
haven't been watching the last games so I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert here but blaming the goalies for the canes' current mess is so stupid lol
antti, freddie and pyotr have been the reason why the canes were being bailed out almost night after night because we just don't have a pure goal scorer and TD refuses to sign one, you can only go as far when your only consistently good players are your goalies
you can have literally God on that net that if your defence is a mess (like the canes' is) and your top guys are asleep almost every game (like the canes' is), your team will still be shit
TD spent last summer losing time instead of addressing our actual issues, just brining in guys who don't buy into rod's system and literal locker room cancers, and then people wonder why the team can't click and they all look disjointed
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banannabethchase · 1 year
What exactly happened when Danny ran into Eddie in the hotel? Here, have the details he didn't make Wheeler suffer through.
A sequel to Take a Chance on Me, my Mamma Mia AU. Title from "Does Your Mother Know?" from the movie. Takes place around chapter 6ish.
We're blaming @sarahcakes613 for the existence of this fic.
Danny sends another text to Wheeler, sending an extra set of angry emojis to get his point across, then slumps into the coziest chair in the lobby. The setting sun sends streaks of pink and orange across the ornately decorated white room, but even an ocean sunset isn’t improving his mood. He wasn’t expecting Wheeler to spend the whole weekend with him, is the thing. But he’d hoped to get at least a little time with him. Just a little.
“Feet off the coffee table, please,” says the prissy hotel manager.
“I’m sure you’d make me use a coaster, too,” Danny snipes back.
“We don’t allow beverages in the lobby, but I appreciate your attention to our standards.” He tosses his long dark hair over his shoulder. Danny wonders how he gets it so neat and tidy. And how he manages to look professional and like a giant bitch all at once.
Danny could fuck him. If the opportunity arose.
“Yeah?” Danny asks, standing and walking toward him. “Bet your standards aren’t that high.” He looks the guy up and down intentionally, expecting a reaction, some sort of equally horny retort, but he just laughs.
“Oh, no.” The guy laughs. His name tag reads Matthew. “I’m practically old enough to be your father, sweetheart. Plus.” He wiggles his finger. “Married.”
“That’s never stopped me before,” Danny says with a leer. It has, actually. Twice. Three times, if you count that he stopped fucking his math TA once he found out he was married.
Matthew wrinkles his nose. “I appreciate the, uh, enthusiasm, but I assure you, my husband would be very displeased.”
“He can join us.”
With an eyebrow raise, Matthew takes a step back. “Adam?” he calls. “Babe, another twink wants to fuck us.”
“I’m a twunk!”
“Tell him only if he keeps his feet off the coffee table,” the voice comes back.
Matthew turns back. “Sorry, sir. I don’t think you can do that. But enjoy your stay!” He goes back to his computer, ignoring Danny like he’s not standing right there. Danny thinks this is rather poor customer service.
He meanders his way out front where somebody walks out of a car in front of him.
And he suddenly has a very different plan in mind.
“Hi, Uncle Eddie,” he says, leaning against the wall.
Eddie looks up at him, frowning. “I know you?”
“I’m Danny,” he says, pushing off the wall. “Wheeler’s friend from college? We met over Thanksgiving a few years back.”
Eddie frowns and adjusts his baseball cap. “Yeah, I remember you.” He’s fighting the urge to smile. Danny knows it. “You’re the one who insulted Wheeler’s pumpkin pie.”
“I didn’t – it wasn’t an insult!” Danny half chases after Eddie as he moves past him into the lobby. “I said I’d had better!”
“That’s an insult, kid,” Eddie says. He steps up to Matthew, who has a surprisingly pleasant smile on his face.
“Hi there, and welcome to – oh, god, he’s not with you, is he?” Matthew makes a weird face and nods over at Danny, who is beginning to sympathize with pigeons. Just a tiny bit.
Eddie barks out a laugh. “Nah, definitely not. Eddie Kingston. Should have a room with a king bed? Uncle of the groom or whatever.”
Danny watches as Matthew turns on the customer service charm Danny himself was not afforded, and refuses to get jealous over it. Jealous of who in the situation, he can’t quite be sure.
He hovers, intentionally present, until Matthew gives Eddie the key to his room.
“You’re on my floor,” Danny says. “I’ll show you where it is.”
“I can count, bud, but thanks.” Eddie claps him on the shoulder. “I’ll give you some advice. Try to be a little less eager. It’ll give people something to chase.”
To Danny, it sounds a little too much like a challenge. “Alright. Bet. Later.”
He can feel Eddie’s eyes on him as he walks away, and is really glad he packed the tight jeans.
Wheels where the fuck are you???
Text me back you fucking douche
I’m gonna fuck your fiancé
I’m gonna fuck your dad
Danny throws his phone on the hotel bed and dives face first onto the comforter. He fumbles, pulling the phone back into hands, because he’s an addict, and opens up the text messages. Wheeler hadn’t texted him back since 5:30, when he said he was going to his dad’s, that he’d be back later.
“Asshole,” Danny grumbles. The sun has set finally, stars peeking out from behind clouds, and Danny makes his way out to the balcony. His job pays him enough to afford a room with a view and he’s going to get his money’s worth.
He opens the door and is immediately hit with the smell of cigarette smoke.
“Jesus fuck, put that out,” he yells to wherever the smoke is coming from.
“Make me,” the voice calls back.
And Danny can’t help but smile.
He leans over a little farther so he can see beyond the jutting out wall between their rooms and sees Eddie standing there, cigarette in his hand.
“Oh, fuck,” Eddie grumbles. “It’s you.”
“That’s an insult,” Danny says. “And you’re the one blowing smoke into my room.”
“I’m smoking on my balcony, you little shit,” Eddie says. He takes a long drag and blows the smoke directly into Danny’s face.
Danny is mildly infuriated at the way he just popped a boner at that.
“Dick,” Danny grumbles.
Eddie laughs, the smoke trailing from his lips in a curling pattern. Danny wants to chase it. “Yeah?” He stubs out the cigarette on the railing, but Danny notices he doesn’t just flick it away, keeps it in his hand. “Get used to it.”
Danny raises an eyebrow. “I could do that.”
“That is not what I meant.”
Danny grins at him. “Is there, like, a reason you won’t fuck me?”
“Seriously.” Danny adjusts so he’s sitting on the railing of his balcony, getting closer. “What’s the holdup?”
“You’re going to fall,” Eddie says, not looking particularly concerned.
“I won’t,” Danny says. “It’s only, like, twelve feet. I can tuck and roll.” He kicks his feet, swinging his legs a little. “So why not?”
“Why not what?”
“Why don’t you want to fuck me?”
Eddie sighs, looking upwards. Danny recognizes that look. “That’s the wrong question, kid.”
“Oh.” Danny grins. “So it’s not that you don’t want to.”
“Danny –”
“It’s that you have some weird moral hangup.” Danny takes his time to balance and stand on the railing. “Move. I’m coming over.”
“The fuck you are.”
Danny raises an eyebrow. “I could just jump and land on you.”
“I’d rather you do that than splatter on the pavement.”
“I can do that.”
Before he can think it through, Danny takes the little leap and collides with Eddie, who takes the momentum of Danny’s fall, catches Danny gently, and rolls them so Danny’s underneath Eddie.
Danny’s not often taken off guard. But right now? “Oh.”
“You’re a fuckin’ lunatic.”
Danny grins up at Eddie. “Anybody ever tell you your eyes are pretty?”
Eddie rolls those pretty eyes and pushes back, standing. He holds out a hand to Danny, though, and pulls him up with barely any effort. Danny pretends to stumble and crashes into Eddie’s chest.
Eddie sighs. “This is a bad idea.”
Danny slowly slides his hands down Eddie’s chest. “It is?”
“Yes, it is, you fucking – you’re my best friend’s kid’s best friend. You got any idea how messy this could get?”
Danny shrugs. “It’s more fun when it’s messy.” He licks his lips, just to make his point.
“Don’t – stop making come jokes, you insufferable little shit.” But Eddie’s smiling, and Danny thinks there’s a chance he’s got an in. “This is a bad idea.”
“Bad ideas can be fun,” Danny says. He lets his hands settle on Eddie’s belt, and looks up at his face. He waits for Eddie to move his hands, to kick him out, to yell. Instead, he rests his hands on Danny’s.
“Why do you even want this?” Eddie asks. He takes a hand and tilts Danny’s chin up to him. “Last time we saw each other we were celebrating Wheels’ engagement and you didn’t look my way.”
Danny blinks up at him. “Did – did you want me to look your way?”
“No!” Eddie says, just a little too fast. “Look, it’s not that. Your attitude now is just way different than last year, is all.” He lets his hand drop to curl his fingers around Danny. “I don’t want you to be doing something just because you’re freaked out your best friend is getting married, is all.”
Danny leans back against the railing, keeping his fingers tangled with Eddie’s. “That’s sweet,” he says, “but you should know I get plenty of dick without Wheeler’s uncles being involved.”
Eddie laughs. “Uncles plural?”
“You know what I mean,” Danny says, waving it off. “Plus, I couldn’t deal with Seth. He’s, well. You know.”
“I sure do,” Eddie says. “Don’t know how Roman does it, really.” He grins, a little mean. “Seth reminds me of you, a bit.”
“How dare you.”
“I call ‘em as I see ‘em,” Eddie says, shrugging. “Bratty bottom begging for attention. Am I wrong?”
Danny squirms under Eddie’s gaze. “Um. No.”
Eddie grins, brushing his thumb along Danny’s lower lip. “I still think this is a bad idea.”
“The best ideas are bad ideas,” Danny says. And he leans in, eyes flickering between Eddie’s eyes and lips.
“I’m gonna regret this,” Eddie says, but he yanks Danny in close and kisses him so good Danny’s knees almost give out.
It’s better than he could have expected; Eddie kisses deep and punishing with no let up, the kind of thing that Danny was dreaming of. He moans into it, pressing his body up against Eddie, and lets himself think, for the first time, that this is what he’s wanted since he first saw Eddie drinking a Dr. Pepper on Mox’s couch nearly four years ago.
It’s kind of fun to be up here under the stars, dangerously exposed to anyone in the street looking up at them. He thinks people can see. He hopes people can see.
Eddie’s not coy or hesitant with his hands. He slides them into the waistband of Danny’s sweatpants. “Fuck,” he groans, hands dancing around Danny’s muscles. “What the fuck, you have, like, forty abs?”
“Gotta stay strong so I can ride dick,” Danny laughs, catching Eddie’s mouth with his again. “Wait ‘til you see them in action.”
Eddie walks the two of them back until Danny’s back hits the railing, then gathers Danny’s thighs under his palms and lifts him to sit. For a brief, weird second, Danny thinks Eddie’s about to throw him over the railing, but then Eddie turns them and straight up carries Danny into the room and throws him on the bed.
“Seems like I’m not the only one with muscles.”
“Fuck, don’t you ever shut up?”
“Only when I got a dick in my mouth.”
Eddie yanks his belt off and throws it across the room, and Danny’s dick twitches with anticipation.
“You gonna fuck my mouth?” Danny asks. “Wreck me so I can’t do that speech at the rehearsal dinner tomorrow night?”
Eddie pauses. “Ah, shit, I forgot about that.” His smile turns into a grin, something this side of sleazy, and Danny may just lose his mind. “Guess I’m just gonna have fuck your ass, then, huh?”
Danny nods. “I’ll accept that.”
“You’ll accept – this is the worst decision I’ve ever made.”
Eddie all but dives on top of Danny, the weight welcome and unrelenting on top of him, and Danny slides a thigh between Eddie’s legs, pushing up.
“You watch it, kid,” Eddie says, biting down Danny’s neck. “I’m trying to be gentle with you.”
“Why?” Danny asks, fighting back a whimper as Eddie sucks a bruise into his collarbone. “I’m no, like, innocent baby you know.”
“Why the fuck would you say it like that?” Eddie pulls back. “You are making it incredibly hard to forget you’re 22.”
Danny shrugs. “22 with plenty of experience.”
“You – come on, be serious, for just a goddamn second.” Eddie’s eyes bore into him, reading more than Danny ever planned on telling anybody. “What’s with this?”
“What’s with –”
“Don’t get cute with me,” Eddie says sternly. “You need to communicate if something’s not what you want, okay?”
“Oh, my god,” Danny groans, dropping his head onto the pillow. “You’re ruining the mood.”
“I’m 42 fucking years old, and I’ve been around enough to know when somebody’s a posturing idiot,” Eddie says. Danny bookmarks that age drop for later. “So I’m not going any further unless and until you promise me you’ll tell me what you want, got it?”
Danny squirms under the intensity of Eddie’s gaze. “Okay, alright,” Danny mutters. “Jesus, I thought you’d be a lot easier than this.”
Eddie scoffs, and he drops his head a little. “Not as stupid as I look, kid.”
“I don’t think you look stupid,” Danny says. “I don’t like stupid guys.”
“You sayin’ you like me?”
“I’m saying I don’t get into bed with a guy unless I do,” Danny says. He wonders if that’s enough communication.
Eddie leans in and kisses Danny with a lot more tenderness than Danny thinks fits the situation, something gentle and sweet that slowly builds in intensity. Eddie’s hand slides down to Danny’s sweatpants.
“Yeah,” Danny mutters. “Okay, yes, please.”
“Oh, now you’re being reasonable,” Eddie grumbles. He pauses. “You brought lube and condoms?”
Danny grins at him. “I’m very persuasive. And prepared.”
Eddie just shakes his head and acts like he’s given up. He leans down and kisses Danny deep and dirty, hands going to Danny’s sweatpants and shuffling them down.
“Want you to fuck me,” Danny mumbles. “Please.”
“Yeah, yeah, I can tell how you communicate,” Eddie laughs into Danny’s skin, “all I gotta do is kiss the attitude offa you, huh?”
“Maybe,” Danny says, “come on, I wanna ride you.”
“Fuck,” Eddie laughs. “Okay, yeah. Yeah, we can make that work. Easier on my back.”
Danny hums as Eddie grabs him by the waist and flips them over, settling him over Eddie’s lap. “Yeah, papí, talk old man to me.”
Eddie’s eyes darken. “You be fuckin’ careful with that shit.”
“Why, you don’t like it?”
“I like it too much,” Eddie mutters. “Anyway. Take your pants off, baby.”
Danny does as he’s told, because sometimes he can follow instructions, and almost falls against Eddie’s chest as his fingers trail between his cheeks.
“You – you can, okay?” Danny says. “Fuck, I want this, don’t make me wait.”
Eddie laughs and turns Danny’s head with his free hand to kiss him, fingertip tracing the rim of Danny’s hole. Danny feels devastatingly empty, desperate for more.
“Maybe I like making you wait,” Eddie says against his lips, “kinda fun to watch you squirm, yeah?”
“Not for me,” Danny whines. “Come on, Eddie, please?”
Eddie obliges, finally, working a finger in so slowly Danny thinks his entire body is aching. “Yes,” Danny whispers. “So – more.”
Eddie’s not too gentle but also not too rough with him, a welcome shift from Danny’s usual hookups who don’t seem to trust that he wants it hard and fast or don’t care that he doesn’t, and Danny’s fucking himself down on Eddie’s fingers before long.
“God, you look good like this,” Eddie says, pupils blown. “Can’t wait to see you ride my dick like that.”
“Yeah?” Danny says. “I’ll fuck you so good you forget I’m 22.”
“I like you better when you’re not talking.”
“Doubt it.”
Eddie checks in with him over and over again, but Danny’s not here to answer questions. He shifts, Eddie’s fingers slipping out of him, and grabs Eddie’s cock.
“You good?” he asks.
Eddie nods. “How the fuck are you the one asking me?”
“You’re the one who wants the communication,” Danny retorts. He rips open the condom and slides it onto Eddie’s cock, not breaking eye contact. “Yeah? This enough communication for you, that I want to ride you until I can’t move?”
“You’re really irritating,” Eddie says, grabbing Danny’s hips and positioning him above his dick, “you know that?”
“I think you like that about me,” Danny says, and he slowly sinks down on Eddie’s cock. His head is spinning with all of it. “Okay?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, testing the gentlest of thrusts up. Danny lets out this weird little combination of a moan and a sigh. “Good?”
“Yes,” Danny mumbles. He rocks, gently, sparks flying up his spine. “Fuck, great.”
Danny finds himself locked on Eddie’s eyes as they find a rhythm. Danny’s used to shitty one night stands and guys without interest in getting him off until they did, guys who think they’re gods and try to prove it in bed, and guys who were so self-conscious neither of them enjoyed it.
This is new. This is sparks and fire, green eyes boring into Danny’s, moving together like they’d done this a hundred times.
It feels real, is the problem, Danny thinks. It feels like it matters.
“You feel so goddamn good,” Eddie groans. He’s got a hand of Danny’s thigh and another one on Danny’s waist, balancing him so they can rock together. “Jesus, I’m goin’ to hell for this one.”
“That good?” Danny jokes. “I’ll end up right there with you.”
“That wouldn’t be hell,” Eddie says, and he smiles, so sweetly that Danny almost short circuits and loses his mind. “Come on, baby, you can go harder, yeah?”
Danny grins.
The two of them stop speaking, falling into comfortable silence, and Danny doesn’t break it until Eddie slides his hands up his back. He gasps a little, leaning into the touch.
“I gotta – I’m gonna flip you over, okay?”
“Yeah,” Danny says, moving on his hands and knees. Eddie sets himself up behind Danny and the angle is different, overwhelming. Danny drops his head to the mattress, the smell of Eddie’s cigarette smoke and cologne echoing on the blankets, and that’s almost it for him.
“Eddie,” he pants, head turned to the side as Eddie drills into his with single minded focus.
“Close,” Danny manages to choke out. “Fuck, Eddie, close.”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, wrapping a hand around Danny’s cock. He jerks his roughly, but it’s just enough. Danny comes with a shout that sounds a lot like Eddie’s name, slumping onto the mattress as Eddie hauls his hips back and slams into him one, two, three more times before Danny can feel Eddie’s dick pulse.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie moans. He smooths a hand across Danny’s back. “You really do know what you’re doing. You good?”
“So good,” Danny mumbles, flopping to the side. He’s hot and sticky and delighted, and rolls over to his side of the bed. Well. To a side of the bed.
He’s suddenly very aware of how much this may just be a one night stand.
“I’m gonna go take a shower,” Danny says suddenly. He sits up. “Uh. Thanks?”
Eddie blinks. “You’re…welcome? Are you good?”
Danny nods, a little fidgety. “I mean, most guys don’t like me to sleep over, so I figured I’d go now before I get tired.”
“Jesus – get back here, you fucking idiot.” Eddie stands and walks over to Danny. “You want to stay here? Stay here. I’m not gonna let you go all weird like this.” He strokes along Danny’s cheek. “You want me to say it? Yeah, I want you to stay. I’m not gonna make you, but I don’t want you to think I’m gonna kick you out.”
Danny’s not sure what to say. “So, like. I could sleep over?”
“If you want to.”
Danny looks up and Eddie’s green eyes are soft and kind, ocean waves gently lapping the sand. “I want to.”
They shower together, sleepy and covered in expensive hotel room soap that Eddie tells him how to steal, and Danny nearly falls over with how good it is to be this close to someone he’s not immediately fucking.
He stumbles into bed and grabs the first pair of sweats on the floor. They almost fall down his hips.
He looks up to see Eddie with a tiny grin on his lips. “Oh, you wearin’ my clothes now?”
“I – I thought they were mine.” Danny goes to push them off, but Eddie catches his wrist.
“Leave it,” he says, quiet. “They look good on you.”
Danny flips his hand and walks back to bed, in Eddie’s clothes, in Eddie’s hotel room, and falls asleep in Eddie’s bed, in Eddie’s arms.
Danny wakes up around six or so in the morning, a longer sleep than he’s had in weeks.
“Oh, god,” he mumbles, grinning a little. He’s sore in the way he likes most, and wiggles into it.
“”S wrong?” Eddie asks, opening one bleary eye to look at Danny. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just, uh,” he shrugs. “Well, you did a number on me last night, Eddie. I’m feeling it today.”
Eddie laughs and buries his face in the pillow. “Jesus.”
“You say that a lot,” Danny says, stroking a finger along Eddie’s bare arm. “You a man of god?”
“You could say that,” Eddie says, “but mostly I just take the name in vain, all that.”
“Love a bad boy,” Danny laughs, but he loses the giddiness as Eddie reaches up and catches Danny’s hand.
“You want breakfast?” Eddie asks.
“I mean, sure,” Danny says, shrugging, “I gotta get dressed first.”
“Nah, I’ll get it,” Eddie says. “I’ll throw on some clothes. You rest.”
Danny watches as Eddie gets dressed, wondering what exactly is happening with this.
“I like bagels,” Danny calls as Eddie makes his way out the door.
“You’ll get what I find,” Eddie calls back, but Danny thinks there’s a joke behind it.
Danny fumbles with his phone and facetimes Lee.
“Hey, dude, what’s up?” Lee says. “Almost finished packing.”
“Last minute much?” Danny says, glancing at the door again. “Hey, I just fucked Wheeler’s uncle Eddie, and I think I might be, like, into it.”
Lee’s face goes carefully blank. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I’m not,” Danny says. He turns the phone around the room. “See? His stuff.”
“You’re insane,” Lee says, sounding almost impressed. “That is weird, though. I’ve know that guy since I was in, like, elementary school.”
“You’re not the one riding his dick, so I don’t see your problem.”
Lee rolls his eyes and laughs. “So, you’re into it you said?”
Danny nods. “I think I like him. Like actually.”
“You are the weirdest friend I’ve ever had.”
“I’m gonna make Wheels call me Uncle Danny,” Danny laughs into the phone screen. “Eddie’s off getting breakfast, I think, but, fuck, that was good.”
“You’re shameless, man,” Lee laughs. “Don’t tell Wheeler, though, at least not until after the wedding. He’ll freak out.”
Danny stretches out on the bed, turning his head. The pillow smells like Eddie. “Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles. “We’ll see.”
Eddie comes back with an impressive platter of bagels, fruit, and assorted pastries.
“Didn’t know what you liked other than the bagels and forgot to ask,” he says, smiling a little sleepy as he sets the tray down. “Ran into Wheeler on the way.”
“Jackass,” Danny mutters. “He still hasn’t answered my text since last night.”
“He’s busy,” Eddie says, settling into the side of the bed. “Bagel?”
They eat quietly together and Danny thinks, maybe, Eddie was right: this was a mistake.
Because one night definitely didn’t get it out of his system. If anything, it made it so much worse.
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I just got (like delivered in the mail yesterday even though it's 1:30am here) the new Princess Diaries book, The Quarantine Princess Diaries and I finished it (LIKE COMPLETELY FINISHED IT) within 3 hours, if even that.
I cannot remember the last time I started an entirely new book and finished it in the same day, especially a book that's made for an older-ish audience (I really don't know how else to describe it) and it makes me so happy 🥺
My love of reading is starting to come back I can FEEL IT
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
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My moodboards, arrowverse au
Laurel and Oliver go on the gambit together only to learn that she’s pregnant and laurel eventually ends up with the league and gives birth to baby sara
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absentcaryatid · 2 years
Legend (7/11) Movie CLIP - Darkness Seduces Lili (1985) HD
Tim Curry as Darkness and Mia Sara as Lili in the 1985 Ridley Scott movie Legend.
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corroded-hellfire · 3 months
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Prompt Day 3: Best Friends
Word Count: 893
Rating: G
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
CW: Language
Summary: Part of the As You Wish universe! A conversation between kids leads to an interesting conversation between Eddie and his former bandmates.
[As You Wish masterlist]
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There isn’t a cloud in the sky, giving the sun plenty of opportunity to smile down on the Fourth of July Barbeque you and Eddie are throwing. This is the first time you’re hosting a party in your new house and it’s going pretty well, if you do say so yourself. 
The worst of the day’s heat had burned off and Eddie just lit the grill to get it all warmed up and ready to go. He closes the lid and makes his way back over to the outdoor table that his old bandmates are all sitting around. 
It wasn’t often that they all got to get together since everyone had their own lives and families these days, but it made those rare times all the more fun.
“Should be ready soon,” Eddie says as he plops back down in his chair. The hot concrete of the patio is too much for his bare feet, so he picks them up and rests them on one of the supportive bars under the table. From where he’s seated, Eddie can see through the cutout window on the back door, into the kitchen where Max and Gareth’s wife, Tammy, are getting all the food ready to be brought outside. 
Eddie would be the one doing most of the grilling, but Max insisted on grilling the corn on the cob because Eddie was notorious for burning it. 
“How was the drive up here?” Frank asks Jeff before taking a sip from his beer can.
“Not bad,” Jeff says with the shake of his head. “Most of the traffic was going the other way. Guess not many people were coming into Hawkins for Fourth of July.”
Just as Eddie is about to remark on the fun Fourth of Julys they’d had as teens in Hawkins, a small voice whines from the ground next to him.
“Theo!” Danny Harrington huffs, dropping the piece of green chalk he was coloring on the concrete with. “Luke said I could draw the tree!”
“You can draw one here,” Luke says, leaning closer to the younger boy and pointing to a blank space on the patio. 
“Don’t be such a baby,” Theo says to his brother.
“Theo, be nice,” Eddie scolds his nephew. 
Steve is over at the kiddie pool, kneeling by its side while his daughter Mia, three-year-old Tiffany Sinclair, and Jeff’s five-year-old son Brian splash around. Nancy is on the other side of the yard, playing cornhole with you, Ryan, Natalie, Jeff’s oldest daughter Candace, Gareth’s daughter Lynna, and Frank’s girlfriend Sara. Eddie knew they’d thank him for squashing a potential squabble between their boys had they heard it.
The eldest Harrington boy sighs. “Danny’s just mad ‘cause Luke is my best friend and not his.”
“I said you’re both my best friends,” Luke says, not looking up from the drawing of a fish he was etching. 
“I think you can only have one,” Jeff’s middle child, seven-year-old Jasmine, says, scanning through the pieces of chalk to determine what color she should use next. 
“That’s not true,” Luke says, finally pausing his drawing. He lets the orange slab of chalk roll out of his hand and turns his body to look at his father. “Daddy, your best friend is Uncle Steve. But he wasn’t your best friend in school, right?” Luke didn’t wait for his father to confirm. “Who was your best friend in high school?”
“Yeah, Eddie,” Gareth says, a playful smirk growing on his face as he leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. “Who was your best friend in high school?”
Eddie takes a swig of his beer before responding.
“Didn’t you hear what my boy said? Can have more than one.”
“I bet it was my daddy,” Jasmine says absentmindedly as she continues her drawing. 
Her comment makes Frank and Gareth chuckle.
“Aww, Jazzy! You don’t think I was Uncle Eddie’s best friend?” Gareth asks the little girl. 
Her bluntness makes all four men at the table laugh, and Frank has to cover his mouth to avoid spitting out his beer. 
“Who was it, Uncle Eddie?” Theo asks. 
The three other former Corroded Coffin members look at Eddie with expectant faces, amusement gleaming in each of their eyes. 
Eddie wasn’t used to being the one to answer questions as their former DM—he was the one who told them what was what back then. 
“Nancy,” Eddie finally says. His asshole friends were having fun messing with him, then he was going to take the wind out of their sails. “Nancy was my best friend in high school.”
“No, she wasn’t,” Danny says knowingly.
Jeff, Gareth, and Frank bust out in laughter when the six-year-old calls their friend’s bluff.
A sigh falls from Eddie’s lips, and he drops his head forward in defeat. 
“Oh, it’s alright, Eddie,” Gareth says, leaning back in his chair once more. His fingers wrap around the neck of his beer bottle and as he brings it up towards his mouth he adds, “We all know your best friend was O’Donnell.”
Jeff throws back his head and cackles in laughter while Frank’s rumbling laugh goes on so long that it turns into a coughing spell. 
Eddie shakes his head and rolls his eyes skyward. 
“You know,” Eddie says, voice dripping in sarcasm, “it’s such a shame we all don’t get together more.”
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alldancersaretalented · 3 months
Studio Switch List 2024/25
(also includes late season switches)
Link to "How many studio switches so far?"
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Jordyn Hay
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
B. Bernard C. Butler M. Caryl L. Caver E. Defoe K. Heath I. Lewis C. Nielson A. Peterson S. Peterson A. White
-> Kinetic Dance
Mary Anne Serpas
-> Mather Dance Company
Sally Schulz
-> N10 Dance Studios
Juliette Birchard Jonah Guzman
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Leila Pitcovich
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Beeta Barkhordar Harper Fish Bailee Hill Sky White
-> The Union (new studio!)
Veda and little sister Mia Weisz-Marin
-> Tribe Seven
Cate Block
3'N Motion Studio
-> BLA Dance Academy
Molly Weber Margaux Struble Chloe Todman
4th Street Dance Centre
-> Northern Force Dance Company
Hazel Brown Olena Brown
Adage Dance Center
-> K2 Studios
Dylan Kubo Aspen Walton
Adrenaline Dance Company
-> Prodigy Dance Studio
Bellarose Ramos
AE Dance Productions
-> The Company Space
Hazel Kinnick
All American Dance Factor
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Madison Virostek
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
-> Pave School of the Arts
Lily McFarland
AM Dance
-> Studio X
Brooklyn Abrams Alana Cato Asyah Lewis Baileigh McJimson Leiyah Nova
-> The K Project Dance Company
Aubrey Davis Jaden Gonzalez Rosalyn Gutierrez
Amirian Ballet Academy
-> Royal Danish Ballet School
Emma Crawford
Apples Dance Lab
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Payten Butler Sara Wren
Artistic Motion Dance
-> Abstraction Dance Company
Giselle Pilorin
-> Devotion The Movement
Sydney Duke Sunnie Pelant
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Zoe Baker GG Mier Katie Rosa Piper Ryder Tatum Ryder
Art Of Technique
-> The Washington School Of Ballet
Kaitlyn Brandely
Augusta West Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Zoe Lewis
Avanti Dance Company
-> CAP The Company
Natalie Jahn
-> Mather Dance Company
Hayden Goren Reese Goren
-> N10 Dance Studios
Saige Hibbard
-> West Coast School of the Arts
Eva Graziano
Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre
-> Boston Ballet II
Sophia Jones
Bayer Ballet Academy
-> John Cranko Schule
Amelia Chen
Big City Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Alex Cyncewicz
Brava Dance
-> Westchester Dance
Emily Pierog
Burbank Dance Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Manuela De Souza
Cache Valley Civic Ballet
-> Creative Dance Academy
Kate Baldwin Sophia Baldwin
Camarillo Academy of Performing Arts
-> Bobbie's School of Performing Arts
Peyton Root Ryan Root
Canadian Dance Unit
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Quinn Powers
CanDance Studios
-> Club Dance Studio
Preslie Ball
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Colette Stutzman
-> The Union (new studio!)
Crystalyn Chesko
Carlsbad Dance Centre
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Ansel Mullick Camille Mullick Evelyn Mullick
Cary Dance Prudctions
-> Renner Dance Company
Marlee Thomas
CC & Co Dance Complex
-> Renner Dance Company
Connell Gocke Olivia Roberson
Centerstage Dance Academy
-> West Florida Dance Company
Ava Starr Rodriguez
Center Stage Dance Company
-> JBP Entertainment
Bianca Lewis
Center Stage Dance Gymnastics
-> The Fenyx Project
Arielle Miles
Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Halston Fisher Oakley Fisher Tatum Fisher
Charliz Balicao Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Payton Mueller
Cincinnati Ballet Professional Training
-> Alabama Ballet
Caroline Love Jenna Renfield
City Ballet San Francisco
-> Boston Ballet II
Maddie Austin
CityDance Conservatory
-> Boston Ballet School II
Lucian DeBellis
CJ Dance Crew
-> Club Dance Studio
Madi Cole MaKinley Cole
Club Dance
-> ??
Ashton Wullbrandt
-> Dance Studio C
Gwyneth Woods
-> Elite Dance Pro
Madisyn Rose Amos Kennedy Cicerelli Abby Honstad Jaida Morin Payton Stowe
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Tilly Allen Brinley Bennett Brynlee Bulbulian Lainey Bulbulian Makena Cameron Pallas Chiste Olivia Clouse Kensley Colman Charlotte Cook Sophia Dasalla Avery Dunwell Lena Funk Mia Funk Jaycee Grant Kalista Greer Kanon Greer Kaylan Greer Oakley Hill Goldie Hill Birdie Hill Alaina Igleski Kaydence Lawton Arianna Mendez Callie Mendez Harper O'Malley Dannika Ren'ee Quiroz Tatem Robinson Leslie Soto Nicole Soto Tatum Strauss Kate Valentine Aubrey Williams
-> Illusion Dance Company
Madyson Barney
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Taeya Stosich Tinley Stosich
Complexity Dance Center
-> Vision Dance Alliance
Ava Dowling London Dowling
Concept Pavielle
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Siena Paradeau
Conservatory of Dance Arts
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Ella Andrews Sarah Blady Charlotte Dean Sophie Dean Calli Hollenbeck Lilly May Hartley Murla
Cypress Dance Project (closing!)
-> The Fenyx Project
Ahmya Tovar Jasleen Tovar
-> Tribe Seven
Avery Farris Gracelyn Harris Kyndle McCormick Frankie Miranda Mia Narvaez Tana Nickerson Evelin Peterson Lily Savarese Paislynn Schroeder Gabriella Slay Dalilah Soto Frankie Soto Kayla Tanea Abigail Wade Melody Thiel Rianna Weck Rosalie Wickman
Cypress Elite Dance Studio
-> The Fenyx Project
Charlie Mae
Dance Academy of State College
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Emma Girdany
Dance Arts Centre ATL
-> Dance Lab (new studio!)
Ryn Andersen Tarin Belizaire Izzy Bensinger Nina Kitchen Daniella Lerman Samantha Wilson
Dance Arts Centre
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Beckett Eberhard Britta Eberhard
Dance Connection 2
-> Club Dance Studio
Claire Pistor
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Jaxon Adamson Juliette Ridenour Scarlett Ridenour
Dance Connection Scottsdale
-> The Collective PHX
Madee Richardson
Dance Deluxe
-> Club Dance Studio
Dana Homes
-> Dance Connection 2
Kamryn Arnold
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Sunday Smith
Dance Dimensions PAC
-> The House Dance Complex
Sophia Hasson Victoria Safahi
Dance Enthusiasm
-> Murrieta Dance Project
Liciana Vun
-> Phunk Phenomenon Dance Studio
Landon Indeglia
Dance Exposure 2
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Morgan Wendt
Dance FX
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Aryanna Lafontaine Cooper
Dance Inc Company
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Lauren Allan
Dance Lab OC
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Maggie Till
Dancemark Studio
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Katie Bishop
Dance Republic
-> Club Dance
Annabelle Greenamyer Scottie Greenamyer Abigail Patton
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Kaia Roseland
Dance Studio C
-> Elite Dance Pro -> Dance Connection 2
Charlotte Rathjen
-> Impact Dance
Maizey Miller Savannah Miller
Dance University
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Olivia Cherpak Stella Cherpak Chiara Siragusa Mila Steven
Dance Unlimited Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Mila Talab
The Dance Zone
Katelyn Miranda
-> The Living Dolls Dance Factory
Olivia Martinez
Dance Unlimited Colorado
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Fiona McDonald
Dance Vision
-> Becky Nalevanko's Dance Studio
Aria Telander
-> Academy of Nevada Ballet
Naya Fowler
-> The Rock
Brielle Bonas Parker June
-> Club Dance
Kelsey Jackman Makayla Jackman
-> DC Dance Factory
Kendall Kolodge
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Vida Lemos
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Haley Bertino
-> North County Academy of Dance
Ella Nani Knight
-> Pave San Diego
Paisley Publico Polly Jo Publico
Dancers Edge
-> Club Dance
Emerson Van Houten
Dancers World Production
-> K2 Studios
Claire Zhang
Dance Vision
-> The Academy
Cece Nguyen
Dansations Competition Team
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Brady Horne
DC Dance Factory
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Harper Bowen
Dellos Dance Academy
-> The Academy
Kendall Krajewski
Diverse Elements
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Kenna Bonhote
-> Dance Connection 2
Peyton Whited
Divine Dance Center
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kallie Niday
DMdance Company
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Kinsley Gainer Taylor Jenkins Tyler Jenkins
Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Clara Riggs
-> Boston Ballet II
Pavel Kulev
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Summer Lily
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> San Francisco Ballet School
June Freeman
-> Westside Dance Project
Fiona Poth
DNA Dance Creatives
-> Prodigy Dance PAC
Jackson Ruekert
Drapers Center for Dance Education
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Rhauri Samuels
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Samuel Gauss
Dynamic Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Crupi
Dynamic Dance Refinery
-> New Level Dance Company
Sophia Hernandez-Gonzalez
Elektro Dance Academy
-> Dance Deluxe
Alexis Gizzo
-> Eternal Dance Company
Madyson Koch
-> LA Dance
Kinsey Joan
-> The Collective PHX
Julianna Aispuro Tenley Anthony
Elevate Dance Academy
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Sidney Sullivan
Elite Classical Coaching
-> Academie Princess Grace
Morgan Ligon
-> Royal Ballet School
Izzy Keesee
Elite Dance PAC
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Lillie Lanier
Elite Dance Pro
-> Club Dance
Peyton De La Cerda Mila Michael Lucia Piedrahita Sophia Schiano River Segerman
-> Rhythm Dance Complex
Gavin Schwarze
-> The Collective PHX
Alexa Schwarze
Elite Feet Artists Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Norah Hurley
Elise Flagg Academy Of Dance
-> Central PA Youth Ballet
Ella Wilke
Ellison Ballet
-> ABT Junior Co
Victoria Papakalodouka
Encore Dance Arts
-> The Collective PHX
Laila Faith
Eternal Dance Company
-> CanDance Studios
Alaina Martinez
-> Gateway Dance Center
Juniper Wakefield
Evoke Dance Movement
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Eleanor Bullock Lucia Jade Frazier Emmy Claire Khaiden Tayah Klimuck Dylan Schaffer Maya Steinman
Evolve 26
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Blayklee Balthazar
Evolve Dance Complex
-> CCJ Conservatory
Cami Vorhees
-> Power Dance Company
Maya Rogers
Evolution Dance Center
-> North County Academy Of Dance
Presley McGraw
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Casey Archibald Liv Barrelli Karisma Colyan Kirrana Colyan Ava Cucker Elyse Dueler Alli Esposito Avery Fumillari Sofia Galati Joya Garner Sofia Gorman Kendall Hensley Kaylie Koehnen Brianna Lee Isla Marshall Emma MacKay Everly McGraw Ellie Miles Avril Overlock Drew Overlock Danielle Smart Kirra Stradwiser Vivienne Tolentino Lyla Yuceit Brooke Zamoff Shayne Zell
Expressions Dance & Music
-> Tribe Seven
Francesca Casaretto Gabi Woods
Fearless Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Marilyn Castaneda
Flashdance Studio
-> Houston Ballet Academy
Patricio Lopez
FLEX Dance and Fitness
-> The Southern Strutt
Grace Marvella
Freckled Frog Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Vallerina Athena
Fusion Dance Force
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Emily Deal Abigail Monahan Abby Rodriguez
Fusion Studios
-> Mather Dance Company
Brooke Kim Mariana Simoes
Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
-> Dance Deluxe
Bradley Kawa Breckyn Kawa
Gotta Dance Company AZ
-> The Collective PHX
Avah Gonzalez Gabriella Gonzalez Valencia Gonzalez
Gotta Dance Company CA
-> Stars Dance Studio
Tristan Jones
Greenwich Conservatory of Classical Ballet
-> Dance Town
Cassie Coughlin
-> Mather Dance Company
Lydon Thach
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hart Academy of Dance
-> The Academy
Lia Turrieta
Hathaway Academy of Ballet
-> somewhere in the Netherlands
Kennedy Kahler
Heart & Sole Performing Arts
-> Gotta Dance Company
Leigha Jessee
Hollywood Ballet School
-> United Ballet Academy
Isobel Lehman
Houston Ballet Academy
-> Boston Ballet
Sam Stampleman
-> Boston Ballet II
Michael Dadlez Layla Porter
Hudson Dance Academy
-> Avanti Dance Company
Melody Garcia
Hyphen Conservatory
-> Mather Dance Company
Makaela McCosar
iBallet Studio
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Aviva Brock
Impact Dance
-> Club Dance Studio
Bostyn Thomas Holland Thomas Presley Thomas
In Motion Dance Project (closing)
-> ??
Mila Bonilla Anniston Clarke Adrienne Diaz Bella Flores Mia Flores Lily Holbrook Isabella Luciano Mali Photnetrakhom Madeline Terry Joey Webber
-> Dance Universe
Ellie ?
-> Marshall Ellis Dance School
Renee Forseth
-> New Dimensions Dance
Annalee Ramb
-> Starz Dance Company
Elissa Loryn Sadie Moore Isabella Peixoto
-> Orlando Ballet School
Sylvie Rock
-> Underground Movement
Lila Blood Kristyeliz Laureano Valerie Santana Izzy Warren
-> Xplosive Dance Academy
Levi Caicco Valeria Luciano Isabella Quartaro Olivia Rock Abigail Torres Adeline Vozza
Innovate Dance Studios
-> Avanti Dance Company
Pressly Loomis
Inspire Dance Complex
-> K2 Studios
Eliana Guzmán Isabela Guzmán Cali Rucker Arrow Yarbrough
Inspired Movement Dance
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Brooke Toro
Intensity Dance Academy
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Lydia Onder Bryn Onder
Intensity Dancer's Studio
-> Dance Town
Nicole Losada
In The Spotlight Dance Studio
-> Summit Dance Shoppe
Quinn Caroline
JBP Entertainment
-> BLA Dance Academy
Ashton Kinsleigh
JDI Dance Company
-> 4PM Dance
Addelyn Muesso
Jean Leigh Academy of Dance
-> Tari's School of Dance
Stella Vince
Joffrey Ballet School Texas
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Ella Waitz
Jump Dance Company
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Natalie Boone Reese Gilman Chloe Mullins Claire Sorensen Addison Weimann
Jun Lu Performing Arts
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Athena Hu
Just off Broadway
-> Club Dance Studio
Kaia Erby
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Sadie Daniels
-> Stars Dance Studio
Zoe Swope
K2 Studios
-> ??
(Jessica Sutton) (Rebecca Sutton)
-> Studio X
Jeanne Garcia Zoey Garcia
-> The Academy
Kynzli Reece
Kaos Dance Elite
-> The Company Space
Taylor Smith
Kat & Co
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Anthony Labritz
Katies Dance Connection
-> Elite Danceworx
Taya Osso
Kick Dance Studio
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Violet Kolb
Kinetic Dance
-> The Merge (new studio!)
Catherine Owen
Kozmic Edge
-> Q3 Dance Company
Angelina Mendez
LA Dance AZ
-> Dance Connection Scottsdale
Syvon Stokes
Larkin Dance Studio
-> Studio 4
Lola Boisen
-> Concept Pavielle
Grace Sullivan
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Savannah Manzel
Legacy Dance Productions
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Mckenna Gerrits
Legacy Productions Miami
-> Stars Dance Studio
Emily Pina
Lovett Dance Center
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Logan Macy
Major Productions Studio of Dance
-> Impact Dance Academy (new studio!)
Hailey Schneider
Master Ballet Academy
-> Ballet West
Melanie McIntire
-> Club Dance Studio
Hazel Silverman (also continues training at MBA)
-> John Cranko Schule
Gracie Kirkwood Lillian Rossman
-> The Rock School For Ballet
Keagan Pickett
Mather Dance Company
Mia Santiago Savy Witeck
-> The Academy
Eliana Weiss
Mekka Dance Project
-> Tribe Seven
Ainsley Scott
Meta Fair Burns Dance
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Kylie Dalrymple
Miami City Ballet Pre-Pro
-> Boston Ballet II
Olivia Santos
Miami Dancity Studios
-> Stars Dance Studio
Sabrina Lorente
Michelle's Dance Xplosion
-> Nor Cal Dance Arts
Jaxon Albano
Michigan Dance Alliance
-> Artflux Dance Lab
Mattie Mair Millie Morante
Milele Academy, LLC
-> DC Dance Factory
Eisley Beer
MJ's House of Dance
-> Blueprint Dance Project
Kiley Holgerson Ava Azzaretto Caiden Boltz Cassidy Boltz
Monterey Peninsula Ballet Theatre
-> Bayer Ballet Academy
Harper Palmer
Move By Morrelli
-> Artistic Fusion Dance
Lilianna Hales
Murrieta Dance Project
-> K2 Studios
Jaedon Diaz Kloey Diaz
MVP Elite
-> 3'Motion Dance Studio
Mackenzie Mucha Madison Mucha
N10 Dance Studios
-> ??
Ariella Truong
-> 4PM
Jordan Eskenazi
-> Dance Star Academy of Performing Arts
Avery Margarita
-> Premier Youth Dance Academy
Clara Han
-> Project 21
Annie Hu Madison Ng
New Level
-> Stars
Kenny Braga Reese Braga
NJ Center of Dance
-> The Vision Dance Complex
Bella Baldino
No Limits Dance Company
-> CCJ Conservatory
Rylie Sickles
Northern Force Dance Company
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Aria Johnson Sloane Johnson
North Shore Dance Academy
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Juliana Desilets Ellie Fanning Sophie MacKenzie Callie Wilkins Molly Wilkins
-> ??
Sarah Kuy
-> K2 Studios
Amelia Faizi Ella Montano
-> Mather Dance Company
Mila Malone Sierra Yen
-> Nebraska Dance
Sophia SantaMaria
-> Project 21
Reese Arkin Valeria Ochoa
-> Studio X
Jordyn Rockett
On Pointe Dance Studio
-> K2 Studios
Giuliana Bressler
Orlando International School of Dance
-> Starz Dance Company
Layla Jordan
Palm Beach Academy of Dance Arts
-> Dance Universe
Hattie Selene
Panama City Dance Academy
-> Kinetic Dance (new studio!)
Maisie-Rose Burkey
Paula Carr Dance Academy
-> Elektro Dance Academy
Eliza Gee
Pave School of the Arts
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Addyson Paul
-> Innovate Dance Studios
Quinn Briscoe
-> Mather Dance Company
Alexa Rauth Ava Rauth
Kennedy Bush
-> Project 21
Stella Fisk Liv Matson
-> The Moxie Movement (new studio!)
Kenzie Arrendondo Talia Ayumi Gemma DeSola Kinsley Dunn Kassidy Dunn Ellie Iwamoto James Iwamoto Harper Fisk Marlowe Fisk Tatum Fisk Kirsten Jeslyn Kailey Longshore Kassidy Luong Sophia Monje Alexa Paul Goli Ranekouhi Rylee Stabeck Isaiah Wang Hadley York
-> South County Dance
Hayden Calder
Perception Dance
-> Premier Dance
Madison Smith
Perfect Pointe Dance
-> Studio X
Danya Chang
Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre School
-> Ballet West Academy
Carina Fulop
Platform Dance
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Arielle Michalak
Precision Dance Conservatory
-> Dance Universe
Teagan Sanchez
Premier Youth Dance Company
-> Elite Classical Coaching
Greysen Fowler-Allen
Prestige Dance Institute
-> Renner Dance Company
Kensley Phillips
Profusion Talent
-> Studio X Dance Complex
Dallas Soffel
Project 21
-> ??
Ally Choi Airi Dela Cruz
-> CAP The Company
Dillon Barron
-> CA School of Classical Ballet
Aliya Yen
-> Stars Dance Studio
Leilani Lawlor
-> Westside Dance Project
Makeila Bartlett
Project Performer
-> Pave San Diego
Nora Aminlari
Renner Dance Company
-> Club Dance Studio
Ania Siri Olivia Siri
Republic Edge Dance Company
-> Tribe Seven
Adalynn Delaney Alayna Jeneva Cali Lynch Aubrey Warren
Revolution Dance
-> Dance Zone
Kaylin Gabosch
Rize All
-> Elite Studio of Dance
Carissa Chueng Roxanna Chueng
-> Natiomas Dance Method
Ayla Polendav
-> University Cheer Force
Addelyn Skube
Rockly Mountains Ballet Academy
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Shylee Sagle
Russian Masters Ballet
-> Dmitri Kulev Classical Ballet Academy
Sheridan Stone
San Clemente Dance
-> Variant Movement
Alana Ting
SFLA Dance Complex
-> Dance Enthusiasm
Addison Parker
Skyra Studios
-> Mather
Sienna Morris
Sol Studio SSD (closing!)
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Phoebe Fatula Hayden Goebel Makenna McGrath Lily Parraga Riley Platenberg Gabby Reiss Tiffany Robinson Keira Segal
Soul Studio Dance
-> West Florida Dance Company
Callie Ludtke
South County Dance
-> K2 Studios
Paige Garrett Reese Garrett
-> Mather Dance Company
Gabby Campos
Southland Ballet Academy
-> ABT Junior Co
Alisa Xu
-> Pacific Dance
Natalie Chiang
South Tulsa Dance Co
-> Next Step Dance
Allyn Green
Stage One Dance Studio
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Katie Kim
Starstruck Performing Arts Center
-> Perception Dance
Jacey Erwin Kinley Winn
Steps N Motion Dance
-> K2 Studios
Aspen Roberts
Studio 1 Dance Academy
-> Club Dance
Hadley Taylor
-> The House Dance Complex
Lyla Martin
Studio 4
-> Larkin
Elle Boudewyns Reese Ottney Leah Pribyl Vera Souvannavong
Studio 19 Dance Complex
-> Elite Dance By Damian
Alexis Crystal
-> Evolve Dance Complex
Carina Simone
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Kaitlyn Allen
Studio 702
-> The Rock
Peyton Nowacki Addison Price Hailey Stuck Taylor Stuck
Studio Bleu Dance Center (closing!)
-> ??
Kristin Mitchell
-> Art of Technique
Abigail Daisy Olivia Rosiek Chloé Le Pettigrew Victoria Zhang
-> Cerdafied Dance Studios
Nick Shalin
-> CityDance Conservatory
Kennedy Thompson
-> Dance Academy of Loudoun
Madelyn Cuttin Addie She
-> Enchanted Stage
Lily Mendoza Ellie Myers Mina Oemler
-> Ignite The Light Performing Arts
Zion Landis
-> LM Premier Dance
Grace Wright
-> Mission Dance Project (new studio!)
Lily Carmello Ava Doell Aubrey Franklin Kayleigh Jo Ellie Myers Brianna Norgrove Emily Parinello Brooklyn Smith Stella Tullio Jessica Zhang
-> NOVA Elite Dance Alliance
Nicole Ocean
-> Rise Dance Center
Kennedy Mirabella Maddy Mirabella
-> TDC Dance
Ja Pelle Nayeli Wilder
-> The Dance Lab VA (new studio!)
Leilah Bell Lily Rae Bolno Audrina Brudner Bellatrix Castillo Isabella Plotczyk Ashlan Scheide Mina Terry Gina Zhang
Studio G Dance Company
-> Art In Motion Conservatory of Dance
Madilyn Rexrode
-> Artistic Edge
Devin Dalmolin
Summer's Danceworks
-> The Union (new studio!)
Cienna Fernow Ellah Perry
Summit Dance Shoppe
-> Concept Pavielle
Gabriella Maggitt Carrigan Paylor
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Lucy Mae Dunn
Synergy Academy Utah
-> Center Stage Performing Arts Studio
Corra Blake
Tapio School of Dance and Gymnastics
-> CCJ Conservatory
Landry Leon
TDA Prep
-> Exhibit 3 Dance
Avery Maycunich
Temecula Dance Company
-> K2 Studios
Bailey Dalton
Texas Academy of Dance Arts
-> Tribe Seven
Gatsby Lasala Quinlyn Lasala
The Academy
-> Evoke Dance Movement
Ella Carlson
-> K2 Studios
Laci Stoico
-> Mather Dance Company
Bella Puskar
-> The Next Big Thing Academy
Peyton Barron
-> The Platform Dance Studio
Malia Williams
-> YYC Dance
Kinsley Oykhman
The Art of Classical Ballet
-> Hollywood Ballet School
Kya Massimino
Theatre Arts
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Hallee Francisco
The Ballet Clinic
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Sarina Rosenblum
The Center Stage Dance Studio
Blakelyn Scifres
The Collective PHX
-> CanDance Studios
Sasha Landreaux
-> Club Dance Studio
Ellie Laird Zoie Laird
-> Elite Dance Pro
Alivya Alfonso
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Breckyn Kawa -> Dance Deluxe Bradley Kawa -> Dance Deluxe
-> Russian Ballet Academy
Mila Hiatt
-> The Union (new studio!)
Addy Gaffney
-> Studio X
Kinley Cunningham
The Dance Academy of Puyallup
-> The Company Space
Isabella Scandale
The Dance Centre NJ
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Savanna Grae
The Dance Complex
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Maddyn Bauermeister Henley Raak
The Dance Institute
-> Stars Dance Studio
Maribel Weishaar
The Dance Scene
-> Studio X
Desi Alcala
The Dance Space
-> Tribe Seven
Penelope Church
The Dance Spot
-> Danceology
Alessandra Escobar-Moeller
-> Mather Dance Company
Kennedy Molino
The Element Dance Center
-> The Academy
Sunnie Stanley
The Living Dolls Factory
-> Legacy Dance Studio
Lilliana Gonzalez
The Movement Complex
-> Stars Dance Studio
Victoria Reich
The NINE Dance Academy
-> Canadian Dance Company
Shaunaughsey Meagher
-> Vlad's Dance Company
Evelyn Rego Ivy Mae Rego
The Platform Dance Studio
-> CCJ Conservatory
Kaydence Mardis
-> Dance Connection 2
Jordyn Castle
-> Gateway Dance Center (new studio!)
Clara Lawless Lily Lawless Stella Lawless Arielle Michalak Charlotte Reese
The Rage Dance Complex
-> Studio 1 Dance Academy
Tennasyn Faith Giselle Miranda
The Rock Center For Dance
-> ABT Junior Co
Crystal Huang
The Southern Strutt
-> CCJ Consevatory
Annsley Huff
The Talent Factory
-> K2 Studios
Ileana Cruz Sienna Legitt Natalie Pan Quinn Pan
The Vision Dance Alliance
-> New Jersey Ballet Company
Kennedy Anderson
The Why Movement
-> Tribe Seven
Grace Gerszewski
Titanium Arts Lab
-> MDC Bridge Into The Industry
Julliana Gould
Trademark Dance Academy
-> The Vision Dance Alliance
Braelynn McKenna
Variant Movement
-> New Level Dance Company
Gabby Terschluse
Way 2 Move - Dance & Movement
-> Dance Town
Alexa Oviedo
West Coast Dance Complex
-> Pave San Diego (new studio!)
Emily Bach
West Coast School of the Arts
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Rebeca Gomez Garza
West Florida Dance Company
-> Stars Dance Studio
Ella Dobler
-> The Southern Strutt
Macey Strickland
WestMet Classical Training
-> Sarasota Ballet School
Madelyn Murphy
Westside Dance Project
-> ??
Diana Kouznetsova Isabella Kouznetsova
-> European School of Ballet
Annabel Kohn
-> Hyphen Conservatory
Esme Chou Olivia Marquez
-> San Francisco Ballet School
Izzy Howard
Woodbury Dance Center
-> Larkin Dance Studio
Kylie Roach
Xtreme Dance Studio
-> The Rock School
Blake Metcalf
-> Project 21
Emma Walters (also continuing training at YLAB)
Your Haven Dance Company
-> West Florida Dance Co
Kylee Kay
Youth American Ballet Company
-> Boston Ballet II
Natalie Cardona
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happypedrohours · 3 months
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Mel speaking: It has been amazing to spend this weekend getting to know more of you, I have found some lovely new moots thanks to Happy Pedro Hours. As always with everything I do, I was a bit wary that no one would interact and this fandom keeps proving me wrong. I have loved reading and seeing all the lovely creations you've made for the Charcuterie Board challenge, I have loved coming up with ideas and brainstorming with Sara for us all to have a good time! I have loved trying new recipes!
I have loved chatting with you (I have some asks still waiting to be answered, I'm feeling a bit weird because of yesterday but I'll get to them). I think I sent at least two asks to all our followers, and if you did not get any, it's because your asks are MIA on your blog (either disabled or a glitch) and I wish I had thought of what @nerdieforpedro did and just slap the questions in a proper post with the questions and tags, that was brilliant. Ah well, I'll know it for next time.
Sara speaking: My Darlings! 🥰 It was really a pleasure brainstorming with Mel in preparing this event for you all. Once again, I want to thank her to being the real creative brain and driving force behind all this. Mel you are a superstar! 🤩❤️🤩
It was amazing interacting with you all… I really enjoyed searching for new cocktails & mocktails recipes for the virtual bar! Some of you gave me real challenges with your requests and it was super fun! I hope you have enjoyed your orders! 😃 I still have to read some of your reply to the questions I’ve sent you and I look forward in the following days to read all your creations you prepared for the Charcuterie Board Challenge!
Thank you so much for participating in such large numbers! 😀 Much love.. ✨💖✨
Below is a poll to see what you have thought of the event. Depending on the results, we're already thinking of organising a second edition (with a new Challenge and new games), so do let us know if you'd be interested in that. Either way, we love and appreciate you all
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sapphire-writes · 1 year
Thin Ice (modern!HOTD)
pairing: Aegon x Reader & Cregan Stark x Reader
summary: The night of the hockey formal. Chaos ensures of course, because nothing's that easy with this group!
word count: 3.2k
warnings: 18+ series general language & mature themes (p in v, fingering, kissing, praise, unprotected, slight hair pulling).
note: hope you enjoy my loves 😘
series masterlist
previous chapter ~ Ch. 5: Formal ~ next chapter
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“How’s the studying going?” Helaena asks, looking up from her book.
You’ve been sitting with her in the student lounge for about an hour now, staring at your phone. Aegon’s text messages have been on your mind for a while now. Not that he’s been responding. He’s been MIA since the neon party.
“Y/N,” Helaena says as you continue to stare, brows furrowed together. 
Helaena closes her book loudly, but still, you fail to look up. Where is he?
“Y/N!” Helaena says, louder this time. 
You blink rapidly, locking your phone and smiling apologetically. 
“Sorry, what Hel?” you ask.
“How’s studying? With Egg?” Helaena asks. 
The feeling of his lips on your returns, the feeling of his tongue slipping into your mouth. The cool metal of his tongue ring. His lips. Fuck, his lips. An ache grows between your legs, and your mind flashes to the memory of riding his thigh. 
“Studying’s going great,” you manage to say, forcing a smile on your face.
You send Aegon another text. 
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“Are you excited for formal?” Helaena asks, eyes flickering from your face to your phone, “Who’s got you so grumpy?” 
“What?” you say looking up, “No one, shit, just Sara. Um-” you rub a hand over your face, “Yeah, yeah formal should be fun!”
“Egg looks forward to it every year,” Helaena muses, “I hear he’s taking Lydia Tyrell.”
Your heart drops into your stomach, but you try to ignore the hot flash of jealousy that rolls through you. Helaena’s brother. Off-limits. 
“That’s nice,” you tell her, “They make a cute pair.”
“Yeah,” Helaena says snorting, “For however long Egg holds onto her.”
You frown.
“What do you mean?”
Helaena closes her book, folding her hands on top of one another.
“Aegon is a manwhore,” she tells you, “He chooses a pretty, desperate girl, lavishes her with attention, and then throws her to the curb when he’s done.”
Your throat tightens at her words. 
“He chews them up and spits them out,” Helaena continues, “My brother’s not the nicest guy to fool around with. Not that any of my friends have to worry about that. I’d kill him.”
You force a smile.
“You would?” you ask nervously, and Helaena nods.
“Did I ever tell you about Cassandra? My best friend in high school?”
You shake your head and Helaena sighs.
“Aegon broke her heart. Shattered it into a million tiny pieces. She never spoke to me again,” Helaena tells you. 
Your heart nearly stops beating at her words. 
“My best friend,” Helaena says, enunciating the words, “Aegon doesn’t think about anyone but himself. Love him, but he’s got issues.”
Nervousness swirls in your stomach. Helaena tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, sighing and shaking her head.
“I’m so sorry that happened, Hel,” you tell her. 
“Me too,” Helaena says, placing her cheek in her hand and reading her textbook.
It’s settled. You need to pursue this thing with Cregan. Aegon is off-limits. 
Later in the day, you and Sara get ready together doing your makeup in front of your floor-length mirror. Sara chose a skin-tight red dress that looks amazing on her. 
Your dress is in deep forest green, hugging your curves perfectly. Sara’s eyes bug out of her head when you exit your room.
“Cregan’s going to cream his pants,” she says, wolf-whistling at you.
“I sure hope so,” you say, snickering slightly. 
You look your arm through hers, grab your purse, and exit the apartment. You’re supposed to meet at the hockey house, Sara offers to drive blasting your favorite songs all the while. When you park, you feel your skin prickle with nervousness, all the hairs on your arms standing at attention. 
Some guys stand outside, dressed in suits, sharing drinks. You spot Jace and Cregan standing on the front steps as you exit Sara’s car. She calls out to Jace, waving at the pair. You notice Aegon talking with some teammates, not acknowledging your arrival. 
“We got a limo together, to take us all,” Jace tells you, kissing Sara’s cheek. 
Cregan eyes light up as you appear, scanning you up and down. A wolfish grin appears on his face and he wets his lips. 
“You look great,” he tells you.
“So do you,” you say smiling. 
“Let’s get this show on the road!” Aegon says, arm slung over Lydia’s delicate shoulders.
He’s wearing an all-black suit, his silver hair slicked back. He gives you a sideways grin before looking away quickly. 
You all pile into the limo together, knees bumping against each other in the crowded space as music blasts from the speakers. Neon lights flash and a disco ball reflect the light in all directions.
Though Cregan and you make conversation you can’t help but watch Aegon and Lydia, who sits perched on his lap, with a ring-clad hand tightly gripping her upper thigh. His fingers play with the edge of her dress, slightly disappearing underneath it. 
Your eyes flicker to his face and you meet his violet eyes. He’s looking back at you. Flustered at being caught staring, you quickly lower your gaze, cheeks burning. 
The ride is pretty quick, and you don’t look at Aegon again. 
You all start to exit the limo, walking in pairs into the hotel. It’s fancy as hell, with a huge spiral staircase and grand chandelier sparkling in the foyer. Aegon has already disappeared inside, you catch a glimpse of Lydia’s auburn hair, Aegon’s hand pressed against her lower back. 
Cregan takes your arm, beginning to lead you up the stairs when your stomach drops.
“Shit,” you mumble, slapping your side.
“What’s up?” Sara says stopping, arm linked through Jace’s.
“I left my purse in the limo,” you tell them, smiling at Cregan apologetically.
“I can get it for you,” he says smiling.
“It’s okay,” you assure him, “I’ll be just a second, you guys head upstairs without me.”
“You’re sure?” he asks, squeezing your hand.
You nod, and they continue up the stairs without you.  
You walk back down the steps, goosebumps appearing the longer you’re in the cold air. You find the limo pretty quickly in the parking lot, the driver standing across the lot smoking a cigarette.
“Excuse me,” you tell her, “I left my purse inside.”
“No problem,” she says clicking the unlock, “go right ahead sweetheart.”
You give her a kind smile and continue walking to the limo. The door opens are you poke your head inside. The lights are still going, but no music plays now. It’s sort of spooky just multicolored lights flashing over the leather seats. 
You duck, but it's still incredibly spacious as you slide down the seat to where you had been seated with Cregan in the back. With no one else in the limo, it’s very roomy. Your purse lays squished between the cushions and you sling it on your arm when the door shuts behind you. 
Your head whips around, panic slicing through you until you see who it is. Aegon slouches against the seat, manspreading his legs as he leans his head back on the headrest of the seat. He watches you as he taps his fingers on the door. 
He’s wearing rings again.
Stop that. Bad girl. Go back to Cregan.
“What are you doing?” you ask him, not moving.
“What are you doing?” he playfully mimics, raising a brow and smiling widely.
You hold up your purse.
“Sure you’re not avoiding Stark?” he asks, wetting his lips.
You let out a sharp breath, laughing slightly.
“And why would I be doing that?”
“You tell me.”
You roll your eyes.
“I don’t have time for this Aegon, Cregan’s waiting for me.”
You start to scoot down the seat toward him. There’s no way out without passing over him. 
“Mhmm,” he answers, rubbing his eyes. He leaves his palm on top of his eyes. 
You stop scooting as you reach the corner next to him. 
“Are you avoiding someone?” you ask referring to his date. 
Aegon splays his fingers on his face, peering at you between the cracks of his fingers. 
“Maybe,” he says, lower lip jutting out into a pout.
You chuckle.
“Lydia Tyrell not doing it for you?” you ask, hoping the bitterness you feel isn’t evident in your tone.
“She’s nice enough,” he murmurs.
A moment of silence happens between you, the tension is palpable in the small space.
“She’s probably missing you about now,” you tell him.
“Told her I needed a smoke.”
“I didn’t know you smoked.”
“I don’t.”
You laugh despite feeling bad for the abandoned Lydia. Aegon watches you laugh, a smile tugging at his lips. 
“You could have come alone,” you tell him, but he snorts.
Silence again. You feel the need to keep talking.
“How’s your studying?”
“You’re seriously asking me about studying right now?” he asks, hand falling from his face to his thigh.
“Should I be asking about something else?”
“You tell me, bunny.”
You stare him down for a moment, those violet eyes looking into your soul. Don’t be a pussy, you hear Sara’s voice in your head.
“Why did you kiss me?”
He smirks then, as though he was hoping you’d be brave enough to ask.
“To help you with Stark.”
“No,” you clarify, “At the neon party. You didn’t need to, but you did it anyway.”
Aegon continues to stare. 
“Maybe I just wanted to kiss you.”
Your face flushes. He’s wearing that damn earring again. Two of them. Both hoops, the one lower on his lobe holding some animal’s tooth. The multicolored lights dance across his features and it suddenly feels warm, too warm, like you’ll suffocate.
“Cregan is waiting for me,” you tell him, moving to leave.
Aegon takes this as defeat, nodding as you begin your exit. There’s no way to get past him, not without going over him. He leans up as you move one leg over him, basically straddling him. His hand glides over your leg and you freeze, hand gripping the headrest to help your balance. Your hair is brushing against his face, and you meet his eyes. He’s right in front of you, close enough to kiss. 
Your other hand is on the handle of the door.
His eyes flicker to your lips, just once, and your thighs give, crashing you into his lap. You gasp, feeling the hardness present between his legs, before he swallows the sound with his lips against yours. 
Your hand drops from the door tangling in hair as his hands slide under your ass. One hand snakes up your back, gripping the back of your neck keeping your mouth securely against his.
He tastes the same way he did the other night, he feels like he did that night. His lips are forbidden fruit, and you’re starving. Aegon’s hands are everywhere, sliding up your sides, squeezing at your breasts, your ass, your thighs, just constant pressure. His teeth sink into your lower lip and you moan into his mouth. 
“Fuck,” he groans, pressing you closer to him. 
His hands drop only so he can reach for his belt. You watch him unbuckle it. 
“We don’t have time,” you tell him, as he recaptures your lips.
“Sure we do,” he insists.
You whimper against him, dropping your hands to assist his efforts. Once his cock is freed, you wrap your hand around him and pump his length. Aegon groans as you do so before pushing your dress up around your waist. You’re all uncoordinated, limbs flailing all over the place, and you’re not sure how but Aegon manages to wrestle you out of your panties while you’re still on his lap. 
He swipes a finger through your slick folds, grinning as you spasm against him.
“Just fuck me,” you tell him, desperate to be quick.
Aegon playfully frowns.
“We’re not being that quick,” he says, sinking two fingers into your tight heat, “what, do you think I’m not a gentleman? Huh?”
The strangled noise that leaves you only fuels the fire of Aegon’s pride. You can feel the metal of his rings pressing into you, eliciting more erotic noises as he crooks his fingers in you just right. 
“You think after all this, I’m not gonna make you come?” Aegon teases.
“Fuuck,” you whine, grinding your hips against his fingers.
“Yeah, fuuck,” Aegon agrees, mimicking you; biting his lip, and nodding his head. 
He’s such an arrogant asshole. 
Your palm slams against the window as his thumb presses against your clit rubbing even little circles around the slick bundle of nerves. Thank the fucking gods the windows are tinted. Aegon chuckles at the state of you as he works his fingers in your dripping cunt. 
“Fuck, this pussy is gonna feel so good on my cock,” he murmurs.
“Aegon, oh fuck,” you squeak, walls clenching around his fingers.
“Soak my fingers, that’s it,” he encourages, unrelenting with his movements, “keep saying my name baby.” 
Your orgasm washes over you, sending you slumping against him as he moves to replace his fingers with his cock. 
“I’m on birth control,” you tell him, feeling the fat head of his cock spreading your lips.
He kisses your neck, nipping lightly.
“You want my cock?”
“Yes,” you breathe.
“All yours,” he tells you, and you lift your lips before sinking onto him. 
It takes no time at all to figure out Aegon likes to be vocal, not that you expected anything else. It’s all dirty praises wrapped between grunting, gasps, and moans as you ride him. The sounds of wet slapping echo throughout the limo, the smell of sex evident in the confined space. 
“Perfect fucking pussy,” Aegon murmurs, hands resting on your ass. 
Your dress is scrunched at your middle, tits out. His head is buried between them, voice muffled as he worships them with his mouth. He alternates licking the full mounds before taking your nipple in his mouth grazing it with his teeth and sucking, sending sparks of pleasure tricking down towards your navel. His mouth never leaves you, not even to come up for air, he simply traces his lips over your tits, through the valley between them to make sure he’s giving equal attention to each one.
The sensations are almost too much for you to handle, your thighs tremble, and sharp whimpers and whines leave your bruised lips. Your pussy clenches around him, feeling every vein, every curve of his thick length.
All you can do is moan, head thrown back as you bounce on his fat cock. He fills you so fucking perfectly, better than Jason, better than anyone. 
“Oh gods,” you moan, “Oh fuck.”
The tip of his cock is curved so perfectly, nudging against that sweet spongy spot that makes your breath leave you with each roll of your hips. 
“That’s it, come all over my cock,” Aegon says, “That’s my girl.”
You’re sent over the edge once more and feel his warm release soon after, as he spills inside of you with a breathy, whimpered, moan. Aegon captures your lips once more in a searing kiss, hands tangling in your hair. 
You breathe into each other for a moment, staring into each other’s eyes. 
Oh fuck.
Aegon blinks rapidly and you shy away from his gaze. 
You reach for your panties but he stops your hand.
“I think I’ll keep those,” he says smiling, stuffing the lace into his pockets.
Your eyes are wide as he kisses you once more. When he pulls away he keeps his hands tightly on your jaw, just enough so you can’t look away from him.
“Now you go in there, dance with Cregan, and have a fucking ball with my cum dripping down your legs,” he purrs. 
Your lips are parted in shock, eyes wide and dumb.
“You hear me?”  
“Uh huh,” you answer. 
Aegon drags his thumb over the shape of your lips. 
“We got to go,” he tells you, as you rise from his softening cock.
You fix the straps of your dress and pull it down to cover your ass as he opens the door. Aegon exits first and holds a hand out to help you out. You take it, rising on shaky legs. 
“Let’s go,” he says grinning. 
He holds your hand until you enter the hotel, following him up the stairs and into the ballroom. He turns, winking at you, before strutting across the room to Lydia. 
Sara comes barreling over to you.
“Got your purse?” she says, her smile faltering as she sees your expression. 
“Bathroom, NOW,” you tell her, grabbing her hand. 
She follows your lead and you hurry to the restroom. 
“What is it?” Sara asks.
You can feel him running down your thighs. Sara raises an eyebrow.
“Sara,” you tell her, “Don’t freak out.”
She freaks out.
“You fucked him? Just now?” she hisses, eyes falling to your chest, “Oh shit, Y/N your chest-”
You rush to the mirror. Dark red blotches are forming from Aegon’s attention. You pull the collar of your dress up.
“Here,” Sara says, digging into your purse, “I put our concealers in here.”
“What the fuck do I do?” you ask as she uses her fingers to apply the makeup, “Shit, Helaena’s going to kill me, Cregan is going to kill me.”
“Do you like him?” Sara asks, “Aegon?”
“Um,” your head is spinning, “I mean. Yeah. But it's Aegon! Helaena literally was just telling me how horrible he is to girls.”
“Girl yikes,” Sara says shaking her head, “I mean, you’ve seen his track record.”
“Fuck,” you tell her, “So I should just forget this right? I mean it's probably a one-time thing, he probably doesn’t even like me-”
“You cannot tutor him anymore, he’s just going to keep fucking you,” Sara tells you, “Tell him to find someone else.”
Doesn’t sound like too bad of a deal, if you’re being honest. 
“No,” she tells you firmly, “We are not having another Jason Lannister moment. Date Cregan. Fuck Cregan. A nice guy.”
You look at her wide-eyed. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” she tells you.
“It was really good.”
“Did you come?”
“Yeah,” you tell her nodding and biting your lip. 
“Fucking Aegon Targaryen,” she says shaking her head, “Okay, you’re good, let's get back out there.”
You go to the bathroom, wiping the remnants of Aegon’s release from your thighs with shaking hands. Sara’s right. 
You make your way to Cregan, he takes your hand spinning you around. You smile. He’s so nice, such a good guy. Jace and Sara dance next to you as a slow song begins to play. You loop your hands around Cregan’s neck, glancing behind him. 
Aegon’s leaning against the wall, a smirk on his face, hands stuffed in his pockets. He removes his left hand, slightly revealing the dark green lace of your panties before shoving them back in. Your eyes widen and he winks.
You have a feeling Aegon Targaryen is nowhere near done with you.
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THIN ICE TAGLIST: @padfooteyes, @nina2697, @julieeba, @darkenchantress, @heavenly1927, @fan-goddess, @possiblyafangirl, @n4tforlife, @serving-targaryen-realness, @bubblyabs, @cicaspair418, @jamespotterismydaddy, @tssf-imagines, @platonichug, @tosiaf, @skikikikiikhhjuuh, @rwdkarla, @partypoison00 @moira-strangle-me-please @clairacassidy, @sh4dowrav3n, @okfashionista, @kravitzwhore, @queenofshinigamis, @misspendragon, @marytargaryen, @dope-trope-105, @imarimon, @whoisalexa
bold means I could not tag for some reason!
drop a comment to be added to this series taglist
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
False Hope Pt.4
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soo like i said i read the series last weekend and got inspired again but honestly, third part could easily be the last so read it with caution and hope you enjoy it love yall sm
pairing: Pedri Gonzalez x Y/N
summary: you’re close friends with Pedri and pretty much in love with him, pretending you’re not you went to comfort him but he seeks the comfort in a different way than you would’ve expected
genre: suggestive but not quite, angst
It had been a few weeks since you last saw Pedri and it couldn’t have been worse. He was occupying every thought and every dream, making you question your decision. Maybe it could’ve been better if you just agreed to go back and resume life without ever mentioning your undying love. You constantly stalked his instagram and even the gossip accounts just to see him being completely mia. He wasn’t spotted out in a while and hasn’t posted any training pics which was out of the ordinary but couldn’t bring yourself to reach out. It’s not like you haven’t thought about it but just was worried the reaction you’d get would be severely negative.
The only way you could be notified of his recent life was through Ferran and Sara. She was constantly coming by and trying to cheer you up, you weren’t particularly close beforehand but even the most stupid person aka Ferran could tell there had been something wrong with you and Pedri so Sara tried her best to be there for you even though you didn’t tell her much just that you had a falling out. It sounded stupid, like you were two high schoolers but you didn’t know how to put it into words. Sara understood and didn’t pry too much.
“You’re coming, right?” she asked excitedly but you were completely zoned out thinking about Pedri again.
“Coming where?”
“To Ferran’s birthday silly.” she bumped her shoulder with yours in a playful manner but you were quick to shake your head repeatedly.
“No no no no no no”
“Yes yes yes yes” she raised eyebrows trying to sound authoritative. “You need it, also Ferran really wants you there”
“Sara I really appreciate it but I’m going to have to pass.”
“Whyy?” she whined.
“You know why.” you looked at your hands anxiously.
“Y/N, isn’t it time that you let go?”
You didn’t answer, you couldn’t because you weren’t ready to start crying in the middle of a cafe on a random Thursday.
“Look, I don’t know the specifics but I know you two care about each other even though you don’t believe it right now. You were really close for a long time, that’s not something you could pretend never happened, if you want to talk to him this is your opportunity and if you don’t that’s also completely fine. Just don’t shut yourself out.” she sympathetically held your hand and made you look up at her.
“But if you seriously don’t want to, I’ll find something to tell Ferran. Do what you think is the best.”
You thanked her and left the cafe soon after needing a long bath to clear your head. There was no way you could go to a party Pedri would definitely be at, it was the dumbest thing you could do.
So here you were, waiting nervously next to Sara fidgeting with your hands while simultaneously trying to act chill. It was a hard combo to maintain and you often found yourself scanning the room vigorously to see if a certain someone showed up yet.
“He’ll come, just relax.” she said noticing your mannerisms and all you could manage to do was a small nod.
After a while with the help of alcohol, you managed to loosen up a little. You wished Ferran a happy birthday and danced with him and Sara for the most part but now had to use the bathroom. When you were finally done and making your way downstairs, your eyes immediately met with Pedri’s. It’s like he was waiting for you, under the stairs just looking up. He looked even better now, if that’s possible. He shaved and was surprisingly wearing bootcut cargo pants instead of his usual skinny jeans. He looked at you with such softness you almost melted but quickly told yourself off for being this delusional, if he wanted you he would’ve said something. He rejected you.
You tried to look unbothered and tried walking past him without having any conversation, as much as you wanted to see Pedri once you did you realized you were still so hung up on him and it made you pity yourself. But Pedri, being as annoying as he was, couldn’t let you to just leave without talking to him and followed you around like a lost puppy. You tried engaging in convos with random people beside you just to make him leave but he patiently waited until whoever you were talking to had to bail and play beer pong.
“Can we talk now?” he expectantly asked while you looked around for any possible escape routes but there weren’t any.
“About what?”
“Y/N I miss you” he said defeated and you immediately felt your eyes watering.
“We shouldn’t do this here, c’mon let’s find somewhere more quiet.” you said and walked ahead of him. It was actually because you didn’t want to cry in front of 100 people.
Once you were outside sitting on the loungers he took a deep breath and started again.
“Y/N I know it’s all my fault. I know that I hurt you so much and I’m sorry for all of it. I didn’t get a chance to properly do it before.” he looked down embarrassed and you slowly nodded. You weren’t actually waiting for an apology but hearing Pedri take responsibility made you feel a little bit better.
“Honestly, it’s okay Pedri.” you looked up at him and for a moment saw his eyes glistening when you called him Pedri instead of Pedro.
“This is life, you can’t always get what you want. I really don’t blame you, there’s no bad blood, yeah.” you smiled softly and he nervously gulped.
“I- I wanted to…”
“We should get back inside.” you announced as he was saying something.
“Did you want to say something?”
“Um, no no.”
You went back inside and successfully removed yourself from the awkward situation. Talking with him both felt familiar and new, like something completely changed in your relationship forever and you didn’t know whether to be happy or sad about it.
Throughout the night, Pedri watched your every move. His eyes never left your figure while you tried to keep yourself busy yet he never approached you again. As much as you enjoyed his attention, it was also a curse because you tripped on your two feet more times than you could count and it was becoming more and more embarrassing by the second. Your latest success was to spill your beer all over the floor and on yourself a little. Everyone laughed at how clumsy you were and so did you, the alcohol in your system making it easier. Sara told you, you could clean yourself in their bathroom and even get something to change into so you went upstairs oblivious to the fact that Pedri followed suit.
You clumsily picked out a shirt from Sara’s closet and as you pulled your shirt up the door opened slowly and Pedri was on the other side. He immediately looked away, took a step back and shut the door a little so there’s just a crack.
“Oh I’m so sorry I knocked but when you didn’t answer, just wanted to check up on you.” he excused himself and you were too shocked to realize you were in your bra when he walked in. You only remembered to put the other shirt on once he got out.
“Uh, it’s alright. I was just changing.” you said with burning cheeks. “Is there anything I can help you with?”
“Y/N I have some things I want to say to you and I wanted to talk to you outside but chickened out before.” he started and you stiffened up thinking this couldn’t be anything good. Maybe he had a girlfriend and wanted to let you know before they made it public or he wanted you to exclude yourself from his friend group.
“Why are we talking through a door? You can come inside and talk.” you laughed a little trying ti ease the situation but Pedri stayed outside.
“It’s easier this way.”
“Pedri if it’s…”
“Please let me finish. I prepared a speech and all just in case if I ever had the guts to talk to you. When I first came onto you, I didn’t know why I did it and I know this makes me a jerk but it’s the truth. I thought it was because I was frustrated and I just needed an outlet but… I would never have done something like that to you I care about you so much so when it happened I was a wreck. I was a proper asshole and I don’t blame you for leaving me like that. I chalked it all up to being lonely and having a close friendship but no, all day all night I thought about it Y/N. I tried my best to keep the act and continue being friends but when you pulled away from me it hurt so much that’s when I knew it couldn’t just be the friendship we have. It must be something more if I follow you around town just to prevent you from hooking up with a guy.” he laughed a little and you joined him. Even though that night was a nightmare for the most part, you couldn’t shake the feeling when he came to pick you up or when he begged the receptionist for the room number.
“So I knew then. I don’t know how I could be so blind for all this time actually. But after that you were so broken that I couldn’t cause you any more pain. I figured it’d be easier for both of us if I stayed silent and let you live your own life because truth to be told I’m a mess. I can’t promise you anything, I can’t say I’ll never hurt you because I did.”
You were slowly inching towards the door and didn’t even realize some tears falling from your eyes with his confession. He was right, he hurt you and made you miserable but he also made you the happiest girl with just a smile or a hug. You felt safe around him, you felt appreciated.
“And my life is so busy and I don’t ever want to make you feel neglected, this season has been… Never mind, we’re here to talk about us.” and with that you opened the door and saw Pedri also with teary eyes and a pout. When he saw you open the door he was taken aback and stopped immediately like he forgot everything he wanted to say.
“Pedri” you smiled and once he saw you he started smiling too. You looked at each other for a moment before he reached for your hands pulling you a little closer.
“I meant everything I said.”
“I know.” and you really did know, Pedri may be a lot of things but he’s not a liar.
“And I know you deserve the best, you deserve a stable guy with the most time in the world to shower you with love and…” he trailed off.
“And I’m willing to try to be that person, only if you allow me.” he raised his eyebrows in a curious manner and you thought about your whole history. Since the day you’ve met there was a voice inside you saying you were supposed to be together and here he was after all this time asking you.
As you were having an debate inside you Pedri took the chance to lean in closer.
“I’m not going anywhere this time.” he smiled and all you could do was lean into him and trust your gut feeling. Your noses were touching at this point and you could feel both your heartbeats going crazy.
Pedri closed the gap between you two and connected your lips. You reciprocated immediately and knew this was nothing like the last time, this was the Pedri you knew with all the determination in the world and he’d do anything to keep his word.
Maybe it wasn’t all false hope.
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0pt1m1st1c-4n0r3x1c · 4 months
My E4tiπg Di50rd3r Playlist :
4st 7lb - Manic Street Preachers
this body means nothing to me - Shrimp
Stop Eating - Cex
Big Isn't Beautiful - King Adora
Eyesore - Maria Mena
Pretty Bones - Yeule
Diet Coke - Leanna Firestone
Skin and Bone - The Kinks
Coffee and Cigarettes - Augustana
Oh Ana - Mother Mother
Smaller Than This - Sara Kays
Me and Mia - Ted Leo and the Pharmacists
Skin and Bones - Marianas Trench
I Go Hungry - Mother Mother
Little Baby Nothing - Manic Street Preachers
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - Maria Mena
Annie's A---exic - Huntingtons
Numbers - Pompeii
doll - Shrimp
St-rving For Attention - The Narrative
Pennyroyal Tea - Nirvana
Courage - Superchick
Weightless - Foo Fighters
Born to Lose - King Adora
fear of failure / scared of success - Shrimp
I Don't Hate My Body I'm Just Afraid of It - Mallrat
No Control - WILLOW
Heroin - Badflower
Body Dysmorphia - Eyedress
lmao few of my favourites - dashes are to avoid getting t-worded,,, i avoided the one's that everyone knows or that are on tiktok - so basically, , idk, this is also for future-me
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banannabethchase · 2 years
Oh, I have made a mistake with this one.
Build this Dream Together
For @wrestleprompts week 3 prompt: proposal at the beach. Title from Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now by Starship.
Rating: T
Pairing: Yuta/Claudio
Wheeler swings their arms as they walk down the beach, hand in hand. Claudio’s been jittery all day, jumping at the most random of sounds, and Wheeler’s been – suspicious isn’t the right word, but something close to it.
“It’s really beautiful out here,” Claudio says, his voice squeaking on the last word. “The sunset, I mean.”
Wheeler nods, kicking at the waves as they slide up the sand to his toes. The water’s still a little chilly as it splashes over his flipflops, and he jumps.
“Cold?” Claudio asks.
Wheeler nods. “A little.” Claudio grins. “Don’t you fucking dare throw me in.”
“No?” Claudio asks. “What if –” He darts toward Wheeler to take him out at the knees, but Wheeler’s faster, spearing Claudio so he falls backward into the water, spluttering as the waves crash over his face.
Not for the first time, Wheeler finds his legs straddling Claudio’s hips. He grins. “We meet again.”
Claudio laughs, and then his face fades to something akin to panic. He starts patting at his pockets, practically throwing Wheeler off his lap as he sits up and scans the surface of the water. “Shit!” he yells, and Wheeler follows his hand as he grabs a little black box. “Oh, this isn’t how I. Oh no.”
Wheeler blinks. “Is that…?”
Claudio sighs, water dripping down his face as he pushes at Wheeler. “Stand up.”
His heart racing, Wheeler does so, the chill of the ocean water gone for the way his entire body lights up. “Claudio…”
A little labored, with his soaked jeans and shirt weighing him down, Claudio gets to one knee, holding out the sopping wet box. “Wheeler,” he says, lips presenting the name the way Wheeler likes hearing it best, “you’ve made me the man I am today, you knock me into the ocean and half drown me and I like it. You ruin my painstakingly designed proposal and are ten steps ahead of me at every turn.” He pops open the box, and a little platinum ring with black diamonds inlaid around the center makes itself known.
Wheeler’s heart has never beaten this fast. Not on the treadmill, not lifting weights, not in the ring with his dad. Not ever.
“Wheeler,” Claudio says, voice so soft it feels like silk, “will you marry me?”
He starts laughing, for some reason he can’t explain, and through it says, “Yes. Fuck, yes, Claudio, I’ll marry you.” Before he lets sense take over, he dives at Claudio, tackling them both back into the waves. He’ll find sand and salt all over himself for days, but so will Claudio, and it makes him want to catch this moment and trap it in the little box.
“Let me put the ring on you first, you dumbass!” Claudio laughs as he catches Wheeler and he practically tosses him back onto the sand. Wheeler gets a zing up his spine from it. He’ll never admit it, but being tossed around is part of the reason his yes was so immediate. Claudio’s hands shake, just the tiniest bit, as he slides the ring onto Wheeler’s finger.
“Can I tackle you into the water now?” Wheeler asks.
Claudio raises an eyebrow. “Or we go back to my house and,” he wiggles his eyebrows, “celebrate.”
Wheeler leaps to his feet. “Let’s go.”
The drive home is hands and lips making dangerous decisions, but, at the red light as the pass the gym, something hits him like a train.
“Oh, my god.”
“What?” Claudio says as they stop at a red light.
Wheeler’s eyes are locked on the Moxley Daily Fitness gym sign. “I gotta figure out who my other dad is.”
Image of the ring
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mlleclaudine · 3 months
Meagan Good Reunites With ‘D.E.B.S.’ Co-Star Sara Foster & Director Angela Robinson For 20th Anniversary, Jordana Brewster Calls For Sequel
by Glenn Garner - Deadline, June 23, 2024
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After 20 years MIA, the D.E.B.S. (Discipline, Energy, Beauty, Strength) are back together again and teasing a potential (not-so-secret) mission.
Meagan Good and Sara Foster, who starred together in 2004’s D.E.B.S., reunited Saturday night with writer and director Angela Robinson to celebrate the sapphic cult classic’s 20th anniversary with a Cinespia screening at Hollywood Forever Cemetery, in partnership with LA Pride.
“This film, for me, was an opportunity to do something different,” said Good as they introduced the film. “And then it became something where, now when people come up to me and they say, ‘Oh, I loved this movie’ or ‘this movie really inspired me’ or ‘made me feel seen,’ it wasn’t just an opportunity to do something different. It was an opportunity to be a part of something that’s important and fantastic.”
Foster echoed her co-star’s sentiments. “I will say that in 20 years, a lot of good things have happened to me in my life,” she said. “And to this day, one of the best things is people coming up to me and saying, ‘D.E.B.S. made me feel comfortable being who I am. D.E.B.S. made me realize who I am, who I want to be.’
“And it’s happened consistently for 20 years. So, I’ve done a lot of really shitty movies and a lot of shitty TV shows, but this is a movie that made a difference, probably the only thing I ever did that made a difference, at least in the movie business,” added Foster.
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Foster starred in the action comedy — based on Robinson’s 2003 short of the same name — as Amy Bradshaw, a gifted recruit at a top-secret women’s paramilitary academy. During a mission to take down the illusive super criminal Lucy Diamond (Jordana Brewster), Amy develops an attraction to the enemy and finds her loyalties tested.
Although the movie’s marketing watered down its LGBTQ themes and it ultimately grossed less than $100,000 at the box office, D.E.B.S. has gone on to cult status among its intended fanbase.
“We made this so long ago, and my goal, our goal collectively was, I just wanted to see a teen movie that I wish I had when I was a teenager,” recalled Robinson. “And we had such a blast making the movie, and we had a great premiere at Sundance. And then the movie came out and totally flopped.
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“But here’s the thing, I was so bummed out because I was like, ‘It’s not gonna get to the audience that I wanted to see this movie.’ And then you guys went and found it. Then somebody would tell me ‘yeah, I rented it in the video store.’ And I was all mad at the time … that they weren’t advertising it as a gay movie. But then it became this kind of underground thing where people would tell me they rented it at the video store or passed it or watched it on TV or something like that. And then it’s grown into this today. So, I want to say thank you so much.”
Robinson also thanked her wife of 25 years, Alexandra Kondracke, “who told me not to take the script and stick it in the drawer like I was going to,” as well Sony Screen Gems’ Clint Culpepper and Stacy Kramer, “because I can’t believe anyone gave us money to make this, but you did, and it’s amazing.”
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“But mostly, I want to thank all of you for coming and being here and supporting D.E.B.S. because a bunch of people have come up to us collectively, and they said, ‘D.E.B.S. changed our lives,'” added Robinson. “And that’s incredibly gratifying to see all these years later.”
Although Brewster was in New Zealand and unable to attend the reunion, she graced her friends and fans with a video message, in which she imagined an “older, wiser Lucy Diamond. Has she learned her lesson? I don’t know… Probably not.”
“Have fun. I love you guys. I’m with you in spirit,” added Brewster. “And bug Angela about making a sequel, please.”
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